1c undertaking 7.7 merezha version. C Business: Accounting appearance

In this article, I will try to briefly describe the principles of the work of the 1C system: Version acceptance 7 , її installed and launched. The installation is described for 32 - bit operating systems, about the features of installing 1C: Enterprise 7.7 on 64 Read the bit system.

1. What do you need

  1. Distribution of the necessary platform 1C: Acceptance + key for protection.
  2. Distribution kit of the required configuration (otherwise the configuration is ready).

2. Short reviews about the 1C: Enterprise 7 system

The 1C system is used to automate various business processes. Zalezhno vіd nebhіdnyh zavdan won't mother different options delivery. Like and be-yak another system for robots with databases, 1C is made up of a database management system (DBMS). platform, and without intermediary data bases (DB) that vary Change. The widest configurations - tse:

  • "Accounting" - database configuration for automation of the accounting form.
  • "Trading and warehouse" - for the automation of the warehouse appearance and trade.
  • "Salary that frame" - for rozrahunku salary and personnel appearance.

Platform 1C can be folded component, and itself:

  • "Accounting appearance" - supports all the necessary possibilities for conducting accounting appearance. Required to work with the configuration "Accounting".
  • "Operational appearance" - allows you to conduct an operational appearance of any cost (material and penny). Required for robots with configuration "Trading and warehouse".
  • "Rozrahunok" - allows you to add folded periodic rozrahunka, first for everything, win for rozrahunka wages. Necessary for work with the configuration "Salary and personnel"
  • "Managing the distribution of information bases" - a component that allows you to organize the work of the distribution of information bases.
  • "Web extension" - a component that allows you to access data 1C:Enterprise via the Internet.

In addition, the 1C platform is different versions, which are considered for the number of coristuvachs and the type of databases. And to herself:

  • "Local version" - the platform allows one hour in one data base to process only one skin (for example, a number of data bases, then a sprinkling of data bases can be processed one hour at a time in one database).
  • "Version for 3 coristuvachiv" - at the skin base of data, up to 3 coristuvachiv can be processed at the same time.
  • "Merezheva version" - at the skin base of data, one hour at a time, you can get an unmeasured amount of coristuvachiv.
  • "SQL version" - the same version, but you can still work with SQL.

In this manner, in the wake of the installed tasks, you need your own supply of the 1C: Enterprise system. For a way, Yakshcho, you want to get a good thing to the goods for the firmly automatically traded warehouse, the prazuu 10 osіb, the yaki is once praznal regime, then you are not chimneyed by 1C. "Trade and Warehouse".

3. Installing the platform 1C: Enterprise 7.7

The distribution kit of the 1C 7.7 platform is delivered on floppy disks, it looks like 10 folders per floppy disk.

To start the installation, you need to run the file setup.exe from directory DISK1. The 1C:Primary installation wizard will start. It's pushing " Dali» and can be used at any time to choose the installation option, possible options:

  • « Installed on the computer of the koristuvach (local)» - Zvichayna installation of the system 1C: Pіdpriєmstva. You can copy all program files, create shortcuts and update system information on this computer.
  • « Installation on a server (administrative)» - Create a catalog and installation program on the computer, for further installation of the 1C system: Acceptance on the computer of the coristuvachs in the local area. Do not create shortcuts and do not change system information on the computer.

To install 1C directly on a given computer (for example, for robots), select the local option and tisnemo Dali» .

We will then enter this information about the organization (we gave you the opportunity to look forward to the launch hour) and press again " Dali» That information has been confirmed. The installation directory is now selectable (default C:\Program Files\1Cv77), embossed " Dali»That will be fine for the creation of the catalog. I'm pushing again " Dali» And check back for notifications about the successful installation of the component and the proposition to install the configuration.

As a matter of fact, we installed the component “1C: Enterprise. Operational appearance» catalog C:\Program Files\1Cv77. As soon as you need to install another component, for example "Accounting appearance", you can install it in the same directory, the components will be combined.

4. Installing the configuration 1C: Enterprise 7.7

Configuration, sound, also supplied on floppy disks. To install, run the file setup.exe from directory DISK1(Because we select this file, as soon as the installed platforms were suitable for the installed configuration). The installation wizard will start, click " Dali» It can be used at any time to choose the installation option:

  • « New configuration» - Select, so that the typical configuration on the computer will be installed first.
  • « Update configuration"- it is necessary to choose, so that a new one is installed release configuration with the update method previously installed.

