German table of borrowers from all vіdminkah. Borrowers at the German language. Vіdminyuvannya borrowers in the German movoy: special

Borrowers are called words that avenge one's own statement on a person, sign or whether there is an object and not name them specifically. At zv'yazku z tsim borrowers (deposit in their own category) replace the names of the names, prikmetniki and numerals.

German and Russian special borrowers may be more often used, but only because they often stink, the ceremonial name of the special borrower replaces the special borrower. In zagalo, the introduction of special borrowers in the German language in both numbers (Singular and Plural) demonstrates the zbіg zbіg zbіg zdebіčnchen tsikh zaybennіv z vydpovidnymi articles (singers), for example: das - es, der - er, die - sie. The genitiv of special borrowers in the region is rare among vikoristannas.

Table 1

Vіdminyuvannya borrowers in the German movoy: special

Vіdminok — Kasus Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative
Disguise - Person
1 I(swim) - ich(bad) me -meiner (wine write) meni- (er schreibt) mir (Won to succumb) less- (sie sieht) Mich
2 ti(idesh) - du(gehst) you -deiner (Stink bestow) tobi- (sie schenken) dir (vin small) you- (er malt) dich
3 wine(sleep) - er schlaft yoga -seiner (we believe) youmu- (wir glauben) ihm (Vin we can) yoga- (er besiegt) ihn
out(light) - es(scheint) yoga -seiner (we give) youmu- (wirgeben) ihm (Mi varimo) yoga- (wirkochen) es
won(practice) - sie(arbeitet) її -ihrer (we write) їй- (wirschreiben) ihr (Mi miёmo) її- (wir waschen) sie
1 mi(Give) - wir(geben) us -unser (wine posit) us- (er leiht) uns (won kohaє) us- (sie liebt) uns
2 in and(mutter) - ihr(brummt) you -euer (Won Breche) to you- (sie lugt) euch (vin mention) you- (er merkte) euch
3 stink(smell) - sie(Horen) їх -ihrer (vin show) ym- (er zeigt) ihnen (Mi lucky) x- (wir fahren) sie
inclusive form In and(fly) - Sie(fliegen) You -Ihrer (Won to trust) To you- (sie vertraut) Ihnen (Vin respect) You- (er achtet) Sie

The introduction of borrowers in German language in one and many may be a different stem: in Singular, the stinks change their grammatical forms to the kshtalt of the sung article, and in Plural - to the kshtalt of the unmarked. Vіdmіnіstyu nіmetskoї movi vіd rosіyskoї i і those scho scho nіmetskomu єnіmіє є sіb osіb sіb borrower "svіy". Here, the skin individuals alone and many are showing their own borrower. Rіd, vіdminok і kіlkіst privіynyh zamennіkіv vzhdzhuyutsya z similar grammatical categories іmennіkіv, before yak stink to stand.

Table 2

Vіdmіnyuvannya borrowers in nіmetskoy mine: privіyn

Kasus (Vidminok) Singular (single) Plural (pl.)
Femininum-die Laune Maskulinum-der Lohn Neutrum-das Motto die Plane
Nominative ihre / Ihre Laune - її, їхній / your mood mein/euer Lohn - my/your salary sein / dein Motto - yoga / your motto unsere Pläne – our plans
Genitive ihrer/Ihrer Laune meines/eures Lohnes seines/deines Mottos unserer Plane
Dative ihrer/Ihrer Laune meinem/eurem Lohn seinem/deinem Motto unseren Planen
Accusative ihre/Ihre Laune meinen/euren Lohn sein/dein Motto unsere Plane

Borrowers (die Interrogative pronomen)

The choice of power borrowers allows you to put a power supply up to names, numbers, borrowers and examples.

Table 3

The advancing power borrower (what? what? - welcher?) demonstrates such self-reflection, like the sung article, and acts as a appointee.

Table 4

Vіdmіnyuvannya zamennіkіv nіmetskoy mine: food

Vіdminok Singular Plural (die Fahnen - prapori)
Maskulinum (Der Dom - Cathedral) Neutrum (das Pferd - kin) Femininum (die Birne - pear)
Nom. Welcher Dom Welches Pferd Welche Birne Welche Fahnen
Gen. Welches Doms Welches Pferdes Welcher Byrne Welcher Fahnen
Date Welchem ​​Dom Welchem ​​Pferd Welcher Byrne Welchen Fahnen
Akk. Welchen Dom Welches Pferd Welche Birne Welche Fahnen

In order to put food, if there is any sign of anything, a folding borrower wasfü reine (ein)? - what for...? yak? (what? yak?). This borrower is also shaking, but the new one has less than the rest of the part, which exactly repeats the use of the unmarked article. When living in a plurality of eine / ein falls, shards insignificance article can't multiply. The Danish borrower can get used to the promotion at the same time as the name man who follows him, or he can win on his own. When living in a couple with the name of yoga, the introduction is given in this order:

Table 5

Vіdmіnyuvannya zamennіkіv nіmetskoy mine: food

Vіdminok Singular Plural (die Fragen - food)
Maskulinum (der Hund - dog) Neutrum (das Haus - budinok) Femininum (die Wiese - Galyavin)
Nom. was fur ein Hund was fur ein Haus was fur eine Wiese
Gen. was fur eines Hundes was fur eines houses was fur einer Wiese
Date was fur einem Hund was fur einem Haus was fur einer Wiese
Akk. was fur einen hund was fur ein Haus was fur eine Wiese

If this borrower wins independently, then if the fault of the debtor s be-such a name-bearer, then in the same way, it is similar to the introduction of the vkazіvny borrower dieser:

Table 6

Vіdmіnyuvannya zamennіkіv nіmetskoy mine: food

Vіdminok Singular Plural (yaki - yaki)
Maskulinum (yaki - yaki) Neutrum (yake - yake) Femininum (yak - yak)
Nom. was fur einer was fur eines (eins) was fur eine was fur is replaced by a plurality by welche
Gen. was fur eines was fur eines was fur einer
Date was fur einem was fur einem was fur einer
Akk. was fur einen was fur eines (eins) was fur eine

German vkazіvnі borrowers win the function of the article of the name i, obviously, can replace yogo. Ring out the stench to take up space in front of the name man, enjoy it with everyone grammatical categories and serve as appointees until the name day. Borrowers of the category tsієї are chosen to apply for a singing subject or a particular one for specific concretization. There are only two among the best borrowers - selbst, selber \u003d himself, as they are always in the invariable form, so they do not shirk. Another important feature of good borrowers is those who can act as an independent member in the proposition - an independent member or an object, and in such situations I will replace pevne name(Tse should be brought to the borrowers, like, for example, die, der, das - that, that, that). The most wide-ranging German borrowers are indicated at the butts of the lower tables.

