Who is the heavenly patron. Heavenly intercessors (behind the fah). Baptism for others


(for professions).

Problems on robots and inodes traplyayutsya at the skin. But sometimes you feel so depressed that you don’t know who to pray to, who to ask for help. Let's hope that our tips will help you with twisted quills.


Those who are engaged in trade, salespeople, commercial directors and sales managers can ask for help Archbishop Mykoli of Myrliky.

(Mykola the Wonderworker)

I axis why.

If there was a great famine in Lycia, Archbishop Mikolay, to ward off the hungry, having created a miracle, he sent a merchant, who brought great bread, a wondrous dream. The merchant greeted the old man’s sleep, punishing him to deliver bread to Lykiya, moreover he buys all the vantage in him and gives him three gold coins from the depositors. Throwing himself over, the merchant revealed three gold coins in his hands and realized that the order would burn. We brought bread from Likiya, and starving people were vryatovani. If the merchant told the city dwellers about the old man, who was aged with a dream, then for the description they recognized the new archbishop.


Archbishop Mykola Myrlikysky help the sailors. Once a ship, sailing from Egypt to Lykia, was swamped by the strongest storm. On the new star the windows were shining, they were breaking, the bulges were ready to drown the ship, doomed to inevitable death, and none of the forces could defeat it. The dying sailors began to pray fervently, and St. Nicholas appeared at the stern of the kerma, becoming a vessel and safely planting yoga in the harbor.



Your patron - Archangel Gabriel- heavenly vesnik, whom God sends, to tell people about their plans. So, the archangel Gabriel appeared to the righteous Ganna, as if she had suffered for a long time without a child, and saying that prayers її are considered by God, and she will not hesitate to give birth to the blessed daughter Mary, through which the light is taken away salvation.

Virgin Mary of the roses, that she will be the mother of the son of God. By the grace of God, the representative of God explained to the angry Josip that he conceived the Son of God to resemble the Holy Spirit, and Mary lost her virginity. Well, why not a diplomat.




... take your wing Apostle John the Theologian love teaching Christ. John having created his own version of the Gospel, and then the Apocalypse. I created impersonal miracles: resurrecting two people from the dead, driving a demon out of the pagan castle, turning salty sea water into pitna. Such a marvelous person was, that to wind a pill from his grave smelled and the whole river rejoiced at the sick.

I їm so self-opikuєtsya Saint Luke.


Evangelist Luke to ask for icon painting, St. Luke among Orthodoxy is considered the first icon painter and Heavenly patron of icon painters, painters; so I will especially help the doctors and farmers in the first place.



Reverend Roman, nicknames “ Solodkospіvtsem”, buv for the march of the Greek and diligently helping out during the hour of worship, although not disturbed by either voice or hearing. At one of the previous divine services, the unkind-witted Romans sent Roman to the temple of the temple and forced him to sleep. At the presence of the emperor and the courtier almost, zbentezheny and nalyakany, with his threefold voice and incomparable spiv vі vі publicly disgraced. When we came home, we humiliated us, St. Roman spent the night long ago and prayed hard in front of the icon Mother of God pouring out your grief. The Theotokos appeared to him, handed him a paper suviy, and sounded good to him. The first axis became a marvel: Roman having taken away the garni, melodic voice and the poetic gift of the hour.

On the coming day, St. Roman came to the temple until the all-night feast of the Feast of Christ. Vіn napoleag, sob you were allowed to sleep again on the pulpit, and for the first time so miraculously sang the folds of the hymn "Maiden Today" by him, which yelled out the wildly choked up. The emperor and the patriarch spoke to St. Roman, and the people called Yogi the Sweet Drinker. From that hour, St. Roman, having embellished the liturgy with his miraculous sleep and soulful prayers.

We love you, St. Roman, becoming a teacher of spirituality in Constantinople and highly raising the splendor of Orthodox worship. For his poetic gift of wines, he occupied an honorable place among church scribes. To Jom they attribute over a thousand prayers and hymns to the saints. Especially famous is the akathist to the Annunciation of the Mother of God, which is sung at the fifth Saturday of Great Lent. Other akathisti were formed on yoga. The Monk Roman died at 556 roci.


those who are associated with dances and choreography are known to be under attack Holy Martyr Vitus. (Boy 7-12 years old).

