How to choose a good man's wrist year. How to choose a wrist year for a person: instructions.

Might be the best fashionista of a human being can easily get ruined if you get to the right to choose, and it’s better to buy good and “correct” birthdays.

I don't wonder, aje human accessories what plan in the stores I want to row a gati: simple, smart; and expensive, and not narrower; і on a belt, і with a bracelet; and classic and sporty; and so far and the like.

So what do you need to know, choosing that buying yourself human year?

Well, you can start by estimating your perfect wardrobe and budget by putting your own food:

  • When will you wear this year's anniversary?
  • Why will you need stink: to recognize your status, as an accessory when you appear, to control the hour and hour of walks, to fix the access to the process of playing sports?
  • How do you put yourself before the new-fangled years-gadgets with smart "bells and whistles"?
  • How many pennies are you going to spend on this purchase? Remember that deyaki human brandy and sell the yearbook for even higher prices.

Everything you need to know about the man's wrist year

Otzhe, vydpovіli sobі on tsі and іnshі nutrition, firmly vіrіshivshi, if, de, yak and why you wear your new year. Now you should learn the specifics of the product, so bimoviti, having become familiar with the main types of wrist year and yogo key warehouses.

1. Analog, digital or analog-digital yearbook.

Analogue mayut dial with the year's and hvilinnaya arrows; or with numbers, markers in Roman numerals, to show the hour stretching 12 years. The stinks are more formal, classic type of a human year and ideally fit at the weddings, at official calls and at the afternoon of the afternoon.

The digital yearbook may be a rare crystal (LCD), or a light (LED) dial, which shows the hour in a numerical form, for example, 2:50. This variety is more important than usual.

Analog-digital can mother like analog, and digital "face". The stench is utilitarian; that їх it is possible to carry і on the work, і in other right. Ale, don’t think of shining with your mind and standing in them at some official entrance!

2. Quartz and mechanical (hand-wound).

Digital yearbook get life from a cryogenic battery, as you have been running on the cashier in the electronic store more than once.

- this is an analog year, which is practiced on miniature, vibrating and electrifying quartz crystals. That stench will show you the exact hour, plus or minus 1 hvilin per river.

Mechanical“charged” with a folding complex of mechanisms and springs. So, for the thin work itself, that unperfected mastery asks for a price for them. Ale, sorry ancient mysticism manual winding of the year-old is not finished enough to cich fir. The stench is about 60 minutes per river and may start on a regular basis.

3. Body.

This is, in fact, a frame, in an analog year case, the case can be round, rectangular, square and navіt rich; with glitter / matte finish, with little, with incrustation with expensive stones / other crystals (if you don’t recommend it for people, you don’t pretend to be a pimp!).

The body of the large human anniversary of the Vikons, as a rule, is made of metal; steel, titanium, gold, silver and platinum are the most popular choices. Before speech, the anniversary of the remaining three expensive metals will cost you a penny, but also available alloys.

4. Reminets chi bracelet?

If you choose your vibe on an analog anniversary, then you will have a belt, shkiri (as a rule, black or brown color), or with the same metal as the case. A digital yearbook, for example, sports models and technical innovations with various bells and whistles, as a rule, can only include plastic belts.

5. Non-traditional view of a human year.

Sports option

A sports yearbook is more of a tight-fitting, mіtsniy і zrobleny z vysokoyakіsnyh kompositіv plastic. The largest expansion of the species is a classic water-resistant year for underwater swimming. In the present hour, such markets are simply hammered up to the throat, in some є such bells and whistles like an odometer, a visotomir, a compass, an attachment for a vimiryuvannya. arterial vice, pulse monitor, GPS technology, as well as a number of other bells and whistles for cotton active image life.

Two good brand for a first-hand look - Nike and Timex, the offspring of the offending company vibrate different and functional lines of an accessible and affordable human year.

  • Yearbook-gadgets

Such an attachment to your hands can be taken as a mini-addendum, which will become more familiar for young people - students, technologists and engineers. Years-gadgets revenge much more than technical "lasoschiv", lower sports brothers - calculators, digital cameras, electronic mail programs and more. Ale, please, on your way, it’s faster than a cicava dribnichka and a chergovy topic in the case of such very friendly friends of people, but not a topic for rozmov that object of praise in the company of women.

