Law Mongolian Russian. Mongolia. Sovereign ustriy. Legal system - ma. Civil right. Criminal law. Ship system. Legal regulation of strikes, lockouts, pickets


/Updated edition/


Article 1. Meta to the law

1.1. Meet the law of the law of regulation of foreigners, connected from abroad, travel, transit, order of residence and the appointment of the legal status of foreign communities in Mongolia.

Stattya 2. Legislation on the legal camp of foreign communities

2.1. Legislation about the legal establishment of foreign communities in Mongolia is formed from the Constitution of Mongolia, according to the law of other legislative acts adopted by law before them.

2.2. If the international treaty of Mongolia establishes otherwise, or is transferred by this Law, then the provisions of the international treaty shall be enforced.

Article 3

3.1. The provisions of this law are expanded on the basis of moving through the territory of Mongolia, on the basis of timchasially accumulating at the service or private rights / given names in this law as a “foreign hulk” /, as well as on the osib, yak asking for foreign hulks.

3.2. Even if it is not otherwise prescribed by law, the legal regulation of how foreign communities can, however, expand on the basis of community without community.

Article 4

4.1. The provisions of this law do not interfere with the privileges and immunities of representatives of diplomatic missions, practitioners of consular establishments, and specializations of representatives of the United Nations.

Article 5. Designation of terms by law

5.1. Terms that get used to this law, follow the understanding of how:

5.1.1. "foreign hulk" - a person who cannot be the hulk of Mongolia and the hulk of a foreign power;

5.1.2. "requesting" - the citizens of Mongolia, who presented the necessary guarantees for the transfer of a foreign citizen to Mongolia, the main guarantees and requested yoga, as well as the government units, organizations and foreign communities, as they legally transfer from Mongolia for over 90 decibels;

5.1.3. "transit passenger" - a foreign citizen who crosses the territory of Mongolia while traveling from one foreign country to another;

5.1.4. "timchasovo living" - a foreign citizen, who arrived to Mongolia with a term of up to 90 decibels;

5.1.5. "who lives / who is rebuying / in private rights" - a foreign citizen, who arrived to Mongolia on a term of over 90 deb with the method of education, vedennya labor activity, investment, from family reasons for other special rights;

5.1.6. "living on the right side of the service" - a foreign citizen, members of this family, who arrived to Mongolia on a term of more than 90 decibels per request sovereign organizations abo for work in accredited organizations, major international bodies, permanent representative offices of the UN and specialized organizations, correspondent points of foreign and international sources of mass information;

5.1.7. "individuals without enormity" - a person who does not have enormity, be it a country;

5.1.8. "emіgrant" - a foreign hulk, a person without hulkiness, yakі took from the new organization of Mongolia, allowed to be rebuffed like an emigrant;

5.1.9. "passport" - seen and recognized by international innovations
organizations, units of foreign powers or Mongolia documents for
inspecting other lands;

5.1.10: "document that replaces a passport" - a document that confirms the foreign enormity of a person, recognition of the law of Mongolia and international treaties, equating to a passport;

5.1.11. "visa of Mongolia" - a sheet allowing a foreign citizen to cross the cordon of Mongolia;

5.1.12. "visa permit" - a document that allows the organization of the state administration, as in giving food to foreign citizens, or the central body of the state administration, which knows the food of the state administration, diplomatic representation of the species in the Mongolian country abroad;

5.1.13. "lisi pasi" - a document that can be seen by spivrobitniks and landlords of the UN / duly up to Article 7 of the Convention on the Rights and Immunity of the UN / on the entry of foreign powers.


Article 6

6.1. The rights and obligations of foreign hulks, who are located on the territory of Mongolia, are determined by the laws of Mongolia, depending on the principles of reciprocity with the powers, hulks of such individuals.

Article 7. Features of the rights and obligations of foreign communities

7.1. With the help of the security of the independence of Mongolia, the protection of national security, the security of the community order in the legislative order, it is possible to establish for foreign communities the exchange of rights and freedoms behind the blame of the unknown rights of people.

7.2. Foreign hulks for the blame of the vipadkiv, assigned to 7.1. according to the law, they are protected by their own "rights and freedoms and carry their own bindings, like the bulk of Mongolia.

7.3. The foreign citizen of Mongolia has the following rights:

7.3.1. vydpovidno to vkazіvok tsgo law and іnshoy legislature, in'їzhdzhati i perebuvati in Mongolia;

7.3.2. with the permission of the Uryad

7.3.3. practice on especially important objects;

7.3.4. ask for a political seat;

7.3.5. other rights assigned by law.

7.4. A foreign citizen who lived in Mongolia may have the following duties:

7.4.1. to respect the Constitution of Mongolia and other legislation, respect the traditions and zvicha of the Mongolian people;

7.4.2. to register in accordance with Articles 24, 26 of the law;

7.4.3. pay taxes assigned by the legislature of Mongolia;

7.4.4. to change from Mongolia in between the line assigned to the visa for permission to stay, seen exclusively by the most important authorities of Mongolia, and even if it is not otherwise assigned to international treaties, then the line of the line, or to the help of the most important bodies - viїhati from the country;

7.4.5. carry with you a passport, descent / right / residence, seen by the most important organization of Mongolia;

7.4.6. other obov'yazki, appointed by the legislation.

7.5. A foreign hulk does not goiter to serve in evil forces and other warriors of Mongolia.

8.1. Foreign citizens are afraid of news on the territory of Mongolia in the following ways:

8.1.1. win the rights and freedoms, designated by the legislation of Mongolia and international treaties for the sake of the interests of Mongolia, the rights of the people of the country and other rights, their legitimate interests;

8.1.2. take part in the elections of the President, members of the Great Sovereign Khural and mіstsevyh Khuralіv, take part in referendums;

8.1.3. organize political activity, to join before them, to give them the main financial support, to conduct any other political activity;

8.1.4. conduct propaganda against the national unity of Mongolia,
against national traditions and zvichaїv, propaganda of religious trends,
form violence, dissolve, inhumane drug speeches, widening them

8.1.5. conduct activities without permission, for which it is necessary to allow an important organization or a landed individual;

8.1.6. disrupt the visa and registration regime, the order of residence, without the permission of the most important organization to conduct labor activity and change the place of residence;

8.1.7. other types of duties assigned by the legislature.

Razdіl third

Article 9. Renovation sovereign bodies and gardening habits

9.1. The President of Mongolia grants the right to appeal to foreign citizens, who are being re-examined for shanovanі and tsіnovanі in Mongolia, reconciliation and look.

9.2. The order of Mongolia implements the following improvements to foreign communities:

9.2.1. confirm the procedure for issuing visas to Mongolia and visas to the free zones;

9.2.2. confirm the order of residence and registration of foreign communities in Mongolia;

9.2.3. confirm the procedure for the arrival of foreign citizens from Mongolia and the lines of fences on the way to Mongolia;

9.2.4. other important things, appointed by the law.

9.3. A member of the Order, who knows the nutrition of justice, implements such an increase in foreign communities:

9.3.1. affirming the admission of a foreign hulk to his residence in Mongolia, the admission of an individual without enormity, the order of their freedom, the protection of that victorious;

9.3.2. ratify the moral and disciplinary statute of the sovereign inspector for control over foreign communities;

9.3.3. confirm the procedure for creating a single information fund of foreign communities and the procedure for exchanging information;

9.3.4. ratify the order of forcing, appointed in 36.5 of the law, yogo turn and sign yogo rozmirіv;

9.3.5. other important things, appointed by the law.

9.4. A member of the Council, who knows the food of the znoshnіh znosin, implements such a renewal of the welfare of foreign citizens:

9.4.1. in due course with a member of the Order, who is in charge of justice, appoints that person to plant an attache with justice to the diplomatic representatives of Mongolia beyond the cordon;

9.4.2. other important things, appointed by the law.

9.5. A clerk to the body of the state administration, who knows the food of foreign citizens, implements the following improvements:

9.5.1. organizing the drafting of legislation, statutes, regulations on the legal camp of foreign communities;

9.5.2. confirming the procedure for conducting interviews with foreign hulks, as they have shown the hope of adopting children of the Mongolian community;

9.5.3. accept a decision about the decision to see a foreign citizen from Mongolia, about the decision to make such a decision, confirm the order of the decision;

9.5.4. confirm the procedure for issuing a request for the release of Mongolia from private rights;

9.5.5. other important things, appointed by the law.

9.6. The prefects of the aimags and Moscow districts are responsible for filing a duty to the authorities of the state administration, to know the nutrition of foreign residents, to send information about the address and registration of foreign residents, as in the case of the subdominant somons and good.

9.7. The prefects of the somonivs and the well-behaved for the nourishment of the foreign communities have the same rights and obligations:

9.7.1. keep the address look of foreign communities, who live in their territory;

9.7.2. give an explanation of the place of residence of foreign citizens;

9.7.3. spіvpratsyuvati z vіdpovіdnіmi organіzаtsіyami i posadovymi shodo shodo shodo profilaktiki vіlіkіvіv і vіdporushenі srednemіh іnozemnih hulks;

9.7.4. other rights and obov'yazki, appointed in the law.

Article 10 foreign hulks

10.1. Citizens, government units, organizations, etc. asked foreign citizens to reach Mongolia by the term over 30 decibels, may have such bindings:

10.1.1. to register foreign citizens with the relevant authorities in accordance with the requirements of the legislation;

10.1.2. to issue guarantees for the cost of funds necessary for the living of foreign communities near Mongolia;

10.1.3. to secure the return of a foreign hulk at the line of the dії yogo mongolї ї ї vіzi ta permit to be rebuked.

10.2. Vіdnosini, pov'yazanі s type, form, order of the guarantee, assigned in 10.1.2. of which Law shall be governed by the procedure assigned to 9.2.2 of which Law.


Article 11. Visas of Mongolia

11.1. As otherwise not specified in the international treaties of Mongolia, a foreign citizen, when traveling to Mongolia, is liable to take away, according to the established procedure, the visa of Mongolia /gave "visa"/.

11.2. A visa is seen by a foreign citizen, which may be a valid foreign passport or another document that replaces it.

11.3. The visa may also be seen on the arkush-insert.

11.5. According to the types of visas, they are distinguished on the basis of vіznі, vіznі - vіznі, transit, with the classification of the change of line to the cordon of Mongolia, disposable, dvorazovі, bagatorazovі.

11.6. Otrimanya by a foreign citizen is not a guarantee of entry into the territory of Mongolia.

11.7. Zrazok vіzi zatverdzhuєtsya jointly by the members of the Order, yakі know the nutrition of the ovnіshnіh znosin and justice.

Article 12. Diplomatic visa

12.1. A diplomatic visa is seen by foreign citizens - holders of diplomatic passports, spivrobitniks and landlords of the UN, like a “fox pass” a red color.

12.2. A sign with the Latin letter "D" is placed on the visa deposit of a diplomatic visa.

Article 13 Service visa

13.1.1. іноземним громадянам - власникам службових паспортів, які прибувають і перебувають у службових справах, співробітникам і посадовим особам ООН та її спеціалізованих організацій, які мають "лісі пасі" блакитного кольору, іноземним громадянам та членам їх сімей, які мають звичайні паспорти та перебувають по лінії міжнародних ;

13.1.2. to foreign citizens with service and official passports, which are received at the request of state, administrative bodies, bodies of self-regulation, parties, which may have a place at the Great Sovereign Khural;

13.1.3. to foreign citizens with service and special passports, yakі pribula for work zgіdno z mezhuryadovimi treaties and favors;

13.1.4. to specialists of foreign and international sources of mass information, such as service or official passports.

13.2. The Latin letter "A" is put on the deposit of the service visa.

Article 14

14.1. Foreign citizens see a significant visa for the blame of the waivers, assigned to articles 12, 13 of the Law.

14.2. The Latin letter "E" shall be put on the depositor's name.

Article 15. Classification of visas

15.1. Fallow in the line of the cordon іnozemniy hulk one can see such classifications.

15.1.1. visa class "D" for foreign residents, appointed at 12.1. which law;

15.1.2. visa class "A" for foreign residents, appointed at 13.1. which law;

15.1.3. visa class "T" to foreign investors, landowners of a senior rank, as a praccyuvatimu at the state loneliness with foreign investments, their families and representatives;

15.1.4. visa class "Pro" for foreign citizens, who arrive along the lines of non-standard organizations, international humanitarian organizations;

15.1.5. visa class "B" for foreign citizens, who work for work;

15.1.6. visa class "S" for foreign citizens, who come for training, advanced qualifications, practical training, scientific and research work;

15.1.7. visa class "J" for foreign citizens who come from tourism purposes, regardless of the type of passport;

15.1.8. visa class "НG" regardless of the type of passport to foreign citizens who come to work for an employment contract;

15.1.9. visa class "SN" regardless of the type of passport to foreign citizens, yakі v'їzhdzhayut or come to live on the lines of religious organizations;

15.1.10 visa class "TS" to foreign citizens who have been denied permission to immigrate to Mongolia;

15.1.11. visa class "H" regardless of the type of passport to foreign citizens, as they come with special rights on a private request.

Article 16

16.1. You can see the following organizations:

16.1.1. The central body of the state administration, which knows the nutrition of the state taxes;

16.1.2. organs of the state administration, like cherishing the food of foreign citizens;

16.1.3. diplomatic representatives of Mongolia there, honorable consuls.

Article 17

17.1. The central body of the state administration, which knows the nutrition of the state taxes, implements the following improvements:

17.1.1. see or advise from the witnesses of the classifications assigned to 15.1.1. and 15.1.2. according to the law, changing the classification, continuing or canceling the visa.

17.2. The authority of the state administration, which knows the nutrition of foreign citizens, when they see visas, implements the following improvements:

17.2.1. like foreign citizens, yakі timchasovo arrived to Mongolia or live in private rights, bagatorazovі, vіїznі - in'їznі vіzi klаsifіkatsiy, zaznachenih 15.1.3.-15.1.11. according to the law, administering visas, changing their classification, continuing the lines of dei or annulling them;

17.2.2. for the presence of the necessary documents for the withdrawal of visas of those of another category of the type to a foreign citizen directly at the border point of Mongolia in the country and transit visa, classified until 15.1.3.-15.1.11. which law;

17.2.3. see at the border point in Mongolia to foreign residents of the classifications assigned at 15.1.1., 15.1.2. according to the law, with the visa permission of the Central Authority of the State Administration, which knows the rations of the foreign payments.

17.3. Diplomatic representation of Mongolia, Honorary Consul of Mongolia implements the following improvements:

17.3.1. on submission of a visa permit to the Central Authority of the State Administration, who knows the sustenance of znoshnіh znosin, see visas in the line up to 30 deb classifications, assigned at 15.1.4., 15.1.5., 15.1.7. . 2.;

17.3.2. on the basis of a visa permit to the authority of the state administration, which provides food for foreign citizens, see other visas, the crime of appointments at 17.3.1. which law.

Article 18

18.1. As international treaties of Mongolia have not designated otherwise, a one-time visa is valid for 90 decibels until the moment it is transferred by a foreign citizen to the cordon of Mongolia.

18.2. As international treaties of Mongolia do not stipulate otherwise, the bagatorase visa is timely rebuyed for 183 or 365 decibels with the term rebuying in Mongolia up to 30 denis.

18.3. Bagatorazova visa of foreign citizens who live in Mongolia with service or private rights, is clear on the lines of their permission to live.

18.4. Seen to foreign citizens, who live near Mongolia at service or private rights, visa - in'їzna visa is long enough for 180 decibels from the moment of departure from Mongolia.

18.5. On the visa sheet, the term “dії vіzi” is indicated in the sequence - river, month, day.

Article 19

19.1. As international treaties of Mongolia have not designated otherwise, the term of transferring a foreign citizen in the country from the moment to the cordon of Mongolia stands out and is indicated at the visa in such a rank:

19.1.1. timchasovo perebuvaє - up to 90 dB;

19.1.2. transit passenger - up to 10 decibels;

19.1.3. for the citizens of Mongolia, on official and private rights, without inserting a line, or until the end, I will allow you to stay.

19.2. Terms assigned at 19.1.1. according to law, an organ of state power, which knows the nutrition of foreign citizens, can continue once up to 30 deb.

Article 20

20.1. Visas and permits for visas are subject to approval of the requester and the guarantees specified in 10.1.2. which law.

20.2. The one who asks for the power to go to the sight of a foreign hulk of diplomatic and service visas to the Central Authority of the State Administration, who knows the food of the foreign exiles, and to the sight of the great person - to the body of the state administration, which is known to be fed by thunder.

20.3. Organs that see visas are designated in 16.1. according to which law, when praised for the decision to grant visas to foreign citizens, if they have shown the opportunity to live in Mongolia with service or private rights, they may be able to carry out medical analyses.

20.4. Assigned at 16.1. according to the law of the organization, it is not necessary to give an explanation of how to grant visas to foreign citizens, allowing visas to be granted to foreign citizens.


Article 21. Travel to Mongolia

21.1. If Mongolia is not designated by international treaties otherwise, then a foreign citizen, which may be a current passport, or conferred, who replaces him, and takes away a visa, can be taken from the legislation of the country to Mongolia.

Article 22

22.1. For the obviousness of offensive obstructions, a foreign citizen is not allowed to travel to Mongolia:

22.1.1. incomplete up to 16 years of age or unrewarding persons, as they have a daily legal guardian or pikluvalnik;

22.1.2. the presence of a criminal record for an hour of residence in Mongolia, even if not bypassing the term of expiration of a criminal record;

22.1.3. yakscho buv ogoloscheny yak nebazhana person;

22.1.4. as slandered by international rozshuk;

22.1.5. against the security of the national and the public security, the defense of the public order;

22.1.6. do not wish to live in Mongolia and travel from Mongolia;

22.1.7. yakshcho vydpovidno to the order, designated in the law, buv vygnany і from the kraїni and did not end the term zaboroni on yogo in'їzd to Mongolia.

Article 23. Transit through Mongolia

23.1. As international treaties of Mongolia are not designated otherwise, a foreign citizen, such a valid passport, or a confirmation that you can replace it, and grant a visa, you can make a transit trip through the territory of Mongolia.

23.2. A foreign citizen can fly international flights through the territory of Mongolia without a visa.


Article 24. Registration of a foreign citizen

24.1. Arrived to Mongolia by the term over 30 decibels timchasovoy perebuvayut, as in private rights of foreign hulks, designated in 32.2. according to the law, are registered for a period of 7 working days from the day of arrival to the authority of the state administration, who knows the nutrition of foreign citizens.

24.2. Citizens, state loners and organizations of Mongolia, yak asked a foreign hulk, goiter to register yoga.

24.3. In other cases, the cream was assigned to 24.2. according to the law, the foreign citizen registers himself.

24.4. Іноземні громадяни та члени їхніх сімей, які прибули на роботу до іноземних дипломатичних представництв, консульств, представництв ООН та її спеціалізованих організацій, а також до представництв міжнародних засобів масової інформації реєструються протягом 7 днів з дня приїзду до Центрального органу державної адміністрації, який знає питання зовнішніх znosin.

Article 25

25.1. Реєстрацію сімейного стану іноземних громадян у столиці здійснює орган державної адміністрації, який відає питаннями реєстрації громадян, а на місцях – служба, яка знає питаннями реєстрації громадян, які щомісяця надають відповідну інформацію до органу державної адміністрації, який знає питаннями іноземних громадян.

Article 26. Registration of foreign residents at the address

26.1. A foreign hulk who lives in Mongolia in private rights or lives, as it was appointed at 32.2. 14 db to the law to be registered in the Chancellery of the Prefect or at the head of the Administration / good /.

26.2. Іnozemny gromadyanin, appointments at 26.1. according to the law, when changing the place of residence, it is registered from the month of the first registration with the prefect of the somon or with the head of the Administration and the staff for the appearance in the new city with a stretch of 14 deb at the office of the prefect or with the head of the Administration.

Article 27

27.1. Allowed to live in Mongolia near private rights, it seems to be the authority of the state administration, which takes care of the food of foreign citizens, on the basis of the application of a foreign citizen, the idea that I allowed the authority in a line of up to 5 years with further extensions for 3 years.

27.2. Allowed a foreign citizen to live in Mongolia on such bases:

27.2.1. for family reasons;

27.2.2. with immigration;

27.2.3. to take up labor activity;

27.2.4. as an investor;

27.2.5. with the method of training, advanced qualifications, practice for conducting scientific and research work.

27.3. In such cases, a foreign hulk is advised to give permission to live in private rights, in the continued line, or cancel the permission:

27.3.1. on the basis of propositions of the police intelligence agencies;

27.3.2. two times more damage, assigned to which law, order of registration, residence;

27.3.2. at the time of carrying out the activities assigned to Article 8 of the law;

27.3.4. at the time of the introduction of the administration and the submission of any permits and documents that appear to be the most important organizations.

27.4. The number of foreign citizens, who live in private rights on the territory of Mongolia, is not guilty of overestimating 3% of the number of citizens of Mongolia, moreover, the number of foreign residents of one country is not guilty of overestimating 1%.

Article 28. Living near Mongolia for family reasons

28.1. Який зареєстрував шлюб із громадянином Монголії, дружині, чоловікові, батькам, дітям іноземного громадянина, який отримав дозвіл на проживання в Монголії у приватних справах, якщо вони виявили бажання проживати в цій країні, орган державної адміністрації, який знає питаннями іноземних громадян, видає дозвіл на living in Mongolia. at the line assigned at 27.1. which law.

28.2. The term permits the residence of foreign citizens in Mongolia, appointed from 27.2.3.-27.2.5. according to the law, lines are allowed for the residence of members of their families.

28.3. To a foreign citizen, who lives for family reasons with the reach of 55 years and more, following the principle of reciprocity from the edge of his community, the body of the state administration, who knows the nutrition of foreign citizens, can see living without a line

28.4. Krim appointed at 27.3. according to the law in such cases, the authority of the state administration, which knows the nourishment of foreign citizens, may allow the species to live on the right of the family, and allow it to be recognized, otherwise:

28.4.1. except for the method of exemption from the permission specified in 28.1. according to the law, fictitious hats were laid from the bulk of Mongolia;

28.4.2. still valid up to regulation 11.2. The law about sіm'yu shlyub pripinivsya.

Article 29. Immigration to Mongolia

29.1. Орган державної адміністрації, який знає питаннями іноземних громадян, розглядає прохання іноземного громадянина, який бажає іммігрувати з урахуванням внутрішнього становища країни, економічної спроможності, освіти, спеціальності особи, що іммігрує, видає дозвіл на проживання в Монголії в строки, зазначені в 27.1. which law.

