Vіdvarnі shrimp calorie content per 100 grams. Kharchov and energy value. Shrimps

Seafood strikes great diversity. Viperedzhayuchi species of crabs, squids, sea ogirks, langoustines and sea ​​urchins, first place for vilova (30%), take shrimp. Apparently, the stench may have a small energy value. And specifically, nutrition, how many calories in shrimp are not empty. Qi marine bags supply people with vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and numerous microelements. It is important in the culinary process to save the color of the color of speech and to take away the products with low calories - dietary strains. It is necessary to allow the liver not to accumulate glycogen and not to recycle yoga on fat cells.

How to see shrimp korisnishі when emaciated and why

Nature has created over 2 thousand representatives of this corral. Behind the middle of the stench, it divides into warm and cold water, sea and fresh water. Deyakі from them weave in a promiscuous way and find sales as food products.

Shrimps from the decapod pen are subdivided into 3 vidi.

  1. Classic.
  2. Royal.
  3. Tigers.

It’s easier for me to orient myself for the obsyagy of goods. The size of the shrimp is from 2 to 40 cm. Varieties of classic shrimp - pivnichni, or chili. The stinks are the most representative of their corral: the maximum size is less than 11 cm. The area of ​​​​residence extends to the Atlantic. Others see throwing caviar into the water, and wear chili under a cherevtsy.

Calls of individuals with a size of 13 to 25 cm of green or blackite species, which have grown up the waters of the seas and oceans, are resurrected from the sprouted pieces. "Thingsmen" for 1 rіk reach 25 cm, and the shape of the back part is more developed in the same way as the head. Ale to lead growth stimulants, hormonal preparations, antibiotics and dietary supplements.

Shrimp of 30 to 40 cm are known by nature as dark transverse smugs on the shells. Their area of ​​residence is the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. Pieces of viroshchuvannya did not miss the whole view.

Characteristics of shrimp varieties for calories

Yak_st to a product to lay down in a zovn_shny look. Axis for what you need to pay attention to, if you want to bring new goods.

  1. The tail is lifted up to the cherevets. In another turn, a dead individual was frozen. The maximum value can be frozen fresh.
  2. Green and brown heads indicate a predilection for eating plankton.
  3. A black color of heads, a ring and a stone on the paws to talk to buyers about frozen, stale goods. Zhovtі plyami confirm the presence of chemical processing with a method of relieving blackness.

Shrimps are considered to be dietary, varying from indications in grams per 100 g: proteins - 19.16, fats - 1.74, carbohydrates - 0.60.

The value of microelements and vitamins for blood loss

In different types of shrimps, the warehouse of brown speeches is small. It is important that micronutrients and vitamins, possessed by humans from shrimp, can be the essence of natural force. What does it mean to be calm? Speech does not need to adapt to the body and take a part of its bioenergy, as it does in synthetic microelements and vitamins.

An imaginary indicator of the importance of shrimp in the diet is the number of microelements per 100 g of the product:

  • selenium - 56.13 mcg:
  • phosphorus - 347 mg;
  • mid - 0.29 mg;
  • iodine - 46 mcg;
  • zinc - 1.85 mg;
  • manganese - 0.11 mg.

Tsі pozniki gain special significance for people, as if they are trying to throw off zaiva vaga. The problem with dotrimannym diets when you lose weight is a number of obmezheny and food products. From one side, the main need is the introduction of animal protein to support processes in nerves, ailments, and cellular energy. On the other side, it is a natural resource for the storage of zukriv - the main source of glycogen in the liver, excess of which is transformed into fat cells. From the third side, calling out the fat hedgehog. Shrimp come to help with the virishennі problem. Sufficient 200 g of this product in any form - fresh, frozen, boiled, dried, canned, in rose salt - to provide the body with the necessary resources.

An important criterion for crusty shrimp is the amount of vitamins per 100 g of the product:

  • B12 - 1.88 mcg;
  • B4 - 153.54 mg;
  • B3 - 3.04 mg;
  • B6 - 0.34 mg;
  • B5 - 0.59 mg;
  • E - 2.49 mg;
  • A - 102.06 mg.

These vitamins take part in the full work of the endocrine and immune systems, the exchange of speech, which helps to reduce the decrease in the vagi and the improvement of self-perception. A savory product for making brushes, capillaries and judges, painting old look shkiri, nails and hair, which regulates the work of sweating, normalize the hormonal background and the thyroid gland (although with hyperactivity of the thyroid gland in the presence of shrimp, it should disappear).

