The embalming of the dead knows the life of the human body. Medical papyruses of ancient Egypt. Ancient Egypt: medicine and religious manifestations

Dzherela Vіdomosti about medicine of Ancient Egypt

The enrollment of ancient Egyptian texts began recently, after the fact that the French scholar J.F. Champollion unraveled the mystery of the Egyptian hieroglyphic sheet. The first notice about the matter was broken on 27th of April 1822 before the collection of French judges. This is sacredly respected on the day of the people of the science of Egyptology. The confession of Champollion was inscriptions on the Rosetta stone, found by an officer of the Napoleonic army in 1799. when digging trenches, there was a place of Rosetta in Egypt. Before the decipherment of the ancient Egyptian leaf, the only dzherels from the history of Ancient Egypt and yoga medicine were the home of the Greek historian Herodotus, the Egyptian priest Manetho, and the ancient Greek poet, and also the Greek writer, Polub Diodora, tombs and papyrus shrouds were left for the last "nimimi".

For the first time about the basis of medical treatises in Ancient Egypt, one can find in the entry on the wall of the tomb of Uash-Ptah, the head architect of the king of the V dynasty, Neferirk-Ra (XXV century BC). In his writing, a clinical picture of the rapt death of the architect is induced, as for the current manifestations, one suspects a myocardial infarction or a brain stroke.

The most recent medical treatises are written on papirus. To this day, the stench has not been spared and we know about them only from the records of ancient historians. Thus, the priest Menefon recounts that Athotis (another king of the First Dynasty) wrote a medical papyrus about the body of a human being. At the present time, 10 main papyruses are seen, more or less frequently consecrated to the liturgy. Use them with lists from early treatises. The oldest medical papyrus, which has come down to us, is dated approximately 1800 r. BC e. One yogi divided the devotions to the guardianship of the slopes, and the other - the jubilation of the creatures. At that very hour, papyrus IV and V from the Romesseum were compiled, in which there are descriptions of the reception of magical jubilation. The most recent information about the medicine of ancient Egypt is given by two papyrus, dated approximately 1550 BC. e., - the great medical papyrus of G. Ebers and the papyrus of surgery by E. Smith. Offending papyrus, perhaps, written by one special and copies of an old treatise. Egyptologists vvazhayut that this ancient papyrus, which was not saved, was folded by the legendary physician Imhotep on the cob of the III millennium BC. e. Zgodom Imhotep buv burns

A link between the mythology of ancient Egypt and the glee

The Egyptian religion, which was based on the mayzhe chotiri thousand, was based on the cult of creatures. Kozhen the Egyptian nome (city-power) maw his sacred creature or bird: gut, lion, bik, ram, sokil, ibіs and іn. The snakes especially scurried about. Cobra Wajit was the patron saint of Lower Egypt. The image was on the pharaoh's headdress. A row of falcons, bjolas, and shulikas won the tsar's power. On the amulets, the cobra was placed with a sacred eye - a symbol of the sky god Horus. The dead cult creature was embalmed and hauled at the sacred tombs: intestines at the Bubastis municipality, ibіsіv at the Iunu municipality, dogs at the places of their death. Mummies of sacred snakes were buried at the temples of the god Amun-Ra. At Memphis, at the grandiose underground necropolis, great number stone sarcophagi with mummies of sacred bugs. Killing a sacred creature was punishable by death. Behind the manifestations of the Egyptians, the soul died of people with a stretch of 3 yew. rocky perebuvaє at the bodies of the burning creatures and birds, which help to unique the unsafeness of the sweating world. Tsim Herodotus explains the severity of punishment for the driving in of a sacred creature.

The head gods of jubilation were the god of wisdom Toi and the goddess of motherhood and birthright Isis. That image was like a person with the head of a bird, ibіs chi insinuated the image of a baboon. І ibіs, і babіan added wisdom in Ancient Egypt. Having created writing, mathematics, astronomy, religious rites, music, and especially importantly, the system of curing sickness with natural remedies. The most recent medical treatises are attributed to Jom.

Isis was respected as the creator of the magical foundations of exultation and the patron of children. Faces for the names of Isidi Navit are conjured at the practice of the ancient Roman pharmacist Galen.

Ancient Egyptian medicine had other divine patrons: the might of the lion-headed goddess Sokhmet, the protectress of women and mothers; the goddess Tauert, who was depicted as a female hippopotamus. The skin of the newly-born Egyptian is independent of his social status, lying in charge of a small statuette of Tauert.

Funeral cult

The ancient Egyptians respected the afterlife of the earthly life. Behind these manifestations, the afterlife substance of a person exists in two forms - the soul is that life force. The soul, which is depicted at the sight of a bird with the head of a person, can sleep at the death of a dead person, or leave it for some hour, rising to the gods in heaven. Life force, or "twin", lingering in the tomb, or you can move to potoybіchny svіt And go to the statue of the deceased.

