Piramidi skilki їх on the earth. Great secrets of the world. pyramids. Who, now and how will you be with the whole world? Azores, Atlantic Ocean

Holy system of pyramids.

We continue to tell about the sensational results of the scientific expedition to Tibet, organized by the AIF trade union, the All-Russian Center for Internal and Plastic Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Bashkir Savings Bank. With the head of the expedition, Professor Ernst Muldashev, Mykola Zyatkov spoke.

– To Ernste Rifgatovich, you said that you knew the link between the group of pyramids to Tibet that you revealed and other ancient monuments.

– The main monuments (Egyptian and Mexican pyramids, Great Day Island and the Stonehenge complex in England) at first glance randomly scattered around our planet. And yet, in order to include the pyramid complex in Tibet, then there is a strict mathematical system of its distribution on the surface of the Earth.

Zokrema, as if from the head pyramid of Tibet - Mount Kailash to spend all on the protracted bіk of the earth's kuli, then everything seems to be exactly on Easter Island with its enigmatic stone bovans.

If the pyramidal mountain Kailash with the Egyptian pyramids is behind the meridian, then the continuation of this line will lead again to Easter Island, and the distance from Kailash to the Egyptian pyramids will become one quarter of the meridional Kailash - o. Great day.

Alecia is not enough. If the two islands of Great Day with the Mexican pyramids, then the continuation of the line leads to Mount Kailash, and the distance from the island of Great Day to the Mexican pyramids can become one quarter of the meridional line. Great day - Kailash.

– So, from the pyramids of Tibet to the Egyptian ones and from the island of Great Day to the Mexican pyramids, however?

- So. Tse mozhe pobachiti be-like a person on the globe. We have already carried out rozrahunka on a computer model of the earth's kuli. Viyshlo, that two lines that lead Kailash from the island of Great Day through the Egyptian and Mexican pyramids, christen exactly one quarter of the surface of the earth's kuli. As well as the last line of the Egyptian and the Mexican pyramids, then the "quarter" of the earth's cool is divided into two absolutely equal trikutniks.

- And how is the ancient monument of Stonehenge in England connected with the geographic system?

– If you link the pyramid of Kailash with the Stonehenge monument, then the continuation of this line will again lead to Easter Island, and the distance from Kailash to Stonehenge will become one third of the meridional line of Kailash - about. Great day. Tsya line to divide is assigned a quarter of the earth's backwaters.

- And how to put on this line one third of the lines on the Great Day ...

- There will be a Bermuda tricoutnik.

- Do you want to say that in the area of ​​​​the Bermuda trikutnik, it seems to be up to the scheme you suggested, having sunk like a monument of old?

- Tsgogo cannot be turned off. All the legends about the Bermuda tricoutnik are becoming intelligible, so let it go, what a monument, what sunk, like the pyramids and stone "mirrors" of Kailash, changing the hour, twisting the space, etc. And in the legend, I believe, the axis is already the fourth expedition, we have been following the legends, that we know the science of education.

- Behind your scheme, on the opposite side of the pyramids of Tibet, the island of Great Day is located. There are kam'yani bovvani, ale pyramids, unfortunately, no. And on Kailash є і those, th іnshe.

- I think that in the area of ​​​​the island of Great Day, the pyramids may have sank. More than that, Olena Blavatsky has some remarks about those who here at the Pacific Ocean sank a majestic pyramid.

– Ernst Rifgatovich, but in the texts of Tibet you did not know the riddles about the foundation of the light system of the pyramids?

- They didn't know. But with an important pressure on tse, like on me, the height of the main pyramid of Tibet - Mount Kailash - 6714 meters. Rich at the same time, it takes 6714 kilometers to walk from Kailash to the Stonehenge monument, as well as from Stonehenge to the Bermuda tricoutnik and the Bermuda tricoutnik to Velikyodnya Island. In addition, the distance from Kailash to the Pivnichny Pole is also 6714 kilometers.

The remaining fact is especially cicavia, shards in the ancient religious texts of Tibet and Blavatsky's guess, that before the All-World's Flood, the Pivnich Pole rose in the region of Tibet and was the home of the "blue gods", and the All-World's Flood of the Earth's poles was turned into a sight. It is possible that the very point of Mount Kailash was the point of the colossal Pivnіchnogo pole, and the enigmatic alarm clocks of the pyramids imagined the height of the pyramid to Tibet as the future displacement of the poles.

- Ale in one direction there are meters, and in the other - kilometers ...

The pyramids, in my opinion, were a way to enter the light of subtle energies. And the subtle light, like a solidification of physics, is fractal (maє drіbnu razmіrnіst n expanse), so that the objects of the subtle world are "self-similar" for different scales. To that 6714 meters and 6714 kilometers are two scale characteristics of one fractal.

It is required to indicate that the head of the head "mirror" of Kailash is directly on the Egyptian pyramids, and the two pivnichny "mirrors" are on the Mexican ones. Before the speech, the Egyptian Sphinx marvels at Kailash.

