Vidkrittya and science practices I.M. Sechenov. Ivan Sichenov short biography Sichenov short biography

Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov (1829-1905)– Physiologist, graduate of nature, doctor of medicine, professor, honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, laureate of the XXXII Demidov Prize.

Ovіta. In 1848 p. I. M. Sechenov graduated from the Golovna Engineering School near St. Petersburg.

Our vichi. Finished in 1856, worked as a private assistant professor, head of the department of physiology. For participation I. M. Sechenov was founded Physiological Institute.

Probation behind the cordon. After the completion of our Vishu probation behind the cordon. 3 professors on I. M. Sechenov was especially deep-rooted by Emil Dubois-Reymond, Karl Ludwig, Herman Helmholtz, Claude Bernard. Before. Ludwig became the protagonist of his life as a teacher of that other Russian physiologist.

Short biography. Ivan Sechenov was born in the village of Teply Stan, Simbirsk province (ninth village of Nizhny Novgorod region). At 1856 p. after graduating from the medical faculty with a wet bag, breaking the cordon for training to professorship.

Under the hour of rebuking outside the cordon, Sechenov made friendly meetings with the likely prominent figures of science S. P. Botkinim, D. I. Mendelevim, A.P. Borodinim, they lived all their lives.

In 1860 he became a professor at the Department of Physiology of the Medical and Surgical Academy of St. Petersburg. The very same wines by organizing one of the first Russian physiology laboratories.

I. M. Sechenov actively promoted progressive exercises of women to higher medical education. Having formed Nadiya Prokopivna Suslova and Maria Oleksandrivna Bokova (their future squad), they became the first women-healers in Russia.

Pratsyyuyuchi at the various mortgages of Russia I. M. Sechenov, always looking for brilliant results, like in science, and in the development of scientists, in the creation of scientific-sustainable activity. Among yoga colleagues and friends, there were known people of different galluses of science and culture. So, for example, at the Novorossiysk University in Odesa, the vineyard was connected with I. I. Mechnikov (winner Nobel Prize 1908).

In 1889 p. I. M. Sechenov turned to the alma-mater at the Department of Physiology, and after two years he became a student. Ten years of education by the department (1891-1901) were successful: the physiology laboratory was created with the help of a scientist. Here I. M. Sechenov having carried out the study of gases and dychal functions of blood, regularities labor activity people, zmіg establish optimal modes of practice and recovery.

Zalishivshi zaviduvacha 1901 p. I. M. Sechenov actively carried out scientific research at his laboratory.

Vcheniy zavzhdi pіdtrimuvav be-yakі forms of popularization of science, in the rest of the life of vin reading lectures on anatomy and physiology at the Prechistina robotic classes.

Died 1905. Burials at the Vagankivsky Tsvintary. In 1940 yoga ashes buv transferring to Novodevichy tsvintar.

Scientific achievement. At 1860 p. I. M. Sechenov having submitted his dissertation for the degree of doctor of medicine "Materials for the future physiology of alcohol addiction".

I. M. Sechenov described in detail the fundamental physiological phenomena of the activity of the central nervous system: central galvanization, summation of awakening and sleep.

Hanging the position about the originality of reflexes, the centers of which lie near the brain, that is about the reflex basis of mental activity. Giving a scientific background to the optimal work day for workers.

I. P. Pavlov, a prominent physiologist, Nobel Prize winner (1904), called the statement about the reflex nature of the activity of the brain a brilliant stroke of the Sechenivsky thought, and the author himself - "the founder of natural physiology and the nose of a truly free spirit." To explain the mental life of the life of the life, there is no greater significance, the shards of the mind open up the specific brain mechanisms of the mental, showing that for some minds it is formed such a meaning of the life of the organism. The genius idea of ​​I. M. Sechenov about the reflex nature of the activity of the brain was known in the Pavlovsk experiment, experimental confirmation of that development. I. P. Pavlov vigukuє:

“So, I am radium, because at the same time with Ivan Mikhailovich that regiment of my dear spivrobitniks, we have come for the mighty power of physiological follow-up to replace half the entire inseparably created organism. For the first time, our Russian merit is incomparable to the light science, to the collective human thought.”

Honoring the memory of our university. Have 1955 r. our visha was given the name I. M. Sechenov, a monument to the scientist before the future The Museum was erected in 1958. (the robot of the sculptor L. E. Kerbel). In 2015 vodcrito center for professional training of schoolchildren in Moscow "Medical Sechenivsky pereduniversariy", in which the Sechenivsky auditorium was created, dedicated to the great physiologist.

