Sauce for yalovichi steak. Ribeye steak sauce: the best recipes. Vishukani sauce for steak with black cheese

Let's talk about steaks - great beautiful and juicy shmatki yalovichi. I tried my first good steak at Beijing (chef Yannick Alléno took two Michelin stars from Courchevel). Before that, all the pieces of meat, as I tried, were just pieces of meat and no relation to the philosophy of steaks was not small.

It doesn’t matter if you cook a steak at home, if you go to a special mortgage with a drive, it’s important to know how your ideal piece will be broken.

By themselves, yalovichi steaks are an expensive dish, the shards of meat for them are taken from the shortest parts of the carcasses of scourges. For their preparation, it is necessary to walk about 7-10 vіdsotkіv in all carcasses of creatures.

In parallel with the recipe, I’ve created a target for you. Oskіlki until recently, I did not delve into the topic of steaks, I had a lot of food, be happy with the stars, re-read the mass of material and tell you all the basics, starting from the very cob. To that obov'yazkovo read for the cob, and then we continue the recipe.

And now, let's prepare our succulent chunks of meat and black pepper sauce, the recipe for which I gave the chef with Michelin stars.

The same, first and most important rule. The steak needs to be given an hour to get to room temperature. Only in this way, the meat is prepared correctly and evenly. Tse means that before cooking, for a year-repeat, it is necessary to put yoga on the table, winnowing from the packaging. And while the steak is warming up, make the sauce.

Take the best peppercorns (25-30 gr.), You can know which one. If you want to sum up the peppers - make it better. Rozsipte yogo with a doshka and grind with the bottom of a saucepan. To work like this, under a small kut, put the bottom on the pepper and press, hold the stewpan in front of you. If you just push the beast onto the stewpan, you will grind the pepper well.

The very freshly ground garniy pepper will add relish to the sauce and all the seasonings are unforgettable.

We didn’t need to drink, grains of 1 mm are those that we want to reach.

Pour over the shallot cibulin.

Melt a cube of butter in a large frying pan with a deep bottom.

Lubricate the cibula and the ruby ​​chasnik (2 cloves) until clear.

Pour in the yalovichi broth (250 gr.). It is possible, obviously, to be sprinkled with dill, but if there is a broth, it will be tastier.

Vaporize the water heater at maximum fire. There are 10 quills on the chain. Pour in fat tops (about 20%, 250 gr.).

I am reviving the motherland of the vdvichi. І vsipaemo chalking pepper. Add in thirds and marvel, like a weed. If you want to give up, if there’s a lot of pepper, don’t add a bit of it.

The readiness of any kind of sauce is even easier. Vіn is guilty of twisting a spoon (shovel) that does not drain from it. With this, don’t be too thick. Remember that, when you reach, the sauce is getting thicker. Therefore, in a frying pan, wines can be of medium density.

If you missed the moment, dilute the giblets with a few inches, kindly spreading them.

The sauce is poured into a gravy boat. If you want to make the sauce professionally, puree it with a blender and pass it through a medium sieve. Todі vіn become more uniform and creamy.

Give me a steak. Choose a good piece of clothing, give everything simply. Soak the meat with a servette from the sides. We don’t need the call of a vologer of the name, otherwise the scribble will not be such a charm. Put the frying pan on the strongest fire, the pros seem to need to catch up with the moment, if there is literally more to burn. Throw a cube of butter|oil| again.

M'yaso sippaєmo sіllu and grind pepper for the whilin before, as you brush the steak, lightly splashing the bottom, so that the spices stick better.

Lower the piece of meat into the pan. Chi do not collapse yoga, do not crush. Do nothing.

The idea of ​​a steak lies in the fact that we will seal it in the middle of the meatballs. For whom mi and smear yoga to a garno skorinki. I shrug like this, put the shmak in the pan and marvel at the butt. If the meat has changed the color from below to tretina, turn it over to the next side. I'm checking again. Call on the need for 2 to 3 quills from the skin side. If you recommend turning shokhvilini over, I'm going to give it a try.

Do not think of scorching with a fork. Having pierced the meat, you will spend the sik. Only a spatula or tongs. If your steak is too thick (3 cm in diameter), you can cover both ends. Here you can’t do without tongs (they trim the meat on the end).

About those how to signify the readiness (roasting steps) of a steak, read everything in the same material. I love oskelki in the middle, especially I don’t fool around. Having smeared it from two sides, as if saying, and it's ready. If you want a piece of steak, if you want well done, put the meat in a preheated oven (180 degrees) for 3-8 chills. The hour is also to lie down in the sight of that comrade. Here, bezperechno, practice is needed. Ale vono varte quiet zusil, yaki report.

It is important to give m'yasu to remembrance. For whom you put on a plate and whilin 10-15 checks. At this hour, this time, as if concentrating in the center of the shmatka, it spreads back, the roblyachi m'yaso gradually juicy.

Bachite, for 10 hvilin, the steak is filled with trochs of juice. Wine is not red, but the correct brown color. Sound off to add sauces, garnishes, or pour the meat over the beast, even when serving.

Serve a steak with our sauce and a serrated knife!

Now I think, why write such steak recipes? There are more options, how to cook their sauces.

Steak is a unique country. It looks like just greasing shmatok yalovichini, moreover, preparations mayzha without seasonings, only with black pepper and sill. Ale shanuvalnikiv tsієї stravi in ​​the world of us is a majestic number, for them to open special mortgages - steakhouses, where you can know lubricated m'yaso for be-yaky relish. The protection of culinary traditions is solidifying: a steak garni by itself and everything you can add to it is tse kelih. garnogo wine. However, gourmets, yak greased meat for help fragrant pіdlivi. The sauce for the steak allows you to give the country new flavors, tasting the malt in the spirit of the brewing.

Cooking features

Recipes for sauces for steaks can be different, so there is no single technology for their preparation. However, you can make a few recommendations, which will help you develop your culinary experiments as far as possible.

  • Spravzhnі pozіnovuvachi steakіv іz yalovichini stverdzhuyut: sour-licorice sauce is categorically not suitable for them. However, you can clarify another thought: sauces based on yagid and fruit and ideal additions to meat and the method of processing cannot change the situation. Make a race and tі y іnshі. The right steak is prepared with yalovichini, as if it is rotten in harmony with sour-licorice seasoning. So you see it is more suitable for fatty meat, bird meat, ribeye. However, today steaks are also called grilled pork, and buttered turkey breast, in the menu of rich restaurants you can name steak from catfish. Serve sour-licorice sauce to the cihs, you will not be pardoned.
  • For tasting the sauce with a harmonic relish, precisely adjust the proportions indicated in the recipe and the cooking technology that is recommended. Vіd spіvvіdnoshnennia spices and іnshih komponentіv deposit relish of the finished product.
  • Whisk products of high quality for making sauces. It's worth drinking and alcoholic drinks, because the stench comes in to the warehouse.
  • Prepare the sauce ahead of time, the shards of wine are served cold. The steak itself is guilty of being hot. As soon as you grind the meat on the cob, and then the sauce, you will get cold earlier, and the seasoning, now, will be hot.

