Salad with arugula and chicken breast. Savory and simple salad with arugula and chicken Simple salad with arugula and chicken fillet

How to prepare a salad with arugula with chicken breast. Simple i savory recipe cooking salad with arugula and chicken meat.

Cooking hour- 30-40 quills.
Calories per 100 g- 80 kcal.

Arugula is brought to the "cabbage" family. Radishes, horseradish, girchitsya, radishes and, obviously, without middle, all varieties of cabbage come in before the new one. Like and may be all other representatives of this family, arugula may have spicy relish and may give power to the human body.

The most in vitamin K. Usyy is less than 100 g of herbs at home to ensure the additional norm of this vitamin. Arugula is also capable of fighting viruses and bacteria, improving immunity, increasing hemoglobin levels and reducing the amount of blood sugar.

Most of all, add roslin to salads, they give it a piquant relish and aroma. Rucola with chicken meat and tomatoes will definitely be eaten. Yak, for example, in the recipe for a salad with arugula and chicken breast. Grava to come out sitnoy, maє piquant relish and easy tartness.

Such a salad is a miracle pidide like a snack. You can navitt you can replace the main grass, chicken meat to rob yoga and live.

To prepare, take:

  • - A bunch of arugula,
  • - 2 ground tomatoes,
  • - Chicken breasts,
  • - a teaspoon of mustard,
  • - 2 tablespoons of soy sauce,
  • - A teaspoon of lemon juice.

Rinse the arugula and put it on a wide dish.

Chicken breasts are boiled in salty water. Wiymіt її, cool, wrap like a brush. Tear the meat with your hands. Fill the broth for making soup. And put the meat on the beast on the arugula.

Mix lemon juice, mustard and a tablespoon of soy sauce.

Pour sauce over meat and grass.

Rinse the tomatoes and cut them in pieces. Speak to the beast.

Pour the tomatoes over the animal with soy sauce, which is too much. Dodatkovo salty salad nemaє consume, even soy sauce and so saltine. However, if you love good salting, you can add a little salt to your taste. Salad from arugula with chicken breast is ready to be cooked, you can eat it.

Some traditional snacks, even if you like some favorite stench, are added and you want something new, fresh and unusual.

So, it’s nice to try a salad with arugula and chicken - light, with spicy Italian notes and subtle spiciness of mustard herbs, as they call arugula. Today we prepare two options: the classic one with tomatoes and balsamic sauce, as well as the new one with tangerines and purple onions.

Mediterranean greens arugula in salads

Arugula appeared in stores a long time ago, but there are too many people to bypass it, not knowing about the relish and melancholy of this extraordinary greenery.

Time at the Mediterranean cuisine, and at the same time more in the Italian cuisine, it is respected by more than one of the main components, next to olive oil and seafood. Її add to soups, salads, pizza and bring infusion.

  • Arugula is lightly hospitable, with a spicy relish and it is good to go to the meat or ribi, savoring its aroma.
  • Until then, she is indispensable for those who follow their figure. Girchichna grass is low-calorie, improves the exchange of speech and helps the work of herbal organs. To that vikoristannya її in salads is recommended for a variety of reasons.

Svyatkova salad appetizer with chicken and arugula


  • - 300 g + -
  • - 200 g + -
  • Rucola - 100 g + -
  • - 150 g + -
  • - for lubrication + -
  • - for the taste + -
  • - for the taste + -
  • Balsamic sauce - for dressing + -

Recipe for meat salad with arugula and mozzarella

Prepare a light salad Italian style with chicken breast and cheese. Vіn pіdіyde yak for warm weather, so for embellishment and versatility of a new table. Let's fix it.

  • Chicken fillet seasoned with sill and pepper. You can add some dried basil or sumish “Italian herbs”.
  • In a frying pan, we pour a tablespoon of rosemary, soniashnikov's olive oil and smear the trigger. Along the frill from the skin side to the golden vein.
  • Shchіlno nakrivaєmo krishkoy that let's infuse 10-15 whilin.
  • Arugula is washed and dried with a paper towel.

As if we beat the grass in the mountaineers, then we see the hard bases of the stems and the leaves are overwhelmed. As soon as you took the bag ready in the package, you can beat it again.

