Beautiful words of knowledge in the lad's coat. "I'm sending you a text message." Original information in code sms

Read the bottom, biased and beautiful knowledge of the kohanni to the prose


Buvay so, scho kokhannya just opens up your heart and it’s important to know correct words, sob to speak all the din of feeling that emotion, show how strong and all-encompassing she is ...

your love I’m ready to help you in any way and propagate on the choice of romantic recognition from a friend to a friend, funny and outrageous, hot and fearful, hvilyuyuchi and prejudiced - and you know the language of recognition in a friend of a lad, like you think it’s your own!


Viznannya in a kohanna to a kokhan lad

You are the most beloved and favorite person in the world.
If you don’t have order for a long time, the light becomes unbearable.
And if you are with me, there is no happiness for a person in the white world.
You see, how I breathe and without whom I cannot live every second.
I love you more and more for everyone in the world!


Sheet of confirmation in the box of cotton

E people, with whom you don’t want to be separated from each other.
Stink like a drug: the more you know about them, the less chance you have to forget about them.
Such people want to be touched, they want to grow apart.
The stench fills the heart and hoots the mind.
There are few such people, but still they stink.
For me, you are such a person!
I do love you!

Confirmation in the code of SMS to people

I want to make you the greatest person on this earth!
I want shohvilini to enjoy you
I want to show all my tenderness, warmth, turbota, caress.
I love you!

Romantic knowledge of the Kohanni sms

If I read your message, I would like to hear you more...
so that the words from the paper, from the screens of the monitor and the phone were sounded
the warmth of your voice. If I hear your voice, I will die
hurry up and cheer you up… and look, you seem to be generous for your words.
If I marvel at your photograph, I would like to bump into you ...
to feel the warmth of your hands. Let's get smarter!


Lower confirmation in the kohanni SMS to the kokhan lad

My dear, without you, my heart was a cold krizhinka,
my soul never bled the light ... Ale, having melted my heart,
taking yoga sobi and becoming him himself. You need me, as it turns out, I'll go without you,
like a ticket without water. You are my life, my promise of light. I love you!
So strong, so divine! You are all my life, and I simply cannot do without you!

Zvorushlivy sheet of knowledge from Kokhanni Kokhanom

If it’s bad for me, I know that I will help you and you will become good.
If I am good, I know what I will do to you, and I will become more beautiful!
Kokhannya rob people optimists. Vaughn gives them wings and zmushu
fly nazustrich your dream. I have already reached mine.
Adzhe my mriya - tse ti, my most beloved person!

Pristrasne osvіdchennya in kohannі lad vіd іvchini

I love you, and I want to know about you all the world,
but at the same hour, our little hiding place was in trouble.
I want to read to you, like I open a book, but at once
try to guess the secret that you have in the middle of your dreams.

© shutterstock

Cool illumination in the kohanna

You are incredibly kind, superbly sweeter, smarter,
bіsa privablive, vinyatkov order,
crazy talent and krishtal honestly ... wonderful!
Well, I am the same, like a Kazakh, a beautiful princess,
yak in you zakohana! :)

Romantic acquaintance with a kohanni kohanom

Like a bird, my soul will fly, if you entrust me with it.
Now I will understand the sense of the word "creel growth",
even if your kohana is a person with you, you are starting to heal.
I had mercy on trying a little, and justriti
their kohanoi people. You blinded my heart,
I don't want to marvel at others. My dreams only have you
And I want you to know how much I love you!


Garni z_znannya kokhanni kohanom

If it’s in order for me to burn a fire in the middle, it’s warm for me,
and those, yak win me zigrіvaє. I am quiet with you if you embrace me. Your kisses, licorice and lower ones, and ruin the soft ones and the summons.
You are my little world, which cannot be replaced by the whole world.
I love you, and it's all said!

Original information in code sms

Kokhany, you know, it seems that the kohanny is like a war:
it’s easy to start, it’s important to finish it, it’s impossible to forget it!
So from zіznayus - I can not forget you!

Romantic knowledge from a friend to a friend of a person

I want to tell you how incredible that marvelous riddle is!
We turned over on the road of life, we were united by the energy of the cohan,
squeezing the skin of our life, let's make it special!
Our hearts beat in unison, look at the animals one to one,
like a boundless galaxy! Kokhannya worries us with a soft sickle,
rolyachi invisible darting around ... Happiness to know and vodchuvati,
scho mi є one to one!


