Church named Karina. Zhіnoche im'ya Karina - what does the description of the name mean. Name of the girl Karina: mystery, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, deciphering, characteristic, share, similarity, summation from human names, nationality. Sim'ya that kokhannya

The meaning of the name Karina: “what to marvel at ahead” (Latin)

Karina is rickety, stuck up and primly girl. You will always know how to influence your own, have artistic skills, do painting, choreography. Little Karina is a little ice-cream, who keeps her at school, but the Christmas holiday cannot do without her. Calling to perebuvat in the center of respect, Karina can grow baiduzhoy to otochyuchy. The fathers need to vikhovuvat at nіy spіvchutya.

Karina has grown up beautiful, graceful and eccentric. Vaughn is reasonable, but not to love to do routine work. Karina is more likely to be changed and relocated. In any place, where Karina appears, it's almost visible to everyone. Vaughn does not like to stream emotions and dosit fuse.

Karina has a wonderful intuition. If she is wise, what kind of person she would like to keep order with herself, then she will know about it. Zamіzh Karina chime out early, often under the infusion of boisterous feelings. Vaughn is a jealous squad, moreover, it is very powerful. It is not easy for people from her.

Other forms of the name Karina: Karishka, Karisha, Karinka, Karinka, Karinochka, Kerry, Kerrichka.

Bless you, Karinko!
Let life rejoice, cheer,
Be a licorice, like a raspberry,
I bless you with success,

Let your girlfriends do not let you down,
Loving all your friends
It's a joy to dance the badyoro
On the day be-yaky navkolo you!

Our dear Karina
Laugh more than I can.
I am beautiful, I am athletic,
I is wonderfully folded.

Let the fuck out of your people
Reiki kick in a row,
About kokhannya is greater and stronger
Postiyno say!

Be successful, be bazhana,
Be healthy, be kohana.
Be good and best,
Our dear Karina!

Karinochka, I’m living with your day today and I want to indulge in a truly happy life and a true success in all right, miraculous opportunities for the implementation of your plans, and the achievement of all goals, a miraculous mood and a healthy, unearthly fellow .

Bath for Karina
Nemov blizzards fly,
I wish you a long life
No problem, no pereshkod.

Be cheerful and fluffy
I don't know how
І like the lower sun prominchik
Warm up with us kohannyam!

Karisha, be successful in everything
I, perfectly, garna,
Sweet, healthy, wonderful,
So that the soul was sleeping radiantly!

Let go of the world, bajannya, tsili
It's easy to call the guards,
Sob your eyes burned
You shone like a star!

Karina, bright virobnitstvo.
Naivny yangol of kindness.
Let your feast wake up
І all observable dreams.

I'm healthy to you
I have a lot of warm bright days.
Kelikhs unite together
Give us a champagne lily.

We encourage you to be the same
Schob dashing went all the way.
So that your beauty shone
In the sky a bright star.

You are our dear Karina,
Let life be better than raspberries.
Let's shine with happiness,
Ignorantly be-yaki scoundrels.

Forever, and for everything - less luck.
І lull, vin rich means.
І chuckle, quotes, inspiration,
The sea is holy that mood.

Find all the best
Shchab spravdzhuvalosya literally mittevo.
We pray the enchanting saint,
Joy will be rich-faceted!

I thank you, Carino,
Good life, like a Cossack.
Let your heart live
Kokhannya, kindness and affection.

I bet you bula
One and the same kohanoy,
They named you Karina
What does it mean - sweet.

Let me give you the wings of a dream,
Have a police call behind you
Good heavens
Give you a kohannya.

Today is your day
Є vagoma reason.
Get ready and get ready
Take it easy, Karina.

Let me have a happy share
Be recognized.
Vіdchuvala schob kokhannya
With my skin.

You are supposed to live without bid,
Be happy, Carino,
Love, luck, kindness
Let your life be long,
Be brave, young,
Impressed in myself, vіdvazhnoy,
Know you are a wonderful person
Tell me about you skin!

Hello, I want you, Carino,
And already richly happy pobazhat,
Always be beautiful, like a picture,
I tell you, dumb little girl, sit down!

Don't let your dreams fall away,
Kokhannya bazhayu light and great,
And also laugh brightly,
So that life became beautiful and colorful!

Hello: 62 at the top, 16 at prose.

