How to deprive a person from a Sim. Why do people leave their family in a strictly defined period of life

anonymously, Zhіnka, 28 years

With a man at once 10 years of them 3 years with a girl. We made friends with a great kohanny, for 10 years we survived a lot and an army, and separations and ailments, and in the rest of the hour a crisis began with us. It all started with permission, they went to pick up at the red ones, took a friend with them, I didn’t deserve it, but once my displeasure was gone. And at the result, she gave everyone a pass. Turning from the sea, we continued to cook, conflicts with dribnits, but mostly, I'll wait, it's my fault. Apparently the blues were significantly pissed off and we were far away, if already in the sickle I realized that it was wrong with the person, not marveling at me in the eyes, becoming playful, I tried to explain what was wrong with him, my sister came to me and moved the hour live with the fathers, but come and care for the child. Like wine, having come to talk and burst into tears, I suddenly succumbed to life like wine crying. I wept and said that I became doubtful, that I should love me, that I didn’t know how to work. But to my head, I couldn’t say so. About those who are guilty of their own high school and suffocated in a new wine to me, saying through the day. Having said that the stinks began to swell, they wanted to grow up in their own senses, but as a result, the stench sunk into the soul of you. I don't want to love me, cherish my family, and don't want to leave my homeland. Sterzhuє that physically nothing happened between them and they just want to turn home and live like before. I already love yoga, so I tried to try everything. We sang to the new fate, to understand what we need one by one. You should love a child, I can have a good great homeland, and if they knew about it, then they really took it all. You should still love me and worry about us. We cheered and lively at once, I began to analyze why I didn’t have power and realized my pardons, starting from the permit, plus there were nuances in the butt. Now I'm trying to work everything right, vin tsіnuє tse, dyakuє me, but I'm running, scho soul vin with her. I will do yoga in sex, I am a good mother, I look good. Ale now at the decree, ale how can I turn the yoga of love now? Is it possible, for the sake of reviving a lot of love? How to rob it so that you forget it? Dyakuyu for vіdpovіdі)

Good afternoon. I respectfully read your sheet. You feed: “How can I turn this kohanny now? How to grow, to forget the wines її? You write: “I love me, cherish my family, and I don’t want to go with my family.” So buvaє, scho cholovіk (and z zhіnkoyu such tezh traplyаєєєєєєє to love vіdrazu dvuh: tse rіzne kohannya, аlе і those, th іnshe саn іsnuvati at once. Often this is the case, if the partner did not “walk up” in his youth to the slut, or if, with the arrival of a crisis in the middle of life, the partner is wiser, who is better for everything, you can no longer try new kohannya (like, for example, you can no longer master the profession, about like a dream in youth), and even a person, nachebto, try to catch a train that is going. Before you, your person is warm, sexually attracted, spiritually gracious, thankful for those that you work for that child. These are the most important main storage warehouses. It’s possible that until the day the woman’s veins are fading, as if calling out to the newness, energy, weeding - visibly, as if for the rocks of the slut that friendly life was worn out, she was glaring. With whom, your man robs you, shards, smarter for everything, wiser, that they don’t joke about the good of good, that I won’t be happy with you. It’s better for everything, on the level of a healthy eye of wine, we see that yogo suffocation and spiritual renewal are not seen to be tried with a new squad. But I need to give you an hour so that your romantic suffocation by another woman will reduce its tension. You can forget it, or maybe not as fast as you want. Speaking my metaphors, you can show that you occupy the main part of your heart, but in your heart there will be a little bit, in which wine you can save about your youthful suffocation. І you happen to be reconciled. If you want to “revive” yoga a little before you, then for which there are a lot of ways: introducing diversity into intimate moments, romantic trips, just an hour, spending two (without children and without home shoes), little saints, like partners can be powerful one to one and so far. The problem may lie in the fact that you can have an image for a new one, as you may not be allowed to rule for a new saint. It is not effective to present a person to the image, the shards will get closer, but it’s necessary to hang out. If it suits you, it’s so, I would recommend that you get a full-time consultation in order to know how they feel (images, aggression), so that they can make you revive the love experience of a couple with a person. Having hung out a little at the psychologist's office, it will be easier for you to pay a hundred dollars to a person.

Zrada cholovіka - zavzhd hit in the back. If insults rage against one another for the sake of anger, everything is simple, but what if a person wants to save his family, do not hurry to go? There are a few reasons for this. Let us know why it is so possible to work, how to work better in such situations, what you need to work, to restore normal attitudes. You know how to learn how to live after that, as a person, having healed, so that the ruin of the school will disappear.

Changes and surpluses in this person give rise to a sprat of reasons:

  • The novel on the boat is not serious. In this mood, the partner is not ready to accept a decision about the sound of the sem'ї and not to sing in deep respects to the kohanka. Maybe it’s short-lived.
  • Win is weak. Vіdverto znatisya zradi varto great psychological zusil. The partner does not want to hurt his soul mate, but in to this particular type Mova go not about kokhannya. Cholovik just you Skoda. Ring out for the sake of knowing already at the hour of scandals chi vipadkovy zіtknennya forehead to forehead with a new companion.
  • Zagalne past. In this moment, a person does not want to tear a bagatarian tie - You went through a long way at once, you have sleeping children, experienced folding, an attack.
  • Cholovik want to turn a little. Possibly, I just got lost and lost my hopes for you, start all over again.

