Collection of the oldest creatures that live on earth. The oldest creature on earth

Sidekicks of Caesar and Raphael? The stench linger here on the planet. You can probably know that contemporary dinosaurs. Long-lived record-holders are a little like us, but people learn that one day science will learn from these creatures to continue actively Homo sapiens



Turritopsis dohrnii

Type - warm
Class - hydroelectric
Zagin - Anthoathecata
Family - Oceaniidae
View - Turritopsis dohrnii
The trivality of life is theoretically unfettered

medusa Turritopsis dohrnii often referred to as immortal. More precisely, it’s good to live forever. Axis like zvichaynya jellyfish multiply. Pochatkova stage of development of the organism from flooded cells - ce polyp (for a moment it is quiet, so that coral reefs form). At the singing stage, the polyp peoples jellyfish. And that one, reaching state maturity, takes a lot from the reproduction of that gyna. A mature jellyfish cannot turn to the polyp stage. Ale only not Turritopsis dohrnii- in the presence of unfriendly minds, they attach themselves to the surface, and the cells transform, turning around at the “child” stage. Then the polyp will re-spawn the jellyfish... And, it seems, there is no place of death for Lancuse metamorphoses.

Up to 250 million years

super girl

Bacillus permians

Domain - bacteria
View - Bacillus permians
The trivality of life is possible, up to 250 million years

The one on the right is theoretically immortal, the other is life for 250 million years! In 2000, a robot was published, in which it was confirmed that the American successors were able to awaken the bacilli from hibernation Bacillus permians, revealed in salt deposits (state of New Mexico) For the entire quarter of a billion rocks, the bacilli were like a superchick, in the middle of which the process of exchange of speeches practically zupinilis. Although the price of naming is refusing new confirmations, we are firmly aware that bacteria have no longevity of competitors.

10 000 years



Domain - bacteria
Method of origin - chemotrophic bacteria.
Trivality of life - 10,000 years

Navit not satisfying superchicks, building bacteria to live for a long time. Microorganisms that linger under the bottom of the ocean at a depth of 700 m, vibrate colossal pressure and high temperatures (about 100 degrees), and live at least 10,000 years - from bottom to bottom. Super-long-living people were found in samples of the soil, taken from the drilling of the seabed on board the scientific vessel JOIDES. Imaginatively, in the past, life has been close to 100 million years - such a lifetime, from which samples were taken.

Over 5000 years


Pinus longaeva

Class - conifers
Family - pines
Rid - pine
View - pine ostist mizhgirskaya
Trivality of life - over 5000 years

Speaking about the longevity of trees, we most often guess oaks and baobabs, but the champions here have conifers. Vіk їli Old Tїkko, which grows on the mountains of Fulu near Sweden, is estimated at 9560 years! Truthfully, the current trunk is richly young, and a long-standing root system has lived for thousands of years, since the death of one trunk has grown genetically identical to the new one. So, perhaps, the yalina was propagated by vines, if the chick, which had shriveled to the ground, took root and gave life to new growth. Zagalom, Old Tykko is a clonal tree, and the nuts of clonal trees, connected one with one root, can bear tens of thousands of rocks.

The lead contender for the individual record is also similar to conifers. Tse pine ostista mizhgirskaya (Pinus longaeva), which grows high in the mountains of Pivnіchnoi America. Vik - 5666 years. For now, Roslin can live longer! Russian veins have sprouted our resinous resins (Silene stenophylla) that lay under the ball of permafrost for 32,000 years.

2300 years


Xestospongia muta

Zagin - Haplosclerida
Family - Petrosiidae
Rid - Xestospongia
View - Xestospongia muta
Trivality of life - 2300 years

Here in the ocean one can know the truth that was born 300 years before Christ. The body of a sponge is made up of two balls of curved cells and a jelly-like mesochil, which is found between them, filtering the water in the whispers of a living thing. If there are no nerves, we will forgive the life of the floors, that you can wake up and up to 2300 years, yak, for example, a sponge Xestospongia muta, її still called a giant barrel sponge. Vtіm, longevity among the water spineless є chimalo. Vidomy mollusk Arctica Islandica who lived 507 years

