How to choose anniversaries of women's wristbands. How to choose a woman's wrist year.

Might be the best fashionista of a human being can easily get ruined if you get to the right to choose, and it’s better to buy good and “correct” birthdays.

I don't wonder, aje human accessories what plan in the stores I want to row a gati: simple, smart; and expensive, and not narrower; і on a belt, і with a bracelet; and classic and sporty; and so far and the like.

Plastic and silicone bushings are less important, but they can proponuyat the lower vaga, which is a priority, especially for sports. Only a year with no less than 40% of the components are supplied from Switzerland and also from there. Silicone - Looks like a gum bracelet, it just looks like it. Titanium is a high-yielding, mineral, anti-allergic and elegant material. Vіn win by jewelers. Textiles - a new man does not have a long life, but he wears well, he is strong.

  • Shkira - elegant old look, zruchny for wearing that front sight.
  • Steel - High quality material, attractive design, but more high vaga.
  • Ideal for sports.
  • Guma is a lightweight, water-resistant, human-like material.
  • A year-old with gum belts is also suitable for sports and casual clothes.
For business and people human year The color of the belt and the dial is responsible for matching the color of the accessories and the choice.

So what do you need to know, choosing and buying your own human year?

Well, you can start by estimating your perfect wardrobe and budget by putting your own food:

  • When will you wear this year's anniversary?
  • Why will you need stink: to recognize your status, as an accessory when you appear, to control the hour and hour of walks, to fix the access to the process of playing sports?
  • How do you put yourself before the new-fangled years-gadgets with smart "bells and whistles"?
  • How many pennies are you going to spend on this purchase? Remember that deyaki human brandy and sell the yearbook for even higher prices.

Everything you need to know about the man's wrist year

Otzhe, vydpovіli sobі on tsі and іnshі nutrition, firmly vіrіshivshi, if, de, yak and why you wear your new year. Now you should learn the specifics of the product, so bimoviti, having become familiar with the main types of wrist year and yogo key warehouses.

Let's expand the most - the year of the quartz year. Ensures high accuracy and trivality of the battery life term. Digital Yearbook for people victorious digital cameras. At Rest of the Rocks the mechanical machines turned up to modi Voni can be pulled out manually or automatically. Deyakі types of a human year cannot vikoristovuvat sizable battery, but you can charge, vikoristoyuchi sleepy panels, installed under the dial.

Classical, fashionable and social year for people, ring victorious traditional analog hour display. Sports Yearbook - more practical digital visualization. Tsіkavim kompromіsom can be combined vіdobrazhennya hour, scho proponuє more possibilities.

1. Analog, digital or analog-digital yearbook.

Analogue mayut dial with the year's and hvilinnaya arrows; or with numbers, markers in Roman numerals, to show the hour stretching 12 years. The stinks are more formal, classic type of a human year and ideally fit at the weddings, at official calls and at the afternoon of the afternoon.

Vibirayuchi, take a look at the width of the body of the year. Cuffs larger than 4 cm are best suited for strong wrists. Shchob die ideal rozmіr godin, watch your wrists. The square root of the perimeter, multiplied by ten, will give a total number. The man's year in this hour pronounces impersonal functions, which can make you feel better everyday life. Most of them can be found on the sports yearbook, but they can be equipped with other types of yearbooks.

The day of Monday - displays the name of the day of Monday on the front panel, with the English abbreviation. I will update the automatic calendar - for the next digital and combined years. A chronograph works like a classic stopwatch, for example, by phone. The tachometer is a measure of speed with a stopwatch. Barometer - a year old can be a sensor for vimiryuvannya atmospheric pressure. Luminescent elements - the anniversary can be seen from dark and dark. The radio-cerning year takes the radio signal for fixing. Visvіtlennya - especially for the digital year. The display will automatically turn on at the hour of the move.

  • Select the number for displaying the current date on the front panel.
  • The calendar shows the day and month, it is possible to navit river.
Waterproof for all kinds of human year, not just for sports.

