How to survive family crisis 10 years. Crisis of family life behind the rocks. Kriza - the price of a new gathering at the old vіdnosyny

For the longest time, the dream is a test, as if it were not for the skin. It is not enough to live in one day and to take care of sleeping children.

The school of thought does not grow on goiter, but on cohanna, passion and mutuality. What's wrong with your stosunkah?

A lot of couples do not think about the long-term prospects of their sympathy and stagnation. The flirtation grows into a romance, and the other one has two kaidan sluts at his side.

Let's hope that everything goes according to the plan, but the fun is a logical continuation. love story, in fact, everything looks wrong.

Routine, pobutovі problems and znikliy bouquet-tsukerkovy period svydko vganyat tuga. For some, a difficult stage comes after 3 years of stosunkiv, for someone after 5 years.

Ale buvaє, scho zv'yazok, scho nibito settled, begin to properly collapse already after 1 river. That’s why it’s not necessary to check at a turning point - children are needed already at once.

What should I do?

We all want to believe in the magic of kohanny, but experts in the psychology of stosunki have long ago figured out the law behind the appearance of blizzards in the stomach.

Obviously, most of the couples get by with intuition and "feelings", but even so, they are not enough - a few good times will help to turn your stosunki in the right direction.

Let's marvel at the main love problems, which can threaten your slut in 10 years, so in 1 river after the wedding.

1. "Vіn ceasing to change my mind!"

Before the sky you read thoughts one by one, but now you can cook all evening through the color of the steel at the vital?

More than anything, you unanimously robbed a restaurant for a party, a new country for a pricey trip, and talked about your love for a football team.

But all the same, you don’t have to worry about food, as if you were fooled by family life. Will you live in a booth in an apartment?

How many children do you have? Chi utrimuvatime cholovik usyu sіm'yu? Where will your children learn? І thousand other serious meals, which can cause a crisis in the vents.

The diversity gives rise to more diversity. There is nothing marvelous in the fact that after the conflict through the color of the steel, the person will be super-ready and in less significant nutrition.

If you don’t break anything, images will accumulate and your hat will give a serious crack.

1.2 The way to the rose

Let's take into account the fact that over the minds of the mind it is necessary to practice before the wedding. In any case, you confirm your intentions to get stuck with “important” food, so let’s talk about them ahead of time, so that later we won’t know the heat of separation.

And even with roses to the wedding, you already zaznilis, wait for them at once. We saw an hour to discuss our plans.

Give your friend a half, which she will run her life in order for you, your children, your house will be beaten. Tell me the same about your bachelor and pay attention to the opinions.

You can change it to a game that will increase the efficiency of your communication even more. Sit alone next to one and write on a piece of paper, as if you are living your life through, for example, 7 years.

It will be foldable, take a smaller number - if you want 1 r_k. But in a flash, the crises of family life are not counted after fates - you can get stuck with the key problem already through a break.

Discuss the writing, especially the difficult moments that did not escape. You can see what you want to live in zamіskom booth, and your kohana people dream about an apartment near the center of the metropolis.

Try to come to a compromise already at once, even through a sprig of rock and rozbіzhnosti at glances to lead you to deep weldings, tears to tear apart.

2. "Vіn ceasing me want!"

One of the biggest cumulative problems long vіdnosin. Bazhannya can appear like a man, so a woman.

Buvayut periods, if sex ceases to want both. Hello, is it okay? Let's take a look.

More couples are swayed by the fact that sex is known from their life. Who cares what is normal, and all the time to come.

Htos posilaєtsya on vіk that obtyazhenіst problems. Don't try to do the same for the sake of making up strategies, even if the presence of sex in your life is less than you and your partner.

2.1 Let's have sex in blue

First, I’ll try to find out the reason for my addiction - health problems. You could not guess about it, but the people start ringing and try not to talk about such food.

Less than a thought about seeing a doctor calls out to them zhah, that’s why it’s like a day, or it’s as ineffective as possible.

Seriously talk to your person, try to capture the widest possible opinions. As a result, it turns out that there are no everyday problems - your suspicions are to put a person on a rozmova about sex and that is the top of the problem.

In this way, you can come to the most popular cause of the addiction - one-manhood and the transformation of sex into binding, routine.

If you don’t know what to go about, try to have sex every day at the same hour, in the same place, in the same position.

Important? Age for some couples is not an experiment, but a reality.

You did not in any way think about the recognition of sex shops, did not try any poses of the crime missionary, but the best place do you want sex in your bedroom? Greater for everything, it has led to the emergence of addictions among your wines.

Why do people go to the kohankas in search of sex? That's why they need diversity, new perceptions of that emotion. Give your man all the credits and wines, no matter how little.

Urge your intimate life, add new poses, introduce the rule of being as careful as possible.

See the sex shop ahead of time and buy those who have been less in films for grown-ups. Try not to let crisis in your life.

