What is a syntactic construction. Syntactic construction. The meaning of the name, its morphological signs and syntactic functions

Folding syntactic constructions

1) Foldable propositions, before the warehouse of which there are folding propositions (folding propositions with creation and subordering, folding propositions of a mixed warehouse). The room, as I saw it, was divided by a bar, and I didn’t care, to whom I spoke and to whom my mother bowed humbly.(Kaverin). Indifferently, miraculously, my glance stumbled over the center of the stingily straight line of the embankment, and I wanted to think about it, to find it, like a black flame, to sit on the nose under the eye; but the embankment with the Englishmen, who were walking, was abandoned in the city, and I casually tried to know the point of dawn, so I wouldn’t be able to see(L. Tolstoy).

2) Composite speeches with non-union and allied divisions of parts, which include collapsible speeches. I value yoga and I will not deny its meaning; on such, like wines, this light is trimming, and yakbi light of giving only to one of us, you, for all your kindness, that kindness of kindness, they made it to the same, that the axis of the fly is from the center of the picture(Chekhiv). In everything that looks like a room, you can see it for a long time, like a dry tinder, all speeches smell that wondrous smell, like giving a ticket, hanging an hour before, if you hit it, the stench rises with a saw.(Hirky). If your heart is clenched in fear for the little ones, see your fears, extinguish your anxiety, be firm in the songs: stink with me, then, everything is(Pavlenko).

3) Richly foldable proposition. It was a little bulo, as if the runners rippled on the street, as if they were passing to the coal truck factory, and people were crying hoarsely at the horses while they were frozen(Mamin-Sibiryak). Yakbi Nekhlyudov, having clearly seen his love before Katyusha, and especially Yakbi, they began to reconsider in that which he cannot and is not guilty of sharing his share with such a girl, then it could easily be virishiv bi, there are no good reasons not to make friends with a girl, whoever would not be out, if only you could love її(L. Tolstoy). div. so is the ordering of propositions (the article has a ordering).

Dictionary of linguistic terms. View. 2nd. - M: Enlightenment. Rozental D. E., Telenkova M. A.. 1976 .

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Syntactic constructions

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Article topic: Syntactic constructions
Heading (thematic category) Finance

Rich member propositions

The turn of the lane, which is necessary for the dermal participant to the minds of the simple partnership agreement

Groshovі chi іnshі minenovі contributions uchasnіnіv vіdobrazhayut agreement

· according to the debit of the accounts in the form of valid values ​​(10 "Materials", 50 "Kasa", etc.)

· Loan section 80 “Statutory capital”, subsection “Deposit under a simple partnership agreement”.

Razpodіl pributku, zbіkіv іnshih іnshih іnchih іnchih іnchih іnshіv іn sіlnoї іyalnostі іmіzh participants іn the simple partnership agreement vіdobrazhayut buhoblіku in an offensive order:

- surplus shown:

Debit of rahunka 84 "Non-split surplus (non-critical surplus)"

· Loan rahunka 75 "Rozrakhunki with co-founders", subrakhunok 2 "Rozrakhunka z pay income";

- repaid to the participants of the sum, which should be covered by the contract:

· Loan rahunka 50 "Casa", subrahunok 1 "Casa organization";

- Vіdbito zbitok:

· Debit rachunka 75 "Rozrakhunka with co-founders", subrakhunok 2 "Rozrakhunka z to pay income"

· Loan rahunka 84 "Non-distributed profits (non-refundable cash)";

- the participants redeemed the withdrawal of the churn:

Debit of rachunka 50 “Kasa”, subrachunok 1 “Kasa organization”

Loan rahunka 75 "Rozrakhunki with co-founders", subrakhunok 2 "Rozrakhunki with payment of income".

After the termination of the term of the simple partnership agreement, it’s mine, which is gone, and the bones are rozpodіlyayat vidpovidno to the minds of the agreement between the participants.

