Yak zrobiti canned peas. Canned greens peas - measles, Skoda and recipes for cooking. A simple recipe for canning green peas

The melancholy of that Skoda product, its warehouse, and the way it is prepared will be presented in the materials of this article. So we tell you about those, how to choose the right canned peas, and on what you need to pay your respect at the hour of purchase.

General information

What is the product of canned greens - the subject of a super bag of rich fahivtsiv. I first tell you about them, I would like to give you more detailed information about this ingredient.

Canned peas are young green peas, which are saved for additional conservation.

Preservation of this product is the most optimal way of its preparation with the method of trivial saving.

How to use this method for canning greens and shkoda legumes, the product is left with a lot of time. Moreover, during conservation, more and vitamins of grains are saved.

Selected syroviny

Why shy away from canned greens peas, the measles and the Skoda of which will be described further? This product is made from special varieties of young grains, which are taken from the milk stage of maturity. In the same period, the stench is the most low, and also to take revenge on your own large number of vitamins and tsukrіv.

If a mature-looking product is valued by a leguminous culture, then green peas are a vegetable, and it is significant that they look like their “stealed brother” with dietary and savory flavors.

What spіvvіdnoshnіnі can have peas at the jar of greenery? Corst and Skoda to the product, which is being looked at, without any middle lie in the middle of the numbers. In leather canning jars, there are approximately 65-70% of young and lower grains, as well as about 30-35% of special filling.

Warehouse product

What components include green peas? Canned peas (korisnіst, shkoda product good vіdomі rich culinary) vengeance even richer dew protein. When viewed from a creaturely analogue, this element is well acquired by the body. In case of any need, it is necessary to provide yogo thermal processing.

Cream of white, before the warehouse of which product enters without any different minerals and vitamins. For hardening fahivtsiv, green peas, it is practically possible to avenge the entire group of vitamin B. So, for the new one, vitamin A, which improves the exchange of speech, vitamin C, which regulates the internal processes of the body, vitamin K, which is necessary for normal functioning, with the work of the synthesis it helps in the absorption of calcium.

What are the mineral elements to avenge green peas? The bark of that Skoda product is inextricably linked with the warehouse. For the hardness of fahіvtsіv, in which vegetables there is a large amount of sodium and potassium. This product is ideal for people with atherosclerosis and diabetes.

Okrim іnshoy, green peas to take away selenium and zinc from yourself, like to improve the brightness of the crystal and the eyes of the eyes.

Canned green peas (calorie content, power factor of the product)

Few people know that green peas have not so few calories. For firm fahіvtsіv, such a product should be revenged over 300 energy units per 100 grams. That is why green peas, calorie content and power of such a closely mutual understanding, good and fast living organism, but with which it is perfectly conquered.

Implantation of this product significantly reduces the incidence of hypertension, oncology and infarction. It is also worth noting that the old shkiri is commemoratively improved in those who regularly include peas in their diet.

It is impossible not to say about those that cellular tissue, which is found in vegetables, effectively lowers cholesterol levels, and also helps to remove toxins from the body, improves the work of the organs of the herbal tract, and by the same tokens constipation.

Why else rich green peas? Korist that shkoda, korisn_ power given to the product v_domі negagat gospodarkam. That is why only a small number of people include yoga in their daily diet.

It should be noted that green peas have a lot of nucleic acid. And, as you can see, speech itself promotes the regeneration of tissues, continuing the youth of a person. In addition, the nucleotides in this product miraculously combine with such an element as magnesium. The very wine has been conquered by the best.

Can you drink a dressing, where can you find green peas (canned peas)? Korist, Skoda tsієї rіdini vіdoma small number of people. Zgіdno z firm fahіvtsіv, such a marinade can serve as a guide for usunennia. However, it is not recommended to fill it with too large quantities of drink, because there are even a lot of other additives in it.