The notification about the link of sweating substances from the burial place was called to save the body of the dead in the form of rubble - to balm yoga. Individuals were engaged in cim, yakі completely volodili different ways of embalming. One of these ways is described by the Greek historian Herodotus. Methods of embalming are used, but their effectiveness is obvious. The corpses, mummified by the ancient Egyptians a thousand years ago, have been preserved to this day and allow you to spend the rest of your health and the peculiarities of illness in such a distant hour. However, not everyone can embalm the bodies of dead relatives. Most of the Egyptians in those distant hours lived without mummification, in the pits they did not bother.

Next time you will notice that the mummification of V.I. Lenin in Russia was carried out for technology, as there is nothing to be done with the methods of the ancient Egyptians. The originality of the Russian method was due to the possibility of preserving the life of the fabric and the maximum portrait similarity with a living object. All Egyptian mummies have a brown zabarvlennya and distant portrait similarity from death. Tsіl Egyptian balsam bath did not reconsider the prospects of the dead man's return to earthly life.

The practice of embalming in ancient Egypt may have become the first and main source of knowledge about the life of the human body. The balm was accompanied by the infusion of various reagents, which indirectly took on the emergence of a phenomenon about the chemical nature of the reactions. Moreover, it is said that the very name "chemistry" resembles the ancient name of Egypt - "Kemet". The knowledge of the Egyptians in the Galusian anatomy succinctly revisited the revelations about the life of the human body in the maritime lands, zokrema, Mesopotamia, and they did not reveal the corpses of the dead.

Natural and supernatural ailments

The Egyptians knew great organs: the heart, judges, nirki, intestines, m'yazi and in. Їm to lay the first description of the brain. In the papyrus of E. Smith, the brain of the wounded skull is compared with "boiling mead". Egyptian doctors associated brain loss with impaired function of other parts of the body. They were called rukhovy paralyzes of kіntsіvok with wounded heads. The papyrus of Ebers is an important theoretical division, in which the role of the heart in the life of a person is analyzed: "The cob of the mystery of the doctor is the knowledge of the course of the heart, in which the judge goes to all members, the skin doctor, the skin priest of the goddess Sokhmet, the skin conjurer, sticking heads, sweating, hands, arms, legs - the heart creaks: in the sight of a new judge to the skin member ... "Old-time Egyptians needed a thousand thousand years ago, diagnosing ailment by pulse.

The supranatural causes of the ailments of the Egyptians succumbed to the universe in the body of evil spirits who died. For їх vygnannya vikoristovuvalis like medical care, and different magic tricks. They were aware that the nasty smells of that girka їzha inspire evil spirits. To that, before the warehouse of ritual sumishes, during magical procedures, such exotic products were included, like parts of the tails of mice, sightings of two pigs, feces and slaughter of creatures. In the hour of the evil spirits being driven away, the incantation sounded: "O dead! O dead, who has appeared in my flesh, in these parts of my body. "Knіmayut pristrіt i psuvannya", vymovlyayuchi texts, close in essence to the old Egyptian ones, although at the same time there was a lot of likuvannya, allowing all mysticism.

Papyrus Ebers

Evidence at Thebes in 1872, papyrus Ebers є medical encyclopedia of the ancient Egyptians. There are more than 900 prescriptions for treating ailments of the mucosal-intestinal tract, dichal and cerebrospinal systems, hearing impairment, various types of infectious processes and helminthic invasions. Papyrus glued with 108 leaves and may be 20.5 m. medicinal forms. Milk, honey, beer, water of the sacred roslinnі olії. Some of the recipes included up to 40 components, many of which are still difficult to identify, which compose them. The stock of liqiv included roselins (tsibula, pomegranate, scarlet, grapes, dates, snodia poppy, lotus, papyrus), mineral speech (sirka, surma, zalizo, lead, alabaster, soda, clay, saltpeter), as well as parts of the body of various creatures . The axis of the butt is prescribed for the sechoginous order: wheat groats - 1/8, fruit shed - 1/8, ocher - 1/32, lead - 5 parts. It was recommended to prepare faces at night and drink during the day. By the reception of deyaky likіv accompanied by magical rites at the sight of spells and zms.

Batkivshchyna cosmetics

In the Ebers papyrus, there are recipes for smoothing the eyes, removing moles, fermenting the hair and brows, making the hair grow stronger. For the protection of the burning sun, the Egyptians circled the eyes of both articles with green paste, to avenge the antimony and fat. Eyes with which a blink-like shape appeared. The women of Egypt blushed their cheeks and made their lips. Obviously, the Egyptians were the first to introduce peruku into the vzhitok, they dressed yaku on short-haired hair. Peruka was formed from a great number of tightly interwoven pussies. Vіn zaminyav head ubіr і in the middle priyav borotbі z voshivіstyu. Modern cosmetic Egyptian firms, like praising the Russian market, try to revive a rich old recipes, advertising rejuvenating ancient ointments, plasters, lotions.

The ancient Egyptians gave great importance to the ancient rules of hygiene. Religious laws punished meekness in їzhі and arrogance in pobutі. Describing the sounds of the Egyptians in the 5th century. to the sound e., Herodotus says: "Egyptians drink only from mid-ships, like cleaning a day. Cloth to wear linen, make fresh, and become for them an object of great turboti. Cut hair and wear feathers, so that lice ... for the sake of purity , willfully, be awesome, lower beautiful. The priests cut their hair every other day on their whole body in order not to mother themselves on their own lice, nor any other filth for an hour of service to the gods. and dvіchі on the night Obviously, the ancient Greeks respected the Egyptians as the founders of "advance" medicine.