Reversal of fees entered by the participants as a cob and additional contributions,

· Debit account 80 "Statutory Capital", sub-rachunok "Deposit for a simple partnership agreement"

· Loan to financers (50.51, etc.).

o Debit account 80 “Statutory capital”, sub-rachunok “Deposit under a simple partnership agreement”

o Credit to the account of the lane (01, 04, 10, 40, 41).

Analytical appearance for the charter 80 “Statute capital”, sub-chart “Contribution for the simple partnership agreement” is conducted for the skin contract of the simple partnership and the skin participant of the contract.

(folded type) and folding


I. Rich-membered collapsible propositions:

1) with a coordinating link;

2) with a regular call;

3) s bis allied call.

II. Folding syntactic constructions:

1) with writing suborders;

2) with a bezspіlkovim and an allied link.


1. Russian language in 2 parts (edited by L.Yu. Maksimov). - M., 1989, part II. syntax. Punctuation. pp.279-282.

2. Modern Russian language in 3 books. Book. III. syntax. M., 1981, § 95. 104/

3. Modern Russian language. Analysis of my singles. At 3 parts. Ch.III. M., 1995, pp. 186-202.

Such propositions are called richly articulated, which are composed of three or more predicative units, tied together by the same type of link. Such illuminations are subdivided into:

1. rich members of the SSP;

2. richly-membered SPP;

3. Rich-membered BP.

In polynomial SSPs, coordinating conjunctions serve as the main link of elements, for example:

The process of setting up control systems is even more complicated, the necessary process, we can put it up to new standards. -

(3 newspapers).

us SSP, which are made up of 3 parts, tied with opposites and with good unions.

1 and 2 parts approve the proposition of the AP, the blues are oppositely adjoining, the shards are the borrower who follows the union ale organically picking up the 1st part from your own.

2nd and 3rd parts to establish the proposition of the AP as a blue causal-inherited, tk. after splits і you can insert a construction lexical element - a concretizer - after that.


Often, in the middle of the polynomial itself, the parts satisfy the meanings and structural complexes - the components of the polynomial, for example:

From the early morning fog 1, but until dawn the weather cleared up 2, and the sun shone on the leaves, which only had blossomed,

gatherings of khlibiv, and on the breeches of the swedish river 3.

(L. Tolstoy)

SSP is made up of three parts, tied with opposite and happy unions.

The 2nd and 3rd parts interchange with each other in the tightest meanings, and the star structure is divided into two structural complexes (divided according to the union ale:

On the first logical-syntactic level, the articulation of the proposition є GS, it is obvious that the blues between I and II components are adversative-concessive, because the proposition can be transformed: hocha from the wound viv fog, ale..., I.O. dії another complex is based on the fact that it was in the first part.

On another level, the division is another complex - SSP AP, which allows the 2nd the allied element is a concretizer, the result has a visible blue result.

In richly articulated SPP propositions, the main connection is made up of substrings and unions of tin. The peculiarities of such structures are those that stench is formed from one head and several appendage parts. Vrakhovuyuchi fallows in the nature of spivvіdnoshennia tsikh parts between themselves and with the head part of the SNP with the last and parallel suborders. In its line, the order is divided into 2 varieties:

a) parallel homogeneous (superorder);

b) parallel heterogeneous.

The head part means.

If the consecutive part (parts) is seen up to one word (unsegmented structure), then a dot is put in the head, and the specific word is written in the arches, for example:

I am the one to whom you heard in the silence of the house 2.

(M.Yu. Lermontov)


Even though it is necessary to add to the division of structures, it will also go into the frame of the head part on the scheme:

Terrible at that time, Gregory was slandered 1, 2 only a little bit, but vin viyshov overhead.

(M. Sholokhov)

ledwe (when)

As if the sub-row part is in the interposition according to the extension to the head or the front adnexal, a sign is put on the opening, for example:

The mountain, on the yak mi 2, 1 was called lobasta.

(D. Mamin-Sibiryak)

Let's take a look at the report of the SPP proposition of the folded type.

During the last ordering of the appendages, the parts of the folding tongue are ruffled with a lancet.

