The concept of grammatical category. The concept of the grammatical category The grammatical category of the category is morphological and syntactical

Subject of morphology. Stages of development of morphology as a science. The concept of a grammatical word, grammatical meaning, morphological paradigm, word form. (WE ACTIVELY PRAY TO THE GODS THAT ARINA WILL HAVE A FUCK, AND NOT TO US)

Morphology in translation from the Greek language, it means literally “a word about the form”. Tse razdіl grammar, yaky vivchaє grammatical power words. Oskіlki morphology is indistinctly connected with grammatical meanings and categories, but it is a part of grammar. The term "slovozmina" is often used as a synonym for the term "morphology".

Vіdomy linguist VV Vinogradov naming morphology as grammatical words about the word.

The word yak is a grammatical unity - a combination of word forms with a single lexical and categorical grammatical meaning. The text is out of step with a specific word form. Yes, the word book may 12 word forms: 6 vіdminkovyh forms one and 6 different forms of the plural. At the butts I was presented with a cicava book і I was presented with cicadas books seen word forms are given private grammatical meanings - the meanings of od. and many others. numbers, with which word book takes the lexical and categorical grammatical meaning of the subject. lexemeє a representative of a group of specific word forms, which may be the same lexical meanings. The entire collection of word forms that are included in the lexeme is called paradigm.

While producing the text, it is important to choose the form of the word that is most optimal for the singing sense. For whom it is necessary to know the rules of the word change of the different parts of the language, the peculiarities of the functioning of grammatical forms, the mother of the discovery of the semantic potential of the grammatical categories of the various parts of the language.

To the very same subject of morphologyє a story about parts of a movie(grammatical classes of words),їх morphological categories(genus, number, vіdminka, type, method, hour, individual, force),vocabulary systems.

Head of morphology.

· Appreciate the principle of uniting word forms in a lexeme.

· Insert, as part of the meaning of word forms є grammatical.

· Insert the word and character of grammatical categories,

· Spivvіdnest їх з characteristics of the objective action, which appears in the movie,

· Insert a set of formal features to take part in the creation of grammatical categories. (SRYa ed. Byloshapkova, 1981)

Aspects of development of morphology:

· Vlasne grammatical or system-structural idiom (in different academic grammarians) -> the latest description of the grammatical mode of the language.

· Contrastive - vyvchennya grammar at pіvnіnі z іnshimi mov.

· Normative idiom - the creation of various vocabularies, norms, changes in grammar. Sociolinguistic research. Gram.variants in various spheres of life.

· Russian grammar as foreign. It is important to know the accuracy, remember to explain, write different purposes (learn to say and write an abstract).

Functional aspect. It shows how the language actually functions. The work on this aspect has been three for a long time. Bondarka's boss.

Basic concepts of morphology:

Grammatic (morphological) form,

Grammar meaning

morphological paradigm,

parts of the movie.

The grammatical name is given to the words of the language, the power of the great number of words and obov's language is formed: with the help of elements, but for the help of other words in speech.

Grammar signs of the word form BUDINOCHKOM

  1. How can we say that this word form names an object.

2. For food, we can determine that this word form is called non-living

3. Tlumachennya can be given through the picture, that is the subject of a singing mind.

4. The modifying suffix shows that the word form means little.

5. The word form informs that there is more than one object on the mind.

6. Allowing the word to be received with a budinochka, graciously with a budinochka, stand in front of a budinochka and do not allow a good budinochka, more like a budinochka (belong to the class of words from the syntactic functions of the name)

7. Allowing the wording of the house, which I wake up, and do not allow the house, which I wake up

(syntactic inanimate)

8. Allowing word formation we were awake, i do not allow white house or budinochkom, like to stand on the mountain

(syntactic human read)

9. Allowing word formation Zhovtim budinochkom, i do not allow with yellow buds

(syntactically alone)

10. Allowing word formation merciful budinochka, walk in front of the budinochka, please with the budinochka, i do not allow I stand in a booth, having spent a budinochok

(podlegliy tool vіdminok)

11. Allowing word formation

miraculous budinochka, but do not allow miraculous budinochka

(under order of weapons)

The grammatical meanings of the supplementary lexical ones, but with an enviable regularity, can be understood and understood.