At our Museum. Publications are kept from the funds of the Museum. I. M. Sechenov, among them books and articles, seen in Nіmechchinі, Austria on my German: Physiologische Studien über die Hemmungsmechanismen für die Reflexthätigkeit des Rückenmarks im Gehirne des Frosches. Hirschwald, Berlin 1863; Ueber die elektrische und chemische Reizung der sensiblen Rückenmarksnerven des Frosches. Leuschner & Lubensky, Graz 1868.

A significant number of fittings, like victorious teachings in their achievements, are presented at the branch of the Museum - the exposition “Memorial Museum of I. M. Sechenov. Among them: ergography, kymography, sphygmomanometer, galvanometer, reflexometer, etc.

SECHENOV, IVAN MIKHAILOVICH(1829-1905), Russian physiologist, creator of the first physiological school in Russia, founder of the theory about mental regulation of behavior and new psychology. Corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1869).

Born on 1 (13) April 1829 in the village of Teply Stan, Simbirsk province (nine Sechenovo, Nizhny Novgorod region). A young child belongs to a nobleman, yoga mother was from the villagers. Having obtained homely cob lighting.

In 1843 he entered the Head Engineering School in St. Petersburg. Finished at 1848. Not long after military service, і, vyyshovshi u vіdstavku, in 1850 joined the Moscow University at the Faculty of Medicine. On the 4th course, becoming seriously engaged in physiology in Ivan Timofiyovich Glebov (1806-1884), a scientist, who had become involved in the development of Russian medical science and enlightenment of Russian scientists, vice-president of St. Petersburg medical and surgical academy (1857). At the same time, Sechenov got stuck in psychology. Try the physiology to finish the brain at that hour, they were considered unpromising, but Sechenov even dreamed of creating a special “medical” psychology on the stick of philosophy, psychology and medicine, which is based on the knowledge of the healthy functions of the brain system.

The serious training of the student's fate did not show off the entire reserve of young Sechenov's seething energy. Vіn got close to the literary group of Apollon Grigor'ev, like a Crimea of ​​poetic readings, famous for his merry revels. For Sechenov, the fate of these festivities did not pass in vain, he got stuck with the problem of drinking alcohol on the human body, and already in his younger years he wrote a long work about the physiology of alcohol consumption and the role of the burner in the life of Russian people. Over the years, this topic has been expanded in his doctoral dissertation. After graduating from the university in 1856, I went to the city of Nimechchini, where I started the most progressive school of physics and chemistry in physiology, and there I prepared my doctoral dissertation Materials for the future physiology of alcohol addiction. Zahistiv її in 1860 p. at the Medical and Surgical (by the year of the Viysk Medical) Academy.

Since 1860, having worked at the Department of Physiology of the Medical and Surgical Academy in St. Petersburg, having organized there one of the first physiology laboratories in Russia, not only physical studies were carried out, but also work in the pharmacology and toxicology departments. Yogo experimental activities slandered a wide range of problems, zokrema vin doslіdzhuvav laws razchinennya, zv'yazuvannya transferring carbon dioxide to blood; the event of gas exchange allowed him to explain the death of aeronauts on povitryany kuli and start aviation physiology. Ввів at the practice method of demonstrating the experiment.

In 1871–1876 he headed the Department of Physiology at the Novorossiysk University (Odessa). In 1876, he turned to St. Petersburg, where he also organized a laboratory. Became one of the founders of the Bestuzhev High Women's Courses.

In 1888, having moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow, he rejoined M. A. Bokova with his hromada squad. Since 1889 he was a private assistant professor, since 1891 he was a professor of physiology at Moscow University until his appointment in 1901.

In 1889 p. bu v obraty one of the honorable goals of the I International Psychological Congress in Paris.

Having read lectures at the club of doctors on Veliky Dmitrivtsy, at the Physiological Institute and public lectures at Prechistensky courses for robotics.

A lot of experimental research has begun to develop today's knowledge about the reflex nature of mental processes. With his classic robot, what has become Reflexion of the brain(1866) having underlined the reflex nature of svіdomо and unsvіdomої activity. Sechenov, having shown that shards of reflection are impossible without a splendid imitation, then psychic activity is stimulated by imitations, which are poured into the senses. At the same time, Sechenov repeated his words about reflections on summaries of additions, looking at the influx of many infusions, and not in the middle of the wild ones.

