Viraznі vossobi lexicon. Epithet. Porivnyannia. Metaphor. Separate. What is the difference in Russian language (apply that sign)? Por_vnyannya as a literary device



stylistic reception; similarity of one phenomenon to another, which reinforces my sign. Let’s forgive, and it’s also expressed in reverse with the words yak, nibi chi nibi: “Lazily and thoughtlessly, nibi walk without meti, stand subdued oaks, and the sleepy strikes of the sleepy exchanges ignite the flowers of the malovnichii oil of the leaves, throwing on the dark, yak ... ”(N.V. Gogol,“ Sorochinsky Yarmarok ”), - or indirectly, it is expressed by the name in the form of an ore gun without a receiver: “Onegin lives as an anchoret ...” (A.S. Pushkin, “Evgeniy Onegin”). Often in the artistic movement, the succession of the aftermath is stagnant ellipsa transform into metaphor.

Literature and language. Contemporary illustrated encyclopedia. - M: Rosmen. Edited by prof. Gorkina O.P. 2006 .


PAYMENT(Lat. comparatio, n.m. Gleichnis), as a term of poetics, it means the setting of an imaged object, or a manifestation, with another object behind the main sign, i.e. sound. tertium comparationis, to be equal to the third element. Porіvnyannia is often seen as a special syntactic form of expression of metaphor, if the remainder of the object, which is being manifested by it, for the help of the grammatical connection "yak", "nibi", "nibi", "exactly" skinny, and why in Russian language tsі spіlki can be omitted, and pіdlyagaє pіvnyannya pronounced by the gunnery. “The strings of my verses” (Block) is a metaphor, according to “my verses run like strings” and “my verses run with strings” - they were equal. This way the grammatical designation does not depend on the nature of the match. Nasampered, not every match can be syntactically squeezed into a metaphor. For example, "Nature is hushed with heat, like a child without a turbo" (Lermontov), ​​or it is antithetical in "The Stone Guest": "The Spanish grandee, like a villain, He is afraid of the night and month." At the port, moreover, it is the same separation stavnyh objects, scho calls are often expressed yak etc.; between similar objects, you can see what the metaphor has to say. The metaphor khіba scho demonstrates the sameness, comparison-separation. That is why the image, which radiates for equalization, is easily developed into an absolutely independent picture, often tied up in one sign with this object, which calls for equalization. Such woeful homerish divisions. Sings roaring їх, nibi zabuvayuchi and not quarreling about those objects, like the stink you can imagine. Tertium comparationis gives more than a hint, a post for watering in case of a head leak. This is how Gogol's manner is loved. For example, depicting the barking of dogs in the yard near Korobochka, and from the voice of the orchestra, calling out in a wider array: pouring, tenors rise on their backs in the presence of a strong bajan to play a high note, and everything that doesn’t є, rip up to the top, throwing their heads, and only one, putting their barefoot in the crib, crouching and sinking to the ground, skipping like their note, in tremtyat and derenchit skla". The diversity of such objects among the Russians is especially pronounced in the Russian authorities and the Serbian poetry of a special form negative match. For example: "Not two glooms in the sky converged, two knights converged." Porivn. from Pushkin: “Not playing ravens, I got angry At a bunch of decaying brushes, - Outside the Volga at night, I climbed wild fires.”

M. Petrovsky. Literary encyclopedia: Dictionary of literary terms: In 2 volumes / Edited by M. Brodsky, A. Lavretsky, E. Lunin, V. Lvov-Rogachevsky, M. Rozanov, V. Cheshikhin-Vetrinsky. - M.; L .: View of L. D. Frenkel, 1925


Marvel at such a "povnyannya" in other dictionaries:

    Knowledge. an operation that underlies the judgment about the similarity of the object; for S.'s help, there are lots of bones. that yakos. Indicators of subjects, classifying, ordering and estimating the value of buttya and recognition. Repair… … Philosophical Encyclopedia

    Porivnyannia- PORIVNYANNYA (lat. comparatio, n.m. Gleichnis), as a term of poetics, means the setting of an imaged object, which is a manifestation, with a third object behind the main sign, t. tertium comparationis, to be equal to the third element. Glossary of literary terms

    PORIVNYANNYA, porivnya, porivn. 1. Diya per goal. porіvnyati porіvnyuvat1. Matching copies with the original. Tse do not give up the fight. || The result of this infusion of names, designations of drawings of similarity. Not far off the line. Dotepne warm. Yake is here... Tlumachny dictionary of Ushakov

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    division- One of the logical operations of the mind. Tasks on S. subjects, images, understanding are widely vindicated with psychological studies, the development of the idea and the destruction of yoga. Analyzed for S., like a victorious person, lightness ... ... Great psychological encyclopedia

    1. REPAIR div. Repair. 2. CORRECTION; PORIVNYANNYA, I; since. 1. to Por_vnyati. S. slov'janskih mov іz nіmetskim. If you follow him, you will already be playing. 2. The word abo viraz, which avenges the imitation of one object to another, one situation in another ... Encyclopedic dictionary

    Porivnyannia- Comparaison ♦ Comparaison moving methods two different objects, either by using the method of substantiating their imitation, or by eminence, or, in poetry, by calling out the image of one, naming something else. As if implicitly, we are talking about a metaphor ... Philosophical Dictionary of Sponville

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    PORIVNYANNYA, I, povn. 1. div. equalize. 2. The word abo viraz, which is to revenge the imitation of one object to another, one situation in another. Dotepne s. Por_vnyano with kim (chim), approx. from creativity porivnya, porivnyuyuchi, zіstavlyuchi whom scho sv. with kim chim... Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov

    English comparison; new. Vergleich. The recognition operation, which lies at the basis of the judgment about the similarity, or the identification of objects, for the help of which, there are some characteristics of objects, signs that can determine the possibility of them ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    division- PORIVNYANNYA operation of setting up a number of objects, with the method of z'yasuvannya step of their mutual similarity. Vaughn zastosovna is less to objects, which may seem like a significant sign, which is seen as the basis of S. In the sphere of scientific research S. ... ... Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science


  • Porivnyannya to understand the isomer and homologue. Functional groups of classes of organic speeches; Table 1 arcush (vinil). Art. B5-8670-001 Comparison table to understand isomer and homologue. Functional groups of classes of organic speeches.

