A savory recipe for ogirki in tomato sauce. Cigarettes in tomato juice and water with tomato paste - it's delicious! Marinated fritters in tomatoes

At wide stakes lovers of crispy ogirkіv with a spicy relish, this recipe is small, but if you happen to try it, then the recipe is written down obov'yazkovo and passed from hand to hand.

To prepare ogirks for the winter in such an unusual way, small gherkins and fruits that have outgrown are brought in.


  • fresh cucumbers - 5 kg,
  • tomato paste - 1 l,
  • water - 1 l,
  • zukor refined - 200 g,
  • sil kitchen without iodine - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • roslinna oliya odorless - 1 bottle,
  • table set - 1 bottle.

Cooking process:

5 kg of ogirkiv are washed in cold water and cut into circles with a width of 0.5 cm.

For a deep dish, a sauce for ogirkiv is prepared. Mix 1 liter of tomato paste with such a quantity of pure water, add 200 gr. sukrovy pishku, 3 tablespoons of great pomelo salt (not iodized), 1 bottle of olive oil. The mass is resolutely stirred, put on fire, brought to a boil and boiled for 2-3 hvilin.

At the boiling countryside, spiced stumps are poured, a bottle of table otstu is poured. Everything is mixed up and boiled for 5 chills.

Potim lettuce with ogirkiv in tomato sauce is laid out crisply in sterile jars, as if they are closed with cold lids (it is necessary to boil them for a long time). Banks with warm lettuce are turned upside down, covered in a carpet and left in such a state until completely cooled.

You can save sturgeons in tomato paste at room temperature.

For the recipe, that photo was prepared by Marina Oleksandrivna.

Perhaps, you will like how to make canned chickpeas with chili ketchup:

Good luck, Anyuto.

For the fates of practice, the skin master accumulates a lot of different recipes for marinating and salting ogirkiv. While the summer season is at a fire, we encourage you to hurry up in one more twisted way and cook ogirki for the winter with tomato sauce.

If you haven’t tried such a marinade for greens yet, try it obov’yazkovo. You take away two satisfactions in one - crispy fritters and spicy tomato juice. Such a savory and fragrant preparation can be served as an independent snack or as a side dish to hot other herbs.

Getting down to home preparations, respect for a few important moments:

  • for conservation, choose small mince stumps - about 10-12 cm zavdovka. Three varieties are good for Altai, Beregoviy, Salting, Miraculous, Courage, Nightingale and others. D For pickling and pickling, it is better to pickle vicorist to make strongly humpbacked, puffy fritters with dark thorns. Lettuce fruits can also be rolled up, but do not check them for special springiness and crunchiness;
  • soak the stumps in cold water ahead of time. Freshly matured for 2-3 years, and purchased ones are more likely to be soaked for 8-10 years (during the process, it is recommended to wash the water once).
  • for the preparation of tomato sauce, choose only yakіsnі veggies - zіpsovannyh tomatoіv nіkoli nіyde savory sauce;
Do not vicorate iodized strength for conservation - you will not give the preparations an inadmissible prismak and soften the cinders.


We offer you a sprat of clumsy recipes for ogurt salad for vibir: іz juice z fresh tomatoes, with tomato paste, with purchased juice, with ketchup, as well as a recipe for a light and juicey lecho with ogirkiv.

This simple recipe for crispy pickled ogirki in a spicy sauce will definitely become one of your favorites. It will take at least an hour to prepare the blanks, and the result will delight you - you can drink tomato juice or vikoristovuvat as a sauce for other herbs.

