Years of the cholovіchі wrist yakі better vibrati. The correct choice of a human wrist year

Rhythmically vіdrahovuє khviliny after khviliny, and the symbol is a symbol of relish and prestige, which characterizes belonging to a singing sorority. Therefore, it is necessary to choose this accessory wisely, with a sense of that singing knowledge. Having read this article, you will know how to choose a birthday, so that you not only add your image to your status, but also bring an honorable commemorative to your long-term fate.

Before that, as it is assigned to a specific choice, the varto is clearly assigned to the method of the birthday celebration. Aje, having bought the wrong model, you can easily "fall into the guise of a ford."

Selection of a wrist year by type

Yearbook is a foldable mechanism, which is folded from the details. You can subdivide it into the following types: quartz and mechanical.

Quartz year old is a big battery. The robot of the pendulum in some vicons was crystallized to quartz, giving periodic impulses to the electric motor, and thus driving the mechanism. act as a high current mechanism.

And the mechanical works on the basis of the pendulum, which spins the twisted springs behind the flanks and provokes the movement of the arrows on the dial. Up to their main shortcomings, one can see the uneven rotation of the springs (through tse stinks, sometimes they wake up or hurry up), as well as the fear of the water and the saw. However, regardless of the number of insignificant shortfalls, the very mechanical year is crowned with the greatest drink in the whole world.

It’s better to buy some kind of yearbook: some quartz mechanical - virishuvati is necessary individually according to your needs, bazhan, as well as financial possibilities. Adzhe їх varіst varіyuє від 10 dolаіvі more.

Telling about those, how to choose a birthday, it’s impossible not to guess about their birthday in such a class:

  • Cheap. Here you can see electronic and quartz calendars, the number of which does not exceed 50 dollars.
  • Middle. This category has a quartz and mechanical yearbook, the quality of which is in the borders
  • Dear. The price of an expensive year-old is priced at 2,000 dollars in sum. As a rule, mechanics are the most important.

How to choose a birthday: Purchasing goals

Buying an annual for everyday wear, varto zupinity your choice on the classic type: stylish and laconic. And from what stench you need to go out of the world, for the sake of it, you need more designer jewelry. Such a choice reinforces the businesslike style of the current Volodar and status.

Choosing a year for women, you need to be borderline respectful, especially if they will be given as a present. Aja women's birthdays are not just a mechanism for watching the hour, but an accessory, which is responsible for adding to the image and joining the woman's wardrobe. For example, anniversary expensive stones will be prerechnymi for evening departures from the world. But all the same, choosing a year for a woman, rather, take it with you, or to recognize the specific parameters of the bag model.

For lovers active life yaknajsche pіdіyde vysokotekhnologichnіchny sports year. Obviously, their design is not as fancy as, for example, the Swiss ones, however, without such a modern accessory today, a lover of expensive sports cannot do without it. Navіt for diving use special waterproof yearbooks.

І nasamkinets, lost its rose, like a birthday for little fidgets. It’s easy to do it, however, it’s necessary to go to the purchase with special guilt and luck. Childish models of the year are due to buti vykonanі z akіsnіh ekologichіchіh materialіv, yakі do not zadavdâychigo organіzmu nіyakoї shkodi, and їkh design is to blame but thought out, tsіkavim, yaskravim and stylish. Axis, at the principle, and at the vimogi.

Having chosen the method of purchase, varto get to know the main characteristics of the yearbook, for which it is necessary to give the first respect, so that the remaining option is not just okіsnim, but also naіynym. And tse:

  • Mechanism.
  • Frame.
  • Cover.
  • Bracelet.
  • Sklo.
  • The form.
  • Additional functions calling for forgiveness of the life of the sackmaster. For example, an alarm clock, water resistance, a light switch, a calendar, a tachometer.

Away from your choice!

A wrist year is an important attribute for any person. If you want to, back to back, it’s a good thing that the stench was recognized exclusively for the hour, then today’s stench can be a sign of the status of that material well-being. As a rule, this and that, and the other.

Within the framework of this article, let's talk about there, how to choose human year(how to turn woman's anniversary), to that, we will try to give more respect to the honor, the annual anniversary in the first black.

The mechanism of the wrist year

First, why is it necessary to choose a wrist year, then, obviously, the mechanism of their work. There are two types of mechanisms: mechanical and quartz.