The digital yearbook may be a rare crystal (LCD), or a light (LED) dial, which shows the hour in a numerical form, for example, 2:50. This variety is more important than usual.

Analog-digital can mother like analog, and digital "face". The stench is utilitarian; that їх it is possible to carry і on the work, і in other right. Ale, don’t think of shining with your mind and standing in them at some official entrance!

Year-old, which is not in contact with water, meanings like "waterproof". If you know information about depth in meters or in atmospheres or bars, it means that contact with the water of the singing world will continue. When choosing an anniversary, the greatest role is played by the attitude that you plan to wear. At the sports year, you will have different vimogi, a lower year for work or for sport. Focus on the parameters, like on the material and marvel at the function, like you check out your yearbook.

What are the parameters of the next vrakhovuvati pіd hour of the choice of the anniversary?

Persh for everything, you are guilty of perekonatisya, what are you whispering, deyakі years are divided and insured for people and women. An analog yearbook is a classic type of yearbook with handles, which is suitable for everyday wear, the stench is often decorative, also suitable for a company. The stench sounds like more opportunities and is not suitable for a social outfit. Combination year - an hour showing hands, but the stench also can be a small digital display. The stink of wearing gentlemen chimes for a suit. Smart-year-old and sports zmagachi - they can be connected with a smartphone, they have the most opportunities, and are also suitable for playing sports. Anniversaries for everyday wear - the stench is due to be especially strong and old-fashioned, so that the stench could see everything that you work through the day. You also appreciate the water-resistant and other practical functions of your yearbook for a normal anniversary, why the yearbook is not only an embellishment, but also a practical memorial. Anniversary for the company, for a party - especially for women, stench to take on yourself vіdminnі and slіpučі anniversaries, yakі supplement and reinforce a splendid look. The social year is not guilty of equipping with practical functions, the most important of which is design. Sports year - wine is guilty of being as comfortable as possible, to keep you out of sports. Sound off to promote special functions, and you can also enjoy popular sports tests. Ale tse does not fit the social ode. . Sklo, as if protecting the dial, є already strained part of the year.

2. Quartz and mechanical (hand-wound).

Digital yearbook get life from a cryogenic battery, as you have been running on the cashier in the electronic store more than once.

The most frequent victorious annual is the mineral weight, as it propagates a high spivvіdnoshennia price/yakіst. More precious and sapphire solid slides. Less resistant to acrylic or plastic weights. Їhnya perevaga - low price. The body of the year-old is the same part, where the year-end is saved. Vіn is guilty of buti stіykim to erasing that mechanical poshkodzhen. The standard is stainless steel cases, which are the most satisfying. Sche best materialsє titanium, platinum, gilded steel or enhanced gold.

- this is an analog year, which is practiced on miniature, vibrating and electrifying quartz crystals. That stench will show you the exact hour, plus or minus 1 hvilin per river.

Plastic, brass or silicone bushings are suitable for casual wear, for those who do not show the stink of a great ambition. Silicone - can also be powerful, like a humic bracelet, only the material of preparation in a different way. Titanium is the most important material that is victorious in jewelry sets. Wine is light and anti-allergic. Textiles are more durable and light, but you can also be brudny or soft.

  • Shkira is the best material for casual wear.
  • Steel is an essential material.
  • Guma is a lightweight, waterproof material.
  • Gum belts are also suitable for sports and casual clothes.
Most often, we stick with the so-called quartz year-old mechanism, which propagates to achieve high accuracy and reliability of the battery life term.

Mechanical“charged” with a folding complex of mechanisms and springs. So, for the thin work itself, that unperfected mastery asks for a price for them. Ale, sorry ancient mysticism manual winding of the year-old is not finished enough to cich fir. The stench is about 60 minutes per river and may start on a regular basis.

The digital yearbook vicorist digital attachment and mechanical attachment with manual or automatic retraction, turn to modi. Days of the type of the year cannot charge a great battery, but they can charge it with a charge sony batteries, pobudovanі pіd anniversaries.