29.2. The authority of the state administration, which knows the nutrition of foreign citizens, allowed a foreign citizen of 55 years and older to live in Mongolia on the basis of the principle, designated in 28.3. which law.

29.3. In times, like foreign communities, who immigrated to Mongolia, for a period of more than 180 days they did not live on the territory of Mongolia, the body of the state administration, who knows the nutrition of foreign communities, verifies the power of saying permission to immіgraіyu.

29.4. Individuals without community, as a result, they allowed me to immigrate to Mongolia, when traveling across the cordon, the authority of the state administration, which knows the food of foreign citizens, was supposed to travel beyond the cordon.

29.5. The number of foreign citizens who live in immigration to Mongolia is not guilty of overpopulating 0.5% of the population of the citizens of Mongolia, moreover, the citizens of one country are no more than 0.17% of the population of Mongolia.

29.6. For me, KILKIST IMMIGRANTIV, LIVE AND THE MONGOLISHI, 0.4% of the SUNDALLY KILOSKOSKOMAYAN MONGOLISH for the subfuncts of the URAYA HURAL Once an hour in a line of their own pillars of the same surgery, Yakimi territorial units, otherwise it is determined by the size of the number of immigrants 0.4% of the population of Mongolia.

Article 30 training, promotion of qualifications, internships, scientific previous works

30.1. Іноземним громадянам, які прибули до Монголії з метою ведення трудової діяльності, інвестицій, навчання, підвищення кваліфікації, проходження практики, проведення наукових та дослідницьких робіт на прохання Центральних органів державної адміністрації, які ведуть питання інвестицій, трудової зайнятості, освіти або організацій дозволу на проживання видаються body of the state administration, which takes care of the food of foreign communities,

30.2. Foreign hulk until the end of the term of permission, appointed at 30.1. according to the law, taking away from the leading organizations the prohannya-zvernennya to the body of the state administration, who knows the nutrition of foreign citizens, and continues his term perebuvannya.

Article 31

31.1. The authority of the state administration, which knows the food of foreign citizens, makes a decision about the satisfaction of living in Mongolia on the private right with a stretch of 60 decibels, the prohannya about the continuation is allowed - with a protraction of 30 decibels.

Article 32

32.1. Іноземним громадянам, які прибули для роботи в іноземні дипломатичні та консульські представництва, у постійне представництво ООН та її спеціалізованих організацій, до представництв іноземних та міжнародних засобів інформації та друку, дозволу на проживання в країні та їх продовження видає центральний орган державної адміністрації, який знає питаннями znoshin.

32.2. Foreign citizens, who arrived at the request of state authorities, or for work in international bodies, allowed them to live and look at that type on the basis of the requesting organization, the authority of the state administration, which knows the nutrition of the vast earth.

Article 33

33.1. The body of the state administration, which knows the food of foreign citizens, sees a connection to living in Mongolia, who, having arrived at the edge of the private right, having taken it off, allowed them to live with help 32.2. which law.

33.2. In the case, appointed at 33.1. according to the law, such data appear:

im'ya that nickname;

r_k, month is the day of the people;

number of registered residence;

the children of the sergeant-major of the age of 16 years;


type of engagement;

serial number of the engagement;

an organ that has seen the story;

term dії;


register number;

notes about damage;

addresses of the posting place of residence, change of address;


33.3. The foreign citizen for an hour of the residual trip from Mongolia is consecrated to the authority of the state administration, who knows the nourishment of foreign citizens.


Article 34

34.1. A foreign hulk sees Mongolia at the borders of the permitted term perebuvannya.

34.2. For the obviousness of the offensive substations, the expulsion from Mongolia of a foreign hulk in the offensive lines is cited:

34.2.1. in case of being caught as a suspected accused - until the final completion, refer to the presentation of the decision of the more important organization;

34.2.2. as for the decisions of the court, a punishment was imposed, then until the end of the line of punishment, the sing of the punishment, or until the transfer of the foreign hulk for the international treaty of Mongolia to the country, the hulk of the wine;

34.2.3. if it is necessary to declare that the citizens, the state loners, the organizations for those that the Danish foreign citizen is in charge of the rights, freedoms, legitimate interests, that organization is competent in respecting the grounded, then to the end of that food.

34.3. The decision about the decision to send a foreign citizen from Mongolia is accepted by a clerk to the authority of the state administration, who knows the nutrition of foreign citizens, on the basis of the proposals of the relevant organizations.

34.4. The body of the state administration, which knows the nutrition of foreign communities, about the decision, appointed at 34.3. which law, commend for 24 years to the central body of the state administration, which knows the nutrition of the ovnishnіh znosin.

Article 35

35.1. The authority of the state administration, which knows the food of foreign citizens, encourages the foreign citizen to voluntarily leave the country, as if he did not take away his wine, he allowed him to live on a base, appointed at 27.3. th law, otherwise yogo allowed the confession to be undeceitful, or else the bula vіdmova from the prodovzhennі was allowed.

35.2. The foreign hulk, who had taken the lead, was assigned at 35.1. according to the law of goiter viїhati from Mongolia with a stretch of 10 deb.

Article 36

36.1. A foreign hulk can be captured from the next steps:

36.1.1. if the vin is not found on the line assigned to 35.2. which law;

36.1.2. as if there are protidiums, otherwise it is possible to destroy that evil;

36.1.3. as a valid passport, or as a document that you can replace, and as such it is not possible to establish a person.

36.2. A foreign hulk, who caused damage, is assigned at 36.1.3. according to the law, it is possible to use the term no more than 6 years for the decisions of the state inspector for the control of foreign communities, designated in 41.1. which law.

36.3. For the decisions of the court of a foreign citizen on the basis, appointed at 36.1. according to the law, you can add up to 14 decibels, and if you need it on the basis of propositions to the authority of the state administration, which you know about the nutrition of foreign citizens, this term can be extended up to 30 deniers.

36.4. The authority of the state administration, which knows the food of foreign citizens, demands to pay for the importation of a foreign citizen from the first or most of the citizens, state loners, organizations that have seen a guarantee, is designated in 10.1.2. which law.

36.5. Foreign hulks who caused damage, appointed at 36.1.1., 36.1.3. which law, you can not zatrimuvat for the obviousness of the singing force.

36.6. The body of the state administration, which knows the food of foreign citizens, for a stretch of 24 years, has been supporting the central body of the state administration, which knows the food of foreign citizens, for a tamed foreign citizen.

36.7. Near the capital, at the cordon points, there is a place for occupied foreign citizens, the internal order of their placement is established by the Prosecutor General of the country and is confirmed as a member of the Order, which is held by legal powers.

Article 37. Visitation of a foreign citizen from Mongolia

37.1. As a foreign citizen, criminal liability is not imposed, but there may be cases from Mongolia with offensive grounds:

37.1.1. it is confirmed that the wine arrived on the territory of Mongolia for recent and updated documents;

37.1.2. if the term of permit for accommodation has expired, but if you leave Mongolia;

37.1.3. yakscho timely perebuvaє having broken two and more times the visa-registration regime and ponis vіdpovіdalnіst, appointed in the law;

37.1.4. yakscho having passed the fenced duty, was assigned to Article 13 of the Law on the regulation of the volume of narcotic drugs and psychotropic speeches;

37.1.5. as an organization of health care, it was established substantiated by 11.3 of the Law on SNID and the manifestation of mental illness;

37.1.6. yakscho having taken away allowed for residence that visa, vikoristovuyuchi updated documents, or made corrections at the visa that allowed for residence, or having created false

37.1.7. yakscho without the permission of a new important organization, engaging in labor activity, or having done the activity, watching me come;

37.1.8. yakscho not vikonav properedzhennya about voluntarily departure from Mongolia, zgіdno z znachenim at 35.1. which law;

37.1.9. yakscho two and more times destroying the order of the community, and until the new boulevard zastosovanі zastosovanі zastosovanі zastovanі administrativny vplivu on pіdstavі primed proposition politsіskoїї organіzії ї schоdo іdіnozemіrnogo gromadyanin;

37.1.10. as a matter of fact, the relevant organizations should take into account that a person can conduct activities directed against the national security of Mongolia;

37.1.11. like a foreign hulk, like a ponis of punishment, ending the line or a call for a bell in the early morning, or like a danish hulk of a foreign hulk, it’s clear to international treaties in Mongolia buv transfers to the state of yogo community;


37.2. The decision about the removal of a foreign citizen from Mongolia is accepted by the authority of the state administration, which knows the nutrition of foreign citizens, on the basis of a sign of a state inspector with control over foreign citizens.

37.3. The organ of the state administration, which knows the food of foreign citizens, takes away from the citizen who is seen, his photo, thumbs up and passes it on to his information fund.

37.4. Decision about leaving, appointed at 37.2. according to the law, the body of the state administration, which knows the food of foreign communities, vikonu together with the frontier and police organizations.

37.5. The body of the state administration, which knows the food of foreign citizens, at the passport of a foreign citizen, which is seen, puts a sign about the term fence on the way to Mongolia.

37.6. Seeing the sight of a foreign hulk from Mongolia is taken away especially or quietly, who asked for it. If the stench of non-platospromozhnі, then vitrati saw the body of the state administration, which knows the nutrition of foreign communities.

37.7. The departure of foreign citizens from Mongolia is not allowed until the transfer of convicts between the lands.

37.8. The body of the state administration, which knows the nourishment of foreign citizens, tells about the skin condition of the appearance of foreign citizens. The central body of the state administration, which knows the nourishment of foreign citizens.

Article 38

38.1. The sight of a foreign hulk is handed over to the lands of this hulk.

38.2. If it is impossible to convey a foreign hulk, which is seen as the edge of the hulk, then yogo is conveyed:

38.2.1. near the country, de vin earlier lived and was born;

38.2.2. at the country, which I came to Mongolia;

38.2.3. to the edge, de vin took the visa.

Razdel eighth

Article 39

39.1. Authority of the state administration, which knows the nutrition of foreign

the bulk of the population, which is formed from the core central body, and the services, yakі perebuvayut at the border checkpoints and on missions.

39.2. The order confirms the transfer of cordon checkpoints, which have a service to the body of the state administration, which knows the nutrition of foreign citizens.

39.3. At the cordon posts, appointed at 39.2. according to the law, obov'yazki to the body of the state administration, which you know with the nourishment of foreign citizens, the Crimean visa inspectors, the guardian organization of the city plant.

Article 40 foreign hulks

40.1. The body of the state administration, which knows the nutrition of foreign communities, implements the following improvements:

40.1.1. organize work for the implementation of the policy of the state for foreign citizens;

40.1.2. zdіysnyuє control over the vikonannyam legislature shdo іnozemnyh hulks;

40.1.3. I give professional and methodical help to the diplomatic representations of Mongolia behind the cordon with the food of foreign citizens;

40.1.4. form and maintain an information fund about foreign communities;

40.1.5. allowed to work in Mongolia with international and foreign non-state organizations and their representatives, continue or cancel the permission, control over the activity;

40.1.6. other improvements assigned by the legislature.

40.2. The body of the state administration, which knows the nutrition of foreign citizens, does not goiter to give an explanation of the reasons for times of negative feedback, assigned at 27.3. which law.

Article 41

41.1. Sovereign inspector of control over foreign residents is the citizen of Mongolia, granting the right to control and re-verify the legislation on the legal status of foreign residents and other relevant legislation.

41.2. Head of the body of the state administration, which gives food to foreign residents, and the general state inspector for control over foreign residents.

41.3. The power of the authority is right, in respect of the rights or their cancellation to the senior state inspectors and the state inspectors for control over foreign inhabitants / given "Inspector"/ are violated by the general state inspector for control over foreign inhabitants.

41.4. The Sovereign Inspector takes an oath with the words: "I, the Sovereign Inspector for the control of foreign communities, faithfully serve to ensure the sovereignty and national security of Mongolia, while monitoring foreign communities and their documents, I highly value the rights of people, the principles of lawfulness and justice, Sovereign inspector and I swear not to give in to anything.

41.5. The Sovereign Inspector may form uniforms, signs, signs of such a procedure as they are worn by a member of the Order, which has legal powers.

41.6. Gromadyans, state loners, organizations are forced to wear robes and signs similar to the uniform of a sovereign inspector.

41.7. Sovereign inspector, appointed by the law on sovereign control and the law on administrative authority, exercising the following rights:

41.7.1. to carry out re-verification of passports and documents, which are to be replaced, from foreign communities and, for the evidence of evidence, take the /passport/ until the notice of the damage;

41.7.2. to work out a proposition about the decision to decide about the appearance of a foreign hulk, or to fence your way out of Mongolia;

41.7.3.other changes assigned by the legislature.

41.8. With the work of a sovereign inspector at the cordon point, one day is secured like a river and three months, and at the time of work at the cordon settlement that province is not less than five years, the spіvrobіtnik sees pennies at the cost of 30 basic rates of leather five years.

Razdіl nine'yatiy

Article 42

42.1. As individuals, as if they violated the legislation on the legal status of foreign communities, do not get caught up to criminal liability, they are superimposed by such administrative entries:

42.1.1. if a foreign citizen with a transit visa has been left without a good reason on the territory of the country, a fine is imposed on him at the expense of one to three minimum payments of labor in tugriks;

42.1.2. if a foreign citizen did not take away the order of the most important body to live in Mongolia, or if he wrote it, he allowed up to three months on the lines, a fine is imposed on him from one to three minimum payments of labor in tugriks;

42.1.3. if a foreign citizen illegally changed the bill of Mongolia for more than three months, then - from three to five minimum payments to the practi tugriks;

42.1.4. if a foreign hulk has written a term for permission to live, or if he has requested a foreign hulk without such permission, having provided a dwelling and a robot, then a fine is imposed on the requesting those other osіb, designations at 42.1.2., 42.1.3. which law with the rozrahunkom on the skin of a foreign hulk;

42.1.5. if a foreign citizen has violated the registration regime, the appointments of articles 24, 25 of the Law, then a fine is imposed on the new one in the form of one to two minimum payments for labor in tugriks;

42.1.6. if the requester has not registered the foreign citizen with the relevant organizations before the legislation, then the one who requests is subject to a fine of five to ten minimum payments in tugriks;

42.1. 7. if a foreign citizen, without the permission of an important organization, engaged in labor activities, or having exceeded the term allowed for a period of up to three months, then a fine is imposed on him at the expense of one to three minimum payments of labor in tugriks;

42.1.8. if a foreign citizen, without the permission of a new organization of great importance, engaged in labor activity, or if he exceeded the term, he is allowed to spend more than three months, then a fine is imposed on him at the expense of three to five times the minimum payment for work in tugriks;

42.1.9. if you are a foreign hulk, who timchasovo perebuvaє, having stitched perebuvannya on visa up to three months, then you are subject to a fine of one to three minimum payments for labor in tugriks;

42.1.10. if you are a foreign hulk, who timchasovo perebuvaє, having scribbled perebuvannya for a visa for over three months, then you are liable to a fine of three to five minimum payments for labor in tugriks;

42.1.11. requesting individuals, if they violated the bindings according to the rules of the order, are fined according to the provisions of 42.1.9.

42.1.12. a foreign citizen who violates the order of volodinnya, saves, and honors the honor of living in Mongolia is fined from one to two minimum payments to the workers of tugriks;

42.1.13. a foreign citizen who does not have a passport with him, a document that replaces his passport, that is connected to living in Mongolia, is fined at the expense of one third of the minimum payment for labor in tugriks;

42.1.14. a foreign citizen, having violated the procedure for registering for the address of residence, is fined at the expense of one third of the minimum payment of labor in tugriks;

42.1.15. a foreign citizen, who asks for those other individuals, if they add visas, permits the most important organizations and other documents that they fill in and correct them, are fined at the expense of three persons up to six minimum payments in tugriks;

42.1.16. foreign citizens and other individuals, who have changed their duties, repaired the opir, formed the most important state servicemen and made a swing for their honor and goodness, are fined at the rozmіrі vіd three to five times the minimum payment of labor in tugriks;

42.1.17. a foreign citizen, who has passed the duty, is designated in 8.1.1. -8.1.5. according to which law is subject to a fine at the expense of three to six minimum payments in tugriks.

42.2. Administrative penalties assigned at 42.1. which law, the sovereign inspector imposes, and in times of scarg, the remaining decision is praised by the court.


Article 43

43.1. The terms of the permit for accommodation and visas are set for fates, months, and additions.

43.2. The terms of visas allowed for accommodation to be insured on the cob of the coming day.

43.3. Like the rest of the day of the rose, appointed at 43.2. according to the law, falls on a non-working day, then the term is set for the next working day.

43.4. At the time of the continuation of the term of entry, the permit for residence is determined by the day the line is completed.

