Yaku to read a prayer in front of the installation of a seven-stringed icon. Prayer of the Mother of God “Remembrance of evil hearts. Akathist to the Glorification of the Most Holy Theotokos "Remembrance of Evil Hearts"

Orthodox tradition has a rich variety of icon-painting images of the Mother of God. Most of them are little seen at home, being daily a local shrine. Prote є th zrazki, indicative of the deep-church shanuvans. Among them, an image of the ranks of the Semistrel is seen with its own innocence. About this icon, as well as about prayers, like before it, to be celebrated, to be at this statue.

Meaning of the image

Semistrіlna maє y іnsu name - "Remembrance of evil hearts." Rіdshe її is also called Simeon's prophecy. For its sutty and illustration under the holy Stritennya, that is the holy Zustrichi of the Lord, described in the Gospel. If Jesus Christ was called to mind, yogo mother, for the Mother of God, brought yogo up to the Jerusalem temple. There is a righteous man in the name of Simeon. Behind the instructions, this person was one of the translations of the sacred writings of my Greek, there is little space in Egypt three hundred years before the Savior's birth. If Simeon rearranged the book, he hesitated, what is written there correctly, that it is not occupied to start and give birth to a son. Having spoken, he still virishiv, what a pardon, and writing the word “woman” at the translation. Well, an angel appeared before him, as if having reminded you, that the first prophecy about the conception of an unborrowed virne, and in order to expand your mind, you will be given the opportunity to work miracles. I axis Simeon three hundred rokіv checks on qiu zustrіch (strіtennya - in slovyanski) at the temple. I nareshti dochekavsya. If Mary handed over the impossibility to him in her arms, on the new zіyshov the prophetic spirit, and vіn saying a prophecy about the newly born Jesus, remembering that the yoga mother “would go through the soul.” Tya zbroya, that the suffering of the Mother of God, are symbolically depicted on the icon of the "Seven-shooter" at the sight of seven swords that pierce your heart. The sword is depicted as the same, shards in the biblical tradition, the number means completeness and completion.

This legend, without a doubt, is apocryphal by reference to the first Christian retelling. But this does not change its moral significance, as it gave the people a different, more practical interpretation. Oskіlki Maria staggers into Orthodoxy, like a heavenly queen and spiritual mother of all Christians, then she’s gone, like she’s pierced, not only sorrow in the torments accepted by Jesus Christ on the cross, but the sins of people, for the sake of them, they were crucified having recognized With this sword, in this context, it means with this that the loving and mournful heart of the Mother of God is pierced.

Look like an image

The icons came from the icon, no one saw it. Zgidno with a pious legend, її having revealed a peasant from Vologda, who is very ill with culture and partial paralysis. The everyday doctors could not have lied about it. As if in a dream, he was given an order to rise to the link of the church of St. John the Theologian and take the icon. Understandably, the clergy of the cathedral didn’t take all the secrets and the girls inspired the old one in the prohanni, miraculously knowing that there were no icons there. Ale, the villager was stubborn, and he was allowed to go up to the door, so that he could perekonatisya himself in the stupidity of his words. However, the wine, having climbed up the hill, having recognized the icon in one of the boards, served as gatherings at gatherings. The icon was lowered down, cleaned and served a prayer service. That same bula was voted down by the first Semistrelnaya, after all, like a villager, he was more healthy. From that hour, miracles began to appear from the icon. And tse, with his blackness, called to the expansion of glory about the miraculous image. From the beginning, robiti lists began, of which there is a great number of many varieties at once. The original image after the repressions of the 1930s, unfortunately, the sign, no records were found.

About what to pray before the Seven-stringed image of the Mother of God

Like before an icon, the prayer of the mother of God of the Semistrel can be dedicated to some kind of drive. The prote specificity of the image formed a special sphere of needs, it is important for those who turn to Mary before this icon. We are talking about the world and about the anger, hatred and vengeance from the side of anyone. Vlasne, the very same її was nicknamed "Remembrance of Evil Hearts." The people are depicted, the superiors are superiors, the fathers and the readers are wise - in all these moods, the prayer of the icon of Semistrelnaya can be ferocious. How to pray to the Mother of God, does not have a special meaning. Below, prayers will be given, and then you can go up to Mary with your best words, aby the stench was strong. Importance is the beauty of prayer, but the heart is more fervent. If you wash your mind before Trimano, then without a doubt, the prayer of the Semistrel icon will be honored. If you pray, yak, how much does not matter.

