Norms and rules of business communication. Main aspects of business etiquette. New business etiquette

Business etiquette is an invisible part of running a business. So to reconcile the idea of ​​​​dosvіdchenih pіdpriєmtsіv. It's not surprising, the shards of spivrobitnikiv splinter with customers and contribute to the work of the company as a whole. Dotrimannya rules of business etiquette allow you to create new conflicts, noticeably promote practicality. That vvchennyu pridіlyaєє stіlki respect.

New business etiquette

Young businessmen know that there is no need to comply with the norms of business etiquette. Don't stink about anything nasty in coming to the zustrіch in jeans and football shirts with an obscene little one. If you don’t know the nuances of a business listing, insert a smiley at the reminder. In addition, the stench does not understand the subordination and povagu. What else to say about business etiquette.

In singing kolakhs, such a behavior, perhaps, is considered normal. However, people who are engaged in business need not only colleagues, but also officials, investors, people of an older age. There is no place for emoticons, splashing on the shoulder with those other liberties.

The first riddles about business etiquette are heard until the 11th-12th century of our yeri. At that hour, I started to work. Near the skin sphere appeared okremі vimogi schodo splkuvannya. The stench was molded on the basis of knowledge and the need to communicate with different people. Chimal played the role of a huge thought.

As if talking in a flash, business etiquette has two important functions:

  1. Helps to cope with hostility to partners and colleagues.
  2. Helps to improve mutually among the team, to overcome conflicts.

It can be boldly said that the rules for business etiquette are the formation of a good reputation, image. The one who does not reach them, risks spending a special company, garni vodnosiny with otochyuchiy.

Ethics and etiquette

Tsі two understanders can suttєvі vіdmіnnostі. Ethics is accepted by the state of moral standards. Etiket - specific rules of conduct. It is one of the parts of ethics.

Crim of business etiquette, based on military, diplomatic, everyday, guest. All understanding includes respect for people of an older age, to help representatives of a woman's status, modesty, tolerance, kindness.

Ethicity as a specialty

A person can be ethical on the back. The bagatiohs have yakіst born. Others have to learn how to vibudovuvati mutually with others. In this way, ethics is called professional chi. By accepting the practice of a new spivrobitnik, companies often encourage you to pass a sprinkling of psychological tests. Behind the results of the stink, what kind of ethics can be blamed. Vaughn is important as a proof of that professionalism.

Lyudina, for which the rules of business etiquette do not add up special difficulties, there are only impersonal important things:

  • conscience, vidpovidalnist;
  • , self-control;
  • honesty in thoughts and vchinkah;
  • friendliness, smartness to make contact, collectivism;
  • self-control, resilience to stressful situations, the ability to control a little and emotionally;
  • princicipality, sequence dіy, poddnannya slіv that dіy;
  • practicality, interest in business activities;
  • seriousness, stability;
  • people, tolerance;
  • optimism;
  • a positive message.

Going out that an ethical person is a know-it-all for a company. Moreover, you can occupy a settlement, whether it’s a kerіvnik or a great practitioner. In both ways, the business will be successful.

Peculiarities of communication ethics in the business medium

Listed more lucidly, obviously, important. But for a successful business, they are not enough. Business etiquette is more positive, honesty, friendliness. The whole goal is low in a casual tone, manner of speaking, behavior.

  1. Vіchlivіst. Acceptance can be made with partners and colleagues in a good-natured way. It is also necessary to smile, a little smile is considered a business card of a successful person. Nervousness, panic, zaivu drativlivist next turn off.
  2. Correctness. Business etiquette does not recommend showing rudeness, spitting out your emotions. Ethical people show respect to bring up to quiet people, like shouting fortune at a new door.
  3. Tact. Do not varto in roses torkatsya neruchnyh chi spirnih themes.
  4. Delicacy. In this way, a businesslike etiquette can be on the verge of the smoothness and the bendiness of the language. Zokrema is worth compliments. It is important that the stench be schirimy, and that hypocrisy does not change on the open forest.
  5. Modesty. A successful businessman never flaunts his prestige and achievement. Vіn behave modestly, podkreslyuyuchi tsim vihovanіst і hіdnіst.
  6. Obov'yazkovist. Tsya vkazіvka is worthy and kerіvnikіv, and pіdleglih. Usі tsі obіtsyanki obov'yazkovo need to vikonuvat. Tse in Kotre brought, scho zdatna zdatna seriously assess the situation, razrakhovuvat part of that force.

Another important quality of a businesslike person is punctuality. Business has no room for inaccuracy and inaccuracies. The point, which was three times lower by 5 quills, is regarded as a gross violation of business etiquette. This is evidence that a partner or colleague does not value either his or someone else's hour.

The rules of the starry sight

At home, a person can walk in whatever: in horny pajamas, or scarves with funny ears. And the axis on the robot's yogo ovnіshnіy looking may be indicative of the singing vimog. In another way, yoga is respected as non-serious, undeserving of trust, superficial or incompetent.

Dress code

Business dress code rules:

  1. The men are guilty of dressing up in a business suit or wearing a shirt with trousers (you can replace it with jeans for the jackets). Women can take a suit or a blouse and an olive-sleeve. Under the fence, a deep decollete and a dovzhina min.
  2. Do not varto vikoristovuvati rich accessories. People have enough time and cufflinks. Women are allowed to wear earrings and rings or earrings and lancets. Golovna, the embellishment was no more than two.
  3. Women and men can have a neat comb and manicure. Let's also stop following the camp of the bushes, beard.
  4. Zgіdno with the rules of business etiquette, we must clean it up. It’s worth trying to inspire quiet vipadkiv, if there are a lot of boards on the street.
  5. In visible places, it’s not the fault of the piercing that tattoo. It’s better to wear under clothes. You can show more than that, if you will be friendly with your partner.

Zovnіshnіy vglyad lie down due to the importance of zustrіchі or negotiation. Why stink vidpovіdalnіshi, tim suvorіshi is guilty buti dress code.

