How to fix God will help in work. Prayer for those who wish everything was good on the robot. Orthodox prayer to Mykola the Wonderworker on a shvidka

Who among the saints pray to know a good job?

Vlastuvatisya on a good highly paid robot is not easy. In most cases, if there is sufficient information and information, the appropriate option does not trap, but robots give priority to other candidates.

It is not possible to lower your hands and spodіvatisya at will. Varto guess about the greatest strengths, so that you can never deprive a person, as if she humbly asked for something.

How to correctly offer a prayer for material goods?

If we turn to God for material waste, the rich think about the morality of this food. Do not boast, Vyshchi forces want to honestly work, but it means prayer for the work is completely old.

Prote ask for help appropriately.

Do not pray for a great salary, high land and wealth. It would be more correct to ask the robot how to approach the prohachevs, as to accept the realization of the needs, to deliver joy and bring profits and prosperity.

You can pray like at home, just like in church. Head to concentrate try to think about the skin word oskolki baiduzhe read zavchenih phrases do not bring zhodnoї koristі.

Read the prayer for repentance from your sins, read "Our Father". Guess who the image was given to, ask God for forgiveness for that. Ask for blessings generously, then your blessings will be honored.

To whom do you pray about the power to work and read prayers like that?

For help at the pracevlashtuvans, they go to the saints. The stinks lived a righteous life, for which they were rewarded with the possibility of miracles.

Holy saints murmur before God for the one who prays, they themselves help him to overcome difficulties. For sure to the skin saint, prayer is especially important. Let's look at some of them.

Saint Tryphon

To know a good job with a generous salary, you can go to St. Tryphon.

Saint Tryphon cheered for life with compassion and kindness. From the heavens of the wines continue to keep calm, who is suffering and suffering.

How much do you want save yourself and your family from the vigilance and borgiv, Spare yourself the appearance of unkind people in the service, then the Great Martyr Tryphon will obov'yazkovo camp on your zakhist.

“Oh, the holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, who hopes I will help the shvidka to everyone who dares to you! Feel the Lord, what to pray to you, slave (im'ya)! Pray every year for us, as if to shake your memory, unworthy sinners, bіla to the Throne of the Lord. You, the saint of the Lord, having sown with great miracles, healing all those who turned before you with faith. You interceded for the skin, who, having changed from sorrow. You have turned to the Lord with prayers, so that Vin has interceded for the skin, who will guess your name, in all troubles and sorrows. Shchob buv consolation of all human evil. And just like the daughter of the king in Rome-city was born as a devil, that he tormented її, so it was less than evil in the face of evil slander, dashing, sickness, the evil one, the steps of fortune-tellers. Pray the Lord for me. Be a helper at my right. Forgive me for the spirits of the evil ones. Ask the Lord for me joy, glorifying the Father and Sin of that Holy Spirit. Amen."

Matrona of Moscow

You can pray to him, seeing his grave, or bowing down to his relics, which are saved in the Moscow Intercession Monastery. Even though there is no such possibility, you can pray for the icons with their faces.

Blessed is the patron saint of the orphan and the homeless To do good work for him - distribute malt to children, bring robes at the porches, then Matinka will reward you.

“Holy blessed is our Mother Matrona, help with your holy prayers to the servant of God (Im'ya Rik) to know the work of the hand for salvation and growth of the spiritual, so that Ima rich in God and not marvel my soul in the worldly - vanity and sin. Help him to know a gracious robot-giver, who does not disregard the commandments and does not intimidate the workers under the cerebration of yoga until he works at the days of the holy days of the saints. So, the Lord God protect the servant of God (im'ya river) on the mission of yoga from all evil and calm down, don't let it work for salvation, the Church of that Batkivshchina for melancholy, for the fathers for the joy of Amen.

Mitrofan Voronezsky

Elder Mitrofan, appreciating the understanding of the neighbors, the merciful ones, being the intercessor of the poor, the widows, the orphans. Yogo ask for health, dobrobut, career.

Vіn dopomozhe in be-yakіy, navit slozhnіy problemі, varto only more generously ask Yogo for intercession like this:

"Father Mitrofan! I beg you to listen to us, servants of God (names). To the face of your beast, we are looking for help, pray for us before the Lord God the merciful for forgiveness and forgiveness for sorrows and failures, for the gift of a good life, the end of bad luck and failures. We glorify your inexcusable speech and the Lord our God for ever and ever. Amen."

Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

Before St. Spyridon, they talk about silliness, relief from credits, a borgo hauler, about the joke of a good job. Saint Spiridon not to love lies and hypocrisy, helping only those who truly believe.

“O blessed Saint Spirdon! Bless the merciful God who loves people, do not let us sue us for our iniquities, but do not let us fight with us for Your mercy. Ask us, the indecent servants of God, from Christ God for a peaceful and trouble-free life, mentally that bodily health. Please us in the presence of any spiritual and bodily ailments and bіd, in the presence of us languor and hardening of the devil. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and the goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ, let us forgive the rich of our lawlessness, bezbіdne and peaceful life, let us grant us the end of the life of hell and peace and vouchsafe us to the future life of eternal bliss, let us constantly send glory and to the Father and the Spirit Holy, Ninі i povyakchas i for ever and ever. Amen."

Mykoli Wonderworker

Mykola Ugodnik is the strongest defender, a kind of building diva. Dopomogaє in any sphere of human life, smut volat to a new kind of soul.

“I turn to you, Pleasant Mikolo, and I ask for miraculous help. Let the jokes of the new robots be successful, and all the difficulties will be raptly dealt with. Let the boss not get angry, but stick to the right. Let the salary be paid, and the robot is needed. If an assailant appears, let his anger fall apart. Probach me all my sins and don’t leave me as early as possible at important days. Let it be so. Amen."

Xenia of Petersburg

Bereft of a widow at 26 rokіv, Xenia has forfeited everything of the earth, distributed mine, changed clothes with a man, she spent her earthly life in prayer and foolishness. Before her, the gift of transferring the future came, and the mercy of God foresaw the restless ones.

“Oh holy mother Xenia! You are our intercessor before the Lord, that prayer house! Before your holy appearances, we ask you humbly. Ask the Lord for forgiveness for our sins in vidom and vipadkovi. To enlighten our minds and cleanse our conscience from unclean thoughts and filth, from zarozumіlostі and zukhvalostі. Sob pratsya our melancholy brought, blessed Yogo with a share of heaven. Ty, Xenia is all-blessed, our intercessor is that hope. With you at once we praise the Lord! Amen!"

We often forget that with the saints, it is necessary to share not only with bids, but with joys sing for those who can, venerate church saints, watch services.

It's no wonder that schoo, beasts to God and the saints at the moment I see, are often overwhelmed by non-vicons. Remember what prayer may come today, and not less than a spivbesidy, less so that you were hired for a job. Tse help me to focus on the set goal, cleanse my thoughts, add to the mind.

