How better to drive flowers near the wall? Chi can be hammered into flowers near a concrete wall Chi can be driven into flowers into concrete

you need

  • - a hammer;
  • - Steel flowers;
  • - dowel-flowers;
  • - Budivelny pistol;
  • - drill;
  • - metal comb or special trim for flowers;
  • - Plasticine;
  • - razor blade;
  • - bottom wooden plank;
  • - newspaper and water;
  • - paste;
  • - scotch tape;
  • - paraffin chi visk;
  • - information about seeing flowers and consulting with the seller of the emergency store.


See the flowers yourself (such information is available on the Internet) or consult a competent seller of a wake-up shop. Leather varib - from the simplest colors to special fastening elements - may be recommended for work with specific surfaces.

Do not trim the hammer close to the base, otherwise you will see your fingers. At the rightness of the day, protect your hands from hitting you to help you with a metal comb - you will lose a small flower in the necessary position. It is also possible to make trimach for flowers from the glacier plate, having worked in the center of the viriz at the looking wedge.

Clog the flowers near the wall (to add ramie or other vantage), urging it down with a small kut to the beast down. At an important place, you can fix the flowers under the necessary cut for additional plasticine or mistakes; after the first blows of the hammer, you can see "trimach".

Do not drive the flowers directly into the wall, pasted over with trellises, or with vinyl plait, or you can zip the decorative cover. To build a hospitality with a forest for the leg, neatly cut the cross-over and cut the tufts of the trellis (plyvki). If the metal sheared is worn to the wall on a deep clay, glue the dented shmatochki with additional trellis glue or self-made starch paste.

Carefully work on the surface of hard wood, so as not to damage the beautiful expensive material. Dosvіdchenі majstry at the time vikoristovuyut prozory paraffin chi vіsk, like rubbing the host's kіnchik of the skin flower. If the wall is upholstered with plywood and if there are cracks, then blunt the front of the wind.

Vykorist dowel-flowers for concrete, stone and other, especially stone surfaces. Only these attachments (a plastic cylinder-dowel and flowers for a new one, with a crack or without) allow you to get into the metal wall, not having turned it off and not using working materials. Use a drill to open the required diameter, insert a cylindrical plastic shear and hammer it at the new dowel flower. As you can practice with a wake-up gun, if you are more likely to fit into these tasks, you will need special dowel-flowers for such mounting accessories.

Stick on the place of future fixing a small piece of transparent tape - tenditna plaster will not sag. As if the clogging of the flowers is near the wall, you can open it with a newspaper, rosy and soaked with a rare starch paste, or just near the water. If the hanging is hardened, if it is possible to kill the flowers in a different way. Zrozumіlo, qi ways not to allow you to attach to the wall a small element of decor of a small vaga. Keep in mind that you can only take into account those z'ednannya, with some flowers to enter at the surface of the wall by 2/3.

How to score flowers?

On the chain of food, it would be supposed, the nobility is guilty of a leather man, who he respects himself.

But why is everything so simply true, because every once in a while you hear a little about the boards, that they split, the plasterers, that the flowers were bent, the flowers were bent, and the fingers were injured? Perhaps, after all, they will establish the rules, the nuances and the secrets of the conduct of this “manipulation”? Let's try to get to know each other.

Skin flower - your hammer

The most common carpenter's hammers are of various types:

  • MST-1 (handle - 25-28 cm, working part - 9 cm, vaga - 250 grams) is used for driving in arable and trellis flowers (up to 40 mm long);
  • MST-2 (handle - 30-32 centimeters, working part - 11 centimeters, shaft - 500 grams) is used for hammering in larger crepe screws. The largest rich instrument;
  • MST-3 (handle - 30-32 centimeters, working part - 12 centimeters, shaft - 800 grams) runs into the same tasks, but MST-2 is just important;
  • MST-4 (handle - 35-37 centimeters, working part - no more than 13 centimeters, vaga - 1000 grams) is used for driving large (over 80 millimeters long) flowers, as well as dowel-flowers.

Insanely, the trellis flowers are not in a bad place on the floor and for the help of the fourth hammer, but with an adequate size for the percussion instrument, it is much more comfortable.

