Yak vdariti, shchab bulo hurt more. What do you need to know about street biyka

Ніс- having given the blow to the beast, you are evil to the opponent's nasal cartilage and for a long time you will be able to breathe normally.

upper lip- The most unprotected part of the individual. Directly guaranty її rozsіchennya that rahunok vіd traumatologist for the neck and thread.

floating fins- the lower ribs are connected with the ridge and are not attached to the sternum. Strike with a chi with the foot of a lamaє їх. Remember: I'm threatening with a lung rupture and internal bleeding.

Groin- a blow from the female arsenal. Biy podyom stop or kolіnom.

Kolinna cup- a kick with a foot sharply impairs the opponent's mobility.

Kipchik- The most sensitive part of the ridge. Chi is not fatal, but it hurts a lot.

Efficient strikes require great accuracy.

jugular fossa- place, where the clavicles converge. This is the best point of reporting strength, if you try to throw kilograms through the enemy’s stump, 30 more important for you.

Sonyachne gossip- A hit in this area spills onto the diaphragm, which greatly affects the breath. Beat with a kolіnom chi with a fist.

Pidboridya- there roztashovaniya vimikach people. Strike into the crack, pour into the brain and shake the temporal drink in yourself.

Wuha- a blow with a fist on the vuhu, painful on oneself, the prote nayurazlivіsha part of the hearing aid is chained in the middle of the skull. It is possible to get to her with a one-hour long flight along the vukhs. Spratsovuє effect of synergism.

Eyes- A hit on the full-time apple zmushue for a long time forget about the picture of the world. Beat with a bent finger.

Gomilka- the brush is practically bare, the abyak is covered with a shkir. Chim don’t beat, everything hurts anyway.

stop star- a blow with the fifth of an important cherevik at the crypt, stop the beast down є in the best possible way ryatuvannya vіd obіymіv zadu.

The life of a superman is not safe. Better not vikoristati.

Potilitsia- A blow can spare the dawn forever. Quietly knock on the new blame, if the opponent buckles under the blow of a knee at the living.

Skronya- hook on the right, yak and hook lіvoruch, can be deadly. Do not win without a boxing mitt.

Kadik- a slashing blow with the edge of the valley, or a direct blow with a fist in Adam's apple can be fatal through the temple of the mind to kill the trachea.

Lower back- unsafely and have a meal, and get away. In the first vipad you can break the backbone, in the other you can seriously damage the nirks. Rather aim for a kuprik.

heart gossip- know levoruch and more sonyachny. A blow can be deadly - remember and do not beat.

Today, we will look at you with a sprinkling of different points on human style and vіdpovіmo on deyakі tsіkavі food for us. Where is the need to beat a person, to inflict їy raznі kalitstva and where better not to beat, not to beat!

The coming information will be good for you and you will be able to speed it up in times of self-defense or in street fighter. So let's get it....

Where to beat at the bіytsі?


The axis of the kudi needs to be beaten, to virubat the people. Hit a weak blow to knock out the boar. When hit in the crack, the brain shakes violently and the enemy either starts to weave, or breaks into sprats of whiplash. You can skushtuvati yourself at once! Say your teeth and lightly vdarte yourself on the side in the fight and you yourself see everything. Before the speech, beat it with a hand in the crack of the dolonka. A blow from the bottom is even more effective and, with the right beat, it’s harder than a punch. Dharma yoga is too rich for anyone to underestimate.


Tse, singly, the most safe place, as it is not uncommon to produce lethal consequences. Skronev's brush is already tenditna, it's flaring and penetrating the brain. Therefore, when you strike at the armor, you can not only virubat the opponent, but also drive in yoga. Because if you don’t choose to drive anyone in, then at the skronev’s brush, try not to hit it straight, especially with a lick, hit it faster in the crack :)


A blow to the roof of the city caused a loss of orientation in the open space, people began to cry out for a short period of time. With a strong blow, a strong shock to the brain and a fracture of the cervical ridges.


Well, vzagali, the eyes are good for hitting, the stench is not protected in any way, and with the help of the eye, the enemy can’t do anything to you. You don’t see it with your fist exactly in the eye, it’s necessary either to beat with a silent closed fingers, or to strike with a penzle of your hand, with your fingertips. You can also press on the eye with your thumb. If you got tangled up with the opponent in the fight and started to roll on the ground, then start pressing your finger right in the eye of the apple, I’m wondering that your opponent shouldn’t be able to do it :) Train your hands, you should really need it.


Tezh irritating part in the human body, a blow to the throat calls out strong bill, sometimes vomit, with a strong blow, the cost of death and sometimes cause death.
In principle, you can beat it in a different way, but with the best edge of the valley, or with the so-called "fork" of the place between the great ones and the reshtoy of fingers.


By the way, it’s better to beat two of them with your hands. Beat at once and swiftly. Such a blow calls for a pain shock and a loss of orientation. With a strong blow, sometimes the ribs burst. You can also press your thumb on the vulva depression. You can її poke around at the bottom and try to squeeze it. Looks like you don't get it. It was mindful to press so hard on the head and eyes better than robit, if you change with the opponent at the stalls.


Well, in the groin tse zovsіm not according to a person ... If you want, all moral principles, step aside. Tim more than that, you didn’t have a mutual obligation to beat yourself up alone. You can hit in the groin as easily as possible. Be it as if you hit the painful and unsafe. After a missed blow to the groin, you only want to crouching down on the bed, the bajan robit, otherwise it will disappear.