Korist that Skoda green peas

The discussion of the brown authorities of green peas was carried out for many years. Ale, let me tell you, fakhіvtsі dіyshli єdinoії dumki, that this product should be included in your diet. Adzhe vіn vengeance even richly alive speeches. You want to know that this product is available in the next batch. For example, the cultivation of peas in a great number of people can easily lead to an increased gasification, it is difficult to over-pick it, as well as an increase in the need for nirk.

It is impossible not to say about those that in green peas are rich in purines. After their disintegration, it becomes as if it is contraindicated for ailments, as if they suffer on a nirkov’s sickness.

How to choose the right product?

Canned greens peas should be chosen not less than canned fish. Aje, if taken incorrectly, the product does not only waste its power, but becomes unsafe for health. Therefore, before buying a jar of peas, it is necessary to consider all aspects.


Before shipping any product, pay attention to its packaging. It dawned on me that peas are found in curse the jar, then there will be no folding with an assessment. But if you have a lot of premises at the plaque, then you can hardly tell how good the products are. Therefore, it is important to check the packaging for dents or dents.

Before speech, canned peas can be harvested for a long time closed bank. And if the packaging will be opened, then the product will be squeezed out with a two-dib stretch.


Watch the label of canned peas, pay attention to the warehouse, the address of the picker, save money. The ideal warehouse is offensive: peas, water, kitchen sill and white zukor.

Product grade

When canning peas, you can vicorate like brain and smooth-grain varieties. The first may be the infusion of small grains, which form an oval shape, as well as a milky aroma and licorice relish. The other one looks like a big smooth and round bag. Most often, such a variety of vicory is used to embellish the preparation of salads. Tse z tim, that the relish of such peas is weakly expressed.


Canned peas are always sold at rosemary. Therefore, when buying this product, it is necessary to pay attention to those in a jar of pure grains. For which package it is recommended to be afraid. As if it is literally filled with peas, you can boldly approach.

Self-preservation of peas

Few people know that it is possible to conserve green peas at home. Such a product should be taken away from the refrigerator (no more than fate).

For self-preservation of greens, peas can be grown by yourself, or you can buy them on the market. Syrovina should be dried from the pods, thoroughly washed, placed in salted water and boiled for about 4-6 struchkiv. After that, irritate the motherland, and wash the peas and lay them in sterilized jars with a total volume of no more than 500 ml. Then the product is poured with dill, in which case the strength is added (1 large spoon per 1 liter of rind), and also add tsukor and ottova essence. At the end, the jars will end up with lids, drained at room temperature, and after reaching, clean up at the refrigerator.

Such peas can be added to different salads, or you can eat them as a side dish.

Living the green peas, the body is energized, and the practice itself is being promoted. Zavdyaki tsomu people are rich in guilt and great ambitions and pay great victories. Zagalom, usim, who is energetic and active, it is recommended to eat peas. Deyakі varieties of this fruit contain natural tsukor, which stimulates brain activity and memory.

Problems with the intestines will help you to overcome the same peas. The color of microelements helps the oven, normalizing the work of the etching organs. Antioxidants, which are found in the fetus, positively work on the reduction of hair and hair.

Yak and all natural roslini, seasonal peas. It is logical for him to stock up for the winter. Recipes for harvesting peas for the winter will help to develop, in a sequence, conserve the species of the legume family for the cold season. Є kіlka receptіv clogging peas, ale leather from these options will be either sterilization, or without sterilization of cans from the mix.

For conservation, young soft peas are used. The peas, when overripe, will give an ugly kalamutny look of ready-made provisions and will be starchy for gusto.

Green peas without sterilization

To prepare the next step, prepare 3 pivlitrov jars. For tsgogo їх next, use soda and sterilize hvilin 7 for an additional kettle. Such a small number of jars cannot be sterilized in the oven. For the whole recipe for canned peas, use 1 liter of pure cold water. The relish of conservation will be more similar to a store-bought one, and all the zavdyaki are in the correct proportions of barnacles: 3 tbsp. spoons of zucru, 1 teaspoon of citric acid, 3 teaspoons of salt.

Preservation order:

It is impossible to cook peas for more than the hour specified for the recipe, otherwise they will waste their form, transforming into porridge.