Appendage parts are separated behind the steps - a part of the row, which goes straight up to the head part of the 1st step; to the adnexal part - the second stage part; up to the 2nd adnexal part - the contracting part of the 3rd stage, etc.

The contracting part of the lower level signifies whether it be a member of the appendage part of the higher level, or the whole її as a whole, or the contact word, at the link with the cim the contracting part of the higher level can also be powerful, like the head part.

Kolezhskiy Asesor Kovalyov, leaning over to finish early and slurring with his lips "brr" 1, hocha himself bulo roztlemachiti 4 , why 5 .

The adnexal parts of the lower step may not be obov'yazykovo roztashovuvatysya in the postposition to the adnexal superior step, but in the preposition, and in the interposition. In quiet moods, if the dodatkova part of the lower step is known by maturity to the additional part of the higher step in the interposition, then the link between the successive parts is even tighter. We can talk about the folded appendage part in this fold.

І Srіbny repsovy godinolit vibliskuє over tsієyu nothing, like a bird 1, it is right to fly, to that one at such a height 2, de laying yoga way 3, now shine the sun 2 . (D.G.)

(gives up)

What would Sonya rob 1, yakby there was no radio communication in it Togo 2 , why won’t you wake up for three nights in order to be ready, to follow exactly all the doctor’s notes and 4 why won’t you sleep at night 5, in order not to miss annual 6, it is necessary for yaks to give faces 7.


Zahalom of the richly divided SPP with the last (div. 1, 2, 3.4 and 1,2,5,6,7 parts) and parallel (3.5) ordering parts.

When spіvpіdorderkuvannі dodatkovі parts of the same to one contact word in the head part and assign the head part in the sense of speech however.

Vіdnosiny міzh by the contiguous parts can be equated to vіdnosyns in river unions. The skin from the subordering of the adnexal parts can be the mother of their subordering union and most of the unions are the same , for example-

De important to shy away 1, de grief is felt 2, be the first there 3.

Such suprising adnexal parts can intermingle with each other with good, opposite, separate and composing parts for example:

Buvayut in the middle of the sickle so sleepy days 1 if the glare over it is rich2 and if the earth is as if covered with fragments of a broken rock 3 .

Even more often in such speeches there is a contractual union, but the word buvay is not in all suborder parts. In some cases, it is to blame, but one sub-ordered split is implanted, and other appendages are added to the intonation . For example:

The flowers of the herb shivered with red short nights 1, if the nightingales ring 2, the greenish dawn does not go beyond the horizon and in the very dead of the night it is light 3 .K.P.)

Rarely, with homogeneous appendage parts, there are different unions and unions of tin.

Princess Meri did not understand 1 what she wanted in her 2 and why she asked for permission 3 .

In case of non-uniform parallel subordering of additional parts, additional parts can be seen up to different contact words, which part of them belong to the contact word, and others - to all head propositions, which characterize the head part in different sensory speech. The skin from the appendage parts is directly tied with the union of abo allied word from the head part. Mіzh themselves stench not zadnuyutsya alliances, and zhoden podryadny union is not guilty of but omissions. Butt:

Having energized the yak for a long time, misfortune 2 , kicked the major for the fight and gave it to him with his thumb at the same place 1 earlier bov nіs 3 so that the major bov zmusheny threw his head back and hit the ceiling against the wall. (N.G.)

In a richly articulated (folded type) BP, the main connection is often є intonation. Between the parts of such structures, different meanings can be installed, for example:


For this word, parts 2 and 3 from the logical-syntax point of view represent a complex, the structural diagram is as follows:


On the first logical-syntactic level between I and II components of the motivating explanation. On another logical-syntactic level, between 2 and 3 parts of the interrelationship.

Folding on the right in folding syntactic constructions (CCS)

a) smart and smart;

b) writing ta bezspіlkovoy;

c) sub-order and non-split;

d) quick-witted, contractual and non-split.

Structures of a similar kind can be:

1) the variety of species of the linkage;

2) presence of at least two equal members;

3) to combine two or more semantic components in their warehouses.

