The girl and the death of the main heroes. Online reading of the book Girl and Death Maxim Gorky. Maiden and Death. Analysis of the verse "Girl and Death" by Gorky

Maksim Gorky.

Maiden and Death.

Village їhav tsar z vіyni.
Here - to sharpen the heart with black evil.
Chuє - behind elderberry bushes
The girl is more precise.

Grozno eyebrows are ruddy frowning,
The king hit his horse with his spurs,
Having flown on a girl, like a storm,
I shout, with jarring bells and whistles:

Why, - shout out evil and rudely,
Why, girl, you bare your teeth?
Having got the enemy over me, I will overcome,
All my squad is killed,
Half of the mail has been consumed by the full,
I'm going home, I'm going for a new ratty,
I am your king, I am in that mountain image, -
How do I feel bad smіh your bachiti?

Straightening the blouse on the breasts,
The maiden gave birth to the tsar:

Look - I'm talking for miles!
Father, you better see.

If you love, then there’s no time for kings, -
There is no time to speak with the kings!
Every time you burn shvidshe
A thin candle in the speck of God's temple.

The tsar shook all over with wild aggression.
Having punished his pokirnіy retinue:

Well, throw the girl in jail,
Abo, more shortly, - once to suppress!

Having made the fitful peaks,
They rushed to the girl, why the hell,
The grooms of the tsar and the nobles, -
They sent the girl into the hands of Death.

Death is forever victorious to the evil demons,
Ale of that day, she was not in the soul, -
Adzhe navesnі kokhannya and life of grain
Swell up with her, the old one.
It's tedious to mess around with rotten meat,
Blame it on a new age of ailment;
It's tedious to die the hour of death -
I want to live marnishe.
Everything in front of the inevitable with her zustrіchchu
Feel less fear of stupidity,
Nabrid zhakh human,
Bury Nabridley, crypt.
Occupied by an unlucky right
On earth and brooding, and sick,
To beat out yogo was nice, -
People respect Death indecent.
Well, it’s amazing, їy prikro
Anger її human herd,
I, angry, live Death from light
Somewhere not quiet, whom you need.

Pokohati b Satan їy, chi sho,
I'd like to die with hellish spekoy,
Cry in the face of love pain
Together let's fire Satan!

The girl stands before Death, boldly
Griznogo blow ochіkuyuchi.
The death of a burmoche - blew the victim:

Bach, how young!
Why did you rude the king there?
I'll give you a sea!

Do not be angry, - the girl said, -
Why are you angry with me?
Kissing me forward dear
Under the bush of green elderberry, -
Chi before the king of me at that hour was?
Well, and the king - on sin - ticking away from war.
I show youma, the king,
Come on, move, father, look!
Good, nibi, I say
And - marvel, it was so rotten!
What?! Seeing Death has nowhere to go,
It can be seen that I will die, not lovingly.
Death! I ask you with my heart -
Give me more kisses!

Marvelous boules of Death and promotion, -
Do not ask death about the price!
Thinking: “Which I live in the world,
How do people throw kisses?

І on the spring sun, the brush is gray,
Death said, poking the snake:

Well, go, kiss, so - hurry up!
Nothing is yours, but at dawn - I will kill you!

I sat on the stone, - check,
And the snake with a sting scythe is licker.
The girl looks happy,
Death grumble: - Go shvidshe, go!

In the spring sun, affectionately shines,
Death rozul trampled feet,
She lay down on the stone and fell asleep.
Filthy dream dreaming of Death!

Nachebto її dad, Kayn,
From his great-grandson - Iscariot,
Old insults, climb up the mountain, -
Like two snakes call softly.

God! - gloomy haystack Kayn,
Marvel at the sky with dark eyes.
- God! - wicked Yuda,
The view of the earth does not lift your eyes.

Above the mountain, near the gloomy rum'yanoy
Lord lie down - read a book;
That book was written by stars,
Chumatsky way - one її leaf!
On the top of the hill stand the archangel,
Snopik bliskavka in a white feather trim.
Speak vin mandrivniki suvoro.