ritual services

LAW OF MONGOLIA LABOR May 14, 1999 Ulaanbaatar DEVELOPED THE FIRST SECURITY REGULATION Article 1. Meta to the law 1.1. Met the law of the law in the regulation of contracts, imposed on the establishment of fundamental rights, and obov'yazkiv of a worker, robotic worker, who take part in labor contracts, which are called out on the basis of an employment contract and a collective agreement, please, an individual labor dispute, a collective agreement pracі, kerіvnitstva, control and vіdpovidalnosti violators of legislation and security of mutual equality of the parties. Article 2. Labor legislation 2.1. The legislation of Mongolia about the practice is formed from the Constitution, which Law and other legislative acts have been adopted before them. 2.2. As an international treaty of Mongolia, it is assigned otherwise, lower by which law, the norms of an international treaty shall be established. Article 3. Main terms, which are statutory in accordance with this law 3.1. The lower terms, which are enshrined in this law, mean the following: 3.1.1. "robot supplier" - a person who hires a worker who works out of an employment contract; 3.1.2. "practitioner" - a hromadain, a kind of worker on a robot supplier, having put a labor contract with him; 3.1.3. "labor agreement" - for the sake of mutual goitre between the worker and the robot supplier, for which the goiter worker is obliged to vikonate the same work with the internal labor order, we will establish the robot worker according to the law on the same side, and pay the worker to the worker salary , which shows the result of the practice, the care of the minds of the practice, the appointment of the legislature, the collective agreement, please, from the other side. 3.1.4. "Kolexual Dogovir" - the ugly mija by the robotaucian by the representants of the pratsivnik -ok about the forgetful Bilsh with the bele -shaped minds, the right -handed law of the guarantee, the right to the lawyers of the downtrous, the abstracts, the organs ; 3.1.5. "collective favor" for the sake of it, laid down between the robot-seller, representatives of the workers and the state administrative body with the method of securing the joint protection of labor rights and the lawful interests of the citizen on the scale of the country, the central region, the administrative, especially the single-unit territory; 3.1.6. "representatives of the robot supplier" - the whole organization, encouraged by the robot supplier, the central government unit, the organization or the body, which is in accordance with the statute, seeks to represent the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the robot supplier; 3.1.7. "representatives of the practitioners" - tse profsplka, and at the time of the presence of such a body, the representatives, chosen by the wild collections of the practitioners, like goiters, are representative of the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the practitioner; 3.1.8. "labor individual spіr" - ce rozbіzhnosti, scho winkli between the parties to an individual labor contract within the framework of labor rights and legitimate interests arising from them; 3.1.9. "collective labor union" - the reason for the differences between the parties to this agreement, please, please, please, pay the hour of laying, vikonannya, control over vikonannya collective agreement, please; 1 3.1.10. "Abnormally clean up the worker" - wash up the worker's mind, which does not comply with labor standards, thanks to the technology of safety of work and hygiene, it is impossible to take care of them; 3.1.11. "forecast accident" - tse pіddavannya prіvіvnіka pіd hіkonnannya labor obov'yazkіv pіd vypiv virobnichih іnshih, scho privnjuyuyutsya to mіm faktorіv; 3.1.12. "professional illness" - tsia ailment, which vinicla under the influx of negative virological factors in the process of practice; 3.1.13. "strike" - tse povne or chastkovy prizupinennya pratsivnym at the singing hour on a voluntary basis of their labor obov'yazkiv z metoyyu vyshennya collective labor dispute. 3.1.14. "Primusova Prazya" - Tse Roboti that is the zobin, Trevybni to Vikonnnya pratzikhnika, uninvited on the vinikennya of the infamous minds for Zhitty Ta Zhitza, the aboam of the discriminating for the Nationalist, the hiking, the Koloro Shkirori, the socialist retire Punishment for the vislovlyuvannya of one's own. perekonan schodo political, economic, social system and for the fate of the strike, for the improvement of labor discipline. 3.1.15. "permanently working place" - the purpose of the work is the work that is counted for the blackness of changing the working day for the established regime with the choice of labor tools, seen as a robot supplier in the work place, appointed by him, with the removal of wages for the norms, appraisal a robot dealer or a yoga representative. Article 4. Vіdnosiny, yakі are regulated by the Law on Pratsyu 4.1. This Law regulates labor agreements and other labor agreements, which are blamed on the following, between the lower parties: 4.1.1. between the citizens of Mongolia and the internal, foreign government unity, organization that conducts activity on the territory of Mongolia; 4.1.2. between a citizen of Mongolia and a citizen of Mongolia, a foreign citizen, a special person without a community; 4.1.3. between the internal Mongolian state loneliness, the organization and the foreign hulk, a special one without hulkiness; 4.1.4. what is not assigned otherwise in the international treaty of Mongolia between a foreign state solitude, an organization, a community, a special person without community, as you conduct your activity on the territory of Mongolia. 4.2. If the workers, when they arrived, did not establish the order of labor allowances, otherwise they waited until the end of the law, then the norms of the law were enforced. Article 5. Rights and obligations of robots 5.1. The robot supplier may have the right to approve the internal labor order in accordance with the law, to organize it to dotrimanny, vimagati in the practice of vikonannya vykonannya vykonannya vykonannyah obov'yazkіv to a new labor contract and attract to vіdpovіdalnostі, peredbachenoї tsim law. 5.2. Pratsedavets goitre zabezpechivat pratsіvnik robot and friendly minds pratsі, pay the results of work zarobіtnu pay, vykonuvati obov'yazanі, assigned to tsomu law and the labor collective agreement, please, internal labor order. Article 6. Rights, obligations of a practitioner 6.1. Pratsiknik Ma, the right to forget the minds of prazi, Sho vimogams of techies of the nonsense of the gigiyny, otrobati otobitnu fees, pence, pre -bibliy -it -owl, and they are in the same way rights, rights, assigned to labor and collective agreements, please. 6.2. The pratsovnik Zobov’s duties Smashing Praitsyuvati, Dotrimvati Tammnitzi, the Vikonni Robit, Obov'yazkiv, Shcho to the Categories of the Law, Dotrimuvati Tukonuvati Ta Kolenty Dogov, for example, the senior of the tech. . Article 7. Fence against the establishment of discrimination, delimitation and gains from labor vacancies 7.1. Primusov luchennya to pratsi be-someone in circumvention of the law is unacceptable. 7.2. At labor vіdnosinakh, they are harrowed to establish discrimination, subsistence, pride for nationalism, ethnic campaigns, color shkіri, statues, social campaigns, camps for the suspres, the main camp, religious confessions, perekonannyam. 7.3. As soon as the robot-giver is hired by a hulk, the processes of labor allowances are due to the special forces of this work, the goiter, having surrounded the rights, freedom of the practitioner, is guilty to bring the grounding of this one. 7.4. Krіm vipadkіv osoblivih vomg given to work, obov'yazki with the admission of a bulky man to work it is not possible for you to put food about your special life, about vagіtnіst, family camp, reconciliation, party affiliation and religion. 7.5. As a practical example of super-accuracy, it is indicated in article 7.4. right to the law, food was delivered, no goiter was given to the new one. DISCOVERED ANOTHER COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT, PLEASE ARTICLE 8. Basic principles of laying down a collective agreement, please 8.1. When laying down a collective agreement, please agree to the following principles: 8.1.1. publicity; 8.1.2. validity before legislation; 8.1.3. equal number of representatives of the parties; 8.1.4. equality of the parties; 8.1.5. free choice that discussed food, pov'yazanih z collective agreement, pleasing; 8.1.6. voluntary acceptance of goiter; 8.1.6. Reporting Statement of Appreciation of Validity. Article 9. Security of information 9.1. An important sovereign authority, a robotic provider of goiter during the drafting and laying down of collective agreements, to please give the necessary information to representatives of practitioners. 9.2. The parties to the goiter are mutually exchanged one by one, which they will change at the current order, information that is due to the control over the violation of the collective agreement, please. Article 10. Third party fence 10.1. When laying down and victorious collective agreement, please be protected whether it is vtruchannya from the side of the state and non-state, religious bodies, political parties, residents, townships, building facilities of the lawful rights of the parties, or overstepping their own building. Article 11. Initiative for the establishment of a collective agreement, please 11.1. The skin of the parties may have the right to initiate a collective agreement, please make it up to the new addition, change. eleven. 2. The party that has shown the initiative to lay down the collective agreement, please, negotiate is guilty of writing about the other side. 11.3. Representatives of roboticists, appointed by Article 3.1.6. Whose law has the right to negotiate on behalf of robots. 11.4. Representatives of practitioners, appointed by Article 3.1.7. Whose law may have the right to negotiate, lay down a collective agreement, please the names of the workers. 11.5. If on the scale of the country, the singing region, the administrative-territorial 3 units, the galleys, the professions, and also in one single government unit, the organization has a small number of professional unions, then they take part in the negotiations and the laying down of the collective agreement, please sleeping representatives on the basis of the insurance of the number of its members. Article 12. Negotiations 12.1. The parties are laying down a collective agreement, for the sake of negotiations. 12.2. The party that initiated the negotiation process shall submit to the other party the draft to the warehouse of the participants in the negotiations, the collective agreement, please, make an additional amendment to them, change it and add its application for the conduct of the negotiations. 12.3. The party that accepted the application is obliged to give a letter of reconciliation for five working days. 12.4. The party that has accepted the application, goiter, is to protract the offensive line of the rozpochati talk: for 10 working days from the day of the withdrawal of the application for the establishment of the collective agreement and the introduction to the new addition, change; for a period of 15 working days from the day of withdrawal, declare about the arrangement of collective land. As if the party that accepted the application did not give a rebuttal, or did not reconcile the line specified in Articles 12.3, 12.4. th Law, otherwise the versatility is small and has reached uzgodzhennosti, it is regulated by the order of the top of collective superechok, appointed at the head of the thirteenth Law. The participants in the negotiations goiter to reach the secrets of service and trade information, which became their guide during the hour of negotiations. 12.7. Vitrati, involved in the conduct of negotiations, payment of consultants, as if they took part in the negotiations for the forward side, and otherwise vitrati are in charge of the order, appointed by the collective agreement, please. 12.8. Забороняється без попередньої згоди відповідного вищого органу звільнення працівника-члена профспілки, не звільненого від основної роботи, обранця, який брав участь у переговорах, з ініціативи роботодавця в період переговорів та протягом року з кінця переговорів, або притягувати його до дисциплінарної відповідальності роботою, та переводити for another job for the fate of the negotiations. 12.9. Negotiations are completed by the signing of the collective agreement and please all the representatives of the parties. Article 13. Scope of the collective agreement 13.1. Collective agreement, for the sake of extending to us pracivniki and robots, as parties to this agreement, please, protect their rights, legitimate interests. Article 14. Regulations of the collective agreement, please 14.1. When laying down a collective agreement, please dotrimuєtsya order, appointments under Article 12 of the Law. The collective agreement is placed before the approved business plan of the state unit, organization. 14.2. The government unit of the organization, including all internal units and parties, has one collective agreement. 14.3. Irrespective of the number of osibs, they have shown the initiative of laying the land, on which equal the one pleasing is laid. 14.4. The robotic provider of the goiter and the hour of laying down the collective agreement, please give some information, technical assistance for business management, the appointment of people, conferences for the working hour, give additional help in the conduct of propaganda. 14.5. The collective agreement is laid down in a row for 1 river and more, and favor for 2 rivers. Article 15. Registration of a collective agreement, please 15.1. 15.2. Please, deposited only on the equals of Galuzevs /Mijgaluzevs/, regional, aimak, metropolitan and professional tariffs, are submitted for registration with a 10-day signing at the state administrative central body, which knows the food of the practice. 15.3. Please, deposited only on the equal somon, district, are submitted for registration to the Chancellery of the aimak, Moscow Prefect / Zasag darga / with the first signature of the somon, district Prefect / Zasag darga / for 15 days. 15.4. The approval of the registration authority, the appointment of this statute, from the day the collective agreement was accepted, please let us look at it for 10 working days and if it is in compliance with the legislation to register, but if it is not in the case of not being allowed to act in the registry. 15.5. It is important that they do not comply with the provisions of the collective agreement, please, if they are not registered, or they do not comply with the law, otherwise the legal position of the practitioner is lowered in them, lower it is transferred from the law. Article 16. Terms of the collective agreement 16.1. Collective agreement, the favors are valid from the day of the registration, according to article 15 of the law. 16.2. Changing the warehouse, the structure of the ker_vnitstva, changing the p_dv_domchost_ of the state unity, the organization ceasing to be subject to the collective agreement. 16.3. Submission to a large collective agreement, made to a new addition, change of the statute of an updated agreement at the time of reorganization of the state unit, organization, change of the head of the office are being negotiated between the employer and the representatives of the workers. 16.4. If the government is alone, the organization is liquidated, according to the minds and in the manner prescribed by law, then the collective agreement is reached and extended through liquidation. 16.5. Food about making an addition, changing to a collective agreement, pleasing to the agreement of the parties, who take a part, zgіdno with minds, we will appoint a new order, and if the price is not appointed in a new one, then for this order, for some wines, we will be better than the regulations. Article 17. Control of the parties over the terms of the collective agreement, please 17.1. Control over vikonannyam collective agreement zdіysnyuєtsya parties and yogo representatives. 17.2. Control over the vicinities laid down in all equals is exercised by the parties, their representatives, as well as the state administrative central body in charge of the food of the practice, aimag, metropolitan, somon, district Prefect / Zasag darga /. 17.3. The parties goiter in the course of control are exchanged one by one with all information, as if it were a matter of order, connected with a collective agreement, please. 17.4. The parties spilno that odnosibno ozglyadyut and podomlyayu u sіh pracіvnikіv pro vykonannya and hіd collective agreement, please skin pіvroku or at the lines, designations in the collective agreement, please. Article 18 Vіdnosini, which are regulated by the collective agreement 18.1. Collective agreement regulating, not transmissible by law, specified below: 18.1.1. establishment of the increase in the basic salary, increase, forms, terms of payment, allowances, surcharges, vineyards, supplementary pensions, additional help, assistance, payment, increase in compensation, the establishment of that change in labor standards, standards, the establishment of the increase in compensation for labor, transport and others, 18.1.2. ensuring the guarantee of a job and advancement of qualifications, mastering a new profession; 18.1.3. set schedule for the hour of work and repair; 18.1.4. improving the minds of safety technology and the hygiene of the worker, the protection of women, the disabled, the disabled and the dwarfs. 18.1.5. defender of rights, legitimate interests of practitioners in various privitizations, reorganizations of the 5th government unit, organization of those representatives, units; 18.1.6. increase in wages and pay * at the link with the increase in prices and inflation; 18.1.7. the establishment of a rozmіru koshtіv on the social security of the practitioner; 18.1.8. the provision of standards and the best safety technology, the hygiene, the minds of work, environmental safety; 18.1.9. nadannya pilg from the side of robots to workers, yakі poddnuyut navchannya with robots; 18.1.10. будівництво та використання житлових будинків, дитячих садків, ясел, соціально-культурних будівель, споруд господарською одиницею, організацією, надання пільг працівникам інвалідам, багатодітним сім'ям, одиноким матерям/батькам/, покращення побуту працівників, потерпілих від професійних захворювань, гострих отруєнь, accidents, pensioners, people with disabilities, who previously worked at a given government unit, organization; eighteen. 1.11. security of the possibility and minds of the vigilance of the activity of the professional union, її members, employees; 18.2. At the collective agreement, it is possible to establish more privileges and guarantees of the practitioner, lower than those specified in this law. 18.3. The collective agreement is assigned the power of control, subsummation, support, development of two and three third parties. Article 19. Vіdnosiny, scho regulated by collective pleasing 19.1. For the sake of the collective, the onset of blue is regulated: 19.1.1. sovereign pleasure - hot meals labor vodnosin, which vinikli at the link with the protection of the social protection of the population of labor rights, the legitimate interests of the citizen on the scale of the country; 19.1.2. Galuze / intergaluze / favor - nutrition of labor standards, standards, organization of work, minds of work, increase in the salary of a practitioner, singing profession, work; 19.1.3. regional benefit - the main food of the establishment of the minimum subsistence minimum of the population and wages, compensation and security for the protection of labor rights, the legitimate interests of the citizen, which are sought after in this region; 19.1.4. aimachnym, Moscow, somonim, district land - nutrition of labor resources, pracevshtuvannya of the population, dorimuvani at this administrative-territorial unit; 19.1.5. tariff-professional favor - nutrition of labor workers in the singing specialty, work. Article 20. Parties that take part in collective land 20.1. The collective land can take the fate of the Crimean representatives of practitioners and robots, assigned to articles 3.1.6, 3.17. th law, representatives of the sovereign administrative body. 20.2. Collective favor in the fallow land on the sides of the participants can be two-sided, three-sided. 20.3. Collective favor, fallow on the part of the participants that food is discussed, so you can see: sovereign, galuzev / mizhgaluzev / at the scale of the state; regional, aimach, metropolitan, somon, district at the scale of an administrative-territorial unit; tariff-professional on equal professions. 20.4. Fallow in the form of collective land, and in it the following parties take part: 20.4.1. in the state's favor, the Order, the national body representing the protection of rights, legitimate interests of the practitioner and the robot; 20.4.2. Galuzevy /Mіzhgaluzevіy/ lands have a sovereign administrative central body, which knows the food of the Galuzy, Galuzevy organ of the representative protection of rights, legitimate interests of the practitioner and robots; 20.4.3. at the regional lands of the aimachny, metropolitan Prefect /Zasag darga/ of this region, the regional body of the representative protection of the rights, legitimate interests of the practitioner and the robot; 6 20.4.4. in the aimak, Moscow, somon, district area of ​​​​Perfect / Zasag darga / given administrative territorial unit, denmark territorial body of the representative protection of rights, legitimate interests of the practitioner and robots; 20.4.5. at the tariff-professional area, the supreme state administrative body, the representative body for the defense of rights, the legitimate interests of the practitioner and the robotic provider of the profession. CHAPTER THREE LABOR AGREEMENT Article 21. Labor agreement 21.1. The lower-ranking main minds are subject to the employment contract: 21.1.1. the name of the working place that plant; 21.1.2. work and goiter, assigned to the characteristics of the work area, 21.1.3. The main salary and the amount of the landed salary; 21.1.4. wash your hands. 21.2. Zhodna zі storіn without the permission of the other side has no right to change the provisions of the employment contract. 21.3. Yakshcho the parties during the period of laying down the employment contract did not reach the agreement for one mind, assigned to Article 21.1. according to the law, then the labor agreement is not respected. 21.4. Employment agreement may be subject to legislation, the collective agreement, please. 21.5. Mind the employment contract, what to lose your mind, appointed by the legislature, collective agreement, please, be respected indefinitely. 21.6. The parties can wait for the agreement and other minds, the order of the main minds assigned to Article 21.1. which law. 21.7. The labor contract is valid from the day of its signing. Article 22. Contract 22.1. Vlasnik or a person, encouraged by him, exercising his right of authority, laying down a contract with a gromad, with a method of winning labor responsibilities of others and hiring a special and rare gift, and benefits on a high rіvnі gromadyan. 22.2. Perelіk robіt ta posad for laying the contract, assigned by article 22.1. according to the law, to become a member of the Order, which is cherished by the food of the practice. Article 23. Lines of the employment contract 23.1. The labor contract is laid down with the term chi without a line. 23.2. The employment contract is subject to the line below: 23.2.1. on a permanent work place, a non-linear labor contract; 23.2.2. as the parties agreed mutually, labor agreement, appointments at the article 23.2.1. іz assigned string, 23.2.3. with a practitioner, which is a substitute for a daily practitioner, a robot and a settlement, which one is saved on the basis of the law or other decisions, until turning to the work of a daily practitioner, for a seasonal and timchas work on the lines of three-valency of this work, with a new practitioner for a term, an intern we will install the robot provider by the labor internal order. The term of testing and training is not guilty of revisiting 6 months. 23.3. Since the parties did not show the contract after the completion of the line labor contract, and if the worker continues to complete his work, then this agreement is to be continued on the lines, appointments from the start. Article 24. Formulation of an employment contract 24.1. The robot-seller, otherwise, he was encouraged by the townsman to put a letter of labor agreement from the bulky man and carry one copy of the contract of laborers. At the 7th post office, it is difficult to lay down other types of contracts, or labor contracts. 24.2. If a worker hires a worker for one job, then on Mondays he puts a labor contract with the skin. 24.3. If the labor contract is not laid down in the letter form, then the victorious worker yogo worker and goiter are defended. Article 25. Completion of the contract and its amendment 25.1. The contract is kept in a letter form. 25.2. The contract is fixed by the term up to five years. 25.3. The parties to lay down the contract establish a term, the last result of the practice, the obligation to the robot supplier, the procedure for evaluating the contract, the calculation of the lane transferred to the practitioner, the procedure for volodinnya, vikoristannya, ordering the danim mine, asking, posting, drinking and vodsotki z pributku, results , what the practitioner sees, as well as yoga vіdpovіdalnіst. 25.4. Yakshcho for the introduction of the pіdbagіn the contract, the pracіvnik vikonav his goiter under the contract with a proper rank, you can continue it. Article 26. Vikonanny kіlkoh robit, goiter and yazan one hour 26.1. The worker in the main hour of work can at his own chi іnshіy organіzatsії under an employment contract to work іnshі work and plant, as well as from his іnshіy organіzії іnshіy work one hour. On the basis of housekeeping with a practitioner, you can get it up to the time of the day's obedience of a daily practitioner in order with the main job and promote your labor commitment. 26.2. The worker for the expiration date, assigned to Article 28 of the Law, can put a parallel labor agreement and the right to work with the kilkom by robotic workers at once. Article 27. Fence of a sleeping robot at a work station, plant 27.1. It is reserved for members of the same family or for individuals, relatives of relatives, to work together on robots, settlements, as they manage the mine and that penny legal issues ah sovereign power and for the fate of sovereign power 151 or more than a hundred shares. Article 28. Fence of one-hour work with a kіlkom by robots 28.1. To a worker, who has a job with that settlement, which gives the right to dispose of a mine legal entity, it is difficult to lay down a parallel labor agreement, or a contract with a lieutenant of a mine of a different kind, that form for employment of the same work, and plant it, or a robot that has a settlement, controls that construction. 28.2. The provisions assigned to Article 28.1. whose law is expanding so much confusion. 28.3. Pratsіvnik goiter vydpovіdno to tsgogo law vіdshkoduvat robodavtsu zbitka, yakі vinikli vnasledok vієї statti. Article 29. Recognition of invalidity of an employment contract, laid down with a non-educational special 29.1. The labor contract, regulations for the partly chi owing to a non-educational special, are respected by the weekly day of the day when the practitioners of their shoes are on the job. Article 30 Invalidity of the current provisions of the employment contract 30.1. The inadequacy of the current provisions of the employment contract is not subject to exoneration. Article 31. Fencing work not assigned to the employment contract 31.1. The robot supplier is protected, the crime of vipadkiv, transferred by the law, vimagati as a worker, the worker is not appointed to the employment contract. 8 Article 32. Timely transfer to another job due to voluntary necessity 32.1. У разі виникнення такої виробничої необхідності, як запобігання стихійним лихам та виробничим аваріям, усунення їх наслідків або реальних непередбачених обставин, неможливих попередньо передбачити і які спричинили порушення нормальної діяльності організації, роботодавець може перевести працівника на іншу роботу, не зазначену у трудовому договорі, строком на 45 days. Article 33. Time transfer to another job for an hour of downtime 33.1. Under an hour of downtime, a practitioner can be transferred in the middle of an organization, to another job, not assigned in an employment contract, or at the same time transferred to another organization on the basis of homeownership with him. Article 34. Transferring a practitioner to another job, as it does not affect his health 34.1. On the basis of the decision of the medical and labor expert commission of the practitioner, you can be transferred to another job, as you do not spit on your health, for your health. Article 35. Protecting robots and planting during the period of non-vacation robots, bindings 35. 1. At lower slopes, robots and plantings are saved during the period of non-contact robots, bindings: 35. 1.1. Timchasovy vykonannya vyborny obov'yazkіv at sovereign bodies on lines up to three months; 35.1.2. at the period of rebuking at the chergovіy vіdpustsi; 35.1.3. the passage of a medical obstezhennia or a visit to the obligation of a donor; 35.1.4. at the period of perebuvannya at vіdpustsi at zv'yazku z vagіtnіstyu, pіslyapologivoї vіdpuski and watch over the child; 35.1.5. pіd hour of participation in negotiations, laying down collective agreements, please that strike, organized by law before legislation; 35.1.6. until the decision of the military prize commission on prizes for the military military service, the practitioner, which took the military order of the day; 35.1.7. other actions, peredbachenі by legislation, collective and labor contract. Statya 36. Acceptance of a lot of work and landing 36.1. In the case of lowering the level of the robotic giver of goiter, to accept a practitioner for a lot of work and planting: 36.1.1. like a worker, a worker with a disability, after a fatal accident, severely disrupted that professional illness, turning to work for a month after dressing; 36.1.2. as if the ceremoniality of the court's decision about the authorization to work for the work of the practitioner, which was earlier illegally called; 36.1.3. other actions, peredbacheni by law. 36.2. As much as the work and planting of the practitioner is short-lived, then the robot-giver who works for the goiter should be given to him and the other one, the robot and the planting. 36.3. The practitioner will be reminded of the extra work that the settlement, as it will be established that the state was short-lived without primer, although it was respected that the state was short-lived to Article 40.1.1. th law, and after the end of three months, the whole world was created anew. Article 37. Submit for attachment to an employment contract 37.1. The terms of the employment contract are attached to the lower bases: 37.1.1. to the mutual household of the parties; 37.1.2. at the time of death, a laborer, a laborer; 37.1.3. after the termination of the term of the employment contract without further extension; 37.1.4. to the help of an authority empowered by law; 9 37.1.5. the appointment of an illegally sent worker to a great job and a settlement; 37.1.6. at the call of the practitioner to the military service; 37.1.7. in case of recruitment of rank by a judge’s virtuos, about recognition of the punishment of early workers, who, having committed a malice, after such a fault, cannot continue to win his shoes; 37.1.8. at the opening of the contract with the initiation of the worker and the robot. Article 38. Submit a new employment contract 38.1. Employment contract is opened for lower support: 38.1.1. from the initiative of the practitioner; 38.1.2. with initiatives of robotics. Article 39. Opening the contract with the manufacturer's initiative 39.1. The employment contract is considered to be terminated and the practitioner may have the right to withdraw from work, since 30 days have passed since the day the employer filed an application for a letter of employment and it has not yet been transferred to the labor contract. 39.2. Employment contract can be reopened earlier line assigned under article 39.1. according to the law, even if there are important reasons, otherwise it is homeownership from a roboticist. Article 40. Termination of the contract with the initiative of robots 40.1. The labor contract is opened on the basis of the initiatives to provide labor for the following reasons: 40.1.1. liquidation of the government unit, organization, yogo representatives, separation of that unit, short staffing, or a change in the number of workers; 40.1.2. the establishment of inapplicability of the specialty, health, health of the practitioner for the care of this work and plant; 40.1.3. expiation of the right to an old-age pension from a practitioner after reaching 60 years of age; 40.1.4. repeated violation of labor discipline by a practitioner, as a result of a malicious violation, assigned to an employment contract, as a direct accusation of labor certificates; 40.1.5. the establishment of wine spirit and idleness, superficially trusted robots by a practitioner, who vouched for money and mine; 4O.1.6. exclamation, recognition of a practitioner for another job and that settlement; 40.1.7. viniknennya substav, assigned to the contract. 40.2. At the time of the appointment of an illegally hired practitioner for a judicial decision on a large work, a labor agreement for a new practitioner, who borrows his work, that planting is opened and offered to him according to the ability of another worker. 40.3. The labor contract of the worker, who saved the robot and the settlement for an hour of non-conforming work, binding, cannot be broken with the initiative of the robot, the crime of liquidation of the state unity, organization. 40.4. Replacing the Vlasnik and the authority of the state unit, the organization is not subject to a labor contract. 40.5. At the time of the termination of the contract by the robot provider on the basis of clauses 40.1.1., 40.1.2. Whose law is guilty of povіdomiti pracіvnik pro tse one month before th. And in times of liquidation of the government unit, organization and representative office, office, unit and mass organization of the practitioners, representatives of the practitioners were informed about it 45 days prior to the date of negotiations, which are designated by this law. Article 41. Substantiation of the procedure for opening contracts 41.1. The contract may be terminated at the initiative of the robot, upon the request below, under the law: 41.1.1. yakshcho pіd hour pіdbitya pіdsumkіv contract vlasnik deyshov vysnovka, scho pracіvnik without good reason not vikonav or vikonav not proper rank to the robot, pogodzhenu contract; 41.1.2. as a practitioner of super-accuracy, we are assigned to article 28 of the second law, having enacted a parallel labor contract with another robot provider; 41. 