The Mechanical Yearbook of foundings has been around for a long time, but it is worthy of great popularity to this day. The principle of their work is grounded on a spiral spring, which needs to be twisted by hand. Vaughn progressively spins and brings to the diu, through the same intervals of the hour, the pendulum, like, for help folding system wheel gears to bring the year arrows into action. This is the rank of pratsyuє mechanical year. Їkhnіm short-lived є inaccuracy of the move, as you can get close to +30 -20 s. for good. For this reason, the energy of the spring may not fluctuate step by step. If the spring is wound up to the maximum, the year can be a little faster, and if the spring is weak, it’s better. So, the weather is on them, mind dovkil.

Another important feature is the need to start them manually (once every 3-4 days), there are a lot of models with an additional automatic winding mechanism. Such a mechanism is self-propelled by twisting the spring in the wake of active actions of the hairdresser. So, if you wave your hands, or work more, you dodatkovo push the spring. Ale, don’t rely on the whole mechanism, as a rule, you don’t allow the vlasnik to start the year manually. In addition, varto vrahuvati, that the repair of this folding mechanism, lower the repair of the year itself.


Quartz mechanism is modern. The foundations on vikoristannі energії batteries and crystal quartz, which creates electrically stable colivanya, which is fed to a special small electric motor, which leads to the arrows of the year.

So, in a quartz yearbook, it’s not possible to win a scoreboard, but an electronic one, or a mixed type, which is included in the mechanical ones.

Quartz movement can have its own advantage: the accuracy of the movement becomes + -20 s. for a month, it is not necessary to wind them up.

Crystal quartz, you can get old and spend a lot of power. Although the workability of both mechanisms is approximately the same.

Podbag. What is the mechanism of the wrist year of vibrati.

If you need a year for a skin day, you need an accurate work of the robot, you don’t want to wind the spring manually, otherwise you need to watch the hour on the electronic dial, then choose for quartz year. And if you are a Vicholovik, who knows how to win the classics and is not against small shortcomings, then you can boldly take a yearbook with a “live” mechanism.

Housing preparation material

The body of the year-old is a friend for its important characteristic. If you lay a new year old, you can save your cob look, and you can infuse the mechanism itself into the work.

There are such materials for making the case: plastic, stainless steel, titanium, palladium, from expensive metals, gold or platinum.

Plastic. Found material. Vin is easily given to underdogs, not a mickle, but a light one. To shy away from plasticity, as a rule, budgetary models of a wrist year or a sports type.

Stainless steel. Not an expensive material, but a lot of disgrace. Mіtsniy, nadіyny, dovgovіchny in operation, maє indiscretions old look. Іdealne spіvvіdnoshnja tsіni and vigor. Vykoristovuєtsya in a wide price range of the year.

Titanium. The material is superior in stainless steel, and lighter. So very accepting at a glance. The cost is more expensive, but the price itself is acceptable.

Paladiy ("whiter gold"). This is how to finish the popular material for the preparation of a human wrist year. Yogo perevagami є, scho wine is not oxidized, even mіtsny. Looks like platinum, lighter for it.

Expensive metals. For those who want to boost their ability, it's a year of preparations from gold or platinum. At bagatioh vpadkah they are prepared for a prayer.

Warehouse material

When choosing a wrist man’s anniversary, the materials of their preparation are even more important, even if for any man, the stink is to be blamed, but yakіsnimi, mіtsnimi.

Sklo (for the dial) can be made from plastic, mineral rock, piece sapphire or combined.

Plastic. Cheaper in preparation and less yakіsny, ale lighter. Set such a low sound for cheap models or for sports ones. It’s important to beat them up, but it’s easy to pick them up. Podryapini is the head of a plastic warehouse, and even the cheapest plastic can be messed up for an hour, crumble.

Mineral slope. More yakіsny material. Sound victorious in the year of the middle price category. Mensh is shy to the point of being scrawny, but still shy, I can get enough mіtsnіst.

Piece sapphire. More yakіsny and expensive material. Vykoristovuetsya in the year of the upper price category. It’s easy to rip Yogo, it’s easy to finish it (it’s easier, it’s less mineral).