Green peas for sterilization

For the sake of knowing how to preserve them with sterilization, stock up on 600 grams of peas without pods. For harvesting, you need a 1.5-liter jar or 3 pieces of 0.5-liter. On the yakі pіde marinade, which is made up of 1 liter of natural water, 1 tbsp. spoons of salt, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of zucru and citric acid, in a quantity of 3 grams.

Preservation order:

If the country is in a jar after it is not cloudy for 3 days, it means that the peas are closed according to the rules and you can put it boldly into the comora, saving a maximum of 1 river. Like a cloudy marinade, such conservation is more likely to be seen.

Pickled greens peas for sterilization

Gentlemen, how to squawk, how to pickle peas at home minds, you can gain respect for the recipe below. The marinating procedure is to finish the trimala, but especially zusil won vimaga.

Pickling order:

It is important to save the ready provisions from the cold chi cold mist.

Perehrahovani recipes, like conserving peas, are the main ones, which you can add with your innovations.

The recipe for such canned greens includes peas, and, as a rule, purchase wines. Unfortunately, it is not possible for the skin to grow peas and grow new harvests for the winter. Ale yakbi you knew how easy it is to cook cheaply at home canned greens peas recipe, which we will describe at once, we bought it with satisfaction and bought it on the market. Moreover, it’s misunderstood, like buying fresh green peas on the market and marinating yogo in home minds - it’s cheaper to go out, buy it lower. And with such gusto it does not seem like a purchased one.

Ingredients for canned green peas at home:

  • Peas not cleansing - 600 g;
  • Ocet - 3 teaspoons.
  • For marinade:
  • Pitna table water - 1 l;
  • Strength - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Zukor - 1 tbsp. l.

How to preserve peas for a greens recipe:

1. On the back we will tell all the subtleties. From the appointed ingredients, there are exactly 2 jars of 250 ml in volume. Rozsola has a lot to go out and most of it has to be virile. And if the shards of peas are guilty of swimming in rose salt during cooking, then it’s better to take such a water yourself. Tim more proportions of zucru and salt are more likely to be divided into liters, not milliliters.
Silt that zukor in a bowl and add it to the water before boiling itself

2. Wiymіt peas from the pods and wash the peas. Hurry up with a sieve, gauze, or dry drushlyak, so it’s better. If you don’t know how to go to peas, and it’s possible to vine it earlier, then it’s better to wash it with sprat once more.
Porada: it is better to sort peas for young and overripe. If the peas are too hot, then you need more than an hour for cooking. As you have already tried to conserve green peas for the recipe, then varto cupping either young or overripe, so you don’t cook yogo in 2 go. So just pick up the burst and zipped peas, don’t get stench for conservation.

3. In the marinade of greens, it is necessary to lower the peas after the final distribution of salt crystals and zucra. Boil the marinade and wait for the hour of cooking.
Note: an hour of cooking green peas to lie down at its ripeness. The minimum hour of preparation is 40 minutes. Tobto, like young peas, then cook yogo 40 quills from the moment of boiling. If you are overripe, then add 10 whips and roll them into jars.

4. Now banks. The container needs to be obov'yazkovo sterilized. Robiti tse can be in some way. You can sterilize jars on a metal steamer, just like that for the winter. And you can fry the dishes at the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 15 minutes. And be sure, before sterilization, it is necessary to use cans of soda.

5. As you sterilize the dishes for spinning at the steamer, then the jars of the next need to give an hour to drain on a clean towel down the neck.
Ocet needs to be added to a skin jar, the first one will need to be conserved. Restore 3 teaspoons for 1 pіvlіtrovu jar. Naturally, in this recipe, the dishes are 2 times smaller, which means we add 1.5 teaspoons per skin dish.

6. After having boiled green peas, you can put yogo in jars. On the back, you need to take a skimmer, choose and put only beans in the judge.
Porada: Show respect that the peas do not cover all the dishes. If you want to preserve the integrity of the legumes, it is necessary to spread them in such a manner that the peas swim near the rose salt. And that means nasipte peas to the cob of cutting (1.5 cm to the top). It is also possible to prociditi rozsil, schob vіn buv prozorim.

