Stravi on 14 fierce. What to prepare for a romantic dinner? Vipіchka to a romantic evening on the Day of death

The 14th of the fierce is the whole day, if you wake up again, you will turn over to the kohanny. Zakokhani give one gift to one and try to give more respect to the other half. To celebrate Valentine's Day doubled, in a romantic setting, not to make a garnet of embellishments with the original ones. savory herbs. Otzhe, you can prepare for the 14th of the fierce, sob the evening going forward at 100%.

Best menu for Valentine's Day

For the fight you need:

  • 500 grams of slightly salted salmon;
  • 1 large avocado;
  • olive oil;
  • lemon;
  • spices for taste.

Cooking method:

It is necessary to cut the fish with thin shmatochki about 10 centimeters long and 3 centimeters wide. Peel the avocado and grind it in a blender until I become mashed. Add strength, sik from one lemon, spice and olive oil. Hit again. Tse viishla stuffing for salmon. It is necessary to put a teaspoon of stuffing on the skin of the ribs. Kindly share the surface and download the roll. Scrape with a skewer.

For dessert you need:

  • 200 g dark chocolate;
  • 100 g zucru;
  • vanilla;
  • 1 pack of gelatin;
  • 200 g fat tops;
  • 50g cava liqueur;
  • 2st. l. cocoa.

Cooking method:

Add chocolate to the blender. Tops to beat z | iz | zucrum and vanilla. Dissolve gelatin and add to warm liquor. Mix together all the ingredients and put them in the back of the prepared molds and put them in the refrigerator. Sip cocoa before serving.

Cocktail "Hot taste"

For a drink, you need:

  • 500 g of a half;
  • 1 large lemon;
  • orange syrup;
  • 1 bowl of champagne;
  • 1 spoon of zucru;

Cooking method:

You need to remember the fresh midday well and refine it in a blender until mashed. Add syrup, lemon juice, tsukor, ice and champagne. Mix everything well and remind the kelikhs.

Other option

Spicy flavors from exotic products miraculously complete a romantic day. An inimitable appetizer with pineapple and an original salad with shrimp add to the romance of stoks, and a non-perishable dessert from bananas will give you a half-moon kohannya.

For the fight you need:

  • 1 great pineapple (can be no more than stiglia);
  • lemon;
  • 250 grams of salmon;
  • hot red pepper;
  • strength;
  • soy sauce;
  • olive oil;
  • mint leaves.

Cooking method:

Peel the pineapple and cut into small pieces. Also trim the fish. Put everything in a large bowl, add a host of chalking peppers, a spice of mint, a trifle of soy sauce and an olive oil. Mix everything well.

For the fight you need:

  • 200 g shrimp;
  • 100 g asparagus kvass;
  • mayonnaise;
  • creep;
  • 1 small red cibulin;
  • Chinese cabbage.

Cooking method:

Kvassola and shrimp vіdvarіt. Creep details. Cibulina needs to be cleaned and cut with thin pivkilts. Shake the cabbage dryly. In the deep mist, it is necessary to eat shrimp, kvass, krip and cibulin. Add mayonnaise and mix well. Give me time to stand pіvgodini. After that, on the dish, it is necessary to add cabbage to the beast, shrimp and vegetables. You can decorate the salad with sesame seeds.

For tsієї stravi it ​​is necessary:

  • 100 grams of olive oil;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 100 g zucru;
  • 100 g brandy;
  • 2 oranges.

Cooking method:

Tse dessert is served in the same country, in the same way and prepared, for example, by the frying pan. Put the olive oil on the pan and melt it. Bananas need to be peeled and cut into pieces. Put the fruit in a hot olive oil, brush it on the sides. Put it in a bowl and let the crumbs dry. Have butter, where the bananas are lubricated, put zucor and sik from oranges. Lubricate, constantly agitating, until the masses are more likely to drag on. Take it out of the stove, put bananas. At the hour of serving, pour cognac and drink it.

Option three

The menu is light and original for those who are planning a romantic evening to translate from a romantic night. Salmon with marvelous sauce, salad with shrimp and never-ending meringue, revitalize the atmosphere of the evening with a unique and unforgettable one, and add an original cocktail to add sensibility to your little one.

For the fight you need:

  • 500 grams of fresh salmon;
  • 1 st. rare honey;
  • lemon;
  • mustard;
  • strength;
  • pepper.

