Optic acid - cicavi facts. Tsіkavі іstorіchnі facts pov'yazanі z organic acids. Possibly Skoda Otstovoy essence

O prozor motherland, may mother remember the yellow vіdtinok. There is a difference in the water and there is a peculiar smell. Wart but we will protect when victorious given speech, shards out there can harm the mucus membrane of the wild paths and viklikati otruennya.

Methods and Methods

On an industrial scale, HNO 3 is used to oxidize synthetic ammonia (as a catalyst for platinum-rhodium alloys) to nitrogen dioxide. After removing the gas, the gas is passed through water, as a result, acid is removed with a concentration of 45 to 58%.

Concentrated HNO 3 is used as a way to add to the amount of sulfuric acid. Let's sweat all the heat, we'll be able to evaporate HNO 3 . It is also possible to use another way to concentrate, if the process reacts with water, sour and nitrogen dioxide, it moves up to 50 atmospheres.

  • High-concentration nitric acid (95-98%) should be dimmed on the surface;
  • Acid destroys all the metals of the cream and other elements of the platinum group. Tsya problem rozv'yazuєtsya, akshcho zmіsha її s hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the same proportion.
  • HNO 3 is unstable and when heated to high temperatures, it can easily disintegrate in the air in the presence of water and nitrogen dioxide.

Technology and nature

Brood and antibrud


Candidate of chemical sciences A.I. NEKHAEV

Rightly marked: chemistry has no rubbish; ford is a whole speech, most often a sum of speeches, not in one’s own place. The history of sour tars - to harvest the bulk, unfortunately, products of oil refining - is another confirmation of this. Why “it’s a pity”, you understand the little bits of life, so it’s self-identified (who doesn’t know) what kind of sour tar is for the birds. Not a blue bird of happiness, swidshe - black.

Well, let's start our speech from speech, incomprehensibly popular, lower mustache tars at once. The alchemists called yoga vitriol oil - we call it sulfuric acid.


Tsya acid - speech is not only super-popular, but also super-important. It is not for nothing that the її virobnitstvа є one of the indicators of the economic potential of the country.

The most sulfuric acid is used at once for the production of mineral additives, but it may be so necessary for all the other children of the chemical industry. And not less than chemical: without sulfuric acid, metalworking, textile, shkiryan, kharchova galuzi cannot be dispensed with. Oil refining and naphthochemistry did not become a culprit: the stinks help sulfuric acid on a large scale and for various purposes. The axis of the sprat is applied.

The most widely used synthetic compounds (CMC) are aminoactive. Tse means that the cob is placed in the anion - most of it in the anion warehouse HSO 3 -, which came from CMC from sulfuric acid, which was found and available. For example, ricin ol_ya pіd dієyu sulfuric acid from speech, which is filled with plyami, transforms into miyuchy zasib. In our time, in order to take high-yielding CMC, sulphurize not natural, but synthetic syrovine (alkylbenzenes), and found CMC for technical needs, it will be sulphated with gas and gas oil fractions of naphtha.

Second example. Approximately one fifth of all products of naphthochemicals contain alcohol. The most widespread method of removing alcohols, including ethyl alcohol, is sulfuric acid hydration of olefins. for which I am new, sulfuric acid is still needed. Another example. Modern car engine with high octane gasoline insurance. The classic antiknock tetraethyl lead becomes a person "non grata", shards of wine exude the atmosphere. In our days, increase the octane number of gasoline to use for additional alkylation processes. As a result of these processes, the breakdown of carbohydrate molecules appears. Add gasoline to increase the octane number, and the alkylation catalyst - all the same sulfuric acid ... Omit for the ignorance - the ignorance of the scale of the spozhivann - іnshі vikoristannya sulfuric acid as a catalyst for naphthochemical processes. Nezrivnyanno more її vikoristovuyut for the purification of petroleum products: pale, olіy, paraffin. Acid from naphtha is not rich and aromatic in carbohydrates, resinous speech, sulfur and nitrogen content - all those that reduce the stability of burning and oils during storage, improve their performance, smell, color. Purification of naphthoproducts with sulfuric acid is the oldest and most technologically simplest method. Ale, at the same time, there was a steely method: a large amount of valuable components of oil, acid rose the equipment, and a rich smut was established, which in totality is called acid tars. Through serchanoacid methods, the purification of infections was more complete (albeit not to the end) more thoroughly, such as hydro-purification of the fire, or the processing of oliy retailers by the selection of children. Nearly 90% of the light production of olives is now processed in this way. However, let's think about the magnitude of the scale of production: for ten thousand tons, which are left out, there are thousands of tons of H 2 SO 4. Purification of the most common oils - hydraulic, vacuum, electrical insulating - as and trust less sulfuric acid.