Up to 500 years


somniosus microcephalus

Class - cartilaginous ribs
Zagin - katranopodіbnі
Family - somniose sharks
Reed - polar sharks
Species - Greenland polar shark
Trivality of life - up to 500 years

Behind the boundaries of the world of bacteria, roslin and intestinal emptying figures become richly modest. "Something" until the 5000th anniversary, it is possible, zdatna to survive the Greenlandic polar shark - large, plump, lingering in the cold Arctic waters of the Atlantic. There, in the cold of that dark place, there is nowhere to hurry and there is no one to be afraid of, at the ribini there has been an increase in the exchange of speeches, which, perhaps, has become the main cause of longevity. That kind of roaming quickly is not up to anything - the livelihood base of a dirty hut is not so already without land. Therefore, children are few people, and the age of maturity of the female shark reaches only 150 years.

Up to 250 years


Megalochelys gigantea

Zagin - turtles
Family - land turtles
Rid - giant tortoises
View - turtle turtle
Trivality of life - up to 250 years

Giant Seychelles tortoises live to a frail century. Megalochelys gigantea, and the stench of the champion of the middle plazunov. It seems that nature gave the turtles biological mechanisms that shorten the telomeres - the shortening of the DNA strands after the worm bottom of the clitin. Another reason, through the yak tortoise it is easier to save yourself for life in the centuries. Being a cold-blooded creature, she does not waste the resources of the body on keeping the required body temperature. Tse reduce the burden on the heart-vessel system and the transition to wear and tear.

Over 200 years


Balaena mysticetus

Kingdom - creatures
Type - chords
Class - savtsі
Zagin - whale-like
Family - smooth whales
View - bowhead whale
Trivality of life - over 200 years

From ssavtsіv for all the bowhead whale "breeds", which can live a hundred years and more. On this day, there is only one fall, if the creature of its kind died its own death, and did not, for example, become a victim of a human being. Kit practically does not have natural enemies. How can you let yourself fight old age? As biologists from the University of Alabama told the University of Alabama, the bowhead whale's body can in its own order mechanisms that often ignore the main ailments of old, including cancer. The creature leads a very calm way of life, in some ways similar to the way of life of the Greenland shark. It's true, Greenlandic whales start having sex over 150, and 20 years. Still, ssavtsі, not archaic ribi.

LUDINA 122 rocks

86 years


Elephas maximus

Zagin - proboscis
Family - elephants
Rid - Asian elephants
View - Asian elephant
Trivality of life - 86 years

The savts, yak linger on land, the record holder is the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Well, it’s true that we can turn on the rating of a person (after all, the priority is to lie Homo sapiens- Vіdomo bezlіch prikladіv longevity with exit for storіchny rubіzh). If there are Indian elephants, then in the wild the stench will live up to 60–70. Until old age, the cuts are worn away and they can no longer turn the growth into a hedgehog. The creature is doomed. In captivity, for the help of people, the giants of the building stretched out and dove - a vіdomy vіpadok, if an elephant died near the zoo near the city of 86 rokіv.

83 rocky


Phoenicopterus roseus

Zagin - flamingo-like
Family - flamingos
Reed - flamingo
View - horny flamingo
Trivality of life - 83 rocks

Almost everyone heard the legend about the ravens of the Tower, which have been living for 300 years. The fairy tale is innate, but science cannot confirm anything similar. Є vіdomosti about those who at the time of death to the crow, who lived near the Tower and found a life, were 44 years old. And in fact, in the regiment of birds, the record holder for a long time became Greater - an erysipelas flamingo. (Phoenicopterus roseus) from the Adelaide Zoo (Australia). Vin died in 2014 roci u vici 83 roki. Long-lived supermen in the midst of condorіv and great parrots such as cockatoos and macaws. Usі records dovgolittya in captivity. In nature, the relatives of the birds of prey live less richly, because old age is far from the only factor that causes the body to die. Tse i to "eternal" jellyfish are worth it.

To whom you can give up, that the savts (and mi in the same row) were twisted by nature. Protecting the life of the organism is only a strategy, imposed by the selection of the population. And to inspire one-day blizzards to continue their lives, multiply and procreate, which means that the strategy has been adopted correctly, and the proportion of a small individual, as biologists seem, is not important for evolution. Everything that does not die for a long time, but is primitive, otherwise it is a way of life that is galvanized. And hardly any of us would like to become a bacterium or a jellyfish.

