Names, special sign. What names to give to boys and girls, people under the sign of the zodiac Diva? How to name fallow in a decade? Yake im'ya is better for a person divi

Suzir'ya Divi lie up to the sixth sign of the astrological horoscope. Imaginatively, Yogo was named after the goddess of birth, to that whose sign of the zodiac sounded at the sight of a woman with a figure with a dew in her hands, and brought to the element of the Earth. Diva is known under the intercession of Mercury, who is tied to trade and crafts. The main characteristic of this sign is ordering and perfection. People who belong to this sign of the zodiac, are more accustomed to those others, frugal and respectful, resolutely chasing for their health. Divi less vitrival, like other representatives of the earthly element ( i ), the stench uniquely emotional and impulsive people, require periodic respite and calm, prote best repairїm є zmіna diyalnostі. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac are often endowed with musical talent, able to analyze and count, successful in business and finance, love to collect various objects of art. Selecting people or women's names for Div, it is necessary to protect their energy and building to enhance the natural talents of the people under this sign.

Features of Divi-children

Literally at the moment of nationality for boys and girls, as they lie up to the sign of Divi, it is important to order and calm, to take a clear regime of the day. The stench of comrades, they can pidlashtovuvatisya under the moods of other children, be noisy, then phlegmatic - but with whom you live and in the mustache, they show the best. Prote children-Divy always come to the aid of friends and try to get out of the most chaotic situation. The stench is even more likely to be put up to high school to occupy and as a whole they are given to their hoardings, proteo exercising to perfection can sometimes damage their health.

  • For a boy, born under the sign of the zodiac, it is often powerfully critically placed to the same level, which can seriously make your life easier.
  • If the girls go, then they are characterized by extreme women - or “Mis Doskonalist”, otherwise the streams of tears are cloudy, so they don’t reach the perfection. With this stench, at the sight of the lads, smarter, quicker to sympathize with the restless, lower criticism of them, and always come willingly to help others.

The main shortfalls of the children of this sign are stomlyuvancy, it’s not necessary to be healthy, but you don’t have to be equal with the fathers and other children. Correctly choose the names to help smooth out these problems and strength those positively, lowering the Divine.

The best name for a person

Nation under the sign Divi cholovik may sound high intellect and harn of memory, you can be a sign in rich regions at once. Vіn is not necessary to be worthy of otochyuchimi, including women, neatly dressed, but simply. Among the people under the sign of the zodiac are a lot of musicians, writers, doctors, scientists, military leaders. Pragnuch to material well-being, the person-Diva should not love the ungrounded, on yoga thought, vitrat and never forget a penny, which is a significant world aid to yoga success. Well, before you can see it from the protileous article, then you will see a redkish strimanity and not a pragne swidkoline suffocation. Natom_st shlyubu representative of the sign of Divi shows a rіdkіsnu seriousness and gruntovnіst.

You can be firm, that you are a person, who is already dependent on you to your companion of life, trying to know in him not the bitterness of the sensible, but the strongness of the character, not forgetting about it, I add soundness. Quite often, such whispers are drawn out for a long time, and the lovers of the vines are dressed on themselves to suck pizno, but you may be enthralled, that you will forever be honed by love and turbo. It’s not necessary for a child-Diva to become a father, but before the child’s birth, it’s worth it like that, as well as to all his other rights.

Among the people under the sign of the zodiac, there were many extraordinary and ambiguous features. Before them lie such political fiends, like Tsar Ivan the Terrible, Cardinal Richelieu, Yasser Arafat, Felix Dzerzhinsky, wives Michael Faraday, Ernest Rutherford, Hermann Helmholtz, Karl Zess, writers Leo and Oleksiy Tolstoy, Johann Goethe, Stanislav Lem, Stanislav Lem Tolstoy, couples and musicians Antonin Dvorzhak, Volodymyr Spivakov, Freddy Mercy, Michael Jackson, Josip Kobzon, actors Keanu Reeves, Valentin Gaft, Sean Connery, Richard Gere, Igor Kostolevskiy and others.