If you don’t get drunk, cook the sauce, cook according to your branded recipe, just before the steak, don’t risk it more and try one of the classic options for seasoning it to the point of gravy.

Classic wine sauce for steak

  • yalovichi broth - 0.25 l;
  • red dry wine - 125 ml;
  • brown zukor - 10 g;
  • balsamic ocet - 5 ml;
  • strong, black chalking pepper - to relish.

Cooking method:

  • Place unsalted yalovichi broth in a small saucepan with a thick bottom and put it on the stove.
  • Boil on the right fire, the docks will not change the broth.
  • Add zukor and wine to the broth. Mix and continue to boil the sauce with a stretch of 10–15 quills. The number of rіdini in the pot may change 2 times in an hour.
  • Add balsamic estimate, stir. Cook some more fluff and take it out of the fire.
  • Salt and pepper the sauce to taste, stir. Earlier, add strength and pepper not varto, even the sauce during the cooking process changes a lot in the process, and, having salted the yogo at the first stage, you will be able to add a rare seasoning.

Let the sauce cool down to room temperature, pour into a gravy boat and serve until hot yalovichi steak.

Classic mushroom sauce for steak

  • fresh bakery - 70 g;
  • white mushrooms - 30 g;
  • tops - 150 ml;
  • borosno - 20 g;
  • roslinna oliya - 20 ml;
  • nutmeg mountain - triska;
  • sil, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Mushrooms remember. Dry with servets. Fuck it. The smaller the shmatochki mushrooms will be, the more beautiful, even if the consistency of the future sauce is to be deposited.
  • On a medium fire, heat olive oil in a frying pan, put mushrooms and brush them, stirring, with a stretch of 5 quills.
  • Take a sip. Mix it up.
  • After 2-3 hvilini, fill the mushrooms with tops. It’s better to pour the tops in a thin glass, at the same time churning the frying pan with a wine glass, - it will help to save the breasts. If your frying pan can be non-stick coated, the metal wreath does not work, rather than the silicone one.
  • Change the fire and cook the sauce, stirring regularly, until the pan is replaced by tretina.
  • Add strength, pepper, nutmeg. Mix that frying pan with fire.
  • Pour the sauce over the gravy boat and cool the yogo. To speed up the process, the vessel can be put in a basin filled with cold water, or taken to the refrigerator.

Don’t cook, don’t hesitate to replace the pecherits with porcini mushrooms for a sauce with a more pronounced aroma - wine is to blame for the taste of the steak, and not for slaughtering yoga.

Classic pepper sauce for steak

  • cibula - 75 g;
  • cognac - 100 ml;
  • tops - 70 ml;
  • black peppercorns - to relish;
  • roslinna oliya - 20 ml;
  • strength for relish.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the main ingredient - black pepper. You can take yoga to your liking. If you prefer the milder version of the sauce, 20 peas are enough, if you want to take more of the pepper flavor, add a teaspoon of seasoning. Detail for the help of special milk or send with a mortar.
  • Clean the cibula and clean it thoroughly.
  • Brush yogo in oil until golden brown.
  • Add pepper, mix it up with fire.
  • Pour cognac and burn it.
  • If you know half a mind, add | add | inches, mix and turn on the stove.
  • Boil, the docks do not begin to boil.
  • Take it out of the stove, pour the seasoning into a gravy boat. If okholone, serve before greased meat.

The sauce doesn’t just have an incredible taste, but it’s ready to go. If you want to greet the guests, put some seasoning on your eyes.

Chimichuri sauce for steak

  • fresh parsley - 50 g;
  • qibulya shallot - 50 g;
  • hourglass - 2 cloves;
  • oregano - 3 g;
  • plastic chili pepper - 3 g;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • wine ocet (6-hundred) - 10 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the parsley, chop it in water, chop it with a knife, it can be large.
  • Razrіzhte parts of the chapel on a sprat of parts.
  • Cut the cibula into sprat shmatochkiv.
  • Prepare the products at the same time with oregano and put the peppers at the blender bowl.
  • Squeeze sik from half a lemon on them.
  • Refine to the possession of a homogeneous mass.
  • Add olіyu ta otset, resolutely mix. Zrobiti tse can already be done manually.

The sauce is cooked quickly, don't worry thermal processing there is no need to spend an hour and a day for cooling. Tsya seasoning is suitable for lovers of gostrih snacks.

Classic steak sauce

  • Vershkov oil - 100 g;
  • fresh parsley - 30 g;
  • hourglass - 1 clove.

Cooking method:

  • Finely chop the parsley.
  • Let the clock pass through the press.
  • Zmіshayte z|іz| rozm'yakshenim vershkovym oil | oil |.
  • Apply oil sumish on parchment, download it with a straw and put it away from the refrigerator.

Before serving a hot steak to the table, put a small piece of spicy oliї on the new one - it will add spicy notes to the meat and a generous toppings primak.

Now you know how to taste a steak without garnish and seasonings, try to re-experience one of the options for the classic sauce - the taste of the well-known stravia will be revealed for you in a new way.

Who among us does not love savory and juicy steaks from fresh meat? Surely, less vegetarians. Naygolovnіshe, it is right to cook them. Adzhe yalovichina - to finish a vibagly product.

Secrets of cooking savory and juice steaks

It is necessary to cut the meat only across the grain of the fibers, the steak from the bone is to blame for the comradeship of the second centimeter.

Yakshcho yalovichina is too zhorstka, before cooking it is necessary to soak it in fresh milk. Before the cob, smoky yalovichina is sipped with sumish from salt and pepper, vicarious and other seasonings, such as cloves, fresh cumin, turmeric, various dry wines, marinade.

Brush the steaks with hot oil. Even though the fat is not warm enough, on the surface of the steaks the appetizing golden streak is not satisfied, and the meat is not as savory as it would have been.

Oliya does not need to be overheated, so that in a strongly baked olive steak, the steak will burn the bells, and in the middle it will be filled with sirimi.

In order to make it enough to roast an oliya, throw a small piece of white bread into it, when the stump is made, a piece of bread flour is merged, the temperature of the fat is optimal, so the piece of bread is sunk into the bottom of the pan, and the oil does not work play stronger.

Avoid the frequent turning of steaks during the process of lubrication, as with frequent turning you see meaty sik, you need to lubricate that ruddy streak on the surface of the steaks.

So that the steaks do not chip to the surface of the pan, put a sprat of carrots into the roasted oliya.

Do not turn over the bushes for the help of a fork, hurry up for it with a special wooden spatula, for that, through the punctures, which are assimilated as a result of the pricks of the fork, one sees meaty sik. When pierced with a fork, the meat becomes bitter, not juicy.

