Chi can be frozen in glass jars. How to freeze berries for the winter. You can’t do without a detailed board

In practice, save the freshness of the products in a lot of gifts, freeze them for a few days, or bring the days in order to cook them. Ale deyak їzhu is categorically not recommended to keep in the freezer for a long time, because the minus temperature is negatively signified on її savory yaks and start nanivets crooks of authority.

Let's look at how the products can be frozen and how to properly clean, and how not to cook in the freezer.

20 products that cannot be frozen

What can't be frozen:

  1. canned food There is no need to freeze, because the stench is not due to room temperature. At the freezer, navpaki, tin cans are inflated, and you will not be able to get used to them.
  2. eggs. It costs like jam, so Sirim eggs at the scale. After the minus temperature, the product should have its own relish and an unacceptable aroma.
  3. M'yaso, like earlier, it was already defrosted. When re-frozen, it won’t only waste its relish, but it will become a stalemate of a lot of disease-causing bacteria.
  4. Tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage. Vegetables revenge the great amount of water, so after the freezer stench to infuse its first relish and aroma.
  5. Midnight, kavun. Such berries are also zipsuyutsya after the tribal minus temperature.
  6. Yogurt, kefir, sour cream. The sour-milk products can be infested in the freezer and become a causative agent of intestinal infections.
  7. Cooked macaroni. After freezing, the pasta is ready, and it is not an accessory for cooling.
  8. Sauces with a high volume of borosna. The consistency of the product is measured for minus temperatures.
  9. M'yaki siri. After defrosting, disease-causing bacteria can begin to multiply in them.
  10. Defrost frosty. Such a product does not only waste its relish of power, or it can become the cause of food poisoning.
  11. Grain kava. After drinking yoga, it will no longer be possible to brew;
  12. Mayonnaise. Nadalі yoga will not be possible to vicorate for the preparation of herbs, even if the consistency is fluffy and not thick enough.
  13. Rusks. It is not necessary to freeze similar boron products, so that their texture will become too soft, and for that, the grains will be unsuitable for living.
  14. Rozіgіtі stravi. A couple, which go out of the hot oven, zipsuє іnshі products, which lie in the freezer.
  15. Honey. The product is hard to succulent and to spend the corisne of power.
  16. Cibulya and watchmaker. First, the stench will become soft and unacceptable to life, in a different way, the frost drives in the vitamins that rush into them.
  17. Chocolate. Ice pours on the new one, which, when tanned, freezes the product.
  18. Specials. In the cold stench to infuse your aroma.
  19. Root ginger. All the bells and whistles of power, zavdyaki like roslin fell in love with riches, know for sub-zero temperatures.
  20. Products in leaky packaging. If you put it in the freezer, it’s guilty, but it’s closed in a slotted plastic container, otherwise the products don’t just freeze, but they will transfer their smells one to one.

20 products that can be frozen

Some products can be frozen:

  1. Tisto. As soon as the preparation of boroshna is still out of your dough, you can freeze yogo on parchment paper and vicorate the year.
  2. Chipsy. It is necessary to freeze in the same package, de stinks were sold, so that the product did not consume its relish.
  3. Solid Sir. After defrosting the wines, you don’t need to write it down, but it will be easier to cut it.
  4. Fruits and berries with a small amount of water - bananas, pears, raspberries and others. Vimku zі shmatochkіv tsikh produktіv can zrobita vіtaminne asorti, to the fact that the stench does not waste its crooked authority when frozen.
  5. Mlintsi with stuffing. You can prepare a meal of mlints ahead of time, and then, if necessary, grease it, wind it up not by defrosting, but by heating it in micro-furnace.
  6. Meat at the marinade. Yogo can be saved from the freezer for a few months of sleep. Golovne - prepare yoga in the morning after defrosting.
  7. Sirn casseroles. Finish the product at the oven or micro-furnace, after which it can be planted in the hedgehog.
  8. Zverevye fig. Nadali yogo can be served as a side dish, smeared in a frying pan.
  9. Pirig. On weekends, you can cook more pie, and save the leftover pieces in the freezer and, if necessary, roast them in a micro-furnace oven.
  10. Herbs. You can freeze it like it looks fresh, so it looks like it’s dried, and add it to soup and broth with a stretch of rock.
  11. Milk. Take some varto away from the dance, as the motherland has not filled up, because when the volume of the motherland is frozen, it will increase.
  12. Juices. Let's not waste our taste and aroma at sub-zero temperatures, but remember about those who need to transfuse the homeland with a large dance.
  13. Narrated vegetables. Zazdalegіd pіdgotovleniy pepper or eggplant from the freezer to help prepare the soup and other stravi as much as possible.
  14. Lemon chi oranges. Qi fruits can be cut into small pieces and saved for making desserts.
  15. Khlib. Yogo can be stored in the freezer no later than Monday. After seven days, wine will be unsuitable for living.
  16. Tomato paste. The finished product can be poured into a sachet to save the rind and nadali vikoristovuvat to prepare soups.
  17. Mashed potatoes. It’s not obligatory to remove the leftovers of the strain - you can save it at the freezer for 1-2 months.
  18. Ribbon sticks. To finish milking for a long time can be saved for minus temperatures. After defrosting, put them on Sonyashnikov's Olii and serve it to the table.
  19. Wafers. So after defrosting, the stench became crisp again, it’s enough to burn it in the oven or the micro-furnace oven.
  20. Buttered pies. You can save for sub-zero temperatures for no more than a month - far from the stink of savoring power.

How to freeze products correctly: brown

Before you put the food in the freezer, it is necessary to prepare it, even if the wrong food from your side can lead to a dry cold.

The axis of the kіlka is pleased to freeze fresh food products:

  • M'yaso and fish before freezing is better to cut, moreover, on large shmatki - after defrosting it will be easier to cook, and if ribi - after the freezer, you will make the carcass richer.
  • Before freezing, the meat must be frozen, after which it should be dried with a towel.
  • Mushrooms, vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed under running water before freezing, after which they should be hung on a kitchen towel.
  • Products need to be packed in airtight containers or bags, so that stinks are not stored in one freezer.
  • In dances with juice, milk, and other motherland, it is necessary to fill in about three quarters of a free month.
  • When ready, it is necessary to freeze on parchment paper, the shards may stick to the package.
  • Vegetables varto vіrazu porіzat on shmatochki - nadaі you can mittevo vykoristovuvat їх for the preparation of fresh herbs, without checking for defrosting.
  • Fresh greenery is especially relevant in the winter hour. How її freeze? Cut your favorite krip, parsley and other greens, pour ice molds and fill with water - such cubes will be handy for adding to the soup.
  • It is necessary to cut the hard syrup and put it in a container, adding starch to the troch between the skiffs, so that they do not stick.
  • Ready baby puree you can’t freeze in glass jars - it’s better to sip yogo in a small plastic container and close it with an airtight lid.

The axis can be so easily prepared for your favorite products, be it the time of the year. With proper preparation and freezing, you can save the freshness of the products and not freeze them.

freezing food products - It has long been known to the pivnіchnym peoples how to save money. Meat or fish was lowered near the water, hung in the cold, so that a kirzhan kirka settled on their surface, and then they were buried in the snow. So the stench could lie all winter.

In today's freezers, the process of freezing fruits and vegetables does not exceed a few wheezes. Berries and vegetables at home are frozen at temperatures of minus 30°C and lower, and harvested at temperatures of minus 18 to minus 35°C.

Freezing is the best, most thorough way of preserving fruits, vegetables and fruits, when they are saved Kharchova value that relish of power. Even more colorful as seasonal products are freshly frozen fruits and tomatoes.