Experimental confirmation of the hypothesis about the impact of the centers of the brain on the rukhovu activity was taken away in 1862 in Paris, in the laboratory of C. Bernard. Sechenov, having shown that the chemical teasing of the dove's brain and the sorrow's humpbacks with kitchen salt crystals, hindered the reflex reaction of the toad's rash. The thalamic center of the galvanization of the reflex reaction is called the "Sichenivsky center", and the phenomenon of the central galvanization - to the Sechenivsky galvanizations. The idea of ​​explaining the mechanisms of the freedom of will was inspired by the idea of ​​explaining the mechanisms of the freedom of the will.

Volov's people are meant to be built to stand against irresistible impulses and children behind the power program. And tse, for Sєchenov, it is possible, if the galmіvnі centers are turned on. Zatrimane tsimi centers diya nibi ide deep into the brain and are saved there at the form of a thought. Preservation of traces in the central nervous system stands as the basis of memory, galvanism - as a mechanism of vibratory directness of behavior, the robot of the "subsidiary mechanism of the brain" - as a substratum of motivation.

Sechenov propagating a plan to inspire a new objective psychology. It was important to know that psychological (spiritual) manifestations can be known only in the middle. According to Sechenov, the internal plan of a person's behavior can be recognized for the help of such methods themselves, with which science knows other forms of life. Vіn vydhiliv version pro pіznannya kak bezperednіy svіd subjecta, even so itself, yak i law ruhu, law, scho generate experience, it is not given to people without a middle. The illusion of the unruliness of the earth, as it is perceived by a person without middle ground - of the same kind that spawns psychic phenomena - one on the right of their direct experience, and another - laws that give rise to these experiences. You can only see it in an indirect way, like the trajectories of the atoms of the planets in physics and astronomy. This admission went beyond the version of psychic life that was accepted at that time, which is the most uninterrupted її remembrance (or experience) of this cordon, which is a kind of protection for the sphere of other aspects of the butt. Sechenov vvazhav, that the illusion of bezperednnosti psyche is blamed as the result of the development of the subject. The third phase is before the mastery of the child of the world of science. Psychically regulation diї guess reflexivity, that in their basis and first reason є direct contacts with the necessary world. Such є vminnya marvel, chuti, keruvati ruhs toshcho. Ale, moreover, the child has є i myslennya, on the back of the subject, tobto. a child takes objects, thinks about them, sets mutual blues and robs visnovkas (prison). From the outside, as if they are objectively guarded, the stench of the galvanism mechanism “to go in the middle”, taking care of the brain, so that we will later reappear in similar situations. The specialty is also formed: a baby’s head is born at the order of the grown-ups; Then we form a statement about ourselves as about an internal center, now the commands are coming out. This was an innovative statement about the spivvіdshenie zovnіshnіh dіy people and її vnutrіshnіh psychіchnyh aktіv. This process of transforming the outer world from the inside has taken away the name of interiorization.

Until 1863-1868, the residual formation of the physiological school of Sechenov remained. A number of roki vіn іz vіd іn іn ї ї ї іnіm іn іn іn іn ї ії ії іn іѕіоlієєyu mіzhtsentralnykh vіdnosiny. Most of the results of these publications have been published by yoga robots Physiology of the nervous system (1866).

In 1871–1872, a translation of Ch.Darwin's work was published for his editorship in Russia Walking people, which served as a development of evolutionary physiology in Russia.

Sechenov explored the analysis of the fundamental problems of the methodology of scientific knowledge. The originality of this position was due to the fact that the wines are not found in the traditional way in the manifestation of the scientific thought to the natural scientific phenomena that vibrate on the basis, tobto. theories, hypotheses, etc., and in the opposite direction, vicorist experimentally otrimani facts that are worth the psychophysiological apparatus of the person vicoristovuvav for explanation, I will arrange that functioning of thought. The result of the majestic empirical material and the innovative method was the Elements of thought, Publications in St. Petersburg in 1878 in the journal "Visnik Evropi" (2 publications, 1903).

In 1904 Sechenov completed his Autobiographical notes.

Others create: Selected services, M., 1935; Selected philosophical and psychological works. M., 1947; Physiology of the nerve centers of 3 lectures, readings at the selection of doctors in Moscow, 1889–1990.. M., 1952.

The founder of the Russian school of physics, the founder of the field of objective psychology, one of the best articles in Russian medicine.