Raise the price more and make love in hotels, on the beaches, in the sky - it’s all right, but only not in the bedroom, but it’s already nabridla - you’ve passed the rіven.

I don’t even know how to spend time on the road - have sex in the kitchen, at the bathroom, or take care of yourself in your city, having spent the night in a hotel. It’s from this, and maybe you’ll get it all at once, as if you’ll turn your addiction to your stosunki.

3. “We don’t have anything to talk about!”

And what did you talk about earlier with your other half? Like all those that you could talk about for years, you drained yourself, and you can’t know new ones - your little ones are in trouble. You know that the order is not a bloody one, but a stranger.

A similar problem could not be blamed, if you were alone. The presence of common topics for rozmovi means the presence of common interests, podia, goals.

Your lives are not intertwined in one, you continue to walk two paths to super-speak the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bkohannya that whore.

3.1 Just wondering what to talk about

The crux of the problem lies not in the wake of topics to be explored, but in their creation. Let's noticeably typical sіm'yu z problems in splkuvanni, but don't worry, as if it will appear like something similar to you.

Otzhe, є chelovіk, yaky postiyno practices, and in the evenings with friends. Also, we can have a squad, as it takes care of home rights, and it only works with friends. Really, it is important for such a couple to know the right topic for a move. What can be done to them?

1) Spend more than an hour at a time

The man and the team are talking with their friends, so they can talk about something. Such is the psychology of intercourse. Try to go to the cinema not with a friend, but with a man. Go fishing not from a sucid home, but from a retinue.

Nothing terrible, as if for some time you will stop being friends, and make good friends. Virushayte in a new place and sing, you will know how to learn new things.

Your boss is not sitting in a restaurant and thinking about what to talk about. You need to take new knowledge at once, new knowledge and new emotions.

A little more expensive, go to the cinema and master class tezh vіdmіnno go. Deyakі those for splkuvannya will be relevant only tizhden, deyakі 2 rocky - the choice is yours.

2) Discuss food, what to praise the kohan people

Just don’t stray with skargs to your hard lot. The bottom line is to show interest in a partner, but not to impose your own problems. Ask about those, like the day has passed, that it was noisy, unacceptable, new.

Share one with one emotions, bring on the most vivid ones, comment on them - for those guys and squad. So you learn to trust one to one, and then turn around and interest. The crisis in the girl's love sneaks up unnoticed, but it's impossible to get to you.

4. "Our life has become rotten bytovukha!"

Previously, you talked about the art, talked about the kohannya and expensive, but now it’s more about the work, the mittya vikon and the future repair?

Joden's school can't do without the solution of butt's problems, but sometimes the stench transforms on the right of the curse. Luckily, you can save yourself from such negativity.

4.1 Turning the interest to life

Even more often, family bets are overwhelmed by the influx of other problems on the blue. With a mustache, it’s not uncommon to plan your hour, see the day’s layout, big plans for the day, month, river.

Do you know the situation, if cleaning, cooking, and cooking take practically the whole day? Adje tsi processes could take less than 1/3 of your entire hour with a reasonable planned order of the day.

Keep track of the hour and beat it with curiosity. For household gifts, for example, you can give practical pleasure. Get up on the alarm clock and see yourself exactly the same year for getting ready.

Then give yourself 15 credits for repairs, after which you can take care of the cleaning. You can see 2 years on it, after such a new break.

Obov'yazkovo Mayte at your place an hour on yourself and on a kohan man. If a person has a lot of obov'yazkiv - take part of it on yourself.

Live on a wild schedule and always have a good time to go to work, or to rule the law more expensively than a weekend day.

5. "Children took up our whole hour!"

It is important to give priority to others, if you can give yourself children. It is more often for women to sin, putting their child first, forgetting about the needs of a person. On the back of the head is given to the nobility, but then we show up to the right foolishness.

It’s easy for moms to call to the thought that this is a child, as we know, recently she was without care, grew up and spent time in the hands of a grandmother, or a hired nanny. Children are our belongings, but it’s not necessary to sacrifice yourself if you don’t need it.

5.1 We must think that children = tractor

"Tight" mothers from behind to marvel at their girlfriends, like going to the bachelor party, riding the sea and rising in price from people for the cordon.

You can not believe it, but everything is for women with children - you just need to change your outlook on life.

Broaden your horizons, socialism at once reminded of young mothers, like calmly changing the country after the country with a child in their arms, rise in price on the farthest islands, and, regardless of all the negativity, are overwhelmed by naked mothers for their children.

How expensive it is for a child - not for you, take the hour to the hands of a grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle nanny. You are not alone in this world, who can run into a child. Malyukov needs your respect and turbo, but not 24/7.

Let's start from small things - deprive donka s kimos for 1 year. See this hour for yourself - go in for sports, go to the beauty salon, get to know your friends. You don’t remember, like 1 year to transform into 3, 4 years, and then the whole day.

In view of your hyperopia, the child will not only be more strange to other people, but will become self-reliant.