Human year - why do you want to eat?

Regardless of the type of model that you deserved, your anniversary is guilty, persh for everything, lie down firmly to the wrist (and don’t fall uphill and down, if you fall with your hand) and don’t deprive the new one of your annual windfalls.

Srіbniy yearbook looks like black, gray, steel and blue, and, ideally, is guilty of being worn only at the evening hour. Golden year go brown, beige and other colors for the best, and wear them best during the day. Digitally, what a cool stench they wouldn’t be, it’s only their fault to wear casual / working / training clothes!

Glossary of terms at the light of the year

The clock on the right is the most complicated science and the most mysticism. Use the low value of important terms in your gallery, as they can spantelichity of an average statistical purchase. To that it is strongly recommended to remember the meaning of the upcoming words by heart, before that, like going to the store for a human year!

Aperture- there is a small opening (window) at the dial, in which a streaming indication is given: the date is the day of the month, the month or the phase of the month.

Application- all the overlay ornament at the sight of numbers or symbols, vicarious on the dial.

ATM- all alone under the name "atmosphere". Atmospheric sunset є riven tysku povitrya on rivni sea, a kind of building vitrimati year. (1 atm = 1 bar = 10 m = 33.3 ft).

Automatic hіd, Zvichayny hіd є є mekhanіchnym, vіdbuvaєsya such a rank: the rotor wraps itself around the hands of your hand and starts a roaring force. The energy that vibrates in the wake of the rush, transforms into mechanical energy, as if creating the rush. Try to be afraid of the year, or start yoga manually, as the supply of energy is depleted.

Bezel- The whole ring is near the upper part of the crystal/dial. As a matter of fact, it’s vainly sloppy, or it’s crystal on the spot. The bezel, which wraps around for the help of the ratchet, moves in the last few years, being a variety of folding for the year's arrow, or against the arrow, or in both straight lines.

back cover- this is the reverse part of the anniversary, as it is in contact with your skin.

Chronograph- the whole function of the stopwatch, the crime is in the wake of the whiling that year.

Chronometer- this is a mega-precise yearbook, which is reliable for accuracy for 15 days and nights in 5 different positions and temperature conditions.

complication- it’s all about the twisted functions of the year, and the hvilinny repeater itself, the timer of the turning signal, the stopwatch, the visotomir, the astrophotometer, the heart rate monitor, the calendar, the phase indicator of the month, the chronograph of a fraction of a second, the power reserve indicator, the alarm clock.

COSC- tse abbreviation, in translation it means "Swiss Institute of Official Testing of Chronometry", in which the yearbook is revised for 15 days and nights in 5 different positions and temperature conditions. Zreshtoyu, the model should pass this test or not pass. If this is so, then such an annual is launched in the production and called chronometers.

Head- tse attachments for the installation of a mechanical yearbook, as well as the installation of the required hour or date of the calendar.

Depleted reserve of mechanical energy- as long as the second hand is stribae skin two, three chi chotiri seconds.

Autonomous service term ends in a quartz year, if the second arrow cuts off the skin, three or two seconds.

Ushchіlnyuvalne kіltse- the same gasket for most waterproof annunciators for the protection of the back cover, the crystal of the head in the water. The gasket is to be changed to the quality of the skin, in order to preserve the most effective water resistance.

Guilloche– all embellishment/ornament on high dials.

Evil/Nasichka- this function, as it allows the ringing of the second hand, if the head of the yearbook is drawn, as much as possible, which allows you to set the exact hour.

Isochronism- The building of the annual mechanism is step by step, independent of the position in space, the right temperature that stage to the running spring plant.

Line– this is the traditional unity of victory at the annual celebration, as it is victorious for the measurement of the diameter of annual mechanisms.

Farba, what to shine- tse cover, like putting markers on the arrows so that you can read an hour in the minds of low light.

