Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary Lexicology as an independent division of linguistics

Lexicology (Greek: lexikos - what goes before the word i logos - vchennya) - it divided the language of learning, in which the dictionary vocabulary of the language is developed. The subject of lexicology is the word. And її ob'єktom - the designation of the word as the main unit of the language.
The main tasks of lexicology are:
- z'yasuvannya zv'yazku word meanings understandable, seeing different types of meanings of words;
- Characteristics of the lexical-semantic system, tobto. revealing the internal organization of modern identities and analysis of their links (the semantic structure of the word, the specifics of the distinguishing semantic signs, the regularities of yogo in combination with other words just);
In the lexicologists, the same way is the same, yaki є roschlevanni, seniorly subjects of the il ie є ekvyvalents of the word. The phrases go up to phraseology, as they are included in lexicology as one of the її divisions (however, they are respected by the independent division of science about language). Lexicology is subdivided into formal, private, historical, and historical. The first one is a division of vulgar moznavstvo, which develops a vocabulary warehouse, be it a language, so that there are lexical universals. Global lexicology deals with the fundamental laws of the future lexical system, feeding the functioning and development of the vocabulary of the world. Private lexicology is based on the vocabulary of a particular movie. Thus, global lexicology can look at, for example, the principles of synonyms and antonyms in language, while private lexicology can deal with the peculiarities of English, Russian, and German ones. synonyms and antonyms.
I general, and private problems of the vocabulary warehouse can be analyzed in various aspects. You can approach us before any kind of manifestation from a synchronic or diachronic point of view. Synchronous pidkhid conveys that the characteristics of the word are seen at the boundary song period at least one historical stage of their development. Such a development of the vocabulary warehouse is called descriptive, descriptive. Diachronic, historical, lexicology deals with the development of the historical act of the meaning and structure of words. The subject of the study of historical lexicology is to establish the history of words, the formation and development of vocabulary, changes in different groups of words. Lexicology is equally occupied by the description of lexical phenomena of one language with the facts of other languages. Porіvnyalna lexicology reveals similarities and vіdminnosti in articulation of objective reality by lexical devices different language. Por_vnyuvati can be like okremі words, and groups of words. Lexicology, as a science about the vocabulary of a language, is divided into onomasology and semasology. Further, private divisions are seen - phraseology, onomastics, etymology. Lexicography is in a special place. Semasiology (from Greek semasia - meaning, zmist and logos - word, vchennya) - in sensi tse, the science is about the meaning of the current loners vzagali, tobto. semasiology - the same as semantics, and for the narrower meaning - an aspect of semantics, divided mentality, developing the meaning of modern loneliness, on the basis of onomasiology, developing ways of understanding objects and understanding. Henceforth, as semasiology develops the meaning of vocabulary words of the language, types of lexical meanings, the semantic structure of the word, the subject of the study of onomasiology is the nominative property of the word structure of the language, types of vocabulary words of the language, ways of nomination. Semasiology goes as a way of expressing to the meaning, which is expressed, onomasiology is grounded in Russian as the subject is designated to the meaning of this meaning, tobto. vіd zmіstu to form. Phraseology develops the phraseological warehouse of the language in its current state and historical development. Phraseological unit (phraseological unit, phraseological turnover) - ce lexically inconsistent, standing in its own warehouse and structure, in line with the meanings of word formation, which is created by looking at a ready-made movnoї unity. The etymology of the vivchaє pohodzhennya slіv. The subject of etymology as a division of lexicology is the formation of dzherel and the process of shaping the vocabulary of language, including the reconstruction of the vocabulary of the most recent (sound pre-written) period. The subject of onomastics is names. Onomastics is traditionally divided into divisions, depending on the category of objects, like naming the names of people: anthroponymics are the names of people, toponymy is the names of geographic objects, zoonimіka is the name of creatures, astronimіka is the name of the thin sky. The object of study of onomastics is the history of the name and motif of the nomination, its formation, territorial expansion, and the functioning of the movement. Onomastics includes phonetic, morphological, word-forming, semantic, etymological and other aspects of a powerful name.
Lexicography - certified lexicology, which develops the theory and practice of the compilation of dictionaries.