Combined layer of piece sapphire and mineral layer. Samy short material. Having combined the advantages of both warehouses. Yogo folds up nicely and rattles up nicely.

Podbag. Try to choose a rock with a mineral rock, as a minimum. Utvorennye podryapiny vydalyayutsya polishing at the be-yakіy masternі.

Material of preparation of strap or bracelet

If the year-old is fastened on the hands, naturally, a bracelet is needed.

Remints can be used with shkir or any replacement, rubber, silicone or plastic. I don’t say anything about replacements for the shkiri, silicone and plastic. If you want, stinks and can be prepared in different and cirque designs, and then stink stinks quickly spend your look (crack, rub, tear), which for a person is not sing-song (the choice is yours). It is recommended to choose a skin belt. Vіn less m'yaky znoshuvannya, ale, so very old-fashioned (it happens to be periodically bathed in new ones), supple in the weather (when water is moving, swimming or taking a shower is not recommended), vіdmіnno go with different designs.

The same is true for rubber. This is a synthetic yakіsny material, which, behind its yakіsnimi dominance, is similar to shkir. As a rule, stop yoga in the year sporty style. Von can swim.

Anniversary bracelets can be made from the same materials as the case. Therefore, we will not snarl at them. It is recommended to choose a bracelet from the same material as the case. At a glance, the bracelets are important, ale dogovichny, as if they were made of good material.

Okremo next guess about the presence of sawing on the case and bracelet. Like a year-old for a skin day, better, so that we didn’t get drunk. It's too early to be erased - the old look zipsuetsya.

Visnovok. Which material of the case/bracelet/strap should be chosen.

Case: stainless steel or expensive material. Like a necessary sports light yearbook, even if not found, with good plastic.

Bracelet: same as case.

Dekіlka words about design

Not going far, I would like to say once again about the choice of the anniversary of going to design. With whom I can help you, you can only help yourself. On the right, the taste is daily individual. Yearbook can be of different shapes, colors, etc. There is only one joy: choose a year-old that suits you especially, try to pick up your image. The black classic year-old year is a practical pіd whether it's an image. An electronic yearbook of sports style will not look good on the hands of a businesslike person. However, choose the varto those that are appropriate, even "for the taste and color of the comrades," and wear them to you, obviously, as if you do not take them for a few days.

Zahisni power

Buying a year of obov'yazkovo is necessary to give respect to their powers. For a person, it is especially important. The wrist yearbook can be waterproof and impact resistant.


Take care of the sealing path of all the oval sticks in the body with various indents, the installation of a stone cladding.

The water resistance levels are indicated on the back of the case and/or on the dial with the inscription WR (Water resistant). For example, from WR30 to WR3000 (from 3 to 300 ATM). The minimum rіven vodozahistu needs to be fed, depending on his way of life. You can not remember the anniversary of the WR30 in your soul, but it’s better not to swim in them. WR50 go for swimming, but don't go to the clay. WR100-150 go for piping. A year-book with a larger water-resistance pod for scuba divers, which is higher, it’s better, it’s possible to drink more. However, you should pay more for the WR500, for example, if you take a shower in them and, at most, drink a little.

Impact resistance

As a water contractor, it is safe to use the path of victoria of various wounds. Varto indicates that the mechanical year in this plan is to be supplied with electronic quartz, the shards in them are the folding mechanism with the impersonal details.

About the presence of such a zahist can be recognized for being up to the singing standard, which will be indicated in the information about the year. However, in a black mood, it is better to take care of the year in case of blows.

Additional functions

Do not get by with the current human year and in the form of additional functions. For example, it is possible to give visnovka both for the day, month, rock on the clock face, and the calendar can independently protect leap years (function "eternal calendar"). At different times, it is relevant to switch off, as well as an alarm clock, a chronograph / tachometer, the function of different time zones, a monthly calendar.

These functions can be used without special difficulties in the quartz mechanism, however, the introduction of them into a mechanical year is even more complicated, so the presence of such additional functions in a mechanical year brings with it a significant increase in their varost, facilitating repairs.

Vіdomi virobniki

Japanese yearbook for any budget: Casio, Seico, Orient, Citizen. Swiss: Adriatica, Appella, Atlantic, Certina, Epos, Longines and others.

