Pea soup: energetic and grub value, cooking recipes. Pea soup - calories Pea soup per 100 grams

Pea soup was cooked a long time ago. First, Aristophanes wrote about the new one in his work “Birds”. Romans and Greeks cultivated peas already in 500-400 years. BC Great Britain is familiar with the Romans and cooked peas with additional bacon and vegetables. For them, it was the traditional grass, which is based on the meat products of the meat. In the Netherlands, straw is thick mashed potatoes brewed in meat broth (pork) on the basis of split peas (green), carrots, selery, potatoes and smoked sausages.

Warehouse and food value

The peas themselves are rich in brown components for the body, as they are transferred to the soup. So in the rest of the day: glucose, fructose, vitamins (b-car, choline, C, E, K, A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, D, H, PP, K, mineral components (calcium, silicon, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine, salt, iodine, cobalt, manganese, copper, molybdenum, selenium, fluorine, chromium).

Soup without meat on the water? 1.6 / 1.5 / 5.4 p.
On chicken broth? 5.4 / 2.7 / 11.0 p.
On pork broth? 7.9/5.0/6.0
Z yalovichina? 9.7/5.7/12.8

Іz smoked products? 3.5 / 4.4 / 8.2 p.
Cream soup with cabbage and Gouda cheese? 8.9 / 2.4 / 20.4 p.
With indica - 0.8 / 0.1 / 2.3 g
With moose - 5.6 / 1.3 / 7.0 g.
With smoked pork ribs - 2.8 / 5.6 / 5.5 g.
Z cowbasoy - 13.7 / 13.4 / 22.0 g.


In Ancient Russia, the soup was especially suited for the rahunka of the miraculous relish and the grub value of the grass. Another positive opinion? For a long time, it’s important to bring one bowl of soup to the table. Regardless of those that the calorie content of the peas themselves is small, about what to say, the grass is even more caloric, at the link with victories to milk fatty meat for broth (for example, pork belly). Below are the indications of rosemary per 100 g of the product:

On the water with potatoes and carrots? 39.6 kcal.
Is the soup chicken? 88.6 one.
With pork? 101.0 kcal.
Z yalovichina? 138.0 one.
With smoked meats? 92.0 kcal.
Cream soup? 133.8 one.
With an indica? 12.5 kcal.
With moose - 61.1 one.
3 ribs - 82.9 kcal.
Z cowbass - 256.9 one.

Tim, who can’t throw off the superworldly vaga, didn’t follow the high-calorie options of the strain. Even if you can’t stand up, even small portions of pea soup will inspire insignificant promises to charge you with decent energy.

Pea soup is a savory crop that sprouts in cold weather and gives the human body strength and energy. It has vitamins A, B, PP, E, as well as folic acid, magnesium, potassium, iodine and phosphorus. Zavdyaki low fat yoga can be eaten by people who plan to get sick zavoi vaga and chase after your meal. Crimson coriste for figures, grass from pea groats also positively infuse self-feeling people. Yoga regularly improves metabolism, normalizes work nervous system that promotes the functions of the body.


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KBJU pea soup

Peas have already become a part of the diet of the Russian people. Porridge, soup and puree with pea grits should be there for a long time, almost like hunger, for the sake of your high life value. In addition, the stench is rich in valuable vitamins and minerals, without which it is impossible to normally override chemical processes in the body. Stravi іz savory ta cinnamon groats Doctors recommend not only for improving your health, but for losing weight. Pomіrne vzhivannya peas will improve the fat exchange and spriyaє expulsion of shkidlivih speeches from the body.

The energy value of dried peas is 306 calories.

The number of kilocalories in pea soup should be deposited according to the method and recipe of yoga preparation. For їх pіdrakhunka it is necessary to vrakhovuvat calorie content of additive ingredients, which enter the warehouse of the strain. You can also cook meat of different varieties, pork ribs, smoked meats, cowbass, etc. In the tables below, you can see the energy Kharchova value(BJU) pea soup per 100 grams.