Well, the axis might be the most safe and the most striking dots on the body people looked at, it’s still a very impersonal place, where you can beat and need to beat. For example, a blow from a homilka, gossip in a sleepy room, transferred, into the liver, too, a lot of pain and inaccuracies. Ale, I think that the most important ways to stick it out. So, why don't you live today on the street, form someone at the drunken campaign and try everything in practice, so don't forget and sing:) Good luck.

Golovne in battle - tse blow. Only a blow will bring you victory over the enemy. Schools of martial arts can bring skillful advances to a halt, pain medications those other cunning ones, and yet the cunning ones cannot compete with the blow. The wine is simple and bright, less energy is spent on it. Correctly delivered with a blow, you can beat a person out of his head, break a brush, kill him.

Memorize the simple formula: hitting the treba is fast, zhorstoko is exactly the same.

You won’t have another chance to strike your opponent, and then no one else will be steadfastly check until your fist or heel reaches the mark, so you need to call out, attack the attacker with one stus. You are not in the boxing ring and not in a friendly fight. The blow is guilty of being ruinous, falling into a point of indulgence, making the maximum damage.

During the high school course of physics, someone remembers that the impulse is the source of the mass of the body for yoga swidkist. So, let's say, the flag, as it falls, has little windage, but the weight is decent. The kuli, scho to fly, has a miserable mass, ale majestic swidkіst. Hit and hit, and cool for people, even more unsafe, often fatal. Approximately the same effect we need to reach a blow.

I think everyone is wondering what "staging a blow" is. At these words, the inhabitant sees dry Japanese sounds that for years tick with straightened fingers into a wooden deck, or kickboxers, methodically tap their foot on a raised bear. Tse everything is better, notes, singsongly, you can’t dedicate two or three fates to good training, after which you will be able to break through the enemy’s skronev brush with a finger? From і I think that ні. So, prepare before the blow, following us in front of the brushes, shards in battle, nothing goes down so often, like fists. For the hart of the suglobiv, win the trival stalk on the fists, like with the victories. You can work in breaks with lesser rights, you can do it, in the evening, or in the afternoon break. Your back will be more painful - you will have to survive. More shortly, before speech, not just stand, but trochs roam, as if they were moving on their fists.

Hitting the punching bag on another simulator also sprya staging blow. Everything is simple here: when you hit hard and fast, your fist did not jump out of the sweep, and in the wrist that front shoulder did not fall off the sharp beat - you did everything correctly. Also, don’t marry from the very cob, listen to your buddy. Dashing lads, how to try to overcome all, boom, b'yut with fists on concrete wall. In the presence of their brushes, they spit, the frilliness of the fingers changes, as in the case of post-ear ears, all negative chronic diseases develop. I tell you not to repeat the pardons of idiots. Before them, before the speech, enter and state about the “correct” shock technique: karateshne “vgvinchuvannya”, boxing “tichka” and everything else. Don't bother your head. Like a blow to mischief the enemy and not to mischief the one who was, the correct one. And reshta is lyric.

Ale navit with strengthened tassels and wrists, which sounded before the blow, it’s important to remember the names, as if they appear in the penzle after a fist strike, it’s hard - for example, in the opponent’s slit. At the end there is one unfair trick: to squeeze at the hands. Useful zvichayna kopiychana igniter or the subject of similar rozmіrіv. It is important that I clench my fist again, if your little pig is in the new. Otherwise, fingers may be hurt.

2. Biy correctly

The distance for a fist strike can become bigger than your whole well-worn arm. In the world of that, like a fist to fly, the wines are torn apart, and by what they have been torn apart, it’s more of a yogo kіntsev swidkіst. The very same, if a korotun and a tall boxer are zapping in the ring, the one who is smaller in size will not break through the yakomoga closer to the opponent. Vіn not only go to their own striking distance, but still they appear there, where the strikes are healthy and have not yet reached their maximum speed.

The blow is to be blamed for the single coordination of the susillis of the masses of the whole body. Moreover, ideally, you can buti baiduzhe, from such a camp and in such a straight line to beat - it is necessary to develop yourself in a complex way, so that the gains in the trajectories were minimal, and the strikes themselves did not seem to have any special preparations for the strike of a great swing in the corps.

“How can you manage without a swing? - Ask the reader. - Adzha was literally told well that the more distance to fly a blow, the team wins the strongest! Tse so. Ale pomach sees your name and hit the opponent. It is necessary to do without it. Until then, the swing by itself does not back in the blow of any additional m'yaziv: zusilla however, to beat on the arms, just to forcefully spread the hand. To add strength to the blow and not to let the enemy do yoga, it is necessary to twist the body. For example, you lightly turn your body with a left-handed hand - you don’t lift your shoulder, you’re an animal of respect, but you turn your body yourself. And after that, shoving with your left foot, unfolds like a spring, and your left fist flies at the target. The hull does not just turn at the same time, the position of the troch twists right-handed. For the wind of this twisting, strength is added to the already launched blow, and a new blow is prepared with the other hand. With a foot you can rob like in advance, so back - beat on the offensive and at the exit. The trajectory of the blow can be anything, just your fist “strikes” not only for the arms of the biceps-triceps, but also for the arms of the tight muscles of the back.

In the wake of that, having consumed a blow at the target, the hand is guilty of turning back and turning to the front. It is not necessary to "wire" the meta- if the enemy is in the wrong place, it will be because of the strength of your blow, and not because of what you are doing. Vzagali started zavmirati yak before the blow, so after the new one. I have already said that be-like unruliness, stiffness is not safe.