Classical, fashionable and social anniversary, healthy, vicarious traditional analogue of the hour. For a sports year, digital images are preferred. Compromise can be a year-old with a combined fermentation hour. In this hour of the year, there are a lot of practical functions. Most of them can be found in the sports yearbook, but they can also be equipped with a fashionable wrist yearbook. Okremі rozdіli - tse smart-year-old, a kind of wireless rank of connections to your mobile phone.

3. Body.

This is, in fact, a frame, in an analog year case, the case can be round, rectangular, square and navіt rich; with glitter / matte finish, with little, with incrustation with expensive stones / other crystals (if you don’t recommend it for people, you don’t pretend to be a pimp!).

Sounds like you are sticking with such functions. Date of that day of tuzhnya - s variant of the number, choose the current date and abbreviation foreign movie, as well as the name of the day. Update the automatic calendar - programming a ten years ahead of time, ring for a digital and combined yearbook. Illumination - the display automatically turns on, and the function is especially suitable for a digital yearbook. Yearbook with “waterproof” markings, only water-resistant and sawn-resistant. Do not take direct contact with water.

The body of the large human anniversary of the Vikons, as a rule, is made of metal; steel, titanium, gold, silver and platinum are the most popular choices. Before speech, the anniversary of the remaining three expensive metals will cost you a penny, but also available alloys.

If you know information about the depth in meters or vice versa in atmospheres or bars, it indicates those that contact with the water is going on in the singing world. Have you been blessed with a close person with a birthday, and are you evil by choosing the right ones? You are not yourself, in the storm of brands and thousands of models you haven’t lost anyone. We would like to help you establish the criteria so that your donation year will be valuable and long-term joy for you.

First of all, you should be amazed, or you don’t take the results for the word, you are guilty to clarify a few key aspects: how much you are ready to donate, mothers for the melancholy of your little lad and consume the blessed, the importance of the fall, for which there will be a year of donations. If you see your gamanets, you will spend a sprat of hvilin with the next row.

4. Reminets chi bracelet?

If you choose your vibe on an analog anniversary, then you will have a belt, shkiri (as a rule, black or brown color), or with the same metal as the case. A digital yearbook, for example, sports models and technical innovations with various bells and whistles, as a rule, can only include plastic belts.

Jokingly pick number one for an obsessive gift. On the right, not only in that, chi tse ide chi nі. Give advice on nutrition about those that the year is guilty of this rose. Chi є stinks virazami fun, friendship, love chi just vdyachnistyu? Ask yourself, what is your specialty and why are you guilty of bathing your anniversary.

To make your decision easier, save your anniversary at three vigadans, different financially powerful groups. You can choose a miracle year on the skin price level, but, be kind, do not fall into perekonannya, so you buy Rockefeller's luxury for 200 euros. Schopravda, replicas of the whole world Vіdomih brandіv to force you to pay for the whole sum, but what do you think about the fake annual?

5. Non-traditional view of a human year.

Sports option

A sports yearbook is more of a tight-fitting, mіtsniy і zrobleny z vysokoyakіsnyh kompositіv plastic. The largest expansion of the species is a classic water-resistant year for underwater swimming. In the present hour, such markets are simply hammered up to the throat, in some є such bells and whistles like an odometer, a visotomir, a compass, an attachment for a vimiryuvannya. arterial vice, pulse monitor, GPS technology, as well as a number of other bells and whistles for cotton active image life.

Everyday gift - marvel up to 32,500 rubles. . On the other hand, you can buy a yearbook of grand dummies, Giorgio Armani and other riches popular brands for example Up to 32,500 rubles you can buy a stylish yearbook with silicon quartz batteries and buttons. Tsey rіven tsіn іdeally suitable for regular urochistos, oskіlki promotions ask more honestly.