Smoked meat soup recipe

List of required ingredients:

  • peas - 150 g;
  • smoked pork ribs - 250 g;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • cibula ripchasta of a small size - 1 pc.;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • strong, black chalking pepper - for relish;
  • roslinna oliya;
  • krip, green onion.

Pokrokove preparation:

  1. 1. Wash the meat, dry it and cut it into cubes of medium size. Put to boil on medium heat, periodically kicking.
  2. 2. Pomit the peas and add them to the saucepan to the meat, if the water boils in it.
  3. 3. Cut the potatoes into cubes and add to the meat broth after 45 quills after adding the peas.
  4. 4. Cut the cibula into pieces, grate the potatoes. Add|Add| into the soup and cook for 20 hvilin|minutes|.
  5. 5. 10 minutes before preparing the soup, salt and add bay leaf.

Before serving the grass, sip fresh greens.

I troch about secrets ...

History of one of our readers Alina R.:

My vaga especially despised me. I gained a lot, after the vacancy it mattered like 3 sums at once, and I myself 92 kg with a growth of 165. I thought I was alive because of the gentle slopes, but suddenly I began to gain weight. How to get over the hormonal background and obesity? Aje nothing can do that to make a person younger, how to stand. In my 20 years, I first recognized that most of the girls are called "WOMAN", and that "there are no such names". They gave 29 years of separation from a person that depression ...

Ale scho robiti, schob lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Recognized - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Apparatus procedures - LPG-massage, cavitation, RF-lifting, myostimulation? Trochs are more affordable - the cost of the course is 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can sing bigati on the big road, to the point of confusion.

І if you know for the hour? That one is still too expensive. Especially at once. For myself, I took another way ...


It is unlikely that there is a person who has never once heard of such grass as pea soup. Today is a rich day for someone who doesn’t need it, but darma! Vіn maє vіdmіnі smakovі yakosі і with tsomu korisny. Later, in our current article, we will talk about the measles and grub value, like a pea soup. The calorie content of pea soup is to be quiet for us, who follows his own with a sultry look and after the weight of the body. It's not surprising. Today, people are often chattering, maddened to fight with the supernatural vaga.

With the help of the stink method, the suvorih diet is finished, starve, vlashtovuyut promotional days and so far. Ale, for any of these methods, all the same energy value living goods. And among the first fears, for those who wish to lose weight, consider pea soup. The axis of that is rich and cackling so nourishing, like: like a pea soup is caloric, like a crust of a pea soup and like a fear of a dietic power.

Dietary powers:

It would be important to reevaluate the measles of such a product as peas. Tsya roslin є dzherelom vіtaminіv group B, vіtaminі C і E, yakі help to podladyvaet depression, insomnia, normalization of exchange processes, korisnі in case of heart disease.

Pea soup, the calorie content of which, to the point, is remarkably low, at the same time, one of the most important sources of protein (23%), fats (1.2%) and carbohydrates (52%) - without them, as it seems, the life of the body is impossible. Creamy, zucru in peas is represented by fructose and glucose, therefore, if we allow it, we will be ill with diabetes before we get it.

Peas have a rich collection of mineral components - magnesium, phosphorus, zinc.

How many calories in pea soup?

On the current day different recipes cooking pea soup. The number of those that allow you to minimize the number of calories in a dish as much as possible. For example, if you want to cook a dietary soup, then it’s definitely not the next thing to add to the new smoked meat.

Now let's be more specific, how much can I eat pea soup. The calorie content of yoga cannot but please everyone who wants to diet.

Calorie content of pea soup to become 39.6 kcal per 100 g of product

Also, according to the calorie scale, pea soup can be boldly judged to low-calorie foods. As far as other components, then 100 gr. pea soup brought 1.6 UAH. bilkiv, 1.5 gr. fat, as well as 5.4 gr. in carbohydrates.