Strengthen the creative energy of the boy-Divy, improve his health and make him happy with the help human names, yak:

  • Adrian (Latin for "inhabitant of Adria") - a name for a manly, independent, optimistic boy.
  • Vitaliy (Latin for "life") - rejoices in statehood, optimism, a sensitive soul.
  • Yukhim (Greetzka "pious") - so I'm talking about a guilty mind, meekness, thoughtfulness.
  • Kostyantyn (Latin for "steady") - gives the character an arrogance and tolerance, a touch of sensitivity.
  • Mark (Latin for “hammer”) is a name for a practical, organized and inspired child.
  • Modest (Latin for “modest”) is an ambitious intellectual with a strong character.
  • Petro (Greetsk "kamin") - it looks wide, serious, building on a deep feel.
  • Ruslan, Arslan (Turkic "lion") - so I'm talking about schilnіst up to prіylivostі and romanticism order іz high intellect.
  • Semyon, Simon, Simeon (Old Jewish “felt by God”) - active, grounded, building subtly discerning.
  • Frol, Flor (Latin for "fluffy") - ce im'ya gives the character of firmness and at once develops thoughtfulness and sensitivity.
  • Khariton (Greetzke "flirty") - independent, thoughtful, grounded.
  • Ernest (Nimetske "serious") - spriyaє development of a respectful and serious character, as well as a logical thought.

Names for girls

At the beautiful representatives of this sign of the zodiac, sound clearly pronounced traditional women's character - they look kindly, modest rubbish and irritable, miraculously win over the soul under the mask of strimanity. Such women of honesty, neat in penny right, not weak enough to spend money, and that robot, like a fit to the soul, will give all the strength that hour. This is the same setting for the Divas and in the kohanna. The stench does not hurry out of the zamіzhzhy, and can for a long time shukati a person of his entire life, and having learned yoga, podolayat his bands, abi buti at once from him. Your house will always have perfect order, that juicy hedgehog will be perfect, the family budget will be miraculously balanced. It is important to call a woman, who belongs to the zodiac sign, “creations for motherhood”. They rarely have more than one child, but they will be honed with a turbot, omitting the garne and lighting.

Among the representatives of this sign of the zodiac are the names of women, such as Mother Teresa, the writer Agatha Christ, the partners Larisa Dolina, Zemfira, Lada Dens, the actresses Sophia Loren, Faina Ranevska, Margarita Terekhova, Natalia Gundareva, Tetyana Doronina, Olena Proklova and ina. Astrologers recommend naming girls-Div, choosing names from the following list:

  • Agnes (Latin for "lamb") - vitrimana, but with whom you feel emotion and deep feelings.
  • Albina (Latin "bila") - self-righteous, admires the vrіvnovazhenistyu and energy.
  • Vasilisa (Greetsk "queen") - I give the character self-love, thoughtfulness, zdatnіst strongly vіdchuvat.
  • Dar'ya (in Persian "what goodness") - that comrade is impulsive, optimistic.
  • Elizaveta (old Jewish “my oath is God”) – talk about energy, comradeship, and think logically.
  • Inga (type of name Scandinavian godІнґві) - tse іm'ya spryaє in girls the development of straightness, firmness and inwardness in themselves.
  • Khristina, Khristina (Latin "Christ's consecrated") - energetic, purposeful, ambitious.
  • Lilia (Latin translation of the biblical Susanna) - the name of rotten, artistic, emotional girls.
  • Natalia (Latin "Ridna") - impulsive, emotional, shy.
  • Elvira (Nimetske "all-truthful") - gives rise to arrogance, purposefulness, develops self-love.

For a long time ago, it is important that it has a singing effect on the psyche of a person. I am changing the camp, the character, then the choices are changing, the people's vchinki. What do you know about changing the line share.

Sob іm'ya was guaranteed to celebrate the straining positive infusion of the development of a girl's life and life - from a long time ago they picked up the individuality of a particular child, її strong and weak strength, the task of life, the structure of character.

The sign of the zodiac divi gives more than deyakі zagalnі power in the character of the girl.