3. Yaki bovayut hit

Fig.3. Direct punch in disguise.

Directly strike in the guise of that body- The basis of everything, ale stink can be manifested by the most significant deeds (Fig. 3). They can put enough strength, but their trajectories need to be transferred, it is easy to defend against them. Tim is not smaller, strike straight, zastosovani z rozum, can win the result of the battle. Try to beat, turning your fist so that the turning beat of the valley marvels at the mountain. Let’s drop the elbow on the cob of the blow, let’s drop it down, don’t blame it, kill it far away, so that you don’t hit the kick for a frontal attack of the enemy. When hitting, you can bend the knee a little more, so that you can direct the blow under the opponent’s hand even lower. You can, on the other hand, strike over the hand, then in the case of a direct blow it will be more important to defend yourself. Be ready to hit, be like a mit, trim the enemy in tension. Broken by a direct blow of the eyebrow, it can fill the eyes with blood. Razrakhovuvat at the price of not varto, but throwing off the very possibility of rachunkiv is not required.

Fig.4. Apercut at the crack.

Aperkit- Even after a blow, which will end more than one duel at the TV box and films about fighting art (Fig. 4). The hand is arcuately going uphill in front of your body and aiming at the bottom, or in the body of the enemy - the liver, spleen, and fist. With this, the enemy is literally “dressed up” on the fist, and your hand, as it were, immediately protects you from a counterattack to the body. In case of an apercut, it is not necessary to open your hand to the end - it is your fault to continue spiraling on the body, which helps to add to your zusilla. Yakshcho bitimesh uppercut from an implicit distance and the hand is too much to straighten up, most of your impulse passed like a bi "past" meti. The main advantage of the uppercut is that it is easy to be attacked, and not enough - at a close distance, which is necessary to carry out.

Fig.5. Hook at the crack.

Bichni strike, otherwise, in boxing terminology, "hooks" do not forget any swing and allow you to put the entire mass of the body into the blow for the twisting of the body (Fig. 5). With a hook, the hand is also not guilty of reopening, so that the blow comes from the same brushes, and not from the inside of the fist. The elbow, when hit with a whip, rises to the same height where the fist is known. The main goals of the hook are the opponent's liver and crack. One missed hook can help you win, one correctly carried out will bring victory over the opponent.

The trajectories, having struck with fists, are simple and understandable. For whether or not an attack, it is necessary to guess the moment. Having opened the opponent's arms to the side - extinguish yoga with a direct blow at the breach, which opened up. Ide ubik - biy hook. There are no words on your way, you flare up, or waving your fist navmannya - a wonderful moment for an uppercut.

4. Don't use fists

Ale, the shock surface of the hand is no less than a fist. Flying blows can be hit, for example, with the base of the fist, or with the inner side, de thumb. And finally, that stand before injuries on top of our hand is the foundation of the arm. Here, it’s true, you can’t do without training. Guess how, when you fall, you put your hands up, so that you don’t fall on your chest, but put your arms on your own, - and just hit the blow. A sharp, straight tick at the point of contention will be terrible for a fist blow, which, having crouched at the same place (Fig. 6). Zreshtoy, a direct blow at a maximum breaks yoga, and a tick from the bottom uphill can take the nasal brush into the skull. And you won’t be able to wake up like that, the pain will be indescribably strong.

Well, obviously, when attacking the base of the valley don't scratch your fingers. The most beautiful of them, they jumped up, zignuvshi in the other and third phalanx - in such a position are the fingers when standing at attention. Abo just call at once and trim the tension, shobi vipadkovo not vivihnut.

Fakhіvtsі z hand-to-hand combat in the arsenal of a diy with a hand, two types of blows are called: "ramming"і "flappers". At the end of the hour, the first ones are counted on the mass, the others - on the swede.

Fig.6. Blow under the base of the valley.

At a ramming blow it is necessary to put in the mass of the whole body, at a whipping one - “clack” with a kіntsіvkoy, like a batog, here it’s shvidkіst more important than yours. The ramming blow is unsafe, more with a greater imovirnistyu, the brushes are broken, the judges are pierced and the sounds are. The savage blow is painful, due to the greater imovirnistyu disorienting the opponent, as well as attacking the “deep” goals - that, having come to the “m'yaso”, ushkodzhu internal organs.

With a ram blow, everything came to mind - the main blow with your fists yourself. Claps hit the deshcho more folded, get to know them. When the head is cold, the elbow goes forward and only sweat - the hand, all the swamps are relaxed, the hand seems to be "smarter" according to the weight of the wind. A cold blow to fight with the tips of the fingers, the back side of the valley, and sometimes - the edge of the valley, like karate. At the moment of contact of the "projectile" with the target, the hand is guilty of tensing up, thereby becoming hard. Moreover, it is necessary to strain your hand only at the moment of impact, not earlier. Sob not to give your m'yazam "exceeding the floor", when you are practicing, show that the meta is not on the surface of the "pear" but "paw", but in the depths or behind it. And if it’s true, it’s true - you need to eat not according to the “meat” of the opponent, but according to the internal organs, we will cover it with meat.

More beautifully not vertically or horizontally, but obliquely in front of you, not a tiny cross. With such animal respect, that diagonal strikes from the bottom uphill are less effective and intuitively understand for you, it will be necessary to give them more time to work on them. Then it’s more folding and more important to visualize.

