Refrigerators and air conditioners on sony energy. Air conditioner with sony batteries Air conditioner with sony batteries for cars

What emotions do you have to cry out understand, the sun is the air conditioner?

What kind of relationship do you have between the sun and the refrigeration machine?

What do you think about the operation of an air conditioner without electrical energy?

Ask you the nutritional information provided, as I know on my facebook page under the name: "How do I make the sun cool?" The reviewed materials were more than worthy of me, because a conditioning scheme was induced - the price stage of recovering sleepy energy. Sob rozіbratisya and explain everything to you in a reasonable way my simple I turned for advice to my colleagues, to the Planet Climate company.

Now about everything in order.

Sleepy thermal air conditioners.

In this novelty, the guidance of the functional scheme, a hybrid sleepy air conditioner has been developed, the energy of the sun is victorious for the robotic air conditioning system. Solar thermal energy, combined with an efficient compressor, allows you to significantly save energy from electricity. Compressor with conventional electric power to meet the necessary pressure and heat the refrigerant up to a temperature of over 180 °C.

I can't describe the operation cycle of the refrigeration machine. I’ll lose your respect, that as an additional heating of the refrigerant, from the compressor to the condenser, sequentially connecting the sleepy collector. In vacuum tube collectors, the refrigerant gas is heated more warmly to a temperature of approximately 270 °C, without causing a significant reduction in energy consumption by the compressor.

Behind the names of the virobnik, such a thermal insulation building air conditioner has a seasonal efficiency coefficient (SEER), close to 16. But for the time being, I'm trying to avoid the recognition of this indicator and in more detail, let's expand on why it's a little lower. I will only add that the effect of this unit is better in that the sun shines brighter, the temperature rises higher, and the system is given more effectively.

It's wonderful. Aje mi zvikli think, and in the usіh іnstruktsіyakh z ekspluatatsії kondіkіonerіv it is written, that with the increase in the temperature of the outside air, the efficiency of the air conditioning will decrease again.

A scheme has been put in place that effectively allows you to beat the heat, to vibrate the cold. Asking for something else. Chi varto fence such a cooling scheme for repeating for a booth of an apartment? Entirely commodiously recognized for the great general purpose.

І one more meal viniklo pіd hour z'yasuvannya details of the sony thermal air conditioner. How can air conditioners and refrigeration machines (absorption, compressor) be used in such schemes? For more detailed information about modern compressor split air conditioning systems, read here.

Absorption refrigerators.

While information about a solar thermal air conditioner can be considered novelty, then about absorption refrigeration machines have been known for a long time, and fahіvtsі are important, that the stench itself is to blame for stagnation in the design of public buildings with air conditioning. The stench is noiseless in robots and does not create vibrations.

Golovne, only the stench of the building to get cold from the warm sleepy spaces. It appears that in such an aggregate there are two antagonistic concepts - heat and cold, sun and air conditioning.

In order to gain confidence in the fact that it is really possible to take away cold from heat, let's, without delving into the physics of the processes of a refrigerator, try to understand the essence of nutrition. On the cob cicavia fact. Mayzhe 70% of Japanese budіvel, air conditioners work, vicarious cold, heat removal in absorption bromide-lithium refrigerating machines (ABHM).

Not in the image of a chitachev, but a little further away, I will lead my rozpovid in the form of a teapot. So, so, the kettle is used for boiling water, and you know about it leather. The boiling temperature of the water is 100 ° C and it is necessary to bring the heat-carrier to the kettle, which will exceed the boiling temperature, the water in the kettle will boil, and the heat-carrier will cool. The boiling point of water is 1 bar at normal atmospheric pressure (on the surface of the earth).

From physics, we know that water can be powerful, if it can boil at low temperatures, with a reduced pressure in volume, it will not be known. If the pressure is reduced to 0.007 bar (lower vacuum), the water is already boiling at a temperature of only 4 °C.

For such minds, it’s enough to bring a heat-carrying teapot with a temperature, for example, 10 ° C, and for the help of this heat-carrying water, the water in the teapot would boil, like in the half-light of a gas burner, and the heat-carrying tea cooled, for example, to a temperature of 7 ° C, similar to how the products of burning gas cool under a boiling kettle. Heat-carrying, cooling from 10 to 7 ° C, called cold-carrying, and it can be successfully used, for example, in air conditioning systems.