When greasing steaks, do not put a large amount of fat near the pan, otherwise sonyashnikova olії enough to cover the surface with a small amount of fat.

Steak with lingonberry sauce

Steaks from yalovichini, cooked on a frying pan, will still taste the savory sour-licorice lingonberry sauce cooked on red wine.

Also, for the preparation of yalovichini with lingonberry sauce, you need the following components, like:

  • melena cinnamon (for vlasny relish);
  • rare flower honey (three tablespoons);
  • Yalovich pulp without brush (2.3 kg);
  • fresh ginger root (35 g);
  • wine dry chervone (260 ml);
  • sumish peppers or be it seasonings for meat (one tablespoon with hot water);
  • kam'yana with a medium pomelo (for vlasny relish).

In addition, it is necessary to prepare lingonberry sauce on red wine, and for which you need the following components:

  • cowberry (540 g);
  • wine dry chervone (120 ml);
  • pisok tsukrovy brown (half of the bottle).

Cooking process

On the back on the table, add the next component from the first list, then pour a small bowl of dry red wine into the bowl, add a little bit of rare honey to it and mix everything until uniform. At the honey-wine sumish, add sumish peppers or seasoning for meat, add fine cinnamon, mix, add strength for savor, after which turn on the oven shaf at 220 degrees. Rinse the m'yaso bezkіstkove, then put yogo on a paper towel and troch dry, then smear marinade on the sides of the mouth.

They gave the yalovichina in the marinade and put it on the grill, and її, at your side, put that same rosemary in the pan. Then place the whole structure together with the meat on a full fire for 35 khvilin. After the next hour change, cover the marinated pork with grub foil, or with a lid, continue the process of lubricating the meat with a stretch of 20 hvilin.

In order to make the meat look good, it is necessary to clean up the foil of khvilin thirty years before the meat is ready.

As soon as the meat is freshly cooked, transfer it to the big grass, once again cover it with foil and remove the whilin for fifteen, but it’s necessary for the meat to be clear, with the marinade, more richly spread over m’ jar. Only a little later you can cut the meat with skewers of the necessary comradeship and serve it to the table.

While the meat is getting under the foil, you can start preparing lingonberry sauce, and for it, pour red wine into a small stewpan, which is left out, add meat juice, which is used in the process of cooking pork and dripping on deco. Mix it up instead of a stewpan, pokat, while the summish is strongly boiled, then sort out the fresh lingonberry, put it on a paper towel, like a few berries to dry, divide into two equal parts.

Sip half of the fresh yagid into a bowl, add bloody pisok, then pierce the components with a blender until puree-like, add the stewpan to the prepared mashed potatoes, mix everything, sip the whole berries that are left out, warm up the lingonberry sauce, then serve at once with chopped meat.

Human steak

Steak - tse, persh for everything, strava for right people. Don’t you, maybe, a human being of a human nature, like you used to see a properly fried shmatka yalovichina (before speech, a chicken steak and a steak with pork needs to be prepared in a familiar way) with a hospitable steak sauce, isn’t it? Cooking a steak is not as easy as it seems.

Three products we need:

  • meat (fresh and chilled veal and pork without fat);
  • ovens, 4-5 pcs. (You can substitute for other mushrooms);
  • borosno - 2 tablespoons;
  • olive oil (it’s not like olive oil, because you don’t like it, you don’t like it, it’s smellless and smells like sonyashnikova);
  • spices for oiling meat, sil, black pepper chalking;
  • steak sauce or gostry sauce;

Z additional materials we need:

  • a hammer for breaking meat (tsіlkom pіdіyde hostry i great nizh);
  • a plate for meat (you can put the meat on the kitchen table, just wipe it with clean ganch before it);
  • nizh zvichayny (as a whole you can work everything with the same knife);
  • frying pan;
  • plate;
  • shoulder blade (do not turn the meat over with a fork, otherwise through the punctures, which are settled, the meat is clear, the meat will be dry and not tasty);

So it's good

We take m'yaso. As soon as it is frozen, you can take the triplets of yoga under hot water and dry it in a warm place in the summer; yakscho є mikrokhvilova pіch, put a piece of meat in a deep plate and put it there khvilin on five. Everything is so good, just wash a piece of yalovichini (abo veal) under cold water.

With a hammer to beat the meat, even if you don’t know it, you still couldn’t get away, with the help of a great and sharp knife, you start to knock on the entire surface of the meat shmatka. It is necessary to work so hard at the same time, one in the same, so that the meat becomes juicy and soft.

After that, as we made the shmatkas, it is necessary to turn them by 90 degrees and beat them perpendicularly, so that the mesh comes out.

Now we take a large flat plate and put some wheat bog on it. Її may be not too rich, we need to roll the shards in our meat from the sides.

Let's pepper and salt, I'll start again, especially from both sides. At cookbooks in such moods it is fair to write: "salt and pepper to taste." Tilki do not oversalt.

Now we take oil for lubrication. It is important that the olive is richly decorated for Sonyashnikov or kukurudzyan, but on the right relish. You can vikoristovuvat and sonyashnikov, smut, so that there is not a little smell (sound on the dance with such oil it is written "deodorized"). Anyway, if your choice is an olive oil, please, it says "virgin" or "from hand-picked olives" on the dance, and not "100% pure olive oil" (which is the lowest looking).

Continue cooking

Olya needs to be poured into a frying pan. The fire, while the frying pan is still empty, may be the weakest. At the nearest future, if there will be food, we will switch to the middle fire, so as not to re-oil and not to dry the steak. Just as you see the difference between blood and blood, you can start a fire for the weaker, lower middle, and stronger, lower the weakest.

Pour the oil on the pan so that it occupies practically the entire surface, but with it, obviously, without excess, even if we cook the lower meat, and not the French fries.

Now we proceed to the drawing of mushrooms. Otzhe, spolіskuєmo pecheritsі under cold water and put on small board. We take the splendid lower (thinner bagan), we take the mushroom and put it on the lower hill. Applying yoga with one hand, rozrazaemo on chotiri later parts. Similarly, we fix it with other mushrooms.

If the mushrooms are cut, put them in a frying pan with heated olives.

We take a spatula (or a fork, which is less handy and safe for you and your frying pan) and spread the mushrooms on the surface of the frying pan, not forgetting about those that simply burn the stink without oil. Lubricate the mushrooms near hvilini.

Now turn to the meat. Zsuvaemo mushrooms to the side and put the meat on the frying pan, again, with magic, put yogo on the olive.

Greater for everything, the mushrooms have already absorbed all the oil. So add more. Liti is required not for meat and not for mushrooms, but order. Bazhano lift the meat with a spatula, so that Oliya drank the future steak.

Borosno and spices, as if they were left in the bowl, you can hang on a steak to lubricate.