For example, in the 1920s, in the first half of the 1930s, Maxim Gorky borrowed a lot of wine space from the branch and artistic culture of the Radyansky Union. Mayuchi solid authority among literary kolakh, vin often acted as the greatest arbitrator in pischannitskih superechki and zіtknennyah. The cultivation of yoga creativity was carried out in the first place in the system of school and university education. Yogo was quoted, not richly less was asked for the new one, lower for Lenin and Stalin. Usіm kraїni bіdomo vіdomo, scho proletarian klasik koristuetsya vignatkovoy dovіroy politburo and general secretary.
Tsikavo, that Stalin himself, mayuchi praise the writer, do not name “On the Day”, or “Mother”, nor like the great Gorky creations, but lift up to the heavens the young yogi fairy tale “Girl and Death”, written in 1892 and published in lipny 1917. at the very same newspaper “Nove Zhittya”, anti-billshovitsky statti of Gorky were being read, which called out the bewilderment of Josip Vissarionovich.
And on Zhovtnya 11, 1931, the fate of wines is so estimated by this: "This thing is stronger, lower "Faust" by Goethe (love overcomes death)".

Such untrue panegyrics of an unfailing fairy tale could only be taken seriously by dogmatic gyrkoznavits. Ale chi vvazhav yogo vseryoz Gorky himself?
Axis scho rozpovidaє behind the family recitations of sons, V'yacheslav Ivanov, who is close to the author of the letter Vsevolod Ivanov. A week before Gorky's departure to Italy, Stalin and Voroshilov were visiting. Voni “wrote their resolution from the yogo kazci “Maiden and Death”. My father, talking about this episode with Gorky, firmly repeating that Gorky was imagining. Stalin and Voroshilov were p'yanі and they played a fool.
There is no possibility of perverting the evidence, but it seems to be similar to the truth. At such a Kremlin ruler’s mind, he’s slandering over his “closest friend,” to whom he’s been shown the greatest mercy, putting himself in charge, but in any case I don’t trust him and don’t need to love him.
A book from the Stalinist library should be directed at such visnovki, as if I read it from an over-the-top sawy respect - Gorky M. "Virshi". M., 1951.
You can show yourself, like Stalin was looking at a photograph of the Gorky tale with a clear inscription, what to bring. Let's take the blue olive to the hands and re-cross this photo. Then we turn the side and cross the photo on the reverse side.
There is a photograph in the book and in the house (is it still a reproduction of the picture?), on which Stalin and Voroshilov are recorded in Gorky’s office on Maliy Nikitsky, if the writer reads “The Girl and Death”. The ideological clerks gave their shares to the readings of the tales and the writing of the great leader as a majestic historical writer. Genius write about genius.
At the book of Stalin, the photo is crossed with a blue olive.
It is important to understand how Stalin collapsed, if he crossed over the photographs and other works of Gorky at "Virsha". Chi namagavsya vіn vyslovit prihovane negative stavlenya to tsikh poetic dolіdіv proletarian classics? How did you feel a bit of a kind of unhandedness, if you looked at the premises near the collection of photographs?

O. Yar-Kravchenko. A.M. Gorky read 11 spring 1931 I.V. Stalin, V.M. Molotov and K.Є. Voroshilov his fairy tale "Girl and Death". 1941

For the materials of the book E. S. Gromov "Stalin: the art of that power"

Well, the axis i itself is a poem-kazka:

Village їhav tsar z vіyni.
Here - sharpen the heart with black malice.
Chuє - behind elderberry bushes
The girl is more precise.
Grozno eyebrows are ruddy frowning,
The king hit his horse with his spurs,
Having flown on a girl, like a storm,
I shout, with jarring bells and whistles:
“What the hell, - shout out viciously and rudely, -
Why, girl, you bare your teeth?
Having got the enemy over me, I will overcome,
All my squad is killed,
Half of the mail has been consumed by the full,
I'm going home, I'm going for a new ratty,
I am your king, I am in that image in the mountain, -
How do I feel bad smіh your bachiti?
Straightening the blouse on the breasts,
The maiden gave birth to the tsar:
“Look, I’m talking to you!”
Father, you better see.”

If you love, then there’s no time for kings, -
There is no time to speak with the kings!
Every time you burn shvidshe
A thin candle in the speck of God's temple.

The king shook all over in wild anger,
Having punished his pokirnіy retinue:
“Well, throw the girl into prison,
Abo, more shortly, - once to suppress!
Having made the fitful peaks,
They rushed to the girl, why the hell,
The grooms of the tsar and the nobles, -
They sent the girl into the hands of Death.