Podbag. How to choose a man's wrist year

In order to choose a man's wrist year, first you need to work it - you need to stink for any purpose you need. What do you need additional functions, what do you get from them deeply. Even though the budget is not big, choose models with a case made of stainless steel and the same remіnce (abo shkiryanim) as a minimum. As a rule, I agree with the water protection WR30, so you can not be afraid of getting them wet in the soul. Pick a design that suits your budget. If it’s better, then there won’t be any additional filing for the anniversary.

Well, if the budget is average, then the choice will be cіkavіshim. It is possible to choose not only the most similar materials prepared, but also the design differences in the order of different additives. functions/arrows will please you more. All lie in the relish of the people.

And yakscho the budget is great, sing-song, You just buy and buy what suits you.

Selection of a wrist year. How to turn? How to choose? Іnformatsija and korisnі porad.

1) What are women?

With whom you have food, you know, and you yourself will figure it out!

It would be more difficult to clarify that, like in clothes, so in the year of the year, the style is unisex.

The choice of a wrist year in our days allows you to satisfy various tastes of that bazhannya, to that in the model range of a man's year there are a large number of models, which look perfectly on a woman's wrist. And for cholov_kіv-amateurs of glamor in the light of the remaining fashion trends, models with expensive stones and rhinestones are produced. Stitches for the size of the model you have chosen, women can have a significantly smaller size for a person's birthday.

2) Mechanics chi Quartz?

Selection of a wrist year of the next zupinity on the type of year's mechanism. Golovnі vіdminnosti dvіh іvіv іv mekhanіzmu - poednannya prestige, foldedness, beauty and accuracy. The mechanics of the know appreciate the "live" mechanism, the work of the master, the age-old traditions of the warship. Quartz Yearbook collects dynamic modern people, as they value accuracy and non-violence. A mechanical year is expensive for a quartz one, You pay for the work of a person, as if preparing a final product and carry out not only a residual adjustment of the work, but also the folding of more fine details. The mechanical year of the day requires attention, obov'yazykovogo vіdvіduvannya tekhnіchіchі servіsu time for a few years, the need to protect parts, what to rub, replacement of gaskets and other entries to save the accuracy of timing and safety of the declared characteristics. A mechanical yearbook must be started once every few days. Quartz, more precisely for mechanical ones, do not require re-winding, but you do not take away the ability to be favored by the mechanism. If you are buying your first year, then it is better to buy cheap quartz, so that it depends on the design, the size of the body, the size of the belt and the shape of the body. Like a year old fit to like and addicted to them is not cool, varto vіdshtovhuvatisya only in vlasnyh vіdchuttіv і shukati darling mechanical model or quartz yearbook of high level.

3) Select style

Sob not to grow up on the subtleties of different styles, shapes and colors can be sensible simple rule: the anniversary is chosen according to the clothes, which is the most wearable

It is best to know those years, which will be the same as garni as with everyday, so with official speeches. There are a lot of such universal models on the market today, in different varieties. Even though you lead an active and varied way of life, and the budget allows you to buy only one year old, do not swear on pure classics and a clearly pronounced sports year, the stench can look out of place in songful life situations.

Yakshcho You know exactly what you wear a year old only for the hour of sports training, or only for the hour of official sportsmen, you will feel better in razi. Then you can choose a sports model that is optimally suited for your sport and may have all the necessary characteristics (waterproofness, shock resistance, ability to control the hour for windbreakers) or a classic one that reflects your setting up to the hour and business style.

4) On remіntsi chi bracelets?

First, clarity. You wear a year-old day without knowing it. Zvіdsi, the first and most important task is to overthink, it’s easy to sit on your hands. The year-old is guilty of sitting on the wrist freely, but not bovtatisya. During the day, the hand can expand, which will bring discomfort, as if the strap is tightly fastened.

In another way, the material of the remnant is not responsible for causing an allergic reaction. Choose natural and hypoallergenic materials.

The bracelet is the fault of the mother of the ability to see chi to add lanka. The fastening of the bracelet may be nadіynoy, it is not guilty enough to open up in the face of a cloak with a robe or a body.

And of course, when choosing a wrist year, we simply goiter to match this fashion and style.

5) Brand. What's important?