The ABHM brewery uses the same processes. Like a refrigerant in this machine, it is not Freoni that is used, but like a teapot - the same water that boils in a steamer, the pressure of the middle one is close to absolute vacuum.

Scheme ABHM (A - absorber, I - evaporator, G - generator, K - condenser (1 - vacuum pump, 2 - refrigerant water pump, 3 - absorbent pump, 4 - heat exchanger), X - cold spigot, T - dzherelo heat, Gr - cooling tower.

I realized that the refrigerator is foldable for a teapot, but be it foldable, it folds from simple elements. So, in our view, from the induced scheme, it is clear that steam is established in the steam room when water is boiled. The more steam, the less boiling (there is a vice), that steam must be brought in. In conventional compressor refrigeration machines, the refrigerant is vaporized by the compressor.

In ABHM, there are deposits of lithium bromide in water. The peculiarity of this difference is that the building is greedily clayed (according to the scientific term - “to absorb”) water vapor. As in one obsyazі z vaparnik rozporoshuvat concentrations of lithium bromide, absorbent titles, the vacuum in this obsyazі zberezhetsya, oskolki vapours go to rozchin.

So that the absorbent does not lose its clay properties, the heat is transferred to the recycled water, which circulates through the absorber coil, and is introduced into the atmosphere through the cooling tower. In addition, in order to increase the absorption capacity of the building on a permanently high level, it is necessary to extract a couple of steam and to work in the generator for additional thermal energy from a third-party dzherel.

Axis here we went to the point where we needed food, as in the absorption bromide-lithium refrigeration machine, cold is vibrated for additional heat. Like a third-party thermal energy source 83 - 88 °C can be stagnant whether it is a thermal energy source and as we said on the cob of stats - warm sleepy energy. So cold we can vibrate without electrical energy only in ABHM.

Another area of ​​effective zastosuvannya ABKhM є budіvlі z cogeneration installations that generate electricity and thermal energy. If in such booths it is necessary to stop the compressor refrigeration machines for air conditioning, then in the summer hour the thermal energy can be thrown off into in the middle and cogeneration will not be efficient in any way. At the same time, a set of possessions "cogeneration unit + ABHM", titles of trigeneration, to secure a high level of victorious energy fire.

It should be respected that, regardless of the low positive power, it is necessary for mothers to be in control, that the refrigeration coefficient ABHM is at the highest level of 0.7, which means that for 1 kW of reduced thermal energy, it is possible with a cold of 07 kW , 1.7 kW will be transferred to the right middle.

The refrigeration coefficient of compressor refrigeration machines is five times higher. True, compressor machines do not generate heat, but electrical energy.

Otzhe, vіdpovіmo once more for food, put on the cob of the article.

1. Regardless of what we think, that heat and cold cannot work in the same harness, after reading the above information, change your point of view on the severity of sony radiation, as an alternative energy source for cold. Sun and air conditioner can work together.
2. Let's use the butt of victorious sleepy energy for keeping cold and bromide-lithium refrigeration machines. Only the stench of the building makes you feel cold from the hot sleepy days.
3. Absorption refrigerating machines merit for those, schob more widely zastosovuvat їх at designing budіvel of a public recognition from air conditioning. In addition, the stench practically does not support electrical energy. The stench is safe, to that which is practiced with a pressure lower than atmospheric, the stench does not create threats to the ozone ball of the atmosphere, to that instead of freon the stink can be filled with water.

All the floorings sounded that our life is filled with various electronic and electrical appliances, that we can’t even imagine our life without them. And if our ancestors miraculously managed without air conditioners, radio receivers and other devices. But today, people lack what they have already blamed, but today they will perfect what has already been created. And everyone knows we are ready to change for another time. For example, an air conditioner with solar batteries. It is based on the air conditioner, which is the most important for us, only works not from the central energy source, but from the sun.

Yakі sche pristroї can pratsyuvati, vikorostuyuuchi sonyachne vprom_nyuvannya, about tse mi i let's talk. But it is necessary to understand that, in fact, the principle of robotic attachments does not change, they are divided into less energy sources, as if they are victorious for their functioning. Therefore, one can speak less about innovative technologies, and not about new developments.

