Dosyagnennya that wine was in India in the middle ages. Like wines of old Indians victorious in the world of today? What is the fault of India, starting from the 1st century. e

If you want to ask about India the transient, then wine, better for everything, guesses only the “fashion for India” among the pop music of the other half of the 90s. This country is rightly associated with something archaic, which is why there is no such thing as scientific progress, nor even winemaking. However, this is not so, the recent Indian culture has given the people impersonal fundamental wineries, which have radically changed our world in their time.

In this country, an early school of medicine was born, now under the name Ayurvedi. The father of medicine is tse Charak, who created his brainchild 2500 years ago. From Indian language to Russian Ayurveda can be translated as “knowledge of life” or “principle of life”. Charaka vvazhav cause all the ailments of living agents. On the thought of a vchenogo, from ailment, you can turn not for additional spells and rituals, but for additional lycivs. At that hour, when the power of religions was panned by the world, it would have been better to stick out the vchennya! Through the second thousand years of wines, they knew their genius development in the practice of the Uzbek scientist Abu Ali ibn-Sina from Bukhari, the home of European civilization under the name of Avicenna.

In India, she was born and became the father of light surgery Shushrut. Two and a half thousand years ago, thanks to my colleagues on the operating table, I already saw cataracts and robbed cesarean rosetin, having seen the stone from the sich mihur and having prostheses, laying the foundation for plastic surgery, the flooring of the required line in Hollywood and operations on the brain.

In this country, the first anesthesiologists appeared in the world. The whole medical art was expanded in Ancient India. Documents that have been preserved to our time state the fact that 125 different instruments were used by ancient Indian surgeons. Since then, people have taken away great knowledge in such areas as anatomy, immunology, physiology, genetics, etching, embryology and metabolism.


Indian teachings of Ariabhat Vinayshov ten system of numbers. It is important that the author of the figure is “zero”. Arithmetic vzagaly may be more important to Indian science. The ancient Hindus arranged the numerical record, introducing the digits of the tenth system before it, and establishing the principle of the cumulative value of the digits. A great role is played by finding "zero", which makes it easier to operate on numbers.

The most important in the dozens of systems are those that, zavdyaki їy, the number of digits were shortened in a few times;

Archaeologists have unearthed impersonal memos of writing, and explained that the “kharoshti” system was based on the back of the head in India, if the record was made from right to left. And then її replaced the "brahmi" system, as it became the basis for the ingenious tenth system.

Until then, India's people are beginning to develop algebra and trigonometry. From a long time ago, the basic concept of calculation came to the development of modern mathematicians. At the XI century, Shridharachariya became the creator square rivnyan.

Hindus took over from the ancient Greeks the baton of creation themselves great numbers. For example, in Helladi, they operated with the number 10 at the 6th step, then in India - 10 at the 53rd step. It is not surprising that this country gave the world the greatest single hour. This is the name of the "kalpa" signifies the hour, which the All-World is experiencing from the people to the bottom. Tse is closer to the end of life. If the theory of the All-World is pulsating, so from, zgidno from it, the whole number is 25 billions of lives.

Kozhen іz us know today, like the meaning of the number "pi"! The very number spіvvіdnіt in the geometry of the length of the stake to the length of the її of the diameter. One of current versions I admit, first yoga virahuvav Budhayan, to the pen of which there is also an “expanded version” of those that are now known to the world, like the Pythagorean Theorem. Moreover, having built up a genius Indian a long time ago, Arab and European mathematicians took up the right - in the VI century.

However, the number “pi” is clearly seen that it has an approximate value of 3.139 (the “classic” version, as it seems, the value of 3.14 is taken into account) is assigned to the Vedic text “Shatapatha Brahmana”. The other followers of Budhayani - Ariabhata and Bhaskara - respected the optimal value of 3.1416. And alive in the same VI century Varahamihira with his "Pancha-siddhantikoy" stverzhuvav, so that the value of the hero can be achieved 10 іz the square root. In the same century, there is Madhava, who is alive in the Sangamagram, the first on the basis mathematical analysis, v_dkriv row, zavdyaki yakim the number "pi" was calculated with some degree of accuracy.