And as a welcome bonus - you will again have an hour for a romantic date and a strange night. Leave the child with the grandmother, that's the varte.

Mustache friends bet early chi pizno clash with crises sleepy life. Deyakim vdaєtsya їх podolati; other times, they break the fates of vibudovanі vіdnosiny, exhausted in the wake of the problems that are incomprehensible. Psychologists see the following steps, if welding in the same time and in return, they reach the peak. One of them is 10 years of vіdnosin.

Kriza 10 years

Through the fates of a sleepy life, rich people see the thoughts of an offensive change: "having become tedious, unrepentant", "has become addicted to friends", "everything fights with a partner". Such an internal monologue is a lot of steam. 10 rokiv vіdnosin - tse period, if the crisis at the girl's lap is especially well. І psychologists explain why.

A couple in a club will go through 5 main stages: a wedding, a child’s birth, a robot, a child’s growing up and a holiday at home. At the fourth stage, if the children are actively growing, making friends, they show that in their eyes, too much passion has died out and the majestic nature of incomprehensibility begins to become established. The remaining unresolved problems, accumulated over 3 previous stages, should be stamped with unbearable vantage. The children are growing up, and the person is beginning to understand that the squad attached little respect to him, to that the last hour gave all the trouble of the child. And the woman, at her side, guesses that the family's shoes were constantly lying on her tendit shoulders, to that the man worked all the time. To that, dіyshovshi up to the 4th stage, a lot of partners show empty. That is why after 10 years of the crisis, it is worth remembering to be the safest.


Seeing the blue of the blue is chilling for a number of reasons:

1. Reach the friends of the Middle Ages, if the results of life are improved. At this stage, dissatisfaction with career, a special development, is most evident. And guess what the fault of all this, like old fates, was to rush forward to set goals.

2. The crisis of family life (10 years - to finish the great term) is connected with the people of children. Until this moment, a lot of couples are able to get a baby. Rarity is blamed on the nutrition of children; give up through marriage the respect of a partner, which is given to a beloved child.

3. Nebazhannya podruzhzhya go to compromise.

As a result of everything - the appearance of an image, the appearance of warm stosunki, the lack of intimacy.

It is important to understand who has a problem

Like 10 rokіv stosunkіv pochinayut zdavatisa nightmare, it is necessary to "look back life" and analyze yoga. It is necessary to know the stages, at which the stounki have grown cold. I’ll make friends with the following to put my own food: why is the partner becoming unacceptable, why is everyone fighting in the new? For whom should you guess, as a friend, you were merciful, that they were adopted one in one during the period of litsyan, at the stage of fun. And then let's analyze what has changed in 10 years for the girl. Vіdnosini zhili themselves through emotsіynu vtomu, zavantazhenіnі on roboі, flirting on the side of what else? There can be a lot of reasons. Ale needs to know the basics - why it all started.

How to recognize the crisis

1. Welding is more common in them.

2. Sex with a partner to enter at the end of the day.

3. Betting years at Movchanni spend an hour watching TV.

4. Friends start flirting on the side.

5. Partner to anger and fight with his behavior.

6. Kozhen iz podruzhzhya bazhaє spend more than an hour at home.

The axis looks like this after 10 years of family life, as if they have entered a phase of crisis.

Yak podolati

1. Talk openly and honestly with your partner about the situation. Movchannya can’t fix anything, but it’s more like burying the problems.

2. Look over the bar of your strength to a kohanoi people. It is necessary to understand that there are no ideal people; partner do not zavzhda can vikonati vimogi, scho to you are presented.

3. Take a time-out from the windows and try to walk on your own. Psychologists insist that hired bets can break up, because partners do not choose one type of one, wanting to spend 1 month on the river.

4. Turn back for help to fakhіvtsya. On the eve of the 10th anniversary of the year, the ship can be successfully saved, if you ask for help every hour. There are different situations, if the friendship is not able to independently grow up among the brethren, and the psychologist's hint seems to be unappreciated.

1. Clearly signify the victorious roles of the girl, as if they were making friends on the cob of a sleeping life, she will wait for them.

2. Obov'yazki partners may be but equal. If the spіvvіdnoshennia looks like 90/10, then one of the friends will quickly get tired, feel like we're out of our minds, we'll grow stronger, we'll burn out. Nezabar stosunki go down with a frailty and it will be important to correct it.

3. 10 years of marriage - this period, for which partners have so kindly bred one of one, that, it seems, they will understand one of one from the same word. Whom has the problem of conflicts. The cholovik (team) ceases to chatter, that if you want a friend, your half is true, admitting that you know everything about her. It is necessary to hear one alone, to clarify what is correct in understanding one alone. Change the same drives for the zakidiv.

4. Don't forget about sleeping for an hour. Global interests are always drawing closer.

Secrets of the michael

A happy couple is happy, however. Your union is based on the principles that allow you to save romance and warmth in the soul. This is how psychologists say that they kept the family stosunki 10th and threefold. Axis of deyakі secrets of the secret school:

1. Do not dream about ideal stosunki - practice appropriately over reality. That union can bring such a result, which is not imaginable.