– For logic, such a system of pyramids and monuments can be built on the protilazhny side of the earth's kulі. Ale, no pyramids were found there.

– If we have built such a system on a protilezhny boat, then it turned out that all the places, parallel to the Egyptian and Mexican pyramids and the Stonehenge monument, are under water. So we don't know about them. It is possible, if you know them, to know other successors. The great Russian physicist Georgiy Tertishny conducted an analysis of the system of light of the pyramids and developed the possibility of a foundation on the Earth and other complexes of the pyramids.

Meridiani, which will lift Mount Kailash from the pyramids, divide the earth sack on the equal side.

- If so, then with what method was the light system of pyramids and monuments of old created?

- I don’t have any knowledge, I need to know about it. In the meantime, it can be assumed that the system of pyramids was created for the connection of the Earth with space.

Zoryan map on earth.

Lyudmila Knutarova, Great Epoch.

From the old hours, the remnants of civilizations were saved, which they went. Archaeological excavations date these monuments thousands of years before our time, ruining the minds of how the people of that era lived. Reconstructions may be of the mental nature and inspiration of the child on admissions, lower on the residual and reliable data, which have never been seen. Facts, familiar proliferation, can miraculously spive, and more importantly, touch those, like everything was in the old hours. If there are new facts, then we can bring theories to a revision, or before that new facts simply cannot be remembered.

We wonder what new science could bring up if all pyramids were born modern methods doslіdzhen, i yakikh vysnovkіv dіyshla. At the center of our respect, the pyramids in Giza (one of the “wonders of the world”), the palace complex of Angkor Wat near Korea and the Egyptian megalith leaned. Rest of the report about the nebuval accuracy and validity of their motives for spreading stars in the sky 10,500 years ago. It was clear that the three pyramids at Giza create and reflect the heavenly picture - the expansion and expansion of the three stars of the suzir of Orion.

The view of the beast shows that the Great Pyramid and the other pyramid lie diagonally, straightened under the hood at 45˚, tobto. on the front line to the front side of the first. The Third Pyramid is in fact placed on the fold in the direction of the line. The three stars of the Belt of Orion also make up for the “wrong diagonal”... However, marveling at the sky of today, you will not know the exact difference between the topography of the valleys of Giza and the narrows of Orion. In order to recognize, like the sky was for the hours of the pyramids, it is necessary to look at the past. І such a follow-up of Buvel. In order to designate the period, if the expansion of the pyramids was already confirmed by the expansion of the stars of Orion, you had a chance to speed up with the astronomical computer program Skyglobe 3.5 and protect the cosmic phenomenon, as it is called precession.

Precession - ce borderline more hijacking of the earth's axis behind a circular cone, the cycle of such a trivaє 25920 years. The result of this cycle is the displacement of the position of the zіrok zі shvidkіstyu 1 for 72 years (tobto 360 for 25920 years). In this order, the visions of the zmіg will be revealed in the past epoch, if the picture of the dawn sky zbegalas from the roses of the pyramids: Orion. In the same epoch and only in it, the spreading of the pyramids on the earth exactly reflected the position in the sky of the three stars of Orion's Belt.

It should be noted that Osiris is often called the God of the First Hour in ancient Egyptian texts. To that, as evidence of dates 10,500 BC. The cob of a precessional cycle is a big one, then this one is clearly marvelous... For the time being, it is important for science to know the clues to such riddles. And now, marveling at another marvel of the world, roztashovane in distant Cambodia, like, according to the thought of historians, you can’t be related to the Egyptian pyramids. Another "miracle" is the palace complex of Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom, which appeared in a thousand years after the emergence of pharaonic civilizations, and in itself between 802 and 1220 years. not.

Natkhneniy results of Robert Bauvel, yoga colleague Graham Hancock for his research, choosing yoga is not vipadkovo: Angkor is located at 72 on the cross of Gizi. The name Angkor in Sanskrit means "place", but in the same hour of my old Egyptian day "Angkor" it could be more precisely "God is alive". In the midst of the triumphal inscriptions of Jayavarman VII, the Khmer king, a mysterious inscription was revealed on the stele that dug into the king's palace: "The land of Kambu (Cambodia) is analogous to the sky." The very suggestion suffocated the dosledniks on the jokes of unresolved mysteries of the ancient controversy. At 1996 Hancock's assistant D. Grisbi, conducting the correlation of Angkor from the dawning sky, revealing that the head of the temple mimics the fluffy line of the suzir Dragon, or Orion! Angkor Wat is made up of five folds one in one rectangle. These short sides are exactly on the pivnich and pivden: zgіdno with new topographical views, "absolutely without a hitch". The other sides are so precisely oriented Skhid and Zakhid (0.75 degree bend).