The text of the prayer in front of the Seven-string icon

For example, we still bring a sling of vulgarly accepted texts, like to read at the temples at public services and people believe in houses. The main prayer of the Mother of God of the Seventh in the Russian translation sounds like this:

"Oh, the Mother of God suffered so much, that I will turn over all the daughters of the earth with her purity and with her suffering, as if she suffered on earth! Accept our mournful prayers and save us for your mercy. - we don’t know, you can be merciful in the prayers of your people, so help and save us with your prayers, so that we can reach the kingdom of heaven without interruption and there, with the help of the saints, sleep the one Trinity - God, forever and ever.

Such is the solemn prayer of the Mother of God of the Semistrel. The Tsaritsa of the Christian faith is represented in her as an intercessor, who is out there, looking out for the manifestations of Orthodox Christians. Є also and more short prayers assigned to this image. The stench may be especially liturgical recognition and are called troparion and kontakion.

Troparion, tone 5

Zm'yaksha our hearts are evil, Mother of God, and the attacks are quiet, who hate us, zishch, and in the light of our soul, we will, on your holy image of the marvelous. To your speeches and mercies before us, we are led to hell and hurt your kisses, our arrows, which they torment you, we are afraid. Do not let us, blessed mothers, perish in our zhorstokerdі in the zhorstokostі neighbors, for you truly evil hearts are relieved.

Kontakion, tone 2

Thank you, Volodarka, help the evil hearts, send beneficent ones, protecting them from all kinds of evil, about the good, to pray to you diligently in front of your holy icons.

Kontakion, the troparion and the official prayer of the Mother of God of the Semistrelna reflect the main idea - the subdue of evil in the hearts. However, the icon is also a symbol of heartfelt sorrow, so whether the suffering of the soul can be hung before the rite. For example, if you want to help the government with a happy special life.

Prayer in the form of selfishness

O Pan-Volodarka Mother of God, have your great mercy on me, giving me the strength to bear the heavy burden of self-sufficiency of the soul. Forbid me from some kind of evil curse, from the infusion of unclean spirits, from the evil brought on my life. Amen!

Religious reading: a prayer for the installation of a seven-stringed icon to help our readers.

"SEMISTRILNA" - the most powerful icon of the defender's house, whether it be some kind of place, and also those people who know who they are, like evil, behind-the-scenes people, like pristry, psuvannya that prokloniv. Reconciling the enemies, bring peace, harmony, take it on an important note. At home, it is to blame for the opposite of the entrance doors, to keep the eyes of the entrance. Before the installation of the icon, you need to read a prayer, watch out for a year, who will stop going to your donkey.

Prayer of the Seven Arrowed Icon of the Mother of God

(Seven-shot prayer of the Mother of God)

Part 5 - Pray to some icons. SEMISTRILNA

Seven-string prayer

The image of the Mother of God, drawing on icons with the symbol of swords, is even more popular among believers. Even in ancient times, there was a great number of retellings about the healing power of this image. It is not surprising that the seven-shooter prayer of the Mother of God is often repeated to help in important situations.

The first healing was with one villager, to whom I heard a voice saying to know this relic and pray before it. In the past, the icon vryatuval in the face of death in the city, but it was 1830 fate near Vologda. At that time, the stench reduced the epidemic of cholera, did not help anything, until the moment of being sent to the saint.

This icon is the same image - God Matir, written on canvas, pierced with 7 arrows and swords. The letter to her is read with rich citations, The seven-string prayer has always helped those who ask. Dane is an image as a garnim amulet of a booth of people from evil, like otochu yogo. In order to protect your house from the filthy guests, open the icon opposite the entrance doors, so that the eyes of the entrances will be out. Before him, how to hang an icon, read the obov'yazkovo prayer. It has been brought to light that people with filthy missions will stop caring for the place.

Prayer of the Mother of God with seven arrows

“O richly suffering Mother of God, the Presence of all the daughters of the earth, for Your purity and for the impersonal suffering, You endured on earth, accept our richly painful zithanna and save us for the sake of Your mercy. You don’t know more than a corner and a warm intercession, but you don’t know, but, more compassion, what a people can reach you, help us and save us with Your prayers, let the Kingdom of Heaven reach the Kingdom of Heaven, unreservedly we sleep with the saints in Troy. one God ninі i povyakchas, і on vіki vіkіv. Amen."

The prayer of the Most Holy Theotokos is seven-pointed:

“Help our evil heart. Mother of God,

and extinguish the misfortunes of those who hate us,

and let all the darkness of our soul,

for to marvel at your holy image,

We tell your sufferings and mercy about us

and wound Your lobbying,

arrows of ours, You, who are tormented, zhahєmosya.

