Chi you can score flowers at the concrete wall. Chi you can score flowers at the concrete wall

Majestic obsyag budіvelnyh robіt pov'yazaniya z kіplennyam to - vіd reshetuvannya to lining. But not less significant is that part, which is victorious when fastened to materials of advanced materiality and solidity - and to induce lithium metal.

It dawned on me that the elements are strengthened in this way, but they are blameless. І sogodnі mi pogorimo about dozhina and іnshі razmіri і for concrete і for metal, їх tsіni, GOST and installation.

Zvichayny tsvyah - budіvelny, universal, when driven into concrete, just bend. Say nothing about metal. Flowers according to i - tse of hardening flowers, tobto, preparations from high-carbon steel and minuli thermal processing. Such a procedure gives rise to a supra-linguistically high mentality.

Forgive me, flowers of all kinds vibrate from low-carbon steel - Art. 1, art. 2, art. 3, Art. 10, art. 15; High-carbon steel for fastening should only be used when preparing products for casting.

The hardening process is carried out until the alloy is heated to the right set temperature, and the temperature is cooled down. In this quality, there is olive oil, rozchin caustic soda, pure salt, as well as lead, meadows, saltpeter thinly. It is possible to zagartovuvanny that without cooling by a way of a superficial processing by strums of a high frequency.

An hour of curing to lie down in the rozmіrіv viroba, for the flowers to be heated, that vitremka is minimal. The temperature of hardening is chosen according to the grade of steel.

The coldness of cooling is also deposited in a large amount of charcoal: what is the greatest yogo in the steel, it is lower the coldness of cooling. At the same time, you should look for the position of objects near the homeland, which is cooling, and not only by the hour. Such thin and long-term virobi like flowers are covered with plaza, so that in the other fall the lower plots of the viroba are squeezed by the first ones, which cause strong tension to the point of vindication.

The steel is hardened with a vignon high tint, but a small viscosity. This kind of fixation mayzhe does not "practice" on vigin. Zvichayno, when fastened to metal or concrete, you do not need to use it, but the same thing is special and does not allow you to wink when fastened with gnuchk materials, or sound, which transfers every hour of operation.

Flowers on concrete can penetrate the building as much as possible. A great number of vagrants are released not for manual robot- it’s even more important, but for working for the help of a gas nail gun.

The most common modifications of the virobu are equipped with a special ballistic tip. Throughout the whole year, the notch was broken, which made it easier to wear on the main material. Vykoristovuetsya zagartovuetsya flowers with a special washer, as it allows centering fastening. Strictly kazhuchi, no longer flowers, but a dowel.

This video shows the characteristics and testing of flowers on concrete and metal:

R_novidi viroba

Viroblyayetsya flowers from stainless steel hardened, that needs a zahisny ball here every day. Ale, the fragments of this kind of reinforcement are covered by a marginally trivalent term of exploitation, in practice, they are vicarious and with additional coatings and without it:

  • flowers from hardened steel- may not be black, but a gray matte color and a whole lot of zastosovnі for both internal and external work, including the application of a higher water level;
  • - The minimum zinc ball should be 6 microns. Tse krіplennya vikoristovuєtsya for orphans, and navіt virobnichih;
  • - May have a beautiful golden color, and, moreover, absolute resistance to moisture and more acids. This variant is vikoristovuetsya on the plots, where the vignette resistance to corrosion is needed: at the forage workshops, for example, at the shipbuilding. This type of fastening is the most versatile.

Shards of creaking on concrete and different materials, the shape of the haircut in virobs can also be different:

  • round shear- The classic option is most often found in everyday robots;
  • zholobchasti- Vykoristovuєtsya for especially hard materials - important concrete;
  • flat- for utrimannya not tight constructions;
  • square- Specialized reinforcement.

All the different things are awakened by the over-the-top mіtsnistyu and even by the high building that they carry.

About vaga and rosemary flowers, which are hammered into concrete and metal, read below.

Anchor-tsvyakh (dowel-tsvyakh) driven by concrete

Vaga and reconciliation

Colors for metal that were mostly used for making up, that is why they are regulated not by GOST, but by TU. The tables show the widest color parameters for concrete and metal for mounting guns.

nameShear diameter, mmShear length, mm
2,7*16 2,7 16
2,7*19 2,7 19
2,7*22 2,7 22
2,7*25 2,7 25
2,7*32 2,7 32
2,7*3 2,7 38
3,05*16 3,05 16
3,05*19 3,05 19
3,05*22 3,05 22
3,05*25 3,05 25
3,05*32 3,05 32
3,05*38 3,05 38
3,68*50 3,68 50
3,68*60 3,68 60
3,68*65 3,68 65

Technical characteristics

Specifications for the preparation of hardened flowers, as a kind of compilation, could be up to the standard standards of budding flowers and the characteristics of hardened steel. The leather grade remains regulated by its GOST.

Parameters of a round flower are described by GOST 4028-63. Vimogi to virobu is standard.

Sweep a picture, how do you need to paint it? About those who varto vikoristovuvati for whom colors for concrete, and you can get in without drilling, rozpo_tse video:

Features of installation and price on the slab

Flowers for metal and concrete are rarely hammered by hand.

  • Yakshcho the basis of a viable m'yak is clay cegla, for example, hammering is carried out with a small sledgehammer or a hammer with a weight of 1 kg. With this, it is necessary to take care of the safety technique: put on the eyepieces or put on the mask, in order to prevent the hit of the concrete or the shard of clay.
  • As a basis, it is considered by a high field, but if you can work on metal, it is necessary to use a special tool: gas, pneumatic, powder nail gun. The flowers for the apparatus are taken into the clip, and the presence of any kind of m'yazovy zusill to rob the simplest right.

Flowers are sold most often as ready-made clips of 10 pcs, in packs of 1000 pcs. Vartist to deposit vіd pokrittya and rozmіrіv. So, galvanizing option cost 1230 to 2000r. for packing. Brass cladding on concrete will be installed in 2955-3599. for packing.

Colors on concrete do not care about the height of the mіtsnіst - kr_plennya spetsіalіzovane, but before that, varіst at the new chimal. So it’s irrational to make such colors for creaking or resolving.

The video below shows how to make a twist and flowers in your home minds:

We often get stuck with such a problem, especially when we move house or repair - we need to drive flowers into the wall. Even with a gypsum block or a ground wall, you can still easily fit in, concrete wall blame problems. As a rule, no color will be seen in the concrete. To that mi vhodyachi z moreover, what kind of subject can we name povid and fix it appropriately. An easy picture, or a photograph, we make it so, for an additional drill, we drill a hole, under it we see a wooden knot and we beat in flowers. And the axis for important objects we need a mother and a dowel-flower. We drill a hole, we drive in a dowel and sweat flowers. Otherwise it is not possible.