However, faith and prayers are not all that is necessary for work. Keep up the jokes, watch the speeches, and the prayer lifts you up at the twisted tail.

Prayers to know the work

In ancient times, when people lived in bulks, great families, the choice of robots was small: graze thinness, cultivate the land and you will be rich. In this hour, the specialty of a person has expanded, changed, and it’s not enough for you to simply sit. Want and dress better, eat more savory, and the robot brought joy. To be brought to choose between duties, for an hour far from the simple choice of life. Does a believing person ever think how to turn to God? Chi є as a prayer, to know the robot?

Following the Lord's commandment about the multiplication of "talents", a person robs a number of activities that allow you to live well and not forget about God. Prayer for a job search can be the first step in any difficult choice.

Pray to some saint to know the work

The closest intercessors before God are saints who lived on earth, like wonderful people worked and were fit for the Lord. Now stink to pray to God for help for your naschadkіv - people, like they want to inherit the example of their life.

Which saints can especially be prayed for to know a good work?

First Helper of Life Holy Mother of God. The richness of її images is glorified by miracles, before any icon you can ask for help from the search robot.

Korisno. The people have developed a tradition of turning to the term Mother of God before the rank of "Skoroposlushnitsa". Reading an akathist for a long time instills the mind to glorify the Blessed Virgin, and Vaughn safely celebrate Your prayer books.

Working specialties

Vibirayuyu work, Christian us ahead of us Josip the Betrothed, called the father of Christ. Vіn bov tesleu. Although the homeland of yogo lived modestly, Josip maw poured over the earth, thus securing his native blues. The Lord gave everything to Josip for the sake of yoga praciovitosity. You can pray to Josip the Betrothed for a good job, as if it will be like and fit for God.

This is how the holy prophet David said: “If I didn’t baptize the righteous with evil, that child of yoga, who ask for bread.”

The second holy worker is the Apostle Pavlo. The main yoga on the right was more expensive than that sermon among the newly-born Christians. Ale vin not allowing himself to live for someone else's account. Having learned how to sew, Pavlo took care of his modest needs at the cost. The apostle Paul pray mandrivniki, schob know zruchny such a fair income.

The Apostles Peter and Ivan traded in fishing. Bazhayuchy take on your cuff, you can turn to them for help.

Holy Apostles, pray to the Merciful God, and grant sin to our souls.

The patron saint of villagers, farmers, all workers of the land is St. Spyridon of Trimifunsky. In earthly life, being a bishop, wines are not left behind in the labor force, breeders of kiz that sheep. The creature of the saint, having sold for the security of his children, alms to the marrieds and the positions of the merchants, yak drank at the skunk camp.

Saint Spiridon was not bound to pennies, but for the sake of yoga, work, believe that mercy, the Lord, giving yoga to this everything that is necessary. Praying to Spiridon Trimіfuntsky about the search for work on a strong support field can be done with confidence, that you will feel good about it.

Troparion to Spyridon Trimifunsky

The cathedral of the first was given to you as a champion and miracle worker, God-bearing Spiridon, our father. Tim is the dead in the coffin vociferous, and the snake in gold vtіl Ty, and sleep you holy prayers, angels of service to you mav, priests. Glory to the One who gave you a fort, glory to you, glory to the One who gives you health to all.

Service Specialties

Tim, who wants to dedicate himself to the service of those who are ill and German (nurses, nurses, social workers, caregivers for child mortgages), turn to the Holy Martyr Elizabeth. Princess Elizaveta Fyodorivna was the retinue of the Grand Duke Sergius Oleksandrovich, the son of Oleksandr II. After the death of a man who looked like a terrorist bomber, she devoted herself to serving her neighbors, ruling for her bones the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent of Mercy in Moscow. Krіm ill that people of a frail age, they took into the monastery homeless children and poor girls, whom they trained as pracevlashtovuly. In 1918 p. Elizaveta Fyodorivna, together with monks Varvara and kіlkom princes of the house of the Romanovs, was stricken with Latvian arrows in the metro station Alapaevska.

Having uprooted the prince’s life, / God-wise Elisabeth, / to the sinful servants of Martha and Mary Christ instilled you, / to the merciful, tolerant and loving onesself, repurified, / as a righteous sacrifice to God was offered to God / Well, shanuy a good life diligently we ask you: / holy martyr Grand Duchess Elisaveto, / pray to Christ God / vryatuvat and enlighten our souls.

Navіt unpretentious profession of a tsvintarny pracіvnik is consecrated by the deeds of the saints. Want to try for yourself with everyone who is tied with wires on the rest of the way, to pray to the Monk Mark the Gravedigger of the Caves. Suvoriy the black Mark is alive in the XI century, in the Kiev-Pechersk monastery.

Yogo obov'yazyk bulo dig graves for the brothers who were dying. Constantly mindful of death, the reverend prayed richly before the Lord and diligently bowed to the entrusted robot. God having glorified His saint for life: the merci heard him.

One of all the Chernets, Yakiy, wrapping a grave at Mark for himself in Zruchny, beautiful place, I know that I have buried another brother. Having formed itself at the holy burial ground, having begun to point out to those who, the dead brother, could not take another's place. Then Reverend Mark turned to shimmer: “Brother, get tired, go to another grave!” and the dead listened, awakening the repentance of the deputy.

Those who joke to the robot of a cook, a restaurant practitioner and everything else that is connected with the preparation of hedgehogs, turn to St. Euphrosyn. This saint is alive at IX in one of the Palestinian monasteries. Euphrosynus modestly worked in the kitchen, performing mysterious deeds for the Lord, and none of his brothers could allow himself to become pleasing to God. This was said to one of the priests.

If you want to please heaven, the presbyter asked God to show you your dream. Yakos, dozing, drenched the Garden of Eden and in the new cook Efrosin. The priest rejoiced that in paradise he leaned against the unremarkable kitchen worker and asked him to take a paradise apple for a riddle. Euphrosyn gave him a plaid and the dream ended. Throwing himself over, the priest uncovered an unusually fragrant apple at his hands and sang about the brothers' marriage. Tse became a filthy service to the modest Euphrosynus: uniquely glorify, out of embarrassment secretly leave the monastery.

Troparion sleeping with the Reverend Fathers

With you, father, vryatuyusya scho behind the image: / accept the cross, pishov to Christ, / and let you know the body, go over, / lie about the soul, speeches are immortal. / Tim and z angels of health, reverend [im'ya rok], your spirit.