Don't let us, Mother of Mercy,

at the heart of ours and in the sight of the heart of our neighbors perish,

For truly evil hearts are relieved.

The icon of the Mother of God shows the sorrow after the death of the son of Jesus Christ, the arrows, like they pierced, symbolize the sins of mankind, through the likeness of the roses of Christ. It’s not worth talking about those who won’t have sins in the soul of the skin of a person, if after knowing them and speaking out, people start praying for the help of the hearts of their enemies, the Intercessor of Heaven, help the believers.

The ancient Seven-string icon of the Mother of God tells people about the need for a saw setting to sinful nature, to teach patience, love to the enemy. Even more korisny vvazhetsya zvernennya to the icon in heavy hours, if thoughts appear in the soul, take care of the drive.

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Strong is the prayer of the Mother of God of Seven Strials - Remembrance of Evil Hearts

Prayer, called to the Mother of God of Seven Strels “Remembrance of Evil Hearts” (otherwise called “Seven Shooters”, “Simeon's Prophecy”), is aimed at appeasing that calm of the wicked people. Before the icon of the Mother of God "Simeon's Prophecy" pray for your enemies, ask for help to soften their hearts. The icon of the Semistrel Mother of God also helps to ease mental anguish, heal fortune-telling at the windows, and settle in human hearts of mercy.

The text of the prayer of the Mother of God of the Seven Strings “Remembrance of evil hearts”

Praying to the Most Pure Mother of God in front of the icon її “Semystrelna” (“Remembrance of evil hearts”) is necessary for the help of the upcoming texts:

Description of the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Remembrance of Evil Hearts” (“Semistrelna”)

The face of the Mother of God “Relief of evil hearts” is even similar to the “Seven-shooter” icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, to which I will call “Seven-shooter” the offending stench. Vіdminnіst іmіzh them polagає in roztashuvanny strіl:

  • the bead of the "Seven-shooter" arrow, which pierced the heart of the Mother of God, was stitched on both sides: three - from one side, chotiri - from the other;
  • at the Mother of God “Relief of Evil Hearts” the following arrows were stitched: three - angry, three - from the right side, one - from below.

On the icon “Remembrance of Evil Hearts” the Most Pure Bogomatir is depicted on its own, with a heart pierced with swords (arrows). Every once in a while it sounds and raznovid, de Prechista Diva Mary was written from the innocence of Christ on a whim. These swords (strills) act as a symbol of the prophecy given by St. Simeon the God-Receiver in the Jerusalem Temple at the hour of Stritennya. Vіn said, that the share of the Mother of God is destined to taste richly, the confusion of that grief, babchiv, like the sufferer Sin її. Swords are drawn invincibly: stench means bloodshed.

The number 7 itself has been given symbolic meanings. At the sight of the icon - the chain of grief and heart torment, which fell on the lot of the Most Holy Mother of God with the stretch of earthly life, the fullness of її sorrow. The Mother of God suffers not so through the torment of Jesus Christ, as from the seven deadly human sins that pierce his soul. In this rank, the swords act as a symbol of sinful passions.

The Dedication of the Icon of the “Seven-Arrowed” Mother of God (“Remembrance of Evil Hearts”)

The icon of the “Seven Arrows” of the Mother of God is venerated above the name of the believers. The Vologda region is honored with the Batkivshchyna icon. She scrambled her shoulders in the Church of St. John the Theologian, stoked on the birch of the river Toshni. A river flows nearby Vologda. About її the trip was saved for one cіkava retelling.

Rozpovіdає retelling about one peasant from Kadnikіvskogo povіtu, who was tormented by a lot of fate in the absence of kulgavosti. Once I had a dream, I had a divine voice roaring about those who would heal my ailment, as if I knew the icon of the Most Holy Mother of God in the bunker of the Theological Church, pray with faith, ask for dressing.

The villager came to the temple, roaring about his dream, asking him to let him in the middle of the fire, but the clergymen moved to take him out, and so the girls. A man arrived and in the third place, and yogo zavjatіst z napolevіstyu robbed their own. The villager was allowed to go up to the door, and once again he knew the image of the “Seven-shot” Mother of God.

The icon celebrated the function of the descending step, and the ringers simply walked by it, not suspecting anything. Excited by the vibe of the blues, the clergy kindly cleaned and shaped the image, led it to a careful look, and then served a prayer service, at the procession of which the villagers diligently prayed. In the wake of the next, it was a marvel: the ailment of yogo stepped in, the veins healed again. So orthodox church I knew one more icon - the image of the “Seven-shot” Blessed Virgin Mary.

