Pain, take that suffocating suffocation. The most effective methods of self-defense: hand-to-hand combat, suffocation, kicks, pain points

Short rules

On wrestling pankration professional fight (Kapcheny and Buka)

An hour of the duel is 12 minutes (no marks), a win is awarded for a knockout, a painful, suffocating hold, a technical defeat, a second due to a distant fight or a second, a better fight to a duel, gave 2 good breaks,

3 credits for the fight for yakі narahovatsya bali, scores for blows are the same as for amateurs, the additional hour of the fight is not passed, for a different number of balls, the win is awarded for the folding technical action.

Zagalnі fenced strikes

6.1.1. Straight kick with your feet and hit with your knees in the head at the station.

6.1.2. Kick the 3-stacks on the superman with your feet, which will change into the position of the stalls.

6.1.3. Kick in the head with a mutual par terre.

6.1.4. Strike in the groin, eyes, throat, neck, tim'yanu region, potilice region, ridge region, gomіlki, nirki.

6.1.5. Hit the snowballs.

6.1.6. Hit the beast with your foot and stop the supernik.

6.1.7. Hit your head.

6.1.8. Strike with the hollow of the hollow and with the edge of the hollow.

6.1.9. Strike with your elbows in the head at the station and parterre.

7.1. Kidok - the role of an athlete, in the wake of such a supernik, wears jealousy and falls on the kilim, leaning on the position lying down or sitting.

7.2. Counterthrow- tse diya, in case of an attack, an athlete, when trying an attacking athlete, vikonati, I will take over the initiative, vikoristovuyuchi directly zusil supernik, vikonu vyperedzhalny kidok.

7.2.1. The counter-throw is valued for knowing that before the transition, one or three athletes need to lie down or sit down.

7.3. Amplitude throw- kidok, vikonaniya with great strength and swidkistyu z vіdrivom supernik vіd kilim, when vіkonnіnі kakogo tulub supernik appear no lower than the breasts of the athlete, scho vikonuє priyom.

7.4. Flip- A stamping thrower from the stalls in front of him with a fall on a superman.

7.5. Throws (counter-throws) are beaten without a wind and with a wind of a superman in a kilim, without a fall and a fall of a wired receiver.

7.6. Kidki vvazhayutsya, like the stink of vikonanі s sufficient zusillyam that shvidkіstyu.

7.7. Pidsіkannya vykonuyutsya:

without choking - with the sole of the foot in the foot, or the lower third of the gomіlka;

from hoardings- Under the sole, or with a rub, stop in a part of the leg.


8.1. Slemi- stamping throws from the rack in front of you from the fall on the superman.

8.2. Flip on the supernik, which wins the Bolovian or suffocating trick.

8.3. Throws from burying heads with two hands.

8.4. Kidok supernik behind the boundaries of the kilim.

8.5. Throws on the head, neck, or on the knee that you throw.

8.6. Odnochasne vykonannya kidka that pain priyomu.

8.7. Uncontrolled kicks.

Illnesses and suffocation

9.1. With a painful trick, the suffocation of the hands or the legs of the supernik is important, which allows you to bend over, wrap in a suglob, the tendon of the tendon or m'yazіv and zmushuє supernik, in order to escape injury, know yourself to be able to overcome it.

9.2. We suffocate into a suffocation, directed to the pressure of the carotid arteries, the throat of the diaphragm of a superman, as a result of such a supernik, the sound of trembling is heard.

9.3. It is allowed to suffocate and choke with one hand, with two hands, with two hands through the hand of the superman, with choke with legs without crossing, with choke with crossed legs through the hand of the superman, with choke of the body with crossed legs.

9.4. Bolovі priyomi and suffocating suffocation is allowed to be carried out in any position in the station and parterre.

9.5. Conducting a painful reception that suffocating suffocation can be attached to the signal of the referee, like only a superman to give a signal about the task, scream, take away the injury, or nepritomnіє.

9.5.1. The signal about the task is given by two bavovnas on the body overcoming or kilim.


10.1. On the ridge of the supernik (the bending of the stretching of the ridge, "canning low", "rozp'yattya", "full Nelson", "twister" thinly).

10.2. Put your hands behind your back.

10.3. By breaking or twisting the hand, fingers, twisting the legs of the superman and bending the legs not in the plane of the natural roo.

10.4. I’ll bury less than a few fingers of the supernik.

10.5. Be like bolovі vplivi on the fingers and nig supernik.

10.6. Crossing the legs on the neck without choking the arm, cramming the penzle of the hand behind the throat, twisting the head of the supernik and other actions, after which the neck ridges can be damaged.