It is noteworthy that these palaces were organized on the occasions of more ancient spores, so one more important food is heard: who and if you have cherished the life of that temple? For whom Hancock was also quickened by the Skyglobe 3.5 computer program, for the help of which Bauvel revealed the attachment plan for the placement of Gizi's pyramids. The starting point was the date 1150 p. A.D., if Sur'yavarman II died, for which reason Angkor Wat was disputed. But in this, and in the next historical period, the founding of Angkor did not have a good time, so that the suzeer was in the main position. There was only one thing left: to reconcile how the sky looked over Angkor in 10500 BC. І Hancock Mavration: in 10500 BC in a day spring day suzir'ya Dragon leaned on the pivnoch in the middle of the sky, as if projecting its stars on the head temples of Angkor! It appears that the main temples of Angkor, like the pyramids of Gizi, fix one and the same date - 10500 BC. Ale Zagalnovimomo, in the same time in єgipti, ni, tim, more, at the Teritorski Ninishnoi Cambodge, it was not to have a cliffing of such a vosokorosvineni cyvilіzay, yak Zumila not the same, but it is precisely visible to them. Why, in both vipads, monuments were tied to themselves up to 10,500 before?

Chi іsnuє in tsimu yakiysh prihovaniya zv'yazyok? You can, obviously, let it go that the temples were zbudovani itself at the same time, and not at the same time, if the historians took care of it. And what more of a riddle are left with those, with what method the stench was awakened? And how could the people of the Neolithic era mother such exact knowledge, how did they allow them to work a robit with a minimum degree of death? For example, the Great Pyramid in Gizma Mayzha is ideally oriented on all sides of the world. The average cost is to become close to two kutovykhvilin, which makes it less than 0.015%. A death of two or three degrees - a pardon is close at hand - it’s impossible to remember with an indefinable eye, but it’s impossible to get ready for the work of the future, with this significance, it’s going to decrease even more. Dali, as if we were equal to the sides of the base of the pyramid, then we would consider the minimum difference in the dimensions: 230.3 and 230.1 meters, which should become less than 0.1%. It is important to reach such a small recovery during everyday life, the death in our houses sounds to become 1-2%, tobto. more, lower at the old budіvelniks! Old-time alarm clocks of the pyramid reached even the ideal values ​​of її kutіv: pivdenno-shіdny and pіvdenno-zahіdny - 89° 56 "27", pіvnіchno-skhіdny - 90 ° 3" 2", seconds). Until then, the pyramids were folded in such a rank that the top is above the center of the base. Navit an insignificant pardon at the vugilla nahil of one of the side faces could lead to a significant separation of the ribs of the peak.

With such a rank, the difficulties of the physical and organizational nature were repaired, in order to show such a vinyatkovu accuracy - not to become a riddle. G. Hancock at his thick book “Mirror of Heaven, or search for a civilization” after trying out some tips on nutrition about the method of everyday life of these disputes. In my opinion, in the prehistoric era on Earth, a spiritual system was founded, based on the idea of ​​reviving that immortality. Vaughn had to endure the rose of civilization, as if unreasonably by some rank she emerged from the earth. The survivors also go up to myths and legends, in which there are about the Golden Age, about the Ancestor, for whom the people or the whole world went, and about the Hero, which rages the world in death, and about the cyclical hour.

What are the values ​​of knowledge, attached to myths and ancient spores, and to know the stench - it is unknown, and to know, sing-songly, more than one copy of the records and quests, to reveal that the fall of humanity is attached and to know the keys to everything. And in order to spare people with a raptom and їm vіdkryutsya tsі znannya, it is not excluded that it will not be possible to rewrite the history again, having written in it once in a row ...

Ural. Arkaim.

Why is the cicavi Arkaim?
We called out that everyone found here is far away from us. For example, in America, Egypt, Japan and India. De zavgodno, but not in us. And I can’t seem to lessen the riddle in the Urals, lower those Egyptian pyramids. The first place is called Arkaim. Well there is such a cic and mysterious.

I want to say two words, as if the manifestations of Arkaim have started. It has long been a thought that the Aryans, the Europeans, the Asians and the words may have one root. Ale dosi could not understand, de vin. In Pivdenniy Ural, before the launch, rowing was ready and aerial photography of the valley near the center of the Ural valley was carried out to complete the project. I raptom, unbearably for everyone, showed like an unreasonable stake. Archaeologists were given a river of victory. The axis from which everything began. Those that were revealed there became a real light sensation.

The whole place appears, not just a place, but a long-standing center-observatory. Yogo vіk is close to forty centuries and mabut tse i є mіstsem settlement ієї samoї shukanoї race.

Place maє sewerage and tse vzhe odі, ventilation system and navit refrigeration, a complex of observatories, a system of wells at the skin booth and furnace, yakі could reach the melting point of bronze without trick! Today in Arkay there are early riddles of the swastika, records of the movement of heavenly bodies and laws.

As Bistrushkina, the archaeologist behind the light, said, Arkay is the most agile controversy of all, including ours.