In this way, the positions of sulfuric acid in naphtho-refiners and naphthochemicals are left to be treated with methylamines. And if so, then continue to increase the quantity of sour tars.


Black vyazka masa, in warehouses up to 70% H 2 SO 4 plus vih_dn_ organic spoluky, alkylsulphuric acids and other products of sulphurization, plus resin and polymer - all the same and є sour tars. Their components are chemically related, often just mixed, they are separated in an over-the-top fashion.

As you can see, the step of victorious vіdkhodіv vіrobnіstva є demonstrative of the development of galusi, the mark of culture virobnіstva. Utilization of acid tars was respected by the right hopeless. You can’t throw off the qi out to the rivers after the relay neutralization: the stinks are laid out properly and for a long time. It's easier to burn the wicked sour tar, having repaired it in front, let's say, at the boiler room. Ale і tse not vyhіd: utvoryuyutsya dimovі zі zі zі zіnіmі sіmіst SO 2 і in tsomu vipadі vplyu sіdіv іv іn the biosphere will be more negative.

The axis of which, with a stretch of ten years of sour tars, angered at the greatness of the rate-savings. Chi you need to say, what are the same rates, and їhnі near the outskirts of the unliving. “Don’t fly until the new day, and don’t leave the world, it’s more than a black tuft ...” far carry the sharp smell of sulfurous gas mixed with no less “aromatic” organic matter. Tse step by step sour tars are laid out at the rates of storage.

It was not possible to put up with the irrevocable loss of acid and organic mass, nor more of the confusion dovkilla. Sulfuric acid successfully purified a wide variety of products by stretching for a long period of time. Now there is food about those. to clean it yourself and at the same time take a surplus from the inputs.

Natural Hіd: to recycle acidic tars, we will need to redistribute them if we want two main warehouses - organic and sulfuric acid. The simplest tool of this kind can be water vapor. The sum of his roses is broken by him. The upper ball is organic with traces of acid, the lower one is black dilute acid. You can either concentrate the acid, or vicorate there, where weak acid can penetrate, for example, in the form of ammonium sulfate or superphosphate, in shkiryany industry, or for salty solonchak soils.

Vibіr povіvnjano small, it's more, scho skin from overexposure of virobnitsv vіddaє overwhelm of acid, but technically pure ... On the concentrated H 2 SO 4 will drink more, but it is not easy to remove the acid from the overworld water. The productivity is not high, the equipment is corroding, and the smut needs to take away the excess of organic speeches, which, when evaporated, put up to 40% acid. Axis i come out, that the skin of the egg is not wart.

And there is no dashing without goodness. Thermal expansion of bric acid turned out to be the best option. The sulfuric acid splits, "to vanish, sink" into the same sulfuric acid. The decomposition product - sulfur gas - is used for the extraction of cellulose from wood cod, and as a preservative agent for the preservation of fruits, and - the most important - SO 2 for the removal of sulfuric acid. Mitznoy, pure, adventitious for any rights.