Navigation and astronomy

Christopher Columbus never failed to discover America without the help of Indian vintners. In India itself, six thousand years ago, the art of ship water was born. And the “polygon”, on which the knowledge of that vminnya, so necessary for Columbus, was born, was the river Sind. She takes her cob from the mountains of Tibet and flows from Western India. Tsikavo, what for the manuscripts, what they saved, the inhabitants of the province of the same name respected their life with a cherel. And the word “navigation”, as it is now loudly associated with us from an attachment at the passenger compartment of a car, is similar to “nav gatih”, tobto, in translation from ancient Sanskrit, “a ship is moving”.

Zahidna India (Saurashtra) gave the people a "recipe" for the preparation of the first reservoirs and rowing, which were used for dredging systems in agriculture. And King Rudradaman I uvіyshov to the history of human civilization tim, scho under yogo kerіvnitstvom in 150 roci in India (and in the earthly world) the first man-made river Sudarshana appeared.

The great merits of the Indian geniuses of scientific thought are in such a gallery as astronomy. At the 5th century, the Brasharacharya appeared, who had killed the deacons of the roar and announced that the period of the Earth’s war was about to become 365.258756484 days. Until that moment, when the author of the popular celestial mechanics Smart, having begun to walk around, was still left with a hundred years.

Mova is writing

Zagalom of the Hindus - the arch of the Cicavi people. Irrespective of those who in this country have saved the impersonal zrazkіv writings that have come to us from the most recent hours, the stench itself managed to find and use the technology of forging pure metal. Became the whole incident (i, mabut, vіdkrittya tezh) 4 thousand years ago. Adopted by archaeologists, who knew in India a 30-centimeter stovpchik of pure stainless steel, they themselves rely on this version.

The 700th century BC became the hour of the first people around the world of the university. It happened in the Indian settlement of Takshashila. 10 out of over 1000 students, yakі z'їzhdzhalis z'їzhdzhalis z'їzhdzhalis z'usogo illumined svіtu, grizzly granіzn z 60 z vakom podіdіvі. Then, at the 4th century, we took over the baton from Nalandi University.

Hindus are the authors of the most widespread language on our planet - Sanskrit. Forbes magazine in 1987 recognized the world in the fact that Sanskrit itself is the most suitable for computer software. Sanskrit is also the ancestor for the skin language of the Indo-European group.

Other wines

Let's bring a number of achievements and wines in ancient India: hand-to-hand fight; yoga; stirrups; domino; karti; cremation; calendar; signs of the zodiac; zukerki; tea biscuit; Rice; tsukrova cane; curry; tea wine; Buddhism; Hinduism…

Shards right up to the end of the 19th century, India took for itself the title of diamonds, the only jewel in the world, it is not surprising that the technology of grinding edges behind the help of metal disks and diamond powder was born here.

One of the ancient Indian rozvay deyakі vvazhayut today's art, and others - sports. So, the Indians loved to comfort themselves with a thunder, for an hour like a 64-clear black-and-white doshka became the battlefield of 32 figures. Tsikavo, that the name behind it was not original - chaturanga, but Arabic - “checkmate”, which in translation means “the shah is dead”. It seems that the traditions of tsієї zahoplyuchoї gris are already close to repeating a thousand fates.

Indian civilization over 10 thousand years. In India, you can play cricket on the biggest Maidan (2444 meters above sea level). Indian Zalizna road- the largest robot supplier (over 1 million spivrobitnikov), and the Indian post office has a record number of deliveries. And here lived the greatest apostles of the world - Mother Teresa and Mahatma Gandhi.