Hello, new readers of the blog site. Chantly vee more than once chuli virazi SMILIY YAK LION chi SMIL YAK FOX ?! put up to one of themselves different lexical devices, which is called a povnyannya.

Most of the time, this is possible in literature, and the deacons of the same time have already migrated to our everyday movement. Zavdyaki їm the author bagatorazovo polyuє image.

Aja wait - one on the right to come home and say "I want to eat", and call it "I'm a HUNGRY YAK VOVK!". Another option is stronger, and smut, everyone once realized that in the evening it’s not a bare second.

Porivnyannia - tse an image-creating technique, in which two objects (divine manifestations) are presented in order to enhance the characteristics of one of them. Moreover, two elements are always guessed at the equals - those who are equal, and those who are equal.

The villages are burning, there is no Zahist.
The enemy of the blue of the fatherland was broken,
Growing in the dark, lakaє look.

At whom Mikhailo Lermontov’s chotirivirshi, there is light in the fire from the heavenly body, thereby emphasizing respect for the fact that it’s hard to see.

Another example from literature (poetry):

Shalenih rokіv zgasla Vesіllya
Ale, like wine, sadness of bygone days
In my soul, what is older is stronger.

And yet Pushkin Oleksandr Sergiyovych. The new one in this chotirivirshі vіdrazu has two pairs and insults related to the alcohol theme (an intelligent wealthy in our country).

First, for the phrases “fun - hangover”, it is reasonable that joy was lost in the past, and hardship came to change. And in a different way, the yaskra image of "sum - wine" creates a seemingly unstoppable.

Ways of folding povnyan on butts

Є sprat of basic methods for making povnyan:

  1. for the help of equal splits “yak”, “nibi”, “nibi”, “sho / chim”, “exactly”;
  2. for help of namesakes at the gunnery;
  3. otherwise, the inscriptions are in the same form;
  4. for help, the words “similar” and “similar”.

And now let's put it on for skin types of wounds.

Por_vnyalnі bring

  1. Vіn big shvidshe, NІZH kіn. (Pushkin)
  2. On Chervoniy Ploschі, nebi krіz fog stole, the contours of the vezh loomed vaguely. (Nekrasov)
  3. The sparkles in the sky did not just salvage, the skils tremtili, YAK the wing of a dying bird. (Turgenev)
  4. And to stand behind the oak nets, LIKE the evil spirits of the fox, hemp. (Yesenin)
  5. Here the skin of the village is such a love, EXACTLY in the new beauty all the World. (Yashin)

Names in the ordnance department

  1. From the cut old birch, farewell tears poured like a GROUND. (Nekrasov)
  2. The birds were crying out from the water surface to the KAZKOV BATCHENYAM. (Oleksiev)
  3. Mіsyats kovzaє with sour cream. (Parsnip)
  4. Veselka hung from birch trees with a clean towel. (Rubtsov)

Prikmetniki and prikmetniki in povnyalniy form

  1. STRONGER the guts of the beast are dumb. (Kriliv)
  2. Green eyes overlooking the sea and our cypress trees TEMNISHE (Akhmatova)
  3. Girl's eyes BRIGHT trojand. (Pushkin)
  4. SVILNISHE throne room (Tsvetaeva)
  1. Batkivshchyna is like a majestic tree, on which you can’t look at the leaves. (Piskiv)
  2. On the eyes of the protective gut, GO your eyes. (Akhmatova)

Apply the burnt fluff

Sometimes, like a match, the writers sing vicorist not one or two words, but propositional goals. Tse allows you to create even a more eloquent image and more accurately convey the mood of the whole creation.

The axis is one of the yaskravih butts - verse by Kostyantyn Zabolotsky "Voice at the telephone".

Earlier buv vin dzvinky, EXACTLY PTACH,
YAK DZHERELO, strummed and rang,
Just like the whole syavi vilititsya
According to the steel rod hotiv.
YAK FAREWELL for the joy of the soul,
Starting to sound vin, povniy repentance,
І sign near the unknown wilderness.

At the top there is no object, which is to be compared. Vіn zahovany u nazvі. And all the chotirivirshi - tse sucilne porivnyanna at once from metaphors. I vikoristovuyuchi tsі priyomi, Zabolotsky even clearly describes the past kokhannya. Aje herself about her, as if you could guess, go.

Magnificent divisions trapleyutsya and prose. The axis, for example, is a passage from the famous “Iliad” by Homer.

Throwing AJAX on VOROGIV, YAKIY ZGOLIV GOLYUDAV LEV on zlyakano stingy, let the shepherd VІVETS in, as if they were left without guarding without protection, LIKE CHILDREN without a trace, and the building is less afraid to stalk and zakuvat in fear of the lion’s bloodthirst and succumb to death sayings.

Here I call once two equals. One is “Ajax is a lion”, and in another it was necessary to inspire the subordinate “enemies - vivtsі - children”. Moreover, respect that the main words sound less on the very cob, and reshta and add a massive piece to the text of the dedications. I also poetically describe the nature of the battle.

