What is LGBT. What is lgbt - famous representatives of sexual menshin. Katya, Zhenya and those manual demons

A decade ago, the term LGBT appeared, which means shorthand "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender". The first three positions go up to the sexual orientation of the person, the fourth - up to gender identity. The word "lesbіyanka" resembles the name of the island of Lesvos, on which the poetess Sappho lived in antiquity. From that hour, I named Lesbos - a symbol of the kokhannya between women. The word "gay" has two meanings: gay - "cheerful lad" and the abbreviation "good as you". Bisexual and transgender should be understood literally: a person with underlying sexuality and a person who changes to become (stay not familiar, transgender people change physiologically to become unbearable, often satisfied with changing their image and documents).


The term LGBT is based on the moment of consolidation of sexual and gender minorities in one community. Ale, the LGBT Rukh himself rose up earlier. It is customary to commend the Stonewall riot (1969 cherven) on the cob, if gays were given the police officers the first time in the history of America, they carried out planned raids in clubs. The emancipation of sleep is continued by the Donin. It is very important that this process take place in powers with a weakened economy and legal system, with a low level of illumination political regime close to totalitarian. In such lands, there is power, so that the population indulges in economic and social problems, cultivating the image of an internal enemy, exploiting the centuries-old cares of people, imposed by orthodox religions. The ideal "heap" for unilluminated people is LGBT, which means the marginalization of spirituality and the escalation of violence among its representatives.


The skin country has its own LGBT organization. Russia has its sprat. And also the name of a narrow target recognition:

Film festival "Side-o-plich" vykonuє educative mission;

The main function of the "Forum of LGBT Christians" is to seek consensus among the believers of the common and orthodox church doctrine, which positions one-state intimacy like sin;

The organization "Vikhid" (Fire-out LGBT, which means open awareness of one's orientation) gives the representatives of the right legal and psychological support.

Russian organizations:

- "LGBT Merezha" near St. Petersburg;

- "Raiduzhna Association" in Moscow;

- "The Second Look" at Komi;

Initiative groups in all the great places of Russia.

These organizations are richly functional: their task is to include educational activity, encouragement, political struggle.

There is also an organization "Children-404", as it is focused on the psychological adaptation of gay homosexuals, as the legislation on informational protection of non-religious people actually inspired the right to a basis.

The official LGBT website is at the "LGBT-Merezhi" near St. Petersburg, at the "Rainbow Association" in Moscow, etc.

LGBT in protest Russia

LGBT people have a lot of heterosexuals. St. Petersburg has the "Alliance of Heterosexuals for the Equality of LGBT", which is more important than representatives of the greater. Є heterosexuals in the Moscow "Rainbow Association" and in groups of other places. Russia is characterized by a savagely-gromadic directness of LGBT activity, which means a close connection with the struggle against patriarchal gender chauvinism, as well as with other anti-fascist and democratic associations, both in the liberal and in the leftist field.

Respect, only TODAY!

People may have the right to those who live happily for the power of reconciliation and pochutti. With skin fate, more and more people are open to talk about their sexual assimilation, that vastness of anger is changing that outward expression to a more loyal attitude.

What is LGBT?

Various abbreviations are used in the world of victors, so the letter LGBT means all sexual minorities: lesbians, gays, bisexuals and others. The LGBT abbreviation began to win in favor of the 20th century in order to increase the emphasis on different aspects of sexuality. Sensation, which is invested in tsі chotiri letters, polyagaє in the association of people of non-traditional orientation from high interests, problems and goals. The main task of LGBT is the church for the rights of sexual and gender minorities.

