How to drink a martin correctly: corysni please. What is the best way to go to martin? Martini will eat with some juice

Infusion on fresh spices and herbs. Especially to love yoga, even if people are not encouraged to sit with a kelih of this fragrant and vishukan drink. With a clean looking yoga, they rarely live. Often people, trying to change the minutiae and drink the taste, experiment a long way away, supplementing it with different ingredients. That’s why it’s about those how to drink martins correctly and why it’s relevant today.

Classification, virobnik

Martini are brought to the class of vermouth. It is important for everyone to name it after the brand, under which the products of the Italian company Martini & Rossi are produced. Wine materials from different varieties of grapes are used in the production of vicorist: bilikh (double representations in plats, marked with the inscription "B'yanko") and chervonih (dances with wine are marked with the sign "Rossi")

What is the right way to drink a martin? Tse pitanya to cackle bagatioh. It is important that this drink should be taken in front of him as an aperitif. Wine is an ideal option for all types of buffets and cocktail parties. It’s also bad for martins to come and go for romantic evening. Vishukane fortified wine with a rich aroma and relish for quiet gatherings, but the main thing is not drinking that zha, but lively splintering.


Martini is the most popular vermouth in the world - Italian, which has 16-18% alcohol. The name of the flavored, herbal wine, like vermouth, is similar to the German word Wermut, which means "Pauline". The grass itself is the obov'yazykovym component of all sorts of vermouth. It is obligatory to increase up to 43% of the extract, which is used for aromatization of grape wines, which is used in the production of vermouth. Krіm Polina, I’ll let in the warehouse to drink other spices and herbs: mint, immortelle, yalivets, oman, wood, black elderberry, spices, cinnamon, motherwort, coriander, nutmeg, ginger, chamomile, ash, lemon balm. .

In the preparation of singing varieties of vermouth, up to a few dozen, or even hundreds of spicy and fragrant roslins are made, which enrich the grape wine with special aromatic and savory notes, which saturate the drink with astringency and smell.


It appears that it is not so easy to get to the bottom of the turns of the creation of this legendary drink. For one of the most popular versions, Hippocrates himself laid his hand before it. It is a legend to say that 2 thousand years ago, wine was hard on the wild badyan and artemisia. Who is the author of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreation I will drink, the history of the castle. So what else, martins are today the most popular type of vermouth in the world.


A popular drink is produced in Italy, at the Martini & Rossi winery near Turin. As the basis for the preparation of classic vermouth, vicarious is more important than wine, but in the rest of the hour, red and erysipelas varieties of grapes are more and more often stasted. More wine has a neutral relish and aroma, instead of alcohol in new - about 11-13%. I’ll drink fort to drink, in order to achieve the necessary balance of relish, increase up to 16-18%. To the created wine base add tsukor, pure alcohol, infusions of extracts of herb syrovin. At the red vermouth, add caramel. Then the vermouth is processed with cold, filtered, after which it is necessary to drink it for a long time (when the temperature is brought up to room temperature).

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The most popular types of vermouth are:

  • Bianco. This is the name of white vermouth, which has a vanilla aroma and characteristic spice.
  • Rosso. At this pure vermouth, I will sip the aroma and drink the hot relish. The presence of caramel gives it a dark brown color.
  • Rosato - the name of the rye vermouth, which is made from white and red grapes.
  • Extra Dry - in this vermouth, which has a strawy color, mixed with alcohol and an insignificant amount of zukra, it has the respect of lemon, raspberry and iris fragrant notes.

"King of Night Life"

The very name of the professional bartender is drunk, who loves millions. Rows of yoga shanuvalniks popovnuyutsya with a skin day. How to drink a martin correctly? How to serve yoga? What do you need to eat this drink? What do “Martin B'yanko” and “Rosso” dilute with? What kind of experiments do you want to get better at? Pozіnovuvacham drank bude dznatisya, scho martіnі vіdomiy like the love of the songs of James Bond, wanting to be positioned in Russian clubs in the main as a day of women.

How should you serve martin?