For. in order to kill the flowers at the eton wall, it is necessary for us to prepare the opening. It is best to cope with electric drills with the function of a perforator. When victorious with great drills, follow the victorist with a finisher. For radian hours, stinks were sold for new settlers. In principle, you can beat the hole at the wall with one hammer, or with an electric drill, or with a diamond drill bit more accurately. Without a dobynik, the drill just warmed up sometimes to an orange light.

Yakshcho tse dowel - flowers, yogo can be hammered into the wall for the help of a special alarm pistol. Otherwise, I’ll cut it off into the wall for the help of the factory molding, don’t hammer any of the flowers, and it’s overturned. Earlier, in the hour of mass forgetfulness, it was littered with shell casings in the idle “dribnyachka”, just like such an axis of weekly pistols, as if they were burying the axis of such a color against the wall, by the very droplet, moreover, the detail is nailed, or partly.

But if the wall is self-contained, then the concrete is poured at the wall with your own hands, and it can be low in thickness and high in porosity, then it’s the color of the flowers, and better yet, the dowel - the flowers can still be hammered into the wall. And I’ll change it all the same, but here it’s necessary to hit it with a small sledgehammer drop by drop, and so, so that you don’t scream at the edge of the opening.

I seemed to be bachiling like hammering flowers against a concrete wall. Required for the help of a drill to drill an opening there, then we’ll drill a cork from a tree, so that it could crawl into this opening, then we’ll drive in flowers there, so that no holes and cracks can be seen, we can drive in flowers to plaster. Zamіst tsvyakh can be driven in and a dowel.

On this day, they start elementary work at home, like people can work with their own hands. Naygolovnіshe - pіd їх їх vikonannya dotremuvatsya sevnyh rekomendatsіy and dotrimuvatsya safety equipment. Bagatioh maistriv-pochatkіvtsіv often whine at first glance food: how to kill the flowers? Let's try to find out.

Materials and tools

The first step is to kill the flowers, it is necessary to be assigned to the most important dimensions of the stained glass materials. Rozmir pererazu flowers is guilty of becoming no more than 25% of the total amount of wooden elements that are attached. At times of blockage of massive nails, the board can simply crack. As for the size of the flower, the wine is guilty of moving into the lower part by two thirds of the length. Tsya well vysuvaetsya and in the process of nailing. The hammer for carrying out the work should be chosen in such a rank, so that yoga would be handily trimmed in the hand. Practice with a tool that has a head is not possible. In another situation, you risk taking away the injury.

We hammer flowers: the right technique

Otzhe, how to score flowers correctly? For whom it is necessary to follow certain clumsy instructions. The pile is taken with the great finger of the left hand. Take flowers more beautifully in the middle of the shear. In the wake of the next rested in those places, de wi plan to score it. As a rule, the spigot is installed perpendicular to the plane of the element. With a right-handed hammer, ring out in right hand, shulgi - in levi. If you drive flowers near the surface of a tree, then it will be enough to make 2-3 accurate hits. After all, he is guilty of climbing up to the tree by 20% from the entire tree. Tsgogo vystachit, schob to fix the position of the flower. Then, with harder blows, you can drive the dowel near the tree drop by drop. How to cackle you, how to score flowers against the wall, then varto vrakhovuvaty, what less shipments you will make when yogo is hammered in, then there will be installations at the tree. Tse s tim, scho s hitting pіd whether it be some kind of kutami, the structure of the village can be destroyed. Best of all, as the process of slaughtering is folded from a bet of shipments.

Through incorrect hitting, the flowers can bend. The stench can be smelt from the repairmen through the low-thickness metal or the low-grade metal. Another reason, through the yak dowel, it is important to enter the village, falling into the gorge in the hit of the gostroy part. In a similar situation, it is better to pull it out and drill with a drill bit larger than a small diameter of the opening at a clear mist. To kill the flowers that you bend, you can also use pliers. Ale, with this varto vrakhovuvati, so that you can get in the way of bending flowers near the tree under such a kut, you will be very graceful to pull it off.

Often, due to the need to drive flowers from the end of the board, the surface can split. To save tsoma, enough to drill a small opening. If you blunt the front with a saw, then you can also get cracked. In this way, the fibers of the wood diverge in different sides, and do not tear.

Selectable hammer

Today, the skin of a man may know, how to score flowers. Actually, this process has a lot of thinness. In case of careless pulling with a hammer, it is possible to remove the injury of the finger, bend the flowers or zip the wall. Use a copy of simple recommendations. Having become familiar with them, you will know how to hammer the dowel-flowers.

One of the most important elements when driving in flowers is a hammer. Tools to make a difference. Hammer type MCT-1 has a handle of 25-28 cm, working area - 9 cm and a weight of approximately 250 grams. Such a tool can be used for trellis flowers, the length of which does not exceed 40 mm. For driving in more reinforcement, it is better to beat the MCT hammer. I have a handle with a length of 30-32 cm, I work an area of ​​11 cm and take approximately pivkilo. Such instruments are most often vicorated. Hammer MST-3 for quiet purposes, only for wines more vaga. For hammering the dowel-flowers, it is better to use the MCT-4 hammer. The width of the handle is 35-37 cm, the working area is 13 cm and the mass is 1 kg.

The axis is less than a worker, so that they will help you to know, how to score flowers:

  1. Hammer flowers need to be repaired without strong blows. Before the hard postings, go over after that, as you have crossed over, that the pin of the installations is in the required position.
  2. When driving in the flowers, the hammer should be pulled off by the end of the handle.
  3. A look under the hour of the blow is necessary to take a drop.
  4. When working with a piece of wood, make sure that the diameter of the fastening element cannot exceed 25% of the type of element.
  5. To join two dots together, it is necessary to choose the flowers so that the stench permeates the first dot and escalates even less by a third to another element. The value of such a system grows when the reinforcement is driven in under the hood.
  6. Kіnets tsvyakha for consumption needs to be smeared with sweet.
  7. Can't type in order great number flowers. The doshka may break out in the presence of such a preoccupation.
  8. As a support for the place of fastening, which are trimmed on a vase, you can put a hammer of great dimensions.
  9. Sob to drive a tree in the solid flowers of a great dozhina, follow the strengthening of the instruction from a droplet for help pasatizhiv.
  10. To install the dowel at the surface, which is being plastered, you can put in a punch. It’s more necessary to apply yoga to a drop of flowers and hit the blow. Like scorching with a hammer, you can’t escape the appearance of defects in any area.
  11. Before that, how to score flowers at the concrete wall, covered with trellises, fahivtsі recommend trochs to pierce the paper ball with a cross. Kuti next to plant a kill, put flowers. If necessary, you will need to glue the trellises.
  12. If you need to nail the phone darts, then I will need to pierce them with a fastening element so that the veins do not stick to the veins.
  13. A lot of folk miltsіv tsіkavit, like driving a pin with bare hands. It dawned on me that I couldn’t get into the hands of the flowers near the concrete slab. And the axis of the clay surface is entirely possible.
  14. Sob not to hurt your fingers, trying to drive in a reinforcement, it’s enough to beat a sizable pinch. Nutrition about those, how to properly beat the flowers, is often blamed for the fall, as the maestro needs to work on an important territory. For example, if it is necessary to score a reinforcement in the yakіys viїmtsі. However, for someone to do it, simply beat the pipe with metal and the core with steel.

Dowel-tsvyakh: how to drive it in correctly

Pochatkіvtsі majstry dosit often sticks to food, like hammering flowers at a concrete wall without a drill. For the cob, learn to drive the dowel into the concrete surface for an additional drill. For this place for the future flower, it is necessary to strike with a center punch with a hammer. After that, an opening of the required size breaks through with a drill. Varto indicates that on the surface of the drill may be applied markings with a diameter of one. It is necessary to apply the same marking on the dowel. If you do not need to remove the hammer drill, then you can use a drill to work with concrete. To remove the surplus saw, manually vikoristovuvaty a splendid sawmill. The dowel chuck can be hammered against the wall for an additional hammer. Let's sweat flowers for the need of a dovzhina.

Robot with glassy walls

How to tease you, how to score flowers at a glance at the wall, is presented in this section, the information will be familiar to you. Nasampered, it is necessary to appoint a miser. Yogo is better to choose in the middle of the chain. Rozchin, scho utrimu tsegl, є not the best support. Bazhan vikoristovuvati for drilling tsegli drill. Repair the trace carefully, so as not to destroy the masonry. If the drill is visible to the wall more lower by 1 cm, you can increase the wrapping. After that, as soon as the hole is drilled, it will be necessary to see krichti and drink from it. Now you can score flowers or a cartridge.

Chi can you drive in the flowers at the tile?

With the right approach, you can drive the flowers into the cough. In front of the obov'yazkovo it is necessary to name for an additional marker the place of the installation of the dowel. Drive flowers into to this particular type you can, like at the very surface of the cough, so in the seam. The top should be cut out more frontally with a metal screw. To fight with a chain of light tapping. Then, for help, I drilled that drill; it is necessary to drill the tile to the whole depth. The answer can be brought to a vіdpovіdny rozmіru. The surface under the tile needs to be drilled in the fall, depending on what material it was made from. After whom, carefully install the flowers.

Can you drive flowers in drywall?

The first step is to drive the flowers into the drywall, it is necessary to think about those that will not be zipped on the surface. If you are planning to build an important object, such material will not be the best support. For small objects, you can vikoristovuvat crepe, razroblene especially for the surface with a low building that you carry. On the flat for which it is necessary to open an opening of a large diameter. The fastening element is introduced into the viking enlightenment to the stop. Let's do it manually, or at the next hour of the screwdriver, screw the screw.

Clog in flowers: visnovok

Now you can easily grow independently, like hammering flowers at a concrete wall with a hammer without a drill. To finish simply dotrimuvatsya a number of brown recommendations and vikoristovuvat vіdpovіdnі іnstrumenti, as well as kripilny material.

How to hammer flowers at a concrete wall?

For the availability of the necessary tools, you can get by with cheap handy tools.

How to grow dirka in the wall, vicorist hand-me-downs

Decorating the interior with paintings

Starting from the repair, or maybe embellish the room with a decorative element, you can drink on typical folding.

Like a wall, where to hang a picture of a bazhan, or a policeman is concrete, it is necessary to beat a drill or a perforator.

Ale expensive tools and far from leather upholstery. That is why it is not necessary to act in the light of the planned solution, it is enough to think about possible cheap analogues.

The back of the head should be assigned to the size of the bagged opening and an object to replace the drill bit. If the diameter does not exceed 10-15 mm, it is ideal to fit the jumper. This is the name of a metal tube with sharpened teeth on the ends.

The jumper is attached to the marked wooden box and beaten with a hammer. After hitting the skin, turn a third of the turn and continue farther, not forgetting to periodically vibrate the saws that accumulate in the opening.

For the presence of the jumper, you can win:

  • steel rod
  • puncher
  • metal drill

The selected item needs to be modified later. Kіnets, as if beaten with a hammer, varto sanded with emery to smooth the surface, so that it was handy to hit. On the other side, it is necessary to zagostrit, after which it is necessary to win as it is, like a bolt.

If you want to eat a hard stone in a robot, you can take a special flower. Having taken the puck and pririmuyuchi yogo with pliers, troch straight up the mountain, apply protective blows. Gostriy thin kіnchik split the stone, after which the main instrument of dorozib'є yogo.

Speaking about the aesthetic look, it is important to work everything neatly, having marked the dot of the wall with a jumper, so that the future opening will be an olive. Dali, carefully, without rivkiv and stitches behind the dot, pass dirka. The last result is not the fault of the mother of the devils, it is important to attach due respect to the process.

In such a simple way, you can hammer flowers at a concrete wall without a perforator.

How can you replace flowers

Dowel zamіst tsvyakha

If the concrete stands on the right, flowers are not respected by the best decisions.

You can replace yoga with a dowel.

Wines are sold at the convenience stores and cheaply.

On the choice of purchase, a wide selection of products is offered: plastic, metal, nylon.

Likewise, it is necessary to paint a picture of a policewoman, while slaughtering yoga, it is necessary to trim the beast down to the bottom.

With this rank, you will become stronger and serve a lot of lives. At the time of the non-transferred infusion on the wall in the hour or the peculiarities of the climate, the detail of the interior is not lost, it is trimmed nadіyno.

The ideal option is to show up and special dowel-flowers. The stench is recognized without intermediary for driving into concrete. Colors for concrete are made of comfy walls, so they are not broken in the process of working with them.

The material and design allow for easy tapping, it is enough to take an important hammer for greater efficiency. The stench will be ideally trimmed in the wall.