The axis of this article is more detailed in more details. You know about the fatal pardons of women, which are not supposed to be allowed.

Let's wait for chi on the savings of this

Joden the psychologist will not give you an unequivocal answer. Take a decision on your own. Sit down and think about looking at all the surroundings: show your life after being separated, or away from living with a person.

Go to special consultation with a psychotherapist and sort out from your feelings. Find a “neutral” person, how to listen to all the claims and imagine. Tse mozhe buti know, like a friend. Unique spiritual roses with close relatives - the stink of being angry at your person for a long time, which caused you pain.

Find out about the specifics of your skin partner: if you want a person, you will have the freedom to go with you. What do you want? Rozmova will be appointed to help out with a further strategy of vodnosin. Perhaps, our article about those will be corny. You know what drives psychologists to think.

How to save the hat

  1. Food, what will be given. The stability of the ship vanished from the stability, and all thoughts converge in fear for the future. It is necessary to let go of your worries. Think that no one can guarantee tomorrow.
  2. Jealousy. Zrada is the leader of a nasty blow to the self-esteem of a woman. Psychologists are encouraged to improve themselves for the promotion of self-esteem in power, privacy. To find out new hobbies - hobbies will help you to get rid of satisfaction in the process. Add an hour to your old age: sign up for a gym or dance, change your haircut, make-up. Start chatting with new people, chatting with friends who were previously deprived of respect.
  3. Anger that image. You don’t know how it could be that you killed the filthy people.
  4. Zadrіst. Cover, if you have been given a better luck. Ale next of memory, scho skin girl cicava in her own way.

Trying to earn a fortune, save your water.

Why can’t you work for the sake of a person, the axis of sprat is glad:

  • Humble yourself, do not ask for more blessings and throw a new passion.
  • Stop the scandals from the drive for the sake of it, then pidshtovhnet a person to the decision to drink.
  • Zvinuvachuvati in what happened.
  • Change Yoma for evil, especially Yogo's best friend and brother.

How to live for the sake of

Warto know that life after that, as a person having changed change, will not be too much. You've got a new message, let's go and girky. So, it’s possible to love your partner again, but you’ll be even better.

Previously, a person was instantly considered ideal - now you have understood that everyone may be short of money, be it possible to stumble. To happen to accept a person with yoga by the past pardons, to probachit evil. And also get to know. The axis here is a sprat of joy, as if you were growing.

We want to read book without cost Oleksiy Chornozema "What to work with human zrada". You know why people change and go to the kohanki, how to react correctly to evil, to save a hundred dollars, not to allow a repetition with the future, and also how to survive everything.

The book is insipid. To download, emboss on the request, fill in your e-mail and send a sheet with the request to the pdf-file by mail.

It is in your power to improve, regulate the blues at once, and grow them to the minions. Overcome the misunderstanding, the foundation of new mutual relations will be laid correctly. Do not break the other half and yourself, as if they could not probachit the evil. You are right. Get to know more quickly from the probachenni through the river, lower in a couple of days after what happened.

So be ready before you can again drink "levoruch". You need to know what kind of attitude you have. We have already written about those, how to understand, that the wrong squad is guilty of gestures, behavior, words.

Tsіkava transmission, in this video leading at once from a psychologist to talk about the health of a person, chi varto її forgive, how to be shy, how to be more shy:

As if for the sake of continuing, let the people in. Bring on a folding period, get in pain and hurt,. Please help our other article. Turn, more beautifully new, better life, anіzh regularly buti in the background.

Nutrition for a psychologist:

Hello, the situation is painfully simple. I'm happy man. I'm pregnant, on the 9th month, maybe, without having seen the re-verification of my vagitis ... At once, I may have 4 rocks, we went through a lot at once and do one, love one. Sexually, there were no problems at all, no matter what, in the remaining terms of my pregnancy. In the rest of the hour, I commemorated him wonderfully. Hovae phone, mittevo close the sides, ringing less from afar. I scribbled all the z'yasuvati with a tactful rose, ale vin saying that I guessed it all myself (like zavzhd, vtim). Summons crept into my vagitna head, and not long ago, I took his phone, de bulo intimacy with another girl. Later, we talked to him about how wonderful it is to wind without welding on the arch of the door and whiny notes. Vіn zіnavsya, scho znayomy s hіlka kіlka tizhnіv, sо nіbі blood boiled, new emotions, adrenaline. Change. And more than that, what befitted you. What youmu did not get these feelings. And having said that if you want to continue the conversation with the girl, then add the emotions of "another woman". Ale y z I don’t want to be separated, it seems that you are choking. That's the story of the fact that I'm doing it myself! I’m wondering how the whole situation is, it’s like porridge in my head, and I don’t know what I need. It seems that I love crazy and I'm the only one to light in yoga life. Ale still thinks about her. The worst thing is, it seems that if you want to be with me, but to break up the relationship with her, you can’t give me guarantees that it won’t happen again. Why don’t such a fire-girl appear again and how can you stand up ... It’s even more important. I do yoga. I navit probachiti is ready. But it’s still terribly important, especially, since you yourself can’t appoint yourself, what you need, who you need and how you should behave. What should I do? How are you behaving me? I carry everything in my own, I don’t want to tell my mother, my friends, blame such a name for a guide, I want to go in, smack slippers, but I love it, that child axis-axis to be born. I beg you to help with joy! Behind the hell!

The psychologist Kondaurova Ksenia Vadimivna is asked to be fed.

Hello, dear Anastasia.

