Who is the best boxer or karateka. Boxer versus wrestler: who is the strongest. Well, fighting art is the most efficient

Hello, readers of the site. Do you know who is the strongest? Boxers? Karate? Wrestlers? Or maybe a kickboxer? I chi logically vzagali їх porіvnyuvati?

Recognize who is the strongest for a boxer or a karateka, or else he is a fighter who loves children most of all. Often, marveling at the militants, the schoolchildren quarrel, whoever heaps on someone. For example, a street fighter is easy like a karateka.

Zagalni mirkuvannya

It's great to be clean, the skin school is strong in its own way. And as it is necessary to show the riven of the fight, to fight for yourself. The quality of yoga school is not shown. Є boxers with high-level training, є karate from the last level.

And often it’s not the mastership that comes to the fore, but the territory and mind the fight. So, on the streets without daily rules, training in the street fights for a deyak perevag.

As a place of battle - a hall, ale with a minimum of rules, a street representative of doomsdays for failure.

If a representative of boxing and a representative of karate collide, then in a fair fight a karateka can be successful for a good job. The boxer has more advantages in similar essence.

But all abstract battles. I can really win over the one who has shorter preparation and physical and psychological conditions.

Who is the strongest wrestler or boxer? Tse pitanya іz tієї zh opera. For example, a MSMK boxer can easily fight in the third category without any problems. Abo wrestler MC easily tops a boxer from a designated category.

Even more important is the reach of an athlete, for a certain amount of vii in his sphere.

About MMA

Who is the strongest MMA fighter or boxer? At the first glance, the first one may have a great advantage. Aje MMA has a lot of disciplines. And wrestlers, sambisti, karate, and kickboxers came here. Zagal representatives of all martial arts, boxing. The reason for this is the high risk of injury and low salaries in MMA.

In MMA, you can practice with your hands and feet, and there are no special rules. I, guess what you, who can make a miraculous blow from the hands and nig, can have a greater advantage. However, the next champion in this sphere is Junior dos Santos. Vіn having reached the world championship, vicorist is more important. So vin rightly zbuduvav defense against foot attacks that zakhoplen. That's why boxers can compete in MMA.

Fight with a bodybuilder

Food is often blamed - who is the strongest: jock or boxer? Some people say that the hitavis are not robbed and more common, the boxers can easily get well. Other impressions are that the number of such strongmen is great, that they can be tortured and forced into master boxing.

In the mind of the ring, a boxer can get a mountain in the eyepieces.

Outside the situation is different. There are daily mittens and sholom, and rules.

For example, a boxer of professional peers and a weight of 70 kg from a bodybuilder of 120 kg. Who will win? It is necessary to know the following factors:

Pluses of pumps:

Їхні key achievements: physical mіtsі massa. The attack power is completely zoomed in by the hand. And how did the giant get the knockout? How to install an effective block against an assault. It is equally important to storm the assault with a sledgehammer. Navit through the yak_sny block the boxer sovna yogo v_dchuє.

At the first glance, it’s povіlnіst nezgrabnіst. Lifting important projectiles lowers the length of the m'yazovyh fibers, krіpochu m'yazi. This negatively affects the dynamics of impacts. Ale dosvіdchenі important athletes knew vihіd - tseroztyag m'yaziv after skin rights.

On the street you don’t need special receptions. Bagato who is here simply does not spratsovuє. finish milking strong blows and less than deyaky yoga views: bichnyh, direct and apercotives. More korisnі want to use the simplest wrestling tricks. Raptom battle will be in a horizontal position.

Really, professionals can never bring the right to the beat. Stink all virishat rosemary. That and deakim boxers behind the contract cannot be beaten in the pose of the ring.

About taekwondo

Who is the strongest for taekwondo chi boxer? The first one can attack with his hands and feet. And the other one represents a hard discipline with more contact.

And for the appointment, for the first time, for the first time, do not let the other go to the distance. Another can competently and effectively strike with his hands.

Here the mastery of both is important. Even more significant is the reaction, it is important to keep the speed and distance.

In a street fight, a taekwondo player may not let an opponent in, quickly strike with his foot, yogo lives, and finishes with a double on the right. You can get the moment for a feint and a quick kick hook. If you hit the target, then you can practically overcome it. However, a boxer can quickly shorten the distance and impress with his trick.