The image of the “Seven-shot” Mother of God gained particular glory in the 1830s, when an epidemic of cholera broke out in Vologda. The inhabitants of the city spent horseradish walking along the walls of the city on a choli with an icon. After that ailment began to decline, and the epidemic did not stop for a while.

The miraculous icon emerged from the Church of St. John the Theologian after the fatal 1917 fate. Since 1930 there have been no worship services here. The parish celebrated its activity in 2001, but the icon of the Mother of God of Seven Shooters never turned back to the Fatherland.

In what ways do you reach the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Remembrance of Evil Hearts”?

reading strong prayer in front of the image of the Most Holy Mother of God “Remembrance of Evil Hearts”, you can reach the prayers between members of your family, between relatives and close people, between a person and a squad, between children and their fathers.

"Seven-shooter" Mother of God is built to defend against spalah anger, aggression and anger (both in power and other people), in the face of foreign intolerance. Helps the icon for being witches among the members of this soul. Before the Mother of God, with prayer, they turn around and at the hour of the military days: ask about the defense against the prophet’s attack.

Dyakuёmo for the text of the prayer! Children (syn and daughter) fight among themselves, hate one another, it’s just that my strength is no longer enough to endure everything. A mother's heart hurts. Praying to the Semistrile Mother of God. Let her out to help them shamenutisya.

Blessed Virgin Mary, help our evil hearts, pray to the Lord for us sinners! Pray to God for all my relatives, slay so that the stench ceases to curse one by one!


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Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God of Seven

The icon of the Theotokos of the Seven Strels is recognized as one of the most miraculous. For hundreds of years, Orthodox Christians have been reading prayers to this image, rushing for help to the Blessed Mother, as if in the country they had slaughtered that rebellion, raised that praise. The prayer of the Semistrial Mother of God helps to know peace and happiness, to save the brews and not to allow welding. With the help of help, it is easy to recognize the little ones with people, to hide the super little girl and the witches.

The solemn chanting of the saint to the image of the Seven-stringed Mother of God falls on the 26th sickle. This day, if Vologda was vryatova vіd cholera the most wonderful rank. In 1830, the city dwellers prayed fervently in front of the icon, then they made a hell of a move, going around the place. The prayers of the townspeople were felt, and God Matir Semistrilna spared Vologda a terrible fate.

Shira prayer in front of the icon of the building is to ease the soul and physical suffering, to put in a cup of tea and make a hundred years with friends, relatives and loved ones.

It is more often to pray to icons at the vapadkas, if your heart is overcome by anger, if it is necessary to reconcile the opposing sides and to free people from the unkind struggle. The most effective way is that the devil will appear more broadly than the beast to the Most Holy Theotokos. Prayer is due to come straight from the heart.

At the process of getting to God, a Christian takes away heavenly grace, knows divine blessings, cleanses the soul, mind and heart. At the procession of prayer before the holy image, believing in yourself, looking into your soul, opening the eyes of angels.

The Holy Mother of God of Semistrel, I especially hope to help the believers. She spares the hearts of people from anger, calms human characters, fights against misfortunes and strengthens the faith of earthly inhabitants in a diva.

About what to ask the Mother of God?

It is not uncommon for Orthodox Christians to read the prayers of the icon of the Semistrial Mother of God to ask the saints for health. Even more often the fault of all ills, which has settled in the hearts of people, is hatred, anger and malice. The Mother of God spares her children from sinful torments, granting health to the mother.

They often hunt for messages of good luck. Psalms addressed to the Seven-stringed Mother of God of the universal - stink to avenge the main filth of humankind, aimed at healthy souls.

Thus, the image of the Blessed One can be built up for a long time, bringing order to the people, having performed many miracles. However, in the post-revolutionary period, the Miraculous Image appeared, but the Mother of God continued to help the needy and dosi. You can pray to the myrrh-streaming image in Moscow on the Divochoy Pole, seeing the Church of the Archangel Michael.

About what blessings and how to work sacred action?

Kozhen himself virishuy, to which he attaches respect for the hour of prayer at the address of the Seven-string Mother of God. It is allowed to say the prayer of the Seven-stringed icon, perebuvayuschie near the uninterrupted proximity to the heavenly image. It is recommended for a specially appointed minister to put a lit candle, then we will rozpochinati z Bogomatir'yu.

Mustache prayers to avenge prohannya about the salvation of the soul, at the link with which it is universal. It is necessary to remember the text in the light of a broad heart, it is not to blame for any evil spirit in the head. You can ask some other people to help you.

Prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos

In Christianity, the earthly mother of Jesus Christ, one of the greatest features and the greatest of Christian saints.

Christian prayer before the Semistrilna icon: comments

Comments - 4,

I am often told by scum in my vain soul. I often get angry at the people closest to me, at my relatives. And at such moments, I start praying, and I pray to the icon of the seven-arrowed Mother of God, for granting me calm and uprooting my anger and anger, in prayer before her, I start crying, I swear, I pray, I pray not once. I remembered that after reading it, it’s easier for me, I start marveling at the problems, attack with anger and anger, which they called out in me anyway, I forgive everyone for myself and I forgive myself and this icon for everything!

I am already guilty before my God and the Most Holy Theotokos. I pray, I read prayers, I repent. you people. God bless my dear readers)))

Thank you for the initial lessons of wisdom... Live forever and learn forever... Thank you for God's promise.

Holy Mother of God, pray to God for the servant Irina! Help! The sensible person of my turn to the lawful squad, turn the yoga of love to me! Zrozumіy kokhanku yogo r.b. Let Olga in. Let them know happiness with another person.

Prayer for the Icon of the Mother of God Semistrilna

Holy Mother of God Diva! We cover ours and us, sinners, for the whole day (any days) we honor with Your cover and deliver us from all evil!

O richly suffering Mother of God, Presence of all the daughters of the earth, for Your purity and for the impersonal suffering, You carried on the earth, accept our richly painful zithannya and save us for the sake of Your mercy. You don’t know more than a corner and a warm intercession, but you don’t know, oh, oh, the courage that I have before you people, help me and save us with Your prayers, let the Kingdom of Heaven reach the Kingdom of Heaven, for we sleep with the saints in Troy, forever and ever. Amen.

Help our evil heart, Mother of God, and attack us, who hate, extinguish, and allow all the oppression of our soul. To marvel at Your holy image, to Your sufferers and merciful people, we roam about us and hurt Your wounds, our arrows, You, who torment, zhahaemosya. Do not let us, Mother is merciful, in our zhorstokerdі our and in the zhorstokordya near perish, For truly evil hearts Um'yakshennya.

Vibranium of the Virgin Mary, who outweighed all the daughters of the earth, Mother of the Sin of God, Yogo will give salvation to the world, from the separation of the will: look at the rich mourning of our life, guess the sorrows and ailments, which You endured, as our earthly, and do it with us Clichemo Ty: Rejoice, mournful Mother of God, bringing our sorrow into joy.

Thy grace, Lady, help the hearts of hardships, send blessings to those who seek every kind of evil, to pray to Thee diligently in front of Your holy icons.

We magnify Thee, Blessed Virgin Mary, God-brought Otrokovitsa, and we chant the image of Your saints, as a healer for all, which we pour with faith and love.

The faces of the saints on our icons represent us closeness for the spirit of the saints of God, as all are alive with God and with the Holy Spirit forever close to us for our faith and prayer to us. (St. Righteous Father John of Kronstadt)

Prayer of the Mother of God of the Semistrile in self-sufficiency

Orthodox tradition has a rich variety of icon-painting images of the Mother of God. Most of them are little seen at home, being daily a local shrine. Prote є th zrazki, indicative of the deep-church shanuvans. Among them, an image of the ranks of the Semistrel is seen with its own innocence. About this icon, as well as about prayers, like before it, to be celebrated, to be at this statue.

Meaning of the image

The seven-stringed icon of the Mother of God has a different name - "Remembrance of evil hearts." Rіdshe її is also called Simeon's prophecy. In essence, the icon is an illustration to the bottom of the Holy Stritennya, that is the holy Zustrichi of the Lord, described in the Gospel. If Jesus Christ was called to mind, yogo mother, for the Mother of God, brought yogo up to the Jerusalem temple. There is a righteous man in the name of Simeon. Behind the instructions, this person was one of the translations of the sacred writings of my Greek, there is little space in Egypt three hundred years before the Savior's birth. If Simeon, after translating the book of the prophet Іsаї, he hesitated, what is written there correctly, that it is not occupied to start and give birth to a son. Having spoken, he still virishiv, what a pardon, and writing the word “woman” at the translation. Well, an angel appeared before him, as if having reminded you, that the first prophecy about the conception of an unborrowed virne, and in order to expand your mind, you will be given the opportunity to work miracles. І Axis Simeon three hundred rokіv checks on qiu zustrіch (strіtennya - in yansk) at the temple. I nareshti dochekavsya. If Mary handed over the impossibility to him in her arms, on the new zіyshov the prophetic spirit, and vіn saying a prophecy about the newly born Jesus, remembering that the yoga mother “would go through the soul.” Tya zbroya, that the suffering of the Mother of God, are symbolically depicted on the icon of the "Seven-shooter" at the sight of seven swords that pierce your heart. The sword is depicted as the same, shards in the biblical tradition, the number means completeness and completion.