For cob installation, select the first item and emboss " Dali". We select a directory (the directory in which our data base), I’m pushing again “ Dali» And check the information about the completion of the installation. Now, in order to go to the selected directory, we will have two folders:

  • "DB" - directory with a new (clean) configuration.
  • "DemoDB" - configuration from the entered data and the typical operations carried out. Serve for training and demonstration of the system's capabilities.

How and with the installation of the 1C platform: Pіdpriєmstvo 7.7 vishchevyladyvaniya algorithm works only for 32 -Discharge systems. About the installation of a typical configuration in the Windows operating system x64 you can read.

5. Installing drivers for protection

Now you need to install the zakhistu driver. 1С:Pridpriemstvo vikoristovuє hardware-software system for the defense of HASP by Aladdin Knowledge Systems Ltd. To run all modules, the host needs:

      1. Paste electronic key HASP in USB or LPT port of the computer, depending on the type of key.
      2. Insert HASP4 key driver 6.50 . You can take advantage of the official website or.
      3. Insert HASP4 license manager for Windows, accessing the installer's instructions. At the time of writing, the remaining version of the article . You can take advantage of the official website or.
      4. Launch shortcut " Installing the driver zahistu"What to know on the way" Start» — « All programs» — « 1С Pіdpriєmstvo 7.7«

that dochekatisya about the successful installation of the driver.

6. Launching the 1C system: Enterprise

Well, from now on, everything is installed and you can start the work in the 1C: Enterprise system. Run shortcut " 1c Undertaking"What to know on the way" Start» — « All programs» — « 1С Pіdpriєmstvo 7.7". Yakshcho z'appear to be a reminder " The key to the program was not revealed!» , it is necessary once more to vikonate all diї zі vstanovlennya drivіv zakhistu, described by the front croc. In another way, a dialogue is revealed. Launch 1C: Pіdpriyomstvo”, in which you can:

To launch 1С:Підприємство you need to have a window " Launch 1C: Pіdpriyomstvo» select startup mode « 1c Undertaking» , specify the necessary information base and press « OK", after which it is necessary to select the correct entry from the list, enter the password (as well as resets) and press again" OK» .

If the first launch is to be carried out with a “clean” configuration, then I recommend that you create a backup for work in the system (you can read about those, how to do it). After passing through the authorization, we use the smut program. The system is ready to go!

Chi helped you chia article?

1C Accounting 7.7 is a universal software for accounting automation. The program is a component of "Accounting appearance" of the software system 1C Enterprise 7.7 with a typical configuration. The "Accounting Form" component allows the implementation of various accounting and taxation schemes. Program 1C Accounting 7.7 successfully wins together with the other components of 1C Enterprise 7.7.

The set of delivery includes a configuration, recognized for appearance in state transparency organizations. For the management of the appearance in the installations and organizations, which are changed on the budget, the configuration is recognized, which is supplied with the code “For budget organizations". 1C Accounting 7.7 can also be modified with other special configurations.

Be sure to maintain the appearance in good faith until the Instructions regarding the drafting of a new Plan of Accounts. Configuration "Accounting Form" is supplied as a ready-made management of the taxable form only on a par with state operations.

Implemented the ability to conduct a different form of viduality of contributions and non-feedbacks as a single tax on the provision of income.

The configuration includes the ability to form a skin alerter. physical individuals, individual cards in the form of ESP.

1C Accounting 7.7 automates the management of all accounting divisions:
  • operations from the bank and cash
  • main benefits intangible assets, appearance of materials
  • goods and services
  • appearance of virobnits
  • form of foreign exchange operations
  • rozrahunki with purchases and post-employees
  • rozrahunki with children
  • appearance of rozrakhunkiv from wages with spivrobitnik
  • narahuvannya PDFO and ЄSP
  • rozrahunka with a budget
Gnuchki ability to shape 1C

Multiple plans of rachunks at once, baatarivne rachunks plans, rich analytic look, baatar analytic look, kilkisny look, rich currency look for non-coalesced number of currencies, management of one computer for warehousing, warehousing.
Introduction, collection of other documents, whether they were primary documents.