In Russia, there are only brandies, and in the lands of America and Europe, they are known for others. We are the older brand, we are the most popular, the richest history, and the most important. Because of the social status of the goiter, you should wear clothes and accessories of specific companies and manufacturers, which is an important point. In a different mood, first of all, think about the clarity, arrogance, accuracy and beauty of a given year. Choose a company that specializes in the selection of an anniversary, and not fashion brand, having expanded the assortment of goods, which are released by accessories and year-olds, including. For such “fashionable birthdays” you will pay for a label, a birthday with similar characteristics to companies that specialize in harvesting will cost less.

6) Choose a wrist year. May value form

Classical options: round, rectangular and square.

The rosemary to the body of the yearbook is due to the width of your wrist. If the head of the year-old looks like a penzel, then such a model of cupping is not varto. Don’t take it next, and even a small year-old. If you have a wide wrist, pick up a great, massive year, if in a narrower circle you should buy a larger thinned model.

7) Take care of the dial

The dial can also be easily read. Arrows, indexes, dial can be contrasted. You are to blame for an hour on the anniversary in Persh, and not shukati arrows. You’ll become a good addition, it’s better to make your yearbook brown at the dark hour. If you allow gamanets, it is better to choose a model with sapphire cut and anti-glare coating. What guarantees you to increase the stability to the underwear and change the amount of light in the air. The dial is not guilty of buti perevantazheniya sladnennymi at looking at different sensors, subdials and indicators.

8) Slimming down

Virobniks are made to make the yearbook more and more collapsible, adding different folds and functions to the mechanism and to the dial. It is necessary for you to be appointed, as the very complication will be corny and not create any problems out of the blue. So don’t forget the varto itself, how to make it easier to add the varty of your anniversary. The most popular of these features are water resistance, date indicator, day indicator, power reserve indicator, chronograph. The electronic yearbook will give you the following additional conveniences: altimeter, barometer, compass, fishing schedule, yacht timer, crocomir, heart rate monitor, notepad. The mechanical yearbook of a high equal is more foldable, but in fact it is not more shaped functions, as it carries more aesthetic beauty, lower weight: repeater, tourbillon, skeleton, jacquemary, monthly calendar, light hour, another time zone. Choose comfort, yakі bring mischief.

Make more recommendations that are important, but not true in the rest of the instance. Dovirtesya іntuїtsії, the anniversary of the church, as if it were with you fast, it’s your fault, but you are close and wise to you. Listen to yourself, as it is a year, which suits you perfectly, You are not guilty of feeling anything for comfort, but you will be the best choice.

I hope, the article will help you create the lightest possible choice of a wrist year.

See you soon!


    Selection of a wrist year. How to turn? How to choose? Information that fawn over. 1) What are women? With whom you have food, you know, and you yourself will figure it out! It would be more difficult to clarify that, like in clothes, so in the year of the year, the style is unisex. The choice of a wrist year in our days allows you to satisfy the various tastes of that bazhannya, to that ...

It is important that the year is the only embellishment, as a person can have a booty. How to choose a human year, which will not only add style, but also be a functional and stylish accessory? On what basis do you give respect and why do you add up the wares?

Today, the world has over 2500 selections of annuals, leather from some may catalog of models for any taste. In order to make the anniversary of some companies better, it is necessary to understand the functionality of the accessory, to protect the material, for any manufacturing wines, and the availability of additional options. Switzerland is traditionally respected by the Fatherland annual mechanism. So brandy, like Certina, Longines, Tissot.

Bezdogannaya akіst, exclusivity and dovgovіchnіst work to produce up to the rise of the price to heaven. One accessory can vary from a few thousand dollars to a few million dollars. The most accessible and budgetary mechanisms are Japanese. Wee, singly, chuli about such brandy as Seiko, Citizen, Casio, Orient. The stench has occupied the middle and budget price segment. At the same time, the virobi become functional, superficial, yaskravim.

In front of them, like a year of the year of a person, a varto of memory - a lot of warehouses, like to add to the intensity of the anniversary of the year. Ideally, it is necessary for the mother of the sprat, yakі will win at different minds. For example, for a big or a walk in the park, the Piaget Altiplano Yearbook will not be relevant, and, on the other hand, a stylish classic suit to wear a sports yearbook is a sign of a nasty tone. Establish and compromise options for everyday life, yakі staggeringly look zі sporty and classic suits.