And at once I would like to turn around to where we started. Deyaki povnyannya already mіtsno uvіyshli to our lexicon. We have already guessed three of them, but more:

  1. Eyes like a bottomless lake;
  2. Chervoniy, like cancer;
  3. Licorice yak honey;
  4. Like an elephant at the kitchen cabinet;
  5. Caught like a monument;
  6. Twisting vovchkom / spinning like a squirrel in a wheel;
  7. Bigti like a fire;
  8. Marvel like a ram at a new gate.

I have a few more applications:

Before the speech, similar to the stalk of the viraz. Tobto is already an offensive scree after a break. And you can read about it in other articles on our website.

Good luck to you! To fast zustrіches on the sides of the blog site

You can buti tsikavo

Furnishings - tse other row, but an important member of the speech What is metamorphosis and what is it like to see metamorphosis Psylvniki - tse part of the mov in Russian mov, which explains the essence How to write "nachebto" correctly Dialecticisms - all words with a mystic color Empirical method - ce empirism (dosvіd), taking as a basis for research and scientific knowledge Synecdoche is an example of metonymy in Russian language What is GDP in simple words Phraseologisms - apply winged phrases in Russian language Archaisms are the mother of our ancestors Imponuwati - sho tse (meaning of the word)

Epithets, metaphors, segregation, division - all this is due to the artistic vibrancy that is actively entrenched in Russian literary language. Їх іsnuє majestic rіznomanіtnіst. The stench is necessary in order to make my language bright and virulent, to strengthen artistic images turn the respect of the reader to the thought, as the author wants to convey.

What are the characteristics of artistic vibrancy?

Epithets, metaphors, segregation, equivalence are considered to be different groups of artistic expressions.

Vcheni-linguistics see sound and phonetic figurative features. Lexical - tse, connected with a song word, that is a lexeme. Yakscho Virazny zasib ohoplyuє wording, but the purpose of speech, it is syntactic.

Okremo also look at phraseological features (in their basis lie phraseological units), stitches (specially turnarounds that are victorious in a figurative sense).

De vikoristovuyutsya for the sake of artistic virtuosity?

It should be noted that the development of artistic versatility stagnates in literature, and in other spheres of intelligence.

Most of the epithets, metaphors, isolation, equivalence can be used, especially in artistic and publicistic promotions. The same stench is present in pink and scientific styles. The stench play a great role, the rocks help the author to inspire his life with his artistic idea, his image. Draw stinks for the reader. With this help, you can penetrate into the hidden world of the creator of creation, better understand and delve into the author's idea.


The epithets of the verses are one of the widest literary devices. It's wonderful that the epithet can be not only a prikmetnik, but also a clerk, a name and a numerical one (the extensions of the butt - friend of life).

Most of the literary scholars consider the epithet as one of the main methods of poetic creativity, which embellishes the speech.

As if turning to the turns of this word, it looks like an old Greek understanding of what it means in the literal translation of "additions". Tobto є add to the main word, the main function of which is to develop the main idea more sensible and viraznoy. The most common epithet is to stand before the main word chi viraz.

Like all the features of artistic virtuosity, epithets developed in the same literary dobi to inshoї. So it was in folklore, so in folk art, the role of epithets in the text is already great. The stench describes the characteristics of the objects, which are the manifestations. They see their key features, with which they rarely turn to an emotional warehouse.

Later, the role of epithets in literature is changing. Vaughn is expanding significantly. What kind of artistic vibrancy is given new powers and is reminiscent of non-powerful functions. It is especially remembered by the poets of the Silver Age.

In our day, especially in postmodern literary creations, the structure of the epithet has become even stronger. The meaning of this stitch has also been strengthened, which leads to marvelously sharp tricks. For example: pelushkas turned golden.

The function of epithets

Appointment of epithet, metaphor, isolation, alignment to one - all the same art work, what to give the opulence and vibrancy of our movie. Like literary, and rozmovnoy. The function of epithet is especially strong - emotion is still strong.

To help readers and listeners in their own eyes to see what to say or write the author, to understand, how to put a blame on this subject.

Epithets serve for a realistic realization of historical doby, singing social group chi people. With this help, we can reveal, as people said, as words hindered my language.

What is a metaphor?

In the translation of the old Greek movie, the metaphor is “transfer of meaning”. Tse yaknaische characterizes the understanding.

A metaphor is something that can be christened with a word, and with a viraz, as the author gets used to it in a figurative sense. At the basis of this special feature of artistic variety lies the equality of the subject, which, for the time being, has no names, with others on the basis of their common signs.

On the basis of the majority of other literary terms, the metaphor has a specific author. Tse Vіdomy Philosopher Ancient Greece- Aristotle. Pochatkove people of this term are connected with Aristotle's statements about art as a method of inheriting life.

With this metaphor, like victorious Aristotle, it is practically impossible to quarrel in the face of literary perturbation (hyperbole), splendid divergence or isolation. Vіn rozumiv metaphor richly wider, lower modern literary scholars.

Apply living metaphors to literary movement

Epithets, metaphors, separations, divisions actively zastosovuyut in artistic creations. Moreover, the wealth of authors in the metaphor itself becomes an aesthetic self-crack, sometimes the primary meaning of the word becomes clearer.

As an example, literary scholars direct the example of the famous English poet and playwright William Shakespeare. For a new one, it is often important not the life of a specific time, but a metaphorical meaning, like a win, a new misunderstanding.

For quiet readers and readers, who used to be inspired by the Aristotelian sensible principles of literature, it was unspeakable and unreasonable. So, Leo Tolstoy did not recognize the poetry of Shakespeare on this basis. I see that Russia in the 19th century had a lot of reading of the English playwright.