Navchannya likuvannyu

The transfer of medical knowledge to Ancient Egypt was closely related to the teachings of hieroglyphic writing special schools at the temples. At these pledges of panuval suvor discipline and in the course of the boulders were corporal punishment. At the great temples of Mist Sais and Heliopolis they founded other schools, or Budinki life. The order of medicine in them was taught by mathematicians, architecture, creation, astronomy, as well as the mystery of magic cults and rituals. The houses of life of the wealthy are looked upon by the elders as the champions of the universities of the coming epochs.

The scholars of Budinkov's life described the art of calligraphy, stylistics and oratorical craftsmanship. Here papiruses were saved and copied. Less than a third or a quarter of the lists of old originals have reached us. Illuminated people, And the likar is guilty of such a thing, the Egyptians called "knowing the speech." Having established a singing knowledge, which allowed the Egyptians to recognize "I know yoga for knowledge."

Lіkarska diyalnіst in ancient Egypt was rooted in suvorim moral norms. Dorimuyuchis їх, the doctor did not rizikuvav nothing, navitt for the result of not far away likuvannya. Prote the destruction of the rules was zhorstoko punished to death. Kozhen єgipetsky likar lying down to the singing college of the priests. The ailments went without a hitch to the doctor, and the temple, de їm recommended a good doctor. The fee for the likuvannya was paid to the temple, as if it had humiliated the doctor.

The rulers of the wealthy lands requested Egyptian doctors to serve up to the court. Herodotus made such a note: "The Persian king Kir II the Great asked Pharaoh Amasis to give you the "best in the whole of Egypt" full-time doctor. eyes, other head, third teeth, quarters of the sockets, five internal ailments.

Herodotus wrote about Egypt V Art. to the sound e. At that hour yoga old culture had no less than three thousand of its own history. The country has survived our rich conquerors, and the vast amount of writing has been shriveled up to the natural setting of the sun. However, Egypt's majestic contribution to the development of culture and medicine of the peoples of Europe, Asia and Africa is still overflowing with chinny. The Fatherland of Herodotus Ancient Hellas was no longer entering the path of historical development. The decline of Egyptian medicine is well portrayed by Homer in the Odyssey. Dbayuchi about health, that strength to the spirit of King Menelaus, Deer

"... pіdliti namirilas juice,
Woeful, peacemaker, heart zabuttya Leah gives ...
Dіeva bright daughter is small there with miraculous juice;
Generously in Egypt її Polydamna, squad of Foon,
I have given; the land there is rich, rich
Zlakіv narodzhuє i kind, tsіlyashchih, і evil, otruynyh;
The skin of the people there is a likar, which transfers deep knowledge
Other people, for there are a lot of Peonov's family there.

(Translation from old Greek V. A. Zhukovsky)

On the battlefields

The great role of the accumulated records in ancient Egypt was played by the military doctors, who accompanied the Egyptian military during the campaigns. On the tombs, images of operations on kіntsіvkah were preserved. The lists from the papyrus of the burnt healer Imhotep are given readings of how to exalt the wounds of soft fabrics, the technique of bandaging, as well as the veiling of the most surgical operations that hour: circumcision and castration. Mustaches were followed by the forecast for fork, doubtful and hopeless. The medical etiquette of that hour vimagala vodkritogo podomlennya patsіentsі peredbachuvannogo result likuvannya odnієї z three phrases: "For ailment, as I can fork;

In quiet moods, if we can likuvanny, in the papyrus of Imhotep are given clear instructions of the likuvanny tactics: day put fresh meat on it and do not bandage її, dbai about new doti, docks pass an hour yoga sickness. Rejoice at the wound with fat, honey, corpulence, until you see ailments.

During the healing of fractures, the Egyptian doctors zastosovuvali wooden popular prints, or bandaged the poshkodzhenka with linen cloth, leaked resin, which is harder. Such tires are shown on Egyptian mummies. The stench is rich in what is close to current plaster casts.


In ancient Egypt, the slaughter knew to achieve a wide zastosuvannya like a jubilant zasib. Herodotus describes an unfamiliar ordinary way of urinotherapy: "After the death of Sesostris, the king's power fell blue Yogo Feron, a kind of blind ... having fallen ill on his eyes. yogo splivlo, sho vіn insight, yakshcho promiє ochі sechі zhіnki, yak can znosin only with a man and no other person can not, vіn persh for everything, having tried the sich of the vlasnoi squad, in the same place, now called the Chervonim field, and all of them there, having burned, on that one woman, in the sight of the sight, the king himself made friends. the juicy effect was taken away and an examination of friendliness was carried out.

In the papyrus of Ebers, the gynecological sectioned out about the recognition of the terms of pregnancy, the status of a possible child, as well as "women, as they can and cannot be born." The Berlin and Kahunsky papyruses describe a simple way to mark the status of a future child. It is recommended to soak the section of the vagit woman of barley grain and wheat. Like the first germ of wheat - a girl will be born, like barley - a boy. American researchers from Georgetown University conducted such tests and took statistically significant confirmation of their effectiveness. However, there is still no rational explanation for this fact.