The ancient pyramids do not care to surprise us with new sensations. It appears that we see none of the pyramids - far from being the only ones in their family. At Rest of the Rocks The leaders of new technologies, the clergy continue to know new gigantic pyramids, and not only in Egypt, but all over the world! We will tell you about the most important and important knowledge.


Obviously, Egypt is becoming the leader of the new pyramids. On tsіy ancient land new pyramids of life appear from an enviable regularity, moreover, the stars of the satellite's signs are seen.

In the spring of 2011, the popularity of the Egyptian pyramids increased by as many as 17 objects! Previously, unknown pyramids were revealed for additional infrared satellite capture, as if to rob visible objects that could be under the ball of a mule or a dog. In order to achieve such an accomplishment, the Nile was smelted by 17 pyramids, over a thousand buried and close to three thousand ancient settlements, as if they were standing flatly under the ball of a mule and cannot be seen by an indefatigable eye. Excavations are carried out in this region, and the foundation of two out of 17 pyramids has been confirmed.

One more vіdkrittya was broken recently - at the serpnі 2012 rock. Two complexes of pyramids near the area of ​​Abu-Sidum at a distance of 145 km, one from one, were marked by satellite signs. The archaeologist Angela Mikol thrashed the archeologist, like a sprig of rock, she wove the signs of the Earth. Near the first complex, one can clearly see a sprat of barrows and a gigantic object of a trident shape, 200 m wide.

If it is confirmed that the pyramid is real, then it will become a new sensation, even if you see more of the famous pyramid of Cheops. Another transitional complex consists of pyramids 42 m high and three mounds, which stand diagonally, like at the Giza complex.

Before everyone in the house saw us, the pyramids knew nearby Caira, and as a result of the misfortune to confirm the opinion of Angeli Mikol, it was true that I would become a sensation. Expedition under the guidance of Angeli and the Egyptologist Nabil in the next hour to destroy these objects.


In 2005, an independent contributor, Semir Osmanagich, declared that Mount Visochitsya was planted nearby the Visoko town, and that, in fact, the pyramid was such a piece. The investigations of the soil confirmed this theory, and from that hour the entire world started talking about the Bosnian pyramids.

Further geodetic investigations showed that the Sontsya pyramid, as they called it later, may have a clear orientation on the light, like the Egyptian pyramids. Pivnіchna її side to marvel at the straight Polar star. Kuti, set with the faces of the pyramid, are absolutely straight and even. In addition, near the pyramid, on all sides, under the hour of excavations, massive stone slabs were found, obviously not natural. The analysis of these slabs showed that the stench was prepared from the speech on the concrete block, the warehouse of which is unknown to us.

In the course of the year, not far from the first pyramid, more chotiri were revealed, a number of concrete blocks and impersonal artifacts are invariably known. Excavations in the Visochitsy region are carried out by Donin. A lot of light fakhіvtsіv, yakі pobuvali there, confirm that all tsі znakhіdki mayut man-made trip. It is said that these pyramids are 10-12 thousand years old.


A similar story has recently become in Indonesia, de nimetsky vcheni have shown that for a long time Mount Sedehurip may remember the shape of the pyramid. Piramida roztashovuєtsya at the sunset of the island of Java and, according to estimates, may be approximately the same century, like the Bosnian pyramids - about 10 thousand years. Mount Sedehurip is clearly visible in shape among the most popular hillocks.

At the excavations, stone slabs with unknown inscriptions and images were found. The height of the pyramid to become 200 meters, and, after the words of the vchenih, it is not less important to say that the pyramid is not less important, the lower one is the pyramid near Bosnia. Simir Osmanagich himself, hanging out from his drive, reported positively: "Pyramids were revealed in Bosnia, Egypt, Central America, China - stench on the skin continent, in all parts of the world - who said you can't be in Indonesia ?!"

It is believed that the pyramid was inspired by the ancient civilization of Sandanis, as it lingered in these territories. While the excavations have begun, a little later they allow, that impersonal artifacts will be found, as if confirming the controversy of the Bosnian pyramids and the pyramids of Sedehurip. To date, close to 1000 people have been working on the achievements of the pyramid, but no significant results have yet been published. At the nearest future vcheni, they plan to switch on the piramidi of Suputnikov and geoelectric technology before the formation.


Now let's move closer to our realities, to the territory of the Krim brewery. In one of the districts of Sevastopol, during the first hour of exploring the underground reserves of thermal waters, at a depth of 10 meters, the drills drank on the right pyramid. The place for drilling on the cob was chosen on the basis of the fact that here it was the epicenter of the straining low-frequency vibration with a radius of 100 m. Now the nature of this vibration has become sensible.

Doslidniki V.A. Goh ta V. Taran, having taken away the certificate of scientific opinion that proven excavations revealed that the pyramid was littered with burnt down after the flood. About tse svіdchit those, scho nіd hour of excavation boulo found pebbles, mul that loam. Since then, researchers for additional geoholography and geohydrodiagnostics have revealed 30 transfer pyramids.