This legend, without a doubt, is apocryphal by reference to the first Christian retelling. But this does not change its moral significance, as it gave the people a different, more practical interpretation. Oskіlki Maria staggers into Orthodoxy, like a heavenly queen and spiritual mother of all Christians, then she’s gone, like she’s pierced, not only sorrow in the torments accepted by Jesus Christ on the cross, but the sins of people, for the sake of them, they were crucified having recognized This sword in this context means the symbol of mortal sins, with which the loving and mournful heart of the Mother of God is permeated.

Look like an image

The icons came from the icon, no one saw it. Zgidno with a pious legend, її having revealed a peasant from Vologda, who is very ill with culture and partial paralysis. The everyday doctors could not have lied about it. As if in a dream, he was given an order to rise to the link of the church of St. John the Theologian and take the icon. Understandably, the clergy of the cathedral didn’t take all the secrets and the girls inspired the old one in the prohanni, miraculously knowing that there were no icons there. Ale, the villager was stubborn, and he was allowed to go up to the door, so that he could perekonatisya himself in the stupidity of his words. However, the wine, having climbed up the hill, having recognized the icon in one of the boards, served as gatherings at gatherings. The icon was lowered down, cleaned and served a prayer service. That same bula the first prayer of the mother of God of Semistrelna was voiced, after that the villager was healed. From that hour, miracles began to appear from the icon. And tse, with his blackness, called to the expansion of glory about the miraculous image. From the beginning, robiti lists began, of which there is a great number of many varieties at once. The original image after the repressions of the 1930s, unfortunately, the sign, no records were found.

About what to pray before the Seven-stringed image of the Mother of God

Like before an icon, the prayer of the mother of God of the Semistrel can be dedicated to some kind of drive. The prote specificity of the image formed a special sphere of needs, it is important for those who turn to Mary before this icon. We are talking about the world and about the anger, hatred and vengeance from the side of anyone. Vlasne, the very same її was nicknamed "Remembrance of Evil Hearts." Shown people, suvori chiefs, suvori fathers and readers - in all these moods, the prayer of the icon of Semistrelnaya can be ferocious. How to pray to the Mother of God, does not have a special meaning. Below, prayers will be given, and then you can go up to Mary with your best words, aby the stench was strong. Importance is the beauty of prayer, but the heart is more fervent. If you wash your mind before Trimano, then without a doubt, the prayer of the Semistrel icon will be honored. If you pray, like skilki - it doesn’t matter.

The text of the prayer in front of the Seven-string icon

For example, we still bring a sling of vulgarly accepted texts, like to read at the temples at public services and people believe in houses. The main prayer of the Mother of God of the Seventh in the Russian translation sounds like this:

“Oh, the Mother of God suffered so much, that she would turn over all the daughters of the earth with her purity, that with her sufferings, as if she had endured on earth! Accept our mournful prayers and save us under the protection of your mercy. To that we can’t have another shack and such a hot intercessor, we don’t know how. You may be merciful in the prayers of your people, so help us and save us with your prayers, so that we can reach the heavenly kingdom without interruption and there, with the help of the saints, we will sleep the one Trinity - God, forever and ever and forever and ever. Amen!"

Such is the solemn prayer of the Mother of God of the Semistrel. The Tsaritsa of the Christian faith is represented in her as an intercessor, who is out there, looking out for the manifestations of Orthodox Christians. And also short prayers dedicated to this image. The stench may be especially liturgical recognition and are called troparion and kontakion.

Troparion, tone 5

Zm'yaksha our hearts are evil, Mother of God, and the attacks are quiet, who hate us, zishch, and in the light of our soul, we will, on your holy image of the marvelous. To your speeches and mercies before us, we are led to hell and hurt your kisses, our arrows, which they torment you, we are afraid. Do not let us, blessed mothers, perish in our zhorstokerdі in the zhorstokostі neighbors, for you truly evil hearts are relieved.

Kontakion, tone 2

Thank you, Volodarka, help the evil hearts, send beneficent ones, protecting them from all kinds of evil, about the good, to pray to you diligently in front of your holy icons.