Tin, ruhi, mime

Zgidno zі statistics, a great number of favors are not found through unrefined gestures or familiar behavior. To that it is necessary to take care of the stitches behind you.

An ethical person looks like this:

  • the setting is straight, the flow is not vague, without fuss;
  • glance, directing at vіchі, firmness and insinuations;
  • mime and emotions stream.

Special respect should be given to tactile contact. In business, it’s all about handwriting. Slap on the shoulder, hug, kisses are unacceptable here.

Work place is in order

Presentable can be not only a stale look, but also a working style. It is unlikely that partners will be at the capture of creative chaos. Keep up the good work in the workplace. Be it a dribnitsa, for example, violins or pens, take care of the designated place for them. Those same piles of folders and papers.

Business communication rules

Revere the hour of the sleeper

In business etiquette, the hour is rightly respected by the most important resources among them. Yogo is constantly not picked up. For this, successful businessmen plan ahead for a schedule, writing day by second. Zapіznennya on zustrіch іz them navіt 5 hvilin is strongly signified on robots.

As a problem with punctuality, it is necessary to learn from it.

Listen to that slightly

Tse rule zastosovuetsya in any sphere. It doesn't matter what it is: laying down a contract, getting to know partners and investors, learning from partners or seriously rozmovu z pіdleglimi. A person needs a little bit of information, to capture the essence.

It is important to let the clerk hang out. At yoga rozmovi obov'azkovo will be those who will help you to continue the conversation and encourage each other.

Speak competently

Be literate next to the roses, and the first hour of the listing. Most of the undertakings on the right are engaged in secretaries and intercessors. Ale buvaє so, scho fold the document to be brought independently.

Practice diction

It is important to practice regularly. Situations are especially important, if there are defects in the movie, for example, burr, lisp and zaїkuvatist. If you don’t dare to get in touch with them on your own, you can turn to a speech therapist.

Ethic of telephone roses

Grounded on a few rules:

  1. Start Rozmov's need for hospitality. It is important to call a person by his name, by his father, and also to show himself.
  2. On the cob, say the following, in the name of which company the call is being made.
  3. It is important to clarify what you should say to the spymaster.
  4. As if a person is ready to continue rozmov, it is necessary to tell about її meta.

Naprikintsі varto domovitsya about special zustrіch chi is another way to continue splurge.

Like in a noble conversation, it is necessary to respectfully listen to the speaker, put in the food, re-educate, as if it was unreasonable. Tse dopomozhe take more information on the topic of love and about the person herself. Speak exactly the same short. It is not recommended to talk about speeches, as they do not talk about the essence.

Ethics of business listing

Electronic paper and paperwork sheets are guilty of the lower simples:

  1. First, for which it is necessary to give respect, - registration. Write more on the form with the company logo. An alternative is a clean arch, the upper part of which contains information about the clerk and contact details.
  2. To the addressee, they are sent exclusively to the name of the father.
  3. Strictly fenced vikoristovuvaty slang words.
  4. Don't let yourself go at the mirror bath. Thoughts can be short and sensible.

On the basis of the sheet of paper, the date of writing and signature is put.

Rules for sharing on the Internet

A business etiquette presents the following before the Internet connection:

  1. Like for other types of listing, it’s necessary to go to the rescuer for the name, for the father. It’s worth to hang out and quiet vipadkiv, if you don’t say anything in the social media, let’s smirk.
  2. Do not varto get used to a large number of emoticons. Enough to insert 1-2.
  3. To inspire those who need to be respected cannot be seen as great letters (Caps Lock). Often they are mistaken for a cry of chi viraz negative ones.

And one more win. Before the cob of the cob, it is necessary to read the information that is on the side of the speaker. Tse dopomozhe razumiti yogo thoughts that pragnennya.


Be a professional in the gallery and develop the company's development strategy - do half of it. It is impossible to achieve success without understanding the rules of business etiquette. It is important to know how to behave in this other situation, how to look and speak in such a way that you will earn the honor and trust of partners and investors in the first place. Good-natured, good-natured hearing will help to bring the company to a new level.

Reading hour: 3 min

The etiquette of business intercourse is the totality of moral rules, norms, statutes, regulatory inputs, and inculcating the behavior of individuals in the collective activity. The etiquette of business communication is a necessary part of life, as well as the most important type of relationship with other individuals.

The main regulators are the ethical norms, in which the manifestations of evil and goodness, injustice and justice in people's affairs are expressed. Collaborating with your boss, supporters, colleagues, people spontaneously rely on the etiquette of business communication. It is necessary to understand moral norms, to change the level of etiquette, an individual can work effectively to communicate effectively, to set a task, to reach the mark of success, to achieve it is impossible.

Translation etiquette French movie means the stringency of the rules of behavior, like people hang out (forms of animal behavior, behavior in large places, occasions with otochyuchimi, bathing, clothes, manner).

The etiquette of business communication is manifested in different equals of the social system, in social and different forms. Participants of the business meeting change their official statuses and aim to reach specific tasks. Yogo homemade rice It is the appearance of self-sufficient significance, the etiquette of business communication is not self-limiting, but without intermediary serve as a help to the attainment of other goals. At market vіdnosin - tse otrimannya maximum surplus.

Modern etiquette for business communication

The peculiarity of the business connection is due to this, which is due to the fact that it is the basis of the singful form of activity, which, for example, is due to the business effect of the product. The parties to the business conversation, when they act in official (formal) statuses, yak vyznayut necessary norms and standards (including ethical) behavior of people. The specifics of the business intercourse are the regulations, which are reflected in the order of the established exchanges, cultural and national traditions, ethical professional principles.

Modern etiquette for business communication is a collaborative process for developing contacts between individuals in the service sector. Establish "unwritten" and "written" norms of behavior in various situations of official contact. The praise of the singing order, as well as the service form of circumvention, is called business etiquette. Vіn form rules, how to bring people together, and also create efficiency, practicality and dozіlnіst.