It is allowed to change the color of a larger vydpovidne decision, varto add to this special respect.

Drive flowers for help cork

Wood corks - chopsticks

At times, if the replacement of flowers is not permissible, they go in for help with a wooden cork, as they are called bagatma chopiki.

Yogo vipilyuyut from the tree and pіdganyati pіd rosemіri, scho need.

Dovzhina vіdpovіdає depths of the opening, one kіchik roam at the shape of a cone for a short entrance.

The width of the other edge is 2-3 mm larger for the opening. For the availability of bazhannya and the possibility of growing a chop independently, you can buy it at the store, choosing the appropriate rosemary.

At the hot kіnchik of the chopika, you can drink it and insert a small wedge. Having reached the bottom of the opening, the wines will increase the mіtsnіst of the chop and wall.

So, hammering flowers at a concrete wall without a drill will be much easier. Soft wood on top of the chopik to replace the hard material of the wall. It’s more necessary to be careful, don’t quarrel, fill in the flowers and you’re all set.

At the clogged hole, you can easily screw in a self-tapping screw or a screw. It’s better to go for help with special plastic stoppers, which are sold at stores. Todi, you can not take a chopik to respect. After inserting the dowel at the hole with a ram, the self-tapping screw will easily screw into the middle.

Vikoristannya wooden corks are not obov'yazkovo. It is enough to fill in the opening with a variety, which is built up with cement or alabaster, after which a screw is inserted, the screw is wrapped in advance with a dart and soaked with a raster.

Opened at the wall without drilling, sawing that wood - on the video:


How to hammer flowers at a concrete wall? | ServiceYard - the lull of your house at your fingertips

It would be better if you could be simpler, lower the flowers? If you go about the surface of the tree - you may find yourself trying to build a paddle. Ale blast an apartment with concrete and glassy walls - zovsіm іnsha rіch.

The misunderstood master takes up the hammer and reveals that there is nothing to be done. Put your hands down not varto, for the bazhannya you can podolat be-yakі pereshkodi.

About those, how to score flowers at a concrete wall, you know from the statistics.

Vyznajmos iz rozmirami

You want to embellish the walls, whether you want to embellish the booth. Pictures, lamps, policemen - that little is necessary to attach, moreover, so that with the least stretch it would not be called on someone's head. Before that, how to beat flowers at a concrete wall, it is necessary to be appointed with the size of the one on which you hang your policeman or a picture. Vtіm, so the very next thing, as if you can rightly with some other material:

  1. Vimiryayte tovshchina on the surface, like a nail.
  2. Divide її into 4 - tse i will peretin your flower.

Important! You can take the flowers of a smaller cut, as the object is light, and the axis of the larger one is not varto, the board can simply fall apart.

Let's win the dozhina

At the gospodarskom shop you will find dozens of types of flowers - the most possible roses, in the light of the cold ones, with which thin wooden frames creak, to majestic ones, so that you can move a metal slab on a chimal. Until dozhini tsvyakha, it is necessary to be put more respectfully. Vistrya is not guilty of washing from the other side of the wall, but at the same time, the dozhina is guilty of being sufficient, so that you can take away the object that you creak in such a rank.

Designate Dovzhina like this:

  1. Vimiryayte srazkova comradeship of the wall, in a yak you are going to drive in flowers.
  2. Divide the result by 3 and multiply by 2 - the flowers are guilty of entering the wall in two thirds of the comrade.
  3. Add to the totality of the object, which one you choose to wear.

What else do you need?

What else do you need to think about before him, how to score flowers against the wall? Well, about tools. You need:

  • a hammer;
  • drill from a drill bit for concrete;
  • small diameter drills;
  • pliers;
  • olive or marker.

You may need a rіven and a tape measure (or a folding meter), but you can lay it down because you yourself choose to creat. Obviously, you can drive in flowers without a drill (for example, a wooden partition), so you don’t need this tool.

If there is a hammer, then, of course, you can’t do without it. I choose yoga appropriately:

  • the handle can be handy;
  • the head is guilty of sitting quietly and not claiming.

Rosemary hammers

The state has a scarlet mother’s sprat of hammers in a different size:

  • MST-1. A small hammer MST-1 is suitable, so you need two wooden boards and a long shearing not exceeding 4 cm. The weight is about 250 g, the new one has a small handle - 25-28 cm, and a working surface - 9 cm.
  • MST-2. Using an MST-2 hammer with a handle 30-32 cm long and a working surface of 11 cm, manually drive in flowers of medium size. The value of the wine is approximately 500 g. The wine may be universal, so if you want, if you have only one hammer - it is better to choose your yoga.
  • MST-3. MST-3 is hard to milk, weighs 1000 g or close to that. Small flowers cannot be driven in by hand. The new one has a large working surface of 13 cm and a long handle - 35-37 cm.

How can you score flowers without a drill

Near a wooden wall, you can slaughter flowers in a wonderful way. Ale, even though you have not been engaged in this, you will immediately reveal that in your clumsy robot you have your own subtleties. We blame ourselves for food: how to put flowers and how to trim yoga, so that you don’t rub your hands with a hammer? So we will not know the knowledge of such subtleties:

  1. Name the place where you are going to drive in flowers.
  2. Take the flowers by the middle of the haircut - take the need in the left hand (like, obviously, you are right-handed), with the great and instructive fingers.
  3. Put the wind on the appointed place.
  4. Put the shearing perpendicular to the plane (if you want to buy and vinyatki, if you drive it in at an angle).
  5. Take a hammer from the right hand (shulga, obviously, everything is robitim on the spot).
  6. Inflict 2-3 incendiary blows - the stench may not be particularly strong, but it’s definitely worth a drop.
  7. Flowers are guilty of penetrating into the surface about a fifth of a part of their own dozhini, and one of them to finish.
  8. If you need to drive in a shear more, apply more hitting, so that the ring is filled with more drops, or a small piece of shear (you need to hang it up, but not nail it in).

Important! Vow, what your not familiar spirits can bring to the point that the haircut will bend. It’s not handy in the edge, and keep fasting food, how to fix it at such a time.

You can, obviously, open the flowers and try to beat it again, but don’t be surprised, as if I’m grimacing again in the same place, otherwise you’ll be angry. It's a pity, for the preparation of the fixing, do not start zastosovuyut yakіsny metal, which leads to similar problems.

Є sche vikhid - drive in flowers, like є, so that you look at the bent one. Ale tsey sposіb pіdhodit not zavzhd.