With the development of literature, the metaphor begins not only to imitate, but to create a life of its own. Yaskravy butt from classical Russian literature - the story of Mikoli Vasilovich Gogol "Nis". Nіs kolezky assessor Kovalov, who, having broken the vlasnu dearly to St. Petersburg, is not only a hyperbole, an isolation of that fight, but a metaphor, like a hopeful image of a new unspent zmіstu.

Let's show the example of futurist poets, as they did in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. With this head method, it was as much as possible to remove the metaphor from the first place. Volodymyr Mayakovsky often squirmed with such tricks. For example, naming yogo sing "Hmara in pants."

After the Zhovtnevoy revolution, it became easier to get used to the metaphor. The poets of Radyansk and the writers jumped to clarity and straightforwardness, that is why it is necessary to get used to the words and the expression of the figurative sensi fell.

Wanting to show the artistic tvir without metaphor, to bring up the radiant authors, it is impossible. Words-metaphors are practically used by everyone. In Arkady Gaidar's "The Drummer's Share" you can use the following phrase - "The axles of us have split up. The rendezvous is dumb, and the field is empty."

In the radian poetry of the 70s, Kostyantin Kedrov introduces the concept of "meta-metaphor" into the common language, or else they call it "metaphor near the square". Metaphor has a new characteristic of rice- she will gradually take the fate of the development literary movie. And also mov and self-cultivation in a haze.

For whom metaphors are constantly victorious, telling about new sources of knowledge and information, vicorist is for describing the current achievements of people in science and technology.


Sob razіbratisya, scho so isolated in literature, beastly to the point of understanding. As and most of the literary terms, they swear by their roots in the ancient Greek language. In the literal translation, it means "disguise" and "rob". For the help of this literary reception of natural forces, that being, inanimate objects, know the power of that example, the powerful people. Yak bi live by the author. For example, they can give power to the human psyche.

This is often used in modern art literature, and in mythology, religion, magic and cults. The specialization was a key feature of artistic versatility in sayings and parables, in some ancient people it was explained, as an improvement of the world, what is behind natural phenomena. The stinks were spiritualized, endowed with human features, associated with gods and superhumans. So it was easier for the ancient people to accept and understand the real wisdom.

Apply a separate

To understand what is special about literature, we will be helped by examples of specific texts. So, in the Russian folk song, the author states that "the face of grief was overcast".

A special light-gazer appears for help. It is more characteristic of a non-scientific phenomenon about natural phenomena. If, for example, the grim grumble like an old one, that the sun does not take on like an inanimate cosmic object, for like a concrete god on the name of Helios.


In order to expand in the main contemporary ways of artistic diversity, it is important to understand what is similar in literature. Apply to someone to help us. Zabolotsky says: "Earlier vin buv dzvinky, like a bird or Pushkin: "Vin big shvidshe for the horse".

Most of the time, zastosovuyut at the Russian folk art. So mi nachno bachimo, scho tse stitch, in which one object or a thing is likened to another on the basis of a dream sign for them. Meta porіvnyannya - to know in the objects that are described, new and important powers for the subject of artistic development.

A similar method is a metaphor, epithets, parity, separation. The table, in which the representations and understandings are presented, helps to sort out at first glance, so that they stink at each other.

See the crack

Let's take a look at the detailed understanding of what is so similar in literature, apply that different stitch.

Vіn can be victorious at a look of equal turnover: the man is stupid, like a pig.

Buvayut por_vnyannya without union: my dim my fortress.

Often the marriage is settled for the birthday of the birthday man in the gunsmith's office. Classic example: win gogol.

In vocabulary, the main feature of viraznosti is stitches(for Prov. from Greek - turn, turn, image) - special image-creating-viral methods of language, founded on vicarious words in a figurative meaning.

The main types of tropes can be seen: epithet, parallel, metaphor, isolation, metonymy, synecdoche, paraphrase (periphrase), hyperbole, litote, irony.

Special lexical image-creating techniques for moving (stitches)

epithet(for Prov. from Greek - supplement, supplement) - this is a figurative designation, which means a situation for a given context in the figure in the image that is depicted.

View simple appointment the epithet resonates with artistic vibrance and figurativeness. At the heart of the epithet lie the chained parity.

Before the epithets one can see all the “barvist” of the appointment, as they are most often expressed by the prikmetniks.

For example: bag-orphan Earth(F. I. Tyutchev), gray fog, lemon light, quiet calm(I. A. Bunin).

Epithets can also be expressed:

- names , which act as appendices or awards, which give a figurative description of the subject.

For example: enchantment-winter; mati - sira earth; Sings - the whole lira, and not only the nanny of her soul(M. Gorky);

- clerks , like the role of reasons.

For example: On the pivnoch wild stand on its own..(M. Yu. Lermontov); Leafing Bulo strained vityagnute for the wind(K. G. Paustovsky);

- dієprislіvniki .

For example: hvili rush makeup and sly;

- borrowers that reflect the miraculous step of that which I will become the human soul

For example: Adzhe buli fight battles, So, it seems, more yaki!(M. Yu. Lermontov);

- dieprikmetnikami і accountable turnovers .

For example: Nightingales' word-of-mouth'yam grumbling to deafen forest borders(B. L. Pasternak); I admit that I will also appear ... scribblers, they can’t bring it, they spent the night yesterday, and I can’t think of other words of mine, krіm words, do not remember controversy (M. E. Saltikov-Shchedrin).

The creation of figurative epithets sound related to the implantation of words in a figurative meaning.

From the point of view of the type of figurative meaning of the word, which acts as an epithet, all epithets are subdivided into:

metaphorical (They are based on metaphorical figurative meaning.