1C Accounting 7.7 automates the preparation of any primary documents: payment orders and other bank documents, invoices for payment, invoices, invoices, receipts and other cash orders, advance calls, instructions, other documents.

The work with documents allows you to organize the introduction of documents, they were filed for magazines and search for any document according to different criteria: number, date, amount, counterparty.
Manually and automatically entering accounting transactions.

1C Accounting 7.7 provides:

  • tіlіsne vіdobrazhennya іn the accounting appearance of the state's operations,
  • Handy for manual entry of operations
  • pіdbіr corresponding rahunkіv pіd hour of entering postings
  • list of typical operations
  • automatic molding operations primary documents(overhead, vimogami, cash warrants just)
  • automatic shock absorber
  • currency revaluation
  • financial results
  • automatic molding operations from closing month

Raznomanіtnі zvіti.

1C Accounting 7.7 includes a set of standard calls, which allow the accountant to take information for a certain period, in different sections and with the necessary level of detail. All the calls that are created can be seen for each other.

Zveti z synthetic appearance: turnover balance sheet, shahova vіdomіst, Head book, magazine-order and vіdomіst for rahunka, analysis of rahunka - for the period and for dates, card for rahunka.

Sounds from the analytical appearance: balance sheet for the account at the analysis of objects of the analytical appearance, analysis of the account at the division of the objects of analytics, analysis of the object of analytics for the accounts, journal-order of the account for the object of analytics, card of operations 'The act of analytics.

In addition, before the warehouse, the information about the postings is included, and it is also possible to analyze the surpluses and turnovers for additional graphical display (diagrams of different types).

1C Accounting 7.7 includes a set of forms of accounting and tax payables. Qi forms quarterly are updated by the 1C company and are freely expanded among the registered coristuvachs.
Service facilities

1С Бухгалтерія 7.7 включає різноманітні сервісні можливості: контроль коректності проводок, що вводяться, табло рахунків (оперативний перегляд підсумків за рахунками), перевірка можливості видалення «невикористовуваних» бухгалтерських рахунків, об'єктів аналітики, документів, можливість отримання оновлень і регламентованих звітів через Інтернет.
Rezvinenі zasobi administruvannya.

Authorization system and control over the rights of coroners, exchange of rights for various functions by categories, monitor of robots coristuvachiv: revision of the list of working coristuvachiv and the history of CCT coristuvachiv's work.
Loaning on a richly recurring mode (for both local and SQL versions).

One-hour work of a large number of koristuvachiv with one information base, automatic updating of information on the screen after changing other koristuvachs.

Work with trading powers

Is it possible to connect a fiscal registrar, which allows:

  • draw up cash receipt orders with one-hour transfer of data from a check that is being processed at the fiscal registrar;
  • at the completion of the working change of the work of the Z-star.
The main advantages of 1C Accounting 8 are equal to 1C Accounting 7.7:
  • Implemented the ability to manage the appearance of a number of organizations in a single information base. Organizations can win general lists of products, articles of trade, contractors, etc. Under what circumstances, the skin organization can lead the appearance of a common and simple system of subsidies within the framework of one and the same information base
  • For the payment of the taxable tax payable to the plan, the amount of accounting and taxable data was forgiven, which is important for the security of the tax PBO 18/02 "Rozrakhunki from the tax on profits"
  • The appearance in 1C Accounting 8 of the party look expands the scope of standard solutions. Crimium method of estimating the material and biological reserves for the average cooperation, it becomes possible to use such methods, like FIFO and LIFO, regardless of the accounting and taxable form and for the skin organization
  • Implemented an optional analytic look for the savings areas: sizable and sizable sums
  • The new version of "1C Accounting 8" has expanded the ability to set up typical operations - allow for group entry of accounting entries, which are often hacked. This is a simple, yet efficient tool for automation, now you can easily make it fast
  • Modern ergonomic interface of 1C Accounting 8

Go to1C Accounting 8From version 7.7, it’s possible for a skin month!

Zagalny description

Up to version 6 inclusive, 1C was assigned to the management of the accounting form and was called 1C: Accounting. After that, the programs began to appear in additional areas, and the product itself became called 1C: Enterprise.

Starting from version 7.x, the 1C software package is being upgraded to a technological platform and configuration (application solutions). The platform secures the shell over the data base (configuration) and may introduce language programming. The configurations are restored as soon as possible, after which the current choice is possible when the 1C platform is launched.