33) Word. The word is the central unit of movement. This is the main nominative and cognitive unit of the language, which serves to name and remind about objects, signs, processes and blues. The word is a structural-semantic double-sided unit of movement, which has a form (plan virazu) and meaning (plan zmistu). The word is the minimum self-sufficient unit of the language; the self-sufficiency of the word is evident - more, lower in morphemes, - the last one is manifested in the presence in the new hard linear connection with the essential words (for the obviousness, as a rule, of the hard connection between the parts of the word), and, moreover, in addition function syntactically - as a minimal (single-word) proposition or as a member of a sentence. Like all other modern ones, the word appears in the system of moving, like an abstract one - invariant and at one time, as a rule, it also looks like a set of its own options; in a move (in a moveable act and in a text) it is realized as a specific instance, i.e., a “movable word”. An invariant of a word is called a lexeme. As for the current variants of the word, then, the oskilki word - one is meaningfully folding, lower phoneme, the current variation of one is the same folding character. Tse variant can be used as a phonetic variant of the exhibitor (similar. insignificance article and before we vote an before voice: a thought"dumka" - an idea"idea"). Variations of the word can be (non-sufficient for meaning) variations of the morphemic warehouse of the word (read - read) in the same way with another stylistic differentiation (like in potatoes - potatoes) or without it. Variations of the word can, navpaki, be more or less ambiguous side (semantic variants of a richly meaningful word, for example, the audience "head room" and the audience "hearing warehouse", about which will be lower). In such a language, like Russian, and in other cases, an important type of movable variation of the word is grammatical variation, so that it enlightens yogo grammatical forms, or word forms (I write, write, write, etc.), including analytical (writing , writing bi). lexical meaning words, to become the core of the most famous words of rozumov, in order to express that which is the other manifestation of action, the subject (or class of objects) to a wide meaning (including diy, authority, vidnoshin toshcho). Meanings of the word, the object is called the denotation, the referent, and the definition of the denotation (class of denotations) - the conceptual meanings of the word. Krіm core to the warehouse of lexical meaning includes so-called connotations, or meanings - emotional, expressive, stylistic "additions" to the main meaning, which give the word a special charm. The skin language has such well-known words, for which they are not supplementary, but the main meanings are the expression of quiet and other emotions (for example, viguki on kshtalt wow! thu! abo brr!) or the transmission of commands singing diyam(stop! get out! throw yourself! on! at the sensei "take" and etc.). The lexical meaning of the word has three sides, which are: 1) placing it before the denotation - this is the name of the subject matter of the word; 2) setting to the category of logic, and nasampered to the point of understanding, - the concept of visibility; 3) setting up the conceptual and connotative meanings of other words within the framework of a different lexical system - this aspect of the meaning is called significance.

1. Phonetic design (appearance of the head voice).

2. Semantic design (obviousness of lexical, grammatical, structural meaning).

3. Nominative function (naming the manifestation of real action and manifestation of yoga in the form of lexical meaning).

4. Syntactic self-sufficiency (building to get used to as a language of speech; visible freedom of rhetoric of words in speech).

5. The impenetrability of the word (the impossibility of tearing apart the individual, be it some elements). Vinyatki: nobody - no one etc.

6. Solid design.

7. Valence (building up with other words for singing semantic and grammatical laws).

34) Lexical meaning. The word wins the nominative function, that is. The modern obolonka is called as a manifestation of real activity. Vyhodyachi z tsgogo, mizh such loneliness that the subject is established links, consolidations by the practice of the modern victorious. However, most of the time the word is associated not with a specific subject, but with understanding, as it was formed by representatives of this nation about this subject, after which the word can be subject-conceptually relevant, as they call LZ. For the appointment of V.V. Vinogradov, lexical meaning is subject-speech zmist, designed according to the laws of Russian grammar. At first glance, it is possible to look at a tricot chi trapezium, to make a connection between an object, understanding, LZ and a sign (word).

understand the meaning

subject sign

An okremic object is really a “little thing”, but the word does not name a specific little thing, it was revealed about the collection of similar elements, as it was formed by the witness of a person to make a century.

Understanding - the category is logical, ce rozum's unity (the form of thought), what does it look like present signs subject chi subjects, the result of yogo knowledge. The functions of knowledge are the vision of the vulgar, which can be reached by a path through the particular features of objects. To that understanding, be spared whether it be valuation, expressiveness.

Meaning - loneliness is linguistic, it is not well understood. If you want to understand the semantic core of the word, but if you understand it, you can’t deprive yourself of its meaning: even if the conceptual component, the structure of the meaning can include different expressive meanings. Being a warehouse word, the meaning is connected with a sign - an image which word at the promo Like Bachimo from the scheme of a direct link between the subject is not familiar, it is mediated by our thoughts and my, її national features.

