Yesenin at the short. Where and when was Yesenin Sergiy born? Biography, creativity and life way. Culinary achievements of Sergiy Yesenin

Sergiy Oleksandrovich Yesenin(1895 - 1925) was born on July 3, 1895 in the Ryazan province in the village of Kostyantinove (current name - Yesenino) near a poor rural homeland. Sergiy spent his childhood at the budinka of the dida, the clerk-Old Believer.

In 1904, roci Yesenin entered the chotiriksny zemstvo school, as if graduating from 1909 roci z vіdznakoyu. We’ll sweat it out after continuing the education at the closing of the church-paraffia school near the village of Spas-Klepiki. In 1912, roci Yesenin graduated from the apprenticeship and took off the teacher's diploma.
Nezabarom Sergiy Oleksandrovich moved to Moscow, worked in the office of the book publishing house "Culture", at the doctor's office of I.D. Sitina.
Yesenin is busy with self-education, reading a lot, going to lectures to the O. Shanyavsky People's University. In 1914, the children's magazine "Mirok" published the first verse of Yesenin - "Birch".

In 1915, the band sings moving to St. Petersburg, to be in the midst of literary life. At St. Petersburg, Yesenin became close to the members of the literary group "Krasa" N.A. Klyuyevim, A.M.

In 1916, Sergiy Yesenin saw the first collection of his verses "Radunitsa", the central rank in the bula of rural Rus. Same thing sings to get to know Gorky, Blok.

Having accepted the Zhovtnev revolution, Sergiy Yesenin sings his performance before it, hanging from the poems "Otchar" (1917), "Oktoїh" (1918), "Inoniya" (1918), "Pantocrator" (1919).

In 1919, together with V. Shershenevich, R. Ivnevim, A. Mariengof, they created a new literary trend - imaginism. Sergius Yesenin has a wide variety of folk poetic traditions in his work, and his verses are filled with extraordinary lyricism.

At the same time, Yesenin write and create epic songs - sing "Pugachov" (1920 - 21), then, after trips in 1922 - 23 across Europe to the USA, the poet wrote "The Balad about Twenty Six" (1924), "Anna Snigina" ( 1925).

The rest of the days of Sergius Yesenin's life are filled with feelings of admiration, poets are given up, which becomes a poetic anachronism, which does not lack a place in the navkolishny world. Tsya depression caused until the 28th of the chest, in Leningrad, Yesenin, laying his hands on himself. Pokhovaniy sings near Moscow, at the Vagankivsky Tsvintary.

In 1912, he graduated from the Spas-Klepikovsky teacher's school for the specialty "teacher of the school of literacy."

In the summer of 1912, Yesenin moved to Moscow, for an hour serving at the butcher's shop, de clerk of father. After the conflict with the father of pishov from the kramnitsa, worked with the book publishers, then with the doctor of Ivan Sitin in 1912-1914. At the right hour, he sings, having come to the revolutionary workers, and leaning against the sight of the police.

In 1913-1915, Yesenin was a great listener of the historical and philosophical award of the Moscow People's University named after A.L. Shanyavsky. In Moscow, having become close to writers from the Surikovsky Literary and Musical Group - an association of self-taught writers from the people.

Sergiy Yesenin wrote from childhood, importantly inherited by Oleksiy Koltsov, Ivan Nikitin, Spiridon Drozhzhin. Until 1912, he had already written the poem "A Tale about Evpatiya Kolovrat, about Khan Batiy, the color of Three-handed, about the black idolishche and Our Savior Jesus Christ", and also prepared a book of poems "Sickness of the Mind". In 1913, the rotis sings over the poem "Tuga" and the dramatic poem "The Prophet", the texts of which are unknown.

In the spring of 1914, in the Moscow children's magazine "Mirok" under the pseudonym "Ariston", the first publication of the poet was published - the verse "Birch". At the fiercest in the same journal, they were instructed to verse "Sparrows" ("During the winter - aukay ...") and "Powder", later - "Village", "Great Blagovist".

In the spring of 1915, Yesenin came to Petrograd (St. Petersburg), where he got to know the poets Oleksandr Blok, Sergiy Gorodetsky, Oleksiy Remizov, got close to Mykola Klyuyevim, which was a new significant influx. Their songs performed with verses and parts, stylized in the "peasant", "folk" manner, small great success.