Business etiquette is made up of rules: norms (horizontal), which should be worn by the members of the team, as well as povechannya (vertical), characteristic of a stone worker and a flat one.

In addition to the common etiquette in a business relationship, it is important to be friendly, as well as foreign to all partners, partners, irrespective of antipathies and sympathies. The regulation of the business relationship is determined by the respect of the language.

Modern etiquette in the business context is divided by the norms of modern behavior, typical ready-made formulas that allow you to organize etiquette situations, prohannya, vіtannya, podyaks, such as “be kind”, “hello”, “please get to know you” and “please. Standing constructions are chosen according to the improvement of psychological, social, age-old indications.

Modern etiquette at business communication transferring established contact for people, exchange of singing information for encouraging cohesive activity, spivrobitnitstvo.

Viriznyayut such stages in business communication:

  • establishing a contact, which includes familiarity, and navit rozuminnya іnsu people;
  • orientation at the situation splkuvannya, and navit її understanding with pauses;
  • problem discussion;
  • problem solving;
  • exit from contact (completed).

Service business contacts are based on partner ambushes, will be based on mutual requests, and also on the basis of needs and interests. With direct contact, the most non-intermediate communication, more important is the use of speech, and induce non-verbal communication. Increase the strength by phone or expand it.

The etiquette of business intercourse with the help of science, it is impossible to swear at it. Dotrimannya norms, culture, rules of conduct matimut the first role in passing through career gatherings. If you are a fahіvets, that you give hope, as well as the appearance of a company, then think and show yourself as a part of the team. Greetings "hello" in everyday life means: “I’m raising the stump”, the presence of this etiquette mark is read as the bajan’s worth of vodnosinki. For this, the norm is the veneration of clients, spivrobitnikiv, as if on the cob of conversation, so for the viability of our minds, to enter into my own contact.

In a businesslike splintering of modern etiquette, the succes- sion of current etiquette costs, and to sing the rules of their variation in different situations.

The business communication etiquette includes the following important points:

  • you can’t sleep on the business;
  • priimannya guests predbachae retelnuyu preparation (development of the plan of negotiations, discussion with colleagues);
  • suvoriy zovnishnіy look;
  • importantly, before hearing, pick up information about the quiet, with whom you learn, think over all the food.

Etiket and protocol of business communication

The protocol includes hospitality, tribute, animal husbandry, as well as hand-waving. If the participants do not yet know, then introduce yourself. The first to follow the protocol of the business meeting was the clerk of the receiving party, who gave the head to the guests. Let's stink to represent the line of spivrobitnikiv. If a large delegation arrives, then they uniquely pay tribute, presenting the lists of participants, where participants were appointed for them.

On a businesslike day, the young one behind the plantation should be presented to the elder, not to become grey; If you had a chance to chat with a partner before, then once again you need to introduce yourself. Even if you don’t introduce yourself, you can safely feed it, don’t feed it again. It is necessary to remember once the names, so that there are no awkward situations. The handwriting on a businesslike streak is victorious on the sign of laying down, and also її vikoristovuyut once after the wake of the wedding. When you are served by another person, I extend my hand to you first. Handwriting right hand, as if she was busy, serve the lion, ale waggling forward.

The initiative of arranging the hand to go out from the elder for a century and from the one who has the most borrowed camp. For a woman, there is a right to virishuvate: give me a hand. For etiquette, she offers her hand for bathing. Having gone to the group and having exchanged hands with one of the members, it is necessary to work hard. Sleeping shelters are separated, as the group is numerous. As if on a hand outstretched for hand-shaking, it is not possible to accept hand-shaking, it is regarded as an image.

Ethics is a philosophical science, the subject of which is morality. The practical significance of ethics is seen in the sphere of human intercourse, and the intercourse of people is an important warehouse in the process of social activity. The spіlna diyalnіst of people can be completely neutral in morality. Dotrimannya etiquette of business cooperation, the most important warehouse, as a sign of success in business and business activities, promotion of service. Psychologists say that success in the financial right of the technical sphere is fifteen hundred years old in terms of professionalism and five hundred years in the smart way to conduct business.

Jen Yager, Doctor of Sociology, establishes six principles of business etiquette:

  1. Punctuality, vikonannya svoєchasnoї work;
  2. Confidentiality (protection of the secrets of the corporation or the special life of comrades in the service, results please);
  3. Friendliness, kindness, kindness in any situation; having shown respect to otochyuchih (to comrades in service, chief, pіdleglih);
  4. Povaga thoughts, criticism, as well as a number of colleagues, supported by that boss (if you speak your mind to the extent of your work, show that you value the knowledge of that world of other people);
  5. Vidpovidnist dress code - dress code;
  6. Control of your own language, the presence of lily words in language.

Ethics and etiquette of business intercourse will be based on the moral features of specialness, as well as on the categories of ethics: truthfulness, honesty, generosity, modesty, goodness, obov'yazok, conscience, honor, which are given to the moral character of goodness.

Etiquet of business-summary for the hour of the day includes the upcoming moments:

  • acknowledgment zustrіchі in the office and restaurants near the office of the requested;
  • іnіtіator zustrіchі zamovlyає table;
  • it is important to know about the relish, as well as the feelings of the participants in the offence;
  • if you don’t know gastronomic likenesses, then find out the menu for the restaurant: some rich selection of meat and sheep herbs;
  • a table is placed in the hall, so no smoking;
  • іnіtіator zustrіchі come to the restaurant 15 minutes earlier;
  • selective strains are intermingled with known strains;
  • yakscho zustrіch is recognized in the office, її to be carried out at the conference hall or the meeting room;
  • such an insult to the service personnel;
  • the head method of offense is dilova rozmov, as if mending from vulgar phrases, step by step passing to those;
  • on this informal syllable, there will be fiery, tormenting abstract topics, but obov'yazkovoy є correctness and tactfulness in everything.