The largest sphere of activity - trade - also has its own patron saints. If you submit your resume to the exchange, you can think of turning to the holy martyr John Sochavsky. John is alive in the XIV century and engaged in trade. I prayed fast to God and to that I succeeded in all right, taking care of myself and giving mercy to the marriages. As if, behind the slander of the zazdrіsniks, Ivan drank at the full to the heathen-fire-worshipers. Having been inspired to accept my faith and firmly acknowledging Christ, having perished in the form of thinned cakes. God glorifying John Sochavsky: for him, with the prayers of faithful merchants, they will successfully lead the right to the glory of the Lord.

Troparion to John Sochavsky

Living on earth is good, nourishing, suffering, / with alms, and with partial prayers, and tears, / while striving for suffering husbandly, / Persian vikriv Your godlessness. / At the same time, the Church was firm / Christian praise, / John of blessed memory.

Holy, yakі help in any need

Those who do not choose a profession, it is necessary to turn to the saints, as if to help in any important situations. We are supposed to be a patron saint, whom I should wear.

Then turn on the rule of akathist St. Mykoli the Wonderworker, a strong prayer book before God for all workers. For help at the request of the robots, they turn to the New Orthodox saints - Sts. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg and Matrona of Moscow.

These holy women lived among the people and daily succumbed to their needs, helping in the world of their strength. Having cultivated such honesty, the Lord has wicked their prayers. At once, standing before God's throne, the stench may have even greater strength to pray for people.

At the chapel on the grave of St. Xenia of St. Petersburg, a lot of pilgrims come and carry notes from hidden passages. Many of them are put up to the joke of work - the basis of the basis for great places. For the weddings of those who come, no one is left without the help of the holy prayer house.

Prayer of Xenia of St. Petersburg

O holy and all-blessed mother Xenia! Lived under the blessing of the All-Vishish, led and smitten by the Mother of God, hunger and spragu, cold and scorching, shame and persecution, she recognized the gift of clairvoyance and miracle-working of the sight of God and rested under the cover of the Almighty. Nini Holy Church, like a winter color, glorify you.

Maybutne at the place of your interment, before your holy image, living God, with us, we pray to you: take our prohannya and bring them to the Throne of the Merciful Heavenly Father, for mercy to the New May. Ask those who are clinging to you for eternity, save us for the good and repair our generous blessing, in the face of all the troubles and sorrows of salvation.

Become your holy prayers before our All-Merciful Savior for us, unworthy and sinners. Help, Holy Blessed Mother Xenia, unfamiliar with the light of the holy baptism to shine and seal the gift of the Holy Spirit, young people and young people in faith, honesty, God-fearing vihovat and success in learning to give them; ailments and ill-healthy zcili, with the same kohannya and good fortune are not after; let us honor the black feat of good deeds and honor them with a fencing, shepherds at the fort of the Holy Spirit, affirm the people and our country in the world of that trouble-free life, pray for them at the time of death by partaking of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

You are our hope and spodіvannya, the swede feels and saves, we pray for you and with you we glorify the Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit, and forever and ever. Amen.

Before the blessed Matrona of Moscow, blind in the eyes of the people, people constantly flowed, asking for її prayers. Mayuchi gift of clairvoyance, she knew the thoughts and needs of the skin. Those who, having known Matrona (she died in 1952), signify their lack of wealth and kindness to everyone. “If I die,” she said, “come before me, light a candle and ask for your needs. And the Lord is in control.” The relics of the blessed Matrona rest at the Moscow Intercession Monastery, where pilgrims pray fast. It’s as if I’m sent to not go to an empty spring for water. Definitely, I will help the Holy Matrona to see the mustache who turns to her with faith.

Prayer of the Matrona of Moscow

O blessed mother Matrono, the soul is in heaven before the Throne of God, but the body is resting on the earth, and given to you, miracles are performed by grace.

Take a look at your merciful eye on none, sinners, in sorrows, ailments and sinful times of your days, what to endure, in silence, vіdchaydushni, zcili our ills are fierce, God see us for our sins, let us Jesus Christ test our sins , lawless and sinful, like mi in our youth to bring up to this day and the year of the sinner, that with your prayers having taken grace and great mercy, glorified in the Trinity of the One God, Father, and Sin, and Holy and everlasting and for ever and ever. Amen.

Poshuku robots also pray to St. Martyr Tryphon. The martyr lives in Asia Minor in the 3rd century. For firm commendation, believe in important times for Christians, the Lord, having granted you the power to grow from watering shaky clods and succumb to ailments. A long time, and after the yogo martyr's death, people were turned to the new sama for cym. Ale the bounty of the Lord through the prayers of the martyrs of the landless.

Like a falconer of Ivan the Terrible on the name of Tryphon, having consumed the beloved royal falcon. For tse yoma, it was threatening to send a garnoy early at that hour to plant. The falconer for a long time shukav a bird, praying to his patron and, getting tired, falling asleep at the fox. In the dream, the martyr Tryphon appeared with a falcon on his hands. Having thrown himself, the falconer revealed the loss of the beat to himself.

Live Divinely, treblyadnіє, / enjoying the heavens unsparingly, / to glorify with songs the memory of your protection / save for all you consume, / vіdzheni shkіdlyvіh grafts of creatures, / that you, in the form of love, will be wounded: / rejoice, Tryphon, the martyr.

Zgaduyuchi tsey retelling, vіruyuchi ask St. Tryphon rule life, know a good landing. The small ancient temple of Martyr Tryphon is located near Moscow, unremarkable among high-rise buildings. Vіn zbudovaniy on the same mist, de znayshovsya znikliy sokіl. At the temple before the revolution, there was a reliquary with parts of the relics of the martyr, that miraculous yoga icon, nicknamed by the people. Shvidka dopomoga". Ninі tsyu іkonu can be danced at the Znamyansky temple in Pereyaslavskaya sloboda.

About yaku robot pray holy

Seen more broadly the activity, connected with deceit by other violations of God's commandments. Asking the Lord and the saints for a good job, then think, what will be such a profession?

Important. For difficult choices, it’s better to be glad to be a priest, or to rise to the spirits. Only respectfully follow the commandments of God, the Lord gives, through the prayers of the saints, spiritual joy in the profession and material prosperity.

Everything about religion and faith - "prayer for everything to work with the robot" report description and photographs.

Most of the people know a little, if they succeed, that a black smug began in life, good luck returned, and all the surroundings work against the bad luck. This is especially unacceptable if you talk about the material basis of life. Adzhe, as you know, sumuvat more quickly from the same haman. In order to correct the situation, it is necessary to take it into your own hands, adjust to the positive and start working. At one time you can turn around for a litter of fire. Shira, with faith, a prayer was prayed for success at the robotic obov'yazkovo help. Specially for which below, a sprinkling of good examples will be introduced.