Type of mechanism

Most often, a mechanical quartz board, an electronic yearbook and a classic mechanical one with an automatic plant are victorious. The most expensive machines with a mechanism of springs, gears, and stench can rightfully be considered the creation of a war art. Chim is more like a year old, Tim is a lesser death in the hour. The price of a classic classic year is 1000 dollars. To the minus, one can see the schilnist to the inflow of a saw, as if for a long time not to grow up with a year old, but to lead a sedentary way of life, the plant does not work and the year is zupinyaetsya. As it turned out, it became a year-old, repairs cost a penny. Ale, similar accessories become a standard of style, to speak about the vpevnіnіnі vlasnik, yogo good material setting.

Popular mechanical yearbook

Orient EM65001B

Orient EV0U002T

Shturmanski 2431-1765934

Quartz years are cheap, stench can be eaten not only from the battery, but also from sony batteries. Such an annual does not impair the accuracy of the hour, it is absolutely noiseless, long-term. The quartz movement itself will rise above 80% of the middle market segment of the year.

The electronic calendar has a digital display, a large number of additional options, such as a stopwatch, a calendar or a calculator. Mostly young people win, the stench can be accessible, and their own unique style, brightly shaped dials.

Vibrati yearbook on the body

  • The plastic case is a good option for an active young person or a person who earns physical practice. The plastic is cheap, at times it’s easier, or it’s out of the way of your anniversary, replacing the cost of hundreds of dollars. The plastic case is light, can be bright colors and shapes. With minuses, Shvidko wastes his decorative power. For example, after a fall on the corps, it is not necessary to renew the underwear.
  • Brass is a classic. Actively vikoristovuvalas until the middle of the twentieth century. At the same time, it is the basis for an inexpensive annual, the middle term of service, which is to become up to 5-10 years. Getting into sea water, a meadow, a sour middle of the mitte will bring me to the corps.
  • Stainless steel is a prominent material that is actively victorious in today's annual industry. Steel is more durable, more durable, more affordable.
  • Gold - more from the hours of the kings of the golden year, vvazhavshis a sign of luxury. The main feature of them is that you can’t afford such a koshtovnist. The Swiss are actively vicorating white, yellow, rozhev gold not only for decorating years, but also for building hulls. The stink of a special sight, shards of gold and soft metal.
  • The ceramic body is beautiful, durable to the point of sagging, but it is easily broken at the hour of falling from the heights.
  • Titanium and alloys are light, vitrival, stylish, but, unfortunately, space metal is expensive for stainless steel.
  • Aluminum is light, easy to work with, and also cheap. Often vicorated by Japanese virobniks and TM Swatch.

Surprise, we took a handful of facts.


In addition, we will be able to bear the burden and will be able to lay down the comfort of the sackcloth. If you don’t know what year is better for a person to buy, and you deserved a few models, choose the one in the best time. Tse can buti lanka, shkir, plastic chi navit fabric. Shkira looks stylish, but in terms of clarity, metal is compromised; Reminets is guilty of conforming to the hull, and is prepared in the same design style.

Bestsellers – Japanese pickers

Bestsellers - Russian pickers

Bestsellers - Swiss brewers

The leather from the manufacturers is smeared for maximum cooling of the target audience and the choice of accessories in the different price segment. Zavdyaki tsomu, navіt akscho your budget for the wedding anniversary is not too great, you can allow yourself the comrades of a beloved forager. If you don't know how to pick up a human year, obov'yazkovo reconcile the vibrancy to your hand. The godinnik is a valuable accessory, with which you can be handy.

People from long ago tried to find out an hour different ways. A bunch of stench was sung by yoga at sundowns and gatherings, then we learned how to distribute yoga. Sonyachni became the best year of the year. A pole was built near the ground, the sun shone on him and showed the hour. At the same time, different anniversaries are roaring, and the stench can be embellished in strong ways. If you think how to choose a person's wrist year, then you need to know about the details. In addition, how zrobleno tsy pryy, lie down, naskolki dovgo and yakіsno vіn pratsyuvatime. A skin model may have pluses and minuses.

When choosing a garnet wrist year, you can also help with a cord. The basis of the robotic year is a spring. Vaughn is a little tight. The spring gradually unwinds, after which the arrows start to work. The pendulum makes a singing interval, which helps the mechanism to set the hour. As soon as the spring zvіlnyaєtsya, the mechanism vimagає, shob yogo was launched again.