And the axis on which is attached to another warehouse of sour tars - black "vyazka" organic? Її you can spit fire like a boiler room. Ale, it will be nasty: a lot of sirki will be added to him, before that, the nozzles will coke. When heated, it is possible to convert the organic part of the acid tar to the soil and convert it to bitumen. The first bitumen from petroleum products was consumed to the hands of people (more than 3800 years before ours!). For a long time, everyday life, medicine, and during the mummification of corpses, victoriously stood for water impermeability, for antiseptic power. Today, colossal masses of bitumen go to everyday life and roads, to defend metal structures against corrosion. Drinking on bitumen perevischuu proposition. Take it off the sour tar dvіchі korisno: shkіdlivy brud is transformed into a necessary product.

Journal "Chemistry and Life" №10 for 1978 r_k.

(Formula H2SO4) can be added to strong dibasic acids. In a grown-up look, the speech oxidizes practically all metals, behind a sparkle of gold and platinum. Acid enters into a reaction with non-metals and organic matter, transforming the words of speech into vugilla. In sizable minds, sirchan acid is an important oily root with a bright color and smell.

Sulfuric acid is vicorous in the process of processing ores for uranium, iridium, zirconium. It is also widely used in the production of mineral additives, to serve as an electrolyte in lead-acid batteries in all industries.

Methods and Methods

The head of this chemical element was removed by a dry distillation route, so that the thermal distribution of vitriol. As a syrovin for the vidobutka of sulfuric acid and vicarious, there are sirka, sirkovoden, various sulfides and sulphates, inputs from thermal power plants, and naphtha for them.

The largest amount of sulfuric acid in the world is found in the lake of Death in Sicily. Navit komakhi do not risk coming close to the next month. At the bottom of the lake there are two dzherels, yakkі give otruynu speech into the water, by the same token, the roblyach її unsuitable for life.

With the greatest acid, I could see in the distance that vicarious people, obviously, bula otstova. The very term "acid" (from the Latin "acid") is quite similar to the Latin "acetum" - an ocet. Destruction of technology, with the production of wine by winemakers of old, led to the yogo sourness of that otstu. They wagged a bunch of yoga, and then they knew that it was stagnant in spices, lika and a retailer.

In 1778, the French chemist Antoine Lavoisier admitted that the acid authorities were slandering in the present warehouse. This hypothesis turned out to be impossible, the shards of rich acids do not sour in their warehouse, even as richly acidic streaks do not show acidic powers. Prote the same hypothesis gave the name sour as a chemical element. I only in 1833, the German chemist Justus Liebikh, having identified acid as a water-soluble half, in such a water can be substitutions for metal.

The degree of acidity is determined by the concentration of a few water ions, so it sounds like the amount of gram-ions per l. For clarity, the acidity of the differences is taken to be measured at the so-called pH values. Distilled water has a pH = 7, which is acidic below, and more puddle. Vimiryuvannya carried out on a scale of 0 to 14.

The shell of a person of turmoil when it was time to repair its surface was affected by the shell juice, which is hydrochloric acid. Shlunkovy sik people are aggressive in order to make more money for the shin for the day.

The sum of two acids, nitric and hydrochloric in proportions of 1 to 3, is the homeland of yellow color and may be the unique building of rich noble metals (gold, platinum), for which it took the name "Tsar's burner".

Not everyone knows what an important ingredient of the popular Coca-Cola is phosphoric acid, with an indicator of acidity pH = 2.8.

Murashina acid is named so to those who, at the moment of insecurity, are seen as ants to get ahead of other bags of antler, that zahistu from hizhakiv.

In warm-blooded creatures, during the process of speech exchange, there is a small amount of lactic acid, and the smell allows mosquitoes and other mosquitoes to know their prey.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid has the formula C6H8O6 and is a water-soluble vitamin, which takes part in the biochemical oxidation processes of the human body.

Citric acid is obtained not only from lemons (25 kg per ton of lemons), but also from the flowering fungus Aspergillus niger.

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