Prayer for success on the right and robots

Tsya prayer can be brought about by any twisted situation, connected with the work. For example, for success in search of suitable vacancies. Abo for bazhannya stick out car'ernymi gatherings. Vaughn was brutalized to the holy martyr Tryphon. It wouldn’t be bad for that, yakbi you have a yoga icon. Vtіm, tse neobov'yazkovo. Headache in prayer is breadth and faith, and the accompanying paraphernalia plays a role in the psychological adjustment to the process.

“Oh, the holy martyr of Christ Tryphon! Shvidky helper of Christians, I call to you and pray, marveling at your holy image. Feel me, as if you remember the true ones, as if they remember you and your sacred death. Adzhe ty himself, vmirayuchi, saying that the one who is perebovayuschie in turmoil that villainy, call you in your prayers, that there will be signs of all inaccuracies, misfortune and unfavorable conditions. This Roman Caesar, in the form of a demon, is strong and in the form of an ailment, feel me and help me, take care of me and in us. Become my helper. Be me a defender against the evil demons and to the King of Heaven with a road order. Pray for me to God, to have mercy on me with your prayers and give me joy and blessing in work. Hai perebuvatime vіn bіla me and bless what I have conceived and increase my good work, so that I will work on the glory of the name of the saint! Amen!"

Prayer before Tim, how to drink to work

Before the ear of the working day, it’s indecent to ask the blessing of that help burn. For whom below, a prayer for good luck is directed, and success with the robot. Reading її shoranka will help you at the end of your obov'yazkіv and help unacceptable podiyas. Dodatkovo її can also be moved in front of a businesslike zustrіchchyu i, vzagali, especially important and important podiyas.

“Lord Jesus Christ, fatherless Old Man, only begotten son! You yourself said, if you have been talking among people on earth, that “you can’t do anything without me.” So, my Lord, I believe with all my heart and with all my soul in those that I have said and ask you for blessings on my right. Grant me yoga without interruption and complete it successfully for your glory. Amen!"

Prayer after work

If the working day ends, it is obov'yazkovo required to speak to God. Tsim vie hang out your power and secure new blessings for the future. Remember that prayer is strong for the success of the robot, it becomes strong not because of the way you speak words, but because of that, with such a heart you start to greater strength. If you put yourself up to the sky calmly, then before you you will be the same standing on the side of your colleagues and your clients. Well, if you see the shyra podyaku, then it’s up to you to put it the same way. The next words will help you to declare your goodness to Heaven:

“My day and my pratsya, that I have blessed you, O Jesus Christ, my Lord, for the sake of you, in the light of my wide heart, I offer you my praise as a sacrifice. My soul praise you, God, my God, forever and ever. Amen!"

Prayer in the distance kar'єru

Tsya prayer for success bring you more riches, lower you think to take away. The secret of tsiomu, that she can not only be well on the job, but also harmoniously promote professional activity and other spheres of life. This is also a prayer for success, success with the robot and with the authorities. Aja is comfortable with the atmosphere at the working place to lie down not only in the garnet of work, but also in vzaєmin іz kerіvnitstvom іѕ businesslike, аnd daily human.

“Like the star of Bethlehem, the miraculous spark of your intercession, O Lord, let me enlighten my way and with your good star, let my soul resound! I, son (daughter) of yours, I call to you, God - hold on to the heart of my share and straighten my legs for the sake of prosperity and good luck. Come on me blessed from heaven, God, and make my life with a new light and clear light, so that I gain the strength of a good life, success in today's right and tomorrow's practice and do not know the crossroads under your blessing hand. Amen!"

Prayer for good luck with a robot

Sometimes it’s like that everything is good, but marriage is literally a trifle of spring. To correct the situation, a prayer for success with the robot, which is suggested below:

“Lord God, heavenly father! You see, I follow some paths to bring good fruits to my work. I humbly ask you, for your kindness, in the name of Jesus Christ, step straight behind your paths. Give me the opportunity to quickly learn and jump forward. Give me what you want, and deprive me of what you don't need. Give me wisdom, I will clear my mind and your will, so that I will fall down on you. Bring me to hell by people, give me the necessary knowledge, help me to lean on the necessary place at the necessary hour. Do not allow me to enter into anything according to your will, and above all I ask you, through my work, a good fruit for the hardy people and glory to you. Amen!"

Prayer for success at the right and robots of St. George the Victorious

Prayer is coming, like the first thing we look at, dedicated not to the Lord, but to one of the saints. Great Martyr George - the axis to whom the text of the prayer is sent. You can also pray to George Pobіdonostsya for success with a robot, especially since your profession is connected with the state service, the shards of which the saint of God is respected by the patron of Russia.

“Oh, the holy martyr George, the saint of the Lord, our warm intercessor and intercessor, and keep the savior in sorrow! Help me in my right work, bless the Lord God, give me your mercy and blessings, success and prosperity. Do not leave me without your intercession and help. Help me to solve all problems and to the greater glory of the Lord, to ensure the success of my work, succumb to welding, chvar, deceit, zazdrіsnikіv, zradnikіv and anger of the bosses. I vdyachno bless your memory for wiki wikis! Amen!"


Obviously, by myself best prayer on the success of the robot - tse "Our Father", as if Jesus Christ himself gave people. Її also next to read during the day, moreover, early in the evening. In principle, it is important in Christian tradition that prayer is the most profound and generous, as it includes all our needs, debauchery, and also to avenge and glorify God. All other prayers are respected by their own comments and additions to it, which reveal the meaning. To that, even if you don’t have time, you can easily get surrounded only by the Evangelical prayer.

Prayer for everything to come to work, 3 prayers

Not alone vipadki, if the robots do not get out of anything. You need to put on your shoes, otherwise you won’t go out as a successful spy. Prayer help you.

My dears, and there is no spoilage here.

Do not varto misses pov'yazuvati with her.

If you are lamenting, you feel unsung, then more on new robot a lot of things not to go out.

Sob yaknaishvidshe podolat difficulties, turn to Orthodox prayers.

Light 3 candles. Entrust the installation of the icon of Jesus Christ, Mykoli the Wonderworker and the Blessed Old Lady Matrona of Moscow.

Show your thoughts in your work space and focus on the successful victorious.

Everything is obov'yazkovo with you, so you don't spend money on pivdora.

Begin reading special prayers to help the robot.

Lord Jesus Christ, Sin of God. Have mercy generously, the robot stretches wildly. So that everything turned out to be successful; On the right, conceived, it was done, and human evil did not happen. Let your will be done. Amen.

Wonderworker Mikolay, God's Pleasant. Send me a miracle to salvation, so that the robot would not have litter and stinginess. Let us see the zatiyane nevdovzі, I bless the Orthodox will. Let it be so. Amen.

Blessed is Staritsa, Matrona of Moscow. Help me out of the thoughts of sinners, I thank you for the difficulties of success. I’ll take the right one - let it go, on the robot - I don’t suffer. Let your will be done. Amen.

Read the skin prayer 3 times after sleep, putting on the cross of the banner.