Znavtsі stverdzhuyut, scho tse wine should drink calmly chilled. But it’s not necessary to apply it to freeze the flooring, so that the dance will creep in with frost. Warm up in the hands of the same no sense. The optimum temperature for this is about 10-15 degrees. For other indications, the aroma of that relish will not be resurrected by the world again.


The drink of the martin conveys the appearance of special kelikhs on the high bottom, the upper part of which has the shape of an inverted cone. They call it like that - "Martyshka" or "Martynka". Vikoristovuvat high and low flasks are not fenced, but you can savor the whole world with richness of relish and aroma, you can only choose the right kelih.

Martini is rightfully considered a symbol of a warm life, I will drink that special kelihi for which I will drink not just dishes, but infused with finesse and high quality style and relish. From such a keliha one cannot drink in one gulp. According to the rules, drink martins, sip to the fullest, sip on the malt with a leather squeegee and freshly taste a bouquet of spices and herbs that enter the warehouse.

What do you need to dilute yoga?

Martini drink in two ways: in a clean-looking way, they are like cocktails. Stop adding different components, with which they either help you, or, navpaki, move the degree to drink. We clean and serve olives, strung on a skewer or put on the bottom of the keliha, cibulin, a piece of lemon and a piece of ice. Sometimes you add berries and fruits to the new one: cherries, midnight, kiwi, orange clumps, pineapple chunks. Cim adds a light fruity-berry note to the aroma.

One of the compromising options for food is the proposition to drink from frozen berries and ice. The only shortfall of such a method was to get drunk.

How to make martins happy: what do people think?

I’ll drink enough of a person’s mentality to drink it as insufficient, and yoga “pіdsility” is often slandered. For those who choose "Martin B'yanko" or "Martin Rosso" - "What do you want to drink?" - We are important to the nutrition. Most of the gentlemen give priority to cocktails with a given drink with some other kind of alcohol. For example, diluted with gin, instead of one in cocktails, it is guilty of 4 times and overwhelmed with vermouth. Having wondered about the food about those who make martins, the people vicorist also for making tequila cocktails. Її zmіst perevishuє obsjag martinі vdvіchі and accentuated by lemon chalk. Zagalom, cholovіki pitannja, chim dilute martinі, zvodit itself to the choice of another component for the sumіshі.

Dumka ladies

Women appreciate the drink anyway. What do you need to dilute martin? On the line, the representatives of the beautiful state seem to be very firm. But for women to drink at a clean-looking one, sometimes it’s too sharp, so the stench is better to introduce into the new non-alcoholic additives.

How to properly dilute martin with juice?

The most popular option is to drink juice. The classical ratio is 1:1. Pour vermouth at special room otherwise the bottle, cone-shaped, on a long bottom. Let's add it there to give such a quantity of sik without pulp. You can, obviously, drink and m'yakottu, but a cocktail at such a time looks neohaynaya. Vibіr juice lie down like a type of drink and special likeness of a drinker. Like vvazhayut fahivtsі, "Martіnі B'yanko" is best drunk with lemon juice, orange, lime, and grapefruit. To the red vermouth ("Martin Rosso"), cherry, pomegranate, apple vermouth are suitable.

What can you dilute?

Concentrators of degrees change the popular drink with a burner or gin. Fans of creative ideas are willing to experiment with lemonades, Coca-Cola, Cream-soda and other pops. Smut with tsomu - do not overdo it, work like that, so that you will water your fantasies without taking away the original flavor and incomplete flavor I will drink. For food about those who are diluted by "Martin B'yanko", rich sommeliers say that for whom you can get a lot of tonic, you can reach even the original relish, if you can dilute it with tea (green) and put a small piece of ginger in your cell. "Martin B'yanko" is also drunk with ice and lemon. Kindly drink wine from soda, lemonade and tonic.

In the rest of the hour, "Martin Rosso" is getting more and more popular. "Where do you want to drink?" - Ask for help. "Martin Rosso" live with juice, ice and lemon. Wine is miraculously combined with usima pererahovanymi ingredients, creamy tea.

Martini Extra Dry drink cold and clean. Tsey view sip widely vikoristovuєtsya as the basis for rich cocktails.