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While we are talking about the secrets of a long time, on our planet there are resources, like living for over a hundred years. І navit є immortal.

1. George, majestic lobster, which is close to 9.1 kg. The Vic of George is approximately 140 years old. In 2008, the rock of yoga was swept along the coast of Newfoundland, then for 100 dollars it was sold to a restaurant in New York. Prote y 2009 roci pid vpliv comradeship zakhistu creatures yogo let go back to the ocean.

2. Tuatara Henry sho lingering at the Southland Museum, New Zealand, recently celebrating their 115th National Day. Just to show that Henry was born in the 19th century.

Undaunted by his solemn century, 2009 Henry became a father.

3. Guidaki- tse species of marine mollusks, as they are taken in by the largest mollusks that can be found. In addition, good old-timers: the average trivality of their life is 146 years, and the oldest found person on this day is 168 years.

4. Tse Jonathan, 182nd giant tortoise from St. Deer Island. "Vin is practically blind, having used his scent, but he has a good ear, like before," - apparently a medical veterinarian. In his 182 Jonathan can be the oldest living being on the planet.

Tse Jonotan in the 1900s

Tse Jonathan at once.

5. Greeter- Tse 83rd flamingo, which until recently is alive at the Adelaide Zoo. Greeter went to the zoo in the 1930s, but, unfortunately, he fell asleep in the 2014 fate, if he became sharply pissed off.

6. Cold dark water at a depth of 600 meters per hour is flowing normally. Khoplostee- Looks like deep-water ribs, we know that they reach state maturity up to 20 years and can live up to 150 years. The oldest hlopostet having been born of that fate, if in Russia they said krіpatstvo.

7. Red sea ​​jacks live near an average of about 200 rocks and linger on the milky waters of America's western coast. Special respect was given to the chervoni hedgehogs after the fact that one of them had a mark dated 1805 rock.

8. Cockatoo Cookie 80 years have passed. Vin spymany in Australia in 1933 and transfers to the USA, de vin and live in the Brookfield Zoo.

9. Mollusk on the prіzvisko Mіn, hovering on the Icelandic shelf, having lived 400 years for the first priming. When re-analyzing the age, the age was determined at the end of 507 years.

10. Greenland whales can live up to 200 years. The average trivality of life is close to 40 years. However, some individuals can live up to 211 years, which is a record for the average backbone creatures.

11. 103-river of Granny, the oldest known killer whale, matriarch of the killer whales. Vaughn was born in the same fate as Ronald Reagan.

12. Advaita - giant 250-ruble turtle from Aldabra. Unfortunately, Advaita died in 2006. Vіn buv is even more popular with tourists and has added to the Moscow zoo the city of Calcutti without a face.

13. Turtles - home longevity. Ce 176-river Harriett from the zoo in Queensland (Australia). It is important that Harriet knows especially Charles Darwin in 1835 on one of the Galapagos Islands. Harriett died the same year 2006.

For the triviality of life, people give up riches to representatives of the created world. Some of them are alive more than a century old, and some of them are all five hundred years old.

Two-stalled mollusk species Arctica islandica

On this day, mollusks are considered the most long-lived creatures on Earth. Carried out in 2006-2007 at the Bangor University of Wales, the study of the shells of a few mollusks showed their maximum age - over 500 years. The oldest copy, named Min, was 507 years old.

giant tortoise

Giant tortoises - land plasuni, endemic to the island of Aldabra (Seychelles). Turtles are one of the largest long-lived creatures on Earth. In captivity, the stench lingers in the middle up to 150 years.

The record holder for the century of middle scientific turtles was a 250-kilogram turtle named Advaita (Sanskrit “one”), a yak who lived in the Calcutti Zoo. At the time of his death, he was 256 years old.

Turtles are not only long-lived, but still one of the oldest creatures. More than 220 million years of life for tortoises. Well, about їхнє pozhennya dosі vvazhaєtsya debatable. Most of all, they admit that the Permian cotylosaurs were the turtle-like fronts.

Carp Koi Karpіv which are also called brocade corops. Tse embellishments are decorative subspecies of the marigold corop. With a bark, as a fish can be taken in, it has passed 6 selection selections. After all stages of selection, we hope to have a single category. There are more than 80 breeds of others, they are subdivided into 16 groups.