Bey can turn to the fury of the one and the other. But in practice, such fights are rare. Just for the sake of interest and for homeownership.


Who is the strongest boxer or kickboxer? There is a similar picture with taekwondo. Boxer win. And if the fighters of the greatest equal fight, then the chances are equal. In the minds of a vacuum, there are more chances for a kickboxer. That and so the new one has a lot of gains, it’s like a miracle attacking technique with no hands, as well as defense.

Who is the strongest kickboxer or Thai boxer? The first one is more serially done with hands and feet. The other one is more maneuverable. Resentment mayut in the arsenal of sweat and shvidki strike from the hands of that nig.

On the street, we will overcome the one who is reactive in this plan, who has an effective assault. It is even more possible to be recognized by those who are better than Volodya by the methods of various disciplines. Zim vin can seriously zdivuvaty supernik.

In fact, all appointments are very rare. The best essence of the essence is abstract from the series "Who - whom?".


Professional fighters try to avoid conflicts on the streets with other professional fighters, as they represent other martial arts.

Tse childish vchinok. I do not threaten with inconvenient injuries, blame from the team and beats.

Boxer versus wrestler? Boxer versus karateka? Who is the strongest wrestler, who is a boxer, who is a karateka?

Such food was given to all the boys in childhood. And yet, being mature, a rich cіkavo, who can overcome the full-time opposition - a boxer, a karate chi wrestler. On other video portals, you can often upload video materials with the usual name "boxer against sambist" or "boxer against wrestler" and so on.

We are not talking about those that boxing is without a doubt the most powerful martial art. Tse not so. NEMAЄ any kind of combat Art, if it could rightly be called the strongest. All martial arts that are so hard as a rule are one of the weakest or simply foolish. Of the most popular types of martial arts, which have achieved the greatest success, which have a long history, and which can claim to be the most effective combat artє: sambo, wrestling, jiu-jitsu, thai boxing, kickboxing i, zvuchayno, boxing.

Today, boxing is the most lamentable type of martial arts in the world. There is nothing like the look of fighting arts, which would turn out to be such pennies, like boxing. For one beating top boxers, they get 30-40 million dollars.

Stronger than the one who cooks better. The boxer master of the sport of the international class can easily overcome a third-rate wrestler. Wrestler master of sports is better than a boxer of the 3rd category.

More important than the type of martial arts is riven, which you have achieved in this sport. How to go about street fighting, then here you can completely overcome the skin regardless of the one who is engaged in sports in vzagali. In this plan, athletes may have a great victory, and this victory is not due to their physical strength, but to hit them hard. Naygolovnіshe - tse calm that vpevnіnіst u in power, as it is inevitable to come to a professional athlete

Fights without rules
This sport like MMA has had a mix of styles. Karate players (Lioto Machida), wrestlers (Brock Lesnar, Josh Barnet), jiu-jitsu wrestlers (Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira, Fabrizio Werdum), representatives of the Russian sambo school (Fedor Emelianenko, Oleksandr Emelianenko, Roman Zentsov) and the clear turn of Mirko Kro Cop and current UFS champion Junior DOS Santos). In fights without rules, athletes from all types of martial arts went: from wrestling, from karate, from sambo, and also from others, but did not go from boxing. Boxers did not want to go into fights without rules, because there is much less to pay and the risk of injury is much greater.

However, as a champion of the world in the most prestigious category (super vaga) is a fighter, a kind of vikoristovu vignatkovo percussion hand technique. Ce Junior DOS Santos. Do not sing kidkiv or yogo technique pain medications. Carry out all your battles at the station, attacking with less hands and competently defending yourself against the flood. Because of this you can create an unusual visnovka, that a boxer can easily compete in fights without rules.

Such food was given to all the boys in childhood. And yet, being mature, a rich cіkavo, who can overcome the full-time opposition - a boxer, a karate chi wrestler.

We are not talking about those that boxing is without a doubt the most powerful martial art. Tse not so. There is no suitable combat art, which could rightfully be called the strongest. For all martial arts are strong in their own way. If you want, you can only add to the category of the strongest:

  • sambo;
  • struggle;
  • jiu jitsu;
  • Thai boxing;
  • kickboxing;
  • boxing.