The main secrets of slaughtering flowers

  1. Start hammering from weak breaks, until sharp blows, go only after you change your mind so that the flowers enter correctly. Trim the hammer by the end of the handle, hit the roblyachi, try to concentrate and look at the droplet of the viroba. Remember that if you hit the flower less, then the flower will get it, and the better and the better will be the trim. Three-chotiriokh of brushes and two-three of ground liquor may be enough.
  2. As you work with wood, stitch, so that the diameter of the flower does not exceed the quarter of the board. For a thin plank, we won’t fill it with a blunt virib - taste it with wire cutters. The fibers will sing and split, but the wood will not split in a year.
  3. For a mіtsnogo zadnannya two boards need to pick flowers in such a rank, so that the stench could pierce the pershu and not less than a third of it could be seen in a friend. As soon as you drive in reinforcements under the hood one to one, the construction’s strength will increase even more.
  4. If necessary, cover the flower tip with wax or nice - the robot goes like clockwork.
  5. It is not recommended to beat a large number of flowers on one line at a direct proximity one kind of one - the dot will split.
  6. For the mission of the day, which is on the vase as a support, you can beat a massive hammer.
  7. For a long time of flowers, which is driven into a tree of hard rocks, without bending, yogo followed trimaty with pasatizh closer to the droplet.
  8. It is also necessary to install fastening close to the edge of the board, it is necessary to obov'yazkovo strengthen the space for an additional punch and hammer.
  9. A puncher can help to destroy the flowers in a practical way, be it on the surface of the plastering - put it enough to drop the viroba and hit it with a hammer. How to win for whom only a hammer, vm'yatin on the dilyantsi do not get lost.
  10. Before that, how to score flowers against the wall, pasted over with trellises, to grow on the cover with a wood with a cross with a cross. Carefully open the folds to the sides, install a crepe vibrator, glue the folds.
  11. Telephone wiring, first nailed down, it is necessary to pierce the back of the head with flowers - in the middle, neatly, in such a rank, so that the stench did not stick around.
  12. A lot of folk umiltsiv often tsіkalyatsya, as if with a hand to score flowers. At the tree or the concrete to drive the crepe vibr by hand, it’s not visible - it’s obvious to be a sensible person. And the axis is near the sand, earth chi clay - more to wind. Golovne - be careful and zdiisnyuvati manipulation vpevneno.
  13. To help the “novices” save their fingers from being hit with a hammer, you can use a great pinch for the bility.

The best food, how to correctly score the flowers, blames for the hour of work with importantly accessible plots on the surface. For example, if it is necessary to install reinforcements at the buried ones. Ale to do it less with a steel core and a metal tube, like a problem to go down again. Take a look at the picture - and change yourself.

It is possible to install a crepe vibrator in a certain inaccessible nook for the help of a nut and a bolt:

  • screw the nut onto the bolt;
  • put this “attachment” on a flower droplet;
  • beat the flowers with blows on the droplet of the bolt.

Engaging in the preparation of works and the repair of wooden furniture, one often has to work up to pins - the great wooden flowers. It's so easy, like steel, to kill them, it's incredibly unacceptable. I’ll first drill the hole, drip glue there and then we’ll drive the dowel in less.

How to correctly hammer the dowel of flowers?

For concrete:

  • mark the spot under the opening with a hammer and a punch;
  • for the help of a perforator, punch a hole in the required depth. To give respect: on the surface of the drill, there is a marking from the designated diameter - it is the fault of the obov'yazkovo zbіgatisya from the marking of the dowel. The depth of the opening can be revisited by the dowel dowel by approximately 5 millimeters;

An impact drill for working with concrete can only be punched at the tip, as it is impossible to “get” a hammer drill.

  • remove the excess saw with a saw;
  • for the help of a hammer, bury the dowel cartridge;
  • to score on the need for clay flowers from the “set”, having filled the sprat of a millimeter in the head for the suspension.

At the ceglu:

  • choose the best roztashuvannya of the dowel, for the improvement of what the center of the zegli can be. On the right, in the fact that the support for vantage is not necessary, it’s better not to risk it;
  • tseglu bazhano buriti with a percussion drill. Start carefully and correctly, so as not to split the masonry. If the edge of the centimeter bar'er is fastened, the wrapping of the drill can be increased to the norm;
  • see drank that stinging cry from the opening;
  • score a cartridge and flowers.

For kahel/ceramic tiles:

  • choose the place where the dowel enters for the additional marker. Tse mozhe buti yak surface of the tile, i seam;
  • mark the surface with a metal screw. Apply even light tapping, passing with no more than 0.5 mm of enamel;
  • with a percussion drill with a drill bit for metal (diameter - 3 mm) drill the tile for the entire fabric;
  • bring the opening to the required expansion;
  • to drill a wall under a tile zgidno z іnstruktsiєyu for concrete or zegli;
  • carefully install the dowel flowers.

For drywall:

  • Before that, how to score flowers on drywall, think carefully, so that you don’t seal the surface yourself. If the vantage is planned to be expanded and important, then this material is not shortest choice for support;
  • for light objects, reinforced molly, splitting, especially for bases with low load-bearing buildings;
  • drill on the surface of the opening of the required diameter;
  • tapping, insert the fastening into the opening until it stops;
  • with a screwdriver or manually tighten the screw.

