Do-it-yourself cylindrical booth projects. Round zamіsky budinok. Advantages and shortcomings. Photo-applied spherical booths


Vul. Velyka Tulska, 2

This 14-surface life boudinok is called among the people not only as a “boudin-ship” but also as a “titanic”. It was opened in 1981 in the style of brutalism, the panel budding was clearly seen on the aphids of the old low-surface forgetfulness of the district. With its significant dimensions (400 m of the crown and over 50 m of the crown), as well as the upper rows of glazed balconies, it was thrown onto the cruise liner. Before the speech, on the upper surfaces of the double-top apartments, they were dressed like an elite.

Life was conducted at the request of the Ministry of Atomic Industry of the SRSR. Zvіdsi - another one of the names of the Moscow budinka - "budinok of atomic workers", as well as a unique mіtsnіst concrete walls, which is not compromised by Radiansk nuclear reactors

New budinok-ship
Vul. Kyivska, vul. 3-7.
2008 rec.

Shopping and office center "Kitezh" square meters. Budova is seen with its unusual form, similar to a ship. The creators of the budinka call yoga "Titanic", and another yogo is called the budinok-pras.


Krivoarbatskiy prov., 6

Budinok-master of the architect Kostyantin Melnikov is called the "icon of constructivism" and for its significance for Russian culture, they are compared with Kizhi and St. Basil's Cathedral. In 1927, the role of a genius architect, having designed a "vіsіmka" from vіzanih one in one cylinders, having created in the center of Moscow not just a living house for himself and his family, but an expanse, like no other in the world. Budinok, zbudovaniya without load-bearing supports and girder ceilings, having survived the high-explosive bombing, after the war and successes to all architecture's assistants.

For simplicity, that economy, yogo began to be called budinok-vulik. Zovsіm recently after a long time calling and looking at the famous houses of Melnikov, I was called to see you. To acquaint guests with the architectural features of the monument, to show the firm six-piece windows, the bedroom with Venetian plaster and the folding "centipede", for which the homeland of the all-world-famous architect was chosen.

About tsey budinok at the sspіlstvі buv okremia post near Moscow.

Budinok on legs

Vul. Bigova, 34

Tsey budinok buv zbudovaniy 1978 roci behind the project of Andriy Meєrson as an experimental. Head Feature budіvlі — twenty pairs of reinforced concrete "nіg"-pillars, zavdyak like budinok and taking away from the people the nicknames of "budinok on legs", "budinok-sorokonіzhka", "budinok-octagonist" and "hut on chicken legs". The pillars sound from the bottom, creating the effect of “non-sense” of the structure. The very same budinok nibi expands downhill - the skin comes from 13 over the top overlapping the lower one. The main accents on the façade were three oval-shaped unobstructed exit shafts.

Under the hour of the development of the project, Andriy Meyerson was inhaled by the ideas of Le Corbusier: the result of his "House on legs" with its proportions and sloping supports is reminiscent of Marseille's "Zhitlova loneliness". A bunch of buds zamislyuvavsya like a hotel for the participants of Summer Olympic Games 1980 in Moscow, and as a result, apartments in a new booth were given to honored practitioners of the Prapor Pratsi plant, which produced aircrafts Іl-12, Іl-14 and Іl-18. There is one more yoga name - "Aviator's Budinok".

There is not a single “budinok on the legs” near Moscow: similar ones can be found at the following addresses: Prospect Mira, 184/2 (opposite the monument “Robitnik and Kolgospnitsya”), Smolensky Boulevard, 6/8, a commune-house on Ordzhonikidze Street, 8 /9 .

"Lying hmarochos" on Varshavtsі

Warsaw highway, bud. 125

In order to get away from this booth, it is necessary to pass three spikes on a public transport. Finding a life from Moscow is borrowing the Scientific and Advanced Center for Electronic Numerical Technology (NITSEVT).
The dovzhina of this “recumbent hmarochos” becomes 736 meters long.


D. Ostrіvtsі, 14th km of Novoryazanskoe sh.

We call order for Moscow, in the village of Ostrivtsi (Ramensky district) is not the first river to respect all the unimaginable houses that pass by.

Bud_vlya zbudovana at the sight of an Indian elephant at a bright-red blanket, embellished with small vіknami-rhombuses and painted with succulent farbs. Useredin - chotiri on top, connected with twine gatherings. Oleksiy Sorokin, the author and head of the boudinka, whispers to the buyers: “This is a majestic, dome-like accommodation, how can you indulge in a designer’s fantasy. Everyday walls, everyday supporting beams - nothing surrounds you.

Budinok steam locomotive

Vul. Nova Basmann, 2/1, side.

