Ways to resolve conflict situations in robots. The concept of conflict. Virishennya conflicts on robots. Ways of behavior in a conflict situation

To paraphrase the famous verses of Vadim Shefner, then we will say: “Do not rob a robot, they die on it.” For hours of success, which is based on competition, you can move from one, but still sailing is not all the same.

So, like a working team picking up spontaneously, people go there with special gusto likenesses and valuable attitudes. Stop entering the super-echo one by one, which will generate conflicts on the robot. Regardless of the fact that the camp is worthy of becoming a well-taken human being, ale wine is assigned a negative rank on the productivity of work. The microclimate among the spivrobitniks is even more important. Therefore, the core workers organize trainings for the group formation. But the psychological methods of stupidity, even though there were conflicts on the robots, did not take away that victory.

The conflict is the result of a conflict between interests, conflicts, values ​​and the needs of two sides.

See conflicts on robots

  1. Between people and people - the widest type of conflict on the robot. The monolithic team is important. Mіzhosobistіsnі zіtknennya є filter for selection of personnel. Two people can not fall in love one by one through the light-gazing, political assimilation that one supersedes one, and more often, people differ in their statements about those, as it is required to practice. As if the super-girl blamed the boss and helped her, then the positions were understood. The first one vvazhaє: i insufficiently diligently practice, and the other one vvazhaє: If there is a horizontal conflict (between colleagues), then the reason for the competition is special hostility. It's true, sometimes people compare themselves to the fact that they may differ in their statements about the cleanliness of the working place, as if they stink.
  2. Mizh specialty and group. The role of "specialty" is played by the boss, who will arrive again, and in the role of the group - the collective of the enterprise. Cause a specific skin change of your own, but most of all blame it on those who “new mіtla in a new way”. Another story, if the spivrobitnik, having arrived again, manages not to bring colleagues to himself. At this point, I can’t seem to make contact, the novice is off the hook. Nobody can be in hell. Well, if a person is strong in spirit and needs a job, then she will change the situation and change the setting of the team to herself, the truth is, a simple and stressful process.
  3. Between groups at the team. If the company's microclimate is healthy, then the team is clearly monolithic. Nomu has no cracks. It dawned on me that it doesn’t show up on robots, and it doesn’t cause conflicts. I will become an indicator of the sickly collective - crushing into okremi voroguyuchi (for professional chi and ideological signs) groups.

So you see the conflicts on the robots, and now we will pay attention to them, as they are the most common.

Like a robotic conflict with a colleague, what work?

More shortly, the classification of "colleagues-skidniks" and the methods of fighting them. Father:

  • “A lover of talking and a brawler” is a boring and inviting other people in the form of professional shoes. At the skin office, people “work” – “passengers”. They're asking for a number. Robot їх do not click. Thus, the subjects of their activity are us in front of loving wages. Similar colleagues will feel like a robot for more than two days a month - for an hour to see the advance payment of wages. Right now, the stench suffers from the air and talk a lot, so that you can ease your pain. Only one thing to disturb those who are absent from this type of practitioner: youmu.
  • - Shkidlivy type. On robots, like in the world, people live, they are already fighting. And the stench is trying to knock the leader out of the seat, and there will be steps. People come to the team, still do not know the alignment of forces, and ask such a person for help, but she takes it and presents it.
  • “Oppositionist or a bastard of kerivnitstva” is a non-safe type (“spy” or “snitcher”). Two faces of one thing. Such a spіvrobіtnik either to love or not to love the authorities and podomlyaє about tse skin colleague.

Ways to fight against the leading factors of human behavior:

  • Like those who like to talk and splash their worldly culture on the people, they follow the city and zatulyatisya with an impenetrable screen. At the butovy sensi, it is expressed with the phrase: “Vibach, those tsіkavі, but in me the terms are zavdannya, let's talk this time.” A colleague went to the pranks of another spy.
  • With another type, it is necessary to trim the vukho gostro and uniqueness of the fallowness seen in the robot. Be vichlivim and do not weld, so that the future does not take the club off the wheel.
  • Do not talk to the bosses on robots - the main principle in the fight against spies and informers among the collective.

Otzhe, vydpovіd on food, like on a robotic conflict with a colleague, scho work, stand on a simple, al dієviy pіdstavі: “less words - more do it.”

Non-statutory, special posts reduce the productivity of work. On a robot, you need to practice, not be friends. If a person sacredly believes in simple rules, then the everyday conflict with his colleague is not terrible.

If the soul is still able to inspire wisdom in that mist, it is necessary to practice, then you can switch from a colleague to “ti” only after trivaly thought, that call both “for” and “against”.

Conflict on robots from the boss yak buti?

There is no trace between the kerivnik, remembering one curtain:

  1. The boss is right.
  2. Yakshcho chief not maє racії, div. point first.

Alekerivniki are not so hopeless anymore. Reasonable people, want and see, in foldable and meaningful super-bags to get in touch. We should be told why, why is the reason unreasonable? Guilt to lie on professional incompetence, why the conflict on the robot with the boss became through the special character of the spivrobitnik?

Special divination is a phenomenon that cannot be conquered. Masses lead to the fact that an ineffective frame becomes successful and beloved by curiosity. In life, the chief of the latter is in his decisions and causes the objectionable.

The strategy of the practitioner's behavior is to fight the right to practice where it is appropriate. Tse means:

  • It is worthy of that vvіchlivo vіdvoіdati chiefs on yogo zakidi.
  • Stretch the distance (do not go out with yourself, do not show irritation).
  • As if one more official hangs over the chief, and the robot did not streak all of the people, turn to the new, help them. Truth, the spіvrobіtnik in the hands of the mother of laznі can prove the blame of his uninterrupted kerіvnik.

As far as the specific professional claims are concerned, the algorithm is as follows:

  • Lyudina talks to her boss in detail about problems.
  • People show their weak sides.
  • Lyudina throws herself at the vir pratsi.

Virishennya conflicts on robots. Ways of behavior in a conflict situation

  1. Supernice. If one participant in the super-chki chi is oblivious, they will take the super-chka like a battle. Even zhorstka demeanor. People prove their case, inspire from other people - "do not judge the victors." If a person easily and quickly goes to a confrontation, then in a team they won’t get caught up. The war camp does not last long, there is a lot of strength on the new one.
  2. Attachment. The manner of behavior of an altruist, which forgets about one's interests and positions, which seem to be, for the sake of the team. The strategy is suitable for the resolution of insignificant complex food. If a person passes an hour of important negotiations, then people waste their time before her. Until then, do not start the behavior of the one who acts, go from the heart. In such a time, the strategy is ruinous for a person, as if it were a sight to smooth out kuti.
  3. Unique. People go into the shadows, allowing the wiping people to sleep, spodivayuchis that the super girl is quiet by itself. I reiterate: minor differences can be dealt with in this way, but serious problems need to be discussed.
  4. Compromise. Lyudina, as if following such a manner of behavior, sacrificed pishki in order to take the king. I create an illusion for the enemy, which I won, and trade my own bonuses and gains.
  5. Spirituality. The behavioral strategy of conveying wins both sides. Wise and foldable, ale vіdpovіdny already not for the skin type of person in that situation.

How to show the strategy of behavior, the resolution of conflicts on robots, but for the specific skin situation of your own.

The most constructive way of solving the conflict on robots is ceremonial with a superman (dissatisfied side)

Anthropologists-renegades are aware: in ancient, prehistoric times, before the appearance of articulate thinking in people, people spoke to each other telepathically. Potim our ancestors switched to verbal communication. Shards of telepathy in our days are rare, then claims are more productive to speak out loud.

Ways to extinguish emotions in conflicts are based on substantive discussion, discussed problems, if the parties that are in conflict, analyze those that are not in power in mutual modality and use the wadi together. Like all the differences, life is more cheerful, and the productivity of work increases, the atmosphere in the team improves.

The main problem of people is that they cannot stink at home and discuss differences at the door. Colleagues, mentored by those bosses, people and squads - in social and private life - people close pain points that they praise them for nothing, cevede to the growth of the squeeze and emotional vibes. To play off the tension, it is necessary to enter into a dialogue with other people. Rozmova — value for constructive work and at home. Vchasno said the word ryatuє zhittya ta kar'єri people. Fair and fair: as a person to mourn the same, if the next to say, a catastrophe is imminent.

Conflicts in labor and special life vimotuyut and grow old.

If the situation is aggravated, and if there is no conflict on the right, then it helps to ignore that move (which is possible). If, however, the opposition turns into a shouting voice, it is necessary to speak and discuss everything to the smallest detail. Analyze the objective, subjective membranes of the peaceful pleasing of the parties. Recognize other people, її

How to unify conflicts on robots? Relatively choose the sphere of activity and analyze the team

Conflicts are part of life, and the stench accompanies people all the time. And mirkuvannya about the robot and professional interests do not inspire in the lower vice. If a person is afraid of the choice, to go or not to go to the team, then you need to ask yourself about three speeches:

  • Chi is like a robot?
  • Colleagues stop receiving hostility?
  • Chief suvoriy, ale fair?