Specifically, the word in the sung grammatical form is called word form

The totality of all possible word forms of one particular word Grammar wordBrother, brother, brother, brother, brother, about brother; brothers, brothers, brothers, brothers, brothers, about brothers.

The cutaneous grammatical form is included before the singing group of the same type of features, but it is opposed to other forms. (one and plural number, for example)

grammatical form- the unity of grammatical meaning and the ability to express.

grammatical meaning- Uzagalnene (not individual, on the vіdmіnu vіd lexical), regular, obov'yazkove for the skin word form, formally expressed and є one of the opposing one to one component in the grammatical category. In the word forms of the changing parts of the language, there are pronounced grammatical meanings, and morphological meanings. For the invariable parts of the movie, it is characteristic that there is no more impassioned grammatical (categorical) meaning. For example, inscriptions signify the sign of dії ( warmly dressed), sign signs ( Moscow-style hotel). The stench does not care for the morphological paradigm.

Morphological paradigm the sequence of all forms of the word that changes is called. The global paradigm of the words of one part of the movie is made up of private paradigms. For example, the paradigm of the name includes the numerical and the verbal paradigms.

The concept of grammatical category. Types of grammatical categories.

The grammatical forms, after their grammatical contrast, unite in the grammatical category.

Grammar (morphological) category- a system of juxtaposing one to one series of grammatical forms from a single zmist. The same designation of the grammatical category is adopted in modern grammar. The new one has the main signs of the grammatical category. The system is closed.

It is necessary to separate word change і non-verbal (classifying) categories.

Word change:


It is necessary for the mind to make the form correct. So, for example, the form I will steal settled in the form of a word to a thorough look zahistiti, the form steal - in the language of an incomplete mind steal.

Grammar category- a system of putting one to one series of grammatical forms from the same grammatical meanings. The GC is characterized by the number of opposed rows. are subdivided into morphological and syntactic ones. Among the morphological categories, one can name the grammatical categories of mind, make, hour, method, individual, gender, number, word; The last virase of these categories is characterized by the grammatical class of words (movie parts).

For the Russian language, the language with a developed system of word change, it is important to distinguish between word change and classifying grammatical categories.

Members of word-change categories can be represented by rows of forms of one word (vіdminok, hour).

3. Parts of the promo: present your demarcation. L.V. Shcherba and V.V. Vinogradiv about the system of moving parts. Parts of the language of science and school grammar. (CE SEMINAR)
4. Characteristics of the name as a part of the movie. The grammatical category of spirituality/non-life.

The personal name is a kind of core of parts of the Russian language. The nuclearity of this group of words is secured by unique semantic signs: a denotation of the name can be a reality. For example:

· Material objects: alarm clock, handle.

Signs: blue.

Yakosti: kindness.

· Dia: mittya.

Rukh: walking.

Stan: turmoil.

· Setting: validity.

Quantity: a hundred.

Abstractions: impressionism.

Nomenclature - part of the movement, as a way of expressing the meaning of a grammatical subject (subject matter), typing the syntactic function of adding and supplementing and maє independent morphological categories of the genus, numbers and vіdminka. As a whole, the signs were identified in specific names.

Name- This is a famous part of the mov, which designates the subject and which expresses the meaning in the verbal grammatical categories of number and vіdminka and non-verbal categories of the genus and spirituality-inanimate. The name of the zavzhdi vіdpovіdaє on the supply of who? what? It is necessary to ask nutrition to the cob form of the word.

Pochatkova the form of the name - the form of the nominal name, od. numbers, but in names, yaki do not think of the form of od. hours - form im. vodminka pl. numbers (sleigh, doba, jeans).

The name of the rechenni can be added to and supplemented, as well as to the inconvenient deputies: the performance of skaters, Pushkin's fairy tales.

An important moment is the ability of the name of the person to be appointed by the clerk and the clerk: the winter is cold, the past is holy.