Cool message in kohanni sms

In every world there are only two inexhaustible speeches:
tse Vsesvit and my love is up to you!
Wanting the axis of the All-World, I'm not impressed ...

The original sheet of evidence in the box

If you live a hundred years, I want to live a day less,
so that you don’t live a day without you ... Yakshcho you stribatemesh from the bridge -
I will not streak after you - I will anger you under the bridge.
Let me smell you, what are you talking about, ale, only I will smell,
about what you movchish, for I love you in a right way.

Hvilyuyuche osvіdchennya in kokhanni sms cholovіkovі

You know, I don't love you anymore.
I love you too much!

I love you with skin seconds, hvilins, years, days and nights.
Weeks, months, fates and centuries ... We knew one
middle of a million, and now two halves of one great heart.
If you don’t care so much, then I can’t live anymore,
to that the heart cannot beat only halfway.

In life, be like a girl, there is a moment, if the kohanna zmushu forget about everything. She gives hope and happiness, as if mutually. But when the days pass, and the one who cherishes the heart, continues to mourn, does not shyly try to break the first crock, troubles and rozcharuvannya settle in the soul. But don't get angry at all. To get over your worries and stop cheating for nothing, if you tell me about your feelings, think about it, but before the hour has come, you will be seen in the kohanni first.

First of all, call on the whole crock, it’s a good idea to popratsyuvat trochs over yourself, over self-esteem and precepts to the point where you can speak eloquently. Like a person, she’s built on a risky shot and don’t be afraid to take off your mother, knowing that we’ll cut it better, don’t give a check on those who can’t be in any way. Vіn dіє, not zvazhayuchi on those, how to kogo vіdnesutsya іnshі, even if skin may have the right to happiness.

But such merciful and roaring representatives of a beautiful state, unfortunately, are few. Irrespective of the changing changes in the camp in the suspension, the women in the depths of their souls are left behind by the lower doors, as if they were checking the prince on a white horse. And if you become unbearable, then you will be aware that the hour has come to radically change: forget the subject of your bazhan, or else you should know that you are truly convinced.

It's not a secret for anyone that there are a lot of people, and especially young people, who suffer from innocence in themselves and the fear of being thrown out, if a woman is standing on the right. When stalking with people, as it is strongly appropriate, many people start to feel zbentezhennya, which is not so easy to get. Vono zmushu representatives of strong status are ruined and visceral for themselves emotions, and the beautiful half looks more impregnable, lower forever. And far from everyone can go to tієї, who captivated them, if they marvel so coldly that seriously.

Quite often, unfortunately, especially in the youth of the year, one knows this way, not having caught the blossoming and giving impersonal happy meetings. The fear of looking funny in others is embarrassing, picking up your feelings, the docks are too tired. It’s so important for him not to be shy and to know in my own strength, so that later I’ll say, I’ve worked out everything I could, and not be foolish about wasting my ability. It’s better to blow and blow, don’t blow and blow 

Well, as the bivs didn’t slander, all the same, they don’t dare to gain courage and know, then show a little bit, what it’s nice to accept, try a young person to get to know you. You can say about the kohanny not only in words, but in vchinki. Tse Samy short version so don’t go out to overcome fear and go first, and checks have no more strength.

Here, it’s important to come into contact with the innocence in yourself, caused by strong feelings. Do not try to look coldly and sideways, so that you don’t remember anything. Ale, don’t smuggle yourself constantly, but instruct and constantly demonstrate signs of respect. It’s enough to live in peace. A woman on the lips, such a friendly smile, if you want to go.

If a person tries to start a rozmov, to show respect, propagate the topic for a rozmov, as if it’s a spatelly lock, laugh at it, call it like a stink, don’t laugh at it. In this rank, let me open up and consider that I have a chance to take away the year, as if I should be called to ask you for a favor. A friendly smile does not go to the extent of goiter and cannot become the cause of unhandiness, as if by the rapt of one who is appropriate, not mutually compatible. It’s better not to waste your chance and lose the unfortunate thing for all your life through intelligence.

If you don’t go out and talk about it, you’re less likely to choose one of the options for solving the problem: adopt yoga behavior as a sign of bad faith and fear of being recognized. Fallow in the choice, you are left to calm down and enter, or to gain courage and work to become familiar with yourself.