Rattrapante(French: rattraper - "nazdoganyat") - all split chronograph. On the adopted middle of my birthday, this sonorous term indicates the peculiarity of the mechanism of the anniversary, in which case the second arrow nazdogana persha. The presence of such a 2-second hand is a small detail, as if visually inspecting the split-chronograph in the form of a splendid or “flyback”.

Limit accuracy- If the year is going to be accurate to + / - 10 seconds per river. Modern technology, like a vicorous quartz crystal oscillator, which works with an integrated circuit, ensures up to 10 times greater accuracy, lower than that of the original quartz mechanisms.

Telemeter– tse secondomir chi function of the chronograph with a scale, so that you can see what happens when you wear a birthday. Winning for different distance worlds.

Last calendar tse folded in the year, as it shows the month, day and date.

Water resistance- Tse those who in no way matime showed 100%.

The white digital display of the analog calendar, which is easy to read, displays the necessary functions with just one push of a button, appearing on the internal surface of the crystal when the digital function is activated.

Good luck, and do not hurry up, as it seems. You have є key terms, ієrarchy of the types of a person's year and different types of nutrition when choosing an ideal model. Hour of pishov!

It’s 24 years old for doba, and 24 years in this material, even if through the skin of 60 minutes you read for one recommendation, you are guaranteed an excellent auto-training before a serious purchase.

Pleasure 17. Joden year will not satisfy you for the most part. There is no single perfect model in the world.

Pleasure 18. Collection of 4 vintage years is shorter, lower of 10 years.

Pleasure 19. It’s less gravitation work for that guy, as it’s a special gift.

Pleasure 20. Bathe those who wear time, and do not just dress for the weekend. Don't lick these shkiri, buying up a yearly anniversary for one special evening. Do not think about the year in which mood is better.

Delight 21. Wear them. As if two months have passed since that hour, as you dressed the vostans, the stench simply does not suit you. Buy it, if you want to wear it permanently.

Pleasure 22."Limited series" is the most common marketing term. The series, which is limited to 5,000 or 2,000 conciliators, is not really limited.
The series is in a fair way - 30 copies. Abo 10. Abo 1.

Pleasure 23. If only I could tell you: “Did you waste pennies for a year!?”. You are not guilty of explaining anything, you still cannot be understood.

Pleasure 24. Do not marvel at the Patek and Rolex on the wrist of "that guy." Marvel at the anniversary, which is known on your wrist, and be happy. Do not rate anyone by age, like wearing stench, including one on yourself.

For materials: and dozens of others, if anything, they wrote about those, how to choose the right year: people, women, personal gifts, quartz mechanical ones, too.

Recommended shops: - over 250,000 sales in 10 years of work.

For the wealthy of us wrist year It’s not just an annex, which shows the hour, but also a status accessory. Firstly, the year itself, and itself: the brand, the material of the case, and the brand price - demonstrates your taste, status and material status. In a different way, a beautiful human year gives solidity to people, and woman's anniversary women - elegance. Wait, if Maurice Lacroix's birthday is on your hand, then the first thing you have to say about you is the person herself and it's good to do it. At tsіy statti mi magatimmos to give you fawn over about those, how to vibrati a year-old handcuff.
Let's take a look at the food:

How to choose the right wrist year

In order to choose the right wrist year, it is necessary to focus not only on the company of the year, but also on the price. So, without a doubt, dear yearbook cannot be a wrong choice, ale, prote, in the yearbook there are a lot of technical features, it is necessary to exercise respect when choosing a model, so that the stench does not only reinforce the status, but they suit you for their main characteristics.
So, let's move on to the parameters of the year, which is necessary to pay for the purchase.
First, why it is necessary to choose your own choice - the same type of annual mechanism. Yearbook is mechanical and quartz. Let's take a look at their features of the report.
Mechanical Years
A mechanical year is a year, which can even be a folding mechanism to go, which way of wine finding is rich enough to make a great drink. The design of a mechanical yearbook is made up of springs and wheel gears, which, when combined with each other, rob the head of the yearbook. The term of service of a mechanical yearbook is about 20 years old. A mechanical year works without a life cycle, which is more convenient - it’s enough to start yoga once every 3-4 days. Prote stinks toil their nedolіki.
Singingly, the biggest shortfall of the mechanical year is respected by their speed, as it takes 10 seconds to get it. On the accuracy of the course, not only the correctness of the mechanism is added, but the position of the year is the temperature dovkilla. The mechanical yearbook means more folding repairs, which can be found on the price.
Quartz Yearbook
Quartz year of foundations on a quartz generator, the sparks of which are created by electric colivan, yakі secure the end of the year. Such a mechanism ensures a more accurate date of the year, the cost of which is no more than 20 seconds per month. Quartz Yearbook is uncommonly periodically started, which will be more convenient for riches. The heads of such a design, a quartz yearbook can include other additional functions, for example, a little lower.
Watching the hour
Today, there are 3 ways to change the hour: arrow, electronic and combinations.
An arrow way to watch the hour - if the hour is seen by the arrows. Fallow in the form of a model, arrows can be buti like two - good that is good, so three - good, good that second. The second hand can be placed both on the main dial and on the clock face. Shooting method of fermentation to the hour є single way of fermentation to the hour mechanical yearbook, and as one of the options for displaying on quartz.
The electronic way of displaying the hour - if the hour is displayed for additional numbers. For someone else, such a way is good for the hour. This way of showing the victorious hour only happens in the quartz year. Zavdyaki tsomu, okrim vіdobrazhennya hour, on the dial can be blamed for other functions of the year.
As you have already guessed the name, the hour of the combined fermentation is victorious as an arrow, so is the digital method of fermentation of the hour. Such a vicarious hour is celebrated exclusively in the quartz year.
Okremo varto guess and about the foundation of the new system for the “Twelv” hour, as if it reflects the skin year with a color, and the whilini - its own filling of space, is similar to M_syats. But there are already few models of such a year and the stench has not gained such wide popularity, maybe due to the fact that they were recently created, or maybe due to their insignificance and ineptitude.

Digit type
If you see the importance of the arrow hour for the year, then choose for yourself what type of numbers on the dial you would like. The numbers on the dial can be either Roman or Arabic. Leather from the options of my own luck, about yakі mi rozpovіmo, giving a reason about the selection of a wrist year.
It is also necessary to indicate the number of numbers on the dial. The dial can be: 12 years old, 4 years old and 24 years old. Most of all, you can use the year-old model with a 12-year-old hour format, this type is called classic. That is, on the display there are numbers from 1 to 12, which is more obvious and loud. In order to expand the display of the Yearbook, the creators sometimes place 4 digits on the dial: 12, 3, 6 and 9. Such a Yearbook is good with its minimalism, but it seems like an amateur. In addition, it’s rare, but you can also use the year-old model with 24 digits on the dial, but you can also hand-stitch the numbers on the skin. Varto also guess about that anniversary, the dial of some kind of zovsim does not have numbers, but consists of 12 subdivisions - for lovers of minimalism.
hour format
The hour format is the way the hour is displayed on the digital display. There are three formats for changing the hour: 12-year-old, 24-year-old and combinations.
With a 12-year format, the hour is divided into 2 intervals of 12 years: before noon and after noon, which are indicated by "AM" and "PM" are appropriate. It’s more convenient, to that we called out to take the hour itself for such a system, for example: “three years of the night” or “two years of the day”.
The 24th year format shows the hour of finishing in the normal mode, starting from 0 years 00 times, ending 23 years with 59 times. This format is the widest in European countries.
The most convenient yearbook with a combined format for an hour, if you can independently choose a yearbook, in which format you can choose an hour.
Second hand
As a rule, it is more important to have a large wrist watch year to put a second hand on the main dial. Also, there are also models of anniversaries, in which case the arrow can be transferred to an okremium dial, or it will start on a daily basis. Appoint the presence of the second hand in the year of the year according to your needs.
Dzherelo energy
Dzherela zhivlennya year can be different.
As it was said above, in the mechanical year of the year with energy, there is a spring mechanism, which springs with its vise to bring the whole mechanism of the year into action. If the spring factory is weak, the year-old springs up and it is necessary to start it again, otherwise it would not be possible to wind up the winding. Call one plant for 48 years. In addition, there are models of a mechanical year with an automatic plant. The starters of the autopilot plant, the year-old will automatically start up, and you will not need to worry about it. The autopilot works through colivannya, with Russian people, so that your activity shifts 8 years to a day, then the autopilot will be effective for you.
Dzherelom living in a quartz year is a battery, її a charge is running on a sprat of rock. This option is suitable for those who forget to start a mechanical year, or who needs additional functions in the year.
One more dzherelom eating anniversaries sony battery. Tobto, exchange the sun, which is spent on the year, pass through the light-penetrating dial and spend on the photocell, which transforms them into energy that accumulates, which is better and live the mechanism of the year. And yet, the energy was even more inefficient, which is necessary, so that for the year they periodically consumed sleepy changings, but it’s foldable, as if you are practicing in the accommodation, when there is no sleepy light and winter, if the sleepy activity is already low.
Yearbook form
Yearbook of new offensive forms:
  • Barrel-shaped;