Death is forever victorious to the evil demons,
Ale that day, she was not in the shower.
Adzhe navesnі kokhannya and life of grain
Swell up with her, the old one.
It's tedious to mess around with rotten meat,
Blame it on a new age of ailment;
It's tedious to die the hour of death -
I want to live marnishe.
Everything, before the inevitable, I’ll grind with her,
Feeling less fear of stupidity, -
Nabrid zhakh human,
Bury Nabridley, crypt.
Occupied by an unlucky right
On earth and brudnoy, and ill.
To beat out yogo was nice, -
People respect Death indecent.
Well, it’s amazing, їy prikro
Anger її human herd,
I, angry, live Death from light
Somewhere not quiet, whom you need.
Pokohati b Satan їy, chi sho,
I'd like to die with hellish spekoy,
Cry in the face of love pain
Together let's fire Satan!

The girl stands before Death, boldly
Griznogo blow ochіkuyuchi.
Burmoche death, - she regretted the victim:
“Bach ti, yak is young!
Why did you rude the king there?
I'll kill you for it!"
"Don't be angry, - the girl said, -
Why are you angry with me?
Kissing me before dear
Under the bush of green elderberry, -
Chi before the king of me at that hour was?
Well, and the king, for sin, ticks away from the war,
I show youma, the king,
Come on, move, father, look!
Good, nibi, I say
And - marvel, it was so rotten!
What?! In Death there is no where to go.
It can be seen that I will die, not lovingly.
Death! I ask you with my heart -
Give me more kisses!
Marvelous boules of Death and promotion, -
Do not ask death about the price!
Thinking: “Which I live in the world,
How do people throw kisses?
І on the spring sun, the brush is gray,
Death said, poking the snake:
“Well, go, kiss, so - hurry up!
Nothing is yours, but at dawn - I will kill you!
I sat on the stone, - check,
And the snake with a sting scythe is licker.
The girl looks happy,
Death grumble: “Go, hurry, go!

In the spring sun, affectionately shines,
Death rozul trampled feet,
She lay down on the stone and fell asleep.
Filthy dream dreaming of Death!
Nachebto її dad, Kayn,
From his great-grandson - Iscariot,
Old insults lick at the mountain, -
Like two snakes call softly.
"God!" - gloomy haystack Kayn,
Marvel at the sky with dark eyes.
"God!" - calls the evil Yuda,
The view of the earth does not lift your eyes.
Above the mountain, near the gloomy rum'yanoy
Lie the Lord, read the book:
That book was written by stars,
Chumatsky way - one її leaflet.
On the top of the hill stand the archangel,
Snopik bliskavka in a white feather trim.
To speak to the mandrivniks suvoro:
“Get out! Lord you
don't accept it!"
“Mihailo! - Kayn snarl, -
I know - my great sin before the world!
I gave birth to the killer of a bright Life,
I am the father of the damned, vile Death! »-
“Mihailo! - like Yuda, -
I know that I am Kaina sin,
To the one who has succumbed to the evil of Death
Light, like the sun, oh my heart
I resentment of the stink of wailing, at the voice:
“Mihailo! Hai Lord hoch word
Tell us, even if it's bad -
Aja forgiveness is no longer praying for me!
Quietly reassuring him the archangel:
“Trichi having shown you I tse,
Dvіchi vіn without saying anything to me,
Meet, hitnuvshi head, moving:
"Know - docks Death is alive to destroy,
There is no forgiveness for Kain and Yuda.
Let them beat that one, whose strength can
Podolat the power of Death.”
Here Bratovbivtsa and Zradnik
Summarily curled, howled
І, having become upset, resentment recoiled
There is a stinking swamp under the mountain.
And in the swamp go crazy, triumphant,
Upirі, kіkimori ta devil
I spit on Kaina and Yuda
Blue, marsh lights.

Death rolled in close to noon,
Marvel, but the girl did not come!
Death is more drowsy: “Bach ti, whore!
It can be seen that the bula is not very short!
Zirvala dormouse for mud.
Sniff, have mercy, like the sun
We live to gild with our fire
Leaves wasp in yellow worms.
I marveled at the sun, raptom fell asleep
Quietly and hummingly, as if she had died:
"With a merciless hand
People of the near vb'yut
І hovayut. I sleep:
"Zi saints rest!"
I don't understand anything!
Despot b'є people and wife,
And take a breath - and yoga
Wow, hove a pisenky!
Chesny died chi villain -
With the same tight
Rozpivou sumny choir:
"Zi saints rest!"
Fool, thinness chi ham
I will beat with my hand,
Ale for all sleep hard:
"Zi saints rest!"

