What is better to wear thin people, what better to look? The subtleties of choosing clothes: low people

Walking along the street, more than once you stun people of high growth, but in the greater vipadkiv stench you sing your old-fashioned look filthy in your wardrobe. If a person is tall, then it’s beautiful, and even more beautiful, if you’re right, choose clothes to your height. Adzhe clothes can yak and take some nedolіki, so і vkazuvati on them.

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The most common problems that a tall person faces at the hour of choosing clothes

Even more often people of high growth stick to disproportion in clothes. So if it’s good to sit at the shoulders, and it’s over wide at the waist. Also with trousers, which fit on a dozhin, and in the waist are wide. Everything looks ugly and robs old man kind of stupidity.

So often smart people tuck in their shirts. great expansion at the pants, in such a rank, attaching the size of the shirt itself, which cannot be robbed. Tsim for a moment spit on the disproportion of your clothes.

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How to pick clothes for people?

It is best for you to sew clothes for prayer, where exactly the world will be taken from you and the river will be sewn under your figure. Since you don’t have such a capacity, then it’s necessary to resolutely pick up an appropriate dress, which looks at you kindly. Soak up more urgency in your wardrobe with different accessories:

panicles on neck

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Tse to make the image fashionable and concentrate your respect on beautiful details.

Most of the clothes for tall people are sold in special stores. There, it is easier for tall people to choose a wardrobe for themselves, practically all the clothes are sewn to the very figures of high growth.

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Just don't get confused with clothing stores for people great roses to that there you are trying to solve this problem. And for the rest of the day, you will go to you, but you will be wide.

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In general, it is not so easy to choose a suitable element for your wardrobe. Navіt yakscho vy non-standard growth chi rozіru. Higher growth rate is faster, lower is not enough. Greater people in the world, to be high. And the bigger girls are like tall lads.

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Easier to know casual style and do the yoga, buying words, like a good look one by one. If I choose images for tall ones, for inspiration I look at photos of NBA stars /. These lads live steadily under the eyes of the cameras, which is more suitable for their own style. I have signed on some of them on instagram.

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You need to learn the very rules of style, which are the same for great people. One, for what it is necessary to wonder, for a long time and obsyag speeches. So that you didn’t look like that, why your clothes are small, or you didn’t pretend to be on the majesty of the worldless. I am writing about the rules of style for people and trends in people's fashion.

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Zvichayna dress up to a high person more important, lower people standard sizes. Ale yakscho dotrimuvatisya just please If you say more, then your good looks will be in a better position.

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Dress up beautifully with that zі gusto, remember to grab your shortfalls and boost your luck. People, what do you respect yourself, do not allow yourself to look stupid. Even those, as you see, reflect your innocence, and the person is guilty of being intoxicated by himself.

Find out everything newer, more fashionable that corisne in my blood. Write your questions and requests in the comments. Subscribe to my

Skin man, fallow in yoga statues, fit different styles in clothes. A tall man, dressing up his coat, if you want to look presentable, but don’t look like a velvet. A man of low stature, dressed in a suit, if you want to look professional, but not like a schoolboy with an older brother's clothes. The great lad, vibirayuchi blazer, bazhaє, so that he robbed yoga with statues, but did not crack at the seams. You want the skin of a person, so that they took it all seriously and did not show respect for її nedolіka, so it is necessary to try to smooth them out. Here it is necessary to clear up once again - a suit cannot help you in the face of 40 kilograms of weight, so for help with a properly chosen clothes you can show respect for them. A great person can look great, but not obligatory.

The skin of a person can change his best look for the help of a well-known beauty. It is very important to know a talented kravtsya with a good sense of style. As if you were lucky, do not ruin yoga. These stats will not be damaged by those diets and training.

middle status

It is practical for such people to walk, whether they are clothes. If you lie down to the category, speak to your fathers. Try to dress smartly, give respect to the fabric and choose the right suits at the urochist.


First of all, what a tall man is responsible for when choosing a suit - the same material, from some kind of sewing. The fabric of the great cell - those that are necessary - horizontal lines to make your old look more grand. Tall people can afford to wear fabric in a wide jacket.

