If only on the topic of human nature, then it develops and establishes suspіlstvo. Yes, "A person cannot be conceived by the pose of suspіlstvo" L.M. Tolstoy's creative robot studies of social science (grade 11) on the topic Yes, the topic is what is a person

Lyudina is the most wonderful vitvir of God. Lyudina can use the power of thought and in the miraculous, and those who inspire others to see other living things. People are not easy to use, but live in the whole world, vicarious different resources available to the Earth.

Human vidi have evolved from ancient times. W ancient vіku the person has changed a lot. An early man, I’m alive now, living by the caves and wearing a primitive robe made of leaves and creatures. After that, as a person learned to make fire, she began to prepare the meat of creatures on the fire and to coat the sheep in front of the hedgehog. In the course of the year, a sprat of wine was crushed. The person came out of the cave and set up booths for living. Villages were formed by Nezabar, and then places appeared. Transportation problems also developed and other speeches. Later, more importantly with the evolution of people, a lot of objects were found, and the stench evolved over time.

Today, people develop in all areas of life. Vіn vinayshov impersonal objects, schob yogo life zruchim and cіkavim. Prote є problem pogrіrshennya become dovkіllya. The atmosphere, which had once been fresh and clean, has now become muddled. This led to the emergence of various species of flora and fauna, as well as the call of various species of sickness.

(182 words)

Tvir on the theme "Ludina". Option number 2.

Lyudina always wanted to live in groups. From the primitive period, people lived and collapsed in groups. It did not hurt Yogo to guard himself in safety, but it helped him to protect himself from the sight of wild creatures. This is one of such human sounds, as it has not changed much over the years. People, like before, love arguing. Suspіlstvo, sіm'ya that culture is of paramount importance for people.

Leave a person alone for a month and wonder what will become of her. I suffer from selfishness, depression and insufferable physical discomfort and mental illness. A person cannot live on her own. People є i zavzhdi bula social creations. Vіn love buti dovkol other people. Sharing your thoughts with your friends and members of your family, spending an hour with her and seeing different things from her, you feel alive and for the sake of giving you a sense of belonging.

That's why people create sim'ї. Spіlna family system may be low. Tse good for the universal development of children. It is also good for people of a frail age.

The human mind and the mind are constantly growing, but still there is only one word, as if you are left with the fast, you need to take care of yourself in safety. It’s almost safe to come, if we are together with our loved ones.

(182 words)

Tvir on the theme "Ludina". Option number 3.


God made us equal people. Vіn also having created the middle, like a person goes for the survival of the people. Prote people got mixed up with these two speeches. Achievements from the technicians are involved in the normal functioning of the dovkillya and they change between the rules.

People that culture

Culture is already pouring into the development of people. The whole world is poured into those, as the mind of a person is developing, that wild specialty. To the very same people, who belong to different cultures, have different mentalities. Those that can be given to normal people, that belong to the same culture, may be called marvelous for others. People highly value the culture of their country.

The person is that navkolishne middle

Although people's lives were improved and expanded in a different way, their act also had a number of negative consequences. One of them is yoga injecting on in the middle. Promislov's revolution turned out to be a boon to society. A lot of people were taken away by work and a sprinkling of new wines was created, so that life could be made healthy for the people. From that hour, a sprat of gallows was created. Numerical products are being prepared for our quotation today. In these galuzahs, they vibrate like everyday objects, and luxury items, so that our way of life is enriched. If our way of life is strengthened, life on Earth will be strengthened. A growing number of galuses and transport facilities have led to a fermentation of the wind, the water of that land.

Tse zabrudnennya pogrіrshuє dovkіllya. Dekіlka іnshih human practices so priyat zabrudnennya. Tse vplinula on bioriznomanittya that called out low illness among people, as well as other living beings.


The hour has come, if the person is guilty of zupinitis and think, where are you going straight. The time has come to turn back to our roots and start to get confused about dovkil. If we continue along this path, then our planet will no longer be suitable for life.

There are no similar records.

The concept of “man” has a deep meaning, the meaning of yoga can be seen from different sides. From a glance of biology, only one of the species of life on the planet. From the position of the sociology of a person - the price is more rich, it is the product of one's time, culture, vihovannia. The psychology of the vins of the nobility of power has no more qualities, strengths, talents, emotions and bazhan. The skin of a person is individuality, originality, and we can learn to value one by one.

And the axis z look at the ethics of the right to be called a human being still needs to be earned. people,

At the sight of creatures, the power of the building of thought, control your strength, choose the way of life. The very ability to work independently chooses to wake up a person in the face of solving all living things.