Symbols of LGBT

Spivtovaristvo may be a small sign, as if they are called for understanding, and the creation of stench in order to declare oneself and see the middle of the NATO. Z'yasovuchi, what is LGBT, the following designate the widest symbols of the flow:

  1. erysipelas. One of the oldest symbols, a kind of blame for the hours of Nazi Germany, if homosexuals became victims of the Holocaust. In the 1970s, the roci tricotnik of an erysipelas color became a symbol of the movement, drawing a parallel with the modern ducks of the menshin.
  2. Rainbow Ensign. For LGBT people, the veselka symbolizes unity, diversity, and the beauty of solidarity. Yogo vvazhayut the special pride and vіdkritostі. The rainbow ensign was invented by the artist G. Baker for the gay pride parade in 1978.
  3. Lambda. In physics, the symbol means "calm potential", which symbolizes the future changes in the future. Є th іnshe znachennya, zgіdno z kakim lambda asotsіyuєtsya іz pragnenny svіlnoti to gromadyanskoї іvnopravnostі.

Who is an LGBT activist?

Skin leaks may be leaders, yaki beat important functions. LGBT activists are trying to work for everyone to carry out changes before legislative base the kind skoriguvali setting up to sexual menshin. It is important to ensure that people have little chance of social adaptation in the household. Activists are engaged in organizing various parades and other flash mobs. Їhnya meta expand the bulk to sleepiness.

LGBT - "for" and "against"

Addictions and adjuncts of the legalization of single-stated slyubiv vikoristovuyut different arguments of moral and legal norms. With this, few people turn to science, for example Garniy material for reflection. Arguments for the LGBT minority:

  1. One-state slyubi є unnatural, shards of sexual orientation may be born and innate.
  2. LGBT Suspіlstvo and science confirm that there is no psychological difference between the same pairs, but all people recognize a similar set of emotions.
  3. Psychologists of America conducted a study and established that lesbian wagers give their children a better base and a start for their future life.

Arguments, how to talk about those that LGBT people do not have the right to ground:

  1. According to teachers and sociologists, it is important that children with single families feel uncomfortable, especially families without fathers.
  2. The phenomenon of homosexuality is not enough twisted by science, and, moreover, I will become children, like swaying in legitimized one-state sloops.
  3. Sexual minorities are destroying traditional gender roles, as they were formed at the stone capital.

LGBT discrimination

Sexual minorities know discrimination in different spheres of life. Utisks are guarded in sіm'ї ta suspіlstі. The rights of LGBT people are violated when people of non-traditional sexual orientation and transgender people are forced to work for no reason, they are excluded from their initial mortgages. In wealthy countries, discrimination is encouraged to spread information about homosexuality on the legislator's level, for example, in the country's fences. Finding out from whom, what is LGBT, they should signify that the rights of menshin are violated.

  1. In some likuvalnyh pledges, doctors advise homosexuals and transgender people in medical care.
  2. Vindication of unprimed problems on the robot and in initial mortgages.
  3. Attacks on special nedorcannist, so many representatives young generation show aggression to LGBT representatives.
  4. Special information about sexual orientation can be given to third persons.
  5. The impossibility of officially doing this.

LGBT - Christianity

Setting up the rights of sexual men is importantly related to different concepts of the church:

  1. Conservative. Fundamentalists overrule the rights of people with a non-traditional orientation, respecting their evils and LGBT people - all evils. In some countries of Europe, LGBT rights are respected by foundations on evangelical truths, a number of which civil rights so Christians know.
  2. Catholic. Tsya church vvazha, scho people narodzhuyutsya with non-traditional orientation and protyagyutsya zhiznim vyprobvannyami, to them it is necessary to put tactfully that suffering.
  3. liberal. Such churches vvazhayut that discrimination against people with a non-traditional orientation is unacceptable.

LGBT celebrities

A lot of celebrities do not take their orientation, and they actively fight for the rights of LGBT people. The stench is a butt for the quiet, who are ashamed to open up their right insides.

The first new sciences of sexology began to show up the first public activists and groups that stand up for the rights of homosexuals. Particularly pronounced were the processes of Nimechchini.