Golovnya, that in the future the supply was positive. In the realities of modern society, it is rarely troubling that a robot can be robbed in a right way.

Cardinal advice on food, as a unique conflict on the job, is like this: do not work, do not get angry with the team! Alas, utopia. People, to live, need to practice. On another occasion, I would die of hunger on the streets.

Entry 1

Chapter 1. Description of methods and strategic means of dealing with conflict situations 4

1.1 Rational-intuitive model of solving a conflict situation 6

1.2. Principled negotiations 10

Visnovok 13

References 14


We live in the world of conflicts. Today, in the distance, from us, and in order, conflicts between us and other peoples are sparing with us. At home, on a robot, on a hike, on a trip. Human ties are easily destroyed, blood is shed.

Even more conflicts can be regulated. The very same is dedicated to our work. Let's take a look at different methods of resolving conflicts, methods of behavior in conflict situations, take a look at the application of conflicts, and proponably different ways of resolving them.

We are trying to bring to light that, be it for each other, you can be mutually playful. Sound the conflicting parties give more respect to the interests of the authorities, but not the interests of others. Use the impersonal paths to win over your opponent using the "win/win" method over the "win/program" method.

The theory and practice of solving conflicts are growing at a turbulent pace. In 1986, the group, called the International Rock of the World, the Australian Association for the UN Spawned the Organization for the Elimination of Conflicts as part of the World's Programs. Її zavdannya - to develop and develop skills to resolve conflicts for their effective stasis in a special life, on a job in international vacancies.

Being individuals with different needs, tastes, views and values, we cannot avoid conflicts. The whole point is that how to get to them.

The conflict can vibuhnuti z drive zagalno ogorozhі or zagalnoy cordon through those who miti dishes or pіdmіtati pіdlogu. As people become intolerant of moral, cultural, religious, political opinions between them, the conflict is inevitable, and the consequences are often important.

Conflict can also become an incentive to change and post to progress. Wanting to learn how to resolve conflicts of our own does not guarantee a complete resolution of all kinds of depressions, they can give new opportunities for expanding knowledge about yourself and others.

In such a rank, the object of the investigation is an international dispute. And the subject of investigation is the conflict situation.

Meta - manifestation of methods and methods of solving conflict situations.

On the basis of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, characterize the understanding of the conflict situation and the conflict;

Explore the specifics of behavior in conflict situations;

Look at different ways to resolve conflict situations.

CHAPTER 1. Description of methods and strategic means of dealing with conflict situations

Otzzhe, everyone realized that the conflicts were always founded, it was clear and it was clear, the stench of an invisible part of human mutuality.

The possibility of causing conflicts is inherent in all galuzahs. Conflicts are popularized on the grounds of common differences in glances, differences and confrontations of different thoughts, needs, sponukan, bazhan, styles of life, hope, interests and special features. The stench of an escalation of the schoden supernity and opposition to the sphere of principles of emotional intelligence, as if destroying the special nature of the international calm.

In the history of the problems of conflictology, it is possible to establish the possibility of a constructive and successful solution to the conflict

The key to the solution of the problem is to look at the conflict, as if it were a task, as if we could solve it: we first determine the cause of the conflict, and then we will put in place the appropriate technique for solving conflict problems. For example, the method of creative visualization can be used to analyze the causes of the conflict; the brainstorming method can be tricky when looking for alternatives; a method of automatic recording can be used to record one's reactions to those other possibilities; The method of explicit manifestation can help you nourish yourself and take into account the inner voice according to your choice. Nareshti, the method of explicit control, or the technique of volitional thought, can be vikoristan for generating sufficient internal motivation, or control over the method of implementing new solutions.

Methods for controlling a conflict situation can be skin-deep. The stench will help solve the problem of a practically any type: an internal conflict with lonely people.

The process of resolution of the conflict as a whole is based on the consideration of conflicts and the definition of them. Then, it is necessary to look at the causes of conflicts and increase the respect for the tension. For example, deyakі conflicts caused by furnishing; deyakі pov'yazanі z osobennosti zaluchennya before them people; Others can be conditioned by the form of behavior, which is repeated, or it can be seen, as it can form the basis of a conflict situation.

Korisno mother stating about deyaki zagalnі causes conflicts between people, yakі є the result of insufficient splkuvannya chi unreasonable; control over plans, interests and assessments; resistance to group conflict situations; allow the wrong ones to chiїhos dіy; in the presence of soundness to the needs and bazhannyam of other people too.

After the manifestation attached reasons and dzherel conflict with the approaching crock є correction of the problem with a path of reaction that will pass. For example, as a conflict of calls to the lack of communication between the two, the reaction is obvious to the search for a way to improve the communication. As a conflict of appearances with a difference in life plans, the reaction is polegative in one of the compromises that have been made at the result of negotiations and a solution, for which the winners are left with skin participants in the conflict. Even though there are fears and indolence at the front, then the decision is made to use the chosen methods to change them to the way.

1.1. Rational and instructive model for managing a conflict situation

If there is a good deal of evidence in conflict situations, potential conflicts can come to the fore or inspire victoria as a way to improve the quality of life with other people and self-development. The task is not to vanquish the conflict, which is potentially possible in all suspility and situations of internal choice, but to recognize the conflict and control over it with the method of taking away the best result.

Ideally, from this point of view, it is a rational - іntuїtivny method of solving conflicts, splitting by the American scientist Jeanne Graham Scott. From the very beginning, this method gets to the point of robotic consistency of that intuition with the right choice of method for a conflict situation. Tsey pidhid ґruntuєtsya on the assessment of the situation, characteristics, interests and needs of people received from conflicts, as well as power goals, interests, needs.

In serious conflicts, the emotions of the participants are always caught. In this rank, one of the first steps to the end of the conflict is the strangulation of negative emotions that are popular with him - the powerful and emotions of other people.

After the strangulation of emotions, it becomes possible to victoriously draw the mind and intuition in order to formulate a possible solution that is acceptable to all the affected parties.

Also, the main way to establish a rational-intuitive approach to conflict management is to consider whether a conflict situation is a problem or a potential problem, as a check on your own vision. Then we choose a suitable method of solving problems, coring with an arsenal of possible strategic approaches to control conflict situations. Strategies, which is visible, is stipulated by the same, the conflict (potential conflict, conflict, pushing conflict), VID of the VID of a particular Rishnnya, vid of the bajan people, and still, is still in the nature of the character, . If the choice of a suitable method is determined best way yoga zastosuvanya.

The guidance below has a power guidance scheme and a viable strategy, which can be blocked in the event of a conflict situation.

Scheme 1



I. Why are emotions the cause of the conflict, why do they change the stench of this virishennia? If so, then:

a) What are the emotions

1) Razdratuvannya?

2) Underestimation?

4) Other emotions

II. What are the reasons for the conflict?

III. Chi vyklikaniya conflict unreasonable?

VI. Chi vyklikaniya conflict tsієyu furnishing

a) Technique for cooling emotions on both sides, so that you could vibrate

solution (please)

1) Technique of cooling chi rose teasing, such. How to speak loudly, to get out of anger, to overthrow negative emotions, or to use a mindless mind that calls out anger

2) Technique of underlining disbelief or opening up that productive discussion of yoga.

Technique for changing fear, revealing and productive discussion of yoga

Self-calming technique and calming other people

Looking at real needs

Technique of underlayment is not understood by the way of polypshennya spіlkuvannya.

Technique of designation of the vertical side and the bending of the ground about the acceptance of the vertical

why don't you take responsibility for your actions?

V. Which of the styles of conduction is the best in this conflict situation?

VI. What are the special factors that can help you get rid of the conflict?

VII. What alternatives and solutions are possible?

Rating different styles ta choose the best

Technique of effective development of your needs. Vykoristannya tekhnіki skolkuvannya z especially important people

Let the vibrating of the best ideas come from the other sides to the hanging.

a). Brain attack method and creative visualization for generating ideas

b). Establishment of priorities among different opportunities

1.2. Principal negotiations

You can’t forget about such a mechanism of human intercourse, like a conversation.

Ninі more and more often brought to the negotiation. Ale, the standard negotiation strategy has ceased to please people. The stench is less than two possibilities for negotiating - buti pіdshtovhuvanimi chi zhorstki. M'yaka, behind the character of a person, wants to escape a special conflict and, in order to achieve it, please go for deeds. A hard participant in the negotiations looked at whether the situation was like a wave of will. If you want to overcome it, we often try to stop it, which calls out the same firm reaction, and psue your stance on the other side.

Narazі іsnuіє alternative to the positional approach.