  • Square;

  • Round;

  • Oval;

  • Rectangular;

  • Rhombic;

  • Non-standard forms.

Vybіr forms of the year to lay down exclusively from special advantages.
Yearbook type
Yearbook buvaє chotirioh types:
  • Children;

  • Women;

  • Cholovichi;

  • Unisex.

Here, in principle, everything came to mind one thing, which can be explained - the year is unisex. Unisex - a type of anniversary, which is suitable for both women and men.

Body material
Materials, from which the hulls are vibrated, are finished richly. Pererahovuvat їх usі there is no sense, to that we pererakhuєmo less tі, like in our opinion є naykraschimi that cory with great popularity.
Obviously, the first varto is the corps and anniversaries made of gold. The case made of gold is one of the most prestigious and most beautiful. Regardless of the softness of this metal and even the high price, everything is one of the best.
The most expensive metal for the body of the year is platinum. Paired with gold, platinum with solid metal, alée, for that matter, important. As a rule, from platinum, the bodies of the anniversary are made for individual orders.
Palladium also often zastosovuetsya as a material for the body of the year. Surely, you know about this metal, yoga is often called “whiter gold”. Palladium looks similar to platinum and is lighter. By itself, the metal is rather good, because it does not oxidize and does not show signs of corrosion, and the surface of the smut is polished.
Titan - Garniy material for the hull of a year old: vin to finish a light one, even a mite, as well as a bell to finish a garni. Such a yearbook, as a rule, can achieve a reasonable price, equal to the previous materials.
Stainless steel
Cases of year-olds made of stainless steel should be widened. The body of this metal is more expensive and more durable. A few are those that are worn on the surface of the body, which can be seen for additional polishing. Іdealne spіvvіdnoshnja tsіni and vigor.
The most budgetary material for the body of the yearbook is all plastic. The only advantage is practicality and cheapness.
Bracelet or strap
The wrist yearbook is fixed on the hands for an additional strap or a bracelet.
Remіntsi buy: shkiryanimi, textile, plastic and silicone. As soon as there are shkіryanyh remіntsіv, then the stench is ruchnіshi through its softness and even looks beautifully on the hands. Textile remints are an alternative to shkiryans, stinks are cheaper for them, but naturally, not so old-fashioned and expensive. Remembrances for plastics and silicone vikoristovuyutsya in cheap and childish models of years.
When it comes to bracelets, the stench is made from different metals: gold, stainless steel, titanium and other materials. Anniversary's bracelet is also a sign of your status. Sometimes the bracelet plays an important role in the beauty of the year, no less than the lower case. If you choose a year for your status, then the year is made with a bracelet made of gold, if you want something simpler, then a bracelet made of stainless steel.
The skeleton is a year-old man with a transparent body, through which one can see the year-old mechanism. Such a year is even more beautiful, you can only see that you can constantly bachit this miraculous mechanism, which is made up of gears, springs and wheel gears, which are constantly collapsing.
The remaining parameter, on which it is necessary to focus when buying a yearbook, is the type of warehouse that closes the dial. Є 4 types of glass for the dial:
  • Plastic slope;

  • Mineral slope;

  • Sapphire slope;

  • Combined slope.