In a deaky hour (to lie down in the one on which fire you lubricate, and in which world you want to reach the oil), the final moment of turning the steak on another side has come. You can evaluate the readiness of the start by simply lifting the greased side with a fork or a spatula. If you are all sovereign, you can turn it over.

Properly defrosting meat for steaks

As it seems, be it as if m'yaso may have three bases - a guy, cooling and freezing. I, as with the first two mills, the product understood everything, then it is necessary to develop it from the frozen ones. Let's talk about the methods of freezing meat at the same time.

It is important that the most optimal method of freezing meat is the same as sayings. Zavdyaks to a swedish freezer are not satisfied with ice crystals, as they could destroy the structure of the meat. For the help of industrial freezing, we supply, for example, marmur meat for steaks. Almost all restaurants prepare steaks from this meat. When tsimu stravi come out more savory. The product takes its own identity and power.

Another freezing method is homemade. Yogo vikoristovuyut rich sir. The stench is to bathe the great chilling of a piece of meat, prepare a part of this piece of meat, and put the reshta in the refrigerator and freeze it in a special way. And here the freezing is uneven. At once, the sour part of the meat is frozen, then it’s such a ball, after all - the middle. If defrosting occurs, then the clitin structure of the preparation is destroyed. People take away delicious grass, and the pieces of biomass, yakі navіt look unappetizing.

In order to prepare the meat correctly, it is necessary to cut the yogo into portions and arrange them in different packages. Then the product can be frozen. Naturally, the strains from such meat will not be ideally juicy and savory, but they will look richer, lower, like they cook from a great shmatka.

Ale yak properly defrost m'yaso? Here the order is even simpler. For the cob, it is necessary to move the meat from the freezer to the plate, where the temperature is close to zero degrees. It is necessary to check on the extraction, if the temperature of the meat approaches zero degrees. M'yasі is guilty of buti amplification. Dali m'yaso put water near the heat in order to bring it up to room temperature. Call tsya diya borrow close to 10-15 quills. Warm water cannot be stagnant here, because the protein components can ignite quickly.

And in the future, it’s better to bathe the chilled meat in the same bowl, so that you can stick it on a one-time preparation of straw. Re-freeze the meat of the nebazhane.

Steaks on a frying pan with pineapples

If you want to greet guests and your loved ones in an unimaginable way, you can try to cook such grass, like meat with pineapples.

For whom do we need the following products:

  • yalovichina (fresh, one kilogram);
  • a jar of pineapples (canned with calves);
  • sir (hard 200g)
  • mayonnaise (500 g);
  • cibula (two large heads);
  • tomato (fresh 3 pieces);
  • roslinna oliya (for relish);
  • pepper (trochi);
  • sіl (to your taste).

On the back of the meat, we need to cut the meat with small pieces of 10 by 10 cm, we need to put it on deco, then we need to put the meat on the deco in one row, salt and pepper.

We gave the cibula to clean, cut it with great calves, put it on meat, cibules may be rich, the meat will be left with juice during the cooking process, and then we will pour it well with mayonnaise. Then we will need to take tomatoes, remembrance them and pierce them with spinners with this rosemary, as it is necessary to put one mug of tomato on the skin of the meat shreds.

Let's sweat on the skin of a tomato, put one pineapple roll each, sprinkle it again with mayonnaise, and then we'll grate more with syrup, and grease in a frying pan in olive oil 10 hvilin, then we'll cover it with a lid, change the fire.

Often food is placed in front of the gospodarka: what should be prepared today for dinner? The best option would be to bake meat with potatoes at the oven. Tsya Strava will not take away your rich strength, but you will enjoy a delicious evening and all your family will be satisfied. Strava viide miraculous for relish, fragrant and appetizing.

Today, let's look at a few ways to cook meat steaks with different ingredients.

To spawn the miraculous herb with French meat (for three servings) we need:

  • Pig brisket - per quantity 1.5 kg
  • Potato - per quantity 1.5 kg
  • Hard Sir - 350 g
  • Medium rose tomatoes - 3-4 pieces
  • Mayonnaise - 100-200 grams per relish
  • Olivkova Oliya Abo Sonyashnikova
  • Strength, black pepper and other spices - for relish
  • The clock has 2-3 cloves
  • Cibulini in quantity 2-3 pieces
  • Greens

It’s getting ready for the grass more quickly and you won’t have a chance to spend a lot of time on it.

Let's get ready

Krok No. 1.

Narizaemo m'yaso tovshchina about two and a half centimeters, so it's the same on the vines. They gave us the next beaten meat with a special hammer. So that you don’t get lost, before you start eating meat, put a plastic bag on top of it. Pіslya moreover, like the meat steaks were beaten, the meat was salted and peppered on the sides, the shmatok is guilty of leaking the aromas of spices.

Krok No. 2.

Potatoes are just like that, yak and m'yaso, varto add salt and pepper. You can also add spices to the new, as you like. So we add olive oil to the potatoes, so that she saves the water and becomes even more tasty. Everything is well mixed.

Krok No. 3.

Let's move on to the cibula. Yogo needs to be cut with thin pivkiltsy. We put the cibulus at the great kіlkost, so that our meat would be more juicy.

Krok No. 4.

Let's move on to preparing the sauce. For the sauce, we need 200 grams of mayonnaise, two or three cloves of tea and greens. We cut the watchmaker for small pieces. Yogo mi zmіshuєmo іz mayonnaise. Rubaemo greens and add її to our sauce. So that our sauce is not thick, we can add water to 200 g of mayonnaise. We add water, so that the Bulo sauce is easier to divide by ingredients. We gave all the components of our sauce to mix well.

Krok No. 5.

Ready deco chi pan. Pour on a new olive. You can take an olive oil, whoever likes it. With an equal ball we put it on a potato leaf. Dali yogo should be poured with sauce, which we prepared earlier. After that, we put the wounded cibulin. We don’t lay the whole cibulka, but only half of the head. Rozpodіlyaєmo yoga so neatly with a garnim ball. The advancing ball - vikladaemo m'yaso.

Steaks are poured just like potatoes with sauce. Let's stop the ball on the sheet and place a tomato with a cibula. On the back of the head we lay the cibula, and the beast tomato. Tomatoes mi narizaemo in front of them on the leaf, so that the stench does not hover.

Krok No. 6.

We put our meat in the oven, roast up to 200 degrees, on the first day of the year. It's time to lay down the oil in order, like balls on the deck. In our recipe, the balls are large, so we correct the grass to the oven for 40 strands. After 40 hvilin you can get deco with meat and sip all the greenery and grated cheese for the beast. Siru in to this particular type no need to mess around. They gave the next sheet to put in the oven for a quarter of the year. After 15 minutes, the yalovichi steaks, cooked by the French, will become fully ready.

