Yake fruit tree is sacred in India. Roslina is sacred in India. Roslini is sacred in Indian mythology. Sacred growth of words

So India and Goa. My remaining hobby is an unspoiled old tree. And so, Ficus Bengalsky, wine banyan and the tree of Bodhi-tse one shrine and the friend-tse tree of Bodhi- People. Zbulasya mriya ideota, churn up the beauty yourself, snuggle up to the tree "Bazhan" and embrace yoga, ask for secrets. So, as I have a scooter in order, then I went to see "Bodhi" in different places. Just briefly, under the same tree, the Prince had a vision and became a Buddha.

About Banyan, now I have my own image: holy tree from trees, more not measles in a new one, like an oak, but other trees ...
Tsіkavy moment, which is like a Banyan of special taxation and represents a prayer place: with the elements of Vvtar, photographs of Shivi, and with offerings, then it’s up to the new requirement, having taken it, like to the holy purgatory. Navіt like you are a foreigner, and they didn’t know it on the sly, then the bellows, the Indians, will raise a frightening protest. Now details:

This unimaginable Banyan tree, which is located in the Ornamental Garden, is next to Mandrem, there is no need to hurry here.

And the axis at Arambol itself, under the weeping Bansai, forever sit the Indians and for the sake of life, such as it is ... This tree has a long hanging root, to talk about the yogo century ...

from Arambol we go straight to the holy place of the jungle; Babu Volodya yoga and the Reiki system, the five principles of Reiki:
- don't be turbulent at once
- do not get angry yourself
- respect your loved ones, respect those elders
- Honestly earn a living
- Like all live.
Vіk Babu 75 rokіv, on tsmu mіstsі vіn live about 42 roki ( taken from this text), a report in a clear material: "the road to the Bab" ...
This is how Bansai looks, as the Beatles meditated :

I Babu himself, under Bansaem:

In the Jungles, such an axis of an imaginary tree-serpent (liani) is trawling here:

Abo is the axis, the same tree is prayed for with root-shovels, but Chilamate Ficus. It can also be called rubber ficus ...

Great tree with dragon roots

Elements of wild nature have risen in the Jungle, like a lot of things for a person ... a moment-a tree over the holy clay pot, and a tree Idol ...

After seeing Baba and the jungle, you can straighten it further ...

So behind the village of Arambol, go the road to the village of Kirim, that yoga beach. The axis is like this, Bansa grows here. Tsey broads Bansai tsikaviy and tim, scho under him podpochivayut mіstsevі schoolchildren. Since they all have a school uniform, with cribs, then shade is necessary for them.

Go to Fort Redi, entrust from the wild beach of Paradise, so the mystic itself calls ...
Order from the Most Beautiful Temple, turn around, de stop the rickshaw, on the way to the Fort, levoruch and drive 200 meters, the growth of holy Bodhi, of this kind:
tse Pipal - Ficus religiosa (Ficus sacred) with heart leaves. Navkolo organizatsii sacred expanses, with an elephant and offerings. Yogis who sit under these trees gain insight. Banyanis and pipali are not without reason called "roaring". The stench is to give people the ability to telepathy, to give different lives of food ...

They gave a little bit before the Fort, right handed to the growth of the chanting of the Bansay-tovstun priests, only barefoot shoes fit, wrapped in religious laces-ganchirochki.

І axis nareshti old-fashioned napіzrujnovaniya Fort, zі Cossack trees-spiders ... It's quiet and chilly here, instructed to run mawp і wild nature bewitch with your mysticism, conquer the Portuguese era...
axle out tree Ficus Strangler Benjamina. Deyaki "stranglers", like Ficus caulocarpa, let the roots go down, strongly stomping on them the trunk of their ruler, which, through the lack of light of the guinea, and the carcass of the Strangler's tree is no longer overgrown.

Here in the middle of high grass, prickly chagarniks and green burdocks, you can bleed for a long time ... I drank Bansai, the most popular here, the axis of wines (raptovy) ...

The axis of the new root-spiders, the Strangler tree ...

First of all, don’t know about the miserable girls here, it’s not safe, you can eat mermaids ...

The mango tree, also holy, under it, in your own demons, the Buddha, with your own teachings, here the mango is already a garnet ...

Obviously in GOA, I wanted to plant a chagar tree, on which to grow "Rudraksha" (a dream for the holy namistivs and a chotok), so the tears of Shivi, but still on the river Ganges ...