I sang a song - you start to get angry,
It's already been a lot more doby,
And - the girl does not turn.
It's bad. Death is not up to the heat.
Staying all evil and zhorstokishim,
Death took off his feet and onuch
I, ice, having reached the month of the night,
On the road, go, griznіshe osіnnoї gloom.
The year has passed and succumbed: at the perelisk,
Under the dewy young mountain
On satin grass, at the moonshine
The maiden to sit as the goddess of spring.
Like the earth is bare and early.
Breasts її bare shamelessly.
I on shkir
The stars of the potsіlunkіv are clearly visible.
Two nipples, like zirka, farbuyut breasts,
I - like a star - it's easy to marvel at the eyes
By the sky, on the bright Chumatsky way,
On the stitch of the blue night.
Under the eyes of blakitnі tіnі,
Like a wound - destroy the hairy Ali.
Putting his head in a knee,
The lad is dreaming, like a deer waving.
Death marvel, and quietly half-heartedly I rage
Gasne in її empty skull.
What the hell, Nemov Eva,
Did you hide yourself in the sight of God behind a tabernacle?
Like the sky - a moon-mirror body
Dear in the sight of Death,
Vidpovidaє їy dіvchina boldly:
“Strip, but don’t bark me!
Don't bawl, don't snarl the badolakha,
Do not bare at the guest's scythe!
I'll come at once, I'll lie down to the grave.
And yoga - keep it safe!
I'm sorry, I didn't come to the term,
I thought it was close to death.
Give me some more clap:
More pain good zі me yoma!
That y vin - garniy! You wonder
He yakі vin filling signs
On my cheeks and on my chest.
Bach, bloom, like fire poppies!
Death laughed quietly:
“So, you were kissed by the sun.
Ale - adzhe in me you are not alone, -
Thousands I drive a fly!
Adja, I honestly serve an hour,
Do it - rich, but I'm old,
I value Shokhvilini
Get out, girl, it's time!"
The girl is her own:
"Obіme dear,
No earth, no sky more mute.
I soul is filled with inconsolable strength,
I burn with the soul inconsolable light.
There is no more fear of Share
I don't need God, I don't need people!
Like a child - I am happy with myself,
I kokhannya have mercy on yourself.
Death murmur thoughtfully and suvoro,
Bach - do not interrupt їy tsієї pisnі!
More beautiful than the sun - there is nothing in the world of God,
There is no fire - the fire is more wonderful!

Kill death, but move the girls
Let's fire up the fire and melt the brushes,
In hot and cold it is damp її to throw,
What is the heart of Death to reveal?
Death is not a mother, ale is a woman, and in no
The heart is stronger than the mind;
The dark heart of Death has parosts
Pity and anger, and tightness.
Tim, who is there to fall in love with,
Who pitying in the soul of an evil tight,
Like a loving whisper at night
About the great joy of peace!
"Well," said Death,
Let it be amazing!
I allow you - live!
Only I will be in order with you,
Forever I will love Love!

From that hour Love and Death, like sisters,
Walk inseparably dosi,
For love, Death from oblique host
Stretch everywhere, first of all.
Walk, enchanted by my sister,
І skrіz - on the wedding and on the triznі
Invincibly, unskillfully
Joy of Love and happiness of Life.

Maksim Gorky.

Maiden and Death.

Village їhav tsar z vіyni.

Here - to sharpen the heart with black evil.

Chuє - behind elderberry bushes

The girl is more accurate.

Grozno eyebrows are ruddy frowning,

The king hit his horse with his spurs,

Having flown on a girl, like a storm,

I shout, with jarring bells and whistles:

Why, - shout out evil and rudely,

Why, girl, you bare your teeth?

Having got the enemy over me, I will overcome,

All my squad is killed,

Half of the mail has been consumed by the full,

I'm going home, I'm going for a new ratty,

I am your king, I am in that mountain image, -

How do I feel bad smіh your bachiti?

Straightening the blouse on the breasts,

The maiden gave birth to the tsar:

Look - I'm talking for miles!

Father, you better see.

If you love, then there’s no time for kings, -

There is no time to speak with the kings!

Every time you burn shvidshe

A thin candle in the speck of God's temple.