Stonewall. Radicalization of Rukh

Tsili Rukh

Declaring laws that discriminate

Investigation of criminal and administrative re-investigation

In most modern lands, homosexuality and homosexual activity are not respected by malice. In the lower lands of Africa and Asia, homosexuality, show homosexual activity, or put pressure on her to respect criminal mischief, as punishable by prison sentences Iran or America). Al-Shabaab), Sudan, Nigeria (Pivnichni states) and Mauritania. In such lands, when there is a struggle for the rights of sexual and gender minors, the struggle for the rights of sexual and gender minors is ongoing, and the fate of them can become a threat to freedom and life. At one time, rich people from these countries are lobbying for the abolition of criminal legislation for homosexuals. The reformers and liberal forces in the ceramics of these lands act as lobbyists. Zakrema, in spite of the abolishment of the legislation on homosexuals, the Iranian President Mohammed Khatami was hanging. In addition, in the country there is an international pressure to assess the rights of people, and the middle order of the day (but not the first and not the worst) is to pay for criminal and administrative penalties for homosexual activity or for homosexual manifestations.

In Russia, criminal re-investigation was carried out in 1993 in the course of bringing legislation up to European standards, but the victims were not rehabilitated, as other victims of the Radian regime were up to laws on victims political repressions, which does not affect LGBT activism and low rights protection.

Instructions for the provision that designate homosexuality as a medical pathology

The idea about the equality of the rights of homosexuals and lesbians with other people conveys the official recognition of homosexuality as one of the variants of the psychological norm, according to modern scientific glances and official documents of the WHO (since 1993).

У зв'язку з цим ЛГБТ-організації, професійні медичні організації, ліберальні політики та правозахисники борються за відміну інструкцій та положень, що визначають гомосексуальність як психічний розлад, і за прийняття офіційних документів (на рівні МОЗ національних держав і на рівні національних асоціацій психіатрів) Unambiguously in charge of homosexuality yak v. Psychologic norms of the Norms, “Likuvannya VID homosexuality” Abo “Correction of Sexual Oriyntats”, who were in Denmark of Viskoli for the Patzili, are more entered into the permissive mute.

In wealthy lands, which are ahead of the democratic ones, there are instructions for defining homosexuality as a medical pathology as a sexual deviance, even though it was. In Russia, homosexuality was excluded from the list of illnesses on September 1, 1999 (transition to the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th revision, for which homosexuality was excluded).

Skills for the fence in the profession

In some countries, they founded fences on certain professions for individuals, as if they declared their homosexuality. Tse mozhe buti, for example, fence for the service of representatives of sexual menshin in the army or for a job as a teacher at a school doctor. Organizations for the protection of the rights of sexual menshin are trying (and have already done so for an hour) to stop them.

So, for example, special sociological studies (English) that were carried out in the lands of Zakhod, it was established that the homosexuality of an officer and a soldier does not add to the combat discipline and internal psychological climate of the part. Otzhe, no everyday support to encourage homosexuals to have the right to serve in the army.

In Russia, in the “Regulations on the military-medical examination” it is stated that the very fact of homosexuality within the framework of this regulation is not a discord and, therefore, not ill, like a transition to military service. According to Article 18 of the Regulations, "by itself, sexual orientation is not seen as discord." The category of affiliation “B (exchanged for military service)” in case of homosexuality is stagnant only for the obvious manifestations of differences in state identification and sexual anxiety, insane from the passage of service and the obvious concomitant illness. In such a rank, before the legislation of the Russian Federation, one hundred and fifty military service, such individuals may have equal rights, practically prote deyak military commissariats of homosexuals should not be called to the military service.

It has also been established that the teacher’s homosexuality should not be brought to any complication among students and teachers and will not turn the teacher until the opening of free children’s schools (oscals of homosexuality and pedophilia are fundamentally different speeches). Since then, there are no other occasions to hedge against homosexuals as a teacher at a school. The idea of ​​introducing a barrier to the profession of a teacher for those who are homosexuals is criticized by conservatives, as it is important that the very presence of a teacher in a school with a homosexual orientation to teach children as a butt, and that such a rank at school "propagates homosexuality." At one time, at such a point of view, there is no need for scientific data, as if to bring up that it’s shkil, de practice homosexual readers, to go out greater number graduates-homosexuals, otherwise homosexual teachers are more smart until the age of free children are able to learn, otherwise they stink more educate children or they cannot normally communicate with them in the “teacher-study” paradigm.