It was also installed, that the edges of the excavated pyramid were to be placed in their own warehouse with gypsum, lead and sour, as well as midi. As you can see, the Egyptian pyramids build such a warehouse at their own golden ball.

Goh and Taran let go that the Crimean pyramids were awakened at the same hour as the Egyptian ones. However, archaeologists are not in a hurry to recognize the opinions of enthusiasts, and also, they do not plan professional excavations in this area. Adzhe zgіdno z їhnoyyu theory, for hours ancient Egypt the sea was beating Krim.


The first peak, the highest peak to fight for the right to be called a pyramid, is Mount Kailash, famous for Tibet. The pyramidal form is also strikingly visible, and the edges are oriented on all sides of the light. The mountain is the highest peak in its region, and there is no root left. In the ancient religions of Nepal and China, Kailash is considered sacred, and there are numerous protests against this root. In religious texts about grief, it is written as follows: “No mortals can go to the mountain, where the gods linger, the one who shakes the faces of the gods, can die.”

Ernst Muldashev, the Mandrivnik and Doslidnik, who had organized the expedition to Mount Kailash, having respected that it would be possible to lead a straight line through Kailash to the center of the Earth, where the island of Great Day would pass. In addition, Kailash is located on the same meridian as Easter Island and Egyptian pyramids. On yoga thought, all otochuyuchi Kailash drіbnіshi burn likewise with the most ancient pyramids.

Obviously, the works of Muldashev are not recognized by the world of science and are considered pseudo-scientific, but who knows, maybe, further away, earlier than we did not know, pyramids confirm this theory?

Ale, we suggest you don’t check, if your mind is arguing about the mysterious pyramidal structures and if you figure out the correct confession, but know the evidence yourself. It’s much easier to do so, but you can’t do it - you can find unique ancient knowledge that is published earlier in the amazing books of Anastasia Novikh “Sensei”. You will become available not only to explain the rich mysteries of human civilization, but also to the old prophecies of future Humanity! You can get all books free of charge from our website!

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First, among others, this spiritual practice was not limited by the Ancient Egypt. There are a lot of piece-created pyramids, like today’s people have made, and those who are still “not developed” and do not know dosі - far from being chaotic. Even if there were stench at a different hour, roztashuvannya їх bulo in the singing coordinates, with a strict orientation to the hour of everyday life on the song of the stars. On a global scale - a kind of map. The initiators of the creation of such pyramids were people, as if they could gain knowledge. Among them is buv Imhotep. Vіn otrimav tsyu іnformatsiyu about global arkhіtekturniy project svіtovogo scale (such a buv raspryvaniya back to the hour of Imhotep) from the Sokrovennik naprikіnci bagatorіchny uchannja at the same time with more knowledge.

Anastasia NOVIKH Sensei IV

Everyone knows about the famous pyramids of Egypt. Its majestic mass and precise engineering suggest an idea about an alien adventure. Before the pyramids, alarm clocks turned up not only a long time ago, but the hours closest to us. Before you are the facts about 10 smaller pyramids, which deserve the same respect, like the Egyptians.

Pyramid by Jack Fuller

The pyramids of Egypt were tombs and monuments for the pharaohs of Egypt. More people are honored for better and more modestly for their eternal remembrance, a man has gone down in history for the prize "God's Jack" Fuller. Vіn u 1777 roci, u vіtsі 20 rocіv having subsided the great maєtok in England and slave plantations in Jamaica. Jack was born with marvelous twists and an important character. Vіn loving to be and virіshiv zbuduvat on the mystic storehouse a pyramid for yourself. Yogo's tomb was a masterpiece, the body was little known on the special table under the dome, but it was known for a fall, as if the Devil would come for him.

Pyramid in the shape of a sharp German sholom during the First Holy War

Pikelhaum, the hostile German sholom of the soldiers of the First World War, becoming synonymous with the “Hun” enemy. If persha light war ended, we could take away the symbol in order to demonstrate our triumph. In New York, it was a dream that a pyramid would be erected from the suffocated German soldiers.
The empty pyramid was vkrit 12 thousand pikelbaubiv. The pyramid was vikoristana as a place for collecting cats from Victory Way. They were encouraged to donate pennies for the 5th military loan to help pay the US borg. In order to support the victory of the allies, the pyramid was crowned with a winged figure, yak, imovirno, small to represent the goddess of victory Nike.

Pyramid, what to bend

We care that the Egyptian pyramids were perfected. And among the famous pyramids of Egypt, there are deacons, yakі mensh perfected. The first pyramids were smooth, folded into balls, stacked on top of each other.
The Pyramid of Snefer is unimaginable for other reasons. At that hour, as the majority of pyramids in Egypt, the sides are sickly close to 51 degrees; This led to the fact that Snefer's pyramid was seen by more people as a "pyramid to bend."
The construction of the pyramid is enigmatic. It turns out that it was broken up in three stages, the shards of the wall actually change cut three. Experts thought that here the roguish construction could have a secret room, de Sneefer is still in high regard. Vykoristovuyuchi cosmic exchanges, to trace the internal structure of the pyramid, the followers could not know the significance of the taemnі kіmnati.