Inacceptability with wood

Jumps trap, if the wood is soft, but you can’t break through, and you can’t hit it from the right. Nayimovіrnіshe, you don’t know correctly, they named the place and the evening spent it in the valley. In such a situation, it is possible to commit:

  1. Vityagnuti vistrya and drive in the yogo order.
  2. Vityagnut flowers, work with a thin drill along this small opening, and plant a vistrya already in the new one, at which diameter the opening is to blame for the smaller one for cutting the flower.

Important! What will be more accurate to strike and what will be the least vistrya zmіschuvatimetsya in the process, tim mіtsnіshe vyavivatsya zadnannya.

We hammer from the butt

Butt be-like a board - the place is different. Sometimes you have to kill the flowers and there, and then finish the great risk, so that you can break apart. The fibers break easily. Ale, you can work so that the stinks disperse, and then you will mitznishim. The smartest thing to do is to drive the flowers near the wall:

  1. To grind off the wind, so that it has dulled - for which a special drink is suitable.
  2. Write on the end of the space for opening.
  3. To drill a small hole on a sign - the drill can be thin for a shear.
  4. Kill the flowers.

Bazhayuchi mіtsno z'єdnati derev'yanі surfnі, vrahuyte skolka more moments:

  1. Yakshto in a v_strya to make a nice one, the rizik cuts the dosk down.
  2. Mіzh suіdnіmi tsvіakhami mаut buti promіshki, it is not possible to drive in a rich order - because of this, the quality of the dows decreases.
  3. Like the surface of the tovst, and the flowers are large, it is better to buy a fastening with pasatizh.
  4. Creep different objects before plastering manually for an additional punch.
  5. To pierce the wall, glue it with trellises, pierce the papyrus and interlining with a cross, plant kuti, drive flowers into the opening, and then glue the edges for consumption.

concrete wall

With a tree, everything was understood, because the material is soft, so you rarely need additional attachments. And how can you hammer flowers at a concrete wall? There is nothing impossible, but you have to try.

For the cob, try the drill for the help of the drill. Hit the spot, where you drive in time, with a hammer or a center punch.

Axis z tim, how to drive in flowers at a concrete wall without a drill, all the trochs are more foldable - if only one happens to be able to open an opening for a dowel:

  1. Take a drill bit of a wide diameter (you will find it on the mark), the dowel can be of the same size.
  2. Drill a hole.
  3. Vidalіt drank (butovy pilosos is good enough).
  4. Insert dowel.
  5. Zanurit yoga for the need of clay.
  6. Kill the flowers.

How to drill dumb

Drill - rіch in the state is already corny, but in majstra-pochatkіvtsya it may not appear. In this situation, a jumper is to be used - a metal tube, in which there is one end of hardening and sharpening with teeth.

  1. Place a spot on the wall.
  2. Attach the jumper and sharpen it on the badge.
  3. Strongly hit yoga with a hammer - rather take an important tool.
  4. It's easy to turn the bolt and start again.
  5. Diet in such a rank, the docks did not see the opening of the required depth.
  6. Periodically remove saws.
  7. Zazhenіt in otvіr chopik - wooden congestion.
  8. Drive flowers into the cork.

How to grow a chopik?

Blame food, but what is a wooden cork, how to insert it into the opening? Rumble out like this:

  1. Vipilit from the village a log of wood for roses open - chim hard and strong breed, Tim will be better.
  2. Give it the shape of a cone - a narrow tip is to pass through the hole freely, and a wide one is important, so that it needs to be three times larger in diameter (approximately 3 mm).
  3. From a high school, make an incision.
  4. Insert the blade from the tієї f generation at the nadrіz.

Important! The wood of obov'yazkovo may be dry.


Deyaki objects are attached to concrete walls with screws. For them also need to open. You can insert them in wooden corks. And there is one more way - open it up with alabaster and cement, and screw the drill on the thread of the screw.

Tseglyana wall

Tsegla m'yaksha for concrete, but hard for wood, which material has its own peculiarities, as it is necessary to heal, if you want to put it on the wall:

  1. Choose a place - respectfully approach the need, the shards were fastened to the cracks, which kind of strong blows can hang. The best, as if the flowers were visible to the middle of the chain.
  2. Gently drill open the door - start on the proper wrappers, and then, if it drills down to a depth of 1 cm, increase the drill.
  3. Relatively vydalіt z dirki cryhti and drank - tsegla krishitsya richly richer, lower concrete.
  • vіdrazu drive in flowers;
  • insert cartridge.

We drive flowers into the kahel

Axis of failure - you already completed the bath again, but they didn’t think that you needed to put a shafka on the wall. Pick up the tile - that worker is on the right. Nothing terrible has happened, you can drive flowers into ceramic tiles, if you want them to be raised by hardness. Yak? So mayzhe so itself, like in concrete:

  1. We are looking for a place - a marker is the most suitable for this type. With whom, it doesn’t matter, de bude will be open - at the tiles, chi seams, the remaining option is to build something better.
  2. Drill through the hole with a drilled thickness and diameter, at which it is necessary to drill through the entire tile and part of the wall.
  3. Insert dowel.

We drive flowers into drywall

Plasterboard partitions - to finish a simple thing in modern apartments. Chi can you nail to them? Here it is necessary to protect the power of the material itself.

Vіn kudi is soft, lower concrete, cegla or kahel, and less vyazok, lower wood. It is difficult to break through yoga, but there is another problem - it is problematic to secure the day.

It is not recommended to hang heavy objects on such partitions.

To make it easier to fasten, to make a special fastening, it is recognized for German surfaces. The sequence of the work will be the same, like a dream:

  1. On the back, you need to designate a place.
  2. Let's drill a hole with a large diameter.
  3. Insert a fastening element - for greater strength, you can put it on glue.


In this rank, there is nothing impossible in the fact that you need to fasten objects on the walls with great force. To the right master, give strength and kahel, and concrete, so as to add kmіtlivіst i zrobiti accurately all operations.


Colors for concrete: advantages and shortcomings of mounting fasteners and dowels

For now, if it was a problem to build a concrete foundation, or cover it with concrete, it was a whole problem, long gone.

Assortment of fixing elements

The instruction, as a guide to food about those, how to score flowers at a concrete wall, was previously formed from such actions, like:

  1. The opening of the opening in the concrete, for which the diamond drilling was fixed, opening in the concrete;
  2. Zabivannya in this opening of a wooden cork;
  3. At the cork itself, clogging or screwing in the fastening element.

Today for the production of such reinforcement, there can be a selection of special flowers, a dowel and navit rіdkі flowers for concrete.

