Yakshcho cholovik prihovav scho friendly reasons. Zovnishnye signs of the deadness of a well-meaning person. Retail between friendly and unfriendly

Dear ladies, you, chants, you yourself will understand that I will not leave a role for those who are friendly people to pull from the manifestation of sexual activity to you, to play their squads.

Individuals make friends themselves in that vіtsі, if the greatest cіkavі protilezhnіy statі, with whom they become more cіkavishi, if they acquire squads, and why:

- already may life dosvid;

- Mayut worthy dosvіd splkuvannya z zhіnkami, - there could not be without a squad;

- Doglyanayu look - zavdyaki retinue;

- more sexually addictive sleepy life;

- Mayut a stable financial camp - for whom the food can also be helped by a team of chi її fathers;

- may have a high social status, well, above average;

- can, if necessary, send a message about the service to the resort;

- building gifts of expensive speeches;

- can help with your career;

- can virishiti bezlich foldable meals;

To that friend of a man, for sure, mother will drink from independent women, wanting a lot in which to take their squads. The axis is so zhorstok_ vysnovki.

And yet, we turn at the thematic framework of our book and try to understand why friendly people go to cunning and sexual strimanity on the cob of a hundred dollars with their kohanka.

The wrong person specially pulls the hour, so that the partner's program will ring out louder.

A rich woman recites on the cob a hundred sons, so that friendly people do not chirp - this is the main reason for the fact that a person joins his family camp. So it’s already a lot of women, yak, not respecting those who rely on hundreds of friends from friendly people, yet go to them, as if already calling to a partner, after that, they call to a man.

To win a woman’s voice to herself, friendly people win only three speeches:

- chat with a partner for a month;

- Demonstrate the presence of pennies;

- tremble in their hands and do not chіlyayutsya.

It is necessary to say that a person can have friends and more - a month, rivers - there are no retailers, stink shards do not starve intimately.

How to understand, what does a person tell you?

Navit not marveling at all masculinity, a brutal look, a stick to give and inner strength, a strong excuse to admire modesty. And remember that you see that you are moving into your heart, but you will win, it is necessary to help you to open up. The axis of why women are more richly preoccupied with the whimsicality of their partner, which they should. What are the signs of a dead man, who relativly wins his amorous setting before you?

How to understand, what does a person say to you right, but if it comes to you?

  1. With skin rashes, sighing, you tell about your exploits and advances. We need to make contact with you, so that we can talk about our family and our hoarding. Vin is also unlikely to miss the opportunity to get to know you better. At to this particular type you need to talk more with him and put inquiries, so that you know better from your feelings.
  2. Respect before what you say. If a person respectfully hears what you say to you, it means that you want to know more about you. Boldly tell you about water pollution, priorities.
  3. Vishukano looking at the skin blemishes. In that case, like a person appears in front of you at the ironing of a shirt, gyms, Buying speeches, harmonizing them, then the wine will be given to you at all beauty.
  4. Vіn dbaylivy. This head is a sign of suffocation. Fixing a faucet in the kitchen asking about your health? Tse means that a person can feel lower.
  5. Poturannya to your baganka. How to love a person, make you feel good, to know how to come to you good feelings. Do you need help? Vіn immediately rush to the place, be it a kind of place. Do you want exclusive zukerkas? I won't be a problem for him.

How to understand the mind of a person in the countryside?

Reciprocally we give vodnosinam on the basis of stability and mentality. How to understand, chi did not cool down yoga a little before you?

If your kohany calls you every day, ask, if you don’t fall ill, chat with a robot and if you are warmly dressed, then worry about a little not varto. Before the sign of love, those who call you and share plans for the future, plan to spend a vacation and holidays.

Dream about the future to mark your split.

Do you see that the dog is jealous of you and the control of the skin? Tse means that you are valued and do not want to be let in. Ale jealousy does not allow to live peacefully and happily, that її can be in the world.

How are the wines of friends, how to understand, what do you want to wine?

We can’t care less about it, the stink can be blamed on a well-meaning person. It’s not surprising, ale vin can also bestow lowness, showing turbota. What is it - zahoplennya chi really kokhannya?

Vіn respect for sex, but after that, after having taken off your own, don't you forget about tse and pragne to tear the stosunki? It’s not worth talking about those who are less likely to grow up and become criminals family blue watching them.

About the non-serious nature of the stosunkivs, it is necessary to speak about the appearance of your life. Vіn may be called unaccompanied by the telephone, and to that you will come to an hour of insignificance. Don't get carried away - I'll call you for a new reception for just an hour, no more than that.

At the hour of the telephone call, you can go out all the time, or turn on your mobile phone? And here warto beware. Well, if you don’t win, then you’ll be brought up from the hoarded lies that stand at the sample.

The head sign of a friendly friend is those who, not marveling at family problems, will hurry to help you, help you on the job. No matter what happens, you will always be in the first place. I'll be with you plans for the future and help you to drink with your family, without being prompted to help children. I would like to spend more time with you, having a good time with you, not being surprised at the negativity. The druzhina know about you and threaten separation, but not to be surprised at the price, they continue to chat with you.

Thought of psychologists about a human kohannya

People also want to cook, but the lower and charіvne seem to be more mysterious and thinner. Like fakhivts stverdzhuyut, "males" cardinally vіdrіznyayutsya vіnok zhіnok іt's plan. Even though women are more emotional and show themselves emotionally, but it doesn’t mean that people don’t care.

Boyfriend, a kind of suffocation, bazhaє every day bachiti in front of him is a kohan. Deyakі navit ready to imperious vchinkіv, bringing the breadth of feelings, bringing their love.

From the other side, a person will not require a permanent romance. And just like the tsukerkovo - the bouquet period comes to its end, then you take into account what the woman has already reached. Axis why, if it’s a day of scarcity, original gifts, then don’t varto vvazhat that love is over.

How does your partner not mark your new cloth? Don’t let yourself get confused, even worse, like before, you’re dying, just problems on the robot and the whims of the boss don’t let him relax and completely feel your turbota.