Widely expand the look of the construction - such a view, if in the constructions there is a coordinating link.

Твір - a larger verbal syntactic link, subordering - a more specific syntactic link to that in such collapsible constructions, SPP acts as a component of creation . Such structures have equal logical-syntactic articulation of propositions. On the back is characterized by a creative link:

I. Ivan Ivanovich 1 at the same place 1, de standing Ivan Ivanovich 3, II. ale the mayor robbed the directorate of the zlitky ubik 4, also Ivan Nikiforovich fell on a lady at the red cloth 5, yak from the cicada stuck out at the very middle 6. (N.G.)

Tse SBK with a coordinating and contracting linkage of parts. On the first logical-syntactic level, the division is divided into 2 components of creation. Vіdnosini mizh components protilezhnі (opposite-intermediate), parts of the union Prote.

On another logical-syntactic level, the 1st component of the creation is composed of folded sentences with 2nd consecutive parts of a parallel order.

On another logical-syntactic level of articulation, the 2nd component of the creation is represented by the SPP with 2 consecutive parts of the sequential subordering.

In some cases, the components of the creation can mother one scatter piece, for example:

Bulo So good i So there was a smell of the beds in the well-polished flower beds, which did not want to go.

Here, the main part of the contract is playing the role of a sleepy member, at the connection with the cim the signs are placed like that at the SSP h sleeping member.

Tse SSK with creation and order. The components of the creation can be a hard worker part. Skin with components in the creation of a warehouse with a central appendage part of the SPP of an unsegmented structure; borrowing-spіvvіdnosnogo allied type with adnexal parts of the phraseological type. Vіdnosini mіzh components tvor - spoluchnі.

With a more foldable look, SSK with a bezspіlkovy and allied linkage of elements.

For such SSCs, the unsuccessful and allied author's link is more of a common type of link, subordering is a private type of link. Vіdpovіdno to tsgogo see a small number of different SSK іz allied and non-union zv'yazkom.

a. , leather s yakikh є or SPP or SSK s dekіlkom pіdryadnimi parts.

What was in the cup itself 1 , it was important to swear 2 , but I drank on it in such abundance 3 , that the hands of everyone who hung out became similar to mittens 4 ; commemorate the hanging stars of a wooden shovel and an old shoe bottom..(N.G.)

SBK with an allied and allied contract link.

On the first line, the divisions are divided into 2 components of the no-spill. , vodnosini priednuvalni.

The 1st component of the bezspіlka represents the SPP with parallel heterogeneous and subsequent 2nd steps of subordering;

The 2nd component of the lack of prompting behind the scheme of a simple proposition.

The SBC will have a non-spoiled and allied coordinating link. І here a more advanced type can be bezspіlka, then SSK can be divided into components without spіlka nasampered; yakscho zagalny view zv'azku є tvir, then SBC is divided into components of creation.

Tsya SBC is divided into 2 components of the non-split: the 1st component of inducements behind the simple proposition scheme, the 2nd one behind the SSP scheme.

There are gloomy boules in front 1, and I have gained height and height before them 2: it’s better to go on a slip 3, lower over the sim inexhaustible sumovity background 4 .

The whole SSC is divided into 2 components of creation: the 1st component of inducements behind the scheme of a simple proposition; 2nd for the scheme of the unfortunate proposition.

B. SBC can enter into an alliance-free and allied author's link , ale th allied contracting link.

Whoops out loud sorry 1 , there's no music 2 and there's a magic button accordion 4 .

The SSC is divided into 2 components and create: the 1st component of inducements is behind the SPP scheme, and the 2nd one is behind the scheme of the unhappy proposition.

Syntactic constructions - you see. Classification and features of the category "Syntactic constructions" 2017, 2018.

To the main syntactic constructions one can see:

1) the text - graphically fixing the roaring flurry, which speaks in a speech that looks like a lingual sequence;

2) proposition is the central unit of syntax, the central unit of movement, which is generated by movement to serve as other components of the movement system;

3) vocabulary - the use of two or more famous words, which are characterized by the presence between them of a formally expressed semantic link; tse naming loneliness, which means an object, a phenomenon, a process, a kind, called a shearing word and a fallow, which is concretized.