Talk about a little, not knowing what another person is seeing, it’s not easy, especially if you’re colleagues, you’ll learn at once. Vіdmova can become the cause of unhandedness, like vinikne, like only you will see him again. It’s better for a little bit of understanding, that you’re aware, first of all, first of all, first of all. Tim more, that as if a person didn’t try to catch emotions, make it possible to recognize that it’s true. Proceed in a red-handed way to witness the behavior of that language, as it is respectful to watch over the sample.

It’s less than a little bit of strife with him, think about it, but if the hour has not come to inflict suffering through fear, take away the witches. Adzhe fear buti nehtuvannoy becomes a serious shift to the path of the right kohanny. Correctly once and for the last time, close the topic and saturate with water, as if love is mutual, or reconcile, that people are different with him, and the hour has come to open your heart for the one who rests you, and do not be afraid to shout about the whole world.

I want to know about the lads: what work

Photo: how to be seen in the kohanna

  • Just like they said, that the hour has come to place specks over the “i”, which means check the important moment. You don’t need to confess there, there are a lot of people too much, or it’s too loud. Vin may just not hear you. It’s better to work, if you definitely don’t get anyone, but you don’t have to do anything. Even though you are already chatting, but you didn’t know one by one, the most friendly place will become a quiet cafe or romantic supper at home.
  • You can tell about your feelings by phone. In the first place, you don’t swear by a spy and you don’t boast so much, but in a different way, zavzhd є the possibility of confession, that you didn’t see it, you can’t appreciate such a merciful cry. To make it easier to remember the words, to write everything you want on the arkush paper. Sprat once again to repeat them out loud, so that the voice sounded in a singsong voice. Ale persh nizh rozpochati rozmovu, ask, chi not busy people and chi can speak. It’s unlikely that you’ll tell a story about the most important thing, if you change wines on the awards, exams and work.
  • Having not started the method of Tetyana Larina, I knew from the feelings of Evgen Onegin for the help of the sheet. It’s easier to hang on the paper everything that you try and recognize the slander, as if you were not afraid of you, but not the building’s knowledge. I call it unimportant, as long as the sheet is high, remember all three words of your name and phone number. Do not forget to scent the leaf with your favorite perfume. Receive smells even richer in life people, associated with important podia in life. Just try your best to consume a leaf like youma before, and not before your relatives, friends or colleagues.
  • You should write sheets, send an SMS notification to the kohan, or a picture, on which it says “I love you!”. You can send a letter of acknowledgment by e-mail. Tim is bigger, that today there is a great number of beautiful leaflets, which will help you to say those who are watching, more beautiful for be-like words. Let it be not so romantic, like a paper sheet, just drink it to the addressee.

Photo: how to be seen in the kohanna

  • Reverse your reaction to the discovery in the kohanna, as if it were a slur. Ask for a gift from a friend, like you want to say about a little known lad. From yoga vіdpovіdі became wise, how to put yourself up to the point that the first maiden will kill the croc. Not all representatives of the strong half of the people are ready for such a development of spirits and the replacement of romantic victories can only make a young man such a boldness and courage. How can I give you an understanding that there is nothing marvelous in it, that you are dead, having changed your mind, that you are guilty of selfishness and no one is crying out for you.
  • Don't talk about it prejudicedly and half-drowsy. As if the women of the year were not smart and courageous, passionately known - all the same, the share of the strong half of the people.
  • Do not be glad with your friends who you know, who may be seen in the kohanna first. Only your own opinions on the supply. Zreshtoy, їхні words can hurt you and embarrass you less than zzdrostі, scho you love and know in your own strength to fight for your kohannya.

Everything flows, everything changes, but love, like before, rules the world. And as before, the representatives of the beautiful state humbly minted, if they were to say the words of commandment, today, having become merciful and sung in themselves, having rightfully occupied their place in the supplement, richly whoever wants to be the first. Modern world put before us all the new tasks of that possibility, don’t start a check, if a person is seen at the kohanna, even if it’s an hour, and stained glass yoga on the experience of that unseen dream is great.

You pass by - the heart is frozen,
Marvel at me - I burn at the fire ...
If you are in order, my shelter is gray,
It's so important to me...
You are a smart, sociable person,
Quiet, scho mriyut about you, do not worry.
Ale, I see a reason in me:
I love you - so bulo, bude, isti!