How to freeze berries, fruits and vegetables at home for the winter

For whom vikoristovuyut pobutovі refrigerators and freezers. In case of freezing, the minimum temperature can be set at minus 25-27 °C. In the freezer, the temperature can be reduced to minus 18 °С. In the freezer chamber of a post-button refrigerator, you can set the temperature from minus 12 to minus 25 °C. At such temperatures, it is possible to milk the shvidka and evenly freeze and secure the preservation of frozen products for a long period of time.

The quality of frozen products, of course, is to be deposited in the quality of the free syrovina. The value of May is the hour for the collection of fruits and vegetables. The greater quality of the finished product is guaranteed, as fruits and vegetables can be frozen no later than two years after picking. Frozen fruits and berries, as a rule, are vicarious at a fresh appearance, so they are taken from the stage of slower maturity. Vegetables for freezing should be taken at the cob stage of maturity with this rozrachunk, so that they can prepare a culinary sample every year.

Preparation of fruits and vegetables before freezing is not subject to preparation of them to other types of canning. Sorting the heap, picking out the unfavorable, then cleaning it, looking out for the unfavorable parts: (raspberries, sunitsya) better clean after defrosting

All the fruits of that vegetable are washed or rinsed with running water, then dried on sieves. To galvanize the activity of enzymes and save the vegetables, to blanch them, to soak hot water at a temperature of 80-100 ° C, and then sip cold water.

You can freeze fruits and vegetables with rozsip, oversipan with zucr, with zukrovy syrup, with mashed potatoes or juice. The syrovina is prepared, which is frozen with rosemary, laid out in one ball on the sieve or taken and placed for freezing in the freezer. Frozen products are dried from polyethylene bags, tied up (better saved from plastic containers) and they look like this. Fruits and berries are often frozen mixed with zucr or in zukrovy. syrups. When frozen from zucrum, the berries are placed near the container and siphoned by balls. squeaky squeak. When frozen in another way, prepare 40-60% zukrovy syrup (concentration to fall in the acidity of the syrovin). Higher concentrations of syrup enhance the freezing process. Preparing fruits and berries are placed at the molds and poured with sucrose syrup. As for pouring vicorist, use natural sik, yogo in front of lighten up and fill for relish with tsukr and inod citric acid. Through the exchange of refrigerants and frozen freezers, fruits and vegetables are saved more importantly in briquettes and polyethylene bags.

For the production of briquettes of vicorous briquettes, bagan rectangular shapes, molds for ice with removable partitions, plastic boxes and jars of dairy products, boxes or cups of paraffin cardboard and іn. All the molds of wine are small, so that the products in them freeze quickly. To remove frozen briquettes from metal forms, put them in a plastic bag and shave a few seconds under a stream of cold water. After this freezing, the briquette is negaly swiped, covered with cellophane or polyethylene slick and put on the shore.

When frozen in glass jars, it is impossible to forget that the frozen product is more obligatory, so you can only fill the jars by 90%, otherwise the stench will stink, That is why freezing and saving from glassy containers is not a good idea.