Added names to spiritual and inanimate basically to lie in the fact that what kind of object cemennik means - living things or objects of inanimate nature, but it is not possible to separate the understanding of spirituality-inanimate from the understanding of living-inanimate. So, from a grammatical point of view birch, osika, v'yaz- Names of non-living, but from the scientific point of view tse living organisms. In grammar, name dead people - dead, sky- vvazhayutsya spiritualized, and only a name dead body- Undead. In this rank, the meaning of spirituality-non-life - the category is so grammatical.


As a rule, spiritual names are called living things (osib and creatures). To draw their own specifics and represent a special category according to the category of gender, so that a number of spiritualized names can be applied to the status of the titles of istot:
Brother - sister, bik - cow.

In animate names, the form of the znahidny name of the plural (and in the human family and alone) changes with the form of the family name.
I want someone? (Vin.fall.) - uchniv, uchnya, horses.
No one? (nar.pad.) - uchniv, uchnya, horses. Who do I check? Learn.

Before the spiritualization of names, it’s not enough to name people and creatures, but also name such objects, as if they seem to be alive. For example: I dress up the lyalok, let the paper snake fly.


In non-living names, the form of the nominative name of the plural (and in the human family is alone) changes with the form of the nominal name.
Bachu, what? (Vin.fall.) - litaki, litak. Check what? Bus.
Tse sho? (Im. Pad.) - litaki, litak.

Inanimate names, which get used to figurative meanings, acquire meanings of individuals and become spiritualized: tournament for the success of the floor tennis.

The names of each of these are warehouse numerical, which end in two, three, chotiri, get used to life like life: request twenty-two specialties (replacement option).

Visnovok: in order to correctly identify the spirituality / non-life of the name, the word needs to be looked at in the context of the speech.

Spiritualized and inanimate names

spirituality Inanimate
name objects of living nature name objects of inanimate nature
name roslyn
name the gods name the planets after the names of the gods
name mythical facts
name the figures in games
name the toy, mechanisms, image of people
dead, sky dead body

name the microorganism

image, character

5. Lexico-grammatical categories of names. Grammatic category of names.

Names are united in lexical and grammatical categories according to their meanings and manifestation of grammatical categories (numbers and words).

Viriznyayut so lexical and grammatical categories names, as well as nominal, spiritual and inanimate, concrete and abstract, speech, selective.

Lexico-grammatical categories- semantic subtypes of nouns, which are peculiarities of meaning in a different way, interacting with its morphological categories.

Specific category for spiritualized / non-living substances and immutable names.

Spirituality and inanimateness are related to the category of speech.

Morphological category of names- Tse system of forms od. and many others. the number of names, which reflects the presentation of a single object of dismemberment of impersonal objects. This is a category of word change that hoards all names that change.

The word-defining nature of the categories is clearly observed under the hour of looking at specific names as a nuclear group. Abstract, speech and choice of names express the meaning of the quantity formally and actually allow for a semantic comparison for the category of number.

Return respect: lexically inconsistent forms of numbers: choose, choose. SR:

· snow / snow

· sky / sky

· bіl / bіl

Lexical and grammatical groups of words that can only be alone.

1. Zbіrnі (crow, nobility, bіdnota, professorship, proletariat)

2. Rechovі (milk, mid, peruk from kinsky hair)

3. Vegetables, cereals, rocks, etc. (raspberry, agrus, oats, blue?)

4. “Especially brightly negative, the function of one of them stands out from the abstract meanings of power-yakost, di-stand, emotion, feeling, mood, a physical being or a natural being, an ideological directive, a flow meaning of the abstract to understand" (military, whiteness, nudga, skritnist).