The blow, before the speech, is stronger, less than the surface of the contact of the hand and mark. For the sake of this, so that the impulse fell on the minimum area, they began to sharpen the armor a long time ago. Reveal that it’s not safer - a live bait fish like a shovel, or the same tick, but like a live bait of confinement, like a sheep? Like a “wistry” at the hand є fingers. With straight, clenched fingers, it is necessary to consume the enemy’s eyes, throat, subclavian humerus, sleepy gossip, genitals. A hand with straightened fingers reaching for a fist, so you will have a small win at a distance.

5. Kudi biti

About the points, in the way of guilt, fall down, there will be a little more, if we figure it out with the technique. But right now I want to say a sprinkling of words, as it is necessary to remember.

You need to beat it, where it’s easier to take it and your blow for maximum pain and for maximum pain. There is no great sense of knocking enemies on the foreheads or with forks - the head of wines, better for everything, only to eat and smoke, in order to think, you won’t need it. Then the breaking of the nіs chi burnt the crack of the wines of the obov'yazkovo vіdchuє. But it's easy to defend yourself from hitting the head. So, practice with your fists also behind the middle and lower lines - below the ribs on the right, there is a liver, and as if you beat it, the bazhannya continues to beat the enemy. “Pid dih”, that’s gossip in the sleepy-head – it’s a blow in the middle of the body, it’s more m’yaziv of the abdominal press that is below the point of the ribs. Beat on the side on the vukhs, with a direct or viskhіdny blow - at the kadik, the beast down the nose, on the collarbones, with the left side of the arm or with the fingers - on the roses in the eyes. Forget about the rules of that convention, do not harm the enemy - you will not be harmed.

And do not forget about the hour of the day when you hit your body in a warm way. The hand, which could not be in a second, is there, de guilty, - it hides its head or body. After a blow, the hand turns back, ready to beat again.

b. Victory all body

Krim kurkuliv, in real combat it is necessary to win the lyrics. On the vіdmіnu vіd fist аbо vіdkrytoї volonі, the elbow itself does not suffer during the blow, the blow is applied from a short distance, to that it is more complicated to resist. Nareshti, you can attack with a likty blow, and you can actively defend yourself, defeating the opponent’s blow.

The trajectories of the elbow strikes are intuitive, because the trajectories themselves are the same as when punching. The technology is the same: twisting the body transmits force, the shoulder is straight. Only the hand does not open, and in order to replace the brush, the elbow is thrown out (mal. 7). The main straight lines to strike with the lіktem are from the bottom uphill (like with an uppercut) and circles in the middle and names (like with a hook) (Fig. 8). In addition, you can attack the enemy with a lіktem, which is on the side, without turning to the new one. The face is also suitable for hitting the beast, which is to finish off, as if in front of your blow, the enemy bowed down (and to the last, insanely, you need to prag) (Fig. 9).

Fig.7. Zustrich direct blow with a lіktem. Inflicted in a counterattack: viperadzhayuchi blow of the enemy, robish krok ahead and just sharply throw off the front.

Fig.8. A whiplash with a lyktem. Especially carefully apply yoga at the crown.

Fig.9. A blow with a lick to the beast. Apply along the collarbone, and in case of wear - behind the neck ridges.

So very vikoristovuyut colina for finishing off counterattacks at close range (Fig. 10). It’s important to hit the Kolіnom in the same way as you beat yourself, before that, the slashes and the bіchnі blows allow you to stay strong. That is why a blow with a knee is the best thing to do, fixing the opponent (to those who are buried), and in other situations, the main targets are to choose yoga, the knee and that stegna. And throw a thought out of your head, to beat in the groin - not in a human way. Not in a human way - to recognize the blows in the case of a provulcan frost, but not to judge the victors. Won't you throw a club or brass knuckles through those that your enemy doesn't break? Vibrating the moment, grab the enemy by the shoulders, head or the face and smack on yourself and down, at the same time throwing a blow with a knee in disguise, picking up or alive. You can hit the ribs on the side of the rosefish (Fig. 11). You can give the beast a lick.

Fig.10. Direct blow of the knee from below. Apply in the groin or live. How far away to zahopit the enemy by the head and sharply fold down - beating with a ring in disguise.

Fig.11. A beating blow with a kolin: a – at the underside, b – at the steno.

Strike with your elbows and with your knees, but with short and sharp ones.

Mayzhe all m'yazi strengthen the body and the pelvis, it is obvious that it is necessary to develop the basic mobility. Today, the person did not sound like a quick collapse (behind the vibrancy of the badly tapping of the fingers on the keyboard), so that a copy of the robot checks on you.

Ale, kicked the knees - not the main kicks, as it is necessary to master that vikoristati. Having kicked a lot of gains. In the first place, in more situations, you have a swollen nose, so the foot may have an additive defense and often - coryza zhorstkіst. The steel sock of a modern sock in the style of "military" or the narrow sock of a "cowboy" lace-up can be worn to your design. In another way, legs dovshі behind the hands, so that they can attack from a greater distance, out of reach of the enemy. Thirdly, kick your feet on the lower level with a richly unremarkable, and in them it is impossible to close up - just clean up your leg, but you can’t.

Beat the need to kick it up with your toe. You just don’t need to repeat those things that Jackie Chan and Jean-Claude Van Damme are watching at the cinema - kick your feet on the upper level, more with a turn of the chi stribkom - the ce marna vitrata of energy. Not only that, the stench is even more foldable at the vikonannі and vamahayut garnoi stretching, rozroblennosti hip joint and a tucked-up belly, then the quieter and more unstable and infuriating at the moment of commanding such a blow. In the ring "mavashі" at the wuho you can still try it. In battle, forget about the new one.