Wondering at this constructivist booth, what a steam locomotive guesses, one should not believe that Napoleon is remembered in the same way. At the 17th century, the Sovereign's Zhitny chi Spare door was roztashovuvavsya here - warehouses, de zberіgali stocks of grain and food. For some kind of tribute, for the support of the palace, ice was delivered from St. Petersburg itself. In the 1750s-1760s, a complex was built here near a look-a-square with several two-top buildings. The Spare Palace is not the only one from the capital's state-owned buildings, which survived the same year as 1812.

In the XX century, the Spare Palace repeatedly changed the rulers and recognized the breaks. In the 1900s, the Institute of Gentry Girls named after Oleksandr III: behind the project of architects N.V. Nikitina and A.F. Meissner buv nadbudovaniya third on top. After the revolution, the booths occupied the People's Commissariat of Ways of Success. In 1932-1933, the fates looked radically changed. Architect I.A. Fomin gave constructivist drawings to the Reserve Palace: two more tops were built, façades were turned, the shapes of window openings were changed, and on the rose of Novaya Basmannaya and Sadovaya-Chornogryazskoy ulitsa, a nine-overhead vezha with an annual tree rose up the hill, through the yak, they called the budinok "budinok".


vul. Mashkova, 1

Mashkova Street, roztashovana near the metro station "Clean rates", has long been famous for its pributkovy booths and spores in the Art Nouveau style, the peak of which fell on the cob of the twentieth century. Ale, unimpressed on the spot, this year the street brought home the beetles of the modern spores, and the egg itself.

Budinok-egg appeared in 2002 and became not only a reminder to show to tourists, but also a symbol of the current Luzhkiv architecture. The project of the house-egg was created by architect Sergiy Tkachenko for the canopy house near Bethlehem, but there they were inspired by the ideas. As a result, the budinok-egg was raised on Mashkov Street like a pribudov to a new bagato-topped budinok. At the booth 4 on top and 5 rooms. On the first version there is a front, cold sauna. On the other side there is a kitchen in the distance, a room for servants and a bathroom. On the third - living room. On the fourth floor there is a domed room.


vul. Nizhynska, 13 / vul. Dovzhenka, 6

"Budinok-bublik" - the first round budinok near Moscow. I was inspired in 1972 in the Ochakovo-Matviїvska area at the sunset of Moscow ahead of the Olympiad-80. The unique shape of the booth was designed by architect Yevgen Stamo and engineer Oleksandr Markelov. For bud_vnitstva vikoristovuvalysya standard panels, yakі, shchob zkіlce, were placed under the kutom admissible shibki 6 degrees. To that budіvl_ i vyyshli dosit significant. Knowing the needs of 26 pіd'їzdіv is not so easy.

Zgіdno z zadum architects, near Moscow little olympic village will appear at the sight of five Budinkov-kіlets. However, the project turned out to be expensive, and as a result, only two booths were built. Moreover, the twin brother of the first “boudinka-donut” appeared only after this time, in 1979, for the river before the Olympiad-80 at the sunset of the capital - in the Ramenki region. At the same time, prominent actors of the theater and cinema lived at the booth on Nizhinsky - meritorious artist of the RSFSR Saveliy Kramarov and honored artist of Russia Galina Belyaeva, as well as film director, screenwriter, and sings Emil Lotyanu.

Morozov's mansion

vul. Vozdvizhenka, 16

Arseniy Morozov increased the price of light a lot. The architecture of Spain and Portugal struck me the most: it was the victory of the Moorish style in Moscow. But the mother of the merchant was not worthy of the idea: she thought that the whole capital would laugh at her son. Regardless of the time, in 1894 the roci vin saw pennies for the life of a house, which dossi is occupied by one of the most hostile architectural spores of Bilokam'yanoy. Designing the booth, Viktor Mazirin is a close friend of Morozov.

Cheerful booth

vul. Novocherushkinska, 60

Zhytlovy complex "Avangard", in the midst of the city's inhabitants yak "Merry House", 2005 rocked by Sergiy Kiselov's ceramics. Twenty-surfaced, practically round booths of rosefarbing in yaskravі kolori.


Profspilkova street, 64 building 2

Zhytlovy complex The airship of restocking near the Pivdenno-Zakhidny district of Moscow, for 7 hvilin pishki from the Novy Cheremkhi metro station.

Center for psychological, medical and social support of children and adolescents

vul. Kashinkin meadow, 7

Often this facility is called a school or a rehabilitation center for children with autism. Budinok is unimaginable for all senses, shards of appointments for unimaginable children. Architect Andriy Chernikhov tried to create a small world, which would help autistic children to join the real world outside the walls of the rehabilitation center.


vul. Grizodubovoy, 2

Twenty-three superficial p'yatipid'izdny monolithic living budinok in 2007 roci.

Tsya wakefulness among the people took away a lot of different names - “dim-vouho”, “dim-drop”, “dim-whale”, “whil”, “mountain”. The architects did not admit that the houses were of such an unusual shape. Budinok began to be an arched outskirts of the Khodinsky field.