Carino, happy birthday to you!
We want to greet you together.
Sincerely, for the joy of loving.
1st day: happy, turbo-free
Bazhaemo mi tobі zmіshati all farbi days
І on the canvas depict Nadiya
For happiness, joy, the sun is warm,
For those who have a lot of world
Do not lose your person
And those that you want, those will be.

Happy angel day, Karinochko!
Beauty, sweetheart, love!
You will be a miracle,
Nemov the sun is clearer.
Be happy and beautiful
Active and life-loving.
Please help me want you
Smishok sea and ocean
Burn happiness and good luck
І shob so і not іnakshe.
Live, create and create.
I don't know at all.

Happy birthday - Karina! Karina (meaning "road", "sweet"). People of the same name like to be central positions. Women from tsim im'yam wake up privatility for people. Karina has a subtle intuition. On the day of the angel, I wish you, strong and beautiful nature, to be filled with such beauty and delight all your presence. Good luck to that good guardian angel!

Happy angel day, love and dear Karinochka! Best the best favor such a light is holy, a strong guardian angel and heavenly patrons. So that success and happiness become your companions of life, and you don’t see any vile moods. Garnoy, wait a minute, he won over the robot, on the special front, at the splintering and at all initiatives.

Karina, Karinka, Karinochka - a great saint to you! Angel's Day is a holy day and today is your birthday! It’s in the spirit of the soul and help everyone hurry up: be such a wise woman, beautiful, strong, stylish, reasonable, kind, wise. Usikh bazhan and do not slander - get rid of such as it is. Miraculous person and true friend for us. Zagalom, happy angel day, love Karino!

Day of the angel is celebrated by the beautiful madam,
Beautiful, noble and such a miraculous tabir.
You are kindness, you are the queen of the people.
Karina - prominchik of the sun, be happy forever

You are the people of the lady, the Vishuka diva.
Vidkritoy, sweet woman, miraculous and beautiful.
Bazhaemo be successful, win all the blessings.
So that the joy of that light could shine forever.

Happy birthday to Karina!
Today is holy light.
Bazhaemo, schob day bov tsey
Like licorice tsukerki.
Navkolo deceit, injustice, nonsense,
Don't give up respect
Aje tee on the right track -
Go and enjoy yourself.

And yes, it’s true, after you
That sumuvati is not required.
Aje all the bands for no reason
You know joy!

Karina, happy birthday!
Today is a sacred day.
Today with trepidation in the soul
Let's hurry up to welcome you.

Bazhaemo become a good troshka,
We need to believe in God.
And patience will bring fruit
And by your faith, you will deserve the same wine city.

Go ahead, without fear, motherfuckers.
Hurry to hell. I don't know
What will you do with success on "ti",
Once again, mi Karina is taken care of.

Karina is the best in the world! Happy birthday, happy angel day! Let the sun shine this year and everything is for you. You are the most beautiful in the world. Happy angel day, Carino, we wish you today! So that the sky does not gloomy, so that the bula is beautiful, so that all your hopes are fulfilled, so that the angel defends against the evil spirits. You make us happy with your beauty. Sob you got all those that you have been checking for so long.

Happy birthday to you, beauty! Our darling is that beauty. So that your life was sweet, so that all the bad things were seen. Today is the day of an angel in you and you want only one thing: for your angel to protect you by no means entering the threshold. Be happy and marvel at beauty. For the sake of me, for the sake of you, and for the sake of the great, that reach has been achieved in life and love.

Read the article for information about the name Karina. Pohodzhennya imeni, taєmnitsa that meaning - everything is described here.

Karina is the harp of that bright name, as if it were to be remembered from the first sounds. If the young fathers check the people of the girl, the stench will try to pick them up for their little ones, as if they would hoot everyone for good. Krim tsgogo, I want it to sound beautifully in other language. It is also important to know the mystery of the name of that yoga trip. You can find this information about the name Karina in this article.

What does the name Karina mean in the church calendar?

What does the name Karina mean church calendar?

The church name has no name Karina. To that, at the christening of the maidens, another name will be given to choose the fathers: Irina, Marina, Kira, Kirien. Ale varto signify that once the name of Karina is born at the Orthodox saints - 25 leaf fall. Other dates are given for the Catholic Faith. Bagato z tsikh dates zbіgayutsya z day vshanuvannya Katarini.

Patron saint named after Karina

Regardless of those that Karina does not have Saints with similar names, one time she will guess, as it was written more, 25 leaf fall. Tsgogo day the church in memory of icons Mother of God"Merciful" (Kіїkska). Qiu Blessed Virgin Mary can rightfully be considered a patron of the name Karina. Tim is better, because Karina in translation from the Latin “carus” means “dear”.