Veal steaks until National Day

Ingredients for cooking juice veal steaks with potatoes:

  • Potatoes per kіlkosti 1.5 kg
  • M'yaso іndichki u kіlkosti 1,5 kg
  • Carrot in the amount of 1 pc.
  • Qibulya in quantity 1/2 qibulini
  • Mayonnaise - 150 grams

Steps of cooking

  • Perche, potatoes and meat should be well taken under running water.
  • In a different way, potatoes after a mitt should be peeled from the skins and re-wimiti under running water.
  • third, carrots are so self-cleaning and miєmo under running water
  • Quarterly, cleaning the cibula, miєmo її under running water. We gave cibulin into 2 equal halves. We need only one half. Rіzhemo її pіvkiltsy. Carrots can be cut with circles or circles. Potatoes are cooked in slices. Everything that we have narrated is placed in one pan, mixed. Pіznіshe tudi mi dodamo spices and m'yaso.
  • At five it is necessary to cut the meat with dry pieces and put it in the dishes where the vegetables were put. We add spices to all our ingredients and mix everything well. You can add mayonnaise to everything and mix everything again.
  • Shosta, deco, we are smeared with rosemary oil, we put it on new potatoes, meat and vegetables with an even ball. From above, you can pour everything on your own. You can also rub it on the terts with hard cheese, to your liking.
  • Somme, cover the sheet with food foil. It takes about two years to order meat and potatoes.

Juicy steaks from veal with potatoes

Oliya olive - 1 tbsp.

Chervone wine - 130 ml

Sil, pepper - for relish

Cooking process

I want to show you the simplest sauce in the world for a steak with yalovichini. Ale, I’ll think about it right away - this sauce can only be prepared in that moment, so that the steak is greased not on the grills, but in the pan. The sauce is simmering in a clean look at the deglaze and until the steaks go - "like here and bulo"! Vin elegantly exudes the gusto of meat, but does not indulge in an everyday rite. And tse, I vvazhu, for a well-cooked steak is already important. Aje wine and he himself is crazy savory!

The main components that we need and without which we can not do: yalovichi steak, 1 tbsp. olive oil with low acidity (ideally, but you can substitute it for something else, it’s good to go for lubrication), salt and pepper to taste (naturally, other herbs-seasonings - tezh). A variable component is dry red wine with rich relish. You can replace yoga with dry port wine, wine with a not too intense relish with the addition of cognac or whiskey, say, pomegranate juice for a non-alcoholic version. You can also beat up a trifle of butter, if you want to make a fatter sauce, and a trifle of brown gooseberry for sauces, if you want a thick sauce, you want to make BAGATO.

We smear a steak in a frying pan according to the method described for a rib-eye steak, with a small wine - we smear it not on a naked frying pan, but with a small amount of oil, absolutely minimal. A steak at any time is not guilty of swimming in an olive.

From that moment, like a steak, you can see it from the frying pans for a distant roasting in the oven, or simmer before serving, start, warm, preparing the sauce for the steak. Into the frying pan, where the meat was lubricated, the wine was poured. With a spatula, we saw the bottom of the scorch, and fired it up, so that the wine “would better” the frying pan in the presence of the smeared meat. Tse i є vlasne deglazing.

In my homeland, in principle, it was bula and so clean, but if it’s richly roasted, then it’s necessary to pass through a strainer to clear out the great ungarnished shmatkiv.

Well, if it boils on a strong fire, the sauce is reduced to the point where wine is reduced to a minimum of 2 times and thicker, to the point that when poured, the homeland "stands", and does not rise according to the tariff, like water. Vershkov's oil or a gusher should be introduced at the same stage. Viparyuvannya takes close to 10 hvilin - the hour when the steaks sound "sound" before serving. It’s not necessary to order, it’s only necessary not to miss the moment if the sauce becomes too thick. Ale Khvilin 8 pro tse in a thick-walled frying pan can not be turbulent, in my opinion. In short, nothing foldable.

The sauce for the steak from the yalovichini is served, obviously, until the very steak from the yalovichini!

Sauce for steak

In the whole world, steak is already a popular herb. It is not easy to prepare yogo correctly, it has a lot of its own nuances. Ale, it is important not only to prepare and prepare yoga correctly, but to serve it as efficiently as possible. Whether it's a pork steak, a chi ribi yalovichini, it is necessary to eat yogo with sauce, which is not only to add relish, but also to make yogo savory and cikavish.

The sauce for the building steak is made from one and the same herb with different varieties. Knowing the absence of such recipes, from which you can easily select those that will make the skin fit to the soul. For example, lovers of the classics will appreciate the chili cheese sauce. For those who love sushi stravi, mushroom sauce is ideal. Tim, who isn't afraid of experimentation, likes to get fruity chocolate chi. For whatever taste, whatever bi sauce you didn’t choose, you can change the taste of the steak that you know so well. We offer you a selection of shorter recipes, so you can simply cook or take as a basis when creating your culinary masterpieces.

Sirny sauce

  • tops - 100 g
  • parmesan cheese, the second hard cheese - 100 g
  • pepper and strength -? tsp
  • mustard in grains - 1 tbsp. a spoon

We pour tops in a small bowl, bring to a boil, stirring regularly. Parmesan or other cheese three on the third and dodaemo to the top. In the original, it is necessary to take parmesan, but for the presence of the pidide, be a sir of hard varieties. For example, for sprats of khvilin, before wetting the stove, we introduce mustard and spices.

mushroom sauce

  • mushroom puree soup (mushrooms, cibula and tops) - 50 ml
  • red wine - 10 ml
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • milk - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • chalking chili pepper - pinch

Beremo prepare soup-puree, prepare mushrooms and cibules, add milk, soy sauce and wine, bring to a boil. Potim dodaemo chalking chili pepper.

Gostry mayonnaise sauce

Zmishuemo mayonnaise from grated ogirki, trimmed with greenery and hourly.

orange sauce

  • qibulya - 1 pc.
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • dry wine - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • oliya - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • tops - 50 ml
  • sumish peppers -? tsp

Narizaemo tribly tsibula and smear it on olive oil in a thick-walled frying pan. Fully pour wine into the pan, check, until it evaporates. Let's add the orange zest and squeeze the sik, gasimo, until the sauce thickens. After that we pour in a couple of inches and spices, quenching more khvilin 5.

Vishukani sauce with black syr

  • qibulya - 1 pc.
  • blakitny sir - 150 g
  • fat tops - 100 g
  • vershkov butter - 50 g
  • pepper that strength - 1 teaspoon

Roztoplyuёmo in a frying pan top-heavy oil, pіdsmazhuєmo thin pіvkіltsya tsibuli. If the wine is smeared, we change the fire and pour in a few inches, we extinguish about 2-3 quills. If the wines are a bit thicker, we will sip on the details of the Blakitny Sir. Check, if the wine melts, and add spices.