(raspberries, sunnitsya) better cleaned after defrosting. All the fruits of that vegetable are washed or rinsed with running water, then dried on sieves. To galvanize the activity of enzymes and save the vegetables, to blanch them, to soak hot water at a temperature of 80-100 ° C, and then sip cold water. You can freeze fruits and vegetables with rozsip, oversipan with zucr, with zukrovy syrup, with mashed potatoes or juice. The syrovina is prepared, which is frozen with rosemary, laid out in one ball on the sieve or taken and placed for freezing in the freezer. Frozen products are soldered from polyethylene bags, tied up and taken from such a sight. The fruits of that berry are often frozen mixed with zucr or in zucr syrup. When frozen from zucrum, the berries are placed in a container and siphoned spherically with zukrovy squeak. When frozen in another way, prepare 40-60% zukrovy syrup (concentration to fall in the acidity of the syrovin). Higher concentrations of syrup enhance the freezing process. Preparing fruits and berries are placed at the molds and poured with sucrose syrup. As for pouring vicory, use natural sik, then lighten it in advance and fill it with zucr and sometimes citric acid for relish. Through the exchange of refrigerants and frozen freezers, fruits and vegetables are saved more importantly in briquettes and polyethylene bags. For ottremannya briquettes vikoristovuyut raznі, bagan rectangular forms, low plaques tin cans with a removed lid, molds for ice with removable partitions, plastic boxes and jars of dairy products, boxes or cups of paraffin cardboard and іn. Mustache molds are guilty but small so that the products freeze in them. To remove frozen briquettes from metal forms, put them in a plastic bag and shave a few seconds under a stream of cold water. After this freezing, the briquette is negaly swiped, covered with cellophane or polyethylene slick and put on the shore. When frozen in glass jars, it is impossible to forget that the frozen product is more likely to be frozen, so you can fill the jars by less than 90%, otherwise the stench will stink.


(raspberries, sunnitsya) better cleaned after defrosting. All the fruits of that vegetable are washed or rinsed with running water, then dried on sieves. To galvanize the activity of enzymes and save the vegetables, to blanch them, to soak hot water at a temperature of 80-100 ° C, and then sip cold water. You can freeze fruits and vegetables with rozsip, oversipan with zucr, with zukrovy syrup, with mashed potatoes or juice. The syrovina is prepared, which is frozen with rosemary, laid out in one ball on the sieve or taken and placed for freezing in the freezer. Frozen products are soldered from polyethylene bags, tied up and taken from such a sight. The fruits of that berry are often frozen mixed with zucr or in zucr syrup. When frozen from zucrum, the berries are placed in a container and siphoned spherically with zukrovy squeak. When frozen in another way, prepare 40-60% zukrovy syrup (concentration to fall in the acidity of the syrovin). Higher concentrations of syrup enhance the freezing process. Preparing fruits and berries are placed at the molds and poured with sucrose syrup. As for pouring vicory, use natural sik, then lighten it in advance and fill it with zucr and sometimes citric acid for relish. Through the exchange of refrigerants and frozen freezers, fruits and vegetables are saved more importantly in briquettes and polyethylene bags. For ottremannya briquettes vikoristovuyut raznі, bagan rectangular forms, low plaques tin cans with a removed lid, molds for ice with removable partitions, plastic boxes and jars of dairy products, boxes or cups of paraffin cardboard and іn. Mustache molds are guilty but small so that the products freeze in them. To remove frozen briquettes from metal forms, put them in a plastic bag and shave a few seconds under a stream of cold water. After this freezing, the briquette is negaly swiped, covered with cellophane or polyethylene slick and put on the shore. When frozen in glass jars, it is impossible to forget that the frozen product is more likely to be frozen, so you can fill the jars by less than 90%, otherwise the stench will stink.

Let's talk about one of the simplest, but at the same time, the best way to save vegetables and fruits - freezing.

Freezing food products- It has long been known to the pivnіchnym peoples how to save money. Meat or fish was lowered near the water, hung in the cold, so that a kirzhan kirka settled on their surface, and then they were buried in the snow. So the stench could lie all winter.

Promislov's freezing started 1910. at the USA. However, in less than an hour of the Other Light War, yoga began to stagnate on a large scale. They froze the meat all the way, then they began to freeze the fruits, vegetables, eggs, and then they prepared the brews and drinks.

In today's quick freezers, the freezing process is taken from a few whilins. The fruits and vegetables of industrial minds are frozen at a temperature of minus 35 ° C and lower, and harvested at a temperature of minus 18 to minus 35 ° C.
- the best, most thorough way of conserving fruits and vegetables, while preserving their food value and relish power. Even more colorful as seasonal products are freshly frozen fruits and tomatoes.