In 1916, the first collection of poems by Yesenin "Radunitsia" came out, choked with acceptance by criticism, which revealed in the new fresh strum, youthful implacability and natural relish of the author.

March 1916 to June 1917 Yesenin passed military service- on the back in the reserve battalion, raztashovanuyu in St. Petersburg, and then from the day serving as an orderly of the Tsarskoye Selo military-sanitary train No. 143. After the Lute Revolution, having voluntarily abandoned the army.

Yesenin moved to Moscow. From the minds of the minds of the revolution, having written a small piece of sing - "Jordan's dove", "Inoniya", "Heavenly drummer", - the "reformation" of life was passed on to the radiant minds.

In 1919-1921, having entered the group of mazhinists, they declared that the meta of creativity is in the created image.

On the cob of the 1920s, at the top of Yesenin, there appeared motifs of "a storm-bashed storm", p'yanoy daring, changed by a nadrivan tightness, which was featured in the collections "Spovid hooligana" (1921) and "Moscow tavern" (1924).

In life, Yesenina became the star of the autumn of 1921 with the American dancer Isadora Duncan;

From 1922 to 1923, the rivers of stench were made more expensive by Europe (Nimechchina, Belgium, France, Italy) and America, but after the return to Russia, Isadora and Yesenin may have parted again.

In the 1920s, the most significant creations of Yesenin were created, which brought him the glory of one of the greatest Russian poets - virshi

"Bringing the Golden Guy...", "Leaf to the Mother", "We are now going to offal..." cycle "Persian motives", poems "Anna Snegina" and other. The theme of the Batkivshchyna occupied one of the main areas of his creative work, during which period it generated dramatic highlights. When the united harmonious light of Yesenin Rus split into two: "Rus Radyanska" - "Rus, what's going on." In the collections of "Rus Radyanska" and "Kraina Radyanska" (offended -1925), Yesenin saw himself as a "golden hut cut from logs", the poetry of which "there is no more needed here." The emotional dominant of the lyric became the autumn landscapes, the motifs of the battle of the pidsumkiv, the farewell.

The remaining two fates of the poet's life passed at the roses: three times he went up the road to the Caucasus, a few times he traveled to Leningrad (St. Petersburg), this time to Konstantinovoe.

Naprikintsі leaf fall 1925 sings rock after drinking at a psycho-neurological clinic. One of the remaining works of Yesenin was the poem "Black People", in which the past of life is part of a nightmare. Having interrupted the course of likuvannya, on the 23rd of December, Yesenin viihav to Leningrad.

On December 24, 1925, I sang in the Angleterre hotel, and on December 27, I wrote my last verse "Until the end, my friend, until the end ...".

At night on December 28, 1925, for the official version, Sergiy Yesenin laid his hands on himself. The poet was revealed on the 28th of the month. Yogo body hung in a loop on a water pipe under the stele, at a height of three meters.

No serious investigation was carried out, the government was in charge of a long-term police officer.

Specially created in 1993, the commission did not confirm the version about the other circumstances of the death of the poet, the crime was official.

Sergius Yesenin was buried in Moscow on the Vagankivsky Tsvintar.

Sings bov kіlka razіv odruzheny. In 1917, roci vins turned out to be Zinaida Reich (1897-1939), secretary-typist of the newspaper Right to the People. Tetyan's daughter (1918–1992) and son Kostyantin (1920–1986) were born out of whom. In 1922, Yesenin made friends with the American dancer Isadore Duncan. In 1925 Sophia Tolstaya (1900-1957), the head writer of Leo Tolstoy, became the poet's fate. At the poet's son Yury (1914-1938) in Gromadyansky sky with Anna Izryadnova. In 1924, Yesenin's son Oleksandr was born as a poet and translator Nadiya Volpin, a mathematician and dissident dyach, who moved to the United States in 1972.

On July 2, 1965, until the 70th anniversary of the poet’s national day, near the village of Kostyantinove, near the booth of Yogo Batkiv, the State Museum-Reserve of S.A. Yesenina is one of the largest museum complexes in Russia.

On July 3, 1995, in Moscow, in booth No. 24 along Veliky Strochenivsky lane, in 1911-1918 Sergius Yesenin was registered, the Moscow State Museum of S.A. Yesenina.