10.7. Vikruchuvannya five in the middle of that name.

Permissible strikes on the ground:

It is allowed to finish the supernik with hands on the head and body;

Strike with your knees and elbows on the body of the supernik;

Also, hits are allowed, by an athlete at the position of the party on the athlete at the position of the stand, kicks on the steg, body, head, straight and kicks on the body;

An athlete, who is resting in the position, may have the right to hit only the stegans of the superman with his hands, for the purpose of achieving a perfect finish, it is necessary to move to the position of the party (go down one knee).

9.1. With a painful trick, the suffocation of the hands or the legs of the supernik is important, which allows you to bend over, wrap in a suglob, the tendon of the tendon or m'yazіv and zmushuє supernik, in order to escape injury, know yourself to be able to overcome it.

9.2. We suffocate into a suffocation, directed to the pressure of the carotid arteries, the throat of the diaphragm of a superman, as a result of such a supernik, the sound of trembling is heard.

9.3. It is allowed to suffocate and choke with one hand, with two hands, with two hands through the hand of the superman, with choke with legs without crossing, with choke with crossed legs through the hand of the superman, with choke of the body with crossed legs.

9.4. Painful priyomi and suffocating suffocation are allowed to be carried out in any position in the station and parterre.

9.5. Conducting a painful reception that suffocating suffocation can be attached to the signal of the referee, like only a superman to give a signal about the task, scream, take away the injury, or nepritomnіє.

9.5.1. The signal about the task is given by two bavovnas on the body overcoming or kilim.

9.6. If there are any shocks of minor athletes, the referee may have the right to start a duel, if it is important that the athlete is in inevitable trouble from a serious injury, or else you can’t show the pain, or suffocate the athlete himself, don’t give the signal to suffocate. In any case, an athlete is guaranteed a hit in a duel.


10.1. On the ridge of the supernik (the bending of the stretching of the ridge, "canning low", "rozp'yattya", "full Nelson", "twister" thinly).

10.2. Put your hands behind your back.

10.3. By breaking or twisting the hand, fingers, twisting the legs of the superman and bending the legs not in the plane of the natural roo.

10.4. I’ll bury less than a few fingers of the supernik.

10.5. Whether it’s painful, pour it on your fingers and your supernik’s foot.

10.6. Crossing the legs on the neck without choking the arm, cramming the penzle of the hand behind the throat, twisting the head of the supernik and other actions, after which the neck ridges can be damaged.

10.7. Vikruchuvannya five in the middle of that name.


11.1. Vykoristovuvati doping and alcohol.

11.2. Namagatisya navmisne injure supernik.

11.3. Simulate trauma and stages of severity.

11.4. Burial for equipment (t-shirt, shorts, shields, mittens, bandage, sholom).

11.5. Carrying out some technical poses with kilim, as well as on kilim after the referee's command to interrupt the fight.

11.6. Umisnі go out between the kilim, vishtovhuvannya supernik z kilim.

11.7. Turn your back to the supernik when hitting.

11.8. Haircuts on the supernik, who is in the stalls, and falling with a punch to the head.

11.9. Scrap, bite and pinch.

11.10. Zakhoplennya that twisting of the eyes, wow, nose, hair.

11.11. Viplyovuvati capa.

11.12. Try vikonannya and imitation of fenced technology.

11.13. Break the moral and ethical norms of behavior.


12.1. Athletes with the method of zvіlnennya vіd zakhoplenny can zastosovuvat on the head, throat, neck, body and supernik's kіntsіvki.

12.2. The onslaught can be beaten by the open valley, in front of the shoulders and the column.

12.3. The impingement on the open part of the individual was harrowed.

12.4. Athletes with the method of zvіlnennya vіd zahoplen can win at the stalls with the “flip” technique.


13.1. A camp is entered by a knockdown, in yakomu:

13.1.1. Athlete in the form of a taken blow or in the form of a kick carried out by you is rebuying at the camp, which does not allow you, at the referee’s thought, to continue the duel;

13.1.2. Athlete skips a series (3rd and more) hitting the head in the stalls for the daytime defence, or passive defence;

13.1.3 . The sportsman sneers in the course of the duel, turning his back to the supernik after a missed blow and a series of blows.

13.2. A knockout is a tse stan, for which an athlete, in the opinion of the referee, is impossible to continue the fight.