Kick with your feet the innocent rise above the opponent's stomach- There is a zone for your curcules. The simplest move is a blow with a heel to blunt the opponent's toes and feet (Fig. 12). Vіn repayments sooner for those who disorientate and hurt the pain, lower the cost of any serious injuries, and even if you were spared and you have a heavy blow, and the attacker, let's say, in sneakers, you can with a distant blow help you to be able to walk.

Fig.12. Hitting the fifth beast on the opponent's buttocks.

It is possible to finish with an effective blow with the oval rib of the foot. Sound with your goals є gomilka, dot under the knee, same knee, live and groin, liver. Fallow in your maneuver can be beaten straight or sideways (Fig. 13).

Fig.13. A savage blow with a savage rib hit a knee cup.

A direct blow with the toe of a cherevik (“feast”) is practically effective. Vіn is guilty to go down to the beast, so that at the end of the point the whole mass of the body, which is lowered, was put into the blow. If you want to mow a zhorstka on the bottom of your cherevik, try to break the knee or the opponent’s homilkovostop, like a m'yaka - beating at the groin (Fig. 14).

Fig.14. Blow with the toe of the cherevik: a - in the gomilka, b - under the knee, c - at the groin.

Similarly, you can beat with a toe when your legs are split. The blow falls from the bottom uphill, more painful and traumatic, like sipping a cup under the knee, more so if it is applied not straight, but troch to the side. With such a "stool" one can also counterattack the opponent's hands, so as to hit the enemy low. You can’t talk about the meaning of the blow, what you finish with your toe - and so everything is clear. Stop, and rather, beat the homies effectively on the side, kick the knee, to spare the enemy stamina.

Fig.15. Bichni kick with your foot: a - so the titles of low-kick are applied with gomil near the stegno or on the opponent's knee suglom; b - leg b'є pіd kolіna zzadu, and right hand collapsing at the protilezhnu nozі bіk і pіdshtovhuє the opponent to fall back.

The enemy, who is behind your back, can be kicked with great force, kicking your leg out of the quilting back and trying to stomp the fifth in the knee of your chips.

Zavdayuchi be-such a kick with your foot, fix yoga from the knee, and do not stop. Do not kick the heel of the other foot into the ground, to save stamina. Do not forget to twist the body and the pelvis in the same way as to be afraid when punching (Fig. 15). Do not straighten the kicking leg to the end, otherwise you can mess up. Sensibly, kick with your feet, but you need to practice no less, or even more, hit with your hands.

You can not only beat with your feet, but also work with your feet. Stand with a foot, or with an inner rubom, beat the enemy into a gomilka from the side, or from the back so that you destroy your leg from the side. In the case of a kick, the legs of the attacker are crossed, and in the case of the rear, one of the legs (sound the one that was in front) strongly lean forward. In both types of stamina, it does not add. On its own, it’s unlikely that a person will succumb to it, but if it’s after her, you’ll hit a blow, or just send a blow, the imovirnist nature of the fall is great.

Don't worry about hitting your head. So, back to back it’s scary and unhandy. As if the world is a risk, hurt a person, as if hit inaccurately. Ale's head is the biggest and most hard hitting surface of your body (Fig. 16). Not obov'yazkovo, before the speech, hit forward - with this very zusilly you can hit a kill, back and hit with an arc, nibi "pidkruchuyuchi" blow (Fig. 17).

Your goal when you hit your head is the face of the enemy. It’s more important to drink it yourself in disguise (nіs, crack), and not on the forehead. When you hit your forehead against your forehead, you can even irritate yourself.

Fig.16. Striking on the top of the head.

Rice. 17. Blow head sideways.

You can try to beat your head in the collarbone, butt your opponent in the ribs, as if you see that you are on the same building, but if you are more visible in that fall, as if you are well-disposed m'yazi shiї and you can hit your head exactly - let's say, you will become in good time who in his youth took up football. It is possible to beat not only for the rahunok of the soonest m'yaziv, but also to rush forward, putting the entire corps into the blow.

The shortcomings of a blow to the head are obvious: low accuracy, the need to take away the sweat, the tension on the neck ridges. Perevagi - yogo importantly rebuff, and vіn duzhe shvidky.

Remember, we said that in order to get rid of fear, you need to turn on your head? So the axis is relevant to the first blow. Just as you understand, that everything, it started, you need to switch the toggle switch. You won’t be able to get home from your opponents, but it means that your mind is up to no good. Now you need to rely less on your body, as you know better what to work. Rozum, unfortunately, can't work fast. And in an extreme situation, it’s better to wind up not for seconds, but for fractions of seconds. Viruchiti at times can be less than instincts.
You can only react to the nebezpeku adequately to your instincts. Tobto either go to the zakhist, or lead to aggression with greater aggression, or go in. Remember - you can't think for the minds of the unsafe. It is necessary to breathe. You need to think and write. And the next hour is less than childish. And so that they were correct and smart, it is necessary to give free rein to instincts, turning on the mind again.

There are a number of ways to do it quickly, throw off the civilized shell and turn into an unsafe creature for another hour. Axis qi accept:

See zhahlivі sounds - a cry, inarticulately-razdіlnі viguki, garchannya. Such a behavior does not only beat the enemy’s pantel, but, what is more important, transfer you yourself to a more aggressive camp and bring you out of a psychological stupor, which tightly blocks the most important instinct in this situation - the instinct of self-saving.