How to find out what kind of friendship a person will get

The experience of that investigation shows that not all friendly people love their squads. Є y tі, who will take his feelings to other women. Knowing, befits you to a friendly chi, it doesn’t matter to finish it.

It is important to understand that the pull of a friendly person to your wife can be internal. The majority of vipadkіv tse hovaєtsya, but there are signs, behind which you can reveal your shanuvalnik, which is already friends. If you are attracted to such a person, it is necessary to get into the term love stagnation. The reason is simple;

Retail between friendly and unfriendly

Such people often look different. No wonder it seems that a person becomes serious if they make friends. The person of the family is more reserved, she is the only one who works only on the robot. If the robots don’t smell a word about those who need to get together and get drunk or go bowling. Obviously, in the soul of a man, he will always be deprived of cotton, but the names of wines all the same change after that, as if he were wearing a hat with a woman. The easiest way to recognize, chi vіn friends chi nі - marvel at the right ring finger, but don’t make people wear rings - if you want to love, just take yoga at home, so as not to waste it.

Friendly people may always look good, even if a woman does not allow her other half to walk in a wrinkled dress. If you are friends, you don’t smell like perfume, but you smell like a warm perfume. The stinks are gallant and just don't talk to other girls.

The main famous rice two possible types of people - great and friendly. For more friends, always know the hour to talk with a kohan woman. Call the wine to try not to show it, walking out of the office. As a rule, start at the same hour.

How to recognize what you befits a friendly

Why should a person be most afraid of friendships, so those who stop loving Yogo's squad. The older woman, who is jealous, only greeted the tiger with a tiger, wanting to inspire someone you can cross. All people, you can be like a family person, but try not to show your love stagnation, pull. Obviously, it will be remembered for you byduzhe. You can’t flirt with friends, if you see you all alone, then, better for everything, you should accept it like a woman, like a colleague. Obviously, yoga can pull up to you, so you just good man but not simple friendship between articles.

You remember that you don’t get along with each other, if there are a lot of people in the office, but you start to cheer up with those for love, if you are two, then it’s a display of sympathy. If you want to make light physical contact, then you can easily get rid of sumniv.

The family man is worthy to be better off in the shade, but don’t waste your time to marvel at the wish to “with one eye” at that girl, like you get yoga. Tse you can but, because you did not mark such speeches for him. Remember that there is no flirting and gravitational flirting with you, as if instructed even by one person, you simply can’t make a person. Druzhina and hats for him, everything is more important for everything in the world.

Vinyatki buvayut z be-any rules, but more friendly people do respect the rules of care, so that in order to z'yasuvati, befits you chi ni, you need respect.

Try not to succumb to friendly people, otherwise it’s not right. If you feel strong for your mind, then try not to show cravings - the person himself will do everything, as the All Light wants so much. As if it were one of the main laws of light, don’t take someone else’s varto, because you can bring more disappointment and misfortune. Be happy and don't forget to hit the buttons

You suffer not because of what you need this person, you need to show love and signs of respect, and sometimes just readiness for a rich drink for you.

Even more often, a call from a friendly person on the back of the head is given to me by good fortune. Gifts requested to restaurants and come in at a different price, garni words, biased sms, lightness and insensitivity in the eyes. Everything is so enchanting and delightful. And yet, the incomprehensibly turboless fairy tale begins to turn into a drama, with important scenes and bitter experiences. Well, what do you think about the heroes of the one who, until recently, has become familiar with the novel?

I often remove leaves from women - kokhanok, a participant in love tricks. And in their summative stories, I will again show the tragedies of fallow waters. You know, those who do not suffer from any mental illness, simply do not feel the quiet inner torment and torment, as they describe women. But such harmonious people with hearts for the world are not so rich in this world.

Therefore, my screen of electronic mail, like before, is full of sheets with stories similar to qiєї.

Vyznazhlivyy svyazok with friendliness

The fourth river is trivay my novel from a friendly person. I was easily put on the back before our dates and did not take them all seriously.

Win was already choking on me, starting to look around. I was like u signs of respect - kvity, present. Post-dzvinki. And I agreed in return. Ale, I more often allowed love and opіkuvatisya, not being drawn in by the sucker. I was not praised by those who have a squad. I messed up її. I made myself a queen, how to love and adore, and I didn’t take the rules of the gris. I was not jealous at all.

Ale step by step, I began to call to the new. And then my unacceptability began.

I was worried when I turned back to my homeland. She acted like a hysteric. I really wanted to do this, I wanted to try not to show it. I could not, like before, take my feelings, saving my goodness at the same time.

Three months have passed, and I gave you my ultimatum: either I, or your squad. We both felt bad, and joy came from stosunkiv. Until then, I started to feel good that I was just victorious to me, which despised me even more.

At the result, our link was already exhausted by my strength. I wrote that we needed to be separated.

It was more convenient for me to be called on the same way to destroy a part of myself.

Dekіlka tizhnіv was very important. And then I got to know another person and we began to chat. Obviously, it was impossible to name the kohannyam, but the stosunki supported me.

It seemed to me that I started a new life: I made plans, set new goals for myself. I raptom wine turning back to my life.

Vіn zapevnyaє, scho zakohany, scho do not show life without me and make me want to drink from sіm'ї.

Of course, to flatter me. Ale, I will understand that I don’t want to renew my stature. I urge you not to silence me, even earlier I was so careful about such propositions and I would be happy in the face of the solution praised by him.

Why is it so important for me to understand myself? Why do I feel like I need that kohanoy only in non-serious stosunki?

The situation, if the women are under the spell of slyly looking at the friendly man, and then suffer from the coldness of the mind, dosit typical. Varto is less for the gentleman to change his onslaught, and the woman already falls into disarray because she is afraid of becoming a new one.

However, let's not lose the love and pretentiousness of stosunka.

Signs of fallow

Strongly pulling one to one, people often mistaken for love at once, wanting to talk all the same about the past - not about the right kohanna, but about the manifestation of fallowness. About the child’s pragnennya, I’m directing my respect, turbo, warmth.

For fallow vineyards, it is more characteristic to feel the moisture content of the object of similarity, the bazhannya to get angry with him and control his life. A fallow man cannot let anyone and nothing into the expanse of vіdnosin, like friends, like a robot.