A woman, as if trying to lose weight, it’s too early to show folds on her coat. Here you can also help the gift of the sea, as a strong antioxidant astaxanthin, which protects the skin from old times. And if a lady lady doesn’t just lose weight, but builds up a mass of meat, then a salad of crustaceans and vegetables for the first year before that day of training will be especially brown.

Porada in the presence of nutritionist Irina Shilina
Return respect for a new method of lowering the vag. Suitable for quiet, to whom sportsmanship is contraindicated.

When shrimp are eaten for eating, the human body takes away the diet of sirka, phosphorus, zinc, saline, manganese, nickel and other microelements with omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, E, choline (B4), pantothenic acid (B5).

Calorie content in the preparation

Frozen shrimp can be 80 kcal per 100 g. To cook fresh seafood, enough in water, boil it, add strength, crisp and in front (12 years) thawed in the refrigerator, give sea. Classical boil 4 strands, with a size of 13 to 25 cm - 6 strands, with a length of 30 to 40 cm - 10 strands.

Different types of seafood cuts give a different calorie content, 100 g and energy characteristics for 1 person:

  • boiled - 95 kcal / 12 kcal;
  • smeared - 11 kcal / 18 kcal;
  • canned food - 77 kcal / 9 kcal;
  • in rose salt - 87 kcal / 9 kcal;
  • for batter - 267 kcal / 32 kcal;
  • barbecue - 95 kcal / 12 kcal;
  • cleansed - 91 kcal / 10 kcal;
  • untreated - 86 kcal / 8 kcal;

With the control of calories and obyagu stray obov'yazkovo come success in losing weight. Eat shrimp with fresh vegetables to lower cholesterol in the finished product. Lemon juice additionally activates the functions of microelements and vitamins. And lovers of shrimp with beer will have a chance to choose between the shkoda of the rest and the crust of the first. If a woman doesn’t just lose weight, but builds up meat, then a salad with vegetables and seafood for the first year before the day of training will be especially brown.

In order to properly consume calories, take into account the fact that cooked seafood consumes a third of the fish from frozen, and three quarters of the fish from ungutted.

Dietary herbs with shrimp

Kіntseva meta vyvchennya perevag tsgogo seafood - prepare low-calorie, savory that brown stravy, yakі help throw off the hated vaga. The introduction of shrimp allows you to inhabit the body and gain weight.

Shrimp salad with oranges

To prepare you need:

  • oranges - 2 pcs.;
  • shrimp - 30 pcs.;
  • sesame seeds - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • hourglass - 2 cloves;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • soy sauce - 2 tsp;
  • honey - 1 tsp

At the mist, mix lemon juice, honey, soy sauce and finely cut teapot. Okremo in another capacity to vydzhatoy orange juice pіdsipati nasіnnya sesame and gutted seafood. Potim zmіshati vmіst dvoh єmnosti, Otrimayte dish with Mediterranean flavors relish, low-calorie: 100 g of salad - 116 kcal.

Risotto with mushrooms and shrimps


  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • narizan pecheritsa - 1 bottle;
  • gutted shrimp - 1 bottle;
  • podrіbneniy chasnik - 1 clove;
  • brown rice (low grain) - 1.5 bottles;
  • chicken broth- 1.2 l;
  • fresh green tsibulya - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • green peas- 1 bottle;
  • strength, pepper - for relish.

At the kastruli rose 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, boil mushrooms and seafood, add salt and pepper and mix 5 quills. Put some summish on a plate. Pour in a casserole 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, put a bowl from 2 tbsp. l. tsibuli and smear.

Potim pіdsipati rice і potrimati 5 whilin|minutes| in oil. Pour in 0.5 flasks of broth and stir, the wine docks are taken. The procedure for adding 0.5 flasks of broth to the broth periodically, the black portion of the broth will turn clay until it is completely wiped.

Dip plates into a saucepan with peas and 1 tbsp. l. tsibuli. Cook 3 hvilin|minutes| with mixing. For 100 g of risotto - 123 kcal.

Spicy shrimp omelette

For stravy you need:

  • olive oil - 3 tsp;
  • podribneniy chasnik - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • chili pepper - on the tip of a tsp;
  • red licorice pepper - 0.5 bottles;
  • gutted shrimp - 0.5 bottles;
  • egg white - 4 pcs.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • strong and black pepper - for relish.