On the Khodinsky field, having found a house near Europe, but at the same hour of life, the blame for the same problems began. On the right, in the fact that on the pіvnоchі vіd sporudzhuvanої budіvlі bіlа bіlna raztashovana shkіlna dіlyanka, yаkіy it was needed light, and the budіvlja, scho, created a majestic shade. Ce and became the virishal reason for the correction of the project. On the back of the head, the drabbinok was ripped, and then an arc came to change the drabbinets, which turned the wake of Van Gogh’s mind (because of the association with the famous self-portrait of the artist), which is a majestic colossus, which is right to call forward.

Humpback Budinok on the Yauza

Popov proezd, 4

Arco di Sole - eight-section monolithic booth with a changeable surface from 13 to 21 surfaces, prompted in 2009 by the INTECO company. The plinth of Arco di Sole is lined with granite, and the living surfaces are covered with porcelain stoneware.

Openwork booth

Leningradskiy prospect, b. 27

Budinok zbudovaniya at 1941 roci and in fact є to finish with a typical budinok for that hour. What did you see from the black masses of "stalinok" - openwork concrete gates, like they became yoga "disguise" and became famous.

The material was prepared by: Olga Fursova, Vira Monakhova, Darya Ishkaraeva, plant commentators

Today, rounded constructions are the most popular solution of residential architecture. Zastosovuchi chi cylindrical forms, create budіvlі nayteplishiі and vygіdnі z energy side opposite spores. Private round-shaped booths are built in different ways: monolithic, made of wood, chain-link, frame and others.

The original project of a round-shaped booth

Sporudi look extraordinary, inevitably attract the look of passers-by.

From the practical and technological side, it can be seen that the walls of some of them were built on a stake, with domed dahas - cone-shaped or cylindrical - richly overturned the budinkas of the traditional form behind such displays:

  • Energy efficiency;
  • The least stained glass on everyday materials;
  • Resilience in folding minds of exploitation.

Round houses can also be built from timber, various panels and straw. The projectors have developed the original technology of the life of a frame round booth. Vin can be one or two-topped, with a greenhouse, or mother an attic, or a balcony - all the same, lie down in the future vlasnik's bazhan.

Projects of everyday life are to be blamed on the architect, ZhKG and that housekeeping company, as if it were true to turn to her.

The project of a round booth from sawn decks

Today, a lot of organizations give everyday services, at the same time promoting cost-free projects. Under the hour of service for the care of the future sergeant, the deacons of the elements can be supplemented or changed.

Please note that the project can be registered. You can buy ready-made projects from relevant organizations and build cottages on your own. For those who are not ready to beat the life with their own hands, there is hope for the possibility of coming to life already from the wake of the life.

A round booth on a platform-cola can be seen not only zvnishnі, geometric, but the zvedennia method.

Such budinki are:

Planuvannya similar budіvel buvaє nayrіznomanіtnіshim.

Planuvannya booth round ї form

One of the original methods is the building of the building without partitions, where it is placed in the middle of a great hall. Such a frame booth can be built with your own hands.

Projects of cottages, near which a round vezha is passed, - to complete an extraordinary solution. At the heights of the sky, the towers stand like a bay window for distant or vital, or in it they install a mountainous place.

In order to get a better look at the basht structure, a professional master is needed. As a result, aerated concrete is victorious, the price is the most simple solution, the fragments of the robot are formed from the clumsy assembly of load-bearing walls.

The benefits of round budіvel

Wooden or other round shapes can sing songs:

Making a round booth with your own hands

The life of round houses does not transfer the pouring of the capital foundation, it will be sufficient to build a palm or a light foundation.

Yakshcho є bazhannya, you can robit p_dvalne pri_shchennya or. After the foundation has been laid, it is possible to bring in the materials necessary for the life of the dome: boards, timber elements.
For the help of special modules made of steel, the folding frame of the building is built.

Shchob better zrobiti tsyu robot, obov'yazkovo needed helper. The head fixture for tsyogo is a wrench. According to the preparation of the openings, the installation of a brace and stiffener ribs from a beam is started. On this day, round cottages are installed on skeletons made of wood or steel or concrete floors, with walls made of panels, plywood and slatted polystyrene.

At the top of the panels, the bashta is covered with waterproofing and water-resistant veneer. The empty parts of the stone are filled with heat-insulating virobs, not forgetting about the hydro-vapor-insulating ball. Dali, on the das mount tiles and other covering material. It is easy to insulate a round booth. Improvements in the middle can be made with different decorative panels, OSB, clapboard, house block under the deck or timber elements.
The vapor barrier ball helps to increase the moisture content in the rooms and the heat-insulating ball. The dome can be “dihati”: a good microclimate will help the accumulation of zavoi vologa with wooden structures of the installed skeleton, to get ahead of it. The best thickness of the heat-insulating ball is 15 cm, which is enough for protection against cold penetration in a harsh climate.