7. Pour hot rose salt over the jars.

8. With krishki, with which you spin time, just cover the jars with the beast. Now take a saucepan, put a small terry towel on the bottom. Place a jar of green canned peas on a towel so that it doesn’t turn over, it doesn’t fray. At qiu, pour hot water into the pan to the top of the peas. All you need is a fire for sterilization. An hour from the moment of boiling we become 30 - 40 whilins. It is important that the water does not boil much, then regulate the fire on the cob.
Note: The shards of peas are rather fragile, then it is still necessary to sterilize yoga. The more jars you have, the more time for sterilization. Banks 500 ml need to sterilize 30 - 40 quills.

9. As soon as the jars are taken out of the casserole, pour into them the indicated amount of octu. Shchіlno ukoporyuєmo conservation with lids twists after sterilization.

Then we put the jars with the neck down and wrapped in a towel until the very end.

The very same canned green peas recipe can be even simpler. And the peas come out softly with rosol, like bought peas from children, like the fathers bathed with cowbass.

Important: save canned greens peas for the recipe is required at a temperature of no more than 5 degrees. Tse means that there is a place for the banks, either in the loha, or in the refrigerator. Otherwise, peas are more prim and more fertile.

Green young peas, canned or marinated, an indispensable component of light salads and soups. From canned peas, make mashed potatoes, or vicorist as a garnish before m'yasnim stravam. Obviously, a jar of canned peas can be bought at any nearest supermarket. Ale, richly savory and spicy will be green peas, so that you can preserve it yourself. Preservation recipes for young green peas are simple and easy to prepare, do not require a lot of time. Tim is no less, in canned and pickled peas there are a few secrets, to keep them as a guarantee of successful conservation.

Young green peas, canned in otstomu marinade

So, like in legumes, to which peas are added, there is no moisture acid, so that harvesting from green peas was saved all winter, ocet is added to the marinade, which is a preservative.

  • dzherelna water - sіmsot miligram;
  • tsukor - two tablespoons;
  • an estimate of tables (9%) - one hundred milligrams.

Cooking process:

  1. Sort the young peas from the shriveled fruits, hang on a sieve and rinse with cold water.
  2. Pour it in the following way: pour water into a saucepan, add half of the salt and zukra, and boil.
  3. Vsipati preparations for peas in boiling marinade and boil 5-6 strands.
  4. Blanch the peas, and immediately fill with cold clean water, such a method will help save yoga garni green colors.
  5. Let's lay out the peas at the front of the sterilized pivlitrov jars.
  6. At the very same water, in a kind of blanching green peas, boil the zucor, which is overflowing, boil it again and again.
  7. Turn the fire under the saucepan with filling, just add an estimate, pour it into jars with peas.
  8. Cover the jars with far-boiled lids, and sterilize them in the oven the least of the year.
  9. Banks with peas are resolutely rolled up and left out, so that the stench is completely cold. Save such conservation next to a cold, inaccessible place for sleepy changes.

Peas, canned in an otstovy marinade, come out to taste sour for relish, good for preparing a vinaigrette.

Addition of citric acid

Even more often during conservation, citric acid is added to vicorate, as it also successfully copes with the role of a preservative, which helps to save more.

Necessary products for a pivl_trovoy jar:

  • young, cleansing from pods, green peas - six hundred grams;
  • dzherelna water - one liter;
  • tsukor - two tablespoons;
  • zvichayna kitchen sіl - dvі їdalnі, with hot water, spoons;
  • citric acid - five grams.

Cooking process:

  1. Peas are carefully sorted out, the peas are cracked, or the fruit with flames, washed in cold water, blanched in sprinkling with five strands of quills and hot sifted in sterilized jars.
  2. At the water visipati tsukor іz sіllu and citric acid, and mix to the final level of dry ingredients.
  3. Then put the marinade on the fire and boil.
  4. Pour the green peas with boiling marinade, cover the jars, boiled in advance, with lids and put in the oven for sterilization.
  5. The hour of sterilization is three years from the moment of boiling the filling in jars of peas.
  6. Let's immediately close the banks with a key and shut them down until the stench cools down.