In a frying pan from 2 tsp. rozіrіtoї olive olії vsipat chasnik and chili pepper, add seafood and licorice pepper. Coat up to 90% ready. Beat eggs, egg whites, water, salt and pepper with a mixer. Add 1 tsp to the pan. olive oil and pour in a lot of sumish. Lubricate on one side, then turn over. For 100 g omelet - 220 kcal.

Shrimp soup

You need:

  • water - 1 l;
  • shrimp - 0.5 kg;
  • squid - 160 g;
  • rice with low grain - 60 g;
  • carrot - 1 pc.

Soak shrimp in salted water with crop, wilt. In the seafood broth, boil rice and boil 10 strands, then add carrots and squid sliced ​​with calamari, boil 7 strands. At the casserole, sip the shrimp before the shrimp, salt and add the greens. Ready soup is taken from the stove after 0.5 hvilin after boiling. For 100 g of soup - 39 calories.

High-yield protein, the presence of zukriv, low fat content in the diet with vitamins, microelements and polyunsaturated acids - such a warehouse of seafood shows the prospect for the preparation of low-calorie foods and the reduction of non-essential kilograms. Dietary savory herbs from shrimp eliminate problems associated with koristi, shrimp, and lowered vagi. Correctly vikoristayte tsey gift of nature!

Shrimp far away (m'yaso) rich in such vitamins and minerals, such as: choline - 16.2%, vitamin B12 - 26.7%, vitamin E - 15.3%, vitamin PP - 25%, magnesium - 15%, phosphorus - 27.5%, saline - 12.2%, iodine - 73.3%, cobalt - 120%, mydium - 85%, molybdenum - 14.3%, selenium - 53.8%, chromium - 110%, zinc - 17.5%

Chim Korisniy Shrimp far-reaching (m'yaso)

  • Holin enter into the warehouse of lecithin, play a role in the synthesis and exchange of phospholipids in the liver, as a part of the methyl group, as a lipotropic factor.
  • Vitamin B12 play an important role in the metabolism and transformation of amino acids. Folate and vitamin B12 are interrelated with vitamins, take part in hematopoiesis. Lack of vitamin B12 can lead to the development of partial or secondary folate deficiency, as well as anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.
  • Vitamin E May have antioxidant power, necessary for the functioning of articular cavities, heart membranes, and a universal stabilizer of clitin membranes. With vitamin E deficiency, hemolysis of erythrocytes, neurological disorders are observed.
  • Vitamin RR taking part in the oxide-hydraulic reactions of energy metabolism. Insufficient supply of vitamins is accompanied by damage to the normal state of the skin curves, the intestinal tract and the nervous system.
  • Magnesium taking part in energy metabolism, synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids, can stabilize membranes, necessary for supporting homeostasis of calcium, potassium and sodium. Lack of magnesium to produce hypomagnesium, increase the risk of developing hypertension, heart disease.
  • Phosphorus taking part in various physiological processes, including energy exchange, regulating the acid-lubric balance, entering the warehouse of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, necessary for the mineralization of brushes and teeth. Deficiency lead to anorexia, anemia, rickets.
  • Zalizo to enter the warehouse of other proteins for their function, including enzymes. Take part in the transport of electrons, sour, prevent the breakdown of oxidative-oxidative reactions and the activation of peroxide oxidation. Insufficient progression to hypochromic anemia, myoglobin-deficient atony of skeletal ulcers, advanced stiffness, myocardial disease, atrophic gastritis.
  • Iodine taking part in the functioning of the thyroid gland, ensuring the absorption of hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine). Necessary for growth and differentiation of cells in the human body, mitochondrial disorders, regulation of transmembrane transport of sodium and hormones. Insufficient need to lead to endemic goiter with hypothyroidism and an increase in the exchange of speech, arterial hypotension, occurring in an increase in rosacea in children.
  • Cobalt enter the warehouse of vitamin B12. Activates the enzyme metabolism of fatty acids and metabolism of folic acid.
  • Mid to enter the warehouse of enzymes, which may have oxide-water activity and take part in the metabolism of the gland, stimulating the assimilation of proteins and carbohydrates. Take the fate of the processes of tissue care of the human body sour. Deficiency is manifested by damage to the formation of the cardiovascular system and the skeleton, the development of dysplasia of healthy tissue.
  • molybdenum It is a cofactor of rich enzymes, which ensures the metabolism of certain amino acids, purines and pyrimidines.
  • Selenium- an essential element of the antioxidant system to protect the human body, can immunomodulating effect, taking part in the regulation of thyroid hormones. Deficiency can lead to Kashin-Bek's disease (osteoarthritis with multiple deformities of the loins, ridge and ridges), Keshan's disease (endemic myocardialopathy), spadkovy thrombasthenia.
  • Chromium taking part in the regulation of blood glucose levels, potentiating insulin. Deficiency lead to reduced tolerance to glucose.
  • Zinc enter up to a warehouse of over 300 enzymes, taking part in the processes of synthesis and decomposition of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, nucleic acids and in the regulation of expression by a number of genes. Inadequate posture leads to anemia, secondary immunodeficiency, liver cirrhosis, state dysfunction, fetal vascular development. Last days the rest of the years It was revealed that high doses of zinc can prevent the absorption of midi and thereby prevent the development of anemia.
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The latest dovidnik themselves brown products you can look at the supplement