When looking at the rich foods that are connected with the semantics of the word, they differentiate between the significative, denotative and connotative meanings.

Significative meaning (Greek significatio "meaning, meaning, sense") of a lexical unit and specifically a modern expression of action. Tse meaning to become the basis of understanding. In the gloomy dictionaries, it is represented as a tlumach: cholovik - a person has grown up of a cholovіcho status; wood - bagatorichna roslina with a solid trunk and needles, which come out of the sky, make the crown. Significant meanings can be laid out on the edge of the elements, seven - “their own little things of the senses”. For example, the word cholovik is composed of the following: “person”, “to become a person”, “grown-up”. As if to match the LZ with the words of a woman and a child, then it’s more likely that the stench of the bedrooms of seven is “a person”, and the є th differential is “a pidloga”, “a child part / an adult”. The seme is often shared by the words of one class to the genus, which is called the hyperseme (arhishema, genus seme). A differential seme separates objects of the same class (genus) and is called a hyposeme (species seme). Seven internally organized and utvoryuyut single semantic structure. Denotative meaning (Greek: denotatum "object") - the specific meaning of the word is one hundred percent specific situation. Under the denotation of the linguistics, they understand the okreme, the subject of action, which is used to name. Denotative meaning - the same subject meaning, which characterizes the connection of the lexical unit with the subject, which is signified, it can be more for a better, lower significative. For example, Birch is up to the class of deciduous trees. There was a birch under my window. In the first word, the structure of the word birch has a significative meaning, in the other it has a denotative meaning. They have had a parrot for a long time (linked from a specific subject). And how long can a parrot live? (link from understanding).

The structure of the LZ may have an emotional-evaluative component (emotive), or a connotation. Connotative meaning (Latin con “at once”, noto “naked, I signify”) - ce dodatkove to a conceptual meaning, which expresses the difference between the one who speaks to the subject of the language. Porivn. Cholovik pіdіyshov to the car. Petrov is a good person (great, gallant). The most clearly connotative meanings are spoken, as if to match the words with the same significative meanings, but also for emotionally expressive zabarvlennyam, tobto. stylistic synonyms: є, uplitati (“є shvidko, with an appetite”); Come see me! Stomp the stars! Vignati, vignati, viturity.

  • 2. Understand about the word. The problem of word assignment. The word yak is the main unit of the movie. The most important signs and functions of the word. The word yak is a universal sign.
  • 3. Understanding about the lexical meaning of the word. "Semantic trickster". The word is the subject; word and concepts. Lexical and grammatical meaning of the word.
  • 4. Nominative function of the word. Understanding the inner form of the word. Motivation and non-motivation names, types of motivation. Understanding about hibnu (folk, child) etymology of the word.
  • 7. Understanding about the lexical meaning of the word. Shlyakhi rozvitku lz sliv. Come up to the classification (typology) of the words.
  • 8. Types of lexical meanings of the word (the main characteristic of the article by V. V. Vinogradov “Basic types of lexical meanings of words”).
  • 3 Type of polysemy:
  • 16. Understanding about meaning and formal identity (polysemy and homonymy). Ways of separating polysemy and homonyms (rich words and homonyms). Characteristics of the vocabulary of homonyms.
  • 17. Lexical homonyms and types of homonyms. Ways of vindication of homonyms in the language. Sumezhnі z homonymієyu apparition. Characteristics of the vocabulary of homonyms.
  • 18. Understanding about paronymy and paronomasia. Vuzka that broadly understood paronyms and types of paronyms. Paronymy, homonymy and variant of the word. Characteristics of one of the dictionaries of paronyms.
  • 5.Apply behind:
  • II. Vocabulary from the point of view of the active tap passive stock
  • 25. Repositioning of old Greek language and Latin language in Russian lexicon. The main thematic groups and signs of Greekism and Latinism.
  • 26. Positioning of Turkic language in the warehouse of Russian vocabulary. Main thematic groups and signs of Turkism. Characteristics of the glossary of inshomonic words.
  • 27. Positioning of European language in the warehouse of Russian vocabulary. The main periods are late; thematic groups and signs behind English, German, French.
  • 28. Old-slovanism in Russian language; phonetic, word-forming and semantic signs of old words. Functions of Old Words'yanisms (in movies, in journalistic and literary texts).
  • 1. Phonetic signs
  • 2. Slovotvirnі signs of old words'yanіzmіv
  • 4. Semantic signs of old words
  • 29. The introduction of suspіlstva to zapozachnyh slіv (in the XIX-XX centuries, at the current stage).
  • 31. The system of styles of modern Russian. The main features of the skin style.
  • 1) Scientific style;
  • 2) Publicistic image;
  • 3) Business style;
  • 4) Artistic style.
  • 34. Characteristics of vocabulary and phraseology of official-business style. Rozmovna that spacious vocabulary. Understand about vulgarism.
  • 35. Understanding about book vocabulary. Vocabulary of scientific and journalistic style. Understanding about terminological vocabulary and specifics of slang-terms.
  • 36. The main trends in the development of vocabulary and phraseology of the XX century. Understanding neologisms; different neologisms Dictionaries of new words and meanings.
  • 38. Glossaries as a special genre of scientific and scientific literature. Porіvnyalny characteristic of the gloomy dictionaries in Russian. The structure of the wording of the article in the transport order. Methods of semantization of the word.
  • 1. Lexicology as a division of the sciences about language. Subject, task of that aspect of lexicology. Lexicology and sum of sciences.