Today, boxing is the greatest kind of martial arts in the world. There is nothing like the look of fighting arts, which would turn out to be such pennies, like boxing. For one beaten top boxer they charge $30-40 million.

Jerelo: goodwp.com

Stronger than the one who cooks better. A boxer-master of the sport of the international class can easily overcome a 3-ranked wrestler. The wrestler-master of sports will overcome the boxer of the 3rd category.

The most important type of martial arts is riven, which is the reach of any sport. If you talk about street fights, then you can completely overcome the skin independently, depending on who is engaged in sports in fire. In this plan, athletes may have a great victory, and this victory is not connected with their physical strength, but they hit hard. Naygolovnіshe - tse calm and vpevnenіst in the power forces, as it is inevitable to come to a professional athlete.

Jerelo: covers8.com

Fights without rules

Such a sport, like MMA, has a mix of styles. There they wrote:

  • that karate (Lioto Machida);
  • that wrestler (Brock Lesnar, Josh Barnet);
  • that bіytsі jiu-jitsu (Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira, Fabrіtsіo Werdum);
  • those representatives of the Russian sambo school (Fyodor Omelyanenko, Oleksandr Omelyanenko, Roman Zentsov);
  • and bring out the sharply pronounced drummers (Mirko Cro Cop and one of the UFS champions Junior DOS Santos).

In fights without rules, athletes from all types of martial arts went: from wrestling, from karate, from sambo, and also from others, but did not go from boxing. The boxers did not want to go into fights without rules, because there is much less to pay there, and the risk of injury is much greater.

If you want boxing to go from wrestling to martial arts, it’s hardly possible to call them “relatives”. Already it is necessary to stink. Especially as a way to protect, that on the official level, including the Olympic one, there is a huge amount of wrestling - Greco-Roman (classical), wrestling, judo, sambo. Boxing performances are more than one - better than boxing. You can talk about the recognition of these kinds of sports for a long time, even if they stink absolutely differently. And vzagali, to compete with athletes-boxers with their colleagues from judo and sambo is stupidly ridiculous. Aje, no one can compete with all the tribunes at the water and with a pole, hockey players with a puck and a ball.

Enough to take if you want this kind of knowledge: boxers without a sting wear one to one disguise that tulubi, victorious for whom all the fists in important shkiryan mittens. And the axis of the wrestlers vvazhayut for the better "hug" with their bare hands, after which, again, with strength, they throw the supernik on the kilim chi tatami. Obviously, the chances of winning a duel in the ring are much greater for the boxer herself, and for the kilim, obviously, for the wrestler. Yakshcho, zvichayno, from the essence, athletes take the fate of approximately the same age. Well, at the banal street we will win, better for everything, the one who hits the first.

Hands and feet

Vtіm, іsnuє kіlka vidіv borotbi, de vikoristovuyutsya not only hands, and th legs. Read about karate, kickboxing and popular in Russia recently mixed martial arts. Voni - fights without rules, which are also called "mix fight" (Mix fight), M-1. Fighters from M1, mostly American and Japanese wrestlers, became the first to throw a mitten (hit the stink into the ring for better exit with bare hands) to professional boxers. To the point, not without success. Adopted by the wretched lads for the battle, wrestlers, as if in a bad way, learned and summіzhnі sports specіlіstі - like stomp in the supernik with their feet and hands, clearly do not look.

Attacks on Іnoki

The legendary American Mohammed Ali is famous for the phrase about bjola, what a flicker and pity. At nіy vіn zvіv buy two principles of waging your fight: more fast, dumb dancing, shifting around the ring, and defeating the superman with sharp bliskavichnymi blows. Zavdyaki tsim principles, instilled in the battles, Ali, who was called Kasius Clay, becoming a champion. Olympic Games 1960 rock. And in 1964-1966 and 1974-1978 he became an official champion of the world of important athletes-professionals.