Sound on the classic version - less arrows and signs at the hour. Hardly more than you need to. Є, zvichayno, і cheap mechanics. But then the spring rozkruchuetsya nerіvnomіrno, so the year may zapіznyuvatisya trohi. If there is a presence of an automatic plant, then there will be no practical delay. Ale to go behind the vaga, the year will not be suitable for women's hands. Wanting all the same to happen today, start them up.

Quartz yearbook is modern, even more accurate. In the middle are quartz crystals. Yearbook works for extra batteries. The battery is for additional electrical impulses. Іsnuє pevna periodicity, if the impulses are transmitted to the engine. You can replace the arrows with different dials, for example, with sub-switches. Mehanіzm dosit bezvіdmovny, moreover vologists are not afraid. Therefore, most of the time this year is robbed by residents of the city.

However, the quartz year of cheap models does not last long. Like a mechanism, what can be a digital indicator of the hour, so that it’s easier for him to fawn, to go to nature.

Classic quartz

Yaki better

Z food, so yaki better year-old on the hand, choose the skin yourself. Whom is more like mechanical, and who is quartz. However, it is necessary to pay more attention to such an important factor as the corps.

Vibіr hull needs to work relatively. Firstly, the body protects the mechanism from the divinity, as well as the saw. In addition, wines serve as a color. Don’t make it so that the year-old man looks beautiful, but the body is slick. Look at the body. What kind of material has been crushed? Like a cheap model, better for everything, aluminum. Such a year-old is easy, but you can do it quite quickly and get out of tune. If it’s plastic, then this anniversary may not be expensive, but it’s good, if you want to get it right. The chisels of the hand yearbook are made from yak_sny plastic, for example, from the house of the Japanese company Casio. The best case made of stainless steel. Vіn already long to serve, іrzha on the new one does not spit.

The best ones are crushed with titanium. The stench is more expensive, but the more expensive. Look at the documentation of the goods, so that you can see the warehouse for the building.

Titanium body

Pokrittya year-old - tse duzhe important factor. Buvaє so, scho apply dodatkovo filing. Ale rich for those who shoo yogo tuck, then you will see more metal. Some of the models are covered with varnish, but they are also inexpensive, the stench is already out of whack. Only a month has passed - the second, and you can calmly make a year for the memorial. Like a model with gilding, find out about those, like a comrade's sawing. All on the right in that gold is a soft metal. Therefore, balls can be rich. The documentation may have a sawing technology.

A sprinkling of technologies. For example, PDV - at the same time they sip at the vacuum. IPG - ion-plasma filing chain. Even though the coating is crushed with nickel, it looks beautiful, but the nickel can be erased, after which particles of metal leak into the body, which can cause an allergy.

As a practical person, as you think, how to choose a man's wrist year, best - black chrome. Tse sawing is more than a st_yke, there will not be any scribbles for a long time.

Coated black chrome

The form

Here the shape of the year-old body is worn out. Women can choose a shape, and men give priority to a rectangle or a square. Zabarvlennya most likely to die, the anniversary is guilty but massive. Young people love different tsikavi forms, but the fashion changes quickly.

Do not hesitate to reconcile the yearbook in your hand. The stench is not guilty of tying up your wrists. Even more importantly marvel at the crown. On nіy may be cut. Vaughn can be easily lifted.

Let me tell you at once, what kind of best wrist year is considered expensive.

  • The hit parade is starting - Chopard 201-carat, which cost 25 million dollars, the stench is presented in the photo below.

Chopard 201-carat

  • After them - Patek Phillipe's Supercomplication for 11 million dollars.
  • Potim Patek Philippe Platinum World Time, stink cost 4 million.
  • On the fourth stage of the Vacheron Constantin Tour de l'Ile for the second million
  • І on the rest of the Patek Philippe Sky Moon Tourbillon. The price is 1.3 million UAH.

Functional details

Functional details need to be selected carefully, so that it seems to be reliable. If you are a conservative person, then it is better to choose a classic year-old, which has no speeches, zasіchok. The shape of the arrows can be different. If you are a tourist, then select the dial, which has a luminescent coating. Then you can marvel at the anniversary at any time to finish.