The support of a round booth in the form of a cylinder or a bath, with the same and the same area, is less in povnyannі with a square by approximately 25%, and if it is povnjuvati with rectangular forms - even more.

Through a decrease in the number of materials for the life of round houses, the mass changes, and the process of building becomes richly light and simple.

Round booths are awkward to call with your own hands; A framed round booth will last no less than a hundred years, and for a diligent watch, close to 200 years.

Round booth - danina fashion chi functional solution? Let's take a look at the popular solution, as well as the pluses and minuses of round buds.

Thinking about the zamіske everyday life, modern city dwellers (often pіdsvіdomo) in their dreams paint like a proliferation of mіskogo life. The main motive is to greet the noise, the bustle, the asphalt, the succumbing beasts, the “concrete boxes” and others belonging to the metropolis.

In addition to this, the reason for the rest of the hour is a lot of forgetfulness boldly unique dogma about those that "the house is to blame for being kam'yanim and straight-cut".

Today, sharpness is directed at such an alternative to the mіskom life, like a round house. Let's look at how stinks can be, and try to recognize their main advantages and shortcomings.

  • The history of the appearance of round buds
  • Geometry: colo vs rectangle
  • Nedoliki round shape. Bagatokutnik yak compromise
  • See the round buds. Zovnishhnіy vglyad that vzaєmodіya z dovkillam
  • Planning solutions for round houses
  • Original projects based on round houses

Provіvshi small historical excursus, it is easy to remember that a lot of houses of ancient nomadic peoples were, as a rule, round. Yurti, wigwamy, tipi, golk, aili, yarangi, etc. - everything can be in the basis of a colo, or a bagatokutnik, which imitates yoga. A similar choice points to those that, regardless of the germinal camp of the exact sciences, people already at that hour realized that the rational form is round. She’s more powerful, and the design of the life is simple and beautiful.

The first hromadsky budinki (for example, the first temples) also had domes of their own and other different crypt forms. Even the same stench, they allowed the ancient alarm clocks (whose orders didn’t have w / b recrits), create the premises of a large square, for a large number of people, without vicorist additional supports in the center. In the houses of culture, the architectural tradition is still alive.

Tsikavo: if you think about the adventures of such words as “compass”, “circus” and “church”, then it is easy to understand that the stench resembles the Latin “circus”, which means “colo” in translation.

In this way, the round shape was present in architecture practically for її people, and the current trend towards the popularization of round booths is no more, lower than "well forgotten old".

What is the principle of vіdіznyaєtsya vіd pryamokutnik? From the point of view of the geometry, the head of the stake is the maximum possible number of internal areas along the length of the stake. To put it simply - a similar figure cannot accommodate more area with the same perimeter. And the perimeter, a hundred and a half houses, is worth a house, like a cost of pennies.

For example, wake up rectilinear booth 6x9 m, with wall perimeter 30 m, You take an area of ​​54 sq.m. And zbuduvavshi round booth with a total area of ​​54 sq.m. take the perimeter of the fenced structure 26 m. You can walk out, choosing your own round shape of a booth, on the stair walls.

Also, the area of ​​​​the fenced construction, pouring into the heat dissipation booth. Chim the area of ​​the wall is less, the less is the waste of heat. In this manner, it is possible to build a visnovok about a higher energy efficiency of a round booth, equal to a straight one.

How to look at the construction in general, tobto. If you turn the column into a sphere, and the rectangle into a parallelepiped, then the victory of the sphere on both points will be more significant.


  • Being a round booth, saving for a small size of structures that protect.
  • Exploiting a round booth, zaoschazhuemo on scorched.

Let's write down two plus points for the round booth, denoting that the ideas of rozrahunok are purely theoretical and do not have to be confirmed by practice.

Prote є round shaped and pevnі problems. One of them is the availability of round land plots for sale. Dilyanki, as a rule, are rectangular. And by writing in them a round booth, especially on the plots of small roses, you can take curvilinear “kuti”, which is important to know rational zastosuvannya.

Another problem is the conflict of round shapes with the market for everyday materials, which is the orientation of the linear-leaf shape. Let's overcome this conflict, but the forgetful man singsongly recognizes the cost of seeing the increased amount of input materials and the increase in varthosity works.

We have great respect for those who can make a compromise between a stake and a straight cut! Go about bagatokutniki. Moreover, the greater the order (the number of sides) of the bagatokutnik, the more wines are closer for their “mistkistyu” to the stake. If you want to place a richly shaped booth on a dilyantsi, it will not be easier, but to encourage yoga from “linear” budmaterials is easier, lower curvilinear, round booth.


  • Problems of roztashuvannyam round budinkiv on small plots.
  • Conflict from the market of budmaterials.
  • Being a rich-cut booth, you can save the advantages of a round booth without overpaying for the materials that work.

Varieties of round buds can be mentally divided into two types: spherical and cylindrical.