Maybe, the shrimp themselves are vvazhayutsya by the widest crustaceans, as if they live in all the seas. Well, the deacons of theirs seem to grow up among wealthy peoples to practice their own way, but what a bi wine, crayfish-like ones have become a favorite delicacy of wealthy people in the whole world. The stench may have an indescribable taste and unique vibrancy.

The very low calorie content of boiled shrimp turned this product into a dietary, brown one for the support of a normal vagina and a reduction in weight loss. With him, the body is renewed, rejuvenated and old is richer. Brown shrimp in case of any future (health doctors recommend them for asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia).

It is necessary to know that water is important for a warehouse of shrimp, to live in such a stink. As it is brudna, from the salts of important metals, then the introduction of the product resulted in less negative consequences. To this very fact, a lot of companies attach special respect to the minds in which the crayfish live and multiply. And it’s also necessary to know how to choose shrimp correctly, adzhe i vіd the right choice to lay down the crust of chi Skoda їzhi. Nasampered, the product can be fresh. Fresh shrimp do not smell, springy, with a smell of shell and equal zabarvlennyam, and their whiskers are whole, not evil. If you want to buy frozen shrimp, pay attention to their rosemary, look good (for example, it’s not to blame for any black shrimp).

The calorie content of shrimp, jams, or any other, should be stored according to the method of preparation of additives in grass. You can just add a product, add a salad, soup or sushi, slather. One thing, varto vrakhovuvati, that for the conservation of brown yaks, the product needs to follow the rules of preparation, moreover, it is not good. So, when cooking shrimp, it is necessary to dip only a few into boiling water and cook only a sprat of quills. And grease them better on a frying pan with a tovstim bottom, that at a great number of olives. The whole process takes a maximum of five minutes.

Of all seafood, which are on the shelves of shops, shrimp, perhaps, are the most popular. Although earlier they lived in the fish mainly in a greased and baked look, then at the same time they often cook, the calorie content of boiled shrimp is lower, lower for other cooking methods. Lower meat is added to salads and appetizers, and soup and risotto are prepared with it. Moreover, you can cook shrimp not only in water, but also in milk, green tea and drink beer. Zagalne kokhannya tsey seafood deserving not vypadkovo: yoga meat is one of the main dzherel natural protein, so to take away the amount of zinc and selenium, as a beneficial addition to the swedishness of the exchange of speeches. It is worth choosing shrimp as one of the best dietary foods, and doctors should recommend it when fighting obesity. Ale, lovers of exact numbers, singly, want to know how many calories are in shrimp, so you can fit them into your daily diet. Here, insanely, there is not a single clear figure: the calorie content of shrimp is stored in its form, as well as in the way it is prepared.

The cream of a positive impact on the figure of the Danish seafood is building health and the whole organism as a whole: reduce hair and nails, streamline the shoulders, normalize the endocrine and cardiovascular system, increase resistance to infections and allergies. Tse everyone is familiar with a significant list of vitamins and microelements, which are found in shrimp, among them, rich in zinc and selenium, є iodine, the daily norm of which can be taken away, for a total of 100 g of the product, calcium, copper і3, omega-3 fatty acid life is important robotic heart. It was also said that shrimp avenge a strong antioxidant, the accumulation of which in the body allows you to save the risk of cancer by introducing new cells and tissues.