2. Happy Sim'ї - tse bet, de vitaє the spirit of freedom and no harsh rules. Vіdnosini, pobudovanі on the borg and sutsilnyh fences, become unbearable.

3. Virnist - the basis of the militia. It is necessary to take care of yourself for a single kohanoi people.

4. Praise the other half more often and criticize less.

5. Don't blame family welding for a wild look. The thought of that word mayut the power of the material. We create our own things not only with our hands, but with words. How can we describe our stosunki, such stinks melt. It is impossible to criticize that sue a kohan person in the presence of other people (including relatives and friends).

6. The hour changes people. After 10 years of sleeping life, friends change. It is necessary to learn how to accept change one of one and turn them into a ghost, so that I will sway again on the other half.

7. Kokhannya that nights are insane. For the kohannya, you need to fight forever, to build for the sprat of fates spent together.

8. Partners can be recognized. Aje stink is not less than a cochants, but close friends.

9. Do not forget that the kohana of a person may have a special space, which is not a trace of damage. Skin from partners hourly will require self-sufficiency.

10. It is necessary to hear and forgive.

11. Don't forget about your sexual life. Often the bedroom is the only place for reconciliation, making friends, what has been cooked.

12. Always need to develop - one at a time, so that you can get enough money for your partner.

10 years - like a wedding?

The anniversary of stosunkiv - 10 years - is an important date for family couples. During this period, the partners themselves overthrow the validity of their union. Singingly, that 10th century was called tin by the slaves with erysipelas. Why so?

Vіdnosini tsgogo period characterized by mіtsnіstyu and vodnokryhkіstyu, nestiykіstyu. Tin reinforces the bottom of such a long-term union that yoga clay.

The erysipelas color of the 10-fold wedding characterizes the reception of emotions, as if they were friends, taking one in one. The partners called out one to one, their stosunki became mіtsnimi. Ale at the same hour є risik of the rapt ruin of the club union. The union is presented as a fluffy erysipelas bud, which can wilt. Zavdannya partners - save the fates of zbudovani kvіtuchі stosunki. According to the statistics, the most separation occurs after the 10th period of the sky. The reasons are banal: the appearance of romance, new yaskravyh vіdchuttіv. To that, a gift to the fates can be taken in such a rank, so that the wine becomes a symbol of passion, which does not fade away, and new hostility.

What to give

It is important to choose a symbolic and necessary gift, which I would like to make friends with. That food, which is given for 10 years of stosunkiv, is even more relevant. Recommendations to give fakhіvtsі in the halls of psychology and family vіdnosin:

1. Shards of the 10-river river are called horny, bring a bouquet of Trojan color as a gift. More shortly, yakshcho wines are folded from 12 colors, one of them - white color. The white bud makes the future bezkhmarny stosunki.

2. A pewter screen for saving embellishments (women) or a drinker from the same material (person) will become a wonderful symbolic present.

3. Rozhev's bed whiteness looks down on the sleeping bed, making friends and turning at the stosunka's bottom.

4. Designer utensils of horn-colored glass will become a good and original gift.

5. A person can evaluate tin shahs prepared for a prayer.

Making friends can also please one by one with surprises in honor of the 10th century of sleeping life. You can bring a new pair of hoops from rose gold. A romantic gift will be a sea walk with a yacht. And it’s better to buy tickets to the country of dreams and break it for two for a couple of days, forgetting about the fuss and problems. Romantic is more expensive to update, and it will give you new unforgettable emotions.

The music blew, the guests rose Spring cloth knew his place at the chef. Now family life is being repaired. Creating a family, a man and a woman make friends with their statements about the sleep of life, like a larger world formed in childhood, in the father's family. The skin z friends have their own sounds, their own dosvіd, pіdvaliny, zvichaї, traditsії sіm'ї. Kozhen іz podruzhzhya will pragni to bring his part to his new homeland. It is guilty to pass an hour, the first new man and the squad will begin to compromise, understand and accept one alone, with dignity and shortcomings.

As if to speak in a metaphor, then life is nasty sea wheezes - crises are at their peak, and at the recession - a period of calm that adaptation to new changes. Crisis near the windows of the friends zestrichayutsya on everything way of life. And don’t be afraid of them, that stink is necessary to make friends in order for the girls to be “alive” and develop, helping to be future, that cherish one by one. Oh, what is a crisis?

Crisis - tse inevitable stop at the exit on a cardinal new rіven development.

Chi є get out of the crisis?

Yes, crazy. One of them: the transition to a new stage of development and the other - the opening of the vіdnosin. So, if you come out of pain - in fact, don’t come out, but succumb to the solution of the right problems, or to take a decision: tse zrada, staleness, the importance of ailment and other.