Plastic slop is wicked in cheap types of annuals, it can’t be that special slop, but before that, it’s slicker to the point. The mineral is also very shabby, and it can be easily broken. Sapphire is hard to make stable to thin pins, but it is also easy to break. The best option is a combination of mineral and sapphire crystals, so that in itself the minerality and resistance to sapphire.

How to choose a human year

In the first year of the year, the human year is necessary to choose the ones that are the same as their meta. As if it were a meta to show an hour, then the year of the year became like a titanium. If you want your yearbook to confirm your status, then the yearbook, the corps of some kind of vicons: palladium, gold, and in the worst case, platinum. If you see the honor of the year-old with the remin, then give the honor, obviously, to the shkiryan remin. Shodo bracelet, then for the status best option- a yearner with a gold bracelet, and a practical one - with a stainless steel bracelet. For the status, it is better to choose the year with the arrow of the hour and the 12-year-old dial with Roman numerals.
Also, at the time of the year, the yearbook can include: calendar, alarm clock, chronometer, chronograph, compass, stopwatch, switchover, hour of the day of time zones and in.
Warto guess and about such a beautiful possibility of the year as a resistance to shock and water resistance. If the year is anti-shock, then the mechanism of yoga will be theft, but shove it, but it doesn’t protect the hull that is weak. The water-resistant yearbook crosses the water into the middle, so, according to the class of water-resistant yearbook, you can take a shower or take a shower by the water on an installed clay.

How to choose a lady's anniversary

For the representatives of the beautiful state, the best year of the year is the best. Material for the body of the yearbook: stainless steel or gold. If there are a lot of numbers on the dial, then it’s better to win over minimalism. For the status, it’s better to win the honor of anniversaries with a bracelet, more practical anniversaries with a shkiryan reminets.
Women's birthdays, as a rule, do not include such wide supplementary opportunities as human beings, but the stench is damp and not up to anything. The only thing we can say about tsoma: resistance and calendar.

Yaku mark of the birthday vibrati

The most popular for sales are the brands of years:
  • Appella;

  • Casio;

  • Citizen;

  • essence;

  • Fossil;

  • haas;

  • Jacques Lemans;

  • Jowissa;


  • Romanson;

  • Skagen;

  • timex.

What a swiss year vibrati
On the 3rd of the Swiss Year, it is recommended to choose the following brands: Appella, Patek Philippe, Jaguar, Nina Ricci, Philip Laurence.
Yaki vibrati golden year
If you want to have a gold anniversary, then we recommend brands: Romanson, Dolce & Gabbana, Appella, Breguet, Jaguar and OMAX.

Anniversary - important rich daily life. Not for nothing, maybe, in order to keep pace with the hour, people used to come up with a wrist year. Aje stinks, it’s not enough to forgive life, but to shy your Volodar with an elegant and businesslike person. In these articles, we’ll talk about those, how to choose a man’s wrist year.

If the hour comes to choose a gift for a rotten man, we are caught in ruin: in the current market there is simply a great quantity other options that models. In order to make it easier to choose a man's wrist year, it is necessary for the beginning to know facts about them and the mechanisms of their work. And varto shche y z budget vyznachitisya, as in the absence of other options in the fall. How to choose a human year, so that I win a gift to the soul? Bezprograshny hіd - vivchit the wardrobe of a person, so that the year-old harmoniously fits into the new one.

The mechanism of the robotic wrist year

How to choose a human year? Mechanical, quartz, electronic ... What are the best? On the back, let's take a look at the skin of the options.

In a mechanical year, the main "ruling force" is a spiral spring. Such a year-old is a good time, so you don't need to replace batteries. The only shortfall: you can fix it at the exact hour, but you can easily fix the problem. This is a classic variant of the three of us, which, before that, may drink a great one, it is worthy of such an anniversary.