Nobleman for adventures, Ivan Sechenov was born in 1829 to rock in the same colossal Viysk. Being not rich, the fathers could give you more home on the cob. Mother took care of him, more importantly, as she mastered the letter in the monastery before she died. If the hour had come for Ivan to seek further illumination, Yogo Batko died. Ivan's family had 8 children, and five of them had already become independent at that time. Others, among them Ivan, were incomplete. In response to the demise of the material life of the family, Ivan was promoted to the Head Engineering School. The contribution for education is relatively small, but the profession is promising. Finishing yoga Sechenov not having served the right of his life and not becoming a prodovzhuvat military career, but having entered the medical faculty of Moscow University as a good listener. Crimean lectures on medicine, wine, having listened to the course of cultural studies, history, philosophy, theology and other disciplines for the global development. And wanting the order at the university to be military suvorim, Ivan Sechenov showed himself an intelligent and promising student.

Like a person, like a first-time enlightenment in the mathematical sciences, Ivan Sechenov is heavy to the point of accuracy and in medicine. Not being satisfied with the empiricism of the current medical science, he began to develop in the gallus of physiology and scientific pathology. Vіn sklav zamіst likarskih іspіtіv bіlsh folded doctoral іt otrimіv stupіn іkarі z vіdznakoyu. Russian medicine was also strongly opposed to foreign, zokrema, European. Therefore, after the death of his mother, Sechenov vychiv poїhat poїhat otrimanoї spadshchiny vchitisya physiology zakordon.

In Nіmechchinі, Austrian wines began with the best professors, famous physicians, zokrem,. For a long time, Sechenov worked at the best laboratories in Europe. Zakordon wine got to know the prominent Russian talents - Botkin, Mendelevim, artist Oleksandr Ivanov, who hopes for help from his work on the canvas "The Appearance of Christ to the People." The fruit of the general education of that practice was the doctoral dissertation, which continued the physiology of sp'yaninnya. Bagato doslidiv Sechenov putting on his own. In 1860, roci wines turned to St. Petersburg for the defense of the dissertation.

Having become a professor at the Medical Academy of St. Petersburg, Sechenov, with his lectures, made people impersonal, like medical students, and distant types of medicine. For example, Chernishevsky and Turgenev went to yoga lectures about "creature electricity". Sechenov's lectures were hostile, which they instilled in the "Viysko-Medical" journal. Then the lectures were awarded the highest honor of the Academy of Sciences, and Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov was selected to the current membership of the Academy of Sciences.

Two years later, Sechenov went to Paris to work in the laboratory of Claude Bernard, the founder of endocrinology, the leading French historian of the processes of internal secretion. Vіdkrittyam, zrobleny at ts_y rіchnіy naukovіy vіdpustsi, it became apparent to the process of central galvanization, which comes from the brain. The description of this phenomenon was dedicated to the article “Reflection of the Brain”, published in the journal “Medical Newsletter” in 1863. The article was explaining the mental behavior of a person in a relationship with familiar imitations, and not with a mysterious soul. Sechenov showed the reaction of the nervous system with reflexes, classifying as simple as folding.

Sechenov’s colleague, the physiologist Shaternikov, described the article as a thoughtfulness". And Pavlov, who respected the robot as the pinnacle of Sechenov's scientific work, called it "a brilliant stroke of the Sichenivska thought." The essence of the speech was supposed to be shaking the brain, otherwise it was the sound of waking up. This phenomenon became known as "Sichenivsky galmuvannyam". Sechenov conducted an experiment with a dog, having provided access to smells, sounds of those odors, after which the dog gradually fell asleep.

Vіdkrittya in galuzі psikhologii, yak at that hour was the parchієyu religion, screwed up the respect of the power of that church. The censor of the sechenist practice wrote to the ceramics: “…inspire religious vigilance and moral and political ambush.” Yogo scientific knowledge began to be harrowed, and the clergy propagated to send yoga for “calm down that repose” to the Solovetsky Monastery. Praised for the share of the honored svіtovim'yam, friends slandered the lawyers, as the best way to represent your interests in the court. Sechenov wondered: “Do I need lawyers? I will bring a toad from me and show the prosecutors all my findings. Don't go ahead and ask me." The detachment did not risk viklikati shattering the light of sleep, and allowed it to work. However, the lack of confidence to political arrogance was saved by the authorities to a prominent Russian vcheny for all life.

One of the central works of Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov, "Physiology of the nervous system", published in 1866. In this practice, to bring the quality of the human sensory systems to self-regulation and the development of positive connections between the minds and the reaction of the central nervous systems to signals, like stinks.

Sechenov actively spoke out for the equal rights of women and advocated for women's enlightenment. Having allowed women to attend his lectures, at his own time to learn to supervise the scientific work and psychophysiological studies. Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov lectured at women's courses in Moscow, and took part in the organization of the Great Women's Courses. The protege of society is not ready to give ladies the same rights as men. Sechenov spoke out sharply against discrimination behind a statue sign. In 1870, there was another story, as it became the last drop before the entrance of the nobleman. Vin recommending prominent scientists from the professor of the Academy of Sciences I. I. Mechnikova and A.E. Golubeva. Prote їх zabalotuvali. With his entrance, Sechenov made a protest against discrimination against women and swamped academics.