At the Harvard negotiation project, American experts have broken down the method of negotiation, which is essential for an effective and friendly achievement of a reasonable result. Tsey method of naming principled negotiations and negotiations for a day.

Vіn polagaє in that, schob vyrishuvati problems on the basis of їх yakіsnih authorities, then, vihodyachi from the essence of the right, and not haggling over the drive of what you can drink chi ni skin zі storіn. This method of transferring the exercise to mutual benefit is there, if possible, but there, where interests are not avoided, relying on such a result, which is a bi-bove of foundations with such fair norms, regardless of the will of the skin of the parties. p align="justify"> The method of principled negotiation means a hard pidkhіd until the point is clear, but passing a m'yaky pіdkhіd to the point of difference between the participants in the negotiations. This method allows you to be fair, at the same time protecting the people who could win the honesty of the other side.

The method of important negotiations can be up to several points:

First point The fact that all people feel emotions, it is important for that skin one to speak one with one. Zvіdsi sled, like rozpochati over the istotoyu problem, it is necessary to solve the “problem of people” and deal with it well. If not directly, then by the way, the participants in the negotiations are guilty of explaining that they need to work on the difference and deal with the problem, and not one by one. The first recommendation about the need to expand the separation between the participants in the negotiations and the subject of the negotiations is clear.

Other item the aims at the bottom of the shortcomings, which are blamed for the concentration of respect on the positions declared by the participants, even as meta negotiations stand at the satisfaction of attracting interests. Another basic element of this method is to speak about the interests, and not the positions.

Third point there are difficulties that are blamed for the choice of optimal solutions under the pressure. Try to praise the solution at the presence of another sounding field in the dawn of the negotiators. If riches are at stake, buildings are fenced to the point of creation. Sounds like the third basic point in the drive for the convergence of mutually viable options.

The favor may seem to be fair norms, and not lie in the naked will of the skin from the sides (the presence of such fair criteria). Discussing such criteria, offending parties can come up with a fair decision. See the fourth basic point about the attack on vikoristannya ob'ektivnyh criteria.

Again, the principled method allows efficient reaching of step-by-step consensus in a reasonable solution, without costly expenses. And the separation between the relatives of people, that is the nature of the problem, allows the mother on the right, one with one, just the one with the minds that lead to friendly favors. In addition, this method is less likely to be found in human stosunkiv.


Irrespective of those who, together with other people, are responsible for bringing that harmony to the world, conflicts are inevitable. The skin of a reasonable person is guilty of a mother to effectively lay the foundation for super-children and diversity, so that the fabric of a supple life is not torn from a skin conflict, but, on the contrary, later on, the growth of the mind knows that it develops spіlnі interesi.

To resolve the conflict, it is important for mothers to have their own arrangements, to approach them, to take care of them, to go beyond the inter-subsidiary schemes and to respond wonderfully to the possibility and repair and think in a new way. At that very hour, you can overcome the conflict as if you were dying of life, self-study and self-study.

Conflicts can be turned into a wonderful initial material, so that in the future you will know the hour for those who guess what led to a conflict and what happened in a conflict situation. Then you can find out more about yourself, about the people who got into conflict, or about the situation that caused the guilty conflict. Tse knowledge will help to take the right decision from the future and overcome the conflict.

List of references

    Voykunsky A. I say, we say: Draw about people's conversation. - M: Progress, 1990.

    Knyazeva M.M. Conflict. - EKZ, 1992, No. 2.

    Melibruda E. I - ti - mi: Psihologichnі posobnosti poshchennya splkuvannya / Per. from Polish. - M: Progress, 1986.

    Scott G. Jeans Conflicts: Podlannya Ways / Per. from English movie. - Kiev: Vidavnitstvo. Production "Verzilin i K LTD", 1991.

    Scott G. Jeans Ways to resolve conflicts / Per. from English movie. - Kiev: Vidavnitstvo. Production "Verzilin i K LTD", 1991.

    Fisher R. Yury U. Shlyakh until the end of the day, talk without hitting / Per. from English movie. - M.: Nauka, 1990.

2. Main causes of conflicts in organizations 13

3. Main methods of dealing with conflict situations 15 Visnovok 25 Literature 27


The skin of us had a mother on the right with conflict situations. Conflicts are manifested in the activity of all social institutions, social groups, in people's lives and play the key role of the life of a good person, family, team, state, our supremacy, that people are shackled.

People who work in the organization are different among themselves. Vlasne stench in a different way perceive the situation, in such a stench they appear due to their individual characteristics. Vidminnist among spriynyatti often leads to the fact that people do not get along one by one for an hour of cherry-picking food. Tsya adversity is blamed if the situation is right to be of a conflict nature. The conflict lies due to the fact that the behavior of one of the parties enters into the conflict with the interests of the other side.

Most of the conflicts are blamed, the crime is caused by their participants. It is through those that most people do not have an elementary manifestation of conflicts or do not give them meaning.

The organizer of the organization is viable to its role, perebuvay sing at the center of any conflict and calls, allow it to be done with all the means available to you. Conflict management is one of the the most important functions kerivnik. The average worker spends 20% of the working day on the resolution of various conflicts. It is necessary for the skin manager to know about conflicts, how to deal with them, how to manage them. Most people are more likely to know the day out of conflict situations.

In organizations, conflicts can lead to constructive and destructive ambush. It’s too rich to lie in the sight of how the conflict is brewing. Ruinivnі naslіdki vinikayut, if the conflict is either more small, or even stronger. If the conflict is small, then most of the faults become unmarked and do not know your adequate solution. The details are supposed to be insignificant, so that spontaneously, the participants will make the necessary changes. However, the stench is overflowing and cannot but contribute to the efficiency of sleeping work. The conflict, which I will reach a strong one, is accompanied, as a rule, by the development of yoga participants, stress. Tse vede to the lowering of morality and coarseness. Ruynuyutsya communication lines. Decisions are accepted in the minds of prihovuvannya or created information and do not have enough motivating force. The organization can "fall apart in the eyes."

The constructive side is manifested if the conflict is sufficient to motivate people. Ring out, with the method of objectively enlightened by the nature of the victorious robot. The development of such a conflict is accompanied by an active exchange of information, the improvement of different positions and the understanding of one another. In the course of the discussion of vіdmіnnosti, it is not possible to lie, but it is not possible to get along with a clear-eyed, compromising solution, founded on a creative and innovative approach to the problem. Such a decision to bring to effective work in the organization.

Depending on the fact that there will be an effective conflict, these consequences will become constructive or destructive, which depends on the possibility of future conflicts, usune or create the causes of conflicts.

1. Understand the conflict and see

The conflict is more like that psychological phenomenon, the success of the cult of some kind of rich in what lies in the wake of the weekend methodological and theoretical rethinks, victorious methods.

The most widened two approach to the resolution of the conflict. With one of them, the conflict manifests itself as a zіtknennya, a contradiction, a contradiction of the sides, thoughts through prolongity, inconsistency. For such an approach, conflicts are possible in inanimate nature. The concepts of “conflict” and “superity” actually become equal for each other. The second pidkhіd polagaє rozumіnnі konflіktu like a system vіdnosin, the process of development vzaєmodії, tasks vіdmіnnosti subjects, scho to take the fate of the new one (for interests, values, diyalnistyu). Here it is said that the subject of interaction can either be a human being, or people of that group of people.

The pribіchniki of the first approach describe the conflict in a more negative way. They turn conflicts into destructive and constructive ones. Most of the work with the technology of work in conflict within the framework of such an approach is to give recommendations on how to manipulate, as they call conflict management, conflict situation management. The main method of such management is the elimination of conflict with the maximum benefit for oneself.

Прихильники другого підходу вважають конфлікт природною умовою існування взаємодіючих людей, інструментом розвитку організації, будь-якого суспільства, хоча мають деструктивні наслідки, але загалом і тривалому проміжку менш руйнівні, як наслідки ліквідації конфліктів, їх інформаційної та соціальної блокади. Such a pіdhіd hurts the current sociology of the conflict, social psychology, the theory of organizational development, the blatant theory of conflict. With such an approach, all disciplines are entirely corrected among themselves, which allows vysnovki in some to stop for theoretical reasons in others, saving scientific rigor, completeness and lack of superbness.

Another idea conveys the impossibility of managing the conflict and optimizing the mutual modality, theoretically basing the development of the conflict as a self-regulating mechanism. Замість «рішення», «дозволеності» застосовують термін «подолання», маючи на увазі, що конфлікт не ліквідується, але забезпечує розвиток, посилюючи в організації диференціацію, насамперед професійну, а в суспільстві – соціальну стратифікацію, що лежить в основі соціальної та організаційної стабільності . Wines are transformed into other conflicts, smaller ruins, into other spheres, into other social worlds. Tsey pidkhid I do not deny the possibility and nadal constructiveness of political and administrative manipulations in the cob phases of the conflict, but instead rely on the security of the informational environment in mutual sub-“єktіv” and the necessary risk, to ensure the safety of the transition. A major trend in Rest of the Rocks Taka: Belshi theoretician I practical psychologists to come to another pird, for the singing zbereznzhnya oriyntatsi on the psychologist, the psychologists of the destructive manifestation of the other. will be on the subject - the subject. As a manager of one of two approaches, he chooses and chooses him, as a result of the first choice, forms of work and recommendations for his team, structural support for those in conflict situations.