Baptize your daughter will be under other names, that її Patron saint can be honored by the Holy One with such names. For example:

  • Reverend Marina
  • martyr Irina
  • martyr Irina
  • Great Martyr Irina
  • Reverend Irina Cappadocia
  • martyr Irina
  • Blessed Queen Irina
  • martyr Irina
  • Reverend Kira
  • martyr Kirien

Tsikavo: Among Orthodox Christians, it is important that it is better for a child to be baptized under other names. So it is not possible for yoga to do it, or to bring a psuvannya, even if we don’t know a fake, under which im’yam a person was baptized, and it’s impossible to spread evil. But people seem to think so, but father, from the first drive, I’ll say that everything was invented by people and it’s not true.

Mystery named after Karina

Mystery named after Karina

Im'ya Karina is a talisman of strong special features, yaki not to be afraid of problems and ready to remake life.

  • Taєmnitsa named Karina polagaє in the life of yoga, as if you will be able to sail from the high ramparts and the quiet, calm sea.
  • Ale, the right way to try is not a storm, but the calm itself.
  • Even the most peaceful life of Karina is not to be blamed and it’s hard to beat it like specialty.

Ale Volodarka strong energy Karina do not sit on the mіstsі and chogos vikіkuvatim, vychne dіyati instantly, to all enemies for evil.

What nationality is named after Karina?

A lot of people should not know what names create nationality, how to lie down in order, the stars take their cob of a name. What nationality is named after Karina? Im'ya Karina Russian, English, German, English, Virmenian, Greek, Kazakh. To this yoga can rightly be respected by their own, like the Russians, so are the English, Germans, Armenians, Greeks and Kazakhs.

Tse im'ya vodnochas i orthodox and catholic. It can be said from upevnіstyu that Karina's name is rich-tonal.

Im'ya Karina: similar meaning, popularity

Im'ya Karina may be more cicave trip. This fact can be described in multiple versions:

  • From the Latin carus - "dear".
  • From the Latin "carina" - "ship's keel".
  • Name the words of the Yang deity, whom the pagans worshiped - the goddess of sorrow Karina.
  • Type of Greek language - Korinna (Korina) - "girl".
  • In the version of the sailors, they wintered on steamboats near the Kara Sea. The price was for an hour in the SRSR. From that hour, Karina means "people on the Karsk Sea."
  • The Arabs named after Karina look like a human version of the name Karim, which means "generous".
  • In time, tse im'ya sounds like Karina and means "the most beautiful".
  • European Karina has a short form of the name Katarina. Wono means "innocent".

Tse im'ya may have a rich version of the adventure. It was more common in the skin culture and in the skin people, and the creak was taken like a day, and not backward. The meaning of which name is also rich, but all the stinks will lead to the fact that a woman, as if wearing it, will become sweet, beautiful, generous and kind.

Name Popularity: 28 months. Tse means that for 10,000 newborns Karina will be named a girl with a frequency of 100 to 700, that is a skin honeycomb narodzhena girl will be named after Karina.

Karina - deciphering the name from Greek

As it was said above, Karina z Greek is deciphered, like a “maiden”. Tse means that a girl is named after them, as a fair woman - beautiful and sweet. Won be popular with people and know what you want in life. Children will be out of their minds, and then we will learn how to straighten the way in the right direction.

Skin people cicavo, like її іm'ya sound like other language of the world. Tsіkavo th those, how to write im'ya Chinese or Japanese. Ієroglyphs of these nationalities always enchant - it’s not unusual for words that it’s already garno. Im'ya Karina English, Latin, different language:

Im'ya Karina in English, Latin, different languages

How is the name Karina spelled on a foreign passport?

At the foreign passport, be it im'ya can be written in Latin. Names, written in such a way, call superechka from the known fahivtsiv, for example, the letters Y and A in the name of Jan and so on. Ale im'ya Karina is written simply: CARINA.

Be it a little girl, a girl or a woman, you want to call her affectionately, and the lady with them Karina is more. Tse іm'ya in itself is more beautiful, but be it like a tatov, lads chi cholovіkovі will be accepting to name your beloved daughter, kokhan chi squad with a shortened form of a name, or a change to a variegated-coloured variant.