1.3. yakscho vіdbulosya vіdchuzhennya rights vlastі robodavitsa іnshoy; 10 41.1.4. as if it would be established that the practitioner was ineffectually spending, having spent mine, handed over to you for a contract, having overwhelmed the money, given by the sergeant. 41.2. At the time of opening the contract on the bases, assigned to Article 41.1.3. the robotic goiter is ahead of the doctor two months and more to the last, and it seems to help the average income by three months per line more. Article 42 Pratsіvnik, zvіlnenom z work on the basis of articles 37.1.6., 40.1.1., 40.1.2., 40.1.3. according to which law the robot seller pays for one month and a line more, I will help with the increase, which is more expensive for the average income. 42.2. At the time of the massive wave, the robotic provider will establish a window of assistance for the weather with representatives of the practitioners. Article 43. Work building, building work 43.1. The robot supplier, when opening the employment contract, laid down with the practitioner, assigns the term for the delivery of the robot and this term is indicated in the decision on the call. 43.2. The rest of the day of the building of the robotic worker is respected by the day of the day of work. 43.3. The worker of the goiter at the day of the call to see the practical decision about the opening of the employment contract, the book from social insurance and the book of the health worker, at the time, given by law, I will help you with the work. 43.4. The robotic worker of goiter needs to be seen as a practitioner for this research about the work, specialization, qualifications, planting and wages. Article 44. Timing of hours of work and planting 44.1. At the time of the appointed by the legislation of the competent authority, the practitioner is temporally used to work, plant that payment of wages. Article 45 Warnings 45.1. For vocational training and advancement of the qualifications of workers, the robot supplier organizes and secures minds for vocational training in the field of manufacturing. 45.2. Theoretical employment and vocational training in the organization of professional training in vocational training can be carried out by stretching the working hour. Article 46. Social insurance 46.1. The robot provider and the practitioner pay obligatory social and medical insurance, even though it is not otherwise transferred by law, they pay social insurance contributions, schomisyatsya, from the rozmіr, transferred by law. 46.2. From the day of laying down the employment contract, the worker of the goiter must enter a book from the social and medical insurance and keep a record of the payment of insurance payments in accordance with the established procedure. 46.3. Contributions to the social and medical insurance of the main practitioner of the state unit, organization, as they are engaged in work, as a servant of a seasonal nature, are paid by the robot provider for the improvement of wages at the minimum wage for one hour of non-practice. 46.4. The appearance of being in the social and medical insurance of a practitioner, having worked out a labor contract in a foreign government unit, the organization wins out of the law. DISCOUNTED THE FOURTH SALARY. COMPENSATION Article 47. Salary 47.1. The salary is made up of the basic salary, additional payments, allowances, bonuses and other wages. 11 Article 48. Regulation of wages 48.1. The minimum salary of a practitioner is established by legislation. 48.2. Центральний орган державного управління, який знає питаннями праці на підставі пропозицій національного представницького органу, що захищає права та законні інтереси роботодавця та працівника затверджує методику складання тарифно-кваліфікаційного довідника спеціальностей та посад, єдиний перелік найменувань спеціальностей та посад, порядок встановлення норм, нормативів праці та procedure for deducting the average salary 48.3. The robot supplier confirms in accordance with legislation, collective agreement, please comply with the lower legal provisions: 48.3.1. change of specialty and plant; 48.3.2. characteristics of the work area; dovidnik posad; 48.3.3. norms and standards of practice; 48.3.4. basic wages, additional payments, allowances, premiums and the order of their payment. Article 49. Principle and form of payment of wages 49.1. The practitioner's salary is paid in the work, weather and other forms, depending on the results of the practice. 49.2. For equal work of people and women, equal wages are established. 49.3. On robots, which require higher education, high qualifications, knowledge, specialties and robots with special minds, wages are raised. 49.4. If the nonconformity of labor standards did not fall due to the fault of the worker, then he is paid the difference from the basic salary, that is, the payment for the vikonan work. 49.5. If the worker blames himself for not breaking the labor norm, you see a payment that is proportional to the work done. Article 50. Surcharge 50.1. The practitioner can be paid up to the basic salary, additional payment depending on the results of the work. 50.2. Pratziknik, who was vicentized by his own main robot Praitse for Sumysnitz, Acorda Robot, Abo Obov'yazy, not in the characteristic of the timid mossy, the Timchasovo prazutny of the robot in the nibble hour of the vitality of the ovuvanny, the vice -up of the ovuvannoye of the corner of the corner, 50.3. The increase in additional payments is established for the use of the robot and the worker according to the law and the collective agreement. Article 51. Surcharge 51.1. The allowance for qualification steps and umova pratsi and other allowances are established and paid for by a collective agreement on the basis of the characteristics of the working place. Article 52. Supplement for the days of the sacramental saint 52.1. Pratsіvnik, yaky propratsyuvav at the day of the sacramental saint, and not compensating for the permit, the payment is paid from the podviyny rozmіrі average earnings. Article 53. Surcharge for sub-standard hours for the days of the emergency payment 53.1. The wages of the above-standard hours for the days of the shortest release are paid to the brewery and the more advanced one, as the admission was not compensated. 53.2. Increased salary, which is paid according to article 53.1. according to the law, regulated by collective and labor contracts. Article 54. Surcharge for the night hour 54.1. The surcharge is to be paid by workers, which is propratsyuvav at the night hour, zgіdno with a collective labor contract and which does not compensate for the permit. 12 Article 55. Compensation for the hour of admission 55.1. Chergovy admission compensation is seen by practitioners during the Chergovy admission period. 55.2. Compensation for retirement is established at the expense of the average income of the practitioner. Article 56. Compensation for downtime 56.1. At the time of transfer to another work of the practitioner for an hour of downtime, due to independent causes, compensation is paid at the expense, designated in the collective agreement. 56.2. The amount of compensation for idle time, appointments under the collective agreement to become 60 and more than the basic salary of this practitioner and is not guilty of the lower one for the minimum amount of the salary. 56.3. Compensation for an hour of downtime, which is the fault of the practitioner, is not paid. 56.4. A worker who is transferred to another job for an hour of downtime is paid a regular salary, but not lower than the cost of the world, which is higher than the average salary paid by him. 56.5. A worker who is encouraged to switch to another job for unimportant reasons will not be compensated. Article 57. Compensation for an hour of transfer to another job through the need 57.1. A worker who has been transferred to another job, on the basis of article 33 of which law, a salary is paid, which is confirmed by a vikonan work, at the time of a decrease in the amount of earnings, there is a difference. Article 58 1. The salary of a practitioner, who does not reach 18 years, is calculated according to the weather, or the basic salary is paid, due to short working days. Article 59. Compensation for an hour of building work 59.1. Compensation for the hour of the task and the work is seen by the state loneliness, organization, at the same worker. 59.2. At the time of the delivery of the robot, the fault of the robot is due, compensation is paid for this term. 59.3. At the time of the delivery of the work, the doctor is not to blame for compensation for this term. Article 60. Lines for payment of wages 60.1. The practitioner's salary is paid 2 or more times per month at the time of installation. 60.2. The doctor's salary can be paid on time, every Monday. 60.3. The practitioner can see a salary in advance for yoga prohannya. Article 61. Form of payment of wages 61.1. The main salary, additional payment, allowance and compensation of the practitioner are paid in a penny form. Article 62. Notifications about changes in wages 62.1. The robot supplier 10 and more days in advance should inform the practitioner about changing the forms and the salary payment for the collective agreement until the beginning of the decision to make changes to the employment contract. Article 63. Losses from wages, subsistence payments 63.1. From the salary of a practitioner, it is not enough to work better for those who are lowered: 63.1.1. acceptance by the robot provider of a decision about the production of zbitkiv, so as not to exceed the average income of the practitioner; 13 63.1.2. other actions, peredbachenі by legislation. 63.2. It is not guilty to overpay 20 hundred of wages from the worker’s salary /not including the income tax/ it is not guilty to overspend 20000000000000000. 63.3. If the worker does not know the decision about the morning of his wages, but the difference is the morning, then he can turn to the commission for the resolution of labor disputes. 63.4. Poses about the release of zbitkiv, to change the size of the average income, you can go to court. 63.5. If a robot seller illegally withdrew from the worker's salary, then the money about the return of the lost pennies is submitted to the commission for the resolution of labor disputes. Article 64. Additional assistance and compensation, which is seen by workers, which saves a lot of work and planting 64.1. Under the hour of the medical obstezhennja, vykonanny ob'yazkіv donor vіdpovіdno up to article 35. 1.3., at the hour of laying down the collective agreement, please, negotiate in accordance with article 35.1.5. of which Law that in vipadka, peredbachenih in articles 35.1.1, 35.1.6. according to the law of the practitioner, compensation is paid to the rozmіrі, which is more expensive than the average income. 64.2. In the cases, assigned to the article 35, the crime was assigned to the article 64.1. according to the law of the payment of additional assistance and compensation to be carried out according to the law, other effective laws, collective agreement, labor agreement please. Article 65. Compensation for an hour moving to work until the next month 65.1. To a practitioner, whether or not charged from one aimag, a place to another aimag, a place, as well as from one somon, a funeral to another somon, a place in the middle of the aimag, a place that the organization accepts, pays for the cost of transport, transportation of baggage and luggage , and the members of yoga sіm'ї-koshti on vitrati for transport, transportation vantage and luggage. Article 66. Compensation for an hour of absence from work for good reasons 66.1. The worker, who did not show up for work through the elements and the wild and other important reasons, seems to be compensated for the increase, which costs 50 thousand dollars of the basic salary. 66.2. Pratsivnik, who did not show up for work and especially took the fate of the adopted sons of the bad ones, transferring them to the article 66.1. according to the law, there is compensation from the rozmіrі, which is more expensive than the main salary. Article 67. Wage payment for an hour of short working hours 67.1. The speed of the worker's working hour, zgadanoy in articles 71.1., 71.2., 71.4. vvazhaetsya vіdpratsovanim and you see the average income. 67.2. Pratsivnik, the working hour of such a person is shortened to articles 71.3, 71.5. according to the law, a stretch of 6 months is seen before the average income is obtained by him. Article 68. Salary for an hour of transfer to another job, as it does not contribute to a healthy worker 68.1. In case of a reduction in the wages of women, women with disabilities, transferred to another job, which do not contribute to their health, it is up to Article 107. 1. 68.2. At the same time, a decrease in the salary of a practitioner who has been transferred to another job does not contribute to his health, according to Article 34 of the second law, for a period of 6 months, there is compensation in the retail amount calculated from the paid salary. Article 69. Compensation for an hour of incorrect translation 69. 1. If the practitioner is charged with a lot of work, then the planting is valid up to Article 36.1.2. according to the law, you will be paid compensation for looking, even earlier than the 14th average salary for the whole hour, if you are unemployed, and as if you were working on a low-paid job, you will be paid the wage rate. DISTRIBUTE WORKING HOURS AND HOURS OF CORRECTION Article 70. Working hours 70.1. The working hour of Monday cannot exceed 40 years. 70.2. The duration of a normal working day of a practitioner becomes 8 years. 70.3. An uninterrupted hour of recovery between two last working days becomes 12 years. Article 71. Short working hours 71. 1. The working hour of the day for workers at the age of 14-15 years is 30 years, and the workers at the age of 16-17 and workers with intermediary abilities up to 36 years. 71.2. Likewise, the competent authority, having established an abnormal mind of the work function, the robotic goiter, hastened the working hour, wagering the standards of practice and assessment, which are seen by the professional body. 71.3. The worker's hour of the practitioner is shortly due to the decisions of the medical and labor expert commission. 71.4. The worker of the goiter will pass the working hour of the worker, so as to undergo professional training and advanced qualifications in the field of training. 71.5. The working hour of the disabled and dwarfs can be short-lived in the fallow land due to the work done to improve yoga propositions. Article 72. Night time 72.1. The hour from 10 p.m. to 06 a.m. after the moon hour is respected by the night hour. Article 73. Working day allowance 73.1. Even though there is no possibility to trim the working hour of the working day and the working day through the peculiarities of work and virobnitstva, it is possible to fix the order of summing up the working hour. 73.2. In the case referred to in Articles 73.1., 71.3. according to the law, the sum of the working hour is not guilty of overestimating the sum of the working hour, introduced at the time of work. 73.3. The order of Mongolia confirms the Regulations on the sum of the working day. 73.4. The sum of the working day is not between the minds of the minds, as if it were a worker of the clergy's permit, the calculation of the term and the payment of social insurance and other transfers by legislation. Article 74. Exchange of above-standard labor 74.1. Under the above-standard work, the shifting of the working hour of the working day, established by the internal labor order, is respected, with the initiative of the robotic worker, according to the rules, assigned by the law. 74.2. What has not been transferred to the collective labor agreement, the above-standard work of the worker with the initiative of the worker is being hindered, the number of points lowered: 74. 2.1 vikonannya robit, necessary for the defense of the country, protect the life and health of people; 74.2.2. the advance of spontaneous and wild dashing, virobnichih accidents and negainny usunennya їkh naslіdkіv; 74.2.3. usunennya poshkodzhen, scho disrupt the normal operation of the hot water supply, electricity, heat energy, transport and communication. 74.2.4. vykonanny nevidkladnyh robit, about yakі it is impossible to recognize in advance and yakі can overstep the normal activity of the organization or її representatives, yakshcho not vykonat їх negajno. 74.3. The practice of the practitioner is being fenced off at two shifts of sleep. Article 75. Break for reparation and resentment 15 75.1. The practitioner hopes to have a break for reparation and resentment. 75.2. An hour on the cob and the end of the interruption is restored by the internal labor order. 75.3. The robot provider ensures the opportunity to meet the workers, as it is indebtedly due to the peculiarities of the work and the chances of allowing the mother to interrupt. Article 76 Lower Holy Days - Holy Days: 76.1.1. New river: 1 day 76.1.2. White month: 1st and 2nd days of the new moon of the first month of spring. 76.1.3. International Women's Day 8 March, 76.1.4. Children's day: 1 black. 76.1.5. Nationally holy "Naadam" - 11, 12, 13 limes. 76.1.6. Voting Day of the Mongolian People's Republic: 26 leaf fall. Article 77. Secondary repair 77.1. Saturday of that week is the day of the solemn vіdpochinku. 77.2. The worker, who cannot afford to sleep on Saturday and that week through special work and virobnitstva, hopes to recover in the next 2 days for the next day. 77.3. At the same time, the days of the sacred saint and the last days of the week pass close, then the work of the week, the days of the week can be regulated by the decisions of the Order. Article 78. The exchange works at the day of the sacramental saint and the spring permit 78.1. It is reserved to carry out work with initiatives to give robots on the day of the sacred holy day and the next release, the Crimea of ​​the Lower Kazakhstani holidays: 78.1.1. which law. 78.1.2. virobnitstvo with uninterrupted work, services to the population and carried out inconsequential work on repairs, promotion and expansion. 78.2. For the weather, the worker and the practitioner are allowed to work at the day of the sacred holy day and the shortest permit. 78.3. In the case referred to Article 78.2. according to which law, a robot-giver can give you a resignation in these days, or you can give a reprimand by including yoga in a chergovy permit. Article 79. Chergov's permit, її lines 79.1. Pratsivnik hopefully hopes for a chergovy pass for yoga physical victories. Pratsіvnik, yakyi not vikoristovuvav chergovu vіdpuska physically for the necessary work, you can see a penny wine city. The procedure for distributing penny wine is regulated by a collective agreement, as there is no such thing, then on the basis of housekeeping with a practitioner for the decisions of a robot seller. 79.2. The term of the main work permit of the practitioner is 15 working days. 79.3. The terms of the main chergovy permit of the practitioner, which is beyond the reach of the 18th century and the practitioner with the opportunity to become 20 working days. 79.4. Pratsіvnik s vlasniy bazhannyam you can beat your heart's admission in parts in the boundaries of which fate. 79.5. Vrakhovuyuchi work experience, pratsіvnik, kakiy pratsyuvav for normal minds pracі to yogo basic release, are added below the designated additional days of vodpochinku: 79.5.1. up to 6-10 days - 3 working days 79.5.2. 11-15 days - 5 working days 79.5.3. 16-20 nights - 7 working days 79.5.4. 21-25 days - 9 working days 79.5.5. 26-31 dates - 11 working days 79.5.6. 32 and more years - 14 working days. 79.6. The work experience of the worker, who worked for not normal minds of the worker, is nailed to the first day of the main admission, the lower days of retirement are nailed, due to the collective agreement: 76.6.1. up to 6-10 weeks-5 and more working days weeks-7 more than working days 16 weeks-9 and more working days weeks-12 and more than 76.5 working days .26-31 nights-15 and more working days and over 18 and more working days. 79.7. The validity of the supplementary order for the sovereign servants can be established by the law. Article 80 The robot seller is giving practical help to yoga. 80.2. Food about work and failure to help workers for an hour is regulated in accordance with the collective and labor contract and internal labor order. CHAPTER SHOST KIND WORK, SAFETY TECHNIQUE OF WORK, HYGIENE STANDARDS Article 81. Classification of minds of work 81.1. Wash the worker's job to be classified as normal and abnormal mind work. 81.2. A robotic worker should conduct an assessment of the minds of the working position by a professional body. 81.3. The order of that mental recognition of a pension on the ilgovyh minds of the workers, which is pratsyuvav in the abnormal minds of the workers, is prescribed by law. Article 82 82.2. The central body of the state administration, which knows the food practices, confirms the fundamental provisions of the safety technology and hygiene of the workplace. Article 83 The organization of the working area is responsible for ensuring the safety of the virobnichesky technology, safety technology and hygiene. 83.2. Chemical, physical, biological negative factors, which can be blamed on the worker during the process of virobnizstva, not guilty of overexposing, hardened by an organ, designated by article 82. 1. Whose Law. 83.3. At the working place of the practitioner, they are provided with proper accommodation up to the standards of hygiene. 83.4. The robot supplier is able to work with a doctor with the necessary opportunities to have a working capacity with additional facilities for improving his physical fitness, and I will be able to meet the standards of hygiene and safety technology, approved by the organization, designated by Article 1 of Article 1 83.5. sevna part of the windows, stained care of the hygiene standards of the worker's job with the opportunity to finance can be financed from the fund of support for labor employment. Article 84 When designing, building, reconstructing, refurbishing and putting into operation the virobnicheskie budіvel and spores, it is necessary to mother the front visnovka of professional bodies, as it is supposed to be the food for the safety and hygiene technology. Article 85. Vymogi before sleeping with virobnicheskie buds and spores 85.1. If two and more robotic bearers cohabitate with sprouts and spores, then the goiter stalkers will be able to: 85.1.1. Vlasnik and Vlasnik shall be fully restored and kept in order, 85.1.2. 8 in times of infection during the process of chemical, toxic, vibukhovi, 17 radioactive and bioactive speeches, the sorcerers of the buds and sporuds are mutually responsible for one and one for the safety of their safety. 85.2. In times of underestimation, they could not, assigned to Article 85.1. whose law is defended by the spіlno volodіti virobnichnymi booths and spores. Article 86. Opportunities for machines, mechanisms and equipment 86.1. The operation of machines, mechanisms and possessions may be carried out in accordance with the order of maintenance and safety in accordance with the technical passports. 86.2. For the installation of machines, mechanisms and equipment, and putting into operation after a major overhaul, it is necessary to pass forward control and finally allow professional bodies. 86.3. Examination, taxation and guarantees for the support and transport mechanisms and high-pressure capacities of the mains may be ordered in accordance with the relevant procedure. 86.4. The electrician is due to the fault of the installation, but it is necessary to install it before the design, and it must be confirmed that the electricity is safe. Article 87 87.2. The robotic provider of goiter care for the prevention, disinfection and repair, the provision of special clothing to the practitioner and the provision of an individual protection. Article 88. Possible causes for chemical, toxic, vibukhovym, radioactive and bioactive speeches 88.1. It is the responsibility of the robot provider to inform the body, which knows the rules of nutrition, to see that the body knows about the choice of chemical, toxic, vibukhovih, radioactive and bioactive speech, and to comply with the order, approved by the competent authority. Article 89. Fire safety measures 89.1. The robot vendor is responsible for ensuring that the internal order for fire safety is met. 89.2. The Lord's loneliness, the organization, is possessed by anti-anxiety signalization and special possessions against the latter's dues to them at the ready station, and to teach the practitioners of victors to vacate the latter's possessions. 89.3. The robot seller is guilty of living and zdіysnyuvati nebhіdnі come in early ahead of zhі zhіzhnoї safety. Article 90. Wimogi to work with unfriendly weather minds 90.1. The worker of the goiter will organize and organize the proper place for buttocks for heating, at the same time interrupt the work of the worker at the time of the month and the non-grooming places from the hot, cold weather, windy, besieging those who do not mind. Article 91. Care of friendly minds of robots 91.1. The robot supplier is responsible for ensuring the safety of the worker with a working mind with friendly minds and creating such minds, such as chemical, physical and biological factors that are to blame for the process of virobnizstva, not a small negative impact on the hygiene and ecology of the worker. 91.2. Pratsіvnik, like a pratsyuvav in abnormal minds, the robot-giver hopes to make an individual zakhist, special clothes, wipe off speeches for deactivation, eat that food of eating. 91.3. The robot supplier is responsible for planning the necessary expenses for calls, which will ensure the safety equipment and hygiene of work at his own schoric plan and collective agreement, and it is necessary for them to work. Article 92. Medical care 92.1. The worker should be carried out in accordance with the order, confirmed by the regulatory body, necessary for this work, the performance and service of the front office and the periodic medical treatment of the worker. 92.2. The robotic provider of goiter was charged with medical examinations, necessary medical treatment, designated under article 92.1. which law. Article 93 1. The Lord's unit, the organization is the responsibility of the mother, with her own commission, which is composed of representatives of the practitioner, that robotic worker, service, practitioner, who knows the food safety technology and hygiene practices. 93.2. The sovereign administrative central body, which knows the food practices, confirms the procedure for organizing the work of technology, security and hygiene in government units, organizations. Article 94. Improving the performance of various conditions that negatively impact on life and health 94.1. Pratsіvnik pripinyaє to the robot at the skin damage to the order of labor safety and viknennya conditions, which negatively inject into life and health in the course of vikonnannya him yogo labor obov'yazkіv and podomlyaє about tse robotodavtsya. 94.2. The robot-giver of goiter is negligently accustomed to come in whenever you see the destruction of the furnishing, transferring to Article 94.1. which law. Article 95. Registration of past accidents, occupational illnesses and bad weather 95.1. The robotic goiter delivers to the hospital for the rahunka of his doctor's bones, which he has spent in an accident, and also to live his own visits in order to eliminate the causes of those recent accidents. 95.2. The robotic provider in case of a skin disease of goiter accidents is compelled by the procedure established by the Order to carry out the registration of accidents, to establish an act of accidents and, if necessary, a permanent commission for the establishment of accidents. 95.3. Acts that are accepted by the commission from the accident, are confirmed by the sovereign inspector. 95.4. As a robot seller, he did not violate his obligations, transferred from Articles 95.2, 95.3. whose law, but the practitioner. 95.5. The robotic giver of goiter is assigned to the decision of the body, which, having looked at that virishu skarga, is assigned to article 95.4. which law. 95.6. Gospodarska odinitsya, organization, which was vydbuvalsya vyrobnicha accident in vіdpovіdaє vytrachannya, pov'yazanі z registration of further accidents. 95.7. The organ of professional supervision, which is responsible for the nutrition of the practice, doslidzhuє professional disease and the illness of the state of health is broken in accordance with the established order, equating them with the accident and living in, transferring the entry into the state of other states 95.8. The robotic provider will inform you up to the established order, informing you about accidents, occupational illnesses and illnesses. 95.9. Prikhovuvannya virobnichoї accidents, professional ailments and acute injury are protected. 95.10. The order confirms the Regulations on the registration of the validity period of 19 accidents, occupational illnesses and hospital accidents. Article 96 Occupational illness 96.1. The change of professional illnesses is confirmed by the sovereign administrative central body, which is seen by the nutrition of health. 96.2. Vіdpovidniy professіyny organ vyznaє professіyne ill. Article 97 З метою відшкодування заподіяної шкоди, працівнику, який зазнав виробничої аварії та гострим отруєнням або захворілому на професійне захворювання та членам сім'ї про працівника, який помер через ці причини, роботодавець виплачує компенсацію в нижчезазначеному розмірі незалежно від наявності страхування у випадку виробничої аварії9. . Prazizhnika was breaking up to 30 vіdsotkiv workers demanded, vnasslikovo vobrosha, a profession of 50-year-old, up to 31-50 vіdsotkiv 7-year-old, 51-70 vidsotkiv, 71 vidsotkiv, 18-miytkiv, 18-miytkiv, 18-miytkiv, 18 one and more times. 97.1.2. Members of this family doctor, who died in the aftermath of an accident, severely injured and professionally ill, are paid 1 and more times compensation from the rozmіrі, which is more than 36 monthly earnings and ponad. 97.2. Payment of compensation is applicable up to article 97.1. which law does not allow the possibility of taking off pensions and assistance, according to the law of social insurance and other types of legislation. 97.3. Food indexation of compensation at the link with the change in the subsistence minimum of the population is shown and considered in the collective agreement. 97.4. У випадку, якщо органи всіх ступенів, що фінансуються з державного або муніципіального бюджету, юридичні особи державної або муніципальної власності, або за їх участю /51 і більше відсотків/ ліквідовані, або на основі банкрутства внаслідок неплатоспроможності відсутній відповідач, то питання видачі компенсації працівникові окремо , municipal / municipal / administrative body. Article 98. Medical and labor expertise of the commission 98.1. The medical and labor examination of the commission verifies the food for the establishment of disability, indicating the reasons for this loss of practicality. 98.2. The Statute of the Medical and Labor Expertise Commission is confirmed by the Council. Article 99. Rules for closing the activities of the state unit, organization, which do not provide safety equipment and hygiene standards for work 99.1. Yakshcho Piddildilo, Sho Dyalnіstarcaro Odnitsky, organized by this, such a negative fuel that was not a good time for the Zhitta, the Authority of the Professor, Yaki Videsh, the Positovani / iz. . 99.2. As a matter of fact, the government unit of the organization does not suffer the damage, assigned to article 99.1. according to the law, then the body of professional supervision, which is responsible for the nutrition of the practice, or the landowner / inspector / may be entitled to close this work again, or often at the singing hour, the docks will not be safe and secure until safe work and work. CHAPTER SUMMARY OF WOMAN'S WORK ARTICLE 100. The fence between the work of women and mothers / mothers / fathers / children, yak did not reach 3 years 100.1. 20 mothers with a child, who did not reach 3 years of age, are protected from work by the initiative of the work of women and 20 mothers with a child, due to the guilt of the liquidation of the government unit, the organization and transfer of the statutes 401.4., 401.5., 401.4. which law. 100.2. The provisions of Article 100.1. whose law is expanded and on the father - the same as a child, as it did not reach 3 years. Article 101. Robots, on the way of hiring women 101.1. Perelіk robit, yakі zaboronaєєєє priymati Uryadі, yakі nіє nіdnannym pratsі. The woman confirms the member of Statute 102. Exchange of night work under the standard work and supply 102.1. Nichna and substandard work, recruitment of female women, mothers with a child, who did not reach eight years, single mothers with a child who did not reach 16 years, without її zgody zaboryaєєє. 102.2. The provisions of Article 102.1. whose law expands even to the father, the same as the child, as he did not reach 16 years. Statya 103. Additional break for one year to look after the child 103.1. Krim zagalnoy break for marriage that offense to mothers with a child, who did not reach 6 months, or twins, as if they did not reach one fate, with the method of yearning for that care for a child, a two-year break is expected, and also mothers with a child, at 6 one fate, and also with a child, even if they reached one fate, but for a medical visnovka, which requires the necessary insight, we hope for a break of 1 year. 103.2.State provisions 103.1. whose law expands and is the same for the father. 103.3. A break for one year and watching over the child is turned on and secured at the working hour. Article 104. Admission to the connection with the vagity and post-mortem admission 104.1. Mothers are expected to have a permit at the connection with the pregnancy and a post-mortem permit at 120 decibels. 104.2. Mothers who have a child 196 and more below 196 children have given birth to a premature child, or have had an abortion and interrupted their pregnancy for medical care and mothers who want not to have a child 196 children, but have given birth to a child to live, hopefully you will be released vagіtnіstyu and pіslyapologiya vіdpuskoy. Article 104.1. which law. 104.3. When given medical care to women, they didn’t carry a baby 196 children and gave birth to a premature baby, or they had an abortion and interrupted their pregnancy for medical care, the order of the order of the death of a robotic child is increased. Article 105. Admission deadline for internships 105.1. Mothers, yak adopted the new people, the mother's mate hopes to be allowed to enter the lines until the new people reach 60 deb. 105.2. The provisions of Article 105.1. whose law is expanded and on the father - the same. Article 106. Permission to watch a child 106.1. Mothers, fathers with a child did not reach 3 years of age, as if they won their last birth and chergovy admission for її bazhannyam, they hope for admission to look after the child. So a lonely father with a child up to 3 years old can take a permit for his bajan. 