For precision work quartz year Batteries are required, as it is necessary to change them. But don’t worry about this drive, shards of such a robot rarely happen to work. If you put food about those, what kind of human year to choose, so that your budget does not suffer much, then this option is the best. Tse nadіny and inexpensive annual.

The electronic yearbook works the same way, like quartz, on batteries, only their display is digital. This is an ideal gift for athletes and for those who love modern technology.

Materials from which the year is being prepared

How to choose a man's wrist year? Vіdpovіd tse zapitanya іdkazhe іnformatsiіya schodo materialі, zаkogo stink prepared. It is necessary to go for a purchase with a new arsenal of knowledge from the first drive, shards in the material to fall, as a year of age there will be thefts in the ranks of the poshkodzhen, and also in the consumption of a saw and drive in the middle.

Yearbook can be crushed from:

  • stainless steel (the most wide-ranging option, which has a lot of pluses: longevity, superiority and materiality, as well as a presentable look);
  • brass (when the material is not so militant and yakish, like stainless steel, but all the same it can be rich; a year in such a case can last more than a decade);
  • aluminum (the variety of such years is the last, because the material is German, soft and not protected by the virus from different occasions);
  • plastics (year-old from such material can be cheap, so it’s also expensive; honestly, year-old vicarious vineyards are often done with plastic, but they have it yakіsna and not shkіdliva. not possible);

How to choose a human year, from which material the wines can be broken, we have already explained, now we have given.

Covering the anniversary

Pokrittya can also be changed. Yogo needs to be chosen appropriately to resemble your person.

  1. The steel is covered with victories more often than others, the shards are high in mettle and stamina. Trimaetsya sprat of rock.
  2. Golden earrings. Wanting gold and vvazhaetsya mіtsnim material, but it won't be worn for a long time. To lay everything down, in order, we will be a golden ball.
  3. Titanium coated. One of the most famous ones, you can buy such a birthday without fear as a gift for your kohan man.
  4. Ceramic coating. Vikoristovuetsya seldom, but for their own qualities, they don’t compromise on titanic ones.

We choose a bracelet for the anniversary

Wait a minute, commemorating the birthday on the wrist of a person, we try to figure out why the belt was broken. Even if the bracelet is yakishny, then the enemy is created, that the sergeant-major borrows a high camp at the temple. There are two main types of bracelets for the year: metal and shkiryan.

How to choose a person's birthday, so that you can look more effectively? Let's talk about these at once.

At the same time, do not choose a yearbook with a reminder for a shkirozaminnik! The stench looks cheap and won't serve your man for a long time! Deyakі firmi say that they make the bracelets of the shkirozaminnik with a special design in order to make the bracelet look more effective, and zapevnyayut the one who stinks of nothing for the shkiryan. Don't lie, it's more of a marketing gimmick!

Metal bracelets drastically change in the eyes of the skins, but the stench can also drink a great drink. The stench is to blame but prepared from the same material as the body.

How to choose a man's wrist year, so that the wine is handy at the victorious? You just need to call them! It is important that the year is not important for 100 grams, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to wear yoga.

If you’re worried about those who don’t guess about the life of the bracelet, then we have good news for you - if you have any master for the treatment, it’s enough to break that life itself, as it is required. To that, as if in doubt, rather take more.

Signed zі sklom for the year

There is one more nuance in the cherry food about those, how to choose a human year, play an important role. Tse sklo. Vіd nego to lay, naskіlki nadіynym and yakіsnim will be an accessory. Іsnuє chotiri main types.

  • Sapphire glass. The best material. Koshtuє, zvіsno, not cheap, but the price is true.
  • Sklo z crystal. This is the same kind of material, but for the price it is cheaper than sapphire.
  • Mineral slope. The price is richly lower, so when it’s hot, it’s easy to fray and piss off.
  • Іsnuє variant "sklinnya" from plastic, ale wine is the most successful, to the fact that this material does not protect against the saw and water, and it is also easy to break.

How to use the forms of the year

How to choose the right year for a person and how they can have a form, suggest the hand of your application. Yearbook is square, oval, round and rectangular.