Application for donation

Some countries have a fence for blood and organ donation from sexual minorities. LGBT organizations should try to challenge the norm and try to enforce discrimination. In 2006, the Ministry of Health Protection and the Russian Federation undertook to prepare an amendment that would support discrimination policy. On April 16, 2008, the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation Tetyana Golikova issued an order “On making changes to the order of the Ministry of Health Protection Russian Federation dated 14 spring 2001 No. 364 "On approval of the order of medical provision of a blood donor and її components"". On May 13, 2008, homosexuals were excluded from the contraindication before blood donation and її components.

Dotrimannya human rights and LGBT rights

Navit in quiet countries, decriminal and administrative punishment for showing homosexuality, the practice of violating the rights of people for homosexuals has been saved for a long time.

LGBT organizations fought and are fighting not only for the formal punishment of criminal punishment for homosexuality, but also for changing the real police and administrative practices. In addition, for those who understood the “destruction of the public order”, however, it stagnated (or did not zastosovuvaetsya) to single-state and different-state couples, who kiss or get caught in the huge places, and the raids on “drug dealers and the disruptors in the passport regime” were not carried out in a random way homosexual.

Also, LGBT organizations are fighting for the attainment of some homosexual rights such as the right to peaceful public gatherings (including gay pride), the right to form community organizations, the right to cultural self-realization, the right to access information, the right to freedom of speech, declaration about equal access to medical assistance, then. In Russia, the rights are regularly violated: militia pid different drives raids in gay clubs, conducting "lists of gays", the current public campaign against LGBT activists was not authorized by the authorities, LGBT organizations are encouraged to register, cultural visits of gays and lesbians are often seen, during the daily series in the professional programs

Praise for anti-discrimination laws

LGBT organizations also advocate for the inclusion of the direct enigma of representatives of sexual minorities in anti-discrimination laws (or for the adoption of four anti-discrimination laws for sexual minorities). The stench also speaks directly riddles about sexual orientation and gender identity in the constitutional statutes, which guarantee equal rights to all citizens regardless of status, religion, religion, nationality.

The right to register a gateway

In the rest of the rocks, there is a growing rumble on the support of one-step slyubivs. The fact of registering a ticket is closed for a one-state sіm'єyu such rights as: the right to a bedroom, the right to alimony, the right to a discount, social and medical insurance, the right to a loan, the right to name, the right not to be judged by the court against a person, the right to act as a trusted special person in the name of a person in times of incompetence in the camp of health, the right to dispose of the body of a person in times of death, the right to a father’s bed and the recovery of foster children and other rights, such as facilitating unregistered wagers.

Opponents of one-state lovers argue that for tradition and for religious norms only men and women can join, and for that, gays and lesbians should be blamed for them as well, the right is absurd and mova here is not about equal rights of homosexuals and a new heterosexual rights. Прихильники одностатевого шлюбу вказують, що реєстрація шлюбу є юридичною дією, незалежною від релігійної норми (у більшості сучасних держав юридичне та церковне оформлення шлюбних відносин відбуваються окремо), і що закон має слідувати за суспільними змінами, що призводять до ліквідації нерівноправності між людьми, - як tse and vіdbuvaєtsya stretching the rest of the century, if step by step it was necessary to sign up earlier for the registration of lovers (for example, between friends, which belong to different denominations or races). In addition, the American Psychological Association claims that legal law at the end of gay clubs with a lot of tension for single couples, which is a very negative impact on their psychological state. Other successors mean that in the quiet lands, de one-state schools of thought were legalized, there were no significant shocks to the suspense every day.