Offending tipi mayut in the base of the colo or bagatokutnik. The difference lies in the fact that cylindrical buds can make vertical walls and conical (or flat) walls, but spherical walls can’t. You replace the spherical cover.

Light evidence shows us that the round shape of the booth is more likely to withstand such cataclysms, like a hurricane wind and earthquakes. Such houses are more popular in the regions, but such sightings are not rare.

The ethereal look of such budins definitely cannot be called tedious, but single-man. The Lord of such a booth can be prepared until the increased respect from the side of the otochyuchy.


  • For a wonderful look and a rise in hurricane and seismicity, we will add one more point to the round booths in the asset!

After pumping a round booth, as a rule, you post food: what is there in the middle?

How is it possible to divide the booths of such a folding form into accommodation necessary for a comfortable stay? Most of the acts are forgetful, enchanted with a sultry look, do not fully understand that planning solutions for a round booth can present a great problem. Aje zrobiti zruchne that harmonious planuvannya in the middle of the stake is easy to finish.

Axis, for example, as in his project of a geodesic dome, the chain was virishiv koristuvach:


With a diameter of 12 meters, the height of the dome at the zenith was three times more than 650 cm, which made it possible to comfortably fit two tops and build a small mezzanine. There were 5 living rooms (3 at the bottom and 2 on the other side) at the booth. 2 bathrooms and a great meeting room with a kitchen area and another light. Zagalna area is about 161 meters (93+68). A yakby is another on top of a buv without another light, then the area would be over 200 meters. Ale budinok dome budinok without another light, especially for us bluznirstvo. The whole zmil podіbnoї sporudy kriєtsya in three parameters - organicity, totality and economy.

Here varto is significant, one of the main shortcomings of spherical buds is the presence of oval vertical walls. Tse imposes additional facilities on the layout of the application. The area is not informative in terms of meaning, because the walls, which sound, are short-lived. It’s easy to call that one of the oval curvilinear walls made of vertical internal partitions harmonic.

Also, on frail surfaces, it is important or impossible to expand the moving elements of furniture and interiors.

For the same problem - all the stench roztashovuyutsya on pokrіvl, then, all the stench due to buti mansard type, which is richer and less expensive.

Round cylindrical buds have problems with virishen. All walls are vertical, which allows you to stick together without problems. Korisna area is more expensive area of ​​sublogs. The placement of suspended elements in the interior does not require food. The slope can be fixed by traditional methods without overpayment and possible costs to the future.

Round booth - danina fashion chi functional solution? Let's take a look at the popular solution, as well as the pluses and minuses of round buds.

Thinking about the zamіske everyday life, modern city dwellers (often pіdsvіdomo) in their dreams paint like a proliferation of mіskogo life. The main motive is to greet the noise, the bustle, the asphalt, the succumbing beasts, the “concrete boxes” and others belonging to the metropolis.

In addition to this, the reason for the rest of the hour is a lot of forgetfulness boldly unique dogma about those that "the house is to blame for being kam'yanim and straight-cut".

Today, sharpness is directed at such an alternative to the mіskom life, like a round house. Let's look at how stinks can be, and try to recognize their main advantages and shortcomings.

  • The history of the appearance of round buds
  • Geometry: colo vs rectangle
  • Nedoliki round shape. Bagatokutnik yak compromise
  • See the round buds. Zovnіshnіy vglyad that vzaєmodіya z navkolyshnіm sredovischem
  • Planning solutions for round houses
  • Original projects based on round houses

Provіvshi small historical excursus, it is easy to remember that a lot of houses of ancient nomadic peoples were, as a rule, round. Yurti, wigwamy, tipi, golk, aili, yarangi, etc. - everything can be in the basis of a colo, or a bagatokutnik, which imitates yoga. A similar choice points to those that, regardless of the germinal camp of the exact sciences, people already at that hour realized that the rational form is round. She’s more powerful, and the design of the life is simple and beautiful.

The first hromadsky budinki (for example, the first temples) also had domes of their own and other different crypt forms. Even the same stench, they allowed the ancient alarm clocks (whose orders didn’t have w / b recrits), create the premises of a large square, for a large number of people, without vicorist additional supports in the center. In the houses of culture, the architectural tradition is still alive.

Tsikavo: if you think about the adventures of such words as “compass”, “circus” and “church”, then it is easy to understand that the stench resembles the Latin “circus”, which means “colo” in translation.

In this way, the round shape was present in architecture practically for її people, and the current trend towards the popularization of round booths is no more, lower than "well forgotten old".

What is the principle of vіdіznyaєtsya vіd pryamokutnik? From the point of view of the geometry, the head of the stake is the maximum possible number of internal areas along the length of the stake. To put it simply - a similar figure cannot accommodate more area with the same perimeter. And the perimeter, a hundred and a half houses, is worth a house, like a cost of pennies.