The deyakі details of a dress can help a tall person look proportionate. One can see before them: a little fluff in the side pocket of the jacket, large trouser cuffs, bibs and boutonnieres. Okremo skin z tsikh details do not help reach the necessary effect, but at the same time the stench can “break” the vertical lines, which makes the temple of a person look like a whole lot. So choose a suit, give respect to the intestines with overlays and lapels. Follow him, so that the stench does not look over something fuzzy.


Low people are stuck with other problems. As tall people are guilty of choosing clothes from details, as if visually juxtaposing these proportions, then people of low stature are guilty of uniqueness of similar speeches, so that the silhouette is vertically drawn. Not a trace of dressing up suits and other speeches with a horizontal woman, as well as breastplates. At the closet of a short man, there are suits with thin vertical lines, stitched close to one to one. More fabrics are coming, especially dark colors. It is necessary to protect it with textural materials, for example, fabrics in a Scottish tile and visor fabrics with a small little eye, like a flickering fixation of the look, instead of allowing you to freely “walk” along the silhouette.

The problem of all low people is with the fact that their head is given a disproportionately large one in proportion to the body. To overcome this problem, choose jackets that visually make your shoulders wider, and try to get a haircut, so that you don’t visually enlarge your head. For a man of low stature to come to the rescue, a jacket and trousers of one color. Try to shorten your jacket, as little as possible (ideally, you can hardly reach the bottom of the day). Trousers are guilty sit on the waist. It is better to coristuvat with suspenders, and not with belts.


Those, whose waist is wide behind the chest wall, stick with the problem, like picking up such clothes, which won’t hurt them even more. Often speeches, like it’s good to sit at the shoulders, appear small in the waist, to which the great people are guilty of shukat jackets of a garnet cut, which are not good enough. Include clothes from the wardrobe that are tight. Let it be better you will have trochs freely in the waist, lower will be too narrowly narrow, what do they say about your zayvіy vazi. A true person cannot hide himself, but for the help of the right clothes, you can switch your respect to your own guise.

For new people, there are vertical lines and dark succulent colors. As it was appointed earlier, the stench hovers that silhouette. Remember, it’s worth the fabric and the life of the visor not to make a smart person thin, but it’s right to pick up the clothes to let go of the unfortunate comments.

As for the style, it is necessary to choose jackets on 2 ruffs with a deep V-like visor, so that the chest is pulled up. Lapels with a gostry kutom on a single-breasted suit should create more vertical lines, like a great sickness of the disease. For some people, like people of low stature, wear trousers at the waist, so that their legs look dowdy.


Thin people need to visually tighten their bodies, and correctly choose fabrics to solve this problem. People of a thin stature are guilty of prudently approaching the choice of clothes - a too narrow crion just to reinforce the stature, so just like a too well-made robe, bring respect to thinness. Thinner people can choose criss-crossed, for example, double-breasted jackets and pants with a pleat at the waist and cuffs. Great respect should be given to the shirts, to the commissar (you can pass 2 fingers between the shoulders and the comir) and to the cuffs (the sleeves are not guilty to roam without ruffled cuffs). Such details, like a bib hustka and a kosa komir, visually add to your vag. Navit zachіska can help you look solid. Let the hair out of the hair, and you will immediately win the line.

Zmishany type

High and povny

Save the proportions here. If you are a great person, then it is necessary for you that all the details of your clothes are three times larger. Perekonaytes, scho swarms of your jacket є proportionate. Look at the pads on your shoulders so you don't look like a hockey player. Turn on the fabric in the clitina and give respect to the wide marriage.

Tall and thin

A tall and thin man is guilty of being respectfully placed up to the fabrics and roses, the shards of the greater shirts and trousers are to make the silhouette more resilient. Do not be afraid of clothes and textured fabrics, give respect to double-breasted suits and extravagant fabrics.