Pyramids of Brazil

Shards of the pyramid were known in ancient cultures throughout the whole world, they are deeds of vcheni, yakі vvazhayut, that the culture is guilty of buti pov'azana like a rank.
Really, the pyramid is just one of themselves simple ways awaken the high structure. Irrespective of the similitudes of zvnіshnі, іsnuyut majesty vіdmіnnostі mіzh tim, yak bіlо pobudovanі piramidi in rіzni mіstsyah. The pyramids of Egypt were made of majestic stone blocks, and the pyramids of Brazil were made of turtles.
The Brazilian pyramids were dated approximately 3000 BC and older, lower early Egyptian pyramids. The Brazilian pyramids, it seems, have been built for a decade and a century.
The stench of the boulevard was pardoned for the fire by the vchenimi, the shards were crushed from the turtles. In part, those who did not recognize the stench as important reminders of history were saved at once less than 10 hundred thousand pyramids of Brazil. The stinks were taken by people, like roads will be.

Piramidi Oleksandr Golod

Not all pyramids are old objects, tied to death. A lot of "alternative" doslednikіv vvazhayut, scho form pyramids may taєmnichі zdіbnostі. In order to continue the name of the pyramidal force, Oleksandr Golod, having inspired the low pyramid under Moscow.
Piramidi Hunger is full of suschasni. The stench is made from metal and fiberglass. At the end of everyday life 20 pyramids
Vіn having revealed: pyramids boost the immune system of people, put them in a pyramid, let me give birth more, pyramids restore the ozone ball and increase impotence. Vcheni did not take these data seriously.
The largest pyramid of Hunger was 45 meters high and weighed 55 tons. Regardless of great roses In 2017, when a hurricane hit Moscow, the pyramid collapsed like a blast.

Pyramid Koh Ker

In the jungles of Cambodia there is an ancient place called Koher. The place was once the capital of the Khmer empire, after the famous Angkor. Although Angkor attracts anonymous tourists, Koh Ker is less popular.
Possibly, it is due to the fact that the greater Koh Kera, as before, was attached to densely populated areas, and in conflicts, as they defeated Cambodia in the 20th century, they were spared. Those who are far away from Koh Ker can build a pyramid there. The pyramid was roused without any difference to the concrete, and the whole structure is dampened by a damp vaga.
Shards go down the pyramids, be it, who wants to reach the top, is guilty of victorious woods go down, like they were recently added. It is important that you are familiar with the entrance to the underground pyramid. As long as they haven’t revealed yoga, they will have a chance to look at the cut figures called the pyramids.

Piramidi La Quemada

La Quemada is an archeological object near Mexico with some kind of taemnichim minulim. Experts can not dwell on those who were those people, who aroused and visited them.
The dilyanka is made up of different spores, installed on the hump. Among them is a sprat of pyramids.
Larger pyramidal structures, revealed in Mexico, are majestic and form a humpback. The pyramids of La Quemada are cool and magical.
At the top of the Virgin Pyramid there is a small temple where sacrifices were carried to the gods. It turns out that there is one more pyramid - “Sacrificing Pyramid” - a bula for human victims, they were thrown off by three gatherings.
The recently revealed brushes proved that the people of La Cemadie could possibly have captured the bodies of their enemies. Virіzanі mitki, vyavlenі on deakіh tіstkah, typical for kanіbalіzmu. Also, skulls with openings in them were found, as if they could be vikoristan for the display of heads, perhaps, on the pyramids.

Pyramid of Cestius

The pyramids of Egypt were a thousand fates at that hour, if the Roman Empire was victorious. It turns out that one Roman accepted, who, having seen Egypt, laid the battlefields with pyramids, who wanted his mother to be in control.
Incited between the 18th and 12th centuries before our time, the pyramid of Gaius Cestius is building wonderful additions. In fact, if there was a great pyramid in Rome, but in the 16th century it was dismantled for budding materials. The Pyramid of Cestius, immovirno, was preserved, to that later it was turned on to the defensive walls of the city.
The pyramid of Cestius, like a bula yogo grave, has richly steep sides, lower Egyptian pyramids. It is possible that Roman engineers could see that Egyptian models could be used to supplement Roman concrete. Little is known about Cestia, who roused the pyramid, but the grave became a binding for those who saw Rome for a long time.

Pyramid Argolid

In another century of ours, the ancient Greek writer Pausanias wrote a description of the place that people want to see in Greece. We write: “On the road from Argos to Epidauria, the right-hander is the wake, it is crushed and similar to a pyramid, and on it with a relief - forged shields of the Argivyansk form.” In the given hour, there are not a lot of daily traces of pyramids, ale and others in Greece, as they were saved.
At Hellinikon there are ruins of a small pyramid, crushed with stone. In the past, historians respected that this pyramid was a tomb described by Pausanias. Prote modern archeology has brought, that there is little more to be seen in the future.
Regardless of its construction, the pyramid was truly a scourge. At the pyramid, there were guards, like they were stalking the road, and like walking out of the boundary.