5. Names of power.

6. The choice of forms is one to be guarded in that case, if one object is brought to a number of osib or objects and powers of the skin from them (they went to curl their noses) (People went out, tying them up wearing a roti with a hard one. Tolstoy)

Lexico-semantic groups of names in pluraliatantum

1. Guys objects;

2. Warehouse items (drіvnі, rozvalnі, sled);

3. Masa, speech, material for yogo marrow (drіzhdzhі, firewood, grub);

4. sukupnostі penny sums (combat, taxes, finance);

5. Leaving or leftovers about the process: visivki, thyrsa, nedoidki;

6. Mіstsya and mіstsevostі (zapyatki, at the heads, temples, as well as the names of the sovereign Bronnitsy);

7. Intermission of an hour (doba, day, vacation);

8. Foldable day, camp, which is made up of a lot of assets (give birth, troubles, beatings, shashni);

9. Igri (hovanki, lyapi, nazdoganyannya);

10. Rite that holy (baptism, birthday, look around);

11. One by one the words that mean the camp (live in the darkness, buti in the darkness, negarazdi);

12. One by one words that mean emotions (envy to take, in joy).

Useful names in the form of od. year to categorize the genus, tobto. lie up to one of 3 slopes: human, female and medium.

Names from the endings - a, - I looked at them. under. the numbers are known, as a rule, to the female family (road, land, country, grandmother). Vinyatok to make words like uncle, nechupara, hour.

Yakshcho pochatkova form can be completed -o, -e, the name is brought to the middle family (sea, good). Vinyatok: a hut, a house (names with the words of a subjective assessment, adopted in the form of nouns of m. kind).

A small group of slivs lie down to the so-called spіlnogo genus. Names lie before them, so as not to wash the form of one. numbers (pluraliatantum sleigh, gate, ink) are not divided after childbirth.

birth couple

birth couple- This is a guy with an indication of the names of men and women. genus, may have the same lexical meaning, but differ in the meanings of biological status.

Settling a bet:

1. suppletive ancestral pari (person - woman, grandmother - child, vіvtsya - ram);

2. slovotvirnі(student - student, gander - guska, lion - levitsa);

3. inflectional- to lay the main foundation and yak_ be separated by endings (person - squad, godfather - godfather, Oleksandr - Alexandra).

As for the words that enter before the generic bet, they are the names of creatures, then the type of creatures can be used as a word for the genus (hares, lions, donkeys), so with the word well. genus (intestines, veins, goats).

Names swearing family

Crimea 3 main slopes (human, female, middle) there are other names swearing family, For the meanings of the stench, they are associated with persons and people, and women, in the context, they realize the meanings of more than one kind (our / our Sasha, terrible / terrible bore, Knowing / knew). At the rozmovnіy promo it is possible to feel: the deputy received the vouchers; master of sports set a new record; the turner ran well out of the zavdannyam.

In stylization of promos for the characterization of characters in the transition to a woman for a profession, it is recommended to use neutral forms: comrade conductor, comrade cashier.

For the purpose of understanding the personality of the words of a ballerina, a drukarka, there are descriptions of the virazi. ballet dancer, typewriter. At the professional vzhivnіnі vinyl steam nurse - nurse.

Generic options

A lot of imeniniks get used to SRY both in the form of m., and in the form of women. kind.

· - aviary - aviary (living room 1 form);

· - Giraffe - giraffe (living room 1 form);

· - clips - clips (literary є 1 form);

· - reprise - reprise (often vikoristovuєtsya 2nd form).

GRAMMAR CATEGORY, a system of juxtaposing one to one rows of grammatical forms with the same meanings. In this system, the initial one is a categorizing sign (div. Category movna), for example, specifying the value of the hour, individuals, make it thin, then the system will have the value of the next hour, osib, stop it. have a system of different forms. The necessary sign of the grammatical category is the unity of the meaning and the expression of the meaning of the system of grammatical forms.

Grammar categories are subdivided into morphological and syntactic ones. Among the morphological grammatical categories are seen, for example, grammatical categories mind, make, hour, method, individual, gender, number, vіdminka; The last virase of these categories is characterized by the grammatical class of words (movie parts). The number of indicated members at the boundaries of such categories can be different: for example, in Russian language the grammatical category of the gender is represented by a system of three rows of forms, which reflect the grammatical meanings of a human, female and middle gender, and the grammatical category of one number is a form multiple. The grammatical categories of the word change are differentiated in the language of the language with a divided word change, so that the members of which can be represented by the forms of the same word within the same paradigm (for example, in the Russian language - hour, way, person of the word, number, step, step, step prikmetnikiv) that non-verbal (classic, classificatory), so that members of them cannot be represented by forms of one and the same word (for example, in Russian language - rіd ta spirituality-inanimateness of names). The affiliation of certain grammatical categories (for example, in Russian language - make it look like that) to the verbal chi of the non-verbal type is an object of discussion.