Sometimes they simply dilute with fruit juice (grapefruit, orange, cherry, pomegranate) or champagne.

Zmіshuєmo with tonic

Often koristuvachі merezha ask: "What is the right way to dilute martinі with tonic?" Fahіvtsі vіdnayut, scho vermouth duzhe far away go with the tonic in different proportions and proponuyut sprat recipes.

At the warehouse, the cocktail "La Tіnі" is present: two thirds of martin (500 ml), one third of tonic, 0.5 lime, 1.5 teaspoons of zucru, 3 sprigs of mint, chalking ice.

Warehouse for the Brandy-Martin cocktail: 25 g of brandy (or cognac), 50 g of Bianco martin, 100 g of tonic, a slice of lemon, one olive. Ingredients mix with a shaker, two-thirds filled with ice, wag around the cells, decorate with olive oil and lemon.

B'yanko has a tonic: 200 g of ice, 30 g of lemon, 150 ml of tonic, 50 ml of Martini Bianco. Burn the highball glass, pour in Martini Bianco and tonic, mix it with a spoon. Decorate with lemon, serve with a straw.

What next to have a martin?

Eat Yogo, like any alcohol. Like an appetizer before a martin in Europe, they serve pots and salted crackers, if you want a rich one, you know how much olives or olives from keliha are enough. Gourmands to please also inspire the negligent firmaments of Siri.


Knowing what you can do to make “Martin B'yanko” and “Martin Rosso”, you can do power to punish the reception. For something else, it is necessary to stock up on ice cubes, various frozen fruits, a few balls of ice water to drink and a whole battery of fresh juices. In addition, next collect lemons, olives, straws for drinking, as well as cibulin for special gourmets. With such a set, it is impossible to impress guests with savory, original and varied cocktails, created on the basis of a favorite drink.

If you are tired after an important working day and want to relax a little over a drink, you will be helped by wonderful cocktails prepared on the basis of the popular variety of Vermouth. Tse miracle solution for Friday evening.

Cheer up your friends by preparing a vishuka aperitif, let them enjoy the taste of wine flavored with natural herbs at the comfort of your booth. To prepare miracle drinks, you need to know, with such juice you can drink "Martin" and how to properly prepare cocktails, like the correct proportions of "Martin" and juice.

What is "Martin"

Whoever you know drunk, take a lot of whoever you want to call Yogo, zavdyaki films about James Bond, such a beer Yogo in a clean look with an olive. The popular alcoholic drink "Martin" is the Italian "Vermouth". "Vermouth" is a strong wine with herbal tinctures. Vіn appeared at the eighteenth capital of the Italian businessmen Antonio Benedetto Castello.

This wine, like "Vermouth", is made from high-acid grapes and produces white and black grape varieties that grow in warm regions of Italy for special technology.

The grapes are responsible for the reach of singing conditions for the sake of zucru and extractive speeches, which form a harmonious and strong bouquet.

Aromatic herbs are harvested from these regions, from which we then prepare tinctures, which go to the warehouse. The new product took its name from the German Virase, which means polyurethane grass with a warm relish.

"Martin B'yanko" to love women and men. It is noble sumish of Italian dry wine, zucru and aromatic herbs from vanilla. At the brewing stage, herbs and spices are added to the wine. This drink miraculously joins with ice and lemon. Wine can also be the basis for rich cocktails. Start diluting Martini with fruits and mineral water. Irrespective of the great amount of alcohol - 15%, wine may be subtle and supra-original relish.

The proposition of this popular vermouth consists of 4 main types:

  • Martini Rosso (red);
  • Martini Rosato (erysipelas);
  • Martini Bianco (white);
  • Martini Extra Dry (dry - without adding zucru).

The remaining view of the letters of the creations is in 1900 roci, and the oldest "Rosso" is in 1860 roci. On the basis of "Martin" with juices you can create all kinds of cocktails or drink it yourself. Tsі napoї can be easily prepared independently in home minds.

How to drink Martini with juice

Aperitifs on the basis of the famous Italian vermouth are prepared with fresh citrus fruit juices, and after the bajan you can also prepare cocktails with "Martin" with cherry liqueur or juice, with pineapples or "Martin" with apple juice.