For this canning recipe, peas are sour-licorice for relish, suitable for preparing various salads and soups.

Peas "Natural"

It is possible to conserve young green peas without adding such preservatives as citrate or citric acid. Such a method of harvesting may again save the taste and color of fresh peas, but it is not recommended to save it for a long time.

Required products:

  • cleansing from pods of green peas;
  • Jerelna water;
  • zvichayna kitchen sіl - far spoon;
  • tsukor - a tablespoon.

Cooking process:

  1. Cleansing and moving young peas should be thoroughly washed in cold water.
  2. Pour the fruits of the peas with clean icy water, bring to a boil, and boil the dekilkoh hvilin with a stretch, anger the water.
  3. Pour fresh cold water over the peas again, salt the troch and boil until ready, about twenty - thirty khvilin.
  4. To prepare the filling, boil the zucor from the sill near the water, stir it up, the docks of the stink will not be distinguished, on a strong fire, let the fill boil.
  5. Boil until ready peas are hot and viklasty in dry sterilized jars, pour boiling rose salt.
  6. Relatively roll up jars with metal peas, boiled back, lids. Leave, the docks of the harvesting will not be cooled down.

Such peas are saved less in the refrigerator, three more than two - three months. From this you can prepare mashed potatoes, which is suitable for eating for small children.

pickled peas

Green peas are marinated with a variety of different spices, which gives it a lightly spicy relish and aroma.

Necessary products for a pivl_trovoy jar:

  • dzherelna water - one liter;
  • young, cleansing from pods; green peas;
  • tsukor - two tablespoons;
  • standard kitchen strength (not iodized) - three tablespoons;
  • sprat of black peppercorns;
  • flower buds;
  • a pinch of citric acid;
  • dried laurel leaves - two pieces.

Cooking process:

  1. Sort the young peas from black fruits that have been cracked, and soak in crying water for one or two years.
  2. Let's blanch the peas until boiling water with a pinch of citric acid, pulling a few quills, hot spreading them into jars.
  3. Prepare the filling in an offensive way: boil tsukor near the water, strength and bay leaves and bring it to a boil.
  4. At the skin jar with young boiled peas, add a peppercorn, two clove buds, pour boiling filling.
  5. Close the jars to the beast with boiling cold lids and sterilize the peas at the oven the least of the year. Let's roll up the banks relatively and stop reaching in an inverted look.

Pickled peas are suitable for salads, and you can also serve yogo as an addition to meat herbs.

Without sterilization

To prepare canned peas at home, which will give you a taste of the store, you can use this recipe.

Necessary products for a pivl_trovoy jar:

  • young peas, peeled from pods;
  • dzherelna water - one liter;
  • zvichayna kitchen sіl - three tables, with hot water, spoons;
  • tsukor - a tablespoon;
  • citric acid - piv a teaspoon.

Cooking process:

  1. Clean the young peas thoroughly and sort them out, and then soak them for one year in the crying water.
  2. In a stewpan, boil water from sill and zukr.
  3. Vsipati green peas in a boiling marinade and boil 20 khvilin.
  4. Add citric acid to the peas for a sprat of quill until it is ready.
  5. Prepare the jars, wash the pivlitra, rinse with warm water, sterilize and dry.
  6. Viklasti in jars, ready peas, not reaching the edge of one centimeter, pour boiling rosemary, in which peas are boiled.
  7. Immediately cover the jars with metal boiling back lids and roll them up. Finished jars with peas until finished.

The first few days after conservation, leave the peas at home, sob stitch, so that the rosemary is not clouded. Only potim cans of peas can be brought in to save cold leocha.

Green peas for the winter (video)

So that the conservation of green peas will be a long way off, it is necessary to reach the hour exactly thermal processing that number of ingredients given in the recipe. Save the peas less in the dark, cold place, where you don’t spend sleepy shifts. The marinade in jars with canned peas is guilty of being overwhelmed, as if the wines were cloudy, the first sign that bacteria began to multiply in harvesting, such peas are categorically impossible to grow.