Material of preparations on the basis of RIA information

Sergiy Yesenin. The name of the great Russian poet - the sign of the people's soul, the spirit of rural Russia, the well-known skin people, the verses have long become Russian classics, and the day of the birth of Sergius Yesenin is chosen by the chanters of yoga creativity.

Early rock

On spring 21, 1895, near the village of Kostyantinove, Ryazan province, Sergiy Oleksandrovich Yesenin was born, a prominent Russian singer from a tragic, albeit a large share. Three days later, christenings at the mystic church of the Kazan icon Mother of God. Batko and mother buli of a villager's trip. Your love union was formed from the very beginning, softly seemingly, no more, more precisely, they were absolutely different people.

Mayzhe vіdrazu pіslya vesіllya Oleksandr Yesenіn (father of the poet) Having turned to Moscow, de resting in the butcher's shop. Mother Sergius, with her blackness, not getting along with the relatives of a man, turned to the father's house, in which and spent the first years of Sergius's life. That grandmother herself, on her mother’s line, learned yoga before writing her first poems, and even after the father of the young poet she left her mother, as she went to earn money to Ryazan. Did Yesenina buv read and read illuminated people knowing the impersonal church books, and the grandmother is small, great knowledge in the field of folklore, which beneficially injected into the young man’s early education.


At the spring of 1904, Sergiy enters the Kostyantinivsky Zemstvo School, he starts 5 years, wanting to learn a little more on a lesser river. It was all about the filthy behavior of young Sergius in the third class. Under the hour of learning, they turn at once from the mother to the father's house. After the end of the school, the future sings a commendable leaf.

How many years of wine are successfully stored up for entry to the parish church school in the village of Spas-Klepiki in the native province. Sergius ruled there for the hour of the appointment, coming to Kostyantinivsky just at the vacation hour. Sergiy Oleksandrovich himself began to write poetry regularly at the school for the preparation of rural teachers. The first creations are dated on the cob of the chest in 1910. For the day they say: “Coming spring”, “Autumn”, “Winter”, “To friends”. Until the end of the year, Yesenin is able to write a low number of words.

In 1912, the pupils graduated from school and took a diploma for the specialty "School Teacher of Literacy".

Moving to Moscow

After finishing school, Sergiy Oleksandrovich left his native land and moved to Moscow. There the wines go up to Krylov's butcher's shop. Starting to live in the same booth, de yoga father, on the Great Strochenivsky lane, now the Yesenin museum is being opened here. On the back of Father Yesenina, I’ll come back to the son’s arrival, generously supporting, that I’ll become a support for the new one and help you in the past, even if you spent a good hour at the cloakroom, Sergius, saying to the father that you want to become a poet and begin to shukat your own soul.

A bunch of wines are expanding the social-democratic magazine "Vogni", with the intention to be friends with the new one, but these plans were not destined to come true, the shards of the magazine were shut down indiscriminately. Because of this, I became the assistant to the proofreader in the doctor's office of I.D. Sytin. Yesenin herself here will get to know Ganna Izryadnova, as soon as you become the first huge squad. Maizhe at once entered the hearing to the Moscow People's University named after him. Shanyavsky on the historical and philological cycle, and ale mayzhe throw yoga. The work in drukarnі allowed the young poet to read a lot of books, gave the opportunity to become a member of the literary and musical Surikovsky group.

The poet's first squad, Ganna Izryadnova, describes Yesenin's quiet fates in this way:

Vvazhavsya for the advanced, vіdvіduv zbori, poshiryuvav illegal literature. I threw myself on books, read all my free time, spent all my money on books, magazines, antrochs without thinking how to live ...

Rozkvit kar'єri poet

On the cob of the 14th year in the journal "Mirok" the first publication of Yesenin's material is published. Bulo was instructed to verse "Birch". The fierce magazine publishes more low volumes. At the grassroots fate of Yesenin, the big newspaper “Shlyah Pravdy” begins to drukuvat.

At the spring, he sings again changing the place of robots, who once became a proofreader at the trading house "Chernishev and Kobelkiv". Zhovtni in the journal "Protalinka" publishes the verse "Mother's Prayer", dedications to the First World War. For example, Yesenin's fate and Izryadnovoi people are the first and only child - Yuri.

It’s a pity that one’s life is cut short early, in 1937 Yuri’s roz is shot, and it’s like a piznishe z’yasuetsya - for the heaviest calls, hanging against the other.