How do you see the evil of a person calling out to you? I cherish the fact that your leaf is more calm, tactful and one might say sweet. I see dissonance in me. Aje there is a story about those who, having healed their own squad, are like a child. I am a stranger to you, I read your sheet and become overwhelmed. Ale, it’s so obvious that all your senses have closed here too deeply. Possibly, You have grown tse pіdsvіdomo, so that the stress does not harm the little ones, but it's possible that You, for some reason, did not allow themselves to react to this situation. You want to be truthful ("not having seen the reversal of the woman", "yogo grize this situation"), but on the right, not at the woman's chest, even though he himself said that you did not get emotions. He created that situation with his own hands. Tobto. instead of that, if you want to be irritated or look like a person, you have become a "wise woman" and try your mind. Understand the person who put you in such a stingy stressful situation, if you change on the 9th month of pregnancy. And do not think that without setting the wine you yourself knew about everything. Judging from your description, I didn’t need to know, but then I didn’t know.

Anastasia, I'm not trying to turn you against a person all at once, I don't want you to marvel at this situation objectively. You are ready to probachit evil. Dobre. Ale, you are ready to live with people and the nobility, you won’t be able to change you at any moment, but you don’t have the right to hang on for your sake, even if you didn’t go like me, then, you were good enough to think, axis and be patient" (I fantasize that I can tell you something similar). Are you ready to consider yourself a worthless zatsikaviti your person for 100% all your life?

Anastasia, your man at once tries to turn the most profitable favor. You won’t go anywhere (if you don’t dare to say what you said), but if you want to insure yourself by manipulating "you - the only promin of the light in my life charged with you?) And if you want to take away your right to change it, if you want to.

Ale є th іnshіy bіk medalі. Possibly, your man truly appreciates you and all the price of the stingy situation of wines is trying to say that you don’t hang out with your hundred years. emotions. And Vee, judging from the sheet, streams his own emotions. To that vin shukay yaskravih spalahiv on the bots.

There are such people who want everything at once (and often directly opposite), they cannot take everything from one side. For example, the stink of wanting grandiose sex, scandals from the beaten dishes and a quiet family lull at once. To that one, two wives are contacted by one who is the one who can give first - cannot give to a friend, and the one who can give to a friend - cannot give first. Chi is not the temperament. If your person is one of these people, then if you believe you will be deprived, you will need to reconcile yourself.

Anastasia, my greatest pleasure - consider everything that the person’s zrada has given you (as it’s safe to finish that little one for you at once). To that, only wise you can live far away in a right way. І in a right way yoga probachiti. And then already think about how you fared. What do you want in the sky, what kind of life do you want for yourself and your child. What are you ready to endure, and what will you never sacrifice.

Kostyantyn Melikhan

Vipadki, if a person starts running up to a kohanka, otherwise it’s not rare for a woman to go from here to another woman in her life. A lot of people, unfortunately, are far away from being called diligent sim'yanins, building to save the fidelity of a woman's wife. And yet, if a person is out of the house, then it’s like a bi vin not buv - you can turn it around. Yakshcho, zvichayno, the wines lie down to quiet people, such as may be sensible. At this article, I will tell you, dear women, how to turn a person into a family, sharing with you my vision of the accomplishment of this task. It was understood that the way a person’s exit from the family is unique in its own way, it is important to come from the specific situation, giving recommendations to the woman, as if to turn your person to the family. І all the same є deakі global rules, It is necessary to follow, to turn the person, and I will tell you about them. I’m more than happy that I can help save my family with a wealth of you, and at the same time that love is happy from it. I always respect and respect that I am holy. I myself am happy to rob a person in a happy way!

Why should people go

It’s necessary for us to tell you about why a person is going to this place, why they don’t have power, why they don’t hang out with you, why they’re joking on their boots. Well, what can I say here, there can be a lot of reasons, you yourself will understand miraculously. In some situations, the squads themselves become guilty, as if they are constantly sawing their people, always vimaging them, straining them, encouraging them in sex, otherwise they hurt their people. Zagalom, women's sins we know everything. The stench of nothing is better than a person. Naturally, in such moods a person is not satisfied with his life and tries to change yoga. Vіn shukaє those that youmu does not wrestle - on the botsі. I often know that I dare to drink from this. Wait a minute, as this is a filthy one, then why should you try to be happy on the side. That's why on the vіdhіd іz sіm'ї often vіrіshuyut navіt nіnerіshіchіshі people, so zvіdnі pіdkabluchniki, іkhnі їхі іні вії respect their authority. And such a sound of a man for wealthy women is a great blow. Sometimes, obviously, children can be friendly, but here everything is already deposited, depending on the degree of skin resistance of them. And so people, as if they don’t give a damn about their children, they stink to stink as much as they want, without thinking about anyone or anything.

And you know, more often than not people go out of this way not to the one that the squad is in front of them for what I am guilty of, wanting to understand that they can get along to everything - they were not so surprised, that they said something, that they were upset, but to the one that they want more. I already wrote about human nature in my other articles - as a wife of their females, but nature is nature, but we still live in a cultural society, in which we develop our own rules, our own laws, our own traditions. It is possible to understand a person who is attracted to other women. You can instill an understanding of such a person, who guards his retinue, that it’s best to work to hide in her, since you can’t go out without the troubles of life. But it’s better to comprehend that person’s mind, or rather, to learn not to understand, but to take this position, come along with her, which goes from here to your woman, as a whole, everything is more or less powerful. Now, eat, destroy those who are happy to rob you? Do you want new experiences, do you want new experiences, do you want to see yourself better? And so it is possible to appear at the broken corite. You can save your life with your own wife. And then, even though conscience does not cry out before, to reveal the pova to the woman’s wife, as if at once she gave you all the difficulties of life, and the troubles, as if the order was with you, no matter what, and it’s more like the mother of your children - not meritorious? Such food for people can be put richly, and it was understood that on the skin of them you know, if you want, the true blowing is true.