Table 7

Vіdminok Singular Plural (cow qi)
Maskulinum (all day) Neutrum (that vikno) Femininum (such bullshit)
Nom. die-tag Jenes Fenster Solche Luge diese Kühedieser Kühediesen Kühen
Gen. dieses Tages Jenes Fensters Solcher Luge
Date diem Tag Jenem Fenster Solcher Luge
Akk. diesen Tag Jenes Fenster Solche Luge

The lower borrowers vikoristovuyutsya in such vipadki, if it is necessary to indicate the subject, about which it was already discussed earlier, without naming yoga:

Table 8

Vіdmіnyuvannya borrowers in nіmetskoy mova: vkazіvnі

Vіdminok Singular Plural (die Besucher)
Maskulinum (der Fahrer - water) Neutrum (das Konto - rahunok) Femininum (die Pflaume - plum)
Nom. der (deputy der Fahrer) das (deputy das Konto) die (deputy die Pflaume) die (deputy die Besucher)
Gen. dessen (Deputy des Fahrers) dessen (Deputy des Kontos) deren (deputy der Pflaume) deren/derer (deputy der Besucher)
Date dem (deputy dem Fahrer) dem (deputy dem Konto) der (deputy der Pflaume) denen (deputy den Besuchern)
Akk. den (Deputy den Fahrer) das (deputy das Konto) die (deputy die Pflaume) die (deputy die Besucher)

In the German language, there are also foldable and attractive borrowers, especially those who take care of both warehouse parts, and the first part shilyatsya so by itself, like a singing article, and the other one is like a weak type of workmanship. Borrowers can get used to it like a couple with a name, so independently - ring out before an offensive proposition.

Table 9

Vіdmіnyuvannya borrowers in nіmetskoy mova: vkazіvnі

Vіdminok Singular Plural (dieselben Zuschauer - those (most) lookers)
Maskulinum (derjenige Dichter - that one sings) Neutrum (dasselbe Bild - same picture) Femininum (diejenige Schule - that school)
Nom. derjenige Dichter dasselbe Bild (Deputy das Konto) diejenige Schule dieselben Zuschauer
Gen. Desjenigen Dichters desselben Bildes derjenigen Schule derselben Zuschauer
Date demjenigen Dichter demselben Bild derjenigen Schule denselben Zuschauern
Akk. denjenigen Dichter Dasselbe Bild diejenige Schule dieselben Zuschauer

Insignificant borrowers(Die Indefinite pronomen)

This category of borrowers should seek revenge on their own objects, which are unimportant, according to the speaking small world or unknown. You can get used to it as an independent member of the proposition (object chi subject). Invisible borrowers jemand, keiner, niemand, einer, irgendwer are shirking.

Table 10

Vіdminok / translation Zaymennik
xtos, xtos / none whoa, whoa xtos / none (person r.) xtos / none (por. n.) htos / none (female)
Nom. jemand/niemand irgendwer einer/keiner ceramics (eins) / keines (keins) eine/keine
Gen. jemandes / niemandes
Date jemand(em) / niemand(em) irgendwem einem/keinem einem/keinem einer/keiner
Akk. jemand(en) / niemand(en) (en) irgendwen einen/keinen (eins) / keines (keins) eine/keine

Table 11

Vіdmіnyuvannya zamenіnіkіv nіmetskoy mine: unnamed

Vіdminok / translation A borrower who wins only in Singular
leather koristuvach (cholovik r.) skin word (por. R.) dermatologist (female)
Nom. jeder Betreiber Jedes Wort Jede Aufgabe
Gen. Jedes Betreibers Jedes Wortes jeder Aufgabe
Date Jedem Betreiber Jedem Wort jeder Aufgabe
Akk. one betreiber Jedes Wort Jede Aufgabe

The observation of indications at the tables of 12 borrowers seems to be the same, as in the case of a plurality, living without an article. Mayzhe zavzhdi tsі unidentified borrowers zastosovuyutsya at the Plural form.

Table 12

Vіdmіnyuvannya zamenіnіkіv nіmetskoy mine: unnamed

Vіdminok / translation Borrower who wins only in Plural
a lot of residents all schools deakі, okremi texts other options obidva koti
Nom. viele / mehrere Einwohner alle/sämtliche Schulen Andere Varianten beide Kater
Gen. vieler / mehrerer Einwohner aller / sämtlicher Schulen einiger / weniger / einzelner Texte anderer Varianten Beider Kater
Date vielen / mehreren Einwohnern allen / sämtlichen Schulen einigen / wenigen / einzelnen Texten Anderen Varianten beiden Katern
Akk. viele / mehrere Einwohner alle/sämtliche Schulen einige / wenige / einzelne Texte Andere Varianten beide Kater

11.02.2014 Tuesday 00:00


Zaymennik- Tse part of the movie, which shows signs on the subject, but does not name them.

The function of the borrower is the substitute for the support of the name.

In these articles, we can look at the living of the advancing borrowers:


Power supply;




Rotary borrower sich;

Bezosobogo borrower es;

I mutual borrowers.

Living in suitable borrowers

1. Vkazіvnі borrowers der - tsey, die - tsya, das - tsye, die - tsі always stand with your voice.

At the rechenni qi, borrowers get used to Nominativ - Nazivny, Dativ - Giving and Akkusativ - Znahіdny vіdmіnku as independent pіdlyagaє or additional:

Sind Ihre Fenster bei der Explosion kaputtgegangen?

Ja, die müssen erneuert werden.

Your windows were broken at the hour of the vibe?

So, stink due to buti replaced by new ones.

Den, der mich beschimpft hat, nenne ich nicht.

Togo, who Having formed me, I will not name.

Form Genitiv - Generic derer і dessen get used to the place of borrowers ihr і sein, in order to eliminate the wrong understanding:

Er lud Richard und dessen Freundin.

Vіn requesting Rіhard i yoga girlfriend.

The form derer indicates on the foot of the initial contraction:

Der Konig lebte auf Kosten derer, die er verachtete.

The king is alive for the rahunok is quiet, whom he does not care about.

2. Dieser - tsey, diese - tsya, dieses - tse, diese - tsі point to a person or an object, which is closer to a spacious or a timely expression, to say:

Dieses Haus gefällt mir besser.