Symptoms of a crisis, with which it is necessary to beat on a flash:

  • One of the partners or resentment is shown in the form of intimacy. Sexologists vvazhayut that discord in sexual life is one of the first signs of obviousness, and if not a crisis, then problems in women.
  • This is the call of the calm before the storm: if the friends stop barking, but when you do, they quarrel, and spend an hour at once - skin on its own. It’s not safe for us to make friends just to waste interest one to one, and it’s easier and better for them to spend an hour with other people.
  • Friendship is no longer pragmatic to be like one to one.
  • Mustache, poov'yazanі z vyhovannyam dіtei, prokovuyut welding and mutually dokori.
  • Making friends with a lot of the same thoughts to drive more significant ones to them (to be blue with your relatives and friends, plan for the future, share income with your family and other things).
  • One of the friends "ide in yourself", ring out tse buvay cholovik. Vіn ceases to take part in the virishennі pobutovyh problems and zahal in life sіm'ї. Often the wines get bogged down in the work, constantly zatrimuєtsya, behave in a different way.
  • The logical consequence of the future will be those that the squad is more likely to forget about itself and go head over heels at the top of family rights, I will assign myself to myself and become like a draft horse. Vaughn pratsyuє, tyagne on his own all pobut, pikluєtsya about a person and a child.
  • The people of that squad are filthy wise (otherwise they don’t wise up) almost like one alone.
  • May all the vchinki and the words of the partner shout out the roar.
  • One of my friends is aware that the time of anger is to give in to the bajannyam of that other thought.
  • No need to share with your partner your problems and joys.

First crisis, what's up?

The first, which psychologists have dubbed the crisis of the first fate, tying with a period of mutual "rubbing" is young. Transition from the tsukerkovo-bouquet period to a sleeping life. According to the statistics, close to half of all ways of life fall apart after the first fate of a sleepy life. Newly baked friends do not see the experience of being "pobuted". Rozbіzhnostі can stosuvatysya rozpodіlu obov'yazkіv, nezazhannya partners change their names. Nevminnya chi nebazhannya to establish contact with the fathers of the partner.

Crisis in the time of the people's first child, the appearance of new roles will follow: now it's not only a man and a team, but also a tato, mother. This difficult period is also like a crisis of 3 fates in the natives, so that after three fates a child often appears in this world.

The period of 7 years is a "new" round of monotony and routine of engagements with such a phenomenon, like a ringing. Even though the routine of the crisis of the 3rd anniversary of the year rose to a close, making friends with the new pre-stroke strategic tasks, then until the 7th anniversary of the crisis, the supply chain no longer acquires novelty and instead of excitement shouts the tightness of the ogidu. Often making friends with the vіdchuvaє rozcharuvannya, porіvnyuyuchi reality z tim, how out of the blue it seemed to him in the dreams. I’ll start to make friends, that now all life will be the same, I want something new, extraordinary, fresh sights. The children have already grown up. Sim'ya to the 7-fold term є already great dominance and folding organism: the more people there are, the more weave, the conflicting needs, the more interests. The crisis will always worsen the situation. To that, which is more beautiful than vibudovani vіdnosiny, scho mіtsnіshe far away to induce emotional closeness and learn to dwell in the period of past feuds, then it is easier to overcome the crisis, and navpaki.

To go through 15-20 years of friendship, having survived a lot of folding, live, enjoy family life, swim in the flow and renew a new life reef. Which can often be overcome by the crisis of the middle age of one friend. It seems more frightening, that everything has already been reached, everything has been lost, and in the special, and in the professional sphere, blaming the fear of old times ... The onset of the crisis can be mentally called the "crisis of the empty nest", this is an important period in the life of the family: if її deprive grown-up children. Making friends, you get rid of your main "providing" activity - the education of children. Blame it again, learn how to live together, savage respect one to one. And the women, as if they were exclusively engaged in the children and the house, demanded new life tasks and goals. Not alone in this period and watch the people to the young kohankas.

How to overcome the crisis of sleepy life?

As if between friends, close friends of blue gathered together, as if they love one alone, so they respect, appreciate, listen to the thought of another, then be it a conflict - it’s just a part of their sleepy exercise to the point of understanding. Do not varto panic through the crisis. A lot of families pass by them, not zamislyuyuchis and do not suspect that it is so. The stench just keeps on saying it's hard to blame. Successful resolution of the crisis is a bail a distant development this is a necessary factor for the effective living of the upcoming stages.

Skin crisis - tserivok in advance, out of the boundaries of the old stosunkiv. The crisis in the windows helps to make friends not only more negative, and those prices that go on, show them. Tim for an hour, like a breakup, sooner than the aftermath of an incorrectly passed crisis.

In order to overcome this critical moment in family life, you need to be ready to make friends, mutually support and, as a rule, be patient and supportive.