13.3. For a knockdown, the referee gives the command “Stop!” and begin to conduct a rahunok. Mizh command "Stop!" that rahunkom "One!" may pass a second. The referee cannot give a signal until the fight is continued before the “Visim” rahunka, so that the athlete is ready to continue the fight.

13.3.1. As if after the “Visim” rahunka, the athlete is not able to continue the fight, the referee led the rahunka up to ten and with the word “Out” fixes the end of the duel by knockout.

13.3.2. In the event of a knockdown, both superniks will have a fight at the same time, the docks would like one of them to continue the fight.

Let's look at the simplest way of such an outrage. Before the cob of the cob, it is necessary for the recipient to take the following pose: pull up to the chest and dig into the ulnar fossa of the opponent’s arms, the body is relaxed, the legs are slightly bent at the knees. Let's start getting out of the burying ground. Leaning against the opponent’s arm, try to turn the body in the middle, leading the opponent out of jealousy. Shchob utrimati rivnovaga most, squeezing up to the new pelvis. I saw it. The reception is finished, then carry out a counterattack.

Rice. 24. Get out of the grave with one hand

Rice. 25. Zvіlnennya vіd zakhoplennya behind the neck with one hand for help wringing the head of the enemy

Grab the right elbow of the opponent from the outer side with the left hand and, according to the vector of force, help him collapse to the left uphill. With your right hand, trim the enemy by the hair on the ceiling and, pressing up to the new pelvis, go uphill (Fig. 24). With such a chomp, your opponent will inevitably follow you. Now, if the fault is spiraling on you, it is left with less system, and the enemy, spending jealousy, is more likely to fall. Lower the trochs on your right shoulder and tempt the enemy to fall to the ground or your knee.

Another way to slay such a thrashing is to run on the broken head of the enemy (Fig. 25). Let's take a look at the situation, if the enemy has grabbed you by the neck right hand. Relaxing, with your left hand over your shoulder, grab the opponent’s fight, and put your right elbow on your elbow. Twisting your pelvis against the arrow of the year, push on the opponent's boarding from the bottom uphill. If you stretch your hand and fall back, and you will be in the new one behind your back, continue to press your left hand on the opponent’s board. As a result, the opponent is guilty of falling to the ground or on his knee.

- obov'yazkovo protect the neck, pulling it up to the breasts;

- Don't panic and don't try to break the enemy's hand: you should check yourself.

Training methods:

- Show yourself, as if looking at the side, obov'yazkovo remember the power vector;

- Train with a partner at a reasonable pace, so that you can better understand the basics of learning;

- If you have not yet carried out the end, block the opponent's hand;

- when choked for the groin of that backside, follow the offensive rank: putting your left hand on the opponent’s boarding and climbing uphill, twist your head at a 45 ° angle to the enemy.

Zvіlnennya vіd zakhoplennya dvoma hands for the tulub

Looking at Fig. 26, you can remember that the hands are only hardened in the area across and across the elbows, and the legs, head, pelvis, front of the shoulders and shoulders are completely rickety. For the help of the skin from the body, you can either defend yourself or attack.

Rice. 26. Rescuing the hull from being buried by two hands behind the back

1. Legs. Possibility of attacking the enemy with the fifth, with the foot of that homil.

2. Head. You can hit your head with your head in the guise of an opponent.

3. Pelvis. Twisting the pelvis to the right, you can take a free space at the suffocated, vicarous likot like a point of support, strike in the groin, kick and live the enemy with a free hand. It is also possible to carry out a low cashout.

4. Foreword. With the arm of the shoulders, you can create a vigilant position for an hour of suffocation, so that we can then carry out a counterattack.

5. Shoulders. Twisting at the shoulders is an important cob element of rich priyomiv. Vіn peredbachaє a wide range of diy: out of the ring and out of the suffocating suffocation, regrouping before the counterattack.

The main minds that require special attention:

- relaxing and seeing to accept a change in the volume of your body, which can lead to a loss of equal power and a significant decrease in the ability to collapse correctly and strike;

Rice. 27. Zvіlnennya vіd khoplennya nіg two hands

- Vikonannya you sit down to embarrass the enemy to show off your dodatkovі zusillya to support your body on the vast equal part of the earth;

- Opening the arm forward while twisting the shoulders and the body does not allow the opponent to open his hands and firmly fix the yogo in a non-handed position.

Zvіlnennya vіd zakhoplennya nіg two hands

Let's look at all the key moments of the situation (Fig. 27).

The vector of the enemy's strength is to straighten you back, the fulcrum for the enemy is your knee, the zone of attack with your shoulder is your inguinal region. The enemy tries to beat you from the ground and pull your knee on himself and uphill.