For orders, virushiv to Rome, devagnav bisiv z Emperor Diocletian. But if Vit moved to pray to the Roman gods, they arrested him again and threw him to the left, as if they did not eat the righteous man. Todi Vita was thrown into a cauldron of boiling olive oil.

For unknown reasons, in the 16th century in the city of Nimache, there was a resurrection, for which you could get healthy, dancing in front of the statue of St. Vitus on the day of your name day.


sway with your helper Saint Oleksiy, Metropolitan of Moscow, with the initiative of which the first stone houses of the Kremlin were called.


Patrons of realtors Rev. Oleksandr Kushtsky and Euphemia Syanzhemsky.

Zestrivivshis at the deaf fox, chentsi sradily one to one and for the sake of more silence they exchanged empty spaces: Euphemia lied on the birch of the river Syanzhemi, in the cell of Oleksandr, and Oleksandr went to Kushta, settling in the monastery of Euphemia. The reverend reverends were offended by marvelous patience and humility - by the cruelties, necessary for any city dweller, who virishuvav virishuvat the apartment food.

Pratsіvniki garnichodobouvnoi

Їм opiєtsya Holy Great Martyr Varvara Iliopolska. Її father, pagan Dioscorus, having found out about those that the daughter became a Christian, came to Nevimovna fiercely. Having stripped the sword and chasing after the girl, mayuchi usir to kill the lihoman. Ale way was blocked by a mountain, which parted and buried the saint in the rose-line, from the other side, like a mountain.


Bankers, accountants, financiers, practitioners of tax inspections and treasuries can be considered by their patron Holy Apostle Matthew, which sound is depicted with rahunkami or a bag of gold. For his profession, Matvey was a tax taker, but when he felt the voice of Christ: “Follow me,” he threw the collected taxes into a pill and, without anything, pishov for the Savior.

FOR MOTOR VEHICLES, WATER AND ALL, whose activity is due to the transfer of tractors ,

opt for Saint Christopher. Tsim іm'yam of the names of the deserter Oferro, which is alive by the river crossing. As if youmu happened to be carried in his arms across the river a little lad, who appeared by Jesus himself. Jesus christened Oferro, giving him the name Christopher, which means "carrying Christ."

Teachers and Speakers

Your patron saints - Kirilo and Methodius. St. Kirilo, having obtained the brilliance of the light, thoroughly eschewed the mustache of science in his hour and richness. For the help of her brother Methodius, she sang the words of the Yang alphabet and translated the Gospel and the Psalter into the words of the Yang language.


Your patron - Reverend Sergius of Radonez. Youmu pray for help from an important teacher. Sergius was given reading letters to the seven-year-old priest, but science was not given to him, and the boy suffered terribly through it. Yakos at the field of vini zustrіv chentsya. Pidіyshov up to the new and rozpovіv about his famously. Hearing the lad, the old man gave him a piece of prosphora and sounded good. Tієї mitі grace zіyshla on the lad. The Lord, having bestowed on you memory and understanding, and wins, it is easy to win bookish wisdom.

Martyr Tetyana vvazhaetsya patron through historical zbіg. On September 25 (on Tetyana's Day), Empress Elizabeth approved the project of the Moscow University. And the great martyr Tetyanu was called the patron saint of yoga.


Physicians have not one, but a number of patron saints. Healer Panteleimon that having dedicated our lives to the suffering, we are ill and wretched, free of charge rejoicing at us, who have gone to hell. Nezabar a bit about the gracious doctor has expanded everywhere. Having run out of other doctors, people began to go as far as St. Panteleimon.

Saint Luke

Evangelist Luke- a Christian saint, chanting as the author of one of the Gospels and Diy of the Holy Apostles. Be a doctor, we can ship, ask for the healing of eye ailments.

Ipatiy Tsilebnik

having consecrated the service to ourselves, we are ill and having taken the gift of healing people in the sight of God, let us forgive the laying on of hands.

Brothers Kosma and Damian

could heal, be like ailments, inspire the worst. Slippers, kulgavi, besnuvaty went to the miracle-workers of NATO and did not inspire anyone to stink at the house. Navpaki, to be accessible to the sick, the stench themselves whispered about them, moving from place to place. They worked absolutely free of charge, for which the people called them bezsribniks.


More than people rejoiced Cosmas and Damian, and our least brothers. Vdyachni creatures knew their benefactors, and some followed them on the heels.