How to conserve green peas at home minds

For conservation of vicorist, only fresh-picked milk peas are used - in overripe and long-harvested peas, there is rich starch, which calls for the establishment of a calamity siege. Proponuemo sprat of clumsy ones savory recipes conservation of green peas for the winter.

1. Recipe for green peas that do not require sterilization.
(for relish, guess shop).

- green peas at the be-yakіy kіlkostі;
- For a marinade for 1 liter of water, take: 3 tablespoons of salt, 3 tablespoons of zucru, 1 teaspoon of citric acid. One liter of marinade is used for 3 pivlіtro jars.

Yak cook
1. Peas are washed and washed well.
2. Preparation of the marinade: bring water, strength and zukor to a boil and boil the peas in the new preparation. The marinade can again curl the peas.
3. After boiling the marinade with peas, cook 15 more chills, for example, add the boil citric acid.
4. Then we put the peas with a shumіvka at the back of the sterilized jars, not reaching the top of 1.5 cm.

Save such peas from the cellar in the refrigerator.

2. Canned green peas

Yak cook
1. Green peas will grow in pods, rinse with a jet of water.
2. Prepare the marinade from 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. spoon іz riding tsukru, 1 dessert spoon of salt. Bring the marinade to a boil and pour over the peas (coated with a coat).
3. Boil 3 quills, then put everything in sterilized pivlitrov jars, not filling up to the top - there may be 3 cm left between the lid and the dressing.
4. Sterilize green peas for consumption. First, boil 30 quills, then cover with caps. On the coming day, sterilize 20 hvilin and roll up.

Take such peas better at lohu.

3. Recipe for canned green peas

1. Shake the peas, sort them out, put them in a masher, put them in a saucepan and pour them with water at a ratio of 1: 2; cook until boiling on a strong fire, then reduce the temperature and cook on a dead fire 30-35 quills in fallowness in ripeness of peas.
2. What burst and cracked in the process of cooking the grain is necessary to remove - the stench can kill the marinade with kalamut, which is not necessary.
3. Prepare the marinade in another bowl: bring 1 liter of water to a boil, and then add strength to the water, a spoonful of zucrue and a little citric acid.
4. Zadalegіd to prepare and sterilize jars, more often vikoristovuvat volume of 0.5 liters.
5. Fill jars with peas with boiling marinade, add a teaspoon of oats to the skin jar and cover with lids.
6. Warm up 40-45 quills in a water bath, then wrap them in towels and do not let them cool until the peas seep better with marinade.

You can try homemade peas on a friend or third time after cooking.

4. A simple recipe for canning green peas

Usі іngredієnti z rozrahunka per jar of size 0.5 lіtra:
- 650 grams of peeled peas;
- 1 liter of water;
- 1.5 tablespoons of salt;
- 1.5 tablespoons of zucru;
- 3 g of citric acid.

Yak cook
1. Peas should be cut from the pods, sorted out, washed in a drushlyak with running water and blanched 2-3 peas in boiling water.
2. Preparation of the marinade: Mix in water, strength, zucor, citric acid and boil.
3. Blanch the greens and hot transfer the peas into sterile jars and pour the marinade, it boils, cover with scalded lids.
4. Put the jars in a saucepan with hot (70 ° C) water on a wire rack or a wooden circle. Sterilize 3:00 from the moment of boiling water in a saucepan.
5. Remove the cans and roll up, turn over, wrap with a carpet and do not open until cold.

Home-made canning, including green peas, requires the exact preparation of the recipe, sour cream, lemon or optic acid, thermal treatment, otherwise it is necessary to promote the product or the development of botulism deadly for people.

Canned green peas can be stored in the distance, just by holding the marinade for a few days from homemade preparations, saving transparency and not changing your color - such peas can be stored until the rock in the refrigerator chi lyohu. Well, the marinade has become cloudy, or if you change the color, you can’t get the yoga in the bowl.

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