    (Vid Greek. λεξικός - what can be seen before the word і λόγος - vchennya) - divided the moznavstva, which developed the vocabulary warehouse, the vocabulary of the language. Лексикологія досліджує шляхи поповнення та розвитку словникового складу мови, розрізняючи 4 способи створення номінацій, три з яких засновані на використанні внутрішніх ресурсів мови - створення нових слів (див. Словотвір), формування нових значень (полісемія, перенесення значень, причому вивчаються закономірності філії значень) , illuminating the vocabulary, and the fourth - on the learned resources of other mov - postposition (lexical postposition of that tracing paper). There are factors and forms of integration of positional words.

    The subject of the study of lexicology is the following aspects of the word structure of the language: the problem of the word as the main unit of language, types of lexical units; the structure of the vocabulary of the movie; functioning of lexical units; ways to replenish and develop vocabulary; vocabulary and pozamovna diysnist. The peculiarities of lexical units and similarities between them are shown in lexical and logical categories. The problem of the word as the main unit of the language is developed by the global theory of the word. The order of lexical units includes as a word noun (colour-formed units), and the stijkі wording (analytical, ch skladovі, odinі), prote basic lexical unit is a word. Oskіlki word - loneliness, which is characterized by spіvvіdnoshennym form and zmіstu, the problem of the word like lonіtsi movi is considered in three aspects: structural (vision of the word, yogo budova), semantic (lexical meaning of the word) and functional (the role of the word in the structure of the mov and mov).

    In the structural aspect, the main tasks of the lexical and logical theory of the word are the establishment of criteria for its consistency and identity. At the first stage, the word is established by word combinations, signs of its integral design and surroundings are revealed, the problem of the analytical form of the word is expanded; another way to find out about the introduction of the invariant of the word, which lies at the basis of both grammatical forms (the category of word form is distinguished in the connection with the language), and the same options - phonetic, morphological, lexico-semantic (in the connection with the language of the language the problem of the variant of the word is being solved).

    The semantic aspect of lexical units is the subject of the study of lexical semantics, or semasiology, as the word's spivvіdnesіnnost is expressed by it's concepts (significat) and is designated by it in the language of the object (denotation). Semasiology, closely intertwined with lexicology, is included in the framework of semantics. Лексикологія вивчає семантичні типи слів, виділяючи лексико-логічні категорії, що відображають семантичні особливості лексичних одиниць, такі, як моносемія і полісемія, загальне і спеціальне, абстрактне і конкретне, широке і вузьке (гіперонім і гіпонім ), логічне та експресивне, пряме та переносне meanings of lexical units.

    In the functional aspect, the word yak loneliness movi is seen from the glance of its role in the structure and function of the movi zagal, and navіt from the glance of yogo spіvvіdnoshennia with the loneliness of other equals. Especially the interplay of vocabulary and grammar: the vocabulary imposes a substitution of grammatical categories, grammatical forms and differentiation of the meaning of words. Lexical and grammatical specialties from the global meanings establish lexical and grammatical fields (for the time being).

    Lexicology and other disciplines: psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, stylistics, movie culture, history.

    Lexicology (Greek: lexikos - what goes before the word i logos - vchennya) - it divided the language of learning, in which the dictionary vocabulary of the language is developed.

    The subject of lexicology is the word. And її ob'єktom - the designation of the word as the main unit of the language.