Yaki stinks and "sonyachni" attach...

On a sleepy battery, you can use some accessories, like they save a small amount of energy. Intestinal lighters, calculators on sony batteries, garden lamps and other necessary outbuildings are very popular. And also in the same way, there are more and more "non-intrusive" units, for example, bicycles, cars and flyers. Obviously, the stench does not vikoristovuyutsya everywhere, but still change your mind є, but tse already right.

Let's take a closer look. Too many who simply do not show their life without music, but do not have the ability to enjoy your favorite composition. Obviously, mp3 players didn’t fail anyone, but you’re not alone, but in a company, it’s already becoming a problem, the more you see it, go to nature and the ability to connect speakers is simply not possible. For such music lovers, the Roberts company has created a digital radio receiver, which works on a sleepy battery. They called it SolarDAB, for the sake of winning the energy of the sun, it has other pluses:

  • The possibility of connecting an mp3 engraver has been transferred.
  • On a special screen, information about the SB charge is displayed.

The SolarDAB radio receiver on a single battery charge can be used for about 27 years, and it can cost about 160 dollars.

Alece is not the only similar accessory. For about $70 you can get a Bresser National Geographic radio receiver. Krіm radio tsey pristіy includes an anniversary, a light day and an alarm clock. And what is the best, you can charge this radio receiver not only from the sun, but also from the merezhі it can be built according to the principle of a dynamo machine, vikoristovuyuuchi a special handle. That price is also acceptable.

The offensive butt is fans on a sleepy battery. On the market, stench is also represented by various companies. One of them is Solar Fan with LED. The advantage of this model is the presence of a light lichtaric. Fall under the mode of work, wine can be proprated for 8 years, as a fan, or 20 years, as a praciuє lіhtarik. On a son, the battery can be charged 2000 mAh in 8-12 years, and in USB in just 6-7. Usogo 70 dollars, and this fan will become yours.

Crimean models, you can add a mini fan that works on a sony battery, Solar powered mini fan or an attachment from the Maplin company, which can use a fan, an alarm clock, a lighter and a battery that allow you to charge any other gadgets. For sale, put on caps, on some installations there is a mini propeller, for blowing the face. The only minus is the possibility of using other energy sources during the day, that battery, of course, also.
On the next video - fans, for which robots do not need electricity:

Vіkonny thermometer, air conditioner and not only…

Dalі at the list - a vikonny thermometer, іsnuє і such, do not be surprised. The cost of such a thermometer on a sleepy battery is about 700-1500 rubles. Deposit according to the model of the picker. For example, a little lion hand is depicted with a digital thermometer of the RST trademark. Krіm temperature the model shows the water content and shows the maximum and minimum temperature for the rest of the production. To fasten this thermometer on the old bill of the day on a special Velcro.

Another butt is the TFA thermometer. May the function of automatic switching of the display at the dark hour has been achieved and the possibility of working not only with sony energy, but also with a sizable finger-type battery. The axis is only the price of the yogo doubler, the lower one is in the front model.

We can use the butt of a calculator on sony batteries with the butt of a Chinese model, vikonan in a transparent case. There is a function of auto-wiring and recharging the battery. True, the price of yoga is not too small - close to 1800 rubles. Zate old look even unseen, only for the sake of yoga you can come.
Well, let's talk about it, let's talk about those why our article began - about air conditioners. There are 2 different types:

  • Active, tobto tі, scho vikoristovuyut without intermediary thermal energy of the sun.
  • Passive, tobto tі, scho practice in the form of electricity, obtained for the help of sony batteries.

Like a butt, you can build a distribution of Hong Kong winemakers, like another story, such an attachment was presented to a wide audience. The sony batteries are made from photocells in black color, they can be placed on the dahu and the split system is ready before the end of the day. Those Australian colleagues do not see them, they have no idea how to live for the SB, as they generate 70 W / year. And in the wake of the batteries for a bright day, they accumulate energy, which is used to work the air conditioner at the night time.

Now you know what kind of SB can work just as well, like a radio receiver or a calculator, and also different household items, a fan or an air conditioner. Follow the news and stay up to date with the rest of the sony energy industry. І tse obov'yazkovo to help reduce costs for electricity.