At home, for freezing fruits and vegetables, and farther away from their savings, there are refrigerators and freezers. In case of frost, the minimum temperature can be set at minus 25-27 °C. In the freezer, the temperature can be reduced to minus 18 °С. At the post-freezing chamber of a post-button refrigerator, it is possible to set the temperature from minus 12 to minus 25 ° С (deposit type of refrigerator brand). At such temperatures, it is possible to milk the shvidka and evenly freeze and secure the preservation of frozen products for a long period of time.

The quality of frozen products, of course, is to be deposited and in the quality of the free syrovin. The value of May is the hour for the collection of fruits and vegetables. The greater quality of the finished product is guaranteed, as fruits and vegetables can be frozen no later than two years after picking. Frozen fruits and berries, as a rule, are vicarious at a fresh appearance, so they are taken from the stage of slower maturity. Vegetables for freezing should be taken at the cob stage of maturity with this rozrachunk, so that they can prepare a culinary sample every year.

Preparation of fruits and vegetables before freezing is not subject to preparation of them to other types of canning. Sorting the back of the head, picking out the unfavorable, then cleaning it, seeing out the unnatural parts: skin, tassels, stalks, filling nests. Lower berries (raspberries, sunnitsa) are better cleaned after defrosting. All the fruits of that vegetable are washed or rinsed with running water, and then dried on sieves.

To galvanize the activity of enzymes and save the vegetables, to blanch them, to soak hot water at a temperature of 80-100 ° C, and then sip cold water.

You can freeze fruits and vegetables with rozsip, oversipan with zucr, with zukrovy syrup, with mashed potatoes or juice.

The syrovina is prepared, which is frozen with rosemary, laid out in one ball on the sieve or taken and placed for freezing in the freezer. Frozen products are soldered from polyethylene bags, tied up and taken from such a sight.

The fruits of that berry are often frozen mixed with zucr or in zucr syrup. When frozen from zucrum, the berries are placed in a container and siphoned spherically with zukrovy squeak. When frozen in another way, prepare 40-60% zukrovy syrup (concentration to fall in the acidity of the syrovin). Higher concentrations of syrup enhance the freezing process. Preparing fruits and berries are placed at the molds and poured with sucrose syrup. As for pouring vicory, use natural sik, then lighten it in advance and fill it with zucr and sometimes citric acid for relish.

Through the exchange of refrigerants and frozen freezers, fruits and vegetables are saved more importantly in briquettes and polyethylene bags. For ottremannya briquettes vikoristovuyut raznі, bagan rectangular forms, low plaques tin cans with a removed lid, molds for ice with removable partitions, plastic boxes and jars of dairy products, boxes or cups of paraffin cardboard and іn. Mustache molds are guilty but small so that the products freeze in them. To remove frozen briquettes from metal forms, put them in a plastic bag and shave a few seconds under a stream of cold water. After this freezing, the briquette is negaly swiped, covered with cellophane or polyethylene slick and put on the shore.

When frozen in glass jars, it is impossible to forget that the frozen product is more likely to be frozen, so you can fill the jars by less than 90%, otherwise the stench will stink.

All frozen products are carefully packaged and sealed to prevent repeated contact. Poorly clogged products are constantly seen by vologists as they condense on the walls of the freezer, making a snow coat. And it means that the refrigerator needs to be turned on more often for defrost. Frequent switching on of the refrigerator creates a foldable storage capacity of frozen products - it is important not to allow them to defrost. It is easy to know how to pay off - it is enough to bring food to the cold. At temperatures higher than zero, the problem is more complicated. To prevent defrosting, once the refrigerator is turned on, the frozen products are taken and protected from the cold, be it with handy materials. The simplest way out is to burn the products in a tovst carpet. Suitable for tsієї meti and auto-refrigerator.