Vershkovo-ginger sauce

  • Vershkov butter - 100 g
  • fresh ginger - 10-15 g
  • dijonska hot sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • green cibula - 15 g
  • pepper and strength - pinch

Cleansing ginger and rіzhemo more dryly, adding yogo to softened topsoil. To tsієї masi add spicy sauce and por_zanu dribly green cibula, pepper and strength. Everything is zbivaemo with a blender and served to the meat.

chocolate sauce

  • hot chocolate - 30 g
  • qibulya - 1/2 pc.
  • rosemary leaves - 10 g
  • table white wine - 120 ml
  • wine ocet - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • tsukor - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Leave the rosemary in detail, rub the chocolate on a grater, rub the cibula finely. Stew the cibula on a strong fire, adding wine, otset that tsukor. Let's add some rosemary later and simmer under the lid of another sprat of quills. At the hot sauce add grated chocolate and mix well.

Sauce with ginger and agarus

  • greens aґrus - 100 g
  • ginger root - 10 g
  • young chasnik - 20 g
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • fresh mint - 10 g
  • strength - 2 g

Miёmo agrus, zbivaemo yogo in a blender with a bowl, minced and ginger. Let's add strength to that olive oil, beat it again.

Red currant sauce

  • red currant - 200 g
  • fresh mint - 2-3 tbsp
  • qibula - 100 g
  • brown zukor - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • olive oil - 1.5 tbsp. spoons

Robimo with red currant puree, put yogo to the smeared cibula. Through a sprat of whilin, after that, like berries let out a sik, we add mint. Mix everything in a blender and take the sauce.

Almond sirne sauce

  • Sir Roquefort - 50 g
  • tops - 100 ml
  • almond pelyustki-2 tbsp. spoons
  • rozhevy peppercorns - 3 pcs.

We heat the tops and melt Sir Roquefort in them, add pepper and tomato pellets through sprats of whilin.

Gostry sauce with peppers and apples

  • apples - 2 pcs.
  • paprika - 3-4 pcs.
  • chili pepper - 5 pcs.
  • coriander -? tsp
  • star anise - 1 pc.
  • zukrovy pіsok - 300-400 g
  • wine ocet - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • peppercorns - 3 pcs.

We cut apple slices, paprika and chili peppers, put everything in a saucepan and sip zucr. We pour a sprat of years and then put it on the fire, cook about 40 quills. Once the sauce is cooled down, we add all the spices, and we cook a couple more quills. Before grafting, it is better to put the sauce on the doba.

cherry sauce

  • cherry - 300 g
  • red wine - 200 ml
  • vanilla extract - 2 g
  • kukurudzyane borosno - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • carnation - 1 pc.
  • tsukor - 1.5 tbsp. spoons

Distant cherries brushes. Time to time we mix wine, zucor, vanilla extract and cloves, boil everything. Then we put cherries in the room, cook sprats of quills. After that, the kukurudzians are borosno, we mix it up and cool it down.

Green Argentine sauce

  • white wine ocet - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • parsley and cilantro - 50 g each
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.
  • red cibula - 1 pc.
  • French fry - 5 g
  • watchmaker - 1 head
  • olive oil - 100 ml

Rubaemo drіbno greens, tsibula, chili pepper and hour. We mix all the ingredients with mustard, olive oil and otstom. Lightly zbivaemo all the blender so that there are no more pieces.

Gostry sauce from mint

  • khrin - 50 g
  • dijon hot sauce - 2 teaspoons
  • honey - 70 g
  • mint - 10 g
  • sil and pepper - ? teaspoon

Z'єdnuєmo all the ingredients and lightly beat with a blender.

Sour cream pepper sauce

  • licorice green pepper - 2 pcs.
  • parsley - 50 g
  • qibulya - 1 pc.
  • vershkov oil - 50 ml
  • sour cream - 150-00 ml
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.
  • sil - 1 teaspoon

We trim the cibula, parsley and cibula, we smear doti in a full-length oil, the docks of the cibula will not become a visionary. Pour everything with sour cream, extinguish close to 10 quills. Then we beat it in a blender with chili pepper and sill.

Apple Lemon Sauce

We clean the apple and see it later, cut it into small pieces and cook no more than 20-25 quills. Then we wipe the masa through a sieve, add lemon juice and zukrovu powder.

Swiss sauce for steak

  • mayonnaise - 100 g
  • sour cream - 100 g
  • hourglass - 2-3 cloves
  • paprika, turmeric, chili pepper -? tsp
  • greens - 1 bunch

Three hours, chopped greens, resolutely mixed everything with mayonnaise, sour cream and spices.

Exotic sauce for pork steak

  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • pineapple juice - 100 ml
  • water - 70 ml
  • soy sauce - 10 ml
  • teriyaki sauce - 5-6 tbsp. spoons
  • reed zukor - 1-1.5 years. a spoon
  • whiskey - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. a spoon

At the small pan, it hums pineapple juice soy sauce and teriyaki and zukor. Everything is taken care of and heated, then we add water, olive oil and lemon juice. After 5 hours of heating, add a spoonful of whiskey. We cook this sauce pіvgodini, periodically stirring with a wooden spatula.

Lemon sauce for fish steak

  • ribny broth - 100 ml
  • dry wine - 50 ml
  • limon - 2 pcs.
  • tops - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • tsukor, strong black pepper - ? tsp
  • gіrchitsya - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • chewing gum - 2 pcs.

Zmіshuєmo fish broth from mustard and zhovtka. Dali add lemon sik with pulp, zukor, salt and spices. We bring the lemon sauce to a boil, pour the tops and warm it up. For the bazhannya, the sauce can be beaten in a blender, but not much more.

Pepper recipe for steak

In the midst of numerous meat holidays, a steak sits in a special place. The classic steak is prepared with yalovichini, and other varieties of meat, as well as fish, are cooked this year. It sounds neimovirno, but yoga trips are often seen until the era of Ancient Rome: the priests at the temples smeared shmatki yalovichini on special gates, so that we would then put m'yaso on vіvtar.

In today's cuisine, the founders of the juicy greased steak are the Americans. The stench itself was changed by name-like love to juice-rich greased shmatochkіv yalovichi with various spices and dressings. Before speech, the sauce for the steak from the yalovichini of the most popular variations, prote pepper sauce is considered a classic.

Preparing such a dressing at home is even easier. All the ingredients are available and inexpensive, and the cooking process itself does not take a lot of time. Juicy hot steak with sauce will become fragrant, lively and savory.

  • Ripchasta cibula - 4 medium cibulins
  • Tops 30% - 200 ml
  • Sumish peppers - 40 g
  • Vershkov butter - 60 g
  • Broth (be it) - 100 ml
  • Cognac - 30 ml
  • Force for taste

Number of servings - 4

Cooking hour - 20 minutes

Price spice

Various varieties of pepper - black, white, red - are a star seasoning in our kitchen. Chi is not a skin day we live її in їїzhu, dodaemo in the main stravi, appetizers and salads. At the leather cafe and restaurants on the table, in the usual order, there is not only a strong drink, but a pepper list with black pepper. In a word, the popular seasoning is unknown.