In order for everything to work, it will take an hour for your focus on the final result.

Let God help you!

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I can always scream, and I throw myself between them.

Tse my sin and yogo witch, that is my man.

Be kind, send a prayer for peace to your family.

I vykonav your prohannya.

May God give you patience and strength!

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Prayer for robots, so that everything went well

A lot of people, irrespective of good lighting and their own vibes, they cannot know the work, otherwise they are stuck with various problems, which do not allow them to slip through career gatherings. In such a situation, you can ask for help from the greater forces, scurrying with prayers to the robot in the distance. So that the sacred words were raised, importantly the mother of the indestructible faith and good thought. Є raznі prayers, yakі dopomozhut in specific situations. You can read prayers at any hour, but smut, work the day, and if necessary, a sprig of times. If you have a chance, go to the church and put a candle in front of the image of the saint.

Prayer for robots, so that the mustache enjoyed Tryphon

Saint Tryphon helps people who know how difficult it is to work, to what extent they can work with whatever problems, for example, when asking for a necessary place, for passing through caravans, before a wedding ceremony, etc. The best mother in front of the eye yoga icon. The prayer to Saint Tryphon sounds like this:

“Oh, the holy martyr of Christ Tryphon! Shvidky helper of Christians, I call to you and pray, marveling at your holy image. Feel me, as if you remember the true ones, as if they remember you and your sacred death. Adzhe ty himself, vmirayuchi, saying that the one who is perebovayuschie in turmoil that villainy, call you in your prayers, that there will be signs of all inaccuracies, misfortune and unfavorable conditions. This Roman Caesar, in the form of a demon, is strong and in the form of an ailment, feel me and help me, take care of me and in us. Become my helper. Be me a defender against the evil demons and to the King of Heaven with a road order. Pray for me to God, to have mercy on me with your prayers and give me joy and blessing in work. Hai perebuvatime vіn bіla me and bless what I have conceived and increase my good work, so that I will work on the glory of the name of the saint! Amen!"

Prayer for well-being on the robot Matrona of Moscow

Holy Matrona, the head helper of all people, who pray to her with great prayers. The miracle worker helps with other food, including those who are tied with a robot. If you want to know where the place is, move on wages or take away the new settlement, read the following prayer in front of the icon:

“Our mother Matronushka is Holy, and help with your sacred words to the blessed servant of God (im'ya) to know the service I will need for salvation, and spiritual growth, so that I don’t see a special spirit in sin, worldliness and vanity. Give the power to know the merciful giving robot, that I respect the envelopment of the Lord, do not hesitate to pray for labor at the holy week of that svyatkov. Let me defend me, the servant of God (im'ya) in the service of all the mighty calm that black anger, let me work only for the good and salvation, Batkivshchina that the Lord for melancholy, and fathers for happiness. Amen."

The prayer for good luck is strong at the robot Mikoli Ugodnik

Mykola the Wonderworker, having helped our needy people to cope with various problems, now people can get up to speed with their prayers.

The presented prayer can be written for students, who want to know where the work is, as well as for people who are afraid of the sound or want to stick themselves in the car. The prayer of Mykola Ugodnik should sound like this:

“Holy Pleasure Mykola, charitable benefactor. Enchant my soul from the evil of the fierce, that zazdroshchiv clinging to the sight of filthy people. If my work is not going well, but the accursed one has managed to do everything wrong, do not punish my enemies, cleanse the souls of their minds from the confusion of the air. And if there is soot of sin on me, take a prohannya about a wider kayattya, grant me help for a miracle worker for a righteous work. Send me a service, sob according to my will, and pay for labor on merit. Let it be so. Amen."

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Prayers to Mykola Ugodnik, Matrona, Xenia, everything was good on the robot

In our non-performing hour, people often have to stick out of difficulties. The decals are given so that the black smoothie will not end. It is especially important if we are left "not in good hands", we work and start new troubles. How to take a good place without drowning in the hard competition? And how do you know that the profession brought a stable income and did not threaten it with any inaccuracies? The most important, most important helper in all life's troubles is Prayer. Our heavenly intercessors will always help to overcome the difficulties on the robot and turn the head.

Under the hour of reading prayers, move these words with wide faith. Good, as if in front of you will be the icon of the Intercessor. It’s possible to turn up to the new one if it’s possible (vrantsі, in the evening, before the upcoming conference, planning meeting, buildings of the sky).

For a joke of a variety of robots

For additional prayer, you can give your shit to the Saints (Pleasers of God), so that the stench will take our right before the Lord. Before the skin of the Great Martyr, there is a wave of the beast, before them, the next step is less in the wild. Yakі Ugodniki help to know where the place is?

Matrona Moskovska

The miracle worker Matrona is a virna helper of people, she hopes to help everyone (to bring representatives of another faith). The miracle worker has always helped people solve any problem. Particularly worth the specialties, as if they got lost in their lives and try to get on the road (there are also problems with the robot).

Prayer to the Matrony helps inspire power in a new service, occupy a new camp, increase financial opportunities and take good care of career growth.

Roll up to the Great Wonderworker with these words:

Mykola Ugodnik

The Great Saint is profoundly shunned by all Orthodox people. Even for his worldly life, Mykola was famous for his numerous miraculous works, I hope I will help you in all endeavors and in good service.

Ask someone else, so that you can clearly remember the robot, as if it were a call. Dopomozhe Ugodnik and young students, yakі zakіnchuyut navchannya that stand on the verge of choice.

Prayer for Nadiya work:

Xenia Peterburzka

Before Blessed Xenia, people were always placed with deep respect and trust. Be someone who turned to the Holy Fool, having taken the blessing of God, she did not command anyone. It is not for nothing that Xenia is called among the people "God's helper". After the death of the Holy One, the impersonal miracle-working was smashed by the forces.

Prayer to Blessed Xenia, especially to women, as they are worried about the best work for their man and son.

Prayer of the Holy Lady about the practice for a person:

Saints-patrons of professions

People of different professions have special mentors, helpers. All those saints, for their lives, were engaged in a similar kind of duty (they forked in sickness, fought well in battles, fought for the fatherland, smitten children, helped with joy). Tsikh Orthodox saints are called " heavenly intercessors crafts".