  • We put arugula on flat grass. For bazhannya, lightly seasoned with black pepper and drizzled with olive oil.
  • Cherry tomatoes are washed, rubbed dry, cut into halves and placed on the salad.
  • Mozzarella is finely narrated, for the size of the shmatochki, they are similar to black. We add them to the other components.
  • Chicken fillet is cut on the rim plate about 5 mm - it will be the top ball.
  • Above, just before serving, drizzle with dark balsamic sauce. Remember that I can have a little bit of licorice relish, so that the amount is chosen for the ruling court. Chi is not mixed.

The axis is so crisp and beautifully you can prepare a salad with arugula and a cock. Obviously, you can’t save yoga for a long time, so you’ll need to insure the amount. In the description of the recipe, the ingredients are indicated in two servings.

But it would be wrong to say that this is the only option to deliciously cook fresh and unusual salad with mustard grass. Try another piquant new option with tangerines and smoked chicken.

Leaf salad with arugula, smoked chicken and tangerines.


  • Smoked cock - 500 g;
  • Rucola - 100 g;
  • Violet cibula - 1 pc.;
  • Mandarini - 3 pcs.;
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Olive oliya - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Lemon sik - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Strength for relish;
  • Chorny chalking pepper - to relish.

Robimo light chicken salad "New mood" with arugula

Like mi bachimo, all the ingredients of the Christmas salad are already ready - there was no more narizati and zmishati. As if getting ready before the arrival of the guests, then such an appetizer should be served at the last moment, so that there is no more fresh.

  • Violet onions are thinner than pivkiltsy yakomoga. If you want a softer option, then you need a little bit of salt and a lot of wedges with your hands.
  • The arugula is washed and discussed in the light of the surpluses of the vologa. As necessary, you can see the foundations of the stems. Leaves with a thin gіrchichny relish do not ring out.
  • In a small capacity, we add olive oil, lemon juice and honey.

As soon as the honey has fallen into the ground, it is necessary to grow it in a micro-furnace oven or on a steam bath. Sauce, scho viyshov, salty and lightly peppery.

  • We mix the leaves of the arugula with the sauce and put the base of the salad, which came out, on a dish with a flat bottom.
  • At the trigger, you can see the shkir - it’s too fat, that doesn’t need a salad. Vіdokremlyuєmo filet vіd kіstok. You can take a part of the bird, if you want, if there was meat, if you want stegence. Rіzhemo on small shmatochki and vkladaєmo on arugula.
  • From above, evenly rose under the purple cibulus.
  • The upper ball is tangerines. The fruits are clean, you can see there are white veins and they are subdivided into small parts. Fallow in the form of rosemary, the chastices can be put on the lettuce or cut in front into 2-3 parts.

We have simple viyshov and piquant sour-licorice salad.

You can prepare a salad with arugula and chicken for any recipe, or come up with your own. Just remember that if you want to finish the greens with the lower one, then it’s not enough to mix the ingredients behind.

Also, don’t cook for a salad over hot ingredients: a bird with fire, eggs are thin, rather give them a little chill.


To give meat to the bird, especially the cicada gustatory flavor, marinate the yogo in soy sauce. Ale, in order - fillet promiёmo, cleaned like plіvok and pierced by small shmatochki. So that the meat absorbed the marinade more quickly and became soft, you can easily see the shmatochki from both sides with a special hammer. At the bottom of the plate we poured soy sauce, we put the triggers in the new shmatochki, we mix it up and we ooze out on the pivgodini.

Rinse orange and greens. From an orange we take a peel, we see more successful spitting and we add yogo to the chastochki. Chastki can be cut navpil chi zalishit like є, like an orange is not great.

The greens are dried with a path of strushuvannya, we can see the lower rough parts of the stems, and the leaves, which are left out, are sharply cut. Arugula can be left without change.

Who should be given if sesame seeds are dried? Meni! So wine becomes fragile and gains additional savory notes. We put the pan on the stove and light the burner. We put sesame seeds on a frying pan and smear it with yogo to a light golden color, without adding olive oil.

The meat was already marinated, and the yogo was removed from the plates and dried with paper servlets. You can not rinse the frying pan after slathering sesame seeds, as if it didn’t burn, but smear the pan with olive oil and put it on fire for roasting. In a hot frying pan, we marinated the chicken meat and smeared yogo from the sides to a ruddy crackle. On the tse wee weave approximately 4-5 strands. Remove the shmatochki with a noise, pour the olive oil, and put them on a plate, de meat will be reached before adding to the salad. M'yaso after obsmazhuvannya is better than weaving on paper towels, so that the stench has absorbed the zayvy fat, we do not need shards of wine in salads, not more, on our sides.