About longevity, what kind of world was recognized in 1966. Under the hour of his speech on the radio, the Japanese doctor Komei Koshihara told the story of the Hanako corona. If Komei was born, the garna riba already lived at the small rate of the yogo booth. Passed the rocks, the boy went to learn. Shchoraz, if the vin turned back home, a large 70-centimeter fish swam into the bet just like that. Koshihara having fed the grandmother, for the longest time Hanako live here. Behind the words of babusi, ribi, there were no less than 100 years.

Having become mature, Komei Koshihara learned about the age of Hanako. Vin asked for help from his friend Masayuki Amano, who worked at the Ribnitsa station. An analysis of the Hanako meadows showing that Hanako is the largest of the known scientific corporations. At the time of the revision of the Youmu, there were 217 years. The riba died in 1977 roci u vici 226 roki.

European pearl

European perlin at the same time perebuvay on mezhі mirannya. Previously, molluscs were an object of trade for the production of mother-of-pearl, but today it has become invisible.

Those, Perslin, can imagine the Great INNERES for the gerontologists, became the VIDOMO in 2000 Rotsi, if the Rosiyki Doslizdnik Valeriy Zyuganov settled: Perlina, Yaka Meshka єvropi that pivniychii, є є є pre-ethnication. spineless. creature.

For pearls, there is a characteristic phenomenon of ancient antiquity, so the pace of old antiquity is statistically important to replicate from zero within the framework of one selection. Also, the phenomenon of “non-old times” is called unimportant to the ancients - the daily correlation between the century and the imovirnistyu of death. Tsіkavo, that the phenomenon of the old age is also observed in people who lived to be 90-100 years old. If you reach this century, your chance to survive to the skin offensive fate does not change with fate. It is also noted that all people who have lived to see these lives are genetically similar one to one

Red sea hedgehog Sea hedgehogs are marvelous things. Tse "bagatonogo" representatives of the creaturely world. Moreover, like the legs of the stench, they beat their own number of heads, the number of which can reach a thousand. In addition, in marine hedgehogs, the spiral-shaped intestines are unique for their everyday organ - the Aristotelian lichtar, which is made up of five pyramidal growths, which shape the drills. The middle of the skin growth is known by sharp teeth.

Sea jacks are one of the most ancient species on the Earth. The stench lived on the planet for more than an hour in the Paleozoic. At the beginning of the 19th century, they knew that sea urchins did not live long - 15 years, but the rest of the studies of sea urchins gave striking results. It appears that red sea hedgehogs can grow and develop through the long life without showing a sign of antiquity. Live more than 200 years. And unknowingly, how many stinks could live, yakbees would not be in them in the oceans of natural gorges, like zhzhachkas were brought to tikat on their thorns.

Mollusk Guidak

Molyus Guidak looks marvelous. Wines are built up from a small, well-drained body with a shell and two long siphons, which are grown, like they can reach one meter in a dovzhina. "Guidak" from the movie Indians is translated as "deeply digging". The largest mollusk in the world, which is rue, is called so by the whole lined.

Guidaki are long-lived. The average trivality of their life is 146 years, and the 160-year-old personage was found by others. Guidak may not have natural foes in nature, moreover, they have increased exchange of speech, so that Guidaks will be safe for a long time. Sharks and Kalanis can eat a mollusk, as well as people - meat of the Guidakiv їdyat from China and Japan.

The molluscs are fluttering in the splendid floods. For their greater life, the females of Guidakov lay close to five billion eggs.

Bowhead whale We couldn't manage without whales in our rating. Kites are the largest creatures on our planet, and so, stinks are long-lived. The bowhead whale is a long-lived ridge whale. The average life expectancy of the savants is not so great - 40 years, but other representatives live more than 200 years.

Whales cіkavi y tim, scho stench develop, grow and multiply all life, moreover, the intensity of these processes is not weaker from time to time. Whales gerontologists sing to what inspire the oldest whales with their old ones, there is no sign of antiquity. Tobto whales, like deyakі іnshі creatures (such as diggers) do not grow decrepit.