In secret, all the Viysk people perebuvayut under the overbearing zahist of St. George, who is called the Victorious for masculinity and for spiritual victory over the martyrs, even though they did not embarrass him in the spirit of Christianity. Georgy Pobіdonosets having become famous for his miraculous help to people, as if they were trying to overcome deathly insecurity.

And also the viysk, zbroyni forces under the guardian of the reverend

Іlli Muromets Pechersky.

Patron saints of viysk viysk:

Internal winery(MVS)

Volodymyr, Rivne-Apostolic Prince.

Viyskovo-maritime fleet

Apostle Andrew the First-Called,

Holy Righteous Theodore Ushakov.

Povitryano paratroopers

Illa, prophet.

special recognition

Alexander Nevsky.

tank army

Find out about your patron saint:

Russian orthodox church move faceless saints. She is strong by them - by them, who suffered for the true faith, but having done another feat for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ. On the fragments of the relics of the holy martyrs, the highest church service is performed - the Divine Liturgy.

To know and shanuvati your saint may be an Orthodox Christian, but it is necessary to know who is your patron saint. If the priest, having read the prayer, calls the new people not to be named, but in our days this rite is rarely performed, the oskelki do not know everything about the new one. The fathers narrate children to them themselves, and, having brought them to the temple for baptism, sometimes they appear that there is no saint with such im'yam in the holy calendar. Todі іtinі podbiraetsya іnshe іm'ya, christian rank. Sound is given to them by sounding up to a native name, for example, the patron saint of Christina, be holy Christina, and Jeannie - holy John.

But most of the time, it’s like that, that the same christian names are chosen. Do you want to name some of the saints as your patron? Yakshcho namesake, tobto named after you holy kіlka, church calendar choose that saint, whose day of remembrance is closest to the day of the people. For the relief of this joke, we split up this split.

How to sprout with a split

Follow the respect for those who, in the rest of the hour, are steadily growing the list of Orthodox saints - the New Martyrs of the 20th century. If you joke about the patron saint for your little one, then the New Martyrs are obligated to swear at the joke. The Holy Patriarch Kiril blessed the naming of children for the honor of the New Martyrs, so that their chanting would grow and expand. Ale, if you are looking for a patron saint for a mature person, be respectful, because at that hour, if you were baptized, many saints have not yet been glorified.

Bagato who asks for food, like holy patrons on im'ya that date of birth with them. Our article is entirely devoted to the vіdpovіdі. You recognize the name of your patron saint, so you will be given information about those, how better to celebrate the holy day. This day is incredibly important for a skin person. Otzhe, respectfully read the information given below.

At our hour, people have more and more after a Bagatoria interruption, starting to revive interest in their heavenly patrons on that day's name day. Ale rich someone who continues to misunderstand “name day”, “national day” and “protection angel day”. So often people simply do not pray, and why is the day of the name day celebrated, let's say, today, and not tomorrow, or on another day. More often, having recognized that the saints with the singing names of the kіlka, people begin to perish in contemplation, and that the same from these saints is a heavenly patron for these other people. Let's try to get familiar with these foods and find out about them. Cі understand just need to be divided.

About those who are such a people's day, I think, you should know that you love yoga svyatkuvati, invite guests and take gifts. Everything is simple here: the day of the people is the same day, if the people were born. But let's get down to business, why do we often call people on the day of the її narodzhennya "birthday man"? So, through those beginning to a trivial atheistic period in the entire post-traditional space, people simply began to swindle the national day and the day of their name day, uniting them for an hour on the same date. Prote “National Day” and “Name Day” are understood differently. Guess what, before the revolution in Tsarist Russia, the birthday for the Orthodox was rich with important saints, on the day of the people. Ninі stinks celebrate the holy day richly. The reason for this is the lack of information of people with the drive of the significance of the day of the name day. But with skin fate, the situation is changing and more and more people show interest in them and their heavenly patrons. What is a day? Believers also mean yogo with the word “tezoimenitstvo”. Do you know the meaning of the words "namesake", "thesis"? The stench means a person, yak can I also im'ya. So the axis: the song of the calendar day, if one is guessing that other saint, or a flock of saints, and it’s a name-day, a holy day for a person, how to wear the name of that saint, how to think of it during the day. Among the people, especially in the western parts of Ukraine and Belarus, the name day is most often designated as “the day of the angel”, “the day of the guarding angel (angel-guardian)”, which, obviously, is not right. Pardon comes through those who believe people sometimes call their saints angels, guardian angels. Ale is not a saint, he is an angel himself, good spirit, gifts when people were baptized by God, in order to instruct the people for the hour of earthly life on the path of salvation. And the axis of a special yoga name of a person cannot be known, because it is invisible to a person. To that, for the skin angel-guardian, no clear day is assigned for yoga at any time. Ale, the songs of the days are established, like the mustaches of the heavenly angelic forces.