It is the most important thing to see, if from one side of his mind a person is suffocated by his mind, and from the other side, his conscience does not give him peace of mind. Most of the people are true to their vchinok tim, to blame all the fault on their squads. Movlyav, stinks, such filthy squads, guilty of making life uncomfortable for them, that they don’t get anything - respect, kohannya, affection, respect, sex. But not so. I have seen many similar problems and I can confidently say that more often than not, the squad is not to blame for the fact that a person is not a sim. I don’t know, maybe in other psychologists there are other statistics based on them special certificate, but in greater vipadkіv, with what I'm on the right - women, squads, they were not guilty of anything in front of their people. What, before the speech, after a deaky hour, the people themselves would recognize, if they turned in their family and hung out at their squads. To that blame all the blame on the woman - it’s wrong, it’s ugly, it’s not like a man. Ale and zhіntsi do not varto call your man, if you want to turn it around. It is not necessary to present human claims, as if you were guilty - this is a great pardon. The best child is calm and competent - then there will be more chances to turn a person.

I’ll tell you honestly - not all people in me were able to turn to this, helping women to overcome their problems, but if they were to grow up, they inspire confidence in those who can save their lives. It is better to report for whom all zusil. It doesn’t matter who is guilty, the woman is a person, the squad is a person, take care of your family, help people to be happy, the axis that I respect for myself is important. I spodіvayus, scho i vy, lyubі zhіnki, nalashovanі more rіshuche and ready to fight for your happiness. Let's not call anyone to that, let's immediately move on to how to turn a person into a family.

How to turn a person

Well, it dawned on us that it is necessary to tell us about it, through which, or for the sake of which, a person is taken out of this world. First of all, you need to work hard. You can't solve a problem without explaining the causes of the blame. It is necessary to understand what became the reason for the person's exit from the family and what guilt is taken away on the side. With whom, right reason you can take into account what the person himself says. If a person doesn’t choose to lose their family all the time, but just gradually runs up to a kohanka, kokhanki, then everything on the right in yoga bazhanni should be taken more - more feelings, more emotions, more worry. I'm zarahovuyu bajannya to the point of greed. People are just not enough that they can. I will understand what such people want, I will understand that the woman is rich and everything stinks in their own way, it’s easy to miss them. I myself am a man, you don’t know me. Ale tse pragnennya take away the sight of life as much as possible, as I already said - often bring a person to broken corite. It doesn’t seem like it’s about those that a woman’s kohana can simply not merit for those who saved her, and threw them away.

Garazd, let's not talk about it. Zreshtoy, like a person, calling for a hell of a lot, or to get out of the family - to the extent of his conscience. She її can't just not be. What is work? If you don’t blame him for anything, if you don’t blame him for anything, it means that you don’t need to work on your pardons. Ale, you need to understand - what your man on the boat knows. Chi pishov vin to a young woman, chi to a woman, how to give you to those who did not give you - respect, sex, respect and so on. Іz cim it is necessary to expand. Even if you want to turn a person into a family - you will need to zatsikavit yogo, and for him, you need to know what wine you need, what you show interest. Obviously, everything is not so simple, like, let's say, a man goes to a young woman, as if for a number of show-offs I will turn you over. It’s important to understand, it’s important to reconcile, ale є, tobto. In such a mood, it is important to understand that you have strong sides, that you can contrast the youth and sexuality of your woman. Remember those who are a skin person, a skin woman can make their own troubles. Not everyone in this life leads up to youth, beautiful sex. A person has a lot of needs, and the skin of them needs to be satisfied, so that you can make yourself happy. Therefore, it’s obov’yazkovo objectively evaluate all your strengths and weaknesses, all your advantages and shortcomings, so that you understand, on what you yourself should take the respect of a person, to turn it, to turn it, to turn it back to your homeland. Even if you yourself cannot objectively evaluate yourself, even if you ask your friends, relatives, work colleagues - evaluate you in an unpredictable way in order to show you your strengths and weaknesses. Even though your friends and know you can’t rate you, like a special person, like a woman, objectively, they don’t tell you about your shortfalls, but maybe even on adversity - turn for help to a psychologist, I’ll definitely help you.

If you find out what you add people to, and what you get - take care of the development of the first one and the attachment of the rest. In other words, develop your strengths and take on your weaknesses. And the strengths and weaknesses of the side are those of a woman. So don’t think that you don’t have anything like that, you could strongly influence your man, so that you could decide to take a decision on your melancholy, and not on the melancholy of another woman. And you need yoga. Understand, in order to turn a person around, you need to calm him down again, you need to work so that he is attracted to you, so that he wants to be with you. Most women don’t understand - stench go on about their emotions, - fight scandals, roam hysterics, present people, people’s claims, act out of friendliness, well, and so on. You can’t work, love women, you can’t. Tse does not work. And if it works, then it’s rare that it’s not for a long time. Forget about those that were between you in the past, forget everything, otherwise you don’t want to talk about them, so as not to play tricks. You need to re-practice over it, to get the person you need, to achieve yoga, and all your merits are not taken to respect. If you respect your person, vibatch for the viraz "tap", for those who have healed you, for you, or for those who have taken care of you to your wife, then you don’t need to turn it around. Hang out to you everything that you think about the new one and send it where you have given it. But if you still want to turn it around - you happen to forget everything, and start to get your person so, you don’t know about him, you don’t need a new person in your life and wine, you already deserve it. The goodness of a person to turn around, humble himself in front of him is not required. Don't help me. Think about your interests, not your own, just so you take away the chance to turn it.