A person herself creates her own ideals and forms her own individuality. Vіn voluntarily choose, like a buti - welcoming and acknowledging chi unkind and unsociable, to achieve your goals with an honest path and “walk like corpses”. Tse put on us more vindication for your chicanery.

In addition, powerful people have a unique building ability to develop, learn, get better with the protracted life of that

Pass on your message to future generations.

What kind of a man can be, to be true to his proud name? Chi is guilty of reaching the top of everything, for what to take, be a “volodar of the world”? But for the sake of whom I can show my own shorter capacity- building to the point of consciousness, exercising unity, justice, peaceful life, helping others?

I think that a person is guilty of pragmatic success, great achievements, just don’t forget at the same time, that people are still alive for a long time - those are relatives and close, with their needs and needs. I give up, a person can live according to a simple principle - live on your own and do not worry about living by others. Adzhe not without reason seems to be the wisdom of the people - do not wake up happiness on someone else's body.

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“A person is unacceptable posture of supplication” L.M. Tolstoy.

L.M. Tolstoy - the great Russian writer of the other half of the 19th century. Yogo creativity is opposed by philosophical thoughts.

“A person is unacceptable in the pose of supplication” - how can you understand?

A person is a biosocial essence, which can be thought, articulately promoted, created by people to work with them in the process of supplicant practice, which instills in their own high moral and intellectual power.

The self-appointed one shows us that the person is mіtsno connected with suspіlstvo, as if it helps him to become special and maintain his own individuality.

Suspіlstvo-vіdokremilasya in the nature of the part of the material world, but it is closely connected with it that it is formed from the individuums of people, that they will lead by will, that they include the ways of interrelation of people and form the union. Here is socialization, tobto. the process of assimilation by the human singing system of knowledge, norms. Values ​​that allow you to function as a full member of the society.

A child from the people consumes in the natural and social environment, as if preparing him to a distant independent life, starting from the formation of the simplest functions: eating, changing clothes.

Suspіlstvo avenge your own sense, mind will. It’s legitimate, it concentrates the reality of human butt: everything that makes a person look like a pure natural reality that reveals a reasonable spiritual nature, it forms a human specialty.

It was laid down by nature, so people are mutually similar to themselves. From the moment of his appearance, a person cannot be posed with suspensory ligaments and breaths. The main significance of the suspense lies in the fact that within the framework of the survival of the human race, the life of people is safer and more effective, lower with an isolated skin base.

The greater guarantee of life security confuses our ancestors to the news sleeping life. In the period of traditional suspense, people were collectively engaged in farming, harvesting, animal husbandry. Then, crafts reached the point of inactivity, the people began to be engaged in creativity and in such a rank they are born right up to the present day. In the midst of spiritual testing in Japan, the “morito” system is used - the placement of people for a day at the stove and the suvor of the fence there to call on themselves. Behind the ceremonies, as if they passed the test, the right to the end of the isolation became simply unbearable, further away the zestrich with the kohanoy people brought the highest joy to the samіtnik.

Zvіdsi vysnovok, scho pulling people and establishing contact with other people is a social need.

In the era of information and computer technologies, people are becoming more and more zanuryuetsya in communicative communication. It draws from it important and significant information for itself, so as to work smart and readable, to help you realize that activity in your life, to build knowledge for the benefit of that development of prosperity.

Communication is the basis of success, if people understand one another, they will practice and implement different projects.

I am happy with Leo Tolstoy's Vistula, that "A person cannot be conceived by the posture of supplication."


“Usі our theories - tse nothing else, as a reminder of the facts that they are afraid of” V.A. Ambartsumyan

Promoted by V.A. Ambarutsmian, I would like to take a look at the philosophical t.z. Sensitivity to avenge such categories, as a confirmation of the knowledge of facts in scientific knowledge.

The need for knowledge is one of the characteristics of a person.

Gnoseology is the science of knowledge. Dosi trivaє superechka between rationalists and sensualists. How important is knowledge? feel more rational?

Sensualists are aware that knowledge is taken away for the help of sensitive knowledge, and the mind is secondary.

Rationalists rejoice. that a person can have a mind and a mind, it means that you can set up connections, give an understanding of that judgment about the objects of that phenomenon, robit the whiskers.

Rationalists care that they can fool people a little.

On an empirical level, a person can be vigilant and evoke, evoke. At a rational stage of recognition of a person, it is already possible to establish links between objects and things.
Zvіdsi viplivaє deduction - vysnovok.

I vvazhet, scho vykoristannya sensitive and rational knowledge of the Veda to the absolute truth.