And the axis of the place of the greatest Shivi is near Miri, the state of Karnataka, the settlement of Murdeshvar, the beach "Om" is in order.

Behind the ancient temple, two trees grow: Magnolia is in the photo.

And tse, sacred Bansai iz vіvtarem:

At the temple there is the holy Tulsi tree, stashed in such an axis of the screen.

The first axis is so holy to Baba, under the golden Bansays...

At Gokarni himself, mister de leather, a believing pilgrim spares hundreds of sins in a day, also sacred Bansai.
Tse photo bіla temple, de ask to ask the spiritual forces to give them a child, the order of St. Bansai and bіla neї vіvtar іz podnosnennya...

Close up, Bansai's weaves look even more unseen:

Everyone! I recommend a trip to Gokarni and Shivi...

Being on Night Rink, in the Arbore, I saw a marvelous picture, "nothing, go trance music and people people, dry, a great tree, hung with garlands", moreover, it is repeated on the two upper maidanchiks ... The trees are really large and tovst, more below in the photo ... -And the girls, who are dancing on their heads, vinochki with quotations, looking sincerely .. .navkolo richly someone smoke "tyutyun", for enlightenment, zahіd trivatime up to 5 wounds.

And then, you need to get a great shawarma, it’s wonderful to work here ...

Another photo, showing the root of a marvelous, great coniferous tree, in the MamaGoa-Ashvem hotel.

There is also the Champa tree, with plumeria notes, and their wonderful aroma. Kviti vіd 5 to 10 cm, they have an even white or horn color.

In India, "Plumeria" is called the Tree of Life and respected as the beloved flower of Krishna. The aroma of Plumeria is guilty of telling people about the beauty of the unskinned...

Wonderful taєmnicha with the help of trees, virostayuchi z krykhitnogo nasіnnya, reaching colossal rozmirіv. but divine laws. Perhaps our ancestors were not so far from the truth.

In India, trees grow, tied to people with special vines. Deyakі representatives of the growing kingdom can look up to them for the power of the injection spiritual world people. Mova go about the sacred tree, bowing to those widely widened in India. Tse kіlka spokonvіchnyh vidіv flori, scho lie to different botanical families. jubilant powers, fruitsїх inedible, wood, crim special vipadkіv, not vikoristovuєtsya. Prote stinks are often evoked in the old Indian epic, sometimes with Hindu deities, people and creatures and other characters.

Zgidno with old Indian myths, the gods give some of their strength to the deac live life, ti become symbols of power to the deity of honesty. Saving the energy taken away, the stinks create a special aura for themselves, instill in people a singing emotional mood and give strength to religious rites. To this very Indian chants, with a stretch of thousands of thousands of people, plant sacred trees in order with temples. їх for such trival hour did not recognize the selection.

Before the most loved ones in India, a small evergreen tree is brought Ashoka(Saraca indica) from the family of Caesalpines.

The back of the red leaf of Ashoka in the process of development is filled with dark green infestation and reaches 30 cm in length. A parnomeristically folded sheet is folded from 4-6 pairs of double leaflets. .An extremely effective sight is to represent an orange-red blossom on aphids of a dark leaf.

Ashoka is dedicated to the Indian god Kama Deva and is considered a symbol of love, friendliness and sensibility. demon, Sita knew the stump in the tree line of Ashoka. The Buddhists of Ashoka are shaking for those who, under the cover of yoga, were born Shakyamuni, the future Buddha. buds and drink water, in a tangled suit, respecting that Ashoka conveys her beauty and honesty to them in such a rite.

"Forest half-moon" - that's what the English called sacred palace(Butea monosperma) is a deciduous tree from the legume family.

The great tripartitely folded leaves fall on the stretch of the breast-sichnya, after which dark blouses appear on the ends of the head. With its flowers, the Palace marks the present of the most gloomy period in India. create an attack on leafy crowns, but young leaves are less likely to appear in the garden.

The Palace tree is dedicated to the Moon. Behind an old legend, it grew from the drops of Somi-drink the gods, who fell to the ground, who gave immortality. It is important that all parts of the tree take revenge on Soma. go for the preparation of ritual objects and temple stuffing. The tripartite leaf of the Palas symbolizes the Trimurti-trinity of the Hindu deities. The upper part of the sheet is dedicated to Vishnu, right to Brahma, and leva to Shiva. poezії stink vyvnyayutsya z іkla lev, zabarvlennym with the blood of the victim.