Today's thought is about the fact that given in organizations with effective management, such conflicts are not only possible, but they can be brought to life. Obviously, the conflict can not be positive character. In certain types of wines, you can satisfy the needs of a particular specialty and reach the goals of the organization with a fuss. But in certain situations, the conflict helps to reveal the diversity of points of dawn, gives additional information, helps to reveal a great number of alternatives and problems. The goal is to make the process of accepting a decision by a group more effective, and also give people the opportunity to express their thoughts and thoughts and to please themselves with special needs from the power of that authority. It can also lead to more effective planning, strategies and projects, but the points of discussion of different points of view are taken up to their actual implementation. In this manner, under the conflict, the most important way of solving significant contradictions is understood, which is blamed on the process of mutual modality, which influences the opposite of the subject of the conflict and is accompanied by positive and negative emotions.

As a subject of the conflict, they still experience their negative emotions (for example, in the process of discussions of sports martial arts), they, on the other hand, experience negative emotions, but they don’t show them, they don’t oppose one another, so the situation Protidium of the subject of the conflict can be developed in three areas: splurge, behavior, activity.

On this day, the necessary links to the system are all practically not related to conflict, as are conducted within the framework of military sciences, mysticism, history, mathematics, pedagogy, political science, law, psychology, philosophy, sociology, sociology Sciences. Such a system will not be a piece of light. It is possible, the foundations of any conflict to lie protirichcha, as if playing a system-creating role, both for different types of conflict, and for different kinds of conflicts. Її creation is necessary, small people, governing bodies, to the right with real conflicts, and not with other psychological, legal, philosophical, sociological, economic and other aspects.

Cіrkuvannya to bring the need to see independent science - conflictology. The object of її complex development is the conflict in the beginning, and the subject is the total regularity of their vindication, the development of that completion.

In social psychology, there is a rich variety of classification of conflicts depending on the criteria, which are taken as a basis.

Motivational conflicts. For the rest of the years, it has been written so richly about motivation that it is not enough time to talk about those who are Maslow's pyramid of needs, Herzberg's scale of motivational and hygiene factors, without seeming to be about folding models. At first glance, as a motive for virobnic activity and behavior in general, as a rule, psychological needs are underestimated. The most clearly expressed are such motives as security, dependability to singing sleepiness, prestige, a sense of wetness and self-realization.

It is necessary for the previous conflicts of pidkhid, which is the health care needs. Why is your position in the conflict sufficiently protected? A permanently “underestimated” attitude and apparently low social status can be serious “disturbers of peace”. Pochutya wetness - tse alpha and omega, and that surrounds it, awakening majestic energy, aimed at conflict. Until the same result

vede and “re-advantagement”, as I can take away the knowledge that it’s not always possible.

Communication conflicts. Be it verbal or wordless information, as we understand it, it is captured by the highly sensitive membranes of our emotional spontaneity; , and less at the final stage, with intellectual sussill, it is analyzed in the light of business information. It’s not like that’s the reason why it’s just an intellectual weakness, because of the emotional reaction. One galmo - otrimane vihovannya, as well as it is possible to modify the reaction to those who behave "wrongly" in their own way.

How do you know a participant in a conflict of sufficient masculinity, to be known, that you call out to a new increase in negative emotional squalor, that you are guilty, for example, without respect for the government’s opera, jealousy, that you want to take revenge for belittling guilt? Hi! Chi viznaє keruuchy, scho zbіlshennya rates at yogo pіdrozdіlі chi ozdoblennya yogo cabinet without intermediary po'yazanі z yogo need to confirm the authority. And here it is clear that the Persian blacks praise only wines themselves.

The communication conflict is obvious, if the establishment of "turnaround links" with the kerivnik is not violated, then. nobody betrays the boss's respect for yoga mistakes. A similar situation is blamed and the same, if the spivrobitnik is not signaled about those who recognize it and respect it. Whoever does not feel the words of knowledge, that one becomes unsung.

Before the category of "communication conflicts" is consumed and banally unreasonable, incorrect interpretation of this information.

Conflicts of power and lack of power. You can, in a different way, bachiti or the paths that lead to them. Tsili always know in the future. Їkh povnistyu and until the end of the round, do not go into it. Keep it an element of insignificance. Stavlyachi tsili that svoryuyuchi razum їх realіzatsії, we already change the future, let's go to the details. It is good for the Kerivniks. I know a little powerlessness, if the opposition is resisted, it can be more. Postiyne pragnennya new and impossibility to realize your goals step by step break people.

Internal conflict - can take different forms. One of the most wide-ranging forms is role conflict, if up to one person is shown to be super-cheerful in order to be the result of yoga work. An internal special conflict can be blamed on the fact that the choice of vimogi is not satisfied with special needs and values.

International conflict - this kind of conflict is considered the most widespread. In organizations, wine manifests itself in different ways. The most important thing is the struggle for the acquisition of resources, capital and labor force, the achievement of a settlement, a vacant tenement. Maybe this is how it manifests itself as a zіtknennya special features. People with different personalities, glances and values ​​at different times are simply not able to get along one by one. This is how the conflict between a special group and a particular group is divided. Vіn manifests itself as a violation of the scoring and the help of the special features that have developed in the group, the norms of behavior and practice. This conflict is blamed on the inadequacy of the style of the church worker, the maturity of the team, through the lack of competence of the worker and the competence of the faculty of the team, through the group’s rejection of the moral outlook and character of the worker.

Intergroup conflicts are blamed on the middle of formal groups on the collective, on the middle of informal groups on the collective, between formal and informal groups.

Conflicts are subdivided into conflicts between participants equal in rank (horizontal conflict); between lower and lower social subjects (vertical conflict) and strife, in some ways. The most widespread conflicts are vertical and mixed. A lot of the reasons are seen to be one-factor, as the basis of the conflict is one reason; rich factor conflicts, which are due to the force of two or more reasons, as well as cumulative conflicts, if a number of reasons are superimposed one on one, it may lead to a sharp increase in the intensity of the conflict.

Depending on the timing parameters, conflicts are subdivided into short hours (mostly due to mutually unreasonable pardons, which are usually confirmed); protracted (caused by deep moral and psychological traumas or objective difficulties).

Triviality of the conflict lies in the form of the subject of super-accuracy and in the nature of the people who are stuck. Trivali conflicts are not safe, some conflicting parties consolidate their negative camp.

Conflicts are distinguished both by their meaning for the organization, and also by the way they are resolved. Explore constructive and destructive conflicts. Be it a constructive conflict by its nature, like a tool for development. Buvayut conflicts that pass without crises, well, really, even rare and, as a rule, characteristic stench for organizations with a very high level of intellectual and communicative culture (both corporate and skin spyware, we are the front of the administration itself), floorings to a high level of development. For constructive conflicts, the problems of vitality of the organization and its members are characteristic, as they are bumping into important parties. He allowed to lead the organization to a new and more efficient development, leading to a plethora of minds in practice, technology, and managerial expertise. The positive role of the conflict is played by the growing self-confidence of the participants in the conflict. constructive conflict in rich moods, it forms and solidifies the same values, shares the same thoughts, plays the role of an outside valve for a safe and constructive release of emotions. Destructive conflicts lead to negative, often ruinous events, which sometimes outgrow welding and other negative phenomena, which drastically reduce the efficiency of the work of a group of organizations, create stress in the team, which is important for a neuropsychologist.

2. The main causes of conflicts in organizations. It is impossible to override all possible officials who blame the organization for the conflict. The main ones are the exchange of resources, the need for longevity, the interdependence of jobs, the diversity of goals, appearances and values, the manner of behavior, the level of education, and the bad communication, the imbalance of working areas, lack of motivation. bud. Rozpodіl resources. Find the resources of the manager of the exchange from the largest organizations. Kerіvnitstvo can virіshity, like sharing materials, information, human resources and finance among different groups, so that the goals of the organization can be more effectively reached. Vzaimozalezhnіst zavdan. Possibility of conflict is deep, de one human group to lie at the vikonannі zavdannya in the form of another human group. Oscilki all organizations are systems that are formed from mutually dependent elements, with inadequate work of one person, people can create a conflict. Vіdminnostі z metoyu. The possibility of a conflict is increasing in the world, as organizations become more specialized and break into piss. Tse vіdbuvaєs that scho spetsіalіzovanі pіdrozdіl themselves form ії tsіlі і can pridіlyat greater respect їhnоmu reach, nіzh tsіley usієї organіzatsії. The reason for the conflict, as a rule, is those who have no functions, no money, no bonds, no power, no power, no responsibility, not clearly separated for the trainees and working missions. Vidminnosti in the manifestations of those values. Notified about the situation, lie down in the air to reach the singing mark. Instead, in order to objectively evaluate the situation, people can only look at the alternative aspects of the situation, which, in my opinion, are suitable for this group of special needs.