So, for example, Pasteur's teachings for a long time could not be understood, like cows are infected with "Siberian viraz". Vіn pochav doslіdzhennya, posterіgayuchi, scho field on which the creatures graze, the grass of the yellow color. Vіn pochav vyvchati and posterіgati.
Pasteur zrobiv vysnovok wooden hrobakiє porters of the Siberian Virazka.

The stink of wine from the land of the super river "Siberian Virazka". And by such a rank of recognition of guilt, like creatures become infected with a disease.

In such a rite of vikoristovuyuchu sensibility and rational knowledge, vin revealing the fact of infection with ailment.

For example, the engineer of the Siemens teachings, arguing that it is impossible for people to fly, like birds in the sky, knowing Newton's laws.

On the other hand, Siemens's teachings tried to vindicate different ways of logical, mathematical and philosophical.

І vіn came to vіdkrittya.

Navit pure theory can give a hid for new vidcrits.

In such a rank, scientific knowledge, the robot of thought for the help of different methods.

Food, what a person, praises the great thinkers, and the simple hulk of the world. A person is resting at the center of the All-World and cherishing the light of chi won - is there only a small meal at the bottom of space beasts? Skin religion is about those who are people and why they are mainly recognized.

The main world religions converge to the extent that a person comes to the whole world from an already written share. A person is guilty of living a day of life with the servants of the Creators and earning Paradise in eternal life. On the earthly path, a lot of tastings are sounding, yak

Vіn is guilty of vitrimati z honor that dnіstyu, not cursing God and people, but having received it properly.

So, from one side, a person is blown away in the face of a decision. Vіn maє rozum, vіn zdatny on great help. Ale, from the other side, in an hour people will alienate us, whom you can’t call people. Tse abominations, yakі sold their souls to the devil and are ready for anything for the sake of pennies or alcohol, for the sake of satisfaction. For them, nothing holy and worthy was left. The stench can easily hurt you and beat yourself up like that.

It becomes scary to live, if you bachish and you can hear what is going on for a long time. Fathers drive in their children, and children - mature,

Yakі schos їm did not fit, or they simply squandered under a hot hand. Mom hindered the computer, blue її driving in, putting “4” on the reader (be sure to respect: not “2”) - she learned how to drive in yoga. It's scary!

But I wonder some people are kind and unprincipled, ready to help the needy, and others, regardless of material prosperity, swindle the levy. Why is it calm, downtrodden, but aggressive. It is possible, of course, to attribute everything to temperament. But don't forget our society. We live not in the forest and not on a deserted island. We are sure to have close mutual contact. The child wriggles at him, de, nasampered, and the formation of yoga as a specialty is observed.

Like Maxim Gorky, having said one phrase, the sense seems to lie in the fact that a person, as he cannot hate, cannot love widely. Zvichayno, wine maє raciyu. The person is far from ideal. For the new one, both good and bad, like constantly fighting in yoga souls. That is why a person is a unique entity created by God. She was given a share in the presence of the people. And yet, no one has yet learned to know about his share.

The little child does not guess what he was judged in life: by the way good doctor and ryatuvati life as a drug addict who knows himself and his loved ones. The Creator does not attach a person to an unfortunate lot. Navpaki, vin gives the right to choose. The person is clearly up to the sight, light-gazing, illuminating the choice of his path. I’ll only lie in a new place, where I’ll lead you along the way.


The Russian philosopher V. S. Solovyov said: “A person is a social essence, and a thing on the right of one’s life, the residual meta of one’s life lies not in one’s special share, but in the social shares of all people.”

I am good for sim vislovlyuvannyam. Even the share of one person is not reconciled to the share of the entire population. A person is a part of the suspense, that її diyalnіst can be directly directed to the development of the suspense. The axis is to take for example a group of people, for example, they are engaged in the project of budinka life. When the time comes for the presentation of the project, and do not come people, like vodpovidaє for the whole project, vind not only to yourself, but also to your group.

Lyudina is a universal element of all social systems; The social system has its own features - it is the form of organization of the social life of people, which has historically evolved and is created by goal-directed zusilli. The presence of a social institution to rob the behavior of people is more overdone, and the suspense is more stable.

Confirmation of the speech can be a robot of doctors. The stinks rave about the lives of wealthy people, forge different illnesses, roblyaches for good intentions, that creation of various vaccines, and splintering of the disease.

In Russia, the results of the reforms of the end of the twentieth century are the result of such a kind of activity, like entrepreneurship. The ordering of the duty cycle has led to the vindication of various types of firms, and the appearance of laws that regulate business activity has led to the vindication. Thus, seeing reforms can lead to a significant development of prosperity.

Before Visnovka, one can say that the skin person is guilty of learning, which won the path of life, and as a result of suspіlstvo.

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