If one of the friends sees separation as if they were gone, and the other one is not suitable, it is necessary to take a "time out". I can make friends, for a certain hour of roses, think and think (3-4 days, weekday), so that you can grow up in yourself, your thoughts, bajannyah and pragnennyah. Think about it, why is everything so bad, why can't all those good things that were between you be so easily re-baptised? Try to freshen up a little, emotions, bring diversity to the blue, get out of the grayness and everyday life. Guess about romance, change the hairline, style or interior of the apartment, find new hobbies for both of you and don't forget about the bedroom and the way to fix it. If you separate, you will catch up, and try to rebuild your homeland, but all the same, varto.

Another way to overcome the crisis is to turn to a family psychologist. It’s important to know that a sincere conversation in the kitchen with girlfriends will help you to know the solution, don’t forget about it, that your girlfriends will give emotional encouragement, if not a way to solve the problem, shards of їхні to come out of the crystal prism of your life.

Golden rules to help you survive the crisis more easily family vіdnosinakh:

  • Vchіtsa talk about the complexity and problems that vinikli. It’s even more important to rozmove at the hour, not to turn into inaccuracies that are blamed, not to accumulate them, not to look out.
  • Don’t talk, talk like that in anger, don’t cross the line, you’ll be sorry about it later.
  • Speak about your feelings, feelings, do not hang out claims (replace "you are forever ...", "you are guilty of ...", say "I am sensible ...", "I am embarrassed if you are ...").
  • Even if you want one snarl, or you can change a strong emotional situation, you can get out of control, in such situations you don’t have to succumb to the situation, you need to go back to fahivtsiv (family psychologists).

Don’t be afraid of a crisis, it’s a sign of a normal development of the nose. And all this information will be dear to those who have already joined the ultrasound, or even plan. Think about protecting your loved ones!

In films about kohannya, as a rule, there is a happy ending: a man and a woman should always cross over to the path of їhnіh stosunkіv, after fun, tears of joy, that people of children will go up to the spicy land. And how does it look like in real life? Can you live long and happily in the cinema? Otzhe, for the shoulders of 10 years of the ship, and the completion of the friendship, you can grow the song of the visnovka.

1. Shlyub - tse good joy.

Living with a man cannot be a permanent saint. Trapplyaetsya all: image, aggressiveness, ill health, serious illness, nervous eyesight, various inaccuracies, including work and other difficulties. Sometimes there are serious weldings. Golovne - chi can be friends to be put up to rehabilitate situations with intelligence and virishity їx without shkidlivih nasledkіv for stosunkіv.

2. Addiction subsides.

To pass is not a kohannya, but a real emotion, as before, styles of joy, or, navpak, troubles were set in the past. There were tears, the impossibility of perebuvat alone without one hoary whimper, suffering. And at the same time, I can be just kind without shouting, throwing up, thick clapping on the door with the words “I’ll live with my mother”, sleepless nights after hysterics.

So important is stability. You can be inspired by the squad and remember to do yoga. Tse zovsim does not mean that the old woman is a mortal bore.

And yet sіm'ї may panuvati calm. Turning back home, I want to be convinced that everything is good there, but the kohana people check and do not falsify.

3. Social jealousy is not an empty sound.

Cossacks write a mustache that the soul zabazhaє. However, often nervous dreams end in separation. On the back, suffocation and addiction bring people one to one. And then, after many years of sleepy life, the mustache of water stones are merged on the surface: vіdmіnnostі vіhovannі і osvіtі, stavlennja to navkoshny svіtu svіtya in sіlomu, love to іdіtі і work, vіnnyа zaroblyаtі vіdnachati pennies.

4. The man and the squad are responsible for developing steadily.

It's nasty to be a ballast for a person. There is nothing worse for the squad, which has polluted in pelyushkas, or a person who sits at computer games all day long.

It is not possible in any way to succumb to the attained life. If a person wants to develop (don’t let him get into what you wanted to), then don’t respect it, but engage in self-enlightenment. The one who crosses the roost, start throwing.

5. Accept your partner as you are.

You can hate people's stars and compete with other people, so that your thoughts can be divided. But you can’t try to reshape yoga according to your own standards. It’s necessary to take one alone on a deep level, without regard for the partner’s shortfalls, which lie on the surface.

6. Don't disagree with your Sims.

You can’t work for the sake of your children’s background, that person. Zradzhuyuchi itself і surviving less than the interests of the bazhannyam relatives of people, you can change into a netikava obsessed with a woman's house, as if you'll become a tygar for a person and shvidko nabridne. It is necessary to be a different person, with any person you want to discuss everything in the world.

7. It is not possible to destroy a person by force.

So, at the same time, you will need one to one. But do not forget about those who are both free people, who can claim the right to a better life for themselves. To live with the knowledge that if a person wants to drink, it is completely normal. There will be an experience and, perhaps, weep, but nothing catastrophic will become. Forget the phrases from romantic films and love novels on kshtalt "we will die in one day."

8. Kozhen may have the right to be a special officer.

Tse can be a penny, an hour, space. You can not zmushuvati cholovіka go shopping with you. Ale and you are not guilty of going fishing, as it does not bring any joy.