What can you give to people? Do you see it? You are guilty of mothers like pervagi, no matter what, they add people. Ale, let me raptly show up that you don’t have any special advantages, which I’m especially doubtful about, you need to expand them. Not at all. I don’t care about natural gifts that century, even here the deyak women are smart enough to change for better. Ale, in any kind of mood - the skin of a woman has her own birthmark, as if one could know a man with reason, as a woman learns to serve herself from her best side. Let's now marvel at what the people are joking on the boots and how you can give your person those that the wine needs to turn it.


Often people go to other women through sex. Abo stink to start a kohanka, schob ur_znomanіtniti your sexual life. A young, beautiful, sexy woman is given the choice of a human being, a lower squad, a yak and a nabridla, and a lot of things in which it’s not so garna, like before. Wanting to deyakі cholovіki namagayutsya wickedness in vіrazu two hares, if vikoristovuyut kokhanka, kokhanka for sex, and come to the squad to talk to the soul and eat borscht. What can you do with such a time? Embrace fantasy. Let's not be so sexy, like another woman, not so young, but are you smart, wise, cunning? To have sex with a man, yet you can still get in touch with him - kazkovim. Learn, as it is necessary, how to bring people satisfaction - today all the necessary knowledge of this food is available to everyone. Utilize sex with a man, play sexual games with him - it won't make you groan. Cheer up yoga and at the same time to yourself. Good diversity in sex will help you switch the respect of your man from the coat, the coat on yourself. With a competent approach to ciєї, manage your youth, that sexuality does not compare with your fantasies in sex. Diet actively in quiet directions, in which you can achieve success. As your soundness has changed with fate - turn on your head. Sex is the same on the right, in any way you can think of something like that, what to zahopit people, a man with a head. So with sex you can get a person and need it to work, regardless of your age and age. Aje is not about the fact that you have become negligent, aged and so far, fallow in your situation, and that person is like your pishov, but that the person needs diversity. If you know about such a phenomenon in biology and psychology, like the Coolidge Effect, it’s probably the same for males to show sexual activity at a high level in terms of skin new, ready to zaplіdnenya females, then it’s the fault of reason - that is new, ready to zaplіdnenya for svogo cholovіka, schob pіdtremuvati in new sexual inclination before you postіyno. Fortunately, it’s not a problem to change today, and sex is more versatile, unseen, beautiful, like a skin woman. So die, do not allow anyone to please your man more than you.


And so people, who need not only and not instill sex, how many new stoks, that stink to go to your woman, spodіvayuchis on a better life. Sound like this, people are unhappy with their squad, or they respect themselves unfortunate, they whisper happiness on the side. It’s hard to say unequivocally, because in such situations wine squads, with such people feel unfortunate, and even often in such situations, and the person himself has no idea in his head that it’s possible that he can feel unhappy not through a woman, but through his own. their internal problems. Before psychologists, such people do not often turn up, willfully independently solve their problems, and they do it not in the best rank - walking from the family and with whom they often do not know any happiness in another place. Zhіntsi in such a time it is necessary to delve into the problems of your person before you are called to guess. Sound before the sim rich in yoga behavior change - you start to give less respect to the squad, stop arguing with her, quarrel, bark, as if it’s for the new one on the right, otherwise I’ll say goodbye to the fact that it’s pretentious. Zagalom, say something especially important, you can beat the sight of a person by making your money with him.

An hour for whom it is necessary to remember in life the whole splendor of speeches, so that it became better, more beautiful, more beautiful. It is said that it is possible to be pleasing to Cholovikovi Ziti Roboti, on the yaki yoma, I can see the yomo perekhati in the izho abstance in the іnshu, yakshcho є is the same to be sophisticated. we are richly happy. Zagalom, it is necessary for a woman to become a psychologist for her person - to analyze his behavior, to learn his life, to understand what you can remember in him, so that a person is a happy person and not going to the kohanka or not sіyshov. I realized that everything needs to be done before you get home, otherwise you won’t change anything else, be respectful to your people, love women, try to avoid problems, it’s easier, don’t take the consequences.