Don’t forget that Vermouth itself should become the basis of the cocktail, and the number of fruit additives is not guilty of overexposing the tretina, rather, dilute it with non-carbonated mineral water to drink, as you need a more light option.

Martini cocktail with lime

Martini Bianco - the perfect aperitif, tobto drink, like a drink before їzheyu to improve your appetite. You can smell subtle notes of vanilla and fruity freshness in the new one. Vіn іdeally fit for the cob chi vechirki.


  • Martini Bianco;
  • Martini Prosecco;
  • fresh juice of lime;
  • chastochki lemon;

Cooking method:

  1. Fill the keli with ice. B'yanko and Prosecco mix in proportion 1: 1, then add lemon fresh.
  2. Otriman in such a rank pour sumish into cells with ice cubes.
  3. Decorate the kelih with mint leaves and lime scoops.

Cocktail with Martini Rosso with orange juice

Martini Rosso - pure red "Vermouth", a kind of vіdmіnno go with orange juice. A deep, calm classic cocktail taste will be perfect for a special night.


  • Martini Rosso;
  • fresh orange juice;
  • pieces of orange;

Cooking method:

  1. Martini Rosso needs to be mixed with a small amount of orange juice, choose the proportions of Martini Rosso with orange juice according to your taste, you can choose the proportion 3:1.
  2. Then pour the ready-made sumish at the kelih with ice cubes and slices of orange.
  3. Serve the drink at the kelikhakh from the tovstim bottom.

Cocktail with Martini Rosato with orange juice

Martini Rosato has a subtle aromatic fruity relish.


Cooking method:

  1. Mix B'yanko and Prosecco at the ratio of 1:1, add orange juice.
  2. Fill the bowl with ice and slices of orange and pour sumish drinks.
  3. You can take a double-coloured drink, like adding Prosecco to the cinema, pouring enough Vermouth on ice.


Ce version of the classic drink from Kubi.


  • 50 ml of dry white "Martin";
  • one; 5 teaspoons of zucru;
  • 1 lime;
  • mint leaves;

Cooking method:

  1. Sip tsukor at the bottle, add a squeeze of lime with a peel and a mint leaf.
  2. All the traces were rubbed with a wooden mother to let out the inner lime and m'yati.
  3. Let's add some ice and white "Vermouth".
  4. For relish, you can add non-carbonated mineral water.

These and other cocktails can be easily prepared at home.

It doesn’t matter if there are special umin, you just have enough vermouth with apple, citrus, cherry or other fresh juice, and add some fruit to the taste.

The natural ingredients of this miraculous Italian wine can be even more savory and allow you to cook on this basis even more savory and harmonious aperitifs. The stench of a delicate and noble bouquet garnogo wine that fragrant herbs, scho sprya priemnіy relaxation and improved mood.

Three rules for eating martins with juices

Shanuvalniki cocktails upevnenі, scho martin juice zіpsuvaty impossible. Mayzhe in the skin recipe is the same. Zayva nasoloda that mіtsnіst pure vermouth zmushu dilute yoga. For the relief of this manager, we’ll sort it out, with some juice we drink martins of yoga potsinouvachs. You know the correct proportions of mixing and specific features of the choice of juice.

If you don't like to drink a martini with a clean look, raja remember the advancing rules:

1. Supply temperature. Before the time, mix martins with vermouth juice and cool to 10-15°C. It is possible to sprout late, putting the dance in the refrigerator, or before preparing a cocktail, throwing ice cubes into the flask. When tanning ice, dilute the martin with water, pogirshuyuchi relish, the first option is the best.

2. The right choice of juice. For an afternoon of martin, it is better to vicorate sour juices, for example, orange and cherry. It is ideal to use fresh citrus fresh (orange, lemon, pineapple, grapefruit) to interrupt the taste of alcohol. You can also change store juices, just choose a brand that will cover at least the zucru.

To take a light refreshing cocktail, add orange or orange to B'yanko martin lemon juice. Vіn take away the zaiwu for the malt. Red varieties of martin are diluted with cherry juice, which miraculously adds to the relish of Rosso and Rosato.