Ancient Egypt suffered from toothache

Vinyatkovo popular in ancient Egypt was the profession of a dentist. It was clear that the shards of the mummies’ examination showed a wide extension of the Egyptians’ important ignition diseases of the okistya, and the teeth are clear. Navіt at pharaohs, with whom the best Egyptian dentists of that hour were known, the damage of the gap and the falling of the teeth was revealed. Obviously, at the same time, they were also instructed, like filling carious empty spaces and prosthetic teeth with gold and other metals. The only evidence of winning gold in ancient Egyptian dental practice is the onlay of two lower molars, joined together by a thin dart along the line of the necks of both teeth.

The treatment of toothache in Ancient Egypt was carried out mainly conservatively, applying to a sick tooth or clear mouth. The Ebers papyrus has 11 such letters. At the thought of laying, the mouths were small, they healed the empty mouth, fixed the teeth, and the soreness was clear (parodontosis) that tooth white. The modern Egyptian pharmacists have made a lot of prescriptions for the pastes of the Ebers papyrus and recommend for the treatment of parodontosis, which is widened in our time, leading to the loss of teeth.

The modern pharmaceutical industry of Egypt and the scientific base lie with the state. There are only few private pharmaceutical companies that supply the Russian market of medicines. Vrahovyuchi, that low old Egyptian liqueurs have passed the test for an hour and a lot of times are acceptable for victories in our hour, Egyptian doctors and pharmacists show great cycaustality to distribution on their basis of modern medicinal methods. It has already been used by the practice of carrying, sechoginn, protizapaln, antirheumatic and other diseases with components of ancient Egyptian prescriptions.

Mikhailo Merkulov

Against Babylon, gloomy fatherland despotism, Egypt is for ancient light a true fortece of sacred science, a school for the most glorious prophets, an outpost and at once a laboratory for the most noble retellings of mankind. Eduard Shure ("Mysteries of Egypt").

Egypt is a woman of rich land, which prostyaglasya mid neozory pіskіv at the lower current of the Nіlu, which provides you with water and a birth mule. Here, over six thousand years ago, one of the most ancient civilizations of the world was revealed. Traditions of rejoicing in Ancient Egypt developed in close cooperation with medicine in Ancient Mesopotamia. The stench has already plunged into the development of medicine Ancient Greece, Yaka is respected by the front of modern scientific medicine

Dzherela Vіdomosti about medicine of Ancient Egypt

The enrollment of ancient Egyptian texts began recently, after the fact that the French scholar J.F. Champollion unraveled the mystery of the Egyptian hieroglyphic sheet. The first notice about the matter was broken on 27th of April 1822 before the collection of French judges. This is sacredly respected on the day of the people of the science of Egyptology. The confession of Champollion was inscriptions on the Rosetta stone, found by an officer of the Napoleonic army in 1799. when digging trenches, there was a place of Rosetta in Egypt. Before the decipherment of the ancient Egyptian leaf, the only dzherels from the history of Ancient Egypt and yoga medicine were in the home of the Greek historian Herodotus, the Egyptian priest Manetho, and the ancient Greek poet, and also the work of the Greek writer, Paul Diodora, Plub. the tombs of that papyrus suvo were left for the “nimimi” elders.

For the first time about the basis of medical treatises in Ancient Egypt, one can find in the entry on the wall of the tomb of Uash-Ptah, the head architect of the king of the V dynasty, Neferirk-Ra (XXV century BC). In his writing, a clinical picture of the rapt death of the architect is induced, as for the current manifestations, one suspects a myocardial infarction or a brain stroke.

The most recent medical treatises are written on papirus. To this day, the stench has not been spared and we know about them only from the records of ancient historians. Thus, the priest Menefon recounts that Athotis (another king of the First Dynasty) wrote a medical papyrus about the body of a human being. At the present time, 10 main papyruses are seen, more or less frequently consecrated to the liturgy. Use them with lists from early treatises. The oldest medical papyrus, which has come down to us, is dated approximately 1800 r. BC e. One yogi divided the devotions to the guardianship of the slopes, and the other - the jubilation of the creatures. At that very hour, papyrus IV and V from the Romesseum were compiled, in which there are descriptions of the reception of magical jubilation. The most recent information about the medicine of ancient Egypt is given by two papyrus, dated approximately 1550 BC. e., - the great medical papyrus of G. Ebers and the papyrus of surgery by E. Smith. Offending papyrus, perhaps, written by one special and copies of an old treatise. Egyptologists vvazhayut that this ancient papyrus, which was not saved, was folded by the legendary physician Imhotep on the cob of the III millennium BC. e. Zgodom Imhotep buv burns