The article was prepared by Abdullina Regina

Іsnuyu navit vag on SB:


Поради щодо економії електроенергії на кондиціонери: відповідно до Китайської національної метод управління енергоефективності, EER відноситься до співвідношення холодопродуктивності та споживаної потужності, що тільки дані, що використовуються для оцінки енергозберігаючих кондиціонерів ніж вона більше.це економить електроенергію. Just like two replacement strumas with less tension, then with more tension, it’s better for saving electricity.

Working characteristics

High efficiency, energy saving, saving pennies that outperform the national first-class energy standard.

Mіtsniy that dovgovіchny, smooth running.

Healthy and comfortable, post_yna temperature and vedennya ailments from the air conditioner.

Claus is not transformed by the frequency of the confectioner, ale overlap Yogo, that is the re -renewed of the type of Ekonomi Energius, if the temperature in the permitted reasonable valuable, and the Gabrid, the condichasioner praziel in the Optimal Start, the start of the traditions of the traditional ethnicity of the tradition

Super luxurious looking to brighten up your home.

Automatically vodkrittya that closed the saw again on the way out.

Ease of installation, like a traditional air conditioner.

With strong adaptability, Chuanglan hybrid sleepy air conditioner can work in both low and high temperatures from -7℃ to 53℃.

Revision of national standards and zastosovnі to all types of dovkill.

High productivity of Japanese brand compressors

Mitsny and dovgovichny, smooth head. Low cost robotic compressors continue to be successful.

Chotiri razi Heat exchanger

As one of the main components of the air conditioner, Chuanglan hybrid sleepy air conditioner adopts a heat exchanger (take the Upper Tikha as a butt) in the heat exchanger, the heat exchanger effectively increases the area by 20-40% more, paint yourself.

High-pitched inner pipe of the middle theme

At povіvnіnі zі zіchaynoyu mednoї piping, teploobmіnnoї oblastі vnіshnіshnіmі razblennіmіdі pipes significantly zbіlsheі so svomіn efekt. At the same time, you can repair the opir glaze and improve the building at low temperatures.

Hydrophilic aluminum foil, to prevent the appearance of a bridge, in such a way, to ensure the efficiency of heat exchange.

Car cooler in fine batteries Free delivery. The cooler has a hot air circulation in the cabin, which gives you the opportunity to infrequently use the air conditioner and increase the economy of the fire and the possible renewal of the air conditioner. Photovoltaic panels are molded on the cover of the car - clean batteries with photoelectric modules. Shown is the first car with a split system. At the car show - the motor show in Paris, a car was shown, as a prototype of a crazy crossover in fine batteries. The new shape of the car was presented by Ssang. Wait a minute batteries (12 singles) are assigned to cover the car, the wicket of the warehouse. The air conditioner is ideal, but the battery is filthy at a power of seventy worthless watts, the power of a yak in such a state is absolutely too much electricity per hour. Take care in electricity: the battery is the most suitable battery ... Sonyach batteries will give you the ability to blow your batteries in the same tone in these areas, where other charging methods are inaccessible. Take care of the congestion of the air conditioner, freezer, TV, lighting. In pursuit of energy efficiency, a number of companies transfer the supply of other keys, in this quantity and good batteries with self-cooling. Modern air conditioning special equipment, being the ultimate electric buttress split system or a multi-zone concept, is due to energy efficiency. News Bad batteries Kyocera with the method of new ec cars Toyota Prius. For maximum comfort, the car's split-system in a battery-free can be switched on on the stand. Conditioners have fine batteries. A similar concept can achieve savings of up to 30% of the hard-earned money and position itself in the first place with the method of purchases from the countries of the Arabian Emirates. Sonya battery with iPhone method. The rule is the validity of a car air conditioner. So just change the touchscreen in the tablet with wet hands - marking spare parts. Car cooler in a battery-free Auto Cooler, 10534 in Podarkoff Internet shopping center. The largest low vartost is in Kiev, the stream of delivery is good for the whole of Ukraine.