Sechenov went to St. Petersburg University to work at the chemical laboratory D. I. Mendelev, with such a stink, they were friends for more hours with a zakordon. Then, from 1871 to 1876, the fate of the wines found the Department of Physiology at the Odessa University. At the onset of five fates, I turned to St. Petersburg to the Department of Physiology of the University. At the same time, he worked as an associate professor at the Moscow University, and later from 1891 - as a professor.

In the remaining two decades of his life, Secheno worked on the topic, as if he were not so serious for the uninitiated, - the dihal function of blood. At St. Petersburg wines, they basically completed their work, connected with gas exchange in the human body, having started cilia directly from science. If in 1875 the fate of three mercenaries flew in the air on the balloon "Zenit", nothing felt a tragic death. Having risen at the turn for 8 kilometers, two of them perished in the poison. On the z'їzdі doslidnіnіv nіv іn 1879 rоtsі Sechenov acted z dоpovіddu, in аkіy scientіc obґruntuvav the cause of the death of two povіtroplavtsіv.

Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov was a talented scientist, I could look progressively and advanced thought. The authorities were not up to like the independence and independence of the court, so at the end of his life, the scientist had a chance to move to Leipzig to take up the last job, which was spared by Russia. So, I improved the three fates of the wines with a cordon, and in the fatherland I read lectures less. In 1891, yoga was asked to turn around to take the position of the late professor of physiology at Moscow University.

Without slacking off on gas exchange, Sechenov designed a sprig of commendable devices, a portable dysopharyngeal device, and continued to work on neuro-malignant physiology. In 1891, a pioneering worker was born, as it recognized the main research paper “Physiology of Nerve Centers”, highly rated both in Russia and beyond the cordon. After 10 years, Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov stopped teaching at private courses. In 1901, the yogo robot “Drawing of working people's hands” was born, and three years later - “Subject thought that action”. In 1905, roci vidatny rosiysky teachings pishov іz life. Yogo's grave is located in the Novodevichy Monastery.

Roboti I. M. Sechenov is widely praised by various spheres of science and life. Yogo vіdkrittya vplinuli on psychology, medicine, natural science. Deyakі z yogo doslіdzhen formed the basis of rozrobok at gas transport gallery and naftogazidobutku. The ideas of the great Russian military dossie are recognized as topical by law enforcement organizations, trade union associations, women’s and working organizations.

Sechenov Ivan Mikhailovich is a Russian physiologist, biologist and chemist. For the fates of his activity, he made a contribution to the development of rich scientific fields, including psychology, journalism and anthropology. Many people respect Ivan Mikhailovich as one of the founders of contemporary literary Russian movies.

Children of the Rocks of Sechenov

Sechenov I.M. Born on 13 September 1829 in the village of Teply Stan, as of today, the village of Sechenov is called and is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Yogo father, Sєchenov Mikhailo Oleksiyovich, was a helper and a nobleman, and his mother - Anissya Egorivna, a lot of krіpaki yogo dad. Ivan himself, thinking about his family already in a grown-up age, knowing that he loved his nanny Nastasya the most, how he talked about him, protected him, spoiled him and knew the faceless fairy tales.

The family of Sechenovs, regardless of their supremacy status, recognized the singing difficulties for a penny, through which young Ivan had a chance to get only home lighting, which in no way brought you to the future reach great success have different direct activities.

Literacy, mathematics and natural sciences, mother taught yoga, as if she freely led Russian and alive foreign language, and dreamed about those, as if one time I would become a professor.

Youth and first successes

In 1848 Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov graduated from the Golovna Engineering School. It’s a pity that Yomu didn’t get to the top officer class, and Yogo was let out of the school in the rank of ensign. The young Sechenov didn’t go far to get to the wild army in the Caucasus, and served with another reserve sapper battalion.

Two years later, I entered the university and entered the faculty of medicine at the Moscow University. Crim of medical lectures, wines also in view of others, for which reason it is necessary to begin to sort out in cultural studies, theology, philosophy, deontology, middle novice and old medicine, that history. In the third year, the sphere of yoga interests has expanded in psychology and physics.

Polunin A.I. that Glebova I.T., Sechenov is also interested in physiology. On behalf of the dean, he passed the new course of education, having said all the necessary sleep and taking off the steps of the doctor with a sign.