The skin of overhauled syntactic constructions can be characterized in three aspects:

a) formal-structural;

b) semantic;

c) pragmatic.

All refurbished syntactic constructions may have their current status. The current status may be less proposition that wording. Text and proposition can communicate.

Give a description of the types of syntactic links and methods of formal expression of syntactic functions.

Start talking about the two most important types of syntactic link: about tvir and ordering. For a creative connection, the equality of the elements is characteristic, which the names show up in the possibility of permutation without changing the change: squad that I / I that squad. When creating, the elements are similar, functionally close. Apply: stіl i stіlets / i chi ti / strict, ale fair.

Contracting call: Table base / down pillow / down pillow / reading a book. Here you can see the blue of the wrong: one element is the main one ( foot, pillow, read), іnshiy - podleglim: ( ... table. …. fluff, fluff ...., .... book).

Ways of formal expression of syntactic links: uzgodzhennya; keruvannya; joining; union and bezspoluchnikovy tvir; allied and non-union ordering. The first and other methods are based on morphological forms, the third - on non-morphological forms (word order, intonation). Union tvіr i pіdpriyadkuvannya koristuyutsya service words (spіlkami). Bezspіlkovy tvіr i pіdorderkuvannya - the order of words, intonation.

Give a description of the morphological way of expressing syntactic links.

Morphological way of expressing syntactic links includes:

Uzgodzhennya, as if I’m repeating one word, dekilkoh, or all grams of one word in another, related word, for example, uzgodzhennya pridlyagaє rosіyskіy movі: I read / won’t spіvaє / mi practice (gramme individuals, numbers).

Uzgodzhennya vikoristovuєtsya as zasіb vyrazhennya pіdryadnyh zv'yazkіv mіzh vyznachennymi i primordial, at tsomu gramemy are repeated in primordial: new book (rіd, number, vіdminok) new book new books.

2. Management, Yake believe in the fact that one word calls out to another word connected with it, the appearance of singing letters, as if they do not repeat the first word with the letter. The management is widely victorious as a reflection of a contractual connection, for example: in the Russian language, the transitional word has an addition to the savvy leader: reading a book.

Statements of fallow words in them in singing vіdminkah should also be: 1) names: ballet lover(nar. vіdminok) ; Zhaga knowledge(Rid. vіdminok); 2) prikmetniki: new strength(Rid. vіdminok); satisfied with the purchase(TV. Vіdminok); 3) attendants: like me(Tv. vіdminok).

Enumerate non-morphological methods and expression of syntactic functions.

Prior to non-morphological ways of expressing syntactic functions are:

1) The order of the words: a) the position of the connection, that is the signification of the connection of the words with the way of simple folding, setting the order, for example: an English book - an English book (the connection of the example to the name).

Preposition and postposition: in the Russian language, the postposition of the numerical in the given preposition serves as a guide to the approximateness: two kilograms / two kilograms.

3) The tendency to consolidate the singing places in the speeches behind the singing members of the proposition: with the zbіgu (homonyms) of the naming and the famous names in the namemen, the viceroys in the speeches, yak pіdmet and addition, for example: Mother to love daughter (Daughter to love mother?). For whom the butt is less orderly, it’s easier to understand the first name as a reminder, and to the other as an addition. Languages ​​without a specific system have a characteristic fixation of the order of words: 1) English. language: The father loves the son /Father love son; 2) French language: Le pere aimime le fils / Father love son. Inversion of the saving sense of all propositions is impossible.

4) The order of words can be divided into words, for example: an opportune proposition / a slanderous proposition: grew up. language: You want it / Hotіv thogo? English language: The house has a garden / Has the house a garden? In this case, the inversion is accompanied by a nourishing intonation.


Theme V

1. Riven text: STS, text.

2. Riven propositions: PP, SP, SBC.

3. Riven words - syntax (SPS - the same word in speech), word formation.

Rich-membered folding propositions - MSP / MChSP.