In the middle of the country, which gave one-state couples the full right to sail, to know, for example, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, PAR, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, Argentina, Denmark, Brazil, France, Uruguay, Nova, Luxembourg, Ireland , Finland and Nimechchina. One-state plumes also fit in England, Wales, Scotland and in some states of Mexico. In addition, in rich lands, the so-called “single-state unions” fit in, like a kind of similar scheme, but they don’t lose their rights, with which they make friends, that they became friends. In different countries, such one-state splits can be called differently. There is also a change of rights and obov'yazkiv, which are the members of such splits (in the form of a full set of rights to a minimum).

With the right to registration of a slub chi spіlki also closely related to the right to immigration.


LGBT people seek the right to adopt children of one of the partners in one-stage families with another partner, the possibility of adoption of children from child houses by one-stage families, for the possibility of equal access to additional reproductive technologies of one-stage and different families. It should be noted that in rich lands, de one-state family bet may have wide rights, food prices are looked at perfectly.

Depending on Russian legislation, adoption can be issued for one hulk or for a friend couple. The law does not avenge riddles about the sexual orientation of a bulky man, as a basis for the adoption of an approved option, in practice, homosexuals often stick with the leaders. Sexual orientation is also not limited to access to additional reproductive technologies, but at the same time, problems with the installation of the child's father are blamed on one-state family.

Social activity

LGBT organizations are engaged in social activity, such as the organization of various cultural events (film festivals, sports zmagan, music competitions and concerts, photo exhibitions, theatrical shows, installations, flash mobs, etc.), a method of such social adaptation of LGBT community, development of cultural potential, enrichment of cultural dialogue with the community. In addition, as a rule, whether or not it is necessary to have an enlightened character.

Also, various books, magazines are published, and radio and television broadcasts are conducted.

It is worthwhile to organize service services - available and some specific psychological, legal and medical assistance to representatives of LGBT communities, telephones to doviri, groups of mutual assistance.

Gay nationalism

We will especially distinguish between the emancipation of gays and lesbians and gay nationalism in Russia, which will vote the LGBT community a new nation, which may have its own culture and historical share.

For someone who doesn’t know how to decipher LGBT, singly, there are few people who don’t want to roughly understand what the abbreviation means. In fact, tse understand more sexual menshin. Today, a huge thought was divided on the gallery: one is normal to put up to people with a non-traditional sexual orientation, but we don’t want to give them respect, in others we don’t shout anything, we’ll embrace anger. Therefore, in people, if you know how LGBT people are deciphered, you can understand different emotions.

What is LGBT: transcript

LGBT є abbreviation chotiriokh slov. That term is formed from the first letters. LGBT translates like this:

  • lesbians- Women who are willing to make bets with representatives of a weak status;
  • gay- People, how to rob their own couple of people;
  • bisexuals- become sexually sensitive to representatives of their relative status;
  • transgender- identify yourself with the article, opposite to the one with which you were people.

Vidpovidno,LGBTMay the next English translation be: Lesbian, Gay,Bisexual,Transgender.

In a democratic state, the skin of a person may have the right to have a good idea and self-expression. Previously, sexual men relativly took their feelings and quarreled with them, but the situation changed a little. More and more people are open to talking about their unconventional likeness. Navіt, navpaki, magayutsya z natovpu, literally shouting loudly, scho stench not like mustache.

Podzhennya abbreviations LGBT

The abbreviation LGBT Vinyl is like the past century, or rather, in the 90s. Even earlier, it was understood that LGB was understood, but in the 80s it meant gay sleep. The same term was not deciphered, as if at once, and did not include a sprat of various sexual menshin.

Note! Today, the middle of the youth of LGBT people is often educated as people from a non-traditional sexual orientation, and those who live in the accepted sexual norms.

The abbreviation LGBT may have a kіlka of modernizovannyh raznovidіv:

  • LGBTQ;
  • LGBTI;

In this way, the skin letter also denotes a different kind of sexual men (additions of intersexuals, asexuals and other people with non-traditional behavior like intimate women).