Telephone etiquette for business communication

Under the hour of telephone conversations, the etiquette at my place has an important meaning, don’t scatter splinterers, you don’t feel like it. It is important to swear for the fluency of the language, for the clarity, for the swedishness, and also to follow the advancing rules: on the ring, the next time you hear no more than 3 beeps. If you call yourself, then hang up no earlier than 5 rings.

On the cob of the cob, you can sound the whirlpool. Before the cob of the cob, find out how it is easy to speak to the speaker at once. Have time to clarify if you can call back. I finish the call, and also call back the initiator after changing the phone call. If your call is in the name of the third person, for example, you are the secretary, then call in the name of the company you call and you can write the topic of the possible conversation. As a third person, I ask you for help, clarify the method of moving.

Use all special calls to call at a non-working hour. They called back - obov'yazkovo call back. Follow your tone of voice, don't chew for the hour. Let's give an opportunity to the promoter to complete his promo himself. Do not overlap with others for an hour of telephone conversations. If the quality of the calls is filthy, then it would be right to continue Rozmov through the next hour. In any case, be it from the side, you can act as the initiator of the completion of the call.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

At to the current world Business etiquette has long been respected by the economic category. If all spivrobitniks reach high standards of behavior, then a positive atmosphere will be created in the team, which will lead to less conflicts and improve the practice of spivrobitnikiv. What are the rules and what are the rules?

Business etiquette - the goal ...

Use this term to name the essential order of conduct and the questioning in business sphere. The one who cares about yoga is invariably guilty of knowing the rules of decency, which are accepted among the strong and successful. With your help, you won’t cause problems for them, like give yourself what to say, sob no one, and so on. A modern business etiquette for an addendum to everything else, how can you smooth it out or prevent a conflict from arising.


Etiket is a chain order of behavior in a particular sphere and a certain category of people. Vіn, yak and more other suspіlnyh knowledge, vykonuє zakladі nіgo FUNCTION:

  • Molding is mutually intelligible. Might be the main function. Formed rules of conduct help people understand us one by one, as a result, blame less incomprehension.
  • Brilliance. The rules are practical, the shards are a system, close to the point, with which people stick in life.

Etiket is one of the main signs, which helps to shape the image. As practice shows, firms, as they do not adhere to the rules of business etiquette, spend even more richly, first for everything, their own guise of productivity.


About the etiquette of a businesslike person for the first time, one will think about it in the XI-XII centuries, if the period of the craftsman's work began to rise. During this period, the main moral values ​​are described, as they stand for the profession and the nature of work. The rules were molded in a zagal, spiraling to the constant dosvіd that the regulation would require in mutual relations between people, which would win the price of the robot. Also, when you do not forget to vrakhovuvaty hromada thought, as played a key role in establishing the rules of business etiquette.

The profession's activity may be on the verge, that a person can harmoniously fit into the professional middle. Vіn may become a part of the working contingent, but for whom it is necessary to dress with relish, choose the right accessories and colors. An etiquette of an unfavorable image, which may be so powerful:

  1. Zdatnіst vplivat on emotsії and diyalnіst otochuyuchih.
  2. Shvidka reaction to the change of various officials.
  3. Change at the same time from the people.

For such situations, are there business etiquette rules?

The norms of business communication are enforced in such situations:

  • Conducting business negotiations.
  • Business correspondence.
  • Telephone etiquette.
  • Dіlove splkuvannya.

For skin situations, establish your own norms and rules of decency, which you need to follow, so as not to fall into the raving of disguises. To that varto look at the skin okremo.

Business talk

The main meta of conducting such negotiations is the signing of the agreement and the protocol about the name of spivpracyuvati. To get ready for such a call, the requirement is especially resolute. In order to properly organize and conduct a survey, varto turn around to the rules and norms of business etiquette:

  1. Come on. Obviously, in no time is it possible to sleep on zustrich. In a first way, breaking the protocol, but in a different way, such a behavior is as unimportant to accept. Like a delay, inevitably, it is necessary to stand up in front of the receiving party. In a business world, it’s clear, like a “business niche”, that a zapіznіgo chekatimut 15 khvilin, if wine does not appear in an hour, then the side that accepts, may have the right to say zustrіch.
  2. Misce. The main thing in business etiquette is the importance of wisdom; In films and serials, you can often talk about business conversations at restaurants and saunas, but if you don’t know those places, you can play serious meals. Important business negotiations should be held in the office in a neutral environment. What is worth to the restaurant, you can choose it for a business meeting, to support partners' meetings, to talk about your hospice, or to make a successful favour, but not for other vipadkiv.
  3. Zustrich. Depending on the specifics of the business etiquette, the party that accepts is guilty of being in full storage in the negotiation room. The guests are accompanied by a business partner until the month, who himself does not take part in the negotiations.
  4. The beginning of negotiations. The general director of the receiving party is responsible for the responsibility for the beginning of the negotiations and for those that the rozmov did not have long pauses. If so, the movchannya should be long overdue, the presence can send it with a signal until the end of the sermon. So it’s not necessary to immediately go to main topic, you can’t feed on the forehead: “So you take the cow chi ni?” According to the rules of a warm tone, you need to talk about other, neutral speech. Also, don’t wart with those who can call out super girls, for example, politics, religion, sports. The stench always peresbuvayut under the fence at the business world.
  5. Trivality. In Russia, foreign standards are not practiced: negotiations can take a few years, but the parties still do not praise the desired solution. The culture of business etiquette seems to be able to spend 40 hours, maximum of the second year, but at such a time, it is necessary to have a break.
  6. Completion. If you have already reached the end of the day, it is bad to defuse the situation. For example, the general director can ask to continue the negotiations, but, as it seems, without jackets. Domovlenosti negotiation, regardless of what forms of stink use (usnіy chi letters), obov'yazkovo necessariy dotrimuvatisya.