In the rest of the hour, it has become fashionable to dilute martins with licorice nectars, for example peach or mango juice. As a result, more licorice comes out, like a fringed stake of people. You can only serve as much as you know exactly what licorice and alcoholic cocktails are appropriate for your guests.

Martini diluted with sour juices

3. Correct proportions. The classic variant of a martin with juice has a proportion of one to one. Pour 100 ml of martin and 100 ml of vibrated juice into 200 ml of kelikh. To change the mentality, the amount of juice is incrementally reduced to the ruling court.

Martini with champagne

Recipe for a cocktail with an original unforgettable taste, which is easy to prepare in the home minds.


  • champagne - 100 ml;
  • Martini B'yanko - 50 ml;
  • lemon juice - 25 ml;
  • tsukor - 1 teaspoon;
  • ice in cubes - 50 grams.

Martini with champagne

Sip in the cells, add champagne, lemon juice, martins and zucor, then mix well. Before serving, the cocktail can be garnished with olives or a slice of lemon.

Martini cocktails are popular with the whole world. All through the vermouth itself - a fortified wine with the aroma of herbs, spices and citrus fruits, which is not accepted to drink in a clean look, but it is better to mix it with a bitter, whisky, gin or juices. I may appear impersonal alcoholic drinks, zokrema of the legendary "Manhattan", "Champion" and "Negro".

Alcoholic martin cocktails in home minds

Cocktails based on martin are always elegant, vishukan and even simpler to prepare. Martini diluted with ice cubes, mineral water, juices, fruit drinks, champagne, liqueurs and other alcohol. Best cocktails s martin - already tired and overwhelmed by the hour of the day, pіdіbrіnі zgіdno relish and sort of vermouth.

  1. B'yanko's vermouth is best suited for orange juice, burnt and pomegranate syrup.
  2. Vermouth Rosso to eat with gin, herbal infusion and Scotch whiskey.
  3. Vermouth Extra Dry mixed with gin, vodka, whiskey and orange liqueurs.
  4. Vermouth Rosatto for cherry juice, amaretto and gin.
  5. Alcoholic cocktails with martin are served in different kelikhas, ale, outside the serving area, for their preparation you need a shaker, a steiner (cocktail strainer) and cocktail tubes. Sometimes you will need a special barn spoon.

Most agent 007 is loving. Drinking dry vermouth, burners and ice added vishukanistyu and simplicity. It was appropriate, if they drank and did not call, but they poured vermouth with ice at the cellars, and then - krizhan vodka. Being cold, the stench didn't flinch;


  • burner - 75 ml;
  • dry vermouth - 25 ml;
  • ice cube - 3 pcs.


  1. Lay ice cubes at the cells.
  2. Pour in the martin, stir.
  3. Add a burner.
  4. Serve cocktails with a dry martin at a wide kelih with trom olives planted on a skewer.

Cocktail "Brudniy Martini" - recipe

Cocktail "Brudny Martini" is a new version of the classic "Martineza", which is made up of dry vermouth and burners. The only vidminnist is an olive rose, through some kind of drink, having filled a brooding vіdtinka, for which he took away such a name. It’s easy to get ready for wine, but it’s easy to get used to it, and even wine is brought to apetizers, and they are drunk for 3-4 bowls.


  • burner - 70 ml;
  • dry martin (Dry) - 15 ml;
  • olive rossil - 15 ml;
  • olives - 3 pcs.


  1. Remind a cocktail kelih with ice and sip it.
  2. Pour the burner into the zmіshuvalnu flask, martinі and rozsil.
  3. Mix it up, pour it into the ice and pour it into a new drink. Such martin cocktails are usually garnished with olives.

Martini cocktail with champagne - recipe

Martini cocktail with champagne represents refreshing sparkling and tart vermouth. Traditionally, I take the part of Martina Rosso in the preparation, with its dark brown color and warm spiciness, and the dry taste of champagne. It’s noteworthy that they don’t kill them, but they pour them through the kelikhs, preserving the integrity of the versions.