106.2. The robot-giver of goitre, after admission on the lookout for a child, or for the mother’s own mother, father, if the permit did not end, give the robot and the planting a lot, and at the time of the shortness of the staff list, the change in the number of ancestors - to know robot. 106.3. The provisions of Articles 106.1, 106.2. today they are expanding on the father, matir, yaki adopted / adopted / a child. Article 107 107.1. As if the medical visnovo was blamed for the relief of the minds of the workers, then the working hour of the women, the women, like the years, can be short, or they can be transferred to another job, so as not to inject 21 detrimentally on their health. Article 108. Obligation for transferring vantage by women 108.1. It is defended against the transfer of important vantazhivs by the women, which they oblige, affirmation by a member of the Order, which they take care of the food of the workers. DISTRIBUTED EIGHT MINORS, DISABILITIES, Dwarfs and LITTLE PEOPLE 109.1. A person who has reached the 16th century has the right to lay down a labor contract. 109.2. In vipadkah, yakі do not superechat the provisions, assigned to Article 109.5 of the Law, a person who has reached the age of 15 can lay down a labor agreement for the good of the fathers or a guardian. 109.3.With the help of a professional orientation, they can lay down a labor contract by persons who have reached the 14th century for the sake of the fathers, the guardian of that sovereign administrative body, who knows the food of the workers. 109.4. We are preventing the stagnation of non-permanent work on robots, which will supercharge their rozum development and health. 109.5. The list of robots, on which zastosuvannya pratsі nepovnolіtnіh zastosuvannya, zatverdzhuєtsya Member of the Ryad, which cheruє pratsi nutrition. 109.6. Crime of vipadkiv, assigned to Articles 109.1-109.3 of the Law, is defended against the laying down of a special labor contract. Article 110. Protection of the health of a part-time practitioner 110.1. Persons who did not reach the full extent, are taken to work after passing through the front medical examination and far away until reaching the 18th century, they are guilty of getting to the medical skin protection. 110.2. It is defended to get the work of an inexperienced practitioner to a night of above-normal work, as well as to work at the day of a sacred saint and a shchotizhnevoj vіdpochinku. 110.3. It is being defended to get an incompetent practitioner to work from the abnormal minds of the worker. 110.4. We are defending ourselves against the transfer of irrelevant important vantages, which are obligated, affirmed by the Member of the Order, which is cherished by the nutrition of the practice. Article 111. The practice of people with limited abilities and dwarfs 111.1. Gospodars'kyi odinitsі, organіzatsії, scho may 25 and more number of practitioners, are obliged to hire people with limited abilities and dwarfs for їх 4 or more than a hundred of regular jobs work that posad. 111.2. As a matter of fact, the government units of that organization did not employ people with low abilities and dwarfs in the population, designated by the article 111.1. according to the law, then they pay a sixty-fourth payment for the skin staffing, which they did not accept. 111.3. The procedure for redemption and withdrawal of payments, rozmіr payment, assigned in article 111.2. whose law is established by the Order. 111.4. Payments assigned under Article 111.2. According to the law, they are centralized to the fund of support for labor employment and are spent on financing the entry of support for the employment of people with limited opportunities and dwarfs. 111.5. If the physical state of the disabled and dwarfs does not change their practice and learn to practice not to supersede them, then they are forced to take them to work for no reason. Article 112. Pratsia osіb frail vіku 112.1. A summer person, like taking a pension, can take care of pracey. 112.2. Taking away the pension of a frail age cannot be substantiated by the subsistence of your salary. 112.3. A robot seller can, for the sake of a frail age, shorten the trivality of his working day, or transfer it to another job, so as not to get super healthy. CHAPTER NINE WORK OF FOREIGN GROUPS AND GROUPS WORKING IN FOREIGN GOVERNMENTAL UNITS AND ORGANIZATIONS Article 113. Pratsya іnozemnyh hulks 113.1. A robot seller can hire foreign citizens with a fixed labor contract. 113.2. Vіdnosini, pov'yazanі z pratsevlashtuvannyam іnozemlshtuvannі іnоmeremnyh hulks on the territory of Mongolia, ії regulated by this law tіm Law аbout the legal camp of іnоteremnyh hulks, а Law оn the introduction of labor force on the cordon, that introduction of the labor force, fahіvtsіvan through the zakordon, the Law on the right to pіdtrimku. 113.3. The provisions assigned to Articles 113.1, 113.2. whose law expands also and osib without clutter. Stattya 114. Labor of the hulks, yakі pratsyuyut on іnozemnih gospodarskie odinіtsі, organizatsіyah 114.1. Foreign government units, organizations, like the birth of Mongolia, can take in the masses of Mongolia. 114.2. In times assigned to Article 114.1. according to the law, the robot supplier shall comply with the law according to which the labor agreement is laid down by the practitioner. 114.3. Foreign government units, organizations that hire a practitioner on the basis of a contract, goitre in accordance with the procedure, truthfully inform the competent authorities of the landlord about the wages and equal income of the practitioner. DISCOVERED TEN REGULATION OF COLLECTIVE LABOR DISPUT Article 115. Vindication of a collective labor dispute, vysuvannya vymog that vydpovіd on vymogi 115.1. Representatives of the prac_vnik_v may have the right to vysuvati vimogi, to destroy the collective labor superechku z rozbіzhnih pitan, scho blamed for the hour of laying down the collective agreement that pleasing vikonannya їх position vіdpovіdno up to statti 12.5. which law. 115.2. One party to the agreement that please vysuvaє svoї vomogi to the other side in writing. 115.3. A copy of the voucher is sent to the Prefect / Zasig dargu / given administrative-territorial unit. 115.4. The party that took away the vimogi is obliged to give them a letter of reprimand for three working days. Article 116. Conciliatory form of regulation of collective labor disputes 116.1. The collective labor super-train is regulated by the lower-ranking conciliatory entries: 116.1.1. intermediary request; 116.1.2. review by labor arbitration. 116.2. The parties do not have the right to cheat in participation in peaceful visits, designated by Article 116.1. which law. 23 116.3. Representatives of the pracіvnіkіv during the course of conciliatory visits to the support of their own could gain the right to hold demonstrations and rallies in the course of legislation. 116.4. Representatives of the parties, the mediator and arbitrator of the lawsuits will win all the improvements, before the legislation of the regulation of labor disputes. Article 117. Request for a mediator to settle a collective labor dispute 117.1. In cases of rejection by the robot provider, they could, presenting evidence up to article 115 of the Law, not yet recognized by the representatives of the practitioners in the event of a robot provider, request an intermediary to regulate a collective labor dispute. 117.2. The parties choose an intermediary with a path of gratification, and even though three working days didn’t last, they go to the somon and district prefect / Zasig dargu / s prohannyam yogo recognition. 117.3. Somonny and district Prefect / Zasag darga / appoints an intermediary for three working days. 117.4. The parties do not have the right to act as an intermediary, recognized by the somonny and district Prefect / Zasag darga /. 117.5. Regulations for the regulation of a collective labor dispute with the participation of a mediator are confirmed by the Council. 117.6. The mediator may have the right to inquire and take away from the parties of documents and information related to the collective labor superpower. 117.7. The review of a collective labor dispute by the parties for the participation of an intermediary is carried out for five working days after the first request is completed and the activity is praised for the agreed solution in a written form or a protocol of differences. Article 118. Consideration of a collective labor dispute by labor arbitration 118.1. In cases of inability to reach employment as a result of a labor dispute for the participation of an intermediary, the Prefect of this administrative-territorial unit establishes labor arbitration and appoints them arbitrators for a period of three working days. 118.2. Labor arbitration consists of three arbitrators, requested by the parties, who take part in labor disputes by the Prefect / Zasig Darga /. The parties have no right to arbitrators recognized by the Prefect / Zasag darga / Representatives of a collective labor dispute cannot enter the warehouse of labor arbitration. The Labor Arbitration considers the collective labor dispute for the participation of representatives of the parties and accepts a recommendation at the lines of up to five working days after the first day of sleep. Likewise, the parties that have agreed to the collective labor dispute in favor of accepting and making recommendations to labor arbitration shall take a pro-decision. 118.7. The parties goitre vykonuvat decision, assigned to Article 118.6 of the Law. 118.8. The Great Sovereign Khural confirms the Statute on labor arbitration on the basis of the proposals of the National Trilateral Committee for the provision of social benefits. Article 119. Improving the right to a strike 119.1. Representatives of practitioners claim the right to a strike in such situations: 119.1.1. non-compliance by the robot-provider for participation in peaceful visits, assigned to Article 116.1. which law; 119.1.2. nevykonannya by the robot-giver of a decision made for the fate of the intermediary; 119.1.3. non-compliance with the decision by the robot provider, praised in the past, accepting the recommendation of labor arbitration; 119.1.4. Although the collective superwoman was discussed with the labor arbitration, but no decision was made on how to make recommendations. 119.2. Pratsіvnik take part in the strike voluntarily. 119.3. It is not allowed to invite a practitioner to participate in a strike, that yogo proceeding, awarding a strike, a crime of being appointed by the law, or taking part in a new one. 119.4. The representatives of the robots are being prevented from organizing a strike and taking a fate from the new one. 24 Article 120. Strike strike, closing of working hours 120.1. Decisions about the strike being voted on are accepted by the meetings of members of the representative body, which protects the rights and legitimate interests of the workers, or by the outrageous meetings of the workers. 120.2. Choose to be respected by the law, as if the new one had a greater number / two thirds / members of the representative body, protecting the right-handers and the legitimate interests of the workers of the majority of the workers of this state unit, organization. 120.3. Strikes can be deafened, as a result of which more than half / more than half / participants in the gatherings have kicked up yoga. 120.4. Decisions about a strike strike include the following provisions: 120.4.1. super nutritious food, yak called up a strike; 120.4.2. river, month, day and hour on the cob strike, її trivality, transfer of the number of participants; 120. 4.3. a person who organizes and organizes a strike committee and a warehouse of representatives, so that they take part in a dispute; 120.4.4. a lot of work related to the health protection and safety of people during the strike period. 120.5. The person, judging by the strike, is required to file a tax on the other side of the decision about the strike strike for five or more working days up to її on the cob. 120.6. A robot supplier, having found it impossible to accept the laborers of the workers, as if he went against the strike, he can immediately close / lockout / the work place of the workers, like at the strike. 120.7. Representatives of the practitioners can close the government units at the same time, organize / picket / with the method of the hour’s notice, work at the working places of the practitioners, yak take part in the strike. 120.8. The robot seller informs the supporters and the post-employees about the strike or the hourly closing of the working hours for three and a half working days before the cob. 120.9. Crime of vipadkіv, appointed by the law, is protected by third-party organizations in the organization of the strike, at the hourly closing of working places, in the exchange of ideas of the parties from the rations and at their free choice. 120.10. In the course of the continuation of the strike, the parties goitre to live in for the reconciliation of the regulation of a collective labor dispute. 120.11. The side that organized the strike and closed the working hours during the preparation and maintenance of these visits, went to live in order to ensure the safety of the public order, protect health, and ensure the safety of the lane for the assistance of the state authorities. Article 121. The person, as a result of the strike and the timing of the strike, is confirmed to have attached the strike 121.1. Representatives of practitioners call for a strike. 121.2. A person, as a striker, may have the right to conduct a selection, wimagati for providing robots with information from food, so that the rights and legitimate interests of practitioners are raised and requests for facsimiles for visnovkіv s other food. 121.3. A person who sees a strike has the right to instigate it. 121.4. In order to reinstate an awarded strike, the dispute is not re-examined by the intermediary in arbitration under Article 116.1 of this Law. 121.5. About the cancellation of the suspended strike, the workers of robots speak for three working days before the anniversary. 121.6. The strike is considered to be attached to the moment of signing by the parties of the agreed decision on the resolution of the collective labor dispute, otherwise the recognition of it is illegal. Article 122. Fence, introductory line and timing of the strike 122. 1. A strike is fenced in organizations with the functions of defending the country, ensuring state security and protecting the community order. 122.2. A strike is defended for an hour of negotiation from retail meals and a review of a collective labor dispute by an intermediary, a labor arbitration, or a court. 25 122.3. In times of vindication of a situation that is not safe for the life of that healthy person, the court may have the right to impose a strike on lines up to 30 days, and as a result, the strike would be ruled to rule out yoga on the same term. 122.4. Якщо страйки, що здійснюються в господарських одиницях електро та теплоенергосистеми, громадського водопостачання, міського громадського транспорту, міжнародної, міжміської та міської телекомунікації та служби руху залізниці, можуть створити умову, що спричинить шкоду державній безпеці, правам і свободам людини, то Уряд може відкласти її on lines up to 14 days before the decision is approved by the court. Article 123 1. Strikes organized after collective labor disputes are declared illegal in the following cases: 123.1.1. organized without additional provisions assigned to article 119.1. which law; 123.1.2. strikes of bodies designated under Article 122.1. which law; 123.1.3. presented vomogi z food, scho do not stosuyutsya vіdnosin, regulated by a collective agreement that please, assigned to Articles 18, 19 of the law. 123.2. The party, as if the strike and the timing of the closing of the working jobs are illegal, are brought before the court because they are illegal. 123.3. The court accepts a decision on the recognition of the strike and the hourly closing of the working places without others. 123.4. In times of praise by the court of the decision on the recognition of the strike and the timely closing of the working hours as illegal, the parties negligently accuse this activity. Article 124. Guarantee of the rights of a practitioner related to the outcome of a collective labor dispute 124.1. The mediator and labor arbitrators are called in the main work by the term participation in the resolution of a collective labor dispute and they are paid compensation, looking at the average salary. 124.2. Zaboronyaєetsya zastosovuvati disciplinary contraction, shifting to other work that zvіlnennya z іnіtsiativ robodavitsa representatives pratsіvnіkіv, yakі took part in the victory of the collective labor dispute for a long period of victory in the dispute. 124.3. A worker who has taken the fate of a strike, who is not illegal, is not respected as a violator of labor discipline and cannot stumble into disciplinary bans. 124.4. At the end of a collective labor dispute, the parties can set about paying compensation to workers, which takes the fate of the strike. 124.5. A worker, even though he did not take part in the strike, but the link with him was not able to defeat his work, and also, once an illegal court found the work place to be closed by an illegal court, compensation is paid to the increase in the average income. DISCOVERED 11 REGULATIONS OF INDIVIDUAL LABOR DISPUTES Article 125. Review of individual labor disputes 125.1. The individual labor dispute, which is blamed between the roboticist and the practitioner, is considered by the Commission for the resolution of labor disputes by the court, viz. Article 126. Speech, which is considered by the Commission for the resolution of labor disputes 126.1. Commission for the resolution of labor disputes, looking at the order of the first instance of all labor disputes, Crimea is quiet, which is leading the court. 126.2. The statute of the Commission for the resolution of labor disputes is confirmed by the Council. Article 127. Awarding the decision of the Commission for the resolution of labor disputes 127.1. At times you can’t agree with the decisions of the Commission for resolving labor disputes, the robot provider and the practitioner may have the right to sue him to the highest somon and the district court for a period of 10 days after the termination of the law. 26 Article 128. Super girl, as if looking at the court 128.1. Lower-ranked superchicks are considered by the court: 128.1.1. oskarzhennya decision of the Commission regarding the resolution of labor disputes is viable up to Article 127 of the Law; 128.1.2. the doctor's skarga about the wrong call for robotic initiatives and the wrong transfer to another job; 128.1.3. poses of robots about the blowing of sbitkiv, zapodiyanykh pratsіvnik at the go vykonannya labor goiter, state solitude, organization, 128.1.4. the poses of the practitioner about the release of the beats at the connection with the second health, the hour of the end of the labor obov'yazkiv; 128.1.5.dispute that vinickles are for food, assigned to article 69 of this law; 128.1.6. argue, scho vynikli y zv'yazku іz labor contract mіzh hulks; 128.1.7. 128.1.8. poses of a practitioner about the loss of minds of an employment contract, lower transfer from legislation and collective agreements, 128.1.9. poses of the practitioner about the inconsistency of the internal labor order, other orders, decisions, firmed by the organization according to their particularities | with its specificity |. For the regulation of labor contracts by legislation, 128.1.10.crime of exemptions, appointed by law or labor contracts superechka between practitioners, who work when they come to work; 128. 1.11. іnshi superechki pіdnі і court zgіdno іz legislature. Stattya 129. Lines of filing a scarga from a labor dispute 129.1. Parties to the employment contract, krіm vipadkіv, zaznachenih statti 129.2. according to the law, you can file a scarga to the authority, which is violating the labor superechka, for a stretch of three months from the day, if you have confessed or you are guilty, you have confessed about the utisk of your rights. 129.2. The practitioner submits to the court a skarga about incorrectly transferring to another job for 1 month from the date of withdrawal of the decision of the robot. 129.3. In times of revisiting the line of limitation, designated in this article for good reasons, the court may recognize these lines and revise to the right. DEVELOPED THE TWELVE INTERNAL LABOR ORDER, LABOR DISCIPLINE, MATERIAL VALIDITY Article 130. Internal labor order 130.1. The robot supplier confirms the internal labor order in accordance with legislation, protecting the propositions of the representatives of the workers. 130.2. In the internal thoracic order, nutritional organization of the practice, the right-hand and obov'yazki, the responsibility of the worker and the practitioner are taken into account. 130.3. The supreme sovereign body can approve a special disciplinary statute. Article 131. Depth of violation of labor discipline 131.1. The robot-seller, legal representatives and the trusted posadova attract the worker, having violated the labor agreement and labor discipline to the lower level of disciplinary action by way of acceptance of the decision: 131.1. advance; 131.1.2. reduction of the basic salary to 20 thousand rubles in terms of up to three months; 131.1.3. zvilnennya s work. 131.2. Attract to disciplinary viability for a period of 6 months after the injury is caused and 1 month after it is manifested. 131.3. Zaboronyaetsya zastosovuvati see different disciplinary action for those same disciplinary violations. 131.4. After the end of one fate, from attraction to disciplinary capacity, the practitioner should not be attracted to it. 27 Article 132. Assessing the attraction to material liability 132.1. Pratsіvnik, like the head of the blame shkodi organizatsії pіd hour vykonanny him labor obov'yazkіv, nezalezhnennya to disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability, to be attracted to the main responsibility. 132.2. Rozmir shkodi is assigned as a direct manager of the churn, his able income is not secured for shkoda. 132.3. Neminucha Skoda, the head of the experiment and the tax did not indulge in the work of the doctor. 132.4. Don’t send a call to a worker, get in touch with an unsafe robotic worker necessary minds security and integrity of the vіdpovіdny їm lane. Article 133. The main line is fenced 133.1. Krіm vipadkіv, zaznachenih statti 135 th law, pracіvnik, who was the head of the fault of shkodi at vikonannі labor obov'yazkіv, carried obezhenu mine's vіdpovіdalnіst, yak not exceeding the average monthly income of this prаcivnik. Article 134. Main law under the contract 134.1. Krіm vipadkіv, zaznachenih at statti 135th law, a practitioner, who works on the basis of a contract, and having blamed mine's shoddy robot-seller, carried mine to mine's work, yak does not exceed the six-month average salary. Article 135 When pointing lower in the slopes, the practitioner will bear the same main viability: 135.1.1. recruitment of rank to the decisions of the court, set up by a criminal villain of a doctor, like a head of shkodi; 135.1.2. peredbachennya by legislation about the attraction of the practitioner to the new main line of duty for poor organization, zapodiyanu vykonanny labor obov'yazkіv; 135.1.3. non-payment of the lane of those values, accepted by other documents with the method of folding the name of the letter; 135.1 Arastratu of such a lane is like a working special attire and for the sake of an individual defense, seeing the worker's work, even though he does not vouch for the mine; 135.1.5. zapodіyannya shkodi organizatsii pіd h nevykonannya labor obov'yazkіv when zastosuvanni alcoholic drinks and narcotic drugs, 135.2. The second procedure for the release of sbitkiv, the head of the organization in the aftermath of the embezzlement and the lack of such kinds of mine and values, is established only by law. 135.3. The robot seller arranges with the practitioner an agreement about the main mine’s life expectancy, to which the mine’s life can be overlapped. 135.4. If it was not laid down with the practitioner the agreement on the absolute main validity and it was not transferred to the employment contract, then they cannot attract it to the full main liability. Article 136. Appointment of the distribution of beats, winning organizations 136.1. Rozmir zapodiyanoy organizatsii Shkodi is recognized as a real second way to ward off vartosti accounting style the balance of the lane and the values ​​of the depreciation, which are calculated according to the relevant standards. 136.2. Rozmir Shkodi in case of rozkradanni, umischniy iznischenni and psuvanni myna and values ​​are charged for the market prices of the current period. 136.3. Rozmir zbitkіv, zavdanih z blame kіlkoh pracіvnіkіv, vynachaetsya dermal okremo z urakhuvannymi pravitelním dermal form of mine responsibility. DEVELOPED THE THIRTEENTH PRACTICE MANAGEMENT AND YOGO ORGANIZATION 28 Article 137. Practice management system 137.1. The system of management of the practice is formed from the sovereign administrative central body, which knows the nutritional practices and organizations of labor employment and at a glance, aimach, metropolitan, district employment services and inspectors, /pratsivnikiv/ 137.2. Sovereign administrative central body, which knows the nurturing of the practice and constituency organizations, works under the cerebration of the Member of the Council, and the municipal organizations pratsyuyut under the decency of the Prefects /Zasag darga/ 137.3. The sovereign administrative central body, which knows the nutrition of the practice, provides for the professional organization of professional and methodological management. 137.4. The prefects /Zasag darga/ of all levels of administrative-territorial units zdiisnyuyut pracey in the sphere of their renovation. Article 138. National tripartite committee for social welfare 138.1. Under the Uryad, a National Trilateral Committee is founded for the practice of social welfare, submissions from representative bodies of a sovereign scale, which protects the rights and legitimate interests of the Government, robots and workers. 138.2. The National Committee is equal to the number of representatives of three parties. 138.3. The Order confirms the Statute of the National Committee for the Pratsi and Social Benefit for the good with representative bodies of the sovereign scale that protect 138.4. The Prime Minister hardens his head, the intercessor and warehouse of the National Committee in a line for six years. The intercessor of the head is appointed for the weather of three sides from the representatives of one of the sides in a row for two rocks for the blackness. 138.5. The National Committee is making the following changes: 138.5.1. spryannya on rozrobku that zdіysnennya sovereign policy z nutrition pracі ta development of a tripartite system of social welfare; 138.5.2. regulation of collective labor disputes, which are blamed on the sphere of protection of the right to work and the lawful economic and social interests of the people associated with it; 138. 5.3. zdiisnennya control over vikonannymi trilateral state interests for the benefit of social welfare, welfare from the hot food of the economy and social policy, 138. 5.4. Other rights assigned in the legislation, PARTICULARS OF THE 139.1. The following persons shall be subject to control over the provisions of legislation on labor: 139.1.1. The Sovereign Great Khural, Order and Prefects / Zasag darga / of all administrative-territorial units, organize control and know the power of practice and other organizations and landowners exercise sovereign control until their renewal; 139.1.2. at the municipalities of the aymіchnі, metropolitan, somonnі and district prefects / Zasag darga / and control bodies zdіysnyuyut state control over the work; 139.1.3. Representative bodies that protect the rights and legal interests of practitioners, non-state organizations and the public are apparently reinforcing massive control over the legislation on labor. Article 140. Duty of sovereign control over the practice 140.1. Professional organizations at a glance on the scale of the country, services at a glance on the scale of the community organize and look at food at a glance. 140.2. p align="justify"> The activity of the sovereign at a glance is regulated by the Statute of the sovereign at a glance. 140.3. The Statute of the Sovereign Pratsi is confirmed by the Order. 29 DEVELOPED THE FIFTEENTH THINGS OF PROVISIONS Article 141. Violations of law enforcement 141.1. If for violating the legislation on the practice of not transferring criminal liability, then the guilty individuals are expelled to the lower administrative ranks: 141.1.1. the court imposes a fine of 5,000 to 30,000 tugriks on planting individuals and 10,000 to 250,000 tugriks on state-owned entities and organizations that have illegally recruited workers to primus practice, 41.1.2. суддя або державний інспектор праці накладає штраф від 1000050000 тугриками на посадові особи господарських одиниць, організацій, від 100000-250000 тугриками господарську одиниці, організації, що не виплатили компенсації за виробничі аварії, гострі отруєння, професійні захворювання, за приховування виробничої аварії, захворювань, або in the aftermath of the wine activity, the robot-giver became the cause of an accident, a severe wreck; 141.1.3. Juddy Porcelain VID 5000 to 25,000 tugriks on the Posadovs of the same VID 50,000 to 100,000 Tugriki MARDARSIKI ODITICI TA organized, ShO Viyavivavilivavili, secretive, Trudovikhi Vytosyni Vidnalnaya, Herkiyahikhni, Social Remover, Social Rail Pivdennogo camp, vіrospovіdannya, perekonannya chi surrounded by the right-hand man and the rims of the hunkers to the receptionist in the process of labor independence due to the peculiarities of labor obov'yazkіv; 141. 1.4. Suddy is a fine at the Rosemir VID 5000 to 25,000 tugriks on the Posadovs of VID 50,000 to 100, Tugriki Meredarci Odlynitzi Tu organized, Yaki Vidmobili brought іnvalіdiv on the robot through those who are not the prazja prazhastuvye not to Suchvi pravi pravovy; 141.1.5. The State Inspector of Pratsi, or the judge imposes a fine of 50,000 to 100,000 tugriks on the state organiza- tions that have not paid the payment, assigned to Article 111.2. which law; 141.1.6. The sovereign IPECTOR PROTSI SUDDARY LIVE FOR THE FIGHT 15000 to 30,000 tugriks on the landing of a person, Sho was stacked by pratsu Zhinnik I uneven on Roboti, on the Yaki, they are stained with pratsu, and the pydleita was tasted in the Oblazizi, and the ceremonial by the minds of practice at work, so that they can supersede their rosum development and are healthy, or by allowing them to work on weekends, at night and above normal hours, by allowing them to work at above normal hours, violating the provisions of Article 4 of Article 4; 141.1.7. Sovereign Ispect Prazi Suddy's Payment of VD 150,000 to 250,000 tugricks on the Masterdarci olignitsky, Yaki did not dutt the order of the techie of the nonsense of the same time 50,000 to 100,000 tugrikiy tuhnia 141.1.8. the judge imposes a fine of 10,000 to 50,000 tugriks on the posadov’s person, as she cheated on the terms of the collective agreement, pleasing to them, if she didn’t tell them at the lines that it was unprimed, as a result of the collective super-echo by the intermediary and the labor arbitration; 141.1.9. суддя накладає штраф від 10000 до 50000 тугриками на посадову особу, яка залучала працівників з боку на робочі місця працівників, які брали участь у вирішенні колективного спору, що накладав до дисциплінарних стягнень, переводив на іншу роботу та звільняв від роботи представників працівників, забороненим положенням цього Law; 141.1.10. Juddy Porcelain VID 5000 to 20,000 Tugriks on the huge one to the Posadov person, MARSIDARSIKI ODINICI, organized 5000-15000 Tugriks, Yaki took fate from the liability of the Kolendo Top, organized searches, Timchitti meshs, rostrins of the rostrin. 141.1.11. the state inspector and the judge impose a fine of 5,000 to 20,000 tugriks on the settlements and 50,000 to 100,000 tugriks of the government's single organizations, which would get the worker to work, if the labor agreement was not written in writing; 141. 1.12. the judge imposes a fine of 5,000 to 25,000 tugriks on the land plots, as they were charged for 30 initiatives of the labor contract with the practitioner, the work of that settlement, which is saved, the crime of liquidation of the state organization; 141.1.13. the court imposes a fine of 5,000 to 15,000 tugriks on the landowner, as she did not pay in line and overcharged the worker's salary, and also did not pay compensation for the delay, not because of the worker's fault, or she paid at the lower rate; 141.1.14. the court imposes a fine of 40,000 to 50,000 tugriks on citizens and landowners and 100,000 to 200,000 tugriks on government units and organizations that organize a strike against fenced organizations with violations of the provisions set out in Article 122.1. which law. 141.1.15. The sovereign inspector imposes a fine of 40,000-6,000 tugriks on a landowner who did not approve the internal labor order, the transfer of work, the landlord's qualifications, the characteristics of the job, that worker's salary, labor standards, standards, and the system of basic salary. 16. The sovereign іspector is a fine at the Rosemir VID 100000-250000 Tugriki at the MVRADARSIKI ODINICI, organized, 30000-60000 tugriks on the posadovs, Yaki did not rewind the LICESSION, TRIVEVIST MODICAL VISISTVTVI BUBIVEVILA, under the Mashovanism, Upon-Mashovanism, Upon-Medanism, Upon Divine. possessed in case of their renewal, expansion, vicissitude not controlled by a professional body at a glance, 141.1.7. a fine of 25,000-50,000 tugriks is imposed on the members of the medical and labor commission of the initial committee, and the senior citizen, who incorrectly established the cost of medical expenses, the reason for the disability and the expenses of practical work. 141.1.18. the sovereign inspector imposes a fine on the rozmiri in the amount of 100,000-250,000 tugriks on the government units, organizations, 30,000-60,000 tugriks on the township person, because they did not confirm the order about hiring a gromad from the date of laying down the labor contract with him, which did not confirm the employment contract, їх in vіdpovіdmi records. 141.2. At the time of statutory malpractice in the health of a practitioner in accordance with the provisions of Article 141.1.6 of the second law, the violation of the law is in accordance with the provisions of the civil law; 141.3. If the non-payment and delay of the worker’s salary was brought, the court imposes a special penalty on the wine at the rate of 0.3 thousand rubles for a skin overdue day and see the worker. Article 142 1. This law is gaining ceremoniality from the 1st day of 1999. THE HEAD OF THE GREAT STATE KHURALU R.GONCHIGDORZH 31