Business correspondence

A business list is the first contact, by which you can judge what people write about, and talk about the whole company in a flash. Garniy and the correct style of the sheet gives the possibility of understanding not only a businesslike quality, but also the specialness of a person, it is important for him to recommend himself as a professional and fahivtsia.

First, the sheet can be sent to one addressee. To make life easier for the writer, so for the one who reads. In a different way, it is necessary to confirm on the otrimaniy sheet. To leave a sheet without a certificate is the same as a worthless insert for a company, which you respect yourself. It is necessary to put it in such a rank, so that they would take it exactly unambiguously, so that it is not guilty of ambiguous tensions. That and nadіslane povіdomlennya maє vimagati only one vіdpovіdі.

Thirdly, if a sheet is required to be sent for a number of cases, their addresses should simply be added to the “Copy” row. As a matter of fact, only a few people are needed, but be aware of the familiarity of many people, for others, the label “copy” is simply scrambled in the sheet. The main addressee is guilty of nadіslati vіdpovіd, іnshі vіdpіdati not guilty. Fourthly, masovaya rozsilannya is allowed only in that case, if it is not necessary to give evidence on the sheet. Call these sheets to clarify the work of practitioners.

After all, it’s necessary to tell the topic of the sheet, it’s necessary to remember someone else’s hour - it’s just one more rule of a warm tone. At the list, follow the order to privatize the addressee and then proceed to the right. If you turn to a person by name, by father, you will automatically be vvazhatima, who should be put in charge before her. In Shosta, it’s important to write correctly. Before editing, it is necessary to re-read the sheet once for compliance with the rules of spelling and punctuation.

Telephone etiquette

To improve the business of the dovgostrokovі vіdnosiny, richly respect the telephone line. Tse zovsіm not those who are special zustrich, and the business etiquette here is zovsіm іnshiy. In general, the reputation of the company is rich in what to lie in the first place, as far as possible, telephone lines are properly maintained. Therefore, the etiquette of telephone calls is more important for any company, before that the rules here are not so foldable:

  • Make sure you call a person, how to call. Do not forget about the varto and todi, if the call is made by the person herself.
  • Pay attention to intonation. Spіvrozmovnik may be a little bit, for the sake of it.
  • You cannot say the phrase "I turbo you" or "I turbo you."
  • Please, please introduce yourself.
  • Razmovlyayuchi with a specific person, you need to find out early, what time can you have for a dialogue.
  • You need to tell me not later than in three rings.
  • If you want to talk to someone who calls, you don’t need to hang up the phone, you need to take a call and transfer the call to that person you want to talk to.
  • Rozmovlyayuchi s new svіvrozmovnikom, it is necessary to pіdlashtuvatsya pіd shvidkіst yogo promo.
  • Under the telephone hour, you can’t smoke, drink and chew.
  • Finishing the rozmov, you need to check with the clerk that you have been deprived of food in the new one, and then we’ll say goodbye.

Mobile phones

Varto means that the rules of business communication etiquette have expanded and on the telephone, as they have long become an indispensable part of our life.

Sometimes there are situations, if the mobile phone needs to be put on silent mode or it needs to be silent. Turning on the device is acceptable in that case, if the person is in no way able to make a call. If a person is interrupting among people, then the business etiquette is hindered by raising his voice, now, you need to speak more quietly, lower loudly. In a filthy tone, the conduct of telephone calls at the communal eating place is respected. Only as far as the terms are concerned. And then it’s better to ask the clerk to bud a sprig of khvilin, go to a bigger calm place and call back. So don’t forget that the loud ring is unpleasant. As soon as the phone is “covered up”, then the wart will vibrate, but in another time it will not be true.

If you ring the phone and there is more than one person, you can speak out, but say a maximum of pivhvilin. It’s impossible, because the telephone Rozmova destroyed the privacy of Zustrich. Just as soon as a respectful twink appears, a person may be far ahead of the attendants and stand in front of them.

Dіlove splkuvannya

Those, how people behave in society, are determined by legal, regulatory, administrative and statutory factors. Having poured into the behavior of people, you can inspire the economy and the level of technical equipment of the enterprise. Usі tsі chinniki infuse riven vzaєmodії pracіvnіkіv іz representatives іnshih groups (kієnti, post-employees just. bud.).

Call on the participants of the business promotion, two types of social norms are added:

  1. Formal. Regulation rules, as described in special documents.
  2. Informal. The same manner of behavior, as step by step, is formed by the work team. Vaughn can be thrown into the ranks of officials and wash the robots.

Obviously, with these settings, business communication is formed among the team: on the one hand, the spіvrobіtnik comprehends the rules, on the other, it reflects the mood that the team has.


On which topic business etiquette does not end. The skin respecting himself ker_vnik is guilty of dorimuvati principles, yakі pozitsionuvatimut yogo as a right master of his own:

  • Punctuality. A person with good manners should always work in his own time. The business etiquette for punctuality still needs to be corrected for the working day.
  • Confidentiality. Good practitioners are able to keep the secrets of their firms, to instill stinks like that in special mutual relations between the boss and the boss.
  • Respect to otchennya. Vihovana people zavzhdy can respect the thought of others, navіt yakscho won't show it to the svetogladu. Take care of that criticism, and also take a good look at the people who will dissipate them.
  • Literacy. Uminnya correctly formulate your thoughts and fold the official sheets without pardons - it’s important vminnya, like a mother, a person has been twisted.
  • Discernment. Creating in the middle of the undertakings of the same rules, we will need to persevere with a healthy mind. Follow the standard norms of corporate business etiquette to improve the practicality and optimize the working process. If you don’t stink of the stench, replace them with a bar.
  • Freedom. This is one of the most important principles of business etiquette. It is important to honor the specialties of the space of other people. Negotiate for signing a contract - not recruiting to a religious sect. The side that accepts, shows to the possible partner all pluses and minuses in the case of spivprac (when you don’t want to irrigate the company of competitors), and win already independently, accept the proposition chi.