  • People who practice in the field of medicine: Great Martyr Panteleimon, Saint Luke.
  • Nursing staff, directors: Yaroslav Mudry.
  • Services from the diplomatic part, translation and linguistics: Archangel Gabriel.
  • Leaders, practitioners of maritime navigation: Mykola Ugodnik.
  • Financiers (brokers, accountants, banking services, economists): Levi Matthew, hegumen Yosyp Volotsky, Spiridon Trimifuntsky.
  • Scientific researchers, teachers, archivists, museum workers: Sergiy Radonezky, Tetyana Rimska.
  • Lawyers, court judges, practitioners of the prosecutor's office tax service: George the Victorious, Yaroslav the Wise.
  • Pratsіvniki oil and gas service: Prince Volodymyr.
  • Servants of the Power: Sofiya Preymenita.
  • Spivrobitniki MVS, FSB: John Voyn, Oleksandr Nevsky, Georgy Pobedonosets.
  • Servicemen of the military navy: Andriy Pervozvanniy.
  • Artists: Evangelist Luke.
  • People who practice in a strong state: Spiridon of Trimifuntsky.
  • Practitioners of everyday specialties: Michael the Archangel.
  • People engaged in weaving, knitting, needlework: Paraskeva Friday.
  • Practitioners of trade spheres: Mykola Myrlikiisky.

It is necessary to turn with the words of prayer to such Saints in such a way that you clearly understand what you want, specify your prohannya. And do not forget obov'yazkovo yakuvati їm for nadan help!

Shchob got along well, until St. Tryphon

For a new practice, Lord

Prayer is strong, as if helping to turn around without intermediary to God for prohannyam about well-being, otrimannya good service that about those who do it on the robot and everything else was stable:

Prayer for stability in the service right, to the Lord

“Our Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, I cry out to You about good luck in my new practice. If I didn’t take care of it, if I didn’t hesitate to think about it, grant me success too much. Bless on my good deeds, that fruit of work. Navchi bring retribution to people, that practice piously in the spheres, which You gave to me in my mind. Zvіlni vіd zayvih prats, zrozumіy scho and how to work the need, so that everyone can reach supremacy.

The strength of a woman

Like a woman praying, piping about the good work of a person, the stench will become richly strong. A woman protects a person with her unshakable, straining faith, with her love, build everything on the way. The first squad to God about the kohana people, help not only to know the squad to a stable robot, but to add this strength, that stamina to give new clay to all family senses!

Today's work for riches is not a place for self-expression and a loss of joy, but for survival. To that vtratiti dzherelo income - even an important blow is not only vanity. A similar situation is even more seriously pouring into the mustache of the side of a person's life. Greater people feel a strong stress, trying to know a new sphere of activity, yaknaishvidshe. For whom vicorist pray, to know the work.


Nasampered, do not give up. Smallness is a great sin. Faithful to the nobility - the Lord informs about all their needs. But life is blessed with such a rank that people are guilty of themselves dbati about themselves. God is no longer strong enough to provide a friendly environment for those who need to work. I’m less likely to be in that mood, like a Christian praying for help from a joke robot. Otherwise, it’s rudely vtruchannya, which is unique to the treasures of strength.

Pratsevlashtuvannya buvaє especially foldable tasks for a number of vipadkіv:

  • the woman tries to know the place after the end of the decree;
  • graduate student without work permit;
  • spіvrobіtnik, who was beheaded.

So do not start easily taking away the mist of those who have crossed the eternal boundary. To hire a cashier for a better job, hire someone who looks young and attractive. Sometimes it is like injustice that terrifies people to pray to know the work. Robiti tse is necessary, albeit more often, if you follow the song plan of action.

Today it is necessary to review the information about new vacancies, call, go to the conference call. How do you feel in power- otzhe, the very hour to read a prayer. She will restore the soul to a calm way, turn around to know that the order is with you - Guardian Angel, holy is the Lord Himself.

Prayers for good work

To know a good job, to try hard. The pennies diverge very quickly. Here you need to show efficiency, and you need to demonstrate your best to your superiors. Ale's head is not bad to turn to the heavenly pomіchnіv.

Nasampered, guess about the Creator. Oscilki Vin knows about everything that happens in the world, there is no need to retell his biography. It is enough to read "Our Father". It is important for you to take care of your mind and think about it in your skin.

Our Father, who are you in heaven! Let Thy name be hallowed, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, Like in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; І give us our borgs, Like we zalishaєmo our borg; I don’t let us in at peace, Ale let us see the evil one. Amen.

You can read the prayers of the saints, they took them to work. Most often, people make elders, as they were famous for their kindness, justice and love to perfection. Zhoden among them did not sit on the mіstsі, even the monasteries for the old hours took care of themselves on their own - they themselves built churches, built cells, grew sheep and grain, their own creatures. To him, there is no doubt about the fact that the saints will help a simple worker.

  • Sergius of Radonezkiy is the father of the Russian chernets, having preached Christ not with words, but with all lives. Deserving great kohannya like the nobility, and the simple villagers. Having passed his death for a few months. In the rest of the word, savage to the brotherhood, having commanded to take care of the light among yourself, firmly believe in God, take care of spiritual purity.
  • Oleksandr Svirsky - the great Russian saint, who was born in the 15th century. Vіn having broken holiness from the very childhood, taєmno vtіk to the monastery, if he became full-fledged. Having lived a lot of fates on their own, having gained great mercy from the Lord. Yomu Bula Holy Trinity. Miracles, through the prayers of the righteous, were already dragged along for life, continued after that, as the wine died.
  • Seraphim of Sarov is kind, not allowing the bandits to be punished, and they gave him severe beatings. Natomist vіn zalishiv їх at the monastery and navchiv correct fit to life. Batiushka lives modestly, and may the great spiritual give the sight of the Lord.

You can go to the wonderworkers independently at the hour of the day. Better yet, as the church sanctuary of their memory is approaching. Then you need to drink to the service of the temple, after that you pray for heavy work.

Prayer to know the robot to the soul Seraphim of Sarov

All-merciful Father Seraphim! I call to you that I ask your mercy for your servant (im'ya). Help me (yoma, us) with our sins and help us Father Seraphim in life problems. Taught me (because im'ya close people, who needs a robot) on the true path, so that I (vin) would be a good, good-natured person good way in life, so that yoga mother could write to him. Father Serafimushka, I ask your help for (im'ya). Help me (yoma, їy) to know for myself a new good robot, so that my (yogo, її) booth will have prosperity and joy and peace of mind for my relatives (children, daughters, son, mother, father). Let it be so from your mercy, Reverend Seraphim, our intercessor and helper in the worldly right, bіdah that prohannyah! Lie to us and have mercy on sinners. Pray to the Lord God for us. Amen.

Prayer to know the robot Tryphon the martyr

O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, swedish commemorator of us, who comes before you, and pray before your holy rite of hearing to the representative! Feel now and for every year my blessing, that you are shunning your holy memory, and standing about me before the Lord on the skin place. You, the saint of Christ, the holy martyr and wonder-working Tryphon, radiant with great miracles, before your departure, in the form of your life, prayed to the Lord for us before the Lord and asked You in the New gift: as if someone in need, bіdі, sadness i ailments of the soul and bodily cry out more holy to your name, that I will be free of any evil. And as for the sake of the Don Tsar, in the city of Rome, in the city of Rome, from the devil to the martyr, ztsіliv Ty, sіce і less like lyuh yogo steps, save me in the days of my life, especially on the day of the rest of my death, get up for me. Be me a helper, and a swedish proganyach of crafty spirits, and to the Kingdom of Heaven, bats, de ti nі chekaєsh from the faces of the saints bіla God's throne. Pray to the Lord, let me vouchsafe to me the partakers of cheerful and joyful ones, that you will be worthy of glorifying the Father and Sin and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.