But the woman is guilty herself to say that the form of her name is more appropriate, even if she does not like women, if they are called affectionately. Like a short, short name, changing affectionately to the name of Karina? Sprat of options:

Karina: meaning of the name character and share

Karina is an intellectual specialty and easily awake. By nature, she is a choleric, constantly criticizes herself, but a lot of what she does in the face of lonely people. I want to come to some kind of ideal inner harmony.

  • Name meaning talk about miles old-fashioned yoga vlasnitsa. Karina always wonder only ahead and do not be afraid of trouble. There is suvoro control over yourself, that її contemptuous look at yourself, otochyuchi people.
  • Karina's character also not a gift. Childhood has a hard, restless emotion. A lot of ailments, and that the fathers cannot but pamper their daughter. As if a girl is being formed, then she is showing her voice to everyone with her look. Already in the middle of the city, Karina becomes an intelligent girl, like to fit in with the company.
  • Carini's share foldable in places, but far away. Get out of the way with humor, and without lowering your hands, upright fight uphill. If Karina learns to accept the image of that rose of happiness, and not to look at people, then you can achieve success.

On the robot Karina is lazy. You don’t need a check, that everyone will come by yourself, but you need to work today and at once.

Like a father, a girl walks to the name of Karina: a sense of human names

Before the name of Karina, there are a lot of human names. In the father's way, just like that, I can be beautiful. In the father's way, you carry special energy for the people, for that, for the hour of the people of the child, they are chosen to improve the name of the father. How, like a father, does a girl go to the name of Karina? Axis of kіlka options:

How, like a father, does a girl go to the name of Karina?

So varto signifies the summation of the name Karina from human names. Karini's biggest mіtsnі stosunki will be from people with such names:

The summation of the name Karina with human names

When is the birthday, Angel Day at Karini according to the Orthodox calendar?

As it was said above, the Day of Angel Karini is more than once on the river - 25 leaf fall. Ale, you can celebrate Christmas in other days, because you were christened under other names. According to the Orthodox calendar, there are also Saints:

  • Chapter 13- Reverend Marina
  • 12 September- martyr Irina
  • September 16- Reverend Great Martyr Irina
  • May 18- Great Martyr Irina
  • 10 sickles- Reverend Irina Cappadocia
  • 17 sickles- Martyr Diva Irina
  • 22 sickles- Blessed Queen Irina
  • 1 zhutn- Great Martyr Irina
  • Chapter 13- Venerable Kira
  • 14 leaf fall- martyr Kirien

Choose a special date for your name and mark the Day of the Angel.

Varto means: Saints in the name of Irina kіlka, you are guilty of turning that Day of the Angel, which is closest to your National Day.

If you have a daughter named Karina, a maiden, a team, then you will want to greet especially garno. You can read the celebration of Angel Karini's Day short at the top of your prose. Axis of kіlka options for front rows:

Greetings on the Day of Angel Carini short in prose

Greetings on the Day of Angel Karini short at the verses and prose

Greetings on Angel Karini's Day are short at the top

Beautiful greetings on the Day of the Angel Karina are short at the top

Song for the Names of Karini

Garni vershi, prose with unique words, that warming with your own words to the soul - it's miraculous. Blame the urochistas obov'yazkovo zam'yataє so pri vіtannya nadovgo. Ale is the best best present there will be a song in honor of the name of Karini, who was vikonated by a gifter. As soon as you know an accompanist, such a bond will be lost forever in the heart.

Video: Glucose | Karina

Tattoo for the name of Karini

Fashion has been tattooing for a long time. Їx to swear and men, and women. And the most popular name tattoo. The men leave out the trace of the name of the kohanoi maiden on their body, and the women paint the letters of their name. Krіm tsgogo, rich daddy robbing a tattoo with the names of his children, to declare to the whole world about love before them. Axis of options and sketches of tattoos named after Karini:

Let's look at the name, a person can create a portrait of a Kohana girl - she is beautifully invisible.

Tattoo for the name of Karini

Sketch of a tattoo for the name of Karina my Chinese.

Tattoo for im'yam Karini - eskіz

Another sketch of a tattoo named after my Chinese mother.

Tattoo for the name of Karini - sketch of the name of the Chinese my

Nedbal letters of this tattoo will look stylish and have an enchanting look on the hands or backs.

Original tattoo by im'yam Karini

Such a word form of the name Karina is given respect, so that you get a tattoo on a prominent place - it is beautiful and original.