Cooking hour: 1 year
About `em: 2 l


  • ogirok - 1 kg;
  • pitna water - 1 l;
  • chilli pepper - 1 pc.;
  • hourglass - 4-6 cloves;
  • tomato paste - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • tables, 9% - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • oliya roslinna - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • pepper peas - 6-8 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • tsukor - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • the strength of the stone is great - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Wipe the stubs, remember and trim the ponytails. Break apart 4 parts.
  2. Clean the clockwork, remember and cut it with circles.
  3. Sterilize the jars, be it in a manual way.
  4. At the bottom of the skin jar, put a small amount of teapot, hot and cold pepper, bay leaf.
  5. Fill the jars with ogirki, firmly pressing one to one (like in the photo).
  6. For pouring, dissolve tomato paste in a saucepan with water, add zukor, salt and oil. Put on fire, bring to a boil and cook, stirring, stretching 5 chills.
  7. At the skin jar, add | add | 1 st. l. osttu and immediately pour the ogirki with hot tomato sauce (up to the very top of the jar). Lightly shake the jars so that the bulbs come out again and cover with sterilized lids.
  8. Lay a towel at the bottom of a large pot, put jars and pour hot water on the plate. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Pasteurize zagotіvlyu 20-25 strands after boiling water.
  9. Roll up the jars with lids, turn them upside down, wrap them in a carpet and leave until cold.

This is a delicious fragrant appetizer with crispy ogirki at the tomato bay with a teapot and spices to brighten up a cold summer evening and tell about the spicy summer days.

Cooking hour: 1.5 years
About `em: 3.5 l


  • ogirok - 2.5 kg;
  • tomato - 1 kg;
  • chasnik - 1 head;
  • dry adjika - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • peppercorns with peas - 1 tsp;
  • oliya roslinna - 100 ml;
  • tablespoons, 9% - 100 ml;
  • tsukor - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • the strength of the stone is great - 3 tbsp. l.


  1. Pour tomatoes and sprinkle with dill for 20-30 seconds. Let's put it in a bowl and put cold water in the sink. From chilled fruits, carefully remove the skin and cut the core. Twist the tomatoes in meat grinders or refine them in a blender homogeneous mass. Even more great - you can pass the masa through a sieve.
  2. Cut the tails of the ogirks and cut them with circles.
  3. Pour the tomato mass into the saucepan, add strength, zucor and olive. Bring to a boil and cook, stirring, 10 chills.
  4. Add the ogirki to the sauce and bring it to a boil again. Put adjika, pepper and chasnik, mix and boil 10 khvilin. Take it out of the fire, add an estimate and mix it up.
  5. Spread the hot salad in jars and roll up the fritters. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them well with a carpet and dry them until completely cooled.

Spicy snack is ready!

We suggest to you one of the simplest and most popular ways of preparing hot oggs for the winter, which is suitable for cobs and does not require great timchas vitrates. During the cooking process, you can add a few aromatic spices to the sauce (hot sauce, coriander, peppercorns, marjoram, basil, krip). Greens, prepared according to this recipe, look licorice-hospitable, but you can adjust the amount of salt and zucr to your taste. If you are not up to the soul of licorice prismak, you are told how many ingredients to take 6 tbsp. l. spoons of zucru ta 4 tbsp. l. salt.

Cooking hour: 1 year
About `em: 4 l


  • ogirok - 3 kg;
  • pitna water - 1 l;
  • zukor - 250 g;
  • tables of tables, 9% - 200 ml;
  • gostri ketchup - 250-300 ml;


  1. Wipe the stubs, remember and cut the ponytails. Great fruits are cut in a sufficient way.
  2. Sterilize jars and lids.
  3. Spread the stubs in jars, tightly pressing one to one.
  4. At the pot with water, boil zukor and sil. Put on fire and stir until the spices are completely expanded. Add ketchup and mix. Bring the sauce to a boil, pour in the ocet, mix it again and take it out of the fire.
  5. Pour the fritters with hot sauce up to the neck of the jars and cover with lids.
  6. Lay a towel at the bottom of a large pot, put jars and pour hot water on the plate. Put on fire and bring the water to a boil. Pasteurize jars with a stretch of 10-15 strands after boiling. Just like the sauce in the jars is more boiling, and the stumps of the troch will darken, vitrimat 3-4 hvilin and roll up the jars with lids.
So that the glass does not burst under the hour of pouring the hot marinade, direct the boiling homeland to the center of the jar, trying not to hit the walls.

Another simple recipe for ogirkіv in tomato sauce for those who do not have time to cook. For a snack, you need ready-made tomato sik - home-purchased chi. To save the hour, you can not cut the stumps, but put more, so choose not too great fruit. Add some spices and herbs, which are found in the shafi: peppercorns, hot mustard, basil, root and leaves, tarragon, currant leaves, krip and others.