For example: a haze of gold, a bottomless sky, a buzzy fog, a walking haze and a standing tree.

Metaphorical epithets- Yaskrava note of the author's style:

Ty is my Voloshkov word,
I love you forever.
How alive now is our cow,
Sum of a straw smoky?

(S.A. Yesenin. “I’m not such a handsome man?”);

Like a greedy light of the night soul
Listen to the voice of kohanoi!

(Tyutchev. “About what you see, the wind of the night?”).

metonymic (They are based on metonymic figurative meaning.

For example: suede running(V. V. Nabokov); shabby look(M. Gorky); birch we have fun my(S. A. Yesenin).

3 genetic dots epithets are subdivided into:

- zagalomovnі (trunovoe movchannya, lead wool),

- folk-poetic (postiyni) ( red sun, violent wind, good fellow).

The folklore has an epithet, which puts together with the appointed word the wording, mnemonic function (Gr. mnemo nicon- Mystery of memory).

Postiyni epithets eased the conversation, opposing the victorious creation. Be some kind of folklore text with such, more importantly “embellishing”, epithets.

« In folklore, write the literary scholar V.P. - low, steel - oak, wine - green, burnt - licorice, eagle - gray, flower - red, stone - combustible, pisky - sipki, low - dark, fox - standing, hot - cool, fox - dry, hmara - grizna , wind - wild , field - clean , sun - chervone , tsibulya - tight , tavern - tsar , shablya - gostra , vovk - syriy that іn .»

Fallow in the genre, podbir epіteіv deshcho zminyuvavsya. In accordance with the style, the stylization of folklore genres in the broadcasting of a wide variety of postive epithets. So, clear them up A song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyovich, young oprichnik that inveterate merchant Kalashnikova» Lermontov: the sun is red, the dark blue, the golden crown, the wicked tsar, the battle of the battle, the thought of mitzna, the thought of black, the heart is hot, the shoulders of the bogatyrs, the shablya of the gostra and etc.

Epithet can absorb the power of wealth tropiv . grounds for metaphors or on metonymy , wine can also be moved from special... foggy and quiet blaze over bag-orphan earth(F. I. Tyutchev), hyperbole (You already know Osin, that such a Deep and quiet calm - Provisnik of old scoundrels(I. A. Bunin) with smaller stitches and figures.

The role of epithets in the text

All epithets are like a real, "tangible" designation based on the strength of the visual difference in the images of the objects or the phenomena, on the sight of the most suttvih sign.

Krіm tsgogo, epіteti can:

Pіdsilyuvati, pіdkreslyuvati be-like characteristic signs subjects.

For example: Mіzh skel blakayuchi, zhovtiy promin In the wild cave crept І smooth skull touched ...(M. Yu. Lermontov);

Clarify the signs of the subject (shape, color, size, brightness):.

For example: Fox, like a painted tower, Lilovy, golden, crimson, Veseliy, with a lined wall To stand over a bright halyavino(I. A. Bunin);

Create contrasting words for contrasting words and serve as the basis for creating an oxymoron: poor luxury(L. N. Tolstoy), glittering shade(E. A. Baratinsky);

Transfer the author's position to the image, express the author's assessment and the author's acceptance of the appearance: ... Dead words smell bad(N. S. Gumilov); І word is more valuable to me, і the word of Russian is shanuemo, І the power of the word is not changeable(S. N. Sergeev-Tsensky); What does it mean to smile, bless heaven, what a happy earth, what do you see?(I. S. Turgenev)

Epithets figurative see the essence of the side of the pictured, without putting a direct assessment (“ by the fog of the sea is bright», « in the dead sky"and so on).

Viraznih (lyric) epithets , Navpaki, the setting to the image of the image is clearly manifested (“ blink images of divine people», « languid night story»).

Follow the memory that the appointments podіl dosit mentally, shards and figurative epithets may have an emotionally-evaluative meaning.

Epithets are widely used in the artistic and journalistic, as well as in the rose and popular science styles of movement.

Porivnyannia- tse figurative reception, foundations on zіstavnі one thing chi understand zіnshim.

On the vіdmіnu vіd metaphor divergence : objects are called insults (reveal, signs, dії).

For example: The villages are burning, there is no Zahist. The enemy of the blue of the fatherland is broken, I'm the grave, like an eternal meteor, Gloomy in the gloomy, lakaє glance.(M. Yu. Lermontov)

Por_vnyannya are shown in different ways:

The form of the ore voucher of imenniki.

For example: To the nightingales flooded Youth has flown by, In disgrace Joy has blown me away.(A. V. Koltsov) Mіsyats kovzaє with sour cream.(B. Pasternak) Leaves flew like a zircofall.(D. Samoilov) Flying on the golden sun.(V. Nabokov) Glassy fringes hang burulki.(I. Shmelov) Vіzerunkov clean towel Hanging veselka z birіz.(N. Rubtsov)

The form of the povіvnyalny step of the prikmetnik chi prislіvnik.

For example: Green eyes overlooking the sea and cypress trees in our darkness.(A. Akhmatova) The girls' eyes are bright for the Trojans.(A. S. Pushkin) Ale, blue day.(S. Yesenin) Bushes of hummocks are foggy for clay.(S. Yesenin) More youth.(A. S. Pushkin) The truth is more expensive than gold.(Subsliv'ya) Bright Sunshine throne room. M. Tsvetaeva)

Equal turnovers from splits yak nibi nibi nibi that in.