Sometimes it’s too easy to say
Those who open your soul:
Raptom feeling you do not understand,
Adzhe tezh often happens ...
Ale, I'll take the will into a fist
I confess to you in this boldly:
I love you, chuesh, I love you crazy!
Axis and everything I wanted to say.

Having consumed cupid in my heart,
I suffocated in you
Why? That to that
Do not live me for a day:
Without a secret smile
I without a glare of their eyes,
I will demand everywhere
Skin day that skin year!
I have red cheeks,
I say I hesitate
What if I’m going to be okay
What if I am yours!

Love you! I want to hesitate to know,
Ale, I can’t feel like nadali in the souls of nudity,
More like "Hi!"
I believe that you can evaluate the knowledge.
I hope that you love me the same,
What will be sharpened tomorrow, lower by the hands,
First of all, I can do more dearly to you.
Tell me, what are you going to worry about, what the hell is going on?!

Without claiming too much for mutuality,
Forgetting about pride, about your girl,
I'll tell you about the smut and the intimate.
And you are my sumnіvi rozviy.
I love you. Yes, yes, for a long time and strongly.
I didn’t know such boys before.
I want to know: don’t be forced to be sweet.
And you don't need false licorice.
Say, yak є, open your soul.
I'll accept the schiry whether it's true.
Vibach, that the names were almost vibrating,
And still tell me - so what?

At the heart, the blizzard of krill is crooked,
Having let the elixir through the ships.
I cherished all my life, she loved
For you, it's all light, all the light!
I've been dreaming all my life
About my hero - about you.
I did not believe, I did not know
Why are you walking on this earth ...
What is the wind to you,
Grieve the sun with an enchanting exchange.
What are you - the most beautiful in the world!
Why do I live in your heart!
I know the blizzard at the heart is purring,
Reminiscent of yoga beauty.
So, whoever hugs me -
The lowest and the best!

I am calm, cheerful, beautiful,
My life is so clear, so clear
And above, like behind a stone wall.
My keeper is in order with me.
I admire the chuckle without a turbo,
I in the back of my hand is even lower.
Sleep my strong one, dear one.
I love you, my angel, my loving man!

What can be solo for your kisses?
What can be more beautiful for your torment ...
When you go, when you disappear
Siju that sum I, one for two!
If you want, take it, keep it mit
If we are together, if we are happy!
When it's so warm and when it's so quiet
In the middle of the hated cold winter!
But life still make your own adjustments
I am here, and you are there, far away.
I write you leaves on cold bugs
About those that I can manage, it’s not easy for me!
Turn around and renew in that dream
Forget about the hour, worries and sleep!
I raptom silence, and space, and hour
Destroy the stogіn, which vipadkovo zirvavsya.

At the crazy whirlwind of licorice dreams
Pototsі days kovzayut povz
It's so important to be happy vtrymati,
When it's elusive.
There is less heart can live
At the warmth and the bottom are whirling
Snizhinka, melting into the kohannya
At your arms, do not hide.
Part of my skin
It's up to you to burst,
I only order with you
Behind the veins I am addicted to rose.
І to confuse one's head
Love p'yankim aroma
I will forget about everything
If you, love, you will be in order.

My love, dear, my charm!
I don’t pick up the words,
Adzhe yakiy ti kind and miraculous
I want to all people of roses!
I love you more for life
I'm ready to see you all!
Let my kohannya be a mark,
Let's not suffer at the same time!

You are hopeful for me, you, like a show,
I live by you, I breathe by you.
I can vote for all people, as it went out:
For the sake of you, I will kill you!
At my kohanni, dear, do not hesitate,
I love you and I want to hug you so much!
I ask one thing - often laugh,
And I'll pay for it!

“I want to give a great zirka”

I want to give a great zirka
Toby with a skyscraper for addition,
I want to lead, I will go with my hand,
Sob life had less luck.
I want you to become a summer plank,
Svitanok over the sleepy river,
Sob zavzhdy buli mi with you together
With hot, earthly love.
I want to give you my heart, -
Let the order be with your head.
I want less, sob ti me, allowing kohati
Everything is stronger for you with a skin day!

"I vipadkovo you zustrіl"

I vipadkovo you zustrіla,
I vipadkovo zakohalas at you.
Ale didn’t know what kind of temperament
Be so dear to me.