Folding syntactic constructions - SBC.

The predicative unit is PE.

A simple proposition can be formed from a syntax, or a word combination, or a creation of the one and the other at the same time. Folding propositions are made up of simple ones. Three folding propositions , simple propositions and collapsible syntactic constructions(SBC)develop STS .

Folding propositions are of two types :

1) Binaries collapsible propositions - are composed of two predicative units with one type of link (vigadual, contractual or non-split).

2) Rich members collapsible propositions - are composed of three and more predicative units (PU).

SBC is composed of binary folding propositions. Tsikh binary propositions can be a kіlka і SSK є kіlka vivid syntactical link. The grass is green, the sun shines, for spring has come(SBC, to that in this design, there is no luck, and a contracting link).

CHORTI similarity and identity of SMEs and SBC

Modern grammar rich-term folding proposition- This is the type of collapsible proposition, which is composed of three or more predicative units, made up of one type of syntactic link.

Foldable syntactic construction- it is especially syntactic unity that is formed from binary collapsible speech of a different type.

SMEs and SSCs have a lot of sleep. To that not all vcheni їkh podіlyayat.

Figures similar to SMEs and SSC :

1. Number of predicative loners (forever rich PE).

2. The collapsible nature of the thought that is expressed in them. Possibility seen at the warehouse of sense elements.

For example: 1 Їhati bulo is welcome: 2 warm darkness day, 3 navkolo faceless ticketsі larks, 4 dme receiving light breeze ... (A.P. Chekhov). Before us is a construction that is made up of 4 predicative units. Tse MPBSP. sketch in notepad! Yakby did not have the first part, then with the enumerative one-hourness of the vision of the meaningful parts, it would be nedotsіlno (because propositions of the same order).

3. Especially the choice of the syntactic link (only in SMEs and SSK):

a) Zbіg splitok. An example from "The Blind Musician": 1 Slipy knowing, 2 what at vikno marvel at the sun i 3 sho 4 yakschowine prostyagne hand at the window, 3 then from bushes dew . What is it?– tse zbіg spilok. Zv'yazok author's what… and what- Ale tse is not SSP. 1-2 SPP, 1-3 SPP, 3-4 SPP.

b) Skipping splits. Butt: 1 I know, 2 what soon sleep ta 3necessary until new get ready . 1-2 SPP,1-3 SPP.

in) Structural components. 1 days buli so good,2 Italy taka fertile, 3 mood take radio, 4 what in the past I saw yak dim . In three parts, there are expressive words. 4 - additional furnishing step (good for what kind of world?). 1-4, 2-4, 3-4 - the same SPP, but 1, 2, 3 are also mutually modifiable (1-2, 2-3 - the same BSP). This is a collapsible syntactic construction. In this SSC, there are more binary SPs, lower predicative ones (PP - 4, and SP - 5).

d) For SMEs and SSC є splits with a different range of diї (high-low-mid / high-low). 1 Youmu for rent, 2 what all stinks were busy only team(Explain.) , 3 what relatively attached own non-government and dissatisfaction with life(Explain. / Mist.-Rel.), ta 4 myself wine, 5 shob not to be seen I'm worried(Infinitive proposition, obstavinna meta), 4 reception smiledі saying about dribnitsa. You can see two meanings of the part: VZG between parts of the happy, CHSO - causally-inherited (= happy-resultative, because the 2nd part is the result of trying to fight in the first). The high range of the splits may sound happy (vigaduvial), as they say the meanings of the parts. The middle range of dії mаut spіlki, yakі add blocks or lancets adnexa.(ex. union what come to a friend that third part to the first). A low range can make splits, yak add one PE to another(spіlka shob arrive in a row 5 to head 4). The skin construction may have different splits.

e) SMEs and SSCs often win hinged splits (like ... then, if ... then, that ... what). In binary propositions, the stench is also victorious, and therefore more common. In richly articulated structures, they are often vicorous in order to clearly show the connection between the head and appendage parts. more stock from "The Blind Musician".