A link between the mythology of ancient Egypt and the glee

The Egyptian religion, which was based on the mayzhe chotiri thousand, was based on the cult of creatures. Kozhen the Egyptian nome (city-power) maw his sacred creature or bird: gut, lion, bik, ram, sokil, ibіs and іn. The snakes especially scurried about. Cobra Wajit was the patron saint of Lower Egypt. The image was on the pharaoh's headdress. A row of falcons, bjolas, and shulikas won the tsar's power. On the amulets, the cobra was placed with a sacred eye - a symbol of the sky god Horus. The dead cult creature was embalmed and hauled at the sacred tombs: intestines at the Bubastis municipality, ibіsіv at the Iunu municipality, dogs at the places of their death. Mummies of sacred snakes were buried at the temples of the god Amun-Ra. At Memphis, near the grandiose underground necropolis, a great number of stone sarcophagi with mummies of sacred bugs were revealed. Killing a sacred creature was punishable by death. Behind the manifestations of the Egyptians, the soul died of people with a stretch of 3 yew. rocky perebuvaє at the bodies of the burning creatures and birds, which help to unique the unsafeness of the sweating world. Tsim Herodotus explains the severity of punishment for the driving in of a sacred creature.

The head gods of jubilation were the god of wisdom Toi and the goddess of motherhood and birthright Isis. That image was like a person with the head of a bird, ibіs chi insinuated the image of a baboon. І ibіs, і babіan added wisdom in Ancient Egypt. Having created writing, mathematics, astronomy, religious rites, music, and especially importantly, the system of curing sickness with natural remedies. The most recent medical treatises are attributed to Jom.

Isis was respected as the creator of the magical foundations of exultation and the patron of children. Faces for the names of Isidi Navit are conjured at the practice of the ancient Roman pharmacist Galen.

Ancient Egyptian medicine had other divine patrons: the might of the lion-headed goddess Sokhmet, the protectress of women and mothers; the goddess Tauert, who was depicted as a female hippopotamus. The skin of the newly-born Egyptian is independent of his social status, lying in charge of a small statuette of Tauert.

Funeral cult

The ancient Egyptians respected the afterlife of the earthly life. Behind these manifestations, the afterlife substance of a person exists in two forms - the soul is that life force. The soul, which is depicted at the sight of a bird with the head of a person, can sleep at the death of a dead person, or leave it for some hour, rising to the gods in heaven. Zhitteva strength, or "twin", lingering in the tomb, or you can move to the sweating world and go to the statues of the deceased.

The notification about the link of sweating substances from the burial place was called to save the body of the dead in the form of rubble - to balm yoga. Individuals were engaged in cim, yakі completely volodili different ways of embalming. One of these ways is described by the Greek historian Herodotus. Methods of embalming are used, but their effectiveness is obvious. The corpses, mummified by the ancient Egyptians a thousand years ago, have been preserved to this day and allow you to spend the rest of your health and the peculiarities of illness in such a distant hour. However, not everyone can embalm the bodies of dead relatives. Most of the Egyptians in those distant hours lived without mummification, in the pits they did not bother.

Next time you will notice that the mummification of V.I. Lenin in Russia was carried out for technology, as there is nothing to be done with the methods of the ancient Egyptians. The originality of the Russian method was due to the possibility of preserving the life of the fabric and the maximum portrait similarity with a living object. All Egyptian mummies have a brown zabarvlennya and distant portrait similarity from death. The purpose of the Egyptian embalming did not revisit the prospects for the dead man to be born and his return to earthly life.

The practice of embalming in ancient Egypt may have become the first and main source of knowledge about the life of the human body. The balm was accompanied by the infusion of various reagents, which indirectly took on the emergence of a phenomenon about the chemical nature of the reactions. Moreover, it is said that the very name "chemistry" resembles the ancient name of Egypt - "Kemet". The knowledge of the Egyptians in the Galusian anatomy succinctly revisited the revelations about the life of the human body in the maritime lands, zokrema, Mesopotamia, and they did not reveal the corpses of the dead.

Natural and supernatural ailments

The Egyptians knew great organs: the heart, judges, nirki, intestines, m'yazi and in. Їm to lay the first description of the brain. In the papyrus of E. Smith, the brain of the wounded skull is compared with “boiling mead”. Egyptian doctors associated brain loss with impaired function of other parts of the body. They were called rukhovy paralyzes of kіntsіvok with wounded heads. The papyrus of Ebers is an important theoretical division, in which the role of the heart in the life of a person is analyzed: hands, arms, legs - the heart creaks: in the sight of a new judge to the skin penis ... ”The ancient Egyptians needed a thousand thousand years ago, diagnosing ailment by pulse.

The supranatural causes of the ailments of the Egyptians succumbed to the universe in the body of evil spirits who died. For їkhny vygnannya vikoristovuvalis like likarskie zabi, so і raznі magіchnі priyomi. They were aware that the nasty smells of that girka їzha inspire evil spirits. To that, before the warehouse of ritual sumishes, during magical procedures, such exotic products were included, like parts of the tails of mice, sightings of two pigs, feces and slaughter of creatures. Under the hour of driving out evil spirits, they cast spells: “O dead! O sky, who was born in my flesh, in these parts of my body. Marvel! I removed the feces, sob їsti against you. The one who hid - away! The one who got away - get out! A lot of clergy in our hour “consider pristrit and psuvannya”, which are texts that are close in essence to those of ancient Egypt, although at that hour there were a lot of likuvannya that relieved all mysticism.