I need more houses for me.

Wir fahren dieses Jahr in Urlaub.

Mi їmo tsyogo fate at the entrance.

3. Borrowers jener - that, jene - that, jenes - those, jene - ti point out on the subject of either a person, yakі vіddalenі vіd of the one who speaks in a spacious or temporal relationship:

Wer sitt auf jenem Platz?

Who is sitting there?

Jene Tage vergesse ich nothing.

Those days I will not forget.

4. Borrower (ein) solcher - such, (eine) solche - such, (ein) solches - such, solche - such indicate on the quality of the object, without naming these qualities:

Її destroy Benehmen є unbegreiflich.

Such behavior did not make sense.

Ein solches Buch benötige їх.

Such a book is necessary for me.

5. Derselbe - the same one, dieselbe - the same one, dasselbe - the same one, dieselben - the same point to a person or an object that is identical to the previous name:

Heute hast du dasselbe Kleid an, wie gestern und vorgestern.

Today on you is such a cloth itself, like a school day and the day before.

6. Der gleiche - such a self, die gleiche - such a self, das gleiche - such a self, die gleichen - such a self designate a person or an object, if they are the same, as if they were named earlier, but not identical to them:

Mein Freund hat sich zufällig den gleichen Anzug gekauft, wie ich.

My friend vipadkovo bought himself such a suit, like me.

7. Derjenige - that, diejenige - that, dasjenige - those, diejenigen - tі point to a particular subject, about which you will speak more in the advancing supplementary speech:

Diejenigen, die dafür sind, heben bitte die Hand.

Tі, hto for, lift, be kind, hand.

8. Borrower selbst / selber - does not change itself. It will be put after the word, which is to lie down.

Yogo slіd vіdіznyati vіd prislіvnik selbst - navit like, navpaki, put before this word, like you see:

Hast du die Arbeit selbst gemacht?

Tee myself killing a job?

Selbst sie kann das nicht übersetzen.

Navit it’s impossible to shift it.

Accommodation of food borrowers

1. Wer - who wins in the nutritional proposition at any rate in one and many:

Wer kommt morgen?

Who will come tomorrow?

Uta kommt morgen

Uta und Eva kommen morgen.

Uta come tomorrow.

Uta ta Eva will come tomorrow.

Form wem - to whom and wen - whom vikorivuyutsya without a receiver and with a drive:

Wem schreibst du?

To whom do you write?

Wen beschuldigst du?

Who are you calling?

Mit wem gehst du?

Are you going with kim?

An wen denkst du?

Who are you thinking about?

2. Was - what is victorious in nutritional propositions about objects, phenomena, etc. in one and many:

The borrower Was also asked questions about the profession, the nature of the activity, the occupation of the land:

3. Borrower wessen - chia, chia, chia, chii stand in front of the name in one and many. The article is omitted when:

4. Borrowers welcher - yak, welche - yak, welches - yak, welche - yak vikoristovuyutsya at the feeds about the song of the person chi subject, about the yakі know zapituyuchiy:

Welch - do not shake welcher, welche, welches, welche Vikoristovuєtsya so in oklichnyh rechennyah.

5. Borrower was fur ein, eine, ein - yak, yak, yak Victory in one in nutrition about the quality, the quality of the subject. There are non-significances in the article.

Many people get used to was für, or rarely was für welche, and the name of the name does not have an article:

Was für ein, eine, ein get used to speech names without the article:

Was fur papier brauchst du?

What paper do you need?

Some parts of the borrower was für ein are cremated one by one:

Was ist das fur eine Frau?

What kind of woman is that?

Was sind das fur Manner?

What kind of people?

Was fur ein, eine, ein gets used to the hails:

Was für ein großer Künstler er ist!

Yaky vin is a great artist!

Was für ein, eine, ein wink over the drives. In case of tsimu, the article ein and the name are added not für, but the receiver:

Mit was für einem Kuli schreibst du den Brief?

With what pen do you write the sheet?

Accommodation of special borrowers

Individual borrowers are victorious as deputy names.

So, as the number of names in German and Russian languages ​​does not always run out, then it is necessary for German special borrowers to transfer by Russian borrowers fallowly according to the genus of the replaced Russian name:

Das ist ein Buch. Es gehort mir.

Tse book. Won lie to me.

Hier ist ein Fluss. Erist breit.

Here is a river. Vaughn is wide.

1. Ich - I designate the one who speaks, and gets used to the direct language.

Your tanze mit ihr.

I dance with her.

2. Du - you also get used to direct language. Tse persona, to the point of bezposeredno zvertayutsya. Tsya form of the animal to tell about friendly friends. vykoristovuєtsya in sim'ї, among relatives, friends, good know, middle youth, grown up to children, to creatures, objects or abstract to understand:

Du bist me in best Freund!

You are my best friend!

Їx befehle dir.

I will punish you.

3. Er - wine, sie - won, es - won means the one you are talking about.

Dortsteht ein Mann. Ihn kenne ich nothing.

There is a man standing there. Yogo I don't know.

Sie kommt zu mir.

She will come to me.

4. Wir - mi vikoristovuєtsya speaker chi author for yogo zvennnі vіd іmenі or z posilannyam dvoh chi more osіb.

Wir fahren in Austria.

Mimo for the cordon.

5. Borrower ihr - you victorious when you are born to children, friends only, tobto. up to a kіlkoh osіb, with the skin s of such people to speak on "ti":

Kinder, kommt ihr in den Wald?

Boys, will you go to the fox?

6. Zaymennik Sie - You live for the sake of showing off in the case of animals to grown-up and unknown ones, or one of the few ones, for which you turn on "Vi".

In a grammatical expression, the voodoo zbіgaєtsya with the borrower of the 3rd individual of the multiplier sie - stink.

The form of an inviting occasion Sie - Vee in all vіdminkah is written with a great letter:

Herr Müller, kommen Sie morgen?

Pane Müller, will you come tomorrow?

Herren, gehen Sie mit?

Panove, are you coming with us?

Zum Geburtstag wünsche ich Ihnen alles Gute.

On the eve of the day of the people, I wish you all the best.

Darf ich Sie zum Tanz bitten?

Chi can I ask you to dance?

Features of borrowers ich - I, du - ty, wir - mi, ihr - wi, Sie - wi mean less than individuals, and special borrowers er - wine, sie - won, es - out, sie - stink- individuals and objects.