What is the term for cursing?

Nini often zastosovuyut LGBT chi LGBT +. Remain including all sexual menshin. It is important to report on them more importantly, even if today there are dozens of such reports. Difficulties are blamed for the fact that new sexual minorities appear periodically.

Symbols of LGBT

Like rich others, representatives of a non-traditional orientation make their symbolism:

  • trikutnik rye color- An ancient sign, which appeared during the reign of Nazi Germany, at the very hour of the midst of homosexuals, mass victims appeared;
  • district ensign– it is a sign of unity, beauty and diversity of supremacy, symbolizes pride and integrity;
  • lambda- A symbol of the future suspіlnyh zmin, spragi up to the equanimity of the rights of the people.

In this rank, the skin symbol calls out the rights of sexual menshin, legalization of their ruhi, and also requires equal placement to the point of suspension.

LGBT activism

Like in all sleep, in Russia there is always a present leader of sexual men, on whom the main active work is laid. The leaders themselves win an important task, tied to the prosperity of the commonwealth, її recognition on the legislator's level. For the participants in the movement, it is even more important to have social adaptation and the opportunity to feel equal with other representatives of the society.

LGBT activists are also involved in organizing various visits: flash mobs, parades and more. Podіbnі ruhi are shaped to bring respect to the bulk, to the satisfaction of the sexual minorities, to the protection of the political zakhist.

“For” and “against” LGBT

The skin of a person has the right not only to self-expression, but also to a good idea. That's why nobody can confuse people and put them before the representatives of sexual menshin from the minds, because they don't smell the stench.

On the mischief of couples, which lie down to one state, we speak like this:

  1. Sexual orientation is congenital, it is important to call it unnatural in one article.
  2. One-state wagers recognize the emotions themselves, as well as heterosexual ones, which psychologists confirm.
  3. Fahіvtsі in the halls of psychology in the United States made an unspecified statement: one-statistic betting to win children is more correct and more shortly different.

Without a doubt, the arguments “against” LGBT people are also based on:

  1. With the one-state fathers, the child feels uncomfortable, to be ashamed of his own sіm'ї and often є ob'єktom gluzuvan from the side of other children.
  2. There are not enough gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender women.
  3. The creation of single-class slubіv ruynuє zvichnі norms and perekonannya, scho suyuyutsya vіdnosin zhіnok and cholіkovіv.

Regardless of the appearance of a large number of spilnots for the participation of sexual men, as well as an increase in the number of people, as loyally placed before them, many people accept representatives of non-traditional orientations.

Under the onslaught of the masses, the representatives of which, with all their might, stand up to the activities of the LGBT trade associations, and these participants continue to defend their rights.

Discrimination against LGBT people

The seals for representatives of sexual men are blamed on the other side of the body and on other areas of life. Often they call them out of work, only having known about their troubles. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students are under pressure to turn off the initial mortgage.

Some powers have passed the law on how to keep the spread of information about such people.

Apply discrimination against LGBT representatives:

  • gays and transgenders are encouraged to receive medical assistance in state likarnias;
  • representatives of non-traditional sexual orientations have problems with initial pledges and work (stands with colleagues and classmates do not add up);
  • there were a lot of violent attacks and beatings of people from the LGBT community;
  • it is impossible to officially register single-item schlyubs;
  • The special life of representatives of sexual men is often the subject of discussion.


In order to understand those jargons “in the topics” of today, it is necessary to get to know them in more detail with their deciphering: zokrema, next to know, what it means word lgbt. About tse - in the upcoming videos.

Q: Do you need all the LGBT events and demonstrations?

A: LGBT people stand up for their legal, financial and social rights. LGBT people have fewer, lower in other communities, even though the stench pays tribute the same way. The state steals those who rightfully belong to LGBT people, slaughtering them from the limp and zmushu movchati. Shares - price is not meta, but zasib. LGBT people visit them so that they don't exist.