  • Brilliance. All the participants of the business are responsible for the mother's ability to be especially successful. It seems simpler, a businesslike person is not guilty of litigation because she is out to conduct negotiations in a rank that is convenient for herself.
  • Doctorate. Whether it's a fix, you can follow a specific meta, but don't be an ephemeral short-time request.
  • Conservatism. Tsya akіst zavzhdi was associated with chimos stable and nadіynim. To live today in the business world with important rices, stability and fundamentality are important.
  • Invisibility. The norms of business etiquette are not to blame for the stress, and during the hour of comprehension, no one is to blame for the psychological pressure.
  • Dorechnist. Dilova people all and always work together, if necessary. Vіn vrakhovuє hour and mіsce i know exactly how to behave in your other situation.

Business etiquette - these are the rules, without which one cannot reach the singing heights of business. Navit unconcerned with instability in the economy and politics, the rules of the garnet tone will always be with the army.

Usі social vіdnosini are regulated by sing rules and norms. Zvіd tsikh rules called etiquette. In a businesslike environment, it’s the same, like in a be-like sphere of life, it has its own rules of conduct, which are denoted by two words - business ethics. Let's take a look at the report, what is it.

What is it?

Dilova ethics - the whole set of moral principles and moral principles and rules, like a lot of smart people. The stench is guilty of obov'yazkovo dotrimuvatisya.

Dіlova etika vinikla zі zmіshannya svіtskogo i vіysk etiquettes. In the minds of the globalization of economic waters, so that there was no misunderstanding between representatives of different cultures, the code of business ethics tried to be balanced for all participants in business waters, regardless of their culture, nationality, religion. A self-respecting businessman is obliged to know and enforce the principles of business ethics.

In addition, a person who is far from business, if he wants to learn about these rules - if you don’t know, you can provoke embarrassing situations, as if by rapt wines to spend before organizing with the zhorst regulation of behavior.

The following shows that the current business etiquette has a low function.

  • Information. The etiquette before us is straight forward informing people about the rules and norms of behavior in the household.
  • Standardization of models of individual and group behavior. Knowing the rules gives us the opportunity to come up to the regulations in a specific skin situation, allowing you to more easily join the team, reducing a little psychological tension in business people.
  • Security of social control. For the help of the rules and norms of the suspіlstvі, there is a lack of respite from the behavior, as they can harm the normal vіdnosinami.
  • function of diplomacy, political struggle. Dotrimannya chi nedotrimannya business etiquette gives a mindfulness to an opponent to make himself understand. The intentional under-trial of the rules is about the manifestation of unkindness, or rather the pre-trial of the rules can be said about the povag and instigation for a positive result of the negotiations.
  • Identification with aliens, the creation of psychological comfort Business etiquette - tse, nasampered, showing corporate culture, corporate team spirit, helping the spy worker to feel like a part of the organization.

As if it were an information system, business ethics has its own structure - it is made up of macroetics and microetics. Dilova macroetics can be based on mutual respect of organizations on sovereign and international levels.

The more equal the negotiations, the more respect is given to the etiquette. And the axis of microetics is the internal organization etiquette. It includes the rules of interaction between subordinates, with clients, with partners and with competitors.


Business etiquette - a straight line of young etiquette, prote wines have a low level of their features, like giving a special attention to business communication. Let's take a look at the features of the report.

  • Significance of reputation in business dealing. Spending a reputation with the world of business means the collapse of the company. Leather kerіvnik is guilty of valuing his own name, for that, in order to win a reputation among partners and clients, it is necessary to report a lot of strength and time. Business etiquette plays a significant role in the establishment of reputation. An unethical clerk or a spokesman can easily miss the company's image. It is also important for the whole team to know the basics of business etiquette.
  • Concreteness and clarity- Insha is important warehouse of business intelligence. The setting of the loan goal is especially important for the activity of the organization, the shards for the sake of the set goal are to change the activity. The insignificance of the formulation of the label is inaccurate, and the formulation can lead to negative consequences. Organization, if you can, there is no sense, so you can have a tribal hour.
  • Mutual support also an important element of the art of business communication. A successful businessman knows that mutual cooperation is the best way to a viable partnership. Dilovi vіdnosiny zavzhdý mâyut on uvazі pіd yourself understand vzaєmovіdnih vіdnosin.

You cannot underestimate the importance of business etiquette. If you show an unethical behavior in a way or at a secular society, then your reputation as a twisted person is at stake.

But in the business sphere, pardons for behavior can cost a job and income.


In a business etiquette, you can call it the following:

  • etiquette of live communication with clients;
  • etiquette of electronic communication;
  • telephone etiquette;
  • etiquette of ceramics.

Contact with clients

The etiquette of dealing with clients is based on the offensive basic rule: the client is always right. Correct communication with clients is carried out exclusively in all respects, pleasantly, chanoblely communication. You cannot interrupt, raise your voice, be angry with the client. The spіvrobіtnik is guilty of taking care of the calm and giving people the same respect, ensuring equal service. It is necessary to give the client an understanding of what they are hearing, this problem is important for the company. The mustache of the rules is reached by the way of the intonation of the speaker, the gestures, the virazu of the guise.

A skincare company that is customer-focused can give respect to the training of its specialists in communication with customers. The culture of dealing with clients directly affects the organization's income: if there are no clients, there is no income.

Electronic listing

The development of the merezhі gives us more opportunities for cooperation. Eticket of electronic communication is one of the main types of business remote communications in the world. The following rules are added to the electronic listing:

  • filling in all fields of the electronic sheet;
  • zrozumіlі address that іm'ya vіdpravnika;
  • obov'yazkove zaznachennya by those sheet;
  • compliance with the text of the sheet to the rules of business listing;
  • obov'yazkova vіdpovіd on vhіdniy business list, for spam vinyatka;
  • Confidential information cannot be overridden in any way.