How many calories in shrimp

The average calorie value of shrimp is called 97 kcal per 100 g. In other words, the ratio looks like 84%: 15%: 1%, but let’s not forget the figure: here the fat is on the verge of the fatty acid itself. To that, as a matter of fact, the life-giving facility needed a squirrel with low calorie content, shrimp varto vibrati in the middle of the black. Tim is bigger, so in one piece there are only 25 grams, and for a full population of grown-up people, 5-7 pieces are enough.

For tiger shrimp, which may be dark in the dark, cross smog, the value of carbohydrates in the energy value goes to zero, and proteins increase up to 86% with 6% fat. As far as the calorie content of this type of shrimp, then on aphids in the front it drops to 89 kcal per 100 g. And the amount of seafood grows up to 40 grams per piece. What do you think Danish view Let's look at the front points, so even more high in protein and protein, the veins of which the tiger itself become an ideal choice for fitness life: the calories of shrimp go only to support life, not adding to fat. The best tiger dinner with sauce lemon juice the hour with additional olive oil, and the seafood itself is grilled.

Accept those who shove for such a low calorie content of shrimp є and more “light”, shove light for tiger. Before them, one can see the title of “royal”, which is the middle one, at the same time with the front two species, with a vag - 35 grams in one piece, that lowest value calories. Shrimps "royal" for energy value are little irritated in other species: here it is 84% ​​in proteins, but 12% in fats and 4% in carbohydrates. Behind the gusto of power, there is also no difference. Zate zhnya "vaga" stock 87 kcal per 100 g.

Best recipes with shrimp

It's crazy, for those that show calories in shrimp as a result, the way of cooking is added. The simplest, which is respected by the classics, is brewing at the casserole. Tim more than the calorie content of boiled shrimp in a pair of sirimi grown up is not more than 15 kcal. And the axis of smazhennya in olії zbіlshit pochatkovu figure practically doubled. But first, let's talk about those, how to save the greed and strength of the effect of spalling the fat from the shrimp, we won't guess about the selection process. At the store, call to sell frozen fresh or cooked seafood, which is always indicated by the picker. It’s possible to bring them not in a closed package, so you don’t look at the goods, but choose the best, you need to pay attention to the color of the meat: wine is not the fault of the mother of the yellow - it’s a sign of old age. And for tiger shrimp it is more important to check the presence of black heads and irregularities.

Otzhe, now you can go through the main ways of cooking. For boiled shrimp, the calorie content, as it has already been said, is to be depleted of the inevitable, having reached 102-112 kcal per 100 g, which allows you to combine them with what your soul feasts on. For example, robiti more brown salad, which breaks down metabolism and burns fat, seasoned tiger prawns, pulp of grapefruit and lime, diced stumps, passing a clove through the teapot, seasoning with soy sauce and adding cane zucr. All components are so directly directed to weight loss, as well as the normalization of the exchange of speech, and the calorie content of the diet is low, but more so that all calories - shrimp, citrus fruits and ogirki - are negative. Tse allow yoga vikoristovuvati, for example, like a supper.

At the skin people, like you care about yourself with a prihilnik healthy eating, maybe a multicooker. With help, you can cook practically everything that is good, with which you save maximum greed that minimal calorie content. Shrimps in a bowl with rice and carrots, topped with sauce and a spoonful of olive oil turn into blue and light offence. For bazhannya, you can add green grass or we will drink dry wine.

Another recipe for a low-calorie obidu, which is incredibly simple in the viconan, but miraculously invests in metabolism. The shrimp are cooked with broccoli or cauliflower, poured with the sum of beaten eggs and milk and break the oven. For an even greater reduction in calorie content, you can turn off the zhovki, mixing less protein with milk, and take the milk from the lowest fat content.

For those who love shrimp in a greased look, but don’t allow them to be eaten fast, you can cook them with chili sauce, lime juice, sesame oil and soy sauce. The stinks are smeared, zanourisya at sumish іz usіkh іngredіentsіv, on teflon frying pan, ice oil Oliya. And the calorie content of shrimp in such a time becomes less than 90 kcal, as if “royal” were chosen for the fight. You can serve with a boiled rice lokshina. And zagalom, when preparing shrimp, then the methods of preparing the stravi are less than the imagination of a culinary specialist.

4 of 5 (8 votes)

Shrimps, insanely, there is a small rosemary, but if you look at the living value and coriste for health, the stench may be a great plus. Shrimps are more popular with the whole world. 30% of harvested seafood falls on a portion. That stench borrows first place for popularity, viperedjayuchi squid and crab.