Make sure that the fallows are cool, especially on the cob mutually. That is why in this period everything is not stuck with fears and pain in the soul. You foretell the surface evidence, and everything is accepted easily and unmistakably. Those who are a person of friendship and in a new family are easily accepted by a handful of hundreds. Friendship of a person - that’s easy and good luck.

Until quiet feast, until you become attached to your gentleman all the time, you will feel comfortable. You veil your soul. The man is trying to conquer you. and you spit it out. Do you understand, what can I do on the street? Singingly, similar situations were troubling around your life.

Better for everything, you wouldn’t commemorate that person in an extraordinary life, but your stoic attitude and manner of looking enchanted you. Himself given to them signs of respect got you. Having let your partner into your life, you have sharpened your strife and sensitivity. And your little inner girl, yak vimagaє kohannya that turboti, now pragna vtrymati yogo order.

Your independence and the lightness of the stosunki overwhelm you. You start to take over the squad of the guard as a super-nice. And in the middle of you, the dramatic scenario of your childishness is roaring - the struggle for the lower close people zmіshanі s sick and suffering of the soul.

Your whimsicality will make you feel your inner "vistava". And it becomes more important for you to overcome the struggle for a person - so you will be able to bring yourself to love you that you need.

And at the same hour, the middle of the unfamiliar is thrown pride, Inscribing to you that people are simply handy with you, that you are the best and the best, but be one. The pride and image of your little inner girl will make your life unbearable, we will make suffering. I zustrіchi іz cholіkom cease to bring joy.

And then we will issue an ultimatum.

The woman pronounces people once and for all to choose, with whom they are deprived of wine: from her to the squad. What do you want for your help?

Tse childish understanding of the mind: to love you chi ni. Vono becomes the most important for a woman.

If a partner does not rob a clear choice for її greed, you won’t believe that it’s not necessary for you, that you have given other people a favor. I'm skryvgena and the inner girl is enchanted, like a pride, she starts attacking the one who hurts. And the woman has grown up as a woman from a man.

This is a sparing scenario of separation - the whimsicality of this one is not yet so strong. And from now on you have become a fallow in a person not only emotionally, but th, for example, financially, in a special plan, thinly, then you will be more sore and long. Even suffering through separation can be stretched to fates, if not - to all life.

If in a certain hour a person will turn to you, then you, better for everything, are rejoicing at what we call not for the sake of what we want. Why?

Because you suffered not because you needed this person, you needed to show love and signs of respect, and sometimes just readiness for something rich to drink for you. If you don’t accept the confirmation of interest to you, then your “kohannya” will quickly go away, and the people will not be a cicada to you.

When it is rich, the woman continues to follow those fates that the person still satisfies their needs. Tsya nadiya provokes the aggravation of internal suffering and struggle. If a partner shows up at the wrong moment, if a new type of check was made, then the woman looks more like a disappointment, and not joy.

For a woman, how to love a person in a fair way, it is not important, if we ourselves come to her and if we can vikonati її bajannya. Well, I can use the term for a few months, not fates.

A loving partner is not afraid of a friendly person to choose between her and her family, zmushuyuchi suffer like that, and that’s the same child’s team. To the one that you truly love someone, you appreciate the hour, spending at once, without minds.

What makes you love the right way? Why are you suffering and expending lightness and joy in stosunki?

Your flow of wide lower feelings is blocked by manifestations of fallowness at the heart. І vyhіd may be more than one: zlіlennya vіd likeness. But it's not easy.

Zvіlnennya vіd zalezhnostі

Overworld affection has taken root in your soul and in your childhood, if you have been lying in the fathers and other close people. Even though in this period the child is stuck with problems in the outside, she doesn’t become independent in the right way. And even then a person has grown up, continuing the spiritual struggle for her needs, despite being satisfied with others - only so she feels happy.

Obviously, you can take your show of fallowness and control, constantly aggravating them with bullock zusilli. But in this moment you will not be able to open the light of your soul, and then, survive the right mess. Life at the eternal pressure will not allow you to.

Vminnya well razkritisya - tse zdatnіst defy the depths of your psyche, indulge and accept yourself like that you are. Tse zdatnіst forgive yourself those others.

And the right kohannya is a spiritual manifestation. It is important to come to her. Tse trivala and kopіka pratsya.

Why do you have wine?

Relief from staleness begins not from trade, but from internal pain, suffering. You just need to know what the stench is. And then let’s let them in: let them appear and “vitect” from your soul. It is necessary to zoom in and live yoga.

Stop calling a person to your misfortunes and sting for a share. Try to understand that your experiences - your children feel that they are repeating (re-creating). And it is important not just to understand - it is necessary to observe.

The health of the soul in the wounds of children is important, especially one by one. It is best to go through this path under the guidance of a competent and certified mentor (psychologist, trainer, consultant). To be left alone with the hospitality is more important.

And remember: the joke of a pidtrim is not a weakness, but a decision of a mature person. This is the cob of path for the development of spirituality.

I more. I have mentioned more than once that women, like to complain about those who often irritate them, sound their own courage to evil in other moments of life. And often after separation from a person, the stench themselves become kohankas of friendly people.

You need to understand the essence of your spiritual lesson, so that you can remember such situations again. If you store up your share of sleep, stagnation and happiness will forever go from your path. Otherwise, you are cursed at the constant repetition of the suffering and the suffering of people of the singing type.

How to behave in fallow waters

As long as you haven’t yet ventured into a deep spiritual transformation and correcting your problems, I can no longer give you some recommendations on how to behave in fallow waters, so that the beats, how to control your psyche, will be not so great and painful. Ale all your unseen desires to be left behind you. I mean, the ball of suffering will not go anywhere from your soul. Adzhe zherelo of a true kohanny was chained to him.

  1. Give respect to your intuition. Remember: if you feel discomfort in some way, if it doesn’t suit you, don’t rob it. Do not wait with the blessings of a partner, because you are not in power.
  2. As if by your vchinki you have the fear of spending a person, you yourself give impulses to your crippling and ailing inner child, awakening it. And the axis of which you would need would be unique. Constantly ask yourself: “Do I want what you want?”.