Genitiv - Ancestral vіdminok - special borrowers get used rarely, only with the words that Genitiv means:

Your gedenke deiner.

I remember about you.

Vzhivannya prisvіynykh zamennіv

Associated borrowers may have a lingering call:

2. The stinks signify the belonging of an individual or an object, and to that type of an individual, the kind of the number of the word, which means “Vlasnik”, to deposit the choice of the most appropriate borrower.

Assigned borrowers can change the function of the appointee to the name, and replace the name, tobto. Victory without anything. In my vipadku, the stinks are shaking like this:



human race

middle row

zhіnochiy rid

meine, deine, seine, ihre, eure, unsere

meinem, deinem, seinem, ihrem, eurem, unserem

meiner, deiner, seiner, ihrer, eurer, unserer

meinen, deinen, seinen, ihren, euren, unseren

mein(e)s, dein(e)s, sein(e)s, ihr(e)s, eures - euers, unser(e)s

meine, deine, seine, ihre, eure, unsere

meine, deine, seine, ihre, eure, unsere

Wessen Wagen ist das? - Das ist meiner.

Whose car? - Tse my.

Das ist nicht deine Tasche, sondern meine.

Tse is not your bag, but my.

East das dein Buch? - Ja, das ist mein(e)s.

Tse your book? - That tse my.

Mostly deputy meines, deines, seines, ihres, eures, unseres get used to meins, deins, seins, ihrs, euers, unsers, then. in kіntsi -es vipadє -e:

Wessen Haus ist das?

Das ist meins, deins, seins, ihrs, unsers, euers, ihrs.

Whose budinok?

Tse my, yours, yoga, її, ours, yours, їхній.

Associated borrowers can win with the sung article. In this mood, the stench shirks like prikmetniks for a weak opinion:



human race

middle row

zhіnochiy rid

der meine, der deine, der seine, der ihre, der eure, der unsere

dem meinen, dem deinen, dem seinen, dem ihren, dem euren, dem unseren

der meinen, der deinen, der seinen, der ihren, der euren, der unseren

den meinen, den deinen, den seinen, den ihren, den euren, den unseren

das meine, das deine, das seine, das ihre, das eure, das unsere

die meine, die deine, die seine, die ihre, die eure, die unsere

die meinen, die deinen, die seinen, die ihren, die euren, die unseren

Wessen Bleistift nimmst du?

Їхні nehme den meinen.

Whose olive do you take?

I'll take mine.

Wessen Buch nimmst du?

Oh, nehme das meine.

What book will you take?

I'll take mine.

Deputy den meinen thinly. you can win den meinigen, den deinigen just. Qi forms of power in the language of speech:

Die Bäume im Nachbargarten blühen schon, die unsrigen sind noch nicht so weit.

The trees near the garden garden are blooming, but ours are not yet.

Das Buch ist das meinige.

My book.

Privileged borrowers can substantiate, tobto. become names:

Er liebt die Seinen/Seinigen.

Win to love your loved ones.

Ewig der Deine!

Forever yours!

Tun Sie das Ihre.

Work your right.

Jedem das Seine.

To the skin.

In certain situations, the deputy of a borrower can get used to a special borrower with a borrower von:

Das war ein Freund von mir.

Tse buv my friend.

Prisvіyni borrowers in singing vipadkah - in the Bible, poetry and іn. - can stand after the name:

Vater unser, der du bist im Himmel.

Our Father, what is in heaven.

Nimm auch meine Seele in die Hande dein.

Take my soul into your hands.

Living in prominent borrowers

At the rechenni vіdnosnі borrowers replace the diyova person and є with a happy lanka between the head and the proposition.

1. Vіdnosnі borrowers der - yak, die - yak, das - yak, die - yaki uzgodzhuyutsya in genus, number and vіdmіnku with this word at the head speech, to which it can be seen:

Der Mann, der her wohnt, ist Arzt.

Cholovik, who is lingering here, doctor.

Der Mann, den ich sehe, ist Arzt

Cholovik, whom I drink, the doctor.

Der Mann, auf den ich warte, ist Arzt.

Person, on whom I check, doctor.

Es ist einer der schönsten Filme, die їx gesehen habe.

This is one of the best films, as I am a bachelor.

Deren and dessen are used in gender and number with the name, as they stand for the following proposition:

Der Mann, dessen Auto da steht…

Cholovik, what kind of car is standing there ...

Die Frau, deren Tochter ich kenne,…

Zhіnka, whose daughter, I know ...

2. Vіdnosny borrower wer - who, in the case of a prominent contractor, basically stands in front of the head proposition.

The head proposition in times is introduced by the appropriate borrowers der, dem, den:

Wer das tut, der hat Folgen zu tragen.

Whoever cares, that one can be judged for the nasledki.

Wem es nicht gefällt, der kann weggehen.

Whoever doesn’t like it, you can drink it.

Wen man liebt, dem verzeiht man vieles.

Whom to love, to forgive richly.

Vіdnosny borrower was - what wins:

After borrowers das - tse, then, dem, dasselbe - those same, dasjenige - those, das einzige - one, alles - all, vieles - rich, anderes - іnshe and in.:

Їх verstand alles, was er sagte.

I have understood everything that I have shown.

Er aß nur das, was ihm schmeckte.

Vіn їv less of those that youmu befitted.

Das Einzige, buv er trinkt, ist Tee.

Only one, scho wine p'є tse tea.

Steht in diem Buch dasselbe, was im anderen steht?

Does this book have the same words written in the other?

After substantiating, tobto. names, examples with abstract meanings, as well as after substantiating examples in the miraculous world and substantiating ordinal numbers, as they get used to the middle gender:

Es war etwas ganz Neues, was er erreichen wollte.

It was all new, which the wines wanted to reach.

Es war das Schönste, was er gesehen hat.

It was a miracle, what a win.

Das war das Erste, was ich gemacht habe.

Tse Bulo first, scho I zrobiv.

It seemed like it was not up to some kind of slanderous word, but to the point of changing all the head propositions:

Er steckte den Schlüssel ein, buv niemand bemerkte.

Vіn inserting the key, which no one mentioned.

Die Tür stand weit offen, was dem Wächter sofort auffiel.

The doors were wide open, which immediately fell into the eyes of the watchman.