Conducting the zahist, relax, sit down lightly and lean with your chest on the head of the opponent, vikoristovuyuchi the vag of the entire body. To grow a crock back, moreover, as if suffocated in the area of ​​​​the knee, the trochs bend the leg. There are more options available:

1. Twisting the pelvis killed the vector of force and strangling the opponent to the ground.

2. Burying the enemy's head at the process.

3. The twisting of the ridge at the sight of a sign of nourishment and the stagnation of the bet of forces (mah, Ide about the establishment of a single system from the twisting of the ridge and the front).

Let's take a look at the most common way. With the right hand, find the first pain point - the lower part of the nose. Zrobіt zakhoplennya with a penzle from below and pull on yourself. Dali followed a blow with a lіktem at the ridge of the opponent. Warto indicates that this kind of slaughter can be prevented by attacking the enemy with a kick in disguise.

The main minds that require special attention:

- relax, do not allow the enemy to win over the points of support for him: do not hesitate to spend your jealousy;

- practice at once at a few straight lines, collapse;

- as you have already fallen, do not try to escape from being crushed by force, twist your pelvis and strike the enemy with your feet.

Accept the attack

Completely volodii zahist with priyoms, insanely, necessary mind for hand-to-hand combat. But only defending and not attacking, it’s impossible to win, so in all martial arts, attacks play an important role.

Bolovі priyomi, tehnіkі obezbroєnnya i utrimannya

The technique of pain relief is one of the most advanced. Ale, unfazed by the difficulties that are blamed on the process of training the soldiers, pain in the ass indispensable in close combat situations. Let's look at the butt of carrying out the twisting of the fist with the transition to the pain technique (Fig. 28). In such a situation, the opponent holds his right hand in front of him in a bent position, and flares his fist with his thumb up to you.

Crush the left foot forward and to the left, and then chop the fist of the opponent from below with the right hand, and the beast with the left.

Rice. 28. Twisting the opponent's fist with the transition to a painful hold

Without bravado, press on the enemy’s hand with all the weight of the body. Sweep the hands at once in three straight lines: pull the enemy’s hand along the front, pull the pelvis back and down, while wrapping the opponent’s fist with both hands in a forward direction (left - to the left, right - to the right). At that moment, if your fist is raised with the thumb to the left, draw the crouched hand: back down, crouching and retracting, and then step by step approaching along the arcuate line uphill. Having sought help for this significant relaxation of the opponent’s wrist, press on the outer part of the yogo elbow and, crouching, hit the pain grip on the brush so that the opponent’s elbow rests on the ground.

Publication date 21.09.2011 19:37

Unfortunately street crime- A whole typical phenomenon for the business activity. It’s possible not to get well soon, but it’s better not to get well, if we’re too busy, we’ll prepare a development of the next one. Right up to the level of aggression with the method of plundering, bribery, mirkuvan racial, religious, special hatred. There are a lot of options, but some of them provide an adequate response to the threat. Previously, we already looked at the safety rules on the streets and emphasized respect for what short version the development of a conflict - without assault, navit as if you happen to sacrifice your pride and tritely escape.

Vtim, є situation, if there is simply no way for the entrance, and one way out - tse vimushena self-defense. It’s good, because for such circumstances the victim is technically prepared and it is possible to make self-defense without a license, or, for example, a traumatic attack. Ale tse is really far from zavzhdi and not creaking. Most often, the only arguments are strength, secrecy, reaction, knowledge of how and what to work for the attacker's attack. I myself with the rest proponu to help site "Vision"- Your guide to good behavior in extreme situations.

Self-defense manager

At the front statues, we already turned up to the first meal, but we shouted at the new one again. Be-yak_y people importantly understand what you say self defense on the street and as її the main task. Otzhe, meta sacrifice - do not punish the attacker and, more importantly, do not cause any important injuries. Regulations of the criminal code about transfer of necessary self-defense I haven’t said anything yet. You may be directed to those who will neutralize the mischief and give an hour to those who will see you safely. Only and everything. Ways to grow the most effective sprat:

Bolovy infusion;


Stunned from the second orientation in space;


Special respect should be given to physically and technically trained people. Actual between self-defense- Those who remember the warto. So, for example, a lot of fire on the streets of combat mysticism allows you to give the enemy an inadequate view. Zvichayna on the right in such depressions - a fracture of the slit, arm, ribs, rupture of the liver, spleen, legenia, striae of the brain and others important notes beats, right up to a fatal result. Ale chi varto zvichayna self defense on the street Moreover, in order to punish the aggressor in such a way, how can you simply neutralize him more humanely? But it’s even simpler: give an understanding that it’s better not to call you better.