There is no exact evidence as to why the whales are dying. Tsikavo, that the whale's age can be attributed to the place of white at the crystal of the eye. Yogo turbidity is the only indicator of old Chinese. Vcheniy Volodymyr Skulachov, who is engaged in gerontology for many years, knows that it is possible for the whales to go blind, and then they simply break apart.

In Iceland, a two-stooled mollusk of the species Arctica islandica, which was respected by the oldest creature on the planet: according to the rings on the inner side of the shell, the fahivts were named Min (the mollusk was named in honor of the dynasty of Chinese emperors, which ruled from 1368 to 1644 years ago) Not long ago, they found out that pardons were allowed at the time of counting the age of a long-living mollusk - actually Min 102 older.

The assumptions of the prophets fahivtsy explain to them that the deacons of the river kiltsy are too thin, and could not look at them. Radiocarbon analysis confirms new data: I have lived for five hundred years, why not in the rest of my life I have taken even more of the creature's metabolism.

Unfortunately, the mollusk died in 2006, not having lived to see the birth of its rightful life, the birth of the rock, the germinating of its shell continues: continuing the life of the river cells, it is possible to determine the temperature of the Light Ocean for the rest of the five hundred years. In addition, fakhіvtsі vyvchayut other representatives in the form of Arctica islandica, so to know among them similar long-lived.

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Below is a list of the ten most long-lived creatures on Earth. If you see other living creatures, or have mercy on me, tell us about it in the comments. Otzhe.

Fall-bearing species, maturing that dovkilla, the current domestication of the kin may be the trivality of life from 25 to 30 years. I want to go crazy, what a waste XIX century- the oldest movie on the award "Old Billy" died at the age of 62. And also the recently registered butt of becoming the film “Tsukrova Sloika” (“Sugar Puff”), which died in 57 years in 2007.

The Asian or Indian elephant is another after the size of the terrestrial creature after the savannah elephant. They are respected by one of the safest herbivorous creatures in the world. Їх trivality of life in wild nature to become 60 years for the average, 80 for captivity.

Cі dosit big dovzhina parrots from 30 to 70 cm linger in Australia. Vvazhayutsya naytsіkavіshimi and naytsіkavіshimi parrots for a room morning. They even become attached to people, as if watching them and attaching respect. Chi buildings live in captivity 60–80 years.

Hatteria is a creeper that lingers on decals of the small islands of New Zealand. The only modern representative of the ancient corral of dziobogolovykh (died out about 65 million years ago). The weight of the body of a hatter reaches 1.3 kg, and the length is 76 cm.

Korop Koi vikoristovuєtsya for decorative purposes in vіdkritih rates or water gardens. Even more popular with other Asia, ahead of Japan. Worthy of one of the most beautiful fish on the planet. Grow up to 90 cm and more, and the trivality of their life becomes 100-200 years.

Five places in the list of ten long-lived creatures are taken by the Chervoniy sea zhak - a creature that sacks on milk waters in the Pacific Ocean from Alaska to California, as a rule, there were rocky shores. The body is spherical on the surface covered with good spikes, which can grow up to 8 cm.

The Greenlandic polar shark is widely expanded near the pivnіchnіy part Atlantic ocean not far from the coast of Greenland and Iceland. It is important that the trivality of one's life becomes over 200 years, wanting to name the exact number is important. One thing is for sure, as a way to live in extreme minds.

The elephant tortoise is an endemic that lingers only on the Galapagos Islands near the Pacific Ocean. Vіdoma like the biggest turtle of the Earth. Older individuals reach the height of over 400 kg and the length of 1.8 m. Usі spіymanі individuals lived in captivity less than 170 years.

The bowhead whale is a great savior that lingers in the Pivnіchny Icy Ocean. The bowhead whale has a height of up to 20 m and a weight of about 100 tons; Average trivality of life from 60 to 70 years, like in other Chinese. However, okremi individuals, as shown by the investigations, built to live close to 210 years.

Arctica islandica is a species of mollusks that linger in the northern part of the Atlantic and near the waters of the Northern Icy Ocean. In 2007, a series of studies carried out on a number of snails of this mollusk, which were found to save Iceland, showed that in the last century it became 405 to 410 years. It was later confirmed that the maximum trivality of the life of which mind is over 500 years, to work with the most living living creature on Earth.

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