Go to yoga classes, read books, walk near your favorite park. And a person can go fishing, see a bar with friends. Everyone can be satisfied, everyone can be good.

Pennies is a good topic. In skin care, there may be special finances, but it’s not your fault to speak about them. You don’t dare to ask a person for a penny for a package of chewing gum, even if it’s so petulant.

9. Domestic creature - the pledge of happy family stosunkiv.

A warm-blooded vihovanets, whom you can hug, stroke, infuriate, bring more positive moments in your family life. Zovsіm not maє meaning, like a creature you brought: a cat, a dog, guinea pig chi of the Dzungarian ham'yak. Spilna turbota about living іstotu and the joy of the warmth that vibrates him, help to make friends closer.

People with a different temperament can hardly get along at once. If you are a person who loves an active child, it is more expensive, and your person loves to lie on the sofa for a whole hour, then, unfortunately, you practically have no chances for a long-term harmony. The characters are not guilty of being identical, but it is true that the protilezhnіst of temperaments is thinner than blue.

11. For a while, sex will go to another plane.

After a dozen years of sleeping, sex is no longer so addictive. That emotion is not the same. Vikonanny podruzhny obov'yazku transform into a calm and quiet process, even though it was earlier otherwise. I'm fine.

It was already suspected that a man is throwing himself at you in the evening with crazy bazhanny predilections of that bastard, and over his shoulders already 10 years of rock. Perhaps the new one is sexually addicted, so he will require the introduction of fahivtsiv?

12. All decisions are praised in full.

Of course, these biscuits are not worthy of dry butt food. Ale є decision, praise of those who have been blessed with a kohanoy people. These are the purchases, the planning of a family reunion, the need to have children, the arrival of a car and other important speeches.

It is necessary to make a compromise with a partner and deprive one to one of the right to choose. Golovne - love, trust, help, be tolerant and cope with the burden of difficulties, like blaming a sleeping path, with a good day.

Every day stosunki can't run without weldings and scandals. For an hour, people do not notice that there are more daedals, but almost gradually fade away. It's not so easy to light the fire again. Let me tell you about those, how to overcome the crisis of 10 years of sleeping life for the sake of a psychologist. In addition, you know a lot of things about the reasons for the fall of family stoks.

What is the crisis in the natives?

Recognizing those who make friends in a sleepy life may not be so easy, as it seems at first glance. Crisis at the vіdnosinakh (10 roіv svіlnogo zhittja) zvinikâє vіnicaє vіdnosі couples. As a rule, such families already have children, and mutual dissatisfaction and rubbing have long since switched to ruff. In addition, this period is getting more complicated, that the skin of the partners knows the crises of the middle age.

Characteristic signs of the fact that you are experiencing a crisis in the natives, and dissatisfaction with the power of life. People begin to step by step understand that this is taking away an expensive hour in it, energy and freedom, so that it would be possible to let the creative channel flow or direct it to the implementation of a surplus project. Different pobutovі problems are less likely to help the situation - similar to setting up your life in the same way, even richer partners.

Signs of a crisis in the waters

The crisis of 10 years in family life is easy to confuse with great differences, as time and again you can blame between partners. It is important for this very thing to pay respect to the signs that are listed on the list.

  1. Bayduzhist. Making friends start to be aware that the life of your partner is no more important to them. The fire of the fire ceases to burn, and the cold comes to change. On the back of the hand, it is blamed on the side of one partner, and then it becomes characteristic for the other. Through many family couples they separate, and skin from partners declares: "I don't know who I should still love."
  2. Nebazhannya go to action. Guess your first dreams of a sleepy life. You tried to protect not only your own powerful interests, but also the thought of your partner. In all super girls, make a compromise, prote 10 years of sleepy life, it’s too early to bring people to the point that people just stop going alone to do things. His own thought is that bajannya to move to the foreground.
  3. Vision of intimacy. One of the most beautiful signs that your brethren are in a crisis. There is nothing marvelous about him. While friends can’t normally talk one by one, about sex you can’t buti mova. Through many partners, they begin to change, declaring that their partner is satisfied with their life.
  4. Part of the scandals and welding. That kind of stosunki without superechok is simply impossible. However, if we talk about the period of the crisis, then everything becomes known otherwise. Friends no longer "filter" their own arguments and often switch to specialties, so that partners are hurt more. For example, welding of the skin on the sides is overwhelmed in its own way, and shedding tears is not the cause of the bleeding.

І only the most wide-ranging sign. If you remember at the same time that your vigilantes began to fall down, then you can correct the situation before you become critical.

Cause a crisis to develop

Why don't you find 10 years of family life in such couples of crisis? Isn’t it all right that people are so kind to each other and fight against us with the manifestations of a crisis even before they blame it? Psychologists see several aspects of friendliness, which often become the causes of loss of breath.