    The main tasks of lexicology are:

    z'yasuvannya zv'yazku the meaning of the word from understanding, seeing different types of meanings of words;

    Characteristics of the lexico-semantic system, tobto. revealing the internal organization of modern identities and analysis of their links (the semantic structure of the word, the specifics of the distinguishing semantic signs, the regularities of yogo in combination with other words just);

    Establishment of various types of systemic identities, which are based on the use of different groups of lexicons, the designation of quiet objective (including syntactic) indications, like words (in song meanings).

    Lexicology includes the stylistic differentiation of the vocabulary warehouse, including thematic and lexical-semantic groupings of words, their spivvіdnoshennia one by one, that spіvvіdnoshennia one and the middle of these groupings. From the point of view of stylistic differentiation, words, in the first place, can lie down to singing functional types of movement.

    Moreover, in lit. Language includes words that take away dialectal zabarvlennya, and artistic literature (ch. arr. with the method of moving characterization of characters) also uses slang words and slang words.

    Dolіdzhuyuchi lexicon of the language in її system links, lexicologist vrakhovuє, scho, being cognizance of objects and phenomena of mutual activity, words, naturally, make those links, as if they are based on objects and objects of self-activity. At the same time, words are single words, and between them, they are able to communicate with each other: the stench is united in the songs of the lexical-semantic groups, in the skin language, in their own way, the members of these other words of action (for example, in Russian language are called : mountain, pagorb, pagorb, kurgan, hill, etc., the words move: go, їhati, litati, weave, call, etc. - do not know the fullness of the other language).

    One of the main tasks of lexicology is the definition of quiet semantic comparisons, ie between different words, zokrema. synonymous and antonymous; the very meaning of different words can be seen as semantic signs, which are used to signify the given meaning of the word (for example, the important semantic element in the words mountain and pagorb - “delivery”, which allows them to be set; I signify a sign for them differentially).

    In the lexicologists, the same way is the same, yaki є roschlevanni, seniorly subjects of the il ie є ekvyvalents of the word. Qi should be put up to phraseology, which should be included in lexicology as from її divisions (such contributors, prote, to be respected by an independent division of science about language).

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    The term lexicon (gr. lexikos - slovnikovy, slovnikovy) serve as a definition of the word stock of the language. This term is also victorious in important meanings: for the purpose of the plurality of words, which get used to that other functional variety of language (book vocabulary), in a creative work (lexicon "Words about the death of Igor"); you can talk about the vocabulary of a writer (Pushkin's vocabulary) and navit one person (Using a richer vocabulary).

    Lexicology (gr. lexis - word + logos - vchennya) is called the division of the science of language, which develops vocabulary. Lexicology can be descriptional, or synchronous (gr. syn - at once + chronos - hour), either it will continue the vocabulary of the language in the current state, that is historical, or diachronic (gr. dia - through + chronos - hour), or the subject є development of vocabulary tsієї mov.

    Most of the Russian words are included in the Yogo lexical system, there are no such words, as if they changed the position between the borders, they accepted perfectly, isolated. Tse bov'yazuє us vvchati words only in their systemic links, like nominative singles, so what else is connected one with one, close to the same way, but in some ways they are different, dissimilar.

    The characteristic of a word can be more or less more in that case, as it establishes various systemic links with other words that enter together with it in the same lexical-semantic group.

    Take, for example, a chervoniy prikmetnik. One of the main meanings in modern Russian language is "which can be filled with one of the main colors of the spectrum, which goes before the orange", "the color of blood". For whom the meaning of red is synonymous with such words, like red, crimson, crimson, red; antonym in a new language. The chotiritic vocabulary of the Russian language has another meaning of the word: red (only in the new form) - "extreme levi for political reconciliations". And here the word is included in the synonymous row: red - levi, radical; antonyms: right, conservative. The third meaning of the wine has been changed recently: "What is the meaning of revolutionary activity," "appearances in the radian way." Synonymous words and words change: red - revolutionary, bіshovitsky, and antonymous: white - bilogvardіysky - counter-revolutionary. A quarter of the meaning of the word (like and offensive) is given by the stylistic last: old poetic - "good, beautiful, beautiful". The word itself appears in the same meaning in the words of Chervona Square (the name of the square was given in the 16th century). the first quarter, and the fifth, the meaning of the dictionary is to gloom with additional synonyms; you can name and antonyms before them: 1) negligent, non-indicative, non-indicative; 2) pale, bezbarvny, dark. The most significant meaning is manifested less in the newer form of the prikmetnik and is given after the last obsolete - "ceremonial, honorable" - red ganok. In our time, it has been significantly archaic and therefore it is not accepted as synonyms and antonyms, but it takes its sense less from the old red kut - "kut at the hut, de hang the icons."