Trivality of storage of frozen products should be deposited depending on the storage temperature. For a temperature of minus 6 ° C, frozen products cannot be stored for more than 3-4 days. At minus 18 °C, frozen products in frozen refrigerators and freezers can save three hours. Products with traces of defrosting, and then more defrosting, for further storage are not added, they require once again vicory. As for the defrosting of products, for some reason, it appeared more, it can be taken in at one time, then they should be subjected to thermal processing, cooled, and then re-frozen.

It is even more important to know how to properly defrost fruits and vegetables. The rules for defrosting in bulk are the same for all frozen products - both commercial and home-cooked.

Under the hour of defrosting the products, it is not possible to allow access to them after the soaking of the juice. The simplest product for defrosting is to put it in a sealed package and put it in cold water. Trivality of defrosting in its own way is taken from 30-45 quills.

Even if the products in the package are defrosted with a fan, the whole process will take about a year. You can defrost even at room temperature, if you want the process to last only 2-3 years, it has a lot of negative sides. In fruits and vegetables, which are frozen at 18-20 ° C, they significantly increase the consumption of vitamin C, and the growth of microflora is 40 times higher, lower at 4 ° C. Berries use rich juice for this method of defrosting.

Freezing food products- It has long been known to the pivnіchnym peoples how to save money. Meat or fish was lowered near the water, hung in the cold, so that a kirzhan kirka settled on their surface, and then they were buried in the snow. So the stench could lie all winter.

In today's freezers, the process of freezing fruits and vegetables does not exceed a few wheezes. Berries and vegetables at home are frozen at temperatures of minus 30°C and lower, and harvested at temperatures of minus 18 to minus 35°C.

Freezing is the best, most thorough way of preserving fruits, fruits and vegetables, while preserving their food value and relish of power. Even more colorful as seasonal products are freshly frozen fruits and tomatoes.

How to freeze berries, fruits and vegetables at home for the winter

For whom vikoristovuyut pobutovі refrigerators and freezers. In case of freezing, the minimum temperature can be set at minus 25-27 °C. In the freezer, the temperature can be reduced to minus 18 °С. In the freezer chamber of a post-button refrigerator, you can set the temperature from minus 12 to minus 25 °C. At such temperatures, it is possible to milk the shvidka and evenly freeze and secure the preservation of frozen products for a long period of time.

The quality of frozen products, of course, is to be deposited in the quality of the free syrovina. The value of May is the hour for the collection of fruits and vegetables. The greater quality of the finished product is guaranteed, as fruits and vegetables can be frozen no later than two years after picking. Frozen fruits and berries, as a rule, are vicarious at a fresh appearance, so they are taken from the stage of slower maturity. Vegetables for freezing should be taken at the cob stage of maturity with this rozrachunk, so that they can prepare a culinary sample every year.

Preparation of fruits and vegetables before freezing is not subject to preparation of them to other types of canning. Sorting the heap, picking out the unfavorable, then cleaning it, looking out for the unfavorable parts: (raspberries, sunitsya) better clean after defrosting

All the fruits of that vegetable are washed or rinsed with running water, then dried on sieves. To galvanize the activity of enzymes and save the vegetables, to blanch them, to soak hot water at a temperature of 80-100 ° C, and then sip cold water.

You can freeze fruits and vegetables with rozsip, oversipan with zucr, with zukrovy syrup, with mashed potatoes or juice. The syrovina is prepared, which is frozen with rosemary, laid out in one ball on the sieve or taken and placed for freezing in the freezer. Frozen products are dried from polyethylene bags, tied up (better saved from plastic containers) and they look like this. Fruits and berries are often frozen mixed with zucr or in zukrovy. syrups. When frozen from zucrum, the berries are placed in a container and siphoned spherically with zukrovy squeak. When frozen in another way, prepare 40-60% zukrovy syrup (concentration to fall in the acidity of the syrovin). Higher concentrations of syrup enhance the freezing process. Preparing fruits and berries are placed at the molds and poured with sucrose syrup. As for pouring vicory, use natural sik, then lighten it in advance and fill it with zucr and sometimes citric acid for relish. Through the exchange of refrigerants and frozen freezers, fruits and vegetables are saved more importantly in briquettes and polyethylene bags.