Popular astrology saw the planet, color, number, mineral. Astrology is more advanced even further in understanding the essence of the divine, and even more professional, it seems that the divines are different for rock, moon, elements and other details. Moreover, the floorings are different, so that in the presence of the wild, the quality of the wild is scarce.

We are the greatest rіven fahivtsya, we have more wines of reason, that the structure of the character of all rіzna. Navit twins devi, people are already exactly under the same stars, matimut different shares of that character.

Pomilkovo see a significant sign of character, that share of people is less than a sign of the zodiac. And then, more unwritten, but only one “infamous authority” chooses them with a positive effect on the share of children. When choosing a name, it becomes richer with more parameters, a lower zodiac of a person. For this reason, there are lists of 7-10 names from the most possible women's names, for children with different characters, shares, fathers, and life-changing pardons. Aje one im'ya pours into the skin of a person, winds up on a twin, in a different way.

Yake im'ya come to the girls - on what to take respect

A radical interpretation of the characteristics of children of children does not avenge the necessary completeness of information for the selection of a name, and that does not stop for a high-current selection of a name with a guaranteed effect on the development of a particular child's life. There are no vulgar names that are familiar to everyone for the principle of signs of the zodiac

The Internet is filled with false information about the best, most popular, popular names, as if it really does not bring any real corrosiveness. I do not give the fathers knowledge about the effectiveness of the injection of names for their child.

And all these lists do not carry the same evidence for failure, zavdan character and the long life of a child. To that scho pratsyyut as a matter of fact navmannya, and to introduce people into Oman according to what im'ya was chosen correctly.

For that, it was appropriate for im'ya, for it brought mischief to people, requiring the principle of individuality to be taken care of. І vykhodyachi z set goals, goals, what you want to be able to tidy up in the individuality of the people - choose the ideal name.

Let us also pardon the degree of firmness of the softness of the sound of the name and the imovirnoy hardness of the softness of the character of the little girl with the improvement of the “scorched background of the energy of the divas”.

Deyaki fathers want to, so that the donka “fell” like a father. In the first place, speak the names of the names clearly understand. And in a different way, I need to pick up the individuality, the head of the development of that life of the child, and not the head of the child. Before that, they often don’t know about the effectiveness of their own name in their own name, already familiar with the mind and reasonable life.

It is especially important not to name a child for the honor of relatives and acquaintances. All people have different individualities and the task of life, and to create a share successful woman divi vibratsiyno-informatsiyny code of the name is relieved, but it does not mean that the share of your daughter, with a different structure of character, problems and tasks for life, will make it easier and help expand that reach of well-being.

Yak pіdіbrati dіvchintsі is more correct im'ya

If you have a specific request, for example, to improve your health, protect against birth problems, about which you know, then fakhivets for some kind of yogo vlasnik I will try to choose the quality.

If you rely on professionalism and cleanliness, then fakhivets independently marvel at the aura of a child and a father, or at the aura of a grown-up person її weak and strong sides of that pіdbiraє іm'ya, like really “curving” the weak sides and protecting those negative signs . It is important that when choosing a name, the recognition of a person and that place of residence is insured.

The main meta, which is necessary to put when choosing a name, is to make the life of a person the most harmonious, to protect yoga from the transmission of problems and to help really open up your potential.

Present your donation garne im'ya. With a strong positive infusion її development and share. Do not hang, like 95% of people, vantage on the shoulders of a child like the wrong name.

What is the name of the child?

Do sumnіvah, razdumah, joke? Find out at once about the name for the child! I am synchronous with a child, family, recognition.

1. Can't pick up my name, wanting already for 3-4 months chi born recently?
2. Please im'ya ta s character and loud sounds?
3. Think like help them at life?
4. Shukait im'ya yake dopomozhe at splkuvannі and navchannі?
5. Everything is in doubt and jokes I'm alright you that sim'ї?

If your little one was born under the sign of the zodiac Diva, then you can know what kind of name for him in our article.