  1. Spiritual madness. If partners have different values, interests, look at life and consume it, then sooner or later it will lead to mutual criticism and the development of a crisis.
  2. Family-pobutova summіsnіst. Here you can zarahuvat bazhannya chi nebazhannya vykonuvaty songs of obov'yazki. For example, deyakі cholіky vvazhayut, scho pribirannya, prannya that preparation - vykljuchno zhіnocha prerogative.
  3. Special summіsnіst. As a rule, they show up in the peculiarities of the temperament of making friends and show up at the stage of acquaintance. It is unlikely that the couple is good at the time, because one person gets up early in the morning, and the other - to sleep until noon.
  4. Physiological summation. Partners may not fit alone through those who are not familiar with mutual satisfaction during the hour of intimacy through the peculiarities of life of state bodies.

However, do not forget about those who are far from being blamed for the summation of two people. Defiantly, loving parries are able to wield power. It will be uncharacteristic to look at your other halves as one of your partners, we don’t say anything about it. But how long can a person be wiped? To lie in the wake of the summation of two young people.

Show respect for your partner

Now let's take a look at how to overcome the crisis of 10 years of sleepy life for the breeds of psychologists. In the first place, it is necessary to learn how to show the lead to the other half. Navit yakscho vie until you see what kind of companion of life, just build the first crochet. Start talking to the kohanom, how many wines are important to you. Obov'yazkovo see those who do it yourself, so that the phrase does not sound too good. For whom you can emphasize respect for the singing character of the partner: "You have such a practicality. I don’t know what I would have done, the yakbi didn’t know you. I’ll break it, eat sandwiches with tea."

Treat a little dampness

Go on your own about your partner. Most of the couples begin to separate only if one of the partners constantly criticizes or belittles their other half. It is especially painful for a company of close friends and relatives. However, if you will cherish a little of your person’s wetness, then it’s too early for you to be smart, so I’ll have to manually change the order for you. As a substitute for criticism, we are sensitive to the words: "You are the best. Nobody in the world could solve this problem, and so quickly," then you will not be criticized either. Naygolovnіshe, schob tse sounded rightly ambiguous - forests will be unrefined.

Don't varto guess about old pardons

Especially, as a person has already repented of them and has been victorious more than once. In another way, I will bring it to the point that your partner is constantly more embarrassing. It is not appropriate for anyone to post fast, especially to talk about those speeches, which are no longer possible to correct. As if the person has changed you and you guess about it, only so that the scenario does not repeat itself - it’s better to get better at similar actions. Otherwise, bring a partner to the point of feeling that now, until the end of life, weep for thoroughly stupidity. Well, it seems that there will inevitably be an overgrowth in the crisis in mutual relations.

Do not put up with the conflicts that are brewing

The greater crisis of 10 years of sleepy life is less likely to happen because partners often come into conflict and welding. However, if you want one of them to be more in control of your anger and anger, then the situation will not escalate to the brink, but dissatisfaction will fade away. Just replace it with mutual doctors, try it out in case of a situation that doesn’t suit you. For example, you can drink at the cinema or take a walk in the park. Understand that welding is still good, that welding did not lead to good. For this, value your hour and feel warm at the centurions.

Show mutual turbota

What are the fates of the most secure girls for the development of a crisis? Most psychologists remember that after 3 years after getting to know a partner, if you start a bit of a mess, step by step, they will go out. But how to bring up the development of a crisis? It's just that people stop dbati one about one. As a result, both partners develop an anger that their friend has already begun to spit on them. Ale schob zapobіgti such a pochutyu, dosit just do not forget to talk about your partner. Let's not obov'yazkovo nabridat you with phrases: "Is everything all right? or "Do you need help?" And instead of that, in order to watch out for how your squad is trying to get away from the high police, such an object, just bring a sledge and help it.

10 years - like a wedding?

A lot of people to put similar food. Specially for our readers, it is clear that such a thing is usually called "tin". Wait, tin is not wood. It does not break under strong pressure, and may melt under high temperatures. So do not let your anger and negative emotions stir up the degree. Let the flames of the fire and the half-wit of addiction warm you up more quickly. Remember those who have the development of a crisis for a long time, offending partners. If one of them learns to control his emotions and act on actions, then all conflicts are more noticeable at the early stages of development. Let's hope that now you don't put the food: "10 years - like a fun?" Olov'yana - dosit disgrace result, chi not so?


Spodіvaєmos, now you will understand better, how to prevent the development of a crisis 10 years of sleepy life. Well, if you have already reached this stage in the hundred years, then for the sake of psychologists, you can help. Well, it’s easier to say about such things, it’s easier to say. However, if you can know in your own strength that you can take action, then you are in charge of your future and a happy future. Well, if the situation is already on the border, then do not fight to turn around for help before fahivtsya. The family psychotherapist is obliged to know the root of the problem and to give a copy of the recommendations, so as to allow it to come up. And from what you definitely don’t work out, then swear at your person to children or friends.

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