To the very text of the sheet, it is approximately the same, as well as to the verbal movement - the inclusion and the lessness. And besides that, there is a specificity. For example, it is not possible to write words in the caps lock register, but it can be taken as a cry. The rule of thumb is the presence of an electronic signature. It is also necessary to indicate how many ways to contact you (telephone, fax, e-mail)

Also, in the internal mail of a list of well-known people, an emotionally charged letter, you can win the title of smiley - a graphic image of a face with different emotions. At business sheets and sheets to clients emoticons are not recommended, so as not to cope with the hostility of a non-serious person.

Telephone on Rozmov

The protocol of the telephone business line transfers the following sequence:

  • think about the theme of the conversation ahead of time;
  • reckon with a laconic greeting;
  • introduce yourself and introduce the company;
  • demonstrate a spontaneous reaction to the supply and respect of the speaker;
  • Briefly, I would like to complete the Rozmov.

Under the hour of a telephone call, try to reconsider as little as possible, do not call in a call. Whether it’s a dilova rozmov’s hand, that staining for the new hour will be minimal. In order to achieve the promotion of that loyalty, it is recommended that you apply as much as possible to the name of the debtor. Follow your intonation - according to them, you can feel a little more positive or hostile.

Etiket of stoneware

The essence of the etiquette of the ceramics worker is in the art of splintering with business partners, supported, greater ceramics, clients. The authorities can always be calm, high self-control and vvіchlivistyu. Ker_vnik is guilty of learning to hear and slightly help his own people, in difficult situations to go to them and help them.

In Russia, ethical standards have recently become equal in business dealings. It can be said that more than half of the collapses of business companies are due to unreasonable etiquette and non-violation of these norms.

Basic rules

The rules of business etiquette are not so rich, but their dotrimannya є vіdkritimi dvorima to suits and new partners.

  • Hour pennies: Dilova lyudina obov'yazkovo can take care of the basics of time management, take care of both your own and the hour of your business partners. Violation of the rule of punctuality in a business environment should be brought up to the opening of business contacts, the conclusion of new contracts and the opening of households.
  • Dress code: so many people always form their first thought about you according to old-fashioned look- Business style in clothes, accessories, honors will tell about you like a person, like a status and a place in society.
  • Working style: Keeping order on the work table and an important warehouse image of a businesslike person. All things must be in their places. Remember: a mess on the working table is a mess at the head.
  • Literacy: dilova literate language as a matter of fact, it can be an indeterminate yakistyu, attached to the skin businessman.

  • More importantly before the opponent: If you don't care about your own interests, you will easily find all partners and clients. Follow the thought of the opponent, so you won't run away from your glance. Povaga, without transcendental altruism is the key to successfully pleasing productive negotiations.
  • Dotrimannya commercial secrets also an important rule of business etiquette. Confidential information to protect the organization from unfair competition, and the axis of the її turn in the worst case can lead to the bankruptcy of the organization.
  • On the robot - practice: let's make the maximum use of your garden shoes. Vminnya pratsyuvati shvidko overgrowth at zlіt kar'ernimi gatherings.
  • Business gestures: close the position, vanity, when I look, I will tell you about you, as if about a secret, undesirable person. Keep track of your movements and postures - a straight posture, a vpevneniy look, a day of restlessness will tell about you like a human being.
  • Additional subordination It is also an important rule of office etiquette. Tse chi not head characteristic pracіvnika, which praises the bosses in all spheres of activity.

At the heart of any successful team lies the foundation of the basic principles and rules of business cooperation. It is clear that they will be on professional ethics and mutual respect, create a comfortable working atmosphere, overcome the vindication of conflicts. The meaning can be absolutely all business norms - from the ethics of business communication by telephone to the modern culture of a rozmovi chief and a subordinate.

In the correct behavior of the business team to deposit as special successes and the results of the work of all teams

Etiket is the most important and significant part negotiation processes, independently from equal. At yoga foundations, the unspoken principles of cooperation among the collective, united by the main professional goals, are changed.

The rules of business communication and the ethics of professional behavior in practice are necessary in order to:

  1. streamline the exchange of information between spivrobitniks;
  2. to develop a mind that standing in front of them is a purpose for their reach;
  3. create the right labor atmosphere, straighten out the work;
  4. improve the productivity of work, creating a comfortable moral environment;
  5. hide away conflict situations that incomprehensible.

Today there is a lot of information about those, as follows, in different negotiations and negotiations

Basic principles and rules of business dealing

The leather company develops its own corporate culture, as it regulates mutual relations in the team. Independently in it, there are the main principles of the rules of business intercourse, to which they lie:

  • fair distribution of resources between spivrobitnikami;
  • the appearance of unkindness to clients, colleagues, younger ones behind the ranks of the authorities, criticism from former competitors;
  • development of the ethical side of the behavior of the organization and the loyalty of servicemen to traditions;
  • however, professional knowledge of collective and individual activities;
  • to the truth special certificate in virishenny working food;
  • having shown trust to the practitioners with the method of advancing the perception of their vlasnoi vіdpovіdalnosti;
  • wild motivation to follow the established norms of all on a special basis;
  • the presence of violent visits to servants and the freedom of one companion to others, without conflict.

It is not enough to issue an order about dotrimanny transfer of installations, the stench may become a tradition for your company. It is necessary to follow the rules of business etiquette and the norms of business communication, as they will be in such capacities as:

  1. image and officiality;
  2. vvіchlivіst that privіtnіst;
  3. literacy, punctuality;
  4. goodness;
  5. confidentiality;
  6. significance and importance.

It is impossible to learn the stench without a set of moral values, mutually supportive and correct conduct of working dialogues. These are the main communicative-moving rules of business communication to help you with whom:

  • trim yourself within the framework of decency, regardless of the situation that has developed;
  • learn to cherubate emotions and put the fence on their outer manifestation;
  • follow your thoughts and respectfully listen to the speaker;
  • Choose the correct manner of moving.