3. Borrowers welcher - yak, welche - yak, welches - yak, welche - yaki they don’t get used to the movement.

In the letters of the language, the stench is victorious, the head rank, so that the repetition of the same forms disappears:

Living in unimportant borrowers

1. Non-significant borrower all-maє like one, so i multiply: aller - all, alle - all, alles - everything, alle - everything. In one place, it gets used to the names of speeches and abstract names. In many cases, it points to the hoarding of a few similar objects, especially, things like that:

Aller Ärger war verflogen.

Usі hvilyuvannya quickly passed.

Er hat alles Geld verspielt.

Vіn prograv usі pennies.

Alle Kinder bekamen je ein Buch.

Mustache children took away the book.

All- you can replace or accompany the name:

Alle Menschen sind sterblich.

Mustache people are mortal.

All sind schon nach Hause gegangen.

Mustache went home already.

Before the penny article abo kazіvnym abo borrower the ingenious form all:

Er hat mich mit all seinen Freunden besucht.

Vin saw me with his friends.

All das weiss sie doch.

You know everything.

2. Einer - xtos, eine - xtos, tools - shchos point to an unidentified person from a group of objects, or to an unimportant subject from a group of objects.

Tsі borrowers vikoristovuyutsya only in one:

Einer weiß, dass ich hier bin.

Who knows what I'm here.

Many have einer, eine, form welche - deyaki, yaki-nebud:

I ch brauche Tomaten. Haben wir welche?

I need tomatoes. Do we have any?

Einer, eine, replace the name:

3. Negative meaning wins keiner - nothing, keine - no way, keines - no way, keine - no way:

Keiner weiß, dass ich hier bin.

Nobody knows that I'm here.

Das glaubt dir keiner.

No one can believe you.

Keiner, keine, keines, keine replace the name:

4. Deputy names in one form without an article welcher - yakiy-nebud, yakiy-nebud, welche - deaky, yakiy-nebud, welches - deaky, yaky-nebud:

5. Einige - days, sprats, etliche - days, sprats, mehrere - days, sprats can accompany, and substitute a name. Einige, etliche live in one, and in a plurality, and mehrere - only in a plurality:

Sie hatte einige, etliche Freundinnen eingeladen.

Vaughn asked for a sprat of girlfriends.

Es besteht noch einige, etliche Hoffnung.

Yes, more hopeful, like hopeful

Der Zug hatte mehrere Stunden Verspätung.

Potiag zapіznyuvavsya for a year.

6. Borrower ein bisschen - troch means a perceptibly small piece of chogos:

Kannst du ihr ein bisschen Brot geben?

Can you give me a troch of bread?

Tsey borrower can shylyatisya non-obscurity article ein:

Mit ein(em) bisschen Geduld wirst du es schaffen.

Mayuchi trishki terpinnya, ti tse zrobish.

The borrower ein paar - kіlka means kіlka osіb chi objects. Borrower ein wenig - troch means a small part of chogos. Qi borrowers do not change:

Er ist vor ein paar Tagen verreist.

Vіn poїhav a few days ago.

Mit ein wenig Geduld kann man das erreichen.

If only a trio of patience can be stocked up, then what can be reached.

7. Borrower etwas - shoss, shoss- nezminny borrower, which means an unimaginable object, a phenomenon, etc.

Etwas stimmt hier nicht.

It's not like that here.

Weist du etwas?

Do you know?

Etwas may also mean "trochs":

Erspricht etwas Französisch.

Vіn trochs speak French.

Hast du etwas Brot fur mich?

Can you give me a troch of bread?

8. Jeder - skin for its meaning sees the elements of the multiplier. This borrower can be brought to people and objects, as well as replace and accompany the name. It won only in one:

Jeder muss fleissig studieren.

Kozhen can diligently read.

Jeder Student muss fleissig studieren.

A leather student can diligently read.

Wir haben one Winkel abgesucht.

We scoffed leather kut.

9. Irgend-, going after unappointed borrowers einer, eine, tools, welcher, welche, welches, jemand, etwas, was, wer, even more insignificance:

irgendein- yaky-nebud, yaky-nebud, irgendeiner- Who-no-be, who-no-be, irgendeine- yaka-nebud, yaka-nebud, irgendein- yak, yak, yak, irgendwelcher- yaky-nebud, yaky-nebud, irgendwelche- yaka-nebud, yaka-nebud, irgendwelches- yak, yak, irgendwelche- yaki-nebud, yaki-nebud, irgendjemand- whoa, whoa, whoa, irgendetwas- What-nebud, irgendwer- Whoa.

Russian my qi borrowers shift for additional particles - don't be, - or, - something:

Kennst du irgendwen, der ein Auto kaufen möchte?

Do you know someone / someone / someone who wants to buy a car?

10. Jedermann - leather, leather an old or high borrower in style. Most often, jedermann gets used to jeder - leather:

Bald bekommt er mit jedermann Streit.

Nezabarom vin to cook with the skin.

Das ist nicht jedermanns Geschmack.

Tse is not skin to taste.

11. Jemand - xtos, xtos designate an unknown person:

Jemand hat nach dir gefragt.

I want to feed you.

Es fiel ihm schwer, jemand(em) zu wiedersprechen.

It was important for Youmu to rebuke the Komus.

Ich kenne jemand(en), der uns hilft.

I know someone who can help us.

To strengthen the insignificance, irgend- is victorious:

Hat dich irgendjemand gesehen?

Do you want bachiv?

12. Man means as if there is no evidence. This borrower does not change and wins only in the Nominal House - Nominativ:

Man hat gehort.


At Davalny - Dativ and Wine - Akkusativ vіdmіnkah zamіstі vykoristovuetsya vіdpovіdno einem, einen:

Je älter man wird, desto rätselhafter wird einem das Leben.

We are the elders, we are the riddles of life.

Diese Musik lässt einen nicht mehr los.

Tsya music is no longer allowed.

Man can designate one person, or you can name a special borrower "I":

Darf man eintreten?

Chi allow me to leave (meni, yoma, us)?

Russian my propositions from man are translated:

It is not marked by special propositions without swearing. Saying to stand at the 3rd person of the multiplier:

Man hat mir ein Album geschenkt.

I was given an album.

Unsigned-special propositions with the word in another person alone with a borrower "tee" or without a new one:

Wenn man das Gemälde anschaut, bewundert man es.

When you look at a picture, you start to choke on it.

Infinitive proposition:

Wie übersetzt man diese Wendung?

How to translate this proposition?

Non-special propositions with non-special words: visible, almost, impossible, possible, necessary, necessary, etc.

Hierhort man nichts.

There's not much here.