In the 4th year of study, Ivan Mikhailovich had a chance to survive the death of his mother. In response to a riddle about her, Sechenov followed the folding of the drink, breaking for a cordon for pennies, taking it from the recesses. Vіn wanting to professionally engage in physiology and the beginnings of his commitment and purposefulness, nadali zmіg zrobiti іstotny contribution to the medical sphere.

Rosquit Kar'yeri

After moving overseas in 1856, Sechenov worked at the laboratories of many scientists such as F. Hoppe-Seyler, Ernst Weber, Johann Müller, K. Ludwig and others.

Vіn also got to know and communicate with A.N. Beketovim, D.I. Mendeliev, S.P. Botkinim, A.P. Many of them worked on their own projects, or gave them all the help they could, as if it were for A. Ivanov, with such a stench they worked on the painting “The Appearance of Christ to the People”.

Sechenov’s lectures about “Created Electricity”, like I read at the Medical and Surgical Academy, impressed not only those from the same sharpened, but also such distant types of medicine people, like Chernishevsky N.G. that Turgenev I.S. For the fates of his activity, he was able to improve in Paris in the laboratory of Claude Bernard, who became famous in the endocrinology.

In 1867, rotations of wines began to actively push out vchennya about self-regulation and reversal links, as well as theories about cybernetics and automatic control. At the same time, he had a chance to break the term at the entrance to Graci, to his friend in Vienna, that physiologist Oleksandr Rollet. Why did the academician of the Medical and Surgical Academy go to the Senate to send Sechenov to the monastery for shakily that soul-destroying trial.

Ivan Mikhailovich also actively fought for women's rights and, in 1870, as a sign of protest against women's discrimination, having left the academy, after which he worked at Mendeliev's chemical laboratory and, in parallel, read lectures at the club of artists.

З 1871 по 1888 роки він встиг кілька разів змінити місце роботи: спочатку завідував кафедрою фізіології в Новоросійському університеті Одеси, потім був професором відділення анатомії, фізіології та гістології кафедри зоології фізико-математичного факультету Петербурзького університету, де навіть організував окрему.

In 1889, Sechenov became president of the first International Psychological Congress in Paris, and also took the title of Privatdozent at Moscow University. For two years of wines, having won the title of professor of physiology. In 1901, the rotation of the wines was officially announced at the introduction, with which I continued the last and the official duty.

Significant reach

For the fates of his work, Sechenov wrote impersonal and important speeches that have been forgotten forever in history, among them:

  • - Sechenov himself, having constructed a "blood pump", the necessary injection of alcohol on blood gas.
  • - Vіn buv first, who wrote that doctoral dissertation in Russian on the topic "Materials for the future physiology of alcoholic sp'yaninnya", 1860 at the Medical and Surgical Academy near St. Petersburg.
  • - Sechenov organized the first physiology laboratory in Russia at the Medical and Surgical Academy of St. Petersburg.
  • - Sam Sechenov expanding Darwinism in Russia and developing the first in the world of physical-chemical and evolutionary theories, as well as adding ideas to Darwinism to the problems of psychology and physiology.
  • – Vin discovered the phenomenon of central galvanization, which the result called sechenivsky galvanization, that mimicile collision of biostrums in a dovesty brain.
  • - Sechenov, having transformed physiology into an exact science and clinical discipline, as a way to allow medicine to advance the suttievy krok ahead of time.

The share of Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov, a prominent physiologist, was not easy. In yoga biographies, successes were changed by failures, proto-cutaneous stage way of life incessantly depriving oneself of faith in oneself, one's ideals and principles. Vіn innocently fought for the light of science and reason, for enlightenment, navitt like censorship branded it as “unsafe” and “improving moral podvalini”. Bagata naukovy spadshchina Ivan Mikhailovich dosi tsіkavit fahivtsіv z usogo svіtu.

Childhood and youth

Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov was born on the 13th sickle (after the old style - the 1st) in 1829 in the village of Teply Stan of the Kurmis district of the Simbirsk province. Old man of the nobleman Mikhailo Oleksiyovich Sechenov.

In the past, he served with the Preobrazhensky Guards Regiment, and wiyshovshi at the military post, settling in the garden at the same time from the retinue of those children. Sered susidiv Mikhailo Oleksiyovich maw the glory of the white crow - after that, as a person, having made friends with the krіpakoy Anіsє Єgorіvna, the majestic nobility marveled at the new animal.