After the people of the son Sergiy Oleksandrovich left the job at the trading house.

On the cob of the 15th year, Yesenin continues to actively write in the magazines "Friend of the People", "Mirok" and others. from the selection of materials for the journal "Friend of the People". Fierce friend of the first time sees an article on the literary theme "Yaroslavna cry" from the magazine "Zhіnoche Zhittya".

At the birch rock, about an hour's journey to Petrograd, Yesenin gets to know Oleksandr Blok, to whom he reads his verses in a new apartment. If someone is to actively know his work richly in the presence and chance of people of that hour, it is important to make acquaintances with them, among them Dobrovolsky A.A., Rizdvyany V.A. Sologub F.K. and many others. After that, Yesenin's essays were instructed in a number of magazines, which took on an increase in popularity.

In 1916, Sergius joined the military service and saw a selection of poems “Radunitsa” in order to work at home. The poet began to ask to speak before the empress to Tsarskoye Selo. On one of these steps, she gives him a golden anniversary with a lancet, on which the state coat of arms is depicted.

Zinaida Reich

In 1917, while working in the editorial office of “Right to the People,” Yesenin got to know the secretary’s assistant, Zinaida Reich, a woman with a wicked mind, who led the dekilkom with mov and typescript. Kokhannya between them vineklo is far from the first glance. It all began with walks in Petrograd with his bedroom, known by Oleksiy Ganin. At some point, the stench was a competitor and at some point the comrade became the favourite, until Yesenin was seen Zinaїdі in the kohanni, having not had a good time, she vіdpovіla vzaєmnіstyu, once it was virіshe vіnchatisya.

At that time, young people had few serious financial problems. The problem of pennies stench was dealt with for the help of Reich's fathers, who corrected the telegram from the bastards and sent them money for fun. Without zayvih food, pennies were taken away. The young people remarried at the small church, Yesenin plucked half-flowers and made a spring bouquet from them. Your friend Ganin spoke as a witness.

However, from the very beginning of their hats it’s not so, the first hat is not known to Yesenin, that the yogo kokhan’s squad was not innocent, and already made a bed from kimos to the new. Tse duzhe strongly hooked the poet to his life. At that moment, Sergius’ blood rose, and the depth of the image settled in his heart. After turning back to Petrograd, the stench began to live well, and less than two days later, after trips to її fathers, the stink began to live at once.

Possibly, reinsurance, Yesenin zmushu his squad of five z robots from the editors, and as if it were a woman of that hour, he had a chance to be greeted, since at that hour the financial camp of the same was thriving, even Sergiy Oleksandrovich having already become a good poet. And Zinaida ruled the People's Commissariat with a drukarka.

For an hour between friends, a family idil was established. There were a lot of guests at my house, Sergiy ruled over him, the role of a respectable ruler was more fitting for you. But at the same time, problems began to appear at the same time, as if the poet had already been changed. Yogo was filled with jealousy, who had problems with alcohol. Like wine, having shown a gift in front of an unknown chanter, having ruled a scandal, with whom obscenely imitating Zinaida, the stench reconciled later, but there was no way to turn a hundred feet away. These weldings have become more and more frequent, from mutual images.

After I moved to Moscow, the problems didn’t go away, but instead they got worse, a sign of that homely calm, friends, like they supported, natomist chotiri walls of a poor hotel room. Welding with a retinue with a drive of a nation of children has come to this, since they won to leave the capital and go to Orel to the fathers. Hydration in the form of separation Yesenin drowned out with alcohol.

In the spring of 1918, my daughter was born, she was named Tetyana. Ale, the people of the child did not accept the recognition of Yesenin and Reich. Through rіdkіsnі zustrіchі, the girl did not get attached to the father, and in tsimu vin bachiv "advancement" of the mother. Sergiy Oleksandrovich himself, having taken into account that yoga school ended earlier today, but offi- cially wins more and more fates. 1919 rock sings robbed of trying to renew a hundred and bring in the pennies of Zinaidi.

Reich wished to turn back to the capital, but the women did not succumb again. Then Zinaida virishila took everything from her own hand and, without a man's favor, gave birth to a child to a friend. Tse became a fatal pardon. In the fierce fate of 1920, the stench of the people is growing, but in the canopies, no sound of them sings. I'm kidding the boy telephone line, zupinyayutsya on Kostyantinya Yesenin, getting to know from the blue at the train, if the stench of Reich vipadkovo tangled in one of the cities. In 1921, the rotation of the school was officially opened.