The tsar shook all over with wild aggression.

Having punished his pokirnіy retinue:

Well, throw the girl in jail,

Abo, more shortly, - once to suppress!

Having made the fitful peaks,

They rushed to the girl, why the hell,

The grooms of the tsar and the nobles, -

They sent the girl into the hands of Death.

Death is forever victorious to the evil demons,

Ale of that day, she was not in the soul, -

Adzhe navesnі kokhannya and life of grain

Swell up with her, the old one.

It's tedious to mess around with rotten meat,

Blame it on a new age of ailment;

It's tedious to die the hour of death -

I want to live marnishe.

Everything in front of the inevitable with her zustrіchchu

Feel less fear of stupidity,

Nabrid zhakh human,

Bury Nabridley, crypt.

Occupied by an unlucky right

On earth and brooding, and sick,

To beat out yogo was nice, -

People respect Death indecent.

Well, it’s amazing, їy prikro

Anger її human herd,

I, angry, live Death from light

Somewhere not quiet, whom you need.

Pokohati b Satan їy, chi sho,

I'd like to die with hellish spekoy,

Cry in the face of love pain

Together let's fire Satan!

The girl stands before Death, boldly

Griznogo blow ochіkuyuchi.

The death of a burmoche - blew the victim:

Bach, how young!

Why did you rude the king there?

I'll give you a sea!

Do not be angry, - the girl said, -

Why are you angry with me?

Kissing me forward dear

Under the bush of green elderberry, -

Chi before the king of me at that hour was?

Well, and the king - on sin - ticking away from war.

I show youma, the king,

Come on, move, father, look!

Good, nibi, I say

And - marvel, it was so rotten!

What?! Seeing Death has nowhere to go,

It can be seen that I will die, not lovingly.

Death! I ask you with my heart -

Give me more kisses!

Marvelous boules of Death and promotion, -

Do not ask death about the price!

Thinking: “Which I live in the world,

How do people throw kisses?

І on the spring sun, the brush is gray,

Death said, poking the snake:

Well, go, kiss, so - hurry up!

Nothing is yours, but at dawn - I will kill you!

I sat on the stone, - check,

And the snake with a sting scythe is licker.

The girl looks happy,

Death grumble: - Go shvidshe, go!

In the spring sun, affectionately shines,

Death rozul trampled feet,

She lay down on the stone and fell asleep.

Filthy dream dreaming of Death!

Nachebto її dad, Kayn,

From his great-grandson - Iscariot,

Old insults, climb up the mountain, -

Like two snakes call softly.

God! - gloomy haystack Kayn,

Marvel at the sky with dark eyes.

God! - wicked Yuda,

The view of the earth does not lift your eyes.

Above the mountain, near the gloomy rum'yanoy

Lord lie down - read a book;

That book was written by stars,

Chumatsky way - one її leaf!

On the top of the hill stand the archangel,

Snopik bliskavka in a white feather trim.

To speak to the mandrivniks suvoro:

Go away! The Lord will not accept you!

Michael! - Kayn fights, -

I know - my great sin before the world!

I gave birth to the killer of a bright Life,

I am the father of the damned, vile Death!

Michael! - like Yuda, -

I know that I am Kaina sin,

To the one who has succumbed to the evil of Death

Light, like the sun, God's heart!

Michael! Hai Lord hoch word

Tell us, even if it's bad -

Aja forgiveness is no longer praying!

Quietly reassuring him the archangel:

Trichi having shown you I tse,

Dvіchi vіn without saying anything to me,

Meet, hitnuvshi head, moving:

Know - docks Death is alive to destroy,

There is no forgiveness for Kain and Yuda.

Let them beat that one, whose strength can

Podolat the power of Death.

Death came close to noon.

Marvel, but the girl did not come!

Death burmoche sleepily: - Bach, harlot!

It can be seen that it was not a short bula!

Zirvala dormouse for mud,

sniff; have mercy, like the sun

We live to gild with our fire

Leaves wasp in yellow worms.

I, marveling at the sun, raptom fell asleep

Quietly and hummingly, as if she had died:

merciless hand

People of the near vb'yut

І hovayut. I sleep:

"Zi saints rest!"

I don’t understand anything! -

Despot b'є people and wife,

A zdohne - i yoga

Wow, hove a pisenky!

Chesny died chi villain -

With the same tight

Rozpivou sumny choir:

"Zi saints rest!"