Vidminnosti in the manner of behavior and living well. The number of powers can also reduce the possibility of a conflict. Every now and then people are chattering, as if they are constantly showing aggression and fortune-telling and are ready to retell the skin word. I axis such Georges individuals create an atmosphere for themselves, which threatens with conflict. The investigations show that people with rice in character, like to shy away from them as super-authoritative, dogmatic, baiduzhimy to such an understanding, like self-advancement, more likely to enter into conflicts. Іnshі dolіdzhennya showed that vіdmіnnostі in zhittєvomu dosvіdі, tsіnnosti, osvіtі, experience, vіtsі that social characteristics change the steps of mutual understanding and spontaneity between representatives of different breeds. Unsatisfactory communications. Poor transmission of information is the cause and consequence of the conflict. Vaughn can act as a catalyst for the conflict, zavazhayuchi okremim pratsіvniki chi group zrozumіti situation z glance іnshih. Expanded the problem of transmission of information, scho vyklikayut conflict - ambiguous criteria of strength, nezdatnіst accurately determine the location of the language and functions of all spіvrobіtnіv and pіdrozdіlіv, as well as the presentation of mutually inclusive powers to work. These problems can be blamed, or aggravated through the lack of time of the clerks of rozrobiti and to bring to the vіdom the exact description of the posadov's shoes.

3. Main methods for dealing with conflict situations

Conflict management, which is the first step - the process of targeting the staff of the organization by using the reasons that gave rise to the conflict, and the behavior of the participants in the conflict in relation to the formation of mutual norms. The more precisely the definition of the essential elements of a conflict, the easier it is to know the means for effective behavior in a conflict situation. Even better, schobi partners zumili uzgodit their statements about those, as a sign of the situation of the conflict. The last behavior, straightened out the conflict in a rush, conveying a few steps. Designation of the main conflict problem. Bazhano z'yasuvati:

How do I understand the problem;

Like my children and like my partner’s actions brought to the conclusion that the conflict was fixed;

How is my partner to solve the problem;

Chi vydpovidaє povedіnka skin z us situatsії, scho formed;

How can we succinctly and succinctly state our common problem;

In some cases, we part with a partner, and in some cases, we are in solidarity with one another.

R. Fischer and W. Yury indicate that there are many conflicts in the fact that people occupy the same positions, and then focus their efforts on the defense of these positions, instead of the fact that people take these positions In such a manner, their hibna orientation becomes a shift to seek a solution, as if it would protect the attachment of the interests of the parties, which would take the fate of the conflict.

It’s a pity, for the position that one is engaged in conflicts, otherwise, for the manner of behavior and diy people, you can’t just set it up, like a bazhannya chi fight against them collapse. People often have their own feelings. It’s like that people don’t ascertain their true intentions: they just want to stink, and why they want to stink, they don’t know. “Reconciliation of interests, and not the position of an effective two-way merger. In the first place, for any interest, you can use a sprinkling of possible positions, as you please. Most often people take the most obvious position. But if you look for opposite positions, you look for interests that motivate you, you can show an alternative to deuce, so as to satisfy the interests of both sides. Reconciliation of interests can give better results in equal positions with reconciliation, to that behind the opposite positions there are like opposites, so are the interests that zbіgayutsya. Otzhe, the decision can be made, knowing that the interests are intertwined. There is still no solution to the conflict, but the main structural components of the conflict are taken into account. However, all the necessary regulation is folded or change your mind if I allow it, or the moment of the whole process. The end of the conflict is the final yoga stage. Razrіznyayut povne and nepovne allowed. If there is a place for transformation and the adoption of the basis of the conflict (reasons, subject), the conflict is allowed again. The difference may be different, if they are used up, the structural elements of the conflict, the defense, the change of resistance, the motivational base of the conflict behavior of the participants, are transformed. The situation of an inconsistent rozv'yazannya of the conflict gives rise to a yogo renewal of this new foundation. An incomparable version of the conflict cannot be seen in any other time as an incomprehensible action. Most of the time, it is objectively deluded, because not every conflict is vanquished once and for all. Navpaki, life in the absence of conflicts, yakі viruyuyutsya timchasovo, chastkovo. The conclusion of the conflict should be reconsidered from yoga strangulation, tobto. forcible adoption of one of the two sides without liquidation of the reasons and the subject of the confrontation. Not leading up to the end of that conflict. Tse try to escape the conflict with a path of reconciliation and quenching, and chi do not repent, which is on the basis of yoga. In rich conflicts, you can know the current conflict situation and learn to know a few options for expressions. The key role of the manifestation of conflicts is played by the correct formulation of the conflict situation. The process of solving any kind of conflict is made up of three stages. The first - preparatory - is the diagnosis of the conflict. The other is the development of the strategy of the allowed technology. The third one is the implementation of a complex of methods and benefits. Diagnosis of the conflict includes: 1) a description of its visible manifestations; 2) signifying the development of the conflict; 3) revealing the causes of the conflict and its nature; 4) vimir intensity; 5) the designation of the sphere of breadth. Effectively resolve the conflict, that is. allowed, at the least expenditure of resources, to save the lives of important community structures, capable of manifesting themselves necessary minds that implementation of the principles of conflict management. Prior to the first to be placed: the presence of an organizational and legal mechanism for resolving the conflict; revealing a constructive resolution of conflicts; development of communicative links; availability of resources in the implementation of the compensation system. If there are principles, then go as the head rank about a specific case until the resolution of specific conflicts. The “strength”, “compromise” and “integrative” models are divided. The power model led to the results of the conflict of two types: "defeat-defeat", "defeat-defeat". Two other models - up to a possible resolution of the conflict on the kshtalt "win-win" or "win-win". All methods are subdivided into two groups: 1) negative, which include all types of struggle, which may be at the reach of one side over the other; 2) positive, under the hour of victoriousness, these transfer the savings of the basis of mutual intercourse between the subjects of the conflict. Tse rіznomanіtnі see the talks and constructive supernitstva. Recognition of negative and positive methods is mental. These methods often complement one another. You can’t see the fight differently, it’s a sign of wild signs, be it a fight - it’s for the fate of taking two subjects, de one of them pereshkodzha іnshmu. The main positive way to resolve conflicts is to negotiate. The theory of negotiations was developed by American conflictologists Fisher R., Yuri W., Den D. The stinks act like a continuation of the conflict and at the same time є in a special way. In that case, if they speak out at the negotiations as part of the conflict, they should start to lead from a position of strength, with the method of reaching a one-sided victory. Obviously, such a nature of the negotiations should lead to a timely, private resolution of the conflict, and negotiations are no more than supplementary to fighting for victory over the enemy. If you talk about it as a method of settling the conflict, then the stench will form honest, open debates, insurance for mutual actions and mutual satisfaction with the singing part of the interests of the parties. The use of positive methods to resolve the conflict is influenced by the compromises and consensus between the subjects that can be resisted. It is important to complete the conflict over the kshtalt "wingrash-wingrash" chi "win-win".

Compromise means pleasing on the basis of a mutual act. They make compromises and emotions and do good. The first ones will inevitably be imposed by the circumstances that have formed, or else they will become a dangerous situation, which will threaten the foundation of the conflicting parties. Others are laid down on the basis of piety from the singing food, and they show whether there are some parts of the interests of each other exploding forces. The technology of compromises is collapsible and rich in what is unique, but still in the same structure it is possible to repeat. These are the ways to satisfy the interests of those positions: consultation, dialogue, discussion, partnership and cooperation. Vikoristannya їх allows you to reveal common values, to reveal zbіg glancing at the quiet chi іnshih pitan, helping to open up positions, for some conflicting parties it is necessary to take actions, to mutually agree to please about the "rules of the gris", to know the balance of interests and to regulate the conflict. Consensus is a form of negotiation with the arguments of the opponent in superechtsi. The technology to reach the consensus is folding for the technology of compromises. Іstotnimi elements of this technology: analysis of the spectrum of social interests and organizations that express them; z'yasuvannya watering the sameness and authority, the objective zbіgu and deletion of priority values ​​and the purposes of infuriating forces; rounding up common values ​​and priority goals, on the basis of any possible success. But the situation win-win is not the only situation possible to get out of the conflict. Let's try to characterize the type of result of conflict situations. The first type is sight. It shows that one of the sides, like a hanging call, shifts the topic of moving in a different direction. With all the accusations, it’s time for the marriage, the incompetence of the super girl fills the field of likes. As a variant of the result of the conflict, the most powerful people, who are always ready to end the difficult situation. It will take you an hour to think over the reasons and ways to solve the conflict problem. Another option for the result is smoothing. The situation, if one of the parties is either true to itself, or it will be fine with the claim, but only once. True to myself, I don’t abide by the conflict and I can try to help yoga, the shards of the inside, I’m clearly wiping out. Tsej priyom most victorious this type of specialness, for which the best be-any, navіt nabіrshiy, nestiykiy svіt, nizh itself good war. Obviously, it doesn’t mean that you can’t beat wines by taking a primus for saving money, but with a method of adoption, and not a stronger wipe. The third type is compromise. Under it, you will understand the discussion of thoughts, directing you to the best solution for both sides. In this way, the partners put forward arguments on their own and on someone else's greed, do not make a decision and do not unilaterally suggest one possible option. The advantage of this result is the reciprocity of the equality of rights and obov'yazkіv and the legalization (vodkritostі) of claims. Compromise for fixing the rules of behavior in conflicts is rightly aware of the tension and helps to know the optimal solution. The fourth option is confrontation. That unfriendly and unproductive result of the conflict, if none of the participants do not take the position of others to respect. Vіn sing the blame, if one of the parties piled up to finish the other image, picked it up with strength and hung out the strongest arguments, as if it was not possible to take the other side. The only positive moment of confrontation is those that the extreme nature of the situation allows partners to better support the strengths and weaknesses, to understand the interests of one another.