In 1918, roci Yesenin knew Anatoly Marienhof, one of the founders of imaginism. For a year he sings to come to the next rush. At the time of flooding, write directly low scores, among them "Treryadnitsya", "Virshi scandalist", "Spovid hooligan", "Moscow tavern", as well as the poem "Pugachov".

Yesenin with a significant world supported the formation of imaginism in the literature of the silver age. Through participation in the actions of the mazhinists of the buv bans. At this hour, a new conflict broke out with Lunacharsky, a kind of dissatisfaction with his creativity.

Isadora Duncan

Two days before the official separation from Zinaida Reich, one evening at the booth of the artist Yakulov, Yesenin got to know his home dancer Isadora Duncan, who came to open her dance school in our country. Vaughn did not know the Russian language, her vocabulary stock having only a few dozen words, but it didn’t make the poets at first glance fall into a dance house and in the same day take away a biased kiss from her.

Before the word, Duncan was the eldest for her gentleman by 18 years. Ale nі movny bar'єr, nі raznitsa vіtsi didn't make Esenina move to the mansion on Prechistenci, where the dancer lived.

Nezabar Duncan ceased to be satisfied with the fact that his career was developing at the Radyansk Union, and she decided to turn back to the fatherland - to the Successful States. Isadora wanted Sergiy to follow her, but the bureaucratic procedures brought it about. Yesenin had problems with otrimannyam vіzi, and in order to take it away, the stench virishili to make friends.

The very process of friendship took place at the Khamovnitsky RAGSі city of Moscow. The day before, Isadora asked to correct the fate of her people, so as not to benevolent her future person, having waited.

On January 2, the ceremony of friendship was held, the same month the couple left the Radyansk Union and violated the Yesenina-Duncan on tour (offending the people took the nickname) back to Western Europe, after which the stench is to blame for breaking up to the USA.

V_dnosini juvenile did not develop into the cob more expensive. Yesenin sound to a special date in Russia and to its popularity, just like the team of the great dancer Duncan took it.

In Europe, the poet is again blamed for problems with alcohol and jealousy. Having not drunk enough, Sergius began to imitate his squad, rudely grabbing, sometimes beating. Once Isadora had a chance to call the police to calm down Yesenin, who was raging. Right after the welding and the beating, Duncan forgave Yesenin, but not only didn’t cool his fuse, but on the other hand, it cheered him up. He sings with disdain, beginning to talk about his squad among friends.

Torishny sickle of 1923 fate, Yesenin with a retinue turn to Moscow, but here they don’t get along. And yet, at the same time, Duncan sent a telegram about the residual growth of their stosunkiv.

Stop rocky and death

After separation from Isadora Duncan, Yesenin's life was full of frailty. Regular exposure to alcohol, nerves, viklikannі hromadskim tskuvannyam poet in the press, constant arrest and drink up, the mustache greatly improved the health of the poet.

At the fall of the leaves in 1925, the fate of yoga was laid to the clinic of Moscow state university for ailments on the nerves. For the rest of 5 years of life, 13 criminal certificates were violated on Sergiy Yesenin, some of them were fabricated, for example, calling for anti-Semitism, and another part of the bull was accused of hooliganism on alcohol.

Yesenin's creativity in this period of life has become more philosophical, reinterpreting a lot of speeches. Vіrshi tsієї pori reminiscent of musicality and light. The death of his friend Oleksandr Shiryaevtsya in 1924 is good for simple speeches. Such changes help the poetry of the poets internal conflict.

The peculiarities of life were also far from the ideal. After separation from Duncan, Yesenin settles with Galina Benislavskaya, who almost felt like a poet. Galina loved Sergius more than ever, not appreciating his aloe wine, drank steadily, and ruled the stage. Well, Benislavskaya forgave everything, changed the order every day, played yoga with different taverns, de friends-friends soldered the poet for yoga and rahunok. Ale y tsey union tremavsya not long. Moving to the Caucasus, Yesenin makes friends with Tolstoy's onuk - Sophia. Having found out about the cost of Benislavskaya lie at the physio-dietary sanatorium named after. Semashka s nervous discord. Years later, after the death of the poet, she laid her hands on his grave. At the dying note, she wrote that in the grave of Yesenin lies a mustache more dearly to his life.