"...I love shaleno"

I want to tell you, dear,
What I love shaleno
With you I became another,
Lively, cheerful, galaslivy!
I want to share with you
All the joys are there,
To old age to live together,
To the very, to victory!

“Axis yak I love you very much!”

My most beloved, most dear,
My first man, I share my talents!
Without your sweet smile, do not live my day
Axis yak I love you very much!

I'm scared to read your thoughts.
I'm afraid I don't know them.
We are hung on the border
Mizh "I love" that "friends".
Can I sneak in secretly
To the notebooks of your soul.
Ale, sob did not break vipadkovo,
Tell me more about the feel.

"I love you, my angel!"

I love you, my angel!
Know that I am no longer with you.
Less about you my mrії,
And in my heart - only you.

“What is it with me?”

wet pillow,
My head is a mess
Everything has changed
Everything is already bad.
What is it with me?
Who are my thoughts about?
About you, bitch!
Aje tse all TI!

"Yaka is happy, what am I to you"

Yaka is happy that I love you.
Why are you walking here in order.
Ale, I just lie to you for an hour
With his cold, impregnable gaze.
I'm not talking about kohanny tobi,
You do not need my kohannya.
Ale God, I know such a
For those that you live, I am glad for them.

“I don’t want to tell fortunes on daisies”

I do not want to tell fortunes on chamomile,
I don't want to go to the gates.
Your eyes are without a miss.
How can you not love?
I ask you to tell me more honestly:
How do you get ahead of me?
I’m already in the soul of a cicavo,
What do I mean by your share.

"I wanted to be a bird"

I wanted to be a bird
The sky has politics.
From the heights of heaven is great,
Svіt all pobachit.
I would fly there
De do not know dashing.
I would shoot you there
Sweet person.
I will come to you dear,
I'll give you the sun.
I will give dew onions,
I'll give you a gift.
Keep your head down,
Check you again and again.
I will come to you dear,
I'll give you a kohanna!

"There is no person you love"

No one is dearer to you.
I darkness beauty hour,
When you entrust Nі Rіdnіshe
To you and your wondrous eyes.

"I love you, my sleepy promise"

I love you, my sleepy promise.
I love you, my red plyustka.
I love you from sunset until the night.
I love you like a sweater until the sun goes down!

"My only one!"

Beautiful you
Like a moon light taєmniche.
I'm happy with you
My only one!

"With you at once, we will make me live!"

How good, what are you in this world!
I am not afraid of neither storm nor snow.
Kohaniy my, and let me see
With you at once, we shall live!

"What is love?"

What is love? It's impossible to describe.
What is love? Tse is just that difficult.
What is love? Can't explain.
Sob tse zrozumіti, it is necessary just kohati!
I love you, love! More than anything in the world!

"I want to be with you forever"

I want to be with you forever,
I want one kohati for you
Shchob with a skin second to infinity
Fly with you, and be there with you!

"I confess to you, I win you"

I know you, I drink,
I call, I want to understand
Ale already mayzhe adore
I want troch closer to the article.
Today I'm crying
I myself scream,
Only the axis of dosi was attached,
What has long pokohala you.


Lyuty bring us success,
Love to come to us in return,
І "I LOVE YOU" for extra
I want to tell you one!

"I love you so"

I love you so much
I don’t mark the hour,
Earlier we were two halves,
And at once - one whole.

"I'm sending you a text message"

I'm sending you a text message
It means I love you.
Make a dream about you
I give you my heart!

"I adore you!"

I will open a carpet of stars for you.
Spiv ptahiv I will calm you down,
Litatim over you, protecting sleep.
Let the kohannya live longer - I adore you!

"I love you alone!"

Don't think that I'm walking with others
I give affection to others.
About you, I only dream
I love you alone!

"Telescope, binoculars, eyepieces"

Telescope, binoculars, eyepieces,
Lupi, microscopy
What do you buy, tell me
Shchob ochima splashing?
Shchob chirped the stars, life,
Schob summarily zіthnulos?
I, I believe, it is possible,
Having looked bi pochutya.

"I love you stronger, lower earlier"

I love you stronger, lower earlier,
Light from your fire!
Among the angels of your lowest
I the one who understands me!

"My heart is a little piece"

My heart is a little piece -
Warmly bright.
I look like a new
Love is hot.
You can take yoga
But just beware:
About the hot edge
Don't worry.

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