Mounting color for concrete reinforcement

Mounting colors for concrete are an element of fastening, which is fixed for fixing different designs, as well as for fixing, whether it be virobiv or pokrittiv to finish a solid base, in the role of which you can act as a chain, a stone and see the concrete (div. also the article “Zaliznitsa to concrete: methods, materials, further processing”).

The main purpose of such products is as a flower for aerated concrete, simple concrete, stone or stone - the installation of important structures of large dimensions. With such elements of fastening, an important metal structure can be fastened, sporudzhen within the framework of a large-scale life living facilities that promissory budіvel.

The material for the preparation of such products is hardened steel. For the beginning of the process of installation, for the help of this element, a special washer is attached to the haircut, so as to allow the centering of yoga.

In order for such a color to be hammered at a concrete base, a gas-fired gun for concrete is to blame.

Get respect! It is necessary to beat the flowers at the root, otherwise, to finish the soft base, there is no need to beat the pistol, the surface of such a gap can be driven in for the help of a hammer.

The main principle and reason for the supremacy of such a strength is the zvichaynisinka strength of the rub, like and utrimuє flowers at the base.

The main advantages and advantages of colors for concrete reinforcement

Rings for concrete with a center washer

Such elements may be such important things:

  • Reduce such parameters, as the price and laboriousness of the work of making the reinforcement, allowing the superiority and high quality of the sealing, the creation of such reinforcements, the penetration of a small depth of penetration, which allows the vicorist to patronize more cheaply and less;
  • In order to ensure that the strength is not enough, the maximum brightness and strength, the stench is equipped with special ballistic tips;
  • To ensure the safety of victories and the preservation of the best technical characteristics, such a choice is made at the sight of the clip;

clip for pistol

  • For the safety of safety and reliability, the method of twisting is called the “twisting effect”;
  • Colors of recognition fortified with the best penetrating zdіbnosti;
  • Modern options are equipped with a special tip, according to all the time, the notch is crushed. This notch allows you to ensure maximum productivity and a high level of strength, which vibrates;
  • These elements are given to the elevation of the level of morality, which zooms in on stability to the vigin and vitrimuvat be-yak_ navitazhennya navit when mounting on especially hard bases;
  • Also, flowers allow the installation of metal structures to concrete foundations.

Varieties of kripilnyh virobiv

Variable clips for nail gun

Budіvelnі tsvyakhi for concrete fastening, presented on the market, in a wide range of rozmіrіv, types and areas of congestion (div. also the article "Concreting roads on the dacha - especially the work done").

Krіm zvichnyh types of such products and other specializations, recognized for facade, roofing and heat-insulating work.

Get respect! It is also necessary to use universal colors, which can be victorious during the selection of various everyday life and assembly work.

Vіdminnostі mіzh produktієyu of this type polagayut in such moments:

  1. Preparation can be carried out from materials of various types;
  2. Different types of work are assigned to different types of work;
  3. Various elements are recognized for installation with the same level of tension.

Dowel-flowers for concrete fastenings

Metal dowel-tsvyakh

Anchor dowel for concrete is another type of roofing element, which is used as a basis for fixing various types of screws or anchor bolts. The brightness of this virobu without intermediary pours into the superficiality of the framed fastening.

For reasons of the following, choose the type of element correctly depending on whether the reinforcement will vibrate to what extent:

  • For work with important concrete foundations;
  • For bonding to light, porous substrates.

The main criterion, which makes dowel flowers on concrete of one group, virobu z іnshoy, is to support it to the constraint.

In the photo - an initial demonstration of wedging

The main activity of elements of this type is found in the current wedging. The shovels, which were wedged when the reinforcement was hammered in, ensure the impossibility of forcing the dowel from the wall, without damaging the strength of the dowel.

Installation steps

Get respect! The dowel of colors for aerated concrete or concrete reaches the residual stage of its fastening and fixation at the surface at the moment when a screw enters the dowel. At this moment, it is necessary to wedge, as if at the same time with fixing whiskers (as such) the impossibility of forging the dowel from the base is safe.

At the end

Elements of fastening

You can get flowers for robots with concrete structures at any emergency store. And you can kill them for the help of a gas-filling pistol with your own hands without special difficulties (read also the article “Slag concrete - everything you need to know about this type of material”).

You can shoot the necessary structure to the concrete base at once. It is necessary to repair the surface or to examine the zayvy material is due to the vikoristan cutting of concrete with diamond stakes.

in this article, you have even more features of such bracings, like flowers and dowels for concrete bracing.


On this day, they start elementary work at home, like people can work with their own hands. Naygolovnіshe — pіd їх їх vikonannya dotremuvatsya sevnyh rekomendatsіy and dotrimuvatsya safety equipment. Bagatioh maistriv-pochatkіvtsіv often whine at first glance food: how to kill the flowers? Let's try to find out.

Materials and tools

The first step is to kill the flowers, it is necessary to be assigned to the most important dimensions of the stained glass materials. Rozmir pererazu flowers is guilty of becoming no more than 25% of the total amount of wooden elements that are attached. At times of blockage of massive nails, the board can simply crack.

As for the size of the flower, the wine is guilty of moving into the lower part by two thirds of the length. Tsya well vysuvaetsya and in the process of nailing. The hammer for carrying out the work should be chosen in such a rank, so that yoga would be handily trimmed in the hand. Practice with a tool that has a head is not possible.

In another situation, you risk taking away the injury.

Otzhe, how to score flowers correctly? For whom it is necessary to follow certain clumsy instructions. The pile is taken with the great finger of the left hand. Take flowers more beautifully in the middle of the shear. In the wake of the next rested in those places, de wi plan to score it. As a rule, the spigot is installed perpendicular to the plane of the element.

With right-handed people, the hammer sounds at the right hands, with left-handers - at the left. If you drive flowers near the surface of a tree, then it will be enough to make 2-3 accurate hits. After all, he is guilty of climbing up to the tree by 20% from the entire tree. Tsgogo vystachit, schob to fix the position of the flower.

Then, with harder blows, you can drive the dowel near the tree drop by drop. How to cackle you, how to score flowers against the wall, then varto vrakhovuvaty, what less shipments you will make when yogo is hammered in, then there will be installations at the tree. Tse s tim, scho s hitting pіd whether it be some kind of kutami, the structure of the village can be destroyed.

Best of all, as the process of slaughtering is folded from a bet of shipments.

Through incorrect hitting, the flowers can bend. The stench can be smelt from the repairmen through the low-thickness metal or the low-grade metal. Another reason, through the yak dowel, it is important to enter the village, falling into the gorge in the hit of the gostroy part.