Versions of technological platforms 1C

History 1C dates back to 1991. The chronology of versions is presented in the table:

Configuration (applied solutions)

The platform itself is self-contained with the configuration. In fact, for a koristuvach, the most applied solution is of greater interest. The rest came from version 7.0.

For 1C v7.7

  • Accounting (PROF / BAZOVA);
  • The system of subsidies has been simplified (PROF/BASOV);
  • Salary + Kadri (PROF / BASIC);
  • Accounting + Trade + Warehouse + Salary + Personnel (Complex);
  • Acceptance;
  • Manufacturing + Services + Accounting;
  • Trade + Warehouse;
  • Accounting for budgetary institutions.

For 1C v8.x

For non-budget enterprises:

  • Accounting (corporate, basic, simplified, subprime);
  • Management of our company;
  • Trade management;
  • Rozdrib;
  • Salary and personnel management (corporate and basic);
  • ERP Business Administration 2;
  • Complex automation;
  • Managing the manufacturing business;
  • Holding management;
  • Consolidation;
  • documentary;
  • Soundness of admission;
  • Autonomous install accounting (corporate and basic);
  • Tax payer;
  • Payment documents;
  • Electronic instruction.

For budget settings:

  • Accounting sovereign state;
  • Budget zvіtnіst;
  • Salary and personnel of the budgetary establishment;
  • Documentation of the sovereign state;
  • Zvіd zvіtіv;
  • Speech safety.

No change in 1C

So, as the company 1C realized the possibility of further development and configuration of configurations, to develop post-employees of applied solutions, imprisoned on the basis of direct business operations.

1C version under MS DOS

These versions were tested on MS DOS and Windows. System support- Sufficient to launch the operating system.

Represented by products:

  • 1C: Accounting 3.0
  • 1C: Accounting 4.0
  • 1C: Accounting-Prof
  • 1С:Accounting 5.0
  • 1С:Accounting-PROF 2.0

In PROF 2.0, it was possible to launch the program in a heavily secured mode for sleeping work.

1C: Accounting 6.0

Rich in what is the best version for DOS from a reworking of the old-fashioned way.

1C:Pidpriyomstvo 7.7

Version 7.7, at the moment, is still victorious and supported by 1C. Before it, there were versions 7.0 and 7.5, which were replaced by the streaming one.

System support


For version 7.7, there are a few components:

  1. Accounting appearance - a necessary component of the "Accounting" configuration;
  2. Operational form - for the applied solution "Trading and Warehouse";
  3. Rozrahunok - "Salary that frame";
  4. Management of distribution of IB - allows you to extract data from the families and outlets and acquire them from the global base;
  5. Web-expansion - a robot from 1C to the extent of the Internet.


The license is purchased for skin configuration - the platform itself is not licensed. The principle of licensing is the number of applicants who are connected to the configuration at the same time. Also, explore the options for buying local and merezhovoy licenses.

Information about the license is collected on the physical HASP key. Previously, the rest were connected to the computer for a COM-interface, now - USB.

Installation options

Depending on the organization of the working process and licensing, 1C can be installed in the following work modes:

  • Local version - supporting the work of one koristuvach. The license key is installed on the local computer.
  • Merezha version - a license key to be installed on any computer at the merchant and to collect information about the number of coristuvachiv, so they can work with 1C at once. Physical key cream, HASP License Manager is being installed - it will listen to the network and secure the software to the network.
  • SQL Server - merezha version + support for saving data on the SQL server.

Launch modes

v 7.7 can be launched in different modes:

  • 1С:Підприємство - for the main work;
  • Configurator - for configuration administration;
  • Vіdladchik - to ask for pardons and vimіru shvidkodії;
  • Monitor - a list of koristuvachiv, how to work out of the program and review logs.


1C:Pidpriyomstvo 8

At the present moment, it's the final g_lkoy. Data from version 7.7 can be transferred to a higher version.

System support

Server 1C



As of version 7.7, all components are included in the distribution. In this way, we install one platform, with some kind of pracyuvatime, be it a configuration, it is secured for a different version.


The process of licensing is rich in what is guessing 7.7. The platform itself is one, the licenses are paid for after the configuration.