  • erysipelas martin - 250 ml;
  • dry champagne - 750 ml;
  • ice cubes - 4 pcs.;
  • midnight syrup - 80 g.


  1. Place a cube of ice and a spoonful of syrup at the skins of the kelikh.
  2. Pour in martin, followed by champagne. Chi do not mix.

Martini Royale cocktail - recipe

The Martini Royale cocktail is one of the world's most popular drinks that are associated with the secular way of life. A harmonious drink of light sparkling wine, white vermouth with the aroma of vanilla and spices, supplemented with refreshing juice and lime slices, decorated with spices of mint, sweet svyatkovistyu, with such simplicity.


  • Martini B'yanko - 100 ml;
  • champagne Prosecco - 100 ml;
  • lime juice - 20 ml;
  • mint - 2 pcs.;
  • piece of lime - 2 pcs.;
  • ice cubes - 8 pcs.


  1. Refill the kelih with 2/3 ice.
  2. Add lime juice and a dash of citrus.
  3. Pour in the vermouth, sparkle and stir.
  4. Serve cocktails "Royal" from martin with mint.

Classic bar cards. Zayva nasoloda that mіtsnіst vermouth zamushuє drink yogo in a divorced look, for which sour juice is best suited. Traditional spіvvіdnoshennia juice and martinі 1:1. In order not to break the proportions, cool the vermouth in the refrigerator, the shards of the krieg in the kelikha building change the savory relish.


  • Martini B'yanko - 50 ml;
  • orange juice - 50 ml.


  1. Pour martin and orange juice into a glass of cooling.
  2. Stir and decorate with an orange slip.

Cocktail "Apple Martini"

Cocktails with martin B'yanko are brought to the traditional women's drinks, even though vermouth can be calm, licorice relish and are often diluted with tonic tea juices. Raise the degree, but save the “femininity”, softness and fruity aroma, try the “Apple Martini” varto, which is a mix of gin and vermouth.


  • gin - 20 ml;
  • Martini B'yanko - 30 ml;
  • liqueur - 40 ml;
  • ice cubes - 8 pcs.;
  • chastochki apples - 3 pcs.


  1. Pour gin, liquor and martin into the flask for mixing.
  2. Give kriga, mix it up and pour it into kelich.
  3. Such martin cocktails are decorated with fruits. to this particular type- parts of apples on skewers.

If you are a gentleman, you can pretend to be a bartender and prepare a cocktail with a martin at home, especially if you drink rum before the warehouse. This minty alcohol has a rich aroma, and garnish on its own, and in tandem with dry martin. For the rest, you can smash them in equal parts, or rather, greet guests with the popular "Spruce President".


  • golden rum - 50 ml;
  • dry vermouth - 25 ml;
  • orange liqueur - 25 ml;
  • grenadine syrup - 5 ml.


  1. Pour rum, vermouth, liquor, syrup into a bottle and mix.
  2. Pour into kelih and decorate with lemon zest.

Forgive martin cocktails - fertile ground for gris with gusto. If I want to guess, I’ll drink “Dray Martini”, which wine will mix a portion of dry gin with a portion of dry vermouth and continue to drink in proportion, now in one, then in another bowl. Tsei recipe for devotions "Martin 50/50" with equal parts.


  • dry gin - 50 ml;
  • dry martin - 50 ml;
  • lead - 60 g;
  • olive - 1 pc.


  1. At Kelihu with ice, mix martins and gin.
  2. Garnish with an olive.

Cocktail "Chocolate Martini"

Best delicious cocktails s martinі go for the fate. Those who are not satisfied with the gut can prepare a drink from dry vermouth, bitters, orange juice and cocoa. The remaining component gives the cocktail an appetizing flavor and a delicate chocolate relish, which miraculously dilutes the freshness of the juice and martin malt.

The most famous vermouth is no less savory with a clean look. You can enter a warehouse of hundreds of cocktails, simple and foldable, that bartender in the whole world rightly calls him “the king of the night life”. Well, we are encouraged to take over the spirit of getting used to that noble alcohol and take a look, with some kind of drinks Martini will drink: why to respect, how to properly dilute thinly. Put such a deep knowledge into practice, and the rich bouquet of the found “poly wine” will become even more beautiful, giving you new facets of its unique relish.