In a similar situation, it is better to pull it out and drill with a drill bit larger than a small diameter of the opening at a clear mist. To kill the flowers that you bend, you can also use pliers.

Ale, with this varto vrakhovuvati, so that you can get in the way of bending flowers near the tree under such a kut, you will be very graceful to pull it off.

Often, due to the need to drive flowers from the end of the board, the surface can split. To save tsoma, enough to drill a small opening. If you blunt the front with a saw, then you can also get cracked. In this way, the fibers of the wood diverge in different sides, and do not tear.

Selectable hammer

Today, the skin of a man may know, how to score flowers. Actually, this process has a lot of thinness. In case of careless pulling with a hammer, it is possible to remove the injury of the finger, bend the flowers or zip the wall. Use a copy of simple recommendations. Having become familiar with them, you will know how to hammer the dowel-flowers.

One of the most important elements when driving in flowers is a hammer. Tools to make a difference. Hammer type MST-1 has a handle with a length of 25-28 cm, working area - 9 cm and a mass of approximately 250 grams. Such a tool can be used for trellis flowers, the length of which does not exceed 40 mm.

For driving in more reinforcement, it is better to beat the MCT hammer. I have a handle with a length of 30-32 cm, I work an area of ​​11 cm and take approximately pivkilo. Such instruments are most often vicorated. The MST-3 hammer is intended for the same purposes, only if it has more weight. For hammering the dowel-flowers, it is better to use the MCT-4 hammer.

The width of the handle is 35-37 cm, the working area is 13 cm and the mass is 1 kg.

The axis is less than a worker, so that they will help you to know, how to score flowers:

  1. It is necessary to start hammering the flowers without strong blows. Before the hard postings, go over after that, as you have crossed over, that the pin of the installations is in the required position.
  2. When driving in the flowers, the hammer should be pulled off by the end of the handle.
  3. A look under the hour of the blow is necessary to take a drop.
  4. When working with a piece of wood, make sure that the diameter of the fastening element cannot exceed 25% of the type of element.
  5. To join two dots together, it is necessary to choose the flowers so that the stench permeates the first dot and escalates even less by a third to another element. The value of such a system grows when the reinforcement is driven in under the hood.
  6. Kіnets tsvyakha for consumption needs to be smeared with sweet.
  7. It is not possible to drive in an order to a great number of flowers. The doshka may break out in the presence of such a preoccupation.
  8. As a support for the place of fastening, which are trimmed on a vase, you can put a hammer of great dimensions.
  9. Sob to drive a tree in the solid flowers of a great dozhina, follow the strengthening of the instruction from a droplet for help pasatizhiv.
  10. To install the dowel at the surface, which is being plastered, you can put in a punch. It’s more necessary to apply yoga to a drop of flowers and hit the blow. Like scorching with a hammer, you can’t escape the appearance of defects in any area.
  11. Before that, how to score flowers at the concrete wall, covered with trellises, fahivtsі recommend trochs to pierce the paper ball with a cross. Kuti next to plant a kill, put flowers. If necessary, you will need to glue the trellises.
  12. If you need to nail the phone darts, then I will need to pierce them with a fastening element so that the veins do not stick to the veins.
  13. A lot of folk miltsіv tsіkavit, like driving a pin with bare hands. It dawned on me that I couldn’t get into the hands of the flowers near the concrete slab. And the axis of the clay surface is entirely possible.
  14. Sob not to hurt your fingers, trying to drive in a reinforcement, it’s enough to beat a sizable pinch. Nutrition about those, how to properly beat the flowers, is often blamed for the fall, as the maestro needs to work on an important territory. For example, if it is necessary to score a reinforcement in the yakіys viїmtsі. However, for someone to do it, simply beat the pipe with metal and the core with steel.

Dowel-tsvyakh: how to drive it in correctly

Pochatkіvtsі majstry dosit often sticks to food, like hammering flowers at a concrete wall without a drill. For the cob, learn to drive the dowel into the concrete surface for an additional drill. For this place for the future flower, it is necessary to strike with a center punch with a hammer. After that, an opening of the required size breaks through with a drill.

Varto indicates that on the surface of the drill may be applied markings with a diameter of one. It is necessary to apply the same marking on the dowel. If you do not need to remove the hammer drill, then you can use a drill to work with concrete. To remove the surplus saw, manually vikoristovuvaty a splendid sawmill. The dowel chuck can be hammered against the wall for an additional hammer.

Let's sweat flowers for the need of a dovzhina.

Robot with glassy walls

How to tease you, how to score flowers at a glance at the wall, is presented in this section, the information will be familiar to you. Nasampered, it is necessary to appoint a miser. Yogo is better to choose in the middle of the chain. Rozchin, scho utrimu tsegl, є not the best support.

Bazhan vikoristovuvati for drilling tsegli drill. Repair the trace carefully, so as not to destroy the masonry. If the drill is visible to the wall more lower by 1 cm, you can increase the wrapping. After that, as soon as the hole is drilled, it will be necessary to see krichti and drink from it.

Now you can score flowers or a cartridge.

Chi can you drive in the flowers at the tile?

With the right approach, you can drive the flowers into the cough. In front of the obov'yazkovo it is necessary to name for an additional marker the place of the installation of the dowel. It is possible to hammer the flowers into this vipadka, like at the very surface of the cough, so in the seam. The top should be cut out more frontally with a metal screw.

To fight with a chain of light tapping. Then, for help, I drilled that drill; it is necessary to drill the tile to the whole depth. The answer can be brought to a vіdpovіdny rozmіru. The surface under the tile needs to be drilled in the fall, depending on what material it was made from.

After whom, carefully install the flowers.

The first step is to drive the flowers into the drywall, it is necessary to think about those that will not be zipped on the surface. If you are planning to build an important object, such material will not be the best support.

For small objects, you can vikoristovuvat crepe, razroblene especially for the surface with a low building that you carry. On the flat for which it is necessary to open an opening of a large diameter. The fastening element is introduced into the viking enlightenment to the stop.

Let's do it manually, or at the next hour of the screwdriver, screw the screw.

Clog in flowers: visnovok

Now you can easily grow independently, like hammering flowers at a concrete wall with a hammer without a drill. To finish simply dotrimuvatsya a number of brown recommendations and vikoristovuvat vіdpovіdnі іnstrumenti, as well as kripilny material.

How to score flowers?

On the chain of food, it would be supposed, the nobility is guilty of a leather man, who he respects himself.