Low and low

One of the most common types of zvnishnosti in the plan to choose clothes. As a rule, it is not easy to choose the right clothes for someone, especially as a person of mischief. For such people, it is necessary to choose monotonous and dark fabrics and unique strong ruffles when combining clothing. Baggy clothes don’t hang around either. It is not recommended to wear jackets with vents.

Short and thin

Low, thin people are guilty of choosing clothes from details, which are proportionately less for the size of their body. Too big lapels, cuffs, and long jackets are not suitable for people of such a shape. The stench visually stuns them to smaller sizes. Also, remember that the trousers are worn 2/3 of the back of the shoes.


The greater number of people differ between the girth of the breasts and the waist to become a sprat of centimeters. In m'yazistyh cholovikіv tsya raznitsa can become 20-30 centimeters, which causes few problems.

Suits, which are ideal to sit at the shoulders and breasts, are much larger in the waist area. Such people need to choose jackets without padding on the shoulders. Great gates to enlarge the breasts in proportion. The twists with gostrimy kuts will look perfect. Do not overtighten the waist, the figure of a person is not guilty of being similar to a sand year. For important athletes, wear lowered jackets, which will help to attach a V-shaped torso. Pants with arrows make the quilts wider, and more importantly, those trochs of the smaller size of the pants with large cuffs shatter the lower part of the body in proportion.

People with the figure of a football player (dry torso and muscular legs) are recommended to bathe in long jackets without a cut and pants, so it’s good to sit in the stegon area (the stink is not guilty, but it’s too narrow, otherwise the guts will be vitiated and they can be cherished by tearing the unarmed). The shirt on such people looks better, as if they wear a її navypuska, prikrivayuchi sіdnitsі. Wibatchte, sir.

A lot of people zazdryat tim, hto can eat everything that is good and if you don’t wear a single gram, then to reach the right figure, they go to different diets and physical rights.

If you don’t care that the sporting status is always attached to garrison people, then you can easily forget about those who are trying to lose weight, it’s also a serious problem.

If we are talking about fashion, then knowing the best clothes for people is no longer a problem. And the axis of the strings of the people will recognize the singing difficulties of these familiar robes, which, having been brought to them, will be.

One of the ways to solve the problem is to sign up at the gym, you can help with a small amount of money, at the same time increasing the savings of those other products, so that you can gain weight.

However, do not boast, because you do not love physically right, otherwise you simply cannot know the hour for your smart schedule. We have chosen a little joy for you, to help you create a visual illusion, you can see more, lower, true.

Buy a blazer with small shoulder pads

So that the upper part of the body looked more muscular, try to bathe blazers with light shoulders.
In this case, more doesn’t mean better, even if small pads add to the shoulders and the necessary volume of the chest, in that case, in jackets with massive patches, you look like a little boy in a man’s clothes.
In addition, regardless of the price of the jacket, we do not look at you like a product, purchases here at "second-hand".

Unique tight-fitting shirts

This is one of the most important joys for thin people: do not wear tight shirts and T-shirts. Natomist, choose shirts, as they are three times larger, and through them your ribs are not visible. And it is not necessary to bathe the great robe too late, the shards through the great amount of fabric make you feel like you are swimming at your shirt.

In addition, do not choose a fabric that sticks to the body. Flip the tag on it and change it, so that there is no place for too much elastic.

Speed ​​up the servants of the kravts

Wear only one double-breasted jacket, and try to put them on so that the stench along the contours of your body. The clothes are not guilty of sagging under the paws and in the region of the shoulder girdle.
One more important order: the upper and lower parts of the robe are guilty of one to one, do not put on jackets and lights of the great size at the same time with smart trousers, or navpak. Otherwise, all of the current sight will be sealed.


Your jackets are to be lowered until midday. More short jacket visually increase your size and expand your waist, your arms and legs are even thinner. At the lowered jacket, you looked like a club, turned up in a carpet.
Wear classic pants

Your pants are due to the mother of the classic zovnishnіy look, which can be worn straight on the trousers. Do not pull on wedge-shaped trousers and skinny jeans. Kishene, cuffs, folds can add volume, so on your pants there can be a maximum of two similar elements.