4. Only in richly articulated structures and SSK is such a thing, yak consolidation of a contractor's link . Tse rice, for help, like a stench, they are similar one to one. See the folded string tie: parallel, consecutive, homogeneous.

a) Last or Lantsyugove order - the same kind of folded stringy connection, when it comes to the head proposition, it becomes more stringy, the chain becomes more smut for the offensive. Butt: 1 What say normal people, 2 yakschosmell the stench, 3 what sir Einstein six years thinking about empty, 4 yak (and allied word and pіdlyagaє) no one not a cicava . Tse can be called the lanceug of the appendages. You can see the degree of fallow land of appendages.

b) Uniform order - this is a kind of folded inline linkage, with two or more adnexal, yak come to the head with one kind of contractual connection(all with determinant or subscript or subordinate substring link) i can be up to one semantic type(All z'yasuvalnі, furnishing). Ring out the stench with the same methods of linking (spilka yak), but not obov'yazkovo! Butt: 1 I want to spread, 2 yak beautiful fluent meadow early morning, 3 yak on short grass leaves accumulate krishtaleva nettle roshi, 4 yaki (spіlkove word) yaskraviy follow in the puddle of your legs, 5 yak garni at the exchanges of the sun is wonderful horsetail . The tendrils of the appendages join with a simple bell, everything is explained. 2, 3, 4, 5 establish the adnexal block, the stench is the same. Homogeneous in a block, the rest - at the Lanziug with steps of fallow.

in) Heterogeneous / parallel order - this is a type of a folded inline connection, with up to one head proposition, there are two or more adnexal propositions, yak differently attach to the head part(for example: one with a link, otherwise - determinant), and adnexa with which can be seen to different semantic types. An example of such a design: 1 If Iі Bіlokurіvgulyali bіlya booth, 2 unsupported v'їhala at the door of the spring stroller, 3 in yakіy (alliance word) sat our old know . Like adnexal insults of the situation (one month, less than an hour), insults are attached by a determinant link, they are looked at as homogeneous, but not as heterogeneous. Inody can be like heterogeneous. For Gogolina T.V. tse homogenous appendages (because the link is the same).

*d) transitional type between homogeneous and heterogeneous suborders . Not all vcheni pogodzhuyutsya s understanding of the "transitional type." This is the name of Yogo Babaitsev. Deyakі vchenі look at heterogeneous that parallel order like two independent see order. For the transitional type of vicorist, the term "parallel ordering" is used. 1 I knew, 2 what soon sleepі 1 postyno thought,3 what hour (word of the category I will become) almost until new get ready . Seen up to in different words. According to the structure, there is a heterogeneous order, and, according to semantics (but appendages, however), it is the same order. Another type is parallel subordering.

*e) Contaminated type of folded tie , transmission of the frontal views of the suborder other options. "Anna Karenina": 1 Now she understood,2 what Annana could wear purple ta 3 sho (Zbіg split) її belonging is folded itself in that (СІС), 4 what won yaskravisha his vbranya, 5 what vbrannya never can't be seen on nіy. There are two blocks of the same adnexal. See the folded string linkage: up to 1 lie 2 and 3 - the same order, up to the 3rd 4 and 5 are the same order. 1->3->4; 1->3->5 - the next order. Including, contamination/combination is a type of folded tie-in, tk. є i homogeneously, i posledovne subordering.

Characteristics of the authority of SMEs and SSCs - one :in a richly articulated collapsible speech, there is only one kind of syntactic link, and in the SBC - їх singly kіlka .