Cooking hour: 40 hwilin
About `em: 3 l


  • ogirok - 2 kg;
  • tomato juice - 1.5 l;
  • chasnik - 1 head;
  • krip - 4-5 parasols;
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pieces;
  • cloves - 3-4 pcs.;
  • peppercorns - black, winter (3-4 pcs.);
  • tables, 9% - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • tsukor - 1.5 tbsp. l. / for relish;
  • the strength of the stone is great - 1.5 tbsp. l. / for relish.
To make the sauce made from Viyshov tomato juice more rich and fragrant, add 1 tsp to the skin liter of juice. tomato paste.


  1. Ogіrki remember and remember.
  2. Prepare containers - sterilize jars and lids in any manual way.
  3. Clean the clock and remember.
  4. At the bottom of the jars, put a part of the spices and a bowl, then tamp the stumps hard. Put a surplus of spices on top.
  5. Pour tomato juice into the pan, bring to a boil, add zucor and strength. Boil, stirring, 5-7 chills | minutes |.
  6. At the skin jar, pour in an equal amount of otstu (handily pour liter jars and add 1 tbsp. at the skin). Pour hot tomato juice and cover with fritters.
  7. Lay a towel at the bottom of a large pot, put jars and pour hot water on the plate. Put on fire and bring the water to a boil. Pasteurize jars with a stretch of 15 minutes after boiling (for containers with a volume of 1 liter). Let's roll them up with caps.
  8. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a carpet and dry them until completely cooled.

We encourage you to marvel at the video recipe of yet another savory oatmeal salad from a well-known master. For harvesting, you can vicorate greenery that has outgrown:

Lecho - tse shalena appetizer before m'yasnim stravam that potato! We encourage you to lightly treat ogirkiv with spicy tomato sauce. Preparing to go out like juice in the world of piquant. For more intense flavor, you can add chopped Bulgarian pepper (2-3 pcs.).

Cooking hour: 1.5 years
About `em: 3.5 l


  • ogirok - 1.5 kg;
  • tomato - 1.5 kg;
  • cibulya ripchasta (middle) - 4 pcs.;
  • chasnik - 1 head;
  • fresh greens - parsley, basil - 0.5 bunch;
  • cloves - 3-4 pcs.;
  • peppercorns - black, winter - 5-6 pcs.;
  • tablespoons, 9% - 100 ml;
  • oliya roslinna - 100 ml;
  • tsukor - 3 tbsp. l. / for relish;
  • the strength of the stone is great - 2 tbsp. l. / for relish.


  1. Pour tomatoes and sprinkle with dill for 20-30 seconds. Put in a bowl and put in a sink under a stream of cold water. From the chilled fruits, take the skin and cut the core. Narizati pretty shmatki. Twist the tomatoes through a meat grinder and a blender to a homogeneous mass.
  2. Remember the greens, dry them and bundle them into bundles.
  3. Put the tomato paste on the fire and bring it to a boil. Kip'yatiti 10 min. Add strength, zukor, spices and bundles of greens (if you add your stink aroma, you will need to clean them up). Mix and languish in the full fire, stirring, until thick and thick tomato mass.
  4. In the preparation of ogirks, trim the ponytails and cut the zavtovshki 0.5 cm with circles.
  5. Clean the cibula, commemorate and shake it with thin pivkilts.
  6. Clean the watchmaker and chop it finely.
  7. Mix prepared ingredients in tomato sauce, pour in olive oil and bring to a boil. Cook by stirring 10 quills. Pour in an estimate, mix it up with fire.
  8. Sterilize jars and lids.
  9. Pour lecho into hot jars and roll up with lids. Turn it over, wrap it with a blanket and leave it until it is completely overwhelmed.

And what are the ways to prepare savory ogirkіv vikoristovuєte vy? Share with us in the comments your favorite recipes.

To help gardeners and city dwellers, I have developed handy programs for Android. Nasampered tse posіvnі (monthly, kvіtkovі toshcho) calendars, thematic magazines, dobriki brown colors. With this help, you can choose a day that is friendly for planting the skin type of roslin, designate the terms of its ripening and pick up the crop at the same time.