  3. Don't let people control your life. Try not to waste money on the financial side of things - do not throw the robot, navchannya. Otherwise, you will be more comfortable at times, if you need to tear up sickly stoks.
  4. Find a job that suits you. Joke busy, scho you. You may have a life of power in life and that plan. Do not anger them for the sake of a person.
  5. Keep talking with your friends and relatives. Do not speak before contacting only with a partner.
  6. Love your self. Remember that the mood is not to blame for the accumulation of the old objects. Joke the sensei of your life at your own. But it is possible, if you develop spiritually.
  7. Take it away, pluck your inner associations of joy and happiness, connected exclusively with the presence of a person. You can enjoy life on your own.
  8. Take the optimal distance from the waters, protect your special boundaries. You don't need to be angry with your partner again. Try to look at the moments, if all your thoughts are spinning around just like a person.

    Learn your weaknesses and try to unique them. So, it’s possible, you know, that it’s important for you to separate from the gentleman after the tizhny sleeping order, otherwise you will be tied up to a new number of telephone calls. So, surround yourself with a splkuvanni from a person.

  9. Most often, part with a person for a deaky hour - so you will not let your gracefulness to stagnation manifest itself for the whole month. Know your own hobbies, and even better - feel comfortable on your own.
  10. Do not shift the versatility of all your problems onto your partner - it will be attached to you.
  11. Don't get hung up on yourself, don't get hung up on your problems. Find out with whom it would be possible to discuss your experience.

    Once again, I repeat that all these steps are aimed at facilitating the recovery of fallow waters, but the stench does not heal your psyche. However, the skin turns itself, like you to live and chi varto zanuryuvatisya at your own clay and rework them.

    Obviously, for a long time you chat with people, diverge from them and if you don’t have everyday problems and suffering, then you simply don’t need these recommendations.

    It’s easy for you with a partner only if you haven’t caught your soul open yet, it means that you are afraid to love, and you are infected with a sense of sovereignty. I can only please you, nevertheless, to venture on the follow-up of your unfamiliar glybins. Taking care of your soul, you will be able to open your heart and let love in. And for the most part, look at life with usma yogo with joys and tricks, turn, koshtuє rich something.

    Friendship of a person, friendship of a friend. Zruynovani dream girls.

    Women in nature are emotional, sensible, and splendidly, romantic, decals like a fairy tale. I’m a tough person, I’ll also say, a practical friend of a person doesn’t leave his squad. Let there be NOT YOU, let there not be Love and so many feelings, let there be plenty of things there, but the friendships of the man will not leave his squad. Tse mayzhe axiom. Tom, don’t joke about yourself, if you don’t have Togo, you don’t care about anything here.

    I want to tell you one thing, which I was recently told. The situation was a little different, a little similar. Vaughn - friendly, vin - friendly. The stench suffocated one on one, the vain was ready to deprive the man, the vin was not ready to deprive the squad. This man, knowing about this novel, marveled at the new krіz finger. His novel was three in 15 rocks, the sea was suffocating on the back, but through the rocks the blue began to crumble. The stench raged a little once a month, then once every two months, then only a few rang again. Yogo's squad was a nervously ill person, in principle, there were not those who did not have love, there was only pity. Ale with the fates of which it is a pity to rewrite the friendship of the mitzna and yogo, with the retinue, it began to move more, lower names Love and Sex, tse bov mіtsny and unbreakable zv'yazok. And that woman loved Yogo with the skin fate of Daedalus more, and the wine with the skin fate was faring away from her, Yoma needed a Bula Yogo squad - a psychopath, hysterical, nervous-illness of a person, she herself needed a Bula Yoma. І os raptovo that zhіnka seriously fell ill, chi cancer, chi schos. And at the very moment, you see a man who knows his own girl on a rich rock, the youngest for a new one, and at that very moment, he dies, saying to his rest: "Goodbye forever." They threw insults at the very moment, if they needed support and assistance, they lost themselves, because of their ailments and their problems, they lost themselves to no one. The first price was a tragedy for her. They wiggled, they kicked her to her feet, she lost her life. Ale live with hatred, fierce hatred.


    And to you, to me, I’ll say this: skin distance for merit and you too. I carry my punishment for those who got into someone else's family, I carry until this day, and you will bear your punishment for nonsense for the sake of it, if you will, but you will.

    even tse explanation. wine about me. the second time. the second time. obіtsyanki, zіznannya. bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. axis less the day before. they didn’t ask for forgiveness from me, they didn’t say goodbye to me, they just forgot my life - valuable, movchki, hisstical.

    Girl, dear, sorry, I don’t know what to call you. It is necessary to live far away, to understand that this person is not a wart to you, not a wart of your love, your pain. think for yourself, God wants to, the best place in the world - forget it and try to live far away. Ale the devil take it, mi, girls, as if you could love like this - selflessly, purely, without grumbling, giving all of yourself to Yoma, the only one. we cannot help but know our happiness, no one deserves more than we do. It’s better to know in your own strength - believe in yourself and live! Live far away, wildly on the chest.

    I know. better for others I know what you can see at once, what you are going through. Fight girl! Fight for yourself! It’s a pity that I didn’t see a person in order to help me out, lend a shoulder. I did not want to live. I will understand. Need to live! our life is only beginning to recede, and it is necessary to believe that we will be happy. And maybe our happiness is because life has beaten us at once, at once, and not after 15-20 years. It is unlikely that we will step on the same rake now. Aje mi know what kind of licorice can be bullshit. Trim, girl, trim! Adzhe navkolo vistachae normal cholovikіv, but not tsikh moral virodkіv. The stench is wretched and now I'm running around in a vicious way. All this mishara, sham, false romance is cheap. an hour is needed. I figured out more than a month. even though I still can’t get rid of yoga, head that heart, because this person was close to me richly fateful. I understand you, in a woman's mind. Listen to Oleg our new Santa. I'm listening. So-so, Oleg, you are an authoritative person for me, so know! Great to you for your intelligence, for your true human thought, that masculinity, right, not detailed, for honesty! Just like that, let it go and virtually, but we have such a RELIABLE PERSON, like you



    Romance with friends: Chi promise women with a friendly person there is more, less sex

    Your eyes are staring. The stench understood what was created one for one. Vin leaving the hated squad. Now stinks together - and happy. Films, books, magazines, stories of girlfriends are filled with such beautiful stories. Itself about such a fairy tale dream of a woman, as if she were stunned by a friendly man.