At the birch tree of 1925, the fate of Yesenin got to know Sophia Tolstoy (Leo Tolstoy's wife) at one evening at the booth of Galina Benislavskaya, where a lot of poets were chosen. Sophia came at once from Boris Pilnyak and hung around there until late evening. See off її voicing Yesenin, but the stink of the stench for a long time walked around Moscow at night. After Sophia knew that she had taken her share and bestowed the greatest share of life. She died at first glance.

After these walks, Yesenin often turned up at the Tolstykh's bungalow, and even in red 1925, they moved to Pomaranchevy provulok to Sophia. Once, walking along one of the boulevards, the stench hit a gypsy woman with a parrot, as if fortune told him, at which parrot the hour of the fortune-telling took place in the middle of the village, Yesenin gifted Yogo Sophia. Vaughn was overjoyed with her ring and wore yoga until the end of her life.

On the 18th of spring, 1925, Sergiy Oleksandrovich laid down his remaining coat, which was unfortunate. Sophia was glad, like a little girl, Yesenin is so radiant, swaying, having made friends with Leo Tolstoy's onuk. And the axis of the relatives of Sophia Andriivna was not for the sake of her choice. In the afternoon after the fun, the poet's singsong continued, go out of the house, go on a spree, and likarni, but Sophia fought for her kohan until the rest.

In the autumn of this year, the trials ended with the hospitalization of Yesenin to the psychiatric hospital, de vine spent the month. After that, Tolstaya wrote to her relatives that they didn’t sue him, even though they didn’t care about what to love him, and to work happily.

After leaving the psychiatric hospital, Sergiy breaks from Moscow to Leningrad, and settles in the Angleterre hotel. Zustrichaetsya z low writers, among those Klyuev, Ustinov, Pribludny and in. І in the night from 27 to 28 of the chest, zgіdno with the official version of the investigation, to make fireworks from life, hanging on the pipe of the central scorching for an additional sack. Yogo's dying note was written: "Until the end, my friend, until the end."

The next organs moved to destroy the criminal right, having sent to the depressive camp of the poet. However, a lot of fakhіvtsіv, as of that hour, so і suchasniki shilyayutsya to the version of Yesenin's violent death. Vinikli tsі sumnіvi through incorrectly folding an act of looking around the place of self-destruction. Nezalezhnі eksperti vyyavili on the body following a violent death: shattered and flogged, as it was not taken to respect.

During the analysis of these documents, other inconsistencies were revealed, for example, those that cannot stand on their own on a vertical pipe. Created in 1989, the roci komіsіya, having done a serious investigation, made a vysnovka, that the death of the poet was natural - in the form of suffocation, calling out all the speculations, which were more popular in the 70s in the Radyansk Union.

After the rose, Yesenin's body was delivered from Leningrad to Moscow, on December 31, 1925, he sings at the Vagankivsky tsvintar. At the time of his death, youmu was less than 30 years old. They said goodbye to Yesenin at the Moscow booth of seals, thousands of people came there, unapologetically winding on chest frost. The grave and dosi perebuvaє there, and whether someone can see it.

Yesenin Sergiy Oleksandrovich (1895-1925) Russian poet.

Born near the village of Kostyantinove, Ryazan province, among the village family. From the children's wihovuvavsya from the grandfather by mother, the people who were accepting that possible, knowing the church books. After graduating from a secondary school in a rural school, we later graduated from a church and teacher's school near Spas-Klepiki. 1912 Yesenin moved to Moscow, de serving with the merchant Yogo Batko. Pratsyuvav at Drakarni, joining the Literary and Musical Group named after Surikov, giving lectures at the People's University of Shanyavsky.

First, Yesenin's poems appeared in Moscow magazines in 1914. In 1915 in Petrograd, to get acquainted there with A. Blok, S. Gorodetsky, N. Klyuev and other poets. The first collection of yoga virshiv - “Radunitsa” will come out without a hitch. Spivpratsyuvav in Eserіv's magazines, overruling in them sing "Transfiguration", "Oktoїh", "Inoniya".