Cooking method:

Wash the fish, clean it and cut it into small pieces. In a deep bowl, zmishati from one small lemon, a teaspoon of dry mustard, pepper and strength. At qiu sumish, it is necessary to put prepared riba and leave it marinated for 20 quills. The form for zapіkannya needs to be smeared with refined sonyashnikova olive oil and weed there somga. Order 30 quilins at the back of the grill.

For the fight you need:

  • 1 pack of shrimp;
  • 1 grapefruit;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 mango;
  • 1 pear;
  • cinnamon;
  • creep;
  • strength;
  • pepper;
  • salad;
  • roslinna oliya.

Cooking method:

At the deep mist, you can see lemon juice, honey, silt, crepe, pepper and olive oil. Beat everything with a mixer. Put a salad on the side of the dish. Peel the grapefruit, remove the veins, cut the chastices into small pieces. Viklasti for salad. Peel the pear, cut into pieces and add to the salad. Wash the shrimp, clean and brush on olive oil. Put on a paper servlet, schob wiyshov zayvy fat, and add to fruit. Remove the skin from the mango. Cut into cubes and crush with cinnamon. Viklasti at the dish. Drizzle the wijsch salad with dressing.

Bize "Solodki miri"

For dessert you need:

  • 4 egg whites;
  • 1 st. turkish powder;
  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • 10 g candied fruits;
  • 100 g of peas;
  • 200 g dark chocolate;
  • 50 grams of olive oil.

Cooking method:

Egg whites should be beaten with chick powder until firm pine is dead. Grind the peas and grind them for the help of a blender. At the squirrel, add peas, candied fruit and rodzinki. Line the deco with parchment paper. Use a spoon to prepare the mass with a spoon or a confectionery syringe. Vipіkati in rose oven, at minimum temperature, it's close to a year. Melt chocolate in a water bath, add olive oil. Zavazhat until the masa will not become homogeneous. meringue ready soak in hot glazing and leave until stale.

Holiday-lady is proposing an ideal menu, like preparing a fierce kohanoma for 14. The whole menu is designed for a romantic evening, and other recipes can be sold on the go.

Importantly, for a romantic evening, the girl did not prepare a lot of fears. In the first place, you can wake up, even if the main fun begins in the evening itself. In a different way, a romantic supper can give a sip of sips, but not just a relish in the evening.

  1. Usі zіbranі stravi legenі. The stink to saturate, but at the same time do not cry out for a few nights. A romantic evening will require a follow-up!
  2. The menu is well-organized, the warehouse has a salad, one main herb, a light dessert, as well as a drink based on champagne.
  3. At the warehouse of herbs, you can find the names of the products "aphrodisiacs". Kokhannya, skilki would not be rocky, we can be biased. Such products, like shrimp, kіvі, sesame, avocado, are not only delicacies, but even more pochutya addicted.
  4. Pіd usі zaproponovani recipes as the main drink to go wine and champagne.

The menu is ready, what to cook for the 14th fierce kohanoma

Salad with kiwi and shrimp

Necessary ingredients:

  • 300 g shrimp;
  • two apples;
  • One avocado;
  • Two kiwis;
  • Repeat tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • Two tablespoons of natural yogurt;
  • a distant spoon of trimmed crop;
  • a teaspoon of natural honey;
  • Two tablespoons of lemon juice, sil;

It is best to take sour-licorice apples with a hard filling. Shrimps need to be boiled in good salty water, and then cleaned. You can buy freshly cooked and cleaned shrimp, but the stench will not be juicy. Avocado obov'yazkovo can be seen buti. Lettuce is prepared in a rectangular shape and looks like balls. In the front, you need to add a filling, for which you can add mayonnaise, yogurt, honey, lemon juice, crepe details.

I'm going to go shrimp, yakі need to fill with sauce. Next, an apple is laid out, cut into a medium cube, then the pulp of a kiv (por_zati so) and an avocado. Put a flat plate on top, serve on some salad, and turn the form over. Viide is beautiful that appetizing grass, as it is ideal for all parameters to fit for the 14th fierce.