Laysya. Laika miraculously helps to wind up negative emotions. And you yourself need it. Respect that a lot of extreme street situations are caused by likes. Tse i perevіrka - chi varto continue the conflict, and what is the enemy, and it is necessary to “bring” aggression. It’s impossible to bark, getting stuck in a good-natured mood. Laika is guilty of being as aggressive as possible, goofy, pushy. You can't lick here. It’s scary to know that you’re scared, start barking. Laika helps to melt the fear of anger and distance into a fury.

Be abnormal. Zoyki, brizkannya sludge, hysteria, piece-caused vomit, stupidity and chaotic gesture - all the same to you and see your opponent from psychological jealousy. The aggressor checks obedience, fear, but takes away such a stingy whistle. Wild that atypical behavior can easily win and induce an aggressor. No one wants to get in touch with a mentally ill person. An additional plus - your cries and windings can turn the respect of the otochyuchy (like the stench, obviously, є), and otochyuchi - ce potentially evidence of your zakhistu.

yours main task at once - stop being a civilized person. If you are overwhelmed by the state of uncontrolled fierceness, your threshold of pain sensitivity will sharply decrease, your reaction speed will increase and your child’s health will be as adequate as possible to the situation.

Everyday fences

Without a doubt, you've been playing on TV more than once zmagannya fights without rules. Well, you tell me where to go. So the axis, the street beat on the battlefield is not much similar. Fights without rules, no matter the name, the rules of that border may be too rich. And the axis of the street fighter is not known. Vzagali odnogo rules, odnogo obezhennya. Rob everything you can - the axis is one rule.

The thing is somewhat obvious, but at the very moment of the beat, it is often forgotten about. I repeat once again, so that you remember it better: the street fighters have no everyday rules! Forget about all these "codes of honor", which were used by schoolboys. Well, everything: you can’t beat a person who is lying down, you can’t bite, you can’t ruffle, you can’t beat him in the groin, etc. In a right street fight, all the robes are not only possible, but you need them. Beat the recumbent, bite and rag, scream and see the hair, throw at the stones, call for help, wave the blowpipe with the trumpet, tear the cloaks... And the axis of the list of what cannot be done there, consists of one point: it is impossible to follow the daily rules. Navit naygentlmenskishi.

The trick here is for the one who won’t be able to do anything for you. It's sumptuous. But here you can’t see anything anymore. It’s necessary just to remember constantly that if you fall, I’ll beat you with your feet, if you feel bad - give it to the back on the head and so on. I, rozumiyuchi tse, wake up once and for all ilusions.

ІLUZІІЇ vzagalі cost us dearly. And in battle - more team.

So, tune in to a zhorstoky bey, de nihto, you won’t fool anyone. As soon as you reconsider yourself in the fact that everything is serious here, you will be immediately easier. Your children will become adequate. Do not fight anyone. First, as if you are turbulent about it, shvidshe, hurt yourself. In another way, it’s not so easy to grow up a person, it’s necessary to try harder and harder to grow. So give yourself free rein. As it has already been said, scream, frill, grit with your teeth, tear with your nails, beat where you get, kick with your feet, throw stones - all the same, you want to have a street fight.

Okomir, swiftness, onslaught

The great Russian commander Oleksandr Vasilyovich Suvorov, spreading Turks and Austrians across Europe and Asia, cherishing the same principle. Accurate rozrahunok, potim push, strimka attack. I, scho naytsіkavіshe, tsey stupidity didok did not lose the battle in his life.

In the street fight, like on the battlefield, the onslaught and swedishness play the main role. Navіt yakscho ty vzagalі not vmієsh fight, assertive attack to help save you zdorov'ya. Same attack. To that about defense, forget it once more. Zhoden bey did not win for additional defense. Defend - means, reproach yourself for the astonishment. And the strike at the street fighter - tse, at least, strong beatings, which is already unacceptable, believe in the word. Don't talk about the maximum. Deadly traces are not the same as rіdkіsnі. Specially, obviously, rarely anyone is forced to beat in such a laborious way, but vaguely - easily. That’s why you don’t feel like sitting in a deaf defense. Navit at the battalion of the night-to-night whether the defense breaks through early. And if the opponents of the sprat, then prepare.

Attack, attack, attack again. Don't spend time on zakhist. Your zahist - active, hard attack. Zvichayno, zovsim vzhe vzhe vzhe vdmovlyatisya vіd zahisnyh dіy zagrozhuє, ale їhnya chastka at the street fighters may buti is reduced to a minimum. Especially in that moment, as if you were stunned by a few attackers.

Beat chi don't beat?

Just as you are aware, that the beaters will not succumb, do not drag out the hour, beating first. By outperforming the enemy for a second, you win even more. Often the beat will end after the first blow.

It is especially important to strike the first blow, as if the enemy will clearly overturn you with physical strength, or as if the opponents were sprat.

Forget about criminal liability, forget about all sorts of dumb "beating people unkindly." At the same time, thoughts do not lie to you, but on the contrary, they can bring you to the likarnyan easily.

How to guess the moment, if the opponent is ready to go to the right? Stitch for mimics and gestures. Just before the blow, the man leans forward and shakes his head. Sometimes you stick your lower slit forward and clench your fists. Look at the straightening of the body, where it is planned to strike.

Ale, lie, that the informed street buffoons will be able to mask their intentions well. On the face of it, we can buti zovsіm rozslablenim, wondering where to call you, unmistakably basic - and raptly strike a blow at the most inopportune moment. So do not check for non-verbal cues, huh! beat, like only Rozmov, in your thought, went into a deaf kut.