Beautiful tattoos named after Karini

Gold embellishment, like a gift, is worthy of being a woman. If the choice of the most expensive metal will be engraved in the form of the name, and there will be interspersed stones in it, then such a gift will be hoarded to bring the most beautiful girl to the woman. Suspension for the names of Karini from gold.

White gold pendant with a black fianit Vidminno you will look at the whites with a bright skin of that shi.

Pіdvіska z іm'yam Karini іz zoloto: foto

The same pіdvіska, ale іz zhovtogo gold zі insert z blakit fіanіtu. Looking richly, the more familiar. Pіdіyde girls blondes or brunettes with dark or light skin and dark eyes.

Pіdvіska z іm'yam Karini іz gold

A small tribute from white gold to the name of Karina. Simple, low and romantic.

Pіdvіska z іm'yam Karini z white gold: photo

Suspension of white gold with fianitas. Such a word form is used by the name Karina, so you can boldly call the Volodartsy of this name, as if some of the relatives of close people call Kira.

Pendant "Kira" made of gold: photo

Im'ya Karina: intuition, intellect, morality

Expansive, arrogant, that proud Karina zavzhd vodstoyuє your thought and, not sgortayuchi, go to your destination. Zhaga rule over the feelings of other people did not lead to anything good, so Karina did not stumble for an hour, but for whom a good mind and intellect are needed.

  • Intellect- Karina is feisty and sensible, think globally. The only nedolіk - those who do not give great respect to the drіbnitsy, but they can lead to problems.
  • intuition Karini is well offended. Aleone doesn’t know a little about her own strength, underestimating her ability. Yakby won more trust in intuition, then she could have saved a lot of problems in life.
  • morality Volodarka named after Karina minliva. To lie in vіd vihovannya that vіd of what the fathers slaughtered. For her, there are no other people's heroic inclinations, but Karina cannot be called altruistic.

Karina love a clear frame. Vaughan vvazha, schou zhitti all can go for the planned plan, wanting to go in some cases to some of the points.

Im'ya Karina: hoarding, activity, business

Karina has a good human character, although we can say about her that she is a good woman. Qi protirichcha help Karina reach success in life.

  • Dialnost. Karina successfully engages in medicine, jurisprudence and pedagogical activity. If you want to reach the kar'ernih heights, then Karina will happen to take it in your hands, not lint and diligently work on yourself with that self-discipline.
  • Business Karina is able to lead a miracle. For whom, їy is supported by communication, organization and capacity. You can make contacts with partners and clients in the business, you can easily find your sights. Karina values ​​her reputation and is not worthy of doubtful favors. She will go to the right in a primal way, analyzing the information of other people.
  • zakhoplennya at Karini's rіznobіchni. Won to love to rise in price, even if it is far from home that turbot, you can kindly show and renew your strength.

For help, robots Karina expresses herself. In your sphere of activity, you know how to turn your respect to yourself, to drink uphill with carnival gatherings, and it turns out that this woman is all under strength.

Im'ya Karina: healthy mind

Karina from childhood is very sick. Ale, the fathers call to him, and the doctors calm down, that the girl is overgrown - it’s true. As if in a grown-up life, she won’t be overwhelmed and visipate well and eat, then she will be healthy. Just as Karina is not nehtuvatime, the same result is a weak immunity and a constant cold.

Psyche named after Karina tsіlkom stіyka. Time passes with time, and the woman becomes sensible and a good woman, as if she were becoming a favoured person.

Im'ya Karina: sexuality, love

Temperamental Karina sprat once in her life to go abroad. The first coat is early, but with love. Good luck to Karina, what is not enough to inspire a happy life. Another hat is from a calm person, and if you won’t be boring, then the woman will live all her life with him. If the temperament of a person is not enough, then Karina will find a new soul.

Karina reveals her love to her partner in the most sexual way through intimate poses. She loves dominating, for that, for life, she seeks not a hard partner, but a light, simple one, pliant in character.

What sign of the zodiac suits im'ya Karina?

The most suitable zodiac sign for Karini is tse Ribi. Ale and other water signs also go to this name: Cancer and Scorpio. So im'ya Karina goes to Aries. Karina is tightly tied up with water. About tse note the change of name. Therefore, to calm the nerves of Karina, it’s better to rebuy the fountains of chi aquariums.

Kamin talisman to the name of Karina

Stone mascot to the name of Karina - jade. The yoga energy of the floor is strong, that in the olden days the sailors celebrated yoga, so that they would not get lost in the sea and know the way back home. To the one who did not understand what it is necessary to practice in life, then such a talisman will help and in any way. At the Skhodі jade is vvazhaetsya stone of permozhtsiv.