road with solar batteries

In order to find out what your computer's computer should lie up to, turn over that other voltage you will need - sound it in the battery or put it on the bottom. Krіm tsgogo, in the Amur paths to build vicoristovuvat road signs with unstable tributes - the stench also functions independently. The Amur highways feel like lighters in fine batteries. Motuzkovy way was launched at fine batteries. Poganny panel roztashovanі for direct pylon. 82 sectors were designated as a zagalom, which can wrap around behind the sun, to bathe even the most beautiful glimmers. Students from the University of New Pivdenny Wales tried to figure out a solution by putting the car to sleep in good batteries, in what would be a practical rose shopping center. Recently, an American company called Solar Roadways Unveils has completed the life of a car park, which operates on fine batteries for the first car park of its project. Motuzkovy way was launched at fine batteries. Poganny panel roztashovanі for direct pylon. 82 sectors were designated as a zagalom, which can wrap around behind the sun, to bathe even the most beautiful glimmers. The site of the timing of new products from the fellowship of gadgets. Elastic hour for a colorless battery. Floor lamp-refueling mechanism. Dumka in the future - gadgets to blame. Now the battery is needed here earlier, and when the battery is awakened, it is deceived by energy every day, which is enough for the night with the method of lighting the passage. Until then, the cameras function in an independent order, and in the event of a defect in the batteries, they can continue the transmission for about an hour. Home Gadgets Refueling on fine SBC-23 batteries - defmob tips. In addition to a large selection of adapters (adapters) with PDA, MP3 / MP4 players, Ipod, Iphone 3G, mobile phones, other portable attachments, as well as a rich portable terminal with a latch with the method of various batteries of cameras, video cameras, etc. ..

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At latitudes no more than 45 degrees. A lot of electricity is vitrachaetsya virobnitstvo cold. At the same latitudes, the energy of Sun can be seen for a day up to 6 kW / year, energy per 1 sq. m. For cooling, a typical home refrigerator saves about 1 kW/year of electricity for extraction, and a standard room air conditioner saves close to 8 kW/year for extraction. Zagalom, it's a good idea to think about how to win the cost-free Sonyachnu energy for taking away the cold and by yourself spend your money on electricity.
The idea of ​​vikoristovuvaty sleepy batteries for refrigerator robots, є svіdomo zbitkovoy. Low KKD, regular replacement of batteries, natural old silicon and high quality, whether a refrigerator is broken with a bit. When it comes to sleeping refrigeration absorption units on lithium bromide, then they have recommended themselves to smell badly, including air conditioners.
The production of such installations can be mastered by a small manufacturing enterprise with small financial investments. Temperature T \u003d 85-90 degrees. necessary for robotic lithium bromide installations, but can be removed with a superior vacuum flat sleeper collector. Water and ammonia absorption refrigeration units are more efficient, the temperature for their work is about T=180-200 degrees.

It was understood that such a temperature could only be reached due to the congestion of a sony energy concentrator. If there is a sleepy reflector, then it is necessary to change the power supply to that system of fastening behind the sun. The standard version has a rack system and a reflector that can be milked with expensive virobs, but this is not really the case.
Figure 1 shows an example of how Indian wine growers sporadzhuyut zruchnyh materials form close to a parabola. Then we water the form with rare clay and bring it to a parabolic form for an additional pattern. After hanging clay, glue the surface with grub foil, that bed-free sleepy concentrator is ready! Placed at the focus, a smoked midna tube allows heating the heat-carrying fluid up to 300 degrees.

Fig.1 Sleepy concentrator made of clay

Even worse sleepy concentrators can work from TV "plates" (Fig. 2) and from superb mirrors glued to the surface of a parabolic shape. Also, there are no problems with concentrators. Before the speech, like the focus of the second-meter "plate"

place a liter kettle, water boils in a new one for 8 minutes. The creation of a sleepy kitchen is even more promising directly, the protese is already familiar with another topic.

The system of fastening behind the sun may be even cheaper, if it will be passive. So that the reflector turns behind the Sun with the same windshield, which in the minds of today's electronics is implemented elementarily simply and even cheaply.

Whether there is a need for time to build refrigeration units for the participation of sleepy concentrators, the greater the temperature difference, the greater the KKD, the more economical the installation will be in general. The supply of thermal sleepy energy can be used for the help of heat pipes or heat transfer. Vtіm, deyakі vinakhіdniki for vіdvennya soniachnoj ї ї ії vikoristovuyu svetlovіd. The idea is over-promising, prote, it’s necessary to improve it over it.