The scientific achievements are varied and simply oppose the reality of a modern person. It's important, Vernish, it's impossible to overestimate. Lead, filled with the ancient Indian civilization, the Crimean collection of ritual hymns, bring to us knowledge, like the ancient Hindus. Mathematics, medicine, geology, geography, physics, architecture, chemistry and a lot of other sciences have proved that achievement, as they were built in the II-III millennium BC. Old Vedic texts awaken modern people to spiritual perfection, to the attainment of deep well-being. The most important achievement of Old India in mathematics is the creation of a tenth system of numbers and vines of such a value as zero. Vaughn was signified by a small circle and was called "shunya" - "empty". Deyakі srednyovіchnі chіnі vvіvіv, scho not vystachit laudatory sіvі svіtі, schob іѕtіnіt ten system. Ale zovnіshnіy svіt vyyavivsya vdjachnymi pavement, and mathematical numerals are called Arabic, although the ancient Arabi pozavili in the ancient Hindu mathematicians and were called Indian. The famous mathematician and astronomer of Old India, Aryabhata, systematized the ten positional number system, developed the formula for the study of square and cube roots, formulated the rules for arranging linear, square equalities, equalizations with a large number of unimaginable problems with folding hundredths. The famous number "pі" vіn vvazhav equal 3.1416. No less significant is the progressive for his time in astronomy. Його твердження, що Земля обертається навколо власної осі, вірні пояснення таких явищ як сонячне та місячне затемнення, суперечили постулатам індуських жерців, Викликаючи різку критику не тільки служителів релігії, але і вчених побратимів.Досягнення давньоіндійських астрономів і математиків зробили великий вплив на арабських учених, that having recognized the great al-Biruni. Ancient Hindus had little knowledge in chemistry. alloys, which were prepared by supra-marginal barvniks from dewy and mineral syrovina. expensive stone, Different aromatic essences, wipe off - you can’t overdo everything that could be prepared in ancient Indian laboratories. Ancient Hindus were great experts in the human body. Medicine has reached a high level of development, especially in the medical school, like "Ayurveda" or "the science of longevity". The postulates and theses of the medical theory are worthy of popularity and bring shame to the followers. Знамениті індуські лікарі давнини Чаракі та Сушрути описували у своїх трактатах методику лікування деяких хвороб з використанням рослинних та мінеральних ліків, спеціальних дієт та гігієнічних процедур, а в Європі навіть через кілька століть, при лікуванні цих же захворювань, використовували лише процедуру “вигнання бісів”. Великі знання в галузі анатомії та фізіології, дозволяли лікарям Стародавньої Індії не тільки правильно пояснювати призначення того чи іншого людського органу, а й здійснювати складні хірургічні маніпуляції – кесарів розтин, трепанація черепа, ампутація кінцівок, які застосовували у своїй роботі більше 100 Виносячи діагноз захворювання і assigning the course of healing, the doctor of Old India victorious, having impersonal indications - body temperature, pulse, stature of the skin curves, thinness and hair, but not less important, having respected the psychological mood of the ailing person. nіy z usunennya defects in the nose and nose, European veins in the 18th century were noted by ancient doctors - Hindus and called її іndіyskoy.

It is important to reevaluate the reach of ancient India. Scientific achievements of ancient India victorious the whole world. The Indian teachings of Ariabhat are based on the tenth system of calculation, as well as the number "0". With the system, we coristuyemos and mi. Possibly, and figures, as far as we know, were also found in India. Aryabhata, famous mathematician and astronomer of ancient India, having formulated and reproduced the rules for the study of square roots, cube roots; rozvyazannya different rivnyan - linear, square, non-linear. Vіn zrobiv a number of іnshih vіdkrittіv in mathematics. It’s also the fault of the upheavals that the earth is collapsing on its own axis, and also correctly showing the causes of monthly and sleepy darkness. Zhertsі and colleagues criticized Yogo look. And he is alive around the 4th century. The astronomer Brasharachariya at the V century opened an hour, stretching out like the Earth is outside about the Sun, exactly up to 9 signs after the Komi. Budhayana rozrahuvav number "pi" esche VI century.

Rahunku system


The Indians were able to make barvniki, slop, wipe off that arable. The stench was miraculously known on ore, alloys of those other copalins. "Navigation" (voidnya korablіv) є modified by the Indian word "to drive". The art of ship management was mastered by the Indians 6 thousand years ago. In the same place, trigonometry was found - the basis of navigation near the open sea. India is rich in achievements and in medicine. Ayurveda, a medical school, is the most recent in the world, but not the most recent, it was founded over 2500 years ago. The Indians correctly understood the recognition of the skin organ, successfully rejoiced at the rich ailment. An important figure of Indian jubilation was those who, when making a diagnosis, did not only evaluate the physical state of the patient, but also his psychological mood. The surgeons took over 120 instruments, and tried to complete complex operations. At the municipality of Takshashila, a university was founded, which is respected by the first in the world. In general, India is rich in the achievements of mathematics, including in algebra, as well as in astronomy and in medicine.