Vzhivannya pepper in їzhu may have the most pleasant effect on the body. We will paint the etching before the wine. Vіdomy fact: chalking pepper supports the correct work of the bowel and intestines.

The spice is also well signified and on the stage of immunity: it strengthens the body, improves resistance to viruses and infections, and helps to fight against colds. But it’s important to remember that pepper may have its contraindications. In case of ailments of the mucosa, for example, in case of gastritis, it is more likely to be seen: the gostrota is only more strongly teasing and without that the mucosal membrane is damaged, calling out the ailment and severe pain. It is impossible to turn off the possibility of showing an allergic reaction, especially as the pepper is vicorous in a great number.

The recipe is classic for a steak from yalovichini. Yogo is served in a creamy gravy boat or poured over a serving before serving. It is not recommended to keep the dressing in the refrigerator, because the aroma and structure of the sauce do not change better. It is better to prepare food in that obsyaz, which will be necessary for the future meal. Krim yalovichini, with a good sauce, you will get along with other passions.

  1. Adding lemon juice and orange juice to the sauce, you can create a wonderful version of the sauce to the steak from salmon. For citrus, peppery taste and tenderness of tops, it is ideal for light fish meat.
  2. Dressing for pork steak can be served with additional mushrooms. Vaughn gets ready for a recipe for a traditional mushroom sauce with additional details of ovens or forest mushrooms - to your liking.
  3. Other m'yasnі stravi, so like goulash, stewed meat with vegetables, wedges, meatballs, not less than afar eat with pepper podlivuyu. You can also vicorate for your own preparation, for example, for roasting cutlets.
  4. Pepper sauce will also be a garnish for seafood. Yak and at the tip with fish, at the gas station it’s better to add troch lemon juice, and also - a watchmaker. Wiyde is even more tasty, hot sauce for buttered shrimp mussel and squid.

simple recipe vershok sauce for a steak from a sumish of peppers, a fit to the soul of a skin gentleman, as if the price is ideal for the relish of that crusty. Regardless of the great number of peppers in the middle, the relish of yoga comes out lower and light. Whether it be meat or ribna grass, lubricated with dressing, become a right color like a regular one, like a Christmas table.

Popular sauce recipes for appetizing steaks

Smachniche for smazhene m'yaso kіlim shmatkom can only be a steak, servings with sauce. Recipes for tsikh pidliv іsnuє impersonal. Also leather pіdbere sobі to gusto.

wine sauce recipe

  • tsukor (brown) - 40 g;
  • wine (chervone) - 120 ml;
  • ocet (balsamic) - 7 ml;
  • spices (pepper, sil);
  • broth (yalovichi) - 250 ml.

100 g has 59.1 kcal.

  1. Bring the broth in a saucepan to a boil, and, changing the fire, boil it, the docks of yoga will not become 2 times smaller;
  2. In meat concentrate, mix in wine with otstom and crush with zucr;
  3. Khvilin 15 to continue the evaporation;
  4. Try the obov'yazkovo and you can slather it with spices for the bajans.

Sauce for steak with yalovichini

  • cognac - ½ tbsp.;
  • tops (33%) - 70 ml;
  • pepper (sumish peas) - 30 g;
  • oil;
  • cibulin (small).

100 g has 218.6 kcal.

Sirn sauce for pork steak

  • sir Parmigiano Reggiano (parmesan) - 100 g;
  • strong pepper;
  • gіrchitsya (dіzhonskaya) - 20 g;
  • tops - ½ tbsp.

Cooking hour: 15 minutes.

100 g has 244.9 kcal.

  1. Place tops in a saucepan and a small saucepan;
  2. Stir regularly, bring to a boil;
  3. Use a grater (dried) to trim the parmesan;
  4. Pour over the tops with rubbed cheese;
  5. If the masa is slightly thickened, add some mustard and drizzle with spices.

Yagidny sauce for ribeye steak

  • cowberry - 100 g;
  • crane - 100 g;
  • viburnum - 50 g;
  • currant (red) - 100 g;
  • cognac - 50 ml;
  • carnation - 10 pcs.;
  • 1 great orange;
  • zukor - 50 g;
  • ground ginger - 3 g.

100 g - 86.3 kcal.

  1. We place berries in a drushlyak and resolutely vimivaemo;
  2. We transfer it to the saucepan;
  3. The orange zest is rubbed on the third, without zachіpayuchi white part;
  4. For citrus, you can see fresh and add to yagid;
  5. Add berry-orange substance with shabby zest, cloves and ginger powder;
  6. Place a container on the fire, boil and boil 10 khvilin;
  7. Add alcohol to the sumishi and grease with zukr, mix, squeezing with a blender, until uniform;
  8. Transfer chilled sauce to the refrigerator for thickening.

Steak with mushroom sauce

  • steak (yalovichina) - 400 g;
  • rosemary - 1 teaspoon;
  • strength;
  • oliya (olive) - 20 ml;
  • thyme - 1 gіlochka;
  • pepper.

100 g - 238.3 kcal.

  1. Yalovichi is washed and covered with paper towels, dried as much as possible;
  2. Smearing m'yaso olієyu, generously smacking silly;
  3. We put a frying pan (an eggplant grill) on the fire and roast it until a light sickle appears;
  4. Oil-salt shmatok yalovichini stacked on a dry frying pan, zas_kaєmo 2 hvilini;
  5. Turn over to the next day and check for the same hour;
  6. We transfer the steak to deco, add spicy spices, season with pepper and at 190 ° C bring to readiness 10 quills in the oven.
  1. A cube, but not too small, shake mushrooms, without forgetting them;
  2. The bottom of the frying pan is smeared with olive oil and it is golden-booty;
  3. There, we transfer the chopped mushrooms and passerue;
  4. Filled with tops, sprinkled with spices and stewed;
  5. If the tretinum from the cob is obligated by the substance to evaporate, we know it from the fire.

Read on how to properly prepare the meat of the yalovichini, so that the meat was lower. Recipe from photo.

Stewed potatoes with meat - simple and tasty, our top recipe.

Sauce recipe for salmon

  • Zhovtok - 2 pcs.;
  • wine - 50 ml;
  • 2 lemons;
  • fat tops - 80 ml;
  • broth (from ribi) - ½ tbsp.;
  • spices;
  • gіrchitsya - 20 g.

100 g - 92.3 kcal.

  1. At the fire chamber, we mix mustard, broth and zhovka;
  2. From the lemon we make fresh fresh and add it to the brine broth;
  3. Crushed with spices and, having placed the potion on the fire, we achieve a boil;
  4. The viral lemon substance is corrected;
  5. And again I play together with the pan.