For example, wake up rectilinear booth 6x9 m, with wall perimeter 30 m, You take an area of ​​54 sq.m. And zbuduvavshi round booth with a total area of ​​54 sq.m. take the perimeter of the fenced structure 26 m. You can walk out, choosing your own round shape of a booth, on the stair walls.

Also, the area of ​​​​the fenced construction, pouring into the heat dissipation booth. Chim the area of ​​the wall is less, the less is the waste of heat. In this manner, it is possible to build a visnovok about a higher energy efficiency of a round booth, equal to a straight one.

How to look at the construction in general, tobto. If you turn the column into a sphere, and the rectangle into a parallelepiped, then the victory of the sphere on both points will be more significant.


  • Being a round booth, saving for a small size of structures that protect.
  • Exploiting a round booth, zaoschazhuemo on scorched.

Let's write down two plus points for the round booth, denoting that the ideas of rozrahunok are purely theoretical and do not have to be confirmed by practice.

Prote є round shaped and pevnі problems. One of them is the availability of round land plots for sale. Dilyanki, as a rule, are rectangular. And by writing in them a round booth, especially on the plots of small roses, you can take curvilinear “kuti”, which is important to know rational zastosuvannya.

Another problem is the conflict of round shapes with the market for everyday materials, which is the orientation of the linear-leaf shape. Let's overcome this conflict, but the forgetful man singsongly recognizes the cost of seeing the increased amount of input materials and the increase in varthosity works.

We have great respect for those who can make a compromise between a stake and a straight cut! Go about bagatokutniki. Moreover, the greater the order (the number of sides) of the bagatokutnik, the more wines are closer for their “mistkistyu” to the stake. If you want to place a richly shaped booth on a dilyantsi, it will not be easier, but to encourage yoga from “linear” budmaterials is easier, lower curvilinear, round booth.


  • Problems of roztashuvannyam round budinkiv on small plots.
  • Conflict from the market of budmaterials.
  • Being a rich-cut booth, you can save the advantages of a round booth without overpaying for the materials that work.

Varieties of round buds can be mentally divided into two types: spherical and cylindrical.

Offending tipi mayut in the base of the colo or bagatokutnik. The difference lies in the fact that cylindrical buds can make vertical walls and conical (or flat) walls, but spherical walls can’t. You replace the spherical cover.

Light evidence shows us that the round shape of the booth is more likely to withstand such cataclysms, like a hurricane wind and earthquakes. Such houses are more popular in the regions, but such sightings are not rare.

The ethereal look of such budins definitely cannot be called tedious, but single-man. The Lord of such a booth can be prepared until the increased respect from the side of the otochyuchy.


  • For a wonderful look and a rise in hurricane and seismicity, we will add one more point to the round booths in the asset!

After pumping a round booth, as a rule, you post food: what is there in the middle?

How is it possible to divide the booths of such a folding form into accommodation necessary for a comfortable stay? Often deacons forgetfulness, enchanted by the evocative look, do not fully understand that planning decisions for a round booth can become a big problem. Aje zrobiti zruchne that harmonious planuvannya in the middle of the stake is easy to finish.

Axis, for example, as in his project of a geodesic dome, the chain was virishiv koristuvach:


With a diameter of 12 meters, the height of the dome at the zenith was three times more than 650 cm, which made it possible to comfortably fit two tops and build a small mezzanine. There were 5 living rooms (3 at the bottom and 2 on the other side) at the booth. 2 bathrooms and a great meeting room with a kitchen area and another light. Zagalna area is about 161 meters (93+68). A yakby is another on top of a buv without another light, then the area would be over 200 meters. Ale budinok dome budinok without another light, especially for us bluznirstvo. The whole zmil podіbnoї sporudy kriєtsya in three parameters - organicity, totality and economy.

Here varto is significant, one of the main shortcomings of spherical buds is the presence of oval vertical walls. Tse imposes additional facilities on the layout of the application. The area is not informative in terms of meaning, because the walls, which sound, are short-lived. It’s easy to call that one of the oval curvilinear walls made of vertical internal partitions harmonic.

Also, on frail surfaces, it is important or impossible to expand the moving elements of furniture and interiors.

For the same problem - all the stench roztashovuyutsya on pokrіvl, then, all the stench due to buti mansard type, which is richer and less expensive.

Round cylindrical buds have problems with virishen. All walls are vertical, which allows you to stick together without problems. Korisna area is more expensive area of ​​sublogs. The placement of suspended elements in the interior does not require food. The slope can be fixed by traditional methods without overpayment and possible costs to the future.

Is it really possible to build a “round” booth in monolithic concrete in Russia? Why do the budinks win without black kutivs? How do they look in the middle? How to put furniture in a booth with round walls?
Not long ago I had a chance to take a "tour" on one of the domed houses of the company "LotosDom" that will be in Podmoskov'ї. I’m going to work there, and I’ll say right away that for the Zelenograd Infoportal, for which I’m preparing an article about the houses, I’m going to use advertising material *. Tim is not less, I don’t have any special needs for goiter, where to place this material in my blood, and I work primarily through those who respect this non-violent topic with a bar of your respect. I also can’t beat you at the miraculousness of these budins, however, I don’t put myself in such a position to critically evaluate the arguments of the “vironnik”. To this, let me know in the format “for what I bought, for those I sell.” Otzhe, with the formalities, she was resolved by the leaders. Let's go!