Ancient Texts on Medicine (Museum of Medicine in Darmsala)

The achievements of the culture of Old India are as great as scientific achievement. For example, the prototype of Shakhiv came to us from Ancient India. Also, cards and dominoes - the fall of Old India. In India, a number of spices and culinary recipes have been found. The most important wine of ancient India is Yoga, a system of spiritual and physical practices for self-development. The philosophy of ancient India has reached high heights. A lot of theories, like Indian philosophers at that time, were brought up only recently. At her vіdkrittyah, India richly vyperedzhala to the world.

If you want to ask about India the transient, then wine, better for everything, guesses only the “fashion for India” among the pop music of the other half of the 90s. This country is rightly associated with something archaic, which is why there is no such thing as scientific progress, nor even winemaking. However, this is not so, the recent Indian culture has given the people impersonal fundamental wineries, which have radically changed our world in their time.

In this country, an early school of medicine was born, now under the name Ayurvedi. The father of medicine is tse Charak, who created his brainchild 2500 years ago. From Indian language to Russian Ayurveda can be translated as “knowledge of life” or “principle of life”. Charaka vvazhav cause all the ailments of living agents. On the thought of a vchenogo, from ailment, you can turn not for additional spells and rituals, but for additional lycivs. At that hour, when the power of religions was panned by the world, it would have been better to stick out the vchennya! Through the second thousand years of wines, they knew their genius development in the practice of the Uzbek scientist Abu Ali ibn-Sina from Bukhari, the home of European civilization under the name of Avicenna.

In India, she was born and became the father of light surgery Shushrut. Two and a half thousand years ago, with my colleagues on the operating table, I already saw cataracts and robbed cesarean rosettes, saw stones from the slash mihur and prostheses, laying the foundation for plastic surgery, such a required head surgery in Holland.

In this country, the first anesthesiologists appeared in the world. The whole medical art was expanded in Ancient India. Documents that have been preserved to our time state the fact that 125 different instruments were used by ancient Indian surgeons. Since then, people have taken away great knowledge in such areas as anatomy, immunology, physiology, genetics, etching, embryology and metabolism.


Indian teachings of Ariabhat Vinayshov ten system of numbers. It is important that the author of the figure is “zero”. Arithmetic vzagaly may be more important to Indian science. The ancient Hindus arranged the numerical record, introducing the digits of the tenth system before it, and establishing the principle of the cumulative value of the digits. A great role is played by finding "zero", which makes it easier to operate on numbers.

The most important in the dozens of systems are those that, zavdyaki їy, the number of digits were shortened in a few times;

Archaeologists have unearthed impersonal memos of writing, and explained that the “kharoshti” system was based on the back of the head in India, if the record was made from right to left. And then її replaced the "brahmi" system, as it became the basis for the ingenious tenth system.

Until then, India's people are beginning to develop algebra and trigonometry. From a long time ago, the basic concept of calculation came to the development of modern mathematicians. In the 11th century, Shridharacharya became the creator of square rivnyan.

The Hindus took over from the ancient Greeks the baton of the creation of the largest numbers. For example, in Helladi, they operated with the number 10 at the 6th step, then in India - 10 at the 53rd step. It is not surprising that this country gave the world the greatest single hour. This is the name of the "kalpa" signifies the hour, which the All-World is experiencing from the people to the bottom. Tse is closer to the end of life. If the theory of the All-World is pulsating, so from, zgidno from it, the whole number is 25 billions of lives.

Kozhen іz us know today, like the meaning of the number "pi"! The very number spіvvіdnіt in the geometry of the length of the stake to the length of the її of the diameter. One of the current versions admits that the first yoga virahuvav Budhayan, whoever is to be penned, also has an “expanded version” of what is now known to the world, like the Pythagorean Theorem. Moreover, having built a genius Indian a long time ago, Arab and European mathematicians took up the right - in the VI century.

However, the number “pi” is clearly seen that it has an approximate value of 3.139 (the “classic” version, as it seems, the value of 3.14 is taken into account) is assigned to the Vedic text “Shatapatha Brahmana”. The other followers of Budhayani - Ariabhata and Bhaskara - respected the optimal value of 3.1416. And alive in the same VI century Varahamihira with his "Pancha-siddhantikoy" stverzhuvav, so that the value of the hero 10 of the square root can be achieved. In the same century, Madhava, who is alive in the Sangamagram, is the first, on the basis of mathematical analysis, in a series of curves, with which the number n was calculated with some degree of accuracy.