Kvitka, roslina, tree-talisman for the name of Karina

Tree talisman for the name Karina may be from the family of conifers. Tse mozhe buti cedar or yalitsya. Karina korisno walk in coniferous fox it is especially necessary to calm down and take an important decision.

Quote-talisman for Karina - tse cypress. Hot wines and flowers are rare, building wines give a part of their energy people, a talisman like this. You can save in yourself a dry cypress leaf, and even better - the whole flower, which will become a good amulet for life.

Roslin for the name Karina - kmin. Black kmin clarifies the knowledge and improves the memory. Dopomogaє save your family and protect them from problems and inaccuracies.

Totem creature named after Karina

Totem creature named Karina - walrus. In the past, talismans were made from the sounds of these creatures. Ninіtse fenced.

The walrus is a suvorih mіsts, nature garrisoned his body and will. Therefore, people, for such wines as a talisman, become even stronger and richer. Karina is good to wear a figure of a walrus and a pendant from the images of the creature.

Numerology Of The Name Karina

The number of the name of Karina is 3. Tse talented people, ale stinks will demand a constant support and koriguvannya from the side of close relatives. If Karina is such a person, if she is a tolerant mentor, then she can burn out. Without a new “triika”, as a specialty, I can bring it in and the share will be unenviable.

Pseudonym before the name Karina

Pseudonym before the name Karina

To change the pseudonym to the name of Karina, you can rearrange the letters of the subdecade in a different way, or use the short forms of the name. For example, Rina. Beautiful for the pseudonym vikoristovuvati different signs: Kar & Na (read Kar and Na) You can add other words to the name that sound like it:

  • Karina Korolek
  • Francesco
  • Takako
  • Corie
  • Ouellete
  • Gustavo
  • Phung
  • Harrill
  • Julissa
  • Blahnik
  • Virgil
  • Loverich
  • Lorraine
  • Moates
  • Nahmias
  • Theberge
  • stick man
  • Letter
  • Greff
  • Melina and so far

Vіdomi people, celebrities z іm'yam Karina

In today's show business, on the stage and in other areas, there is a lot of bringing people, celebrities named after Karina. It is impossible to guess all of them, but the most popular and most popular:

  • Karina Rozumovska- Actor.
  • Karina Anatolyivna Moritz- Radyanskaya actress.
  • Karina Collins- American porn actress and director.
  • Karina Lombard- film actress and television broadcaster, sleeper.
  • Karina Eduardivna Dimont- Russian actress to the theater and cinema, honored artist of Russia (2003).
  • Karina Mikhailivna Bagdasarova- a circus performer, a tidy cutter, the daughter of a trainer Mikhail Bagdasarov.
  • Karina Abdullina- in the house of a Kazakhstani couple, that actress.
  • Karina Kharchinska- fashion model, sleeper.

All qi home women reached the success of their practice and zavzyatistyu. Character helps Karina in life, but she needs a lot of practice, so that life is far away. Vtіm, few people are happy, and it is simply impossible to achieve high results without hard work. Ale Karini to know, to work, even the stench of men, rich and happy.

Video: The meaning of the name Karina

Im'ya Karina is not a church. Im'ya Karina may have a few versions of the trip. Im'ya Karina is not among the saints, but it's true. In childhood, Karina is more sly and stuck. In Russian culture, the name of Karina could be blamed for different gerels. Also, Karina is a short form of the animal before the name of Katarina, Karin in Europe (Russian version - Katerina), which means pure, immaculate.

The most popular theory of the origin of the name Karina is that the name Karina (Latin Carina) resembles the word Carus, which translates as “Kohannya”. Also, according to the theory, we can boldly affirm that the meaning of the name Karina is “Kohannya”. She cares that it is one of the short forms of that name. And the axis of the significant name of Katerina marvel at the slander.

The meaning of the name Karina for a girl

Karina is instantly shy to the point of being phlegmatic and active. As soon as Karina slept on a thought, then the girl’s sound is hardly possible. To the power of the character of power, like a childish vіtsі Karini, and becoming grown up. Zdorov'ya Karini, sorry for the weak. Karini's overexcitedness is indicated by the robots of the nervous system.

Healthy Karini maintains respect for the side of the fathers, so as not to provoke the way of life of his death. Karina love respect, which is different from narcissism. Sim'ya in life Karini stand on an important, but far from the first place. For Karini, sim'ya is just one more way to look good.