The fifth option is a primus stove. It is the most unfriendly result of the conflict. This is the tactic of direct imposition of that variant on the result of the destruction that the sovereignty of the initiator. For example, the head of the office, corssing with his administrative law, hinders the use of special food by telephone. Vіn nibito і right, аlе chi аѕ already universal yogo right? Most often, before the primus, specialness is given, it is inspired by its absolute influence that power over a partner. The result of the conflict in the singing sensi is rightly virishu and rіshuche usuvaє causes of dissatisfaction of the initiator. Ale wine is the most unfriendly for saving water. If in extreme minds, in official vouchers of military servicemen, regulated by a precise system of rights and obov'yazkiv, veins of frequent truths, then in the system of modern specialties, native, comrades vodnosins of daedals live more for yourself. Assignment to the type of exit from the conflict must be started in view of the conflicts and the designation of them. Then, it is necessary to look at the causes of conflicts and increase the respect for the tension. For example, deyakі conflicts caused by furnishing; deyakі pov'yazanі z osobennosti zaluchennya before them people; Others can be conditioned by the form of behavior, which is repeated, or it can be seen, as it can form the basis of a conflict situation. Korisno mother stating about deyaki zagalnі causes conflicts between people, yakі є the result of insufficient splkuvannya chi unreasonable; control over plans, interests and assessments; resistance to group conflict situations; allow the wrong ones to chiїhos dіy; in the presence of soundness to the needs and bazhannyam of other people too.

After revealing the attachment of the causes and the conflict occurred with the onset of the crisis, the problem was corrected by the way of the reaction that was to take place. For example, as a conflict of calls to the lack of communication between the two, the reaction is obvious to the search for a way to improve the communication. As a conflict of appearances with a difference in life plans, the reaction is polegative in one of the compromises that have been made at the result of negotiations and a solution, for which the winners are left with skin participants in the conflict. Even though there are fears and indolence at the front, then the decisions are taken from the variant methods of adjusting them by the very person. If there is a significant difference in conflict situations, the potential conflicts can be inflamed, or it is allowed to succumb to vikoristani as a dzherelo polypshennia with other people and self-development. The task is not to vanquish the conflict, which is potentially possible in all suspility and situations of internal choice, but to recognize the conflict and control over it with the method of taking away the best result. Ideally, from this point of view, a rationally - іntuїtivny method of solving conflicts, splitting by the American scientist Scott G. Jeanne. From the very beginning, this method gets to the point of robotic consistency of that intuition with the right choice of method for a conflict situation. Tsey pidhid ґruntuєtsya on the assessment of the situation, characteristics, interests and needs of people received from conflicts, as well as power goals, interests, needs. In serious conflicts, the emotions of the participants are always caught. In this rank, one of the first steps to the end of the conflict is the strangulation of negative emotions that are popular with him - those powerful emotions of other people. After the strangulation of emotions, it becomes possible to victoriously draw the mind and intuition in order to formulate a possible solution that is acceptable to all the affected parties. The main way to establish a rational-intuitive approach to conflict management is to consider whether a conflict situation is a problem or a potential problem, as a check on one’s own vision. Then we choose a suitable method of solving problems, coring with an arsenal of possible strategic approaches to control conflict situations. Strategies, which is visible, is stipulated by the same, the conflict (potential conflict, conflict, pushing conflict), VID of the VID of a particular Rishnnya, vid of the bajan people, and still, is still in the nature of the character, . After the choice of the most suitable method, the best method of stowing is chosen. For a successful resolution of the conflict with an effective one, the folding of a map of the conflict, developed by H. Cornelius and S. Feir. The essence of її in the offensive:

Defining the problem and the conflict in a flash;

vyznachennya storіn, zaluchenih in conflict;

The purpose of the need is to fight the skin from the main participants in the conflict.

The ordering of such a map allows: 1) surround the discussion with singing formal frameworks, so that in the significant world it is possible to hide the transcendent manifestation of emotions; 2) create the possibility of a coherent discussion of the problem, speak to people of their help and hope; 3) assimilate like a good thought, and the thought of others; 4) choose new ways to resolve the conflict. In such a rank, it became clear that the conflict process in the labor collective can be curbed. Ale, prevention, prevention of destructive conflicts may be in front of the permanent field of administration of the organization. Responsible for the development of work with personnel, and for managers of firms, it is necessary to develop the rules of the organization and for the method of promoting equal mutual relations as for additional social and psychological approaches, and for additional organizational and managerial methods. Kerivnik is able to transfer the beginning of a conflict situation, to intervene in the process of a conflict, to make his own corrections and to lead a conflict situation to an optimal outcome. For all it is important to remember that it is so self-evident, just as the style of ceramics cannot be effective in all situations without a fault, so it is also possible for the styles to resolve the conflict (chi spivpration, compromise, subterfuge) cannot be visions as the best. Looking at the main methods of dealing with conflict situations, we can say that they are divided into two groups: 1) negative, which include all sorts of struggles, which may be at the reach of victory of one side over the other; 2) positively, at the hour of victory, such transfers are made to save the foundations of mutual intercourse between the subjects of the conflict – different kinds of negotiation and constructive super-negotiation. The recognition of negative and positive methods is mental, they often complement one another. The choice of methods for dealing with a conflict situation determines the strategy of behavior in a conflict. Kerivnik can turn the tactics of eliminating the conflict, smoothing it out, compromising the solution, primus chi rejecting someone else's position.


The conflict means the adversity of the parties, in which the skin side is trying to get accepted. Conflict can be a place between individuals and groups and between groups.

More people care that conflict is a negative thing, that stench can't handle it and try to get away if possible. Ale, the conflict is rotten to be corrected, gaining ruinous strength. It is necessary to know, and the managers that acquiesced to the responsibility of understanding, that the conflict improves life, so that it is correct to blame them. The conflict helps the working team and the organization to be in good shape, allows you to make a difference, which is necessary for the development of all spheres of activity. Uminnya keruvati conflict can become vital for the survival of the team. By itself, the conflict does not strengthen and weaken the organization. Ale і pіdlіgі ta managers vmіti vmіti cheruvati him, roblyachi as much as possible korisnym. Well, the stinks are unique in discussing their difficulties and battles, the stinks can understand and become real, neither develop the path, nor bear the lessons of others. The potential causes of the conflict are split resources, interdependence of jobs, differences in goals, differences in preferences and values, differences in the style of behavior and biographies of people, and the development of bad communications. People often do not react to situations of potential conflicts, as these situations are not associated with minimal special losses or threats. Structural methods for dealing with conflicts include clarification of the selection criteria, mechanisms for coordinating and integrating, setting the highest level of control over the wine city system.

Potentially negative consequences of the conflict include: reduced productivity, dissatisfaction, lower morale, reduced staffing levels, poorer social interdependence, poorer communications, and increased loyalty to informal organizations. However, for an effective introduction, the conflict may have positive consequences. For example, the robot was more destroyed over the joke of the decision, the diversity of thoughts when the decision was made and the improvement of spivpratsi in the future.

Є five styles of resolution of conflicts. Chilling represents hilariousness in the conflict. Gladzhuvannya is such a behavior, there is no need to fight. Primus - zastosuvannya legal power chi tysk іz method to impose your thoughts. Compromise - an act to the singing world at a later point in time, with an effective approach, or it can lead to an optimal solution. The solution to problems is the style, which hopes to overcome situations, which evokes the diversity of thoughts and data, is characterized by a wide variety of looks and a close look at them in order to find a solution that is acceptable for both sides.