    So the semantics of the word (gr. sema - sign) signifies its place in the lexical system of language.

    The same word, which is characterized by different signs, can be included in a number of structural-semantic divisions. So, red ones stand in the same row with three words that are called colors (yellow, blue, green), and lie up to the category of yellow prikmetniks. The closeness of the meaning allows you to induce an offensive word series: red, red, red, red, red; farbuvati, farbi, beautiful, embellish, paint.

    More on the topic 13 Lexicology as a division of philosophies. The word ta yoga has a meaning.

    1. The subject of the task of lexicology. The link between lexicology and other linguistic disciplines. The main ones are directly in the learned vocabulary.
    2. The place of the lexical system in the “system of systems”. Peculiarities of vocabulary.
    3. The word yak is the main unit of the mov zagal and the unit of the lexical system of the zokrema. Word marks. Problems of the meaning of the word.
    4. Words (C) as a division of mentality: subject matter, tasks, aspects of the study of that field in the system of linguistic disciplines.
    5. 8. Subject of lexicology. The word yak is the main unit of lexicology. Aspect of the analysis of the word, the word in the dark dictionaries.

    Lecture 5

    Lexicology, phraseology

    The word yak is the main nominative unit of movement, її differential signs.

    The lexical meaning of the word is understandable.

    Movie system is lexical.

    Types of phraseological units.

    Lexicology as a division of philosophies.

    Lexicology(Gr. lexis- Word + logos- vchennya) is called the division of the language, which develops the word as a unit of the vocabulary of the language (lexicon) and the entire lexical system (lexicon) of the movement. The term vocabulary (gr. lexikos- slovnikovy, slovnikovy) to serve as a sign of the word stock of the language. This term is also victorious in important meanings: for the purpose of the plurality of words, which get used to that other functional variety of language (book vocabulary), in a creative work (lexicon "Words about the death of Igor"); you can talk about the vocabulary of a writer (Pushkin's vocabulary) and navit one person (Using a richer vocabulary).

    Lexicologists of the law of the law function of the function of the vocabulary of the movie, the principles of the style of the style of the classifіkatsya, the norms of the Litrate Word of the SPIVVISHENISHICH, Pitannya of the Professor, Dialectism, the Archiyamin, Remolizovs, the Remolizovs, the Archaim

    Lexicology can be description, or synchronous(Greek syn - at once + chronos - hour), then there is a vocabulary warehouse of the mov at the same time, that is historical, or diachronic (Greek dia - in + chronos - hour), then the subject is the development of the vocabulary of this mov. Razrіznyayut also blatantly lexicology, as a way of looking at the vocabulary warehouse of various mov, revealing the fundamental laws and functions of their lexical systems, that private lexicology, scho doslіdzhuє slovnikovy warehouse odnієї mov. Subject equally lexicology is a vocabulary warehouse of one language among other languages ​​with a method of revealing similarities and identities.

    Usі divided lexicology mutually: data of general lexicology is necessary for the lexicon of a specific language, and for the understanding of the glybinic essence of lexical units, their connection with the cognitive structures of information; a lot of lexical phenomena require a historical commentary to clarify the peculiarities of their semantics and living; vodostі zі zastavnoї lexikologiії podmagayut zozumіti rich sign and regularity of the functioning of the lexicon ієї chi іnshої movi, so, for example, as a spіlnіst lexical warehouse, position, interference and іnshі.

    Lexicology occupies an equal place in the middle of other linguistic disciplines and is inextricably linked with them, for example, phonetics: the unity of lexicology is the signs of the link, which is established by our thoughts between the complexes of sounds in human movement and tim, which are named by these complexes in the world, the nomination of objects of activity. Among the naming disciplines of lexicology, there is more to say about grammar. In order to accurately determine the meaning of the word, its paradigmatic and syntagmatic links with other words, the role of the text, need to know grammatical status th word (part of the movie, categorical meaning, main morphological features and syntactic function), its own charcoal categorical meanings, and other parts of the language are realized in private lexical meanings of specific words, like units of vocabulary. The adoption of rich grammatical forms of the word can be directly deposited in the form of features of its lexical meaning, for example, short forms and forms of steps of similarity to examples. Poednannya words in the word-collection and phrases are also deposited in the form of features of these words as lexemes.

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