Oklahomi farmer Carl Burns has bred an unusual variety of variegated corn, which has taken the name Rainbow Corn (“rainbow”). Grains on the skin cob - different colors and colors: brown, erysipelas, violet, black, green and in. Such a result was reached by the way of the bagatoric selection of the largest varieties of the best varieties and their crossbreeding.

“Frost-resistant” varieties of garden sunnitsa (often simply “half-night”) will so demand ukrittya, as well as primal varieties (especially in quiet regions, where there are snowless winters or frost, which are blacked out from the weather). All sunits have roots on the surface. Tse means that without covering the stench will freeze. The sellers' orders for those who are "frost-resistant", "winter-resistant", "to endure frost down to -35 ℃", and so on, are a hoax. Sadivniki are guilty of remembrance that no one has yet gone into changing the root system of sunitsa.

Natural toxins are found in rich rosewoods; not vinnyatok and tі, yakі viroshchuyut in the gardens and in the cities. So, in the buds of apples, apricots, peaches, there is hydrocyanic (cyanistovodneva) acid, and in the buds and shkirts of unripe solanaceous (potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes) - solanine. But don’t be afraid of Varto: the number of people is not significant.

There is no native natural infection in tomatoes against late blight. As late as late blight attacks, die like a tomato (and potato tezh), no matter what was said in the description of the varieties (“varieties, resistant to late blight” - less of a marketing hіd).

In little Dania, be like a farmer of the earth - you will be satisfied on the road. To this, the gardeners-gorodniks hung on to grow fresh vegetables in the wind, large packages, boxes of foam plastic, filled with a special earthen bag. Such agrotechnical methods give the ability to take away the crops from the minds of the home.

Fatherland of pepper - America, but the main breeding work of licorice varieties was carried out by zokrema, Ferenc Horvath (Ugorshchina) in the 20s. XX century in Europe, most importantly in the Balkans. At Russia, having already consumed pepper from Bulgaria, he won his own name - “Bulgarian”.

It is important that some vegetables and fruits (ciggers, stalks, all kinds of cabbage, peppers, apples) may have “negative calorie content”, so that when overpickled, more calories are consumed, lower they have. In fact, the etching process consumes less than 10-20% of the calories taken away.

To indulge guests with savor at the worst time of fate, we hope for material, like closing cigars in tomato juice for the winter: recipes, photos of that stage of conservation. Do not cease to amaze with your relish at the finished look on the Christmas table of cinders in tomato juice for the winter, the recipes for which can be finished with different ones.

Preservation of ogirkiv is the first, why start the season harvested for the winter

Another kіlka rokіv that nіhto y did not suspect that it is possible to conserve in tomato juice. Such an innovation came to the house to the skin master and strongly fixed its miraculous result. Provisions from ogirkiv at tomato are a wonderful addition to any garnish.

Which recipe do you choose?

Cinders are a seasonal vegetable, and they themselves begin to ripen in chervni. I really want to please myself with that charge. That is why conservation comes to the rescue. The relish of such provisions can be different: sour, licorice, salty. All fall in the proportions of the ingredients and the presence of that other product. When choosing a recipe, you don’t have to fool around, everything is left in your bag. If you want to add winter sourness, then rob the recipe from citric acid, love salted straws - a recipe from great salt to your services. Ale, the most delicious and the most wide-spread for today, is the kind of canned cistern in tomato juice for the winter.

Marinated ogirki - not only savory and fragile vegetable, more korisny. Regularly lowering the acidity of the mucosa, spraying a stable work of the submucosal mucosa, helping with virazki and gastritis. And rich in their potassium, magnesium and cells normalize arterial vice. Vitamin A, B1, B6, C, D can be used to improve cartilage tissue and slough, as it is also included in the diet.

Recipes for ogirkiv in tomato juice with a detailed description and photo

Already protested a lot of variations of recipes for preserving ogirkiv in tomato juice for the winter. The first recipe of them will be presented below. A popular option is harvesting under the name “Cooks in tomato juice for the winter whole”. Cooking trivatime 1.5 - 2 years.

Recipe for harvesting whole ogirkiv in tomato juice

For preparation, you need the following components:

  • ogirki - 0.5 kg;
  • tomato - 0.5 l;
  • aspirin - 1 tablet (per jar, volume 1 liter);
  • tsukor - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • chasnik - 1 ruble head.