Rozpodіl folded propositions on rich terms, SBK and others began in the 50s of the 20th century. They spoke about it in a report. They saw folding propositions of a binary type and propositions with a great number of components (the whole group was called differently). Viyshov assistant Oleksandr Mikolayovich Gvozdev . Vіn vidіliv collapsible propositions with creation and order. Trohi zgodom viyshov pdruchnik Viri Arsentievna Biloshapkova . V.A.Biloshapkova called such propositions "Folding propositions of a folded type". Pіznіshe viyshov assistant A.G. Rudneva . Vіn naming їх "folding propositions of mixed constructions". In the 70s of the 20th century, there appeared a lot of assistants and other terminological meanings:

a) Leonard Yuriyovich Maksimov (classmate of Demidova KI). Vіn vykoristav the term "a rich term of a folding proposition".

b) The traditional school assistant (Maksimova, Kryuchkov) used the term “JV with different types of communication”, in parallel with the term “SP with kіlkom pryadnimi”.

c) At the same time, Viyshov's assistant Nina Sergievna Valgin, as a propagandist of the term "folding syntactical constructions". The term is fixed by science.

Hanna Mikolayivna Chesnokova and Galina Ivanova Tretnikova - assistant, collection of "Synthesizing tasks from grammar" (70s - the beginning of the 80s). A.N.Chesnokova and G.I.Tretnikova wrote an article in which the characteristics of the SSC are assessed according to 4 criteria (structure, semantics, function and style). I M.S.Valgina, G.I.Tretnikova, and Chesnokova under the SSC have figured out whether they are propositions, some predicative ones have more than three.

In the rest of the assistants (90s - early 2000s), it was accepted to distribute to SMEs and SSC (although Dibrova does not transfer such a subdivision), P.A. Lecanta SMEs and SSCs are divided (although not even a report is written). In the rest of his assistant, N.S.

At school grammar zhorstkogo, formal podіl on richly folded propositions and folded syntactic constructions, there are no such terms, but in fact such a podіl is in school grammar. Terms, yak proponuval Kryuchkov and Maksimov, іsnuyut dosi. A collapsible syntactic construction is called a collapsible proposition with different types of ligaments by a school assistant, and in the middle of richly articulated collapsible speech they see SPP with different types of appendages. School classification of joint venture:

2. SPP (MSSPP - SPP with kіlkom contractors)

4. UPS with different types of link (= SBC)

*About the school. At the SPP with a kіlkom, vicorous folds are folded, see a row link. See the folded link:

1) Sequential order.

2) Parallel ordering: uniform / non-uniform ordering. In parallel, it is opposed to the last one, with which it is seen. At wealthy accomplices, as if they go on an addendum to a handicapper, they are forced to act in the same term as a parallel order. And soon it will be like this: the last, the same, the heterogeneous order.

Sshibn_ syntactic constructions (SBC)- Combination of elements with a different syntactic link. Such constructions are even wider in the language, and, moreover, they often appear in works of different functional styles. These combined types of speech, the stench of different parts of them, prote, with all their diversity, are supposed to achieve a clear and singable classification.

Fallow in different combinations of types, the connection between parts can be such a variety of collapsible syntactic constructions:

  • with creation and order: Lopatina began to heal before going to sleep, and he was healthy, if water appeared at the door and dopoviv, that the car was ready.
  • with the creation of that bezspіlkovy zv'yazkom: Directly in my other part, I saw the train when I got there: let me, I think, I’ll be amazed at my platoon and at my lieutenant.
  • with subordering and bezspilkovy call: A fox on walks sometimes thinking about his work is less philosophically confused: yes, I can’t lose the share of all people.
  • with creation, subordering that bezspilkovy call: Alyorichka majestically carried her water, and as it happened to these hrobakiv: spinning, spitting the stench at once from the water, as if they had recently poured krizhiny.

An example of syntactic analysis of the SSC:

The proposition is opposing, neocalic, collapsible, with different types of communication: bezspіlkovym, composing and contracting, composed of three parts, pov'yazanih without union (I and II parts) and with a coordinating union that (II and III parts); The I part is a simple proposition, the II part is a simple proposition, the III part is a folding proposition with two consecutive (mark and sign) parallel suborders. In order to lie down in the presence of the head proposition, in the case of power with what method?, join with a splinter shob. Dodatkove designation to lie in the name of the name stitch, vіdpovіdaє on the supply yaku?, come with an allied word yak.

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