Kontakion, the troparion and the official prayer of the Mother of God of the Semistrelna reflect the main idea - the subdue of evil in the hearts. However, the icon is also a symbol of heartfelt sorrow, so whether the suffering of the soul can be hung before the rite. For example, if you want to help the government with a happy special life.

Prayer of the Icon of the Semistrial Mother of God in Selfhood

O Pan-Volodarka Mother of God, have your great mercy on me, giving me the strength to bear the heavy burden of self-sufficiency of the soul. Forbid me from some kind of evil curse, from the infusion of unclean spirits, from the evil brought on my life. Amen!

Seven-stringed icon of the Mother of God

Prayer of the Mother of God. Seven-stringed icon of the Mother of God.

All deeply believe in the house to make icons of the Mother of God. The Semistrel Icon of the Mother of God is most respected. Bagato who doesn’t know why she helps out.

At the icon of the Mother of God Semistrilna there is a flower of history. No one knows if they painted an icon, but the pridban was out after that, as a prophetic dream came to one ailing peasant in the Vologda province. The villager had problems with his legs, he was only walking around walking. The dream of you was blessed with healing, as if on the branch of the Ivano-Theological Church, you knew the icon, before which you could pray. The bell-ringers of the temple took the icon for a dowel and stuck it like a rotting foot. Ale, the villager knew the icon, after prayers he recovered, and the icon stood on the graveside place in the Ivano-Theological Church.

Near Vologda, the Semistrilna icon showed another miracle at the 19th century. At that time, an epidemic of cholera was rampant in the city. Many residents of Vologda read prayers before the icons of the Mother of God of Semigrad and Semistrіlna. After that, as with these icons, the stench was put in the middle of the way, the ailment set in.

On the Seven-stringed icon, the Mother of God is written without Jesus Christ, and her breasts are pierced with arrows, as if they instill earthly suffering, addictions, the sins of humanity, like a master of pain. The Holy Letter respects the number of this mean її torment, borderliness, it is impossible to suffer more and more importantly.

The seven-stringed icon helps believers in what.

The main recognition of the Seven-stringed icon is that of a guard, a cleansing of people in the first black from filthy thoughts about the pomst, as well as other evils. Permeated with arrows, the Mother of God is a symbol of patience, humility, love and mercy. And not only humility is helped by the Seven-string icon. The holy image of the Mother of God helps to see the people in the house, as if they were impure thoughts. If you are afraid of shakhraiv, villains, zazdrіsnikіv, then you are recommended to hang the icon of the Mother of God Semistrilna in your home.

Prayer of the Semistrial Mother of God help and when welding those discords in family, even the Mother of God turns into family peace, trust, love, harmony, being the protector of the family fire, nurturing the mother between us relatives: children and fathers, friends.

At home, you can place the Seven-string icon not only on the iconostasis, but above entrance doors but on the contrary, it is not (for the zakhist of the unkind). If I threaten you with the troubles of chi viyskovi diy, then it is necessary to read a prayer for the prohanny about the world. Having hung the icon at the head of the city, your homeland welcomed the reign of peaceful waters. Like roztashuvati in the bedroom, in which there is a sickness of a person, an icon will help you dress. Just remember that it is not possible to place pictures, photographs, posters, like images of the holy image, as well as put a computer and TV set on an icon.

Prayer of the Icon of the Semistrial Mother of God in Selfhood

Before the “Semistrelnaya” pray for the order of the enemies, easing their hatred. Wider prohannya believing people to help ease the anger of the worst enemy. Prayers in front of the icon to read and the hour of war, asking the Mother of God for peace and saving the lives of warriors who are in battles. Returning to the Mother of God, it is necessary to put at least this candle.

Prayer of the Icon of the Mother of God "Remembrance of Evil Hearts" (Semistrelna), so forget the image

Anger and intense hatred towards other people is a sin that needs to be spared. To awaken goodness in the heart, prayer helps mercifully, as if bringing a little enlightenment to that joy:

Icons Mother of God"Remembrance of evil hearts » :

Vm'yakshіt our evil heart. Theotokos, and the misfortune is quiet, to hate us, extinguish, and allow all the oppression of our souls, for we marvel at Your holy image, Your suffering and mercifulness about us, we roam and wound Your lobizuemo, arrows of ours, Thee, who torment, zhahemosya. Don’t let us, Mother of Mercy, die in our zhorstokerdі and in the sight of the zhorstokordzh of our neighbors, for You truly help evil hearts.