Navigation and astronomy

Christopher Columbus never failed to discover America without the help of Indian vintners. In India itself, six thousand years ago, the art of ship water was born. And the “polygon”, on which the knowledge of that vminnya, so necessary for Columbus, was born, was the river Sind. She takes her cob from the mountains of Tibet and flows from Western India. Tsikavo, what for the manuscripts, what they saved, the inhabitants of the province of the same name respected their life with a cherel. And the word “navigation”, as it is now loudly associated with us from an attachment at the passenger compartment of a car, is similar to “nav gatih”, tobto, in translation from ancient Sanskrit, “a ship is moving”.

Zahidna India (Saurashtra) gave the people a "recipe" for the preparation of the first reservoirs and rowing, which were used for dredging systems in agriculture. And King Rudradaman I uvіyshov to the history of human civilization tim, scho under yogo kerіvnitstvom in 150 roci in India (and in the earthly world) the first man-made river Sudarshana appeared.

The great merits of the Indian geniuses of scientific thought are in such a gallery as astronomy. At the 5th century, the Brasharacharya appeared, who had killed the deacons of the roar and announced that the period of the Earth’s war was about to become 365.258756484 days. Until that moment, when the author of the popular celestial mechanics Smart, having begun to walk around, was still left with a hundred years.

Mova is writing

Zagalom of the Hindus - the arch of the Cicavi people. Irrespective of those who in this country have saved the impersonal zrazkіv writings that have come to us from the most recent hours, the stench itself managed to find and use the technology of forging pure metal. Became the whole incident (i, mabut, vіdkrittya tezh) 4 thousand years ago. Adopted by archaeologists, who knew in India a 30-centimeter stovpchik of pure stainless steel, they themselves rely on this version.

The 700th century BC became the hour of the first people around the world of the university. It happened in the Indian settlement of Takshashila. 10 out of over 1000 students, yakі z'їzhdzhalis z'їzhdzhalis z'їzhdzhalis z'usogo illumined svіtu, grizzly granіzn z 60 z vakom podіdіvі. Then, at the 4th century, we took over the baton from Nalandi University.

Hindus are the authors of the most widespread language on our planet - Sanskrit. Forbes magazine in 1987 recognized the world in the fact that Sanskrit itself is the most suitable for computer software. Sanskrit is also the ancestor for the skin language of the Indo-European group.

Other wines

Let's bring a number of achievements and wines in old India: hand-to-hand fight; yoga; stirrups; domino; karti; cremation; calendar; signs of the zodiac; zukerki; tea biscuit; Rice; tsukrova cane; curry; tea wine; Buddhism; Hinduism…

Shards right up to the end of the 19th century, India took for itself the title of diamonds, the only jewel in the world, it is not surprising that the technology of grinding edges behind the help of metal disks and diamond powder was born here.

One of the ancient Indian rozvay deyakі vvazhayut today's art, and others - sports. So, the Indians loved to comfort themselves with a thunder, for an hour like a 64-clear black-and-white doshka became the battlefield of 32 figures. Tsikavo, that the name behind it was not original - chaturanga, but Arabic - “checkmate”, which in translation means “the shah is dead”. It seems that the traditions of tsієї zahoplyuchoї gris are already close to repeating a thousand fates.

Indian civilization over 10 thousand years. In India, you can play cricket on the biggest Maidan (2444 meters above sea level). Indian mail is the largest robot supplier (over 1 million workers), and Indian mail has a record number of deliveries. And here lived the greatest apostles of the world - Mother Teresa and Mahatma Gandhi.

India. The gate in the fence of the cult spore (called stupa) near Sanchi is decorated with carvings on stone and figures of creatures. II century BC

A piece of an unread sheet of Indian civilization and steatite druk (steatite is a soft stone). Mohenjo-Daro. Middle of the 3rd millennium BC e.