For the cob it is necessary to recognize, as the form of the yearbook is most suitable for people, and then we will already marvel at their expansion. If a person’s hand is big to finish, then small anniversaries look simply stupidly on him. For such a hand, pidide is a great yearbook of rectangular or round shape, with a wide belt.

If your hand is thin and small, then you can choose an oval-shaped, rectangular, or round, with a narrow belt. If you want to make a present for a baby (to your brother, son), then you can make a year old with an absolutely non-standard form. The stench looks even more effective and singsongly fall to the relish of a young, active and progressive person.

In order to avoid any faults while wearing it, it is necessary to choose such anniversaries, in which the back part of the body of the troshka is bent - such an option will be more comfortable to sit on the hands, and therefore, it will be practically not sensible.

Dodatkove possession

Anniversary, cream main function can mother more richly dodatkovyh. Yak revert good birthday cholovіchі, schob stink shchey helped in everyday life? Zupinitsya on a richly functional variety! Among the most popular additional options are the following.

  • Yearbook can be equipped with an alarm clock. This is more convenient, but more smut, a function is needed. You don’t need to set yourself an alarm clock or a mobile phone. It seems that the rest of the trimati filed for themselves, there are more at night, more yogo winds are negatively poured into the work of our brain.
  • Also, for the anniversary, you can have a pіdsvіchuvannya installed. It is possible only in quartz and electronic years. It is not necessary for the mechanical ones, because the stench glows by itself at night (seeing the light of the day).
  • Another option is a calendar. With her, it’s important to forget about those, what a day it is. Adzhe, wait a minute, in the turmoil of today's world we often perish in such a simple diet!
  • This function is used as an indication of another hour. If your partner is a businessman and has a lot of connections with overseas partners, or he himself often travels to other countries, then such a function is simply irreplaceable. Won zdatna show the hour in the same time zone.
  • "Slip through" models of the electronic year can also be a tachometer. Vin vimiryuє medium speed your transfer.
  • Water resistance. This is an indispensable option for those who forget to remember the anniversary, if they go swimming or often spend time on a board. The godinnik becomes water-tight and airtight balls near quiet parts, where the body closes. In such a case, the abbreviation WR (Water Resistant) can be used.
  • For athletes best present there will be an anniversary with the function of impact.

The most popular virobniki

Otzhe, we looked at the main points in nutrition about those, how to choose a human year. Swiss brothers, can you take a sample of a vodka winemaker? It's no secret that at the same time, Chinese backwaters have already learned how to vibrate products, as it is important to recreate the original. How not to spend in halepa?

The leaders in the selection of birthdays are undoubtedly the same countries, like Switzerland and Japan. But all the same, only Switzerland is considered a classic of the genre. How to choose a human year in Switzerland, right? Is it true that stench is too expensive to koshtuyut?

On the right, in the fact that the Swiss year can be bought for a whole lot at a bargain price. The cost of such an anniversary starts at 200 dollars. Best budget brandies: Apella, Adriatica, Certina, Continental, Candino, Cheapo and others. Zvichayno, є і і ​​і іtіkі іrmi, yakі sell year's anniversary for obscene prices. How do you like the anniversary of 100,000 dollars?

If you are talking about Japanese brewers, then the most popular companies are Orient, Seiko, Casio. How to choose a human year "Orient"? Too simple! And how to choose a human year "Casio"! Similarly! Follow the rules described above and boldly accept the decision!

And if you don’t have so many pennies to buy, remember that the Japanese yearbook is accurate, universal, and also has a lot of additional functions. The stench will become a wonderful gift for your person and protect your budget. Aje prices on Japanese stamps are richly lower, lower on Swiss ones, stinks are priced from 50 dollars to 2 thousand dollars.

Over the creations of the anniversary, right professionals work, even an important and laborious process. At once, a lot of firms have proven themselves from the best side, name some of them, we have outdone them in the article. Be aware of the budget and boldly buy your sample year. Tse necessary riches in the world of today! And even before that, take the trouble to choose a model for the style of your person, be inspired, you will be radiant to your gift!

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