You can pick up different bets, like alcoholic ones, and not. Let's go over the basics first, and then let's talk about little secrets, which will help you to create an ideal skin combination.

The axis from which to respect Martini in a zagalnoy vpadku:

  • -Gorilka-(, -vіski-) - rich herbal relish of vermouth organically supplementing the fort. An ideal variant for cocktails with a human character - nasty, tight, cicaci - James Bond will not give a brehat.
  • - Champagne - go out at all senses grayly. The relish is more pleasant, it is easy to drink, but carefully it gives a more sensible effect! Therefore, yoga cannot be done exclusively by women.
  • Sik- a classic couple that is just a great field for experiments, even more important. At the right choice(which can be seen below) you take away the wonderfully viscous drink with the pleasant tart notes of wine on herbs.
  • Mineral water- Dosit "reasonable" addition. Competently diluted, you will save the unique organoleptic characteristics of alcohol, but if you do this, you will increase the amount of alcohol, and also continue to be satisfied with the drying of the bun.
  • Tea- An exotic option for us, but even more popular among rich European countries. Served chilled and become a good drink at the sinter, the shards refresh and tone.

It is important not only to choose a drink, but to pour it correctly. Obviously, such an elitist vermouth reveals all of its own, only with a competent vitrimuvanni proportions and dotrimanni іnshih aspects, to a glance of them we can pass at once.

How to properly breed Martini

  • The temperature of the cocktail can be on the level of 10-15 degrees, even "poly wine" is most famous with its farbs. Protect yourself if you add a cold or warm drink, as well as ice, which is present in many recipes.
  • If you don’t need to shake it up in a shaker, but dilute it yourself, then pour Martini and then - another drink in the cell. This aspect is relevant for the burner, for champagne, and for mineral water.

  • Chim mіtsnіsha "razbavka", tim important її role in cocktails (zagalom). For example, gin in kelikha can be four times more, lower than vermouth, which acts as a cicada background. And the axis of the mineral water, now, it is necessary to pour in a quantity of 1/4 per volume of alcohol, so that the alcohol is clear and clear.
  • When adding juice, it is important to savor the relish of Martina, which is different. Grass in contrast in this mood is unremarkable, shards can lead to far from harmonious days.

It is suggested to continue with the “juicy” theme itself. We wonder what for a bet you can put together with this other kind of “poly wine”.

With yakim juice p'yut Martini B'yanko

The white Italian vermouth tastes like the softness of its relish: with skin gourds, herbal notes and licorice-low vanilla are noticed. It has a lot of fruit and berry storage, then spices, creamy cinnamon and nutmeg peas linger in the aroma.

  • lemon- Yogo sourness is well balanced with the power of alcohol on malt;
  • orange- Virazheniya citrus relish elegantly harmonizes with the spicy smell of vermouth;
  • pineapple- tropical notes to ensure the most unique flavor (alse is an option for the quiet, who is not afraid of tediousness);
  • grapefruit- Growing relish intriguing, tse closest to a contrasting option.

As exotic you can try every day from the kiwi, just remember that it is necessary to plant the sik from Martini in the proportion of 1 to 1, so that you will be able to harvest a large number of tropical fruits. Before the speech, if you add fresh juice, protect, if you can exfoliate the mucus membrane of the shell of the undiluted wine (especially lemon, lime, well, more sour), add more mineral water and tonic - again, for the quantity 1/4 of the main obyagu .

Just like you have sіk z m'yakottu, yogo is also quite acceptable to order from Martini, but only in that case, if you want a cocktail for yourself. As if you are preparing a drink for the guests, zazdalegіd pozіkavtesya, like a stench to be put before such experiments. Because the relish of the aroma of alcohol in the presence of softness does not change, but the axis old look instead of a kelikha, someone can get away with no more than awesome.

Martini Bianco and gin with a burner

The time has come to move on to the delicious cocktails, the more time, because the stench is popular all over the world. For example, eat Martini with gin - the very same combination was introduced into fashion by the English and the Americans. The people were honored with a tart pair of polynu and yalіvtsyu, potentiated by the temperature of degrees, supplemented with freshness and seasoned with a piquant note.