Budinok, in what we have been, roztashovaniya near the Klin district of Pdmoskov'ya, moreover, beyond Klin and navit beyond Vysokovsky. The way by car from Zelenograd to this deaf place took the second year. There are houses in one of the cottage villages, remembering the middle of the most important houses.

The ringing of the rounded walls on the other side of the window looks more compact, lower in the middle.

At that moment, when we were in a new boule, the readiness of the object became 70-80%, then the work was carried out.

Uvіyshovshi in budinok and passing through a small front and entrance to the bathroom, leaning on a spacious rounded area of ​​​​about 60 square meters. meters

Sumarna top area of ​​the central dome - 128.6 sq. meter. On another version - three living quarters and one sanvuzol.

In order to understand, I will show you the plan of the booth. With the arrangement of two arrivals from the sides (we will turn before them), we should make 160 squares for the booth.

And the axis is small video excursion at home, so it was easier to navigate.

Sergiy Prelov, General Director of the LotosDom company, became our guide to the “round” booth. Vіn is not the first rіk pracciuє at everyday life. Having begun, ozumilo, from the greatest "straight" buds. As if, thinking about it, how to overcome these shortcomings, Sergiy stumbled upon a round shape and realized that it simply knew all the food that stood in front of him with its geometry. Thus, we became the vineyard of the domed houses.

Before speech, let's take a look at the form. This is the name of Fuller's form - roughly seemingly, the upper part of the ball. How will I be At home, form such a form, then the stench will be splashed, and the walls will become very strong. The company of Sergiy Prelov will be spheres, as if they can be equal in shape with an egg, and not with the “ass” of the egg, but with the so-called bit part. For this reason, the houses are uphill, and the walls, taken on the first version, are practically vertical. So, there are no problems in that, to go close to the window or put a picture on the wall (turn to the food about the furniture).

The architect Vitaliy Grebnev designed the shape. In 2006, the rotation of wines created a dome house near Saltikivtsy near Moscow (Balashikha microdistrict). Budynok safely stand dosi. :)

Axis movie about new.

Sergiy Prelov, it's true, had a chance to fight in order to make the technology of virobnizstva cheaper. Vіn vzagali the right fan of his own, do it if you want to lead a mass living life, and not lead one-on-one exclusive houses. As a result, they suggested a variant with pneumo-formwork - everything necessary for filling the dome with air was placed in the “Gazelle” state. In short, the technology can be described as follows: after pouring the foundation, the alarm clocks are inflated on a new coil and “thrown” it with concrete; a monolithic concrete dome, which is viishov, is sheathed with “stone wool”, and then it is covered (tarcreted) with an additional concrete ball. Far away from the sphere, windows and doors are visible, and the robot starts with communications and internal space. The best is shown in the video.

The cost of the house is paid for according to the formula “30 thousand karboventsiv per 1 sq. meter without facilities” or “40 thousand rubles per 1 sq. meter for amenities. Zhitlov area of ​​the largest bath (9 meters in diameter) to become 128.6 square meters. meters, the smallest (diameter 4.5 meters) - 16 square meters. meters Sergiy Prelov sings that they don’t have any daily prices.

Crimean spheres with a diameter of 4.5 and 9 meters in the arsenal of "LotosDom" are still domes with a diameter of 6 and 7.5 meters. The stench can be combined with each other, so that the projects of the houses are less than the possibilities and the fantasies of the zamovniks. On the website of "LotosDom" you can find fantastic projects for the quarter...

But really, we know the houses (the central “dome” with a diameter of 9 meters and two spheres of 4.5 meters each) is still the largest of the projects implemented by the company of Sergiy Prelov. The axis of the computer is the visualization of such a project (in fact, at our booth the door is roztashovani in a different way).

Like you, singly, they remembered the first one and the other on top in a booth, in which we know, divisions of overlappings with a viriz of a round shape. Vіd tsієї "dіrki" (like i vіd a translucent bath on the "dakhu") you can move, but you can also improve the natural lighting of the first one on top, disrupt the circulation again, so that you can increase the energy efficiency of the "round" and simply "straight" doors houses of one of their head chips. One of the potential replacements in the company of Sergiy Prelov, on the other hand, is looking at the idea of ​​planting a tree on the first side, so that it would grow through the hole on top of the other. Otse avant-garde!

The height of the stele on the first version is three meters, on the other - less than chotiri. Vіd podlogy first on top to the upper part of the dome - 7.6 meters.