Chicken breasts with cheese in bacon

Necessary ingredients:

  • Two chicken breasts;
  • 50 grams Blakith sire with a splash;
  • Chotiri table spoons of girchitsa with grains;
  • 10 slices of bacon;

The dermal shmotochka of the breasts has a late incision, forming the intestine. Heat the oven up to 200 degrees. Cover the gut in the middle with mustard. Salt is not necessary, for sir and bacon will give the birds their strength. Blow into the intestines according to skibochtsi sir and close the breast. Now the skin of the bird's coat should be burnt at the thin bacon stalk and put in the oven dish. Prepare 25 quills, it is important not to overdry the breast. Before the speech, in the front, you can live, so that the bula will be sokovita. If the meat is cooked in front, then we will have enough 15 quills at the oven, with which the food will be dietary.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 500 grams of potatoes;
  • Three cloves of the watchmaker;
  • Three tablespoons of sesame seeds, oliya;

People love potatoes, even more so, as this product, as a side dish, goes well to chicken meat and bacon. Ale requires not just traditionally cooking potatoes, but preparing them directly. Otzhe, clean the potatoes and cut them into small pieces, cut the teapot into thin slices.

Wisipate sesame seeds in a dry frying pan and brush on fire until golden light brown. Pour oil | oil | into the oven mold, add some potato chips and mix well. Then roll the potatoes in sesame seeds and wilt them in the form. A skin patch can have its own place. Prepare for 200 degrees 30 chills.

Pear with wine with condensed milk

Necessary ingredients:

  • Two pears;
  • 250 g of ready-made sheet dough without yeast;
  • 250 ml of pure liquorice wine;
  • Tablespoon of balm, zukor to relish;
  • A teaspoon of cinnamon, two cloves and three peas of black pepper;
  • 200 g of condensed milk;
  • Two chews, 20 g chocolate;

Clean the pear and pierce the bottom so that you can put the fruit on deco. Prepare a glass of wine, balm and spices, add zukor to taste. Cook everything in a small pot until boiling. Dip the pears at the vіdvar and cook them ten khvilin. Take away the pears and give them a chill. Thoroughly cut with females in 2 cm, the tops and trochs of them are accepted. Wrap the coolant pears with the overlaps so that there are no clearings.

Now it’s hard to smear with a zhovtkom and for 180 degrees cook pears 20 quills at the oven. When serving in the center of the plate, add two tablespoons of milk to thicken | thicken |, and put a pear there. Posipati all rubbed with chocolate.

Champagne jelly with midnight

Necessary ingredients:

  • 200 g of a half;
  • 200 ml of champagne;
  • 70 g zucru;
  • Two teaspoons of gelatin;
  • One lemon;

Lemon and take the fresh zest. Pour 150 ml of water into a stewpan and add zest to it, add zest. Bring the sum to a boil and boil the troch, then let it cool. Throw out the zest. Half a moon and smash to puree (leave sprats for serving jelly).

Sob cholovik buv zakhopleniya and zakokhaniya, yogo required divuvati and pampering. At the Day of Usіh zakohanih yogo, it is necessary to divuvati and pamper with podvoennoy force, so that you will see the need for this holy one, and for the impatience, check yogo the whole river. Garniy way pamper a person (and yourself a kohanu tezh) - this is a romantic supper. Otzhe, what to prepare for the 14th fierce?

Table service

Navіt yakscho vyzvikli їsti in front of the TV set, kicking your legs under yourself, all day you happen to try and give the urochist moment. Set up a table for two. Wink at the serving table accessories from the images of hearts and flowers, red and burgundy tones, candles. Come on, let them be chervonim - even if the colors are prejudiced.

Zha: what to cook for 14 fierce

Your romantic supper may be worthy, but you are not guilty and fall asleep right at the table (it’s better for everything, you and your kohan already have a plan for what to do after the evening). So do not try to prepare for the whole world the two of you to make a bet on light snacks, a hot streak and dessert. Unique fat їzhi (meat snacks, sirіv) - you won’t inflame passion, but instead, calm you down, relax and sleep.

How does your kohani love seafood,
recommended axis is so simple and effective feed

A little bit of theory on the back. The best for rotting passion for vicory and stravia aphrodisiacs: vegetables, fruits, peas, chocolate, seafood, hot spices, red wine. Those who like to eat wine with syrup are guarded: such a set for your slut can be controlled without viruvannya, rather, vicorate like an appetizer before wine, meat and fruit.