Medicine in ancient Egypt was molded with a stretch of a thousand. About the medicinal practice of the Egyptian sorcerers, it became known that the papyruses that were spared. Their knowledge was highly valued in the Fatherland and the Mediterranean lands. Medicine was closely associated with religious rites, which especially occupied a place in the Egyptian society. Її the development was designated from the pre-dynastic period, the foundation of an old civilization until the Roman hours, after the usurpatory rule of the emperor Augustus (Octavian) was established.

Understanding medicine in ancient Egypt

Mummification process. Tomb of Pharaoh Peppi of Egypt

The Egyptians took away the basic knowledge about the anatomy of a person by the method of trials and pardons, which are obtained with the combined rituals of sacrifice and mummification. The tradition of embalming began already at the moment of its inception centralized power, united under ceramics.

From the beginning of the rule, the early dynastic period of the history of the empire was taken on the cob. However, medicine at that time was at the stage of development. It was obvious that the extrusion of the internal organs through small cuts on the bodies of the dead meant great mastery.

Tsim rich in what was explained by those that the process of mummification was expensive and could only be afforded by wealthy people and representatives of the royal dynasty. Anatomical knowledge was stored on creatures, which were buried together with the rulers at the tombs.

The ancient Egyptians represented a system of blood circulation. About її funktsії guess at two papiri. The stinks vibrated the pulse, talking about the heart. Under the hour of mummification, the brain was seen from the body, it is not so impressive that the doctors of quiet hours understood all the complexity of the arrangement of the organ and the connections with the nervous system. However, there are records on the papyri, which reportly describe the role of the spinal cord when a signal is given to the collapse of the lower endings.

The deepest knowledge was taken away about the work dichal system. « Dihannya life”, “Tzhav n ankh» is repeatedly guessed at the Egyptian medical literature. Bulo vіdomo, scho poіtrya drank at the legenі through nіs. This moment is to be squandered at the hour of the religious ceremony, if the order from the company of the dead was robbed. The essence of this rite of passage was at the turn of the body until life was given to you by a path, giving you breath, building up to speak.

Like before the Greeks, the Egyptians believed that the accumulation of pathogenic speech "vehudu" in the body can cause sickness. The stench did not know the medical explanation of the symptoms of that sharp deterioration in health. The medicine of ancient Egypt was closely associated with enchanting and religious rites, magical rituals and traditions.

During the hours of the Ancient Kingdom, Egypt was honored that he had become immortal. Yogo figure replacing the Renaissance, scho zіyshov to the sky. Yoga cult was especially popular during the reign of Ptolemy and the Roman emperors. Bis, Hathor and Taweret were symbols of worship for women during the early hours and helpers for fathers of small children.

Medicinal papyruses of Egypt

In the course of archaeological excavations in Egypt, a sprinkling of papyruses was found, which reveal the secrets of medical science. The earliest document to come down to about 1550 BC. Historians have made up their minds to admit that it was copied from the ancient clocks of the Other Intermediate Period.

Another dzherelo - the papyrus of Ebers is dated approximately to the same period, but in the preparations of the ymovirno trochs later, the lower Papirus of Smith. A new one reportedly described the procedure for vimiryuvannya pulse that month on the body, de yogo can be known. The new one has a greater number of medical experiences. Egyptian doctors prescribed faces, as usual in modern practice. The papyrus of Brooklyn describes how snake bites exult.

Documents dated from the end of the Ptolemaic period to the beginning of the Roman period, about the jubilation were not found. A single treatise from Egypt of the epoch of the Pizny kingdom was fixed in the practice of walnut doctors, such as Soranus, Herophilus and Galena. However, it did not change their meaning. Until recently, the revolutionary practice of Sorana was the main care for midwives. At that hour, Herophilus had achieved outstanding successes in the gallery of anatomy. Galen is considered one of the founders of modern pharmacology.

The medical papyrus of Krokodilopolis, written in a demotic inscription, is dated close to the 2nd century. BC and similar for zmіst іnshі dzherel. New descriptions of warehouses of some pharmacological conditions. It is obvious that the medicine of ancient Egypt adopted the traditions of the jubilation of other peoples with the method of providing more diverse people effective methods exuberance.

It seems that the zastosuvannya like mystsevykh, so the imported likivs are widely practiced in Egypt during the Greco-Roman period. The veneration of Greek likings was powerful in different versions of the population, as well as the veneration of Egyptian customs was accessible to a wide range of people. Especially tsya vіdminnіst bula pomnіt in cosmopolitan centers such as Crocodilopolis and Tebtounis. In Oxyrhynchus, a sprat of papyrus of "pseudo-Hippocrates" was found. They illustrate that the school of the Greek Hippocrates, originally from the island of Kos, played an important role in the life of the Greeks and Egyptians.