Hier sieht man nichts.

Nothing is visible here.

Man darf nicht rauchen.

Can't fire.

Man muss etwas tun.

It is necessary / necessary to grow.

Propositions at the passive barrier:

Man diskutiert die Wege der Zusammenarbeit.

Ways of svіvrobіtnitstva are being discussed.

13. Mancher - deaky, manche - deak, manches - deak, manche - deak can replace or accompany a name. The stinks get used to one and many:

Die Straße ist an manchen Stellen beschädigt.

The road near deyaky mistsyah is poshkodzhen.

Manches neue Kleid ist sehr teuer.

Daycloths are too expensive.

Manche lernen das offenbar nicht.

Dehto tsgogo, obviously, cannot be taught.

14. Niemand - nothing and nichts - nothing - but negatively insignificant borrowers. Niemand lie down to spiritualized objects, and nichts - up to inanimate. Borrower nichts does not change:

Niemand hat an die Tür geklopft.

Nobody knocked at the door.

Ihr ist zum Gluck nichts geschehen.

Fortunately, nothing happened to her.

Hast du nichts von Erika gehort?

Don't you feel anything about Erika?

15. Sämtlich can form one and many: sämtlicher - all, sämtliche - all, sämtliche - everything, sämtliche - everything. It can accompany, rarely change the name:

Sämtlicher Abfall war weggeräumt.

Mustache was tidied up.

Sämtliche Studenten waren in der Aula.

All the students were at the assembly hall.

16. Viele - rich someone, wenige - not rich can accompany or change the name. The stench vikoristovuyutsya less at a plurality:

Viele Studenten nahmen an der Veranstaltung teil.

A lot of students took their fate at the entrance.

Viele haben das gesehen.

Bagato who bachiv tse.

Wenige Menschen glauben daran.

Few people believe in tse.

Wenige glauben daran.

Few people believe in tse.

17. Viel - rich, wenig - little vikoristovuyutsya with speech and abstract names without the article in one. The stench can also get used to the names of many. Qi borrowers do not change:

Viel Zeit brauche ich dafür.

I need a lot of time for someone else.

Wenig/viel Blut wurde vergossen.

Little/a lot of blood was shed.

Ohne viel Worte zu verlieren, half sie ihnen.

Not stained richly, she helped them.

Implantation of the wicked borrower sich

Zvorotny Borrower sich get used to:

1. Wet-turning value. It is necessary to speak about those who die, called the devil, straightened out by the one who tse diyu vikonu, tobto. on the subject tsієї dії:

Sie wascht sich.


Vaughn wince.

2. Like a warehouse of a part of the true virtuous spells, without some kind of spelling, the words do not get used:

Sie schämt sich.

Їy shamefully.

Help turning words- tse zvorotnі diєslova, for some borrower sich є obov'yazkovym i yogo cannot be replaced by another borrower or a name, etc.

3. Like a warehouse for mutually rotary engines. The numbers of the words mean the day of two chi and kіlkoh osib. Sich at mutually turning wheels, set mutual turning, and after the values, give the borrower einander - one of one:

Sie begegneten sich oft auf dem Wege zur Arbeit.

The stench often rushed to the road pratsyuvati.

4. For the expression of passive sounds:

Die Ware lässt sich schlecht verkaufen.

Goods are badly sold.

Auf diesem Stuhl sitzt es sich bequem.

On which style is it easy to sit.

Der Roman greater sich leicht.

The novel is easy to read.

Hier atmet es sich leicht.

It's easy to get carried away here.

5. For persistent virase:

Das hat nichts auf sich.

Price doesn't mean anything.

Er kam bald wieder zu sich.

Nezabarom wines come to you.

Der Wein hat in sich.

Wine mitzne.

The residence of a special borrower es

Zaymennik es get used to:

1. Passive words. At adnexal rivers i nutrition es zavzhdi vipadaє:

Es sind in den letzten Jahren viele Hochhäuser gebaut worden.

At Rest of the Rocks there were a lot of high-rise towers.

Es wurden Fahnen geschwenkt.

Waved ensigns.

Їх bude gesehen, dass Fahnen geschwenkt wurden.

I'm lucky that they waved ensigns.

Wurden denn auch Fahnen geschwenkt?

Waving flags?

Es vikoristovuєtsya also in non-passive passive speeches on the cob of speech. Vislovlyuvane always stand at the form of the 3rd individual alone:

Es wird auf Wanderungen viel über das Wetter gesprochen.

It’s too much to talk about the weather at the hour of hiking.

2. Borrower es vikoristovuєtsya as a formal pіdlyagaє:

With the power of special words, which I will signify the manifestations of nature, I will change:

Den ganzen Tag regnete es im Norden.

All day at pivnochi ishov dosch.

Heute ist es kalt, heiss.

Today is cold, smoky.

Es Dammert.


Es taut.


Es donnert.

Make up makeup.

Es blitzt.

Bliskaє bliskavka.

With the words that sounds / noises mean, including the natural adventure without pointing to

German special borrowers, like Russians, are shaking off. The observation of special borrowers from the German language is indicated at the table. Yogo needs to be learned.

Give respect to the fact that there are no special borrowers in the Genitiv tables, because this form has become outdated and in modern German language may not live.

Right on the topic "Shilyannya special borrowers from the German language"

1. Deputy of the victorious names of the victors of the most important German specialty borrowers in Singular or Plural. Vikoite qiu to the right in writing.

For example: Du fragst deine Mutter. - Du fragst sie (ee).
Er sucht seine Mappe und seine Karte. - Er sucht sie (їх).

a) 1. Sein Zimmer ist unten. 2. Der Student wohnt oben. 3. Sie sucht ihr Heft. 4 Meine Schwester fragment den Vater. 5. Erwiederholt die Regel. 6. Der Dozent zeigt diem Studenten seine Arbeit. 7. Zeigter Seiner Tochter ein Buch?

b) 1. Der Sohn und die Tochter kommen heute. 2. Die Mutter sagt ihrer Tochter und ihrem Sohn: „Guten Morgen.” 3. Die Studentin sucht ihr Buch und ihr Heft. 4. Der Student zeigt dem Aspirants und dem Dozenten seine Arbeit.

2. Supplement the propositions with special borrowers to stand at the shackles, winning over them at the best guardian. Zrobіtse letter.