There are also grammatical categories, which appear syntactically, so they show, persh for everything, on the basis of forms in the warehouse of word formation or speech (for example, in Russian language - рід, відмінок), and not syntactically appear, then they deviate, we say abstract, vіd dominion, zv'yazkіv that vіdnosin pozamovnoї dіysnostі (for example, in Russian language - view, hour); such grammatical categories, like, for example, the number of persons, combine signs of both types.

Move the world to swear:

1) for a quantity and a warehouse of grammatical categories; parіvnyay, for example, specific for deyaky mov - words'janskih that ін. - the category of the dієslіvny type; the category of the so-called grammatical class - people of speech - in a number of Caucasian language; the category of importance-non-significance, domineering is more important than language with the article; the category of empathy, or respectability, is characteristic of the low language of Asia (Zokrem, Japanese and Korean) and is connected with the grammatical viraz of the setting of someone who speaks to the svіvrozmovnik and osіb, about such ideas;

2) for the number of cited members at the boundaries of one and the same category; porіvnyay traditionally seen 6 vіdminkіv in Russian and up to 40 - in deyaky Dagestan;

3) after that, as part of the mov to avenge that chi and other category (for example, in the Nenets mov it is possible to mark the category of an individual at that hour). Qi pokazniki can change during the process of the historical act of one mov; sort out the three forms of number in the old Russian language, in that number the subvintage, and two - in the modern Russian language.

Shcherba L.V. About parts of the movie in Russian movie // Shcherba L.V. Selected works from Russian movie. M., 1957; Gukhman M. M. Grammatic category and structure of paradigms // Studies from the global theory of grammar. M., 1968; Katsnelson S. D. Typology of movement and movement of thought. L., 1972; Lomtev T. P. Proposition and її grammatical categories. M., 1972; Typology of grammatical categories. Mishchaninovski reading. M., 1973; Bondarko A. V. Theory of morphological categories. L., 1976; Panfilov V. 3. Philosophical problems of mentality. M., 1977; Lyons J. Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics. M., 1978; Kholodovich A. A. Problems of grammatical theory. L., 1979; Russian grammar. M., 1980. T. 1. S. 453-459; Typology of grammatical categories. L., 1991; Melchuk I. A. Course of global morphology. M., 1998. T. 2. Part 2; Gak V.G. Theoretical grammar French movie. M., 2004.

The main unit of grammar is the grammatical category. The word category means a generic (general) understanding of a hundred specific (private) understand. For example, my dog ​​will be categorically named specific breeds - vіvcharka, ter'єr, dachshund.

The grammatical category is the same grammatical form with the same grammatical meanings. The collection of homogeneous and one-to-one grammatical forms of a particular language is called a paradigm. For example, the grammatical category (paradigm) of speech in modern Russian language consists of six forms with grammatical meanings of nominal, generic, etc. vіdminkіv; grammatical category of speech in English language includes two forms - nazivny and associated (generic with the meaning of belonging) vіdmіnki.

Grammatically meaning - ugly meaning, power of the lower words or syntactic constructions and which are expressed in regular (standard) ways. The grammatical meanings can be morphologically and syntactically up to grammatical categories.