Headache of the “round” booth in front of the “straight” one, after the words of Sergiy Prelov, suggests that it has a greater energy efficiency, as a result, cheaper operation. On top of the cooler, there is 25% less view of the surface of the cube of the same volume - there is also less heat to go through the walls. Through the shape of the sphere, it is warmer to appear warmer in it, it rises evenly, without clogging up at the kuti on the other version (that’s why the “dirka” between the tops is so important), and it means that it’s easier to warm up such a booth. Before that, at the time of life of LotosDom, we can right with monolithic seamless structures, in which there can not be any gaps and gaps. Well, nareshti, the obtіchna form of the cooler is lower in the wind of the vanity, minimizing the cost in the cold winds. Zagalom, as Segey Prelov affirms, a fireplace near such a booth can be put only for beauty.
If we were in a booth, three small thermal harmonies were practiced there, with the help of which the alarm clocks dried the walls, and it was really possible to get warm (at minus temperatures outside). Mi dosit shvidko took on the top robe.

Electricians for illuminating the booth are also needed less, lower ones for a straight-cut budіvl - the light of the visibility of a transparent bath, a large number of vicons and the presence of dark kutіv.

Vikon, before speech, 13 pieces were laid to the standard project of a 9-meter sphere. Moreover, roztashovuvati їх can be practically as good as ever. In fact, deacons deputies navit navit vіdmovlyayutsya in the part of vicons. For example, whoever's booth has two less.

Well, let's turn back to the inter'єrіv booth. Tse one of the rooms is on the other side.

And tsia іnsha. As you have already understood, the stones are separated by partitions, as if the objects themselves are made up of vertical flat surfaces, attachments for installing a wardrobe with them.

For smaller high furniture fit and іnshі walls. On the butt of a stack of laminate, Sergiy Prelov, having shown us that putting up a straight line up to a “round” wall in such a booth, really does not waste time.

Vtіm, it is not possible, obviously, not to know that before the placement of furniture and design, the implication still happened to be pіdіti vіdpovіdalno. Dirka is in bed, before the speech, understood, will be fenced with handrails.

Now let's look at the pribudova. One of them will have a guest bedroom. Area - 16 sq. meters On the basis of such spheres "LotosDom" to rob, zokrema, grill-altanki, in such a brazier with a fire of fire, it is spread in the center, and people are on the other side. Such an altanka can also be "mounted" directly into the booth.

And in the next arrivals of the masters, they built a sauna with a dressing room and a shower room.

Vlasne wig. To say, the obviousness of the crypticity of the efficiency of the heating is “simply said”.

And in front of Sergiy Prelov, the project of a bath complex, which is responsible for the formation of the great central sphere, de-rotting the pool, and a lot of smaller profits, de buli b see different saunas and steam rooms. In addition, LotosDom has developed a project for a round restaurant for potential investors. Sergiy's thought is this: a lot of companies spend a lot of money, so that they can see the middle of competitors and get a good life, and in such a life, the architecture itself will help them with it. Teza, in my opinion, sounds pretty cool. I myself, for example, for the sake of other equals, would be satisfied with the “round” hotel.
Some of these houses are promising for the life market, I don’t presume to judge. Like it or not, but the decision to encourage such a house with singing courage and readiness to take on the solution of some problems (well, you can call them peculiarities) from planning. Tim is no less, I understand that Sergius Prelov is like a person, widely buried by his project and inspired by his miraculousness, strong successes.

At the end, let's expand on two stories about this subject. It seems that while the windows were not cut through in the concrete dome, the judges in the settlement vlashtovuvali forgive me on the budmaydanchik, sob z'yasuvati, what is it like. Vikonrob navit zhartuvav, scho need to put a sign with the inscription: “Tse living budinok, someone will have windows, two-surface wines, an area of ​​​​128 square meters. meters.
And another story about the company’s spokesman Sergiy Prelov, who has a phone on his way to the facility. I didn’t know the exact route of the wine, I couldn’t be quick as a navigator to call my colleagues. Zupinivsya in the village and through the marriage of other options for viyshov from the car and energized the first well: “You don’t know exactly where the round house will be here?”. And to the point, between others, it was close to five kilometers and two turns. Ale budіvelnik once again otrimav vycherpnu vіdpovіd with the exact route. :)
Zagalom budinok already becoming a mіstsevoj mem'yatkoy. Why will it be after the end of everyday life, if the guilt behind the idea of ​​the deputy is guilty of looking at a bouquet of three lotus flowers that bloom in the middle of a stone lake. I’m coming closer to the summer to call us to marvel at the new look at the finished one.

*The author of the photo in this post is my colleague from the Zelenograd Info Portal Vasil Povolov. For housekeeping between the promoter of the advertising material and the vikonovator, the photo can be “watermarked” at the sight of the logo of the company-forgetter (maybe, quietly mirkuvan, so that competitors didn’t victorious with the method). Obviously, I do not have the right to win pictures without logos for special purposes.

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