Choose the fabric size

The selection of bulky fabrics is one of the most important joys. Aje great corduroy pants can make your legs bigger. If it’s cold, put on cardigans that don’t swear, in which you look like a schoolboy, and the cardigans are loosely cut.

Choose clothes from the most important outerwear, as well as other more important shirts. Always dress yourself up with balls, shards of chim more clothes, tim you hello big.

Carry lights with a high commander and a viriz official

In cold weather, put on the lights with a high room and a viriz chovnik. Lights with virizom misom (V-like) will support your worst. So it’s not for you to vipinate your breasts yourself, to zip up your shirt.

Give respect to the commissar when buying shirts. Try to choose those in which the veins are wider, then the upper part of the chest should be wider.

What kind of clothes are suitable for not just stringy, but really thin lads? How not to look like a pole, but to cope with the anger of a stylish young person? Today the website Shtuchka.ru rozpovіst, what kind of clothes are thin people to walk, and what kind of dress is better.

Zagalni ambush your choice of clothes

Even thinner people suffer more with clothes, lower. Don't push it on - it looks like a "jacket on the city's pudzil". And yet how to suffer їhnє friends and girls!

Ale tse yakscho stink not to know a few little secrets, yakі mi tobі rokriёmo at once:

  1. Let's thin people go with a lighter silhouette of shirts and suits, which they lightly swear.
  2. We are thinner for the testimonies of the bulk jersey from the tovstoy outside, which is kind of trimming the shape.
  3. Thinner people need to wear a belt with a horizontally ruffled straight-cut buckle.
  4. We are thinner for people, even passing velveteen, which I create an additional obligation.

Let's look at what has been said. How do you think, how to put on a good T-shirt on your thin man, you look good? Ni. And from a fitted shirt to a silhouette, the one with a yoke that visually expands the shoulder girdle, the effect will be different.

Vzagali, clothes for tall thin people are to blame for the mother of the sprat of horizontal lines. Ale, I’m more likely to wear a shirt, even if it’s a thin one, ale, a husband. So, go for it, so that your person chooses shirts that are monophonic, that are in a plaid.

Before the speech, the clitina must go thinner. Vaughn herself speaks. And if you pick a warm tone, then your person looks more solid. The most winning warm tone is chocolate. The brown palette has taken on a new dimension, especially in the present midday, bronze and burgundy colors.

Yakim maє buti style clothes for thin people

Twofold: from one side - suvorim, from the other side - richly sharovim. Before the speech, you can eat. For example, a suit. Before the jacket, there can be an addition - a vest. The axis is only sewing її to be brought to the prayer. The standard virіz at the vest is the letter “V”. We lose weight because of contraindications. Ale! Just don’t bring such a viriz to the end, but build a cross-section, so that you cross the kinchik in the wind, and you will see the effect of horizontal expansion. Do you need it?

Don't know what to put on your thin man for a job? Double-breasted suit in a subdued tone. Wonderful looking dog ( summer option) and dark gray (tse already wintery). How do you not know gray color vzagali already ryatuє. Light colors change volume, dark ones increase volume. The best gray eye for a thin person is dark “bearish”.

Bulky clothes are suitable for thin people

  • “I bought my man a dark gray suit, two shirts shiyna hustka. Istotny effect! Yak added 8 kg! Tanya.

One more pleasure for you to see the site: more thin people can go the color “eggplant”, even if wine and go to the dark ones. Try to reconcile such a shirt with your man, you will immediately have a better effect. Particularly, the new gray-black eyes have dark blond hair. Moreover, depending on the type of color, it is possible to choose different colors of the rich rich color.

The style of clothing for thin people allows for suvori silhouettes. Ale їх it is possible to "split up" with accessories. Large tails on a double-breasted suit, dark troch, lower fabric, to create a “horizontal” effect.

And even in a jacket, the upper intestine is just one “wife” in the sum of the expanded silhouette of a thin man.

Ball after ball.