You can pray not only for yourself - to help your relatives and those close to you for help in prayer is a holy deed. The ring can be even shorter. Ask the Lord to help (name the name), secure a good income for the people, so that you can take care of your family. Call on the blessing to do everything, protect the peace, bestow peace of mind and physical health.

The skin world profession may have a patron saint - before them, the next time the crisis is underway. Read akathist or short prayer put a candle in the temple. The righteous man will not only help with the jokes, but he will give strength to correctly tie new shoes.

Prayer for Poshuk roboti Matrona Moskovska

Blessed is our mother Matrona, help with your holy prayers to the servant of God (im'ya) to know the robot for the salvation and growth of the spiritual, sob to rich you in God and not to waste your souls on the worldly - vanity and sin. Help yomu (yy, me) to know a gracious robot-giver, who does not disregard the commandments of God and does not humiliate the workers under yogo’s curiosity until he works at the days of the holy week. Do not let the Lord protect the servant of God (living) on ​​the mission of his work against all evil and calm down, do not let your work be saved, the Church of that Batkivshchina will be punished, the fathers will be happy. Amen.

It is important to remember that the least sumnіv can destroy all your practice. To whomever the bastard was not promoted, they may sound with firm conviction. Kindly, before this, take care of inducing harmony with your soul. For whom, before God, forgive sins, make peace with loved ones. Possibly, such short periods will be sufficient for the power to land. Even if the conscience is calm, many things start to come out without special susil.

Having read the prayer, you do not need to work. Wanting to trapleyaetsya and so that people have an unsatisfactory proposition after seeing the temple. However, most of the time, before that, how to get a tenure, you have to visit various organizations, fill in a lot of questionnaires, you can easily get through an internship without a cost. You don't need to be prompted. People don’t always be able to talk about what to stand for that other support. Possibly, the very same place will be the start of a great car for you.


Some people even gain innocence in their own strength. Vin just can’t think of applying for a good job, he’s left in too much land. Don't pay a little for him, you know everything. So people themselves surround the possibility of growth. Some people should trust the inner voice, crying out. Vimagati in the name of the authorities povagi, write an application for a new tenure. The Bible says that the doors are opened before those who knock on them.

Most of the people know a little, if they succeed, that a black smug began in life, good luck returned, and all the surroundings work against the bad luck. This is especially unacceptable if you talk about the material basis of life. Adzhe, as you know, sumuvat more quickly from the same haman. In order to correct the situation, it is necessary to take it into your own hands, adjust to the positive and start working. At one time you can turn around for a litter of fire. Shira, with faith, a prayer was prayed for success at the robotic obov'yazkovo help. Specially for which below, a sprinkling of good examples will be introduced.

Tsya prayer can be brought about by any twisted situation, connected with the work. For example, for success in search of suitable vacancies. Abo for bazhannya stick out car'ernymi gatherings. Vaughn was brutalized to the holy martyr Tryphon. It wouldn’t be bad for that, yakbi you have a yoga icon. Vtіm, tse neobov'yazkovo. Headache in prayer is breadth and faith, and the accompanying paraphernalia plays a role in the psychological adjustment to the process.

“Oh, the holy martyr of Christ Tryphon! Shvidky helper of Christians, I call to you and pray, marveling at your holy image. Feel me, as if you remember the true ones, as if they remember you and your sacred death. Adzhe ty himself, vmirayuchi, saying that the one who is perebovayuschie in turmoil that villainy, call you in your prayers, that there will be signs of all inaccuracies, misfortune and unfavorable conditions. This Roman Caesar, in the form of a demon, is strong and in the form of an ailment, feel me and help me, take care of me and in us. Become my helper. Be me a defender against the evil demons and to the King of Heaven with a road order. Pray for me to God, to have mercy on me with your prayers and give me joy and blessing in work. Hai perebuvatime vіn bіla me and bless what I have conceived and increase my good work, so that I will work on the glory of the name of the saint! Amen!"

Prayer before Tim, how to drink to work

Before the ear of the working day, it’s indecent to ask the blessing of that help burn. For whom below, a prayer for good luck is directed, and success with the robot. Reading її shoranka will help you at the end of your obov'yazkіv and help unacceptable podiyas. Dodatkovo її can also be moved in front of a businesslike zustrіchchyu i, vzagali, especially important and important podiyas.

“The Lord Jesus Christ, the budless Old Man, the only begotten son! You yourself said, if you have been talking among people on earth, that “you can’t do anything without me.” So, my Lord, I believe with all my heart and with all my soul in those that I have said and ask you for blessings on my right. Grant me yoga without interruption and complete it successfully for your glory. Amen!"

Prayer after work

If the working day ends, it is obov'yazkovo required to speak to God. Tsim vie hang out your power and secure new blessings for the future. Remember that prayer is strong for the success of the robot, it becomes strong not because of the way you speak words, but because of that, with such a heart you start to greater strength. If you put yourself up to the sky calmly, then before you you will be the same standing on the side of your colleagues and your clients. Well, if you see the shyra podyaku, then it’s up to you to put it the same way. The next words will help you to declare your goodness to Heaven:

“It is my day and my work, that I have blessed you, O Jesus Christ, my Lord, for the sake of you, in the light of my wide heart, I offer you my praise as a sacrifice. My soul praise you, God, my God, forever and ever. Amen!"

Prayer in the distance kar'єru

Tsya prayer for success bring you more riches, lower you think to take away. The secret of tsiomu, that she can not only be well on the job, but also harmoniously promote professional activity and other spheres of life. This is also a prayer for success, success with the robot and with the authorities. Aja is comfortable with the atmosphere at the working place to lie down not only in the garnet of work, but also in vzaєmin іz kerіvnitstvom іѕ businesslike, аnd daily human.

“Like the star of Bethlehem, the miraculous spark of your intercession, O Lord, let me enlighten my path and with your good star, let my soul resound! I, son (daughter) of yours, I call to you, God - lift your hand to your share of mine and straighten my legs for the sake of prosperity and good luck. Come on me blessed from heaven, God, and make my life with a new light and clear light, so that I gain the strength of a good life, success in today's right and tomorrow's practice and do not know the crossroads under your blessing hand. Amen!"