For example: Yak hizhiy zvir, at the humble abode, you can win with bagnets ...(M. Yu. Lermontov) To marvel at the bird's flight Ochima blue, like ice.(D. Samoilov) Here the skin of the village is such a love, Nache in niy beautify the whole world. (A. Yashin) I stand behind oak nets Nache evil fox, stumps.(S. Yesenin) Like a bird in a flower The heart is stinging.(M. Yu. Lermontov) to my verses, like expensive wines, Draw your devil.(M. I. Tsvetaeva) Already close opіvdnі. The heat is burning. Yak orach, the battle is growing. (A. S. Pushkin) The past, like the bottom of the sea, Vizerunk creep in the distance.(V. Bryusov)

Behind the river at the calm
cherry blossomed,
Nibi snow for the river
Stitch flooded.
Nache light kurtovini
Rushed with all their might,
Let the swans fly

Booked fluff.
(A. Prokofiev)

For help similar, similar.

For example: On the eyes of the protective gut Similar to your eyes(A. Akhmatova);

For the help of relative appendages.

For example: The leaves were spinning in gold Like snowstorms it’s easy to play Iz zavmirannym to fly to the sky. (S. A. Yesenin) Doshch sіє, sіє, sіє, Z pivnochi murmur, Nemov's curtain of muslin (V. Tushnova) Heavy snow, spinning, closing your sleepless high, Hundreds of white krills rushed silently.. (V. Tushnova) Like a tree missing quietly leafing, So I throw sumnі words.(S. Yesenin) Like a king loving rich palaces, So I fell in love with the ancient roads and the black eternity of the eye!(N. Rubtsov)

Lines can be straight іnegative

Negative alignments are especially characteristic of conventional folk poetry and can be a way of stylizing a text.

For example: It's not a Kіnsk top, Not a human language... (A. S. Pushkin)

A special type of division is roaring divisions, for the help of which the texts can be awakened.

For example, verse F. I. Tyutchev " Yak over hot ashes ...»:
Yak over hot ashes
The scroll flickers and burns
I fire of hoaxes and deaf
Words that rows devour

So summarily my life is smoldering
I go with a skin day dim,
So step by step I go out
In single-mindedness unbearable!

Oh Heaven, yakby hotch times
Tse half-moon I have grown out of will -
I, without torment, do not torment the share,
I said bi-i zgas!

The role of parity in the text

Porіvnyannia, like epithets, victorious in the text with the method of increasing image creation and figurativeness, the creation of more yaskravih, different images of that vision, acknowledgment of whether they are the essence of the objects or the phenomena that are depicted, as well as those of the authors.

For example:
Me, my friend, fit
When the word melts
I if you sleep,
The row is filled with heat,
So that the words like sliv blushed,
Schob stink, going to the polit,
They twisted, fought, sob slept,
Schob їli, nibi honey.

(A. A. Prokofiev);

At the skin soul dumb is alive, burning, glowing, like a star in the sky i, like a zіrka, zgasaє, if it won't, having finished your life way, gold from our lips ... Buvay, the light went out for us, people on earth, to burn another thousand rocks. (M. M. Prishvin)

Possibility as a rule of modern virtuosity can be victorious in artistic texts, and in journalistic, roman, scientific texts.

Metaphor(for Prov. from Greek - transferred) - the whole word is a viraz, which takes on a figurative meaning on the basis of the similarity of two objects, or the appearance of a sign. Sometimes it seems that the metaphor is not a fixed match.

For example, metaphor By the garden, the bagatya gorobini chervonoi is burning (S. Yesenin) to avenge the destruction of the brushes of the gorobini from the halves of the bagattya.

A lot of metaphors have become prominent in everyday life, and they don’t attach respect to it, they have invested imagery in our spontaneity.

For example: the bank burst, the dollar's run, fool around in the head that in.

On the vіdmіnu vіd vіdnyannya, in which one is directed and those who are vіdvnіuієє, and those with whom they are vіvnyuєє, a metaphor to take revenge only on a friend, who creates compactness and figurativeness of the word.

The metaphor can be based on the similarity of objects in terms of shape, color, obligation, recognition, and similarity.

For example: a waterfall of stars, an avalanche of leaves, a wall of fire, a day of grief, a pearl of poetry, a spark of fire that in.

All metaphors are divided into two groups:

1) zagalomovnі ("Erase")

For example: golden hands, a storm in the sky, drive, burn the beast, the strings of the soul, the fire went out ;

2) artistic (Individually-author's, poetic)

For example: I dim star diamond thrill At the painless cold dawn (M. Voloshin); Empty skies(A. Akhmatova); І blue eyes, bottomless on the distant birch. (A. A. Blok)

Metaphors of Sergiy Yesenin: bagatya gorobini red, birch cheerful tongue gay, chintz of the sky; or crooked tears of spring, overgrowth of wood streaks, likhtar buns and pampushki dahiv at Boris Pasternak
The metaphor is paraphrased for the sake of helping others nibi nibi nibi nibi etc.

Іnuє kіlka vidіv metaphors: erased, burnt out, realized.

Sterty - a metaphor is taken as a metaphor, a figurative one does not seem to be perceived.

For example: lower style, back of the leg, arkush paperu, arrow of the year etc.

On the metaphor, you can use the whole tvir, or the great trick of the new. Such a metaphor is called "burnt", in its image it "blows up", so that it is revealed in a report.