Well, if your man is already right in front of you, if you are in a relationship with another woman, then you only need to know how to get in touch with him, so we’ll later, in a day’s time, we’ll say goodbye to your life. Tse mayut buti so change, yakі can fix your big man I look at the prospects of turning to you. Until the old squad, the old one in the sensi - did not change, did not call, not internally, and did not change her life, - wine does not turn around. You need change. You yourself are guilty of change - become smart, beautiful, wise, calm, respectful, and your life may change - from the new may, everything that was responsible for the handlessness of your person will appear. Navit such speeches, like buying a new car or an apartment, or moving to another place - can make a person tick. A lot of people don't care, I want to recognize them, but they don't. Spiritual values ​​are far from being a skin person, you can not appreciate those things, but to instill intellect, intellect, intellect, intelligibility. Therefore, the banal bribe of a person is often spratsovuє. Well, and rich women can also be bought, we know well. A woman often goes out for a person only to someone who has a car in the new one, or an apartment, or those, or else, or in a new settlement here there is a temple, or a salary is high, well, and so far. With this special quality, people are not taken into rozrahunok. And then it turns out that the fault is a right abomination, such a light is not enough and it is impossible to live with him. Ale, it was necessary to think about it, first to converge with such a person. Aja, be it a person, be it a person, you can live, and it is necessary to shy, in front of him, like letting him in your life. If you yourself are not able to grow up - ask knowledgeable people to help you. For the sake of your life, it is necessary for him to change everything a hundred times, first take a decision. Until then, you need to be smart, that a lot of peculiarities of particularity mutually include one another, and you need to know about it, you need to be smart, stealing from the Kim of life. Garazd, I don't dare. Not in the same time river. Let's turn to buy a person.

So, in order to turn a person around, you need to change yourself and your life in such a rank, so that it becomes clear for you to live with you. If you know that your man is calm and has a clean look, that he is guilty, that he is kind to everything that brings satisfaction and comfort - think about what you can buy, what you can attract, zatskaviti. And people, zokrema cholovіki, like they need such stosunki, for which stench they will be felt by right people - kohani and shoving their wives. It is necessary for such people to bestow warmth and affection, it is necessary for them to be kind to them, to inspire if the stench has already gone to your woman. Any criticism, no complaints but not guilty - become an angel for your person. With a new woman at the new obov'yazkovo, blame the differences, there are no ideal stosunkivs, and even wines guess about you. And the axis about you, you know, is stale, as you will be talking with him after that, as you are. And so people, like a kind of stosunkiv, need more than any speeches, more than any blessings. Їx to squawk - pennies, apartments, houses, cars, just material values. Until then, he wants not to work, but to sit with the squad on his own, scorched, live on his own satisfaction, as if I’m not responsible for the rahunka of my wife, then it’s rich in what’s the trouble. Vrazhayuche, but women, they want to turn such people back to their homeland. Well, I want and I want, the chain is on the right. And as your man is such a person himself, as he doesn’t need your knowledge in the kohanna and other things, it’s like - to know those who can catch it, those whom you can buy it. І pronounce to youma tse, only competently, not without middle ground, but as if inadvertently tell you about those who have appeared to you, but you are going to work - where to move, to vlashtuvatisya on new job, buy an apartment and so far, so that you yourself will turn to you for the sake of singing. Behave with him as a buyer, whom you need to purchase goods, so that the new Slinky will flow. Buy and buy your man to turn yoga. Be vigilant for that woman, until such time as you are safe. Golovna - greet the link with the person, so that the mother can pour in on the new one, and for the other one - behave with him strimano that shanobly.


Give a serious respect to a person - make your own word faint, talking to him, at the same time you are conducting important negotiations, in case of which you need to pay good attention to a person. Ale, your conversation with him can be equal. From one side, it is not necessary for you to show you that you are afraid of being left alone, that you really want to, so that you turn around, that you will make everything for a new job and so on. It is not necessary to deal with a person from a position of weakness, because the weakness of a woman’s weakness cannot cope with a person’s weakness, even though it is customary to take into account that the strength of a woman is in her weakness. In times - weakness to misbehave. On the other side, you are guilty of a woman who has been sung in her, as if you honor your man, like a mind of yoga, without respect for yoga, and when you are ready to accept yoga, as if you are guilty, turn around. Be bold and up to the tієї zhіnki, until yakoї vіn pіshov - do not show її, do not bark, try hard not to guess її in roses. You don’t need to show people that this is a new woman, so you can talk too much about her. If you talk about her - you will belittle yourself and lift її. Therefore, try not to talk about her, talk to a person about something new and about you, that is about the most important and most important thing for you in your life. Can another woman look up to you for significance? Obviously, no. Axis i does not need to be guessed in the same context as you and your person. Don’t let yourself talk about what you’re thinking about, but you talk to him about something new and about you, about those, how it was good for you at the same time and that you’ve done it for everything that you’ve made wine for you, and you’ve started for those who win your life. The bottom line is that it’s time for a conversation - just talk about the good things about the smut, about those who talked to you and talked to the person, completely ignoring all the trash. Wake up in a new reception, so that your image in your head is associated with the best blessings of your life. Tse shouting pull up to a person, inspire a mood in that person, if parting with her was already filthy.

Work on yourself

You know, dear women, I respect that it may be shocking in our life, something is the sight of a man or a friend, it’s more, that this suffering gives us a strong mental pain - it’s brought change in your life. And best of all, what we can change is ourselves. It is necessary for us to work on ourselves fast, so that we can be good both for ourselves and for other people. But for whom a good motivation is needed, that straining stimulus. And bіl - tse even harder incentive that even stronger motivation. Golovna - to become sensitive to pain, so that for help to help yourself. I repeat - I didn’t always go into helping the women turn a person into a family, even though I tried hard to do it, and the women, with whom I worked, also helped. There is no 100% guarantee here. The skin of the way a person goes out of his family is unique, the methods for a person are even richer, so I can’t tell you in one article about all the ways you can speed up to turn a person into a family. Lyudina, after all, it’s not so simple that she can twist and turn like a lure. And remember, if you don’t see anything, if your person doesn’t turn around before you - your work is on yourself, as you can take care of everything - and you change your ranks, and learn new skills, and engage in sports, and improve your own special features, and pragnennya to achieve success in the right way, something like a robot, business or something else - all for nothing will not pass for you. It’s like life was so ordered that your paths went off with a person and they weren’t destined to go - it means that it’s possible. Accept this thought. Some people need to come to terms with reality and start living new lives. Now you can become more beautiful, vikoristuyuchi your bіl as an incentive to work on yourself. So, think, die about the new life, about the new waters, about the new kohannya, about the new possibilities. I will sing you, rich woman, to rule your life well after being separated from your man. Wanting to spochatku їm zadaєtsya, schogo robiti is impossible.