Science and Life // Illustrations

One of the most important achievements of Old India is the creation of a positional tenth system of numbers from zero stasis - the same, which is worthy of ninth and mi. At the Harappan hour (civilization of the Indus Valley, III-II thousand years e., the civilization of Harappi and Mohenjo-Daro, - for the name of one of the places, near which the excavations began) іndіytsі, vvazhat scientists, vzhe vzhe vzhe dozens.

Spontaneously, to commemorate the most recent Sanskrit texts, the words were victorious for recording numbers: loneliness - “moon”, “earth”; dvіyka - "eyes", "destroy" ... And only later did the signs of numbers appear. But the most important thing was that the numbers were written positionally, from the lowest rows to the highest ones, so that the very figure, for example “3”, for example, from the borrowed place, could mean і 3, і 30, і 300, і 3000.

Weekly discharges were marked with a small circle and were called "shunya" - "empty". To evaluate the stability of the system, it is enough to read in Roman numerals, for example, the number 4888 - MMMMDCCCLXXXVIII. It becomes clear why the Syrian bishop and confession Pivnich Sebokht vvazhav, scho scores of the tenth system of rejection of laudatory words. Zovnishnіy svіt, і nasampered Zakhіd, it was unfair to the Indian authorities: the numbers that we called Arabic, the Arabs themselves called them Indian.

The most famous mathematician of Ancient India was Aryabhata, who is alive in the Guptian era (IV-VI centuries). Vіn systematizing a dozen positional system of numbers, formulating the rules for changing square and cubic roots, arranging linear, square and non-significant rіvnyan, ordering on folded vіdsotki, nareshti, creating a simple and foldable rule. The value of the number "pi" of Aryabhat is equal to 3.1416.

Ar'yabhata was a prominent astronomer. Winning that the Earth is collapsing on its own axis, correctly explaining the causes of sleepy and monthly blackouts, which evoked sharp criticism from the side of Indian priests and rich brothers in science. In the Guptian epoch, a handful of astronomical treatises have come down to us, as they show, the Crimean original works, the knowledge of Indian scholars with Greek astronomy, including Ptolemy's work. Long-standing Indian astronomy and mathematics have spilled over into Arabic science: the merits of Indian scientists recognized the great al-Biruni.

Significant achievements of Indians and chemistry. The stinks were known in ores, metals and alloys, they made mineral barvniks - rose and mineral, - slop and piece of expensive stone, aromatic essences and rub. In philosophical and scientific treatises, the ideas were broken down by the fact that the whole speech in nature is composed of "anu" - atoms. Medicine has reached a high level of development, we are ahead of the medical school, known as "Ayurveda" - literally "the science of dovgolittya" (there is a growing popularity in our days). The treatises of the famous healers of Charaki (I-II century) and Sushruti (IV century) describe the rejoicing for the help of growing and mineral likiv, children and hygienic procedures of impersonal illness, including ti, yak .

Knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of people in ancient India was on a high level: Indian doctors correctly explained the recognition of rich organs. When making a diagnosis and acknowledging the course of treatment, the doctor is guilty of not only protecting the physical state of the sick person, which was determined by the succession of various indications (pulse, body temperature, the state of the skin curves, hair and nigtiv, cuts and so on), but also the psychology of the patient.

Surgeons, for the help of 120 types of instruments, performed the most advanced operations for their hour of operation: craniotomy, caesarean roztin, amputation of the tip.

The operation to reconstruct the deformities of the sinuses of the nose has gone down in the history of modern medicine as "Indian" - European doctors mentioned this technique from their Indian colleagues only in the 18th century. In India, there was also a statement about the medical ethics: thus, Charaka, having called out to his scholars, “strive your soul to exultation of the ill” and “do not hurt them at the cost of a life of power.” Mova the doctor, having become vin, zavzhd may be eminently and priemnoy, vin may be strimany, virtuous and zavzhd and pragnate to the fullest of your knowledge. Going to the bed of the ill, the doctor, having told Charak, is obliged to "straighten his thoughts, mind and feel nothing else, the crime of his ailment is that yoga." At the same time, succumb to the medical secrets, do not tell anyone about the camp of the ailing, or about the bogeyman in yoga booth. At the rich Indian places, they set up likarni (head rank, for bіdnih and mandrіvnikіv), vіdkritі koshto tsar chi rich city dwellers.

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