Chimichuri sauce

  • fresh (lemon) - ½ of a whole citrus;
  • shallot cibula - 1 pc.;
  • ocet - 15 ml;
  • oregano (fresh) - 15 g;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • watchmaker - 2 teeth;
  • chili pepper (plastic) - 3 g;
  • strength;
  • olive oil - 40 ml.

100 g - 186.8 kcal.

  1. Add oregano, chili, parsley, shallots and chasnik into the blender bowl;
  2. Smear the green sumish with olive oil, otstom, add salt and season with lemon juice;
  3. Beat until the consistency of sour cream.

chocolate sauce

  • cibulin - ½ pcs.;
  • rosemary - 10 g;
  • chocolate (black) - 30 g;
  • ocet - 30 ml;
  • wine (dry) - 110 ml;
  • zukor - 15 g.

Cooking hour: 15 minutes.

100 g has 142.8 kcal.

  1. Half of the cibulini is maximally shaky and lightly savored on frying pans, sipping on tsukr and pouring oats with wine;
  2. Finely chop the rosemary and mix with the future sauce;
  3. Cover with a lid and stew 3 whilini;
  4. Dribno three chocolate that zapravlyaєmo їm hot substance;
  5. For ideal uniformity, do not beat with a heavy blender.

Ginger sauce with agurus

  • mint - 10 g;
  • chasnik - 20 g;
  • ginger root - 15 g;
  • oliya - 20 ml;
  • agrus - 100 g;
  • sil.

100 g - 162.5 kcal.

  1. Agrus allow for possible sprouts and as if washed;
  2. Ginger root and chasnik vіlnyaєmo vіd shkіrki i lushpinnya;
  3. The blender bowl is refilled with all the ingredients (especially large, you can chop the three) and beat as much as possible.

Apple sauce with pepper to meat

  • paprika - 70 g;
  • coriander - 10 g;
  • apple - 2 pcs.;
  • black pepper - 3 peas;
  • star anise (anise) - 1 pc.;
  • ocet - 40 ml;
  • chili (pepper) - 4 pcs.;
  • zukor - 300 g.

100 g has 189.3 kcal.

Recipe for pork marinade Yalovichina sokovita ta m'yaka recipe

  • The word "sauce" is rooted in French and in translation means "pidlivka". This seasoning is up to the main season, to the warehouse, which includes vegetables, spices, broth, tops and a lot of other ingredients. Ever since the appearance of sauces in France in the 17th century, they began to give names for the names of these products, the basis of which stench was prepared. This is how pepper cybulnias appeared, and so on. Today's mova time about sauce based on pepper, which is traditionally cooked to meat steaks.

    Classic pepper sauce

    At the same time, the savory taste of the lower-top sauce of pepper sauce perfectly harmonizes with the meat. Yogo is traditionally vicorous as a seasoning for yalovichi steaks and other "human" strains.

    Pepper sauce for steak, the recipe for which is suggested below, prepared with peppercorns. What kind of wine will be colored, lie down like a cook. In the original, there are sums of white, black, erysipelas and you can take one of the representations of the species. Before preparing yoga, it is necessary to sweat it in front.

    Add pepper, salt, pour in cognac and sip for additional sirnik until the cibula is smeared in a frying pan. Here you should be especially careful, half-light shards rise high. After 2 hvilini cognac evaporates. Now you can add tops (70-100 ml), let it boil and take it out of the fire or boil until thick. Here everything is left in the form of a bagan consistency. Serve hot, pouring sauce over a steak, or cold in a gravy boat.

    Traditional pepper sauce for steak: recipe with photo

    The relish of the traditional pepper sauce can be clearly pronounced notes of toppings. Wine lower, ale with savory peppercorns. Cooking yoga is easy to inspire an unfamiliar cook.

    For this sauce, shallot cibula is taken, which is an additional way to add a lower structure to it. The third part of the stem is cut into yakomoga dribnishe and smeared in topsoil. Add freshly ground pepper, passes through special mlin, and sil. Pour cognac, pidpaliti. After 2 hvilini, add | add | vershoks. Rub the pepper sauce on fire until it has a thick consistency.

    Original pepper sauce on meat broth

    Find yourself best steak in a right way, it reveals its relish less in the case of sauce. Vіn dodaє m'yasu piquant, juicy, rob Yogo such that literally Tanya in the mouth. Traditionally, the steak is served with pepper sauce based on peppercorns, cognac and tops. For a special relish, you can add concentrations of meat broth - just one teaspoon, and the sauce will take on a different note.

    Spokchatka on topsoil with the addition of rosemary caramel is friedly cut into cibula and chasnik. For the sauce, shallot cibula is more suitable, which may have licorice prismak, ale pidide and ripchasta. Yogo need ½ head and 2-3 cloves to the watchmaker. If the cibula becomes a caramel color, add a spoonful of concentrated broth, black and green peppercorns (you can use a rocking chair), 50 g of cognac and a glass of sap into the frying pan. In this case, the peculiarity of preparing this sauce is that the alcohol burns out, and the aroma is lost.

    At the remaining stage of preparation, tops are poured into the pan: 100-150 ml in fat content (more than % on the package, less volume). Now the pepper sauce should be boiled down to a thick consistency. You can immediately pour the meat ready, or serve it with okremo at the gravy boat.

    Pepper Steak with sauce

    The peculiarity of preparing this steak is that it is smeared with pepper, in which it is necessary to roll it in front of it, like putting it into a pan. And then we'll prepare the sauce at the same oil, saturating with aromas and relish of lubricated meat.

    For breading, it is not necessary to grind, to finish the guts and crush yoga and you can roll the steaks on both sides in a new one. It's time to melt butter in a frying pan. Viklasti steaks and slather them on the great fire until the frying is done. After that, add the meat “to the fire”, and in the pan, without knowing the fire, pour 20 g of cognac, 200 ml of tops, add a tablespoon of mustard and strength for relish. Boil the pepper sauce for the steak (the recipe for some kind of presentation is higher) with a stretch of 10 quills. Then add the steaks to the frying pan, turn the heat down and let the sauce seep out 5 strands from the skin side.

    Pepper Chervony Sauce

    Tsey sauce can be called an analogue of the famous Red Devil (red devil), yakbi is not a warehouse. The original wine is prepared with red wine. In the presented recipe, there is no such ingredient, but the wine does not become hot, but it wins, the oscilki can have a larger natural warehouse.

    To prepare hot pepper sauce at home, you need two large licorice red peppers, 1 chili pepper, ½ cibulini and 2 cloves of a watchmaker.

    Tsibulya and the watchmaker are dribly beaten and smeared on growing olive. At a hot frying pan, add | add | slicing straws licorice pepper and chili. Brush all the ingredients until soft, salt. Transfer the hot masa to the blender bowl and beat until smooth. Transfer to a gravy boat and serve to the traditional yalovichi steaks.

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