And what is the calorie content of this soup, cooked different ways? And the axis is:

Calorie table of pea soup, per 100 g of product:

And the food value of pea soup prepared in various ways is as follows:

Table of food value of pea soup, per 100 g of the product:

ProductBilki, gr.Zhiri, c.Carbohydrates, gr.
soup on the water1,6 1,5 5,4
with a trigger5,4 2,7 11,0
with pork7,9 5,0 6,0
with yalovichina9,7 5,7 12,8
with smoked meats3,5 4,4 8,2

How to prepare this herb in domestic minds? Too simple! Axis one of the recipes:

Easter pea soup:


  • Peas - ½ bottle
  • Potato - 3-4 pieces
  • Cibulya ripchasta - 1 piece
  • Water - 1.5 bottles
  • Oliya (brush the cibula) - 1 tablespoon
  • Parsley greens, strong pepper - for relish

Peas from the evening are poured with cold water and swelled. Prepare lokshina in front. For lokshini it is necessary - ½ bottle of borosna is relatively mixed with spoons dewy olive, One spoonful of cold water. Sumish to salt and soak the dough for 1 year, so that it swells. Quite subtly roaring. Trochs are dryly dried by their husbands, dried by the spirits.

If the peas swell, it is necessary to boil it, without pouring water, until it is ready. Let's put a smeared cibula there, diced potatoes and lokshina. Add pepper and strength - for relish and cook until potatoes and lokshina are ready. Savory! And the low calorie content of pea soup, singsongly, saves you a string figure.

Pea soup for weight loss

Chi no skin diet is safe for health. The effect of emaciation is often accompanied by a flare-up of the body and a lack of brown speech.

It is not surprising that nutritionists recommend zastosovuvat such programs to lose weight, as if by sparing methods to give the opportunity to recover from zavoi vaga, while providing the body with the necessary vitamins, microelements and other brown speeches, especially protein. To the very same, the growth of products, the great amount of protein can be found, the lowering of the vag is hung by them. Not smothering fat, on the vіdmіnu vіd vіd vіlkovіh prodіvіtіv tvorіnі podzhennya, stench nasіchuyut organіzm vіlko, і stravi, vygotovlenі iz them, і lіngі іє ієtichnimi.

The leader among the growing products for protein is peas (22.4% of dry mass). To that, nutritionists vvazhayut, that stray from the new, prepared by a senior official, to help those who want to lose weight, stink shards are low-calorie, and live at once. But it is necessary to make such a diet no more than once per river; So, in order not to induce the body to repeat such a diet, you can regularly vlashtovuvat once a day on different days - on apples, on water, or on green tea, to allow you to constantly improve your vag in the norm.

Obviously, pea soup with meat won't help you lose weight. So you need to cook soup either on vegetable or chicken broth.

For vegetable broth, take 200 g of root celery, and a couple of carrots. Vegetables are cooked, pour 5 liters of water, and cook until cooked. Then we took a flask of peas soaked in the middle of the day, bazhano podribnenny, so that it is better cooked, soaked in broth, and cooked until ready. While it is cooking, take 2 carrots and 1 cibulin, shaky, put it on a leaf and drizzle with olive oil from a pill. Recorded 10 min. at an oven temperature of 180 degrees. At the "finals" vegetables are put in the soup, the calorie content of such a soup is about 55-60 kcal per 100 ml.

Not everyone can appreciate such a savory and crisp pepper grass like pea soup. yoga is minimal, prote coristi bring more richly, especially for the quiet, who want to lose weight or follow the figure.

Pea soup for weight loss

A lot of girls, like sitting on a diet and taking in calories, often think about those, like a morbid diet. savory herbs without a bad figure. At tsomu vipadku, pea soup is the best pom_chnik. For food, how many calories in pea soup - the answer cannot be unambiguous. If you cook yoga with a great addition of olії, then yoga calorie content can reach up to 298 kcal, but it’s too big for a diet. However, if you fill the soup with low-fat pieces of smoked meats, and also add less potatoes, then the calorie content of pea soup will be minimal, in pairs with lesser first herbs. Won become only 66 kcal per 100 g of the product.