1. Dieser Lehrer fragt … nicht oft. (du) 2. Die Studentin antwortet … richtig. (er) 3. Die Tante sagt …: "Ich komme heute um sechs." (sie stink) 4. Er sucht … lange. (wir) 5. Wir bitten … sehr. (Sie) 6. Wem antworten Sie? Їх antworte …, Kinder. (ihr) 7. Lene und Katja schreiben … oft. (Їх) 8. Du antwortest … gern. (sie won)
1. a) 1. es;;; 4. ihn; 5. sie; 6. ihm; 7.ihr

b) 1.sie; 2. ihnen; 3. sie; 4. ihnen

2.1. dich; 2. ihm; 3. ihnen; 4.uns; 5.Sie; 6. euch; 7.mir; 8.ihr

Borrowers (ms.) in the German language

Like a part of the wash the mission. to serve in order to replace the name in the speech, in the name of the name, or the clerk, without naming them.

The German language has 9 main groups of borrowers. Tse:

1. Special scope. (Personalpronomen) є:

  • 1st person - ich (I), wir (mi)
  • 2nd person: du (ti), ihr (vi), Sie (an inclusive form of Vi)
  • 3rd person: er (vin), sie (won), es (won, tse), sie (stink)

Vzhivannya special mission.

Ich habe ein neues Buch gelesen. Es ist sehr є let's add. – I have read a new book. Vaughn is a cicava.

Nächstes Mal müsst ihr um 8 Uhr kommen. - The next time you are guilty to come about the eighth year.

Features of the city. shilyayutsya vіdmіnkami, however, at the tribal vіdmіnku stench vikoristovuyutsya more rarely, - only in quiet vіpadkah, if thogo vimagaє management okremіh dієslіv аbo prikmetnikіv.

For example: würdig (day)

Du bist ihrer nicht würdig. - You're not a Warty.

2. Assigned places. (Possessivpronomen) є pokhіdnymi vіd sobistih mіsts. at the ancestral vіdmіnku that vіdpovіdat on the supply of “wessen?” (whose?):

ich (I) - mein (my)

du (ty) - dein (your)

er (vin) - sein (yogo)

sie (won) - ihr (її)

es (out) - sein (out)

wir (mi) - unser (our)

ihr (vi) - euer (your)

Sie (Vi) - Ihr (your)

sie (stink) - ihr (їх)

Prisvіnyh mіsts. to be placed in front of the name and win the role of the article in the speech. In such a rank, the stench is schilyayutsya so itself, like and articles (Vіdpovіdno to the genus, number and vіdmіnka of the name).

For example: Das sind meine Schwestern. - All my sisters.

Їx gebe meiner Schwester einen Kugelschreiber. - I give my sister a pen.

Çx liebe meinen Mann. - I love my man.

3. Turning the mist. (Reflexivpronomen) pointing straight ahead to the subject. The German language has a turning point. sich shilyatsya by persons, numbers and may two vіdminkovі forms - Dativ and Akkusativ (deposit in the management of the word).

For example: Ich kaufe mir ein neues Kleid. - I'm buying myself a new cloth.

The third individual has a misery. sich does not change.

For example: Sie kauft sich ein neues Kleid. - She will buy a new cloth for herself.

4. Vkazivnі mіstsya. (Demonstrativpronomen) do you say “welche (-s, -r)?” - "what (yak, yak)?".

Until vkazіvnyh mіsts. be seen:

diese (dieser, dieses) - qia (tse, tse)

jene (jener, jenes) - that (that, then)

solche (solcher, solches) - taka (taka, taka).

Vkazіvnі mіstsya. at the rechenni stand in front of the name and shilyayutsya by numbers and vіdminkah like a sung article.

For example: Ich habe jenen Mann schon einmal gesehen. - I already once bachiv that person.

Often in rozmovnіy movі zіmennikami in odin vikoristovuetsya viraz solch ein (such). In this way, the first part does not change, but the article ein is less than inconsistencies.

For example: Ich habe nie solch eine schöne Stadt gesehen! - I have never dreamed of such a hot place!

5. Nutritional missions. (Interrogativpronomen) in German language: wer, was, welche (-r, -s), was für.

Miss. wer and was are not used in the plural and do not change behind the canopies and may have three distinct forms - Nominativ, Dativ and Akkusativ.

For example: Wem gibst du dieses Buch? – To whom do you give this book?

Chi buv bist du (von Beruf)? - What is your profession?

Miss. welche changes behind curtains and behind all vіdmіnkami like a sung article.

For example: Nach welchem ​​Land fährst du? – Are you going to Yaku country?

Welche Gruppe gefällt ihr? - What kind of group is appropriate?

6. Visible places. (Relativpronomen) mainly get used to the folded wordings. Prominent borrowers in the German language є: der (like), die (yak), das (yaki), welche (yaki), die (yaki). Vіdnosnі borrowers shilyayutsya vіdminkami i serve allied words at the contractor's rechenni.

For example: Der Junge, den Sie getroffen haben, ist mir bekannt. - Yunak, whom you have seen, know me.

7. Insignificant months. (Indefinitpronomen) , so like jemand (xtos), etwas (shos), man, alle (all), einige (deyaki), wenige (yakіs, deyaki), to serve as a rechenni pіdlyagyuchim or supplements. At the sight of other unimportant borrowers, man is not transferred to the Russian mine and wins over to the unimportantly special words. Miss. man does not change its forms (that itself, like and etwas).

For example: Man sagt, sie kocht am besten. - It seems that she's got the best.

8. Impersonal place. es do not change and get used to the 3rd individual od. numbers in special words. Most often es victorious for the recognition of weather and natural phenomena.

For example: Es schneit (Ide snig), es regnet (Ide rain), es ist heiß (hot) thin.

9. To the negative points. (Negativpronomen) kein (joden), niemand (nothing), nichts (nothing) are seen. Miss. kein change behind curtains, numbers and vіdmіnkami and get used to less with names.

For example: Ich habe keinen Freund. - I don't have a friend.

Miss. nichts, niemand only wink at the 3rd. individuals one. the numbers don't change.

For example: Niemand versteht mich. - Nobody understands me.

Їхні kann nichts finden. - I can't know anything.

Для тих, хто вивчає німецьку мову, відмінювання особистих займенників зазвичай особливих складнощів не представляє, оскільки дана категорія займенників найбільш проста і логічна, багато в чому схожа на відповідні займенники російської мови і тісно переплітається з іншою німецькою граматичною темою – відмінюванням певних артиклів. – ce I -ich, ty -du, vin -er, wono -es, won -sie, mi -wir, wi -ihr (multiple), stink -sie, Vi (included form)Sie.