    What does it look like really? Most of the time, girls with a friendly person and rightly begin beautifully. Your eyes are sharpening, your hearts are scorching in return, and your teeth are becoming addicted. And then... the people dictated "understand the contract." “So, the squad blame me brain. So, only good for you. So, you are deliciously prepared. Yes, you are sexy. But in the evenings and weekends, I can be at home. I'm not free. You have grown up girl - even if you all understand!

    The girl has grown up, having turned her head around a romance with a friendly person, accepting the contract. I begin the role play. The new kokhanka was sprung up but with a new protegezhnistyu of the druzhina-megeri. She's always glad of people. Look wonderfully. Ready for the most subtle recipes. Don't complain about head bіl. Chi does not navantazhuє problems. Vaughn visluhaє, pіdtrimaє, praise, hoot, nadikhne. Behind her, a man is a hero.

    So a month passes, rіk, three, navit ten rokіv pіdpіlnyh zustrіch... It's up to you, that the agreement is annulled. That the novel with friends will end with the words "and they lived happily for a long time." Aja won't be bored to pass the "trial term" on the landing of the lawful squad. If the wine has been leftover enough, why is it better for you, lower there?

    Svidche for everything - no way. The one who "wit the contract" was prescribed not by a woman. І її І її І її іnteresi from whom the “contracts” were not protected. Why did the woman say raptly, that you should be able to change! Why did the ideal kohantsi sleep on the thought of becoming a squad! It’s not clear yet, what kind of squad you will be. Vin doesn't want to change anything. Yogo all vlashtovuє.

    Aje stinks have discussed everything for a long time. Aja Vaughn was good enough for a stosunki with a friendly man. Cholovik among these women otrimu moral support, comfort and sex. It’s practical to pay with the same coin: sex and support (pennies, ties, slipping on robots). Everything is honest. Vіn u tsimu perekonany /

    Їy nabridlo. Vaughn realized that її stosunki from a friendly man went nowhere. Vaughn created an oasis for the new one, but she herself knows nothing at the desert. Without spiritual closeness, without rights, without due care. Їy nabridli selfish evenings that insignificance. It’s crazy that her friends behind her back are discussing “this romance is friendly”.

    She'll still change her mind, what a kohana. Look at it, dots, words. Aje tse means! “Oh, nadislav kvіti and sms - yak vin sumu! Having asked about self-confidence - like wine pikluєtsya about me! The woman is fooling herself, so as not to be fooled by a shabby dick of a man. Ale, self-deception is not a constructive annulment of that woeful “agreement”. So, sometimes a person, having grown tired of the “thread” of the kohanka, obіtsya “say everything to the squad”. But most of all, it is covered with obitsyankoy. And the kokhanka is already beginning to be tightened and you want something fresh and exciting.

    Is it not an hour for a grown-up girl to become a grown-up woman? I understand that ideal kohankas should not be taken for a squad. Not for anyone to know. The obov'yazok of a kohanka is to be an "eternal intercessor". I will be left as an intercessor until you change your behavior and put yourself in front of that person. For the time being, you don’t have to respect yourself. Until you realize that the romance is friendly, that it dragged on, it’s humiliating for her first for everything.

    The stories about the great kohankas are just a side of history. Why is it big? The one who needs to change a person, he is a miracle worker. What wine to inspire is brilliant, but you can’t think of anything else. І allow those who are not allowed to youma in the house. Smoke, for example, or go wherever you want. But in this way, you can attach a person to the superworld with a sense of power significance. I don’t even “wiggle” a dbayly person.

    Why does a grown up woman look like a grown up girl? The woman has grown up and can be merciful in answering to food - what can she bring with a friendly man? I at once, and in the future. Why are they checking?

    Like a woman, a novel from a friendly person is needed only for sex - there are a lot of problems. Even more for the evening by candles and reception roses - kohanets and tse organize. Vіn navіt socket can be useful and knives sharpen chi organize master.

    But often a woman needs a man, for example, he checks for support and support. What can you add Help of life- With usima її joys and not zovsіm accepting moments. І tse already zovsіm іnshi stosunki. The stench will be on honesty and povaz. The stench is brought to mutual goiters, and this is the creation of this. Aje a woman, as if she has become engrossed in the “ideal kohanka”, expending impersonal opportunities to rule the special life!

Z ієї publications You unequivocally know about those, as you understand, that a person is friends, but he will come. About 10 sign you rozpovist gray ladies' man.

Ha, feed on the sipannya. Nikon Tikhonovich, 53 rocks, Moscow-town.

Otzhe, girls, You suspect. It's not a gift.

For the skin of the third person, including me, not only may I have ties on the side, but I will come to see my dear ones, who are friends with my best girlfriend.

How am I masquerading so that I don’t get enough of broken cinnamon?

* You understand hysterically that a person is friends, so, among others, you can iron his shirt. Having filled the troch, we m'yatim, let's say, comir.

And if you want to show up for a bachelorette without a hitch and a bully, it will be the first sign that the darling is being controlled.

You can try everything yourself, but if you don’t call out suspect, it’s unlikely that you’ll be known.

Father, go through yoga, the squad is in love.

* If I am friends with Lenka, chatting with Ninka, I move the short language.

Friendships of a person instinctively marvel at the anniversary, and if the pain drags on, the wine begins to miraculously get nervous.

You can pick up the phone, which is before speech, I put it on silence. Missed twinkles from the squad and reminders about those who at home check macaroni in a navy way.

At this moment, Ninka understood everything. So you sharply feed yoga, marveling right in your eyes, what, having spoken, the squad is calling for dinner?

If a person gets lost (here it’s more like folding the mask), it will become another sign of yogo gri on 2 fronts.

* You understand that a person of friendship, as if you will propagate you once to rob you without zakhistu.