Pea soup - diet

Crazy, pea soup is one of the first dietary herbs, which is recommended by nutritionists when preparing a daily diet for their clients. Substitute for tsgogo є those, scho peas on their own vengeance zbalansirovana kіlkіst zhittєvo important speeches. Proteins in him are 4.4 g, fats - 2.4 g, carbohydrates - 8.9 g. In addition, the effect of the diet is to reduce the work of the herbal tract, to eliminate toxins from the body and to stimulate - natural spalling of fat. Ale and here are your secrets. As a rule, we tried to cook pea dietary soup, soak the groats for one hour in cold water (in the middle 1-2 years), after which it is necessary to anger the water and thoroughly wash the groats in running water. In this case, when you buy a lot of carbohydrates, you can get in on the big vag. In order to make the soup smaller in calories do not add sour cream to the new one, or choose the lowest calorie yogurt for it.

Bagato girls love to add smoked meats to pea soup. When you don’t forget about the varto, what warehouse of soup can significantly increase your calorie content, but it means start a healthy diet. For cooking, choose the least fatty smoked meats. More shortly, as there will be lean shmatochki on brushes. In your opinion, you don’t see the difference in taste and don’t take away the bigness from the vase. Don’t forget about the greenery, you can add it like embellishment, so for the supplementary supply of the body with brown speeches, it’s time for a diet.

Pea or pea soup is from ancient times and is the root herb of the cuisine of the Slavic peoples. The same rare vegetable variant of the soup, which is no worse for meat, or you can boast of your lightness and the safety of the grass path, the high step conquered that impersonality brown authorities. Tim is bigger, that and variations of pea soup can be sprat, not intermingled with a single classic, as it allows for a small number of ingredients. Today it would have been possible to downtime you can create a whole culinary masterpiece. Ale crim positive sides, insanely, є і negative, like any product has that stravi. It is necessary to carry out the processes of wandering in the intestines and the swelling of the abdomen during the supra-world implantation of the pea. But such excesses can be undone. How to sort yourself out. And for those who are drunkenly stalking behind the skin crinkle, which is consumed in a slug, we will not take those, how many calories in pea soup, like the stench rises, that the building changes, that you don’t spit on the figure, and you carry it with your own sense of ambition for people.

Pea soup can do without something forever - without additives, without olives, without cibula and greens, but you definitely can’t do without the worst thing: without peas. This product, which belongs to the family of legumes, has long since been assessed as a substitute for meat, similar to kvass, through a high vmіst of protein. Vegetarians “revolt” themselves, they don’t live either ribs or meat, but all the same they will demand a protein hedgehog. And if not, then the addicts of the “green meal” would not have lasted long - the body does not forgive a serious imbalance in the protracted period.

So the axis, which is worth peas, then with yoga calorie content of 298 kcal per hundred grams of wine, it may be tretina - protein, which often becomes 28%. The same kіlkіst mіstsya and kvassоl, scho rob them with interchangeable products. Ale lishe for tsim pokaznik! Reshta rozpodіlyaєtsya between fats and carbohydrates with the advantage of the rest: they go to 66%, and fat - only 6%. Moreover, in carbohydrates here, like in the majority of vegetables, folded, they do not lead to the natural shoddy of the pidshlunkovy deposit, and also, they do not cry out the stribkiv tsukra in the blood, which leads to diabetes and, henceforth, to supraworld vase. Next, it is one of the reasons for the value of peas and pea cream soup for a dietary menu. Insanely, for more than a hundred white wines are not good for m'yasu, de pokaznik three marks 80%, but in the middle of the vegetative culture itself, the legumes are leading, and to that they grow stronger, lower. Ale, on the vіdmіnu vіd m'yasa peas and kvass you can get used to the day and in be-any kіlkostah - in sensible boundaries, zvichayno. Vіn not bring a little bit of heaviness, do not overwhelm the duct-intestinal tract and liver, do not bring it to the end of the womb. Wanting such a hedgehog is guilty of getting used to, whether it’s an hour to finish, the night of that night, її can be called easy, even though the meat group is clearly similar to the “yarlik” not to boast. And navit unimportantly on those who "vaga" peas seem to be more, lower in vegetables, the calorie content of pea soup will not be the same higher than the temple.