How to recognize the name of the patron saint

Then how is it to be recognized, if the day of the shanuvannya of your saint is appointed? What are the patron saints on behalf of that date of birth in our skin? Zreshtoy, who knows everything? Otzhe, in order: first, in order to recognize which of the saints is our heavenly patron, we need to look to the Saints, otherwise, as they call this church-folk calendar, Mіsyatseslov. The very names of all the saints and dates are written there for their memory. And the Church has established a date to give, as if it were a blessing for that other people to the face of the saints. In a different way, the patron saints are appointed on this date of birth. Good, s zim zumіlo, even іm'ya we know. Ale, how can we be, how do the Saints think of a sprig of saints from our names? In such a time it is our fault to choose a saint, whose memory is bestowed closer to the day of our people. It should also be said that the list of saints is constantly updated, if all new and new saints are glorified. For example, at the Cathedral of the Archbishops in 2000, the new martyrs and companions of Russia were glorified, and the axis of the people was baptized before the year 2000, then the holy date of the birth is marked with the vision of the Saints earlier in the year 2000. And after that, the saint is appointed from the broadest list for the date of birth, for the sights of the Saints of the year 2000. And why work, because at the Saints we don’t know the saint in our own names? For example, how can a person wear a non-Christian name? It is my fault to choose a patron saint, close to me to ours. So, Dina becomes Evdokia, Anzhelika becomes Angelina, Zhanna Ioanna, and Svitlana becomes Fotinia. And the axis of Yuriy at the hour of baptism is called George. Chi means that a person is called by a great secular life by new names? Ni. In secular life, wines, of course, are overrun by Yuriy. And in church life, when, let's say, spovidi chi, naming yourself, you can name church name: Georgy Giving notes about health, or calmness, the same is written in church people. Earlier, if they called and christened the newly-born, they looked into the Holy Church and marveled at the memory of such saints the Church of the Lord in the whole day, and robbed the patron saint for not being named on his list. Himself on the day of the birth of the child, and not on the day of the birth. Now the tradition has been forgotten, and in our time there are few who do not care. Narkayut is now more important for the honor of their relatives, or for the honor of some beloved characters in books or films, but not for the honor of the saints. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya th to those who do not know richly, yakі patron saints for the date of nationality that іm'yam іsnuyut. We marveled at the butt of deyakyh names, scalds of saints fall on one name.

Saint patron named Andriy

Im'ya Andriy - Greek adventure. In translation, vono means "male, good". Oskelki tse im'ya are even wider, that was the name of one of the twelve apostles of Christ, then, apparently, there were few saints with such im'yam. Let's see, what is it? Let's go to Saints. So, really, there were few saints in the name of Andriy. Axis stink. Hieromartyr Andrey, Bishop of Ufa (8 September), Martyr Andrey Lampsakiysky (May 31), Apostle Andrey the First-Called (3 limes, 13 limes, 13 breasts), Venerable Andriy Rublov, icon painter (17 limes), Martyr Andriy of Crete (30 March).

Father, like mi bachimo, choose riches. Tse is far from complete list. Remember that Andriy, for the appointment of the yogo heavenly patron, needs to turn the saint in the name of Andriy from the list, which was the closest to the day of the people.


What is the patron saint named after Volodymyr? Vono words'yansk. The first part of the name syagaє sche praїndoevropejskoї foundations and denotes the word "strength, power". Another part of the name is behind the German words for the meanings of "great, famous." However, another part (-zakhodіv) of the words took over, under the infusion of the word "svіt", another meaning that matches the designated word. To go out, what the name Volodymyr means every day “what Volodya is with the world”; at once with the light of the meaning "Vsesvit, earthly cool", and the light of the meaning of "quiet, calm". On the back of my head I was pagan. Ale after the baptism of Russia, by the year, the name of Volodymyr was canonized, the remnants of Russia were baptized Prince Volodymyr Svyatoslavich. There are fewer saints from such names, lower at the verge of Andriyem. Let's go to Saints. Hieromartyr Volodymyr, Metropolitan of Kiev and Galicia (1st fierce), Martyr John Volodymyr, Prince of Serbia (4 blacks), Great Apostle Prince Volodymyr (28th line), Martyr Priest Volodymyr (29th sickle), Prince Volodymyr Yaroslavovich of Novgorod (17th day) .