You, obviously, fight, obov'yazkovo fight for your happiness, as you care that your person is good to turn it around. Win for whom all possibilities, all methods - do not give up. But if you don’t dare to turn it around, regardless of all your efforts - don’t lose heart, don’t put an end to your life - joke about new happiness. We deserve everything for happiness, that all people, we came to this world in order to love and be cohanim. I’m less sorry, that a lot of people have not yet learned how to live in such a way that they don’t have to suffer one pain, that suffering, more than Skoda. I am happy, some of you, dear women, my article to help turn a person into family, and some just save hope for a happy, bright future, in which you have a lot of love, joy that happiness. I will obov'yazkovo write a lot of articles on this topic, in which I will look at the power of turning a person in this way from the best possible sides, so that you will have even more ways to save your kohanna and that hundred.

Problems from people are blamed for an hour on an empty space. Once upon a time, the motherland was normal, they lived on the roll, without welds: a hut, a robot, children ... And here on you: picking up and pishov. Why? [talk]


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Tse food to torment the rich of the redundant squads. People explain their routine. Ale tse sound like inconsistency. Natomist is one law - the age of prodigal people. Most of the time, stench breaks out from family and start a new one around 30, in the region of 40 - 45 and 50 years.

Psychologist and sexologist Inna Chorі stverdzhuє - ce critical fates for people. For these three centuries, for some of them, the most important change is blamed. But as a dear person to you, you can get ahead of sight, a psychologist is impressed.

28 - 32 rocks

Stopped like thin

Irina and Evgen became friends, if both were on the 23rd. At 25 Ira gave birth to Persha, at 28 - a child to a friend. I sat at home with my children, didn’t go out into the world, Zhenya did a lot of work. Moreover, I’ve earned it badly. If the young man has grown up, Zhenya has chosen the speeches and, having taught how to take care of the children, he will live until the fathers. Coming once a day, bringing food and pennies. I know ishov.

Eh, Irina did not know what the psychologist later told her to the training - close to thirty people can radically change their erotic look. The replacement of brunettes is replaced by blondes, the replacement of thin ones is donuts. And to the yoga propositions of sweating (lose weight), overfarbing, changing the style of clothes, it is necessary to put them more seriously. Listen to the prayer and wait for the change.

It’s true, I’ve asked once for a while: “Ira, maybe you’ve got hair? Maybe change the color of your hair? Tobі bіdіyshov svіtli ... Let's go buy you a cloth ... ”I didn’t give up respect: short hair is better, but cloth, if you walk with two little ones, it’s not handy, jeans are richer practical,” Ira guessed.

She listened to the coach's joy. The gray frill on the head changed over the course of a few months for the time being, it was still a short, albeit blond-haired bob, cloths with a decollete were bought, correct bras, and pomirnі pіdbori. Bloomed like crazy. She called not long ago, shared: the man turned around, everything was fine.

Change if you want to get the call, to the point of speech, all life, to fool a person's polygamy.

Folks, the stink is so powerful: she changed the cloth that vzuttya - even more, she remembered the cleansing before that, she noticed the grimly mood - that’s all, the new woman is in yoga booth, - the coach sings.

35 - 45 years

I'm terribly young!

For every person, there is a threefold reassessment of what has been achieved.

The first signs of which I will become - a person changes his behavior, - the psychologist tells. - You are starting to be young, you are changing your wardrobe and perfume, you are starting to listen to other music at the car. Casanovi syndrome kicked in. It’s important for a person to tell at once that it’s more like that for all senses! And the retinue at the sight of other ladies will no longer marvel at the new one of the hoards ... Don’t miss this ring at the same time! Pray together with him! Spend all your free time with him, don't deprive him of one. If you don't want to waste your man, wait for yoga erotic fantasies and even role-playing games. І vrahuyte - it is practical to live a man who is not a building drink from sіm'ї, so the squad will not be allowed in!

Axis of my friends - Mishko with Deer. Rocky at forty Mishko - a financier, a respectable family man and a father of two children - raptly choked on a work colleague, a young pannochka and a cheerful one. The first squad of his Reindeer was smitten with the family about the meatballs: everything, I’m going, it’s nabridlo! І knock on the table with your fist.

Ale not pishov. There are no other apartments, but Lena did not go out. Vaughn marveled at the new one with a tight and kind river summed up. And then raptly she took up the power of a special life. I was so choked up that later Mishko would tell me:

Її yak podminili. Roughly the whole hour. Previously, I used to walk around the house in a dressing gown, but when I got to the store, I needed a lot - I wore those sneakers in sports pants. Now it's time for paradis. Whatever suits you.

Mishko is now worried with a zagal. Shukaє posobnosti "start everything on the cob" with the new Olena. And Olena thinks what kind of Mishko is needed.