Same Mohammed Ali at red 1976 fate and proviv at Tokyo bey, who could give a residual opinion on the question “Who is the strongest: a boxer, what wrestler?”. Yogo is a superman for the ringing absolute champion world of martial arts and six million dollars in prize money, becoming the strongest wrestler of Japan Antonio (Kanji) Inoki at that time. Tsіkavo, scho the organizers handed over to the show with a predetermined result. Ale, the athletes did not fit in with the cim and fought honestly. Tobto yak could.

It's true, the result was about to go to the kshtalt show. Japanese, what a miraculous mind, for a knockout and a blow to you, you should hit one missed “jab” as a whole, most of the time spent on your back or sitting. Ale, with whom, having contrived to be a superman, who twisted at the tale, kicked sensitively with his foot (for the fahivtsiv’s pranks, about 60), after that, after the final gong was sent to the hospital with great hematomas. Ali, not caring about your active move, diligently and loudly shouting until Inoka “fight like a man”, all 15 rounds in the 60-hvilinny duel, having struck at the enemy, and then zoomed in to carry out only a few weak blows.

Varto should also be respected that the participants in the battle, having won a record TV audience for Japan and even more raising interest to M-1, were rebuked in a nervous camp. Aje Ali instantly zastosovuvat all his boxing arsenal, including firm and "jab", which sounded to the knockout in the head, and did not play anything. And the chenci was not only fenced in victorious priyomi s karate, ale and beat, without squeezing your leg to the pidlog in front of your friend. Vykhodyachi іz zagalnomu balance scoring blows, vomozhtami next to the recognition of the most Asian wrestler. However, the arbitrators ruled no one out, adding the prize fund equally, and three million injuries Mohammed took with him to America. De nevdovzі zdolav іnshoy wrestler - Buddy Wolfe.

Jack the ripper

Before speech, Ali's fight against Inoki became far from the first super-number of boxers and wrestlers. The cob of youmu was planted in the fall of 1913, if it was a prison term before Europe, threatening youma in 13 months, the champion of the world, Jack Johnson, easily ran into Andre Sproul. The last laurels of criminal mischief were also won by Jack Demps, Joe Louis and Archie Moore, who won the boxer's victory in the first fight. And the axis of the other representative of the “drummers”, Chuck Wepner, who played the role of Rocky Balboa in the popular Hollywood action movie, did not have mercy, his important twice as much as the versa of the program.

Italian Primo Carnera, super-winning with Jimmy Londos, having scored the opposite most wrestling technique and stars in the duel to the point of honor for the boxer. Still more cіkavіshe proishov at the quarter of the 86th bіy between the boxer-strider Scott LeDux and the leading wrestler Larry Zbusko. Not only did a record number of killers get to marvel at this fight - over 20 thousand, so it ended, even though it was held according to the boxing rules, at the core of the ropes of the ring and a massive disqualification.

On the right side of the trainee

Regardless of the results, fahіvtsі martial arts, yakі do not take part in such battles, stverdzhuyut, that the guarantee of victory is not a sport, but the performance of a fight in one's own strength, which is the best preparation for a specific fight that professional riven. Singingly, until the end of understanding, enter and sports cunning, as Antonio Inoki allowed the same not to suffer from “biting the bjoli” of the Viconan Grizny Mohammed Ali, and to earn three million dollars in a year lying in the ring.
The famous Fedor Omelyanenko had two coaches - Volodymyr Voronov (sambo) and Oleksandr Michkov (boxing).

If boxing is not effective, is it necessary for fighters without rules?
Boxers are less practiced with hands. That is why they have the best reaction and a little distance equal to the other fighters. Work with one hand melt like a minus, so plus plus, but in to this particular type pluses revegetate, more, better, and on the streets you happen to practice mainly with one hand.

Boxing has wrestling turned off. Ale, with you, and on the streets, it’s unlikely that you’ll wallow in bags with a skin gopnik, rizikuyuchi but kick him with comrades. And what about the gopnik's lower? Adzhe taki BI (fighting arts), yak combat sambo so how else are you able to fight in the stalls, de you can be infected or stabbed. Do you need it? And the boxer just beats the gopnik, that's it. Simply and clearly, and the distance is not reached. I have a boxer with significantly more chances, lower for a sambo wrestler, which is completely natural.