Thinking about what to prepare for the 14th of the fierce, remember that all the stravi are guilty of being such that you can bulo garno z'isti (without wandering).

Romantic menu

Let's start with snacks.

Svyatkovo and unusually look (and from the satisfaction of zadatsya) gostrі and licorice snacks from Asian and Mediterranean cuisine. For example, salad with pineapple, chicken and cashews in hot Thai sauce, light salad with tomatoes, feti and leaf lettuce with black pepper, canapes with pineapple, seafood and olives.

The basis of this salad is pineapple, chicken and cashew peas.
You can add other ingredients for savor

Smear the eggplants in a chasnikov sauce and burn them at the role, stuffed with cheese and greens. Prepare an inimitable Chinese salad of stewed oranges and cedar peas.

Leafing lettuce, orange, third cheddar, cedar peas,
sesame, sesame that roslinna oliya, trochs of orange juice,
a sprat of spicy sprat and a sprat of soy sauce, and a jasper Chinese salad is ready!

Put shoes on the table assorted gorіkhіv and fruit platter(Aphrodisiacs, don't forget).

Now let's move on to hot. It can also be non-greasy, light, and exude an indescribable relish. Vіdmovtesya vіd mutton, fatty meat, smoked meats, blueberry soups. Serve light pasta with seafood, stewed with white wine and tops. Otherwise, coat the chicken fillet in breadcrumbs with chalky plastics. You can cook folzy-baked riba with lemon juice and sweet pepper.

If your friend's half does not know a supper without meat, bake it on a bone.
help you not to get lost. Prepare the fish well, as you have
no more than a rich hour - the stench will be ready for an order of magnitude better than meat

Asian Cuisine Lovers be happy to serve on the table a hospitable Thai soup tom yam or cooked in the best Chinese traditions, smeared with chicken with tomatoes and licorice pepper. You can also cook salmon and salmon on the grill.

What can be prepared from licorice for 14 fierce? Dessert can be light and not fat. Choose fruit and milk desserts: puddings, parfi, well, of course, chocolate. You can dip the half-berries or banana slices into hot chocolate and cool in the refrigerator. An unproblematic option for a dessert for two is frosting. Vono, even colder, more inflame your passion.

A smut for dessert is not wealth, but decoration. Plates can be embellished
let's melt chocolate for the help of a pound or a confectionery syringe

Frost can be applied with a side portion of yagid,
rodzinok abo gorіkhіv abo podati with licorice sauce

It is important not only to know what to cook for 14 fierce that - turn off laptops, telephones, televisions. Naivet the best and the most important evening will be packed, as you put the photo on the table on Instagram, and there - marvelous hockey. Give one hour to one, forgetting for one evening about the foundation of the decision of the world. I will be all right.

What to cook for a romantic dinner for a kohan at home minds on the 14th of the fierce? Everything from salad to dessert in our selection for your taste!

Salad with crab sticks is one of the most popular on weekdays. Irrespective of those sticks - to finish the sumn_vny product from the look of your warehouse, they are actively vicorous to prepare strong savory. We will try to choose the product of an overcooked winemaker and proceed before preparing the salad for Valentine's Day. Vіm, tsey salad will be a garnier of any day, if you want to create a romantic atmosphere.

Irrespective of all the coldness of folding, such a salad on the 14th of a fierce one is easy to fight. We will prepare the salad in garnish forms, to give the shape of a heart. This is especially true for Valentine's Day. Balls lie one on one evenly, do not jump out of the name and do not ruin our plan. For one such form, it is necessary to have a rather poor product.

  • crab sticks- 100 g;
  • potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • violet cibulin - ½ pcs.;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • sil, mayonnaise, pepper - to taste.

Zazdalegіd vіdvarimo carrots in shkirtsі, potatoes in their uniforms and an egg.

Let's clean the carrots, potatoes and eggs. We take the package from three sticks.

You can draw. Crab sticks are the main product. Narіzhemo їkh not nadto drіbno.

Other ingredients are better than others. Let's start with potatoes.

I purple bow.

Grated carrots. We put it on the very top of the salad at the sight of the heart. From the tovstoy part of the carrot, you can see a thin line and twist it at the sight of a quote. Yogo can be whipped up for decorating an appetizer.