Sudanese pyramids

If you think about the country with pyramids, then you think more about Egypt for everything. In fact, it is the country, because there are more pyramids, lower in Egypt, and out of the country.
Sudan is home to ancient Nubian pyramids. The old Egyptian kingdom, if it tried far away for a day, despoiled the current Sudan. It is important that the Nubians, as they lived there, lived their pyramids with the successors of their Egyptian susides.
Nubians on the cob awakened their pyramids for about 700 r. BC, mayzhe after 2000 years after the Egyptians. The Nubians also built their pyramids on a smaller scale. Instead, in order to commemorate their dead, the middle pyramids, as the Egyptians did, the Nubians laid the dead under the pyramid.
For a long time, rich fates of the pyramids of Sudan suffered as people, as if they ran into everyday materials, and now the stench is stolen as an object of the All-World Heritage of UNESCO.
Voni is also the center of the tourism industry in Sudan.

Behind the numerous writings, reports, known manuscripts, those tablets can put together a complete picture of the past of our land with you. And above the planet itself, in those distant hours, three months shone. Yes, yes, three. The smallest and most short period around the earth is less than 7 days. Her name was Lelya. Another, middle of the world, a short period of 13 days was called Fatta. ) as a part of yoga sing "Theogony".

About the death of a small moon - Leli saw that the water, splitting into pieces, fell to the ground, calling out a sprinkling of strong tsunamis that flooded the majestic territories, including Daaria. "... They perished at once from a month into an obsession ... Ala paid the midgard for freedom, yes, chained by a great flood ... Lead the month, they created that flood, the stench fell on the earth from heaven with a merry mellow, for the month broke into pieces, and ratty svarozhichiv descended to Midgard ... "(Bring the perun, cr. 1, p. 9).

Zuhvale victoria of the elemental forces of the planet has brought to the ruin of another month - Fatty, the majestic tricks of which have fallen to the ground. After what the earth has healed its entire. For posterity, the sun began to pass through other zodiacal constrictions. There was a collapse of the continental plates, which called out strong earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, majestic tsunamis. The waters that came from the ocean flooded the coastal territory of the Black Sea, the lowlands of Azov, made a pіvostrіv, ranks of none of the Crimean ones, as a result of fissures. earth measles that horotvorennya at deyaky mіstsyakh. There was a change in the climate near the colder one and the addition of a mountain storm on the head Caucasian ridge. You can find a lot of information on the Internet about all the catastrophes, viklikanі podіnyam Fatti - Fetona.

Why are the pyramids here, you say?
On the right, in the fact that the pyramids were built in order to stabilize the magnetic field of the earth. All the pyramids were roztashovulysya in the singing points of the earth, to change the electro-magnetic current, to pass through them. Seemingly simpler, the pyramid itself is nothing else, like a great lens that modulates the flows that pass through it. Do not allow the lithosphere in your Russian.

Our ancestors created them in order to create a stable orbit, for 13,000 years ago there was a catastrophe that changed the orbit of the earth's axis by 23.5 degrees. Since the fall of Fatty's moon, the earth's orbit has been stable. And the axis at this hour and began to be pyramids, so that they could protect the planet’s possible upside downs, as if it were step by step and could turn over.

They knew the only way to improve this process. The whole life of the pyramids, like in different places all over the planet, created a stabilization of the electromagnetic grid. And after that our ancestors were far away to remember the entire orbit of our land.

Pyramid all over the world.

I am sure, now it has become clear that the pyramids were not only in Egypt. To confirm these words, I will bring examples of everyday life pyramids in the whole world:

Pyramids in Australia.

(Pyramid in Australia near Sydney)

Pyramid in England.

(Shidny Sussex in England)

Piramidi near Bermuda.

(Piramida at the bottom of the Caribbean Sea)

Pyramids near Bosnia.

(Mount Visochitsya became known as the Pyramid of the Son)

Pyramids near Belize.

(Altun Ha-pyramida)

Pyramid near Guatemala.

(Temple of the "Great Jaguar")

Pyramids near Honduras.

(Ruins in Copan)

Pyramids in Europe.

(Skadar pyramids)

Pyramid in Egypt.

(Piramidi at Giza)

Piramidi on the Canary Islands.

(Stupin parts of the pyramid)

Pyramid in China.

(The most popular - "bila pyramid", photo by an American pilot in 1945)

Piramidi at Krimu.

(Near Sevastopol)

Pyramid near Mexico.

(Mexico Chichen-Itsa Piramida Kukulkan)

Pyramid in Peru.

(Grand Pyramid)

(Machu Picchu (at the translation of the movie Quechua - "great peak"))

Pyramids in Russia.