The Korea Herald is a famous English newspaper founded in 1953, based in Seoul, South Korea. The editorial board is made up of Korean and international writers and editors. The newspaper is characterized by a dodatkovy visvelennyam news from international news agencies, such as the Associated Press.

Behind the data of Researcher Firm Trading Economics (USA), Mongolia, Pakistan, Indonesia and the Philippines may have the greatest unemployment rate in Asia. Navpaki, the lowest rіven without work of appointments in Cambodia, Thailand and Laos.

In Mongolia, the employment rate is to become 7.3 thousand square meters. The country is afraid of unemployment.

To start the hour of the economic boom from 2010 to 2014 The causes of unemployment in the economy are represented by a complex of economic, social, climatic and ethno-psychological officials, to save a significant number of unemployed population, especially in the rural area.

Pakistan is equal to the unemployment of 5.9% in another place. The political praises of the krai gave a significant influx of a slowdown in the growth of the labor market, and as a result, unemployment increased.

The riven of worklessness can be appointed by the national world, the unified world of the MOP or the unified world of the OECD. The unification of unemployment OECD shows the number of unemployed in hundreds of workers in the working force ( Zagalna kіlkіst employed people plus unemployed). Zgіdno s znachennyam International organizations pracі, "bezrobitnі" - ce tі, hto nіnі not pratsyuє, ale ready that zdatnі pratsyuvati for wages that actively whisper to the robot.

27 March Minister of Social Protection of Mongolia S.Chinzorig presenting heads to Parliament M.Enkhboldu pereglyanyyy Law pro pratsyu.

The most recent law on labor in Mongolia was adopted in 1999, amendments were made 24 times before the new one. It is important that the official law does not completely destroy all aspects of labor productivity in the market economy, even though it has set its own deadline for the transition to a job, in which order it carries the blame for labor productivity.

At the need to expand the scope of the law and yogo adaptation to current trends at labor standards and international standards, the law on labor was reviewed.

A number of changes have been made: expanded the number of meals that fall under the law, included the basic rights and obligations of the civil servants, the reporting regulations on international labor standards, discrimination, child labor and primary labor, the term of the contract was written contract upon hiring a worker for a permanent job. Provisions have been prepared for tripartite work in the blue, work on the minds of an uncommon working hour, remote work too.

Power in Central Asia.
Territory - 1566.5 thousand. sq. km. The capital is m. Ulaanbaatar.
Population - 2.438 million people. (1996); over 90% are Mongols.
Official language is Mongolian.
Religion - Buddhism in the form of Lamaism.
Falling asleep at the first united state of the Mongols on the cob XIII in. Genghis Khan, voting 1206 p. great khan. Vin and yogo advocates under the hour of the wars of conquest in Asia and Europe created the Mongol Empire, as it woke up until the last third of the XIV century. At the XVII century. Mongolia was conquered in parts by the Manchus and until 1911. perebuval at the warehouse of the Tsinsk Empire. In 1911 the independence of Mongolia was voted and national sovereignty was confirmed in the form of a feudal-theocratic monarchy on the basis of Bogdikhan, the spiritual hierarch of the lamasist church in the country. From 1915 to 1919 the country was under formal suzerainty to China. In 1921 from Mongolia for support radyansky viysk won the People's Revolution; at the leaf fall 1924 voted to the Mongolian People's Republic. In 1940 the ear of everyday life to socialism is stunned. U 1990-1992 pp. The country has moved to a rich-party system, with a roaring market reform.

Sovereign ustriy

Mongolia is a unitary state. Administrative-territorial division - 21 aimaks (aimags are divided into somoni) and the capital.
Decree of the Constitution of Mongolia dated September 13, 1992, which came into office on February 12, 1992 (before it there were constitutions of 1924, 1940, 1960).
For the form of government, Mongolia is a parliamentary-presidential republic with active elements of the Radian Republic (as a result of the Constitution of the Great Power Khural, the supreme body of state power, to which the President of the Order is honored). The political regime of wetness in the process of becoming.
The legislator establishes a unicameral parliament The Great State Khural (VDH) has 76 members in the warehouse, which are collected by direct voting in a row for 4 years. The VDG can resign its activity until the end of the year, rather than in the wake of self-dissolution. Vidpovіdne decision Khural can praise no less than 2/3 of all members.
The VGH may have the right to discuss whether or not the food of the internal and external policies of the state. Yogo vinyatkova competence: to determine the foundations of internal and external policies; accept laws, make additions to them; for tribute to the Order of Mongolia, ratify and denounce international treaties; designate the financial, credit, tax and penny policy of the state, the main direct social and economic development of the country, adopt the program of activity of the Order, the state budget and the sound of the future; recognize, call for and accept the appointment of the Prime Minister, members of the Order, as well as other bodies, legislators without intermission of the VDG; zdіysnyuvati control and re-verification of laws and other decisions of the VDG; to voice the supremacy of the military camp throughout the entire territory of the country, or in some parts of the country, to harden and speak the President for these meals.
VDG builds its own renewal through sessions and other forms of activity. The quorum of the session is respected in such a way that, given the presence of the absolute majority of the members of the VDG, and all nutrition is ruled by the greater number of participants in the session, which is not otherwise stipulated in the Constitution and other laws.
The President of Mongolia, a member of the VDG and the Order, may have the right to initiate legislation. The VGH officially publishes the laws of Mongolia, as if they were ceremonial in 10 days after publication, which is not otherwise legally enforced.
The President can veto the approval of the VDG and legislate other decisions by slandering this part. If vetoed by the President is discussed by the EDC, and if 2/3 of all members, if they took part in the session, then this law should be respected such that it has gained rank.
The head of the state is the President, who is a symbol of the unity of the Mongolian people, the commander-in-chief of the enemy forces of the country. Winnings are collected on an alternative basis by way of a direct and secret voting in a row for 4 years. The President can change one more term.
At the old political halls, the President represents Mongolia at the old political treasury, on the occasion of the VDG lays down international agreements, appoints the heads of the most important representatives of Mongolia in foreign powers; accepting letters and certificates from the heads of the most important representatives of foreign powers accredited by Mongolia.
At the sphere domestic policy The President propagates the VDG candidacy for the premiership of the Prime Minister, hanging the party, as it took away more space from the VDG, or, in the case of such a party, a candidate, appointed by the parties, representations from the VDG; to make a proposition before the VDG about the introduction of the Order; z nutrition, scho to lay down to yoga again, give instructions to the order. Yakshcho the President sees the decree from tsikh pitan, vin is gaining rank after the signing by the Prime Minister.
The President also has the lowest and most important renewal of the head of the state: he has the right of a veto, he awards high-power states and military ranks, he awards him with orders and medals; grant pardon; virishuє nutritious community.
Vidpovidno to the Constitution (Article 35) In times, as if violating the oath, the Constitution and its own reinstatement, the VDG behind the visnovka, the Constitutional Court, with an important majority of votes, ruled by the court.
If you order the President not to comply with the law, then the VDG itself will blame them.
Vladu is appointed by the order, which is composed of the Prime Minister and members, as appointed by the Parliament. The candidate for the post of Prime Minister is promoted by the VDG President. However, there is a party of parliamentary greatness, and if there is no such party, it will be fine by the President from the majority of parties represented at the VDG. The Prime Minister of Mongolia, in due course with the President, submits to the Parliament the propositions on how to structure the Council. For the tribute of the Prime Minister, members of the Order are personally discussed and assigned to the VDG.
The order of rozroblyaєta to contribute directly to the VDG the main economic and social development, a single policy in the field of science and technology, financial and credit plan, state budget; vikonuє made a decision; zdijsnyuє operatively kerіvnitstvo by the central bodies of the state administration, direct activity of the militarized organs of power; to carry out the sovereign state policy; for the weather with the VDG and with further ratification of their laying down and viconuing international treaties of Mongolia, including international treaties, pripinyaє їkhnyu deya.
The Constitution establishes the principle of subordination to the Order of the VDG. As a form of political support, the Council before the Parliament of the Constitution establishes the vote of the Council and the vote of distrust. The VDG is to blame on its discussion of food about the appointment of the Order for official proposition not less than a quarter of its members, in addition to the President and the Order itself.
The order at the borders of its renewal adopts resolutions and directives, which are approved by orderly legislation and are signed by the Prime Minister and the Minister, which deals with these food. If it is decided that directives do not comply with legislation, then the stench will be dealt with by the Order of the VDG itself.