The ingredients are ready: crab sticks, egg, potatoes, carrots, corn.

Put potatoes on the very bottom of the form, covered with mayonnaise. Potatoes can be salted and peppered.

We smear with mayonnaise.

Let's put a cibula on the potatoes.

Let's sweat the testicle.

We can't wait.

Now cherga crab sticks.

I again - mayonnaise. Let's tamp down the salad.

For the help of the heart of a smaller rosemary, we put grated carrots on the salad heart.

Carefully znimaєmo offending forms.

Let's decorate the salad with greens and embellishments with boiled carrots.

Svyatkova Strava for Valentine's Day is ready! Receiving a holy day that garnih hostility!

Recipe 2: pizza-heart for a romantic evening on February 14

The pizza is in the shape of a heart - we all know the same Italian dish, which looks like a classic style. Cooking yogo at home is easy to finish, even if you can speed up with blanks. For example, you can buy frozen dough. Wanting to do yoga with your hands doesn’t mean you have special problems, but more often you want to do yoga.

As a filling for such a pizza, we will vikoristovuvat kowbas salami and olives. The sirna of the warehouse is made up of two types of sirna: parmesan and mozzarella. Vtіm, the filling in such a pіtsі can be a be-yak. Tse vie can regulate on vlasny rozsud.

Such a heart-shaped bird will become a wonderful solution for a romantic evening. Looking out it is original and, before that, it is guaranteed to come out savory, and you can inspire the one who never stood before the stove! Moreover, perhaps, there is no such person who did not like pizza. Such a strava will be bezprograshnoy.

Otzhe, yakshcho klopіt іz pіdgotovki to romantic evening axis-axis to catch up with you, then it’s better to start cooking pizza in the shape of a heart, and help you with a recipe for pokrokovimi photo, Choo views below. Let's do it!

We’ll work the pizza with ready-made dough, we’ll stock it up in front of us. Dali follow instructions on the packaging of the product.

We attach a boroshnye style, put a defrosted dough on it, and then we open it with a thin ball and give it the shape of a heart. You can do it at your fingertips, or you can look at the template from paper. Scraps, which are left out, you can strengthen the edges of the pizza, making the sides, like in the photo.

The finished layer of dough at the sight of the heart must be carefully transferred to the deco.

Now we need salami. Kovbas needs to be cut with circles, and if you took a ready-made cut, then the number of robots will change.

Part of this filling will be placed on the bottom, and part on the new one. To that tim kirzhaltsy kovbasi, as if they were beasts, we nadamo the shape of a heart. For whom we quickly use a mold for the oven. If there is no such thing in the kitchen, then you can make a salami from the heart with the help of kitchen knives.

Smashchuemo tysto tomato paste or be a kind of pizza sauce. They gave us mugs of salami and її scraps, as if they had lost their sight of the heart.

Grated mozzarella thickly sip the pizza. On top of the sir, salami was made in the form of a heart and olives, cut into halves. The sides of the pizza are covered with olive oil and sprinkled with grated parmesan.

Now the pizza has been baked. It is necessary to wait until the order from the zapіkannya test on the packaging (on the niy will be indicated in the іdpovidny temperature regime and the hour of the zapіkannya).

Before the cob of zapіkannya, try to clean up the syrah from the sheet of shmatochka, so that the wine does not burn.

Ready pizza in the shape of a heart should be served right to the table, even if it is especially savory with a warm look. Yak bachite recipe zovsіm clumsy and savory. Your half friend will be glad of such a loss. Axis please!

Recipe 3: salad for 14 fierce Tajmna passion (pokrokovі photo)

  • Yalovichina 100 g
  • Leaf lettuce 100 g
  • Cherry tomatoes 100 g
  • Tomati dried 5 pcs
  • Parmesan 30 g
  • Olive oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • Ocet 1 tbsp. l.
  • Girchitsya 1 tsp.
  • Season 1 tsp.

For cooking, you can take any kind of salad for bajannyam, I took the best leafy lettuce. Miєmo i rvemo yogo on shmatochki.

Cherry tomatoes rіzhemo navpіl, dried tomatoes Narіzaєmo on dribni shmatochki.

Z'ednuemo salad with tomatoes.

Robimo dressing with olive oil, balsamic otstu, mustard, spices "Italian herbs" and salt. Everything is beaten with wine.