Movlyav, you are alone in me, and I don’t flirt with kim. What are we afraid of? Vityagti vstignesh.

Tkhіr nache me nіzascho on tse do not get enough. Shards of evil that You, being a yoga kohanka, can simply drink nonsense, allowing your own taєmnі freedom with the mighty and strong.

* Look up to the sound of a person. It's not so easy to forget about them for an hour.

Let him smoke outside the apartment.

And if the lively one goes to the descent of the cell, then you can again suspect that the squad of youmu does not allow you to dimiti in front of the chorea.

* Forgive for your man, and you know a lot.

In an extreme mood, tell a friend, how to wait in a conspiratorial way to accompany yoga until the month of residence.

Not included, who came to the house, phoned his own bell, that he checked/blushed. And maybe, it will become rich earlier.

* Friendships of a person do not need 2 sim cards.

The list of contacts can have an unnamed number.

If your zalitsialnik breaks at the bath, zlovchit and write down all the same numbers. Trohi later call. From the phone of a friend, introducing herself as a colleague on the job and in rows, asking: how much I understand, Are you a team Deception of Dmitrovich?

* An incompetent person has taken his family camp as a weekend job.

Tse nashtovhuє on a singing thought.

* For food: if we make friends, we will support the “eternal movans”.

Look, move, Claro, we are so good from you. New stamps.

* It is rare for a person to carry a document with him on his passport under the name of a passport.

Well, how can you not suspect yoga here?

If you’re in the mood to get drunk, I’ll do it again, for yoga without turbos, scan the skin side with a glance.

Possibly, wine of friendship and the devil knows de prescriptions.

* The person who prikhovu the truth, for sure, will come to you even as a slaughter.

Take it and give it a chic razor, leaving yoga in your apartment.

Playfully ask the person to straighten the stubble.

I give a tooth, scho v_n v_dmovitsya. For a number of sensible reasons.

I have omitted the signs. In the rest of the hour, having become a reminder of the problems from memory.

See you later. Nikon.

Material prepared by I-Edvin Vostryakovsky.

To learn how to change not to enter your closest plans, few people can wait for a kohan man with another woman. Usvіdomlyuyuchi tse, nevirnі cholovіki prihovuyut their family camp for new acquaintances. The stench is gracious and respectful, smothering you with tickets, but don’t beg to be a guest. It’s better to call for a ban on neutral territory. Sob don’t get into such a situation and don’t succumb to someone else’s person, you need to evaluate your behavior and listen to a healthy mind.

Behavior of a friendly person

From the first days of acquaintance, practically all the wrong people behave the same way:

Even though the cavalier still asked you to go home, look around respectfully. At the bathroom or bedroom of a friendly person, there will be a presence of a woman’s speech and clothes. Until then, the ideal order at the booth, better for everything, is the merit of the squad.

Signs of a friendly person

An indirect sign of a friendly person will be a perfectly fitting suit and shirts. Deyakі representatives of the strong half of the building keep their speeches in order, and only the squad is relatively right-minded comirtsі and arrows. And the axis of the circumference of the hoop is not a guarantee of freedom. Too many people vzagali not to wear yoga, but only put pressure on the saint. And if the cavalier took the ring before the bows, then there will be a trace on the finger, the coat will be a bright light.

Takozh characteristic marks unfreedom є:

If you mark the signs of deeds in your face, if you are tormented by doubts, then the best way out will be Rozmov’s door. With whom, do not declare a complaint about the unacceptability of communications from friends. Let's not think that the obіtsyanka will break you up. Depending on the result of the move, make a decision about the continuation of the loan.

The friendship of a man suffocated

Sometimes a vipadkova zustrich from a friendly person can turn into a right kohanny. For this type of wine, choose one of two scenarios:

Buvayut and other options for the development of podіy, but all the same, the truth is more beautiful, the lower life is in deceit.

What work, what a man of friendship

If you have a relationship with a friendly person, then hurry up with the recommendations of psychologists:

  • Accept the real standard of speeches: your recruit is wrong and happen to be diligent with the retinue.

  • Don't take it.
  • Put a real term, with the stretch of which you are ready to check for separation. If a person doesn’t rob anyone, it means that they don’t plan to leave their family.
  • Do not forget about your interests, do not make your novel the center of life.
  • Don't be fooled by your loved ones. You need a moral support after I have risen, you can turn to a psychologist.
  • Assess the situation as a friend.

Romani with friends rarely end in happy lives, often the stench of psychological trauma and disappointment.

“I love a friendly person” - what work

Pinning stosunki with friends is the best option for the development of podium. Emotions are falling into the year, new chanuvals are appearing. Lacking from it, you risk vitratiti best rock on ochіkuvannya that tears, buti on other roles.

Talk to your partner, explain your point and feel. As you are really dear to you, we will not embarrass you, but give you the opportunity to be happy. If yoga school has long ceased to make friends, then the separation is great. You need a lot of time for that strength, but in the city you take away the person of your dreams.

Our hour is full of friendly people, initiators of a romance with a woman on a boat, do not hoover what you can do with yourself. It's so simpler, to those who deceive only the squad.
And the kohanka is in the know, to that one turn and vigaduvati, why without calling and not coming, it is not required. However, they are chattering and so friendly, as if to seize their hats, being inspired by the fact that the woman, having recognized the truth, just shows up at the door. Such types know impersonal cunning, as if helping to resolutely attach the right standard of speeches for a long time. It is necessary to say that we often get caught up in the woods and die. And then, having seen, that the kokhan has a team of those children, biting the words and tone in tears. How to get away? How do you signify that you love the friendships of a person, that you are definitely not friendly?

How to designate a friendly person at first glance? It’s hard to finish it off. With the help of an innocent representative of a strong position, one can easily bite the hoop. Ale cі cunning before acquaintance with a lady yogo know!

1 . We need respectfully look up to the ring finger on right hand new know. Follow the sight of a stone on a new one, you may tread. Ale navіt їхо їх i don't worry, don't say anything else. Deyakі friendly people vzagalі not to wear hoops. And unsatisfied with friends, I explain this fact to them, that the circle of you has the right to practice, emboss, chip, and manage the masses of unhandedness.