Names of people, according to the sign Diva

Divi-choloviki are pedantic, intelligent. A person, on whom the sign of Divi is infused, is a natural critic and mentor, for whom a subtle and hospitable analysis is accessible. Vin is stingy, stingy, able to put together plans, sparing, at times stingy.

Tse right pedant who worships the laws and regulations, the rules and regulations. Such a person is not risky in any way and nothing.

Have kohannі cholovіki z іm'yam Div so cold and feisty.

The stench is occupied with jokes of the "ideal" squad - the lord's, sensible, as if sensible, elegant in the world. The retelling "perevirtsі" will change its image of the wines. Vtim, such a person sounds like a great partner.

A woman who has taken a person with good names for Devi as a companion is not guilty of forgetting that all passions are hidden in the depths of the soul. Yogo experience is attached under the mask of calmness and coldness. Tse is not a kazkar and not a person. Such a person is a warehouse of impenetrable arguments and facts. Weak mist є, perhaps, less than yoga razlivіst. The image of such a person does not forget and does not forgive.

Ideal human names for girls

Let's take a look at what the skin name means for the person Devi. There are still a lot of names, if they didn’t overdo it, but the stench is also suitable for the Diva of a human family. For example, Stepan means stability and control over oneself, Timofiy - branism, Denis and Glib - the wholeness of specialness and harmony, Evdokim - sincerity, and Ermolai - organization.

The most friendly names for the Virgo sign are Vladislav, Pavlo, Emil, Vsevolod, Stanislav, Dmitro, Denis, Josip, Gnat, Gennady and Glib. The butt of the special sign: Emil (Jean Maurice) Bodr (French winemaker), Vladislav Jagiello (Lithuanian prince).

Names of women, according to the sign Diva

Divi-zhіnki rational, vrіvnovazhenі. The woman, over the name of which the sign of Divi is panned, is revered by diligence and diligence, arrogance, fidelity, accuracy and accuracy. Tse tsіnny pratsіvnik, yakyi maє zagalnu povaga. Such women are not only sensible, but superbly beautiful and affable. They organize their special life themselves.

Zhіnka z іm'yam Devi herself creates her own ideal. Dіє vona charitably, in detail ringing all the furnishings. However, it is rare for a woman to know happiness in family life, to the one who does not allow himself to splutter like a whistle. All love crises are experienced internally. Vaughn often sees rozcharuvannya, flocking even more with her usual suvora.

Cholovikov, who took a wife from a companion with a special name for Divi, next to remember, that she’s very unlucky, can’t make a residual decision. In the middle of these women there are parts of the platonic kohanny, a lot of middle ones are “old maidens”.

In the professional activity of a woman, a diva is an indispensable and even a great practitioner, she is sensible, sociable and in the world is powerful. The ideal of a human woman Diva creates independently in such a way that she expresses it in a special way. Vaughn seldom speaks a little loudly, grievously experiencing problems in a special life. Devi are rarely happy at the kohanna.

As if the Diva is roaring, she becomes closed and her character is transformed into a more foldable one. A woman Diva can be indefatigable and often overwhelmed by her own life.

Ideal woman names for girls

The most common names for the Divi sign are Inna, Khristina, Xenia, Zinaida, Zoya, Inesa, Inga and Alevtina, Ganna, Elizabeth, Maria, Natalia, Raissa. As a butt, you can put the names of women of this sign: Natalia Bessarabova (ceramist), Anna Austrian (French queen), Anna Brodele (Laty writing writer).

Zhіnoche іm'ya Alevtina means strong, Єlizaveta means energy and comradeship. Such a name for a woman Divi yak Inga means purposefulness and self-assurance, and Khristina means energy and ambition.

The sign of the zodiac Diva is the names that are given to women: Diana, Elizaveta, Irina, Victoria, Valentina, Anastasia, Ganna and deyakі іnshі. The women of Divi are more rational and rejoicing in their femininity and calmness. Such famous women like Ganna of Austria - the French queen or Ganna of the Bordelete - a writer from Latvia, were also Divas from the horoscope.