Prayer for good luck with a robot

Sometimes it’s like that everything is good, but marriage is literally a trifle of spring. To correct the situation, a prayer for success with the robot, which is suggested below:

“Lord God, heavenly father! You see, I follow some paths to bring good fruits to my work. I humbly ask you, for your kindness, in the name of Jesus Christ, step straight behind your paths. Give me the opportunity to quickly learn and jump forward. Give me what you want, and deprive me of what you don't need. Give me wisdom, I will clear my mind and your will, so that I will fall down on you. Lead me to the knowledge of the necessary people, give me the necessary knowledge, help me to lean at the necessary place at the necessary hour. Do not allow me to enter into anything according to your will, and above all I ask you, through my work, a good fruit for the hardy people and glory to you. Amen!"

Prayer for success at the right and robots of St. George the Victorious

Prayer is coming, like the first thing we look at, dedicated not to the Lord, but to one of the saints. Great Martyr Georgiy - the axis to whom the text of the prayer is sent. You can also pray to George Pobіdonostsya for success with a robot, especially since your profession is connected with the state service, the shards of which the saint of God is respected by the patron of Russia.

“Oh, the holy martyr George, the saint of the Lord, our warm intercessor and intercessor, and keep the savior in sorrow! Help me in my right work, bless the Lord God, give me your mercy and blessings, success and prosperity. Do not leave me without your intercession and help. Help me to solve all problems and to the greater glory of the Lord, to ensure the success of my work, succumb to welding, chvar, deceit, zazdrіsnikіv, zradnikіv and anger of the bosses. I vdyachno bless your memory for wiki wikis! Amen!"


Obviously, the most successful prayer for robots is “Our Father”, as if Jesus Christ himself gave people. Її also next to read during the day, moreover, early in the evening. In principle, it is important in Christian tradition that prayer is the most profound and generous, as it includes all our needs, debauchery, and also to avenge and glorify God. All other prayers are respected by their own comments and additions to it, which reveal the meaning. To that, even if you don’t have time, you can easily get surrounded only by the Evangelical prayer.

Prayer that everything is good is a popular text, which is often victorious for various purposes.

Moreover, there may be a place like a prayer for a prosperous end, do it well, so do prayers, so that everything is good in a specific, narrow meaning.

Prayer is a great power, which changes the most unfavorable result of transferring the result often to the opposite one. The skin of a person, as if to pray generously, can jump into that other situation with the method of change.

How does prayer help?

Prayer is a connection with the Lord himself and Yogo saints. God saturate the heart of the skin of a person, to you I see the same aspiring people.

Vіn can say, like that chi іnsha dіya people look at other people, and what is more heady - how it looks like in the soul of the one who prays.

As God knows that people are successful, I give you to the skin, who prays and prays to change life to a better place (like your own, so the life of other people).

If it’s more successful to mess up - don’t delay and don’t go to the gate, it’s possible, You are still not ready to accept the blessing prepared by the Lord. It will take an hour - so it is different, not everything can be taken away easily.

Description of molits

Absolutely normal and natural є bazhannya, so that our share of those close, dear to us people was formed far away. It is necessary not less to report for whom all have grown in an outstanding life, but to make me sing in prayer to the Lord.

Sometimes it’s easy to podolat zbentezhennya and rubbishness - ask God for help, as if you asked for help from your father and mother: even God and є our Heavenly Father. Do not confuse yoga, do not go to the gates and the witch, do not chuckle for the sake of reaching your goal.

We will condemn, we will condemn with a vipadka prayers for those that everything was good, a prayer for success in running a business - it’s just more collapsible and vidpovidalny. Vrakhovuyuchi negative factors and defects of the system, yakі be brought to pay, well save the health of the mind and pevvnіnіst - yakshcho do not strengthen the spiritual strength of prayer.

Ask the Lord for a solution to any problems - whether the situation can be changed to a better one.

Pray today about the result of that next call, and just about the success of that success. Do not forget the deeds of God, doing a lot of mercy, sharing a great income with a great number of people, if you demand - and you will be successful.

A few days ago, the Russian priests took away their special patron - Reverend Josip Volotsky. You can and need to pray every day for the prosperity and success of your business - regardless of the scale and other factors.

Prayer to Josip Volotsky

“Oh, blessed and glorious our Father Josip! Leading your great courage to God and far away to your firm intercession, in contrite hearts we pray to you: shine on us (names) with light bestowed on you grace and with your prayers help us to cross the turbulent sea of ​​life without a turbo
poryatunku nevirazno reach. Behold, more vainly involuntarily being, sin-loving and German in the face of dashing us. Having shown you the unseen wealth of mercy in your earthly life. Well, it’s true, according to your appearance, you’ve got a lot of what you’ve got a gift, about being merciful about the poor. Tim, now, it’s far from you, we’re asking you, holy God: he’s peace of mind himself, help us to calm down; with fasting and chuvannyam you will correct the strength of the demon, and we will be attacked by fortune-tellers; to perish in starvation, and ask the Lord for the abundance of the fruits of the earth and all that is needed for salvation; sorom's stingy heretic wisdom, the Church is Holy in the presence of heresies and split and zbentezhen with prayers of your fences, so wisely all, with one heart glorifying the Holy One-Essential, Life-Giving and Inextricable Trinity, Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

As if you are being followed by failures, the reason for which is people - ask for help from the intercession of St. Mykola the Pleasant, the Miracle Worker of Myra. This miraculous saint became famous for the richness of miracles, created by the Lord for his holy prayers, and especially for his intercession and intercession of deprivation.

Prayer to Mykola the Wonderworker

“About St. Christ Nicholas! Saint Nicholas.
Feel us, sinful servants of God, why pray to you,
and pray for us, unworthy, our Creator and Vladik,
merciful to us
let us not grant us at our right, but for your grace grant us.
Please us, pleasing Christ, see what you know
on us
and vkriy hvili predilections and bіd, scho rise up on us,
so for the sake of your holy prayers, do not harm us,
and we will not fall into the abyss of sins and in the chamber of our passions.
Pray, Saint Nicholas, Christ the Lord our God,
let us give us a peaceful life and forgiveness of sins,
save our souls and great mercy,
ninі i povyakchas, і on vіki vіkіv. Amen."

All those who, having recognized the undeserved image of the sight of people, may be their protector and representative before the Throne of God, St.

What is the right way to pray?

To change your life to a better one, you need to change yourself. Become smarter, the day is a little better, do not allow evil and anger to drive us back, try not to fight, do not get angry and do not tease.

It is imperative to pray not only for your success, but to ask God and the Holy Saints also for the well-being of your relatives, relatives, friends, not only friends, but to win (more than others) your enemies, it is necessary to forgive and pray for them! Thus, having punished us, the Lord, and we, in the world of our modest forces, are guilty of trying to confess.

Do not stop the magic and magic to achieve success and positive changes in life.

Tse imagining the Lord and causing the most bad things for you and your loved ones, for you to take your fate.

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