Im'ya Dmitro

Now we know what kind of patron saint is named after Dmitro. Tse Greek im'ya means "assignments to the goddess Demetri". The ecclesiastical form of the name - Demetrius has been installed. There were also few saints from them, and we will expand and expand the scales of Dmitro's name. About what saints in the name of Demetrius do the Saints tell? Rev. Dimitry Skevofilaks (7th fierce), righteous Dimitry Yur'evsky, son of the noble prince Svyatoslav (16th fierce), passion-bearer noble prince Dimitriy Uglitsky and Moscow (28 May, 5 worms, 16 worms), martyr Dimitriy Kazansky (15 zhovtnya), leaf fall), the righteous Demetrius (14th breast).


Let's talk about those who are the patron saint named Oleksandr. Tse female form named after Oleksandr; maє gretsko pojennya and perekladєє like "zahisnitsa people", "horobra". There are, frankly, not a lot of saints from these names, the axis of the stench: the martyr Oleksandra Pontiiska (2 April), the martyr Oleksandra Rimska, Nіkomіdіyska, the empress (May 6), the martyr Oleksandr Korinfska (May 31, 19 leaf fall), the Monk Oleksandra Divєєєvska ( 26 worms) ), holy passion-bearer Empress Oleksandra (17 limes). In Russia, insanely, the most popular saint, as I have my own name, is the Russian empress, the squad of Mikoli II, the remaining Russian emperor.


Varto tell about those who are the patron saint named Anna. As if all the names in the front that we look at (behind Volodymyr's vine) were of a Greek nature, then the name is Jewish, and they are translated as "grace, pretentiousness, mercy, dear." Im'ya tse - bіblіyne. So, as I am wider in the whole world, then the saints of these names, on the vіdmіnu vіd Oleksandri, it’s clear, rich: the prophetess Hanna (16 fierce, 22 chest, martyr Hanna Gotfska (8 April), blessed grand duchess Hanna Kashinska (25) chervnia, 3 sickles, 15 zhovtnya), reverend Anna Vіfіnska (26 chervnia, 11 leaf fall), martyr Anna (18 lime).


What are the patron saints named after Olen? There's a walnut trip. Tsіkavo tim, that the etymology of yoga did not understand. Buli pripuschennya, scho it was connected with the god of the sun Helios, or else it indicates the self-name of the Greeks - the Hellenes. However, regardless of popularity, there are few saints from among them. Martyr Olena (28 September), Equally Apostolic Queen Olena (3 cherries), Martyr Olena, daughter of the Apostle Alpheus (8 cherries), Rev. Olena Divєєvska (10 chern), Rivne-apostle Olga, Grand Duchess of Russia, at the holy baptismal Olena (24 limes), Righteous Olena, Queen of Serbia (12th leaf fall).

Trochs about icons of patron saints

Іsnuє faceless icons from images of saints. And even better, if a person can be at home or wear an image of his heavenly patron saint. You can go to the saint if you are a scumbag, our patron saints can smell it and help us. In order to choose the right icon from the images of your saint, we need to know about our patron, as he is depicted on icons, go to the church shop and choose the confession. Be kind, as if the icon of the patron saint on im'ya will be entrusted to you. As an addendum, let's say that it would be indecent to know if only one prayer would be sent to your saint.

What is the right way to celebrate the day of the patron saint?

As you see, you understand who has a birthday on the day of the people, you, madly, understand and differ between holy days. On the day of the name day, we will think of our saints, so that the stench would remember us. On the day of the name day, viruyuchi ring out to go to the temple, they say they take communion. Ale, insanely, there is no change for guests, Christmas Eve and gifts. Ale ce is not guilty of buti galaslivih merriment and zastіllya with alcoholic drinks. More shortly, as if it were a sincere conversation, filled with zmist and zmist. As your name day falls on the hour of Lent, prepare only the songs of war as necessary. Dotrimytes tsyogo rule. As your name day fell on a weekday at Lent, it is necessary to reschedule it for a week on Saturday.