So to this day, high and low, dry Martini is a cocktail that was inspired by New York in 1912. Yoga modern version:

  • 15 ml must be shaken in a shaker with 75 ml of gin;
  • pour into a bottle filled with ice cubes, up to the mark 300 ml;
  • decorate with an olive or a cibule.

A more elitist version of James Bond (to be more precise, yoga creator - Ian Fleming). Recipe for steps: 1 part of the burner for 3 - gin, 1/2 - white vermouth and 6-8 - ice. Before the speech, the deputy B'yanko's agent, having called in Kina Lillet, but as the years went by, alcohol from the measles of the cinchona tree became less viable, the rules began to follow not so strictly and began to be more and more widely drunk. Having named his connoisseur 007 Vesper, in honor of the girl, having fallen in love, and yet we already know another story, she was told at the Casino Royale.

What else can you add to Martini B'yanko, so you burn it, as if you became richly popular for gin. Why? To the one who was eating that Polina was one thing, and for others it was too tart, the axis of the bartender and began to experiment.

So in America in the 50s of the 20th century, “Vodkatina” appeared - a popular and dosi cocktail, for the preparation of which you need:

  • pour 6-8 ice cubes into a shaker and pour 15 ml of B'yanko;
  • cover everything with the back side of the spoon for 8-10 seconds;
  • pour 70 ml of a chilled burner into the front;
  • remix the shaker in the same way and at the same hour;
  • volity drink, scho viishov, through a strainer into a cocktail glass;
  • garnish with an olive (tsibuleya) or lemon zest (part of a lime).

Drinking "Vodkatini" is followed by dry sacks, appreciating the taste of yoga and the addictiveness of pure notes of polina and citrus. And now let's turn to smaller additives and other types of famous Italian alcohol.

With some juice drink Martini Rosso

Chervoniy vermouth suffocates with licorice ashes, spicy bitterness and caramel notes. It is important not to waste your uniqueness, but to enhance and expand, expand and refresh. That's why the best juices for - tse:

  • cherry– wines organically destroy the original taste of alcohol;
  • pomegranate- in yazhuchi notes to appear as a miraculous final chord;
  • apple- Yogo light summer sour miraculously refreshes.

The proportions of adding juice are the same as those that you drink with white vermouth, then 1 to 1. And the same story: add, as it suits you as guests, who you serve.

Rosato, which is an erysipelas Martini, can be boldly brewed with rich licorice juices, for example, peach or apricot. Just be prepared for the fact that it may be a liquor option that is not covered with an alcoholic liquor, but all the same for those who love tediousness.

Martini Rosso and whiskey with champagne

With red vermouth, a landmark for the USA is being prepared - the Manhattan cocktail - for the upcoming recipe:

  • pour 150 ml of ice into a shaker, pour in 30 ml of Martini Rosso, 60 ml and 2 ml (Venezuelan bitter);
  • mix everything for 6-8 seconds;
  • viliti through a strainer instead of a shaker in a cell;
  • add a cherry to decorate, insert a straw.

We’ll go out even more to the relish, we’ll take it, so that we can be worthy of women, and we’ll do it for mitzni, so that people will appreciate it. It’s not for nothing that they became a classic in the dosvіdchenіy America.

What else can you add to Martini Rosso, so champagne, so alcoholic, so rich in organoleptic damage. Gassed bulbs to secure the structure of the cicada, the difference in degrees to crush with a drink. As a butt, we will guide the recipe for the Midnight Champagne cocktail, for preparing such a recipe you need:

  • nasipati in kelih 100 g ice (cubes);
  • sequentially pour in 100 ml of Martini Rosso, then - 150 ml of liquorice or licorice champagne, then - 30 ml of midnight syrup;
  • don’t change, give, embellishing with a chasm of lime and lemon.

Options are even richer, and the same green tea with ginger you will become the basis for a miraculous refreshing drink. So experiment, joke about new loves for yourself, but, if you care, do not forget what the most delicious Martini is like alcohol, which is not vartoly drunk.

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