legal system

Zagalna characteristic

Today the legal system of Mongolia is included in the Romano-Nimets legal family, saving the songs of socialist law.
The first legislator of the Mongolian law was the letter "Yasa" (in Turkic, in Mongolian - dzasak - law, decree, fence, punishment) of Genghis Khan 1206, which codified the sound that was used in Mongolian society. "Yasa" avenged the norms of sovereign, administrative (taxes, duties), criminal, civil law. "Great Yasa" of Genghis Khan was the basis for the management of the conquered lands.
Another codification of Mongolian law was "Їh tsaaz" (Great way of life), or the Mongol-Oirat laws of 1640, followed by Khalkha Jirum of 1709. The stench legally sealed the formations in the Mongolian suspіlnі suspіlnі vіdnosinі and were a steppe zvichayne, a steppe zvichayne sanction to the law. At the approaching fate, Mongolia step by step introduced the laws, seen by the Manchurian government, the so-called Code of the Chinese Chamber of zovnishni znosin in 1815.
At the beginning of the 20th century for equal to its social and economic development, Mongolia was one of the largest steel countries of Asia, de maye feudal blues were unrestrictedly panned (it was saved to create a krіpatstvo). There is no modern legal institution in the country.
After the victory of the People's Revolution of 1921 in Mongolia, a completely new legal system was created step by step and by a significant piece of the world, which is small for inheriting the legal system of the SRSR. Before the establishment of the Faculty of Law at the University in Ulaanbaatar, all Mongolian lawyers were trained in Irkutsk and other scientific centers of the Ryansk region. In 1922 in Mongolia, it was skasirovan tortury and corporal punishment. In 1924 adopted the first Constitution in the history of the country, as Mongolia voted "People's Republic, in which sovereign power belongs to the right people." In 1926 approved the first Criminal Code, 1927 the codification of the new civil legislation began.
U 1929-1930 pp. in the country, a struggle broke out to eliminate the economic ambushes of feudalism, which ended before 1939 with the complete liquidation of the class of feudal lords; the cooperation of the arativs suddenly broke out. In 1940 it was officially announced about the completion of the basically anti-feudal program of the revolution and the beginning of life of socialism. New Constitution 1940 characterized the MPR as "the power of the working people (arativ-cattlemen, workers and intellectuals), who have vanquished imperialist and feudal oppression, who secures a non-capitalist path for the development of the country for the transition to socialism". Vaughn also secured the crucial role of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party (MPRP) in the supremacy of that power.
On the basis of the Constitution of 1940 Mongolia has created a socialist legal system. In 1944 adopted a decree of the Radministration of the MPR on the organization of the advocacy, in 1948 p. - Decree of the Presidium of the Small Khural of the MPR on the judicial system of the MPR, in 1949 - Communist Party of Mongolia, born in 1952 Civil code.
For example, the 1950s. From the end of the cooperation of the Arat states, it was announced that the MPR "completed the transition from feudalism to socialism, bypassing capitalism." The socialistic lineage of blueprints and the political system were enshrined in the Constitution of 1960. After this codification work was carried out (adopted by KK 1961, KPK 1964, TsPK 1967, Family Code 1973).
On the cob of the 1990s. Mongolia became the first of the Asian lands, and they voted to move from the Marxist-Leninist socialist system to a suspension based on political and ideological pluralism and economic freedom. Already 1990 in the country, the rich party system was legalized. The constitution of the 1992 r., was founded on the very same principles, like the greater number of new fundamental laws: democracy, rule of power, priority of the rights of the people, different forms of power. By the method of the Constitution, it was voted for the development of a humane, hromada, democratic society in the country. Great crochet to the rule of law є settlement in the Mongolian Constitution of the legal, we will give judicial guarantees of the rights and freedom of the people.
p align="justify"> The fundamental changes in the sphere of private law are enshrined in the new Civil Code, adopted in 1994. As a result of these and other reforms, Mongolia until the mid-1990s. quickly moved from the socialist legal sim to the Romano-German.
The main body of law in Mongolia is legislators and other normative legal acts. The hierarchy includes the Constitution, laws of the VDG, decrees of the President, decrees and directives to the Council, sub-legal acts of ministries and departments, organizations of local self-regulation.
Vіdpovіdno to the Constitution (Art. 11) from the recruitment of ceremoniality to the law, regulating the approval of Mongolia's accession to international treaties, remain the same force as internal legislation.
The system has a special place for the right to submit decisions to the Court of constitutional review, by which it is possible to annul the rule of law or sub-legislative act.

Hromadyansk and summіzhnі with him
gallery of law

The public right of Mongolia was blamed on the modern European roman only after the defeat of the People's Revolution of 1921.
Valid until the Constitution of 1924 the earth, її nadra, foxes, waters of those їх riches were deafened by the vinyatkovo power of the state; more and more liquidated the fence like a power, and private property to foreign capitalists; the need for the state monopoly of state trade, the equality of workers, as well as the right to organize the people's masses of splits, cooperatives, were voted out; it was not allowed to victorious persons and groups of people with their own rights to harm the interests of the state.
At the development of these constitutional provisions, the first civil laws were seen, and beginning in 1927. okremimi partly adopted Zvіd tsivіlnyh zakonіv. At the base of the Zvod, new blues were laid, the edges are being formed. At once about them, the new one was protected and the presence of a surplus of feudalism.
Zvіd tsivіlnyh zakonіv zvіd z 10 razdіlіv: Opіku (Chapter I); about inheritance (chapter II); about the organization of registration of assets of a civil society and the procedure for registration of these assets (Chapter III, for whom the norms of family law were distributed); about osib (chapter IV); about speeches (chapter V); about prescription (chapter VI); about the outpost (chapter VII); about goiter's right (chapters VIII-X). The rightfulness of the masses was voted independently on the basis of their status, nationality and religion (Article 80). For the state, it was established a deed of victory against other participants in the economic turnover; the land is even more mine, not subject to private circulation, and also the power of the treasury could not be acquired by private persons for the old age of the Volodinnya. At the norms of the Zvod Civil Laws, there is a policy of obezzhennia of "exploiting" classes. Bulo established, zokrema, allowable procedure for the vindication of private capitalist legal entities (Article 87). Yakshcho diyalnіst such osіb superchila laws chi ruled shkodi powers, stench pіdlyagali negay liquidation (Article 88). Treaties against the law were recognized as non-legal, as well as superstition to the public order and suspіlnym zvichai, directed to circumvent the law, obvious clashes with the interests of the population and state treasures (Article 191), and also laid down by merchants with the method reasons "(Article 192).
Constitution of 1940 the power of the state was blamed on the main wealth and the welfare of the community, the number of objects of which was significantly expanded according to the Constitution of 1924, the socialist power of cooperative and other community organizations and the special power of citizens.
A further development of the socialist and gromadian right of Mongolia came from the Civil Code of the MPR, adopted on May 27, 1952. Decree of the Presidium of the Great People's Khural of the MPR. The Cei Code was composed of 319 articles that regulate the main and non-main actions of the participants in the economic community. Crime of the main part, division of speech law and goiter's right to revenge also decrees on copyright, the right to wine, and the right to fall. Not included in the Code of Standards, which are regulated by blues, which are blamed for koristuvannya by the earth, pastoral and synagogues, hired workers family blue. On the other side, before the Code, the norms of how superechok were not introduced, which would give the ruling to the sovereign arbitration (Article 43 of the DC), that is. the norms that regulate the main quantity of goods between the state institutions and enterprises, the rules of the day, which are blamed on the supply contract. Tsі vіdnosiny have become the subject of low, specially vindicated laws and decrees.
The absolute majority of the provisions of the Mongolian civil law for the Central Committee of 1952 copied the provisions of the RDFSR Civil Law (DK RRFSR 1922 with upcoming changes). Speech right included the right to have power, ale and forget and outpost of the lane. Following the Constitution of the DK 1952 having established three forms of authority: sovereignty, cooperative and other community organizations, and special authority of the community. All the land was nationalized and belonged to the state.
Like in other socialist powers, the civil right of Mongolia recognized cardinal changes in the linkage of the serpentine supple-political mode on the cob of the 1990s.
Valid until the Constitution of 1992 the power of viznaє be-yakі forms of suspіlnoї and private authority and protect the rights of authority from the legislature (clause 2, article 5). The economy of Mongolia may have a rich character (clause 1, article 5). Thinness is recognized by national bans and is rebuked under the protection of the state (clause 5, article 5).
The New Civil Code of Mongolia was adopted in 1994 and received official status on September 1, 1995. Behind its structure, that conceptual change of wine is a very short version of the new DC of the Russian Federation. The Mongolian Central Committee has a total of 436 articles divided into 7 parts: Zagalni ambush (part I); The right of power (part II); Zagalnі position schodo goiter'yazan (part III); Contracting goiter (part IV); Posadogovіrnі zobov'yazannya (part V); The right of succession (part VI); International private law (part VII).
The classification of forms of authority is reminiscent of the singing originality. Article 74 establishes a sweeping sway of power over private and public. Sovereign authority (Art. 143), majestic authority (Art. 144), authority of hromada organizations (Art. 145), authority of religious organizations (Art. 146) lie before the state. The power of foreign citizens, legal entities, foreign sovereign and international organizations was also seen in the okremium.
Oskіlki Central Committee 1994 revenge stingy norms about commercial organizations, vidpovіdnі vіdnosiny are regulated by okremi laws. The first great act, directing to the creation of a legal basis for the market vodnosin, became the Law on the subprincipal structures of 1991, the foundations on the Law on the state partnerships of the Ugor region of 1988. Nadali yogo replacing the Law on State Partnerships and Partnerships, 1995 Ostanny transfer chotiri organizational and legal forms: externally and commanding partnerships, partnerships with a fringed partnership and joint-stock partnerships.
In 1991 adopted laws on banking law, on bankruptcy, on the defense of savings, in 1993. - Law on copyright, on unfair competition, Patent Law, 1995 - laws about paper prices, about unitary business, about cooperatives. The activity of foreign investors is regulated by the Foreign Investment Law of 1993.
As in other large socialist lands, one of the main direct economic reforms in Mongolia is the transfer of sovereign enterprises from private hands. The privatization program was launched in 1991. with free distribution of privatization checks (vouchers) to all Mongols. At another stage of privatization, enterprises (share blocks) began to be sold for preparation.
Particularly important is the importance in Mongolia, as the most important agrarian country hopes for the regulation of land revenues. Valid until the Constitution of 1992 land, її nadra, foxes, water, fauna and other natural riches in Mongolia belong to the people, but they perebuvayut under the zahist state (clause 1, article 6). The land, for the wine of the shepherds, the land plots of the hromada and the special vikoristanny, can be transferred from the authorities only to the bulk of Mongolia. Citizens are protected from sales, commercial implementation, granting that land building at the outpost, transferring it from volunteers to foreigners and persons without community. The transfer of land to other persons from the Volodymyr and Koristuvannya without the sanction of the sovereign authorities has been blocked (clause 3, article 6). The state can impose on the sovereignty of the land with viable goiter (depending on sovereign interests), replace or expropriate the land with proportional compensation, and also confiscate it from different victorious land for the sake of people’s health, nature, state power .6).
Land Law of Mongolia 1994 regulates volodinnya and koristuvannya land, as well as the protection of land resources. Zgidno with this act, the Mongolian hromadas and organizations can lease sovereign land in a line for 60 years from further sales of the lease for 40 years. However, the cob term of land orendi cannot exceed 25 years. The leasehold right is transferred from the slopes.
Singing reforms in Mongolia in the 1990s. recognized the labor law, as if adapting to the market standards for saving the highest level of guarantees of labor rights (Labor law 1991). The Constitution (clause 4, article 16) zakrіpluє declaration about the choice of a free profession, the provision of friendly minds to the workforce, the deduction of wages, and reparations. Not allowed primusova zaluchennya to pratsi be-someone in defiance of the law. From the beginning of the 1990s. Mongolia has a lot of profes- sional splits.

Criminal law and process

The first KK of Mongolia was adopted by Zhovtni in 1926. and summed up from 227 articles. Already 1929. yogo replacing the new CC, modifying the norms and motivated the intensified political struggle of the country (the beginning of mass "purges" and repressions). Third KK 1934 increasing the number of "counter-revolutionary" evils and including new distribution about Viysk's mischief. In 1942 he was replaced by the Chergovy KK, which was carried out with numerical changes until September 31, 1961, if he gained the rank of the remaining socialist criminal code of the MPR. For a change (including the structure, rewriting of early warnings, formulary of warehouses of evils) vіn trohi vіdrіznyavsya vіd DK RRFSR 1961 r.
For 25 years before the KK MPR 1961. over 100 additional changes were made. Ignorantly on the tse z 1 lime 1987 r. introduced in the new edition of the QC. A special part of the Bulo included two new divisions: "Evil against the protection of nature and її riches" and "Evil against the safety of the rush." Changes introduced before the KK from a criminal punishment, strengthened the liability for serious mischief and relapse, at the same time pom'yakshivshi the liability for mischief, which was later reduced from negligence.
In the period of democratic transformations of the 1990s. before the QC of Mongolia, new provisions were made corrections. Decriminalized richly, straightened out against the socialist way, ideology and panowal in the MPR of social and economic resources. At the same time, a significant number of new warehouses appeared, directing against unknown earlier types of evils, zocrema, characteristic of market economy. In the middle of seeing the early warning in Mongolia, a stratum is being taken, as it can be recognized as less than full-time people.
The criminal process in Mongolia is still in the 1980s. Mayzhe did not worry about anything in the Radyansk criminal process. From the cob of democratic reforms, a course was voted on the transition from the inquisitorial process to the smagal one, to the criminal procedural legislation, it was included in the low number of new democratic norms and institutions that comply with international standards. Regardless of the criminal process in Mongolia, it still bears an accusatory character, the importance and equality of the parties are not taken care of.
The Constitution of 1992, while surpassing the world of practice, did not fix the principle of judicial control over arrests. For tremanny under the bar, like before, the prosecutor's sanction is sufficient. At that very hour, the Basic Law (clause 14, article 16) guarantees the right to denounce the violation of rights and freedoms, voted at the Constitution, international treaties, by the court order; the right not to give evidence about yourself, members of your family, fathers and children; the right to a lawyer's defense, legal assistance, re-verification of evidence, a fair trial, special participation in a court hearing, cassation skarga, and fussing about pardon. It is defended to repair the vice and zastosovuvat force, sob to take away the witness against yourself. Zgidno from the CCP, whether a person may have the right to a lawyer from the moment of arrest, arrest or suspension of calls.

Ship system. Organi control

Vіdpovіdno to the Constitution (Article 47) the judicial power of Mongolia zdіysnyuє zdіysnyuє court. For everyday conditions it is not allowed to create a judge posture by law and to impose judicial authority on other bodies.
The judicial system includes the Supreme Court, judges of the capital and aimakiv, somon and intersomon, district judges. Judges can be created for criminal, civil, administrative and other types of judiciary. The validity of judges and their decisions are changed under the supervision of the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court of Mongolia is the most important judicial body and may also be renewed: 1) a further review and decision at the first stage of review of criminal justice and legal disputes that fall under the statute of law; 2) zdіysnyuє kassіyno-auditory control over the decisions of the courts of the lower instances; 3) keep an eye on the broadcasts Constitutional Court the prosecutor general's food, who are standing up for the defense of the laws and the legal rights and freedoms of the people; 4) give the official clouding of all laws, the Constitution of the Crimea; 5) accept decisions from other sources of evidence, up to the right given by law.
Decisions of the Supreme Court are residual. Yakshcho decision of the Supreme Court superechit the law, yogo skasovu vin itself. If the Supreme Court's clarification is to supersede the law, it is necessary to comply with the law. The Supreme Court, like all other judges, has no right to impose laws that do not uphold the Constitution or are officially unpublished.
The Supreme Court consists of the General Court and the Courts. The President appoints the General Judge in a row for 6 years for the proposition of the Supreme Court and its three members. Judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the President for the taxes of the General Court for the sake of the Great State Khural. Other judges - the President for the proposition of the General Court for the sake of.
Judge aimags and capitals look at the first instance of serious criminal mischief and great civil superchicks. The stench is also looking at the scargs at the decisions of somon, intersomon and district courts.
The courts of the first instance are judges of the somon, intersomon and district; the stinks look at the light criminal mischief and the civilized super girls until the singing sumi will call.
In the socialist period in Mongolia, there were also military and foreign judges and sovereign arbitrations to resolve disputes between enterprises.
The judges of the courts of the court are immutable, the stench can’t be lifted, the crime is like on the basis of the provisions of the Constitution and the laws on the court, on the court’s case, or on its own. Nasampered, in the socialist period, the mustache courts were assigned to the song term.
In order to ensure the independence and independence of the judges, the General Court Council, without taking part in the judicial activity, is engaged in the selection of judges from the number of lawyers, defending the interests of the judges, ensuring the minds of the independent activity of the courts. There are 12 members to the General Court for the sake of: the general judge; the Attorney General; Minister of Justice; secretary, appointments by the President. Two members are appointed by the Supreme Court and Parliament, and two members each represent the judges of the aimaks of the capital and the judges of the first instance.
At the courts of the usіh іnstantsіy, judiciously, that superchicks are looked at and they are vilіshuyutsya to the principle of collegiality. Judgment can independently virishiti deeds do justice, which are especially designated in the law. In the case of right disputes by the courts of the first instance, according to the order, before the law, representatives of the hulks take the fate.
Vidpovidno to the Constitution (Article 56) the prosecutor zdiisnyuє oversight of the registration, investigations, reprimands, in the name of the state, taking part in the court session. The Prosecutor General of the krai and yogo intercessors for the weather from the VDG are appointed by the President for 6 years.
The Court of the Constitutional Review of Mongolia, according to Article 64 of the Constitution, is a sovereign body, which has greater control over the dominance of the Constitution. Wine is made up of 9 members. Three of them for the proposition of the VDG, three - for the proposition of the President, three - for the proposition of the Supreme Court are assigned to the plantation of the VDG in a row for 6 years. With the head of the Constitutional Court, rob in a row for 3 years of one of the members, who won the most votes of the members of the court. Win can be remapped once.
The court of the constitutional review of superechki, that there are violations of the Constitution, apparently before the announcement of the people, for their own initiative, on the prohannya of the VDG, the President, the Prime Minister, the Supreme Court, the Prosecutor General.
The Constitutional Court presents the VDG with the drafts of the upcoming spurs of power: 1) the validity of laws, decrees, decisions of the VDG and the President, including the decision of the order, international treaties of the Mongolian Constitution of the country; 2) the validity of the Constitution, the decision of the Central electoral bodies on how to elect members of the VDG, the President, the decision on how to hold nationwide referendums; 3) the presence of violations of the law on the side of the President, the head of the VDG, one of its members, the Prime Minister, a member of the Council, the general judge of the Supreme Court, the prosecutor general; 4) presence or appointment for the appointment of the President, the head of the VDG, the Prime Minister for the appointment of a member of the VDG.
Even though the VDG does not accept the visceral visnovka, the Constitutional Court looks at it again and again, it takes a residual decision.
If the law, decree, other acts of the EDC and the President, as well as decisions of the Order, international treaties of Mongolia do not support the Constitution, then for the decisions of the Constitutional Court, these acts are recognized as invalid. The decision of the Constitutional Court at a glance is gaining rank in due time after acceptance.

Sovereign ustriy

legal system

Zagalna characteristic

Civility and the summation of rights with him

Criminal law and process

Ship system. Organi control

Power in Central Asia.

It is significant that the territory is 1566.5 thousand. sq. The capital is m. Ulaanbaatar.

Population - 2.438 million people. (1996); over 90% are Mongols.

Official language is Mongolian.

Religion - Buddhism looks like Lamaism.

The first united state of the Mongols fell asleep on the cob of the XIII century. Genghis Khan, voting 1206 p. great khan. Varto respect that in the course of the wars of conquest in Asia and Europe the Mongol Empire was created, as it woke up to the last third of the XIV century. At the XVII century. Mongolia was conquered in parts by the Manchus and until 1911. perebuval at the warehouse of the Tsinsk Empire. In 1911 the independence of Mongolia was voted and national sovereignty was confirmed in the form of a feudal-theocratic monarchy on the basis of Bogdikhan, the spiritual hierarch of the lamasist church in the country. From 1915 to 1919 the country was under formal suzerainty to China. In 1921 in Mongolia, for the support of the radian troops, the People's Revolution prevailed; at the leaf fall 1924 voted to the Mongolian People's Republic. In 1940 the ear of everyday life to socialism is stunned. U 1990-1992 pp. The country has moved to a rich-party system, with a roaring market reform.

Sovereign ustriy

Mongolia is a unitary state. Administrative-territorial division - 21 aimaks (aimags are subdivided into somoni) and the capital.

Chinna of the Constitution of Mongolia dated September 13, 1992; (before it there were constitutions of 1924, 1940, 1960)

Behind the form of government, Mongolia is a parliamentary-presidential republic with active elements of the Radian Republic (as a result of the Constitution, the Great Sovereign Khural will be the greatest body of the state power, the zocrema pіdzvіtni President i Uryad).

The legislator establishes a unicameral parliament The Great State Khural (VDH) has 76 members in the warehouse, which are collected by direct voting in a row for 4 years. VGH can assign its activity to the end of the line, rather than the result of self-dissolution. Vidpovіdne decision Khural can praise no less than 2/3 of all members.

The VGH may have the right to discuss whether or not the food of the internal and external policies of the state. Yogo vinyatkova competence: to determine the foundations of internal and external policies; accept laws, make additions to them; for tribute to the Order of Mongolia, ratify and denounce international treaties; designate the financial, credit, tax and penny policy of the state, the main direct social and economic development of the country, adopt the program of activity of the Order, the state budget and the sound of the future; to recognize, call and accept the appointment of the Prime Minister, members of the Council, and navit other bodies, legislators without intermediary VDH; zdіysnyuvati control and re-verification of laws and other decisions of the VDG; to voice the supremacy or military camp throughout the entire territory of the country or in certain parts, to harden and speak the decrees of the President from these feeds.