For the production of briquettes of vicorous briquettes, bagan rectangular shapes, molds for ice with removable partitions, plastic boxes and jars of dairy products, boxes or cups of paraffin cardboard and іn. All the molds of wine are small, so that the products in them freeze quickly. To remove frozen briquettes from metal forms, put them in a plastic bag and shave a few seconds under a stream of cold water. After this freezing, the briquette is negaly swiped, covered with cellophane or polyethylene slick and put on the shore.

When frozen in glass jars, it is impossible to forget that the frozen product is more obligatory, so you can only fill the jars by 90%, otherwise the stench will stink, That is why freezing and saving from glassy containers is not a good idea.

(raspberries, sunnitsya) better cleaned after defrosting. All the fruits of that vegetable are washed or rinsed with running water, then dried on sieves. To galvanize the activity of enzymes and save the vegetables, to blanch them, to soak hot water at a temperature of 80-100 ° C, and then sip cold water. You can freeze fruits and vegetables with rozsip, oversipan with zucr, with zukrovy syrup, with mashed potatoes or juice. The syrovina is prepared, which is frozen with rosemary, laid out in one ball on the sieve or taken and placed for freezing in the freezer. Frozen products are soldered from polyethylene bags, tied up and taken from such a sight. The fruits of that berry are often frozen mixed with zucr or in zucr syrup. When frozen from zucrum, the berries are placed in a container and siphoned spherically with zukrovy squeak. When frozen in another way, prepare 40-60% zukrovy syrup (concentration to fall in the acidity of the syrovin). Higher concentrations of syrup enhance the freezing process. Preparing fruits and berries are placed at the molds and poured with sucrose syrup. As for pouring vicory, use natural sik, then lighten it in advance and fill it with zucr and sometimes citric acid for relish. Through the exchange of refrigerants and frozen freezers, fruits and vegetables are saved more importantly in briquettes and polyethylene bags. For ottremannya briquettes vikoristovuyut raznі, bagan rectangular forms, low plaques tin cans with a removed lid, molds for ice with removable partitions, plastic boxes and jars of dairy products, boxes or cups of paraffin cardboard and іn. Mustache molds are guilty but small so that the products freeze in them. To remove frozen briquettes from metal forms, put them in a plastic bag and shave a few seconds under a stream of cold water. After this freezing, the briquette is negaly swiped, covered with cellophane or polyethylene slick and put on the shore. When frozen in glass jars, it is impossible to forget that the frozen product is more likely to be frozen, so you can fill the jars by less than 90%, otherwise the stench will stink.


(raspberries, sunnitsya) better cleaned after defrosting. All the fruits of that vegetable are washed or rinsed with running water, then dried on sieves. To galvanize the activity of enzymes and save the vegetables, to blanch them, to soak hot water at a temperature of 80-100 ° C, and then sip cold water. You can freeze fruits and vegetables with rozsip, oversipan with zucr, with zukrovy syrup, with mashed potatoes or juice. The syrovina is prepared, which is frozen with rosemary, laid out in one ball on the sieve or taken and placed for freezing in the freezer. Frozen products are soldered from polyethylene bags, tied up and taken from such a sight. The fruits of that berry are often frozen mixed with zucr or in zucr syrup. When frozen from zucrum, the berries are placed in a container and siphoned spherically with zukrovy squeak. When frozen in another way, prepare 40-60% zukrovy syrup (concentration to fall in the acidity of the syrovin). Higher concentrations of syrup enhance the freezing process. Preparing fruits and berries are placed at the molds and poured with sucrose syrup. As for pouring vicory, use natural sik, then lighten it in advance and fill it with zucr and sometimes citric acid for relish. Through the exchange of refrigerants and frozen freezers, fruits and vegetables are saved more importantly in briquettes and polyethylene bags. For ottremannya briquettes vikoristovuyut raznі, bagan rectangular forms, low plaques tin cans with a removed lid, molds for ice with removable partitions, plastic boxes and jars of dairy products, boxes or cups of paraffin cardboard and іn. Mustache molds are guilty but small so that the products freeze in them. To remove frozen briquettes from metal forms, put them in a plastic bag and shave a few seconds under a stream of cold water. After this freezing, the briquette is negaly swiped, covered with cellophane or polyethylene slick and put on the shore. When frozen in glass jars, it is impossible to forget that the frozen product is more likely to be frozen, so you can fill the jars by less than 90%, otherwise the stench will stink.