Zodiacal Divi may have a difficult character. You see calmness in the cold, but under the sleepy smoothness, ruinous passions can boil. Є speech, yakі are given to people of this sign are simply unbearable. Zіtknuvshis іz chimos similar, stink rapt sharply go, lamayut career and special life, fall into depression. Choosing names for the sign of the Zodiac Diva

Zrobity from the boy man

The tradition of giving a hint on what to say is already a long time ago. It was clear that today no one dares to the person “Pan Zirke Oko” or “Mr. Vіdvazhne Sertse”, but in such situations it’s not important to understand, as if I can win the name. Finding the best butt: Viktor - "reminder". Vіdminny variant for Divi! In a banal set of sound koliva, like a word, it is encrypted especially vitality, arrogance, vіdvagu.

The very representatives of a strong status, people under these women's stars can not win such yakos. The names of the boys of the sign Diva are simply goiter to stimulate them to exploits, otherwise the stench will rise to become unstoppable. Calling your son Denis, be singing - you will not be able to shake the mud, but develop the power of your mind. Gennady dolatim the difficulties of the rhinoceros's incursion, and the character of Timofiy is far intertwined ob'yazkovіst, scrupulousness and guiltiness.

Takozh consistent with the sign Diva human names - Glib, Igor, Mikita, Sergiy, Timur.

The best names for girls of the Diva sign

For women, as a kind of opium of this zodiacal Volodar, is characterized by sorom's stinginess, fearfulness of another state. It's a pity, the Devi are supermundanely turbulent with the thought of the mindless. Mіzh "vіdminno" and "correctly" stench rob the rest. Don't make troubles of destruction, in this way and help them, given at the time of the people.

Anastasia is mriylivy, romantic, lower – right Devi. Ale kind character they podnuєtsya with hospitable rozum, schilnistyu to analysis, promoted by intuition. It is impossible for a woman like this to be curry against her will! Tamari is more energetic, oriented towards career success, and Zoya is more harmonious. So the girls are at once lower and higher, the stinks add a special charm to people, but not to be afraid to show their interests.

Virishyuchi, like names fit the sign Diva the most, remember me: in spite of all heavenly bounty, I already feel distrustfulness, self-confidence and fears. Now it’s time to give the child a little bit of life energy, healthy self-confidence and a little bit of humor.

For all the girls, the names of the lower ones are beautiful. One of the largest in the distance will be the choice of a name for a girl for her zodiac sign. Vіn zdatny not only make the process of making a decision easier, but also help to lay a child's share of your faith in good luck. But try to protect all the possibilities, as you can help to strengthen the positive energy, put in the names of the signs of the zodiac.

Choosing the name of a girl according to the sign of the zodiac will help to help the watering of the little one.

The calendar cycle of signs of the zodiac starts from one of the most beautiful ones - rams. Aries is a sign of the strong, stubborn yaskravikh specialities. I im'ya girls maє vіdbivati ​​tsі rice rams. For the girls, who were born under the sign of Taurus, remember, the Tilts carry with them the strain of energy, like nature itself gives them.

If you choose it correctly, remembering about it, and vigorize the energy itself in the right direction, then success in your career will not get into the future. The twins carry a duality in themselves, so they need so much splintering. Your guilty names are easy to remember and remember. Biggest by proper names for Bliznyukiv to become Nadia and Anastasia.

Girls-Crayfish do homework, to love the lull that is warm. To that very same, their names can bear softness in themselves and sound like that, for example, the name of Yuliya. The sign of Leo lies up to the leader among the signs of the zodiac. The stench is to blame for the mother's names, as they are forgotten, for example, Aurora, Eliza. For the Devils, choose simple names, like they hang out calmly Russian - Masha and Tetyana.

Scorpios are especially emotional, so it’s better to choose extravagant names. The names of Yarin and Rada can be better. And the axis for the girls-Streltsy is the most beautiful vibirat im'ya obov'yazkovo is sonorous and beautiful. Katerina, Diana, Jeanne, Leah can do better. For Capricorns, it’s better to choose names, like the names of some famous people or close ancestors.