The enrollment of ancient Egyptian texts began recently, after the fact that the French scholar J.F. Champollion unraveled the mystery of the Egyptian hieroglyphic sheet. The first notice about the matter was broken on 27th of April 1822 before the collection of French judges. This is sacredly respected on the day of the people of the science of Egyptology. The confession of Champollion was inscriptions on the Rosetta stone, found by an officer of the Napoleonic army in 1799. when digging trenches, there was a place of Rosetta in Egypt. Before the decipherment of the ancient Egyptian leaf, the only dzherels from the history of Ancient Egypt and yoga medicine were in the home of the Greek historian Herodotus, the Egyptian priest Manetho, and the ancient Greek poet, and also the work of the Greek writer, Paul Diodora, Plub. the tombs of that papyrus suvo were left for the “nimimi” elders. For the first time about the basis of medical treatises in Ancient Egypt, one can find in the entry on the wall of the tomb of Uash-Ptah, the head architect of the king of the V dynasty, Neferirk-Ra (XXV century BC). In his writing, a clinical picture of the rapt death of the architect is induced, as for the current manifestations, one suspects a myocardial infarction or a brain stroke. The most recent medical treatises are written on papirus. To this day, the stench has not been spared and we know about them only from the records of ancient historians. Thus, the priest Menefon recounts that Athotis (another king of the First Dynasty) wrote a medical papyrus about the body of a human being. At the present time, 10 main papyruses are seen, more or less frequently consecrated to the liturgy. Use them with lists from early treatises. The oldest medical papyrus, which has come down to us, is dated approximately 1800 r. BC e. One yogi divided the devotions to the guardianship of the slopes, and the other - the jubilation of the creatures. At that very hour, papyrus IV and V from the Romesseum were compiled, in which there are descriptions of the reception of magical jubilation. The most recent information about the medicine of ancient Egypt is given by two papyrus, dated approximately 1550 BC. e., - the great medical papyrus of G. Ebers and the papyrus of surgery by E. Smith. Offending papyrus, perhaps, written by one special and copies of an old treatise. Egyptologists vvazhayut that this ancient papyrus, which was not saved, was folded by the legendary physician Imhotep on the cob of the III millennium BC. e. Zgodom Imhotep buv burns

2. The link between the mythology of ancient Egypt and the glee. The Egyptian religion, which was based on the mayzhe chotiri thousand, was based on the cult of creatures. Kozhen the Egyptian nome (city-power) maw his sacred creature or bird: gut, lion, bik, ram, sokil, ibіs and іn. The snakes especially scurried about. Cobra Wajit was the patron saint of Lower Egypt. The image was on the pharaoh's headdress. A row of falcons, bjolas, and shulikas won the tsar's power. On the amulets, the cobra was placed with a sacred eye - a symbol of the sky god Horus. The dead cult creature was embalmed and hauled at the sacred tombs: intestines at the Bubastis municipality, ibіsіv at the Iunu municipality, dogs at the places of their death. Mummies of sacred snakes were buried at the temples of the god Amun-Ra. At Memphis, near the grandiose underground necropolis, a great number of stone sarcophagi with mummies of sacred bugs were revealed. Killing a sacred creature was punishable by death. Behind the manifestations of the Egyptians, the soul died of people with a stretch of 3 yew. rocky perebuvaє at the bodies of the burning creatures and birds, which help to unique the unsafeness of the sweating world. Tsim Herodotus explains the severity of punishment for the driving in of a sacred creature. The head gods of jubilation were the god of wisdom Toi and the goddess of motherhood and birthright Isis. That image was like a person with the head of a bird, ibіs chi insinuated the image of a baboon. І ibіs, і babіan added wisdom in Ancient Egypt. Having created writing, mathematics, astronomy, religious rites, music, and especially importantly, the system of curing sickness with natural remedies. The most recent medical treatises are attributed to Jom. Isis was respected as the creator of the magical foundations of exultation and the patron of children. Faces for the names of Isidi Navit are conjured at the practice of the ancient Roman pharmacist Galen. Ancient Egyptian medicine had other divine patrons: the might of the lion-headed goddess Sokhmet, the protectress of women and mothers; the goddess Tauert, who was depicted as a female hippopotamus. The skin of the newly-born Egyptian is independent of his social status, lying in charge of a small statuette of Tauert.

Egypt has become the birthplace of potoybichchya. Religion spoke of those whose soul, after death, turns into a body and becomes restless, so that the body cannot be saved. The stomach of the deceased was seen inside and placed in various judges, then the body was gorged in cloth, seeped with special resins. So the process of embalming died.

In the past, Herodotus reportedly described wines as a great mystery to the Greeks. The medical art of the Egyptians and earlier opposed them awake. Homer wrote about Egypt: "... the skin of the people there is a liar, which transfers the deep knowledge of other people." The Egyptians knew the impersonal likar roslins.

The aromatic resins of tropical trees were highly valued - frankincense and myrrh. They victorious for both religious and medical purposes. The art of jubilation was signified by two hieroglyphs - a scalpel and a mortar, one by one symbolizing surgery and pharmacology.

Like in ancient ancient cultures, medicine in Egypt was tied to religion. They respected that the cause of ailment could be both natural and supranatural - come out of the gods, spirits of the dead soul. With a person who has squandered power in her, misfortune is experienced: his bones are breaking, his heart is collapsing, blood is flowing, his brain is ill, and his intestines are no longer properly trained.

Death can come to inspire that mood, as if for help they cast out a spell for the evil spirit, they did not kill the protégé at once, and the ruinous influence on the human body has already gone too far.