Don't you know how to dress up a thin man? Balloons! Tobto: yakscho vin is a dilova person, under a shirt will be a river shiyna hustka, may be nevidminna in her color. But in the tone of the suit, as if between him, that shirt does not have a strong rose.

Clothes for thin people

Student? Todi a one-color T-shirt under a shirt, or for a shirt - also a one-ton one, or in troch commemorate little ones - a knitted vest at a large cage or a horizontal jacket. So hello, scho vin greater.

  • “They chose velveteen pants of a dark-girchic color - forcibly. But the result is amazing! Especially if the mother-in-law gave them a brown-yellow light before them. Natasha.

Vzagali, clothes for thin people, on their own can be ob'emnym. The jacket is not so similar, but in the cold ... Tovsti shine, obov'yazkovo with a comir - so that the "kurchacha neck", corduroy jackets and pants, cardigans did not look out.

Trochs about accessories

They play a significant role. For example, a belt. It would be nice, what is it? But no! Try the axis, put on your man a great belt, and then - a belt with a massive horizontal buckle of a rectangular shape. You’ll get better at retail.

A dress made in style for thin people has an important vzuttya. Do not buy your shoes with hospitable noses. Nіs maє buti “stupid” - square or rounded. It’s even more beautiful, like the flowers have transverse smog.

The biggest problem is if a thin person wears shorts. Under them, sandals or slippers with transverse smugs and massive zippers are more likely to be worn. The stink to bring in your “horizontal contribution” and to smooth out your thinness.

How can you please? Worthy? Try not to worry? Somehow, having found out what it was necessary to put on a thin man, they already tried it. The results, honestly, were different.

Equva - specially for the site Shtuchka.ru

Thin people often have impersonal complexes due to the drive of their sane looking. But this type of figure may have a number of advantages, which are good when choosing stylish speeches for lads. The string of a person is ideal for any kind of wardrobe.

You need:

I. Fitted T-shirts
II. Vuzka pants
III. Jackets or cardigans

Speech for the thin can be prepared from fabrics, as they are simply unsuitable for other people. Deyaki elements and clothes visually enhance the figure, deyaki navpaki. For thin people, the ideal dress is velveteen, woolen or oxamite suits. And the axis of seams and synthetic fabrics is less likely to reinforce thinness.

What kind of clothes to choose a thin lad

It is not possible to muffle the speech, which would take the form of the body. A lot of thin people are dressed in robes, which is richer for the world, lower is necessary. Tim himself, great jackets do not put on the image of masculinity and do not visually flaunt broad shoulders. For such a choice, the wardrobe is blamed by the associations with the boy, who heard the words of his elder brother.
- Criy - an important warehouse, whether it be a garment. Vіlnі svetri ta t-shirts to this particular type don't go. Thin people, navpak, owe bathing robes, which support the proportions of the body. Aristocracy and subtlety can put on a suit with a fitted waistcoat and tight pants.
- It is possible to write a speech with a non-standard cut. For thin, ideally worn clothes, made from thin fabric with geometric inserts, to give form stability. In such speeches, the lad feels as much stolen as possible, and it’s handy to those who don’t stink and look even more fashionable.
- It is important to say that with one single suit you can wear different elements of clothing. Look good in the autumn period classic jackets that vovnyana cardigans with a knitted light. You can also vikoristovuvati dutі sleeveless vests. Yakshcho rich vikonana monophonically, її can be worn with jeans.
- The best pіdіyde clothes of light tones. Bazhano dyagati speeches with great prints - look better on a thin person even better.

How to dress up the thin: accessories

The most unforgettable and obvious accessory is eyepieces. It is possible to highlight this attribute with great lenses. Do not wear eyepieces with rounded dart frames - they look undignified. You can vikoristovuvat black eyepieces with horn-rimmed.

Conservative options for belts can well complement a fashionable image. It is important that this accessory is either black or brown. For different variants of clothes, you can choose a belt with buckles from the look of fan elements, for example, from the emblem of a computer grey. So the belts from the buckle look good, which instills national features.

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