Spices: a small chronu leaf, 1 hot pepper, krip, a couple of small leaves of cherry and currant, bay leaf, 8 pieces of black peppercorns.

From 1.2 kg of juice tomatoes, 1 liter of tomato comes out.

Cooking process

Take the ingredients under running water. For the unique sight of ready-made provisions, bazhano, let the stumps lie down by the water for a year, so that the stench is more likely to rot in themselves. Behind the bajannyam, you can trim the beast from the bottom, tidying up the tails.

Viklasti mimiti ogirki and spices at the curse єmnіst. Vegetables can be laid perpendicular to the bottom, instead, vibudovuvat tin soldiers, and put the spices on the bottom. Abo, the filling vibrates with balls: a ball of spices, a ball of fires and so on. For the result of marinating sturgeons in tomato juice only change. old-fashioned look The flavor of the roztashuvannya іngredієntіv does not spit. It is not necessary to sterilize the jars in front, even if the product can be fermented better than aspirin.

Boil water and pour it into the cans, let it stand for 5 hvilin, then pour it back into the saucepan and boil it again. Those same zrobiti suddenly.

It's time to take up the tomato. Grind clean tomatoes on meat grinders and put them on the stove. There is no trace of creaming the skin of tomatoes.

Ochikuyuchi if the water boils, it is necessary to stir it up constantly, so that the burning burns. The boiled tomato has a wisipati strength and tsukor.

Tomato juice is important to cook, if it burns, the pins stop appearing.

Make water angry with vegetables, take an aspirin tablet and throw it at the jar. Let's fill everything with tomato juice.

The jars are closed with a tin lid and turned upside down, wrapping the fabric in warmth.


Even if you don’t feel like using fresh tomatoes by hand, or you don’t want to suffer from their grinding, tomato juice can be taken from tomato sauce or ketchup (home-made). The finished result is incomparable to the recipe with tomato and fresh tomatoes.

New sprats of wide recipes for tomato juice for the winter will be the same for those who want to grow tomato juice from sauce and ketchup. For tasting the concentrated taste of the finished gravy, the fritters in this recipe are not curled up, but are cut into circles. The provisions are ready for a licorice-hostry prismak, which is appreciated by lovers of piquancy.

Video-recipe for cooking rіzanih ogіrkіv in tomato sauce

Recipe for zagotovlі ogirkіv zvareny shmakami in tomato juice


  • sturgeons dribnі - 2.5 kg;
  • tomato sauce - 1 l;
  • unboiled water - 1l;
  • roslinna refined oliya - 1 bottle;
  • ocet (9%) - 1 bottle (150 grams);
  • chasnik - 2 heads;
  • tsukor-1 bottle;
  • sil - 50 grams.

In 1 tablespoon 25 g zucru and 30 g salt.

Cooking process

Banks should be sterilized and sterilized.

Vimitі ogіrki narіzayut circles with tovshchina vіd 5 mm to 1 cm.

Prepare tomato sik. For this, the tomato sauce is diluted with warm boiled water in proportions, re-digested more in ingredients. Add strength to otrimana sumish, tsukor and pour oliya. Mix and boil.

As soon as it boils, at the new one they lay vegetables and cook rіzanі ogіrki in tomato juice with a stretch of 20 strands.

After the completion of the cooking process, throw in a bowl and pour in an estimate.

Hot salad with oranges and tomato juice is poured into jars, covered with a lid, turned over and allowed to cool in a warm carpet.

The recipe for ogirkiv in tomato juice, the basis of which is ketchup, will also delight you with its crispness and savory result. For whom do you need 5 liter cans. Taking away the taste is stale, depending on how ketchup is taken on the cob. Chili ketchup gives gostrina, paprika - malt.

Recipe for canned ogirkiv povnistyu with ketchup


  • ogirki - 3.5 kg;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • ketchup - 8 tbsp. l.;
  • sil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • tsukor - 1 bottle (100 grams);
  • otset - 1 bottle.

Specials for 1 liter jar:

  • chasnik - 4 teeth;
  • black peppercorns - 5 pieces;
  • peas of stock pepper - 2 pieces;
  • bay leaf - 2 pieces.