Fool, thinness chi ham

I will beat with my hand,

Ale for all sleep hard:

"Zi saints rest!"

Staying all evil and zhorstokishim,

Death took off his feet and onuch

I, ice, having reached the month of the night,

On the road, go, griznіshe osіnnoї gloom.

The year has passed and succumbed: at the perelisk,

Under the dewy young mountain,

On satin grass, at the moonshine

The maiden to sit as the goddess of spring.

Like the earth is bare of early spring,

Breasts її bare shamelessly,

I on shkіrі shovkovisty, lannu,

The stars of the potsіlunkіv are clearly visible.

Two nipples, like zirka, farbuyut breasts,

I - like a star - it's easy to marvel at the eyes

By the sky, on the bright Chumatsky way,

On the stitch of the blue night.

Under the eyes of blakitnі tіnі,

Like a wound - destroy the hairy Ali.

Putting his head in a knee,

The lad is dreaming, like a deer waving.

Death marvel, and quietly half-heartedly I rage

Gasne in її empty skull.

So what, Nemov Eva,

Hidden in the sight of God behind a booth?

Like the sky - a moon-mirror body

Dear in the sight of Death,

Vidpovidaє їy dіvchina boldly:

Shoot, don't bark me!

Don't bawl, don't snarl the badolakha,

Do not bare at the guest's scythe!

I will come at once, I will lie down in the grave,

And yoga - keep it safe!

I'm sorry, I didn't come to the term,

I thought it was close to death.

Give me some more clap:

More pain good zі me yoma!

That y vin - garniy! You wonder

He yakі vin filling signs

On my cheeks and on my chest,

Bach bloom, like poppies ignite!

Death, shy, laughed softly.

So, you kissed the sun,

Ale - adzhe in me you are not alone -

Thousands I drive a fly!

Adja, I honestly serve an hour,

Do it - rich, but I'm old,

I value Shokhvilini

Get up, girl, it's time!

The girl is her own:

Hug dear,

No earth, no sky more mute.

I soul is filled with inconsolable strength,

I burn with the soul inconsolable light.

There is no more fear of Share,

I don't need God, I don't need people!

Like a child - I am happy with myself,

Walk inseparably dosi,

For Love Death from oblique host

Stretch everywhere, first of all.

Walk, enchanted by my sister,

І skrіz - on the wedding day and on the triznі -

Invincibly, unskillfully

Joy of Love and happiness of Life.


Village їhav tsar z vіyni.
Here - sharpen the heart with black malice.
Chuє - behind elderberry bushes
The girl is more precise.
Grozno eyebrows are ruddy frowning,
The king hit his horse with his spurs,
Having flown on a girl, like a storm,
I shout, with jarring bells and whistles:
- Why, - shout out viciously and rudely, -
Why, girl, you bare your teeth?
Having got the enemy over me, I will overcome,
All my squad is killed,
Half of the mail has been consumed by the full,
I'm going home, I'm going for a new ratty,
I am your king, I am in that mountain image, -
How do I feel bad smіh your bachiti?
Straightening the blouse on the breasts,
The maiden gave birth to the tsar:
- Look - I'm talking for miles!
Father, you better see.

If you love, then there’s no time for kings, -
There is no time to speak with the kings!
Every time you burn shvidshe
A thin candle in the speck of God's temple.

The king shook all over in wild anger,
Having punished his pokirnіy retinue:
- Nute-but, throw the girl in jail,
Abo, more shortly - once to suppress!

Having made the fitful peaks,
They rushed to the girl, why the hell,
The grooms of the tsar and the nobles, -
They sent the girl into the hands of Death.


Death is forever victorious to the evil demons,
Ale of that day, she was not in the soul, -
Adzhe navesnі kokhannya and life of grain
Swell up with her, the old one.
It's tedious to mess around with rotten meat,
Blame it on a new age of ailment;
It's tedious to die the hour of death -
I want to live uncomfortably.
Everything in front of the inevitable with her zustrіchchu
Feel less fear of stupidity,
Nabrid zhakh human,
Bury Nabridley, crypt.
Occupied by an unlucky right
On the earth and the sickness,
To beat out yogo was nice, -
People respect Death indecent.
Well, it’s amazing, їy prikro
Anger її human herd,
I, angry, live Death from light
Somewhere not quiet, whom you need.
Pokohati b Satan їy, chi sho,
I'd like to die with hellish spekoy,
Cry in the face of love pain
Together let's fire Satan!