Installation options

The installation is based on one distribution kit, due to the possibility of choosing different components. You can install a thin client, a new server, and also all at the same time.

Launch modes

v 8 can be launched in the following modes:

  • Undertaking - for the main work and monitoring of coristuvachs;
  • Configurator — administrating the configuration, facilitating and monitoring the coristuvachs.

In front of the front version, in the daily modes of the owner and monitor, the functions of these have been divided between the modes that are no longer available.


  • Update via the Internet;
  • Zagalni nalashtuvannya programs;
  • Universal exchange of money;
  • Possibility of recognition of rights in the regime of acceptance;
  • Individual adjustment for skin coristuvach;
  • Different interfaces, between which you can mix;
  • Gnuchka setting of calls, the possibility of inducing pleasant calls.


Installing 8-ki.

An example of a vikna.

Version 8.3

This version was released in 2012 and recognized low changes:

  1. A new client for Linux and Mac OS.
  2. Mobile platforms for Android and iOS.
  3. Polypshenya work of the web client.
  4. Possibility of collapsing collapsible analytical zvіtіv.
  5. Automated testing.
  6. New tools for the retailer.
  7. Background work for the file option.

New to the old look:

  • Design of overlays to the web document (buttons "Select", go to the main page);
  • The effect of "clearness";
  • Great font;
  • The partition panel has been moved to the left side;
  • Mozhlivіst nalashtuvannya damp ovnіshny look.

Detailed description of innovations for 8.3 on the website of 1C firms.

Versions for learning

These versions of the software are much cheaper, do not cause hardware damage, but functionally original versions. There are two delivery options: initial and for initial programming.

Initial version

Appointed for accountants (training in computerized accounting form). At the time of writing the article, the warehouse stock is 300 rubles. When buying new version, qi 300 rubles are compensated as a reduction. The delivery includes: a book, a CD-ROM from the program.


  • Not for vedennya real appearance;
  • For koristuvachiv 1C it is not possible to set passwords;
  • Vіdsutnya mozhlivіst vikoristannya COM-zadnan;
  • The number of data in documents, records in tables is small;
  • Impossible to work with a base of a few koristuvachiv one hour;
  • Another way to save tabular documents is less for the Configurator mode;
  • The client-server modes and the distribution of information bases are not supported.

Version for learning programming

For learning work with applied solutions - creating and editing configurations, developing modules, administrating. Delivery warehouse: books, a disk with a program and a set of configurations, a registration card, a PIN code.


The same as for the initial version:

  • It is not possible to win for further publication that circulation;
  • Copying in place of only one middle of a spreadsheet document in 1C:Enterprise mode;
  • Robot zі shovishem configuration is not supported;
  • Vidsutnya funktsionalnіst, pov'yazana z applikovannymi prіshennia;
  • Retailer values ​​are set for promotions for a given retailer type.

Possibility of different versions of 1C

The table shows the order of the basic version, both professional and corporate.

7.7 basic 8 basic 8 prof 8 building
Accounting and taxation + + + +
Accounting and taxes + + + +
Giving appearance from a tax on surplus + + + +
The appearance of a number of organizations in okremy information bases + + + +
Submissive appearance: USN and UTII - + + +
Party appearance - + + +
Adjustment of trades in the form of material and industrial reserves and sales of trades with contractors - + + +
Image for a number of organizations in a single information base - - + +
Possibility of changing (configuration) of the applied solution - - + +
Reimbursement for a rich and varied work mode, including support for the client-server version of the work - - + +
The work of territorially distributed information bases - - + +
Support for COM-z'ednannya and Automation-server - - + +
Whiskey in web client mode - - + +
Appearance in organizations that pay for the increase in income (including the automation of the distribution of the income tax for the increase in income and the consolidation of the tax rate with the VAT) - - - +
Preparing a notification about the control of sites - - - +
Rozrahunki under the hour of contract signing in the State Defense Ministry - - - +
Significance of controlled foreign companies - - - +
The soundness of non-credit financial organizations - - - +

For consumption, the transition from the basic version to the professional version was transferred for the better minds. The same for the transition from PROF to CORP.

Versions of operating systems

The widest version for Microsoft Windows. Starting at 8.3, versions available for Linux and Mac OS X, as well as mobile versions for iOS and Android.