How to successfully manage the conflict, wins the team and the organization in a big way, and helps to vibrate the big concept of management like the small ones, and in the largest organizations.


1. Economics and organization of activities of the trade enterprise: Publisher / Edited by O.M. Solomatina. - M.: INFRA-M, 2001.

2. Conflictology: Podruchnik / Edited by V.P. Ratnikova. - M.: UNITI - DANA, 2005.

3. G.V. Borozdina. Psychology business communication. Handyman - 2nd view. - M.: INFRA-M, 2003.

4. Lіnchevsky E.E. Mastery of managerial communication: a guide to everyday contacts and conflicts. - St. Petersburg: Mova, 2002.

5. Smirnov Yege. managerial decisions. - M.: UNITI, 2002.

Shalenko V.M. Conflicts in labor collectives. - M., 1992.

No one in the world can live without intercourse. Navit being uncomradely by nature and close, a person cannot do without it for an hour. The reason for this is that there are some nagalnі problems, like ours everyday life, you can be less likely to look at each other with other people. But don’t start the conversation between individuals to go smoothly, you can blame it for being incomprehensible, looking at the food that is being discussed, mutually dissatisfied with the opponents one by one and instill hatred clearly expressed.

And the result of this is the vindication of the conflict, which from the psychological point of view, the dawn of two and strong motives, which cannot be satisfied overnight. The origin of such a situation is the result of a weakening of one motivating stimulus and a strengthening of another, which necessitates a new assessment of the situation, which has developed.

The theme of this article will be conflicts and paths and virishennya. Let's talk about those who can be standing between people, who become the cause of their appearance and, obviously, about those who extinguish welding, which are already winickly.

What are conflicts like?

Zvichayna people are unlikely to be thought that not all differences between individuals are the same. I wondered why they stink one after another? I seem to the world that all the opposition between people is quite similar. Prote professional psychologists see the same conflicts. Wanting to follow the great rahunka, everything follows a single scenario: two sides blame the rubbish, and it becomes the reason for blaming that development in them of mutual fortune-telling, one to one, that bazhanya maintains its position.

Internal conflict

It is important to understand the internal problems that are accepted and emotionally experienced by a person as a psychological problem that is even more significant for him. The manifestation of such conflicts results in the individual's internal work of evidence, as it is directly related to their underlay. The basis for the appearance of a staє zіtknennya mizh approximately equal for their strength, but straightened on the opposite side by hoarding, needs, interests.

Indicators of the conflict of special

  • Self-esteem is lowered, I become aware of a psychologically deaf kuta, stuttering at a decision, deep doubts about the truth of these principles, like a person spiraling.
  • Strong psycho-emotional stress, significant negative experiences, which are often repeated.
  • Decreased the intensity of that kind of activity, the presence of full satisfaction with it, the negative emotional background when splintering.
  • Strengthening stress and deterioration in the process of adaptation to any new minds.

Types of internal specialties

  • The hysterical one is the defense of the claims of a special order from the underestimation of the power of others who are the objective minds of Dovkil.
  • Znesivno-psychasthenic - super smart power needs, struggle between borg and bajan, special behavior and moral principles.
  • Neurasthenic - super-accuracy between the abilities of a person and її reliance on the powerful to himself.

If you look at the situation of the conflict in the middle of the specialty, then you can understand what is possible from the above-described types, but it does not appear in a pure way and is the result of the influx of the social middle ground on the people. Whether such an internal resistance is based on special experiences of the individual, it can be constructive or destructive. In other words, such an opinion can, like a strong man, grow, so I will become evil.

The peculiarities of the conflicts and the ways of the cherry lie in the wake of the inner world of the individual, the adoption of the split in the bridge and the installed unity, in the lowered state of health, the loss of the life and the reach of the new short capacity life. In people, sickness disappears, manifested by new internal resistances: the manifestations of negative social and psychological factors decrease, and the effectiveness and efficiency of professional activity increase.

International conflict

This type of standing is the most wide-ranging and is seen as a closeness of two and more, as well as knowing each other well, so the individuals were first seen in the process of their interbreeding, which are different spheres and areas of life. Z'yasuvannya vіdnosin mіzh sub'єktami vіdbuєє vіch-na-vіch, without any intermediaries. They can represent their own sovereign interests, and the interests of social groups, with whom they change.

The essence of the conflict to this particular type perebuvay at the opponents, which are blamed between opponents, as if they were presented at the same time as goals that are opposite one to one and are absolutely not crazy in a particular situation. An even more important factor in this attitude is the special spontaneity of opponents one to one, and the fact that the transition to the path to reconciliation becomes the installation of a negative character, as it shaped the position of one individual to the other, which is the readiness of one side to singing diyamінший: to a fortune-telling behavior, a glimpse of the future. The drive for this is sensitivity, thoughts, judgments about the ongoing conflict.

Different ways of regulation

International conflicts are subdivided into sprat species. The stench can be like a principled opposition, in some cases, the interests of one individual can only reach for the exchange of interests of another, so only intersect between them, not intermingling with their daily interests and needs.

So the stench of vishikovuyutsya on blatant slanders, provoking like hellish created information, so misinterpreting whether or not the facts are like that. Conflicts can mother the status of a super-nice - a pragnennya to dominuvannya, superechki - razbіznosti schodo znakhodzhennya optimal variant of the solution of common problems or discussions - discussing the difficult food.

Regulating conflicts between individuals and directing them to those who want to save the current system of interaction between participants. Ale, in such vipadkas, like dzherels of standing, the reasons for leading a ruin are melting. Therefore, such conflicts, similar to internal special ones, can be both constructive and destructive. With these results, they become like a change, and so is the total ruination between people.

Internal group conflict

Opposition to this type is observed, as a rule, in three main types:

  • the moment of zіtknennya _interesіv raznyh microgroups, shcho є part of one team;
  • if the interests of a specific person and one group are not taken into account;
  • at the time of recognition of the goals of the individual and the whole team.

a conflict of interests, which may be in this case, the dekilkom's delusions of factors. Tse:

  • Povna protilezhnіst tsіlej, yakі resleduyut oponenti, scho explained by their affiliation to raznospravivanih small social groups within the framework of one team.
  • Preserve and strengthen your social and legal status, which is a conflict situation that has developed, put it under doubt.
  • Non-significance in the internal group regulation of the process of interaction between individuals, which creates the need to educate the thoughts of other participants in the process, the result of which may be the emergence of conflicts in the middle group.

Intergroup conflict

This kind of resistance occurs between two and more social groups within the same team. Yoga is based on both professional and virobnicha, as well as social and economic basis. Different conflicts in the organization between її pіdrozdіlami є yakravimi butts of such confrontation.

The reason for the blame is the social groups of different numbers and the diversity of interests. As a rule, dominating the interests of the same group, then, as a special divination, go to another plane, and sometimes you can’t be. As in the case of listed above types of conflicts, this kind of yogi can be both constructive and destructive. In other words, the result is a reduction in the quality of activity in the team, or a new one.

Why blame wiping for people?

The causes of conflicts that arise between people are the key link in the process of looking for ways to avoid that constructive solution. Mentally, they can be divided into great groups:

  • Objectives are the real ground for setting up the opposite situation.
  • Subjective - individual psychological characteristics of the participants, which lead to the conclusion of the dispute by the conflict path itself.

Behavior strategy

Particular respect within the framework of this statute should be given to such a concept, as the management of conflicts - to keep them lower than they are, which threaten the peaceful situation in inter-specialist communities, social groups and collectives. Competent behavior, wanting one side to be a surety of success, superbness and problems that gave rise to a conflict, reinforcing the mutual relations between the parties, which is necessary for the safety of sleeping activities.

The development of the conflict follows such strategies:

  • Competitive struggle: maintaining one's own positions, fighting for interests, strangling, super-nice.
  • Unique: the process of coping with conflict situations without any exception.
  • Compromise: regulation of all differences between opponents through mutual actions.
  • Spivpratsya: one of the most extensive scenarios. Є efficient way, vikoristovuvanim in order to smooth out conflicts. And the ways of their virishennia lie at the head of a joint search for a solution, as if satisfying the interests of both sides.

Today's psychologists proponuyutsya deakі recommendations, yakі help to direct difficult stosunki between opponents in the right direction:

  • Constantly show respect for your supporters, giving them the ability to hang out.
  • Good-natured and important stances of opponents.
  • The manner of behavior is natural, which feels like both sides to each other.
  • Having shown spontaneity, participation and tolerance to the weaknesses of the spy.
  • Learn to recognize the correctness of the opponent, as if it were true in the future.
  • Calm tone, self-control and vitrimka. Tse, singsongly, are the most important tools, which guarantee the success of surviving conflicts in any situation.
  • Operating with facts.
  • Vyslovlyuvannya svіvrozmovniki key thoughts, not rich and laconic.
  • Vіdkritiy vislіv problems and її clarification for povnogo razumіnnya situatsії. Asking the opponent to help clarify the causes of welding.
  • Perspective of alternative solutions and zatsіkavlenіnі і їhnіm pokuku, readiness razdіlіtі vіdpovіdіnіnіnі і for results, pіdvishchennya in the eyes of the partner yоgo significance іn the discussion.
  • Supporting contact with victories of verbal and non-verbal means for the entire process of communication.
  • Cleverly connect and put emotional barriers in times, so that people's conflicts may have an aggressive character.