The girl stands before Death, boldly
Griznogo blow ochіkuyuchi.
The death of a burmoche - the victim was harmed:

Maiden and Death

Kazka I Tsim village їhav z vіyni. Here - sharpen the heart with black malice. Chuє - behind the bushes of the elderberry, the girl is louder. Frowning the brows of the rude, the Tsar hitting the horse with the spurs, Raiding on the girl, like a storm, I shout, with the huskies:
Why, - shout out evil and rudely, Why, girl, bare your teeth? Having conquered the enemy over me, I will overcome, All my squad is killed, Half the mail has been consumed in full, I'm going home, for a new ratty, I'm your king, I'm in the mountains and the image - How can I have your bad laugh? Adjusting her blouse on her breasts, the Maiden spoke to the king: “Look, I’m talking to you! Father, you better see.” _______ If you love it, then it’s not up to tsai here, - Nicole roam with the kings! Sometimes love burn shvidshe for a thin candle in the hot temple of God. _______ The king was shaking all over in wild anger, Punishing his pokirnіy retinue: “Well, throw the girl in jail, Abo, rather, strangle it!” Having twisted the sharp peaks, They rushed to the girl, dumb devils, The grooms of the king and wheeled, - They handed over the girl to the hands of Death. II Death is forever conquered by evil demons, Ale on that day didn’t get out, - Aje, love, that life of grain Swells up with her, old. It's tedious to mess around with rotten meat, Blame in the new age of ailments; It's tedious to die the hour of death - I want to live marishe. All, in front of the inevitable zustrіchchyu, Only the marvelous one sees, - Nabrid їy zhakh human, Nabridli funeral, crypt. Occupied by an unlucky right On earth and brudnoy, and ill. Rob vino yogo vmіlo, - Well people vvazhayut Death indecent. Well, for sure, їіy priro tse, Anger її our flock of people, I, angry, live Death in the light No one is quiet, whom it requires. Let's love Satan їy, chi sho, Let's go to hell with a hell of a spekoy, Zaridat in the form of love pain Let's fire Satan at once! III The girl stands in front of Death, mercifully of the Terrible blow, chekayuchi. Death is a murmur, - she regretted the victim: “Bach ti, how young! Why did you rude the king there? I will sea you!” - “Don't be angry,” the girl said, “Why are you angry with me? Kissing me in front of the sweet Pid bush of green elderberry, - Before the king was me at that hour? Well, and the tsar, on sin, live from the war, I show you, the tsar, Come on, movlyav, father, look! Good, nibi, I show, And - marvel, it's so nasty! What?! In Death there is no where to go. It can be seen that I will die, not lovingly. Death! I ask you with my soul - Give me a kiss more! Worthy of Death and promotion, - Do not ask Death about the price! Thinking: “Why do I live in the world, How can people throw kisses?” And in the spring sun, the brushes of grey, Death said, having seduced the snake: “Well, go, kiss, so - hurry up! Nothing is yours, but at dawn - I will kill you! I sat down on a stone, - check, And the snake stinged her scythe. The girl rejoices happily, Death grumbles: “Go, hurry, go! IV In the spring sun, the lagoon is warm, Death rozula trampled feet, Lie down on the stone and fell asleep. Filthy dream dreaming of Death! Started by її father, Kayn, Іz his great-grandson - Іskаriot, Old-time insults climb the mountain, - Like two snakes call softly. "God!" - gloomy hay Kayn, Marveling at the sky with dark eyes. "God!" - Vigukuє evil Yuda, I can’t lift my eyes from the earth. Above the mountain, near the gloomy rum'yanoy God lies, - reading a book: That book was written by stars, Chumatsky way - one її leaf. On the top of the mountain stand the archangel, Snopik glisten at the white hands trim. To say to the mandrivniks suvoro: “Get out, go! The Lord will not accept you!” “Haile! - Kayn snarl, - I know - my great sin before the world! I gave birth to the killer of a bright Life, I am a cursed father, a pidley of Death - "Michael! - even Yuda, - I know that I am Kaina a grishnishe, To the one who gave birth to the wicked Death of Light, like the sun, God's heart!" And vomit insults stench, in a voice: “Mikhailo! Hai the Lord want a word Tell us, even if it’s only a mistake - For forgiveness, we don’t pray anymore! Quietly the archangel spoke to him: “Three times I told you, I did not say anything to you, For the