How to marvel at version 1C

Run the program in the mode 1C: Acceptance - open the menu - Dovidka - About the program:

* In other versions, you can simply Dovidka - About the program or you can immediately click on the icon i at the menu bar:

Above, the platform version is written, below - the configuration version:

Where can buy

Best buy 1C from official partners.

You can find the necessary information about the country and place.

Platforms (program files) – release 027
1. Accounting (component Accounting appearance)
2. Trade and Warehouse (component Operational form)
3. Salary ta Kadri (Rozrahunok component)
4. Complex (includes all 3 components (Accounting form, Operational form and Rozrahunok))
5. Acceptance
6. Pennies
7. Aspect
8. Hard floppy disks (required for ALL platforms - zavantazhuvat ob'yazkovo, so download the platform anyway)
9. Universal installer from coristuvach Tpynuk. (a tablet is not needed before any installer).

1. Accounting
Basic release 508
Model - release 508
Budget - release 633
USN basic - release 163
USN typical - release 163
2. Salary and Kadri - release 289
3. Trade and warehouse - release 960
4. Zamovnik of everyday life - release 136
5. Contractor of everyday life version 1.4 - release 1437
6. Contractor of everyday life version 2.3 - release 2343
7. Complex configuration (Configuration "Accounting + Trade + Warehouse + Salary + Personnel", edition 4.5) – release 492
8. PUB (Virobnitstvo + Services + Accounting) - release 310
9. Analyst: Hospital. Dietharchuvannya - release 002
10. Payment documents - release 333
11. Acceptance - release 155
12. Pennies - release 243
13. Data conversion - release 143
14. Strong sponsorship. Accounting form. ESHN rev.1- release 016
15. Sіlgospіdpriєmstvo. Accounting appearance – release 413
17. UPDATE Change Aspect 7.7 – release 022
18. UPDATE Change Aspect-Yuvelir - release 010

Regulatory notice sets:
1. 1st quarter 2008

USN (for USN accounting)
2. 2nd quarter 2008
Budgetary (for Budgetary Accounting)
Business (for Accounting, PUB, Complex)
USN (for USN accounting)
Acceptance (for 1C: Acceptance)
3. 3rd quarter 2008
Budgetary (for Budgetary Accounting)
Business (for Accounting, PUB, Complex)
USN (for USN accounting)
Acceptance (for 1C: Acceptance)
4. 4th quarter 2008
Budgetary (for Budgetary Accounting) – release 2
Business (for Accounting, PUB, Complex) – release 2
USN (for USN accounting) - release 2
Pіdpriєmets (for 1C: Pіdpriєmets) - release 2
5. Q1 2009
Budgetary (for Budgetary Accounting)
Business (for Accounting, PUB, Complex) – release 3
USN (for USN accounting) - release 3
6. Q2 2009
Budgetary (for Budgetary Accounting)
Business (for Accounting, PUB, Complex)
USN (for USN accounting)

Tool for program files (universal), not required for universal installer.
Patches for different types of platforms.

If you didn’t know the list, then don’t hesitate to ask.

1C: Accounting 7.7: look, description, ability

Prote 1C: Accounting 7.7 - Instrument, delay of automatic recovery of the accounting of the Obtkov region, Yakiye, having opened her hour, became the whales of the Rosinki Rink through actual vidsutnosti competitors, the viral function of the piksi pikiynyni, and so, so much, so Tse ready solution for the management of the appearance in organizations, how to create a business activity: wholesale and retail trade, recruitment of services, merchandise toshchoo. Platform 1C:Pіdpriєmstvo 7.7 - the basis, de written tsya typical configuration, like that іnshі typіvі prіshennia 1С past years.

Version 7.7 has a component "Accounting appearance", which has been issued for more than 10 years. She will ensure the execution of all tasks that stand in front of the accounting department of the enterprise and, going out of them, to avenge such groups of documents and, obviously, journals:



RKO, PKO, payment order, bank statement - these are some of the main documents that are drawn up for the transfer of money, that stench is necessary for any organization.


This distribution of documents allows you to handle trade activities, the range of goods, products and services, regulate their prices, and also automate trade documents. For additional help, you can improve the analysis of the effectiveness of trading activity, as well as the forecasting of sales.

A block of documents related to the appearance of vitrates for the objects of capital life (working with them in stages), proving for molding on the rahunka the appearance of vartosti OZ and objects for the contractual way of life.