We dress the salad with dressing, mix it. We put it on a serving dish.

V'yalen yalovichin is narrated in thin marriages.

Let's give the wife a dried yalovichini lettuce to the beast.

Grate the lettuce with parmesan. Savory!

Recipe 4: cock in caramel up to 14 fierce for dying

  • Chicken fillet 400 g
  • Red licorice pepper 150 g
  • Honey 25 g
  • Vinny ocet 4 tbsp.
  • Oliya Vershkove 20 g
  • Force for taste
  • Black pepper chalk for relish
  • Hammered paprika to taste

Pepper cut into thin strips.

Chicken fillet cut into small pieces.

Season the chicken with silla, pepper, paprika.

Melt Olya. Brush the fillet 3-4 hvilin.

Zmіshati estet iz honey, until the honey is broken.

Pour the ocet into the pan.

Add pepper. Prepare 5 more quills.

Recipe 5: Zakohany Day Snack - Hearts on Crackers

Delicious snack on crackers before the Day of death! Cooking is easy!

  • Pink salmon (cooked) - 100 g;
  • Sirok melting (vershkovy) - 1 pc;
  • Mayonnaise (or sour cream) - 1 tbsp;
  • Strength and pepper (for relish);
  • Horseradish with beetroot - 1-2 tsp;
  • Salty crackers;
  • Cibulya is green (for embellishment)

Let the humpbacked salmon cuts cool down and remove all the brushes. Detail on the details.

Sirok melting - vershkovy (wіn m'yakiy) add to the ribka.

Salt and sip with pepper and beat with a blender until a homogeneous mass.

For the help of a syringe or a cellophane bag (tear off a veil), look at the crackers in the form of a heart. Coat the middle of the troch with fish masa. And to the beast, in the middle, gently spread the horseradish with a small spoon, so that the heart came out. Decorate with green cibulka. A delicious snack! Acceptance!

Recipe 6: St. Valentine Midnight Cocktail (Pokrokovo)

  • 200 gr. it was midnight
  • 200 gr. inches of freezing
  • 200ml milk
  • 50 gr. midnight syrup
  • 1 st. tsukru for bajannyam

For a cocktail with noondays, we selected juice berries. We still need Vershkov frosty, a bottle of milk that is not rich in midnight syrup.

We wash the half-unit by the running water, we can see the tails. Yakshcho berries are great, rіzhemo on a sprat of parts. Put in a jar of a blender half-nice, freeze, pour cooled milk.

Pour trochs of midnight syrup. As a midnight cocktail, it is prepared exclusively for grown-ups, instead of syrup, you can add homemade liquor from Trojans, or be it homemade fruit and berry infusion, for example, blackberry infusion.

A midnight cocktail is prepared at the blender. For whom no more than one piece of wool is needed. Don't try to tear up our half moons, because we'll see more of them. The most important microelement, zinc, is hidden in this little melancholy. Zinc itself activates the work of vitamin A, improves the process of old skin, improves intellectual health.

We try the finished cocktail on zukor. Ring out, like a midnight licorice, add tsukor there is no need. Serve the midnight cocktail chilled.

Recipe 7: hearts for dessert 14 fierce (c photo)

Dessert can take a taste of almonds, and lemon juice gives some citrus tenderness. At the end of a romantic evening on the 14th of February, you can give a million miles of heart.

  • Migdal (cleansing and detailing) - 100 g
  • Tsukrova powder - 100 g
  • Liquor (Amaretto, you can do it without it, as it is prepared for children) - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Cocoa powder (you can chocolate glaze) - 3 tbsp. l.

Migdalno borosh that tsukrovu powder mix. Add to Masi 1 tbsp. a spoonful of Amaretto liqueur. If you are preparing a dessert for children, turn on the liquor. To the acquired mass, add 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice. Whim the masu until smooth.

Such a bun we have viyshov. Zagornimo yogo in kharchov plіvka and left in the refrigerator for 30 quills.

Chilled dough (kolobok) spread in 0.5 cm.

Look at the shape of the heart. Masu, which is lost, again download into a bun and renew the rozkotity of the comradeship of 0.5 cm.

Ready to put your hearts on a plate and sip cocoa powder. Ready to put the hearts in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. For the heart, you can cover it with chocolate icing, at your discretion. I would like the option of sipping cocoa.