Prayer of the Semistrelnaya, to make peace with the people, to make a hundred with a friend

Like a serious conflict with a person, like a cloud of life and a turbulent heart, it is necessary to read such a prayer in front of the “Seven-arrows”, standing on a strong wind:

Prayer in the light:

First time, God's time. Fly, wind, to Jerusalem, from the holy land return home. Extinguish with your spirit, with your strength the anger of the heretic, the angry masters, the old youth. Matinka "Semistrilna", with your seven-stringers, strike all evil, all welding, put an end to the zatyaty superechts, prizhki, capes, collars, nets, keels, live graves, pidrobki, heart ailments, headaches, liver coli. One of them didn’t care for one: Sleepless, sleepless, cross, batog, grave flowers. Reconcile the slaves (names) from this day, from this year, from your command. Chill them with Jordanian holy water. In the name of God Christ, see, the image, from the servants of God (names). Vgamuy, calm down, Matinka "Seven-shooter". In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Ninі i povyakchas i for vіki vіkіv. Amen

The icon is next to trimati in the hands of the hour of reading prayers.

How to protect yourself against enemies and unkind ones? Zmova at the gates of the Seven-stringed Icon of the Mother of God

In order to protect yourself from the conflict with unkindness, to protect yourself from the human hatred and nabootya vorogiv, perebovaya at the lazna, on the water to say such a prayer (zmova):

Prayer of the Seven-stringed Icon of the Defender of the Enemies:

In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Matinka, Semistrillna Mother of God, I bless You to take Your own holy arrows. See me, shoot all evil at me, right there, the stars have come. And whoever will be a servant of God (im'ya) will lead, until then let these arrows of Yours stick. Zv'yazhe, press, and the enemy of the star itself. Be, my words, mіtsnі, be, my dela, lіlennya: For today, for eternity, for inexhaustible. In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Ninі i povyakchas i for vіki vіkіv. Amen

It is necessary to wash yourself in with water, to wash yourself in.

Read more articles about the miraculous Seven-string icon. And about all Orthodox, all information is holy

It is customary for this icon to pray in conflict situations, especially when the strength is nervous. The prayer of the Mother of God of the Seventies allows you to help calm the evil hearts, aggressiveness, super girls, bring on ships. However, remember that prayer itself is not a panacea, for that, with the aggressive behavior of a person, as punishable by law, it is more likely to turn to the singing instance. Ale for pobutovyh conflicts God Mother, as a rule, helps rich people. Axis yak їy.

What and how to pray

At the temple, the icon of the Seven-stringed Mother of God once turned into respect. On it is depicted the Mother of God with arrows, like a protruding hand. The icon itself is considered the strongest against witchcraft, aggressiveness, both in the buttress, and in the light scale. The seven-stringed icon of the Mother of God - the most powerful prayer - helps to help relieve conflicts, prote and fall, if you don’t turn up to the icon from the prohanny. Nasampered tse:

  • sloppy, if you navmisno work against the law and are afraid of paying for it chi naslіdkіv;
  • like a person provoking the aggressiveness of another, to take away from him the melancholy, otherwise you know that you will be punished for a filthy deed.

In such situations, you can only harm yourself with prayer. If you want to solve the problem with a peaceful way stronger, then the Mother of God can help you.

You can and need to pray before this icon:

  • yakshcho have sіm'ї stіyno vіdbuvayutsya welding, navіt mіzh relatives and fathers. As a rule, the prayer of children becomes especially strong in such situations;
  • you want to behave aggressively and you can hurt you with your actions and chimes, but you can’t resist it;
  • the one who has the power to behave aggressively according to the attitude to you;
  • fathers chi cholovik show aggression, fortune teller.

You can pray to the Mother of God at the beginning of conflicts with your family, and among other people. Also, the Semistrial Icon of the Mother of God read prayers and in court, and in military conflicts, or for such a threat. However, regardless of those that prayer is more powerful, it does not mean that it is necessary to ignore other ways of praying conflict situations. Navpaki, most of the time, before the court, the police help you to test your inadmissibility, and it seems necessary.

If you read a prayer in the temple, it is necessary to become angry, forget for some time about other worldly troubles and help, ask the Mother of God for help and put a candle in front of the icon. Axis yakі reconcile the goddamned hearts. The prayer of the Semistrial Mother of God is not without reason respected by one of the strongest.

If you check for help

Call for help to force yourself to understand that you yourself are not guilty of the conflict. However, there are fluctuations, if the prayer of the Seven-stringed Mother of God helps not just once, but for a stretch of the month. To whom there is nothing terrible, to that God knows everything about the people that її thought. However, as if to help, it does not force itself, it does not get embarrassed. Possibly, you can debunk the situation on your own and put a hoaxer on the spot.

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