Skin changes 1C 7.7 Accounting automates also accounting with contractors, and to analyze the analysis will become the dynamics of mutual frosts.


This distribution allows you to automate the warehouse appearance and vicorist various calls, conduct an analysis of the stock of warehouses, control the turnover of commodity and material values, carry out the analysis of the product mix, conduct the appearance of unfinished production. With additional help, it is possible to develop an analysis of the economic efficiency of the business activities.


The program ensures the maintenance of the appearance of the main assets and intangible assets is valid until PBO 6/01 “The appearance of the main assets”. Operations related to cim - nadkhodzhennya, priynyattya to form, modernization, transfer, decommissioning and others - are registered with relevant documents.



The program includes the final recruitment of benefits, compensation, payment and compensation for improving the specifics of the enterprise, allows you to independently make new types of benefits, which you win at the enterprise, maintain personnel and manage the budget.


For the presence at the undertaking of a small staff of specialists, that clumsy system of payment for the practical form of wages is carried out with a typical version of the program "1C: Accounting 7.7". Obviously, the biggest increase in the appearance and cost of wages of automation in the program "1C: Salary and Kadri", in a different way, you can see the cost of that loss from wages and pay more specializations. Such a program is suitable for undertakings from more folding system pay for work In different configurations "1C: Salary and personnel" you can synchronize with "1C: Accounting 7.7" and change the exchange of data.

The program has a block of documents showing how to carry out operations related to the services of third-party organizations, which allows you to make deposits of advances, correct bills and others.


Also, the program has regulatory documents - Currency revaluation, Amortization and repayment of arrears, Incomplete compilation and Closing month.


In 1C:Accounting 7.7, it is possible to enter operations for additional backlog of important documents, you can manually enter operations that allow you to create a transaction for accountants and taxpayers. The stench stagnates at the peaks, if in typical solution there is no document that allows for the necessary operation.

The configuration is given to the accountant to dial standard calls, which allow you to analyze the data of any stocks and turnovers of accounts. With their help, you can plan, manage, and analyze the financial results of the activity of the enterprise.


Specialized calls zastosovyvaetsya okremih specific vipadkіv i vіdrіznyayutsya іdsutnіstyu gnuchki nalashtuvani. The stench is directed at specific divisions of the accounting form.

Particularly important for accountants regulated zvity, recognized for submission to those other control authorities. The stench includes forms of bookkeeping, tax returns, call for statistical bodies and state funds


1С:Accounting 7.7 supports the service 1C-Zvitnіst, appointments for the oversight of electronic communication and other types of electronic document management between acceptance and control bodies via telecommunication channels, communication without intermediary with the programs. The right to access the service is given to employees who are licensed with a partner 1C.

1C: Accounting: basic or PROF

To find out which version is installed on the computer, you need to look at the title row of the program or in the Help menu - About the program.


Let's take a look at the differences between the basic and professional versions of the SIM card:

  1. In the basic version of the "Simka" in one database, you can only keep a look at one business, the PROF version allows you to manage a number of businesses in one database. If an accountant manages a small number of businesses, then in the Pro version there is enough one base to conduct all businesses, and in the basic version for this it is necessary to have a number of different bases for a skin organization.
  2. The structure of the basic and PROF versions does not have permissions, all types of brilliance can unify the form, but the software license of the basic version does not allow you to change the configuration of the base, but the PROF license allows you to create additional types of non-essential elements configuration. Tse means that PROF can be changed according to the needs of a particular business, but the basic version cannot be changed. The variation of the basic version is only allowed to add additional titles, processing and other forms of documents.
  3. The basic version is not recognized for the merged version of the work. Tobto yakshcho on pіdpriєmstvі є kіlka accountants, yakim nebhіdno pratsyuvati in one base one hour, next kupuvati PROF.
  4. One more thing - for the basic version of V, you can free of charge upgrade via the Internet, and for PROF, you need to sign an ITS agreement.

In this way, the choice of version is less likely to cover both the specifics of business activity and accounting knowledge.

1С:Accounting 7.7 - simple document processing for the receipt of the configuration, which allows you to implement a scheme of appearance and take the necessary information. It can win as autonomously, and with other configurations, being prepared for more business cases of accounting and tax accounting.

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