Sacred Pipal or Bo(Ficus religiosa) is a close relative of Banyan (F.benghalensis).

At the height the tree reaches 15-18 m. According to the color of the rhizome of the leaves, a heart-shaped form with a twisted tip is characteristic. berry, succulent. Yogo walls, growing up, satisfy fruits-figs.

The Bo tree is the most shanovane of Buddhists. Behind the orders of Gautama Buddha, sitting in yoga darkness, reached enlightenment and became the founder of a new religion - Buddhism. It’s a good idea to build a Buddhist temple on the island of Ceylon near one of the Bo trees. , and until this day it continues to grow and bear fruit.

Sacred respect so Bauhiniya(Bauhinia variegata).

ї Bіlokvіtkovy raznovid virostає in a single place - on the ruins of an ancient Hindu temple not far from the view of Bombay.

Slid to guess the same sacred tree Bayil(Aegle marmelos) (levoruch) that Kadamba(Anthocephalus cadamba) (right-handed), which are identified with the parts of the body of Krishna and hang over the temples dedicated to youmu.

Even more growing, about how it is necessary to spread the report, otherwise the knowledge of the sacred trees will be incomprehensible. plumeria(Plumeria) -pivnіchnі areas of Pvdenny America.

In India, the won came to a new fatherland and swayed by Buddhists and Muslims. Here, sprats of plumeria P.rubra, P.alba, P.obtusa grow. or linear on long petioles. Quotes, collected in short brushes at the upper part of the vtech, white, erysipelas, red, with a strong aroma. Vikopane z ґruntu the tree is still alive for an hour and brings the building to bloom. became a symbol of immortality, it is cultivated in Buddhist temple gardens and on Muslim flowers.

At first glance, the cult of sacred trees is an exotic phenomenon, but in fact it is the ordinary side of Indian life. Careful and poetic staging to the whole living thing is laid in the basis of Indian religious philosophy. .I want to believe that the hour will turn around, if a person understands his unrecognizable connection with the light of living things and learns to live in harmony with nature and himself.

Vidpovid vіd 2 types[guru]

Vitannia! Axis of selection of topics with references to your request: How is a tree valued in India?

Vidpovid vіd Natasha[guru]
Banyan, banyan, the name of 2 species of trees from the ficus genus:
1. Ficus bengalensis - a majestic tree, which starts its development like an epiphyt, having attached itself to the necks of another tree, birds are brought on the yak of this day. The thin banyan stovbur strengthens the number of roots, as if it grows smoothly from the bottom and takes root in the ground, strongly rotting. In the course of the year, the roots of the tovshcha, turning on the tovstі stovpi (up to 10 m in stake). The crown of the tree grows strongly. That. , from one nasinnya it is established like a bi cilian guy. At the botanical garden in Calcutta, a banyan tree is 150 years old, about 300 m2 per crown, and more than 300 crowns.
2. Ficus religiosa - also a majestic tree with stout roots, which develops from the bushes, and serve as a support for the hard crown. Mostly not epiphyt. Offended, see the banyan tree grow in India, the fruit of their nature; on the bark of young banyan trees, they are established with the participation of coma - worms - shellac resin. Useful dictionaries
Zagalny dictionary

Vidpovid vіd 2 types[guru]

Vitannia! Axis sche those zі similar nutrition.

Updated 06/07/2019

India is a unique country, which is distinguished by its special natural diversity. For the richness of the growing world, one is brought in from the first countries of the world. On the territory of the region, one can see such representatives of tallness, which cannot be found anywhere else in such a large number. Flora of India can be mentally shared on tropical, mountainous and calm zones, skin from some may have unique growths.

Tropical flora

Tropical forests have increased moisture content again, which will spice up the development of lush growth. . Here you can grow valuable trees: salov tree, which forms a pure tree stand, sisu, jat tree, teak. Salov tree vikoristovuyut head rank at budіvnitstvі sleepers and budinkov. In addition, the whole tree is the place of residence of the lacquer worm, from which in India they make shellac - a special whisk, which is victorious in radio engineering needs.

On the territory of the state of Karnatka, sandalwood grows even more valuable. In the same place, growth and mirobalan, from which furniture is made. Syrovina basії vikoristovuyut for possession of methyl alcohol. In the monsoon forests, bamboo grows, for which the inhabitants of the monsoon weave cats.