Spices for bajannyam that relish - parsley, shmatki root chronu, krip

Cooking process

Vegetables should be kept and placed by the water for 5 years, so that the stench will rot away more than water.

At the bottom of non-sterilized jars, spices are put into the bottom of the unsterilized jars, and cinders are heavily loaded to the beast.

Preparation of tomato juice: add boiling water to the given proportions of strength, zucor and ketchup. After 10 minutes of boiling, pour in the ocet and pour the marinade over the jars with the mixture.

To sterilize the blank for 10-20 minutes from the moment of boiling water at the pan.

Banks roam with a plaque lid, turn over, without pretending to anything, deprive such a station until it is fully achieved.

Ready zilla served!

Preservation of ogirkіv in tomato juice is easier and it is easier for shvidka to be busy, as the skin of the offensive river of the gospodarka is turned to these recipes anew. Goofy take with you a warm mood and see a calm weekend day.

Receive your blanks that tasty winter!

Video recipe for cooking ogirkiv with tomato paste

Leather woman to work on preparing ogirkiv for the winter for different recipes. On cold winter evenings, Aja longs for something savory and inimitable. Until then, an appetizer with ogirkiv is always relevant. And yet, marinated oyster mushrooms in tomato sauce can have the most irreversible relish.

Recipes for preparations for the winter of ogirkiv in tomato sauce

Marinated ogirki in tomato sauce for the winter.

For the preparation of marinated ogirki in tomato sauce, take the products indicated in the recipe:

  1. Coughs of any kind of rosemary - 2.5 kg;
  2. Tsukrovy pіsok - 1/2 bottle;
  3. Oliya dewdrop - 1/2 bottle;
  4. Estimated tables - 1/2 bottle (9%);
  5. Clock teeth - 4 pieces;
  6. Tsybulya ripchasta bila - 2 pieces of medium size;
  7. Tomato paste or sauce - 250 ml.

How to pickle ogirkiv for cim recipe:

  • Get the banks ready. Take a look at the number of defects, kindly remember with sodomy rozchiny or miyuchy zasobom, rinse in running water and sterilize in the most convenient way for you (over steam, in oven, steam boiler);
  • Ogіrki vimiti and narizati їkh kіltsami, tovshchina approximately 1 cm;
  • Tsibulyu rіpchastu and chasnikovі cloves zvіlniti vіd lushpinnya, rinse and podrіbniti after the help of a meat grinder or a blender;
  • Zmіshati in an okremіy єmnostі tomato paste, table ocet and zukor. Kindly spread it to add to them the ole of the dewy trip;
  • The great єmnіst viklasti all the preparations of the components, and itself: mugs of ogirkiv, trimmed tsibula and chasnik, marinade. Put a container on the stove and turn on the fire at a minimum. Bring the masa to a boil, and then boil 5 quills;
  • Place pickled fritters at the prepared jar and seal it well for the help of a special key.

Gostri ogirki with tomato paste - a recipe for the winter

To prepare gostrikh ogirkiv, use the ingredients indicated in the recipe:

Cooking ogirkіv gostrikh includes the following steps:

  • Kindly wash the cinders, fill them with cold water for 3 years (minyat the water of the schogodini), dry them and cut them into large circles;
  • Clean the chasnik from the husk, rinse and trim with a blender or chasnik;
  • Zmіshati in one єmnosti narіzanі vegetаl and podrіbneniy chasnichok;
  • Add to the ogirkovo-chasnikovo sumishi paprika, chalking red pepper, kam'yanu sil, tsukrovy pіsok, Oliya Sonyashnikova and tomato paste in the same quantity, as indicated in the recipe;
  • Mustache components mix well and add capacity to the stove. turn on the fire at the minimum level;
  • After the pіvgodini, tomato sauce is established, which is to blame for the relish, not salty, but gostry. Boil gostrі ogіrochki for 15 hvilin, and then add a table estimate of 9%. Turn up the fire. Cover the container with a lid and let the blanks infuse with a stretch of 15 strands;
  • Prepare jars for an hour. Dobré їх vimite z vikoristany soda rozchiny or miyugogo sobu. Rinse in running water and sterilize in any way that is convenient for you. Cover the lids with a sprinkle of mul tezh and sterilize;
  • Lay out the hot prepared preparation in prepared jars and roll it up well. Let the harvesters cool and wine for saving for the winter in a cold place.