Orthodox names

There, comrade, take advantage of it for yourself. If Karina spends a fortune in such a friendship, then the friendship will soon end. Jealousy can be called another secret of Karini. Vaughn can be united at the center of respect and cannot stand competitors. Good afternoon. I was baptized in the “period of collapse” in 1989. at 5 rocks. Only my mother was at the sacrament. I have Karina. Batiushka so christened, wanting such a name is not available at Christmas time.

Then, by telephone, she told them that the stink of my goddamn father. Khreshcheniy father died so less than once and without succumbing to life. And then the Christian mother brought an icon from the church. And how do you get married, how in me and name I don’t know how to thank you for your kindness and patience. In Greece, on the Skhodі, in the rich Balkan lands, there is a tradition of giving children at Christening absolutely be-yak іm'ya, to invent pagan chi anew, like the fathers zabazhayut.

But the reality is such that be-like a person in Greece can be a mother be-like im'ya. І tse im'ya write at funeral notes. You can write your own name in church notes, and so as not to shock the old grandmothers, as they work at the church bench, put at the temples: “khreshch”.

You can work it out otherwise. You can just choose your new church name- the saint you love. Come to the temple and ask the priest to name a Christian name. And you will become, for example, Xenia or Barbara. For the passport - Karina, and in the church - Varvara. So I write in notes, and I will be holy as your heavenly patron.

When I was baptized, they gave me bastards that were not clear

My name is Karina and they naturally baptized other names, so this in Orthodox calendar no. My daughter's name is Marina, but we chanted christically to other names. Tk "good-natured" in її zhitti, unfortunately, if there were few (like in all of us), then let the stench not know the name of її angel. Contact the church to help you, but if you want, you can do it yourself ... Damian. Ale, your name. Just for old.

Have shlyubs make friends, finish it early. Not all volunteers named after Karina are attached to family life. "Winters" Karini often in a nasty mood present people's impersonal claims

Walk like the Greek name Korinna (Korina), which means "girl". It is quite possible that in the middle of the world it appeared with the emergence of Christianity, and not with the appearance of a state with the Arab peoples. With this "year" Karini's comrades, good-natured and tolerant of people, love to receive guests at home, to make a lot of gains.

Karina's children are filled with fairy tales, creating romantic images. Ale є th whole image of Karini. With such a man herself, in Karini's thought, she will be happy. But in practice, Karina is unique in her own strong people. Karina calm person, which does not have a clearly pronounced boisterous temperament.

Karina Smirnoff (at home American dancer of the Ukrainian adventure. Karina Aznavuryan (at home Russian fencer, dvorazova) Olympic champion(2000, 2004) world champion (2003) and Europe (2004).

Rina's changeful and gaudy animal is also independent to his own names

Chotiri once became the champion of the world of sports orienteering in the relay race - in 1981, 1983, 1985 and 1989. Girls. 1978 and 1987, won silver from the warehouse of the Swedish relay team. Karin Schubert ((born 1944) German film actress. Karin Ruby ((1978 - 2009) famous French snowboarder, Olympic champion in 1998 and 6-time champion of the world. She performed at slalom disciplines and boarder races).

Karin Daan ((born 1944) Dutch sculptor and artist. It is common to the Russian naming of the Orthodox name (church, canonical) - it is special of the name, given to people and attached to him for Christian traditions. taken from the Orthodox calendar.

So it was with the Biblical traditions that food was given to the Orthodox people great value. In early Christianity, there is no singing regulation of the removal of the name of a person.

So y Old commandment saints, whose names people bear, do not play an active role in today's life and the greater world of this tradition, lower manifestation of what is natural. Lyudina, as to wear the name of the saint, may there be a close relationship with her. Holy є " heavenly patron ts_єї people and vplyaє on її share.

Є ymovіrnіst, naming their daughter after Karina, the sailors in such a rank gave shun to their ship. For the Arabic version of the trip - im'ya Karina walk around Arabic name Karima, which means "generous" ( female form human named Karim).

Strictly seemingly, it is more popular in the rest of the decade named after Karina among Orthodox saints during the day. However, it doesn’t mean that the girls don’t call him Varto! Navpaki, I am a prophet to my volunteers, I am a true individuality and inspire, as it was said earlier, May the day of the angel. Ale about everything in order.

Podzhennya name

Definitely, the visnovkas about the trip of the name Karina will definitely work. Which version is available:

  • The widest variant is as follows: it resembles the Latin root Carus, which means “good”, “nice” in translation.
  • It is also a similar word in Latin, which means "ship's keel".