On whom everything. Now you know how to hammer a dowel in flowers and a wonderful flower correctly. Designs for you! І save your fingers!

If you need to hammer flowers into concrete, you can speed up with tactics. Zvichayno, bezperedny drive in the flowers at concrete wall it’s unlikely that we’ll see, but even if we see, then it’s not possible to call wines superfluous and so it’s impossible to call them superimposed. In other words, it is possible to find ways to turn around the ways and ways to solve the problem.

Replace the flowers with a dowel

Later, without intermediary, to hammer flowers into concrete - the choice is not nadto rational. The best tactic will be victorious dowels. It is possible to vikoristovuvati practically be-like dowels, like at the store. They can be plastic, nylon, metal dowels. The bottom line is that you need to drill a hole in the concrete, then insert it, or hammer it into a new dowel and screw it in with a twist.

Hammer flowers in concrete for the help of a wooden chop

As it is necessary for the reasons for the flowers themselves and no other element of fastening, you can work under the flowers of the chop.

Chop previously replaced the dowel. This is a wooden stick, or a "blank" of its own kind, yak to hammer in the holes of the holes. At this wooden chop, you can hammer in a flower, screw in a screw or a screw.

How to make a chop, to kill flowers near a concrete wall? For the cob, you need to drill holes in the concrete wall. More shortly, as if the opening of the troch navskіs the beast down. On the right, in what can be drilled straight or downhill, a chop (as if it were otherwise fixed) can be thrown. And in that fall, as if it were to be drilled down to the beast, then to wind up like a chop is greatly roiled in the wake of cataclysms, it is not possible to fall out of the wall. Vіn not vipade navіt in that vіpadku, yakscho depend on the new one too late great vaga. Shvidshe zlamaєtsya himself flowers.

Later, if the concrete wall is ready to be opened, a wooden blank is hammered into the glue on it. Golovne take yakіsne, hard wood. Hammer into the open rotten tree there is no sensation. Therefore, the blank can be yakіsnoy, mіtsnoy. Її machayut at the PVA and carefully hammered at the concrete wall.

Vlasne now at the concrete wall you can easily clog flowers. In one chop, you can hammer a sprat of flowers if necessary, or screw a sprat of self-tapping screws.

Such a reinforcement will be more reliable. The Maistris were crowned for a long time, until the sale showed up more modern fastening at the look of the plastic dowels.

Selection of special colors for concrete

At the sale you can find special colors for concrete. The stench can be of different constructions, expanding that form. But all the stinks were broken up so that they could be hammered directly into concrete. Such flowers are called flowers on concrete or dowel-flowers.

It is easy to practice from flowers on concrete. In principle, there are no special secrets. The flowers are simply inspired to hammer in the concrete with an important hammer. The material and design of the colors in the concrete are chosen in such a way that there is no problem in the warehouse. Until then, such flowers, on the vіdmіnu vіd zvichaynyh tsvіakhіv, where more often trimmed at the concrete wall.

Majestic obsyag budіvelnyh robіt pov'yazaniya z kіplennyam to - vіd reshetuvannya to lining. But not less significant is that part, which is victorious when fastened to materials of advanced materiality and solidity - and to induce lithium metal.

It dawned on me that the elements are strengthened in this way, but they are blameless. І sogodnі mi pogorimo about dozhina and іnshі razmіri і for concrete і for metal, їх tsіni, GOST and installation.

Zvichayny tsvyah - budіvelny, universal, when driven into concrete, just bend. Say nothing about metal. Flowers according to i - tse of hardening flowers, tobto, preparations from high-carbon steel and minuli thermal processing. Such a procedure gives rise to a supra-linguistically high mentality.

Forgive me, flowers of all kinds vibrate from low-carbon steel - Art. 1, art. 2, Art. 3, Art. 10, Art. 15; High-carbon steel for fastening should only be used when preparing products for casting.

The hardening process is carried out until the alloy is heated to the right set temperature, and the temperature is cooled down. In this quality, there is olive oil, rozchin caustic soda, pure salt, as well as lead, meadows, saltpeter thinly. It is possible to zagartovuvanny that without cooling by a way of a superficial processing by strums of a high frequency.

An hour of curing to lie down in the rozmіrіv viroba, for the flowers to be heated, that vitremka is minimal. The temperature of hardening is chosen according to the grade of steel.

