How to put a literate and beautiful language. Good language was delivered: how to make your promo clear, sensible and literate

more literature. Best of all, it will be classic literature, popular science, and not modern novels, detectives and otherwise. I think that you and yourself are worthy of the process. If you can’t think of yourself in any way, then guess what the thoughts of quiet people, if they don’t speak correctly, don’t take it seriously, and many people fight this kind of ignorance. If you want to be a good friend, then you should work on yourself.

3. GROW YOUR VOCABULARY. If you feel or read a new word, try z'yasuvati yoga.

similar meaning. Do not wart evil with third-party fashionable words, which is not acceptable for literate language.

4. BE SURE FOR THE WORDS because the stench also smears your vocabulary. For example, do not say “Lipen moon”, to those who have already realized that it is a rain tse month, and not a river, it’s a year later.

5. KILL THE TAFTOLOGIES. Do not varto say “power up food”. In order to make such a call to start following the promo of people that will make you feel lost.

Lyudin, as I can accept a literate language and a garniy stock of words, I always want to hear. Spiritualists take such a person as more enlightened and intelligent, to the one who is able to freely and happily express their thoughts, and її mova is borderline aware.

Navpaki, a person with insufficient language literacy and a small stock of vocabulary seriously does not take anything seriously, they will not listen until you look. An illiterate move calls out a negative reaction in people, an extortion. People respect better mothers on the right with sweet-sounding intelligent speakers.

At the right place, the text delivered is unappreciated and I will help you read. Irrespective of the computerization of our life, today, nevertheless, there is a sufficient time for reading. Books are the best cherelo of well-intentioned phrases, cherelo of Russian movies. Reading books helps with spelling.

Well, you need to read books, to bring joy. This process can be satisfied. Nasampered, it’s worth the children. To encourage children for a long time to sit for reading not varto. You can blame the negative reaction.

Introducing a new vigadlivny word into the dictionary, find out its exact meaning, click, the stars came to the Russian language if. Ornate words are also not warto evil. All is good in the world.

duje korisna zvichka- Postiyne koristuvannya vocabulary. The dictionary helps to understand the voices, to know the words synonyms, to understand their meaning.

Written texts should be translated into language. Follow the control as spelling, punctuation, and develop the logic of speech. Your thoughts may be sensible for readers.

It is wonderful to train the intellect with charades, crossword puzzles, puzzles. Everything helps to make the maisternist beautiful and speak fluently.

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One of the most important elements in the assessment of a person is the voice. Most of all, as it is acceptable to us, as if a person seems to be, then we are worthy of talking with her and talking, and we are happy to hear. To that, the language was correctly delivered, and before that, the harp is the guarantee of success for any kind of splurge - even special, even businesslike. And often you will instill respect and present the person to the winning light, matched with those who are not able to competently be their promo. Ale yak put MOV? It is possible to get in touch with these zavdannyam practically skin - it is necessary to simply win the singing right, about which you will be told at once.

How to put the correct language

The main rule is regular reading. As if you have a bad promo, it is necessary to read out loud no less, at least 20-30 quills a day. Tsya is clumsy with the right to help you get into such inappropriate rices, as rubbish and innocence in your own, and also you will find the necessary skills. Reading aloud, you, without a word, teach yourself and speak aloud, ale z tієyu raznityu, scho will be a literary language, and not just rozmovna mova. Zrozumilo, for reading aloud, it is best to pick up the artistic literature of classical zrazkiv, as it is rich in different ways movie. Sound with the most buggy hearers є children, because the stench in your booth is simply miraculous. If children respectfully listen to you, then, in fact, there is nothing for you to worry about, although it doesn’t mean that it’s no longer necessary to thoroughly improve your habit of correct language. It is necessary to work fast. Well, and, obviously, read more and regularly, so that the habit of correct language is not ruined. And now about one more thing good way, how to put a competent movement.

We select an eye

Choose your own people, voice and character of the promotion that suits you. It is best to choose from the leading TV broadcasts and radio, the shards of these people specially teach the right language. Vibravshi, honor yoma (otherwise) inherit. For whom, record the voice of the leader and your own voice and match the result. I would like to give special respect to the voices of VIM, to those who look at the "clumsy" language itself through their voices incorrectly. Most often, the company is afraid of its own “porridge”, through which people begin to mumble and speak practically inseparably. The very equalization of the voices of the voices, you will sing those imperfections, as it is necessary to correct in order to achieve success.

How to put the language correctly - koromovki

It’s even better to help the carts, as it is necessary to promote as quickly and clearly as possible. Choose that koromovka, which has the most beautiful sounds. For example, the production of such sounds, like "b", "p", "g" and "k" sprya koromovka: "Bik is stupid, stupid little whip, the bik's lip is stupid", for whistling and hissing "s" and "w "In the same way, the pantry "Sasha went along the highway and dipped the dryer" is not less famous, and so on. Start, obviously, it is necessary from simple pancakes (like a higher purpose), and then step by step go to the folding ones. Before speech, for a greater effect, you can promote and/or read with a full mouth. , shards of similar position of teeth do not allow you to clearly pronounce words, but you can bring to the point of incomprehensibility from the side of the strangers. rіbnі words, replacing them with different, not very different sounds like “mmm”, “eee”, “emmm” toshchoo. To sound and look from the side is not exactly right, turn it, but for an hour it’s just ridiculous.

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