Like virishiti superechnosti, scho winkli?

For whom it is necessary:

  • Know the presence of the problem.
  • Describe її through behavior, naslіdki, pochuttya.
  • Try not to change yourself and do not allow the opponent to change the topic of the conversation.
  • To propagate a reasonable solution, relying on common values ​​for both sides.
  • Think over your promo before zestrichchyu zі spіvrozmovnik, sob briefly and clearly speak your prohannya.

We solve the problem through її virishennya

Such a method, regardless of its effectiveness, is not so often victorious when conflicts are brewing. I paths and their peaks in a similar way are crooked at the pre-trimannian advancing points:

  • Problems are assigned to the categories of solutions, but not to the categories of goals.
  • Identified strategic vision of the protirich, which is suitable for both sides.
  • Take care of yourself on the subject of conflict, and not on the special features of the opponent.
  • Creation of an atmosphere of trust, improvement of the mutual flow and exchange of information, as well as a positive setting one to one.
  • Showing sympathy and listening to the thoughts of the other side, bringing threats and anger to a minimum.

Like a bachite, be it yourself, inspire yourself, it would be possible for the widows, who have no chance of vying, you can turn into a civilized path. The only thing that is necessary for whom is the exercise of all parties to the conflict until reconciliation, even if success is practically guaranteed for whom. However, it’s better, zvichayno, to unique welds and try to save good things be-scho-be. Todі th lamati head over tim, scho to work in such situations, do not happen.

Conflicts are always a problem. And they didn’t blame the stench in such a bisphere, because it’s business, what’s special about life, we stick with these very foods: how to resolve the conflict, or how to sink into the future. Obviously, it would be unrealistic to get rid of conflicts, to bring them to the most trusted businesses, to blame the differences, as they can develop into a serious conflict. In these articles, we do not tell about those, how to vibuduvaty ideal blues, how to develop without superechok and conflicts, but we emphasize our respect for others - how to properly deal with conflict situations. Don't you want serious scandals and problems? Correctly?

What is the best option for solving conflict situations? What immediately falls on the thought? Insinuations that you have come up with a lot of possible options, but in the middle of the day, a compromise will be optimal. Offended parties can take actions, change your situation, know the extreme version of the solution of the problem, such a bi-powerful one.

Otzhe, how to make this compromise, even if everything is easy in words, but in reality it is not so simple. Let's take a look at 10 basic rules, for the help of which you can overcome any conflict situation.

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1. Stream emotions.
The first rule is that you are guilty of learning to think with a “hard” head, not to get that emotion before your decision. More often than not, it’s like that, on the emotions of a person, to say something, to sing songs of vchinka, and then, if there’s a little bit of oholone, we start to be shoddy about everything that has been said. І tse buvaє often-thickly. Emotions cloud your mind, irritate it, confuse you to think that you are smart and wise for your spy. It's not right, it's not right, it's nowhere. A lot of similar cultures and religions have a great emphasis on controlling your thoughts and emotions. How do you think, why are the Tibetan people so calm, conflict-free and cheerful? The one who stinks in pershu cherga guess, and not zaluchayut emotion. Check it out!

2. Don't wind yourself up
Є miraculous zen order: "The less I think - the more I laugh." How do you care, what's wrong? How often did they talk about it, that the person herself came up with a problem, screwed it up for herself, formed herself, dragging a conflict inflating it? Buvalo, chi not so. Did you work like that? Vpevneniy, scho so. So from, don’t think too hard, don’t need to wind up those that haven’t happened yet. You yourself at your head vibudovuet lances of indisputable podia, you develop them yourself, so you start believing in yourself, so that we will blame impersonal problems.

For example, your business partner is using a call, a phone call, no Internet connection, you check and try to figure out why it happened. You can only go into the office, you start to attack, call, make claims, based on your contrived. Don’t marry horses, don’t get nervous before one o’clock, you don’t know right reasons delay. Such falls are often-dense, and until you learn to live in the moment at once, do not learn to accept everything like that, conflicts do not disappear.

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3. Choose the right hour

Often conflicts are blamed on those moments, if one of the partners is not ready to break. If you see that your colleague is not in the mood, that you haven’t set a day in the new year, then don’t lick a hot hand with your food, recommendations and recommendations. Better bud until tomorrow, let him take over everything, and then start rozmov.

Also, it is better to hold negotiations at the other half of the day, approximately 1-1.5 years after the date. Why? Until this hour, a person will already “get excited”, see the working process, start to have a good time. And the situation and the positive development of a spy is the minimum risk of a conflict situation.

4. Joke the cause, not the effect.
We all called to fight against the consequences of a conflict, but we don’t want to analyze what caused such a behavior of a person. Always wonder more, go beyond the inter-conflict, try to analyze the situation and understand how to overcome similar problems in the future.

5. Live in the moment at once
One more pardon, scho to cause serious conflicts - tse past help. Now you remember the people for those that have already passed, now you will guess the past “sins”? It doesn’t help to regulate the conflict, but on the other hand, turn up the heat on the fire. Try to live now. Just think, there is nothing, Crimea at once. It’s already been a while, and don’t change it, that one won’t be very embarrassed at the drive of the new one, but we don’t know about the future, praise someone for the new one. Just here and now - remember.

Related article:

6. Don't accumulate problems.
And a miracle order: "Problems need to be raised in the world of their need." I'm telling the truth. Don’t need to save up image, experience, yakіs back moments. Try to discuss everything at once, virishiti, deity of the sleeping bannerman. Problems can be sorted out snow breast If you only get better and better during the day, and if you don’t change it, then once a sack is called on your head with majestic power, bringing with you the whole set of conflicts and unacceptable situations.

7. Don't clip images
This rule is closely related to the previous one. You don’t need to take it from your own mind, to blame the next plan, keep it, secretly think of yourself and impose it. If you want to live without conflicts, learn how to calmly, without emotions, discuss all the difficult moments. The more you open up your internal conflict, the more you talk about yoga, the more quickly, even if you can help out in the light of your own thoughts, and more smut in the light of the uncommon speculations.

8. Don't impersonate
Don't stoop to the lowest point - figure it out. Vecheni brought, that under the hour of welding, a person should go to the special service, begin to imitate a spivrozmovnik, this is a sign of weakness, some wrongness, some innocence to bring his thought. As a rule, start with the one who is wise, that he is not right, but you do not want to inflate him, but we will not know other ways, as if to say a lie. Remember that the image will not improve the situation, but will become less ground for a new welding, more conflict.

Related article:

9. Follow the tone.
Sometimes the words are not so, but the tone with the stench of what they say can strongly portray your spy. For that, keep stitching after him, as if you are moving that other phrase. Do not please, do not chime in, do not succumb to the viciousness, even though more people may not be able to behave like that. Always try to put something else in your place, project your own ideas on yourself. Behave the way you want to be treated to you.

10. Don't throw tantrums.
Already more than once it was said about those who are hysterical in a strong way of manipulating other people. So, there is a quiet conflict for the next hour, but if the problem is left behind, the situation will not be resolved. What kind of sensation of hysteria, behave zukhvalo, raise your tone, so that as a result everything will be lost like that, like booze?
And yet you are not the initiator of the conflict? How to fix such a situation?

Mouth at the castle Remember, in school rocks you were told to close your mouth on the lock, and yogo vikinuti? Live like this. In order not to say anything for sure, put water in your mouth and check until the person says everything he wants to. Yakshcho ve raptom shoveled water - take more. A person cannot be moved out of himself for a long time. Nevdovzі tse nabridne yomu i vіn zamovkne. And discuss the situation itself with a god, if you can see it.

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Diet outside the box Like yelling at you, try to hug and kiss a person. It is unlikely that you will want to continue welding. You can also try to translate Rozmov to another topic. Ask them to give you a bottle of water, or close the apartment.

Do not follow the words to the words The phrase, virvana from the context, spends the first time. Do not slid to the next word, even a grandiose scandal is guaranteed to you.

Do not think that you are the main reason for everything, the reason for welding is not yours. Possibly, the reason for the roiling is the failure of the robot, welding with friends is the rudeness of the otochyuchy. Aje is not all spinning around dovkol you.

Remember, with the right approach, whether or not aggression can be brought to a minimum. Golovne - to know, like tse robiti.

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