Among the main forms and rules of business negotiation, there are a number of factors that should be added to the negotiation process, so that you need to be safe in any case:

  1. having infused either the factor of power - a nervous position, if one side can prevail over the other, understand how it is with her and think over what you can oppose;
  2. obmezhennya terminіv or timchasі mind - at the shortest position varto buti tolerant, your svіvrozmovnik or opponent is also obmezheniye at the hour, like i ve;
  3. information resource - if you don’t want to use information, learn to read and hear and promote gestures;
  4. intrigue, the factor of failure - on the other hand, you can have a trump card in stock, be it new idea, the propositions of spivrobnitstva, but we are preparing to sharply support your concept, otherwise the situation is not transferable, as it is fundamentally changing the global plans.

In the case of the company, the majority of working power levels are reduced to electronic listing, and here are the main communicative modern rules of business communication:

  • povaga that respect for work goals one of one;
  • safety and security of information without її free distribution;
  • literacy and punctuality.

We respect the skin aspects of business ethics.

Don't say anything

Here is the principle of confidentiality. If you have been entrusted with some information in the course of negotiations, do not try to work at home. Keep track of him, if you are talking to someone.

At the fort of success, the language is correctly delivered, and її zmіst

The safety of the company is rich in why to lay low in balakuchost and її spivrobitnikіv - it’s not okay to see corporate secrets in a friendly family circle, to show them for the borders of a special listing of that one of your own. Those themselves are standing and negotiating with competitors - they do not need to know how and what your organization is working on.

Seek punctuality

This point may be brought not only to the banal arrival at work without a delay, but also to the timely reports on the sheet, which should be, according to the robot, the maintenance of documentation and correspondence. Competently manage your working hours and then you will gain a reputation as a punctual person.

Vikonuyte tsі obіtsyanki - whether it's an hour for a phone call, vikonannya yakikhos obov'yazkіv or arranging a planned call.

Forget what kind of animal is on "T"

A little bit of tact and povag to the svіvrozmovnik is laid down by the right animal to the new one. To their colleagues, the bosses, that pіdleglih dіє only one form of animal cruelty - on Vi. It is not recommended to go to the Tee to the grave in case of vrahuvannі informal conditions.

Vvіchliva form razmovi z klіentsami and competitor - tezh zhurnennya on Vi.

Telephone etiquette

Telephone rozmov dorimuetsya zhorst framework, zoomed in by its obmezhenim format. This culture conveys a clear link of recommendations:

Mutual chief-podlegliy

For a constructive dialogue with the supporters, the kerіvnik is guilty of cultivating these joys:

  • want the team to build up in vipadkah, if success has been achieved by the diyami of ceramics;
  • address criticism not directly to people, like professional vchinka;
  • to work for the respect to instill in the presence of non-violent obov'yazkiv;
  • do not give special gifts to practitioners, as they can’t afford to work;
  • show that the authority and the praise of the decision are in the hands of the authorities;
  • praise the practitioners for a good vikonannya zavdan not only materially, but in words;
  • reward the employees for justice - the award of premiums to professional merits;
  • protect your subordinates from competitors and third-party ones.

Listen to the speaker until the end

In order to formulate a good idea about the company and oneself among the aliens, it is necessary to follow the singing methods of behavioral culture, which are based on psychology. Here respect and punctuality, almost tact, are taken as the basis.

Except for the fact that you cannot interrupt your opponent, it is necessary to respectfully listen to what is wrong with you. Tse give you the opportunity to understand yoga motives and designate your inner state for the manner of that voice, to that, as if it were your own food, that proposition. I will become an inner partner (because of her manners in her voice). Neutralization of respect for the process of moving. Ways to defend against incorrect behavior. Technique of conduct without conflict. Self-calming technique.

Respond calmly to criticism

All of us are very graciously accepting criticism at our address. Ale, in a businesslike splinter warto, learned to take control of his emotions. For which one, take a look at the schemes:

  1. listen to the mind of the speaker - identify yoga motives - understand yoga moods;
  2. neutralize respect for the process of moving, accentuating respect for success;
  3. to defend yourself in the case of incorrect behavior, having sent you to vikonannja inconspicuous working tasks;
  4. win the techniques of conflict-free roaming and self-calm - strimanity, empathy, keeping an eye on yourself, in parallel, taking care of the search for ways to resolve the difficult situation.

Vminnya cherubate emotions and self-control add a great plus

Happy tiles

It’s good for everyone to see that it’s bad to cook. It is especially nasty to speak negatively about your spivrobitnikiv and colleagues, kerivnitstvo, it’s more to take care of the broadening a bit about them labor activity that special life.

Don’t beat up the unverified information and turn off all the special features for the hour of work, stick on the tiles, referring to those who don’t stink to you.

As if you can’t seem to stand up in the conversation, there’s a shkіdlivih sound and failures - write down your shortfalls and work on them.

Rules for business communication over the phone

Adoption of living etiquette is expanding and the rules of business communication by telephone. Let's go around the standard set of important phrases, it is necessary to correctly and briefly convey the meta of your call to people on the other end of the telephone drot. Sob tse robiti, business splkuvannya by phone may global rules, which rozpovsyudzhuyutsya on all spіvrobіtnikіv organіzatsії:

  • the correct approach to the opponent, the correct setting of the food;
  • before їх dubbed - introduce yourself, name your settlement, name the company and viddil, in what practice, ask outside of im'ya his svіvrozmovnik;
  • clearly formulate the propositions - if it is necessary to interrupt the rozmov, you should tell her to call back at another hour.

The number of statements of business etiquette can be found in the firms. The stench is a perfect tool for communication in the professional sphere, it makes it easier to understand in the team, to help establish contact between the profession and its clients, to make communication productive.

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