Deyakі people do not mark the day of their name day. It’s all wrong, even if it’s a religious subtext, it’s just a good, bright day, I’m happy to remind you.

It's important to early century graft children before the holy day of the name day, take them to the temple until communion, and also give them small gifts and power quietly laying at the native stake. Nadali the child with a stretch of life is put up until this day, like before the special Christmas day.

I more. Never forget to celebrate the birthdays of your relatives and friends. Give them small gifts. Your respect for this day will be more welcome. Move them as far as possible. Knowing about those who are patron saints for the date of birth, they are named after your loved ones, help you with the choice of a gift, so you can bring the icon.

We are sure that this article was a corny for you. You know, these are the patron saints on this date of the people, and also how they are appointed. That's not all. You recognized what kind of patron saint you have for me. So, let’s hope that you will have more information, as it is necessary to celebrate the holy day. For wealthy people, this is a good reason for laying down, which is not right. Now you know, yakі dії the best work on this miraculous day for the skin people, yogi name day. How to recognize the name of the patron saint? It's not that hard. It is more necessary to show a lively interest.

Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky! Stilki miracle books have been written about him, which is simply amazing. Even if it’s not for the names “Im’yam of Russia” – the most popular Russian historical wild hour… But today you dare to write about the new one and speak a little nasty. Why is the broadcast on TV “Court of History” more than a varta, de was sorted out “from the right” ... of the holy prince! You simply don’t know where to go.

And wine is just with us. Wait.

I'm twelve. They brought me to St. Petersburg. The motherland of the relatives behaves in a mannerly way, and I see the phrase “mom less shameful” more often, lower my own name. Vіm, then I hated the fierce hatred of my own. Call - it means, at once I take it for granted. And so the cold fir didn’t dry up - together with the three-year-old brothers, they threw the bag on the gum, Romka didn’t catch it - and the bag jumped into the krishtal’s glass. And my mother looked back at me like that ... - I couldn’t make a roar out of a breeze. It was necessary to understand that my mother came to me for the girls on the river, and I even valued the leather wool, if there was just a charge. And it hurts more to see that I haven’t confirmed my points for the whole hour, I’m working all wrong ...

Protete aunt Rita and її mothers (native sister of my grandmother) somehow ruined my dear mother, and I, at the faded cloth, as there are already few of me, I am with my brothers. Sashka is two years younger than me, Romka is three. The stench is playing like a gro: "Wow, here's a chip, here's a cube, you need to buy a store - ee, pay a hundred rubles!"

“Pay a hundred karboventsiv” - the order of the “packed” Tovstomordenye brothers is loved. At their place, I first sipped the serverat on the table. “Yulko, don’t eat the cowbass, you’ll stink with fish!” the brothers shouted to me through the steel. “From, we can’t return the delicacies,” aunt Rita sighed. I blinked a titz, put a piece of servalat on the toast, took a bite and flattened my eyes: "Mmmm, savory!" Through the fluff, the brothers ate exotic sandwiches with toast, and all the grown-ups praised me. Well ... let's all. Okrim mami.

Chergovy day at St. Petersburg. Mom and titkoy Rita were here, I don’t have time for anything, we’re talking with brothers. On different topics. In that number, it’s better not to know about yaks grown up. Grow up by yourself, by yourself. But here I will understand, what are my faults to go to hell. Howdy, mom?

- To the Oleksandro-Nevsky Lavra.

I know that Oleksandr Nevsky is such a hero, I loved yoga for a long time. How about Lavra? Our family is succumbing to military atheism. I was so swayed. It’s like my mother, on her devil’s arrival, guessed that one monastery was reopening again. Did saying: "Ex!" - I pishov, the grandmother grimaced giddily, and I, the brain of such a person, said:

- Is there anyone else going to the monastery?

Mom stared at me in awe.

- You know, daughter ... Whose monastery has blueberries - more sensible, intelligent women. Bagato - h with a holy light. And the stench would have formed b, having felt your words.

And I thought about life. And a river rushed into the soul of the nibi, as rowing streamed for a long time. It became clear: I already knew that God was. I just repeated those who told me day after day, without understanding that words can have meaning. And God - vin zavzhdi є i buv, i will be.

From that hour, my mother and I "disidentified." I simply marveled at the photos of temples and icons in my mother's books. Not only that: my mother herself, as I thought about it, was unruly. The first axis now called me to Lavri. Smiliva mother, do not be afraid of grandma-didusiv!