As opponents of the kilka, it is necessary to beat the leader. You can see the vin at once. Tse neobov'yazkovo is the most healthy of the attackers. You can be small and small. Then - the most active. Most often, the leader himself enters at Rozmov and Nazhdzha. Whoever is the most trembling, that bey, you will not lose.

The gentry are foolishly. It was necessary to beat hard, rush, in the most diversified places. Don't try to control the force of the blow. It’s hard to kill a person, so don’t fight to “invest”. Vіd tsogo infect your health, and then th life.

In order to disguise the blow, we will do yoga as quickly as possible, you can pretend that you are correcting your clothes or hair, moving your hand to the hand to strike the position. Happy youthful swings! Every day try to take the correct fighting stance. What matters to you is agility and accuracy to the blow, not strength. Points of difference are called so, so that they do not imply a strong physical force. It’s enough just to accurately and sharply sip on them, so that you can eliminate the necessary effect - the enemy, who is disorientated, but we will vibrate from the beaten path.
The axis is the most accessible for rapt attack

1. Eyes. A blow to sleep, causing severe pain and demoralizing the enemy. Neobov'yazkovo ticking in the eyes with your fingers - take it easy, that fingers can suffer. Fully finish the whipping blow with a penzle.

2. Brow arches. Timchasovo pogirshuetsya zir. In addition, you can cut your eyebrows. Bleeding at tsimu arc is strong. Tse demoralize the opponent and make it easier to look around.

3. Nis. A weak blow calls for brightening tears, a strong one - lamai nіs and bring the opponent out of harmony all the time and for a long time.

4. Pickup. Knockout the opponent. You can vibiti chi zlamati slit. Ale y rizik - if you hit it wrong, you can mess up the brush.

5. Throat. It’s even more interesting to find a place for inflated lads. In addition, navit weak, ale accurate
a blow to smuggle the opponent to pin a beat and think about the sense of butt. Minus two: it’s hard to swallow an unprepared person in the throat, you can make a strong blow to your ears, crazy from life. So don't try too hard for your throat.

6. Woo. The blow is more painful. Maybe call the yaduhu. Ale, I’ll do it again - without preparation, it’s even more comfortable to have a drink on the vuha. Until then, the blow is commemorative and the new one is simply to be defended.

7. Cookie. A good blow to the liver means the end of the battle. The flooring is strong, which literally deafens the people. Breaking through a m'yazovy corset, especially a trained athlete, is not easy, but it is possible. For whom it is necessary to catch the opponent in the breath and pierce the liver hard. To clarify: the liver is right-handed approximately on the lower (floating) ribs of the sternum.

8. Sleepy gossip. Approximately the same story, like a liver. Ale skladnіshe successfully drank - | the area that is being observed is perceptibly small. Kudi beaty, schobi have a drink? At the upper part of the line, there, where the ribs converge. Accurate blow to lead to a short-hour flutter of breath. That th already. Disadvantages: it’s easy to drink, you can’t break through the m’yazovy corset, like a person in smart clothing (for example, a charge), beat it in the fire, the clothes help to mitigate the blow.

9. Heart. A double point. Ale guess її it’s necessary, for those who have a lot of mastrіv vvazhayut її dosit at ease. I especially didn’t have to worry that a strong blow at the villager’s heart would lower the people’s combativeness. Whose organ is crooked ribs, pierce with a knife like a folding one. Prote, theoretically, I can admit that here someone was so virubled.

10. Lower abdomen. Even more painful blow.
Serious ushkodzhen not in charge, but vimic
an opponent with a high level of intelligence. Just lie, it’s not easy to reach the lower abdomen with your hand. You need to beat your legs.

11. Groin. After eating, the beat is finished. It's rotten those who have a good time, in spite of Hollywood films. Sound the people, navit absolutely unprepared, better react to the attack to the zone. Vіrazu automatically curl up. So I don’t recommend putting the first blow.

12. Bichna surface of the quilt. Hands tudi, zvichayno, beat marno. But about the technique of kicking us, everything says the same thing, so you can guess about the qiu at the point at once, even if it is attacked by a kick or a knee. It would be given b: what could be sloppy there - m'yazi that brush. Really hard blows on the steg often lead to a technical knockout. After a good low-kick, the leg simply needs to function. Athletes call it "dry your foot."

13. Kolinny suglob. A strong direct blow to incapacitate an enemy without a leg. Ale, I’m sure, without preparation, it’s hard to finish milking there. You need to hit it not with a sock, but with a ruby ​​stop - so it’s better.

14. Gomilka. A harmless blow, ale more ailments. That th drink there is simpler, lower by the column of the cup. You can briefly hit the toe of the cherevik. The minus is that you can endure for the trouble.

15. Come on, stop. Beat the need with a rub, stop, the beast to the bottom, you step on your foot. strong blow it is easy to crush the brushes of the feet.

If you don’t have any good evidence in you, don’t experiment better. Biy z usієї forces in disguise, bazhano in nіs chi p_dboriddya, and then once in the groin. Other points may be sensible to attack, as in you there is a military training.

Good, as in you, under your hand, there is an object, a building that will turn into a shield.