For a zahist, one often chooses an organic slope. Ale vin is even cheaper, be it a dotik - and vin podryapaєtsya. Krishtal mіtsnіshiy, mineral slope tezh. The best piece sapphire. If you break yoga, you will need zusilla. Wine does not change, does not fray, carry water, wind fire. The bracelet may well sit on the hands.

The material of the bracelet for the birthday can be different. For example, it's plastic. This material is not too expensive, like silicone, and ale wine is not too expensive. Be-like mit vin can be torn. Shkira looks beautiful, but in the course of time it starts to loosen up. Then you have to change the bracelet. Ninі most often choose a metal bracelet, for example, titanium. On such bracelets, the callous middle does not flow. Best of all, don’t choose gold, for that which is so - you look deafeningly, but it’s even more important.

Dovzhina and vlashtuvannya of the bracelet

The dovzhina and attachment of the bracelet on the hand year is even more important. If the annual cost is expensive, but the lock of the bracelet of filth, it’s a pity that the stench doesn’t get on your hands for a long time. To marvel at such a mechanism, which can be easily zestebnut. The clip-machine is important for the last one. Є also with a fixative. Take the Yearbook and reconcile them. Possibly, after a long time, the stench will be a little more. Aje Yakshcho Lanka you will be in charge of what to pick up in the future. However, it’s important to add Lanka, it’s not a leather master to take care of it. To that pick up for rozmіrom.

The case is attached to the bracelet with special eyelets. Tsі vushka is guilty, but the trochs are bent. The case of the bracelet is also strongly attached. If the mechanism is cheap, then the fasteners often break. Z'ednannya is better than picking a screw, so that it doesn't get out of the hull.

I want a lot of people, so that the anniversary will change the gadgets. Virobniki go nasustrіch spozhivacham, vibrate richly different additions at the age.

In this rank, rich models have a rich task:

  • Pіdsvіchuvannya. You can designate an hour, make it dark. Goofy-tse push the button. Well, the numbers can be seen only once, if the button is pressed, then it’s not too easy. Pіdsvіchuvannya bazhano postіyne, schob not stale in the light. That is why you are chosen on the navprovidniks. Luminescent - ce, extremely, effectively, but if charging is not enough, then light will not be rich.
  • Calendar. This function is more expensive, the aloe year is more expensive with it. Like a mechanical stink, even like a calendar, at the end, in which the date of the day changes. However, such a calendar should be brought to hand by hand. Є eternal calendar, then the date will be updated automatically. In the quartz yearbook, the role is played by a digital display.
  • Power reserve indicator and another hour. The first function will show you how many hours it took before the mechanism hums. Another - allow you to switch different belts. Tse duzhe is visible to people, yakі postiyno mandruyut. Shchob cheruvati _indicators, until the anniversary of the arrival of the head or the button.
  • Tachometer appointments sooner for athletes. For yoga, you can help people in the middle. Set the hour interval, for which you need to marvel at the show.
  • Monthly calendar. A new one says a month's worth. Korisny for people, how to give some meaning to them.

Smart yearbook

Riven zakhistu

The riven for the anniversary is needed in order for the anniversary to have a new term of exploitation. Tobto the stench mayut buti mіtsnimi, zakhishenimi in vіd rіznih vplivіv. Hermetically sealed mechanisms, like vikoristovuyutsya navіt pіd hour to take water sports. Between the back cover, head, fold and body - gaskets. The lid of the screw is the best, then the water in the fire is not consumed in the year. For the sake of tightness, vicorous atmospheres are used. Most of the atmosphere is found on the roof.

So, for example, on the anniversary it is written WR 3 atm, which means - the rain and breeze of the anniversary is not terrible. WR 5 atm to talk about those that you can swim in them and take a bath. WR 10 atm is recommended for professional swimmers. With a year of WR 20 atm, you can bravely put on scuba gear and porinates in sea depths.

In terms of impact strength, it is the best of quartz. Priestry mechanical yearbook milking hard. If you hit them, the details will fly. For the promotion of the annual anniversary, weeders will supply different pads.

Warto respect that the Swiss models of the year are respected by the best, but the stench of nature, dearer, is costed.

Video instructions for choosing a wrist and intestinal year:

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