third time, hitting my head, saying: “Know, docks Death to destroy alive, Cain and Yuda have no forgiveness. Let them forgive the one whose strength can Podolat for ever the power of Death. Here Bratovbivtsya and the Zradnik Girko curled, roared, and, having become angry, resentment lied In the stinking swamp under the mountain. And in the swamps go crazy, triumphant, Upir, kіkimori and the devil I spit on Kaina with Yuda Blue, swamp fires. V Death rushed in close to noon, To marvel, but the girl did not come! Death mumbles sleepily: “Bach ti, whore! It can be seen that the bula is not very short! Zirvala dormouse for mud. Smelling, merciful, like the sun We live in gold with our fire A wasp leaf in yellow worms. And marveling at the sun, raptom fell asleep Quietly and hummingly, as if she had softened: “With a merciless hand, people embrace their neighbor. And they sing: "For the holy world!" I don't understand anything! - Despot b'є people and wife, And breathe - and yogo Z tієyu and pіsenky hovayut! Chestny died chi villainous - With the same tight Rozpivou sumny choir: "With the saints of rest!" Fool, thinness chi hamma I'll take it with my hand, Ale for all they sing stubbornly: "For the rest of the saints!" VI I sang a song - you start to get angry, Already it's been a lot more rich, And - the girl does not turn around. It's bad. Death is not up to the heat. Staying all evil and zhorstokishim, Death took his feet and onuch I, the ice having reached the month of the night, On the road, go, dreadful autumn gloom. The year has passed and sip: at the coppice, Under the dewy young mountain On the satin grass, at the moonshine, the girl sits like a goddess in spring. Like the earth is bare and early. Breasts її bare shamelessly. And on the shkіrі shovkovisty, the line of Zirka's potsіlunkіv is clearly visible. Two nipples, like a starfish, farbuyut breasts, I - like a starfish - lagidly marvel at the sky, on the bright Chumatsky way, On the stitch of the blue night. Under the eyes of blakitnі tinі, Just like a wound - destroy the pure red. Having put his head in a knee, the lad is dozing, like a deer of languor. Death marvels, and quietly half-heartedly anger Extinguishes at an empty skull. Why is it, Nemov Eva, Hiding in God's bush? Like the sky - the moon-dawning body of the Dear in the sight of Death zatulyayuschi, Vidpovidaє їy dіvchina daringly: “Strive, but don’t bark me! Don't twirl, don't snarl the bіdolakha, Don't spit on Gostroy's scythe! I'll come at once, I'll lie down to the grave. And yoga - keep it safe! I'm sorry, I did not come to the term, I thought - not far from death. Give me a clap of clap: It hurts better for me to you! That y vin - garniy! You marvel, He is like a wine, filling the signs On my cheeks and on my chest. Bach, bloom, like fire poppies! Death laughed quietly: “So, kissed you with the sun. Ale, I don’t have one, Thousands I’m guilty of driving! I honestly serve Adzha, Do it well, but now I'm old, I value Shchokhvilin, Climb, girl, it's time! The girl is her own: “Lovely dear, No earth, no sky is bigger. I soul is filled with inconsolable strength, I burn in the soul with inconsolable light. There is no greater fear of the Share of I, neither God, nor people are needed! Like a child, I am glad of myself, and love has mercy on itself. Death murmur thoughtfully and suvoro, Bachit - do not interrupt your song! More beautiful than the sun - there is no god in the world, No fire - the fire is more wonderful! VII Death to mourn, and the girls move Zardrost fire and melt the brushes, In the heat and cold, they dream sweetly, What to show the heart of Death with light? Death is not a mother, ale is a woman, and in my Heart is the strongest mind; The dark heart of Death has parosts of Pity and anger, and tightness. Tim, whom she rests in peace, Whom pity in the evil tight soul, As she lovingly whispers at night About the great joy of peace! “Well,” said Death, “let it be amazing! I allow you - live! Only I will entrust you with you, Forever I will bless Love! _________ Z quiet fir Love and Death, like sisters, Walk inseparably until today, For love, Death with a slanting guest Strive everywhere, mov zvodnya. To walk, enchanted by my sister, I creak - at the wedding and at the feast Nefty, unsatisfactory future Joy of Love and happiness of Life.

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