We are already known in the lower and middle class of a luxurious annual, everything is deposited in sumi. Obviously, it’s your fault to think about the people of the future vlasnik. You can choose from a range of high anniversaries of the leading Swiss stamps. Here you can take a closer look at the quality of products, choose materials and know the best mechanical attachments. A heavy caliber, a kind of delusion with a sufficient number of free cats. What do you see as a gift from the car of a decent car in a villa on Kolib?

Two good brand for a first-hand look - Nike and Timex, the offspring of the offending company vibrate different and functional lines of an accessible and affordable human year.

  • Yearbook-gadgets

Such an attachment to your hands can be taken as a mini-addendum, which will become more familiar for young people - students, technologists and engineers. Gadgets-year-olds avenge more than technical "lasoschiv", lower sports brothers - calculators, digital cameras, electronic mail programs and more. Ale, please, on your way, it’s faster than a cicava dribnichka and a chergovy topic in the case of such very friendly friends of people, but not a topic for rozmov that object of praise in the company of women.

Human year - why do you want to eat?

Regardless of the type of model that you deserved, your anniversary is guilty, persh for everything, lie down firmly to the wrist (and don’t fall uphill and down, if you fall with your hand) and don’t deprive the new one of your annual windfalls.

Srіbniy yearbook looks like black, gray, steel and blue, and, ideally, is guilty of being worn only at the evening hour. Golden year go brown, beige and other colors for the best, and wear them best during the day. Digitally, what a cool stench they wouldn’t be, it’s only their fault to wear casual / working / training clothes!

Glossary of terms at the light of the year

The clock on the right is the most complicated science and the most mysticism. Use the low value of important terms in your gallery, as they can spantelichity of an average statistical purchase. To that it is strongly recommended to remember the meaning of the upcoming words by heart, before that, like going to the store for a human year!

Aperture- there is a small opening (window) at the dial, in which a streaming indication is given: the date is the day of the month, the month or the phase of the month.

Application- all the overlay ornament at the sight of numbers or symbols, vicarious on the dial.

ATM- all alone under the name "atmosphere". Atmospheric sunset є riven tysku povitrya on rivni sea, a kind of building vitrimati year. (1 atm = 1 bar = 10 m = 33.3 ft).

Automatic hіd, Zvichayny hіd є є mekhanіchnym, vіdbuvaєsya such a rank: the rotor wraps itself around the hands of your hand and starts a roaring force. The energy that vibrates in the wake of the rush, transforms into mechanical energy, as if creating the rush. Try to be afraid of the year, or start yoga manually, as the supply of energy is depleted.

Bezel- The whole ring is near the upper part of the crystal/dial. As a matter of fact, it’s vainly sloppy, or it’s crystal on the spot. The bezel, which wraps around for the help of the ratchet, moves in the last few years, being a variety of folding for the year's arrow, or against the arrow, or in both straight lines.

back cover- this is the reverse part of the anniversary, as it is in contact with your skin.

Chronograph- the whole function of the stopwatch, the crime is in the wake of the whiling that year.

Chronometer- this is a mega-precise yearbook, which is reliable for accuracy for 15 days and nights in 5 different positions and temperature conditions.

complication– it’s all about the twisted functions of the year, and the hvilinny repeater itself, the timer of the turning signal, the stopwatch, the visotomir, the astrophotometer, the heart rate monitor, the calendar, the phase indicator of the month, the chronograph of a fraction of a second, the power reserve indicator, the alarm clock.

COSC- tse abbreviation, in translation it means "Swiss Institute of Official Testing of Chronometry", in which the yearbook is revised for 15 days and nights in 5 different positions and temperature conditions. Zreshtoyu, the model should pass this test or not pass. If this is so, then such an annual is launched in the production and called chronometers.

Head– ce attachment for mortgage mechanical yearbook, as well as adjusting the required hour or date of the calendar.

Depleted reserve of mechanical energy- as long as the second hand is stribae skin two, three chi chotiri seconds.

Autonomous service term spit in quartz year if the second arrow is stripped of the skin, three or two seconds.