How many calories in shrimp

At the sale you can find different types of shrimp, the most wide-ranging of them, king prawns, tiger and giant shrimp. In addition, it is easy to know the differences between the worlds and colors. Shrimps in the orphan look sound rosy, gray, yellow or brown. However, when cooking shrimp meat, as a rule, it becomes opaque and looks like orange.

Shrimps vibrate, sell and live in a different way, including, fresh, frozen, rolled in breadcrumbs, dried, salads, dried in pasta.

Shrimp - tse dієtichne dzherelo squirrel. Moreover, shrimp are a viable alternative to dietary meat varieties with a large amount of protein (indichka, cock).

Recipes and calorie content of shrimp herbs

Recipe for risotto with mushrooms and shrimp

  • 3 art. l. ;
  • 120 g chopped;
  • 120 g of peeled and trimmed shrimp;
  • 1 clove trimmed;
  • 1 dribno narration;
  • 320 g dry grained brown;
  • 1.2 liters of chicken broth;
  • 3 art. l. fresh green cybuli;
  • 120 g green;
  • sil and pepper.

Heat up 2 tbsp. l. olive oil at the great casserole. Add mushrooms and shrimp, season the sill and pepper. Cook, stirring slowly, 3-5 chills|minutes|until the shrimp are fried. Transfer to a plate and show the kill.

Vikoristovuyuchi the same pan, heat up 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, add a watchmaker and a qibule and brush it. Add rice and kіlka khvilin potrimati in olії. Add pivsklyanki to the broth. Cook, stirring, while you pick up the broth. Add pіvsklyanki broth schoraz, if the motherland climbs in, the docks are not all the broth streaked. Add peas, green cibula, greased shrimp and mushrooms. Cook a sprig of chills|minutes|, constantly stirring.

Calorie content - 122.59 kcal / 100 g.

Spicy shrimp omelette

  • 3 tsp olive oil;
  • 1 st. l. watchmaker;
  • 1/8 tsp chili pepper;
  • 1/2 bottle of peeled, chopped shrimp;
  • 1/2 bottle;
  • 4 egg whites;
  • 2 cylinders;
  • 4 tbsp. l. drive;
  • a pinch of salt and pepper.

Add 2 tsp to the pan with non-stick coating. olive oil, chasnik and chili pepper. Add shrimp, licorice pepper and brush until cooked. Beat eggs and egg whites with water, silly and pepper. Zmishati 1 tsp. olive oil with shrimp and bell pepper and pour into the egg sum. Brush the eggs until done. Flip the omelet.

Calorie content - 220 kcal / 100 g.

Recipe with photo soup with shrimp

  • 1 l. drive;
  • 160 g squid;
  • 500 g shrimp;
  • 60 g long-grain rice;

Have boiled salted water boil shrimp. Distance boiled shrimp clean it up. Let it drain the old elements and pour it back into the pan. Add rice and cook under the krishkoy 10 hvilin. Add carrots. Squids are cut with kiltsami and add soup. Boil 10 quills, then salt and sip greens.

Calorie content - 38.87 kcal / 100 g.

Seafood cocktail recipe with photo

  • 60 g of boiled squid;
  • 40 g king prawns;
  • 80 g crab sticks;
  • 70 g mussels;
  • 70 g seaweed.

How to make a sea cocktail? Clean the squids and cut them into rings. Clean the shrimps. Crab sticks dribly narrate. Mіdії call, schobi vіdkrilis. Mix all components and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Calorie content - 95.53 kcal / 100 g.

Shrimp shashlik

  • 20 pcs. tiger prawns;
  • 50 ml;
  • 110 ml;
  • hot pepper;
  • 50 ml;
  • 50 ml tartar sauce;
  • 4 cloves of a watchmaker;
  • 30 g brown zucru;
  • basil;
  • cilantro.

Mix all the ingredients, cream of shrimp. Heat up the fire and let it cool down. Place the cleaned shrimp in a bowl and pour over the marinade. Leave for 3-5 years in a cold place. Grease the shrimp skewers for 5 hvilin over the shrimp on the grill.

Calorie content - 95 kcal / 100 g.

Kharchov price and chemical storage of shrimp

Shrimp - miraculously dzherelo selenium. Selenium is an important microelement in human style. shrimps revenge astaxanthin, carotenoid, a kind of nada єm erysipelas color, and also enters as an anti-oxidant and protects the skin from ancient antiquity.

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