I can't understand how you're getting there before Valentine's Day. Possibly, on the 14th of the fierce for you, I’m not sacred, but rather, don’t be a fool, but still mark this date with a girl. It's not about those who are sacred to us or not, but about those who are ready to spend a romantic evening with their girlfriend. We are ready, for that we are going to prepare a cool supper. I guess what you know is the way it is.

What is Valentine's Day, why can't we marvel at the "Khizhak" at once?
- The series "Yak I zustriv your mother" -

Let’s just say that they didn’t try to force you with folding recipes, they asked the manager. Everything is ready for the help of the multi-baker PRO with the help of the REDMOND series. Multi-bakery is a universal mini-bakery that can replace about 25 kitchen appliances. At the same time, it is compact and intuitively understandable. Cooking with a piece is even simpler, but better, we’ll take a look at the recipe.


Cook donuts less than hvilin 15-20. For everything to come, you need the RAMB-105 nozzle.


- 250 ml of 2.5% kefir;
- 120 grams of boroshn;
- 100 grams of zucru;
- 50 grams inches of butter;
- 1 egg;
- 5 grams sodi;
- 1 gram vanilla;
- 60 ml dewy olive;
- Sil.


1. Melt butter, mix yoga with kefir and zukr. Call and add soda, then an egg and vanilla.
2. Mix with wine, step by step, adding borosno. Quite can be the same. Give you some food, and then let's get Multibaker.
3. Make the Multibaker olієyu, fill it with a new dough and check the end of the preparation.
4. Done - you can treat your girlfriend!

Sandwiches with shrimp and pineapple

Shrimps - the road of satisfaction, but for sandwiches you don’t need a lot of them, but the taste will be fresh. For cooking, you need RAMB-101 (Sandwich) and RAMB-103 (Grill) attachments.


- 8 pans of bread for toast;
- 200 grams of shrimp;
- 100 grams of pineapples;
- 100 grams of mayonnaise;
- 10 grams of curry;
- 10 ml of lemon juice;
- Sil.


1. Breeze on frozen shrimp with lemon juice, salt. Pineapple in cubes or buy a glass of canned cubes.
2. Add some curry to the mayonnaise, mix well - tse sauce. Make up the skibs of bread for them.
3. Put shrimp and pineapple on a skewer of bread, skewer the construction with another skewer.
4. Insert the nozzles, turn on the Multi-baker, close the lid and check. If you turn on the indicator, you can make sandwiches. Get ready again.


Get ready for chills 12-14, no more. The strain itself came from Mexico. It's even simpler and simpler. Like a vicorist nozzle, the one that is recognized for scrambled eggs, but the RAMB-117 itself.


- 120 grams of chicken fillet;
- 100 grams of tomatoes;
- 80 grams of sirah cheddar;
- 40 grams of tomato sauce;
- 2 wheat cakes;
- Strength;
- spices for relish.


1. Chop a cock for additional salt, spices, olive oil. Sir, at the same time, sodium on the great third, and tomato in fine cubes.
2. Install the panels, turn off the Multibaker, close the lid and check, the indicator will not light up. If necessary, you can use the trigger and cook її from the skin side of 6 quills.
3. I’ll already smear the chicken with straws and put it in a wheat cake, which should be smeared with tomato sauce in front, and also sip with cheese and tomatoes. Close the lid of the multi-baker for a couple of whilins (dock if the sire is melted).

Pizza with bacon and vegetables

So, at this piece you can cook pizza. To be sure, you need the RAMB-116 nozzle, that is our recipe, obviously.


- 180 grams of dough for pizza;
- 40 grams of tomato sauce for pizza;
- 40 grams of zucchini;
- 20 grams of red Bulgarian pepper;
- 20 grams of yellow bell pepper;
- 50 grams of bacon.
- 30 grams of solid syrah (albeit better more).


1. Narizh pepper with thin strips, zucchini and bacon - with thin slices, sodium sir on the third, more on the dribniy.
2. Uvіmkni Multibaker i, while you are getting ready for your work, roll the dough into a thin ball. Put dough in the form, fill the yogo with the filling: on the cob with tomato sauce, then on the vegetables, then on the bacon, on the beast - cheese.
3. Close the lid of the Multibaker and check until everything is ready (15 minutes).

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