  • 350 grams of chicken breast
  • 4 eggs
  • 200 grams cherry
  • 1 bunch of arugula
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • Sil, pepper - for relish
  • Time for preparation: 00:45
  • Cooking hour: 00:15
  • Number of servings: 2
  • Foldability: easy


Arugula appeared in our culinary quest not long ago, but for such a short term it could significantly change its position. An inimitable relish, a spicy aroma and a slightly spicy sing-song to add a rodinka to the grass, you are ready.

With this recipe, I will propagate your salad with arugula, which will become a wonderful addition to the table and please your friends, relatives and loved ones. It’s easy to do it, most of the products are already in your refrigerator, you don’t have to know the best time.

  1. On the back, I smoke my breast. Boil out to finish the shvidko, about 20-25 hvilin after the water boils. Water is needed a little bit of salt. As soon as the cock will be ready, strut її and let it cool.

  2. We cut the trigger on small pieces. If you want to love more shmatochki - all fall in line with your likeness.

  3. We put a frying pan on the fire, pour a small amount dewy olive and let's get warm. After that, as the oliya is fried, we put a piece of chicken on the frying pan.

  4. So, as our chicken breast is already ready, we just need to grease it around the edges until a crispy crust is eaten. For whom, literally 8-10 quills are needed, after whom we take a frying pan with fire.

  5. As long as the trigger is smeared, the eggs are boiled. Vіdvarenі eggs cleanly and pіzhemo on small squares.

  6. We put the eggs in the cup. Dodaemo there, ready to grease the chicken pieces.

  7. Now for the tomatoes. For such a salad, it’s better to choose small cherry tomatoes, so that the stink of licorice, refreshing relish and zest to its small size even look natural at the stock of grass.

  8. Crushed black is corrected at the cup to the trigger and eggs.

  9. It's time to add the arugula yourself. A small bunch of rіzhemo (or torn with hands) on small pieces and add to the salad.

  10. We add strength, pepper, olive oil and mix well.

Simple i savory salad Get ready, have a great appetite!

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking hour: Not specified

The original summer salad with arugula and chicken, with the addition of juice tomatoes, licorice bell pepper and spicy low-fat sauce - the whole swede from the prepared European cuisine, you can serve it as a main dish. A light dietary salad will be especially enjoyed by lovers of healthy natural meat. The white meat of the chicken with fresh vegetables will not give a heavy burden to the shell, you can boldly prepare it for the evening. This salad has few calories, especially the salad dressings. It is prepared on the basis of olive oil and lemon juice with additional mustard. At the fragrant arugula, relish to go piquant! They haven’t cooked a salad yet, for the sake of zrobiti - one more delicious and beautiful appetizer can’t be hurt!

- chicken fillet - 300 g,
- Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.,
- tomatoes - 2 pcs.,
- arugula - 70 g,
- Girchitsya - 1 tsp,
- olive oil - 3 tablespoons,
- fresh lemon juice - 1 tsp,
- black pepper - 1 pinch,
- strength - 1 pinch.

Pokrokovy recipe from photo:

Tse products, as we need from the rozrahunka for two portions. Chicken fillet is served in advance. Since there are already own range of flavors in this recipe, then you need to add some special spices. Just salt, pepper and burnt brightly at the foil, ready in the oven.
To prepare a salad for fifteen minutes, all the ingredients are ready on the table. Then we will be deprived of less zmіshati all at once - and the country is ready.
The baked chicken needs to be chilled. Let's sort it out into fibers.

We clean the Bulgarian pepper from the bottom. We're ready for marriage. And tomatoes are medium shmatochki.

You can have a salad. We distribute arugula in equal portions on two plates. Lightly fluff with fingers.
We put pepper on top. Gently mix with your fingers so that the grass does not crumple.
We offer filet. Here it’s already unhandy with your fingers, so we take a fork to the hands. And for її help, so very gently mix balls.

Dali - right behind the sauce. We beat the olive oil for help lemon juice. Let's add some hot water and mix it up again. Salt and pepper. You can add 0.5 tsp for the bazhannyam. honey in the sauce.

Chunks of tomatoes were put on top of the salad. Topped with sauce!

Salad with arugula and chicken is ready for tasting!
Please: Chicken fillet is not obov'yazkovo zapіkati. M'yaso can be steamed. Offending qi ways not to take a lot of time and save dietary power dishes.

Zvichaynі tomatoes can be replaced by cherry. It is recommended to prepare

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