So, A.S. Pushkin’s verse Prophet»- An example of a burned-out metaphor. The transformation of the lyrical hero into the herald of the will of the Lord - the poet-prophet, in yoga yoga " spiritual help”, so that you can know the sensation of buttya and know your call, zmalovuetsya step by step: “ seraph hexacryl", the Messenger of God, having remade his hero" right» - right hand, as an allegory of power and might. By the power of God, the lyrical hero has taken away the greater zir, the greater hearing, the greater intelligence and spiritual vitality. Vіn zmіg " almost”, to touch, bring, heavenly values ​​\u200b\u200bthat earthly, speech buttya, see the beauty of the world of that yoga of suffering. Whose beautiful and painful process Pushkin depicts, stringing one metaphor for English: the eyes of the hero know the eagle's sight, the breath is reminiscent noise and sound life, mova ceases to be “svyatkovy and cunning”, passing wisdom to the otriman as a gift, “ trembling heart"transform into" vugіllya, sho fell with fire". The lantern of metaphors creaks with the wild idea of ​​creation: Pushkin sings, as if he wanted to bachiti yogo Pushkin, may be a savior of the future and vikrivachem of human waters, with his word nadihat people, sponukat to goodness and truth.

Apply roaring metaphors are often used in poetry and prose (the main part of the metaphor is in italics;
... let's say goodbye together,
Oh my youth is easy!
Dyakuyu for salting
For confusion, for miles of flour,
For noise, for storms, for banquets,
For everything, for all your gifts.

A.S. Pushkin " Eugene Onegin"

Mi p'emo from the bowl of buttya
Close your eyes...
Lermontov "The Cup of Life"

... lad, kohannyam
To the girl, entwined with seams.

N. Gumilyov " Eagle of Sinbad"

Vіdmoviv gay zoloty
Berezov is a cheerful language.

S. Yesenin " Vіdmoviv gay zoloty…"

Sumuyuchi, and crying, and laughing,
Ring the strings of my verses
Beat your nig,
І kozhen vіrsh
Live, weave I live in'yaz,
I do not know my own shores.

A. Blok " Sumuyuchi, and crying, and laughing.."

Save my language forever for a sigh of misfortune that Dima.
O. Mandelstam " Save my language forever…"

... viruvala, queens zmivayuchi,
Lipneva crooked street.

O. Mandelstam " I bless, like pity and mercy ..."

Axis roaring the wind strikes the wind with a small volume and throwing it in a wild anger on the rocks, smashing into the saws and the breeze of the emerald mass.
M. Gorky " Song about Burevistnik"

The sea has overturned. It whistled with small wisps, making them pop, embellishing the stumps with fringes, zishtovhuyuchi one by one and smashing into dribbling saws.
M. Gorky " Chelkash"

Implemented - a metaphor , like I'm nabuvaє direct meaning. The result of this process on a single-button level is often comical:

For example: I wiyshov s myself and uwishov to the bus

Sleep will not appear: all tickets are sold.

Yakshcho ty pishov at home, do not turn around with empty hands etc.

The simple-hearted roaster-burial ground at the tragedy of W. Shakespeare " Hamlet»on the food of the main character about those « on what ground"" Having introverted the mind "the young prince, you say:" In our Danish". Win the word " priming"literally - the upper globe of the earth, the territory, just like Hamlet may be on the verge of a portable zmist - for some reason, after that.

« Oh, heavy tee, Monomakh's hat! - the tsar swears at the tragedy of A.S. Pushkin. Boris Godunov". The crown of the Russian tsars at the time of Volodymyr Monomakh is small in the form of a hat. Vaughn bula embellished expensive stones to that bula "important" in the literal meaning of the word. In portable - " Monomakh's hat added " heaviness”, Vіdpovidalnіst tsarist rule, heavy obov'yazki autocracy.

In the novel by A.S. Pushkin “ Eugene Onegin An important role was played by the image of Musi, as from ancient clocks she added a poetic spirit. Viraz "the poet sang to the music" can be a portable zmist. Ale Muse - the girlfriend of the poet's inspiration - appears in the novel in the image of a living woman, young, beautiful, cheerful. Wu " student's cell the Muse itself vіdkryla benket of young vitіvok”- a scroll and a serious super-shot about life. Same won' bedridden all those whom the young man sings, - earthly passions and bazhanya: friendship, merrily laying, thoughtless joy - children of fun". Muse, " yak bacchanochka had fun", and sings writing his own" windmill friend».

Under the hour of the pivdenny slander, the Muse became a romantic heroine - a victim of her fatal addictions, a daring one, building up to a reckless rebellion. The image helped the poets create an atmosphere of mystery and mystery at the verses:

Yak often l askova Muse
Meni was nasolodzhuvala the path of nimi
Enchantment of the mysterious roses

At the turning point of the creative shukan by the same won
She turned out to be a lady of honor,
With a total thought in the eyes ...

Stretching the mustache creation " Lagidna Muse bula virnoyu girlfriend» poet.

The realization of metaphor is often used in the poetry of V. Mayakovsky. So, have a go" Hmara in the pants vіn realizuє running turn nervi roamed» or « nervous empty»:
I feel:
like sickness from a lie,
pinched a nerve.
axis, -
back to back
then we scored,
Now i win, i new two
throwing the most breathtaking tap.
Nervi -
rich, -
jump say,
and already
the nerves have shaking legs

Keep in mind that between different types of metaphors it is smart, cunning and accurately determine the type of the buvae smoothly.

The role of metaphors in text

Metaphor is one of the most beautiful and strongest means of creating virtuosity and figurativeness in a text.

Through the metaphorical of the ibiv, the author is not the text of the text of the vicinity of Zakonyuvyan, but the transfer, іndivіdalnism of the subject, viyasia at the Tsom Glibin, the nature of the power of the powerful Mislennya, the bacenne talent (“ only one cannot be adopted from another - it is a sign of talent "(Aristotle).

Metaphors serve as an important means of expressing author's assessments and emotions, author's characteristics of objects and phenomena.

For example: It's stuffy in this atmosphere! Kites! Owl's nest! Crocodile!(A.P. Chekhov)

Crim of artistic and journalistic styles, metaphors are typical for rose and scientific style (“ ozone dira », « electronic haze "ta in.).