The coldness of cooling is also deposited in a large amount of charcoal: what is the greatest yogo in the steel, it is lower the coldness of cooling. At the same time, you should look for the position of objects near the homeland, which is cooling, and not only by the hour. Such thin and long-term virobi like flowers are covered with plaza, so that in the other fall the lower plots of the viroba are squeezed by the first ones, which cause strong tension to the point of vindication.

The steel is hardened with a vignon high tint, but a small viscosity. This kind of fixation mayzhe does not "practice" on vigin. Zvichayno, when fastened to metal or concrete, you do not need to use it, but the same thing is special and does not allow you to wink when fastened with gnuchk materials, or sound, which transfers every hour of operation.

Flowers on concrete can penetrate the building as much as possible. A great number of vagrants are released not for manual robot- it’s even more important, but for working for the help of a gas nail gun.

The most common modifications of the virobu are equipped with a special ballistic tip. Throughout the whole year, the notch was broken, which made it easier to wear on the main material. Vykoristovuetsya zagartovuetsya flowers with a special washer, as it allows centering fastening. Strictly kazhuchi, no longer flowers, but a dowel.

This video shows the characteristics and testing of flowers on concrete and metal:

R_novidi viroba

Viroblyayetsya flowers from stainless steel hardened, that needs a zahisny ball here every day. Ale, the fragments of this kind of insurance coverage on the marginally trivalent term of exploitation, in practice, vikoristovuyutsya and with additional coverage and without it:

  • flowers from hardened steel- may not be black, but a gray matte color and a whole lot of zastosovnі for both internal and external work, including the application of a higher water level;
  • - The minimum zinc ball should be 6 microns. Tse krіplennya vikoristovuєtsya for orphans, and navіt virobnichih;
  • - May have a beautiful golden color, and, moreover, absolute resistance to moisture and more acids. This variant is vikoristovuetsya on the plots, where the vignette resistance to corrosion is needed: at the forage workshops, for example, at the shipbuilding. This type of fastening is the most versatile.

Shards of creaking on concrete and different materials, the shape of the haircut in virobs can also be different:

  • round shear- The classic option is most often found in everyday robots;
  • zholobchasti- Vykoristovuєtsya for especially hard materials - important concrete;
  • flat- for utrimannya not tight constructions;
  • square- Specialized reinforcement.

All the different things are awakened by the over-the-top mіtsnistyu and even by the high building that they carry.

About vaga and rosemary flowers, which are hammered into concrete and metal, read below.

Anchor-tsvyakh (dowel-tsvyakh) driven by concrete

Vaga and reconciliation

Colors for metal that were mostly used for making up, that is why they are regulated not by GOST, but by TU. The tables show the widest color parameters for concrete and metal for mounting guns.

nameShear diameter, mmShear length, mm
2,7*16 2,7 16
2,7*19 2,7 19
2,7*22 2,7 22
2,7*25 2,7 25
2,7*32 2,7 32
2,7*3 2,7 38
3,05*16 3,05 16
3,05*19 3,05 19
3,05*22 3,05 22
3,05*25 3,05 25
3,05*32 3,05 32
3,05*38 3,05 38
3,68*50 3,68 50
3,68*60 3,68 60
3,68*65 3,68 65

Technical characteristics

Specifications for the preparation of hardened flowers, as a kind of compilation, could be up to the standard standards of budding flowers and the characteristics of hardened steel. The leather grade remains regulated by its GOST.

Parameters of a round flower are described by GOST 4028-63. Vimogi to virobu is standard.

Sweep a picture, how do you need to paint it? About those who varto vikoristovuvati for whom colors for concrete, and you can get in without drilling, rozpo_tse video:

Features of installation and price on the slab

Flowers for metal and concrete are rarely hammered by hand.

  • Yakshcho the basis of a viable m'yak is clay cegla, for example, hammering is carried out with a small sledgehammer or a hammer with a weight of 1 kg. With this, it is necessary to take care of the safety technique: put on the eyepieces or put on the mask, in order to prevent the hit of the concrete or the shard of clay.
  • As a basis, it is considered by a high field, but if you can work on metal, it is necessary to use a special tool: gas, pneumatic, powder nail gun. The flowers for the apparatus are taken into the clip, and the presence of any kind of m'yazovy zusill to rob the simplest right.

Flowers are sold most often as ready-made clips of 10 pcs, in packs of 1000 pcs. Vartist to deposit vіd pokrittya and rozmіrіv. So, galvanizing option cost 1230 to 2000r. for packing. Brass cladding on concrete will be installed in 2955-3599. for packing.

Colors on concrete do not care about the height of the mіtsnіst - kr_plennya spetsіalіzovane, but before that, varіst at the new chimal. So it’s irrational to make such colors for creaking or resolving.

The video below shows how to make a twist and flowers in your home minds:

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