2 . We do not give any guarantee that the person is free and that the stamp in the passport is valid. You can live as a woman in a civilized way. Who can argue that, having said, the bulky schlub does not get angry. Tse baiduzhe, just chatting. Get better as you get better! People live in one go, solve problems like this, block houses, make a big budget and so on. So to live in a civilized way and just chat - not one and the same.

3 . Do not varto be quiet and in that mood, like a man show your passport first with confirmation of the fact that the guilt of non-friends. Why would youma hurry up like that? It's possible, just don't spend time on trival, and the pseudo-bachelor is afraid that he'll see the call of the squad's arrival? To that forsuє podії, bazhayuchi go to the stosunkah from the woman yaknaydal.

4. Yakshcho vіn pіd hour yogo turn on the phone chi go out far If you call you, you should be on your guard. Vіdklyuє, shvidshe for everything, more afraid of twinkіv єї halves. І go out of these reasons. Forgetting to turn it off, she got on the phone! What work? Go where and intently lie, that the robot was in a rush, there was a term for it, the wheel fell off the car and the wines stood at the bagatokilometer sample. And we are telling lies, that the boss called, an uncle from Rostov, a close friend, of the one who had a squad. I wine, talking, not wanting to be bothered by boring roses.

5. How to be respectful and not naive, the brigade-nonsense can always be revealed. That wine after the ring raptom raptom ticking, having declared that a distant relative has not arrived, then rapt often at the resurrection, then you can’t come to the hospital, then don’t take a hearing aid ... No, you can behave like that and a bachelor, obviously. And the relatives are called as if they were down on their heads, and the military units are bubbling, and the telephone is leaning against the far room. And yet, trying to explain why everyone is constantly trapping, a person begins to stray, calling a relative either Uncle Fedya, or Titkoy Nina, and you can’t guess where they sent Yogo from the robot for a month to that - it’s worth leading you to think.

6. Vzagali mobile phone willingly zadzhuє svogo lord. Enough call people pizno in the evening or send your message. If the wine is not valid for calls, or for SMS, then the test for its truthfulness is not passed. It is unlikely that such a busy and dilova person turns on the phone at night. It’s possible, it’s possible, it’s possible to sleep well and I don’t feel anything. Let's do it differently. We'll try to get enough of the vich-on-vіch zradnik - phone, call on the new zі svogo mobile phone and wonder how our number looks like. Why is our name chi affectionate? It's all right. Kohany is right. Tse Ivan Petrovich, Seryoga-autoslusar or Glafira Stepanivna. Robot? No options. Vin is a family person.

7 . So you got to know your hero through a dating site on the Internet, and it turned out that cholovik viklav not his photo, then tse privіd to think. With what method did you gain wine? Ask for a visnovok - the whole person of friendship. Even if you didn’t see the truth of your wines, those who win your own voice, even suspected.

8 . What a stink future plans for the future, then small- the nearest days.

9. At bagatioh friendly people it is respectful to keep a team behind the budget. To that, to bring on the wine stained pennies for gifts and restaurants, then to finish the shvidko you cease to be shy, intermingling with zustrіchs on the territory of a friend.

10. Friends of the womanizer especially often go to the nursery Ale, when whom they do not tell, how they z'їzdili, where and what they robbed there.

11 . Bachelors on the cob of stosunkіv to behave in a modest way, so as not to push the woman on the onslaught. "Married" do not hesitate Once again, compensate for everything that you don’t get at home.

12. Yakshto vin is not left with you for nothing... that is not good. As soon as the wine of the evening is known from your bedroom under different drives, then in the new one without a doubt your other friend is a legal chi hromadyanskaya squad.

Prote varto razumiti, scho be-any rule є blaming. So, for example, there are such busy people-businessmen, who have not been able to live together for a long time with their own family in one day, but at the same time they do not choose to be separated.

Vіdryadzhennya can be easily felt in someone else's place, just like it's just a safe place for lovers of good things. Deyakі lads contrive to live in two houses, for example, spending an hour at the weekend from zamіskom booth, and at work days live in an okremіy apartment.

13. Vіn unikaє zustrіch on people and in the months, de himself often go.

How young a person will be able to intervene and switch between the night and night in your home or in a hotel, and not to see you as people - not to lead you to restaurants, cafes, beaches, evenings, huge visits, which means that you should take your pictures to someone.

14. Vin does not give you his phone number, or he blocks you from calling him first.

Ring out friendly people to control the squads, it’s not right for the cavalry to call in advance to ask, in fact, to warn, so that they don’t call you in the blink of an eye or they don’t call the first, or they call less than a song day or at a song hour.

Everything is to fight in order to escape the suspicion of the enemy squad.

15. Vіn vimikaє your mobile, if you spend the night with you.

Shchob zayviy times the squad could not be turbulent.

16. Friends of the people no way not to take pictures at once with their kokhankas.

And here everything made sense: adzhe bedroom photo- Tse already proof. Friends, I will not take your photograph as a gift and do not place it at the purse or on the table on the robot.

17 . Yakshcho wine he himself knows what friendships are.

To recover this knowledge, just sleep yoga and marvel at the reaction. Start a rosemary about those who love yoga and want fun, children in the world. As soon as you wind up your voices, turn pale, sweat and roll, do not trim your comrade - let him go, you are not dear to him.

Insanely, є zhіnki, kakikh taki dvozsilene camp vlashtovuє. Yaka raznitsa, friendly cavalier, not friendly, if you take everything you need! However, normal women sound unique in their relationship with the wrong people. I really don't want to make my own problems. That prospect will not be silenced by the status of a rozluchnitsa. How can we change our minds so that we are not led by the nose, as we belong to the category of such women? Sob not to be fooled, you can drink on provocative vchinki.

Provocations, as a help to understanding, friendship of a person

How to signify, friends of a person?

1. Simpler ask the guest until next. As if wine is extinguished, then you try to hurt your strict mother, then to repair, then to be out of order, and you won’t be able to show your life - on the right trash. Svidshe for everything, lingering in the booth to do it young, that pretty squad, that couple of detlakhiv. A good man wants to ask a woman to her apartment. Let it go there to repair, and a mess. Well, hiba scho cavalier deisno maє suvora mum, zdatnu nadovgo zіpsuvati mood be like a maiden.