The druzhina gave Sechenov 8 children, including Ivan Bov, the youngest. Until the 14th birthday, the boy never once saw the border of the village. Rice wine is more important for a woman. The older brothers were trained by the city, but there were no middle comrades of the same age. The fathers were chosen to govern their sons to the Kazan Gymnasium, to the brothers, but through the death of the father, the material camp of this family was stolen. Ivan learned this at home, and the strong priest and governess became his mentors.

In 1843, Sechenov, the youngest, went to St. Petersburg, de having entered the Head Engineering School. At yoga walls, the young man mastered physics, chemistry, mathematics and other sciences. After graduation, in 1848, Ivan Mikhailovich was assigned to serve in the Kiev sapper battalion. However, the young man soon realized that the current way of life is not for him. Youmu was killed by the zhorstokіst of the military, the servility of the younger ranks before the elders. In 1850, Sechenov, having submitted his resignation.

This is the hour Ivan Mikhailovich spent at home, at the Warm Stan. And in the autumn of that same year, 1850, we flew to Moscow. At the capital, the young man became a listener of the medical faculty of Moscow University. Influenced by 1851 to the fate of wines, having accumulated in anatomy, botanicals and latin, having seen introductory іspit and flowing to the lavas of students. On the back under the infusion of Professor Fyodor Inozemtsev, I shied up to surgery. Prote already in the senior years of Sechenov zrobiv vibir on the mischief of physiology.

In 1856, a lot of young people were allowed to go to sleep. The dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Mykola Anke, urged the talented student to lay down not an honorary, but a doctor's degree. The stench, zrozumіlo, were foldable and goiter, they made the graduate write and submit a dissertation. Sechenov waited a while and without a hitch he had a doctorate with his classmates Eduard Junge and Pavel Einbrodt.

The letter of Ivan Mikhailovich, miraculously rozumіyuchi, that having stumbled at the Moscow University was less than easy, virushiv virushiti for the cordon. Vіn vіdmovivsya vіd batkіvskoї spadshchina i, vіd vіd brіvіv 6 yew. rub. compensation, having gone to Nimechchin. There, the young man read lectures by Johann Muller, Emil Dubois-Reymond and other leading physiologists. In addition, I was engaged in labs, learning chemistry, and working my ass off. The results of the study by Sechenov were cultivated by scientific articles, as a result of which he worked out his name from the staff of European physiologists.

Medicine and scientific activity

1860 Ivan Mikhailovich received his doctoral dissertation. The topic sounded like this: “Materials for the future physiology of alcohol addiction”. In order to explore in detail with the nutrition, Sechenov independently constructed a "blood pump", which he showed by chance, like alcohol pouring in the sour blood.

Ivan Sechenov

How alcohol is seen in the body, how the chemical processes of wine are suppressed in tissues, how nervous activity- all the same, the physiologist is universally visible in his work.

At the request of Professor Ivan Glebov, Sechenov gave a job at the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy. His lectures, new facts and new scientific data called out a burning interest from the side of the listeners. One of the merits of Ivan Mikhailovich is the fact that he was the first to speak out on the mutual connection between the body and the old middle ground - this idea was known in the article "About growing acts in creaturely life" (1861).

Crimean physiology, in his practice, Sechenov stood up to the impudent problems of biology, medicine and other sciences. In 1862, while in Paris, Ivan Mikhailovich worked at the laboratory of the French physician Claude Bernard. Here it became one of the main yogo statements: the teachings were finished, that the nervous activity of a person is composed of two uninterrupted processes - a dramatic one and a galmive one. This phenomenon was given the name of "central (abo sechenіvskogo) galvanization". Details of the report by Sechenov vyklav at the robot, who helped the world in 1963.

Turning behind the cordon, Ivan Mikhailovich saw lectures "About the creature's electrician" (1963) at the friend's friend. For this work, the physiologist won the Demidov Prize. "Reflection of the Brain" (1963), which followed her, became a kind of pinnacle of Sechenov's work. Two parts of this work were published in No. 47 and No. 48 of the Medical Newsletter. The world of 1966 rocked the world of vision.

The book, as if asking in front of you to look at the myslennevu activity of a person, called out a scandal. At the thought of censorship, Sechenov's worker encouraged religious, moral and political ambush. The circulation of "Reflexes of the Brain" was arrested, otherwise they tried to get it on the right of the court. Ivan Mikhailovich, standing calmly before the court, declaring that it was right to go to court, he would demonstrate to the judges the proof of the toad and prove his case.

The detachment had a chance to take a call from Sechenov and let it out from the air. Prote was left with a life of Ivan Mikhailovich, having been left “on the spot” at the tsar’s order. Yogo naukovі doslіdzhennya zavod suvorogo vyvchennya і, kіm academic censorship, passed on the review to the highest censorship committee. In 1869, Roci Sechenov, having recommended to the professor of the Medical and Surgical Academy and, if they had babbled, viyshov at the protest.