Ushchіlnyuvalne kіltse- the same gasket for most waterproof annunciators for the protection of the back cover, the crystal of the head in the water. The gasket is to be changed to the quality of the skin, in order to preserve the most effective water resistance.

Guilloche– all embellishment/ornament on high dials.

Evil/Nasichka- this function, as it allows the ringing of the second hand, if the head of the yearbook is drawn, as much as possible, which allows you to set the exact hour.

Isochronism- The building of the annual mechanism is step by step, independent of the position in space, the right temperature that stage to the running spring plant.

Line– this is the traditional unity of victory at the annual celebration, as it is victorious for the measurement of the diameter of annual mechanisms.

Farba, what to shine- tse cover, like putting markers on the arrows so that you can read an hour in the minds of low light.

Rattrapante(French: rattraper - "nazdoganyat") - all split chronograph. On the adopted middle of my birthday, this sonorous term indicates the peculiarity of the mechanism of the anniversary, in which case the second arrow nazdogana persha. The presence of such a 2-second hand is a small detail, as if visually inspecting the split-chronograph in the form of a splendid or “flyback”.

Limit accuracy- If the year is going to be accurate to + / - 10 seconds per river. Modern technology, like a vicorous quartz crystal oscillator, which works with an integrated circuit, ensures up to 10 times greater accuracy, lower than that of the original quartz mechanisms.

Telemeter– tse secondomir chi function of the chronograph with a scale, so that you can see what happens when you wear a birthday. Winning for different distance worlds.

Last calendar tse folded in the year, as it shows the month, day and date.

Water resistance- Tse those who in no way matime showed 100%.

The white digital display of the analog calendar, which is easy to read, displays the necessary functions with just one push of a button, appearing on the internal surface of the crystal when the digital function is activated.

Good luck, and do not hurry up, as it seems. You have є key terms, ієrarchy of the types of a person's year and different types of nutrition when choosing an ideal model. Hour of pishov!

  • Mechanical Years - A classic, based on a spring mechanism. Dzherelom energy - the spring is tightly twisted at the factory. Step by step, spinning, there is a swing of the pendulum, a kind of action on the wheel mechanism, which will bring the arrows into motion. If you want to have low accuracy, expensive repairs and the need for a periodic factory, such a year is considered even more prestigious and costly, and for a robotic mechanical year, you do not need batteries, no batteries. The reason for the instability of the movement of the mechanics is those that it is practically impossible to twist the spring spiral evenly. 1st class of accuracy for mechanics – but +40/-20 seconds debuff is allowed for the kill.

  • Features of the mechanical year:
  • - Necessity to correct the exact hour for models with automatic winding mechanism.
  • - Automatic winding - chain of crops: the accessory must be worn at least 8 years ago, and the dynamics of the hands of the sackcloth can be done actively, tk. the spring under the hour of the rush may power up.
  • - Yearbook with automatic plant may have larger dimensions (because it has an additional mechanism).
  • - The mechanism is sensitive to saw, water, temperature changes.
  • - Idsvіchuvannya in this anniversary can only be luminescent.
  • A good bonus for the purchase is the potential of the bezvіdmovnoї bagatarіchї work and the prestige for the minds of the conducted visits from the cleaning ( qualified fahivtsy) that timely sightseeing.
  • Quartz annual- The most popular option. The quality of the year is based on the tradition of the virobnik, tobto. obviously prostzhuєtsya vzaimozv'yazok prestige brand with equal quality of their products. Here lie down and electronic wrist year, equipped with impersonal functions, right up to extended functionality from a notepad and a calculator. Equipped with an autonomous life source – a battery. The robot of the pendulum system in this year is based on quartz crystals. If you compare them with mechanical ones, then quartz ones can be significantly more accurate: they have a tolerance of +20/-20 sec/month.

The niche of innovation in the annual world is occupied with pride electronic wrist yearbook, which may have such features:

  • - Can be equipped with an additional dial
  • - The accuracy of the course of electronics is rather low depending on weather minds.
  • - The display can be reset easily.
  • - Pіdsvіchuvannya
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