- Mom, mom, what's the job there?

- Cross yourself. You christen. I cotton tezh.

We are on the threshold of the temple. The brothers are trying to get in, to tremble. The axis is bad, do not behave decently. And I will be decent. The cloth is embossed in the breasts, the belt of the cloth is not enough under the breasts, the abys did not fall into the headless old stockings. Will I be able to cross the stars?

Enter. Less majestic black cross and a white skull here at its base. I don’t go to see the icons: in the morning I can’t, the temple looks like a majestic corridor, go there, wherever we come. I realized that at the same time I was irritated.

There were ten of us, damn it. I remember one young woman, her name was Zhanna, she became Joanna at the christening. My brothers and I bought crosses on a white bike, my mother bought her own - it’s simpler. And aunt Rita proudly performed at two golden lancets, on one - a golden cross, on the other - a sign of the zodiac (її asked then to take the sign of the zodiac).

Batiushka was middle-aged, kind and obviously the most technical. Later, my mother said:

- We specially traveled with Rita and moved with him. I firmly believed: if a priest is not worthy, I will not baptize you! And vin viishov - and like a sun shone. That sensible one…

Father, dear, kind, what you are worthy of.

Batiushka has spoken to us for a long time ... At once, through the rocks, I only remember that I fought with "electronics, what to live." I still remember the wondrous sight: I seem to be confessing, but I will understand that I already know here that I belong here, dear. Everything is spinning, legs are weakening, as if she went to the font, like a goddamned aunt, Rita gave me a towel - I don’t remember, I don’t remember!

- Druk to the gift of the Holy Spirit.

- Amen...

- Druk to the gift of the Holy Spirit.

- Amen...

Help me to receive communion - my mother from the satisfaction of obіtsya. Ale don't win. However, on the coming day, bring it to the same temple closer until evening. I'm going. For me, everything is hollow and sonorous, everything is quiet ... If we see the church, I will understand that my mother has been naughty.

- Mom, what are you doing?

- Yulko, you... Do you know everything about your stars? Who is your friend to the one you worked for?

I will understand that no one is right.

- Mamo, how did you become baptized, were you baptized?

Mom bent over, waving her hand and shifting to Rozmov.

Five years have passed. I won’t let you go to the temple. I just ask my friends to take me to some temple. Well, get it! The white of the doors to the temple is less than a great icon. Who is it, who is on it?

Tse Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky.

Like you, prince!

In an hour, my friend will come to see you. Vaughn take me to that very temple. I grant me prayers. І I got naked її with the words: “Vіn just can’t get tied up with the Oleksandr-Nevsky Lavra!”

Vaughn movchki opens a little book. On the first side there is a photograph of the temple, where they christened me.

More in an hour. After a long, long time.

- Father, bless ... Tse Yulia ... So, roar, vibachte. I vibatche that I will call at night. Bless the son for the rank of the fear of the mortal. So, bullshit operation, it seems - bad for him. So. Obov'yazkovo save Christ.

My little son of a bitch. I knew that it would be so ... I will name you Prince Oleksandr after you.

Call a person:

– I contacted the sisters from the Novo-Tikhvin monastery via the Internet. Go pray for the child.

“I don’t know about this monastery. And for the honor of someone they have head temple?

- In honor of Alexander Nevsky. Why are you feeding?

- Hey-hey, sinu, why robish! The icon does not need to be taken out of the bed. What? "Peєvesti"? No, don’t “overweigh”, let it hang there, de mother hung it. Who is on the icon?

- Knyas Kisyander!

- So, sinu, your patron saint.

- Sasa - Kisyander, mother - Kisyander ...

- No, mami has a saint ...

- Neji!! Wow!! Sasa - Kisyander, mother - Kisyander and tato - Kisyander!

- Well, as you say, sin. You need to go to Serbia, glory to celebrate family.

- Selbiya? And then call bam-bam?

- ... In the meantime, we celebrate your birthday on the 12th of Spring. What day, it seems, our spiritual father was hung at the deacon. Axis did not know!

It's such a legend. At the day of the Leningrad blockade, one woman prayed at night, the stars of strength began to stand in prayer and bow down. Vaughn vyrishila looked at the window. I patted the holy prince. Vіn їhav a horse through the streets of the city, vіn marveling at the houses. And she realized: she was wondering who else in this place she could bring to the Lord. I shukatime so - zavzhd.