VGH zdіysnyuє its renewal through sessions and other forms of activity.
The quorum of the session is respected in such a way that, given the presence of the absolute majority of the members of the VDG, and all nutrition is ruled by the greater number of participants in the session, which is not otherwise stipulated in the Constitution and other laws.

The President of Mongolia, a member of the VDG and the Order, may have the right to initiate legislation. VGH officially publishes the laws of Mongolia, if they gain rank in 10 days after publication, as otherwise it is not wised by law.

The President can veto the approval of the VDG and legislate other decisions by slandering this part. If vetoed by the President is discussed by the EDC, and if 2/3 of all members, if they took part in the session, then this law should be respected such that it has gained rank.

The head of the state is the President, who is a symbol of the unity of the Mongolian people, the commander-in-chief of the enemy forces of the country. Varto respect that the wines are collected on an alternative basis by way of a wild direct and secret voting in a line for 4 years. The President can change one more term.

At the old political halls, the President represents Mongolia at the old political treasury, on the occasion of the VDG lays down international agreements, appoints the heads of the most important representatives of Mongolia in foreign powers; accepting letters and certificates from the heads of the most important representatives of foreign powers accredited by Mongolia.

In the sphere of domestic politics, the President promotes the VDG candidacy for the premier-minister's seat, to the party, as it took away more power from the VDG, or, in times of such a party, a candidate, nominated by the majority of parties, representations from the VDG; to make a proposition before the VDG about the introduction of the Order; z nutrition, scho shosuyusya yogo again, give instructions to the Order. Yakshcho the President sees the decree z tsikh pitan, vіn is gaining chivalry after signing by the Prime Minister.

The President also has the lowest and most important renewal of the head of the state: he has the right of a veto, he awards high-power states and military ranks, he awards him with orders and medals; grant pardon; virishuє nutritious community.

Vіdpovіdno to the Constitution (Article 35) In times, as if violating the oath, the Constitution and its own reinstatement, the VDG behind the visnovka, the Constitutional Court, with an important majority of votes, ruled by the court.

If you order the President not to establish the law, the VGH itself will blame them.

Vladu zdіysnyuє Order, scho sho z Prime Minister and members, as appointed by Parliament. The candidate for the post of Prime Minister is promoted by the VDG President. Whenever there is a party of parliamentary power, and if there is no such party, it will be with the majority of the parties represented by the VDG. The Prime Minister of Mongolia, in due course with the President, submits to the Parliament the propositions on how to structure the Council. For the tribute of the Prime Minister, members of the Order are personally discussed and assigned to the VDG.

The order of rozroblyaєta to contribute directly to the VDG the main economic and social development, a single policy in the field of science and technology, financial and credit plan, state budget; implement the praise solution; zdijsnyuє operatively kerіvnitstvo by the central bodies of the state administration, direct activity of the militarized organs of power; to carry out the sovereign state policy; for the weather with the VDG and with the further ratification of their laying down and viconuing the international treaties of Mongolia, incl. interryadovі, pripinyaє їhnyu diyu.

The Constitution establishes the principle of subordination to the Order of the VDG. As a form of political support, the Council before the Parliament of the Constitution establishes the vote of the Council and the vote of distrust. VGH to blame for the negotiation of food about the appointment of the Uryad for official proposition less than a quarter of its members, in addition to the President and the Uryad himself.

The order at the borders of its renewal accepts resolutions and directives that avenge the dignified legislation and are signed by the Prime Minister and the Minister that deals with these food. If decrees and directives are not based on legislation, all stinks are dealt with by the very Order of the VGH.

legal system

Zagalna characteristic

Today the legal system of Mongolia is included in the Romano-Nimets legal family, saving the songs of socialist law.

The first legislator of Mongolian law was the letter "Yasa" (in Turkic, in Mongolian - dzasak - law, decree, fence, punishment) of Genghis Khan 1206, a kind of codifier of the sound, which was used in the Mongolian society. "Yasa" avenged the norms of sovereign, administrative (taxes, duties), criminal, civil law. "Great Yasa" of Genghis Khan was the basis for the management of the conquered lands.

The second codification of Mongolian law was "Ikh tsaaz" (Great Code), or the Mongol-Oirat laws of 1640, followed by the Khalkha Jirum of 1709. feudal law, as if it took away the sanction of the law. At the approaching fate, Mongolia step by step introduced the laws, seen by the Manchurian government, the so-called Code of the Chinese Chamber of zovnishni znosin in 1815.

At the beginning of the 20th century beyond the level of social and economic development of Mongolia was one of the largest steel lands of Asia, de mayzhe feudal blues were unrestrictedly panned (it was saved to build a krіpastvo)

After the victory of the People's Revolution of 1921 in Mongolia, a completely new legal system was created step by step and by a significant piece of the world, which is small for inheriting the legal system of the SRSR. Before the establishment of the Faculty of Law at the University in Ulaanbaatar, all Mongolian lawyers were trained in Irkutsk and other scientific centers of the Ryansk region. In 1922 in Mongolia, it was skasirovan tortury and corporal punishment. In 1924 the first Constitution was adopted in the history of the country, as Mongolia voted "People's Republic, in which sovereign power belongs to the right people." In 1926 approved the first Criminal Code, 1927 the codification of the new civil legislation began.

U 1929-1930 pp. in the country, a struggle broke out to eliminate the economic ambushes of feudalism, which ended before 1939 with the complete liquidation of the class of feudal lords; the cooperation of the arativs suddenly broke out. In 1940 it was officially announced about the completion of the basically anti-feudal program of the revolution and the beginning of life of socialism. New Constitution 1940 characterized the MPR as "the power of the working people (arativ-cattlemen, workers and intellectuals), who have vanquished imperialist and feudal oppression, who secures a non-capitalist path for the development of the country for the transition to socialism". Varto respect that she also sealed the crucial role of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party (MPRP) in the supremacy of that power.

On the basis of the Constitution of 1940 Mongolia has created a socialist legal system. In 1944 adopted a decree of the Rapminent Council of the MPR on the organization of the advocacy, 1948 – Decree of the Presidium of the Small Khural of the MPR on the judicial system of the MPR, 1949. - CPC of Mongolia, born in 1952 Civil code.

For example, the 1950s. From the end of the cooperation of the Arat states, it was announced that the MPR "completed the transition from feudalism to socialism, bypassing capitalism." The socialistic lineage of blueprints and the political system were enshrined in the Constitution of 1960. After this codification work was carried out (adopted by KK 1961, KPK 1964, TsPK 1967, Family Code 1973).

On the cob of the 1990s. Mongolia became the first of the Asian lands, and they voted to move from the Marxist-Leninist socialist system to a suspension based on political and ideological pluralism and economic freedom. Already 1990 in the country, the rich party system was legalized. The constitution of the 1992 r., was founded on the very same principles, like the greater number of new fundamental laws: democracy, rule of power, priority of the rights of the people, different forms of power. By the method of the Constitution, it was voted for the development of a humane, hromada, democratic society in the country. Great crochet to the rule of law will be strengthened in the Mongolian Constitution of the legal, judicial, guarantees of rights and freedom of the people.

p align="justify"> The fundamental changes in the sphere of private law are enshrined in the new Civil Code, adopted in 1994. As a result of these other reforms, Mongolia until the mid-1990s. quickly moved from the socialist legal sim to the Romano-German.

The main body of law in Mongolia will be legislators and other normative legal acts. The hierarchy includes the Constitution, laws of the VDG, decrees of the President, decrees and directives to the Council, sub-legal acts of ministries and departments, organizations of local self-regulation.

Vіdpovіdno to the Constitution (Art. 11) from the recruitment of ceremoniality to the law, regulating the approval of Mongolia's accession to international treaties, remain the same force as internal legislation.

p align="justify"> A special place in the system dzherel rights occupy the decision of the Constitutional Court, which can be annulled whether the norm of the law or the sub-legislative act.

Hromadyansk and summіzhnі with him

gallery of law

The public right of Mongolia was blamed on the modern European roman only after the defeat of the People's Revolution of 1921.

Valid until the Constitution of 1924 the earth, її nadra, foxes, waters of those їх riches were deafened by the vinyatkovo power of the state; more and more liquidated the fence like a power, and private property to foreign capitalists; the need for the state monopoly of state trade, the equality of workers, as well as the right to organize the people's masses of splits, cooperatives, were voted out; it was not allowed to victorious persons and groups of people with their own rights to harm the interests of the state.

At the development of these constitutional provisions, the first civil laws were seen, and beginning in 1927. okremimi partly adopted Zvіd tsivіlnyh zakonіv. At the base of the Zvod, new blues were laid, the edges are being formed. At once about them, the new one was protected and the presence of a surplus of feudalism.

Zvіd tsivіlnyh zakonіv zvіd z 10 razdіlіv: Opіku (Chapter I); about inheritance (chapter II); about the organization of registration of assets of a civil state and the procedure for registering these assets (Chapter III, for whom the norms of family law were distributed); about osib (chapter IV); about speeches (chapter V); about prescription (chapter VI); about the outpost (chapter VII); about the goiter's right (chapters VIII-X) Voted even the main rights of the people regardless of their status, nationality and religion (Article 80) Warto say, the powers were introduced insignificant advantages against other participants in the economic turnover; the land is even more mine, not subject to private circulation, and also the power of the treasury could not be acquired by private persons for the old age of the Volodinnya. At the norms of the Zvod Civil Laws, there is a policy of obezzhennia of "exploiting" classes. The Bulo has risen, Zokremas, the subsidiary order of the vinikennya of private -capitalist legal entities (v. 87) Yakshcho Dyalnius of such Osіb, the laws of Chiovodi Skodi sovereignty, the stunning of the bonno lines (Article 88) was tortured by the worship of the worship of the worshiping of the worship of circumvention of the law, a clear rush to the interests of the population and the state treasures (Article 191), and to induce traders to raise prices for essential items "without special those good reasons" (Article 192)

Constitution of 1940 vinyatkovu power of the state on the basis of wealth and virobnitstva, the number of objects of which was significantly expanded in the 1924 Constitution, the socialist power of cooperative and other community organizations and the special power of citizens.

A further development of the socialist and gromadian right of Mongolia came from the Civil Code of the MPR, adopted on May 27, 1952. Decree of the Presidium of the Great People's Khural of the MPR. The whole Code consists of 319 articles that regulate the main and some non-main issues of participants in the economic turnover. Crime of the main part, division of speech law and goiter's right to revenge also decrees on copyright, the right to wine, and the right to fall. Not included before the Code of the norms, which are regulated by blues, which are blamed for corystuvannya by the earth, flocks and sons, hired workers and family blues. In addition to what has already been said, before the Code did not enter the norms for superechok, which would give a ruling to the sovereign arbitration (Article 43 of the Central Committee), that is. the norms that regulate the main quantity of goods between the state institutions and enterprises, the rules of the day, which are blamed on the supply contract. Tsі vіdnosiny have become the subject of low, specially vindicated laws and decrees.

The absolute superiority of the position of Mongolian civil law for the Central Committee of 1952. copied the basic provisions of the RDFSR civil law (DK RRFSR 1922 with offensive changes) Speech right included the right not only and not only. Following the Constitution of the DK 1952 having established three forms of authority: sovereignty, cooperative and other community organizations, and special authority of the community. All the land was nationalized and belonged to the state.

Similarly to that, as in other large socialist powers, the civil right of Mongolia recognized cardinal changes at the link with the snake of the supple-political mode on the cob of the 1990s. .

Valid until the Constitution of 1992 the power of viznaє be-yakі forms a suspіlnoї and private authority and protect the rights of authority in the legislative order (clause 2, article 5). The economy of Mongolia is rich in character (clause 1, article 5). (P.5, article 5)

The New Civil Code of Mongolia was adopted in 1994 and received official status on September 1, 1995. Behind the structure and conceptual change of wines is a very short version of the new Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The Mongolian Central Committee has a total of 436 articles divided into 7 parts: Zagalni ambush (part I); The right of power (part II); Zagalnі position schodo goiter'yazan (part III); Contracting goiter (part IV); Posadogovіrnі zobov'yazannya (part V); The right of succession (part VI); International private law (part VII)

The classification of the forms of authority is revolted by a singing disgrace. Article 74 establishes a sweeping sway of power over private and public. Sovereign authority (Art. 143), majestic authority (Art. 144), authority of hromada organizations (Art. 145), authority of religious organizations (Art. 146) lie before public and international organizations.

Oskilki DK born in 1994 to avenge the stingy norms about commercial organizations, to establish the laws are governed by laws. The first great act, directing to the creation of a legal basis for the market vodnosin, became the Law on the subprincipal structures of 1991, the foundations on the Law on the state partnerships of the Ugor region of 1988. Nadali yogo replacing the Law on State Partnerships and Partnerships, 1995 Ostanny transfer chotiri organizational and legal forms: externally and commanding partnerships, partnerships with a fringed partnership and joint-stock partnerships.

In 1991 adopted laws on banking law, on bankruptcy, on the defense of savings, in 1993. - Law on copyright, on unfair competition, Patent Law, 1995. - laws about paper prices, about unitary business, about cooperatives. The activity of foreign investors is regulated by the Foreign Investment Law of 1993.

Similarly, as in other large socialist lands, one of the main direct economic reforms in Mongolia will be the transfer of state enterprises from private hands. The privatization program was launched in 1991. with free distribution of privatization checks (vouchers) to all Mongols. At another stage of privatization, enterprises (share blocks) began to be sold for preparation.

Particularly important is the importance in Mongolia, as the most important agrarian country hopes for the regulation of land revenues. Zgidno with the Constitution of 1992 land, nadra, foxes, water, fauna and other natural riches in Mongolia belong to the people and are under the protection of the state (paragraph 1 of article 6) the citizens of Mongolia. Citizens are protected from sales, commercial implementation, granting that land building at the outpost, transferring it from volunteers to foreigners and persons without community. The transfer of land to other persons from volodinnya and coronation without the sanction of sovereign bodies (paragraph 3 of article 6) has been blocked. subjugation of the earth to harm the health of people, nature, the interests of state security (clause 4, article 6)

Land Law of Mongolia 1994 regulates volodinnya and koristuvannya land, as well as the protection of land resources. Apparently, prior to the first act, the Mongolian hromadas and organizations can lease sovereign land for a term of 60 years with a further extension of the lease for 40 years. With this, the cob term of the lease of land cannot exceed 25 years. The leasehold right is transferred from the slopes.

Singing reforms in Mongolia in the 1990s. recognized labor law, as it adapts to market opportunities for the protection of high equal guarantees of labor rights (Labor Law of 1991) Not allowed primusova zaluchennya to pratsi be-someone in defiance of the law. From the beginning of the 1990s. in Mongolia, there are free trade unions.

Criminal law and process

The first KK of Mongolia was adopted by Zhovtni in 1926. and summed up from 227 articles. Already in 1929. yogo replacing the new KK, modifying the norms of this, brought about the heated political struggle in the country (the cob of mass "purges" and repressions) Third KK 1934 p. increasing the number of "counter-revolutionary" evils and including a new section about war. In 1942 he was replaced by the Chergovy KK, which was carried out with numerical changes until September 31, 1961, if he gained the rank of the remaining socialist criminal code of the MPR. For this change (including the structure, the change of views of the early days, the formulary of the warehouses of the evils) of the wines troché v_dr_znyavsya in the House of Culture of the RRFSR 1961 r.

For 25 years before the KK MPR 1961. over 100 additional changes were made. Ignorantly on the tse z 1 lime 1987 r. a new edition of the QC has been introduced. A special part of the Bulo included two new divisions: "Evil against the protection of nature and її riches" and "Evil against the safety of the rush." Changes introduced before the KK from a criminal punishment, strengthened the liability for serious mischief and relapse, at the same time pom'yakshivshi the liability for mischief, which was later reduced from negligence.

In the period of democratic transformations of the 1990s. before the QC of Mongolia, new provisions were made corrections. Decriminalized richly, straightened out against the socialist way, ideology and panowal in the MPR of social and economic resources. At the same time, a significant number of new warehouses appeared, directing against unknown earlier types of evils, zocrema, characteristic of the market economy. In the middle of seeing the punishment in Mongolia, the death penalty is taken, as it can only be recognized by senior citizens.

The criminal process in Mongolia is still in the 1980s. Mayzhe did not worry about anything in the Radyansk criminal process. From the cob of democratic reforms, a course was voted on the transition from the inquisitorial process to the smagal one, to the criminal procedural legislation, it included the low number of new democratic norms and institutions that conform to international standards. Regardless of the criminal process in Mongolia, the dossi is of an accusatory nature, the importance and equality of the parties are not taken care of.

The Constitution of 1992, while surpassing the world of practice, did not fix the principle of judicial control over arrests. Warto say, for the tremanny under the war, as before, the sanction of the prosecutor is sufficient. Wherefore, the Basic Law (clause 14, article 16) guarantees the right of citizens to sue the violation of their rights and freedoms, votes in the Constitution, international treaties; the right not to testify against oneself, members of one's family, fathers and children; the right to a lawyer's defense, legal assistance, re-verification of evidence, a fair trial, special participation in a court hearing, cassation skarga, and fussing about pardon. Defend yourself to repair the vice and zastosovuvat force, sob to take away the witness against yourself. Zgidno from the CCP, whether a person may have the right to a lawyer from the moment of arrest, arrest or suspension of calls.

Ship system. Organi control

Vіdpovіdno to the Constitution (Article 47) the judicial power of Mongolia zdіysnyuє zdіysnyuє court. For everyday conditions it is not allowed to create a judge posture by law and to impose judicial authority on other bodies.

The judicial system includes the Supreme Court, judges of the capital and aimakiv, somon and intersomon, district judges. Judges can be created for criminal, civil, administrative and other types of judiciary. The validity of judges and their decisions are changed under the supervision of the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court of Mongolia will be the main judicial body and may continue to: 1) review and make decisions at the first stage of review of criminal justice and legal disputes, which fall under the law; 2) zdіysnyuє kassіyno-auditory control over the decisions of the courts of the lower instances; 3) to supervise the provisions handed over by the Constitutional Court and the Prosecutor General in order to defend the laws and legal rights and freedoms of people; 4) give the official clouding of all laws, the Constitution of the Crimea; 5) accept decisions from other sources in connection with the right given by law.

The decisions of the Supreme Court will be residual. Yakshcho decision of the Supreme Court superechit the law, yogo skasovu vin itself. If the Supreme Court clarifies the supercritical law, then it is important to respect the law. The Supreme Court, like other judges, does not have the right to zastosovuvat law, not yakі іsnuyat Constitution chi officially unpublished.

The Supreme Court consists of the General Court and the Courts. The President appoints the General Judge in a row for 6 years for the proposition of the Supreme Court and its three members. Judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the President for the taxes of the General Court for the sake of the Great State Khural. Other judges - the President for the proposition of the General Court for the sake of.

Judge aimags and capitals look at the first instance of serious criminal mischief and great civil superchicks. Varto respect that they also look at the scargs at the decisions of somon, intersomon and district courts.

The courts of the first instance will be the judges of the somon, intersomon and district; the stinks look at the light criminal mischief and the civilized super girls until the singing sumi will call.

In the socialist period in Mongolia, there were also military and foreign judges and sovereign arbitrations to resolve disputes between enterprises.

Judges of judges of all instances are imminent, stinks can be changed, the crime is like vihodyachi from the provisions of the Constitution and laws about the court, for the most important decisions of the court, chi z yogo prohannya. Nasampered, in the socialist period, the mustache courts were assigned to the song term.

In order to ensure the independence and independence of judges, the General Court Council, without taking part in judicial activity, is engaged in the selection of judges from the number of lawyers, defending the interests of judges, and ensuring the minds of independent activity of judges. There are 12 members to the General Court for the sake of: the general judge; the Attorney General; Minister of Justice; secretary, appointments by the President. Two members are appointed by the Supreme Court and Parliament, and two members each represent the judges of the aimaks of the capital and the judges of the first instance.

At the courts of all instances, right and super girls are looked at and violated the principle of collegiality. Material published on http: // site
Judgment can independently virishiti deyakі do right, especially recognized in the law. In the case of right disputes by the courts of the first instance, according to the order, before the law, representatives of the hulks take the fate.

At the link with the Constitution (Article 56), the prosecutor has a look at the registration, investigates, investigates, punishes, in the name of the state, takes part in the court session. The Prosecutor General of the krai and yogo intercessors for the weather from the VDG are appointed by the President for 6 years.

The Court of the Constitutional Review of Mongolia, according to Article 64 of the Constitution, will be a sovereign body, which will have greater control over the dominance of the Constitution. Warto respect that the wines are made up of 9 members. Three of them for the proposition of the VDG, three - for the proposition of the President, three - for the proposition of the Supreme Court are assigned to the plantation of the VDG in a line of 6 years. With the head of the Constitutional Court, rob in a row for 3 years of one of the members, who won the most votes of the members of the court. Varto respect that yoga can be reversed once.

The Constitutional Court sees the superechki, that there are violations of the Constitution, at the call with the applications and the support of the citizens, for the initiative, on the prohannya of the VDG, the President, the Prime Minister, the Supreme Court, the Prosecutor General.

The Constitutional Court presents the Supreme State Council of Ukraine with the drafts of the lower legal matters: 1) the essence of the laws, decrees, decisions of the VDG and the President, including the decisions of the Order, international treaties of the Mongolian Constitution of the country; 2) the specificity of the Constitution, the decision of the Central electoral bodies from the election of members of the VDH, the President, the decision on how to hold nationwide referendums; 3) the presence of violations of the law on the side of the President, the head of the VDG, one of its members, the Prime Minister, a member of the Council, the general judge of the Supreme Court, the prosecutor general; 4) presence or appointment for the appointment of the President, the head of the VDG, the Prime Minister for the appointment of a member of the VDG.

Even though the VDG does not accept the visceral visnovka, the Constitutional Court looks at it again and again, it takes a residual decision.

Since the law, decree, other acts of the VDG and the President, as well as the decisions of the Order, international agreements of Mongolia do not establish the Constitution, then for the decisions of the Court of constitutional review, these acts are recognized as invalid. The decision of the Constitutional Court at a glance is gaining rank in due time after acceptance.

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