Near the Western Ghats, there are empty Tar and prickly foxes, covered with acacia chagars. Out of them, they make various wooden assemblies, make barvniks and tanneries of speech. From the extract of acacia catechu, a barn is vibrated, which gives you the smell of Buddhist chents in a bright orange color.

On the territory of India, there are over 20 species of palm trees, the widest and most demanded of them is the coconut palm. On the pіvdennih territorіyakh you can plant bushes, wild palm trees. In the upper part of the tropical zone, a rattan palm grows, which has a thin and arched stovbur. Shaded water gorges rich on banana, lemon and orange trees.

On the plains and the primeval territories of Hindustan, grass growth prevails. The main population here is more importantly engaged in animal husbandry and arable farming. Therefore, all the squares are occupied with buryan and grasses.

Pivnіchnі schili mаut bіdniy roslinny svіt. The foxes are not talking here. Uzdovzh rіk іnodi іnоdі іt саn bаchit а tree-like growth, є chagarnі, аlе stinks аrе odnomanіtnі і stunted. It is connected with suvorim climatic minds, yakі overwhelm these territories.

In Gilgita and Chitrali, there are strong winds and the change in daytime temperatures is pronounced. Girsko-desert Ladakh can still be suvorish natural mind and even miserable growth.

The high density of the population of India and the predominance of agrarian production naturally led to the appearance of a dewy world, but in general the species warehouse of flora, as well as earlier, different and unique.

How are the eighteen sacred trees of India? Why stink sacred?

    I knew more sprigs of trees and herbs, which in India are considered sacred.

    1) Wood Bodhi(sacred fig tree) - under the tree of Sidzhartha Gautama, having risen to the vіdpochinok after the old mandrіvok, and after meditating, reaching the attainment of enlightenment and becoming a Buddha;

    2) The mythological symbols Mahabharata figure tree nyagrodha(Skt. nyag - rodha grow down ) - tse equivalent Light tree . Tsya roslin maє gіlki - the root that goes and grows into the ground.

    3) Wood Parijata(abo har singhar) - a mythical tree, get and plant in your garden by the king of the gods Indra, also the ruler of the heavenly world Indraloka.

    It is important that the tree embellishes the celestial planets, that vikonu bajannya.

    Paridzhata is even more similar to jasmine, but yogo flowers give off a different aroma, and the tubes of vines are turned into an orange color;

    4) Lotus(Padma, kamala) - sacred and the largest shanovana roslin in India.

    The most important meditative posture is called lotus position " .

    Chakris are also depicted in the lotus look.

    Paradise in Hinduism is imagined at the sight of a majestic lake, overgrown with erysipelas lotuses - righteous souls rest in it;

    5) Tulasi- the vitiated vibrate at the skin booth and at the skin temple. Religious ritual is impossible without tulas. The flower sees a strong aroma, it is important that, for the help of which aroma, it is possible to wriggle out of a rich ailment;

    6) Bilva(Bael, bіl) - the tree of shivavits. Planting a tree next to a booth or near a temple means consecration for shivavits.

    7) Quotes konrai (casia tree(Cassia fistula) - a symbol of Shivi's licorice mercy before our life.

    8) Herbs kusha(comb-like bluegrass) and durga(one of the types of levits) are considered sacred, in various ceremonies, chanting is given to the gods. Herbs have long been vikoristovuyutsya devotees in meditation - the stink of sitting on tsikh herbs.

    Іsnuє is also rich in roslin - even the religious world of India is even stronger in connection with them. You can read about it here.

    Read obov'yazkovo - tse duzhe tsikavo!

    Trees and roslins in India are attributed to divine authority.

    1. Banyan - symbolizes symbolizes long life

    2. The tamarind tree or Kalapvriksha is the tree that wins the feast and grants material blessings.

    3.Pipul. The worship of this tree is respected by the tribute to Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Vono is also respected as a symbol of kinship, women ask, worship you, give them offspring.

    4. Bilva. It is important that the fruit of the tree cleanse the roof.

    5. Ashoka is respected by the worship tree of Kami, God's kohannya.

    6. Tulsi is respected as a symbol of the companions of God Vishnu. Giving a gift to Tulsi means defending yoga in the face of difficulties and difficulties.

    7. Darbha or Kusha is a sacred grass, there is power to purify everything.

    I didn't know more.

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