Shock techniques in self-defense

Be like percussion technique- with hands, feet, knees, elbows - the most common way to attack, so I defend without a defense. Ale, we are talking about such a specific understanding, yak Specialist self-defense, then have a great scuffle to get a lot of minuses. In a first step, be it as if the blows would have the effect of singing strength, that would have been approximate to the physical parameters of the attacker. So, for example, it is important to show how a girl can knock out a great lad. In a different way, in hand-to-hand combat there is a great risk of taking away injuries yourself. The headline rule for the task of strikes is the value of their effectiveness. Just don’t hesitate to get in the way of neutralizing the opponent in one or two sessions, rather, don’t lie in the beat. Sobi is more expensive.

As it was guessed earlier, take hand-to-hand combat in self-defense- This is not a way to injure a superman, but only ways to give a painful and deafening injection to a new one. Sounds can be introduced with a few simple tricks, and you can call them with unacknowledged battles:

People with a small vagogue, that modest preparation, strike good with your hands moved to the area, whitening the base of the crack, near the wind. Timchasovo zneruhomiti supernik can be accented hit with a knee at the groin strong bavovna dolony on vuhah.

As it was already guessed, the object of the attack with more or less serious preparation can be protected from the physical infusion. For the new one, it’s better to go hit the person with the open palm, yaki not to cause injuries, but to make a harn deafening force. Start the garni hit with your hands and kick at the sleepy gossip, It is guaranteed to bring the opponent out of harmony for a few dozen seconds. Shvidko that carelessly cools the fuse of a strong low kick(Bichny kick on the steg ground).

Zahoplennya and pain take self-defense

How to respect fakhіvtsі, buried that pain in self-defense- what is not the most effective way to defend. With this help, you can noticeably easily neutralize a large and strong superman without a great risk of injuring him. From the other side, vikoristannya bolovyh priyomіv require singing technical training. You can only catch the attacker of the znenatska with the help of quick, practiced hands, stomp in the distance, and bring the wickedness out of harmony. Best schools of martial arts, yakі allows you to vikonuvat tі dії effectively and unmistakably, - tse aikido, jiu-jitsu, sambo and deyakі іnshi direct.

Most often, in practice, the feet are victorious types of pain relievers:

Pain on the wrist, fingers;

Zakhoplennya that pain take it on liquor loam, clavicle;

Having poured into the sore points under the lower slit, into the neck, transfer.

Speaking of zakhoplennya, it is impossible not to guess the same suffocating accept. Insanely, it’s efficiency to reach the temple, but to win such a shoveled varto more carefully. Nadmirne zusilla can lead to fatal consequences.

Kidki, poshtovhi, pіdsіchki

At the present day kidki, poshtovhi it's important to take a good look at it. Most often, such techniques are used to close ties from occlusions, pain devices and strike with percussive techniques. Ale, be it any time, the effectiveness of їх for self-defense is already high. Superbly expanded miltsi, correctly vikonnі technically throws dієvі navіt against more high and important supernikіv. The good conduct of the reception allows you to reach several goals. In a first step, a blow on a hard surface is good for the bazhannya to continue the resistance. In a different way, for bazhannya, the very moment is far away for the flow or the entrance. Thirdly, a recumbent and recumbent opponent is an ideal meta for strikes and pains. Those same stosuєtsya postovhіv, zdatnyh vivesti attacker z rіvnovagi.

Obviously, so take self-defense, Like and a lot of others, they require special training, reactions and spontaneity. From the other side, without saying anything, it will be easy. I yakbi іsnuvali simple і, vodnochas, effektivnі rules of conduct in self-defense, then the chain of food would not stand so sternly.


The main thought, which is evident from the recommendations made, is those that effective methods of self-defense even more varied and, at any time, require serious training. Chim mi radimo to take care of the skin. Cream of practical koristi, be it combat art- Tse is a good sport for the general physical development and health improvement.

In addition, it is important to remember the balance of everything, among them - and zahist. On the one hand, heroism can be brought to filthy naslіdkіv і, it's possible, in certain situations, it's better to piss off evil-doers. From the other side, melee self defense I’m not guilty of carrying care for life, and I’m healthy, be it anyone. The only task is to liquidate the threat, but not to bring about a fair lynching in the city.

In advancing materials, more than once we turn to those " self defense on the street"from victories video schemes, thoughts of experts and other information, as you can help in a critical situation.

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