The simplest refrigerators on sony energy can be prepared from standard absorption refrigerators in a way to replace electric heating on a sony house.

If the cold is consumed permanently, and the Sun does not shine permanently, then the heating should be supplemented with other alternative energy sources. Tse mozhe buti wind, river chi sea fluff. As a reserve, you can win and catalytic heating, which can be used on gas and gasoline. At the catalytic heaters, there is no half-moon, the fire burns. Absorption refrigerator with a volume of 40 liters with catalytic heating 8-10 grams of gasoline per year. Such refrigerators could know how to drink from motorists and post-workers food products. Knowing “refrigerator bags” on Peltier elements, working out car battery, but in fact, it saves the very same gasoline, which has a lot more money.

It should be respected that the absorption water and ammonia refrigerators, released 50 years ago, continue to work until the next day and lamatis do not dare to talk about the overhead nadіinist. Since, as it is necessary for the mother to be taken, who is constantly cooling down, then such an installation can be prepared once and forever forgotten about it.

Figure 3 shows a 40-liter pre-button absorption refrigerator converted to an alternative energy source. Refrigerator pratsyuvatime, yakscho to be spared at least one jerelo energy. For the state, such an obligation is clearly not enough, but as a demonstration or a laboratory study, which is quite sufficient for the obligation.

Rice. 3

Compressor refrigeration units are similar to absorption ones, which are more economical and efficient. In the simplest option for converting a refrigeration compressor to alternative energy, you can use pneumo or hydraulic motors, which is pracyuvatime from the total energy of Sun, wind, rivers, etc.


In Fig. 4,5,6, the image is clearly shown: a low-overhead refrigeration compressor, an automobile compressor and a pneumatic (hydraulic engine) z for which it is not easy to prepare a refrigeration unit.

In order to prepare, for example, an alternative energy air conditioner, you can stop the car air conditioner ready (Fig. 7). As the drive is driven by the same hydraulic or pneumatic motor (Fig. 6).

A refrigerator for fish products with a low-speed refrigeration compressor (Fig. 4) is more likely to be made on a floating sea platform (Fig. 8). Here is the wind, the sun and the sea breeze, with additional dzherelami energy, like the same vicorist for the creation of the cold.

The biggest shortfall of all compression schemes are those that are converted to alternative energy into a wrapper, and the compressor wrapper is converted to a reciprocating piston movement (Fig. 11). In which way the energy is ruined. Another shortcoming is those that, when the compressor wrapper shaft is damaged, its tightness is lost, and also its practicality.

Alternative energy is much easier to transform into a reversible movement behind an additional membrane drive. PTFE membranes (Fig. 9), prepared on the basis of NEOPREN or EPDM, operate in a wide temperature range and can be used as a diaphragm pneumatic actuator, as well as in the freon circuit of a refrigeration compressor. Membranes can last for millions of cycles, so it’s time to stick it out for our time.




The main advantage of the membrane drive is due to the fact that the new one has no windings, the new one has no improvement and it does not need oil. Vin pratsyuє for the principle of "Zrobiv and forget".

The housing of the membrane attachment during serial vibration is vibrated by stamping with a low degree of accuracy. So the stamping of the body of the wire is not much more expensive for a tin can. Wines can be made from polymeric materials, so as not to be afraid of corrosion.

All industrial storages are produced by installations with guaranteed workmanship, stink shards are produced on the basis of manufactured serial units. However, only a small part of refrigeration units can be proponated to the point of fermentation. For winemakers and engineers, refrigeration equipment on alternative energy sources, the richest field for creativity. Холодильна компресійна машина перетворює механічну енергію на різницю температур, Холодильна машина, зроблена «навпаки» дозволяє різницю температур перетворити на механічну енергію, тобто на її базі можна виготовляти низькопотенційні теплові двигуни, які в свою чергу можуть бути використані для утилізації надлишкового тепла від геотермальних джерел енергії Cream of absorption and compression methods of cooling and other types of pipes directly. So for winemakers and engineers, it’s a non-vicarial work.

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