The next thing to say is that the method is also thorough. A person can rent an apartment for an hour, send a squad with children to a dacha or else. A reliable proof that you are friends, it is not necessary to know the girl with your friends and spend an hour with her in great companies. There is a great imaginativeness of the fact that you are a little afraid of wine, as if to let your friends know, and unstoppable wisdom from the kimos from the acquaintances. The one who can name a woman serious stoks and do not be afraid of arguing and arguing, you will not behave like that.

2. Perevirity, chi friends chi chi ni, you can for the help of an intimate character, a gift. duje good option- Give panties. To friendly people, as a rule, sleep whiteness, that and clothes, dressing up a person. And how does a person show up in something that she didn’t buy, a woman has a natural diet - why does a blessed wine have an interest in independent shopping trips and the choice of shorts? To that zalitsyalnik singsongly such a present will not be carried home. I'm unlikely to prick your clothes.

You can donate not only a spare time, but a hamanets or a keychain with an inscription on the kshtalt “Kohanom vіd ...” or “I will kokhati you forever!”. Will you be sure to wear it with you? So, the cavalier is less for us. Like a keychain, and a hamanets to appear in obscurity, there are great chances that the wine gift has been thrown away, or having hidden in a quiet place, so that the squad did not bait him.

3 . And if the behavior of a person speaks out, it’s unlikely that you’re fooling your head and explaining. Do not varto vigaduvati kupu versіy, scho vypravdovat movchannya phone, vіchnі vіdluchki, nebazhannya ask for home that vіdsutnіst on a new gift of cowards. . You need to gain courage and sleep once on the forehead, friends shanuvalnik chi nі. So, you might be embarrassed. And let us accept that we will not be fooled and we will cease to be plans, which were not destined to be realized.

Friendly people often take their help by the ear. Tim is not less, є kіlka sign, yakі will help you bezpromilkovo razumіt, scho in the new on the Duma.

How to understand that a person’s friendship has died down: the main types and behavior

Persh NIZH talk about the clearly sympathetic of the non -Holocovika, Slid to the Highness, ShO ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї в ’oglni rylnі more, nіzh ovy ovy pyty’ ’’ ’’ ’’ izbavichy bdodniy Budyny Budyny Budyny Budyny Budyny Budyni

Seeing nourishment for yourself, who feel like you are feeling, always guard what kind of person is in front of you. Depending on the character of the person, the level of his maturity, popularity among the relatives, temperament, self-confidence, orderliness, it’s too rich to lie down.

Vipadok first

As in front of you, a serious, gruntovny sіm'yanin, not shy to the point of "suitability" on the side, about serious sympathy you can often talk about helping, know bring for a sleepy hour (for example, go at once to a distant place for a lunch break) and at the same time deak skutist at splkuvanni, chi navit raptov bazhannya distance, not respecting those who mizh you nachebto formed miraculously friendly chi robochi stosunki.

Vipadok is different

Yakscho tse yaskravy lover of women, about whom the anecdote “Are you friends? - So, but not much, ”the signs will be obvious, here you can’t confuse them with the greatest flirting that the bajans come in “for one night.” Compliments, which see you from other women, are most often crushed in public, obvious signs of respect, for a lot of tickets on the table, ambiguously requested in a cafe after a job.

Vipadok the third

Zvichayny cholovik, who has the same type as the first type, and the other. Clearly, I lead myself to blame myself for being the first type, but not for the flooring of the trash, but for another reason, but not for the flooring of the door.
Larger and smaller universal signs, which sound independently of the character of a person:

  • eye to eye
  • Interest in detailing your life
  • The person tells a lot about himself, and obviously tries to put himself in the shortest light
  • Shira respect for your problems
  • Retail for you and other women

You can talk about sympathy and get your own signs:

  • A person gains his family status, otherwise he does not focus on his respect, he does not have friends
  • Pіdkolki from yogo side, scho predict the behavior of dead cotton at school
  • Raptov’s battle on “vi” and on im’ya on the father’s in public, although alone you were talking quite informally
  • A person, who you don’t know in front of you, so you see yogo team, who is going with the retinue

How will you be with a friendly person

The first step is to be on the basis of what food, next to designate, in some places, a woman with a man, tied with ties, did not begin to start a boat:

  • You think about "light and great kohannya"
  • You are very attached to all people, with whom you grow up.

It is not important to remember that the insults of the fortunes of the fall are too late to put the woman in an invisible and fallow camp in such waters.

A novel with a friendly people for you is a garnier option, like this:

  • You don’t get caught up in serious stoks that go around in family life
  • You need a good kohanets, and you are not slandered, because I have another woman - my squad
  • You will be slandered with a material support in the form of a person, and in the building її give in exchange for an unobtrusive sock

It is necessary to be a sufficient self-sufficient woman, so that you can win from similar stature of satisfaction without harm for yourself. If you get lost in a romance with a friendly person that “everything is nothing better than nothing”, “when not to love the squad, dissociate and make friends with me” - the forecast for your vanity and your still unbroken heart is not true.

Dekіlka rules, dotrimanya koberezhe your spiritual jealousy and help to win only positive moments from the novel with the wrong person:

For the help of all two criteria, you can easily understand what kind of suffocation you have?

Safety rules

Your friend is a family man, and you don't want a scandal. Є kіlka rules, which should be done, so as not to create problems for yourself, ni yoma:

  • Do not call people at non-working hours first
  • Don't talk bad about yoga squad. Like a wine a person is decent, you can’t give you pluses in your eyes. Until then, you will want yoga before the presentation of too much testimonies to the women as a whole
  • Do not play jealous people's scenes and do not delve into your family life
  • Don't give you any gift "home" gifts, as you can't take home home
  • Make unique friends

Dotrimannya tsikh simple rules zrobit your novel acceptable for both of you and do not bring you inaccuracies.

Zovnishnye signs of suffocation of a well-meaning person was last modified: Berezen 23rd, 2018 by Armina

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