If your family has a tradition of naming children for the honor of their ancestors, then it is acceptable for the Capricorn zodiac sign. For other signs, such a tradition is better than uniqueness. For Aquarius, the choice of the name may be even more relatable, and the name of the choice is more beautiful than the unimaginable. For girls who were born under the sign of Rib, to name their choice on the lower and lower names.

  1. For girls - Aries, the following names are given: Agniya, Adelaida, Agatha, Oleksandra, Aza, Alisa, Alona, ​​Anastasia, Alla, Bozena, Asya, Barbara, Valeria, Galina, Vasilina, Zoya, Katerina, Nadiya, Larisa, Raisa, Olesya, Yaroslav, Svitlana.
  2. For Taurus, it’s better to choose names: Antonina and Angela, Wanda and Beata, Venus and Vasilisa, Viktoria and Veronika, Galina and Victoria, Eva and Darya, Maya and Karina, Marina and Marianna, Nataliya and Nadiya, Polina and Oksana, Tetyana and Tamara.
  3. Girls - Twins: Anastasia and Alina, Valeria and Angela, Veronica, Evgenia and Glafira, Inesa and Evdokia, Claudia and Kaleria, Xenia and Christina, Margarita and Eliza, Nadiya and Martha, Olga and Oksana, Regina and Pelageya.
  4. For girls under the sign of Cancer, they will go: Juliet and Bogdana, Olena and Diana, Lidia and Elizabeth, Lilia, Milana and Luisa, Selena and Olesya, Silva and Seraphim, Yana and Julia.
  5. The most suitable for the people of the girls under the sign of Leo will be the names: Adelaida ta Ada, Alla ta Oleksandra, Antonina, Angela, Bella, Bozena ta Berta, Darya ta Dana, Lada ta Laura, Lidiya ta Zhanna, Margarita, Lyubov, Nataliya, Nadiya , Snizhana and Rose, Elvira and Ella, Yana and Emma.
  6. For Dіv zupinіt your choice on: Alevtina, Augustі, Асі, Anastasії, Vіctorії, Valentinі, Dіnі, Dіanі, Єlizaveti, Єvdokії, Zoї, Zinaїdi, Іnesi, Іnzі, Ії, Іrinі, Xenії, Taїіі, Тіііі tаіі .
  7. Girls-Libra can choose names: Albina, Alona, ​​Angela, Alina, Veronica, Bella, Violetta, Victoria, Juliet, Evdokia and Evgenia, Karelia, Zlata, Lada, Luiza, Lilia, Nika, Lyubov, Olesya, Olga, Oksana, Polina , Pelageya, Snizhana and Svitlana.
  8. For Scorpio girls, go: Aza and Agatha, Alice and Alevtina, Victoria and Vasilina, Elizabeth and Katerina, Zinaida and Zhanna, Larisa and Isabella, Luisa and Zoya, Lyudmila and Lyubov, Maria and Margarita, Maya and Paraska, Rose and Raisa Serafima that Sarah.
  9. For Striltsіv girls, choose one of the next names: Berta and Alice, Vira and Vasilisa, Vladislava and Violetta, Katerina and Diana, Zhanna and Elizabeth, Irina and Isabella, Margarita and Maya, Marta and Marina, Oksana and Serafima, Stella and Sophia, Tetyana that Tamara.
  10. Oleksandra, Ada, Wanda, Anissia, Vasilina, Barbara, Greta, Vira, Dina, Darya, Zinaida, Katerina, Irina, Inna, Kira, Inga, Xenia, Khristina, Natalia, Maria, Nora, Nonna, Rimma, Olga - qi names are suitable for girls-Capricorns.
  11. For girls-Vodoliyv go: Albina, Alina, Anna, Anita, Valentina, Bella, Vladislava, Valeria, Inga, Galina, Lydia, Larisa, Lyudmila, Laura, Nonna, Natalia, Svitlana, Olga, Evelina, Stella, Ella.
  12. It is better for Ribam girls to choose names: Antonina, Anna, Varvara and Valentina, Violetta and Vira, Inna and Eva, Lilia and Irina, Marina and Mary, Natalia, Marta, Nonna and Nina, Renata and Polina, Tamara and Rimma.