To this, the doctor is guilty of being in front of us, without delay, to reveal the cause of ailment and, if necessary, to see the evil spirit from the body, or to instill evil in yoga. The medical art included the knowledge of impersonal spells and the quick and easy preparation of amulets. After that, as the “spiritual vigilance” is completed, it was possible to zastosovuvat faces.

Medicinal Papyruses of Ancient Egypt

At the present time, there are close to 10 papyrus suvois with medical texts. These texts, as well as the records of historians and writers of old, images on the walls of the tombs and tombstones, give us evidence about the medical knowledge of the ancient Egyptians.

Let's talk about two medical papyrus - the Ebers papyrus and the Smith papyrus.

Papyrus Ebers

The greatest information is given by the great medical papyrus of Ebers (XVI century), knowledge of 1872. at Thebes. Gluing 108 arches to papyrus, reaching a length of 20.5 m and is called "The Book of Preparation of Liks for All Parts of the Body". In the text, there is an impersonal message about the divine inspiration of that riddle about other ancient medical knowledge.

Ebers papyrus revenge 900 spellings of letters for curing diseases of organs of etching, wild ways, throat, nose, eyes, shkiri. The name of the skin recipe was seen with a red farboa, the form of yogo, ring out, laconic. The heading should be put on the back, for example "Zasib for bleeding from the wound", then the warehouse parts from the assigned doses will be re-arranged, in the end the annotation is given, for example: "cook, zmishati".

The papyruses have the impersonal medicinal growths. Among them - we know the cibula and scarlet. Qibul was revered as a yak sacred roslina. Cebulo was associated not only with the most valuable medical authorities, but also with the extraordinary everyday life: the concentric balls of the cibulini symbolized the power of the all-world.

With the scarlet Egyptians victorious as for jubilation, and they died at the embalming. In ancient times, wounds, opiki and swelling rejoiced with cim juice. Batkivshchyna tsієї roslina - arid regions of Africa and Madagascar. Here scarlet reaches 10 m-code of height. The lower part of the yogo stem is gradually woody and flutters like a leaf. I especially explain the choice of the name "scarlet tree-like".

The stock of liqiv included roselins (tsibula, poppy, papyrus, finniki, pomegranate, aloe, grapes), organic products (honey, milk), mineral speech (surma, sirka, zalizo, lead, soda, alabaster, clay, saltpeter).

In the era of the middle age, mandrake was the basis of the narcotic storehouse for alleviating the suffering of ailments, and especially for surgical operations. Parts of the body and fat of creatures were widely used for medical purposes.

So, for example, an ointment for hair growth was prepared from the advancing storage parts: gazelle fat, snake fat, crocodile fat, hippopotamus fat. One of the distributions of dedications to the Ebers papyrus cosmetic care, Some people have prescriptions for smoothing out zmorshok, removing birthmarks, farbuvannya hair and brіv.

The Egyptian likar was the master of cosmetics, the fault of the nobility is to blame, how can you change the color of the face and the color of the hair, make the body beautiful.

papyrus smith

The Egyptians should have one of the most ancient texts that passed down to us, about the life of the human body and surgical treatment (operations), the first description of the brain, which passed down to us. Cі vіdomostі mіstya in Papirus Smіta (XVI century BC).

On a 4.68 m long line, the anatomy and surgery of the ancient Egyptians are shown, 48 types of traumatic ears of the skull, brain, cervical ridges, thorax and ridge and methods of their healing are described.

The exultation of such ailments was clearly hopeless, reports about them were of little theoretical significance for doctors. Among such reports is the most recent description of the paralysis of the upper and lower limbs with the loss of movement and hearing after a traumatic brain injury. It takes up a lot of space to describe the wounds and injuries taken away from battles, vivihiv and fractures.

On a fresh wound, in order to bleed, they put a piece of gray meat, then the edges were sewn for additional heads and threads. The wounds that festered were sprinkled with bread, or with a wooden splash. Historical Parallels: Vikoristanya flowers for healing wounds that fester, at first glance, it seems paradoxical, for the Egyptian healers, it was known about її likuvalnu diyu.

Empirical knowledge of ancient physicians took away scientific confirmation of thousands of years. In the 20s. XX century English bacteriologist Oleksandr Fleming saw penicillin as an antibiotic of a wide antimicrobial spectrum.

In 1929 vin having published data about the conclusion, as if it did not pay respect to the scientific community, as if it was a report about penicillin in 1936. at the International Congress of Microbiologists. Liche 1940 r. suspension of penicillin has led to jubilant practice, and in 1945. Fleming for his work Nobel Prize.

The Smite papyrus contains such recommendations for surgeons, which sound quite modern. “If in front of you there is a man with a broken collarbone and you will bobach, that she is short and stand not like that, like another ... tell yourself: the axis of the ailment, how I am likuvatim.

And then you can lay down your doves, lay them between your shoulder blades and straighten your shoulders, so that the broken brushes have become in their place. And you can make two jguti from the fabric and tie your hands behind them with them. So itself in ancient Egypt was created and one of the first written records of gynecology, obstetrics and veterinary science. All the citations of the bridges were hidden from the Kahun papyrus.

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