To live in a free society, devotion does not equate to outrageousness, and the Nazi ensign does not give priority to the rainbow. Fighting for your rights is the natural need of a free person. We can bring all the blessings of the civilized world to the fact that at different times the representatives of different social groups went against the big ideas and began to fight for their rights. Homophobia and transphobia can become unacceptable in the society.

Q: LGBT demonstrations are not propaganda of homosexuality and provocation.

A: LGBT demonstrations are propaganda of human rights and freedoms. Propaganda of the rights of the people is necessary for our society, so that it does not overgrow the gourds of the menshin. As soon as the government allows LGBT actions more often, they will no longer be a subject for provocations. Defying the law, discriminating people, the government automatically marginalizes specific social groups. And the marginalized are not able to enjoy life in the country - even if they don’t feel like home in it. The main benefit of the LGBT movement is the right to be yourself. Be that invisible, that voiceless minority is not safer, lower your right to a foundation. Actions - tse virubuvannya homophobia. I’ll ignore you first, then we’ll catch, then we’ll plant, then we’ll help you. The first actions of this kind are always ringing up the opir and intensification of aggression. Tse normal phase. Suspіlstvo requires training. We can see that we don’t have the right to stand up for LGBT people, how can I live.

Q: I know LGBT people. The stench live, practice, they don’t eat anything, we must normally communicate with them .

A: We were spared, but rich others were not. Bagatioh LGBT for homophobic and transphobic motives impersonate, work, beat, and sometimes kill. In Western European countries, up to 50% of LGBT people seriously contemplated suicide, close to a third tried suicide. For different taxes, 20-30% savage number of self-murders among LGBT people, the number of self-murders among LGBT people outweighs the number of self-murders among cis-hetero people among the sprats. If you know your friends and don’t sniff, then it’s possible as much as possible, but only until the singing hour. Based on experience, close to 5-10% of the population of Russia think that LGBT people need to be liquidated. Tobto, a skin representative of the LGBT falls on one potential hit. And in the meantime, the government adopts homophobic laws and whips up homophobic hysteria. LGBT cannot "live normally" by being marginalized with rights. Obviously, yours knows enough that the state does not directly drive them in. And the general members of the Suspіlstva do not want to stink.

Q: Fuck people, not gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders. Stink and so povnotsіn_ members of the partnership.

A: LGBT people are. So just yak i cis-hetero. Without any guards. Povnotsіnnіst bude, if bude zabezpecheno equal rights. And the non-povnotsіnnym LGBT vvazhє yakraz homophobic suspіlstvo.

Q: My LGBT people don't show respect for their sexual orientation and gender identity, don't stink about those who stink to LGBT. Should you tell everyone about your sexual orientation and gender identity?

A: The stench might be hooving. That's why they should be told lies about themselves, better for everything else, who of them lives in constant stress in constant stress. Yakby didn’t hurt the stench, then for everything they would recognize discrimination, the grip of that violence. Tse to certify the witness of the confession of LGBT people. And you rajah to reveal, like a bi-vi felt, like a bi you constantly had to adopt your cisgender and heterosexuality.

Q: Not only LGBT people are beaten. Aggressive people b'yut be-whom and joke about be-such a ghost, sob prichepitis to be-whom. Why is it necessary to see and protect LGBT people?

A: According to different ratings, a third to a half of all LGBT people recognize homophobic and transphobic physical violence. Vchitsya por_vnyuvati risiki and vіdsotki.

Q: Did heterosexuals recognize how many hundreds of women were beaten and attacked? Let's talk, what's the big one? Does it mean that there is more to slander them?

A: Did they recognize attacks through hostility to heterosexuality? What are the causes of heterophobic wickedness? Law enforcement officers are trying to investigate such wickedness? Suspіlstvo is really so evil, more cis-hetero "vicious and immoral"? How many such vipadkiv?

Q: LGBT activists suffer for all sorts of garbage, foresee their own problems, and for the most part LGBT people live normally and don’t fool around.