Choose the name of the future child, the vivacious and respectful one. On the new one can add different causes and podії (for those who believe, the information will be based on the article). Nothing can be said for sure, what is added to those, as the future share of the child is, but to win all the possibilities of choosing the name of the girl for the sign of the zodiac, we know about it, it will be, perfectly, korisno.

If your child is born under the sign of Devi (Serpni 24 - Versn 23), then discipline and a healthy mind will be restored. Child-Diva does not start beats and does not weld with one-liners.

At spіlkuvanni, like those other signs of the Earth, Divi vibrkovі. The stench for a long time is admired to the point of sharpening, prote, having made a friend to the soul, in their friendship they become more familiar. To help the child improve friendly blue, suggest you to ask for new friends from the guest. Ditina-Diva does not like numerical companies.

Yogo can be boldly brought up to that category of children, for better it is not better to be rich with natovpom, but to sit alone with a favorite toy and a book. Children-Divy are sorom'yazlivі and require affection from the side of the fathers. To that, do not hesitate to hug your child more often, praise, talk about її perevagi.

A lot of children whose sign is early to read and write. That and in a flash at the navchanni they rarely blame problems. If, after all, the problem is in the teaching of the blame, then it is necessary to correctly put a specific task in front of the child, as if there is a mistake. Don't tell you to "learn how to get better," but explain why your child is cheating the numbers.

Ditina-Diva, like all earthly signs, is tremblingly placed before the spring booth, the order of the day and it is important to experience the transfer of other global changes in life. For example, after the move, for example, the child does not show a bit of anxiety, give him more respect.

Valentine (lat. "healthy")

Viktor (lat. "peremozhets")



V'yacheslav (slov'yansk. "Great glory")

Gennadiy (Greek "digger")

Heinrich (old German "Mighty")

Herman (lat. "half blood")

Glib (old German "representations to God")

Gregory (Greek “non-spain”)

Denis (Greek: "Dedication to the God of Joy")


Igor (Scandinavian "strength")

Inokentij (lat. "innocent")

Clement (lat. "lagidny")

Klim (lat. "merciful")

Kostyantin (lat. "steady")

Mikita (Greek "victorious")


Stanislav (old-Slovian. "Become glorious")

Stepan (Greek "vinok")

Timothy (Greek "God-fearing")

Timur (Mongolian "Zalizo")

Alevtina (Greek: “alien to the filthy”)

Anastasia (Greek "resurrected")

Anna (Old Hebrew. "Grace")

Asya (Greek "town girl")

Valentina (lat. "strong")

Victoria (lat. "victory")

Diana (lat. "divine")

Dina (Old Hebrew "placed")

Olena (Greek "Light")

Zinaida (Greek: "Narodzhena by Zeus")

Inesa (one of the forms of the name Inna, in Latin "Burkhlivy Potik")


Iraida (Greek: "hero's daughter")

Irma (old-timer. "fair")

Christina (Greek "Christian")

Xenia (Greek “foreigner”)

Lydia (Greek "inhabitant of Lydia")

Nadiya (Old Slovak "Nadiya")



Tetyana (Greek: "Order, manager")

Let's protect im'ya and become happy for your little Divi!

How to choose a name for a newborn girl? Why should you base your choice on? - Tsі pitanya postіyno torment practically all new-found fathers. Without a doubt, the girls need to give garni, lower names. The names of the girls can be chosen according to the sign of the zodiac, according to the meanings of the names, and also according to the calendar day. About those, how to choose the names of girls according to the sign of the zodiac, we will talk today.

Otzhe, we choose the names of the girls according to the sign of the zodiac

Such a way to significantly facilitate the process of applauding the decision, and krіm tsgogo, shaping him according to the sign of the zodiac, you can put the baby into the future character. garni yakosti. Crimea, choose the name of a girl for the sign of the zodiac to strengthen this field.

Yakі _names go to Aries, Taurus and Gemini

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