Yearly, Ivan Mikhailovich worked at Novorossiysk, St. Petersburg and Moscow Universities. In 1891, the clerks at their native university took the place of the professor of the Department of Physiology. With whom, without ceasing to lead scientific work set up experiments.

Vіn doslіdzhuvav psychology, physiology of m'yazovoї activity and physiology of practice, physicochemistry of blood gases. In 1901, Sechenov filed a resignation, having reserved the right to work with a physiological laboratory. The photograph of the 1902 year was saved, for which the physiologist indulged in the practice of the rhythm of the robot and the tongue of the hand.

Life Specialist

In 1848, while in Kiev, Ivan Mikhailovich became a frequent guest at the doctor's booth. There I got to know the daughter of the ruler, the budinka, the young widow Olga Oleksandrivna. Sechenov guessing about her like a non-Abbiak, a well-read person, sensible and living a philanthropist. It's not surprising that the young man suddenly began to feel romantically. Ivan Rozumiv, who is unlikely to be mutual, protested the call about the new arrival of Olga Oleksandrivna, taking pain.

Pіznіshe Sєchenov zaznav, scho tsey episode pіdstovkhnuv yogo pіti at vіdstavku i zdobuti universitetskaya osvіtu. Tsikavo, who Ivan Mikhailovich wised up his squad, the availability of women's education in Russia. Back in 1861, Maria Oleksandrivna Bokova and her friend Nadiya Prokopivna Suslova, as well as hearers, gave lectures of the scientist at the Medical and Surgical Academy. The grievances of the women were taken to lay down the certificate of maturity, and Sechenov was willing to help them with the preparation.

Maria bula was friendly. I won myself, and її the person Petro Ivanovich Bokov was friendly with the physiologist. Sechenov often visited his booth. If the offended pupils successfully sighed, Ivan Mikhailovich became an honored guest at the urochist, organized in honor of the graduates.

In the 1862nd teachings, he went to Paris, but his connection with Bokova and Suslova did not stick. Zhіnki overpowered you with reports about their scientific achievements, while Sechenov oversaw his reports with pardons and access.

Nezabar after the return of Ivan Mikhailovich to Russia, it became clear that yoga and Mary appeared more warmly and heartily, lower than simple friendship. Cholovik Bichniy, a man of true intelligence and gentry, without becoming a persecutor to people who love one another. What's more, if Sechenov and his yogo turned into a large-scale slut, Petro Ivanovich became a dear friend of his homeland.

In 1864, a law was adopted that made it difficult for women to study at the academy and engage in scientific activities. The students of Ivan Mikhailovich had a chance to deprive them of their busyness. After continuing their education, Suslov and Bokov-Sechenov were sent to the University of Zurich (Switzerland). Turning to Russia, Maria took up medical work, moreover, at the same time, from a man, she shifted low to the chief assistants from medicine and physiology.

According to the witnesses of the fellows, Sechenov was happy in a special life. Їх з Мією the union ґruntuvavsya not only on kohannі, but also on spіlnostі іnteresіv. The friends spent summer months in Klepenino, a poor village near Rzhev; At the leaf to Nadiya Suslova, the physiologist’s team was diluted with details of his military task: in the daytime, the stench was about the foxes of that field, the evenings were spent reading.


Sechenov died on 15 (2) leaf fall, 1905. The cause of death was a larger burning leg. In the rest of the way, Ivan Mikhailovich was seen off only by the closest people. They did not rule over the funeral of the professor, who had made a colossal contribution to the science of the world, - such was the will of the deceased.

On the other hand, the grave was roztashovuvaetsya on the Vagankivsky tsvintary, then the gunpowder was transferred to Novodevich. A prize was founded on the riddle about a prominent physiologist, for him to wear a low standard (for example, the Moscow Medical Institute) that street. And the village of Ivan Mikhailovich, Teply Stan, is called Sechenovo.


  • 1861 - "About growing up in a creature's life"
  • 1863 - "About the creature's electrician"
  • 1866 - "Reflexion of the brain"
  • 1879 - "Elements of thought"
  • 1888 - "About the treatment of CO2 with salts and strong acids"
  • 1891 - "Physiology of nerve centers"
  • 1895 - "Physiological criteria for the establishment of trivality of the working day"
  • 1896 - "Effect and action"
  • 1901 - "Drawing of working people's clothes"
  • 1902 - "Subject thought and action"
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