A: As has already been said, some LGBT people can recognize discrimination. If LGBT people will be given the same rights as cis-hetero people, most LGBT people will get them.

Q: Rozbeshchuvachіv malіtnіh, sexual manіakіv and ґvaltіvnikіv tezh singsongly often b'yut and suppress.

A: You are busy with the change to understand that exchange. Sexual orientation and gender identity are neutral characteristics of a person, by themselves they are in no way associated with violence and the violation of the rights of other people.

Q: I get the feeling that with all the outbursts and demonstrations of LGBT activism, they only gain respect for themselves for some of their goals. Possibly, they specifically want to evoke the aggression of suspension by promotion to LGBT, in order to reveal themselves as a victim for some of their goals. For example, for otrimannya finansuvannya іz Sunset.

A: This is an unproven conspiracy. As you open your eyes wide, remember that LGBT activists fight against homophobia/transphobia and protect people's rights. Struggling for progress and development of prosperity. For usspіlstvo, as if you were not a herd, you can beat the others for those who don’t like you, but the hromadas, de respect the rights and freedom of people.

Q: I still don't understand, do you want to specifically talk about your sexual orientation? Aje heterosexuals are not so shy.

A: Heterosexuals don't sound too bad, but they are important and natural, they express sexual feelings in everyday life. Heterosexuals can say openly that they have died into a classmate / classmate, and the stench will not become the subject of a litigation in the court. If the stench starts to go to the funeral, or if you want to know your family with them, with whom the stench chimes, the stinks ring out for support of that joy to the fathers. Heterosexuals take on a really normal expression of cuteness - they kiss in public, walk around, holding hands, wear hoops, come to different weddings and pick up with their partners/lovers, talk about what they did at the weekend with their family. You don’t need to get up and say “I’m hetero”, these guys are wonderfully explaining everything. At the same hour, a lot of homosexuals, on the other hand, spend a lot of fates, chasing their day by fighting a suspenseful shambles. Go ahead, changing the borrowers from "vin" to "won" to become your partner. The stinks live and close, even as their peers-hetero openly and without fear.

Q: Do you unequivocally affirm that there is no need to promote homosexuality and it is not necessary to defend it?

A: "Propaganda of homosexuality" is not true. It is either the recognition of LGBT, or the struggle of LGBT for rights. LGBT people go to their shares - it is their sovereign right. Krіm LGBT at their shares go and richly іnshіh social groups, yоu mаgаyаyyyyyіh social changes аbo rights, yаy can be called “special”. For example, ecologists require the provision of environmental legislation, cyclists - arranging bike lanes and bike stands, disabled people - special signs and outbuildings at various installations and transport facilities. And may be all the ts of the vimogi, at the times of the vikonannya, cause deeds of "lack of handiness" for the decision of the population (the shards of all the ts_ people sway in the bigness of their appetite and step aside). LGBT people do not care about the destruction of other people's rights, they stink less than their own rights (same article, the blues do not drag along the destruction of hetero-unions). І among the basic rights of LGBT people (more precisely, the rights of people, as they may have buti for everyone, including LGBT people), є the right to love those who are appropriate, to live with whom they want, the right not to take their orientation. And the law against “propaganda of homosexuality” really needs a lot of things in order to create support for power in the conservative electorate, as well as one more tool for re-investigating that gnoblennia of opponents and non-thinkers.

There is one more important moment. What is homosexuality? Homosexuality for people - if people are suitable. Homosexuality for women - if women are suitable to your statements about the use of "propaganda", it turns out that the cult of women's beauty and eroticism (which is known in society) can destroy homosexual feelings in women. However, nothing of the kind appears. Propaganda for the cult of women's beauty and eroticism was carried out forever, but it did not lead to the appearance of a majestic number of lesbians. And once again vshchent breaks down everything about "propaganda". The cult of beauty and privablity of people is no more wide-ranging. But there is no way to imagine that yakbi wins and bov extensions, then mav biinsha nature and transforming heterosexual people into gays.

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