Axis knows me.

About the author. Matinka Julia Kulakova - the team of Priest Dimitry Kulakov, rector of the temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "The Inexhaustible Chalice" near the village of Prosvit Volzsky district of the Samara region. Yulia Kulakova is a professional journalist, author of many publications in the Orthodox newspaper "Blagovist" and the magazine "Lampada".

heavenly patroness

“Yesterday was your birthday, today is your people. I sing to you and myself, my Angel," - Pushkin always remembers about two serpentine days, which became famous in his life.

The third daughter, who was born in the Goncharov family, is called Natalia. She will appear in the world less than three years later, as the last day of remembrance of the holy martyr Natalia ends. And how marvelous is the life of the ancient zealot of Christianity, the heavenly patron Natasha Goncharova, to transfer the future share.

... Holy friend Adrian and Natalia lived on the cob of the fourth century, for the reign of Emperor Maximian II Galerius, the persecutor of Christians. The young noble man Adrian, the head of the ship's chamber, having become a witness to the bitter torturs of Christians, who are endured by them with superhuman masculinity, having believed in Christ. I voluntarily vyrivishiv divided my martyr's share. The emperor, having tried to fool his piddan, ale Adrian was staunch at his new faith, and even the anger of Maximian, having punished the lancers who were caught in the bay and thrown at the bail.

Natalia, sensing the sight of a servant, a summed call, became embarrassed. But if she recognized that a person had suffered for Christ, she healed in spirit. Aje herself has been a secret Christian for a long time.

At the vyaznitsa, Natalia crouched down to her man's legs:

"Pan my! You now have such junior litas with my faith in Christ, having gained such wealth, which I did not add to the old age of the rocks, being left in the Hellenic militia. Now, without sadness, you will pass on to future eternal life ... "

In front of the stratum, Adrian, having paid the prison guards, went home to say goodbye to the squad. That one, virishivshi, that the man stepped into the door, closed the doors in front of him:

“I didn’t get the title of a martyr’s squad, but, on the contrary, I became a divine defender’s squad. My joy was short-lived and passed away from eternal slander ... "

І vyguknuv Adrian's indignation:

“Blessed are you, squad! Indeed, you are a squad, loving person! Bliss will be your crown!

At once, Natalia broke from the man to the wound, she washed the wounds and bandaged the wounds of all the suffering Christians.

For the greatness of Maximian Adrian, the greatest cakes were recognized as the first. They threw the lively yoga again to the pit, and, as before, Natalia pidbadyoryuvala and vtishala yoga.

The tsar, having conceived a painful death for the Christians. Natalia didn’t come in the sight of Adrian and at the hour of the greedy stratum… The man’s hand was seen, having been smeared with expensive light and wrapped around it with purple, she secretly brought home…

For the sake of the king, as a noble military leader, he took the beautiful widow for a squad. Ale Nataliya hid the beagle from the house and on the ship flew to Byzantium. As soon as Adrian appeared in a dream about her death, and without delay, at the hour of sleep, she calmly rested. Saint Natalia completed her martyrdom without shedding blood - they call her a bloodless martyr.

So just like a heavenly patron, Natalia Mykolaivna celebrated her man at the vira, so it happened to her as a witness to the poet’s mortal suffering. Saint Natalia secretly took the hand of a person, Natalia Mykolaivna - the manuscripts of the deceased person. Like St. Natalia, the poet's widow is small to work her bloodless martyr's feat, the feat of love and memory.

The Monk Theognost, who is alive in the XIV century, saying: "Im'ya є signet and veiled the Providence."

It is important to point out that Natalia Goncharova could have carried her name elsewhere. "Natalya's days" in її life - exactly fifty. Styles and the name day were celebrated at the birthplaces of the Goncharovs, then - Pushkins, later - Lanskys. And, without a doubt, at the end of the day, Natalia Mykolaivna especially zealously prayed to her heavenly protector and її to the holy order - even if these names of the nadovgo zlitі dokupi.

Prayer to Saints Adrian and Natalia, patrons of honest friendship:

“Oh, holy is the family, the holy martyrs of Christ, Adrian and Natalia, blessed are the friends of those good martyrs. Feel us, to pray to you with tears ... and spare your prayers in the face of gladness, death ... invasion of foreign tribes and interhuman huskies, in the sight of death, and in the sight of the sick, sadness, and ailment ... For ever and ever. Amen."

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