With a parasol you can poke far into your eyes and throat. Zvyazuvannya keys can viconate the role of a piglet or brass knuckles, so squeeze the keys so that the guests erased the fingers between their fingers. Folder, as if to hit her in disguise, close it for a second, look around. A club, a stone, a piece of armature - miraculous "percussion instruments". Try to pick up everything that you can take up to your hands.
Attack the need quickly and rіshuche - whoever ate the first one, won that one. Yakshcho beat go vych-na-vych і the enemy having fallen, you need to finish him off. Obov'yazkovo. I’m still in the camp, and everything will be rebuilt in a new way. And there it is already unknown, how everything will turn out. To that, after hitting the enemy on the ground, just hit him with your feet, wherever you happen to be, the best on the head. Don't think about those who hurt you more, and don't beat yourself up. Remember, sho, yakscho pikluvatimeshsya about yoga zdorov'ya, you'll be sicker. I repeat: it is not easy to grow a person with a kalіkoy. And a small coward to the brain is not scary.

Like the opponents of the kilka, forget about finishing off. You just won't be given a chance to grow. To that, having filled up one, immediately switch to the other. As if there were two or three hooligans on their feet, try to change your head so that the stench would constantly lean on one line. If you don't happen to be hit from both sides. If it’s more rich, try to stand with your back to the wall, to the tree, to the car, etc. It’s important for you, so that no one can attack you from behind.

Better work your legs. Hit and run. If you carry out an attack in the distance and zoom in on the leader, you will have a few seconds to spare. Opponents obov'yazkovo trohi rozhublyatsya, switch their respect to a fallen bat, begin to explore possible options for the development of the future. For the whole hour you can do it far. It may be so, that the enemies are called upon to be re-examined.

If you don’t want to and the stench will start chasing you, you can either just hit the whole fool of things, de є chance to infiltrate the police, or just get away, or zastosuvat the most seen tactics - take it away. Polegaє out in the fact that, having chucked, until the next stretched out - but it’s inevitable, even if everything runs with a different swirl, you’re unstoppable and sharply galmuesh and rapt attacking the most visible one. Well, I know, it’s not necessary to vitonchuvatisya. Enough to hit once. Then we need to continue in pursuit until we reach the next. As if you were cold-blooded, you can call the whole company with such a rank.

Ale, I’ll honestly say that this method is still more suitable for more or less enlightened soldiers. How to fight, you don’t know how and don’t win by strength and growth, it’s better to get on your feet that luck.
So, I summarize: the soldiers have a smut memory - there are no rules, no laws. Forget about the word "defense". Like a beat is inevitable - beat first, do not check the opponent's blow. The one who is the first, has a lot more chances to win. To protect yourself from the blow, the mother needs a rightfulness. Beating is much simpler, there is no need for special knowledge here. Therefore, be the first. Hit with a fist in disguise and kick in the groin. You need to take care of your own space - hooligans also most often b'yut themselves. To protect yourself, do not lower your hands, cover your head with them and stand sideways to the opponent’s side, so that you don’t present a blow to the inguinal lot.

Don't give up

Like the first blow to the right, you didn’t get away, don’t give up. On the right here, not in heroism, but in a simple rozrahunka. The beating sound is no more than five hvilin, and the axis of the beaten powerless sacrifice is richer.

On the right, in the fact that in an extreme situation there is a sharp mobilization of all systems of the body that are connected with physical activity. Do you remember about the reaction to struggle against what? Axis. The organism works at the borderline regimen to strain the exhaustion of special hormones, which is in front of adrenaline. One serving of adrenaline is enough for one or two periods of active activity. So vlastovano wise nature. For a certain hour, ring out as a whole, so that the istota overtook the victory, turn around in the flow, or be overcome. That "adrenalin" storm is three times close to two whilins. The next day is coming. If you want to go ahead, if you want three hvilins, then the opponents will sing interest until the beat is continued. The stench can come in, call the birds to the world. For the whole hour you can sleep for help, you will.

And if you suddenly get angry and allow me to throw it on the ground, don’t pay for the end of the beat on the shvidka. Already, believe me, hooligans will try to turn on you all the anger and all the fear that they have experienced. So get on.

Five rules of the street beat

The rule is ahead. Don't hurt yourself. We will worry about the garden and the slaughter later. Under the hour of battle at any time, you can’t fool around with the drive of your health. The human being is built to fight with an evil hand, with broken ribs, with broken teeth and torn tendons. Adrenaline works wonders. And looking at the current rіven of medicine, you can be sewn in small pieces. So nothing terrible will happen to you. A couple of zayvih sintsiv - and that's it. Nothing in particular to be afraid of.

Another rule. Don't try to lie to your opponents. Beat on povnu force, on striking. Weak blows call out to the opponents only more intellect in power and irritate them.

Rule of thirds. Steadily collapse. Zupinivsya want to hit - prog. Spin, spin, pirnay, jump here and there, just don’t stand The more you collapse, it’s more convenient to go behind your back and just pat it on your head. And don't forget three opponents on the same line.

Rule four. No more than two strikes on one opponent. You’ll choke up, you’ll start to bite one bidolaha, you’ll miss the attack from the side. It's not a duel, it's two gentlemen arguing over who is the coolest of them. Tse is rude, brudna beat, without everyday rules. Therefore, special respect is due to one individual. Having hit one, hit the other one, strike like the first blow did not reach me. It’s important not to swallow you, but that trim of opponents collapses at the pressure.

P'yate rule. Viroblyat yakomoga more noise. The loud cry demoralizes the enemy and instills respect. So do not hesitate to shout. Bazhano is more aggressive, with a great number of likes, so that you, who will feel your cries, understand why.

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