The word's grammatical meaning has obov'yazykovym lexical additions. Vidminnosti between them in the offensive:

a) lexical meaning attached to a specific word, grammatically - low words.

b) lexical meaning associated with realities - objects, signs, processes, camps. The grammatical meaning of pointing to 1) can be seen between objects and things (rіd, number, vіdminok); 2) on the occasion of change to the point of action (badness, hour, person); 3) on the order of the one who speaks before the speech (rozpovid, nutrition, spontaneous, as well as subjective assessments - evangelism / non-evilness, categorical / imovirnist).

c) the lexical meaning is always correct. At the singing sensi vinyatok to form words with empty lexical meanings. They are called desemantized. The word maiden signifies the representative of a woman's status at the age of approximately 15-25 years, and as a young woman, she is distinguished by age to richly mature saleswomen, conductors, and cashiers. At to this particular type the word maiden means not vіk, but indicates the professional status of the addressee.

The grammatically meaning is utterly formal, tobto. yakі think the prototype is true. For example, a number of non-living names - a glass - a river - a lake; vic. el mundo “light”, fr. le choux 'cabbage' (m.s.); the middle class of spiritualized names is Russian.

Child, child; Bulgarian momche 'boy', momiche 'girl', kupi 'dog'; new. das Mädchen 'girl'. An analogue of formal grammatical meanings are words with empty denotations (lisovik, Atlantis toshcho).

The grammatical form is the formal (formal) side of the movable sign, which has a simple grammatical meaning. The grammatical form is a representative of the grammatical paradigm. If there is a grammatical category in the language of the language, then im'ya zavzhdi matime that chi іnsu grammatical form. When describing the current facts, sound like this and seem: the name in the form of the generic word, the word in the form of the action method, then. The grammatical form is the unity of the grammatical meaning and the material benefits of its expression.

The grammatical meaning can be expressed in two ways - synthetically (in the middle of the word) and analytically (outside the boundaries of the word). At the borders of the skin method, there are differences in the expression of grammatical meanings.

Synthetic make up the expression of grammatical meanings.

1. Afxation (inflection, suffix, prefix of species parity): mother (i.p.) - mami (r.p.); bіgti (іnfinіtiv) - bіg (past hour); robiv (non-Sov. view) - robiv (Sov. view).

2. Voice - hands (i.p., pl.) - hand (r.p.,

3. Charguvannya dokorinno (internal flexion): pick (non-sov. look) - pick (sov. look); new. lesen 'read' – las 'read'.

4. Reduplication - sub-root. In Russian language, the grammatical zasib does not sing (in words of the blue-blue type, reduplication is a semantic mark). In Malay language orang “people” – oran-orang “people” (povna reduplication); private reduplication - Tagalsk. mabuting 'good' mabuting-buting 'more good'.

5. suppletivism - enlightenment of word forms from a different stem: i - me; good - better; new. gut 'garne' – besser 'better' – beste 'beautiful'.

Grammar meanings can be expressed in many ways. In the enlightenment of the perfect form, the ancient Greek. τέτροφα 'weathering' as τρέφο 'feeding' to take part in the chotiri zasobi: non-permanent repetition of the stem τέ-, inflection -α, voice and scribbling in the root – τρέφ / τροφ.

Analyze grammatical meanings.

1. Good analytical skills - special grammatical skills for learning analytical forms: read - read (working hour); shvidky (positive step) - shvidky (povnyalny step) - best seen (wonderful step).

2. Significance of syntactic links - the grammatical meanings of a word are determined by the grammatical meanings of another word. For non-shilyayutsya s_v rosіyskoї tse єdiny zasіb vyslovlyuvannya їх grammatical gender. Nevіdminyuvanі spiritualized names belong, as a rule, to the human family: amusing kangaroo, green cockatoo, cheerful chimpanzee. A number of non-living immensity names are distinguished by a generic word: shkidli tsetse (fly), deep water Ontario (lake), sleepy Sochi (misto), unsightly kiwi (fruit).

3. Service words - grammatical meanings are expressed for additional helpers, particles or their significant number: shose to shine (i.p.) - stand for the highway (r.p.) - go to the highway (d.p.) - vikhati on the highway (v.p.) - turn around on the highway (p.p.); recognizing (intelligible way) - recognizing b (smart way).

4. The order of words - grammatical meanings are determined by the position of the word in the speech. In a construction with a homonymous name and familiar signs, first of all, the word is seen as an active role (sub'єkt), and in another - as a passive (ob'єkt): p., supplementary) - Misha to stomp a horse (Misha - i.p., what is pіdlyagaє horse - v.p., supplementary).