Separate- the concept of metaphor, based on the transferred sign of living nature to the phenomena of nature, the subject of that understanding.

Most special vikoristovuyutsya in the description of nature.

For example:
Rolling through sleepy valleys
Sleepy fogs lay down,
I'm just stupid kіnskiy,
Sounding, perish in the distance.
Zgas, pale, day autumn,
Burning zapashnі leaves,
Have a dreamless dream
Wrote tickets.

(M. Yu. Lermontov)

Rіdshe otosoblennya po'yazanі z subject svіtom.

For example:
Chi is not so, no more
Will we not separate? Finish off?
І violin vidpovidala So,
Ale, the heart of the violin was more painful.
Smichok is all sensible, vin calmed down,
And in the violin the moon kept trembling...
I was flour for them,
What people were given music.

(I. F. Annensky);

It was good-natured and at once it was quiet in physionomy of the booth. (D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak)

Separate- the stitches are already ancient, their roots are encroached upon by the pagan antiquity and therefore occupy such an important place in mythology and folklore. Fox and Vovk, Zaєts and Vedmіd, bilinnі Zmіy Gorinich and Idolishche Pogane – all these and other fantastic and zoological characters of fairy tales and bilin know us from early childhood.

One of the closest literary genres to folklore will be on separate occasions - a bike.

Without isolation and today it is impossible to reveal create art without them, our everyday language is unacceptable.

The language is figurative, as if it were a thought. Її goodness for that which is shorter. Instead of describing the subject in detail, we can compare it with the already known subject.

Can't reveal more poetic I will accept without vicariance:
"The storm is breaking the sky
Whirlwinds of snow are twisting,
Those, like a beast, out there,
Then cry, like a child.
(A.S. Pushkin)

The role of the separate text

Separately serve until the creation of yaskravih, vivid and figurative paintings, which are stronger than the transmitted thoughts and feelings.

Particularly, as a rule, zasіb vikoristovuєtsya in the artistic style, and in the journalistic and scientific.

For example: the X-ray shows, it’s easy to speak, it’s more jubilant, it’s enchanted in the economy.

The most extensive metaphors, adopted by the principle of isolation, if an inanimate object gains the power of a spiritualized one, as if it were a form of disguise.

1. Sound the two components of the metaphor-separation with a subject and an award: “ the squirrel was angry», « spent the night in a haze of gold», « play whili».

« get angry", so that you should be irritated, maybe less than a person, ale" zaviryuha", khurtovina, zanuryuyuchi light at the cold and darkness, tezh bring" evil". « spend the night", sleep peacefully at night, the buildings are less alive," hmarka"Especialize the young woman, as she knew the misfits of the headboards. Marine " sickly"in the poet's mind" play”, similar to children.

Apply metaphors of this type are often known in the poetry of A.S. Pushkin:
Do not raptom zahoplennya to leave us.
A death dream is flying over him...
My days have passed.
The life of the spirit prokinulsya in the new ...
Batkivshchyna pestiled you ...
Poetry flows through me...

2. A lot of metaphors-separation of motivation for the way of management: " liri sleep», « homin hvil», « modi lover», « happy rozvag"that in.

Musical instrument similar to the human voice, and vin tezh " sleeping", and the splashing of the wind will tell the silence of Rozmov. " Lover», « empty not only among people, but also among dexterous modi»or at the minly one« happy».

For example: “threat in winter”, “silly voice”, “in the silence of confusion”, “day of unrest”, “blue night”, “threads ... cheerful”, “brother for muse, shares”, “victim of slander”, “cathedral wax faces” ”, “Joy of Movu”, “Trouble of Vantage”, “Hope of Young Days”, “Old Age of Malice and Vice”, “Holy Voice”, “by the Will of Addictions”.

Ale, metaphors, illuminated otherwise. The criterion of vigilance here is the principle of spirituality and inanimate. An inanimate object DOES NOT take away the powers of the spiritualized.

one). Subject and award: “boil the fire”, “eyes burn”, “empty heart”.

Bazhanna in a person can appear strong, viruvati and " boil". Eyes, seeing the hvilyuvannya, shine burn". Heart, soul, don't sing to the senses, maybe. empty».

For example: “I recognized grief early, having drunk the bov persecution”, “our youth is not rapt”, “noon ... palav”, “month of fire”, “consciences flow”, “admonitions spread”, “love ... died out”, “I I’m calling out”, “Life has fallen”.

2). Words, inspired by the method of management, can, being metaphors, not be isolated: “ dagger behind», « glory tomb», « lanzug hmar"that in.

I'll take it cold - " dagger"- drive in a person, ale" zrada similar to a dagger, and you can also die, evil of life. " tomb"- this is a crypt, a grave, but not only people can be buried, but glory, love of the world. " Lanzug» folded from metal bars, ale « gloomy, chimerically intertwined, satisfying the sky like a lancer.

For example: "lestoshchiv namista", "day of freedom", "lis ... golosiv", "gloomy arrows", "noise of virshuvannya", "dzvіn fraternity", "virshiv razzharennya" image ", "science of separation", "half of blood pivdennoy" .

A lot of metaphors of this kind are created for the principle of identification, if the word is taken away from the authority, be it speech, the material: "Vikna krishtal", "gold hair" .

At a sleepy day, everything seems to be bright, like crystal", and the hair is filled with color" gold". Here, it is especially noteworthy that the marriage is attached, mortgaged to the metaphor.

For example: “in the black oxamite radyansky night, in the oxamite all-world empty”, “vіrshіv… grape meat”, “krishtal of high notes”, “vіrshіv dirty pearls”.

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