At the birch, 1918 sings again having settled in Moscow, de having become one of the founders of the group of mazhinists. U 1919-1921 pp. having risen in price a lot (Solovki, Murmansk, Kavkaz, Krim). Pratsyuvav over the dramatic poem "Pugachov", hanging 1921 r. breaking up to the Orenburg steppes, reaching Tashkent.

U 1922-1923 pp. together with the American dancer A. Duncan, as she lived in Moscow, as she became the retinue of Yesenin, visiting Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Canada and the USA. Born 1924-1925 three times he visited Georgia and Azerbaijan, practiced there from a majestic pidyom and created “To sing about twenty-six”, “Anna Snigina”, “Persian motives”.

The finest creations of Yesenin vividly portrayed the spiritual beauty of the Russian people. Known as the finest lyricist, enchanter of the Russian landscape. Tragically dying 1925 in Leningrad.

For the accepted more biographies of the poet's version, Yesenin became depressed (a month later after exaltation in the psycho-neurological clinic) put his hands on himself (hung up). For a long time, the other versions were not published, but on the example of the 20th century, they began to blame the version about the poet’s driving in with further staging of self-destruction, moreover, possible reasons were called as the special life of the poet, and so was his creativity.

majestic portrait of Sergiy Yesenin on the birch of the Oka

At the state museum-reserve S.A. Yesenina near the village of Kostyantinove, Ribnivsky district, Ryazan region.
To the warehouse of the museum complex near the village of Kostyantinovoy, the village garden of Yeseninykh, mothers L.I. Kashin with a garden house and a park, a temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, a school for a large class of teachers near Spas-Klepiki metro station.

“I didn’t shukav, neither glory, nor peace
I s marnistyu tsієї glory of knowledge
And at once, like a blind eye,
I’m running out of my father’s house…”

Yesenin settled in Kostyantinovoy 1871 rock. Did the poet buy the land. A dream about a sadibu, but only a few pennies got only a small klaptik of the earth. Mikita Yosipovich Yesenin, having roused the budinok, on the 21st of spring (3 days for the new style) 1895, Sergiy Yesenin was born. old house 1922 rock was poor. Two years later, the fates re-emerged. Tsey budinok and deyshov to our days.
A museum was opened here.

Budinok became a museum in 1965 on the day of the holy day of the 70th anniversary of the day of the people of Yesenin.
Khatinka "caught" in the 20s of the 20th century, if Kostyantinovy ​​sings so lovingly.

There was a birch under my window.

Ganok at Yesenin's booth


Sickle, yoke, mortar, horn, samovar. A simple villager was pobuted, the rulers of the us_m villages of that hour. And now it’s purely Yesenin’s way: right behind the door - the famous “old shushun” of the mother, Tetyana Fedorivna. The saint has a birthday, gifts to father Oleksandr Mikitovich by the merchant Krylov for his long and hopeless service...

Use the middle booth


Monument to Yesenin bіlya yoga booth

Memorial stone from rows of yoga verses

And from the comor, roztasovana not far away, - life is historical. Sitting in the same komori, Yesenin loved to write poetry. The first rows were written in 8 years.

“It's already evening.
Dew shine on the drops.
I stand on the road
Snuggled up to the willow...

Dim of the priest John Smirnov, like a crowned father of a poet, the head of little Sergius Yesenin and sings with him, when he left the native village

Dim of the priest John Smirnov

Ioann Smirnov's middle house

Russian pich

Bed on the stove

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God
The priest's house, like Yesenin's house, the roostings right in front of the church. Sergius Yesenin was baptized here.

1990 the fate of the Meshkants in the village of Kostyantinove turned the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Since September 2004, divine services have been regularly held at her place.

Chapel on the birch of the Oka

Unforgettable Єsenіnskі mіstsya

Yesenin was a great peasant child. Reading from five roki. І in the booth, send a bulo, something to read. “The book was not a vinyatkovy and rare sight with us, like in other huts,” he sings in surprise. I remember how I remember myself, I remember my books in shkiryan pails. Zemska, and zgodom and church-vochitelska school. Having finished the diploma of “teacher of the school of literacy”, at 17 years of age the young sings to move to Moscow. Ale to Kostyantinov comes often.
The zemstvo and the other class of the chitel school- Nevid'emna part of the "Eseninskih mіsts".

Zemsky school, de navchavsya Sergiy Yesenin, beginning in 1904. The original bud_vlya has not been released to this day, and was born in 1994.

Internal premises of the school.

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