And indulge?

This century is the simplest in terms of psychology. The children have grown, the nest has grown. The hour has come to strike a balance, to understand what you have reached, even if you have given a car as a way to go, then popovz, not like that, like thirty.

For every person, for people, sex is not at the first place. It is important spiritual closeness. And as soon as the squad became dear, as if it became a friend, like a man, better for everything, no longer there, to inspire like a death in a young woman. It's scary to instill stability, but it's also psychological. Alas, sincerity is not attained, it’s a pity that in such a homeland a person cannot succumb to sensation, - Inna explains.

And what, how does the squad know about the evil in what country? I stumbled upon such a couple of acquaintances for help. Valya read the Kohanka's message while Sergius was in his soul. It was worth on the cob of litas, in Cyprus, on the day of the 25th of March, a ship - such a ship that everyone saw indestructible. Month wept and went to sunscreen eyepieces, hovala kola pid ochima. Vіn vyvsya dovkola blizzard: “Valyusha, maybe some water? Valyusha, maybe put a parasol on you, the ultraviolet is so shaky!”

That already pizno me dbati about the youth of the shkiri! - єkhidnichala she at vіdpovіd.

A few months have passed. Valya went through a course of psychotherapy - she was educated, like a vibachiti man. Shlyubu znovі zdaetsya ideal. Adzhe Valya, like before, love Sergius. Sergiy, having become a shovkov, hastened home after work, promised to bring the coming spring to Cuba.

Zagalom, really, in all couples, de cholovik still pishov іz sіm'ї, but the moment: the squad itself let it in. And those squads, who turned the prodigal to his homeland, wised up, went zamіzh - went to the stitch of war. And for the future and successful person, Tim will win a zhorstkish.


On our site, this material has already been collected over 1500 reviews. The axis of action is from them.


I have a similar situation. Cholovik pіdіyshov to the first line. Pishov. Don't hesitate for a month already. To say that you can’t change me. It's hard. It seems that I can change. With whom you don’t want to work on yourself, the claims are only up to me. I don’t have a lot of power, but having said to me - I’ve become foreign, then be patient.


It was accepted to respect that people change after the fun, no one can see, tickets, tsukerok, cinema and theaters too soon. chim i seem cholovіkovі. The program item is ticked off, a tick is placed at the sight of the seal in the passport, go to the next item, career, children, apartment, cottage, car ... . Don't change yourselves, don't give up names, and the person will be like that yourself, we will see and bestow knowledge!

Simple Russian man:

If a person does not want to get away, a woman, may he finish two factors:

1) To make friends with her, a person is to blame for his hot bajan (and not for her).

2) The woman is not guilty of making the peasant nervous.

And all other factors (obviousness or the presence of a familiar callousness, vminnya or the innocence of the Lord, presence or the presence of children too soon) for a peasant cannot be significant and can’t lose it.

Yaroslav, 29 years:

Pidishov to the first line. It's hard at times. A lot has changed, the numbers, look, savours. E car, apartment, good job. We live normally. I often pamper my children and that squad. But the squad became cold to me. It seems that you can’t love and live without me, but the proximity of Daedal is less. Cover, all thoughts fall on the thought of the filthy. Often depression is due to fear. Thoughts are not so easy to see. Vaughn is young, born. Lord miracle. Zvichayno, I cherish her, more love її. Ale without intimacy is important for a girl. I think it's not like that. What? How far? Pretend, scho all harazd? Just be patient and wonder what you see? Ale tse nonsense! And the lies of your own homeland are left on the right.

For the rest of the hour, people are positioned in different women's programs, like brainless domestic animals, like women are guilty of inexorably longing, to be vivaduvati, to emasculate them, to zatsіkaviti thinly. And what about the people themselves? Rarely does one of them fight for his wife, vvazhayut that if she came out for the new and children, then she won’t go anywhere.


She lived as a man for 30 years. Visnovki: 1. Mustache, everything, turn. 2. If you want to drink, you don’t interfere with anything, but, as a rule (for statistics), women are the first to file for separation, before speech, we often sweat about it. 3. What awed for a nice miny, your own is already dear, and the new one will come - a stranger, you need to call to a new one, you know your fault spilnu mova with children (like stink). 4. And who said that it will be easy? Sim'ya is a good practice, you don't learn how to maneuver, don't remember, forgive, endure - you live by yourself, but if someone likes something, don't choose yourself.


Tsіkavo, why only a woman is all wine, wine? Ale, I still love the person, we are already like relatives, and I don’t understand, as if I could leave yoga! And people in 30 years, 40, 50, etc. go all the same, bula would be the reason! Sometimes I wanted to be younger, sometimes I didn’t have the power anymore. In my 30 years, virtual stagnation began, but everything passed before my eyes, in a sleeping company, I could do everything! And you know how, I just shook it so that all my friends suffocated in me! And yogo suffocation showed in all beauty! And I’m wiser than ever! And on the 25th, having said that I'm nai-nai ... at all vіdnosinakh! So, take care of yourself!


My dear, having become healthy for me at 33 with a young woman (navit a child - їy 23 Bulo). I cried, it was good for me to change my mind - I didn’t ... Having deceived, having shown that I had left її, I, naturally, believed. And then she took it into her hands, began to take care of it and ... she knew herself 7 years younger. A man to walk on his hind legs - don't say it, you stink.

Let's talk!

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