Those that a boxer falls over with one blow to the balls is a myth. Himself in the box, like nowhere, start to endure the pain. A blow to the balls can be endured, but not a blow to the boarder, for some kind of mitte the light in the eyes goes out. Ale yakraz pіdborіddya boxers protect good. A professional boxer's fingers wonder at the rules. And often it happens that some of the opponents are smacking others with an uppercut on the balls, and what would you think? An hour later, don’t ring in a loop.

Decal of real applications if boxing ryatuvav people life:
1) A great master of sports in boxing (having completed his speech 10 years ago) was delivered by the PPS outfit with a fracture of the wrist right hand and a top slit, ale in a garnish mood. It turned out that a lot of boxer had spent about three pieces in the conflict from the "hulks of the Caucasian nationality". At the process of beating their number increased to 18. The police got involved only after the boxer broke his fist at the process of beating the "guests of the city". ex-MSA on a pidlog.

2) The famous Russian amateur boxer Mikola Korolov is known for his numerous feats at the front. Among them, two of them especially fought, for which youmu had to blame the shell-shocked commander from the battlefield. Once having knocked out five escaping Fritz at the German dugout; all of a sudden - virubav more two, at the fox, if they didn’t piss them off a little. In both swings, the boxer acted swiftly, and on the back, giving them the initiative - raising his hands, and pushing in, sho daetsya. And then, raptovo, having knocked out the pіdborіddy. What do you need to say, scho, yakbi Mikola Fedorovich, being a representative of whether it was another school of BI, would he have less chance of doing all these feats? What would be with him at the German dugout, start swinging your legs, shouting "kiiiiiyaya!!!", why fight with the skin of the five fritzes?

3) The great boxer of the 60s, Valeriy Popenchenko, among the fighters, easily threw a dozen, high and unprepared, and ale opponents.

Real shortcomings of boxing.
For street beaters, In amateur boxing, there are real shortcomings, but in general, they are too much overwhelmed.
1. We don’t clench our fists to the end. In amateur mittens it is impossible to turn a fist to the end, after which there was, in fact, a fluffy fist. Once in a while, you can beat it up to the street, but there is no mitten. As a result - fractures of fingers and hands. True, even a blow like this may not waste strength, but all the same warto remember about it, and clench your fist normally.
2. Vіdsutnіst wrestling technique. Deyakі see the robbers die in bulk, squeezing the victim to the wall and twisting his hands. When you stink, dosvіdchenі in your right. Boxing in my opinion is not the best helper. And for the defense of such lads, it is better than the type of sambo. So, varto signify that if the middle of the gopniks is the big master of the free fight, then the boxer should be rolled up to the asphalt. A boxer has little chance against a wrestler. І 1 on 1 wrestler at the middle, lamaє boxy. It's true, basically normal wrestlers don't do all the crap shit. Ale chance і on tse є.
3. Zvichka stribati. Like a beater on a slimy surface - rather than stribating and applying cross is not required at school - it is necessary to rearrange the legs carefully, and replace the main work from the bottom on the body and hands. The one who slithered and fell - dead. Yogo is ringing.
4. Don't control the lower half of the body. Just swear at you, that they can kick you in the gomilka with your foot.
5. Vidsutnist psychological readiness. More important. You are guilty of not being ruined, guilty of being ready (Constant vigilance!). It’s not the ring, you’re guilty of not ruining yourself in an unknown situation, remember to react at once, escape the conflict, and in a different way - remember to stop what you were blamed for. Remember, so, є feats of boxers. Ale іsnuyut and zvorotnі butts - if the masters of sports and boxing lamali slits people from the streets. It is necessary just not to be ruined, to react at all times, not to enter into a stupor. Vtіm, tse minus not less than boxing, but be it school BІ - you can not be trained anywhere to be psychologically stable and we are preparing. Nizh, bit, dance, short-barreled in the hands of the enemy, you are not guilty of benignity and enter into a stupor. It's just that children need a good deal.
6. Boxing is practical against great breeds of dogs. Here we need a different technique. You don't knock out a dog in a fight.
7. Don't start speaking in the box.

Also, boxing is the same as those who, in the most situations, play on the streets. We don't give you a 100% guarantee that the rapt pen will be printed in bik, ale, but we can say about be-yak BI.


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