Replace homemade peas and bread, but not only with your own strength: instead of vitamins in groups left part vitamins and microelements. Also, varto peas should be eaten for a rіven of citric acid, for some kind of wine, they burn potatoes. This element is responsible for the removal of slags and toxins from the body, salts of important metals, stones and minerals, normalization of etching and influencing the surface. The most important cream, which is valuable, which is connected to the process of physical training, is citric acid itself, which gives the best spalling of fat in the aerobic right hour, so that the heart rate is fast at high values ​​for a long time. And one more important moment, which cannot be missed without respect, the price of the new chemical warehouse selenium, which transfers the accumulation of various unacceptable radioactive metals in the body, that particular speech - pyridoxine, which starts the exchange process, which is necessary for inflammation of the intestinal tract and problems of the nervous system.

With the improvement of the appointment of more positive power to peas, which is the main one for pea soup, the calorie content of yogo lakat is not so much to blame. It is bigger, because as a result, one name is lost: in the heat treatment process, for the participation of a large amount of water, the dry product is swelled, as it is combined with cereals, and to that it is increased in volume and consuming calories. Pea soup on top of pea porridge is more than half made up of water, and to that, in a large portion for a grown-up person, as a result, it’s not so big “vaga”. Calorie content of pea soup, which is made up of peas, carrots, chicken broth, tsibuli, greens and potatoes are more expensive than 53 kcal per hundred grams. In one serving, the average contains two hundred and fifty grams, which equals 132 kcal of pea soup. It is enough for a large number of mature people with a normal constitution to live in the nearest three-chotiri years. Without a doubt, whoever needs to eat and less oblige, which will reduce the number of calories in pea soup per serving, and whoever needs more stilki. Ale in be-yakoy vipadku vrakhovuchi positive vigor product, think about how many calories a pea soup has, without a hint. At the same time, these friendly sides do not intersect with those who are attached to the peas themselves. For example, chicken broth is an immunostimulating, warming and spryaє polypsennia zasib, permits to induce with serious problems of the intestinal tract. Carrot - dzherelo vitamin A, scho vodnovlyuvalnі protsesi skіrnіh pokrivіv і zіr. If you add a spoonful of sour cream to pea soup, the calorie content of yogo is not necessary to jump, and the axis to get vitamin A is richer. In addition, cibula also works as an immunostimulant, and parsley boosts metabolism and improves digestion. How to come to a portion of pea soup with a little croup, do not happen to be turbulent for the promotion of gas production, bloating the stomach and wandering around the intestines.

Pea soup in the diet is quiet, who follows the figure

As a result, it is possible to develop a non-trivial visnovka, that the calorie content of pea soup is safe, so it can be included in the dietary menu, to name for the folding variations, classic recipe tsієї stravi. To the foundation of looking at the chicken broth, tsibuli and the same peas, you can add a shank, carrots, licorice peppers, potatoes, various greens and spices, a teapot. Navit for similar creations the calorie content of pea soup does not cross the bar of 109 kcal per hundred grams, just being in the range of dietary significance. You can inspire more imagination by preparing pea cream soup with milk, with additional carrots, cibula and fresh greens, in the middle of which there is an appearance of a crop for leveling side effects in peas. The calorie content of this type of pea soup is only 51 kcal per hundred grams.

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