Vivechayuchi nіmetsku mov - vіdmіnyuvannya osobistyh zayenіnіv - nebhіdno svіdomiti "I -ich" signifies either the one who speaks, or the person who is brought to the audience in a written text; "ti -du"- a specific person (in one), to which the promoter turns, listening to the chitacha, in the most vipadkіv tse the turn comes to the trusted, close people; "wine out there -er,sie,es" naming a person or object, about which one can go or be guessed; borrower "mi -wir" indicate at once how many osib, including the one who speaks; borrower "in andihr"є one hour before the number of listeners chi chitachiv and vodpovida to the borrower "ti -du" in one; borrower "stinksie" designate the osіb or objects, about the yakі the mova is conducted, and vouch for the functions of the third person in one.

In this rank, the borrowers of all three of them, one and many, are considered to be special borrowers. The peculiarities of the borrowers are shirked, so that they change according to all the chotirokh vіdmіnkah, what is in the German language, one thing, what is necessary to vrahuvat - Genitiv's birth vіdminok my daily don’t get used to it mayzhe nikoli, especially the german rozmovnoy mov. Some typical behaviors of yoga are related to the peculiarities of the management of the German discourses, which, as a rule, belong to the writing and sanctuary promos, for example:

Wir gedenken der im 2. WeltkrieggefallenenHolden (=Wirgedenkenihnen ). – We shannuemo memory of the heroes who perished at the Other World’s war (= Mi shanuèmo їhnyu remembrance).

On the vіdmіnu vіd rosіyskoїї movi, nіmetskiy form of special borrowers of the ancestral and znahіdny vіdmіnka do not sbіgaєtsya - on the tse it is necessary to give special respect.

The most important form of “Vi” in German, in Russian language, is taken not from a plurality of another individual, but from a plurality of a third individual - "Vony -sie" = "SeeSie". She won in the language, if it is necessary to turn around in the most important form up to one individual or up to a few osib. So, just like in Russian, the written language is formed in all vіdmіnkah from the great letters є in the written German language. Ring out this form victorious when you turn to unknown people chi high-ranking persons. At the sight of the new borrower in and-ihr vikoristovuetsya tim, who to say, if it is necessary for you to turn to the hearing of the multitude without the obligatory language, to add to the higher education.

table. German language: introduction of special borrowers

Vіdminok — Kasus Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative
Disguise - Person


1 I-ich mogo -meiner meni -mir me - mich
2 ti -du your-deiner tobi -dir to you - dich
3 vin -er yoga -seiner youmu-ihm yoga - ihn
wono -es yoga -seiner youmu -ihm yoga - es
won -sie її -ihrer їй -ihr її - sie
1 mi-wir our -unser us -uns us - uns
2 in and-ihr your -euer to you -euch you - euch
3 stink -sie їх -ihrer ym -ihnen ix - sie
inclusive form Vee - Sie Your - Ihrer To you - Ihnen You - Sie

The peculiarity of special borrowers, lived in a plurality (Plural) and one (Singular) individual alone, is the fact that in rich situations (there are Singular and Plural of the third individual) in their endings, they are practically more often used with the main sing articles. You can change your mind by analyzing the above table.

Der Junge war unertraglich er hat geschrien und mit den Füssen gestampft. - Boyboovunbearable- Vinscreamingіtopavfeet.

Das Mädchen sendet besondere Strahlen aus es macht mich verruckt. - Vіdgirlsgo outespeciallyviprominuvannya- Wonleadlesshrosum.

Mir Schmeckt diese ( die) Pizza- sie ist immer gut. - Menifiton thegustoqiapizza- Wonzavzhdigarne.

Im vorigen Jahr waren unsere ( die) Eltern am Schwarzen Meer. Dorthabensie unvergesslicheTageverbracht. - The last fate of our fathers was on the Black Sea. There they spent unforgettable days.

Vivchaychi Nimesku Movaya - “Shylyannya of the Elephantich Zaymennik“, hlid of the enemy, the hazelniki in the nimesykiy that mowing movah is practical to the sabygaga, there is a good brother to respect for far from the same time, Yaki Tsimenniki, I am the same. For example: knives / stinks -dieSchere /sie (won), fox / won -derFuchs /er (wіn), milk / won -dieMilch /sie (won), bread / wine -dasBrot / es (out), mavpa / won -derAffe /er (wіn), child / wіn -daskind /es (wono), plate / won -derteller /er (wіn), ogіrok / vin -dieGurke /sie (won), tomato / wine -dieTomate /sie (won), etc.

When vikoristanny in my specialty, the borrowers can win the role of a friend or an additional one, the special borrowers, for the supervision of the relatives, do not get used to the names, if they want to be with them, they fight for the writing of that vim. The stench always victorious like independent moving loneliness. For those who speak German language, the introduction of special borrowers can appear in a rough and straight line, as if to show their living on specific stocks.

Ich bestelle Schweinebraten und grünen Salat. - I'll make lubricated pork and salad with fresh vegetables.

Du bist ja ein Spaßvogel! - Welltiіroaster!

Er kauft mir ein Fahrrad zum Geburtstag. - I can buy a bike for National Day.

Sie möchte diese Regeln wiederholen: sie sind besonders schwierig. - Wonwantrepeatqiregulations: stinkespeciallyimportant.

Dieses Buch haben wir gelesen -es war unheimlich interessant! - QiubookIhaving read- Wonbulagreedycicava!

Ihr habt uns nicht gesehen, wir sindsicher. - In andusnotbachili– miintsyumusinging.

Mich interessiert in erster Line die Frage, warum Sie ihn so beleidigt haben. – MeneinpershuchergasquealfoodwhyIn andyogaSoformed.

Ich schreibe ihr einen Brief und erzähle alles sehr ausführlich. - Iwriteїйsheetіallreportingrozpovіm.

To replace the name in the language, only borrowers of the third person can be victorious, otherwise they are not suitable for the role of the meanings that are transmitted by them. For example:

Heute haben wir Tomaten und Gurken auf dem Markt gekauft. Sie waren so lecker, dass wir sie morgen wieder kaufen. – Todaymiboughton themarkettomatoesіogirka. The stench was so savory that tomorrow we will buy it again.

In the event of the adoption of the German language, the introduction of the German borrowers is not particularly foldable, but rather an important topic, the remnants of the victorious special borrowers in the flock are urgently needed to inspire in case of short speeches of the German borrower.

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