But why is everything so simply true, that every hour you hear a little about the boards, that they split, the plasterers, that the flowers were bent, and the fingers were injured? Perhaps, after all, they will establish the rules, the nuances and the secrets of the conduct of this “manipulation”? Let's try to get to know each other.

Skin flower - your hammer

The most common carpenter's hammers are of various types:

  • MST-1 (handle - 25-28 centimeters, working part - 9 centimeters, wag - 250 grams) is used for driving in arable and trellis flowers (up to 40 millimeters long);
  • MST-2 (handle - 30-32 centimeters, working part - 11 centimeters, shaft - 500 grams) is used for hammering in larger crepe screws. The largest rich instrument;
  • MST-3 (handle - 30-32 centimeters, working part - 12 centimeters, shaft - 800 grams) runs into the same tasks, but MST-2 is just important;
  • MST-4 (handle - 35-37 centimeters, working part - no more than 13 centimeters, vaga - 1000 grams) is used for driving large (over 80 millimeters long) flowers, as well as dowel-flowers.

Insanely, the trellis flowers are not in a bad place on the floor and for the help of the fourth hammer, but with an adequate size for the percussion instrument, it is much more comfortable.

The main secrets of slaughtering flowers

  1. Start hammering from weak breaks, until sharp blows, go only after you change your mind so that the flowers enter correctly. Trim the hammer by the end of the handle, hit the roblyachi, try to concentrate and look at the droplet of the viroba. Remember that if you hit the flower less, then the flower will get it, and the better and the better will be the trim. Three-chotiriokh of brushes and two-three of ground liquor may be enough.
  2. As you work with wood, stitch, so that the diameter of the flower does not exceed the quarter of the board. For a thin plank, we won’t fill it with a blunt virib - taste it with wire cutters. The fibers will sing and split, but the wood will not split in a year.
  3. For a mіtsnogo zadnannya two boards need to pick flowers in such a rank, so that the stench could pierce the pershu and not less than a third of it could be seen in a friend. As soon as you drive in reinforcements under the hood one to one, the construction’s strength will increase even more.
  4. If necessary, cover the flower tip with wax or nice - the robot goes like clockwork.
  5. It is not recommended to beat a large number of flowers on one line at a direct proximity one kind of one - the dot will split.
  6. For the mission of the day, which is on the vase as a support, you can beat a massive hammer.
  7. For a long-term flower, which is driven into the wood of hard rocks, without bending, yogo followed the trimaty with pasatizh closer to the droplet.
  8. It is also necessary to install fastening close to the edge of the board, it is necessary to obov'yazkovo strengthen the space for an additional punch and hammer.
  9. A puncher can help to destroy the flowers in a practical way, be it on the surface of the plastering - put it down to the droplet of the viroba and hit it with a hammer. How to win for whom only a hammer, vm'yatin on the dilyantsi do not get lost.
  10. Before that, how to score flowers against the wall, pasted over with trellises, to grow on the cover with a wood with a cross with a cross. Carefully open the folds to the sides, install a crepe vibrator, glue the folds.
  11. Telephone wiring, first nailed down, it is necessary to pierce the back of the head with flowers - in the middle, neatly, in such a rank, so that the stench did not stick around.
  12. A lot of folk umiltsiv often tsіkalyatsya, as if with a hand to score flowers. At the tree or the concrete to drive the crepe vibr by hand, it’s not visible - it’s obvious to be a sensible person. And the axis is near the sand, earth chi clay - more to wind. Golovne - be careful and zdiisnyuvati manipulation vpevneno.
  13. To help the “novices” save their fingers from being hit with a hammer, you can use a great pinch for the bility.

The best food, how to correctly score the flowers, blames for the hour of work with importantly accessible plots on the surface. For example, if it is necessary to install reinforcements at the buried ones. Ale to do it less with a steel core and a metal tube, like a problem to go down again. Take a look at the picture - and change yourself.

It is possible to install a crepe vibrator in a certain inaccessible nook for the help of a nut and a bolt:

  • screw the nut onto the bolt;
  • put this “attachment” on a flower droplet;
  • beat the flowers with blows on the droplet of the bolt.

Engaging in the preparation of works and the repair of wooden furniture, one often has to work up to pins - the great wooden flowers. It's so easy, like steel, to kill them, it's incredibly unacceptable. I’ll first drill the hole, drip glue there and then we’ll drive the dowel in less.

How to correctly hammer the dowel of flowers?

For concrete:

  • mark the spot under the opening with a hammer and a punch;
  • for the help of a perforator, punch a hole in the required depth. To give respect: on the surface of the drill, there is a marking from the designated diameter - it is the fault of the obov'yazkovo zbіgatisya from the marking of the dowel. The depth of the opening can be revisited by the dowel dowel by approximately 5 millimeters;

An impact drill for working with concrete can only be punched at the tip, as it is impossible to “get” a hammer drill.

  • remove the excess saw with a saw;
  • for the help of a hammer, bury the dowel cartridge;
  • to score on the need for clay flowers from the “set”, having filled the sprat of a millimeter in the head for the suspension.

At the ceglu:

  • choose the best roztashuvannya of the dowel, for the improvement of what the center of the zegli can be. On the right, in the fact that the support for vantage is not necessary, it’s better not to risk it;
  • tseglu bazhano buriti with a percussion drill. Start carefully and correctly, so as not to split the masonry. If the edge of the centimeter bar'er is fastened, the wrapping of the drill can be increased to the norm;
  • see drank that stinging cry from the opening;
  • score a cartridge and flowers.

For kahel/ceramic tiles:

  • choose the place where the dowel enters for the additional marker. Tse mozhe buti yak surface of the tile, i seam;
  • mark the surface with a metal screw. Apply even light tapping, passing with no more than 0.5 mm of enamel;
  • with a percussion drill with a drill bit for metal (diameter - 3 mm) drill the tile for the entire fabric;
  • bring the opening to the required expansion;
  • to drill a wall under a tile zgidno z іnstruktsiєyu for concrete or zegli;
  • carefully install the dowel flowers.

For drywall:

  • Before that, how to score flowers on drywall, think carefully, so that you don’t seal the surface yourself. If the vantage is planned to be expanded and important, then this material is not shortest choice for support;
  • for light objects, reinforced molly, rozroblene especially for foundations with low load-bearing buildings;
  • drill on the surface of the opening of the required diameter;
  • tapping, insert the fastening into the opening until it stops;
  • with a screwdriver or manually tighten the screw.

On whom everything. Now you know how to hammer a dowel in flowers and a wonderful flower correctly. Designs for you! І save your fingers!

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