If we take it as the main version, then the sailors in the olden days, giving the same name to the new people, praised in their guise of life an important detail of the vessel, which stands for its stability.

  • However, it is not obov'yazkovo tse im'ya alien to Russian culture. Possibly, it is not a little rich relic of paganism.

Before the establishment of the Orthodox faith in Russia among the pagan gods, they saw the goddess-"mourner" who escorted the souls to the "kingdom of the dead". Whose character came under the name of Karina (the word “carity” was used in the meaning of “mourn the deceased”). Zokrema, this goddess is guessing at the list of “Words of the lover of the cross”, dated to the 17th century.

  • Do not give the Greek version of the change of the name. In my own words, "Korinna" means "maiden". Arabs can also respect the name "their own": at the Gathering the name "Karima" was mentioned, which means "generous".

Historically, the largest extension of the name was found in the Catholic tradition. At Sunset, it was a shortened form of the name “Katarina” (Orthodox “Katerina”), as if it was transforming on independence.

Tlumachennya and characteristics

To the masters of the skin name, soundly ascribed suvoro singularity of development, health, vibudovuvannya vzaєmin, zdіbnostі, schilnostі and that likeness. What characteristics are characteristic of Karin?

Draw character

For an Orthodox girl, Karini's character is rather zhorst, but valuable in today's realities. These are straight-line individuals, as if they clearly understand their bazhanya and are able to absorb them into reality. The waywardness and arrogance of Karini can help her to get on her feet, and play the evil heat - everything is laid down due to the inner readiness of the girl to stand up to her "dark side".

For deyakoї phlegmatic Karina is reminiscent of energy, as a rule, optimistic that life. Individuals deserve lightness at the point of contact, to change at the center of respect. However, among them, like friends, Karina does not quarrel with steel.

Creative spirit and sustenance signify the life of such women. Ale, with what kind of filling, Kari often gives theatricality, pompousness. Naigirshі yakostі, yakі can characterize the volodarka of its name, - vengeance, love of dominion, obsession with oneself that transcendently high self-esteem.

Sim'ya that kokhannya

Karini, as a rule, has a lot of shanuvalnikov, and the special life of an individual may have a chance to be wickedly powerful. The girl should go out early and out of love, but there is a lot of money in the splinter, why lie down in addition, if you don’t value your man. And under the domineering Kari, don’t start his life. Sob to become a smart squad that matir'yu, tsіy zhіntsі have a chance to practice a lot over yourself.

The greatest distance will be the union of a person, we will make it romantic, it is possible, we will make things unstoppable in ourselves. The man is obov'yazkovo guilty of giving Karina all the signs of respect and blaming on її pompousness - then the girls may have a chance to become mіtsnіshimi.

Profession and hobby

A smut for Karini is the ability to realize their creative cob in the profession. Therefore, natural artistry is often known to be "neshkidlive" stuck in the professional sphere. From these women there are incorrigible choreographers, the most famous artistes.

Vlasnitsa named after their love to a clear plan are suitable for technical specialties. And yet, the segment of services will become the largest sphere for Karini - Perukarian art, beauty, excursions will be the best for girls.

Pratsiovity and intellectual data, as well as ambition, roar from Karini of a wicked stoneworker. In the midst of colleagues, tsі devchata koristuyutsya pogogo.

Karina among the Orthodox

Oskіlki im'ya traditionally Catholic, among the Orthodox saints Karina is impossible to know. Prote 25 leaf fall, at the day of commemoration of the icon of the Mother of God "Merciful" (Kіїkskiy), adopted as the "wise name" of Karini. It is tied to the meaning of the name - "sweetheart".

In Orthodoxy, a girl with such names is most often called Katerina, Kira, Irina, or Marina at baptism. Prote the most, in my opinion rich, tse im'ya svvzvzvne z Kirienoy (name day of 1 leaf fall).

Vetannya with name days

As you were more honored with the first names of the retelling, the names of them are marked:

  • at the Holy Great Martyr Catherine - 7 chest;
  • at the Holy Great Martyr Kiri - Chapter 13(12 birch at the leap river);
  • at the Holy Great Martyr Irene - May 18;
  • at the Holy Great Martyr Mary - Chapter 30.

Before the speech, the Catholics wear a sackcloth of this name 11 worms, 7 sickles and the same day at the leaf fall.

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