(Piramidi on the Kola Pivostrov)

(Pyramid on Ladoz)

(Piramidi on Taimiri)

(Piramidi to the Urals)

(Pyramid near Siberia)

(Piramidi of Kamchatka)

(Piramida on the Kola Pivostrov)

(Piramida on Baikal)

(Piramida in Tkachen Bay in Chukotsk)

Pyramid at Salvador.

(pyramid in Tasumali)

Pyramids near Pivnichniy America.

(Pyramid of the Sun at Pivnichniy America)

Pyramid near Sudan.

(Jebel Barkal)

Pyramids in Thailand.

(Ancient place of Ayutiya)

Pyramids near Tibet.

(The main Pyramid of Tibet - Mount Kailash maє sharuvat budovu, vіdminnu vіd navkolishnіh її zvuchaynykh girs)

Pyramids in Ukraine.

(Veletenski pyramids in Lugansk)

Pyramids on the Pivden Sunset of Africa.

(Nubia I Kush)

Pyramids on the island of Java.

(pyramid near Borobudur)

Pyramids in Japan.

(The New Pyramids of the White Coast of Japan)

Pyramids without any doubts about the rich history of mankind. Unique spores for tourists and mythologists are the fact that the stench was zbudovani in the period, if there was no wakeful technology and perfect technology. The stench of cіkavі and z glance of architecture and culture of that period of human history. Proponuemo looking around the main pyramids ancient light that reveal the secrets and traditions of that hour.

Great constructions in different parts of the world were inspired by different people folding forms, types and understanding of various reasons. In the history of Egypt and China, pyramids played the role of burial chambers and monuments dedicated to the emperors and leaders of the country. Pyramids of ancient American tribes and Hindus were inspired as religious beings and tombs. Maizhe leather is unique, it takes its place in history and is a popular tourist object.

Known for the list of the Seven Wonders of the World, the great pyramid of Gizi is the oldest spore on the planet. Everyone knows that the pyramid of Cheops is a tomb, it was awakened in 2560 BC. Іsnuє impersonal scientific theories about principles and ways of everyday life. In the middle of the case, there are three hospices, the tomb was opened for the smallest of them. The other two are called the halls of the pharaoh and the queen. Tse edina Egyptian pyramid, What to revenge and low, and high galleries

Nubia was planted in the Nilsk region, as evidenced by the fact that they were found here, like the pyramids of Nubia. They were awakened by the kings of the old Kushite dynasty. 255 pyramids were found in Usyi Bulo, including el-Kurru, Nuri, Meroe. Tse apply the steps of the spores of the curtains from 6 to 30 meters, the stone blocks of such boules are laid out horizontally. Some of them were cult spores.

The pyramids of Elliniko are the remains of the mythological pyramids of Elliniko, the ancient city of Greece. Todi stinks were vowed by military spores. I want a theory that the stench is zbudovani for the honor of those who died in battles. The pyramid is made of stone, not polished. The stench is dated to the Mycenaean era (1600 - 1000 r. e.).

Piramidi Guimara is a complex of 6 sporuds, planted near the Chaconne region in the Canary Islands. They have a rectilinear shape, є terraces and sound stench from stones of volcanic volcanic excavation, without victoria budіvelnyh rozchinіv. For us, there were 9 pyramids, but only 6 of them have been preserved to this day. The appearance of terraces at the time of the construction of the pyramids is a reminder of the agricultural culture of that period, which knew its own image in architecture.

Piramida, roztashovana in the Indian city of Cholula, Mexico, is seen like Tlachiualtepetl and is respected by a piece mountain. Magnificent is the bula sporud temple complex dedicated to the god Quetzalcoatl. For its type, the architecture of the pyramid is related to the style of Teotihuacan.

This is one of the largest spores of the Yucatan Peninsula and the largest spore of Teotihuacan. The Kamyana Pyramid is located at the center of the great cult complex, on Death Avenue, between the Pyramid of Month and Kuidadela, at the quiet majestic Cerro Gordo mountain. Vaughn is valuable not only for her ancient architecture, but also for her roztashuvannyam on the pivnichny entry at the time of the sunset of the Sun. At the top of the pyramid there is a temple.

Ce pyramid of Ancient Rome. Won raztashovana Protestant zvintar that vorіt St. Paul. Pyramid, the tomb of Gaius Cestius, a member of one of the priestly colleges of Epouloni, dated 18-12 r.p. BC As one of the largest disputes in Rome, it was included before the fortification complex of the place.

Archaeologists have revealed low pyramids near Pivdenny India, as if they were cult objects of pilgrims. Shrirangam, incitement to the honor of the god Ranganath, the largest temple of India is located in the district of Tiruchchirappalli, the city of Tamilnadu. There are 21 gopuras at the foot temple. Another great spore in India is the temple of Brihadishwar, an object that has been listed on the list of historical and cultural heritage of UNESCO.
Meanwhile, today’s architects have said that the pyramids can be built not only for the Pharaohs of the kings, but also for the most famous deaths, they preached to him

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