5. Intonation - Viraz grammatical meanings with a singing intonation little. ↓Penny sent to the phone: 1) with a logical voice on the word pennies and a pause after the new one; dієslovo came to life in a dіysnym way; change of the phrase "Penny spent on the telephone"; 2) with an unaccented intonation little child, the word was written in the form of an order; zmіst phrase "On the phone you need to put pennies."

Food and drink for self-control:

1. What is grammar?

2. Why is there a difference between lexical and grammatical meanings?

3. What features can grammar have in common with reality?

4. Do you know how to express grammatical meanings?

includes rіd, number, vіdminok, yakі organically related to categorical meanings of the ciєї parts of the language and serve as a grammatical way of expressing objectivity. Included in one system, the stinks perebuvayut at the same vіdnosinah (equal, more or less staleness, furnished with sleeping quarters, thin) and intermingle with the process of functioning. Tsomu spryaє єdina vsіm categorіy system of grammatical forms of the name. In one and the same word of the name, ring out different grammatical meanings. Forms alone can match all three grammatical meanings of the name. So, the form ribi expresses the meaning of the female family, im. vodminka that od. numbers, and the form ribi is the meaning of the female family, wines. vodminka that od. numbers. Form multiple zdatnі vrazhati only the meaning of vіdmіnka і number, yakі not mаyutnya genus For example, the word form ribam vіrazhaє znachennya tv. vіdminka and a lot of others. numbers, and rib is the value of рід. vіdminka and a lot of others. numbers. As you can see, such a number of occurrences have manifested in their own way that they show a lot of fallowness. The meanings of the number and vіdmіnka can be realized independently of each other. SR: ribu ta ribam, riboi ta ribam toshchoo.
The central place in the grammatical system of the name belongs to the category of gender. Vaughn is the main way of expressing objectivity. The category of genus defines the most important structural and semantic features of the name of the name with the use of names associated with it and the words. Vaughn is organically related to the system of introducing all names in one (crim naming special person status on -a and sliv middle gender in the form of indirect names). So, flexia is a sign of the human race generic advice alone (tsukor, kvass, toshcho compote).
Рід - belonging to the used lexemes, and not to the okremoi word form. In all possible forms, one name is given to one genus. The name of the hand in all its forms is female, body - middle, nіs - human. For childbirth, names are classified (although they are not changed).
Depending on the indications, the names change
ramblings with a panіvny word podednannya, for example: chop wood, chop with juice, chop on the pieces; robiti toys from clay toshcho. The introduction of vіdminkovyh forms is syntactically framed.
For this sensi vіdminok, the category is syntactical.
The number, yak і рід, belong to non-syntactic categories. Vzhivannya forms alone and multiplied in the word-sense to lie in the form of a panivny word. SR: wash the spoon and wash the spoons. Grammatically correct insults later. Vybіr form the number to deposit in the first place, how many objects are hoary to the deyu.

1) Consistency of similar grammatical meanings. Thus, the meanings of okremikh words will be combined into the category of words, the meanings of the next forms of hour will be combined into the category of hour, etc. The category of gender will take away the singal zmist of a specific word. So, the category of gender appears in the word vikno tim, that the name of the name is the name of the middle gender (may be more grammatically meaningful than the middle gender); The category of the method in the word read shows that this is a fictitious form that expresses more grammatically the meaning of the command method. In this way, the grammatical category is brought up to the grammatical meaning, like a banal one to a private one.

2) The largest lexical and grammatical categories (classes) of words, combined, semantic and morphological and syntactical signs. The category of the word. The category of the clerk.

Dictionary of linguistic terms. View. 2nd. - M: Enlightenment. Rozental D. E., Telenkova M. A.. 1976 .

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  • Grammatic category aspect and context. Based on materials from Spanish and Russian language, Y. V. Gorbov. A monograph highlighting the results of contrastive research on the materials of Spanish and Russian languages ​​(in one section, also English), based on the position of functional linguistics. e-book
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