Pickled fritters with tomato paste for the winter for a simple recipe

To prepare wicker, use the following products:

Cooking includes next steps:

  • Start preparing banks. Vimiyte and good vibroshchit їх. Put to sterilize. Cover the krishki with sprinkles;
  • Ogіrki good vimiti and fill them with water. Shouting bagan. Let them brew for 3 years (it can be longer), changing the water for a while. Todi horns are more crispy;
  • Viklasti fruits in the preparation of sterile jars. Add chasnikov's teeth, leafing laurel, parsley. Fill with dip. Dates to warm up the ogirkas with a stretch of 15 hvilin and then make the water angry. I’m going to boil the water and pour it into jars with a call for 10 khvilin. Again pour water from cans;
  • While the fruits are warming up, make the marinade. For whom, in boiling water, sip strength, ocet, zukor, and tomato paste. Bring the marinade to a boil, boil 5 more chills and pour into jars with prepared warmed vegetables;
  • Cover the jars with lids and screw them on. Turn them over, wrap them up, wait for the moment, if the stench gets cold again. Cold blanks should be brought to the dark for storage for the winter.

Recipe for marinating ogirki for the winter in tomato sauce with sterilization without oli

To prepare ogirkiv for this recipe, prepare the following list of products:

Cooking vegetables for a winter recipe:

  • For the cob of good, go over the horns, cut them off and cut them on two sides of the kіnchiki. Lay at the bedside and soak the vegetables for 4 years with krizhany water. Do not forget to change the water more often (then the vegetables should be more crispy);
  • At this hour, prepare jars for conservation. Take a look at them, so that the stench does not small cracks, punctures or any other defects. After avoid zastosuvannyam miyuchoy sobu or soda rozchin Rinse thoroughly with running water. Put the jars to sterilize. For whom you can beat the oven, wash it with boiling water or micro-hvilovu pich. Sprinkle the lids with sprinkles or sterilize them;
  • Clean the clock from the lushpinnya. Dobre vimiti parsley and parasols crop;
  • At the bottom of the jar, put all the spices, and for the beast - generously pick up the cinders;
  • Prepare the marinade. For yoga preparation, pour water into the container, add water bloody pisok, strong kam'yanu and tomato paste. Mix all the ingredients of the marinade well and put the container on the stove.. Raise the fire to the maximum and bring the marinade to a boil. After boiling the marinade, pour into a new set of tables;
  • Ready, boiling, ready-made marinade, pour into jars with prepared vegetables up to the very neck. Cover jars with lids;
  • In the case of boiling water, put jars of preparation for 15 quills for sterilization. It is necessary to sterilize the preparation on a deadly fire;
  • At the next hour, carefully remove the hot cans and roll them up hermetically with the help of a special key. Turn them upside down with lids and wrap them up warm. Dock until the harvest is cold and blame it for taking it to the basement for the winter.

Recipe for pickled ogirki for the winter with tomato paste and oil with sterilization

For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

Preparing a recipe:

  • The ingredients listed in the recipe are warranted for approximately 5 cans of 3 liters each. Prepare them. Good vimite and sterilize;
  • Coughs of a small size win well and sip on both sides of the kіnchiki. Pour them with krizhanoy water for 3 years for a crunchy crunch;
  • At the bottom of the jar put small teeth and a leaf of laurel. Put the sheep on the beast, and in them the crop parasols;
  • Prepare the marinade. For this, pour water into the pan, an estimate of the canteens that add strength to the kam'yan, tsukrovy pіsok і tomato paste, і olіya roslinna. We put it on the stove, turn on the fire and check to boil the marinade. After boiling the marinade, it is necessary to boil 3 strands;
  • Pour the cooked vegetables in jars with hot marinade and cover with lids (but don’t wander). Fill jars in a container with okrop for 15 quills for sterilization. After 15 quills, carefully remove the jars from the water, wipe them and roll them up with well-prepared sterile lids. Turn the burnt jars upside down and burn them down and wrap them up warmly. Dock if the workpiece is freshly cooled and blame it at the bottom.
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