A charge on our health is indicated by a shortage of fresh vegetables and fruits. To not deprive your body without vitamins, freeze them in season. Tse zovsіm does not mean that, be it a gift of nature, you can put it in the freezer without prior preparation and distance in the cold season of rock. Vegetable leather, fruit and greens will require a special approach, additional technology. I will not leave the role of this process of making dishes. In our article, we will tell you about small life hacks, which you need to know, be it a gentleman.

You can’t do without a detailed board

It would be better if you can bring the kitchen utensils before freezing? Heba scho at the stage of preparation of the plate to serve for slicing great fruits. But it’s true that it’s irreplaceable even with the uninterrupted attraction of products to the freezer. With help, you can save the fraction of frozen berries or mushrooms, spreading them on a dry plate and putting them into the freezer, first put them in a bag or a container. Those same can be grown and diced with zucchini, kale, broccoli, so that the stench did not become a succulent layer, but saved the autonomy. Before speech, for which it is better to use plastic or silicone, as they take at least a month.

Forms for ice - vicorist is not for recognition

Rectangular containers for freezing water with cubes can also be known to be original in the process of harvesting fresh berries and greens for the winter. Creep, parsley, basil, and be it your favorite herbs, after remembering that beforehand, freeze it in small portions. 24 years will be enough, so that the stench will fill the necessary form, and then you can put them in be it another container for saving. Then, while preparing the first and hot herbs, you will appreciate the crispness of the servings of greenery cubes.

Add them to the grass for a sprat of khvilin until ready and enjoy the fragrant herbs, regardless of the season. The term for the storage of vitamin bottles in the freezer is no more than 6 months. When it comes to ice, then the skin of the molds for ice is buried inside all the pieces. You can use such cubes for warm drinks, cocktails, stink shards to save your color and a pleasant, outgoing look.

Puree in silicone molds

Fruit or vegetable puree can be easily frozen in plastic bags, even shapeless breasts will take more than a month in the freezer, but the product should be properly shaped. Here, silicone molds will come to the rescue. They can grind the ingredients, put them on an equal surface, level them, and if the puree is frozen, move it if it’s too small.

Functionality of plastic containers

The utensils themselves can rightfully be considered the most handy for harvesting whether vegetables or fruits for the winter, especially quiet, as they can recognize deformations. For the help of containers to bring juice midnight, do not freeze into an unappetizing porridge-like mass, but save your shape. Krіm produktіv, scho require piece-by-piece freezing, in plastic containers, rare and puree-like preparations are saved. An important point when choosing dishes for the freezer is yoga form. Wait a minute, oval or round will be unhandily spaced, and the straight axis will occupy space as compactly as possible.

The leather product is superior to the production of singing technology, but it is the most important for all vegetables and fruits that require freezing.

  1. After that, you should thoroughly wash them under running water, not less than dry. Zayva vologa navit for sub-zero temperatures can zіpsuvati їkh relish.
  2. Sign the freezing date on the bags and containers. Follow along, so that after the end of the term, the savings of products were not consumed on your table.
  3. When defrosting your blanks, do not freeze them again. Otherwise, beat the wind, or, without mischief, straighten it by the wind to wipe it out. The third is not given.

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